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Nama : Bemby Agustian

NIM : 032122028
Mata Kuliah : Komunikasi Debat
Tugas : Resensi Buku “The Art of Debate” by Professor Jarrod Atchison Ph.D.
Penerbit : The Great Courses
Tahun : 2017


Nilai Tersembunyi dari Debat

Debat adalah alat penting untuk menyelesaikan perbedaan pendapat dan mempererat persatuan
dalam masyarakat. Keterampilan debat membantu membangun kepercayaan diri, melatih
berpikir cepat, dan menjadi advokat yang kuat. Kursus ini memperkenalkan seni debat dan
prinsip dasarnya, dengan fokus pada pengambilan keputusan. Debat, yang formal dan
struktural, membedakannya dari argumen spontan.
Debat vs. Argumentasi
Debat adalah pelaksanaan formal dari argumentasi dengan struktur yang diformalkan,
melibatkan pertukaran ide yang sistematis dan melibatkan pihak ketiga netral sebagai hakim.
Debat dan Pengambilan Keputusan
Debat memperkuat pengambilan keputusan dengan memfokuskan pada pertanyaan kunci
dalam kontroversi dan mengantisipasi argumen lawan. Debat membantu merumuskan
pertanyaan kunci dan mencapai titik stasis dalam argumen.
Debat dan Artikulasi
Debat formal melibatkan RFD (Reason for Decision) di mana para juri menjelaskan keputusan
mereka dengan mempertimbangkan kelebihan dan kelemahan setiap proposal. Pemimpin
organisasi yang jujur dalam menjelaskan keputusan mereka membangun kepercayaan dan
mendorong pengembangan argumen yang lebih baik.
Debat adalah alat yang efektif untuk meningkatkan kepercayaan diri, meningkatkan
kemampuan berpikir cepat, dan memperkuat pengambilan keputusan. Dalam berbagai konteks,
keterampilan debat membantu individu menghadapi tantangan kehidupan sehari-hari dengan
percaya diri dan produktif.
Book Review : "The Art of Debate" by Professor Jarrod Atchison Ph.D.
"The Art of Debate," authored by Professor Jarrod Atchison Ph.D. and published by THE
GREAT COURSES in 2017, is a captivating work that explores the importance of debate in
the context of decision-making and the development of argumentative skills. In this book,
readers are presented with a profound understanding of the distinction between debate and
argumentation. Atchison elucidates that debate is not merely a form of argumentation; rather,
it is argumentation that has been formalized and well-structured. As a method of decision-
making, debate demands a deep understanding of key questions in a controversy, allowing
participants to formulate their best arguments and compelling them to reach a stasis, the starting
point between two conflicting parties.
One of the key points emphasized by Atchison is how debate enhances decision-making by
creating an atmosphere of nuance and interaction of ideas. In a debate, participants are not only
taught to craft their best arguments but also to anticipate their opponents' strongest points. This
dynamic sharpens arguments and results in the best versions of participants' ideas. Moreover,
the book discusses the significance of debate in assisting organizational leaders in making
informed decisions. Leaders who are honest and articulate their judgments clearly and
accurately build trust with their teams, fostering rigorous discussions and encouraging team
members to generate superior arguments.
The book addresses common concerns among organizational leaders regarding the debate
process, such as fear of criticism and counterarguments that might make them appear
vulnerable. Atchison proves that honesty and clarity in expressing judgments empower leaders
and build strong relationships with their teams. Leaders who can face debates with a clear head
and guide their teams through structured argumentation processes gain trust and strong
communication skills.
In the context of organizational decision-making, the book provides real-life case studies that
illustrate the impact of poor decisions and ineffective communication. It takes readers into a
situation where an decreased productivity due to unclear decisions and poor communication
between managers and the production team. Through this case, Atchison imparts valuable
lessons about the importance of transparent decision-making and effective communication
within organizations.
With clear writing style and persuasive arguments, the book successfully immerses readers into
the world of debate, highlighting the hidden value of debate as a tool that not only hones
argumentative skills but also deepens understanding of differing opinions and rational decision-
making. "The Art of Debate" is not only a book for debate enthusiasts but also an inspiring read
for anyone interested in developing critical thinking skills, effective communication, and
intelligent decision-making. By reading this book, readers will feel motivated to face
challenges, argue persuasively, and make decisions based on rationality and integrity. In
conclusion, the book invites readers to embrace the art of debate as a tool that not only builds
skills but also opens the door to a deeper understanding of the world around us.

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