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Disusun Untuk Memenuhi Tugas Mata Kuliah Manajemen Karir dan

Pengembangan Diri

Disusun Oleh Kelompok 5 :

WIDIYANTIKA 71210312019
YUNI ANGELINA 71210312037
NONA KARTIKA 71210312018
NURUL HOFIFAH 71210312033



Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb Puji syukur kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa

karena telah memberikan kesempatan pada penulis untuk menyelesaikan makalah
ini. Atas rahmat dan hidayah-Nya lah penulis dapat menyelesaikan makalah yang
berjudul “Insentif dan Komisi” dengan tepat waktu. Shalawat serta salam semoga
senantiasa dilimpah curahkan kepada junjungan kita Nabi Muhammad saw.
kepada keluarganya, sahabatnya, dan juga kepada kita selaku umat yang
mengikuti ajarannya sampai akhir zaman.
Makalah “Insentif dan Komisi” disusun guna memenuhi tugas Bapak Dr.
Supriadi, SE,. MM., M.Si. Pada mata kuliah Manajemen karir dan
pengembangan diri di “Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara”. Selain itu, penulis
juga berharap agar makalah ini dapat menambah wawasan bagi pembaca tentang
“Insentif dan komisi”.
Semoga tugas yang telah diberikan ini dapat menambah pengetahuan dan
wawasan terkait bidang yang ditekuni penulis. Terlepas dari segala hal tersebut,
Penulis sadar sepenuhnya bahwa masih ada kekurangan baik dari segi susunan
kalimat maupun kata bahasanya. Oleh karenanya penulis dengan lapang dada
menerima segala saran dan kritik agar penulis dapat memperbaiki makalah.

Medan, 20 Oktober 2023

Tim penulis


KATA PENGANTAR............................................................................................ i
DAFTAR ISI ....................................................................................................... ii
BAB I .................................................................................................................. 1
PENDAHULUAN ............................................................................................... 1
1.1 Latar Belakang Masalah ............................................................................. 1
1.2 Rumusan Masalah ...................................................................................... 2
1.3 Tujuan ........................................................................................................ 2
BAB II ................................................................................................................. 2
LANDASAN TEORI ........................................................................................... 2
2.1 Definisi Insentif dan Komisi ....................................................................... 2
2.2 Jenis-Jenis Insentif dan komisi ................................................................... 4
2.3 Manfaat dan Dampak dari penerapan insentif dan komisi dalam suatu ....... 5
organisasi ......................................................................................................... 5
2.4 Proses implementasi insentif dan komisi .................................................... 6
2.5 Potensi kendala dan risiko yang mungkin timbul dalam penerapan ............. 7
insentif dan komisi dalam suatu organisasi ....................................................... 7
BAB III................................................................................................................ 8
PENUTUP ........................................................................................................... 8
3.1 Kesimpulan ................................................................................................ 8
3.2 Saran .......................................................................................................... 9
DAFTAR PUSTAKA ........................................................................................... 9


1.1 Latar Belakang Masalah

Insentif dan komisi merupakan bagian penting dalam pengelolaan sumber

daya manusia dan strategi penggajian dalam dunia bisnis. Insentif adalah
bentuk penghargaan atau hadiah tambahan yang diberikan kepada individu
atau tim sebagai pengakuan atas kinerja atau pencapaian tertentu. Sementara
komisi adalah imbalan berupa sejumlah uang atau bentuk lainnya yang
diberikan kepada seseorang sebagai imbalan atas penjualan atau hasil kerja
yang telah mereka lakukan, khususnya terkait dengan hasil penjualan.
Sejak lama, insentif dan komisi telah menjadi alat yang sangat efektif
untuk memotivasi karyawan. Konsep ini tidak hanya berfokus pada
penghargaan finansial semata, melainkan juga pada aspek pengakuan atas
pencapaian, dorongan untuk mencapai target, dan memotivasi karyawan untuk
meningkatkan kinerja. Dalam konteks perusahaan, insentif dan komisi
memiliki peran strategis. Mereka membantu dalam mengarahkan fokus kerja
karyawan pada tujuan perusahaan, meningkatkan penjualan, atau memacu tim
untuk mencapai hasil tertentu. Seiring dengan itu, insentif dan komisi juga
menjadi faktor yang dapat meningkatkan kepuasan karyawan, karena mereka
merasa dihargai atas usaha yang telah mereka lakukan.
Namun, dalam evolusi dunia bisnis yang terus berubah, konsep insentif
dan komisi juga mengalami perkembangan. Di era digital ini, insentif dan
komisi tidak lagi hanya terbatas pada hadiah finansial semata. Mereka juga
bisa mencakup reward non-finansial seperti pengakuan publik, kesempatan
untuk pengembangan karier, atau fleksibilitas dalam bekerja. Memahami latar
belakang dan evolusi insentif serta komisi menjadi krusial bagi perusahaan.
Dengan pemahaman yang baik, mereka dapat merancang sistem insentif dan
komisi yang sesuai untuk mendorong kinerja tinggi, memotivasi karyawan,

dan secara keseluruhan membantu perusahaan mencapai tujuan bisnis dengan
lebih efektif.

1.2 Rumusan Masalah

 Bagaimana perusahaan dapat merancang sistem insentif dan komisi
yang efektif?
 Bagaimana peran insentif dan komisi dalam memotivasi karyawan dan
mencapai tujuan bisnis?

1.3 Tujuan
 untuk mengetahui bagaimana perusahaan dapat merancang sistem
insentif dan komisi yang efektif?
 untuk mengetahui bagaimana peran komisi dan insentif dalam
memotivasi karyawan dan mencapai tujuan bisnis


2.1 Definisi Insentif dan Komisi

Suatu instansi di dalam menjalankan kegiatannya selalu membutuhkan
tenaga kerja (pegawai), oleh karena itu faktor tenaga kerja perlu mendapat
perhatian serius. Dengan demikian dalam menggunakan tenaga kerja perlu
adanya insentif yang seimbang dengan hasil kerjanya, karena pemberian
insentif merupakan perangsang yang diberikan instansi kepada tenaga kerja
dengan tujuan sebagai pendorong agar para tenaga kerja bekerja lebih giat dan
efisien. Insentif dapat dirumuskan sebagai balas jasa yang memadai kepada
pegawai yang prestasinya melebihi standar yang telah ditetapkan. Insentif
merupakan suatu faktor pendorong bagi pegawai untuk bekerja lebih baik agar
kinerja pegawai dapat meningkat.

Dari pengertian di atas untuk lebih jelas tentang insentif, dibawah ini ada
beberapa ahli manajemen mengemukakan pengertian mengenai insentif.
Menurut Hasibuan (2007:117) mengemukakan bahwa insentif adalah
tambahan balas jasa yang diberikan kepada karyawan tertentu yang
prestasinya di atas prestasi standar. Insentif ini merupakan alat yang di
pergunakan pendukung prinsip adil dalam pemberian kompensasi. Menurut
Mangkunegara (2002:89) mengemukakan bahwa insentif adalah suatu bentuk
motivasi yang dinyatakan dalam bentuk uang atas dasar kinerja yang tinggi
dan juga merupakan rasa pengakuan dari pihak organisasi terhadap kinerja
karyawan dan kontribusi terhadap organisasi (perusahaan).
Begitu pula menurut Handoko (2002:176 ) mengemukakan bahwa insentif
adalah perangsang yang ditawarkan kepada para karyawan untuk
melaksanakan kerja sesuai atau lebih tinggi dari standar-standar yang telah
ditetapkan. Insentif pada hakikatnya adalah untuk meningkatkan motivasi
pegawai dalam berupaya mencapai tujuan-tujuan organisasi dengan
menawarkan perangsang finansial di atas dan melebihi upah dan gaji dasar.
Jadi menurut pendapat-pendapat para ahli di atas dapat disimpulkan,
bahwa insentif adalah dorongan pada seseorang agar mau bekerja dengan baik
dan agar lebih dapat mencapai tingkat kinerja yang lebih tinggi sehingga dapat
menambah kemauan kerja dan motivasi seorang pegawai agar terciptanya
suatu kinerja yang berkualitas sesuai dengan tujuan perusahaan.
Komisi, di sisi lain, adalah bentuk penghargaan atau insentif yang
diberikan kepada karyawan atau agen penjualan sebagai imbalan atas
penjualan produk atau jasa tertentu. Komisi biasanya diberikan dalam bentuk
persentase dari nilai penjualan yang berhasil dilakukan. Tujuannya adalah
untuk memberikan motivasi pada karyawan atau agen penjualan untuk
meningkatkan penjualan dan kinerja mereka.

2.2 Jenis-Jenis Insentif dan komisi
 Insentif Finansial:
Bonus: Tambahan uang berdasarkan pencapaian individu atau tim dalam
mencapai target tertentu.
Tunjangan Kinerja: Uang tambahan atau tunjangan lainnya sebagai
penghargaan atas kinerja yang luar biasa.
 Insentif Non-finansial:
Penghargaan Publik: Pengakuan di depan rekan kerja atau publik atas prestasi
atau kontribusi yang baik.
Kesempatan Pengembangan Karier: Peluang untuk pelatihan atau promosi
karena kinerja yang unggul.
 Komisi Berbasis Penjualan:
Komisi Persentase: Sejumlah persentase dari nilai penjualan produk atau
layanan yang berhasil dijual.
Komisi Flat: Jumlah uang tetap untuk setiap produk atau layanan yang terjual.
 Komisi Berbasis Kinerja:
Komisi Berbasis Hasil Proyek: Imbalan atas pencapaian tujuan khusus dalam
sebuah proyek.
Komisi Berbasis Kinerja Keseluruhan: Imbalan karena pencapaian kinerja
yang tinggi, bukan hanya terkait dengan penjualan, namun juga prestasi
lainnya dalam lingkup pekerjaan.

Jenis-jenis insentif dan komisi ini memungkinkan perusahaan untuk

memberikan penghargaan kepada karyawan sesuai dengan hasil kerja atau
prestasi mereka, baik itu dalam bentuk finansial maupun non-finansial.
Dengan memahami jenis-jenis ini, perusahaan dapat merancang sistem
penghargaan yang sesuai untuk memotivasi karyawan dengan cara yang
paling efektif.

2.3 Manfaat dan Dampak dari penerapan insentif dan komisi dalam suatu

Penerapan insentif dan komisi dalam suatu organisasi memiliki manfaat

dan dampak yang signifikan. Berikut adalah beberapa manfaat dan dampak
dari penerapan insentif dan komisi:
 Manfaat Penerapan Insentif dan Komisi.
 Meningkatkan Motivasi Karyawan: Insentif dan komisi dapat
meningkatkan motivasi karyawan untuk bekerja lebih giat dan
mencapai target penjualan atau kinerja yang ditetapkan.
 Meningkatkan Kinerja: Pemberian insentif dan komisi dapat
mendorong karyawan untuk meningkatkan kinerja mereka, yang pada
gilirannya dapat berkontribusi pada peningkatan produktivitas
 Meningkatkan Kepuasan Karyawan: Insentif dapat meningkatkan
kepuasan karyawan karena mereka merasa dihargai atas kontribusi
dan kinerja mereka.
 Meningkatkan Loyalitas Karyawan: Pemberian insentif dan komisi
dapat membantu meningkatkan loyalitas karyawan terhadap

 Dampak Penerapan Insentif dan Komisi:

 Peningkatan Kinerja Karyawan: Pemberian insentif dapat berdampak

positif pada kinerja karyawan, karena insentif dapat menjadi dorongan
bagi karyawan untuk bekerja lebih baik.
 Peningkatan Produktivitas: Insentif dan komisi dapat mendorong
peningkatan produktivitas karyawan, terutama dalam hal penjualan
dan pencapaian target kinerja
 Meningkatkan Keunggulan Kompetitif: Penerapan insentif dan komisi
dapat membantu perusahaan mempertahankan atau meningkatkan

keunggulan kompetitifnya melalui peningkatan kinerja karyawan
dalam mencapai tujuan perusahaan
Dengan demikian, penerapan insentif dan komisi dapat memberikan
manfaat yang signifikan bagi karyawan dan perusahaan, seperti peningkatan
motivasi, kinerja, kepuasan, loyalitas karyawan, serta produktivitas dan
keunggulan kompetitif perusahaan.

2.4 Proses implementasi insentif dan komisi

Proses implementasi insentif dan komisi dalam suatu organisasi atau
perusahaan melibatkan langkah-langkah berikut:
 Perumusan Desain Program: Proses dimulai dengan perumusan desain
program insentif dan komisi, yang mencakup penentuan jenis insentif
seperti komisi, bonus, atau pembagian laba, serta penetapan kriteria
dan indikator kinerja yang akan diukur.
 Komunikasi dan Penetapan Target: Setelah desain program insentif
disusun, langkah selanjutnya adalah melakukan komunikasi kepada
karyawan mengenai program insentif yang akan diterapkan, serta
penetapan target dan tujuan yang harus dicapai untuk memenuhi syarat
mendapatkan insentif atau komisi
 Implementasi Program: Proses implementasi melibatkan penerapan
program insentif dan komisi sesuai dengan desain yang telah disusun,
termasuk pengaturan sistem pengukuran kinerja, perhitungan insentif,
dan penentuan mekanisme pembayaran
 Evaluasi dan Penilaian Kinerja: Setelah program insentif dan komisi
diterapkan, perlu dilakukan evaluasi secara berkala terhadap kinerja
karyawan dan dampak dari penerapan program insentif tersebut. Hal
ini bertujuan untuk memastikan efektivitas program insentif dan
komisi serta mengevaluasi apakah program tersebut telah mencapai
tujuan yang diinginkan
 Penyesuaian dan Perbaikan: Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi, perlu
dilakukan penyesuaian dan perbaikan terhadap program insentif dan

komisi agar dapat terus meningkatkan efektivitasnya dalam
memotivasi karyawan dan mencapai tujuan perusahaan

Dengan demikian, proses implementasi insentif dan komisi melibatkan

tahapan perumusan desain program, komunikasi dan penetapan target,
implementasi program, evaluasi kinerja, serta penyesuaian dan perbaikan
program untuk memastikan efektivitasnya dalam mencapai tujuan organisasi.

2.5 Potensi kendala dan risiko yang mungkin timbul dalam penerapan
insentif dan komisi dalam suatu organisasi

Potensi Kendala:
 Kebutuhan Karyawan yang Berbeda: Setiap karyawan memiliki
kebutuhan dan motivasi yang berbeda, sehingga desain insentif dan
komisi yang tidak memperhatikan diversitas ini dapat menjadi kendala
dalam mencapai efektivitasnya.
 Tidak Adanya Standar Hukum: Ketersediaan standar hukum yang tidak
jelas terkait dengan insentif dan komisi dapat menyebabkan resistensi
dari karyawan terhadap sistem imbalan, serta meningkatkan risiko
hukum bagi perusahaan
 Mentalitas Materialistis: Pemberian insentif yang berlebihan dapat
berpotensi membentuk pola pikir materialistis bagi karyawan, yang
pada gilirannya dapat memengaruhi budaya perusahaan dan motivasi
intrinsik karyawan


 Tidak Terpenuhinya Harapan: Risiko utama dari pemberian insentif

adalah tidak terpenuhinya harapan perusahaan, karena setiap karyawan
memiliki kebutuhan yang berbeda-beda, sehingga insentif yang
diberikan mungkin tidak memenuhi harapan mereka.

 Tidak Memiliki Standar Hukum: Risiko terkait dengan ketidakjelasan
standar hukum terkait insentif dan komisi, yang dapat menyebabkan
resistensi dari karyawan terhadap sistem imbalan dan meningkatkan
risiko hukum bagi perusahaan.
 Membentuk Mental Karyawan Materialistis: Risiko yang perlu
diperhatikan dalam pemberian insentif adalah perusahaan
mengembangkan pola pikir materialistis bagi karyawan, yang dapat
memengaruhi budaya perusahaan dan motivasi intrinsik karyawan.
Dengan memperhatikan potensi kendala dan risiko tersebut, perusahaan
perlu merancang program insentif dan komisi dengan cermat, serta melakukan
evaluasi secara berkala untuk meminimalkan dampak negatif dan memastikan
efektivitasnya dalam memotivasi karyawan dan mencapai tujuan perusahaan.


3.1 Kesimpulan

disimpulkan bahwa memberikan insentif dan komisi dapat menjadi salah

satu cara untuk memotivasi karyawan dan meningkatkan produktivitas
perusahaan. Insentif dan komisi dapat meningkatkan kinerja, kepuasan, dan
loyalitas karyawan terhadap perusahaan. Namun, perlu dilakukan evaluasi
secara berkala untuk meminimalkan dampak negatif dan memastikan
efektivitasnya dalam mencapai tujuan perusahaan. Selain itu, perusahaan juga
perlu mempertimbangkan jenis-jenis insentif yang diberikan dan cara
menghitung besaran komisi yang adil untuk karyawan.

3.2 Saran
Saran yang dapat diberikan adalah perusahaan perlu memperhatikan
kebutuhan dan keinginan karyawan dalam memberikan insentif dan komisi,
serta melakukan komunikasi yang baik dengan karyawan untuk memastikan
kejelasan dan keadilan dalam pemberian insentif dan komisi. Perusahaan juga
perlu memperhatikan dampak negatif yang mungkin timbul dari pemberian
insentif dan komisi, seperti persaingan yang tidak sehat antar karyawan atau
pengabaian kualitas kerja demi mencapai target. Oleh karena itu, perusahaan
perlu melakukan evaluasi secara berkala dan memperbaiki sistem insentif dan
komisi yang ada agar dapat memotivasi karyawan dan mencapai tujuan
perusahaan dengan efektif dan efisien.

DAFTAR PUSTAKA itu insentf, jenis,tujuan pemberiandan contohnya.2022

diakses pada tanggal 20 november 2023

Repository.iainpare.dampak pemberian insentif dalam meningkatkan kinerja

karyawan di pt.pln bakaru.2022
Diakses pada tanggal 20 november 2023.

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
April 2014, Vol. 4, No. 4
ISSN: 2222-6990

The Role of the Incentives and Reward System in

Enhancing Employee's Performance
“A Case of Jordanian Travel and Tourism Institutions"
Dr. Ashraf Mohammad Alfandi
Near Nuaima Bridge / Irbid National University / Department of Tourism and Hotel Management
(Jordan, Irbid)

Dr. Mohammad Shabieb Alkahsawneh
Near Nuaima Bridge Irbid / National University / Department of Tourism and Hotel Management
(Jordan, Irbid)

DOI: 10.6007/IJARBSS/v4-i4/788 URL:

ABSTRACT--The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of incentives on employee
performance for the employees of the Jordanian tourism and travel institutions. Statistical packages
for social sciences (SPSS) program were used for descriptive analysis. for the purpose of this study,
the sample was chosen randomly and it consisted of 28 institutions found in Amman. As for the
respondents of the sample, they were 44 employees who received 44 questionnaires. 41
questionnaires were returned, which forms 93% of the sample. The main findings indicate that
there is an adequate level of incentives provided to employees. Moral incentives, rewards, efficiency
of reward system and promotions are four factors found to have significant impacts on employee
performance in Jordanian travel and tourism institution . However, rewards ranked in the first place
of its impact on the employee performance while promotion ranked in the last place. Finally, this
study has verified further research opportunities that could enrich the understanding of incentives
and employee performance at the Jordanian travel and tourism institutions.

Keywords--Incentives, Employee Performance, Reward System, Travel, Tourism, Jordan.

Incentives are considered one of the most important factors that encourage workers to put
forth great efforts and work more efficiently. It is because incentives and reward system direct
workers capabilities into more efficiency in their work in an attempt to achieve the institution's
goals (Gana and Bababe, 2011). In addition, the absence of the suitable incentives may
negatively affect the hardworking employee's performance; it may also weaken their
productivity at work which decreases the chances of attaining the promising goals of the
institution (Palmer, 2012). Being a major element in tourism industry, it is necessary for travel
and tourism organizations to provide incentives to motivate their employees. Such incentives
are a significant factor in encouraging employees and increasing their enthusiasm at work

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
April 2014, Vol. 4, No. 4
ISSN: 2222-6990

which results in improving the general performance and increasing the productivity. Incentives,
also, help in attaining job satisfaction which increases the interaction between the employee
and the organization. However, in many companies incentives and reward system are designed
by human resource department while the evaluation of employees and organization
performance are done by the finance department. As such, there is an integration issue as both
department tend to isolate with each other. Furthermore, usually the incentives and the
reward system are designed by the top management based on their perceptions without
consulting the employee at the lower level. In this case, the incentives and the reward system
may not be able to achieve the employees satisfaction and such system will not be able to
change their attitude and behavior toward the organization as they feel that their contribution
to the organization are not well recognized. Therefore, the present study tends to overcome
this issue and provides insight and recommendations for the Jordanian travel and tourism
organizations by determining how incentives and the rewards system influencing the
employee's performance.

1. Identifying the types of concrete incentives given to workers at travel and tourism
institutions in Jordan.
2. Identifying the types of moral incentives given to workers at travel and tourism institutions
in Jordan.
3. Showing the role of the given incentives in improving the workers' performance at travel
and tourism.
4. Identifying the efficiency of the incentive system implemented at travel and tourism
institutions in Jordan and its role in enhancing these institutions' employees.


This study is limited to investigating the concrete and moral incentives and their role in
influencing the employees' performance at travel and tourism institutions in Jordan from the
perspective of the chairmen of these institutions in addition to the employees. More specifically,
this study dealt with travel and tourism institutions in the capital city of Jordan, Amman, because
most of the tourism institutions are found there. As for the period of the study, it is noteworthy
that the study was conducted in 2013.
The study aims to test the following three zero hypotheses:
(H01): There is no statistical effect of the promotions given by travel and tourism institutions on
enhancing the employees' performance.
(H02): There is no statistical effect of the rewards, implemented in travel and tourism institutions,
on enhancing the employees' performance.
(H03): There is no statistical effect of the moral incentives employed at travel and tourism
institutions on enhancing the employees' performance.
(H04): There is no statistical effect of the incentive system efficiency employed at travel and
tourism institutions, regarding enhancing the employees' performance.

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
April 2014, Vol. 4, No. 4
ISSN: 2222-6990

A study was conducted by Abbas and Hammadi (2009) entitled as “The Incentives and their
Effect on the Performance" aimed at identifying the incentive system and its role in enhancing the
performance of employees at the Yemeni Oil Exploration Commission. The study showed a poor
participation by the employees in decision making; in addition to this, the majority of employees
complained about the lack of concrete incentives, such as rewards and rate.

Closely related to the previously mentioned studies, Hammam and Al-Maqableh (2005)
discussed the factors that help in attaining job satisfaction for employees in Jordanian hotels. The
study showed that job satisfaction for the employees was intermediate and that the management
style is the first factor in improving job satisfaction, then it is the work environment that plays a
role in this improvement; whereas the least effective factor was the compensation system at

Muhsen (2004) investigated the level of job satisfaction for employees at the UNRWA in
Amman; the study attempted to identify the most effective factors that help attaining job
satisfaction and effective performance. The study found that the percentage of job satisfaction was
relatively low since it reached 58.82%. The study also showed that there are differences, with
statistical evidence, in job satisfaction due to variables such as salary, age, and years of experience,
marital status and place of residence. Finally, the researcher recommended that there must be a
unification of the contractual regulations in addition to reconsidering the incentive system
implemented in the UNRWA.

Al-Fares (2011), on the other hand, attempted to clarify the relationship between the
incentives methods employed in four public institutions. He found that there is a strong relation
between the incentives and loyalty towards the organization which, as a result, affects the
performance at work. The study recommended that there should be more attention devoted to
developing the incentives given to the employees as to enlist the employees to become activists in
the institution.
Odeh's and Awad's study tried to identify the quality and role of incentives, given to the
employees at Nables hospital in Palestine, in enhancing the employees' performance. The results
showed that the majority of employees agree that there are very few moral and concrete
incentives; however, the results showed that there is no direct relationship between the incentives
and the employees' performance.
Al-Nsour (2012) conducted a study aimed to investigate the impact of financial and moral
incentives on organizational performance for the employees of the Jordanian Universities. This
study aims at identifying the role of the Jordanian universities in meeting the employees' societal
needs, knowing the implemented incentives approach and knowing the level of performance in the
Jordanian universities. The study found that there is an adequate level of incentives provided to
employees. Financial incentives ranked in 1st place while moral incentives ranked in the 2nd place.
In addition, it was found that there is a high level of organizational performance. Customer
satisfaction ranked in the 1st place, internal business process in the 2nd place followed by learning
and growth. There is relationship between financial & moral incentives and organizational

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
April 2014, Vol. 4, No. 4
ISSN: 2222-6990

performance as well as between financial and moral incentives and internal business process and
customer satisfaction.

By definition, incentives are an external persuading factor that encourages the motive which
positively directs the individual into working harder, matching the required performance in the
institution, as to get the incentive. Incentives are also defined both as methods used by institutions
to encourage employees to work with high spirits and also as concrete and moral methods of
satisfying the individuals' moral and material desires. Palmer (2012) defines incentives as the
external temptations and encouraging factors that lead the individual to work harder; they are
given due to the individual's excellent performance since he will work harder and produce more
effectively when he feels satisfied in the institution. In addition to this, incentives can also be
defined as the consideration of the excellent performance, assuming that the salary is enough to
make the worker appreciate the value of the job that also satisfies his basic needs in life (Palmer,

Practically, incentives refer to all of the concrete and moral methods that Jordanian travel and
tourism institutions give in order to positively encourage the employees in a way that increase the
production rate and enhance the employees' performance, which has its importance in satisfying
the employees' desires and guarantee a loyal attitude towards the institution.

6. 1 The Importance of Incentives

The idea of incentives triggers much consideration especially from the beginning of looking for
qualified employees who are able to efficiently achieve the institution's goals; it is because
incentives play a major role in the employees' productivity. The importance of incentives originates
from the need for the employee to be recognized and appreciated for his or her efforts. Actually,
appreciating people for their efforts by giving them incentives is a very significant factor in
satisfying the internal desires of an individual. The individuals' own skills are not enough to let
them work with high productivity unless there is an incentive system that encourages their internal
motives and then leads very hardworking efforts (Locke and Braver, 2008).

A successful organization is the one which can efficiently exploit its employees' skills and
qualifications. Therefore, scholars have worked hard as to come up with a comprehensive
description of how to enhance the professionalism of the employees and how the administration
chooses active individuals, and also how to connect the institutions' goals to the personal
objectives of the individuals which will improve their performance. It is plausible to say that
successful organizations set an active incentive system capable of affecting the employees'
performance in a way that pushes them into working harder and maintaining the goals of the
institution. In addition, it is noticeable that motivating employees may help them to overcome a lot
of their obstacles at work (Palmer, 2012). On the other hand, for the administrator to be
incentivizing, he must try to create confidence and an environment of tranquility, security and
respect in an honest and actual manner. One must know that appreciating or people's work and
praising their achievements do not affect one's own success, so one must do this directly to who

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
April 2014, Vol. 4, No. 4
ISSN: 2222-6990

deserves it or just in front of a group of people by praising their accomplishment (Locke and Braver,
6. 2 Types of Incentives
Incentive is concept of material and moral values and they are also a central point for different
activities in the modern institutions and work environments. Concrete incentives are what called
direct compensation systems such as salaries, rates and bonuses. On the other hand, moral
incentives are called indirect compensation systems such as the stability of the work, participating
in decision-making, commitment, pertinence, promotion and appreciating the employees'
performance by thanking them. This shows that incentives are the consideration of excellent
performance, which could be in the quality, quantity or abundance in the work's time or even in
the costs (Palmer, 2012).

Incentives have been classified into different types, and they tend to interfere. They have been
classified by searchers into different ways and techniques that can be used by the administration
to get the highest amount of qualification from the human performance. Some have classified
them depending on their effect on each individual, while some based them on the way they are
given out, or on their goals and other ways of classifications which after a long way of research can
be put under two main types of incentives which are: incentives based on the purpose and
incentives based on the kind of the incentive itself (Robbins and Judge, 2007).
Firstly: incentives based on the purpose of the incentive, classified into two types: the first one
is the positive Incentives which is the ways that positively affect people's behavior through
satisfying their needs such as promising the employees of cash bonuses when they reach a stage of
highly qualified performance. Such incentives are helpful for both the needs and sake of the
employees and that of the institution; it is because rise in the production, improving the quality,
working according to high standards, coming up with inventories along with high responsibilities
are all positive consequences for the institution, which, in return, rewards its employees with
concrete, moral or social incentives. (Robbins and Judge, 2007). The second classification of
incentives based on purpose is the negative incentives which is the ways of affecting people's
behavior by threatening employees of depriving them of some privileges such as truncating part of
their salary if they violated any of the work's principles. These ways are methods used by the
administration in order to reduce negative behaviors and unacceptable manners among employees
such as following orders, lack of responsibility and laziness. This kind of methods of includes ways
of cautions and warning, preventing the employee of some privileges for a specific time, delaying
promotion or even lowering the job position and transfer to other departments. These methods
are used according to the degree of violation; such negative incentives are called deterrent
incentives. However, the use of negative incentives is sometimes necessary for increasing
efficiency in production especially when dealing with lazy employees (Palmer, 2012).
Secondly: incentives based on the type of the incentive itself; are classified into two types:
A- Concrete incentives including classified into three types:
1-The concrete incentive which is the most important one since it is considered the only source of
living in addition to its being the base on which people depend in order to satisfy their basic needs
and security. This kind of incentives includes rates, encouraging cash bonuses, commissions,
periodical promotions, motivational promotions and sharing in some of the institutions' profits
along with gifts for extra work. 2- Security and stability at work which is achieved through real

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
April 2014, Vol. 4, No. 4
ISSN: 2222-6990

guarantees that prevent abuse towards the employee if he commits a violation. Such guarantees
create an atmosphere of security and stability and it also softens the morale of the employees
which enhances productivity. Therefore, the institution must make a connection between the
stability of the employee and his role in increasing production in the institution. This stability is
given only to successful employees who work hard (Robbins and Judge, 2007). 3-Enrolling the
employees in training sessions help in increasing the morale of these employees; it also provides
them with suitable work conditions and persuades them to work harder. This is due to the features
of service that positively improve manners performances in the institution (Abu Shaikhah 2000).

In general, concrete incentives could be considered one of the most effective factors in
encouraging the employees into working honestly when there are suitable rates that satisfy the
individual's needs. On the contrary, low and unfair rates are a major factor in neglecting the
required work and low productivity, when the given rates do not satisfy the needs of the individual
(Robbins and Judge, 2007). In addition, it is noteworthy that concrete incentives are one of the old
incentives that are both fast and immediate and it appreciates immediately the individual's efforts.
Also, concrete incentives might be positive such as bonuses, aids, promotions and exceptional
extra cash over the salary, or they might be negative such as depriving the employees from the
bonuses and promotions, or even lowering their salaries (Helal 2009).
B-Moral incentives which include:
1- Delegating part of the chief's powers to his subordinates is a great incentive for them which
appreciates their capabilities and creates an atmosphere of confidence in their performance.
Delegating some powers helps easing the burdens and provides flexibility but it should have legal
and physical controls as to achieve the desired success.
2- Knowing the results of the individual's efforts gives the individual a feeling of pride and
excellence and it is considered an important incentive for the employee to improve his
performance when he feels satisfied and appreciated in his position.

3-Appreciative promotions
4- Honors and medals to appreciate the achievements and innovations accomplished by the
5- Appreciation and thanking speeches directed to the employee.
6- Honor boards in order to list the hardworking employees. (Robbins and Judge, 2007).

It is worth mentioning that moral incentives in the work environment that satisfies the
individual's needs are the reasons for attracting the individuals into work, since such incentives
satisfy a specific need for the individual. Therefore, the administrations should not stick only to
cash incentives, which satisfy only one need for the individual and somehow neglect other social
and psychological needs. So it is the moral incentives that encourage the individual and satisfy the
other social and psychological needs, which consequently creates a feeling of devotion towards
work and motivates cooperation among colleagues. In short, moral incentives are as important as
concrete ones regarding their role in improving human relations increasing the individuals'
productivity inside the organization, because, as mentioned earlier, some concrete incentives may
not work unless they are accompanied with moral ones (Abu Shaikhah 2000).

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
April 2014, Vol. 4, No. 4
ISSN: 2222-6990

6. 3 The Performance of the Employees

In general, the concept of performance means the goals that institutions seek to achieve
through their employees. It connects activities and goals via employees' duties inside institutions.
In other words, it's the individuals' responsibilities, activities and duties, that their work consists of,
which should be done in the right way with taking into consideration the qualified employees'
abilities to do them. Employee’s performance can be defined as doing different activities and
duties that their work consists of (Al-Rabayah 2003). Most individuals spend big parts of their lives
searching for job satisfaction due to its positive efforts on their personal and professional lives. It
also leads to increase institutions and employees productivity and benefit. Therefore, it's so hard
to achieve high levels of the long term productivity unless the job satisfaction is there. However,
many studies indicate the strong relationship between motivations given to employees and their
satisfaction. As a result, that helps improve their performance which expresses individual’s efforts'
results that start from their abilities and realizing their duties. In conclusion, the concept of
performance indicates the percentage of achieving and completing individuals' duties their jobs
consist of.

6.3.1 Ways of Measuring the Performance of the Employees

1-The Amount of the Effort : It refers to the amount of the physical or mental energy that the
individual spends in a specific period of time in the work, in addition to the speed in performance.
2- The Quality of the Effort: It refers to the level of the quality of the done work and the degree of
matching between the done work and some specific standards. Some kinds of work are not
measured by the amount or the speed of performance; but rather by the degree of error-free
performance and matching between the production and the required standards.
3- Manner of Performance: It is the way in which the work duties are done. For example,
performance can be measured through the manner of performance, measuring problem-solving
strategies or in problem detecting.
4-Rates of Performance: It refers to the process in which the evaluator increases the employee's
productivity in order to determine the efficiency, the quality and the amount of the employee's
work in a specific period of time. Then, he compares the employee's done work with the specified
rate. (Al-Rabayah 2003).

6.3.2 Objectives of Performance Evaluation

Several objectives can be achieved though applying incentive evaluation systems. One of the
most important evaluation systems is choosing qualified individuals whose abilities and
qualifications suite the required work. Therefore, it is possible to say that evaluating performance
can offer standard and scientific bases used to promote individuals such as giving bonuses and
incentives in order to increase the production and improve its quality. In addition to this,
evaluating performance can also show the personal qualities of the employees that need training;
also, such evaluation may suggest some steps to improve this performance (Al-Rabayah 2003).
Finally, performance evaluation program raises the morale of the employees by appreciating their
efforts, which results in improving their salaries (Abbas and Hamadi 2009).

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
April 2014, Vol. 4, No. 4
ISSN: 2222-6990

This study investigates the role of incentives on employee performance. Promotion, rewards,
moral incentives and efficacy of rewards system are the independent variables and the employee's
performance is the dependent variables as the figure below shows.

Figure 1: Research Framework on the relationship incentives toward employee's performance.


8.1 Data Collection

In order to cover the theoretical part of the study, several books, publications and other
theoretical references relevant to the topic were reviewed. Descriptive analytical approach of data
analysis was used through field survey of the statistics community which is the employees at travel
and tourism institutions in Jordan, and then analyzing the collected data by using statistical analysis
program (SPSS), depending on a questionnaire as a major tool in collecting the needed data for the
topic of the study.

8.2 Validity Test of the tool of the study

The superficial validity of the measurement method was proved through presenting the
questionnaire to some experienced instructors at Irbid National University who are specialized in
order to benefit from their experiences. The instructors' comments were helpful for enriching the
study by making modifications to some paragraphs related to the language structure, the clarity
and the harmony of the study field. Gronbach Alpha test was used to test the validity of the study's
method; the score ranged between 78% and 71% for all of the questionnaire's paragraphs, which
are good compared to the acceptable percentage which is (60%) (Hair et al., 2007; Balsley and
Vernon, 1988).

8.3 Measurement Methods

Five points Likert scale was used in this study in order to present the questions of the
questionnaire. The scales were divided as (1) strongly disagree, (2) disagree, (3) neutral, (4) agree,
(5) strongly agree. Based on these scales, the sum of these scales was 15 and therefore the average
is 15/3= 3.

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
April 2014, Vol. 4, No. 4
ISSN: 2222-6990


The population of the study consists of travel and tourism institutions. The sample was chosen
randomly and it consisted of 28 institutions found in Amman. As for the respondents of the
sample, they were 44 employees who received questionnaires. 41 questionnaires were returned,
which forms 93% of the sample. Repetitions and percentages related to the personal information
of the sample were extracted as shown in the following table.
Table 1: Personal Information of the Study sample
Gender Repetition Percentage

Male 28 68%

Female 13 32%

Total 41 100%

Qualification Repetition Percentage

Diploma or less 17 41%

Bachelor 22 53%

Graduate Studied 2 6%

Total 41 100%

Years of experience Repetition Percentage

Less than 5 years 24 59%

5-10 years 10 24%

10-15 years 4 10%

15 – more 3 7%

Total 41 100%

Job Description Repetition Percentage

Manager 3 7%

Chairman 14 34%

Executive 24 59%

Total 41 100%

We can assimilate from the table above that the highest percentage was the male sample

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
April 2014, Vol. 4, No. 4
ISSN: 2222-6990

reaching 68% which is higher than that of females reaching 32%. This might be attributed to
declining a huge ratio of females from working at tourism sector in Jordan. We as well deduce
that the higher ratio is for those males having BA degree reaching 53% followed by Diploma
degree (less than 41%). The least is for those receiving higher educational degrees reaching 6%.
This may be attributed to the reason that industry sector is considered an applicable sector that
requires experience rather than do higher degrees. The higher ratio is for the sample individuals
who have a less than 5 year experience reaching 59% followed by those individuals having from 5
to 10 year experience reach 24% and those who have a more than 15 year experience reaching
0%. It is obvious that working at such firms does not require a long experience whereby most of
their workers having a less than 10 year experience reach 83%. As for position title job, most of
the ratio is for executives whose ratio reaches 59% followed by Chairman 34 % and finally
managers 7%.
The following table explains the results of the descriptive statistical test of the variables of the

Table 2
Efficiency of the Incentive System Mean Standard

1 The bonuses and extras added yearly to my salary 3.3 .813

make me feel satisfied.

2 In my opinion, the salaries system and the extra 3.2 .713

advantages are somehow fair

3 The salary that matches my efforts encourages my 2.6 1.030


4 I feel safe and ensured in my job 2.6 1.045

5 The retirement system makes me feel safe and 3.8 .794


6 The health insurance offers suitable services for the 3.7 .792

7 I get a percent of the profits as part of the incentives 2.5 1.039

that the company offers.

The overall efficiency of the incentive system 3.1

The table above shows the attitudes of the study sample towards the efficiency of the incentive
system employed in Jordanian travel and tourism institutions. The arithmetic means ranges
between (2.5) in their least range for the part “I get a percent of the profits as part of the

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
April 2014, Vol. 4, No. 4
ISSN: 2222-6990

incentives that the company offers" and (3.8) in their highest range for the part “The retirement
system makes me feel safe and ensured". The general arithmetic mean was close to the neutral
level with an arithmetic mean reaching (3.1); this shows a weak level of the efficiency of the
incentive system employed in Jordanian travel and tourism institutions.

Table 3
Promotion Mean Standard

1 I think that promotion mechanisms are appropriate 4.0 .768

2 I notice that job promotions affected my performance positively 4.3 .767

3 The majority of the exceptional promotions were based on the efficiency

4.4 of.792


4 There is a relative match between my qualification and 4.0 .794

experience, and my job

5 I think that the majority of managers and supervisors were 4.4 .792
promoted fairly

6 Most of the job promotions are given depending on seriousness 4.3 .884
and perseverance in work

Promotions as a whole 4.2

The arithmetic means of promotion paragraphs ranged from (4.0) in their least limit to (4.4) in
their highest limit. The general arithmetic mean was (4.2) which shows a big percentage of
satisfaction for the employees at Jordanian travel and tourism institutions regarding the promotion
regulations employed in their institutions.
Table 4
Reward Mean Standard

1 I think that the reward regulations in the incentive system are 2.6 1.030

2 I notice that giving rewards affect the functionality positively 2.7 .956

3 I think that the majority of exceptional rewards were based on 2.9 1.002
efficiency in performance

4 The majority of rewards at work are given according to 3.2 1.039

seriousness and hard work

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
April 2014, Vol. 4, No. 4
ISSN: 2222-6990

5 The manager usually recommends giving a rewards to the 2.7 1.030

effective employee

Rewards as a whole 2.8

The table above explains the attitudes of the sample towards the efficiency of the reward
regulation employed at Jordanian travel and tourism institutions. The arithmetic means ranges
from (2.6) in their least limit for the paragraph “I think that the rewards regulations in the incentive
system are fair" to (3.2) in their highest limit for the paragraph “The majority of rewards at work
are given according to seriousness and hard work ". The general arithmetic mean was close to the
neutral level with an arithmetic mean reaching (2.8); however, it is low which shows a low
percentage of satisfaction for the employees who think that the bonus and rewards regulation is
not fair and does not improve functionality at work.
Table 5
Moral Incentives Mean Standard

1 My direct manager plays a major role in instructing me and 4.2 .768

improving my performance

2 My direct manager appreciates my efforts and at work 4.3 .767

3 I'm always ready to do the best due to the good treatment 4.4 .792
from my colleagues at work

4 The institution offers appreciation medals for those who 2.9 .884

5 The institution offers appreciation certificates and honor 2.8 .445

promotions for those who deserve ( without increasing the

6 The cooperation between the administration and colleagues 4.4 .567

encourage me to improve my performance

7 The institution offers participation in training sessions in order 3.0 .723

to improve the employees' performance

Moral Incentives as a whole 3.7

The arithmetic means of the promotion paragraphs ranged from (2.8) in their least limit to (4.4)
in their highest limit. The general arithmetic mean was (3.7) which show a big percentage of
satisfaction for the employees at Jordanian travel and tourism institutions regarding the moral
incentives their institutions offer.
Table 6

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
April 2014, Vol. 4, No. 4
ISSN: 2222-6990

Employee Performance Mean Standard


1 I care about the results of evaluating my performance because 4.4 .792

they are a chance to get bonuses

2 I notice that the one whose performance is weak will be 4.3 .884
punished depending on the performance evaluation results

3 The positive results of my performance evaluation motivate me 3.6 .771

to work harder

4 I'm willing to work harder 3.5 1`.023

5 I finish the required work even if it requires extra efforts. 3.6 .987

6 I do my job according to the required quality standards 3.6 .654

7 The employees have the ability to deal with troubles at work 3.9 .545

8 The performance is evaluated depending on some scientific and 3.3 .467

clear variables

9 I have no disagreements with my boss 3.8 .771

10 I follow the instructions and regulations at work 3.7 1`.023

11 I pay attention to the quality of the services given to the 3.6 .987

Employee performance as a whole 3.7

The arithmetic means of Employee performance paragraphs ranged from (3.3) in their least
limit to (4.4) in their highest limit. The general arithmetic mean was (3.7) which show a big
percentage of Employee performance for the employees at Jordanian travel and tourism

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
April 2014, Vol. 4, No. 4
ISSN: 2222-6990


Table 7
Independent Variable B SE B Β Sig. P<.05 R square F Sig. F;

.278 13.60.00**

Moral Incentives .164 .052 .160 .002

Rewards System Efficiency .163 .060 .169 .007

Promotions .115 .058 .101 .049

Rewards .345 .058 .344 .000

Dependent variable (employee performance) was regressed on all four independent variables.
From the first run of the test, the casewise diagnostics indicates that observation number 4 and
17 found to be outliers and hence deleted in the next regression run. The Table above provides
evident of the influence of promotions, rewards system efficiency, rewards and moral incentives
on employee performance. The F-statistic (F = 13.54, p< .01) indicates that the relationship
between independent and depend variables is significant. The R square obtained indicates that
these factors account of 28 % of the variation in the employee performance. All four variables
included in the regression equation emerged as significant predictors of employee performance.
As being hypothesized, these variables are found to have positive influences on employee
performance. Based on the result, all four null hypotheses were rejected and thus the alternatives
hypotheses are accepted.

To investigate which factor has the most influence on employee performance, the beta values
were used. Based on the size of beta values, the predictors variables exercising the most influence
on employee performance was rewards (β = .35), followed by efficiency of rewards system (β = 17),
moral incentives (β = 16), and motivation(β = 11). It is important to note that the tolerance and VIF
values shown in the output indicates that no multicollianearity effect among the independent
variables on dependent variables.
Counting upon the study results, we exhibit here the most important recommendations for
Jordanian travel and tourism institutions that are still under study as follows: travel and tourism
institutions shall commit to pay attention to incentive systems application and put it into force, for
it has several advantages summarized in obtaining two factors having great abilities and skills in
coping with beneficiaries and providing them with services of high level of quality. The institutions'
success relies, in the first place, upon working individuals' performance. In this sight, Jordanian
travel and tourism institutions should take care of workers as they do of beneficiaries and shall
work on having them motivated in order for their abilities and skills to be elevated because
achieving high level of quality depends upon those workers' behavior toward beneficiaries.
Whereas not only does beneficiaries' viewpoint toward the organization count on dissatisfaction

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
April 2014, Vol. 4, No. 4
ISSN: 2222-6990

with what such an organization provides but also it depends on treatment offered to beneficiaries
by working individuals at the same organization. Thus, incentives and their systems perform a huge
role in any organization failure or success by reaching this result.

1. Giving incentives should be linked practically with the level of performance as to distinguish the
excellent employees according to their performance; this will enhance the employees to do their
best in order to improve their performance, and therefore incentives will be linked to improving
the performance.
2. Keeping on giving incentives in the appropriate time and not delaying them in order not to
lessen the goal of the incentives.
3. Supporting the concrete incentives in the primary bonus commission due to the role that such
incentives play in finding many solutions to some social and financial problems that may face the
4. Incentives are given according to the level of performance in order to persuade the employees
into doing their best as to improve their performance; by doing so, incentives will be associated
with improving the performance and vice verse, without having any vested interests.
5. The results of performance evaluation should necessarily be the base for both appreciation and
punishment, especially when using either positive or negative incentives as to guarantee achieving
the purposes of incentive and bonuses regulations.

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Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business
Volume 36, Number 1, 2021, 14 – 30



Sariyatul Ilyana1*, Mahfud Sholihin1

Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada,
Yogyakarta, 55281, Indonesia


Introduction/Main Objectives: This study investigates whether the type of Article information:
incentives offered and leadership styles interact to affect creative performance. Received: September 19,
Background Problems: Creativity is highly needed by companies to survive in 2020. Received in revised
a volatile business environment. Prior research found that management control version: November 16,
systems and the leadership style were able to stimulate creativity. It is still 2020. Accepted:
November 23, 2020.
unclear which type of incentives and leadership styles are able to stimulate
creativity. Therefore, this research proposes a research question, what kind of
management control systems and leadership style can improve creative
creative performance,
performance? Novelty: This research focuses on comparing monetary and non- incentives, leadership
monetary incentives, based on competition, to produce the most creative ideas, styles
but empirical studies into the context of creativity are still limited. Furthermore,
this study investigates two different leadership styles and it sheds light on the
fact that the leadership styles needed in a creative environment differ from those JEL Code:
styles used in a non-creative environment. Research Methods: This study was J53, M41, M52, O31
conducted using a 2x2 between subject experimental design with two incentive
treatments (tournament and recognition) and two leadership style treatments
(directive and empowering). Finding/Results: Consistent with Lourenco (2016),
monetary incentives (including tournaments) and non-monetary incentives
(recognition) are substitutive. Furthermore, the empowering leadership style
leads to a greater creative performance than the directive style does. The results
indicate that, in the condition of a tournament incentive, empowering leadership
is able to produce a higher creative performance than directive leadership can.
Conclusion: There is no significantly difference between the effect of monetary
incentives and non-monetary incentives on creative performance. This study’s
result is consistent with the situational leadership theory, certain types of
leadership are appropriate for certain environmental conditions. For improved
creative performance, employees need to be empowered because they need the
authority and freedom to develop ideas. This study provides knowledge about the
impact of incentives and leadership styles on creative performance. Furthermore,
this study provides practical knowledge for companies on how to improve
creativity in the work environment by using certain incentives and leadership

Corresponding Author at Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Jalan
Socio Humaniora No. 1, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia.
E-mail address: (author#1), (author#2)

ISSN 2085-8272 (print), ISSN 2338-5847 (online)

Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business, Vol. 36, No. 1, 2021 15

INTRODUCTION research showed that monetary incentives and

Nowadays industry is facing a volatile environ- recognition are substitutive for improving
ment. The level of market competition is performance, whereas feedback has no effect on
enormous and technology is rapidly developing. performance (Lourenco, 2016). This provides
Employees’ creativity is vital for companies to evidence that in the context of employment
enhance their organizational competitiveness to relations, recognition is as effective as monetary
face the dynamic environment (Gong, Zhou, & incentives. One type of monetary incentive is the
Chang, 2013). However, the problem for tournament incentive. Both tournament and
business organizations is that not all individuals recognition use a system of competition
are creative, or motivated to be creative (Klotz, (Cadsby, Engle-warnick, Fang, & Song, 2015).
Wheeler, Halbesleben, Brock, & Buckley, However, the level of effectiveness from using
2012). Therefore, companies need to facilitate these kinds of incentives to improve creative
organizational systems that encourage the performance is unknown. Most studies have
employees to perform creatively. examined the comparison of two types of
Management control systems (MCS) and monetary incentives (Charness & Grieco, 2018;
leadership have an important role in stimulating Chen, Williamson, & Zhou, 2012; Kachelmeier,
creativity in the work environment Reichert, & Williamson, 2008) or a comparison
(Speckbacher, 2017). MCS affect the perceived of piece-rate incentives and recognition (Huo,
conditions, constraints, and project goals in 2015) for improving creative performance.
generating creative ideas. Therefore, MCS work Therefore, this study aims to investigate the
in shaping, framing, and defining problems that effect of tournament incentives and recognition
require creative solutions (Speckbacher, 2017). on creative performance.
On the other hand, leaders create situational Beside incentives, Amabile et al. (2004)
contexts and conditions in which subordinates emphasized the importance of leadership in
are involved in creative efforts to achieve encouraging individual creativity. The study
organizational goals (Jung, 2001). Incentives are conducted by Amabile et al. (2004) showed that
one of the MCS used to improve performance a leader who interacts daily with his/her subor-
(Bonner & Sprinkle, 2002). Empirical studies dinates was able to direct and influence their
show that incentives and leadership are effective perceptions, feelings, and daily performance,
in enhancing employee performance (Chen, Lin, which in turn affects the overall creativity of
Lin, & Iii, 2012), and the best way to engage their work. Martin, Liao, and Campbell (2013)
employees in the organizational goals (Benazir stated that there are two types of leadership
& Iqbal, 2015). However, there are many kinds styles, namely directive and empowering leader-
of incentives and leadership. There is no clear ship. Some previous studies have found that
answer for which type of incentives and leader- directive leadership is more effective in
ship are able to improve performance in the stimulating performance (Lorinkova, Pearsall, &
context of creativity. This drives us to inves- Sims, 2013; Yun, Faraj, & Sims, 2005). This is
tigate what types of incentives and leadership because the directive leader focuses on the
can improve people’s creative performance. employee's task effort by giving specific and
There are several types of incentives, they relevant directions for the task, setting clear
are monetary incentives, recognition, and rules for behavior (Lorinkova et al., 2013), and
feedback (Stajkovic & Luthans, 2001). Recent monitoring the progress of the work (Yun et al.,
16 Ilyana and Sholihin

2005). Therefore, employee performance can conducted by Davila and Ditillo (2017) and
improve. However, in the context that requires Cools, Stouthuysen, and Abbeele (2017) regard-
employees to think creatively, autonomy and ing the interrelations between MCS, leadership,
appreciation is needed for generating new ideas and creative performance using experimental
(Alge, Ballinger, Tangirala, & Oakley, 2006), studies.
and this relates to the empowering leadership The rest of the paper is organized as follows.
style. This issue encourages us to investigate Section 2 has the literature review and hypo-
whether empowering leadership is able to theses development. This will be followed by the
improve creative performance, compared to research method in Section 3. Findings and
directive leadership. discussions are presented in Section 4. The paper
The interrelation of MCS, leadership, and ends with conclusions, limitations, and sugges-
creativity is important to explore. Thus far, the tion for future research.
interrelation of leadership and MCS in
influencing creative performance has received LITERATURE REVIEW
little attention (Speckbacher, 2017). Therefore, 1. Creative Performance
this study will examine the interaction of
Creative performance is the development of
incentives as part of the MCS and leadership
products, ideas, or solutions to new problems
style for encouraging creative performance.
that form the basis of innovation by individuals,
This research makes several contributions to organizations, and society (Hennessey &
the existing literature. First, this research contri- Amabile, 2010; Shalley & Gilson, 2004). In the
butes by focusing on the comparison between psychology literature, ideas are classified as
monetary and non-monetary incentives for creative if they are original, innovative, and can
influencing creative performance. The novel be implemented within a reasonable budget
feature of this study is that it compares monetary (Amabile, 1996). The employees’ work
and non-monetary incentives, based on compe- environment has an impact on their creativity
tition, to find which produces the most creative (Mclean, 2005). There are six supporting factors
ideas. Most of the previous studies have and two impediment factors for a creative work
examined different types of monetary incentives environment (Amabile, Conti, Coon, Lazenby, &
(Charness & Grieco, 2018; Chen, Williamson, et Herron, 1996). The supporting factors include:
al., 2012; Erat & Gneezy, 2016), and piece-rate a) organizational encouragement, b) supervisory
incentives and recognition (Lourenco, 2016). encouragement, c) work group support, d)
Therefore, this current research enriches the freedom, e) sufficient resources, and f)
literature by investigating both monetary and challenges. The impediment factors include: a)
non-monetary incentives in creative perfor- workload pressure, and b) organizational
mance’s context. Second, this research sheds impediments. Based on the background that has
light on the different leadership styles that have been described, we focus on organizational
different effects on creative performance. encouragement and supervisory encouragement.
Empowering leadership produces a better
creative performance through a process of 2. Creative Performance and Incentives
providing autonomy, freedom of thought, and a The literature on creativity has documented the
work environment that is not rigid. Third, this positive influence of motivational approaches on
research validates the findings of case studies individual success, to reach originality in the
Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business, Vol. 36, No. 1, 2021 17

creative tasks (Friedman & Forster, 2001). This the desired direction and result in behavioral
research applied the expectancy theory by changes toward creativity when the incentives
Vroom (1964) to explain incentives and creative given depend on creative performance.
performance. Based on the expectancy theory, There are two types of incentives examined
individuals maximize the expected satisfaction in this study, namely tournament incentives and
by achieving certain results. The expectancy recognition. The difference between tournament
theory identified three conditions that produce incentives and recognition is that tournament
high levels of motivation to perform tasks, incentives are given in the form of money, while
namely: 1) The existence of expectations or recognition is a non-monetary reward. Mehta,
beliefs that greater effort will improve perfor- Dahl, and Zu (2017) explained that monetary
mance (expectancy). 2) There is trust in the incentives were able to increase individuals’
performance measurement systems and motivation to enhance creative tasks, while
performance-based rewards (instrumentality). 3) recognition is more motivated by normative
There is a relationship between the assignments goals. In this instance, normative goals are based
given to individuals and the rewards (valence). on social and task parameters. By using
The basic idea of the expectancy theory is based monetary-based incentives, individuals tend to
on a reinforcement perspective, which supports a propose a creative solution for a task that is more
utilitarian view of human nature and assumes original than the solution from those individuals
that external reinforcement can strengthen beha- who have a normative focus. Therefore, the
vioral dimensions, such as strength, duration, creative performance is expected to be greater
novelty, and variability (Skinner, 1938). from individuals who are offered money rather
Gellner and Pull (2013) used the expectancy than recognition. Formally, we propose the first
theory to provide evidence of whether tourna- hypothesis:
ment compensation systems, in a condition of H1: Individuals who get tournament incentives
employee heterogeneity, affect firm perfor- will produce a higher creative performance
mance. Their results indicated that although than individuals who get recognition
tournament compensation is more effective in incentives.
homogeneous employee conditions, tournament
compensation is still needed for groups of 3. Leadership Styles and Creative
employees who have high effort-performance Performance
expectations; they are called the ―threshold Amabile (1996) found that there is a positive
group.‖ They also found that the relationship relationship between organizational environ-
between compensation and performance was an ments that offer organizational encouragement
inverted u-shape. The extreme (low and high) and work-group support for employees’ innova-
groups have less motivation to increase their tion and creativity. The situational leadership
efforts than the threshold group has. This theory is a practical tool for managers to deter-
perspective explains that individuals who have mine what leadership styles need to be applied
expectations of the results to be obtained tend to when dealing with different situations. This
expend a great deal of effort to achieve the theory is based on the principle that the relative
maximum results. In the creativity context, benefits of each leadership style depend on the
Eisenberger and Cameron (1998) stated that competence, maturity, or readiness of the
extrinsic rewards direct empoloyees’ efforts in followers (Thompson & Vecchio, 2009). A
18 Ilyana and Sholihin

pragmatic view of the situational leadership H2: Individuals who are empowered by their
theory was later developed by Sims, Faraj, and leader will produce a greater creative
Yun (2009), who provided a fundamental performance than individuals who are
assumption that certain types of leadership tend directed by their leader.
to be effective in certain situations.
In this study, the two leadership styles tested 4. Incentives, Leadership Style, and Creative
are the directive leadership style and the Performance
empowering leadership style. According to Empowerment practices and incentives are seen
Lorinkova et al. (2013), directive leadership is as investments in human resources that give
associated with the strength of the leader's employees unique knowledge, skills and abilities
position and is characterized by behavior aimed to achieve organizational goals, so as to increase
at actively structuring the work of subordinates, results at the organizational level, and increase
by providing them with clear directions and competitiveness in the market (Bowen &
expectations related to their compliance with the Ostroff, 2004; Takeuchi, Lepak, Takeuchi,
instructions. On the other hand, empowering Lepak, & Wang, 2007). The development of an
leadership tends to encourage the participation incentive and empowerment climate can be done
of subordinates by contributing ideas, encourag- together, so it is important to determine whether
ing optimal actions, and giving responsibility for the synergy of the application of leadership and
each performance produced. incentives has an influence on employee
A study conducted by Kanter (1982) found performance (Kuenzi & Schminke, 2009). The
that directive leaders encourage the innovation application of empowerment and incentives to
process by controlling, monitoring, instructing, encourage creative performance can be explain-
and providing a hierarchical influence. However, ed through the organizational equilibrium
directive leadership tends to involve limits and theory. In this theory, researchers investigate
controls over the employees. In fact, creativity is conditions in which an organization can produce
produced from the belief of individuals that they stimuli for its employees to provide a level of
have the freedom to produce new ideas, and the performance that is more than, or equal to, the
belief that their ideas will be valued (Alge et al., contribution made by the company, which in
2006). Empirical studies provide support for this turn is directed to finding conditions that are
argument, and several studies have found that useful for the survival of the organization
employees are more creative when they feel (Takatsu, 1984). A study by Hammerman and
more empowered and that they have the best Mohnen (2014) showed that giving monetary
choice of ways to carry out their assigned tasks prizes in a competition can produce a better
and work (Alge et al., 2006; Mubarak & Noor, performance than offering non-monetary prizes
2018; Zhang & Bartol, 2010). Likewise, Shalley can. That is, tournament monetary incentives are
Zhou, and Oldham (2004) linked autonomy with more attractive to individuals than non-monetary
creative behavior in their review of the creativity ones. The company's efforts to produce a high
literature. The overall implication of this study is performance by its employees are in line with
that to stimulate creativity, the work environ- the higher expenses. Expenditure on higher costs
ment must support the perception of empower- is expected to obtain higher creative perfor-
ment. Based on this explanation, therefore we mances.
propose a second hypothesis:
Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business, Vol. 36, No. 1, 2021 19

However, individuals will be less motivated management accounting and entrepreneurship

to undertake assignments if they are not courses. The experimental assignment was to
empowered, so the incentives given have less develop a business idea. Previous research used
effect on performance (Kim, Sutton, & Gong, the same experimental assignment and found
2013). Naturally, companies expect that the that students could become participants in the
costs incurred are not in vain and produce the creative performance research (Chen et al.,
expected output. The combination of perfor- 2012). This is because students have the know-
mance-based incentive payments with empower- ledge and abilities needed for the development
ment gives employees the motivation to achieve of business ideas. Both courses should be have
higher goals and contribute to the overall com- been taken by the participants. Management
pany performance. This happens because accounting courses provide knowledge about
individuals have the decision-making authority companies’ management control systems so that
to make plans to achieve goals, and individuals the participants have more understanding of the
will experience greater satisfaction when the given assignment; while the entrepreneurship
results achieved are because of the actions they course provides knowledge about business
initiated (Kim et al., 2013). Therefore, by planning, both the processes for identifying
applying monetary incentives and empower- opportunities and developing a business. This
ment, individuals will be motivated to pursue knowledge is important and helps the partici-
new ideas and produce a more creative perfor- pants to develop their business ideas. Before
mance. Based on these explanations, the third performing the experiment, we conducted a pilot
hypothesis proposed by this study is: test with undergraduate accounting students at
H3: Under tournament incentive conditions, another major university in Yogyakarta, who
individuals who are empowered by their also have taken both courses as the participants.
leader will produce a higher creative perfor-
Table 1. 2 x 2 Between Subject Experimental
mance than individuals who are directed.
Leadership Style
Treatments Directive Empowering
1. Experimental Design leadership leadership
Incentives Tournament 1 2
This study is a laboratorium experiment which
Recognition 3 4
uses an experimental procedure with a 2x2 Note: treatment 1 = tournament incentives collaborate with
between subject design. The experiment is directive leadership, treatment 2 = tournament
incentives collaborate with empowering leadership,
designed using two treatments in two different treatment 3 = recognition incentives collaborate with
conditions, i.e. the treatment of incentives directive leadership, treatment 4 = recognition
incentives collaborate with empowering leadership
(tournament vs recognition) and leadership
styles (directive leadership vs empowering
3. Variables
3.1. Manipulated/Independent Variables
2. Participants 3.1.1. Incentives
The participants in this study were undergra- Two types of incentives were used in this
duate accounting students at a major university experiment: tournament incentives and recogni-
in Yogyakarta, Indonesia who have taken tion incentives. The monetary incentive system
20 Ilyana and Sholihin

was adopted from Chen, Williamson and Zhou Such measurements have been used before by
(2012) while the recognition system was adopted Chen, Williamson, and Zhou (2012) for measur-
from Kosfeld and Neckermann's research ing the creative performance of individuals and
(2010). In a tournament incentive scheme, if one groups. The participants who had the highest
participant becomes the most creative among all total scores were told they would receive
the other participants, that participant will get incentives.
some money; the others do not get anything. For
the recognition incentive, the best performer will 4. Experimental Procedures
be given the title of "most creative employee." This experiment was conducted during October
3.1.2. Leadership Style 2019. The experiment was carried out through
several procedures as follows:
The two types of leadership styles used in this
1. Participants entered the classroom, as an
experiment were directive leadership and
experimental laboratory, and turn off their
empowering leadership. The instrument was
communication equipment for the duration of
developed using the leader behavior utterance
the experiment.
phrase from Lorinkova et al., (2013).
2. The experimenters divided the participants
3.2 Outcome/Dependent Variables randomly into four groups. The groups were
The dependent variable in this study was tournament-directive, tournament-empower-
creative performance. The task to test creativity ing, recognition-directive, and recognition-
was modified from Chen, Williamson, and Zhou empowering groups.
(2012). In that instrument, the participants 3. Participants were given a package of expe-
developed a proposal for the creative use of rimental instruments consisting of six parts,
empty buildings around a campus, and set a namely 1) rules, 2) company description, 3)
budget to be submitted for the work. The problems, explanation of creative assign-
measurement of creative performance used the ments, and incentive schemes, 4) leadership
judgment of three participants who were chosen style, 5) work sheets for creative assign-
as the panelists. The panelists determined the ments, 6) demographic information.
best creative performance. In this study, we 4. At the pre-assignment stage, each participant
modified the task as follows. The participants received the following information:
were given a case regarding a building that had a. Rules for the experiment
not been used for five years. They were asked to b. Company description
develop a proposal or idea for how they could c. Problems encountered
use the unproductive building and estimate the d. Explanation of the creative task to be
necessary funding requirements. The ideas that performed
were developed were then evaluated by three e. Explanation of incentives provided. For
independent panelists who are experts in the the tournament incentive group, the
field of developing business ideas, including an participants who succeeded in generating
entrepreneurship lecturer, a management ac- the best ideas were to receive
counting professor, and a business practitioner. IDR100,000.2 On the other hand, for the
Assessments were given, ranging from 0 to 10 (0
= lowest creativity, 10 = highest creativity). 2
On the date of experiment, USD1 was equal to IDR
Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business, Vol. 36, No. 1, 2021 21

recognition incentive groups, the partici- of individuals’ motivation for tournament

pants who succeeded in generating the incentives and recognition incentives by using
best ideas would be awarded the title of independent sample t-tests. Motivation was
"creative employees," with a certificate measured on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 = highly unmo-
stating this, and it would be announced to tivated, 10 = highly motivated). The difference
the participants in motivation showed the value of F = 0.019; p >
f. Participants filled out the manipulation 0.579, which meant that there was no significant
checks of the incentives difference between tournament incentives and
g. Participants were given information about recognition incentives for motivating the parti-
the manager’s leadership style. cipants. It meant that tournament incentives with
5. Participants were given a treatment of leader- a nominal value of IDR100,000 and recognition
ship styles that were adopted and modified incentives, such as the most creative employee
from the phrase leadership style by awards, were comparable.
Lorinkova et al. (2013). For the leadership style, we ensured the
6. Participants performed creative tasks by accuracy of the treatment of the leadership style
developing proposals for ideas for an used by testing the tendency of the leader to
unproductive building’s utilization for 30 direct, or not, on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 = no
minutes.3 direction at all, 10 = very directive). The direc-
tive leadership style tends to direct while the
7. Participants filled in their demographic data.
empowering leadership style tends not to direct.
8. Debriefing. Experimenter provided informa-
The test was carried out using an independent
tion about the purpose of the experiment that
sample t-test. The result was an average
had been undertaken by the research subjects.
tendency toward the participants who were
The experimenter also explained the
treated with a directed leadership style score of
hypotheses proposed by the study and if there
8.44, and an empowering leadership style score
were respondents who wanted the results of
of 5.83. The difference in the directive tendency
the research, then the researcher would be
of both leadership styles showed a value of F =
pleased to give it to them (Cooper &
1.348, p < 0.05, which means that there was a
Schindler, 2014).
significant difference between the directive and
empowering leadership styles.
The overall results of the pilot test showed
1. Results that the incentive instruments, leadership styles,
As previously mentioned, before conducting the and creative performance were clearly under-
experiment, we performed a pilot test. Partici- stood by the participants, and were valid.
pants in this pilot test were 30 undergraduate The participants in the experiment were 92
students who had taken management accounting undergraduate accounting students at Universitas
and entrepreneurship courses, just like the Ahmad Dahlan who had taken management
experiment’s participants. In this pilot test, we accounting and entrepreneurship courses.
examined two types of incentives to find out Assignments and group divisions were carried
whether the incentives were comparable and able out randomly. After going through a manipu-
to motivate the participants. We conducted a test lation check, which only 63 students passed, the
The time is based on the pilot study
data were further processed.
22 Ilyana and Sholihin

As previously mentioned, the creative We conducted a correlation analysis to test

performance of participants was assessed by the correlation between the variables measured,
three experts consisting of: a management using Spearman's correlation analysis, the results
accounting professor, a lecturer on entrepre- are presented in Table 3. Based on the test
neurship, and a business practitioner. The results results, there was a positive correlation between
of the assessment of creative performance were incentives and the style of leadership with
tested for reliability using the Intraclass creative performance, but this was not
Coefficient Correlation (ICC). The results significant.
showed the Cronbach’s alpha value was 0.690. It We used two-way ANOVA to test the hypo-
meant the instrument was reliable. Table 2 theses. This study predicted that there would be
shows the results of the descriptive statistics for an influence from incentives and leadership
the creative performance. styles on creative performance (Table 4).

Table 2. Descriptive statistics

Leadership style
Incentives Total
Directive leadership Empowering leadership
Mean N SD Mean N SD Mean N SD
Tournament 6.376 14 0.723 6.664 15 0.705 6.525 29 0.716
Recognition 6.511 19 0.646 6.984 15 0.89 6.719 34 0.788
Total 6.453 33 0.672 6.824 30 0.806 6.632 63 0.756
Note: N = total of participants that passed the manipulation checks

Table 3. Correlation matrix

Variables 1 2 3
Creative performance 1
Incentives 0.104 1
Leadership styles 0.234 -0.076 1
Note: the response was from 63 participants.

Table 4. Two-way ANOVA test results

Dependent Variable: Creative Performance
Sources Df Mean square F Sig
Corrected Model 3 1.025 1.868 0.145
Intercept 1 2,735.65 4,985.07 0.000
Incentives 1 0.802 1.461 0.232
Leadership Styles 1 2.257 4.113 0.047*
Incentives * Leadership Styles 1 0.134 0.244 0.623
Error 59 0.549
Total 63
Corrected Total 62
R Squared = 0.087 (Adjusted R Squared= 0,040)
Note: dependent variable = creative performance; independent variables = 1) incentives, 2) leadership style
* indicates significance at 5%
Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business, Vol. 36, No. 1, 2021 23

Figure 1. Plots of Incentive Interactions and Leadership Styles

Based on the results of the two-way results of the statistical testing of H1, it is not
ANOVA, incentives did not significantly supported.
influence creative performance. This was Hypothesis 2 predicted that individuals who
indicated by an F value of 1.461; p > 0.232. On are treated with an empowering leadership style
the other hand, the leadership style had a will produce a higher creative performance than
significant effect on creative performance, as individuals who are treated with a directive
indicated by an F value of 4.113; p < 0.047. The leadership style. Based on Table 2, the indivi-
interaction between incentives and leadership duals who received an empowered leadership
styles for influencing creative performance was style treatment produced a creative performance
not significant. This was indicated by an F value score of 6.824, while the individuals who had a
of 0.244; p > 0.623. The following is a plot of directive leadership style treatment produced a
the interaction between incentives and leadership creative performance score of 6.453. Table 3
styles on creative performance. shows the difference is statistically significant at
Hypothesis 1 predicted that individuals who p = 0.047. These results indicate that the
receive tournament incentives produce a higher leadership style affects creative performance.
creative performance than individuals who get Thus, H2 is supported.
recognition incentives. Table 2 shows that
Hypothesis 3 predicted that under tourna-
individuals who had tournament incentives
ment incentive conditions, individuals who are
produced an average creative performance score
treated with an empowered leadership style will
of 6.525, while individuals who received
produce a higher creative performance than
recognition incentives produced an average
individuals who get treated with a directive
creative performance score of 6.719. However,
leadership style. We conducted a one-way
based on Table 3, the different types of
ANOVA test to see the differences in the results
incentives for creative performance are not
under tournament incentive conditions.
significant, as p > 0.232. Thus, based on the
24 Ilyana and Sholihin

Table 5. One-way ANOVA test results expectations, and mediation of incentives

Dependent Variable: Creative Performance (Vroom, 1964). Vroom's initial concept, which
Mean Signi-
stated that money plays an important role in
Variable Df F
square ficance getting desired things, is a rational reason why
Leadership Style 1 0.602 1.180 0.287 individuals tend to choose money over recog-
Note: in tournament incentive condition nition. However, the results of this study actually
found that there was no significant difference
Based on Table 2, in tournament incentive
between incentives in the form of money or
conditions, individuals who had the empowered
recognition for influencing creative perfor-
leadership style treatment produced an average
mance. We tested the comparability of both
creative performance score of 6.664 while the
incentives for motivating the participants. Based
individuals who received the directive leadership
on the test, there was no significantly difference
style treatment produced an average creative
between monetary incentives and recognition.
performance score of 6.376. The test results in
This indicated that recognition has the ability to
Table 5 show that the significance level of the
motivate participants, as well as monetary
average difference between the two (p = 0.287)
incentives. This caused no difference in the
is not significant. Therefore, H3 is not
performance results between participants who
were given monetary incentives or those given
2. Discussion recognition.
Hypothesis 1 predicted that tournament incen- The difference between monetary incentives
tives can produce a higher creative performance (including tournaments) and recognition lies in
than recognition incentives. However, based on the mechanism of motivation. Lourenco (2016)
the results of the statistical testing, there were no explained that monetary incentives use the
significant differences between tournament tangible payoffs motivation mechanism while
incentives and recognition for influencing recognition incentives use a self-regulation
creative performance. This was evidenced by the motivation mechanism. Besides Lourenco
F value of 1.461, with p= 0.232. The results of (2016), Delfgaauw et al. (2013) also found the
this study differ from the previous study by same research results. Delfgaauw et al. (2013)
Mehta, Dahl, and Zhu (2017), it turns out that conducted a field experiment in a retail company
both monetary and non-monetary competition in the Netherlands using a competition system
has little difference in affecting creative for each store's sales achievements. This
performance. However, the results of this study competition was held to get incentives in the
are in line with Lourenco's statement (2016) that form of non-monetary (recognition) and
monetary incentives (including tournament monetary rewards. In the study, there was no
incentives) are substitutive with recognition significant difference between the performance
incentives. Both are able to produce an extrinsic improvement of the groups given monetary and
motivation for employees to perform better. non-monetary incentives. The results of the
Incentives play a key role in generating study of Lourenco (2016) and Delfgaauw et al.
motivation and become an important component (2013) support the results of this study; there is
in an organization's efforts to encourage no significant difference between monetary and
creativity. The expectancy theory states that non-monetary incentives. This convinced us that,
motivation is a product of the valence, even in the creative context, the two types of
Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business, Vol. 36, No. 1, 2021 25

monetary and non-monetary incentives did not produce a higher creative performance than
differ significantly in their ability to improve individuals who are treated with a directive
creative performance. leadership style. Although the results of statis-
Furthermore, Hypothesis 2 predicted that tical testing are not significant, under conditions
individuals who are treated with an empowering of tournament incentives and empowering
leadership style are able to produce a higher leadership styles, individuals are able to produce
creative performance than a directive leadership a higher creative performance. This is in line
style can. The results showed that the empower- with the organizational equilibrium theory that
ing leadership style was significantly able to states that inducements in the form of incentives
produce a higher creative performance than the provided by the company will encourage the
directive leadership style. Based on the employees to make a greater contribution when
situational leadership theory, certain leadership the leaders of the company apply an empowering
styles will be effective in certain conditions. In leadership style, rather than a directive
the context of creative performance, empowering leadership style.
leadership is more effective in producing a
3. Supplementary Analysis
higher creative performance. Many companies
are creative and commercially successful, from We suspected that tournament incentive
Ferrari (Morse, 2006) to Google (Iyer & conditions and an empowering leadership style
Davenport, 2008) which shows that cultural and would produce the highest creative performance
environmental factors are very important. A compared to the other conditions. However, this
company that is successful with its creativity study’s results actually show that recognition
creates an environment where employees are and an empowering leadership style are able to
free to be creative by utilizing the intrinsic produce the highest creative performance. This
motivation possessed by individuals (Klotz et prompted us to examine the differences in
al., 2012); this is in accordance with the concept tournament incentives and recognition incentives
of empowerment. under the condition of an empowering leadership
style, using a one-way ANOVA analysis.
The position of the organization does not
strongly influence the creation of ideas. Partici- Table 6. One-way ANOVA Analysis Result
pation and autonomy are actually given to Dependent Variable: Creative Performance
individuals in creative positions. The idea-
Variabel Df Mean square F Sig
making function within an organization is
Incentives 1 0.768 1.190 0.285
separated from the idea-evaluation function and Note: In empowering leadership condition
the communication channel that connects all the
relevant units in the organization. The most The test results in Table 6 show that there is
important thing is that organizational leaders can no significant difference between tournament
adhere to a management philosophy rooted in incentives and recognition under the empower-
the belief that employees are competent and can ing leadership style conditions. The results of
be creative in completing their assigned work this test are still consistent with the results of
functions (Klotz et al. 2012). Lourenco’s (2016) research on empowering
Hypothesis 3 predicted that under tourna- leadership style conditions.
ment incentive conditions, individuals who are In addition, to ensure that the creative
treated with an empowering leadership style will performance results were generated by the
26 Ilyana and Sholihin

treatment given, the researcher conducted a pre- mance. The increase in the average creative
and post-test examination. We tested the creative performance was higher for recognition incen-
performance before and after the treatments. We tives (0.703), while for tournament incentives it
used a paired sample T-test to test the signifi- was 0.635. This shows that although, in the two-
cance of the difference between the pre-test and way ANOVA test, incentives did not signifi-
post-test. cantly influence things, in the pre-test and post-
Table 7 shows that the participants produced test testing the incentives were able to encourage
an average creative performance score of 5.958 the participants to do more creative tasks. Incen-
in the pre-test and 6.63 in the post-test. The tives are still needed to encourage employees to
results of the independent sample T-test show a think more creatively in doing their work.
significance value of 0.000, which meant there However, the difference between the two types
was a significant difference between the pre-test of incentives is not significant in influencing
and post-test. This explains that the treatment of creative performance, because both are
incentives and leadership styles can improve the substitutive (Lourenco, 2016).
creative performance of individuals.
To provide an additional insight into the
effect of incentives on creative performance, we This research provides experimental research
examined the difference in the two conditions results about the effect of incentives and
between the presence and absence of an leadership styles on creative performance. The
incentive. This test was carried out using a results of the study showed that there is no
paired sample T-test, which tests conditions significant difference between tournament
when participants have not been and have been incentives and recognition incentives for
given incentives. influencing creative performance. This is
Based on the results shown in Table 8, the consistent with Lourenco's research (2016) that
two types of incentives are equally able to monetary incentives (including tournaments) and
significantly increase people’s creative perfor- recognition are substitutive. Furthermore, this

Table 7. The results of the pre-test and post-test descriptive tests

Creative performance Mean N SD Std. Error Mean difference T Df Sig
Pre-test 5.958 63 0.709 0.089 -0.672 -6.843 62 0.000*
Post-test 6.630 63 0.756 0.095
Note: * indicate significance at 5%

Table 8. Creative Performance in the Presence and Absence of Incentives

Tournament Recognition
No incentives 5.889 6.017
Incentives 6.525 6.719
Mean difference 0.635 0.703
t value -4.556 -5.044
Sig. 0.000* 0.000*
Note: * indicate significance at 5%
Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business, Vol. 36, No. 1, 2021 27

study examines whether the empowering leader- that employees are able to produce a better
ship style is able to produce a higher creative performance.
performance than the directive leadership style. Similar to other studies, this study also has
The results of this study support this hypothesis. several limitations which provide opportunities
Consistent with the situational leadership theory, for further research. First, the cases and research
certain styles of leadership are appropriate for procedures in this experiment were designed and
certain environmental conditions. In a creative carried out in the form of simplified illustrations
environment, employees need to be empowered of real conditions in the field. Creative perfor-
because then they have the authority and free- mances in the real context typically tend to be
dom to develop ideas. Recognition incentives more complex. Case manipulation applied in this
and an empowering leadership style produce the study may have different results on the other
highest creative performance. cases. The next researcher can use the context of
The results of this study have several other creative performances to strengthen the
implications. Theoretically, this study provides results of this study. Second, this study only
knowledge about the impact of the relationship examined two types of incentives, namely
of incentives and leadership style on creative tournament incentives (monetary) and recogni-
performance. First, tournament incentives and tion incentives (non-monetary). There are some
other types of incentives that have not been
recognition incentives have the same ability to
studied, so they are opportunities for further
influence creative performance. That is, the two
research. Third, this study did not investigate
incentives are substitutive. Recognition can be
individual factors such as the differences in the
an alternative for a company to motivate its
participants' cognitive styles. There are two
employees to produce a more creative perfor-
cognitive styles namely adaptive and innovative
mance. Second, even though the directive
cognitive styles. Both cognitive styles may have
leadership style is more effective in some
an impact on the resulting creative performance.
performance contexts (Lorinkova et al., 2013;
Fourth, the results of this study indicate that the
Yun et al., 2005), in the context of creative
increase in creative performance is greater with
performance, empowering leadership can
incentives that contain intrinsic motivation rather
actually produce a creative performance that is
than with incentives that are only an extrinsic
higher than directive leadership can. This is
motivation. Researchers do not use feedback
because the organization's position does not
incentives because these incentives have no
strongly influence the generation of ideas, but
effect on Lourenco’s (2016) research. This
rather the organization's belief is that its employ-
research has a different context with the research
ees can be creative. Therefore, it encourages
conducted by Lourenco (2016), so that feedback
employees to think more creatively. can influence creative performance because
Practically, the results of this study are feedback can produce motivated employees.
expected to provide knowledge to companies Fifth, the participants in this study were students,
that they can use tournament incentives or so it was possible there were differences from
recognition incentives to encourage creative the real-life context. Therefore, further research
performance. In addition, company leaders can could use managers as the control groups in
also be inspired to apply leadership styles that order to produce more robust research and
are able to stimulate creative performance, so results.
28 Ilyana and Sholihin

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