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What to do?
1. Find 2 kinds of label at your house. It is either food/drink/medicine
2. Take pictures of the 2 labels
3. Insert the picture into this document
4. Analyze the structure of the label
5. Send it to GCR
Name : Annisa Khairani
Class : 9D

N This label has …

1 Name of the product : Ultra Milk susu UHT Full cream
2 The description of the product : Ultra milk adalah Susu UHT
berkualitas untuk keluarga Indonesia. Ayo lakukan kebiasaan baik
minum susu setiap hari untuk mengawali aktivitas anda.
3 The weight of the product : 250 ml
4 Direction to use it : Kocok dahulu sebelum dibuka. Segera
habiskan setelah dibuka
5 Warnings while using it : Tidak untuk menggantikan Air Susu Ibu,
Tidak cocok untuk bayi sampai usia 12 bulan
6 Ingredients : susu sapi segar, susu skim bubuk, penstabil nabati,
garam, tanpa pengawet
7 The information on how to consume the product : Kocok dahulu
sebelum dibuka. Segera habiskan setelah dibuka
8 The information how to store it : -
9 Phone Number : 0-800-11-85872
10 The expiry date : 20 Jun 22
No Parts of Label Information
1 Name of the product Danish Monde Butter Cookies
2 The description of the product -
3 The weight of the product 454 g
4 Direction to use it -
5 Warnings while using it -
6 Ingredients Tepung terigu, Mentega, gula, telur,
kelapa bubuk, pengembang, sirup
glukosa, garam, kismis, perisa sintetik
7 The information on how to consume the product -
8 The information how to store it -
9 Numbers to contact to when we have questions about -
the products
10 The expiry date 5 10 22

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