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Read the text 1 and 2 carefully!

Text 1

Bekasi Dance Group to Represent Indonesia at K-Pop Cover Dance Festival 2019
The JakartaPost │ Sat, April 27, 2019
ALZY dance group from West Java's Bekasi earned a win at the K-Pop Cover Dance
Festival on Sunday at the Bandung Creative Hub, Bandung, West Java.
ALZY beat 14 other finalists by covering a dance routine by ITZY, a rising K-Pop star.
As a part of the prize, ALZY will be flown to South Korea to represent Indonesia in the
competition's international level, which is scheduled for late September or early October.
The competition was organized by Korean Cultural Center Indonesia, Republic of Korea
Embassy and Korean newspaper The Seoul Shinmun Daily.
Nathan Moon, a spokesperson for The Shinmun Daily, said Indonesia had significantly
contributed to the excitement over the competition, as more than 200 participants registered
“One of our purposes in organizing KCDF is to reciprocate the love given by Hallyu
(Korean pop culture wave) lovers,” Moon said.
Korean Cultural Center Indonesia director Chun Youngpoung said he was grateful for the
enthusiasm shown by K-Pop lovers in Indonesia.
“The Korean Cultural Center will always be a Hallyu promotion vehicle so it can be enjoyed
by a wider audience,” Chun Youngpoung said.
The Korean Cultural Center Indonesia also organized an illustration and poster exhibition
showcasing artwork from the competition, titled “Commemoration of 100 Years of March 1
Movement and Creation of Korean Temporary Government”. The exhibition was held at the
Bandung Creative Hub on the same day. (gis/wng)

Text 2
Including Your Partner in Social Media Posts could be Good for Relationship
The JakartaPost│ Thu, March 7, 2019
New US research has found that including your partner in your social media posts can
increase feelings of intimacy and satisfaction.
Carried out by researchers at Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Kansas, the
new study is the first of its kind to investigate how different circumstances can affect whether a
partner perceives their other half's online sharing to be positive or negative.
The team carried out a series of five experiments involving a total of 692 participants, which
compared how posting personal information online affected intimacy and satisfaction in online
and offline contexts, in romantic relationships and friendships, and with different types of
content (for instance, when the partner posted about themselves or about the relationship).
The findings, published in the journal PLOS ONE, showed that when one half of a couple
frequently shares personal information with large groups on social media, it can negatively
impact their partner's satisfaction and feelings of intimacy in the relationship, with the results
suggesting that this is due to the partner feeling left out and feeling less special.
However, the researchers found that including a partner in online posts could counteract this
negative effect.
“On the other hand, when you include a significant other in your post, perhaps as confirming
a relationship status online or posting a photo together, we found that it counters the negative
effects of online disclosure, increasing the feelings of intimacy and satisfaction,” said co-author
Omri Gillath. “This validates the relationship, and a partner likely would see their significant
other's post as caring and inclusive.”
Despite the negative effect on romantic relationships, the team found sharing information
with large audiences did not have a negative effect on friendships.
“For many of us, sharing our feelings and daily experiences on social media is one of the
main ways we stay in contact with friends and family,” said researcher Juwon Lee.
“Because of this cultural shift from face-to-face or phone conversations, it's important that
we understand how our usage of these technologies affect our personal relationships.
Additionally, other research has found that people benefit from sharing information about
themselves, which might be why people engage in it so much. But it's important to know the full
picture, and understand that sometimes sharing can be bad for you.”


Activity 1
Find each of the 5 new words in text 1 and 2. Then look for definitions, synonyms and
antonyms. Write in the provided vocabularies graphic organizers below.
Vocabularies Graphic Organizer

Word: Indonesian meaning: Antonym:

Synonym: Synonym:

Word: Indonesian meaning: Antonym:

Synonym: Synonym:

Word: Indonesian meaning: Antonym:

Synonym: Synonym:

Word: Indonesian meaning: Antonym:

Synonym: Synonym:

Word: Indonesian meaning: Antonym:

Synonym: Synonym:

Word: Indonesian meaning: Antonym:

Synonym: Synonym:

Word: Indonesian meaning: Antonym:

Synonym: Synonym:
Word: Indonesian meaning: Antonym:

Synonym: Synonym:

Word: Indonesian meaning: Antonym:

Synonym: Synonym:

Word: Indonesian meaning: Antonym:

Kunci Jawaban: Synonym:

Activity 2
Work in pairs. Compare and contrast the two text to find out social function, text structures
and language features. Use the table to help you.

Text 1 Text 2
Social function To inform about ALZY dance
To inform about including your
group who win the K-Pop Cover
partner in social media posts could
Dance Festival on Sunday at the
be good for relationship
Bandung Creative Hub
Text structure:
Paragraph 1 Newswothy event Newswothy event
Paragraph 2 Background event Background event
Paragraph 3 Background event Background event
Paragraph 4 Background event Background event
Paragraph 5 Source Background event
Paragraph 6
Paragraph 7
Paragraph 8
Paragraph 9
Language features:
Reporting/saying verb
Direct Speech “One of our purposes in “On the other hand, when you
organizing KCDF is to reciprocate include a significant other in your
the love given by Hallyu (Korean post, perhaps as confirming a
pop culture wave) lovers,” Moon relationship status online or
said. posting a photo together, we
found that it counters the negative
“The Korean Cultural Center will
effects of online disclosure,
always be a Hallyu promotion
increasing the feelings of intimacy
vehicle so it can be enjoyed by a
and satisfaction,” said co-author
wider audience,” Chun
Omri Gillath.
Youngpoung said.
“For many of us, sharing our
“The Korean Cultural Center will
feelings and daily experiences on
always be a Hallyu promotion
social media is one of the main
vehicle so it can be enjoyed by a
ways we stay in contact with
wider audience,” Chun
friends and family,” said
Youngpoung said.
researcher Juwon Lee.

Activity 3
With your previous partner, change the direct speech you have listed in Activity 2 into
indirect speech.
1. ___________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________________

Activity 4
Listen to the audio. Summarize the news by using your own words and retell the news with
your partners in front of the class.

Listening Script:
Bomb Explosion on Bus in Philippines Kills 1, Wounds 16

Associated Press, Manila │ World │ Fri, 18th September 2015, 4:37 PM

A homemade bomb exploding under a bus seat killed a woman and wounded 16 other people
on Friday in a southern Philippine city where Abu Sayyaf militants are known to operate, police said.

The bomb exploded in the middle of the vehicle as it was loading passengers at a bus terminal
near a market, said Zamboanga City police Chief Inspector, Joel Tuttuh.

He said the suspects weren’t known but could include the militants, who set off a car bomb in
Zamboanga earlier this year near another bus terminal, killing two people and wounding more than 50

Tuttuh said at least one of those wounded in Friday’s blast was in serious condition after losing
an arm and a leg.

“The improvised explosive device could have come from the Abu Sayyaf, disgruntled employees
or competitors,” he said by telephone from Zamboanga.

One of the bus owner’s buses in the nearby island province of Basilan also was the target of a
bomb attack, but Tuttuh could not immediately give details of that incident.

He said bomb squads from the police and the military, who were inspecting the site, could not
immediately say what type of explosive was used. The militants frequently use unexploded mortar shells
as the main charge for their homemade bombs.

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