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Tahun Pelajaran 2022-2023
Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris
Kelas X DKV 2
Fase E
Materi Procedure Text (Manual)
Capaian Pembelajaran Pada akhir Fase E, peserta didik membaca dan merespon berbagai
macam teks seperti narasi, deskripsi, prosedur, eksposisi, recount,
dan report. Mereka membaca untuk mempelajari sesuatu atau
untuk mendapatkan informasi. Mereka mencari dan mengevaluasi
detil spesifik dan inti dari berbagai macam jenis teks. Teks ini
dapat berbentuk cetak atau digital, termasuk di antaranya teks
visual, multimodal atau interaktif. Pemahaman mereka terhadap
ide pokok, isu-isu atau pengembangan plot dalam berbagai macam
teks mulai berkembang. Mereka mengidentifikasi tujuan penulis
dan mengembangkan keterampilannya untuk melakukan inferensi
sederhana dalam memahami informasi tersirat dalam teks.
Alokasi Waktu 4 x 45 menit (2 x pertemuan)
1. Kinds of Procedure Text (as in packaging, manuals, instruction booklet etc).
2. Basic vocabularies (Choose, Button, Camera effect etct)
3. Imperative sentences (Choose the + Button, add, adjust the light, etc)
• Gotong royong Bekerja sama mencari informasi lebih tentang materi yang
diberikan dalam kelompok.
• Mandiri Melakukan proses brainstorming pada kegiatan awal
pembelajaran secara individu.
• Kreatif Mencari contoh procedure text dengan memperhatikan fungsi
sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dalam berbagai
konteks situasi dalam kehidupan seharri-hari.
• Berpikir Kritis Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan pada procedure text dalam berbagai konteks situasi
dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
Media Laptop, Internet
Sumber Belajar Lembar kerja peserta didik,
Buku teks Bahasa Inggris,
Power point,
Video Youtube, dsb.
Siswa kelas X DKV 2 SMKN 1 Jatibarang
Genre Based Approach
1. Building Knowledge of Field
2. Modelling of Text
3. Joint Construction Of Text
4. Independence Construction of Field
STAD (Student Team Achievement Division)
1. Presentasi
2. Membentuk kelompok
3. Quiz
4. Evaluasi
5. Kesimpulan
Model Pembelajaran
- Tatap Muka

1. Melalui model pembelajaran Genre Based Approach-STAD (Student Team
Achievement Division)(C), peserta didik (A) dapat memahami dan mengidentifikasi
language features, generic structure, dan social function procedure text
(manual)menurut fungsi sosial, struktur teks, unsur kebahasaan secara berkelompok dan
mandiri (B) dengan benar (D).
2. Melalui model pembelajaran Genre Based Approach-STAD (Student Team
Achievement Division)(C), peserta didik (A) dapat menemukan topik dan ide utama
procedure text (manual) (B) dengan benar (D).
3. Melalui model pembelajaran Genre Based Approach-STAD (Student Team
Achievement Division)serta diskusi kelompok(C), peserta didik (A) dapat menemukan
makna konstekstual (contextual meaning) pada procedure text (manual) secara mandiri
dan kelompok (B) dengan tepat (D).
4. Melalui model pembelajaran Genre Based Approach-STAD (Student Team
Achievement Division)serta diskusi kelompok (C) , peserta didik (A) dapat
mengidentifikasi informatsi explicit dan informasi implicit procedure text (manual)
secara mandiri dan berkelompok (B) dengan benar (D).
5. Melalui model pembelajaran Genre Based Approach-STAD (Student Team
Achievement Division)serta diskusi kelompok ©, peserta didik (A) dapat
Mengidentifikas pilihan kata ganti (reference pronoun) procedure text (manual) dengan
bahasa sendiri (B) secara berkelompok dan mandiri(D).
Setelah mempelajari modul ini, peserta didik mengetahui :
1. Penggunaan jenis teks prosedur dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, terutama yang
berhubungan dengan profesi di jurusannya.
2. Dalam pekerjaan, teks prosedur menjadi pedoman dalam menjelaskan langkah-
langkah pekerjaan.

• What did you do last night?
• What activity is that?
• Is the activity need steps?
• Could you tell me the steps?

• Guru menyusun LKPD
• Guru menyusun instrumen assessment yang digunakan
• Guru melakukan diagnostik
(2X45 menit)
Pendahuluan 1. Guru memberi salam sebelum pembelajaran dimulai.
2. Guru memeriksa kerapihan kelas dan siswa sebelum dimulai
3. Guru mengecek kehadiran peserta didik.
4. Guru memimpin yel yel
Pertanyaan pemantik:
a. What did you do last night?
b. What activity is that?
c. Is that activity need steps?
d. Could you tell me the steps?
5. Guru memberikan kesimpulan bahwa yang akan dipelajarai adalah
procedure text

Inti Building Knowledge of the Field (BKoF)

• Peserta didik diminta untuk melihat video teks prosedur lisan
• Peserta didik diberikan lembar kerja untuk dikerjakan berdasarkan
teks yang didengar yaitu menuliskan kosakatabaru.
1. What information do you get from text?
2. How many word do you get from that video?
3. Can mention those word?

Write down the words which is appear from the video!

1 …………………... 6 …………………...
2 …………………... 7 …………………...
3 …………………... 8 …………………...
4 …………………... 9 …………………...
5 …………………... 10 …………………...

Modelling of the Text (MoT)

• Siswa diberi contoh teks manual tentang manual
How to Make a Basic photo Become
Extraordinary Photo Goal

This time we use pics art application. An application that you

can find in the play store or in the web

Tools/ things You Need

1. Pics Art Application Material
2. Basic Photo
3. Smartphone
1. The first thing we should do is open the pics art
2. After that we choose a photo to edit
3. Adjust the lighting, the colour and the contras in tools
4. After that we go to the FX menu and choose the blur
toolbar and choose the radial blur
5. After that we need to adjust the opacity and delete the
blur on the main object
6. After that we can go to the FX menu to add the filter to
this picture. At this time we use drama filter
7. And the we go to the colour menu and to adjust the
colour and lighting problem.
8. Then the last step we could go to the mask menu to add
flare and bokeh effect
9. This is it, he photo is ready to be upload in our social

• Guru memberikan penjelasan tentang tujuan, fungsi

kebahasaan, unsur kebahasaan dan struktur teks manual
Procedure text.
• Guru memberikan LKPD teks manual untuk didiskusikan
dengan kelompok.

Activity 1
How to operate Computer

First, switch on the stabilizer. Stabilizer is an electrical tool to

stabilize the electricity to the computer hardware
Second, press the power button to turn on the CPU. The
power button usually lays under the CD Rom. The shape is
round or square.
Third, turn on the monitor. Sometimes the monitor is on
when the CPU is turned on. It depends on the previous user
whether turned the monitor on or off.
Finally, start to operate an application. For example, if you want
to type, you

I. Answer the question based on the text above!

1. Who is the most read this text?
2. What kind of procedure text is it?
3. Mention the generic structure of the text!
4. What should you do after you press the power button?
5. Why sometimes the monitor is on when the CPU turn on?
Activity 2
II. Complete the following table based on the text above!
Answer sheet
1 Goal ………………………………….
2 Tool/Material ………………………………….
3 Steps ………………………………….

Activity 3
Text 1
This Adobe CS3 application can be removed using special software. The
function of Adobe CS3 is to edit images, videos and audio. Following
are the steps for installing the Adobe CS3 application:
1. First of all, prepare the Adobe CS3 software first, make sure the
computer memory that Adobe CS3 will install has quite a lot of
2. After that, open the adobe cs3 application folder.
3. Find the icon that says setup.
4. Double click on the setup icon.
5. If an application appears to be installed, select as needed.
6. If you have clicked next.
7. After that, enter the serial number.
8. Next, a command will appear where to store the Adobe CS3
Text 2
- Computer
- Corel Draw Application
- Picture
1. The first step, please open Corel draw, then please create a new
worksheet with a size of 100 x 50 cm. Where with a worksheet that we
make like this it will produce a banner with a size of 1 x 5 m when
2. Next, please make a box on the canvas, you can use the help of the
rectangle tool. then please give color to the box.
3. copy paste and reduce the size, give it a lighter color to make an
impression or a gradation effect.
4. The next step, please right-click then select convert to curve to give a
curved effect. You can also adjust the indentation by pressing the F10
key on the keyboard
5. Next you copy paste and give a different color from the object you first
created earlier. You can also adjust the shape using the shape tool.
6. If you have created a useful box to be an ad info text, you can make it
using the help of the rectangle tool.
7. Create a curved effect again using the help of the shape tool.
8. The next step, please block, then create a group to make the editing
process easier.
9. Next we will enter the image area, please click on the menu then
select strange, select power clip then select place inside container.
10. Insert the image you want to add to the canvas by clicking on the file
menu, then selecting import. then you power clip the image you just
11. Please enter the name or type of business you want to promote. then
please select the tool option, then select a font that matches the color
you created.
12. To make the display more lively, please select the interactive drop
shadow tool.
13. The last step you only need to adjust the color and add some
supporting image objects to make the banner design that you make
even more attractive.

Analyze the text above using the points stated in the coloumn bellow!
Put a (✓) if the text has the point
No Point
Text 1 Text 2
1 The text has title
2 The text has tool/material
3 The text has steps
4 The text use Simple
present tense
5 The text use Imperative
6 The text use conectives

• Guru dan Siswa membahas LKPD berasama sama.

• Guru memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk
menyampaikan hasil kerjanya
• Guru membuat kesimpulan.
Penutup 1. Guru memberikan ulasan apa yang sudah diberikan dalam
2. Guru dan siswa melakukan refleksi.
3. Guru menutup pembelajaran dengan salam.
PERTEMUAN KE-2 (2X45 menit)
Pendahuluan 1. Guru memberi salam sebelum pembelajaran dimulai.
2. Guru memeriksa kebersihan dan kerapihan kelas
3. Guru mengecek kehadiran peserta didik.
4. Guru memimpin yel yel
5. Guru memberi apersepsi tentang materi yang telah dipelajari
pertemuan sebelumnya dengan cara memberikan pertnyaan
singkat untuk mengetahui daya serap dan ingatan peserta didik
terhadap pertemuan sebelumnya.
6. Guru menyampaikan tentang manfaat belajar procedure text.
7. Guru menyampaikan tujuan yang akan dicapai pada pembelajaran
hari ini.
8. Guru menyampaikan garis besar cakupan materi yang dipelajari.

Inti Joint Construction of the Text (JCoT) (pertemuan ke 2)

• Peserta didik dibagi dengan kelompok dimana 1 kelompok terdiri dari
4-5 orang (penerapan STAD Strategy)
• Guru menyampaikan kegiatan yang akan dilakukan pada pertemuan
ini dan memberikan arahan untuk diskusi kelompok
• Peserta didik diberi kuis atau pekerjaan yang akan dikerjakan bersama
teman mengidentifikasi reading skill yaitu menemukan topik,
menemukan ide utama, menemukan informasi eksplisit, menemukan
informasi implisit, pemilihan kata ganti dan makna kontekstual dalam
Procedure text

Activity 4
Read the following text and answer the question!


1. Adobe Photoshop application.
2. Picture.
3. Pen tool.
1. Insert the photo to edit ( ctrl+o ) on the Photoshop page then
select the photo to edit).
2. Then duplicate the layer by right clicking on the background layer.
3. Click the eye icon next to the original layer to make the photo on
that layer invisible.
4. Then click ‘Pen Tool’ which is in the toolbox on the left.
5. Then make a boundary between the object and the background
with the Pen Tool.
6. When finished, right click and ‘Select’ menu tab at the top, then
select ‘Inverse.
7. Finally, click the ‘Delete’ button on your keyboard.

Answer the following question based on the text above!

1. What is the topic of the text?
2. Are the Procedure easy to follow?
3. What kind of procedure is it?
4. Does the text explain procedure to remove the background clearly?
5. What should you do after you select a photo to edit?
6. Which steps make the photo looks invisible?
7. What are the differences between “click” and “Right click”?
8. The word “select” is similar meaning with ….?
9. Beside mouse, what important other tools support to work on
10. Who is need to read this procedure?

Activity 5
Arrange the jumble paragraph to be good paragraph!
1 Second, you need to make
sure that your car is in
neutral. Press down the pedal
on the clutch into until it hits
the floor. After that, you
move to gear level into the
neutral (central) position.
2 Do you know how to start a
manual car? There are four
steps to do it. Here they are.
3 First, you need to insert your
car key into the ignition.
4 Last, once the car is in
neutral, you are ready to turn
the key in the ignition to start
the let the engine get
up to speed, you need to wait
for a few second before
driving away.
5 Third, you need to make sure
the handbrake, which can be
found on the center console
or behind the gear on the
passenger side of the driver’s
seat, is on. Before you switch
on the ignition and start your
car, ensure that the
handbrake is at 45 degree

• Guru dan siswa membahas pekerjaan siswa yang telah dilakukan dan
• Guru memberikan penghargaan kepada kelompok yang mengerjakan
tugas dengan benar.
Independent Construction of the Text (ICoT)
• Peserta didik diberikan LKPD yang berisiteks berkaitan sebuah manual
• Peserta didik secara mandiri menjawab pertanyaan ; ide pokok,
informasi khusus, reference, mengidentifikasi tujuan, fungsi
kebahasaan dan struktur teks.

Activity 6
Five Step to Start an Automatic Car
Do you know how to start aautomatic car? There are five steps to
do it. Here are the steps you need to know.
First, you need to insert your car key into the ignition and turn it to
the third or on position.
Second, you need to press the brake pedal. An automatic car only
has two pedals. There are the brake at the center and the accelerator on the
right. Do not forget to press the former.
Third, you need to reverse the gear level to “D”. automatic
transmission car may have some form of D such as D, D1, D2 and D3.
Move the gear level to D position to let the car move.
Fourth, you need to lift your foot from pressing the brake as slow
as possible.
Fifth, you need to press the accelerator to make the wheels start
rotating at a safe speed like 30 or 40 km/hour for new drivers.

State whether the question bellow has the answers in the text, then
identify it by write the statement!
Question Yes No Answer
What is the main idea of
the text?
How many steps are in
the text?
After reading the text, do
you know how to start
manual car?
”you move to gear level
into the neutral” the bold
word has the same
meaning with. . .
Does the text suitable for
student under 17 years
”There are five steps to
do it” The word it refers

• Guru dan siswa membahas pekerjaan siswa yang telah dilakukan

Pentutup 1. Memberikan umpan balik terhadap proses pembelajaran:
• Well, class, you have done a very good job today. Most of
you are active. I hope next time, all of you involve in the
interaction. Howdo you feel during the lesson?
• Is there anyone want to say something?
• Is there anyone who feel unhappy today?
• In what Part you didn’t like this lesson?
2. Menyimpulkan apa yang dipelajari hari ini.
3. Menyampaikan agenda pertemuan berikutnya
4. Guru Menutup pembelajaran dengan salam penutup.

Asesmen Non

Asesmen Kognitif

Asesmen • Test Tulis

Formatif • Penilaian Harian
Asesmen Sumatif


Pengayaan diberikan kepada siswa yang telah melampaui Kriteria Ketercapaian Tujuan
Pembelajaran (KKTP) berupa penambahan bacaan dari jenis teks serupa untuk
memperkaya pengetahuan.
Remedial diberikan kepada siswa yang belum melampaui Kriteria Ketercapaian Tujuan
Pembelajaran (KKTP) berupa pembelajaran ulang dan/atau asesmen ulang.
• Apakah model pembelajaran yang saya gunakan sesuai dengan materi dan karakteristik
peserta didik?
• Apakah semua peserta didik nyaman belajar dalam kelompoknya?
• Pada bagian mana dari materi ini peserta didik mudah memahami?
• Bagaimana kesesuaian durasi waktu dan tujuan belajar yang ingin dicapai pada
pembelajaran ini?
• Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik
Bahan bacaan Peserta Didik :
Procedure Text Salah satu manfaat procedure text adalah memberi petunjuk kepada
pembaca. Petunjuk ini membantu mereka melakukan hal yang barangkali
belum pernah dilakukannya.
• Eka Mulya Astuti. 2018. Practice Your English Competence. Jakarta : Penerbit Erlangga

1. BKOF ( Building Knowledge of Field)
Pay attention to the Video!

Write vocabulary that you get from the video!

1 …………………... 6 …………………...
2 …………………... 7 …………………...
3 …………………... 8 …………………...
4 …………………... 9 …………………...
5 …………………... 10 …………………...
Procedure text is a piece of text that give us instructions for doing something.The
structure is:

How to make a basic photo Become Extraordinary photo

This time we use Pics Art application. An application that you can find in the play store or in the web.
- Pics Art Application
- Basic Photo
- Smartphone

1. The first thing we should do is open the Pics Art
2. After that we choose a photo to edit
3. Adjust the lighting, the color and contras in tools menu
4. After that we go to the FX menu and choose radial blur
5. After that we need to adjust the opacity and delete the blur on the main object
6. After that we can go to the FX menu to add the filter to this picture. At this time we use
drama filter
7. And then we go to color menu and to adjust the color and lighting problem
8. Then the last step we got to the mask menu to add flare and bokeh effect
9. This is it, the photo is ready to be upload in our social media.
Grup Member Name:

1. ………………………………….
Activity 1 2. ………………………………….
3. ………………………………….
Read this text and write your answer!
4. ………………………………….
5. …………………………………..

How to operate computer

First, switch on the stabilizer. Stabilizer is an electrical tool to stabilize the electricity
to the computer hardware

Second, press the power button to turn on the CPU. The power button usually lays
under the CD Rom. The shape is round or square.

Third, turn on the monitor. Sometimes the monitor is on when the CPU is turned on.
It depends on the previous user whether turned the monitor on or off.

Finally, start to operate an application.

I. Answer The question based on the text above!

1. Who is the most need read this text?
2. What kind of procedure text is it?
3. Mention the generic structure of the text!
4. What will you do after you press the power button?
5. Why sometimes the monitor is on when the CPU turn on

Activity 2
II. Complete the following table!

The goal ...............................................................................................
The materials

The steps
Activity 3
Read the following text and analyze both using the table below!

Text 1
This Adobe CS3 application can be removed using special software. The function of Adobe
CS3 is to edit images, videos and audio. Following are the steps for installing the Adobe CS3
1. First of all, prepare the Adobe CS3 software first, make sure the computer memory
that Adobe CS3 will install has quite a lot of capacity.
2. After that, open the adobe cs3 application folder.
3. Find the icon that says setup.
4. Double click on the setup icon.
5. If an application appears to be installed, select as needed.
6. If you have clicked next.
7. After that, enter the serial number.
8. Next, a command will appear where to store the Adobe CS3 application to be
installed, you should not change the storage location.
9. After that click install and wait until the installation process is complete. If the
installation process is complete, click finish.
10. Finally, the Adobe application is ready to use.

Text 2

- Computer
- Corel Draw Application
- Picture
1. The first step, please open Corel draw, then please create a new worksheet with a size of 100
x 50 cm. Where with a worksheet that we make like this it will produce a banner with a size
of 1 x 5 m when printed.
2. Next, please make a box on the canvas, you can use the help of the rectangle tool. then please
give color to the box.
3. copy paste and reduce the size, give it a lighter color to make an impression or a gradation
4. The next step, please right-click then select convert to curve to give a curved effect. You can
also adjust the indentation by pressing the F10 key on the keyboard
5. Next you copy paste and give a different color from the object you first created earlier. You
can also adjust the shape using the shape tool.
6. If you have created a useful box to be an ad info text, you can make it using the help of the
rectangle tool.
7. Create a curved effect again using the help of the shape tool.
8. The next step, please block, then create a group to make the editing process easier.
9. Next we will enter the image area, please click on the menu then select strange, select power
clip then select place inside container.

10. Insert the image you want to add to the canvas by clicking on the file menu, then selecting
import. then you power clip the image you just imported.
11. Please enter the name or type of business you want to promote. then please select the tool
option, then select a font that matches the color you created.
12. To make the display more lively, please select the interactive drop shadow tool.
13. The last step you only need to adjust the color and add some supporting image objects to
make the banner design that you make even more attractive.

Analyze the text above using the points stated in the coloumn bellow!

No Point Put a (✓) if the text has the point mentioned

Text 1 Text 2
1 The text has title
2 The text has tool/material
3 The text has steps
4 The text use Simple present tense

5 The text use Imperative sentence

6 The text use conectives

Grup Member Name:

1. ………………………………….
2. ………………………………….
(Joint Construction of Text) 3. ………………………………….
Activity 4 4. ………………………………….
Read the following text and answer the question! 5. …………………………………..


4. Adobe Photoshop application.
5. Picture.
6. Pen tool.
8. Insert the photo to edit ( ctrl+o ) on the Photoshop page then select the photo to edit).
9. Then duplicate the layer by right clicking on the background layer.
10. Click the eye icon next to the original layer to make the photo on that layer invisible.
11. Then click ‘Pen Tool’ which is in the toolbox on the left.
12. Then make a boundary between the object and the background with the Pen Tool.
13. When finished, right click and ‘Select’ menu tab at the top, then select ‘Inverse.
14. Finally, click the ‘Delete’ button on your keyboard.

Answer the following question based on the text above!

1. What is the topic of the text?
2. Are the Procedure easy to follow?
3. What kind of procedure is it?
4. Does the text explain procedure to remove the background clearly?
5. What should you do after you select a photo to edit?
6. Which steps make the photo looks invisible?
7. What are the differences between “click” and “Right click”?
8. The word “select” is similar meaning with ….?
9. Beside mouse, what important other tools support to work on photoshop?
10. Who is need to read this procedure?

Activity 5
Arrange the jumble paragraph to be good paragraph!

1 You need to make sure that your car is in

neutral. Press down the pedal on the
clutch into until it hits the floor. After
that, you move to gear level into the
neutral (central) position.
2 Do you know how to start a manual car?
There are four steps to do it. Here they
3 You need to insert your car key into the
4 Once the car is in neutral, you are ready
to turn the key in the ignition to start the let the engine get up to speed, you
need to wait for a few second before
driving away.

5 You need to make sure the handbrake,
which can be found on the center console
or behind the gear on the passenger side
of the driver’s seat, is on. Before you
switch on the ignition and start your car,
ensure that the handbrake is at 45 degree

Name : …………………………….

Class : …………………………….
(Independent Construction of Text)
Activity 6

Five Step to Start an Automatic Car

Do you know how to start aautomatic car? There are five steps to do it. Here are the
steps you need to know.
First, you need to insert your car key into the ignition and turn it to the third or on
Second, you need to press the brake pedal. An automatic car only has two pedals. There
are the brake at the center and the accelerator on the right. Do not forget to press the former.
Third, you need to reverse the gear level to “D”. automatic transmission car may have
some form of D such as D, D1, D2 and D3. Move the gear level to D position to let the car
Fourth, you need to lift your foot from pressing the brake as slow as possible.
Fifth, you need to press the accelerator to make the wheels start rotating at a safe speed
like 30 or 40 km/hour for new drivers.

State whether the question bellow has the answers in the text, then identify it by write the
Question Yes No Answer
What is the main idea of the text?
How many steps are in the text?
After reading the text, do you know how to
start manual car?
” Move the gear level to D position” the bold
word has the same meaning with. . .
Does the text suitable for student under 17
years old?
”There are five steps to do it” The word it
refers to…
What are the differences between manual and
automatic car on pedals point of view?

Formative Assessment
1. Meeting 1 (Reading Cycle)
Tujuan : Disediakan Procedure text tulis, peserta didik mampu
menganalisisstruktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan secara mandiri
Jenis :
Tes Tertulis
Rubrik :
Skor Kriteria
5 Peserta didik tepat memberi nomor untuk 4 struktur
4 Peserta didik tepat memberi nomor untuk 3 struktur
3 Peserta didik tepat memberi nomor untuk 2 struktur
2 Peserta didik tepat memberi nomor untuk 1 struktur
1 Peserta didik tidak memahami instruksi soal dan tidak mengerjakan

2. Meeting 2 (Reading Cycle)

Tujuan : Peserta didik mampu membuat procedure text tulis dengan bahasa sendiri
sesuai dengan karakteristik jurusannya.
Jenis :
Tes Tertulis
Rubrik :

No. Material Description Skor

1. Present Simple 20

2. Imperative 20

3. Action Verbs 20

4. Conjunction 15

5. Adverbial of Time 15

6. Noun Group 10

Summative Assessment
Jenis : Tes Tertulis
Soal : 20 butir
Skor Benar : (5)
Skor Salah : (0)
Item tes : Buku siswa

Rubrik Penilaian Test Sumatif

Soal Jenis soal Soal No Score

Siswa mampu Pilihan ganda 1, 5, 14 5
menemukan Topik
dari Bacaan
Procedure Text
Siswa mampu 8, 10, 12 5
menemukan Main
Idea dari sebuah
Bacaan procedure
Siswa mampu 2, 3, 4, 6, 11, 13, 15, 5
Menemukan Specific 19
information dari
bacaan Procedure
Siswa Mampu 18 5
reference dari
bacaan Procedure
Siswa Mampu 20 5
menemukan Makna
tersirat dari sebuah
bacaan Procedure
Siswa Mampu 7,16 5
Synonym dalam
bacaan procedure


A. Uraian Materi
Text type/Genre (jenis text) didefinisikan sebagai ‖the ways that we get things
done through language – the ways we exchange information, and knowlegde and
interact socially‖. Genre juga diartikan sebagai ―proses sosial yang bertahap
dan berorientasi pada tujuan. Dalam kegiatan pembelajaran ini peserta akan
membahas mengenai procedure text sebagai salah satu contoh dari text

1. Definition
Procedure text is a piece of written or spoken text which gives the readers
or the listeners instructions for making or doing something. It is designed to
describe how something is achieved through a sequence of actions or steps.
Therefore, it can be in the form of a set of instructions, directions or a manual.
The social function of procedure text is to inform the readers or the
listeners how to make or to do something.

2. Generic Structure
• Goal: provide information on the intent and purpose of the
procedure andpredict a conclusion.
• Materials: lists the materials or the materials required to perform a
procedureor steps.
• Steps: a list of the order of instruction / activity to achieve the
objectives in thecorrect sequence of steps.

3. Language Features
In the Procedure Text, we use:
➢ Simple present tense
➢ Use of imperatives (e.g.: cut, don‘t mix)
➢ Use of action verbs (e.g.: turn, put, mix)
➢ Use of connectives (e.g.: first, then, finally,…)
➢ Use of adverbial phrases (e.g. : for five
minutes,2 centimeters from the top)

Procedure Text : teks yang berisi perintah atau instruksi untuk melakukan sesuatu
Goal : tujuan atau maksud
Material : bahan
Step : langkah
Adjust : Menyesuaikan
Login : Masuk
Application : Aplikasi
Effect : Efek
Klick : Klik
Double klik : Klik 2 kali
Recognize : mengenali


No Profil Pelajar Pancasila Nomor Urut Peserta Didik

Elemen : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 dst
1 Gotong Royong
Bekerja sama mencari
informasi lebih tentang
materi yang diberikan
dalam kelompok.
2 Mandiri
Melakukan proses
brainstorming pada awal
kegiatan pembelajaran.
3 Kreatif
Menyusun teks procedure
sederhana dalam berbagai
konteks situasi dalam
kehidupan sehari-hari.
4 Berpikir Kritis
Menganalisis fungsi
sosial, struktur teks, dan
unsur kebahasaan teks
procedure dalam berbagai

konteks situasi dalam
kehidupan sehari-hari.


• KKM Profil Pelajar Pancasila dengan kriteria BSH (Berkembang Sesuai

• Keterangan Kriteria Penilaian :
o MB (Masih Berkembang)
o SB (Sudah Berkembang)
o BSH (Berkembang Sesuai Harapan)
o SAB (Sangat Berkembang)


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