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THW intensify the control of the bribery case among the officials

(mengintensifkan penertiban kasus suap di kalangan pejabat)


Ladies and gentlemen our motion today “THW intensify the control of the bribery case
among the officials” and we from the affirmative team totally agree with this motion.

But before that ladies and gentlemen i would like to invite All of us to express our gratitude
to god because of his blessings in our life so we can enjoy this beautiful moment in a good

So, Ladies and gentlemen back again to the motion “THW intensify the control of the bribery
case among the officials” and we from the affirmative team totally agree with this motion.

Ladies and gentlemen From this motions we take 3 definitions or 3 keyword wich are :

The first is intensify

Menurut KBBI mengintensifkan adalah: membuat atau menjadikan intensif; mempergiat;


The second Is bribery

Menurut wikipedia, penyuapan adalah tindakan memberikan uang, barang atau bentuk lain
dari pembalasan dari pemberi suap kepada penerima suap yang dilakukan untuk mengubah
sikap penerima atas kepentingan/minat si pemberi, walaupun sikap tersebut berlawanan
dengan penerima

The third is officials

Pejabat adalah pegawai pemerintah yang memegang jabatan penting. Menurut Wikipedia
Pejabat adalah seseorang yang bekerja (fungsi atau mandat, terlepas dari apakah ia memiliki
ruang kerja terkait posisinya) dalam suatu organisasi atau pemerintahan dan berpartisipasi
dalam pelaksanaan wewenang (baik milik mereka sendiri atau atasan mereka, publik, atau

So, Ladies and gentlemen. We are from affirmative team totally agree with this motion.
Because we have 2 point of argument to proof that we totally agree with this motion. I will
start explain point by point. The first point will be explain by me a prime minister. The
second point will be explain by .... as deputy prime minister. And our team argument will be
conclude by .... as the government whip.
So, ladies and gentlemen, i will start to explain my point

Masalah suap adalah salah satu masalah yang sudah sangat lama terjadi dalam masyakat.
Pada umumnya suap diberikan kepada orang yang berpengaruh atau pejabat agar melakukan
atau tidak melakukan sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan jabatannya. Orang yang memberi
suap biasanya memberikan suap agar keinginannya tercapai baik berupa keuntungan tertentu
ataupun agar terbebas dari suatu hukuman atau proses hukum. Maka tidaklah mengherankan
yang paling banyak di suap adalah pejabat di lingkungan birokrasi pemerintah yang
mempunyai peranan penting untuk memutuskan sesuatu umpamanya dalam pemberian izin
ataupun pemberian proyek pemerintah. Suap sering diberikan kepada para penegak hukum
umpamnya polisi, jaksa, hakim. Demikian juga kepada para pejabat bea cukai, pajak dan
pejabat-pejabat yang berhubungan denga pemberian izin baik beruap izin berusaha, izin
mendirikan bangunan dan lain-lain.

Suap-menyuap sering disebut sebagai inti atau bentuk dasar dari tindak pidana korupsi.
Kriminalisasi terhadap tindak pidana suap mempunyai alasan yang sangat kuat sebab
kejahatan tersebut tidak lagi dipandang sebagai kejahatan konvensional, melainkan sebagai
kejahatan luar biasa karena dapat menjadi sumber kejahatan lain dan merugikan berbagai

Secara internasional tindak pidana suap dalam jumlah yang signifikan dapat menimbulkan
ancaman terhadap stabilitas dan keamanan masyarakat; dapat merusak lembaga dan nilai-
nilai demokrasi, nilai-nilai etika, dan keadilan; bersifat diskriminatif dan merongrong etika
dan kompetisi bisnis yang jujur; mencederai pembangunan berkelanjutan dan tegaknya

So, Ladies and gentlemen we are from the affirmative team totally agree with this motion.


Iam ............. as deputy prime minister would like to explain our second argument. So before
iam going to explain our argument. I would like to give some rebuttle respon to what
opposition team statement before.

So Ladies and gentlemen (KOMENTARI LAWAN).

So Ladies and gentlemen we are from affirmative team totally agree with this motion.

Dalam suap-menyuap yang merupakan hal yang tercela adalah penyalahgunaan kekuasaan,
perilaku diskriminatif dengan memberikan keistimewaan atas dasar imbalan keuntungan
finansial dan lain-lain, pelanggaran kepercayaan yang merupakan elemen demokrasi,
rusaknya mental pejabat, ketidakjujuran dalam berkompetisi, bahaya terhadap human
security, dan sebagainya.
Berdasarkan hasil data analisis, mayoritas 36% tersangka korupsi berasal dari kementerian
dan lembaga. 32% berasal dari Pemkab/Pemkot, 14% berasal dari pemerintah provinsi. Dari
tindakan korupsi tersebut, sebagian besar tindak pidana yang terjadi adalah kasus pidana
penyuapan sebanyak 507 kasus (39%).

Peraturan terkait korupsi sektor korporasi sebagai pelaku tindak pidana diatur dalam UU No
20 tahun 2001 tentang Pemberantas Tindak Pidana Korupsi. Pada UU No.20 tahun 2001
pasal 20 ayat 2, dinyatakan bahwa tindak pidana korupsi dilakukan oleh korporasi apabila
tindak pidana tersebut dilakukan oleh orang-orang baik berdasarkan hubungan kerja maupun
berdasarkan hubungan lain, bertindak dalam lingkungan korporasi tersebut baik sendiri
maupun bersama-sama.

Pidana yang diberikan tidak hanya bagi penerima, tapi juga pemberi suap. Pidana untuk
pemberi suap diatur dalam pasal 5 ayat 1 dan 2 UU No.20 tahun 2001. Pada pasal ini
dijelaskan bahwa: pelaku suap dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling singkat 1 (satu) tahun
dan paling lama 5 (lima) tahun dan atau pidana denda paling sedikit Rp 50.000.000,00 (lima
puluh juta rupiah) dan paling banyak Rp 250.000.000,00 (dua ratus lima puluh juta rupiah)
bagi setiap orang yang:

1. Memberi atau menjanjikan sesuatu kepada pegawai negeri atau penyelenggara negara
dengan maksud supaya pegawai negeri atau penyelenggara negara tersebut berbuat
atau tidak berbuat sesuatu dalam jabatannya, yang bertentangan dengan
kewajibannya; atau
2. Memberi sesuatu kepada pegawai negeri atau penyelenggara negara karena atau
berhubungan dengan sesuatu yang bertentangan dengan kewajiban, dilakukan atau
tidak dilakukan dalam jabatannya.

Para hadirin, melihat banyaknya tindak pidana suap. Tentu menjadi sebuah persoalan yang
harus diselesaikan.


I am ...... as the third speaker from the affirmative team, so now before I am going to convey
our team argumen conclusion, i would like to give some resspon or rebuttle to the opposition
team statement.


Ladies and gentlemen we are from affirmative team totally agree with this motion.

Pemerintah harus mengintensifkan tindak pidana suap. Karena dapat menimbulkan ancaman
terhadap stabilitas dan keamanan masyarakat; dapat merusak lembaga dan nilai-nilai
demokrasi, nilai-nilai etika, dan keadilan; bersifat diskriminatif dan merongrong etika dan
kompetisi bisnis yang jujur; mencederai pembangunan berkelanjutan dan tegaknya hukum.
Penertiban tindak pidana suap ini dapat dilakukan dengan menerapkan ISO 37001

Salah satu sistem manajemen antikorupsi yang dapat diterapkan dan disertifikasi dalam
rangka mencegah tindakan penyuapan adalah ISO 37001:2016. ISO 37001:2016 diterbitkan
pada 15 Oktober 2016 untuk membantu organisasi mencegah, melaporkan, maupun
menyelesaikan kasus penyuapan. Sistem ini dirancang untuk menumbuhkan budaya antisuap
pada suatu organisasi dan meningkatkan peluang untuk mendeteksi upaya-upaya insiden
penyuapan dari awal. Sistem manajemen ini bersifat fleksibel sehingga dapat diterapkan pada
berbagai jenis organisasi, perusahaan, lembaga, ataupun institusi.

Langkah-langkah penerapan ISO 37001:2016 adalah sebagai berikut.

1. Membentuk dan membina komitmen manajemen

2. Menunjuk pengawas anti-penyuapan
3. Menilai risiko suap untuk seluruh aktivitas
4. Menetapkan dan mewujudkan kebijakan, prosedur, ataupun kontrol lainnya
berdasarkan risiko suap yang mungkin terjadi
5. Melakukan peningkatan kesadaran bagi semua pihak terkait
6. Melaporkan, memantau, dan menginvestigasi implementasi sistem manajemen
antisuap serta menginvestigasi kasus suap yang terjadi
7. Melakukan tindakan korektif dan peningkatan berkelanjutan

Penerapan ISO 37001:2016 akan membantu organisasi dalam meningkatkan pengendalian

terhadap salah satu tindakan korupsi. Implementasi sistem ini juga memberikan kepercayaan
terhadap seluruh pihak berkepentingan organisasi, baik manajemen, pemilik, pelanggan, dan
rekan bisnis, bahwa organisasi telah melaksanakan praktik pengendalian antisuap yang baik
dan telah diakui secara internasional. Apabila suatu saat terjadi penyelidikan kasus
penyuapan dalam organisasi, penerapan sistem ini juga akan memberikan bukti kepada jaksa
maupun pengadilan bahwa organisasi telah mengambil langkah-langkah dalam upaya
pencegahan penyuapan.

Reply speech

Basicly our motion today is ” THBT Online learning eliminates the students kinesthetic
learning style” and we are from the affirmative team totally agree with this motion because
we have some reason to proof that we totally agree with this motion

1. Angka pelaku tindak pidana suap masih sangat tinggi. Dan yang paling banyak di suap
adalah pejabat pemerintah.

2. Penertiban kasus suap dikalangan pejabat harus dilaksanakan guna mengurangi terjadinya
tindak pidana suap.

ladies ad gentlemen before that, the opposition team has ..... point of argument ....

but ladies and gentlemen we see in the real situation that the opposition team stay that .....
(refute Opposition team/ back again to the data from the opposition team is cannot
guarantee ................. so how can the opposition team stay that ..... basic for what the
opposition team stay this statement)

but ladies and gentlemen back again to the argument from our team , as we know that.

Tindak pidana suap-menyuap merupakan hal yang tercela. Berbagai oknum pejabat
pemerintah melakukan penyalahgunaan kekuasaan, perilaku diskriminatif dengan
memberikan keistimewaan atas dasar imbalan keuntungan finansial dan lain-lain. Hal ini
tentu tidak dapat dibiarkan begitu saja. Maka perlu dilakukan tindak lanjut. Yakni upaya
penertiban kasus suap. Khususnya pada pejabat pemerintah.

So,ladies and gentlemen this is can proof we are from the affirmative team totally agree with
this motion that “THBT Online learning eliminates the students kinesthetic learning style”.

And then ladies and gentlemen i would like to say, that our team win this debate because

1. we give the real data and real example about this motion and then again of the day we are
from affirmative team totally agree this motion, and i would like to say apologize and
thankyou for all the attention from the audience, thats all from me and thankyou.
THW intensify the control of the bribery case among the officials

(mengintensifkan penertiban kasus suap di kalangan pejabat)


Ladies and gentlemen our motion today “THW intensify the control of the bribery case
among the officials” and we from the affirmative team totally agree with this motion.

But before that ladies and gentlemen i would like to invite All of us to express our gratitude
to god because of his blessings in our life so we can enjoy this beautiful moment in a good

So, Ladies and gentlemen back again to the motion “THW intensify the control of the bribery
case among the officials” and we from the affirmative team totally agree with this motion.

Ladies and gentlemen From this motions we take 3 definitions or 3 keyword wich are :

The first is intensify

According to the KBBI, intensifying is: making or making intensive; intensify; intensify

The second is a bribery

According to wikipedia, bribery means the act of giving money, goods or other forms of
bribery to the recipient of a bribe carried out to change the recipient's attitude towards the
interests of the giver, even though the attitude is against the recipient's

The third is the official

Officials are government employees who hold important positions. According to Wikipedia
An official is a person who works (function or mandate, regardless of whether he or she has
an associated workspace) in an organization or participates in the conduct of an authorized
person (whether his own or their superior, public, or private).

So, Ladies and gentlemen. We are from affirmative team totally agree with this motion.
Because we have 2 point of argument to proof that we totally agree with this motion. I will
start explain point by point. The first point will be explain by me a prime minister. The
second point will be explain by .... as deputy prime minister. And our team argument will be
conclude by .... as the government whip.
So, ladies and gentlemen, i will start to explain my point

The problem of bribery is one of the problems that has existed for a very long time in society.
In general, bribes are given to influential people or officials to do or not do something related
to their position. People who give bribes usually give bribes to achieve their wishes, either in
the form of certain benefits or to be free from punishment or legal process. So it is not
surprising that the most bribed are officials in the government bureaucracy who have an
important role in deciding something, for example in granting permits or granting
government projects. Bribes are often given to law enforcers such as police, prosecutors,
judges. Likewise, customs, tax and officials related to the issuance of permits, whether in the
form of business permits, building permits, and others.

Bribery is often referred to as the core or basic form of corruption. The criminalization of
bribery has a very strong reason because the crime is no longer seen as a conventional crime,
but as an extraordinary crime because it can be a source of other crimes and harm various

Internationally, the crime of bribery in a significant amount can pose a threat to the stability
and security of society; can undermine democratic institutions and values, ethical values, and
justice; is discriminatory and undermines ethics and fair business competition; harming
sustainable development and the rule of law.

So, Ladies and gentlemen we are from the affirmative team totally agree with this motion.


Iam ............. as deputy prime minister would like to explain our second argument. So before
iam going to explain our argument. I would like to give some rebuttle respon to what
opposition team statement before.

So Ladies and gentlemen (KOMENTARI LAWAN).

So Ladies and gentlemen we are from affirmative team totally agree with this motion.

In bribery which is a disgraceful thing is the abuse of power, discriminatory behavior by

giving privileges on the basis of financial benefits and other rewards, breach of trust which is
an element of democracy, mental damage to officials, dishonesty in competition, danger to
human security, and so on.
Based on the results of the data analysis, the majority of 36% of corruption suspects came
from ministries and institutions. 32% came from the Regency/City Government, 14% came
from the provincial government. From these corruption acts, most of the criminal acts that
occurred were bribery cases as many as 507 cases (39%).

Regulations related to corruption in the corporate sector as perpetrators of criminal acts are
regulated in Law No. 20 of 2001 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption.
In Law No. 20 of 2001 article 20 paragraph 2, it is stated that a criminal act of corruption is
committed by a corporation if the crime is committed by people, either based on work
relationships or based on other relationships, acting within the corporate environment either
alone or together.

The punishment given is not only for the recipient, but also for the bribe giver. The crime for
giving bribes is regulated in Article 5 paragraphs 1 and 2 of Law No. 20 of 2001. In this
article it is explained that: a briber is sentenced to a minimum of 1 (one) year and a maximum
of 5 (five) years and or a fine a minimum of Rp 50,000,000.00 (fifty million rupiah) and a
maximum of Rp 250,000,000.00 (two hundred and fifty million rupiah) for each person who:

1. Giving or promising something to a civil servant or state administrator with the intention
that the civil servant or state administrator do or not do something in his position, which is
contrary to his obligations; or

2. Giving something to a civil servant or state administrator because of or in connection with

something that is contrary to his obligations, done or not done in his position.

The audience, saw the number of criminal acts of bribery. Of course, this is a problem that
must be resolved.


I am ...... as the third speaker from the affirmative team, so now before I am going to convey
our team argumen conclusion, i would like to give some resspon or rebuttle to the opposition
team statement.


Ladies and gentlemen we are from affirmative team totally agree with this motion.

The government must intensify the crime of bribery. Because it can pose a threat to the
stability and security of society; can undermine democratic institutions and values, ethical
values, and justice; is discriminatory and undermines ethics and fair business competition;
harming sustainable development and the rule of law.
Control of this crime of bribery can be done by implementing ISO 37001:

One of the anti-corruption management systems that can be implemented and certified in
order to prevent bribery is ISO 37001:2016. ISO 37001:2016 was published on October 15,
2016 to help organizations prevent, report, or resolve bribery cases. This system is designed
to foster an anti-bribery culture in an organization and increase the chances of detecting
attempted bribery incidents from the start. This management system is flexible so that it can
be applied to various types of organizations, companies, institutions, or institutions.

The steps for implementing ISO 37001:2016 are as follows.

1. Forming and fostering management commitment

2. Appoint anti-bribery inspectors

3. Assess bribery risk for all activities

4. Establish and implement policies, procedures, or other controls based on the risk of bribery
that may occur

5. To raise awareness for all related parties

6. Report, monitor, and investigate the implementation of the anti-bribery management

system and investigate bribery cases that occur

7. Take corrective action and continuous improvement

The implementation of ISO 37001:2016 will assist the organization in improving control over
one of the acts of corruption. The implementation of this system also gives confidence to all
stakeholders of the organization, including management, owners, customers, and business
partners, that the organization has implemented good and internationally recognized anti-
bribery control practices. If at any time there is an investigation into a bribery case within the
organization, the application of this system will also provide evidence to both the prosecutor
and the court that the organization has taken steps to prevent bribery.

Reply speech

Basicly our motion today is ” THBT Online learning eliminates the students kinesthetic
learning style” and we are from the affirmative team totally agree with this motion because
we have some reason to proof that we totally agree with this motion.

1. The number of perpetrators of bribery is still very high. And the most bribed are
government officials.

2. Control of bribery cases among officials must be implemented in order to reduce the
occurrence of bribery.
ladies ad gentlemen before that, the opposition team has ..... point of argument ....

but ladies and gentlemen we see in the real situation that the opposition team stay that .....

(refute Opposition team/ back again to the data from the opposition team is cannot
guarantee ................. so how can the opposition team stay that ..... basic for what the
opposition team stay this statement)

but ladies and gentlemen back again to the argument from our team , as we know that.

The crime of bribery is a despicable thing. Various unscrupulous government officials

commit abuse of power, discriminatory behavior by giving privileges on the basis of financial
benefits and others. This of course cannot be left alone. So it is necessary to follow up.
Namely efforts to curb bribery cases. Especially in government officials.

So,ladies and gentlemen this is can proof we are from the affirmative team totally agree with
this motion that “THBT Online learning eliminates the students kinesthetic learning style”.

And then ladies and gentlemen i would like to say, that our team win this debate because

1. we give the real data and real example about this motion and then again of the day we are
from affirmative team totally agree this motion, and i would like to say apologize and
thankyou for all the attention from the audience, thats all from me and thankyou.

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