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No. 02

Nama Satuan Pendidikan : SMA Negeri 1 Susukan

Mata Pelajaran/KD : Bahasa Inggris/3.2 & 4.2
Kelas/Semester : X/1
Materi Pokok : Memuji & Ucapan Selamat (Complimenting and Congratulating Others)
Alokasi Waktu : 6 JP (3x pertemuan)

1. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Melalui diskusi, tanya jawab, penugasan, presentasi dan analisis, peserta didik dituntut dapat menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks,
dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait
memuji dan memberikan ucapan selamat , sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya dan menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan
dan tulis pendek dan sederhana yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi memuji dan memberikan ucapan
selamat, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks, sehingga
peserta didik dapat menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya, mengembangkan sikap jujur, peduli, dan
bertanggungjawab, serta dapat mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir kritis, komunikatif, kolaboratif, dan kreatif (4C).

2. Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran
2.1. Alat, Bahan, Sumber Belajar & Pertanyaan Awal
2.1.1. Alat: Laptop/LCD/HP
2.1.2. Bahan Belajar:
 Conversation Cards
2.1.3. Sumber Belajar:
 Buku Paket Bahasa Inggris Kelas X Semester 1 (Kemendikbud)
 Internet
 Lingkungan sekitar
2.1.4. Pertanyaan Awal
1. When your friend becomes the winner of any competition, what will you say?
2. What will you say if you find that your bother completed his homework perfectly?
2.2. Peserta didik berlatih praktik/mengerjakan tugas di UKBM halaman 3 - 13
Guru meminta peserta didik untuk mengamati gambar, menyimak & melatih pelafalan, membuat, menganalisa & memahami teks
dialog baik secar a individu/kelompok.
2.3. Siswa mempresentasikan hasil kerja individu/kelompok
Guru meminta peserta didik untuk mempresentasikan hasil kerja individu/kelompok melalui berbagai cara, misalnya
dengan menampilkannya lewat media LCD dan PPT sebagai bahannya. Peserta didik bisa juga diminta untuk
mempresentasikannya dalam bentuk dialog/percakapan.
2.4. Penutup
Guru memberikan kesimpulan hasil pembelajaran yang telah dilakukan dan memberikan feedback kepada peserta didik

3. Penilaian
1. Penlaian Sikap : Observasi/pengamatan (Lampiran 1)
2. Penilaian Pengetahuan : Tes Tulis Pilihan ganda dan Uraian beserta Pedoman Penilaian (Lampiran 2)
3. Penilaian Keterampilan : Speaking Assessment/Penilaian Berbicara (Lampiran 3)
4. Remidial & Pengayaan :
 Remedial diberikan kepada peserta didik yang belum mencapai KKM.
 Pengayaan diberikan kepada peserta didik yang telah mencapai nilai KKM dalam bentuk pemberian
tugas ke UKBM berikutnya.
Susukan, 7 Juni 2021
Plh. Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran


NIP. 19680822 199303 1 007 NIP. 19700420 199903 1 007
Lampiran 1

1. Rubrik Penilaian Sikap Spiritual

Skala Nilai
Bersyukur Deskripsi
Selalu Sering Jarang Tidak Pernah
1 Mengikuti pelajaran dengan antusias
2 Belajar dengan hati gembira
3 Mengatasi kesulitan belajar dengan semangat
4 Menyelesaikan tugas dengan semangat

2. Rubrik Penilaian Sikap Sosial

Skala Nilai
Kejujuran Deskripsi Tidak
Selalu Sering Jarang
Saya berkomintmen untuk tidak menyontek pekerjaan
teman saya.
Saya mengembangkan kratifitas secara mandiri meskipun
hasilnya tidak sebagus teman lainnya.
Saya tidak menyontek pekerjaan teman dan mengakuinya
sebagai peerjaan saya.
Skala Nilai
Disiplin Deskripsi Tidak
Selalu Sering Jarang
1 Saya selalu hadir di kelas bahasa Inggris tepat waktu.
2 Saya selalu fokus ketika pelajaran sedang berlangsung.
3 Saya selalu mengumpulkan latihan tepat waktu.
Skala Nilai
Percayadiri Deskripsi Tidak
Selalu Sering Jarang
Saya tidak mudah putus asa ketika mengerjakan latihan
yang sulit.
2 Saya memiliki pandangan yang positif terhadap diri sendiri.
Saya memiliki pengendalian diri yang baik dan ketekukan
yang baik dalam belajar.
Skala Nilai
Tanggungjawab Deskripsi Tidak
Selalu Sering Jarang
Saya menyelesaikan tugas dan kewajiban dengan
kesadaran yang tinggi.
Saya membuat perubahan yang lebih baik daripada hari
Skala Nilai
Peduli Deskripsi Tidak
Selalu Sering Jarang
Saya menawarkan bantuan kepada teman yang memiliki
masalah dalam pelajaran.
Saya tidak bersikap egois dalam menjalin komunikasi
dengan teman dan guru.

Lampiran 2

A. Choose the right answer!

The following text is for questions 1 to 3
5 February 2015
Mr. Kusuma Wardani
Production Coordinator

Dear Mr Wardani,

Congratulations! The most excellent quality production last month was performed by your work group. Besides that,
the lowest rework percentage was achieved by your group.
Your supervisors and your colleagues appreciate the passion and dedication of your team. We are aware of the
enthusiasm and extra hours of you put in this last month.
We would like to express our gratitude for your significant contribution to our division’s success. We are implementing
your recommendations for new equipment and hope it will accommodate you to maintain the same excellent performance.

Perdana Permata

1. What does Mr Perdana Pertama pay compliment to Mr Kusuma Wardani for?

A. The quality of the production process.
B. The excellent working performance.
C. The valuable recommendation.
D. The solidity of the team.
E. The factory success.
2. Which statement is TRUE according to the letter?
A. The team perform well because of the new machinery.
B. The team always perform effectively.
C. More people will work in the team.
D. The group has low reworking rate.
E. The team achieved the sale target.
3. What does Mr Perdana permata promise Mr Kusuma Wardani?
A. Implementing new equipment.
B. Adding new team members.
C. Enlarging the organization.
D. Offering a promotion.
E. Giving a reward.

The following text is for question 4 and 5

Dear Mr Diaz,
Congratulations for discovering this unique redwood carving by Arthur Putnam. Jack Smith
must have really enjoyed receiving this writing tablet with quotation from his novel The call of the
Wild laying across the back.
The finding is really important. It is a real pleasure to see such a prominent example of
Californian early sculpture brought to light after having been lost for nearly a century.

Best wishes,
Edward Hughes

4. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To congratulate on a new novel release.
B. To congratulate on a great achievement.
C. To congratulate on a successful adventure.
D. To congratulate on a successful art exhibition.
E. To congratulate on carving a beautiful statue.
5. Edward Hughes said that Mr. Diaz finding is very important because...
A. There was a quotation from Jack Smith on the carving.
B. The precious carving has lost for long time.
C. It was the beginning of Californian art.
D. Arthur Putman is a great artist.
E. The carving is very beautiful
6. Dimas : Wow! That’s fabulous scenery
Sekar : ...
A. I am happy to hear that
B. I am happy you liked it
C. I disagree with you
D. I don’t think so
E. Thank you very
7. Dian : Who plants these flowers?
Rina : I plant them.
Dina : ....
A. You are decorating your garden beautifully.
B. You are a best gardener.
C. That’s a wonderful flower.
D. What a beautiful garden
E. It’s a good plant.
8. Laras : Mom I got the best score in mathematic test.
Mother : ...
A. You are a smart student
B. You are proper to get it.
C. You have to study hard
D. You are a diligent boy
E. I’m happy you like it.
9. The following are the expressions of congratulation, except...
A. Well done
B. Wow! You look great with that hat.
C. Congratulations on winning the first prize.
D. I must congratulate you for buying a new house.
E. I’d like to congratulate you on working to save the old man from the flood.
10. Ryan : Mom, look! I get A for science test.
Mother : ... keep up the good work!
Ryan : Thanks, Mom.
A. Who cares!
B. I don’t care.
C. Congratulations!
D. Oh I’m sorry to hear that.
E. You must cheat in doing the test.

The following text is for questions 11 to 13

12 October
Mr Dino Husada
Chief Executive Officer
Sanita Hospital

Dear Mr Husada,
On behalf of my wife and I and of course our daughter Brenda, I would like to sincerely thank you and on the staff
for all your top class medical treatment that your hospital has given to my daughter during her medical treatment.
Not only was the medical treatment excellent but the “caring manner” of all doctors and nurses were super. They
made Brenda feel no fear she even wants to be a doctor so much.
I have lived in many countries and your hospital is in with the elite of hospitals that I have had to be involved with.
Rudi Sumarto

11. What does Mr.Rudi Sumarto praise Mr Husada for?

A. The excellence of medical treatment.
B. The genuineness of the doctors.
C. The friendliness of the nurses
D. The quality of the doctors.
E. The skill of the doctors.
12. What happened to Brenda?
A. Brenda was a doctor in the hospital.
B. Brenda was at a service of the hospital.
C. Brenda was hospitalised in the hospital.
D. Brenda was fearful of the medical treatment.

E. Brenda was recommended to go to the hospital.
13. For Mr Rudi Sumarto, Sanita Hospital is....
A. The well-known hospital
B. One of the best hospitals
C. The most prominent hospital
D. The best hospital in the world
E. The most distinguished hospital

Dialogue for number 14-15

Grace : Winda I heard from Mila that you won a watch for the door prize in the gathering event yesterday.
Winda : Thank you. I never thought that I would win the door prize.
Grace : You’re so lucky. Once again congratulation for the watch.
Winda : Thanks a lot. Yes I was just lucky.
Grace : Do you wear the watch now?
Winda : Yes. Look at this, please! What do you think?
Grace : Wow! It’s so fantastic! It’s an expensive watch.
Winda : You’re right. I like the style. It’s very elegant.
Grace : You can wear it in all kind of events.
Winda : That’s right.
14. The underlined word in the dialogue shows...
A. Expression of repetition
B. Expression of asking help
C. Expression of giving thing
D. Expressions of congratulation
E. Expression of asking for opinion
15. Who congratulate Winda?
A. Mila does
B. Grace does
C. Mila and Grace
D. Grace’s friend does
E. Winda’s mother does

Answer the following questions honestly!
1. When did you congratulate your friend?
2. Mention 5 compliment expression and the responses!
Question 3 and 4 based on this text
To: Rico
Congratulations on graduating from university. You are so clever
and always study hard. Keep up the good work!
3. Who writes the card?
4. Why does Lisa congratulate Rico?
5. “You are so clever and always study hard”. The italic word ha similar meaning with …

A. Pilihan Ganda
1. B 6. E 11. A
2. D 7. C 12. C
3. A 8. D 13. C
4. E 9. B 14. D
5. E 10. A 15. C
B. Essay
1. Accept any possible answer
2. Accept any possible answer
3. Lisa
4. Because Rico graduate from university
5. Clever=smart
Kriteria Penilaian:
Pilihan Ganda = 15 X 2 = 30
Essay = 5 X 4 = 20
N A= 50 x 2= 100

Pedoman Penilaian Essay:

Jawaban benar 4
Jawaban mendekati benar 3
Jawaban kurang tepat 2
Jawaban salah 1
Tidak menjawab 0

Create a dialogue using expression thanking and compliment based on these situations!
1. Your classmate wears a brown sweater. He looks great in it.
2. You and your classmate attend a birthday party. Your classmate wears a nice suit.
3. Your friend has a new nice haircut.
4. Your mother makes a delicious meal.
5. You get a nice gift from your friend on your birthday.

Make a congratulations card about:

 Moving to a new home
 Having a new baby
 Graduation day
 Wedding day
 Winning a contest

Kriteria penilaian proyek adalah sebagai berikut:

No Aspek yang Dinilai Bobot
1. Isi 15%
2. Struktur 30%
3. Presentasi karya 30%
4. Hasil karya 25%

Lampiran 3
Rubrik Tes Keterampilan Berbicara
No. Kriteria Performa rendah 7 Performa baik 8 Performa sangat baik 9-10 Skor

1. Pelafalan Banyak kesalahan yang Dapat dipahami Seperti penutur asli

berpengaruh pada
2. Intonasi Tidak ada variasi dalam Menggunakan banyak variasi Intonasi akurat
intonasi dalam intonasi
3. Tata bahasa Banyak kesalahan tata Hanya beberapa kealahan Sedikit kesalahan tata bahasa
bahasa yang menyebabkan namun tidak menyebabkan dan tidak menyebabkan
ketidakjelasan isi. kesalahpahaman terhadap kesalahpahaman isi.

4. Isi Gagal untuk menyampaikan Dapat dipahami, Konteks tepat
ide menambahkan beberapa
ide pendukung
Total skor
Skor akhir = Total skor : 4

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