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Penyusun/Tahun : Seftriningrum/2024
Kelas/Fase Capaian : 8 / Fase D
Kompetensi : Peserta didik mengetahui Kata kerja beraturan dan tidak
awal/Prasyarat beraturan (regular/irregular Verbs), memahami pola dalam
kalimat simple past tense, Kosakata terkait kegiatan yang sudah
dilakukan beserta artinya.
Profil Pelajar : Kreatif, Berfikir Kritis
Sarana Prasarana : Laptop/Komputer/HP, Jaringan Internet
Power Point/ Gambar
Kamus Bahasa Inggris
Papan tulis, kapur/spidol
Model Pembelajaran : Genre Based Approach
Kompetensi Sosial kesadaran diri, manajemen diri, kesadaran sosial,
Emosional keterampilan berelasi, dan pengambilan keputusan yang
bertanggung jawab.
Alokasi Waktu : 3 JP @40 menit (1 x pertemuan)
1. Tujuan : Dengan menggunakan multimodal dalam diskusi kelompok,
Pembelajaran Murid mampu:
1) Mengenali bentuk teks imaginative recount.
2) Menganalisis unsur kebahasaan teks recount dengan
3) Menganalisis fungsi sosial teks recount dengan benar
4) Menganalisis struktur teks recount dengan benar
5) Menentukan unsur kebahasaan teks recount dengan
6) Menentukan fungsi sosial teks recount dengan benar
7) Menentukan struktur teks recount dengan benar
8) Menelaah unsur kebahasaan teks recount.
9) Menelaah fungsi sosial teks recount.
10)Menelaah struktur teks recount.
11)Menggunakan Adverb dan adverbial phrase (Waktu,
tempat, Cara)
12)Menggunakan Conjunction dan time connectives
(Chronological connection).
2. Indikator a. Kognitif (pengetahuan)
ketercapaian 1) Siswa mampu menentukan jenis teks recount dengan
tujuan benar.
pembelajaran 2) Siswa mampu melengkapi teks recount dengan benar.
(IKTP) 3) Siswa mampu merinci teks recount dengan benar,
b. Psikomotorik (Ketrampilan)
1) Siswa mampu membuat kalimat simple past.
2) Siswa mampu menyusun ulang kalimat simple past.
3) Siswa mampu menggabungkan kalimat simple past.
c. Sikap/Afektif
1) Siswa mampu memilih kosakata terkait simple past.
2) Siswa mampu menunjukkan interaksi menggunakan
simple past..
3. Pemahaman Siswa mampu berkomunikasi seputar kegiatan yang telah
bermakna dilakukan menggunakan kalimat simple past tense.
4. Kegiatan Pembelajaran :
a. Kegiatan Awal : 1) Guru memberi salam
Building : 2) Guru memimpin berdo’a dalam bahasa Inggris.
Knowledge of the 3) Bertegur sapa tentang kabar, Menanyakan suasana hati saat
Field ini dengan papan emoji (Kesadaran diri).
(12 menit) 4) Guru mengecek kehadiran murid, mengajak Murid berharap
lekas sembuh bagi murid yang sakit, mengajak murid
berharap segera bergabung bagi murid yang tidak hadir, dan
mengajak murid yang hadir dalam keadaan sehat untuk
bersyukur.(KSE: Kesadaran Sosial)
5) Games/ice breaking
6) Guru mengucapkan selamat datang dan rasa senang.
7) Guru menanyakan kesiapan (KSE: Manajemen diri).
8) Guru menjelaskan tujuan, penilaian dan manfaat
9) Murid membuat kesepakatan kelas (KSE: Kesadaran diri
dan sosial).
b. Kegiatan Inti : Building Knowledge if The Text (Mengamati dan Menanya)
(90 menit) 1) Peserta didik mengamati teks dan mencoba menjawab
pertanyaan berdasar teks yang ada (Activity 1-2)
2) Guru membacakan teks yang ada.
3) Guru mengulas generic structure teks recount.
4) Peserta didik mengamati dan menjawab pertanyaan yang
disampaikan oleh guru dalam sebuah kelompok diskusi kecil.
5) Peserta didik menanyakan hal yang tidak/belum mereka
ketahui tentang materi.
Modelling of Text (Mengamati, Menanya dan Mengumpul-
kan Informasi)
6) Peserta didik membaca sebuah teks dan secara
berpasangan berusaha untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan
yang ada. (Activity 3)
7) Dalam sebuah kelompok kecil, peserta didik dengan
bimbingan guru menemukan struktur teks yang ada.
8) Peserta didik menuliskan dan menyebutkan susunan teks
recount (Activity 3).
9) Peserta didik mendengarkan dan menirukan pernyataan
yang diucapkan oleh guru. (act.4)
Join Construction of Text (Mengumpulkan Informasi,
10) Secara berpasangan, peserta didik membuat dan mengisi
tabel untuk menentukan Konektor yang tepat.(act 5). (KSE:
Ketrampilan berdiskusi, Pengambilan Keputusan yang
bertanggung jawab).
11) Peserta didik mendapat feedback dari guru.
Independen Construction of Text (Mengkomunikasikan)
12) Peserta didik menulis pengalamannya.
13) Peserta didik mendapat feedback dari guru.
c. Kegiatan Akhir : 1. Guru memberikan umpan balik kepada siswa
(18 menit) 2. Guru memberikan penguatan positif
3. Refleksi Kegiatan Pembelajaran
4. Guru memperkenalkan topik untuk pertemuan berikutnya.
5. Asesmen : 1) Peserta didik menyelesaikan permasalahan dalam sebuah
teks. (act. 6/7)
2) Peserta didik menjawab pertanyaan berdasar teks yang ada
(act 8).
6. Referensi Sumber 1) Buku Pendamping (Modul Pengayaan) MGMP Bahasa Inggris
Semester 2 Kabupaten Cilacap 2023.

Mengetahui Cilacap, Januari 2024

Kepala SMP Negeri 6 Cilacap Guru Mata Pelajaran,


NIP. 19690916 199702 2 003 NIP. 19820319 200903 2 012

Dengan menggunakan multimoda dalam diskusi kelompok, Murid

Tujuan : mampu:
 Mengenali bentuk teks imaginative recount.
 Menganalisis unsur kebahasaan teks recount dengan benar.
 Menganalisis fungsi sosial teks recount dengan benar
 Menganalisis struktur teks recount dengan benar
 Menentukan unsur kebahasaan teks recount dengan benar
 Menentukan fungsi sosial teks recount dengan benar
 Menentukan struktur teks recount dengan benar
 Menelaah unsur kebahasaan teks recount.
 Menelaah fungsi sosial teks recount.
 Menelaah struktur teks recount.
 Menggunakan Adverb dan adverbial phrase (Waktu, tempat, Cara)
 Menggunakan Conjunction dan time connectives (Chronological

Asesmen : Membuat dialog sederhana tentang kegiatan liburan yang telah

Formatif dilakukan

Instrumen : Test Objektif (Isian singkat) dengan skala, Membuat kalimat mandiri.
Activity 6-9
Rubrik Penilaian :

Mulai Berkembang Layak Cakap Mahir

Lisan Belum mampu Mampu Mampu Mampu
Menjawab Menjawab Menjawab Menjawab
pertanyaan dengan pertanyaan dengan pertanyaan pertanyaan
baik sesuai pola baik sesuai pola dengan baik dengan baik
kalimat yang benar kalimat dan sesuai pola sesuai pola
pengucapan yang kalimat kalimat
benar. pengucapan dan pengucapan dan
intonasi yang baik intonasi yang baik
serta lancar
Tulis Belum Sebagian Sebagian besar Semua tanda
menggunakan tanda tanda baca dan tanda baca dan baca dan
baca dan huruf huruf kapital huruf kapital huruf kapital
kapital/ sebagian digunakan secara digunakan secara digunakan secara
besar tidak tepat. tepat. tepat.
digunakan dg tepat.
Murid dianggap sudah mencapai tujuan pembelajaran jika kedua kriteria di atas mencapai
minimal tahap cakap.

In your notebook, write down your experience in learning and practising English in various
activity. Make sure you spell every word correctly.
1) The words that are new to me:
2) The expression that you are familiar with:
3) The expression that I found new and difficult to understand

1. Fungsi Sosial : to tell/ to retell past events for the purpose of informing or entertaining.
2. Struktur Teks
Generic Structure Text
Orientation (Pengenalan: Who, Last holiday my family and I went to Jakarta. We visited
When, Where, dll) my uncle’s house. It had a big garden and a lot of
colorful flowers and tennis court.
Events: (Urutan Peristiwa) On Friday my nephew and I went to National Museum
and went up to the top of monument which had the
golden symbol of the spirit of our nation. From the top
we could see the beauty of the metropolitan city. On
Saturday we went to Ancol beach to see
DuniaFantasiand Dolphin show.
Reorientation (Penutup cerita, On Sunday we went to Ragunan Zoo and then we went
rangkuman rentetan peristiwa) home. We really enjoyed our holiday.

3. Unsur kebahasaan
Lexico Grammatical Features
1) Focus on specific participant
2) Used action verbs and simple past tense (V2), example: was, were, spent, visited, etc.
3) Use time connectives, example: then, after that, when.
4) Chronologically.
5) Kalimat deklaratif dan interogatif dalam simple past, past continuous, present perfect,
dan lainnya yang diperlukan
6) Adverbia penghubung waktu: first, then, after that, before, when, at last, finally, dsb.
7) Adverbia dan frasa preposisional penujuk waktu
8) Nomina singular dan plural dengan atau tanpa a, the, this, those, my, their, dsb.
9) Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan

Recount Text Recount text adalah teks yang menceritakan kembali kegiatan, kejadian,
atau pengalaman yang terjadi di masa lampau/ sudah terlewati. Tujuan Teks Recount Untuk
menceritakan kembali kejadian – kejadian/ pengalaman di masa lampau/ sudah terlewati.
1. Fungsi Sosial: Melaporkan, mengambil teladan, dan membanggakan.
2. Struktur Teks::
 Orientasi (Orientation) : memberikan pembaca informasi latar belakang (background
knowledge) yang dibutuhkan untuk memahami teks, seperti siapa yang terlibat, di
mana itu terjadi, dan kapan itu terjadi.
 Urutan kejadian/kegiatan (Events) : serangkaian peristiwa/kejadian yang diurutkan
secara kronologis
 Orientasi ulang (Reorientations) : sebuah komentar pribadi tentang peristiwa atau
apa yang terjadi pada akhirnya.
3. Unsur kebahasaan
 Kalimatnya menggunakan Simple Past tense. Formula = S + Verb 2 +
Object/Complement (kata keterangan)
 Menggunakan action verb, contoh: went, stayed, did - Fokus pada specific
participant, contoh: I (the writer)
 Menggunakan kata keterangan waktu (adverb of time): yesterday, last month, an
hour ago, a month ago, last year, last holiday, dan sebagainya.
 Menggunakan kata penghubung (conjunction): first, then, after that, before, at last,
finally, dan sebagainya.
 Nomina singular dan plural dengan atau tanpa a, the, this, those, my, their, dsb. -
Ejaan, tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan. Topik Peristiwa, pengalaman yang terjadi di
sekolah, rumah, dan yang dapat menumbuhkan perilaku yang termuat di KI
Activity 1
Read the text loudly!
My day at the beach
On Sunday, I went to the beach with my dad. First, we splashed around in the water. Then,
dad and I built a sandcastle. It was huge! Next, we played cricket on the sand. After that, dad
and I left the beach and went to an ice-cream shop. Most of my ice-cream melted because it
was hot. Finally, dad and I hopped in the car and drove home. I had a great day at the beach.
Activity 2
Answer each question by referring to the text above
1. Where was the writer on Sunday?
2. Who built a sandcastle?
3. Where did they play cricket?
4. What happen with the ice-cream?
5. Did they have a bad day at the beach?
Generic Structure:
On Sunday, I went to the beach with my dad.
Events 1
First, we splashed around in the water.
Events 2
Then, dad and I built a sandcastle. It was huge!
Events 3
Next, we played cricket on the sand
Events 4
After that, dad and I left the beach and went to an ice-cream shop. Most of my ice-
cream melted because it was hot.
Events 5
Finally, dad and I hopped in the car and drove home.
I had a great day at the beach.

Text Organiser
A recount text retells an event or an experience that happened in the past. A
recount text should always be told in the order that each event happened.
Orientation Introduction, setting the scene
Gives details of Who : who was there during the event?
Where : Where did the event take place?
When : When did the event take place? Think about the
time, the day, or even the year.
Why : Why did the event happen? What caused it?
What : What were you doing before, during, and after the
Events What happened in chronological order
Write about the events in the order they happened
 First …  At first …
 Next …  Initially …
 Soon …  Once we/I …
 During …  Meanwhile …
 After …  In the end …
 Later …  At last …
 Eventually …  Finally …
Conclusion/Re-Orientation Personal comment
What did you think/feel/decide, about the events that happened?
How did the event end?
How did you feel when the even was over?
Write some of the thoughts or comments you had after the event was over.

Activity 3
Read the text below carefully!
Last summer, I went to Bali with my family. We stayed at a hotel in Kuta for a week.
On our first day, we went to the beach. We swam in the ocean, built sandcastles, and
ate seafood. On our second day, we visited the Ubud Monkey Forest. We saw many
monkeys playing in the trees. On our third day, we went to the Tanah Lot Temple.
We saw the temple standing on a rock in the ocean.
We had a great time in Bali. We will definitely come back again someday.
Ciri- ciri grammatical:
1) Melibatkan tempat, waktu dan tokoh tertentu.
2) Menggunakan past tense
3) Menyampaikan urutan peristiwa secara runtut.
Activity 4
Study the grammar point below.
Connectors: and. But. Because, and so
Connectors are used to join and connect clauses. They express different things.

And But
And expresses addition.
When we use it. We add something But expresses contrast.
to the previous clause. When we use it, we are opposing two

Becaus So
So Express the result of something
stated on the previous clause

Because expresses cause.

When we use it we are presenting a

Activity 5

Look at the pictures and join the two pairs ot the sentences written below that illustrate the
pictures on the left by using and, but, because, or so.

John Take a bath in the morning

He had to go to the doctor

The family had dinner very quickly.

Thet wanted to go to the museum.

Bella took off her slippers.

She went to bed afterwards.
Ben lost the boxing challenge.
He didn’t care because he is a plus
at martial arts.

Greg didn’t want to forget his

meeting with Mr. Harris.
He put a reminder on his finger.

George got an A+ at English.

He felt really happy

Activity 6
First-Person Pronouns
A recount text is written from the perspective of the author. This means we use first-
person pronouns.
Choose from the first-person pronouns below to place in the sentences.
My Me We Us
Mine I Ourselves Our
1. We are excited to pick up _____ new car on the weekend.
2. I need you to help _____ rake up all the leaves in the garden.
3. My twin sister and I turn eight on the weekend. So our parents are throwing __
4. Jessica is an old friend of _____
5. _____ can’t wait to play basketball with my friends after school
6. I caught ____ first glimpse of the beautiful view as I reached the top of the
7. ____ all play tennis every day after school
8. We painted the entire house _____

Activity 7
Read the following text, and then find the sentences of simple past tense in the text.
Unlucky Sunday
It was a sunny day. There was nobody at home because everybody visited my
grandmother. I didn’t join them because my father asked me to stay at home. I was
lonely so I decided to walk along the street.
When I reach Arif’s house there was somebody calling me. Arif called me from a
branch of a tree. He tried to cut a branch but he couldn’t. Then, I decided to help him
cut the branch. At first, he doubted my ability, but I convinced him that I’m an expert.
So, he gave the saw to me and I started to saw the branch. I was a little bit careless
and fell on the ground. Arif took me to the hospital to get medical treatment.
(Adapted from Shield English Magazine, December 2001-April 2002 edition)

Activity 8
Answer the Questions based on the text above!
1. What did the writer’s family do on Sunday?
2. Who called the writer?
3. What did the writer do to help his friend?
4. What did the writer say to persuade his friend?
5. What happened to the writer?
Key Answer
Activity. 1
1. The writer went to the beach
2. The writer and his/her dad built a sandcastle
3. they played cricket on the sand
4. The ice cream was melted
5. No, they did not. they have a good day at the beach
Activity 5
1. John Take a bath in the morning because He had to go to the doctor.
2. The family had dinner very quickly because They wanted to go to the museum.
3. Bella took off her slippers She went to bed afterwards
4. Ben lost the boxing challenge. He didn’t care because he is a plus at martial arts.
5. Greg didn’t want to forget his meeting with Mr. Harris. He put a reminder on his
6. George got an A+ at English. He felt really happy
Activity 6
1. our
2. me
3. us
4. mine
5. I
6. my
7. we
8. ourselves
Activity 8
Answer the Questions based on the text above!
1. Visited the writer’s grandmother
2. Arif did
3. Cut the branch
4. The writer convinced him that he/she was an expert.
5. Fell on the ground

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