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Biomechanics in

By Hikmi Muharromah Pratiwi, S.Kep., Ns., M.S.
01 02 03
Phyisics in Nursing Newton Law & Body mechanics
Musculoskeletal system

04 05
Body Mechanics Application Conclusion
01 Physics in Nursing
Gravity Newton Law Biomechanics
 Biomekanika  ilmu yang mempelajari tentang pergerakan yang terjadi
dalam tubuh maupun diluar tubuh makhluk hidup khususnya manusia

 Biomekanika  “studi tentang gerakan yang dihasilkan oleh sistem

Biomekanika = Sistem musculoskletal

1. Otot: 2. Kekuatan otot:

 Kerja otot statis (postural)= otot  Tergantung banyaknya serat otot
menetap dan berkontraksi untuk  Kekuatan maksimum  serat otot
suatu periode waktu tertentu, kerja 0.3-0.4 N/mm2 ( 1kg = 10 N)  bisa
otot yang tidak bergerak atau diam, mengangkat beban 3-4 kg.
cepat lelah)  wanita dengan latihan yang sama
e.g: berdiri terlalu lama, mengangkat dengan pria dapat mencapai kurang
barang dari 30% kekuatan pria
 Kerja otot dinamis (rhythmic)=
kontraksi dan relaksasi terjadi silih
Gaya Tubuh
 Pergerakan pada tubuh terjadi karena adanya gaya yang
 Gaya pada Tubuh adalah gaya yang bekerja pada tubuh.
misalnya : jika kita menabrak suatu objek maka kita dapat
merasakan gaya dari tubuh kita sendiri, gaya berat tubuh
 Gaya di dalam tubuh adalah gaya yang berada di dalam
tubuh kita sendiri
misalnya: gaya otot yang menyebabkan mengalirnya
darah dan paru-paru yang memperoleh udara
Tubuh dalam
keadaan setimbang,
gaya dan momen
gaya = 0
Otot dan tulang
sebagai pengumpil
Pada tubuh (kelas 1, 2, 3)

Gaya tubuh Kemampuan

kesetimbangan saat
Dalam tubuh bergerak
Biomekanika pada manusia
● Sistem Pengungkit Tipe I
Titik tumpuan terletak di antara gaya berat (W) dan gaya otot
(M) W

Contoh: Posisi diam/ tegak, kepala dan leher

Biomekanika pada manusia
● Sistem Pengungkit Tipe II
Gaya berat (W) di antara titik tumpuan dan gaya otot (M)

Contoh: posisi jinjit

Biomekanika pada manusia
● Sistem Pengungkit Tipe III
Gaya otot (M) di antara titik tumpuan dan gaya berat (W)

Contoh: Posisi tangan mengangkat beban

Hukum Newton
Newton I Newton II Newton III
∑F = 0 F=m.a “Untuk setiap aksi, selalu ada
(Inertia = kelembaman) “Apabila ada gaya yang bekerja reaksi yang arahnya berlawanan”
semua benda/ obyek akan pada suatu benda maka benda
bergerak bila ada gaya (force) akan mengalami suatu percepatan
yang mengakibatkan pergerakan yang arahnya sama dengan arah
setiap benda yang diam akan percepatan berbanding lurus Benda yang kita berikan gaya aksi
tetap diam, dan setiap benda yang dengan gaya yang bekerja pada  akan kembali memberikan
sedang bergerak akan terus benda dan berbanding terbalik gaya reaksi yang sama besar
bergerak, selama tidak ada dengan massa bendanya. terhadap kita dengan arah
resultan gaya yang diberikan atau Artinya, semakin besar gaya yang berlawanan
bekerja pada benda tersebut. diberikan pada suatu benda, maka
percepatan benda juga semakin
besar. Sebaliknya, semakin besar
massa benda, maka percepatan
benda justru semakin kecil.
Hukum Newton pada Muskuloskletal
Newton 1 Newton 2 Newton 3
Naik bus dengan kecepatan menarik mobil mainan itu  Mendayung perahu/Kano
konstan  tiba2 mengerem  Tarikan Kuat VS Tambahan
terpental ke depan beban pada mobil
Cedera benturan 

 Gaya gravitasi  “gaya tarik bumi terhadap suatu benda”

 Pusat gravitasi pada manusia  55-57% tinggi badan
 Pengaruh gaya gravitasi terhadap tubuh manusia:
 Perubahan massa tulang dan otot  astronot kembali ke bumi ada
pengurangan massa tulang dan otot 1%/bulan  di luar angkasa, astronot
bertambah tinggi tapi kehilangan massa tulangnya
 Peredaran darah (bagaimana jantung mengatur tekanan darah)  hipotensi
 Sistem pencernaan  mengunyah makanan dalam kondisi jantung terbalik
 tersedak
Body Mechanics
 Body mechanics involves the coordinated effort of
muscles, bones, and the nervous system to maintain
balance, posture, and alignment during moving,
transferring, and positioning patients

 reliance on “correct” body positions or “body movements”

will somehow provide protection from the force
associated with lifting and moving patients (Use of the
safest and most efficient methods of moving and lifting)
Elements of Body Mechanics:
1. The line of gravity is an imaginary
vertical line from the centre of gravity
to the ground or surface the object or
person is on.
2. Centre of gravity (titik berat) is the
center of the weight of an object or
person (located in the pelvic area) 
approximately half the body weight is
distributed when body divided
horizontally and vertically.
3. Base of support (bidang tumpuan)  A
person’s feet provide the base of
support. The wider the base of support,
the more stable the object,
• Center of Gravity atau Titik berat benda
merupakan titik dimana seluruh gaya yang bekerja
sama dengan nol.
• Lokasi tetap sama selama bentuk benda/tubuh
tidak berubah
Maintain a Stability
Maintain a Stable Center Maintain a Wide Base of Maintain the Line of
of Gravity Support (provide you with Gravity
maximum stability while lifting)
• Keep your center of • Keep your feet apart. • Keep your back
gravity low. • Place one foot slightly ahead of straight.
• Keep your back straight the other. • Keep the object being
(punggung lurus) • Flex your knees to absorb jolts. lifted close to your
• Bend at the knees and • Turn with your feet. body.

Stability and balance = low center of gravity + Wide base of Support + Line of
gravity fall in Base of Support
(A) a well-aligned person whose balance is maintained and whose line of gravity falls within the base of support.
Diagram (B) demonstrates how balance is not maintained when the line of gravity falls outside the base of support, and
diagram (C) shows how balance is regained when the line of gravity falls within the base of support
Biomekanika pada manusia
● Keseimbangan labil Keseimbangan stabil apabila:
garis pusat gravitasi jatuh
di luar dasar penyokong 1. Pusat gravitasi terletak rendah
dan luas dasar penyokong 2. (proyeksi) garis pusat gravitasi
terlalu kecil terletak di dalam bidang
3. Bidang tumpuan luas

Principles of Body Mechanics
Achieved and Increased Decreased
• Letak pusat gravitasi direndahkan, • Menaikkan pusat gravitasi, dgn cara
spt posisi duduk atau berbaring. angkat tangan ke atas, menjunjung
barang di atas kepala
• Peningkatan luas permukaan
tumpuan, spt posisi tidur, posisi • Mengurangi dasar permukaan
duduk, berjalan dengan telapak kaki tumpuan, spt berjalan menjinjit atau
berjalan dengan satu kaki
Body mechanics
Patient Positioning
1. Moving and Positioning
Clients  promoting comfort,
restoring body function,
preventing deformities,
relieving pressure, preventing
muscle strain, stimulating
proper respiration and
circulation, providing
diversion, and giving nursing
2. Esp for immobile patients
Patients Positioning

Uses: General examination; Uses: Examination of spine, back.

examination of chest, abdomen, Uses: Comfortable for longer time than
(Long time in this position may cause
pelvic area. neck strain and/or headache.)
prone, for extended rest periods

Uses: Promotes
drainage; assists
with breathing;
preparation for
dangling or
Uses: Rectal examination; procedures
such as colonoscopy or enema.
Uses: Facilitates breathing in client with Uses: Rectal or vaginal examination;
severe cardiac or respiratory disorders. treatment to bring retroflexed uterus into Uses: Pelvic or perineal examination.
Can be used for an extended length of normal position.

Uses: Lumbar puncture for examination Uses: Treatment of shock, simulated Uses: To facilitate tube feedings,
of spinal fluid, spinal anesthesia, using drainage, promoting venous emergency treatment in severe
specific drug administration return. bleeding, head injury.
Passive Range of Motions
Every major body joint (i.e., neck, shoulder, elbow, wrist, finger, thumb, hip, knee, ankle, and toe) must move regularly
several times each day to prevent stiffness and deformities

(A) If a client feels faint and falling is inevitable, gently

ease him or her to the floor. Put your arms around the
person’s torso. (Grabbing the arm could cause more (A) This client requires the assistance of two
damage.) (B) As the person slides down, lower yourself people to walk. (B) Two helpers give more support
to the floor, cradling the client’s head in your lap, to
prevent injury. Stay with him and call for help.
to the very unsteady client while walking.
(A) Support the client until she is secure and
safe in using crutches. (B) Fitting crutches to Stair climbing with crutches can be difficult.
the client. Crutches should be adjusted so the
client’s weight is borne on the hands. The
Balance must be maintained to prevent
crutch pads should not touch the axillae, and no falls. Step “up with the good”; step "down
weight should be borne on the tops of the with the bad.”
The Client Lift
1. A client lift is a mechanical device that elevates
and transfers immobile clients to and from the
bed, stretcher, wheelchair, tub, or toilet.
2. Types of Lifts:
 The sling lift (often called the Hoyer lift) is
equipped with a special sling that is placed under
the client and supports the client’s body in more
of a sitting position when lifted
 The E-Z Lift  does not require placement under
the client. The sling is placed behind the client’s
back, the client’s legs are lifted one at a time, and
the wings of the sling placed under the legs.

(A) The device is equipped with a special sling that supports the client’s body and holds it in alignment while he or she is being moved. The client is rolled to the side to place the sling under
atch?v=0Qa8tDUOQlY his body. (B) The sling is attached to a swivel ban One part of the sling holds the client’s back and
buttocks. The other part is secured between the client’s legs, to prevent him from slipping forward.
(If the client cannot hold up his head, another sling is available to hold the head.) (C) The lift is
pressure-driven and works much like a car jack as the lever is pumped.
Moving the Client to and From a Stretcher
(A) Four nurses grasp the lifting sheet in
preparation for a transfer without a transfer
board. (B) The client is lifted with the lifting
sheet and moved to the stretcher (C) In
some cases, three nurses can accomplish
a transfer with a lifting sheet. In this case,
the nurse on the far side may need to kneel
on the bed in order to have enough power
to lift the client and in order to reach.

1. The client safety device is used when the client’s behavior puts himself or
herself at high risk for self injury.
2. There are three classifications of client safety devices or restraints:
 The medical healing restraint is a device used to prevent the client from
interfering with necessary medical care. For example, it may be necessary to
prevent the pulling of tubes, catheters, or IV lines, or to prevent a child from
scratching an irritated area or suture line, wandering patient, unsafe movement
 chemical restraint is a drug used to calm or manage a client’s dangerous behavior
 The behavioral health-behavioral management restraint is used to prevent a
client from harming self or others. This is most often used in psychiatry and will be
Types of commonly used safety devices. These devices limit client
movement to various degrees and are used only if there is no alternative.
Some devices can be removed by the client; these are for client
convenience. (A) Lap buddy. (B) Chair with a tray table (Geri chair). (C)
Netted hand mitt. (D) Criss-cross vest. This device may be safely used in
bed. (E) Lap belt.
(A) This quick-release tie is made using an overhand knot,
but slipping a loop (instead of the end of the strap) through
the first loop. This must be used when securing any client
safety device, for quick release in an emergency, (B) The
straps are tied to the stationary portion of the bed frame,
never to the side rails.
Traksi (Traction)
● Traksi leher (cervical Traction)

Arah tarik Arah tarik

katrol otot

Traksi tulang

Berat pemberat 1/7 kali BB
Traksi kulit

Berat pemberat 1/10 kali BB hanya untuk anak-anak dibawah 12 tahun


• Biomekanika mengeksplorasi tentang pergerakan sistem

muskuloskeletal tubuh
• Memahami biomekanika dan mekanika tubuh membantu dalam
mencegah injury pada perawat dan meningkatkan patient safety

Temukan inovasi alat kesehatan yang menerapkan prinsip

biomekanika dan/atau body mechanics (kelompok)

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