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Jelaskan mengenai faktor deviasi gas z, faktor volume formasi gas Bg, faktor kompresibilitas gas
cg, viskositas gas.

Sifat fisik gas yang akan dibahas adalah spesific gravity, faktor volume formasi gas,
kompresibilitas gas, faktor kompressibilitas gas, viscositas gas.

1. Densitas Gas
Densitas atau berat jenis gas didefinisikan sebagai perbandingan antara rapatan gas
tersebut dengan rapatan suatu gas standar. Biasanya yang digunakan sebagai gas standar
adalah udara kering. Secara matematis berat jenis gas dirumuskan sebagai berikut :
BJ gas =

2. Faktor Volume Formasi Gas

Faktor volume formasi gas (Bg) didefinisikan sebagai besarnya perbandingan volume gas
pada kondisi tekanan dan temperatur reservoir dengan volume gas pada kondisi standar (60
F, 14,7 psia). Pada faktor volume formasi ini berlaku hukum Boyle - Gay Lussac. Bila satu
standar cubic feet ditempatkan dalam reservoir dengan tekanan Pr dan temperatur Tr, maka
rumus - rumus gas dapat digunakan untuk mendapatkan hubungan antara kedua keadaan
dari gas tersebut, yaitu :

P1 V1 P V
= r r
Z r Tr Z r Tr

Untuk harga P1 dan T1 dalam keadaan standar, maka diperoleh :

Z r Tr
Vr = 0.0283 cuft

Untuk keadaan standar, maka Vr (cuft) harus dibagi dengan 1 scf untuk mendapatkan
volume standar. Jadi faktor volume formasi gas (Bg) adalah :

Z r Tr
B g = 0.0283 cuft / scf

Dalam satuan bbl / scf, besarnya Bg adalah :

Z r Tr
B g = 0.00504 bbl / scf

3. Kompresibilitas Gas
Kompresibilitas gas didefinisikan sebagai perubahan volume gas yang disebabkan oleh
adanya perubahan tekanan yang mempengaruhinya. Kompresibilitas gas didapat dengan
persamaan :
C pr
Cg =

Keterangan :

Cg = kompresibilitas gas, psia-1

Cpr = pseudo reduced kompresibilitas, psia-1 ,

Cpc = pseudocritical pressure, psia

4. Viscositas Gas
Viscositas merupakan ukuran tahanan gas terhadap aliran. Viscositas gas hidrokarbon
umumnya lebih rendah daripada viscositas gas non hidrokarbon. Viscositas gas akan
berbanding lurus dengan temperatur dan berbanding terbalik dengan berat molekulnya. Jadi
bila berat molekulnya bertambah besar, maka viscositasnya akan mengecil, sedangkan bila
temperaturnya naik, maka viscositasnya akan semakin besar.
Dalam viscositas sifat-sifat gas akan berlawanan dengan cairan. Untuk gas sempurna,
viscositasnya tidak tergantung pada tekanan. Bila tekanannya dinaikkan, maka gas sempurna
akan berubah menjadi gas tidak sempurna dan sifat-sifatnya akan mendekati sifat-sifat

5. Faktor Deviasi Gas

Penyelesaian masalah aliran gas, baik di reservoir, tubing, dan pipa produksi
membutuhkan hubungan yang menerangkan tekanan, volume, dan temperatur. Untuk gas
yang ideal hubungan tersebut dinyatakan oleh persamaan keadaan :


dimana :
P = tekanan, psia

V = volume, scf

n = jumlah mol, lb-mol

T = temperatur, oR

R = konstanta gas = 10.73 , cuft/lb-mol

Gas yang bersifat sebagai gas nyata / real gas memiliki persamaan diatas menjadi :


Gambar 1.9 Faktor Kompressibilitas untuk Natural G

Find the density, formation volume factor (FVF), viscosity, and isothermal compressibility of a gas with the
following properties and conditions:

• γg = 0.7
• H2S = 7%
• CO2 = 10%
• p = 2,010 psia
• T = 75°F.
The density is calculated from Eq. 3 in Gas formation volume factor and density:
The formation volume factor is calculated from Eq. 2 in Gas formation volume factor and density:

The viscosity is determined using the charts of Carr et al.[1] in Figs. 1-4 in Gas viscosity.

• First, the viscosity for Mg = (0.7)(28.967) = 20.3 at p = 1 atm and T = 75°F is read from Fig. 2.
• This gives 0.0102 cp, but corrections are needed for the acid gases. The correction for 10%
CO 2 is 0.0005 cp, and the correction for 7% H2S is 0.0002 cp. Hence, this gives μga = 0.0109
• Next, the ratio of μg/μga is read from Fig. 4, which gives μg/μga = 1.55.
• Hence, μg = (1.55) (0.0109 cp) = 0.0169 cp.
The compressibility is determined by first reading Figs. 1-2 in Isothermal compressibility of gases for the
previously calculated values of pr = 3.200 and Tr = 1.500 to give crTr = 0.5. Because Tr = 1.500 then cr =
0.5/1.5 = 0.3333. Because cr = cg   ppc,

Calculate the relative density (specific gravity) of natural gas with the following composition (all
compositions are in mol%):
C1 = 83.19%
C2 = 8.48%
C3 = 4.37%
i-C4 = 0.76%
n-C4 = 1.68%
i-C5 = 0.57%
n-C5 = 0.32%
C6 = 0.63%
Total = 100%
First, calculate the apparent mole weight from the information presented in Table 1.

where the molecular weight of air, Ma, is 28.967.

Table 1
Calculate the actual density of the same mixture at 1,525 psia and 75°F

1. Using Kay’s[2] rules

2. Sutton’s[3] correlation
3. Piper et al.[4] correlation.
The density is calculated from


• p = 1,525 psia
• Mg = 20.424
• R = 10.7316 (psia-ft3)/(lbm mol°R)
• T = 75°F + 459.67 = 534.67°R
• z must be obtained from Fig. 2 in Real gases
1. Calculate zg from the known composition in Table 2.

Table 2
Using Kay’s[2] rules, we obtain from the known gas composition:
Tpc =ΣyiTi = 393.8°R,
Tpr = 534.67/393.8 = 1.3577,
ppc =Σyipci = 662.88 psia,
ppr = p/ppc = 1,525/662.88 =2.301,
and from Fig. 1, zg = 0.71.
2. From Sutton’s[3] gas gravity method, γg = 0.705; then, we obtain from Eq. 4-5 in Real gases that

This gives

From Fig. 2 in Real gases, we obtain zg = 0.745.

3. Using the Piper et al.[4] method, we first calculate J and K using

The details of the calculations are found in Table 2.

Finally, looking up the z-factor chart (Fig. 2 in Real gases) gives z = 0.745.
Even though the Sutton[3] correlation and the Piper et al.[4] correlation gave slightly different critical
properties, the z factors from those two methods are the same. Kay’s[2] rule gives a value that is 4.6%
lower, but the result using Sutton’s correlation and the Piper et al. correlation has been shown to be
more accurate. The density is then given by

Calculating the z factor for a reservoir fluid

Calculate the z factor for the reservoir fluid in Table 3 at 307°F and 6,098 psia.

Table 3
The experimental value is z = 0.998.
Using the Piper et al.[4] method, we first calculate J and K using

The details of the calculation are in Table 4.

Table 4
Finally, looking up the z-factor chart (Fig. 2 in Real gases) gives z = 1.02. This represents a 2% error with
the experimental value.

J = parameter in the Stewart et al.[5] equations, K•Pa–1

K = parameter in the Stewart et al.[5] equations, K•Pa–1/2

M = molecular weight

Ma = molecular weight of air

= molecular weight of C7+ fraction

Mg = average molecular weight of gas mixture

n = number of moles

p = absolute pressure, Pa

pc = critical pressure, Pa

ppc = pseudocritical pressure of a gas mixture, Pa

pr = reduced pressure

R = gas-law constant, J/(g mol-K)

T = absolute temperature, K

Tc = critical temperature, K

Tci = critical temperature of component i in a gas mixture, K

Tpc = corrected pseudocritical temperature, K

Tr = reduced temperature
z = compressibility factor (gas-deviation factor)

ρpc = relative density of C7+ fraction

μg = viscosity of gas, Pa•s

Bg = gas formation volume factor (RB/scf or Rm3/Sm3)

μga = viscosity of gas mixture at desired temperature and atmospheric pressure, Pa•s

cg = coefficient of isothermal compressibility

cr = dimensionless pseudoreduced gas compressibility

J = parameter in the Stewart et al.[5] equations (Eqs. 5.9 and 5.10), K•Pa–1

K = parameter in the Stewart et al.[5] equations (Eqs. 5.9 and 5.10), K•Pa–1/2

ρg> = density of gas, kg/m3

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