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20/09/2023 ALAM HIDUPAN

Pembelajaran Bersepadu: Perbualan Awal Masa :0730 - 0750 (20 Minit)
Saya, Anggota Keluarga dan Orang lain  Hormat–menghormati
Menghormati anggota keluarga, rakan, guru dan orang lain  Kasih Sayang
Memberi peluang ahli kumpulan menyatakan pandangan/pendapat  Kegembiraan
 Bertanggungjawab
Menghargai Diri Sendiri
Tanggungjawab diri
Menjaga kebersihan, kesihatan dan keselamatan diri

Tanggungjawab sebagai Murid

Mematuhi peraturan sekolah

Negara Kita Tanggungjawab Kita

Bangga dengan identiti negeri / Negara (Nyanyian lagu Kebangsaan & Lagu Negeri – Ibu PertiwiKu)
 Ucap selamat pagi dalam dua bahasa (Selamat Pagi, Good Morning)
 Murid memberi ucap selamat, bacaan doa, mengambil kedatangan
 Duduk dalam bulatan, melakukan sesi perbualan harian seperti, menyatakan cuaca, hari, emosi semasa dan SOP dengan bimbingan guru / Greeting exchange
a. Apa khabar ? Khabar baik, cikgu / How are you today ? I am fine, thank you teacher
b. Bagaimanakah cuaca hari ini ? Hari ini cuaca panas / mendung / hujan. / What is the weather today ? It is a sunny / rainny / windy / cloudy day.
c. Hari ini hari apa ? Semalam hari apa ? Esok hari apa ? / Today is.....Yesterday was.....Tomorrow will be ?
d. How do you feel today ? I am happy / sad / angry / tired
 Nyanyian lagu “Negaraku”, lagu “Ibu PertiwiKu” dan lagu sekolah serta belajar adab semasa menyanyi lagu kebangsaan dengan bimbingan guru
 Murid mengimbas kembali PdPc yang telah dilaksanakan semalam dan perkara–perkara yang telah dipelajari seperti Part of the plants, read the CVC words form with Set 5 letters, read simple phrases and
 Murid mengelaskan gambar haiwan dan tumbuhan yang telah disediakan ke dalam kumpulan yang betul tanpa bimbingan.

 Nyanyikan lagu “Mari Berkebun”, “Tanya sama pokok” dan “Bunga Matahari” sambil melakukan pergerakkan berdasarkan lirik lagu
 Murid melengkapkan puzzle yang disediakan serta menamakan setiap puzzle itu dengan betul tanpa bimbingan guru.


 Murid bercerita tentang tumbuh–tumbuhan berdasarkan pengetahuan sedia ada tanpa bimbingan guru.
Masa/Tunjang Standard Kandungan/
Objektif / Kriteria Kejayaan Aktiviti Catatan
/Slot/Topik Standard Pembelajaran
SK: Learning Objectives Opening Time : Teaching Aids
MA 3.2 At the end of the lesson, pupils will be 1. Pupils sing the song “One to Ten” without guidance. - leaves
able to : 2. Pupils count the leaves on the tree.
Solve operation of - tree
1. remove objects from a group of
subtraction within 18 objects and count the balance
- number card
2. substract in the range of basic Activity 1 – Remove objects from a group and count the balance
- finger hands
facts 1. Pupils count the leaves and say the number. - worksheets
MA 3.2.1 2. Pupils remove the leaves from the tree based on the equation given.
Teacher’s script Moral Value
Remove objects from a Success Criteria
What is the total number of leaves on the tree ? - independent
0750 – 0830 group of objects and count By the end of this lesson,
How much leaves left after 3 leaves drop ? - cooperative
the balance 1. /14 pupils were able to remove 3. Pair work : Pupils solve some substraction questions with the leaves.
(40 minutes) objects from a group of objects
- confident
4. Pupils complete the worksheet given.
Early Mathematics and count the balance
MA 3.2.4
2. /14 pupils were able to subtract PAK 21:
Subtract in the range of Activity 2 – Solve the subtract equation (Individual)
in the range of basic facts - video clips
basic facts 1. Teacher shows a pair of paper hands.
- Problem solving
2. Pupils solve the equation using paper hands.
3. Do corrections together to make sure the pupils solve the questions correctly.

Closing Time :
1. Sing a song “Substraction Song” and “Number Song”
Tahap Penguasaan : Refleksi: Pentaksiran :
• worksheets
• checklists
TP 1 /
TP 2 /
TP 3 /

Perkembangan Fizikal Dan Penjagaan Kesihatan (Motor Kasar) 0830 – 0910 (40 minit)


SK: Objektif pembelajaran: Permulaan: BBM:

FK 2.2 1. Murid melakukan pergerakkan mengikuti rentak lagu “Energiser Song” (video clips) - Lagu “Energiser Song”
Pada akhir sesi PdPc ini, murid - petak warna
Melakukan pelbagai
pergerakan lokomotor dapat: - kad huruf

Aktiviti 1 : Melompat berdasarkan warna

1. lakukan gabungan pergerakan
1. Murid dibahagikan kepada 4 kumpulan iaitu kumpulan merah, biru, kuning, hijau. Nilai:
FK 2.3 2. Murid melompat atas petak warna dari garisan permulaan sehingga penamat mengikuti warna kumpulan masing–
lokomotor dan pergerakan - bekerjasama
Melakukan pelbagai masing,
- kegembiraan
pergerakan bukan bukan lokomotor 3. Kumpulan yang paling cepat menghabiskan semua giliran merupakan pemenang bagi aktiviti ini.
2. melompat dengan betul
PAK 21:
0830 – 0910 Aktiviti 2 : Bergerak berdasarkan arahan
- Video clips
SP; 1. Murid melekatkan huruf di atas lantai.
(40 minit) 2. Murid bergerak mengikuti arahan.
FK 2.2.1
Kriteria kejayaan: a. Lompat ke huruf bunyi /s/
Melakukan pergerakan: KANDUNGAN SIVIK
Aktiviti Fizikal b. Letakkan siku pada huruf bunyinya /h/
a. berjalan Hormat–menghormati
1. /14 murid boleh melakukan c. Duduk di atas huruf bunyinya /r/
b. berlari 3. Aktiviti sejukkan badan. Saya, Anggota Keluarga dan
c. melompat gabungan pergerakan bukan orang lain
lokomotor dan lokomotor tanpa - Menghormati rakan, guru
FK 2.2.2 bimbingan 1. Murid berjalan masuk ke dalam bilik darjah dalam barisan
dan orang lain
Melakukan gabungan - Menghormati hak orang
2. /14 murid boleh melompat 2. Murid duduk dalam bulatan untuk berehat sebelum meneruskan sesi pembelajaran yang lain. (Aktiviti menyanyi
pergerakan lokomotor
dengan iringan muzik). lain
dengan cara yang betul dan (sabar menunggu giliran
FK 2.3.3 selamat masing–masing dalam
Melakukan gabungan melakukan aktiviti–aktiviti yang
pergerakan bukan lokomotor dilaksanakan)
Tahap Penguasaan : Refleksi: Pentaksiran :
• Senarai semak

TP 1 /
TP 2 /
TP 3 /

0910 – 0930 SK: Objektif pembelajaran: Permulaan: BBM:

FK 1.1 Pada akhir sesi PdPc ini, murid 1. Murid menyanyikan lagu “Tanya sama pokok”, “Mari Berkebun” dan “Head Shoulders Knees and - lagu “Tanya sama pokok”
(20 minit) Meneroka pelbagai aktiviti dapat: Toes for tree” - Lagu “Mari Berkebun”
yang melibatkan motor 1. menghasilkan kraf kaktus 2. Murid bercerita tentang tumbuh–tumbuhan menggunakan kad imbas - “Head Shoulders Knees
Aktiviti and Toes for tree Song”
halus menggunakan kemahiran motor
- Kertas warna
Pembelajaran Aktiviti:
halus menggunting menggunakan - template pokok kaktus
SP: 1. Murid bercerita tentang kaktus
FK 1.1.3 2. Murid menghasilkan kaktus dengan kertas warna mengikuti kreativiti masing–masing
Menggunakan kemahiran
- bekerjasama
motor halus melalui aktiviti
Kriteria kejayaan: - kegembiraan
yang melibatkan alatan.
1. /14 murid telah boleh

menghasilkan kraf kaktus PAK 21:

- Built the biggest tower
dengan kemas dan cantik
3. Murid membentangkan kaktus masing–masing setelah lengkap



1. Murid menamakan setiap tumbuhan yang telah diajar.

2. Murid bercerita tentang kaktus menggunakan kraf yang telah disiapkan
Tahap Penguasaan : Refleksi: Pentaksiran :
• Senarai semak

TP 1 /
TP 2 /
TP 3 /

Pembelajaran Bersepadu : Main Bebas Masa : 0930 – 0950 (20 Minit)

a. Perkembangan fizikal, emosi, kognitif dan kemahiran sosial.
b. Berinteraksi dan bertutur dengan berkesan menggunakan bahasa dan ayat yang mudah difahami
c. Berkongsi dan bekerjasama dengan orang lain.
d. Kemahiran menyelesaikan masalah.
e. Menyelesaikan masalah serta menyesuaikan diri dengan situasi semasa yang pelbagai

a. Pupils can play any games or toys such as puzzle, puppets, ball, toys, wooden block, percussion that have at the learning corner in the classroom based on what they want or they like.
b. Teacher observes the children’s development in their fine motor skill and gross motor skill.
c. Teacher gives advices for those who do the mistake on the spot to avoid from the children to repeat or do the action again.
d. Teacher reminds the children to share the toys with their friend and never fight with each other.
Peranan Guru
 Perancang / Fasilitator / Play Partner / Pemerhati
 Menyediakan Persekitaran Yang Selamat Dan Bermakna
0950 – 1020 Table Manner For Kid / Eating Etiquette Pendedahan Adab Makan dengan beretika
Wash Hand Cuci Tangan
Recite Prayer Pembacaan Doa Makan
30 minit Eating Time Menjamu selera
Brush Teeth Gosok gigi
*Children Free Time *Masa bebas kanak–kanak

1020 – 1050 SK: Objection of the lesson Opening Time Teaching Aids
BI 2.2 By the end of this lesson the pupils will 1. Pupils sound out letter a,b,c,m,s,h,r,t,i,p,j,g,w,d,u,k,l correctly with the letter card - letter card
(30 minutes) Apply sounds of letters to be able to : 2. Pupils form CVC words with the Set 5 letters a,b,c,m,s,h,r,t,f,i,p,g,j,w,d,u,k,l bottles cap - bottle cap
Learning Activity recognise words 1. blend phoneme to form single
- pocket chart
Smarter Phonics syllable words
Activity 10e : Segmenting CV and VC syllables or words and awareness of letter shapes 4 (Individual) - exercise book
2. Write words and phrases in - personal whiteboard
BI 3.2 1. Teacher calls out one CV or VC syllable or word at a time.
legible print
Develop writing skills 2. Pupils write it in their exercise book. - tactile mat
3. Some pupils can be called out to write on the whiteboard.
Success Criteria 4. Other pupils can be called out to form it with letter cards on pocket chart.
1. /14 pupils were able to blend
Moral Value
BI 2.2.6 - Brave
phonemes to form single Activity 12b : Phonemic awareness activity 2 (Individual)
Recognise and sound out - Confident
syllable words 1. Teacher says “Show me your bottle cap with the letter that makes the first / last letter in /u/
initial, medial and ending - cooperation
2. Pupils show and those called, to sound out the letter.
sounds in a word 2. /14 pupils were able to write
3. Repeat for other syllables.
CV/VC/CVC words correctly
based on the sounds of words PAK 21:
BI 2.2.7 Activity 13a : Blending into CVC words with letter cards in pocket chart (As a class) - Rally robin
Blend phonemes (sounds) to 1. Using pocket chart, teacher places card mu (adjoining) and g about 20cm apart. mu g - Fun learning
form single syllable words 2. Teacher points to mu and says, ‘Read this /mu/
3. Teacher says, ‘We are going to say them together like this.’


4. With his/her pointer finger on syllable mu and moving it along to letter g in a left–to–right fashion, teacher
sounds out in a continuous manner / mu………………………… g /. Teacher repeats with the pupils sounding out.
BI 3.2.8 5. Teacher moves syllable mu about 5cm nearer to g.
Write words and phrases in 6. With his/her pointer finger on syllable mu and moving it along to letter g in a left–to–right fashion, teacher
legible print sounds out in a continuous manner /mu………………………… g /. Teacher repeats with the pupils sounding out.
7. Teacher asks’ If /mu/ is with /g/. What will they say?’
8. Teacher uses fists to demonstrate the coming together of /mu/ and /g/. Teacher waits for pupil’s response
and reply / responds as appropriate.
9. Teacher then moves syllable mu about 5cm to right in front of g.
10. With his/her pointer finger on syllable mu and moving it along to letter g in a left–to–right fashion, teacher
sounds out / mug/.
11. Teacher says while sliding finger along mu to g, “What does this word say?”
12. Repeat for /tub/ /lam/ cud/ /nil/ /hug/ /dip/

Closing Time
1. Question and answer
2. Write the CVC words on their personal whiteboard based on CVC words teacher sounded.
Tahap Penguasaan : Refleksi: Pentaksiran :
• Students’ Progress
Monitoring Card
TP 1 /
TP 2 /
TP 3 /

1050 – 1120 SK: PRE-LESSON ROUTINE Opportunities for assessment :

Learning Objectives
BI 1.2 • Flashcards (wild animals)
Listen and respond
a. All pupils will be able to
(30 minutes) OPENING TIME: • Song : An elephant walks
appropriately recognise wild animals.
a. Greetings and a hello song like this and that
English b. Introduce puppet • Flashcards ( happy, sad,
b. Most pupils will be able to c. Register
CEFR BI 1.3 calm, angry, scared,
read name of wild animals d. Time line images
Listen, understand and surprised )
respond in a variety of with guidance
c. Some pupils will be able to Moral Value :
read name of wild animals CIRCLE TIME : - Cooperation
BI 2.4
without guidance. 1. Remembering activity 2
Develop interest in reading - kind
independently for 2. Engage activity 3: Game – The Mime Game
information and enjoyment 3. Engage activity 4:Game-The Telephone Game
Success Criteria 4. Pre- song activity
5. Sing a song (animals song )
a. Most of the pupils will be able Vocabulary :
6. Engage activity 6: Game: Run and collect game.
to name 10 out of 10 wild - monkey
SP: animals based on the flash
BI 1.2.2 Differentiate with support: - lion
card a) Offering options, e.g. - elephant
Listen to and sing songs
b. Some of the pupils will be able Is it an elephant or is it an anteater?
- tiger
to read 10 out of 10 word b) Say first letter sound, e.g.
It’s eee; It’s aaa - leopard
BI 1.3.5 cards of wild animals without
c) Prompt with mime - bear
Participate in talk about guidance.
stories heard - crocodile
Differentiate by outcome – allow children to respond to the new topic in different ways :
- giraffe
a) By miming only
b) By mouthing the new language - zebra
BI 2.4.1
c) By repeating the new language after or with you - hippopotamus
Recognise and name
objects or people in



CLOSING TIME: - sing a song
1. Reflection using Time line images
2. Pre-song activity
3. Goodbye song
Tahap Penguasaan : Refleksi: Pentaksiran :
• Checklists
TP 1 /
TP 2 /
TP 3 /

Pembelajaran Bersepadu : Penutup Masa : 1120 - 1130 (10 Minit)

a. Refleksi PdPc pada hari ini. Sesi soal jawab tentang perkara–perkara yang telah dipelajari hari ini dan membincangkan tentang perasaan murid–murid mengenai aktiviti–aktiviti yang telah dilaksanakan
b. Nyanyikan lagu “Goodbye Song”
It is time to say goodbye to my teacher, (clap, clap, clap), It is time to say goodbye to all my friends. (Clap, clap, clap). It is time to say goodbye, give a smile and wink your eyes (cip cip cip). It is time to say goodbye to all my friend (clap, clap, clap)
c. Murid mengulangi semula perkataan baru yang telah dipelajari pada hari ini berdasarkan pengetahuan sedia ada dan apakah yang mereka ingati. (monkey, lion, elephant, tiger, leopard, bear, crocodile, giraffe, zebra, hippopotamus)
d. Murid menyanyikan lagu “Tanya sama pokok” dan menyanyikan lagu “Mari Berkebun” dan “An elephant walks like this and that” sambil melakukan pergerakkan mudah berdasarkan lirik lagu.
e. Pesanan guru (amalan kebersihan) – Meletakkan kerusi di atas meja / membersihkan meja / mengutip sampah di atas meja / atas lantai dan membuang sampah ke dalam tong sampah
f. Beratur dan bersedia untuk balik

DISEMAK OLEH : ____________________________ TARIKH : ______________

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