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Dari sekian banyak hasil peninggalan masa Megalitik di Behoa, ada sebuah patung peninggalan purba yang
menunjukkan patung manusia tegak lurus dengan langit, tingginya 2 meter. Patung itu memiliki energi secara
kultural dan filosofi bagi etnis Kaili, Kulawi, Napu, Behoa, Bada, Mori dan Pamona di Sulawesi Tengah.
Secara arkeologi dan antropologi dari peninggalan Megalitik tersebut menjadikan penelusuran awal untuk
memahami asal-usul istilah Tadulako yang menjadi legenda. Bagi masyarakat, Tadulako melambangkan
pemimpin perang yang penuh kharisma, ksatria, perkasa, adil, dan bijaksana.  Di sekitar patung Tadulako
terdapat dua buah Kalamba yang berukuran besar, satu terbuka dan satunya tertutup.

 Kalamba yang terbuka berisi air hujan, sedang yang tertutup tidak diketahui isi dalamnya karena materi batu
yang sangat berat hingga tidak pernah dibuka. Sehingga semakin menambah misteri apa yang terdapat di
dalamnya, kecuali beberapa kalamba tanpa penutup di ekitar Lembah Behoa sudah diketahui, diantaranya
berupa tulang-tulang manusia yang pada tahun 2000 tulang-tulang tersebut di bawa ke Jakarta oleh tim peneliti

Tadulako adalah ksatria yang jasa-jasanya menyatukan suku-suku yang dulunya bertikai kini menjalin
kekerabatan. Oleh masyarakat Behoa dibuatlah Patung Megalit Tadulako di bukit Bulili, Desa Doda
Kecamatan Lore Tengah.
Tadulako secara harfiah adalah gelar yang diberikan kepada pemimpin karena keberanian dan kepahlawanan
membela tanahnya.

Cerita Tadulako Doda

Alkisah, di Desa Doda hidup suami istri yang cukup lama belum dianugrahi anak, dengan doa dan takdir cinta
mereka dikaruniai seorang putra. Mereka memberinya nama Lengkatuwo. Lengka artinya purnama dan tuwo
artinya hidup. Bila dipadankan dua kata tersebut bermakna hidup sempurna. Lengkatuwo ini adalah nama lain
dari Tadulako.

Waktu demi waktu berlalu Tadulako beranjak dewasa berbagai ilmu kanuragan, beladiri, menombak dan
memanah ia kuasai dengan detil. Keahliannya itu cepat tersebar ke berbagai kampung. Suatu waktu, ia
diundang untuk membantu suku Bada menghadapi serangan orang-orang Waebonta di wilayah Luwu Utara,
Sulawesi Selatan. Sebelum berangkat ke medan perang, ibunya berpesan bila selesai tugas cepat pulang, sebab
tunangannya sudah menunggu di tanah kelahiran.

Tadulako melawan para musuhnya diakhiri dengan kemenangan demi kemenangan. Bahkan perdamaianpun
terjalin, sehingga orang Bada merasa berhutang budi padanya. Ia diminta untuk menikahi putri raja    yang
jelita dan menetap di Bada. Dilema terjadi dalam diri Tadulako. Namun ia putuskan untuk menerima pinangan

Suatu hari tadulako bersama istrinya yang hamil pulang ke Behoa. Kedatangannya dijemput dengan upacara
kebesaran sebagai ksatria perang, meski demikian orangtuanya kecewa terlebih sang kekasih yang sudah lama
menunggu. Beberapa waktu kemudian, Tadulako bertandang ke rumah kekasih lamanya yang saat itu sedang
asik menumbuk padi dengan lesung. Tiba-tiba saja,sang mantan yang murka itu menghujamkan alu ke kepala
Tadulako. Tak ayal, Tadulako yang terkenal sakti tersungkur ke tanah. Pendudukpun gempar, ahli perang yang
tak mudah ditaklukan musuh-musuhnya tewas di tangan seorang wanita.

Meskipun cerita legenda di atas berakhir tragis, kita dapat Memetik pelajaran dari sikap pantang menyerah
Tadulako dalam menghadapi musuh-musuhnya.
Cerita Tadulako Bulili
Di desa suatu desa bernama Bulili hiduplah 3 orang tadulako atau panglima perang. Mereka masing-masing
bernama: Bantaili, Makeku dan Molove. Mereka terkenal sangat sakti dan pemberani. Tugas utama mereka
adalah menjaga keselamatan desa itu dari serangan musuh.

Pada suatu hari Raja Sigi mempersunting seorang gadis cantik Bulili. Mereka tinggal untuk beberapa bulan di
desa itu hingga gadis itu mengandung. Pada saat itu Raja Sigi meminta ijin untuk kembali ke kerajaannya.
Dengan berat hati perempuan itu melepas suaminya.

Sepeningal Raja Sigi itu, perempuan itu melahirkan seorang bayi. Pemuka-pemuka Bulili lalu memutuskan
untuk mengirim utusan untuk menemui suami perempuan itu. Utusannya adalah tadulako Makeku dan

Sesampainya di Sigi, mereka bukannya disambut dengan ramah. Tetapi dengan sinisnya raja itu menanyakan
maksud kedatangannya. Mereka pun menguraikan maksud itu. Mereka menyampaikan bahwa mereka diutus
untuk meminta padi di lumbung untuk anak raja yang baru lahir.

Dengan congkaknya raja Sigi menghina mereka. Ia lalu berkata pada Tadulako itu: "kalau mampu angkatlah
lumbung padi di belakang rumah." Dengan marahnya Tadulako Bantaili mengeluarkan kesaktiannya. Ia pun
lalu mampu memanggul lumbung padi besar yang dipenuhi oleh padi. Biasanya lumbung kosong saja hanya
akan bergeser kalau diangkat oleh puluhan orang.

Makeku berjalan di belakang Bantaili untuk mengawal lumbung padi itu. Dengan sangat geram Raja Sigi
memerintahkan pasukannya untuk mengejar mereka. Pada suatu tempat, terbentanglah sebuah sungai yang
sangat lebar dan dalam. Dengan mudahnya mereka melompati sungai itu. Meskipun sambil menggendong
lumbung padi, Bantaili berhasil melompatinya tanpa ada banyak ceceran beras dari lumbung itu. Sedangkan
pasukan yang mengejar mereka tidak berani melompati sungai yang berarus deras. Mereka akhirnya kembali
ke Sigi dengan kecewa.
Tadulako Bulili

A story from Central Sulawesi

In Central Sulawesi, there was a village called Bulili in the bottom of a mountain. This village
was led and guarded by three tadulako (commanders), whose names were Bantaili, Makeku,
and Molove. They were beloved and trusted by the villagers. All was well and peaceful in
Bulili Village.

Among the villagers was a beautiful young girl named Moro. Her beauty was so famous in
the land that it reached the ears of the king of Sigi. Intrigued by the news of her beauty, the
king of Sigi wanted to marry her. He sent his men to propose to her.

Soon, the king’s men arrived at Bulili Village. They found Moro’s house and asked her
parents to let the king marry her. Moro’s parents were surprised at the men’s arrival.
However, they did not give their permission immediately.
“We have to ask the permission of the three tadulako as well. If they agree with the marriage
between the king and our Moro, then we also agree,” said Moro’s parents.

The king’s men visited the tadulako and repeated their king’s desire. Bantaili, Makeku, and
Molove discussed for a long time. Finally, they gave their answer.

“All right, we agree to let the king marry Moro,” they said.

Not long after, the king of Sigi himself came to Bulili Village. He was satisfied by Moro’s
beauty. They married and the king decided to live in Bulili Village for a while. Soon, Moro
became pregnant.

However, their happiness did not last. Sometimes, the king of Sigi and Moro argued because
of different opinions. Gradually, the king grew bored with his life in the village.

“Moro, my dear, I have to return to my palace. I have to take care of the kingdom,” said the
king of Sigi.

“But, my king, I’m seven months pregnant! Wouldn’t you wait until our child is born?”
pleaded Moro.

“I’m so sorry, my dear, but state matters cannot wait,” the king reasoned.

Thus he left.

Two months later, Moro gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. However, she was still grieving
because her husband had left her. Moreover, she had not worked because of her pregnancy,
and her parents were not wealthy, so she struggled to feed the baby.

Bantaili, Makeku, and Molove heard of her predicament. They felt pity for her and wanted to
help her.

“Don’t be so sad, Moro. We will go to the king and tell him about his son,” said Bantaili.

“Yes, he must be glad to hear that he has a beautiful son. Who knows he may come back to
you,” said Makeku.

“In any case, he should be responsible about you and your baby as well,” added Molove.

Bantaili and Makeku went to the king of Sigi’s palace. They told him about the birth of his
son and asked him for a barn of rice to feed his son. The king became angry instead.

“You must lie to me! The barn of rice is supposed to feed your villagers, isn’t it? But you lied
and said it was for my son,” said the king.
“Your Majesty, we were telling you the truth! The barn of rice is for your wife and son,” said

“Humph! If you want it, you can carry the largest barn in my backyard to your village,”
mocked the king.

Tadulako Bantaili did as the king said. He went to the palace backyard and saw the largest
barn. He gathered his strength and magical powers and lifted the barn of rice. Then he and
Makeku carried it back to the village with their magical powers.

“Your Majesty, the tadulako did carry your largest barn to his village,” said the king’s servant.

“What??? This cannot happen. Gather my army! We must chase them and retrieve my barn,”
the mad king responded.

The king and his army pursued Bantaili and Makeku. The two tadulako stopped by a vast
river. With their magical powers, they were able to cross the river while carrying the barn.
Meanwhile, the king and his army could not cross the river. Bantaili and Makeku arrived in
Bulili Village safely. They delivered the barn of rice to Moro and her son.

the king of Sigi was enraged because he was outwitted by the tadulako. He devised another
plan to destroy them. He pretended to be nice and invited all three of them to a feast. The
kind tadulako did not suspect the king of such a devious plan. They went to his palace and
ate at the king’s feast.

Makeku did not enjoy the meal. He was worried.

“What is it, Makeku?” asked Molove.

“I smell something fishy.”

“It must be the fish,” joked Bantaili.

“No, seriously! Look, there’s a symbol of the ash of Bulili here on my thigh. It’s a sign that
Bulili Village is in trouble. I’m sure the king is up to something.”

“Let’s go back to Bulili Village,” said Molove.

The three tadulako arrived in the village just in time to see the king’s army surrounding the
villagers to take them to Sigi. With their abilities, the three tadulako defeated the king’s army
and saved the villagers. Since then, the king of Sigi did not disturb Bulili Village any more.

 Bulili is a real village in Sigi Regency, Central Sulawesi

Tadulako Bulili
Versi Indonesia >> Tadulako Bulili

Folktale from Central Sulawesi

BULILI was a village in Central Sulawesi. The people lived happily and peacefully. The village had three
guardians and they were called Tadulako. They were Tadulako Bantaili, Makeku, and Molove.

They were very strong and had great skill in martial arts. They were also skillful with weapons. They
were brave and loyal. The people loved them very much. Thanks to them, their village was always

There was a very beautiful girl in Bulili. Some people said that she was the most beautiful girl in the
world. Wherever she went, men were always staring at her. They were amazed with her beauty. And
they would be very happy when the girl smiled at them.

King Sigi had heard about the beautiful girl living in Bulili. He was single and wanted to marry. He
wanted to have a queen and later had children. He hoped his child one day could replace him as a king.
But first he had to find a perfect woman to marry.

King Sigi was curious with the beautiful girl in Bulili. He went to Bulili and wanted to see her.

"Your Majesty, welcome to our village," said the head of the Bulili village.

"Thank you. I'm here because I heard there is a beautiful girl here. May I see her?"

And after the king saw the girl, he was extremely happy. She was very beautiful. He was in love with
her. And he thought that she would be a perfect queen for him.

The king did not want to waste time. He asked the girl to marry him. The girl agreed. And the wedding
was immediately set.

After they got married, the king and the girl lived in Bulili. At first they lived happily. However slowly,
they started to have arguments. They always quarreled about small things. And that made the king
unhappy. He wanted to go back to his kingdom. He told his wife that he had to take care of his
kingdom. Then he left. He did not know that when he left, his wife was Pregnant.

And nine months after the king left the village his baby was born. The head of the village asked
Tadulako Bantaili and Tadulako Makeku to go to the palace. Meanwhile, Tadulako Molove stayed at the

The head of the village asked Tadulako Bantaili and Tadulako Makeku to go to the palace to see the
king. First they had to tell him that his baby was born and second they asked the king to give some rice
for the baby.

"Really? I have a son?" said the king when Tadulako Bantaili told him about his baby.

The king did not like the news. Apparently he did not love his wife anymore and wanted to leave her

"No! I will not give you any rice!" replied the king when Tadulako Makeku asked him to give some rice
for the baby.

"Forgive us, Your Majesty. You give us no other choice. We will take the rice with or without your
permission," said Tadulako Bantaili.

Tadulako Bantaili and Tadulako Makeku left the palace and went to the rice barn. with their power,
they lifted the rice barn easily and brought it to the Bulili village.

The king was angry! He asked his soldiers to chase them and bring the rice barn back.

The Tadulako ran very fast and when they arrived at the river, they jumped and landed at the other
side of the river easily.

The soldiers could not do anything. They did not have any power to jump across the river. And they
went back to Sigi disappointingly. ***

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