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LK-2. Reflection Journal PPL PPG Daljab.

Subject Name English

Place of execution SMPN 22 South Tangerang

Execution time Friday, January 19th, 2023 (08.30-09.30)

Teacher’s name Damianus

Nenden Hazrianthi, M. Pd
Name of Senior Teacher
Drs. Bambang Siagiyanto, M. Pd
Lecturer Name

I. Description of Learning Innovation Activities

1. The learning topic I chose was "My Study Habits" material for Unit 3 grade VII Semester 2
of the Freedom curriculum

2. The learning objective are:

1. Students are able to communicate verbally and written regarding study habits in real life accurately
2. Resolve contextual problems related to study habits appropriately

3. My innovation
Implementing the Problem Based Learning model with the help of PowerPoint Based Spin and
Speak Wheel Media, scientific approach and discussion and presentation methods to support
the teaching and learning process, As following;
1. I chose this method as learning innovation in my class because Some Students still have
difficult and anxiety to speak English, So by using the PBL method with the help of
PowerPoint Based Spin and Speak Wheel Media that Oriented to High Order Thinking Skills
(HOTS) to achieve predetermined learning goals and this Media is creative and innovative,
easy to make and use, and students were more interested in using spinning wheel media
because of this media using a variety of colors and images, contains information such as, ,
vocabulary, structure and pronunciation in conversations, discussions, presentations and
storytelling that students to play an active role in learning, so that teaching and learning
activities do not seem monotonous and boring. Based on the results of previous solve these
problems students are required to connect the knowledge they already have with the new
knowledge. The results show that the spinning wheel media developed can increase students’
learning activity.
2. I chose the Problem Based Learning model because the PBL model places students in situations
where they must actively find solutions to real world problems. This can increase students’
motivation because learning is directly related to the context of their lives.
3. I chose the Problem Based Learning model because the PBL model places students in
4. opportunity for students to improve their ability to understand English concepts, this is
because the first step in the PBL model is to give problems to students either individually or in
groups, where to solve these problem students are required to connect knowledge they
already have with the new knowledge they have.
5. I chose the scientific approach because the scientific approach encourages problem solving and
scientific exploration. I chose this approach because I wanted to stimulate students' curiosity
and encourage them to observe, design experiments, and develop scientific skills.
6. I chose the discussion and presentation method because with discussion students can share
ideas, understand different points of view, and develop collective understanding. Meanwhile,
with presentations students can communicate the results of their problem solving to their
classmates. This combination fosters collaboration and communication skills.

II. Benefits of Learning Innovation

The good things/benefits that students and I felt when the learning innovation took

Implementing the PBL model with the help of PowerPoint Based Spin and Speak
Wheel Media

1. The benefits and ways of methods and media in learning, especially speaking, it
really motivated me to teach better, more innovatively, interestingly, meaningfully
and students as the learning center
2. Most of the students felt the benefits of the presentation strategies used by
teachers to overcome their speaking anxiety. They become more confident and
okay to talk to others, as well as being tested by teachers on how to talk. They also
stated that the presentation strategy made them very cool because they could
speak English to a large audience without hesitation and nervousness. So this
strategy can overcome speaking anxiety
3. PBL, Spin and Speak Wheel Media and Scientific Approach, and Discussion and
Presentation Methods can increase student involvement in learning. Students
engage in solving real-world problems that are relevant to them, which can increase
intrinsic motivation.
4. Through discussion and presentation methods, I can see improvements in students'
communication skills. Students learn to communicate their ideas and thoughts
clearly and effectively in front of their friends.
5. The use of discussion in learning encourages students to work together, share
ideas, and discuss solutions. This creates a collaborative environment that supports
social interaction and shared learning.
6. The PBL model gives students responsibility for solving problems and determining
7. The spinning wheel media could be used easily by students and also very
interesting, fun and easy to understand.
8. During the learning process students have shown a cooperative, critical, creative
and active attitude.
9. In discussions, students were able to stimulate their courage to express opinions,
ask questions, conclude and formulate ideas good.
10. Speaking about presentations and asking questions. Students could present their
result of discussion and ask question orally using vocabulary, structure and
pronunciation good and with high self-confidence.

III. Challenges/Problems Faced by Learning Innovation

1. Some students were still lack of vocabulary and mastery, while vocabulary is the key of
speaking ability. This matter could cause other problems such as students were not being able
to produce phrases and sentences. So, they can't speak as well as they could, so they decided
to keep quiet when they didn't know the meaning of the vocabulary. They were also worried
about being ridiculed by their peers when they make pronunciation mistakes
2. Two students had speaking anxiety that came on intensive and long-lasting such as lack of
confidence and high nervous tension, required special treatment and therapy
3. Difficulty monitoring the understanding of students who are not active in discussions

III. Problem Solving

1. Teacher will provide several strategies to overcome speaking difficulties and anxiety,
lack of vocabulary faced by students, such as: providing learning motivation, providing
repetition of material (enrichment) and providing remedial teaching to improve and
correct deficiencies in order to achieve learning objectives with the best results
2. Providing more assistance to students who are still having speaking difficulties and
anxiety, lack of vocabulary
3. Providing more assistance to groups who are still having difficulties.
4. Create more interesting learning media.
5. The teacher will provide motivation to make students more confident
6. The teacher will provide vocabulary according to the material before carrying out
speaking activities, conducts speaking and reading habits
7. The teacher in the classroom provides tips on mastering vocabulary and increasing
speaking practice in class and conducts reading habits
8. The teacher will motivate by giving tips for students who are less confident in speaking
in front of the class
IV. Follow-up Plan

Follow-up plan in overcoming problems that occur when innovation is

implemented in learning so the innovation learning will runing well in the
future to reach the goal of learning’

1. Effective feedback is key to ensuring that assessment for learning

strategies actually have an impact on student understanding and
learning outcomes for learning speaking English.

There are two main types of feedback:

1. evaluative (grades or brief comments)

2. descriptive feedback (helpful comments and next steps)

Descriptive feedback provides students with more detailed and

useful information than evaluative feedback. It contains specific
information on what they have done correctly, but also how to
improve their learning
2. The main follow-up plan to developing good attitudes and study habits
as a drilling technique using Spin and Speak Wheel Media that is more
creative, productive and fun for students by Provided different
strategies to overcome difficulties and anxiety speaking faced by
students, such as; Drilling, Role Play, debate, Presentation, Group
work, and Show and Tell Strategy, One Day Speak English, create A
Freedom Conversation Club at school. These strategies are
considered strategies that can help teachers overcome problems
students' speaking difficulties and anxieties. Teachers also provide a
lot of motivation and feedback to overcome their speaking
difficulties and anxieties.
1. Asesmen Kurikulum Merdeka: Tujuan, Manfaat, dan Jenis-jenisnya
3. BekkaRJ. How to Write Reflective Journals for Teachers Originally published at

4. Henderson, Napan and Monterio (2004) reflective learning covers a range of activities.
5. Hasanah, Firdatul. (2022). Pengembangan Game Spinning Wheel Sebagai Media Pembelajaran IPA
pada Materi Kalor dan Perpindahannya Bagi Siswa Kelas VII SMP/MTS. Doctoral Disertasi.

6. Julie Tice, Teacher, Trainer, Writer, British Council Lisbon, Drilling 1 https://www-teachingenglish-
7. Kirsten Sutton. Spin it: using vocabulary wheels to widen learners’ lexical range Published 03
August 2020
8. Spin and speak: adverbs of frequency and daily routines,
9. Sudjana, N. (2015). Penilaian Hasil Proses Belajar Mengajar. Sinar Baru Algensindo.
10. Sugiono. (2017). Evaluasi Pendidikan. Alfabeta. Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan Badan Penelitian dan
11. Pengembangan Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan RI. Laman Resmi Penilaian
12. Pendidikan.(
13. Wheel of Fortune Spinning Wheel Activity about describing people

Tangerang Selatan, January 30th, 2024

Approved by Written by

(Drs. Bambang Siagiyanto, M. Pd) (Damianus, S. Pd)

Lecturer College Student

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