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G031 201 080



The Effect of Seaweed Addition on the Characteristics of White Chocolate With Cocoa Fat

Rizka Aulia Nasir 1), Andi Hasizah 2)

Cokelat putih merupakan diversifikasi produk dari biji kakao dan merupakan komoditas yang
ramai diperdagangan hingga saat ini. Cokelat putih biasa digunakan sebagai bahan pembuatan
kue atau untuk diolah menjadi hiasan cokelat lainnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk
mengetahui pengaruh konsentrasi susu kedelai terhadap coklat putih dengan lemak kakao
deodorisasi. Prinsip pembuatan coklat putih melalui pemurnian minyak/lemak dengan
penambahan bubuk susu kedelai menggunakan deodorasi yaiu proses pemisahan kandungan
menyebabkan bau dan rasa yang tidak enak berasal dari flavor yang dihasilkan dari kerusakan
minyak/lemak hasil degradasi trigliserida. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan formulasi coklat
putih berbahan dasar lemak kakao dan bubuk susu kedelai. Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan
pengujian kimia dan organoleptik terhadap coklap putih dengan penambahan susu putih.
Kata kunci: Coklat putih, kedelai, deodorasi
I. PENDAHULUAN chocolate) yang dibedakan berdasarkan
komposisinya. Cokelat pahit dibuat dari
I.1. Latar Belakang pasta kakao dengan penambahan sedikit
Rumput laut adalah kelompok tanaman gula, cokelat susu dibuat dari campuran
yang berklorofil terdiri dari satu atau lebih pasta kakao, lemak kakao, gula, dan susu
sel. Secara biologis, dikenal sebagai bubuk. Sedangkan, cokelat putih dibuat
koloni. Rumput laut mengandung zat dari lemak kakao, gula dan susu bubuk
organik seperti polisakarida, hormon, (Sudibyo, 2012).
vitamin, mineral, dan senyawa bioaktif. Cokelat putih adalah produk
Rumput laut juga mengandung berbagai diversifikasi biji kakao yang saat ini
vitamin dengan konsentrasi tinggi, seperti menjadi komoditas yang banyak
vitamin D, K, karotenoid (prekursor diperdagangkan. Cokelat putih sering
vitamin A), vitamin B kompleks, dan digunakan dalam pembuatan kue atau
tokoferol. Kandungan polisakarida yang diolah menjadi hiasan cokelat. Seiring
tinggi sebanding polimer glukosa dan berkembangnya industri makanan,
polisakarida sulfasi. Beberapa rumput laut penggunaan cokelat putih juga semakin
menghasilkan metabolit dengan aktivitas meningkat terutama untuk hiasan kue dan
antioksidan. Berdasarkan kandungan hiasan produk cokelat. Cokelat putih
pigmennya rumput laut dibagi menjadi adalah satu-satunya cokelat yang
beberapa jenis, yaitu rumput laut hijau, mengandung lemak kakao sebagai
rumput laut merah, dan rumput laut bahan utamanya. Cokelat putih tidak
cokelat (Pakidi dan Suwoyo, 2017). hanya mengandung lemak, tetapi juga
Rumput laut cokelat terbagi menjadi karbohidrat dan protein, serta mineral
beberapa jenis, yaitu Padina, Sargassum, seperti zat besi, fosfor, kalium, kromium,
dan Turbinaria. Rumput laut cokelat magnesium, dan mangan. Pengolahan
mengandung 54,3-73,8% karbohidrat, 0,3- cokelat putih, selain penambahan lemak
5,9% protein, vitamin (B1, B2, B6, B16, kakao sebagai bahan baku, ditambahkan
dan niacin), mineral (kalsium, sodium, juga susu, gula, lesitin, dan vanili
magnesium, potasium, yodium, dan besi), (Ramlah dan Lullung, 2018).
dan mengandung berbagai bahan bioaktif, Lemak kakao adalah lemak nabati
yaitu senyawa fenolik, pigmen alami, yang umumnya digunakan dalam industri
polisakarida sulfat, serat, dan bahan cokelat karena memiliki karakteristik
bioaktif lainnya. Rumput laut cokelat juga reologi, tekstur, dan kimia seperti asam
mengandung karotenoid, laminarin, lemak trigliserida. Kepadatan dari lemak
alginat, fukoidan, phloretin, dan kakao tergantung pada kandungan asam
mengandung senyawa fenolik sebagai lemak jenuh dan tak jenuh yang terikat
antioksidan (Manteu et al., 2018). dengan trigliserida dan kandungan asam
Cokelat adalah produk hasil olahan lemak bebasnya. Lemak kakao berfungsi
derivat biji kakao, yaitu dengan sebagai matriks pendispersi dan
pencampuran pasta cokelat, gula, lemak berfungsi menentukan kualitas produk
kakao, dan bahan tambahan lainnya untuk akhir seperti kekerasan, kecerahan,
menambah citarasa. Cokelat umumnya kontraksi selama pencetakan, kelumeran
terbagi menjadi tiga jenis, yaitu cokelat pada mulut, dan kecepatan pelepasan cita
pahit/pekat (bitter chocolate), cokelat susu rasanya (Ristanti et al., 2016).
(milk chocolate), dan cokelat putih (white
Lemak kakao memiliki kandungan banyak tumbuh di Indonesia dan erdapat
asam oleat, palmitat, dan stearat. Lemak 15 spesies Sargassum. Rumput laut
kakao yang digunakan dalam pembuatan merupakan sejenis alga yang bersifat
permen cokelat, harus memiliki ciri-ciri multiseluler dan hidup di laut. Sargassum
yakni akan mencair pada suhu 32-35o C, adalah sejenis alga yang termasuk kedalam
mempunyai tekstur yang keras dan sedikit kelas Phaeaceae atau alga cokelat. Rumput
rapuh, warnanya tidak buram dan tetap laut cokelat berbentuk seperti lembaran,
cerah jika dicampur dengan bahan lain, dan berbentuk tumbuhan tingkat tinggi
serta memadat pada suhu kamar (Ketaren, dengan akar, batang, daun, dan bagian
2008). Asam stearat adalah asam lemak lainnya. Menurut Atmadja (2012), habitat
netral yang tidak akan memicu kolesterol alga cokelat tumbuh di perairan pada
darah, dan asam oleat merupakan asam kedalaman 0,5-10 m , memiliki arus dan
lemak yang mempunyai efek positif pada gelombang. Alga coklat hidup di air laut
kesehatan jantung. Lemak kakao memiliki yang jernih dan dapat tumbuh subur
sifat khas yakni bersifat plastis dan di daerah tropis. Sargassum juga
memiliki kandungan lemak padat yang mengandung klorofil a dan b, pigmen beta
relatif tinggi. Lemak kakao banyak karoten, violasantin dan fucoxanthin.
digunakan sebagai bahan baku produk- Zat yang dapat diekstraksi dari
produk cokelat. Lemak kakao memiliki Sargassum, yaitu sejenis alginat yang
rasa dan aroma kakao. mengandung ion natrium, kalsium, dan
Dalam hal ini pada penelitian ini barium (Pakidi dan Suwoyo, 2017).
mencoba mengolah rumput laut pada
cokelat putih dengan menggunakan lemak II.2 Cokelat Putih
kakao hasil dari industri kecil. Penelitian Cokelat putih atau white chocolate
ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh mempunyai komposisi yang sama dengan
penambahan rumput laut terhadap milk chocolate. Cokelat putih tidak
karakteristik cokelat putih dari lemak menggunakan cokelat padat melainkan
kakao. menggunakan lemak kakao (cocoa butter)
dengan penambahan gula dan susu bubuk.
I.2. Rumusan Masalah Cokelat putih tidak memiliki kandungan
Berdasarkan pembatasan masalah di kakao atau cokelat padat sehingga tidak
atas, permasalahan yang dapat dirumuskan dapat dikategorikan sebagai jenis cokelat
dalam peneltian ini adalah “Apakah (U.S. Food and Drug Administration,
terdapat pengaruh dari penambahan 2015). Cokelat putih mengandung 20%
rumput laut terhadap cokelat putih dengan lemak kakao, 14% susu, 3,5% lemak
lemak kakao?” susu, dan maks. 55% gula, serta bahan-
I.1. Tujuan dan Manfaat bahan lainnya (U.S. Food and Drug
Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah untuk Administration, 2015). Proses pembuatan
mengetahui pengaruh penambahan rumput cokelat putih, yaitu dengan mencampurkan
laut terhadap coklat putih dengan lemak cokelat bubuk, gula, lemak kakao, lesitin,
kakao. garam dan lesitin sehingga menghasilkan
pasta cokelat yang mudah untuk dicetak.
II.1 Rumput Laut Cokelat II.3 Lemak Kakao
Rumput laut cokelat (Sargassum Kadar lemak pada umumnya
crassifolium) merupakan phycophyta yang dinyatakan dalam persen dari berat kering
keping biji. Lemak merupakan komponen kembang gula karena dalam lemak coklat
termahal dari biji kakao sehingga nilai ini mengandung 1 molekul trigliserida terikat.
dipakai oleh konsumen sebagai salah satu Lemak kakao ini mengandung asam
tolok ukur penentuan harga. Selain oleh oleat palmitat dan stearat. Lemak kakao
bahan tanam dan musim, kandungan lemak yang digunakan dalam pembuatan permen
dipengaruhi oleh perlakuan pengolahan, coklat yang memiliki ciri-ciri yakni akan
jenis bahan tanaman dan faktor musim. mencair pada suhu 32 - 35 OC (suhu
Biji kakao yang berasal dari pembuahan badan), mempunyai tekstur yang keras dan
musim hujan umumnya mempunyai kadar sedikit rapuh, serta warnanya tidak buram
lemak lebih tinggi. Sedang, karakter phisik dan tetap cerah jika dicampur dengan
biji kakao pasca pengolahan, seperti kadar bahan yang lain (Ketaren, 1986). Menurut
air, tingkat fermentasi dan kadar kulit, Yusianto dkk., (1997) serta Sulistyowati &
berpengaruh pada rendemen lemak biji Soenaryo (1988), kadar lemak biji kakao
kakao. Kisaran kadar lemak biji kakao tanpa fermentasi lebih rendah 0,07-5,69%
Indonesia adalah antara 49% - 52%. daripada yang difermentasi tergantung
Lemak kakao adalah trigliserida yang pada waktu fermentasinya. Fermentasi
merupakan senyawa gliserol dan tiga asam dapat menurunkan kadar bahan bukan
lemak. Lebih dari 70% dari gliserida terdiri lemak biji, sehingga secara relative kadar
dari tiga senyawa tidak jenuh tunggal yaitu lemak meningkat. Trigliserida merupakan
oleodipalmitin (POP), oleodistearin (SOS) senyawa hasil kondensasi satu molekul
dan oleopalmistearin (POS). gliserol dengan tiga molekul asam lemak.
Lemak kakao mengandung juga di- Kandungan gliserida minyak mempunyai
unsaturated trigliserida dalam jumlah yang rantai pendek, sedangkan lemak
sangat terbatas. Komposisi asam lemak mempunyai rantai panjang.
kakao sangat berpengaruh pada titik leleh
dan tingkat kekerasannya. Titik leleh III.METODE PENELITIAN
lemak kakao yang baik untuk makanan
cokelat mendekati suhu badan manusia III.1Waktu dan Tempat Penelitian
dengan tingkat kekerasan minimum pada Penelitian ini akan dilaksanakan di
suhu kamar. Keberadaan asam lemak Laboratorium Pengolahan Pangan dan
bebas di dalam lemak kakao harus Laboratorium Kimia Analisa dan
dihindari karena hal itu merupakan salah Pengawasan Mutu Pangan dan
satu indikator kerusakan mutu. Asam Laboratorium Pengembangan Produk
lemak bebas umumnya muncul jika biji Program Studi Ilmu dan Teknologi
kakao kering disimpan di gudang yang Pangan, Departemen Teknologi Pertanian,
kurang bersih dan lembab. Kadar asam Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas
lemak bebas seharusnya kurang dari 1%. Hasanuddin, Makassar.
Biji kakao dianggap sudah mulai
mengalami kerusakan pada kadar asam III.2 Alat dan Bahan
lemak bebas di atas 1,3 %. Oleh karena Alat-alat yang digunakan pada
Codex Allimentarius menetapkan toleransi penelitian ini ialah Panci, Blender,
kandungan asam lemak bebas di dalam biji Pengaduk, Kain saring, Thermometer,
kakao dengan batas maksimum 1,75 % Timbangan, Kompor, Arloji, Inkubator,
(Anonim A, 2009). Lemak kakao Gelas ukur, Timbangan, Cup, Tabung
digunakan dalam pembuatan permen atau soxhlet / Labu lemak, Kondensor, Pemanas
Listrik, Kertass saring, Pengaduk
centrifugal, Lakmus, Beaker Glass, Oven, B: Persentase Lemak Kakao
Labu kjeldahl, Batu didih, Erlenmeyer, yang ditambahkan/digunakan: B1 :
Cawan pengabuan, Tanur pengabuan atau Penambahan Lemak Kakao 30 % B2 :
furnace, Desikator, Biuret, Cawan Penambahan Lemak Kakao 30 %.
porselen, Cawan petri, Tabung Durham, Parameter Uji Parameter uji yang
Tabung reaksi, Pipet tetes, Pipet volume, digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah:
Jarum ose. Kadar Air (SNI 01- 2891-1992), Kadar
Bahan-bahan yang digunakan ialah Gula (SNI 01-2892- 1992), Kadar lemak
susu kedelai, lemak kakao, gula sukrosa, (SNI 3748:2009), Kadar Asam Lemak
susu bubuk, lesitin cair, dan vanili. Bebas/FFA (SNI 3748:2009), Titik Leleh
Sedangkan peralatan yang digunakan (WRS200), Uji Mikrobiologi/ Angka
adalah universal conching, alat tempering, Lempeng Total (SNI 7934:2014),
alat cetakan, dan alat penolong lainnya.
Campuran tersebut disaring dan II.3.2.2Asam Lemak
dihomogenisasi, lalu dialirkan kedalam Timbang seksama 1-2 g contoh ,
spray drying yang telah di set pada kondisi masukan ke dalam selongsong kertas
optimum, yaitu tekanan 4,5-5,0 bar, suhu yang dialasi dengan kapas. Sumbat
udara masuk 170-185ºC, suhu udara luar selongsong kertas berisi contoh tersebut
80-95ºC. Instanisasi. Instanisasi atau dengan kapas, keringkan dalam oven pada
aglomerasi bertujuan untuk suhu tidak lebih dari 80℃ selama lebih
menyempurnakan, daya rekonstitusi susu. kurang satu jam, kemudian masukan ke
Prinsipnya adalah membasahi permukaan dalam alat soxhlet yang telah
partikel tepung susu dengan air, uap air dihubungkan dengan labu lemak berisi
atau kombinasi keduanya sehingga terjadi batu didih yang telah dikeringkan dan
aglomerasi dan terbentuk partikel tepung telah diketahui bobotnya. Ekstrak dengan
susu yang membengkak dan menempel heksana atau pelarut lemak lainnya
satu sama yang lain membentuk gumpalan. selama lebih kurang 6 jam. Sulingkan
heksana dan keringkan ekstrak lemak
dalam oven pengering pada suhu 105℃.
III.3 METODE ANALISA Dinginkan dan timbang. Ulangi
III.3.2.1 Formula Cokelat Putih pengeringan ini hingga tercapai bobot
Formula pengolahan cokelat putih tetap. SNI 01-2891-1992
pada penelitian ini mengacu kepada
Rumus :
Becket (2009). Cokelat putih pada
penelitian ini menggunakan dua jenis
lemak kakao yaitu lemak kakao non
deodorisasi (A1) dan lemak kakao Keterangan:
deodorisasi (A2) dan dibuat dengan dua W= Bobot contoh, dalam gram
tingkat kualitas berdasarkan jumlah lemak W1= Bobot lemak sebelum ekstrasi,
kakao yang digunakan, yaitu 30 % dan 30 dalam gram
%, dengan perlakuan sebagai berikut : W2= Bobot labu lemak sesudah ekstrsi
Perlakuan :
A : Jenis Lemak Kakao: A1: III.3.2.3 Asam Lemak Bebas
30% Lemak Kakao non deodorisasi A2: Uji Asam Lemak Bebas dilkukan
30% Lemak Kakao deodorisasi dengan bahan yang ditimbang sebanyak 2
gram dan pada white coklat selama masa
penyimpanan. 50 ml, kemudian panaskan W = Berat sampel (gram) W1 = Berat
menggunakan hot plate di suhu 80℃ cawan kosong yang sudah konstan (gram)
selama 10 menit lalu didinginkan. W2 = Berat cawan + sampel yang sudah
Selanjutnya tambahkan larutan indikator
konstan (gram)
fenolftalein sebanyak 2 tetes. Setelah itu,
titrasi dengan larutan NaOH 0,1 N sambil W : Berat contoh yang digunakan.
digoyang- goyangkan hingga mengalami
perubahan warna menjadi merah muda III.3.2.5 Uji Organoleptik
yang stabil selama minimal 30 detik. Pengujian organoleptik dilakukan
Kemudian dihitung menggunakan rumus dengan panelis diminta tanggapan
sebagai berikut: pribadinya tentang kesukaan atau
ketidaksukaannya dalam bentuk skala
numerik dengan angka mutu menurut
tingkat kesukaan.
ml NaOH : Volume larutan titrasi NaOH
yang digunakan (ml).
N : Normalitas larutan titrasi NaOH. III.4 Prosedur Penelitian
M : Berat molekul asam lemak.
W : Berat contoh yang digunakan. III.4.1 Pembuatan Exktrak Lemak
Persiapkan bahan baku berupa biji
III.3.2.4 Kadar air
kakao yang dikeringkan dengan cara
Analisis kadar air dilakukan dengan
penjemuran dibawah sinar matahari
menggunakan metode oven. Disiapkan
selama 2-3 hari, lalu setelah itu di
cawan yang akan digunakan dengan
kecilkan partikelnya dengan cara
dikeringkan dalam oven pada suhu 100-
dihancurkan sampai menjadi bubuk kakao
105℃ selama 30 menit lalu dinginkan
yang kemudian diayak dengan ayakan 80
dalam desikator selama 30 menit
mesh. Bahan yang digunakan bubuk
kemudian ditimbang hingga mencapai
kakao sebanyak 30 gram. Dengan variasi
berat konstan. Sampel ditimbang
bebas : Volume pelarut 200 ml, dan
sebanyak 2 gram (W1) dalam cawan
Waktu operasi 120 menit. Pada ekstraksi
tersebut lalu dikeringkan dalam oven
soxhelet yang berbahan baku bubuk
pada suhu 100°C selama 1 jam hingga
kakao untuk dapat diambil minyak coklat
dicapai berat konstan. Kemudian sampel
yang terkandung didalam bahan baku
didinginkan dalam desikator selama 30
tersebut. Pengekstraksian minyak coklat
menit lalu ditimbang. Pengeringan
dengan metode sokhelet ekstraksi dengan
dilakukan hingga didapatkan berat
penambahan jenis pelarut yaitu Etanol
konstan dan kemudian cawan beserta
dan N-Heksana. Cara mengekstraksi
isinya ditimbang (W2). Perhitungan kadar
dengan memasukan jenis pelarut dan
air adalah sebagai berikut:
bahan baku dalam ekstraktor yang
berlangsung pada titik didih masing-
masing pelarut. hasil dari metode
ekstraksi masih bercampur antara minyak
dan pelarut, maka dari itu untuk
memisahkan pelarut dan minyak dengan
Keterangan: metode eveporasi vakum.
III.4.2 Pembuatan Coklat Putih Mindell, Earl. 2008. Terapi Kedelai Bagi
Kesehatan. Pustaka Delapratasa.
Bahan baku pembuatan coklat
putih adalah lemak kakao. Lemak kakao
sebanyak 30% dicampur dengan beberapa Star, Michael and Other, E & OE. 2006.
bahan yaitu padatan susu sebanyak Healthy Chocolate? Cocoa is TheBest
32,5%, 37% gula dan lesitin sebanyak Antioxidant Food.
0,5% dicampurkan. Penambahan lesitin Ketaren, S. 2008. Pengantar Teknologi
berfungsi sebagai zat lemak yang Minyak Dan Lemak Pangan. Cetakan
digunakan untuk menjaga cita rasa Pertama.Universitas Indonesia Press.
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bahan lainnya menggunakan agitator pada
suhu 60℃. Kemudian dilakukan Khomsan. A. 2003. Pangan dan Gizi
penghalusan (counching) suhu diatur pada untuk Kesehatan. Jakarta: PT.
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secara perlahan menjadi 33℃ untuk Panduan Kakao Lengkap, Manajemen
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Sambil dituang ke dalam cetakan, suhu Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta.
adonan akan terus turun sampai 26℃. Di
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dalam cetakan suhu adonan akan
Misnawi.2015. Kakao : Sejarah,
meningkat kembali mendekati suhu
Botani, Proses Produksi, Pengolahan,
dan Perdagangan. Gadjah Mada
III.4.2 Pembuatan Susu Kedelai University Press.ISBN 978-979-420-
 Pembuatan susu bubuk dilakukan 966-0.
dengan cara memasak sari kedelai pada FrancisF.J.1999. Wiley Encyclopedia of
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a. Diagram Alir prosedur pembuatan Susu Kedelai

b. Diagram alir prosedur pembuatan coklat putih

Lemak kakao 30%

Padatan susu 32,5%

Dicampur menggunakan
Gula 37%
agitator dengan suhu 60C
Lesitin 0,5%

Dihalusan (Couching) dengan

suhu 50C

Ditempering dengan suhu 33C

Dimasukkan ke dalam cetakan

dengan suhu 26C

Coklat Putih

C. diagram alir Ekstrak lemak kakao






G031 17 1524


The Effect of Soy Milk Concentration on the Characteristics of White Chocolate With
Deodorized Cocoa Fat

Shakty Muhammad Javid 1), Jumriah Langkong 2), Zainal 3)


White chocolate is a diversified product from cocoa beans and is a commodity that is widely
traded today. White chocolate is commonly used as an ingredient in cakes or to be processed
into other chocolate decorations. This study aims to determine the effect of soy milk
concentration on white chocolate with deodorized cocoa butter. The principle of making white
chocolate through oil/fat refining with the addition of soy milk powder using deodorization,
which is the process of separating content that causes unpleasant odors and tastes to come
from flavors resulting from the breakdown of oil/fat resulting from triglyceride degradation.
This research was conducted with a white chocolate formulation based on cocoa butter and
soy milk powder. Then proceed with chemical and organoleptic testing of white chocolate with
the addition of white milk.

Key words: White chocolate, soybeans, deodorization

I. INTRODUCTION family protein. Meanwhile, non-fermented
products in the form of traditional industrial
products are soy bean juice and beancurd
(Mindel 2008).

1.1. Background
Soy milk has recently been widely
known as an alternative milk substitute for
cow's milk. According to Cahyadi (2006)
soy milk is a liquid extracted from soybean
Soybean is a source of vegetable protein seed protein using hot water. Soy milk is
that is widely processed and consumed. produced by grinding soybeans that have
Soybeans that are known today are included been soaked in water. The results are
in the Leguminosa family, Papilionidae filtered to obtain a liquid soy milk then
subfamily, Glycine genus, and species max cooked and given guia and flavors to
so that the Latin name is known as Glycine enhance the taste. The advantage of soy
max, while in English it is called soybean. milk is the absence of lactose, so soy milk is
In terms of food and nutrition, soybeans are very suitable for consumption for people
legumes that are very beneficial for health. who are allergic to cow's milk, namely
Soybeans have a high protein content with those who do not have or lack the enzyme
an average of 35%, even in high yielding lactase in their digestive tract, so they are
varieties it can reach 40-44% (Astawan, unable to digest the lactose in cow's milk.
2009). People who are lactose intolerant (lactose
intolerance) are generally adults who did
not drink much milk when they were young
(Santoso, 2009).

Soybean is a very popular ingredient to

be processed into drinks or food. It can be
one of the foods and drinks that can be
included in various balanced menus. Chocolate is a product made from raw
Soybeans can be eaten directly after materials, namely cocoa beans and fat.
boiling or in processed form. Processed soy Chocolate is a category of food that is easily
products can be classified into two groups, digested by the body and contains many
namely fermented foods and non-fermented vitamins such as vitamins A1, B1, B2, C, D,
foods. Fermented foods can be processed and E as well as several minerals such as
products that are widely available in the phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc, and
market such as tofu, tempeh, tauco and soy copper (Spillane, 1995 in Nabila, 2007).
sauce and have the potential as a source of 2017).
Chocolate producers generally produce temperature of 32-35o C, have a hard and
three kinds of finished chocolate, namely slightly brittle texture, and the color is not
dark chocolate, milk chocolate, and white opaque and remains bright when mixed
chocolate. These three types of chocolate with other ingredients and solidifies at room
are distinguished based on their temperature. (Ketaren, 2008). According to
composition, namely from the content of Khomsan (2003), stearic acid is a neutral
chocolate, sugar, and other additives fatty acid that will not trigger blood
(Brown, 2010 in Nabila, 2017). In addition, cholesterol, and oleic acid is a fatty acid that
there is also couverture type chocolate has a positive effect on heart health.
which is a premium chocolate that is often
used by professionals in the industry to
make pastry or to make cakes (Atkinson,
Banks, France, & Mc Fadden, 2010). Deodorization in cocoa butter
processing is a stage of the oil refining
process which aims to remove unpleasant
odors and tastes in oil/fat. According to
Ketaren (2008), the component of oil/fat
that causes unpleasant odor and taste comes
The manufacture of white chocolate from the flavor resulting from the
generally uses cocoa butter, but in practice breakdown of oil/fat. This natural flavor
cocoa butter has a relatively expensive consists of unsaturated hydrocarbons,
price. One of the substitutes for cocoa terpenes, sterols, and tocopherols. The
butter in the manufacture of white chocolate flavor produced from the oil/fat is usually
is vegetable oil such as Cocoa Butter the result of the breakdown of the oil/fat
Substitute. According to Elisabeth in Nabila resulting from the degradation of
(2017), Cocoa Butter Substitute is more triglycerides in the oil/fat, and produces free
aimed at fat products that use non-lauric oil fatty acids, aldehydes, ketones, dicarbonyls,
from palm kernel. The use of Cocoa Butter alcohols, and so on. These flavor
Substitute (CBS) in the manufacture of components are volatile, so they can be
chocolate products can produce chocolate reduced by the deodorization process.
product quality almost the same as Chocolate producers generally produce
chocolate using cocoa butter. three kinds of finished chocolate products,
namely dark chocolate, milk chocolate, and
white chocolate. These three kinds of
chocolate products are distinguished based
Cocoa fat contains oleic, palmitic, on their composition, namely the content of
stearic acids, and in general, 1 molecule of cocoa, sugar, and other additives (Brown,
triglycerides is bound to one molecule of 2010). In addition, there is also couverture
oleic acid and 2 molecules of fatty acids. type chocolate which is a premium
other unsaturated. Cocoa butter used in chocolate that is often used by professionals
making chocolate candies must have the in the industry to make pastries or to make
characteristics that it will melt at a cakes (Atkinson et al., 2010).
Cocoa butter is a carrier and solvent for In this case, in this study, we tried to
particles in cocoa paste and sugar. as well process soy milk against white chocolate by
as other ingredients in the manufacture of using cocoa butter. products from the small
milk chocolate products (Francis, 1999). industry and deodorized cocoa butter
produced from the cocoa butter processing
industry. This study aims to determine the
effect of soy milk concentration on the
Cocoa butter functions as a dispersing characteristics of white chocolate from
matrix for the final product such as deodorized cocoa butter.
hardness, brightness, melt in the mouth of
cocoa solid particles, sugar and milk. Cocoa
butter also determines the quality and speed
of taste release on sensing (Timms, 2003). 1.2. Problem Formulation
Cocoa butter has unique properties because
it has specific melting characteristics.

At room temperature (about 20o C), Based on the limitation of the problem
cocoa butter is solid and begins to soften at above, the problem that can be formulated
about 30o C. Cocoa butter melts completely in this research is "Is there any effect of
at a temperature slightly below body concentration of soy milk on white
temperature. This melting point chocolate with deodorized cocoa butter?"
characteristic makes cocoa butter preferred
for the manufacture of chocolate products.
The main components of cocoa butter are
triglycerides formed by a variety of stearic,
palmitic and oleic fatty acid compounds
(Francis, 1999). The number and position I.3. Objectives and Benefits The
of the three fatty acids in the triglyceride
affect the melting characteristics of the fat.
The ratio between saturated fatty acids and
unsaturated fatty acids in fat affects the
concentration of solid fat at each Purpose of this study was to determine
temperature level. Cocoa butter has a the effect of concentration of soy milk on
characteristic that is plastic and has a white chocolate with deodorized cocoa
relatively high solid fat content. Cocoa butter.
butter is widely used as a raw material for
chocolate products. Cocoa butter has the
taste and aroma of cocoa (Wahyudi, 2008).

Chocolate White chocolate is a

II.1 Soy Milk Soybean diversified product from cocoa beans and is
a commodity that is widely traded today.
White chocolate is commonly used as an
ingredient in cakes or to be processed into
other chocolate decorations. With the
development of the food industry, the use
Soy milk soybean is a multipurpose
of white chocolate is also growing,
commodity and has a high nutritional
especially for cake decorations and
content. The protein content contained in
chocolate product decorations. White
soybeans is 40%14 and is the highest
chocolate is the only chocolate that uses
content among various other vegetable
cocoa butter as the main raw material.
protein ingredients. In addition, the
White chocolate not only consists of fat but
distinctive taste of soybeans also makes it
also contains carbohydrates and protein, as
one of the main food ingredients for the
well as minerals such as: iron, phosphorus,
Indonesian people (Warisno et al., 2010).
potassium, chromium, magnesium,
The position of soy milk in the future is
manganese and others (Star, 2006). In the
becoming increasingly important. This is
processing of white chocolate, in addition
due to several advantages that soy milk has,
to cocoa butter as a raw material, milk,
including it does not contain lactose, the
sugar, lecithin and vanilla are also added.
protein does not cause allergies, is low in
fat, cholesterol free, highly nutritious, the
manufacturing technology is relatively
easy, the production cost is relatively cheap
and can be further processed into ice
cream, yogurt. and mayonnaise. Soy milk is
a processed soybean product which is II.3 Cocoa Fat Fat
mixed with water and then filtered and
heated. Soy milk protein has an amino acid
composition similar to cow's milk so it is
very good to use as a substitute for cow's
milk, especially for those who are allergic Content is generally expressed as a
to cow's milk and people with lactose percentage of the dry weight of the beans.
intolerance (Astawan, 2004). Fat is the most expensive component of
cocoa beans, so this value is used by
consumers as one of the benchmarks for
determining prices. In addition to planting 1.75% (Anonymous A, 2009). Cocoa butter
material and season, fat content is is used in making candy or confectionery
influenced by processing treatment, type of because it contains 1 molecule of bound
plant material and seasonal factors. Cocoa triglycerides.
beans from rainy season fertilization
generally have a higher fat content.
Meanwhile, the physical characteristics of
post-processing cocoa beans, such as Cocoa butter contains oleic palmitic
moisture content, fermentation rate and and stearic acids. The cocoa butter used in
skin content, affect the fat yield of cocoa making chocolate candy has the
beans. The fat content of Indonesian cocoa characteristics that it will melt at a
beans is between 49% - 52%. Cocoa fat is temperature of 32-35 OC (body
a triglyceride which is a compound of temperature), has a hard and slightly brittle
glycerol and three fatty acids. More than texture, and the color is not opaque and
70% of the glycerides consist of three remains bright when mixed with other
monounsaturated compounds namely ingredients (Ketaren , 1986). According to
oleodipalmitin (POP), oleodistearin (SOS) Yusianto et al., (1997) and Sulistyowati &
and oleopalmistearin (POS). Soenaryo (1988), the fat content of
unfermented cocoa beans is 0.07-5.69%
lower than that of fermented depending on
the fermentation time. Fermentation can
Cocoa butter also contains very reduce the content of non-fat seed
limited amounts of unsaturated ingredients, so that the relative fat content
triglycerides. The fatty acid composition of increases. Triglycerides are compounds
cocoa is very influential on the melting resulting from the condensation of one
point and level of hardness. The melting glycerol molecule with three fatty acid
point of cocoa butter which is good for molecules. The glyceride content of oil has
chocolate food is close to human body short chains, while fats have long chains.
temperature with a minimum level of
hardness at room temperature. The
presence of free fatty acids in cocoa butter
should be avoided because it is an indicator
of quality deterioration. Free fatty acids
generally appear if dry cocoa beans are II.4 Deodorization
stored in warehouses that are less clean and
humid. The free fatty acid content should
be less than 1%. Cocoa beans are
considered to have started to break down at
free fatty acid levels above 1.3%. Because
Codex Allimentarius stipulates the Deodorization in cocoa butter
tolerance for free fatty acid content in processing is a stage of the oil refining
cocoa beans with a maximum limit of process which aims to remove unpleasant
odors and tastes in oil/fat. According to This research will be carried out at the
Ketaren (2008), the component of oil/fat Food Processing Laboratory and the
that causes unpleasant odor and taste Chemical Laboratory for Food Quality
comes from the flavor resulting from the Analysis and Supervision and the Product
breakdown of oil/fat. This natural flavor Development Laboratory of the Food
consists of unsaturated hydrocarbons, Science and Technology Study Program,
terpenes, sterols, and tocopherols. The Department of Agricultural Technology,
flavor produced from the oil/fat is usually Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin
the result of the breakdown of the oil/fat University, Makassar.
resulting from the degradation of
triglycerides in the oil/fat, and produces
free fatty acids, aldehydes, ketones,
dicarbonyls, alcohols, and so on. These
flavor components are volatile, so they can
III.2 Tools and Materials
be reduced by the deodorization process.
Chocolate producers generally produce
three kinds of finished chocolate products,
namely dark chocolate, milk chocolate, and
white chocolate. These three kinds of
chocolate products are distinguished based The tools used in this research are Pan,
on their composition, namely the content of Blender, Stirrer, Filter cloth, Thermometer,
cocoa, sugar, and other additives (Brown, Scales, Stove, Watch, Incubator, Measuring
2010). In addition, there is also couverture cup, Scales, Cup, Soxhlet tube / fat flask,
type chocolate which is a premium Condenser, Heater Electric, Filter paper,
chocolate that is often used by Centrifugal stirrer, Litmus, Glass beaker,
professionals in the industry to make pastry Oven, Kjeldahl flask, Boiling stone,
or to make cakes (Atkinson et al., 2010). Erlenmeyer, Ashing cup, Furnace or
furnace, Desiccator, Biuret, Porcelain dish,
Petri dish, Durham tube, Test tube,
Dropper, Volume pipette, Ose needle.


The ingredients used are soy milk,

cocoa butter, sucrose sugar, powdered milk,
liquid lecithin, and vanilla. While the
III.1 Time and Place equipment used is universal conching,
tempering tools, molding tools, and other
auxiliary tools.
The mixture was filtered and A : Cocoa Fat Type: A1: 30% Cocoa
homogenized, then flowed into spray Fat Non-deodorized A2: 30% Cocoa Fat
drying which had been set at optimum Deodorized
conditions, namely pressure 4.5-5.0 bar,
intake air temperature 170-185ºC, outside
air temperature 80-95ºC. instantiation.
Instantization or agglomeration aims to
improve the reconstitution of milk. The
principle is to wet the surface of the milk B: Percentage of Cocoa Fat
flour particles with water, steam or a added/used: B1 : Addition of Cocoa Fat
combination of both so that agglomeration 30% B2: Addition of Cocoa Fat 30%.
occurs and the milk flour particles swell
and stick to each other to form lumps.

Test Parameters The test parameters

used in this study were: water content (SNI
III.3 ANALYSIS METHOD 01-2891-1992), sugar content (SNI 01-
2892-1992), fat content (SNI 3748:2009),
free fatty acid content/FFA (SNI
3748:2009), Melting Point (WRS200),
Microbiological Test/Total Plate Number
(SNI 7934:2014),
III.3.2.1 White Chocolate Formula

The white chocolate processing

formula in this study refers to Becket II.3.2.2 Fatty Acids
(2009). White chocolate in this study used
two types of cocoa butter, namely non-
deodorized cocoa butter (A1) and
deodorized cocoa butter (A2) and was made
with two levels of quality based on the
amount of cocoa butter used, namely 30% Weigh carefully 1-2 g of sample, put
and 30%, with the following treatment: into a paper sleeve lined with cotton. Plug
Treatment : the paper sleeve containing the sample with
cotton, dry it in an oven at a temperature of
not more than 80℃ for approximately one
hour, then put it in a Soxhlet apparatus
which has been connected to a fat flask
containing boiling stones that have been
dried and whose weight has been known. Fatty Acids Free Fatty Acid Test with
Extract with hexane or other fat solvent for the material weighed as much as 2 gram
approximately 6 hours. Distill the hexane and on white chocolate during the period
storage. 50 ml, then heat using a hot plate
and dry the fat extract in a drying oven at
at 80℃ for 10 minutes and then cooled.
105℃. Cool and weigh. Repeat this drying Next add the indicator solution 2 drops of
until a constant weight is reached. SNI 01- phenolphthalein. After that, titration with
2891-1992 0.1 N NaOH solution while shaken to
experience color change to pink stable for
at least 30 seconds. Then calculated using
the formula as follows:

Formula :


ml NaOH : Volume of NaOH . titration
solution used (ml).

W= Weight of sample, in grams

W1= Weight of fat before extraction, in N : Normality of NaOH titration solution.


M : Molecular weight of fatty acids.

W2= Weight of pumpkin after extraction

III.3.2.3 Free
W : Weight of the sample used.
III.3.2.4 Moisture content (grams) W2 = Weight of cup + constant
sample (grams)

Analysis of moisture content was

carried out using the oven method. Prepare W: Weight of sample used.
a cup that will be used by drying in an oven
at a temperature of 100-105 ℃ for 30
minutes then cool in a desiccator for 30
minutes and then weighed until it reaches a III.3.2.5 Organoleptic
constant weight. The sample was weighed
as much as 2 grams (W1) in the cup and
then dried in an oven at 100°C for 1 hour
until a constant weight was achieved. Then
the sample was cooled in a desiccator for
30 minutes and then weighed. Drying was Tests Organoleptic testing is carried
carried out until a constant weight was out with panelists being asked for their
obtained and then the cup and its contents personal responses about their likes or
were weighed (W2). The calculation of dislikes in the form of a numerical scale
water content is as follows: with quality scores according to the level of

III.4 Research Procedure

III.4.1 Making Cocoa Fat Extract


Prepare raw materials in the form of

W = Weight of sample (grams) W1 = cocoa beans which are dried by drying in
Weight of empty cup which is constant the sun for 2-3 days, then after that the
particles are reduced by crushing them into until the dough temperature drops slowly to
cocoa powder which is then sifted with a 33℃ for the formation of regular fat
sieve 80 mesh. The material used is 30 crystals. While being poured into the mold,
grams of cocoa powder. With free the temperature of the dough will continue
variation: 200 ml solvent volume, and 120 to drop to 26℃. In the mold the
minutes operating time. In soxhelet temperature of the dough will increase
extraction, which is made from cocoa again close to room temperature.
powder, the cocoa oil contained in the raw
material can be taken. Extraction of cocoa
oil using the sokhelet extraction method
with the addition of solvents, namely
Ethanol and N-Hexane. How to extract by
entering the type of solvent and raw III.4.2 Making Soy
materials in the extractor which takes place
at the boiling point of each solvent. the
result of the extraction method is still
mixed between oil and solvent, therefore to
separate the solvent and oil by the vacuum
Milk Powder milk production is done
evaporation method.
by cooking soybean juice at 80-90 °C for
15 minutes, then adding coagulant until it
thickens, filtering the solids to separate
from the filtrate, baking the solids at 70 °C
for 8 hours later. pounded and sieved to
III.4.2 Making White Chocolate obtain powdered milk.

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