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Physical Fitness, Physical Activity, &

Physical Function on Elderly

Fisioterapi Geriatri
Fisioterapi Geriatri

Physical Fitness ?
Physical Activity ?
Physical Function ?
Physical Activity

Physical activity : any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that result in energy
expenditure. PA encompasses exercise, sport, and physical activities performed as part of daily
living, occupation, leisure, or active transportation

Ex : walking, doing chores,

Physical Function

• Physical Function: is the capacity of an individual to perform the physical activities of daily

• Physical function is the ability to perform both basic and instrumental activities of daily living
and the ability of older adults to reside in the community ddepends to a large extent on their
level of physical function

• Physical function reflects motor function and motor control, physical fitness, and habitual.

• Physical function declines with age.

Physical Function

Physical Function Reduced Physical Fitness :

 Strength
 Endurance
 Agility
 Flexibility
 Daily Activity
 Quality of Life
Physical Fitness

Physical Fitness : ability to execute daily activities with optimal performance, endurance, and
strength with the management of disease, fatigue and stress and reduces sedentary behavior.

Ex : able to run quickly, lift heavy weights

Senam Lansia

 Senam lansia : bentuk Latihan fisik yang memberikan pengaruh baik

terhadap kemampuan fisik manusia, bila dilaksanakan dengan baik dan

 Senam atau Latihan fisik sering diidentifikasi sebagai suatu kegiatan yang
meliputi fisik yang teratur dalam jangka waktu dan intensitas tertentu.

 Merupakan bagian dari usaha untuk menjaga kebugaran termasuk

Kesehatan jantung, dan pembuluh darah dan sebagai bagian dari program
rehabilitasi bagi mereka yang memiliki permasalahan/disease
Senam Lansia

Tujuan :
Untuk menjaga tubuh dalam keadaan sehat dan aktif untuk membina dan meningkatkan
Kesehatan serta kebugaran kesegaran jasmani dan rohani.

Tujuan Lain :
1. Memperbaiki pasokan oksigen dan proses metabolism
2. Membangun kekuatan dan daya tahan
3. Menurunkan lemak
4. Meningkatkan kondisi otot dan sendi
Senam Lansia

Manfaat :

1. Sebagai pencegahan, timbulnya suatu penyakit

2. Sebagai pengobatan (kuratif)
 Penyakit yang dapat disembuhkan dan dikurangi dengan senam lansia adalah
kelemahan/kelainan sirkulasi darah, DM, kelainan infark jantung, kelainan insufisiensi
coroner, kelainan pembuluh darah tepi, thrombophlebitis dan osteoporosis
3. Sebagai rehabilitasi.
 Memperkuat degenerasi  physiological changes due to increasing age
 Mempermudah menyesuaikan Kesehatan jasmani dalam kehidupan
 Melindungi, memperbaiki tenaga cadangan dalam bertambahnya tuntutan (sakit)
Prinsip Olahraga pada Lansia

1. Komponen kesegaran jasmani yang esensial dilatih adalah:

a. Endurance Kardio-Pulmo
b. Flexibility
c. Muscle strength
d. Komposisi tubuh (lemak tubuh jangan berlebihan)
2. Selalu mempertahan kan keselamatan
3. Latihan teratur dan tidak terlalu berat
4. Permainan dalam bentuk ringan sangat dianjurkan
5. Latihan dilakukan dengan dosis berjenjang
6. Hindari kompetisi
7. Perhatikan kontra indikasi latihan
Latihan Fisik Lansia

Manfaat Latihan Fisik Lansia

a. Membantu tubuh agar tetap dapat bergerak
b. Secara lambat lain menaikkan kemampuan fisik
c. Mencegah cidera
Oleh karena itu, sesuai perubahan fisik yg ada, lebih diarahkan pada:
a. Perbaikan kekuatan otot
b. Aerobic capacity
c. Flexibility
d. Perbaikan komposisi tubuh yg rasional ditambah dengan mempertahankan postur yang
Benefits of PF in Older Adults ?
1. Independence

2. Balance ↑

3. ↑ Energy

4. Prevent ad
counteract Disease

5. ↑ Brain Function
How much older adults need PF ?

Adults age 65 and older needs :

a. At least 150 minutes a week of moderate activity such as brisk walking. Or they need 75
minutes a week vigorous intensity activity

b. At least 2 days a week of activity that strengthen muscles

c. Activities to improve balance

How much older adults need PF ?

Physical Fitness that suitable for older adults/ elderly :

Light Intensity Moving rather than sitting or lying down

Activity that will rise our HR, make our breath

Moderate Intensity
faster and feel warmer

Vigorous Intensity Breath hard and fast

How much older adults need PF ?

Physical Fitness that suitable for older adults/ elderly :

Water Aerobics Aqua jogging, flutter kicking, leg lifts, standing water,

Chair yoga Overhead stretch, seated cow stretch, seated cat stretch, seated mountain pose, seated
Resistance band workouts Lateral raise, biceps curl, pull apart

Pilates Mermaid movement, side circles, food slides, steps ups, leg circle


Body weight workouts Step up

Dumbell strength training Triceps extnsion

Fitness for Elderly
Fitness dilakukan oleh elderly harus tetap dalam ambang batas kemampuan individual nya

 Fitness Training untuk elderly : Water aerobics, chair yoga, resistance band workouts, pilates,
walking, cycling, swimming
 Target Heart Rate  rumus umum yang dapat digunakan untuk mengetahui batas mana
lansia boleh melakukan fitness training/olahraga
o Mendeteksi denyut nadi maksimal  maksimal pulse
o Rumus : 220 – usia
o Ambang aman adalah bila aktivitas olahraga hanya mencapai 70% - 85% dari denyut nadi
maksimal yang disebut sebagai target zone.
Fitness for Elderly
Fitness dilakukan oleh elderly harus tetap dalam ambang batas kemampuan individual nya

 Misal : seseorang berumur 70 tahun, denyut jantung maksimal nya adalah 220 – 70 =
150/menit.  pasien tersebut hanya diperbolehkan melakukan fitness training sampai
denyut nadi sub maksimal dengan perhitungan (220-70) x 70% s/d80% = 105 – 127

 The America College of Sports Medicine and American Heart Association recommends
resistance training involving 60-70% of 1-repetition maximum (1RM) for 8-12 repetitions on
2 or 3 nonconsecutive days per week

 Perceivced Exertion (Borg Rating of Perceived Exerction Scale) / RPE Scale 

megukur intensitas physical activity.
Rating of Perceived Exertion

 Perceivced Exertion / RPE Scale  megukur intensitas physical activity.

 RPE is a methods of measuring physical activity intensity levels that are

apparently related to the heart rate (HR) during exercise.
 Used as a valid and reliable method of monitoring resistance training intensity
 RPE is defined as the level of intensity one feels during physical activity and is
based on the physical sensations that a person experiences, including
increased HR, Increase respiration or breathing rate, increased sweating and
muscle fatigue.
 Popular RPE scales : Borg 6 -20 scale, Borg category ration (CR-10) and OMN
scale for resistance training
Rate Of Perceived Exertion

Older adults should avoid:

- Squats with dumbbels or weight
- Bench press
- Leg press
- Long distance running, abdominal crunches
- Upright row
- Deadlift
- High intensity interval training
- Rock climbing
- Power clean
Physical Function

• Physical Function: is the capacity of an individual to perform the physical activities of daily

• Physical function is the ability to perform both basic and instrumental activities of daily living
and the ability of older adults to reside in the community ddepends to a large extent on their
level of physical function

• Physical function reflects motor function and motor control, physical fitness, and habitual.

• Physical function declines with age.

Physical Function

Physical Function Reduced Physical Fitness :

 Strength
 Endurance
 Agility
 Flexibility
 Daily Activity
 Quality of Life
Thank you

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