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STEFFY AMELIA ROZZA. Dampak Ekonomi dan Kesediaan Kontribusi

Wisatawan Terhadap Pengembangan Kampung Wisata Lisung Uyut. Dibimbing

Kampung Wisata Lisung Uyut yang berada di Desa Cijangkar, Nyalindung,

Sukabumi memiliki daya tarik wisata tersendiri karena letaknya di atas perbukitan
menyuguhkan pemandangan alam yang indah dan asri dan sudah ada sejak tahun
2019. Kampung Wisata Lisung Uyut dengan konsep wisata alam rekreasi,
konservasi dan edukasi menawarkan konsep agroedutourism. Namun agar dapat
menarik wisatawan, Kampung Wisata Lisung Uyut perlu adanya upaya
pengembangan wisata, dikarenakan saat ini lokasi wisata tersebut terdapat lahan
seluas delapan hektar yang belum dimanfaatkan secara optimal. Tujuan penelitian
ini adalah (1) Mengidentifikasi persepsi wisatawan terhadap Kampung Wisata
Lisung Uyut; (2) Mengestimasi dampak ekonomi bagi masyarakat sekitar
kawasan Kampung Wisata Lisung Uyut; (3) Mengestimasi preferensi dan
kesediaan kontribusi wisatawan terhadap rencana pengembangan Kampung
Wisata Lisung Uyut. Berdasarkan hasil skala likert pengunjung setuju bahwa
secara umum fasilitas, kebersihan, keamanan, dan aksesibilitas sudah membaik.
Estimasi dampak ekonomi dari adanya Kampung Wisata Lisung Uyut berdasarkan
nilai efek pengganda, diperoleh nilai keynesian income multiplier sebesar 1,02 dan
nilai ratio income multiplier tipe 1 dan tipe 2 sebesar 1,58 dan 2,22.

Kata kunci : Agroedutourism, multiplier effect, turnbull, willingness to pay,

wisata alam
STEFFY AMELIA ROZZA. The Economic Impact and Tourists Willing to
Contribute to the Development of Lisung Uyut Tourism Village. Supervised by

Lisung Uyut Tourism Village located in Cijangkar Village, Nyalindung,

Sukabumi has its own tourist attraction because it is located on the hills offering
beautiful natural scenery and beautiful and has existed since 2019. Lisung Uyut
Tourism Village with the concept of recreational, conservation and educational
nature tourism offers the concept of agroedutourism. However, in order to attract
tourists, Lisung Uyut Tourism Village needs tourism development efforts,
because currently the tourist location has eight hectares of land that has not been
optimally utilized. The objectives of this study are (1) to identify tourist
perceptions of Lisung Uyut Tourism Village; (2) to estimate the economic impact
on the community around the Lisung Uyut Tourism Village area; (3) to estimate
the preferences and willingness of tourist to contribute to the development plant
of Lisung Uyut Tourism Village. Based on the results of the Likert scale, visitors
agree that in general the facilities, cleanliness, security, and accessibility have
improved. Estimating the economic impact of Lisung Uyut Tourism Village based
on the multiplier effect value, the Keynesian income multiplier value is 1,02 and
the ratio value of income multiplier type 1 and type 2 is 1,58 and 2,22.

Keywords: Agroedutourism, multiplier effect, turnbull, willingness to pay,

natural tourism

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