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Recount Text

I Dewa Made Bagus Kasumajaya, M.Pd


TELP (0361) 48536
1. Informasi Umum
Nama Penyusun : I Dewa Made Bagus Kasumajaya, M.Pd
Intitusi : SMAN 4 Denpasar
Tahun : 2022/2023
Jenjang Sekolah : X
Fase CP :E
Elemen CP : Membaca-Memirsa & Menulis-Mempresentasikan
Materi : Recount Text
Kode Modul Ajar : X/ING/UM/04
Alokasi Waktu : 4 x 45 JP

2. Capaian Pembelajaran:

A. Elemen CP Membaca-Memirsa
Pada akhir Fase E, peserta didik membaca dan merespon berbagai macam teks seperti
narasi, deskripsi, prosedur, eksposisi, recount, dan report. Mereka membaca untuk
mempelajari sesuatu atau untuk mendapatkan informasi. Mereka mencari dan
mengevaluasi detil spesifik dan inti dari berbagai macam jenis teks. Teks ini dapat
berbentuk cetak atau digital, termasuk di antaranya teks visual, multimodal atau interaktif.
Pemahaman mereka terhadap ide pokok, isu-isu atau pengembangan plot dalam berbagai
macam teks mulai berkembang. Mereka mengidentifikasi tujuan penulis dan
mengembangkan keterampilannya untuk melakukan inferensi sederhana dalam
memahami informasi tersirat dalam teks

B. Elemen CP Menulis-Mempresentasikan
Pada akhir Fase E, peserta didik menulis berbagai jenis teks fiksi dan non-fiksi, melalui
aktivitas yang dipandu, menunjukkan kesadaran peserta didik terhadap tujuan dan target
pembaca. Mereka membuat perencanaan, menulis, mengulas dan menulis ulang berbagai
jenis tipe teks dengan menunjukkan strategi koreksi diri, termasuk tanda baca dan huruf
besar. Mereka menyampaikan ide menggunakan kosakata dan kata kerja umum dalam
tulisannya. Mereka menyajikan informasi menggunakan berbagai mode presentasi untuk
menyesuaikan dengan pembaca/pemirsa dan untuk mencapai tujuan yang berbeda-beda,
dalam bentuk cetak dan digital.

3. Tujuan Pembelajaran dan Alur Tujuan Pembelajaran

Tujuan Pembelajaran Alur Tujuan Pembelajaran

Melalui pembelajaran 1. Peserta didik mampu menganalisis karakteristik bahasa
Project Based Learning, teks recount dengan baik
peserta didik mampu 2. Peserta didik mampu menganalisis teks recount
menganalisis teks pribadi, sejarah dan imaginative.
recount dengan baik
Melalui pembelajaran 3. Peserta didik mampu menyusun kalimat sederhana
Project Based Learning, menggunakan simple past tense dengan baik
peserta didik mampu 4. Peserta didik mampu menyusun teks recount pribadi,
menyusun teks recount sejarah dan imaginative dengan baik
dengan baik

Kata Kunci : Recount Text, simple past tense

Kompetensi Awal : Memahami penggunaan simple past tense

4. Profil Pelajar Pancasila

Profil Pelajar Pancasila yang memiliki kaitan erat dengan pembelajaran materi Recount
Text adalah sebagai berikut :
• Gotong Royong
• Bernalar kritis
• Kreatif
5. Pemahaman Bermakna
Diakhir pembelajaran, peserta didik mampu menganalisis teks recount Bahasa Inggris
lisan dan tulisan

6. Sarana dan Prasarana

Dibutuhkan sarana dan prasarana yang dibutuhkan:
• Laptop/notebook/pc/handphone, dan alat sejenisnya,
• Jaringan internet yang baik dan kuota internet yang cukup,
• Pembelajaran ditunjang dengan lingkungan belajar yang tidak bising bagi peserta
7. Target Siswa
Perangkat ajar ini dirancang untuk peserta didik yang memiliki variasi gaya belajar yang

8. Jumlah Siswa
Pembelajaran ini dirancang untuk kelas dengan jumlah peserta didik sebanyak lebih 36
9. Ketersediaan materi
Materi diambil dari teks recount mengenai pengalaman wisata yang ada di Bali dan di
luar Bali yang ada di internet

10. Moda Pembelajaran

• Perpaduan / Blended Learning

11. Materi Ajar, Alat, dan Bahan

Alat dan bahan : LKPD Siswa di Google Classroom
Media : Google Classroom, Duolingo, Word wall, Padlet dan Youtube
Sumber Belajar : Youtube, LKPD Siswa, dan link belajar tambahan

12. Kegiatan Utama Pembelajaran

Pengaturan siswa: Berpasangan dan Berkelompok

13. Model Pembelajaran

• Project Based Learning

14. Pendekatan Pembelajaran

• Saintifik

15. Strategi Pembelajaran

• Whole Brain Teaching (WBT)

16. Metode Pembelajaran

• Deductive Application of Rules dan Repetition Drill untuk mengajar simple present
tense secara deduktif dan induktif
• K-W-L menggunakan padlet untuk sarana diskusi dan refleksi
• Guided writing untuk drafting kegiatan menulis
• Strategi metakognitif seperti fast clustering, browsing, guessing word, note taking
dan peer evaluation
• Do-What-Works (DWW)

17. Asesmen
Diagnostic : Kuesioner Kesulitan Belajar dalam bentuk G-form
Sumatif : Pilihan Ganda, dan Soal Uraian Pendek dalam bentuk G-form
Formatif : Tes Benar Salah, Pilihan Ganda, dan Soal Uraian Pendek dalam bentuk G-
18. Persiapan Pembelajaran
1. Mempersiapkan anak-anak untuk mengingat kotrak belajar “Rule of the Class”
2. Mempersiapkan Kuesioner Kesulitan Belajar dalam bentuk G-form
3. Mempersiapkan media belajar Word wall
4. Mempersiapkan soal Tes Benar Salah, Pilihan Ganda, dan Soal Uraian Pendek
dalam bentuk G-form
5. Mempersiapkan LKPD Siswa di Google Classroom
6. Mempersiapkan Siswa untuk menyanyikan Lagu Indonesia Raya dan berdoa
sebelum pembelajaran
7. Mempersiapkan kelas bersih dan rapi

19. Urutan Kegiatan

Pertemuan Ke-1
Aktivitas guru Aktivitas peserta didik Waktu
Kegiatan Asinkronus Daring
Kegiatan daring 1. Guru memberikan materi video dan LKPD dalam Dari jam 6.00
wujud PDF di Google Classroom sore hingga
2. Peserta didik mempelajari materi video dan jam 07.15
LKPD dalam wujud PDF di Google Classroom pagi sebelum
3. Guru memberikan Mini Quiz berisi soal-soal masuk
yang ada di video dan LKPD di Google
4. Peserta didik mengerjakan mini quiz
5. Guru memberikan Mini Project sejumlah 250 XP
di Duolingo, dan menginstruksikan untuk
mengumpul scrennshot mini project ke Google
6. Peserta mengerjakan mini project sebelum jam
07.15 pagi.
Kegiatan Sinkronus Luring
Awal 1. Guru memberi salam (greeting).
2. Guru memeriksa kehadiran siswa. 3 menit
3. Guru mengkondisikan suasana belajar yang
4. Guru memimpin doa sebelum mulai pelajaran
5. Mengucapkan kontrak belajar ‘Rule of the Class’
bersama-bersama dengan peserta didik
6. Peserta didik dan guru mendiskusikan
kompetensi yang sudah dipelajari dan
dikembangkan sebelumnya berkaitan dengan
kompetensi yang akan dipelajari dan
7. Peserta didik memperhatikan penjelasan guru
tentang kompetensi yang akan dicapai dan
manfaatnya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
8. Peserta didik memperhatikan penjelasan guru
tentang garis besar cakupan materi dan kegiatan
yang akan dilakukan.
9. Peserta didik memperhatikan penjelasan guru
tentang lingkup dan teknik penilaian yang akan
10. Guru mengreview peserta didik konsep Recount
Text yang sudah dipelajari secara sinkronus
A. Tahap Penentuan Pertanyaan Mendasar 6 Menit
(Mengumpulkan Informasi)
1. Peserta didik berlatih beragam jenis teks Recount
pada platform Word Wall dan soal teks recount
pada LKPD
2. Peserta didik berlatih struktur umum teks recount
dan tata bahasa simple past pada Word Wall dan
3. Peserta didik mengidentifikasi sebanyak
mungkin hal yang belum dipahami, dimulai dari
pertanyaan faktual sampai ke pertanyaan yang
bersifat hipotetik. Pertanyaan ini harus tetap
berkaitan dengan materi
4. Peserta didik mengisi hal yang diketahui dan apa
yang ingin ditanyakan pada lembar K-W-L di

B. Tahap Mendesain Perencanaan

1. Peserta didik berlatih berbicara menggunakan
kartu yanhg ada di platform Word Wall
2. Peserta didik berlatih membuat teks recount
secara bertahap pada LKPD yang disediakan

C. Menyusun Jadwal Pembuatan

1. Guru dan peserta didik menyepakati deadline
tugas akhir teks recount
2. Peserta didik berlatih menyusun draf teks recount
berdasarkan topik dan cara mode pengumpulan
yang mereka inginkan
Penutup Kegiatan Refleksi 2 menit
1. Guru menanyakan peserta didik perihal
pengalaman belajar yang telah dilakukannya di
depan kelas
2. Siswa menyampaikan pengalaman belajar (baik
yang susah dilakukan) yang telah dilakukan di
depan kelas
3. Guru menyampaikan pesan kepada peserta didik
agar membiasakan menerapkan yang sedang
dipelajari dalam interaksi dengan guru dan teman
secara alami di dalam dan di luar kelas.
4. Peserta didik membuat rangkuman/simpulan
pelajaran.tentang point-point penting yang
muncul dalam kegiatan pembelajaran yang baru
dilakukan pada lembar K-W-L
5. Guru membuat rangkuman/simpulan pelajaran
tentang point-point penting yang muncul dalam
kegiatan pembelajaran yang baru dilakukan.
6. Guru menyampaikan rencana materi dan aktivitas
yang akan dilakukan dipertemuan mendatang
7. Guru memimpin doa untuk menutup pelajaran

20. Refleksi Guru

No Refleksi Penjelasan
1. Presentase keterlaksanaan
rencangan kegiatan
pembelajaran (%)
2. Kendala yang dihadapi
selama kegiatan pembelajaran
3. Catatan perbaikan untuk
mengatasi kendala pada
kegiatan pembelajaran
21. Rubrik Penilaian

A. Rubrik Penilaian Menulis

Adapun penilaian kemampuan menulis menggunakan rubrik holistik Test of Writing
English (TWE) oleh Brown (2004:239)

No. Nilai TWE Rating

1 6 Demonstrates clear competence in writing on both
(Special Stamp) the rhetorical and syntactic levels, though it may
have occasional errors

A paper in this category

✓ effectively addresses the writing task
✓ is well organized and well developed
✓ uses clearly appropriate details to support a thesis
or illustrate ideas
✓ displays consistent facility in the use of language
✓ demonstrates syntactic variety and appropriate
word choice
2 5 Demonstrates competence in writing on both the
(Excellent Stamp) rhetorical and syntactic levels, though it will
probably have occasional errors.

A paper in this category

✓ may address some parts of the task more
effectively than others
✓ is generally well organized and developed.
✓ uses details to support a thesis or illustrate an idea
displays facility in the use of language.
✓ demonstrates some syntactic variety and range of
3 4 Demonstrates minimal competence in writing on
(Good Job Stamp) both the rhetorical and syntactic levels.

A paper in this category

✓ addresses the writing topic adequately but may
slight parts of the task
✓ is adequately organized and developed
✓ uses some details to support a thesis or illustrate
an idea
✓ demonstrates adequate but possibly inconsistent
facility with syntax and usage
✓ may contain some errors that occasionally
obscure meaning
4 3 Demonstrates some developing competence in
(Learn more Stamp) writing, but it remains flawed on either rhetorical
or syntactic level, or both.

A paper in this category may reveal one or more of

the following weaknesses:
✓ inadequate organization or development
✓ inappropriate or insufficient details to support or
illustrate generalizations
✓ a noticeably inappropriate choice of words or
word forms
✓ an accommodation of errors in sentence structure
and/or usage
5 2 Suggests incompetence in writing
(Learn more Stamp)
A paper in this category it seriously flawed by one or
more of the following weaknesses.
✓ serious disorganization or underdevelopment
✓ little or no detail, or irrelevant specifics
✓ serious and frequent errors in sentence structure
or usage
✓ serious problems with locus
6 1 Demonstrates incompetence in writing
(Learn more Stamp)
A paper in this category
✓ may be incoherent
✓ may be undeveloped
✓ may contain severe and persistent writing errors
7 0 A paper is rated 0 if it contains no response,
(Learn more Stamp) merely copies the topic, is off-topic, is written in
foreign language, or consists only of keystroke

𝑵𝒊𝒍𝒂𝒊 𝑷𝒆𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒕𝒂 𝒅𝒊𝒅𝒊𝒌

Nilai = 𝒙 𝟏𝟎𝟎
𝑵𝒊𝒍𝒂𝒊 𝑴𝒂𝒌𝒔𝒊𝒎𝒂𝒍

22. Bahan Bacaan Guru dan Peserta Didik

Azar, S.B. (2003). Fundamentals of English Grammar. New Jersey: Prectice Hall Regents.

Azar, S.B. (2006). Basic English Grammar. New Jersey: Prectice Hall Regents.

Brown, H.D. (2004). Language Assessment Principle and Classroom Practice. New York:

Hewings, M. (2002). Advance Grammar in Use. United Kingdom: Cambridge University


23. Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik (LKPD)


24. Daftar Pustaka

(Terlampir di LKPD)

25. Glosarium
(Terlampir di LKPD)

Mengetahui Denpasar, 24 September 2022

Kepala SMA Negeri 4 Denpasar Guru Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris

I Made Sudana, M.Pd I Dewa Made Bagus Kasumajaya, M.Pd

NIP. 196911101992031007 NIP. -

P a g e 1 | 11
Please watch the following video before you continue to the next part!

Adapted from


Part A – Personal Recount Text

Click the following link below or scan the barcode to start the exercise!

Adapted from

P a g e 2 | 11
Part B – Factual Recount Text
Click the following link below or scan the barcode to start the exercise!

Adapted from

Part C – Historical Recount

Click the following link below or scan the barcode to start the exercise!

Adapted from

P a g e 3 | 11
Part D – Imaginative Recount
Click the following link below or scan the barcode to start the exercise!

Adapted from

Part E – Reading Comprehension Practice

Read the following passage and answer the question below!

Visiting Bali

There were so many places to see in Bali that my friend decided to join the tours to see
as much as possible. My friend stayed in Kuta on arrival. He spent the first three days swimming
and surfing on Kuta beach. He visited some tour agents and selected two tours. The first one
was to Singaraja, the second was to Ubud.
On the day of the tour, he was ready. My friend and his group drove on through
mountains. Singaraja is a city of about 90 thousand people. It is a busy but quiet town. The
street are lined with trees and there are many old Dutch houses. Then they returned very late in
the evening to Kuta.
The second tour to Ubud was a very different tour. It was not to see the scenery but to
see the art and the craft of the island. The first stop was at Batubulan, a center of stone sculpture.
There my friend watched young boys were carving away at big blocks of stone. The next stop
was Celuk, a center for silversmiths and goldensmiths. After that he stopped a little while for
lunch at Sukawati and on to mass. Mass is a tourist center
My friend ten-day-stay ended very quickly beside his two tours; all his day was spent
on the beach. He went sailing or surfboarding every day. He was quite satisfied.

Adapted from

P a g e 4 | 11
Reading Comprehension Question
1. What is the topic of the text?
A. Ubud tourism object
B. School vacation
C. Bali tour
D. Kuta beach
E. School camping

2. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To entertain the reader
B. To present information about a person, thing or place
C. To retell one’s past experience.
D. To give instructions about how to do something
E. To describe a particular person, place or thing

3. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?

A. Ubud tour
B. Kuta tour
C. Singaraja tour
D. Sukawati tour
E. Celuk tour


Part A – Generic Structure

Read the following passage and answer True (T) and False (F) session!

What is Recount Text?

1. Definition of Recount
Recount is a text which retells events or experiences in the past. There are many purposes of
recount texts as follows:
A. To tell events in the time order that have happened
B. To retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining.
C. To provide the audience with a description of what occurred and when it occurred
D. To retell one’s past experience.
There is no complication among the participants and that differentiates from narrative
2. Generic Structure of Recount
A. Orientation: Introducing the participants, place and time
B. Events: Describing series of event that happened in the past
C. Reorientation: It is optional. Stating personal comment of the writer to the story

3. Language Feature of Recount

• Introducing personal participant; I, my group, etc
• Using chronological connection; then, first, etc
• Using linking verb; was, were, saw, heard, etc
• Using action verb; look, go, change, etc
• Using simple past tense
P a g e 5 | 11
• Examples and structures of the text

My Horrible Experience

Let me remind you my experience during an earthquake last week.

Orientation When the earthquake happened, I was on my car. I was driving home
from my vacation to Bali
Suddenly my car lunched to one side, to the left. I thought I got flat tire.
I did not know that it was an earthquake. I knew it was an earthquake
when I saw some telephone and electricity poles falling down to the
ground, like matchsticks.
When I reached my town, I was so surprised that there was almost
nothing left. The earthquake made a lot of damage to my town.
Reorientation Although nothing was left, I thanked God that nobody was seriously

Generic Structure Analysis

A. Orientation
Introducing the participant, using first person point of view, I was on the car las week.
B. Events
Describing a series of event which happened. The car lunched to one side. Telephone and
electricity poles were falling down, etc.
C. Re-orientation
Stating the writer’s personal note. Thanking God because nobody was seriously injured.

Language Feature Analysis

 Using personal participant; I
 Using chronological connectives; then, and, suddenly
 Using linking verb; was, were
 Using action verb; moved, left, walked, made, etc
 Using simple past tense pattern; earthquake happened, I was on the car, my car lunched on
one side, etc

Adapted from

Reading Comprehension Question

1. Recount text is a text which gives instructions about how to do something. (T/F)
2. One of the purposes of recount text is to retell one’s past experience. (T/F)
3. There are three generic structures of recount text. (T/F)
4. Orientation structure of recount text introduces the participants, place and time. (T/F)
5. Event structure of recount text states personal comment of the writer to the story. (T/F)
6. Reorientation structure of recount text describes series of event that happened in the past.
7. Recount text uses personal participant such as I, my group, etc. (T/F)
8. Recount text doesn’t use chronological connection; then, first, etc. (T/F)
9. Recount text doesn’t use linking verb; was, were, saw, heard, etc. (T/F)
10. Recount text uses action verb; look, go, change, etc. (T/F)
11. Recount text uses simple past tense. (T/F)

P a g e 6 | 11
Part B – Grammar Practice
Click the following link below or scan the barcode to start the exercise!

Adapted from

Part C – Grammar Practice

Click the following link below or scan the barcode to start the exercise!

Adapted from

P a g e 7 | 11
Part D – Grammar Practice
Click the following link below or scan the barcode to start the exercise!

Adapted from

Part E – Regular & Irregular Verbs

Click the following link below or scan the barcode to start the exercise!

Adapted from

P a g e 8 | 11

Part A – Speaking Practice

Click the following link below or scan the barcode to start the exercise!

Adapted from

Part B - Writing Practice

Learn the following example below and make your own writing!

My Diary
Yesterday morning I was at home. I woke up at six o’clock. And then, I went to bathroom to
take a bath. After that, I had breakfast with my family. And then I went to work. I started working from
nine o’clock to five o’clock in the afternoon. When I was at my workplace, I taught English and prepared
lesson plan for the next class. Then I got home. At home, I directly went to bathroom to take a bath.
Then, I studied and prepared lesson plan for my next teaching. After I prepared my lesson plan. I went
to bed at ten o’clock in the afternoon.

How about you? Can you tell me what you did yesterday?

Yesterday morning I was at ______. I woke up at _____. And then, I____________________

After that I __________________________________. Then I _______________________________

P a g e 9 | 11
Can you tell me what you did last week?


Choose one of the following topics and make your own recount text. You can either use audio, visual
recording or paper during making your own recount text

A. Memorable Experience in the past

B. School Vacation
C. Childhood memories.

P a g e 10 | 11
DAFTAR PUSTAKA (2021). Contoh Recount Text tentang Liburan: Visiting Bali. Retrieved

Yulianto, P. (2011). Recount Text. Retrieved from


Earthquake : gempa
Goldensmiths : pengrajin emas
Matchsticks : korek api
Point of view : cara pandang
Vacation : liburan
Silversmiths : pengrajin emas

P a g e 11 | 11

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