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Essay Writing How To Write An Essay

Book · October 2017

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Abdul Rohim
Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang


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Essay Writing
How To Write An Essay
UU No 28 tahun 2014 tentang Hak Cipta

Fungsi dan sifat hak cipta Pasal 4

Hak Cipta sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 3 huruf a merupakan hak eksklusif yang
terdiri atas hak moral dan hak ekonomi.
Pembatasan Pelindungan Pasal 26
Ketentuan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 23, Pasal 24, dan Pasal 25 tidak berlaku
i. penggunaan kutipan singkat Ciptaan dan/atau produ k Hak Terkait untuk pelaporan
peristiwa aktual yang ditujukan hanya untuk keperluan penyediaan informasi aktual;
ii. Penggandaan Ciptaan dan/atau produk Hak Terkait hanya untuk kepentingan
penelitian ilmu pengetahuan;
iii. Penggandaan Ciptaan dan/atau produk Hak Terkait hanya untuk keperluan
pengajaran, kecuali pertunjukan dan Fonogram yang telah dilakukan Pengumuman
sebagai bahan ajar; dan
iv. penggunaan untuk kepentingan pendidikan dan pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan
yang memungkinkan suatu Ciptaan dan/atau produk Hak Terkait dapat digunakan
tanpa izin Pelaku Pertunjukan, Produser Fonogram, atau Lembaga Penyiaran.
Sanksi Pelanggaran Pasal 113
1. Setiap Orang yang dengan tanpa hak melakukan pelanggaran hak ekonomi
sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 9 ayat (1) huruf i untuk Penggunaan Secara
Komersial dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 1 (satu) tahun dan/atau
pidana denda paling banyak Rp100.000.000 (seratus juta rupiah).
2. Setiap Orang yang dengan tanpa hak dan/atau tanpa izin Pencipta atau pemegang
Hak Cipta melakukan pelanggaran hak ekonomi Pencipta sebagaimana dimaksud
dalam Pasal 9 ayat (1) huruf c, huruf d, huruf f, dan/atau huruf h untuk Penggunaan
Secara Komersial dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 3 (tiga) tahun
dan/atau pidana denda paling banyak Rp500. 000.000,00 (lima ratus juta rupiah).
Essay Writing
How To Write An Essay

Abdul Rohim, S.S., M.Pd.


Abdul Rohim

Desain Cover : Nama

Tata Letak Isi : Haris Ari Susanto
Sumber Gambar: Sumber

Cetakan Pertama: Oktober 2017

Hak Cipta 2017, Pada Penulis

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ROHIM, Abdul
Essay Writing How To Write An Essay /oleh Abdul Rohim.--Ed.1, Cet. 1--
Yogyakarta: Deepublish, Oktober 2017.
viii, 76 hlm.; Uk:14x20 cm

ISBN 978-Nomor ISBN

1. English I. Judul

Alhamdulillah All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the

Worlds. The Beneficent, the Merciful, who has given the writer
life that enables him to accomplish this book entitled: Essay
writing how to write an essay
Essay writing how to write an essay is a combination
between text explanation and workbook. The introduction of this
books presents the steps of writing process to students and ends
in last chapter with the examples of an essay. Its lessons,
practices, and review exercises are designed to help students to
write a good essay and develop their writing skill. They are given
oppurtunuties to work independently, with a partner, and with a
group, they also can do the exercises either in the class or as
homework. Hopefully, this book can help the students to expand
their knowledge about English writing.
Finally, the writer would like to thank and acknowledge the
following people who have this book possible. His wife Emi
Nurlita S.Psi and their two daughters Ghaitsa Ramadhani Rohim
and Zahra Ramadhani Rohim who had become a great
inspiration for him. Special thanks belong to his late mother
Sutiyem and his father Sutrisno, they would be always best
parents for him. He is also grateful to all many collegues and
students they had during many years of teaching. He also greatly
appreciate Deepublish publisher for the book printed.


Table Of Contents

Preface v
Table Of Contents vii
Chapter I The writing process 1
Chapter III The Thesis Statement 21
Chapter IV The Introductory Paragraph 31
CHapter V The Body Paragrpahs 35
Chapter VI The Concluding Paragraph 41
Chapter VII Outlining an Essay 48
Chapter VIII Unity and Coherence 54
Chapter IX Comparison and Contrast Essay 60
Chapter X Cause and Effect Essay 70
References 76

Writing takes a time. That’s why writing is often referred to
as a process. In other words, there are several steps to go
through before you have a complete writing ready to turn in for a
publication or grade. And for this chapter you are going to study
about steps of writing process.

2. Steps of writing process

Luman (2001) argues that there are five steps of writing
process, they are prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and
1. Prewriting
Prewriting is the first step of the writing process.
Prewriting is something you do before you write a
paragraph or essay or other written work. The purpose
of the prewriting step is to find a topic for writing, to
collect ideas and information. There are many different
types of prewriting that help writers get ideas. The
different types of prewriting that will be explained in
this book are: listing, freewriting, and word map.
a. Listing
Listing is when you write down every idea that
comes to you about the topic given.

c. Word map
Word mapping is another type of prewriting. It can
help you think of many ideas for your writing and
see the connection between the ideas. You can
write the topic in the middle, draw the circle
around it, and draw a line to connect the circles.

2. Drafting
Drafting is the second stage of the writing process.
Now you already to start your writing. At this stage,
you should write a complete first draft using your notes
from prewriting as a guide. The purpose in drafting is
to have a complete draft, not a perfect one, so don‟t
worry about making mistakes, just get your ideas down
on paper using sentences and paragraphs. As you are

 Did i use a subject and a predicate in each
b) Check for Mistake. You can also check errors in
capitalization, punctuation, grammar, and spelling.
c) Make Your Corrections. Don‟t forget to make
corrections when you find them in your document.
d) Make a Final Copy. Rewrite your work and make
the corrections you found.

5. Publishing
This is the last stage of the writing process. In this
stage, after corrected your work, share it with others.
The purpose of publishing is to share and celebrate
your finished products. When you publish your writing,
it means that you produce a clean, neat final draft that
is free of errors.
 PRACTICE 2: Complete the following diagram
that illustrates the steps of writing process.
Then discuss with a partner.

Drafting Editing
• ............. • ..................... • ......................
• ............. • .................... • ..................... • .................... • ......................
• .............. • ................... • ..................... • .................... • ......................
• ................... • ....................
Prewriting Revising Publishing


The students are able to review paragraph and it's parts then
practice writing a paragraph.

1. What is a Paragraph?
A paragraph is a group of sentences that develops a single
topic or idea. It has three main parts. The first part is the topic
sentence. It is called the topic sentence because it states the topic
or the subject of the paragraph. The second main part is the
supporting sentences. The supporting sentences develop the
topic. This means that they explain the topic sentence in detail.
The last part is the concluding sentence. The concluding sentence
summarizes the main points of the paragraph, or makes a final
comment on the topic. (Zemach & Rumisek, 2003). A clear
academic paragraph requires all of these parts.
As shown in the diagram below, a paragraph should have a
logical structure that is easy to put into an outline:

Topic Supporting Supporting Supporting Concluding

Sentence Sentence 1 Sentence 2 Sentence 3 Sentence


The students are able to identify the thesis statement and its
parts and practice it in their writing.

1. Defination of Thesis Statement.
When you write a paragraph, you will present one main
idea. It will be different when you write an essay. Vargo and
Blass (2014) stated that essay expresses several main ideas. Each
main idea appears in body paragraphs, the main part of an essay.
An essay also includes an introductory paragraph. This paragraph
gives general information about the topic, and it includes a thesis
statement, which is a statement that contains the main idea of the
entire essay. (p. 65)

 PRACTICE 1: Analyzing the Thesis Statement in an

Read the following essay. Underline the thesis
statement. Then underline the topic sentences in each
body paragraph. Discuss with classmate how each
body paragraph supports the thesis statement.

2. Parts of Thesis Statement.
a. Topic and Controlling Idea
The thesis statement is the most important sentence in
an essay, just as the topic sentence is the most
important sentence in a paragraph. The thesis statement
is similar to the topic sentence and serves the same
function in an essay as the topic sentences does for the
paragraph. It tells what the essay is about, just as the
topic sentence tells the reader what the paragraph is
about. The thesis statement is the last sentence in the
introductory paragraph. It lets the reader know what
will be discussed in the remaining paragraphs and
expresses the opinion or point of view of the writer. It
contains the same components as the topic sentence. It
contains the topic and a controlling idea. The topic is
what the essay will be about. The controlling idea is
what will be said about the topic. There can only be one
controlling idea in the thesis statement. The thesis
statement must also contain an opinion. If the thesis
statement contains a fact, it cannot be supported and the
writer cannot write an essay about it.

 PRACTICE 2: Underline the topic and double-

underline the controlling idea of each thesis
statement below.
a. Living in a large city has two main


The students are able to edit an essay for unity and create
coherence in essay.

1. Unity
After you have already learned an essay and its parts, that
essay should consist of an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.
The next step is to make sure that all three parts of essay work
together to explain your topic clearly.
Therefore, a good essay needs “unity‟. Unity means single
idea. As mentioned by Zemach and Rumisek (2003: 78), unity in
writing is the connection all ideas to a single topic. In an essay all
ideas should relate to the thesis statement, and the supporting
ideas in a main body paragraph should relate to the topic
sentence. For example, if your essay is about the advantages of
fasting, discuss only that. Do not discuss about the disadvantages
When you want to keep a unity in an essay you have to edit
the outline for ideas that are not relevant to the thesis statement
or topic sentence. Also, after you have written the essay, it is
helpful to review the text and look for ideas that do not relate to
the thesis.

The following body paragraph breaks the rule of unity because it

contains one or more sentences that are off the topic sentence.

In the first place, people enjoy the companionship of cats.
Many cats are affectionate. They will snuggle up and ask to be
petted, or scratched under the chin. Who can resist a purring cat?
If they're not feeling affectionate, cats are generally quite playful.
They love to chase balls and feathers, or just about anything
dangling from a string. They especially enjoy playing when their
owners are participating in the game. Cats, like a lot of animals,
they like to kill other animals as a predator. Contrary to popular
opinion, cats can be trained. Using rewards and punishments, just
like with a dog, a cat can be trained to avoid unwanted behavior
or perform tricks. Cats will even fetch!

2. Coherence
A good essay also needs a coherence. According to Zemach
and Rumisek (2003: 82), coherence is related to unity. Ideas that
are arranged in a clear and logical way are coherent. The purpose
of coherence is to make the readers can easily understand the
main points.
As mentioned by Oshima and Hogue (2006) There are four
ways to achieve coherence:
1. Repeat key nouns.
The easiest way to achieve coherence is to repeat key
nouns frequently in your paragraph or essay.
2. Use consistent pronouns.
When you use pronouns, make sure that you use the
same person and number throughout your paragraph.
Don't change from you to he or she (change of person)
or from he to they (change of number)


The students are able to write cause and effect essay to
explain the cause and effect of something.

1. What is cause and effect essay?
Another common pattern of essay organization is cause and
effect. In a cause/effect essay, you discuss the causes (reasons)
for something, the effects (results), or both causes and effects.
(Oshima & Hogue, 2006:94)
A cause-effect essay shows the reader the relationship
between something that happens and its consequences, or
between actions and results. According to Robitaille and
Connelly (2007), causes and effects focus on why things happen
and what their results or consequences are. Causes are the
reasons why something happened; they answer the question
“Why did the event happen?” The causes of a cair pollution
might be driving and other industrial activities and releasing a
huge amount of chemical substances in the air everyday. Causes
occur before the event and make the event happen. Effects are
the direct results or consequences of an event; they respond to
the question “What happened because of the event?” The effects
of air pollution might be harmful effects on human health and the
environment. Effects come after the event and are the direct
results of the event.


Boardman, C.A., Frydenberg, J. (2008). Writing to communicate

Paragraphs and Essays(3rd ed.), New York: Pearson
Luman, R. (2001). Power point presentation by Ruth Luman.
Retrieved from
Oshima,A., Hogue, A.(2006). Writing Academic English (4th
ed.), USA: Pearson Longman.
Robitaille, J., Connelly,R.(2007). Writer’s resources From
Paragraph to Essay(2nd ed.), USA: Michael Rosenberg
Susan, A. (2010). Real Writing with readings Paragraphs and
essays for college, work, and everyday life, New York:
bedford/st. martin's publisher.
Vargo, M., Blass,L.(2013). Pathways 3: Reading, Writing, and
Critical Thinking, Oxford, USA.: National Geographic.
Zemach, D., Islam,C.(2005). College Writing From Paragraph
to Essay, Oxford, England.: Macmillan Publisher.
Zemach, D., Rumisek,L.A.(2003). Paragraph Writing, Oxford,
England.: Macmillan Publisher.


Abdul Rohim is a permanent lecturer at

Muhammadiyah University of Tangerang (UMT),
his interest is teaching. He has over 10 years
experience in teaching, after a career teaching at
high school he came to Jakarta and began teaching
english at University. Upon moving to Jakarta he
tried to do his best in teaching and writing about english education.
He was born and raised in South Sumatera Indonesia. He obtained
his bachelor degree S1 at literature in State Islamic University
Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta and S2 master degree at education in
PGRI University of Palembang.


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