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Satuan Pendidikan : SMAN 2 Ngadirojo Pacitan

Kelas/Semester : X/1
Materi Pokok : Ungkapan menggunakan should sebagai keharusan
Alokasi Waktu : 4 X 30’

Kompetensi Dasar
3.3 Menganalisis fungsi social, struktur teks, dn unsur kebahasaan untuk
menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang keharusan melakukan suatu
tindakan/kegiatan pada waktu yang akan datang, saat ini, atau waktu
lampau, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
4.3 Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang
keharusan melakukan suatu tindakan/kegiatan pada waktu yang akan
datang, saat ini, atau waktu lampau, dengan memperhatikan fungsi
sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.

Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi (IPK):

1. Memahami penggunaan ‘Should”

2. Membedakan penggunaan “Should + Present, Should + Continuou, and

Should + Perfect”

3. Menemukan informasi terkait dengan ungkapan keharusan “Expressing

4. Membuat dialog pendek tentang keharusan “Obligation”

5. Membuat sebuah teks tentang keharusan “Obligation”

A. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Setelah mempelajari Bab ini siswa diharapkan bisa:
1. Memahami fungsi social, struktur teks, dn unsur kebahasaan untuk
menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang keharusan melakukan suatu
tindakan/kegiatan pada waktu yang akan datang, saat ini, atau waktu
lampau, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
2. Membedakan penggunaan “Should + Present, Should + Continuou,
and Should + Perfect”
3. Menemukan informasi terkait dengan ungkapan keharusan
“Expressing Obligation”
4. Menulis/membuat dialog atau teks pendek terkait dengan ungkapan
keharusan “Obligation”

B. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran

Pertemuan 1

Kegiatan Pembelajaran Waktu

Kegiatan Pendahuluan 5 menit

● Guru menyapa dan memberi semangat kepada peserta didik

● Mengecek kehadiran siswa

● Guru mengawali pembelajaran dengan bacaan basmalah

● Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran

● Apersepsi materi yang akan disampaikan

Kegiatan Inti

Model Pembelajaran Blended Learning

● Guru mengupload materi “Should” berbentuk PDF.

● Guru menginformasikan kepada siswa untuk mempelajari materi

yang sdh diberikan dengan membagi link materi

● Guru menerima pertanyaan siswa bila siswa belum jelas

● Guru menjawab pertanyaan siswa (lewat WA Grup kelas / Goole menit

● Guru memantau kegiatan siswa

● Guru meminta siswa membuat kalimat “Should + Present,

Should + Continuou, and Should + Perfect” (di tulis di buku
kemudian difoto serta mengirim jawaban melalui WA japri /
Form penugasan di Goole Classroom)

Kegiatan Penutup

✔ Guru memberi reward kepada siswa yang sudah mengirim tugas

(lewat WA)
5 menit
✔ Guru Memberikan Jawaban dan Umpan Balik Pada Siswa

✔ Guru menutup pembelajaran

pertemuan 2

Kegiatan Pembelajaran Waktu

Kegiatan Pendahuluan 5 menit

● Guru menyapa siswa dengan salam

● Mengecek kehadiran siswa

● Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran

● Apersepsi materi yang akan disampaikan

Kegiatan Inti

● Guru menjelaskan materi “Obligation” (melalui PDF singkat yang

sudah dibuat sebelum pembelajaran, berisi : salam, bacaan
basmalah, memberikan semangat dan tayangan gambar)

● Guru membimbing siswa membaca literasi materi “Obligation”

(lewat WA Grup kelas / Goole Classroom )

● Guru menerima pertanyaan siswa bila siswa belum jelas (lewat

WA Grup kelas / Goole Classroom)
● Guru menjawab pertanyaan siswa (lewat WA Grup kelas / Goole menit

● Guru memantau siswa belajar di rumah dengan mengecek siswa

yang online

● Guru meminta siswa membuat dialog terkait tentang

“Obligation” (di tulis di buku kemudian difoto serta mengirim
jawaban melalui WA japri / Form penugasan di Goole

Kegiatan Penutup 5 menit

✔ Peserta didik memberikan jawaban ke guru mapel lewat Google

Classroom / WA

✔ Guru memberi reward kepada siswa yang sudah mengirim tugas

(lewat WA)

✔ Guru Memberikan Jawaban dan Umpan Balik Pada Siswa

✔ Guru menutup pembelajaran

✔ Guru mengirim hasil pantauan pembelajaran DARING kepada

Kepala Sekolah (lewat WA)
C. Penilaian:
1. Penilaian Sikap : lembar pengamatan (dari absen daring
serta disiplin dan semangat mengerjakan tugas di rumah)
2. Penilaian Pengetahuan: Penugasan dan Tes Tulis
3. Penilaian Ketrampilan : Praktik Menulis (Membuat dialog / sebuah
teks pendek

Pacitan 14 Juli 2021

Kepala SMAN 2 Ngadirojo Guru Mata Pelajaran


NIP . 19640902 198803 1 012 NIP. 197907072005011014



You should do something

Modal verb “should” is to talk about obligation, things that are necessary to
do/recommend, or to give suggestions or advice about things that are a good
idea to do. It can also be used to express probability/hope when followed by “be
+ adjective”, To ask questions.

● You shouldn't drink and drive

● You should stop worrying about it.
● He should have been more careful.
● He should have been studying more careful.
● I think they should study so hard
● Should we turn left at this street?
● Shouldn’t you be getting ready for work?

Now, pay attention to the use of “should” to state obligation.

1. Should + V-1
● to talk about future obligation, give recommendation or even an
● to talk that it is a good thing to do or the right to do.
● to talk about something to happen


● You should stop worrying about it.

● Should I call him and apologize?
● I should wait a little longer, if I were you.
● You should n't drink and drive.
● Should you drink and drive?
● You should be careful.
● You should not be careful.

2. Should + be + V-ing
● to talk about present obligation that needs to be done at the
moment of speaking.
● to talk something which is not right or something which is not be
expectation (To express something that is probable)


● It should be snowing now, according to the weather forecast

● They should not be cleaning their house at the moment.
● You should be being careful.
● You should not be being careful.
● Should they be cleaning their house at the moment?
● You should be learning English now.
● We should be telling our writing to the principal.
● John should be here by 2:00 PM.
● John should not be here by 2:00 PM.
● He should be bringing Jennifer with him.

3. Should + have + V-3

● to talk about past obligation that needs to be done at the moment
of speaking.


o You should have seen her face when she found out!
o You should not have seen her face when she found out!
o Should You have seen her face when she found out?
o I should have done my project first.
o You should have called me if you need any helps.
o The students should have played at the school yard


Exercise 1

Change the sentences into each pattern to state past, future, and present
obligation. Number 1 is done for you as an Example.

1. Mrs. July (eat) more vegetables.

Should + V-1 : Mrs. July should eat more vegetables. (Future)
Should + V-ing : Mrs. July should be eating more vegetables.
Should + V-3 : Mrs. July should have ate more vegetables. (Past)

2. They (practice) a lot of memorize the dance moves well.

Should + V-1 :……………………………………………..
Should + V-ing :……………………………………………..
Should + V-3 :……………………………………………..

3. Sinta (be) in New Delhi by sunday.

Should + V-1 :……………………………………………..
Should + V-ing :……………………………………………..
Should + V-3 :……………………………………………..

4. Ridha (sweep) the floor of her class.

Should + V-1 :……………………………………………..
Should + V-ing :……………………………………………..
Should + V-3 :……………………………………………..


Read and Practice the Dialog below.

Ayu : Irma, I heard Weni is leaving today.

Irma : Yes. She will go to Singapore today.
Ayu : Have you say goodbye to her?
Irma : It is necessary?
Ayu : Yes of course. You are be friends, right?
Irma : Yes. But I think it will make me sad, saying goodbye to her.
Ayu : You will be sadder if you didn’t.
You should go to her house now, before she left!
Irma : Okay.

Read The Dialog Below

Zahra : Hi Adita. I need your help. Could you be the moderator for next
Adita : Hi Zahra. Um, actually I have never been a moderator before. What
should I do?
2. Zahra : You just need to lead the dis What should a moderator do
to open the discussion section?
cussion section. First of all, you should be introducing the presenter when the
section begins.
Adita : Should I have studied the materials of the presentation before?
Zahra : No, you don’t need to, but I suggest you to pay attention to the
presenters well since you may need to summarize their presentations
Adita : All right. What should I do after that?
Zahra : After the presentations end, you are the one who should invite the
audience to ask questions to open the discussions section. You should pay
attention well and list the names of the audience and their questions.
Adita : I don’t need to help answer those questions, do it?
Zahra : No, you don’t have to. So, will you be the moderator?
Adita : Okey I will do my best.
Zahra : Thank, Adita.
Adita : Don’t mention it, Zahra.

Exercise 2
Answer the questions based on the dialogue above.
1. What does Zahra ask from Adita?
2.What is moderator?
3. What should the moderator do for a presentation?
4. What should a moderator do to open the discussion section?
5. Should moderator help the presenters to answer the questions from the

Exercise 3
Make a dialog talking about “Obligation” based on the topic below. You can
choose one of them.
1. Your friend gains the weight.
2. Your friend suggest you to tell frankly to your mother

Exercise 4

Match each question with the suitable expression of stating obligation

(column A with column B)

Column A Column B

1. What should we have done a. We should mix well until the

before sending our email? powdered coffee is completely
2. What should we do after
pouring some powdered coffee b. We should double-checked the
into our cup? spelling and grammar.

3. What should we be doing c. We should take it to the police

during sport lesson? or return it to the addressed
stated in the ID.
4. What should we do if we find
wallet? d. We should wash the dishes.

5. What should we do after eating e. We should be exercising.

our meal?
f. We should keep it well.

g. We should drink it directly.

h. We should let it scattered on

the table.

Exercise 1

2. They (practice) a lot of memorize of the dance moves well.

Should + V-1 : They should practice a lot of memorize of the dance
moves well
Should + V-ing : They should be practicing a lot of memorize of the
dance moves well
Should + V-3 :They should have practiced a lot of memorize of the
dance moves well

1. Sinta (be) in New Delhi by sunday.

Should + V-1 : Sinta Should be in New Delhi by Sunday
Should + V-ing :Sinta Should be being in New Delhi by Sunday
Should + V-3 Sinta Should have beeen in New Delhi by Sunday

2. Ridha (sweep) the floor of her class.

Should + V-1 :Ridha should sweep the floor of her class.
Should + V-ing :Ridha should be sweeping the floor of her class.
Should + V-3 : Ridha should have swept the floor of her class.

Exercise 2

1. Zahra asks from Ardita to be moderator for next presentation

2. Moderator is a person who leads the discussion section
3. Modrator should pay attention to the presenters well since he/she may
need to summarize their presentations. After the presentations end,
he/she is the one who should invite the audience to ask questions to open
the discussions section. You should pay attention well and list the names
of the audience and their questions.
4. The moderator should be introducing the presenter when the section
5. No, she/he should not.

Exercise 3

1. You give suggestion to your friend who gain the weight.

Marilia : Hi, Sisilia. Good morning!

Sisilia : Hi, Marilia I am very well thank you. How about you?
Marilia : I am fine. Thank you.
Sisilia    :  It sounds great. What can I do for you Marilia?
Marilia : I think I’ve gained weight because my favorite jeans don’t fit me
anymore. In your mind, what should I do?
Sisilia : I think you should take some exercise.
Marilia : What kind of exercise do you think is the best to lose weight?
Sisilia :  I don’t know about that. How about asking my sister? She’s an
athlete, so she maybe knows what exercise that is the best to lose
Marilia : That’s a great idea. Let’s ask your sister.
Sisilia : With my pleasure.
Marilia : Thanks a lot.

2. .Your friend suggests you to tell frankly to your mother

Marry   : Hi, John. Why do you look so sad?

John    : I am so confused
Marry   : Why? Maybe I can help you
John    : Tomorrow my mother will come here
Marry   : It sounds nice. She will bring many foods for you.
John    : No, Marry. That’s the problem. Tomorrow I will go to Java Jive
Festival with my friends. I have bought a VIP ticket.
Marry   : I think you should tell your mother that you will go to
the Java Jive Festival. So, she knows what you will do tomorrow.
John    : All right. I think I will do that. I'm sure that she will understand.
Thanks, Andi!

Exercise 4

1. B
2. A
3. E
4. C
5. D

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