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Tanggal : 9 Maret 2023

Dikaji Ulang : Deri Fikri F, M.Hum.
Dikendalikan : Angga Adriana Imansyah, S.ST., M.P

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Deri Fikri F, M.Hum. Angga Adriana Imansyah, S.ST., M.P


Nama Mahasiswa : ............................................................................

NPM : .............................................................................

Semester / Prodi : .............................................................................

Tanggal Penyerahan Paraf

No Materi Praktikum
Praktikum Laporan Pengampu
I Referencing Minggu ketiga Maret

II Decoding and Composing Minggu pertama Mei

III Presenting Setelah UAS

Modul Praktikum
Scientific English Literation

1. Nama Mata Kuliah: Scientific English Literation
2. Kode Mata Kuliah:
3. Tahun Akademik: 2022/2023
4. Semester: IV
5. Program Studi: Agroteknologi
6. Deskripsi:

Praktikum ini merupakan bagian dari sebuah proyek bersama mata kuliah yang lain,
diantaranya Mata Kuliah Bio-Energy. Secara umum, praktikum ini berbasis proyek, Project
Based Learning, dan mata kuliah ini lebih difokuskan pada pencarian dalil argumen
proyek, penulisan, dan pemaparannya. Praktikum ini bertujuan untuk membekali
mahasiswa dalam mencari referensi, menulis laporan, dan mempresentasikan hasil
proyeknya dalam Bahasa Inggris.

5. Alokasi Waktu:

Waktu yang disediakan untuk praktikum adalah 1 sks (45 menit) x 14 pertemuan. Alokasi
waktu ini sesuai dengan yang diamanatkan di mata kuliah ini yang berkomposisi 3 sks
dengan rincian 2 sks teori dan 1 sks praktek.

Adapun skenario pembagian waktu dapat dijabarkan sebagai berikut:

Tabel 1. Pembagian Waktu Praktikum

No Komposisi Praktikum Alokasi Waktu Alokasi Waktu

Praktikum Terbimbing Praktikum Mandiri

1 Referencing 2 sks 2 sks

2 Decoding 2 sks 2 sks

3 Composing 2 sks

4 Presenting 1 sks 3 sks

Learning Context
Materi ini menjelaskan tentang bagaimana mahasiswa mencari dan memilih referensi yang tepat
untuk laporan proyeknya. Mahasiswa diharapkan dapat mencari referensi yang sesuai dengan
proyeknya dengan diawali mengenal website jurnal yang terindeks, seperti,, dan

a. Finding keywords

Keyword research is the process of identifying popular words and phrases that people
type into search engines to find the information they seek.

Keyword research is an ongoing investigation and refinement process. The goal of

keyword research is not only to find keywords that are relevant to your business and
target audiences, but also to find 'good' keywords that will bring you a lot of traffic with
little competition.

The search for literature is an important part of research writing. When you conduct an
online literature search, you should be able to find relevant published articles. The goal of
keywords in a research paper is to help other researchers find your paper when they
conduct a topic search. Keywords define the article's field, subfield, topic, research issue,
and so on. Keywords are used by most electronic search engines, databases, and journal
websites to determine whether or not to display your paper to interested readers.
Keywords make your paper searchable and increase the number of citations. As a result,
it is critical to include the most relevant keywords that will assist other authors in finding
your paper.

b. Browsing

Go to,, or

Figure 1. Front Page of Sinta

Figure 2. Front Page of Elsevier

Figure 3. Front Page of DOAJ

C. How to download

Some journal websites have provided the link for downloading the article. If you are not
able to download it, you may go to, insert its DOI, then you can
download it directly.

Figure 4. Front page of Sci-Hub

Lembar Kerja Praktikum
Petunjuk Kerja
1. Define your article keywords.
2. Browse the keywords in indexed journal websites.
3. Choose at least 3 (three) articles you’re going to use in the project.
4. Submit your articles to:

Decoding and Composing
Learning Context
Materi ini menjelaskan tentang bagaimana mahasiswa menerjemahkan dan menggunakan teori
yang akan digunakan dalam proyeknya serta menuliskannya ke dalam laporannya dalam Bahasa
Inggris. Decoding berarti mengukur kemampuan mahasiswa dalam menerjemahkan dan
menentukan teori-teori yang akan dipakai dalam proyek, sementara Composing berarti
menuangkan ide/ gagasan yang didapat dari artikel ilmiah sebelumnya ke dalam laporan proyek

a. Decoding

According to research published in the journal Issues in Science & Technology in 2012,
the twenty-first century has seen a shift away from national systems of innovation and
toward globally networked systems, driven by a dynamic global talent pool.

Today, scientific advances are just as likely to come from China, Germany, or India as they
are from the United Kingdom or the United States. As a result, research materials are
becoming more widely available in a variety of languages. While English is the language
of choice for much of the world's scientific research, a growing amount is also being
translated into other languages.

Nonetheless, according to a study conducted by a team from the University of

Cambridge, one-third of new scientific research is incomprehensible to the majority of
scientists. Why? Because it isn't available in a language they can understand.

Scientific Research Availability

The study looked at over 75,000 reputable scientific papers on biodiversity conservation
published in 2014. According to their findings, only about two-thirds of these were
available in English. The remaining papers were available in several languages, the most
common of which were:

● (6%) Spanish
● Chinese Simplified* (6%).
● The French (3%)
● (3%) Portuguese

The consequences of most scientific publications only being available in English are as

● Non-English papers have a small readership.

● Scientists who do not speak English are unable to participate in the debate.

A scientific paper is often the result of months, if not years, of research. All of this effort,
however, could be for naught. The details of the research must be communicated to the
larger scientific community with accuracy and clarity.

There are numerous advantages to using technical translation to make published

research available to a global audience. Here are a few examples.

1. Make contact with the global scientific community.

Translating research so that it can be understood by a global audience allows scientists all
over the world to apply and extend the findings in new ways. When a seemingly
insignificant piece of research is added to the vast, global pool of scientific data, it can
have far-reaching consequences.

2. Increase visibility

The more a scientific paper is recognized, the more it will be cited in subsequent
research. This results in even more recognition, with the work being acknowledged and
cited by reputable scientific journals and institutions. However, none of this will be
possible unless the material is available in the appropriate languages.

3. Bridging the knowledge gap

Translated scientific work contributes to closing the knowledge gap between different
parts of the world. People who do not speak English would be unable to communicate
unless this often highly technical information was translated.

University professors' and students' work, for example, will suffer if research papers are
not available in their native language.

4. Save your research for last.

While English is currently the scientific world's lingua franca, this may not always be the
case. As stated at the outset of this article, the preferred common language changes over
time. As a result, once another language becomes more widely spoken than English, it
may replace English as the language of choice for scientists worldwide.

Make your research available in multiple languages. Then you can be confident that it will
be available to the scientific community for many years to come.

5. Obtain funding

Before any research can begin, the necessary funding must be obtained. Financial
assistance can take many forms, ranging from individual governments to regional blocs
like the EU; private businesses to academic institutions like universities.

Communication is essential for a successful funding application. If a bid is unclear about

the work involved and the benefits it could bring, it is unlikely to receive the financial
backing it seeks. As a result, effective translation will give a research project the best
chance of receiving funding.

b. Composing

A tidy, well-organized, and consistently formatted document is easier to read and

suggests a careful and professional approach to its preparation. Keep in mind that
quantity does not always imply quality. A 150-page report is not twice as good as a
75-page report, and a 10,000-line implementation is not twice as good as a 5,000-line
implementation. Conciseness, clarity, and elegance are valuable qualities in report writing,
as well as in programming, and will be appropriately rewarded.

The title page

This should include the project title and the report's author's name. If you want, you can
also include the name of your boss. IMPORTANT: Before submitting, create a project
directory containing all of your software, READMEs, and your project report (source files
and pdf or postscript).


The abstract is a very brief summary of the contents of the report. It should be
approximately half a page long. Someone who is unfamiliar with your project should have
a good idea of what it is about based on the abstract alone and will know whether it is of
interest to them.


It is customary to thank those who have provided particularly valuable assistance,

whether technical or otherwise, during your project. Your supervisor will undoubtedly be
pleased to be recognized, as he or she will have spent a significant amount of time
monitoring your progress.

Page of Contents

This should include a list of your report's main chapters and (sub)sections. For clarity, use
self-explanatory chapter and section titles and double spacing. If at all possible, include
page numbers to indicate where each chapter/section begins. Avoid using too many
levels of subheading - three is plenty.


This is one of the most crucial parts of the report. It should begin with a clear statement of
what the project is about so that a lay reader understands the nature and scope of the
project. It should summarize everything you set out to accomplish, as well as provide a
clear summary of the project's history, relevance, and main contributions. The introduction
should set the context for the project and provide a summary of the key points to look for
in the rest of the report. It is helpful to provide pointers to the section(s) of the report that
provide the relevant technical details when detailing the contributions. The introduction
should be mostly non-technical.


The report's background section should contextualize the project and provide the
proposed layout for achieving the project goals. The background section can be included
as part of the introduction, but it is usually better as a separate chapter, especially if the
project required extensive research. Cite the sources where other pieces of work are
referred to or used, rather than simply listing them at the end.

Body of the report

The report's main body usually consists of three or four chapters that detail the technical
work done during the project. The structure of these chapters varies greatly depending
on the project. They can reflect the project's chronological development, such as design,
implementation, experimentation, optimization, and evaluation. If you have created new
software, you should describe and justify its design at a high level, possibly using an
approved graphical formalism such as UML. It should also include any interesting issues

or features of your implementation. In some cases, integration and testing are also
important topics to discuss. You must thoroughly discuss the content of these sections
with your supervisor.


Be warned: many projects fail due to poor evaluation. Building a system and documenting
its design and functionality is insufficient to earn high marks. It is critical that you evaluate
your work both in absolute terms and in comparison to existing techniques, software,
hardware, and so on. This may include quantitative and qualitative evaluations such as
expressibility, functionality, ease-of-use, and so on. You should also evaluate the strengths
and weaknesses of your work at some point.

Conclusions and Future Research

The project's conclusions should include a list of what you learned as a result of your
efforts. "The use of overloading in C++, for example, provides a very elegant mechanism
for transparent parallelisation of sequential programs," for example. Avoid boring personal
reflections such as "I learned a lot about C++ programming..." It is customary to conclude
the report by outlining how the project can be expanded. This could be a plan for doing
the project better if you had the opportunity to do it again, such as turning the project
deliverables into a more polished end product.


This is a list of all the books, articles, manuals, and so on that were used in the project and
referred to in the report. You should include enough information for the reader to locate
the source. In the case of a textbook, you should cite both the publisher and the author
(s). Inadequate citation of a source of information is a flaw in many reports. There are no
excuses because getting this right is simple. Each entry in the bibliography should include
the author(s) and title of the work, as well as full location information.

Lembar Kerja Praktikum
Petunjuk Kerja
1. Write a report of your project in English with this template;
a. Cover
b. Abstract
c. Acknowledgement
d. Table of Content
e. Chapter I: Introduction
f. Chapter II: Theoretical Review
g. Chapter III: Discussion
h. Chapter IV: Conclusion and Future Work
i. Bibliography
2. Submit the report to:

Learning Context
Materi ini menjelaskan tentang bagaimana mahasiswa memindahkan laporan proyek mereka
menjadi slide presentasi. Ada beberapa kaidah yang bisa dipakai mahasiswa selama melakukan
proses tersebut dan memaksimalkan potensi di setiap slidenya sehingga presentasi akan padat
dan bermakna.

The "presentation slide" is the foundation of all academic presentations, including journal clubs,
thesis committee meetings, short conference talks, and hour-long seminars. A slide is a single
page projected on a screen that includes both what is shown and what is said about that slide. It
is usually built on the premise of a title, body, and figures or tables. Multiple slides are linked
together to tell the presentation's overall story. While there have been excellent 10 simple rules
for giving entire presentations [1,2], there has been a void in the fine details of how to design a
slide for optimal effect—such as the design elements that allow slides to convey meaningful
information, to keep the audience engaged and informed, and to be visually appealing, and to
deliver the intended information within the time frame set. Because all research presentations
aim to teach, effective slide design borrows from the same principles as effective teaching, such
as taking into account the cognitive processing your audience uses to organize, process, and
retain information. This is written for anyone who needs to prepare slides of any length for the
purpose of communicating research to large audiences. The rules are divided into three
categories. The first five rules concern optimizing the scope of each slide. Rules 6–8 are about
the principles of designing slide elements. Rules 9–10 are about preparing for your presentation,
with the slides serving as the primary focus.

Rule 1: Only include one idea per slide.

Each slide should have a single main goal to deliver—the main idea or question [3-5]. This
frequently entails breaking complex ideas down into manageable chunks. In another case, if
you're presenting a complex computational approach in a large flow diagram, start with smaller
units and work your way up until you've completed the entire diagram. The gradual accumulation
of complex information implies that audiences are prepared to comprehend the entire picture
once you have dedicated time to each component. You can assemble components in a variety of
ways, such as by using presentation software to cover/uncover information.

Rule 2: Spend no more than one minute per slide.

When you present your slide in the talk, you should discuss it for one minute or less. This rule is
extremely useful for planning purposes—a 20-minute presentation should have approximately 20
slides. Additionally, providing new information to your audience on a regular basis helps to keep
them engaged. If you find yourself spending more than a minute on a slide during practice, there
is too much content for that one slide—time it's to break up the content into multiple slides or
even remove information that is not entirely central to the story you are attempting to tell.
Reduce, reduce, reduce until you have a single, well-defined message that takes less than a
minute to present.

Rule 3: Utilize your heading.

When each slide conveys only one message, use the heading of that slide to write down the
exact message you want to convey. Instead of "Results," title the slide "CTNND1 is central to
metastasis" or "False-positive rates are highly sample specific." Use this landmark signpost to
ensure that all of the content on that slide is related to the heading only. Consider the slide
heading to be the first or last sentence of a paragraph, and the slide content to be the rest of the
paragraph that supports the main point of the paragraph.

Rule 4: Only include the most important points.

While you speak, the audience's eyes and minds will be drawn to your slide. Make a plan to
explicitly identify and discuss any comments, details, or figures on a slide. If you don't believe it is
important enough to spend time on, don't include it on your slide. This is especially true when
faculty members are present. I frequently tell students that thesis committee members are like
cats: if you put a shiny bauble in front of them, they'll chase it down. Make certain that the
gleaming baubles are only placed on slides that you want them to focus on. Putting together a
thesis meeting for only faculty is akin to herding cats.

Rule number five is to give credit where credit is due.

The inclusion of proper citations or references to work on your slide is an exception to Rule 4.
When adding citations, names of other researchers, or other types of credit to your slides, use a
consistent style and method. Your audience will be able to easily separate this information from
the rest of the content. People frequently make the mistake of thinking, "I'll add that reference
later," but I strongly advise you to put the proper reference on the slide at the time you make it,
before you forget where it came from. Finally, in some types of presentations, credits can indicate
who did the work.

Rule 6: Make good use of graphics.

Slides that only contain text should almost never be used. Create your slides around effective
visualizations. After all, it is a visual presentation, and as the saying goes, a picture is worth a
thousand words. On the other hand, don't muddle the point of the slide by cramming too many
complex graphics onto a single slide. A multipanel figure in a manuscript should usually be
divided into one panel per slide (see Rule 1). Make a point of verbally introducing the figure and
its elements to the audience, especially for data figures, to ensure that you use the graphics

Design to avoid cognitive overload is Rule 7.

The type of slide elements, the number of them, and how they are presented all have an impact
on the audience's ability to absorb, organize, and remember the content. For example, a common
mistake in slide design is to include full sentences, but reading and verbal processing use the
same cognitive channels—as a result of cognitive overload, an audience member can either read
the slide, listen to you, or do some part of both (each poorly) [4]. The visual channel is distinct,
allowing images/videos to be processed alongside auditory data without cognitive overload [6].
(Rule 6). Because presentations are an exercise in listening rather than reading, do everything
you can to maximize the audience's ability to listen.

Rule 8: Design the slide so that even if someone is distracted, they get the main point.

It is extremely difficult to concentrate on a presentation, especially if it is lengthy or part of a

larger series of talks at a conference. Members of the audience may become distracted by an
important email or begin daydreaming about lunch. So, look at your slide and ask yourself, "Will
they understand the key concept of this slide if they didn't hear anything I said?" The other rules
are in place to help with this, such as making the single point of the slide clear (Rule 1), titling it
with a major conclusion (Rule 3), and using figures (Rule 6) and short text (Rule 6).

Rule 9: Improve slide design iteratively through practice.

Well-designed slides that adhere to the first eight rules are intended to assist you in delivering
the message you intend to deliver in the time you intend to deliver it in. The best way to ensure
that you nailed your presentation slide design is to practice, usually a lot. The following two key
points are the most important aspects of practicing a new presentation with an eye toward slide
design: (1) practice to ensure that you hit the most important points each time through (for
example, the text guide posts you left yourself and the title of the slide); and (2) practice to ensure
that when you finish one slide, it leads directly to the next. Slide transitions, or what you say as
you end one slide and begin the next, are critical to maintaining the "story's" flow. When I
practice, I find out that the order of my presentation is off or that I left myself too few cues to
remember what was coming next. Furthermore, during practice, the most frequent things I need

to improve are Rule 2 (the slide takes too long to present, usually because I broke Rule 1 and am
delivering too much information for one slide), Rule 4 (I have a non-essential detail on the slide),
and Rule 5 (I have a nonessential detail on the slide) (I forgot to give a key reference). The most
beneficial type of practice is in front of an audience (for example, your lab or peers).

Rule 10: Plan for the impact of technical disasters.

The actual presentation rarely goes as planned in our heads or during practice. Perhaps the
previous speaker went over time, and you now need to adjust. Perhaps the computer provided
by the organizer will not display your video. Perhaps your internet connection is poor on the day
you give a virtual presentation at a conference. Technical difficulties are an expected part of the
process of presenting your work. As a result, you can design your slides to mitigate the impact of
certain types of technical disasters while also planning alternate approaches.

Lembar Kerja Praktikum
Petunjuk Kerja
1. Create a presentation slide according to your project.
2. The duration of the presentation is 15 minutes maximum.
3. Submit the slide to:


Duff, A (1989), Translation, OUP.

Duff, A (1990) Bringing translation back into the language class (Practical English Teaching 10/3)

Deller, S & Rinvolucri, M (2002), Using the Mother Tongue: making the most of the learner's
language, Delta Publishing.

Murphy, B (1988), Teaching translation and teaching through translation (MET 15/4)

Tudor, I (1987), Using translation in ESP (ELT Journal 41/4)

Mata Kuliah : Scientific English Literation
Dosen Penanggung Jawab : Deri Fikri F, M.Hum
Periode Ajaran : Semester Genap 2022/2023
Jumlah Mahasiswa : 20 orang
Jenis Praktikum : Laboratorium/Lapangan*)
No Jenis Belanja/Bahan3) Satuan Volume

a. -


Sub Total


c. -


Sub Total




Sub Total


g. Modul SEL Paket 20 eksemplar Rp35.000



Sub Total Rp700.000


j. transportasi mahasiswa paket 20 orang Rp15.000


Sub Total Rp300.000

TOTAL Rp1.000.000
Jumlah baris dapat ditambah disesuaikan dengan banyak jenis bahan yang diperlukan
Alat/Bahan habis
Cianjur, 9 Maret 2023
Mengetahui, Ketua Program Studi Penanggungjawab, Dosen Pengampu Mata Kuliah

(Nama : Angga Adriana Imansyah, S.ST., M.P) (Nama Dosen : Deri Fikri F, M.Hum)
(NIDN : 0414058901) (No HP : 085624575964)
Menyetujui Wakil Dekan II Bidang Keuangan

Catatan Wakil Dekan II

Tanggal Maksimal Penyelesaian

Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris Komunikasi
Dosen Penanggung Jawab : Deri Fikri F, M.Hum
Periode Ajaran : Semester Genap 2022/2023
Jumlah Mahasiswa : orang
Jenis Praktikum : Laboratorium/Lapangan*)
No Jenis Belanja/Bahan3) Satuan Volume
l. -
Sub Total
n. -
Sub Total
Sub Total
r. Modul B2 Level for school Paket 39 eksemplar Rp30.000
Sub Total Rp1.170.000
u. transportasi mahasiswa paket 39 orang Rp20.000
Sub Total Rp780.000
TOTAL Rp1.950.000
Jumlah baris dapat ditambah disesuaikan dengan banyak jenis bahan yang diperlukan
Alat/Bahan habis
Cianjur, 9 Maret 2023
Mengetahui, Ketua Program Studi Penanggungjawab, Dosen Pengampu Mata Kuliah

(Nama : Angga Adriana Imansyah, S.ST., M.P) (Nama Dosen : Deri Fikri F, M.Hum)
(NIDN : 0414058901) (No HP : 085624575964)
Menyetujui Wakil Dekan II Bidang Keuangan

Catatan Wakil Dekan II

Tanggal Maksimal Penyelesaian

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