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Nama: sefina amelia

Tugas review jurnal internasional dan nasional

No Judul/ Penulis Nama jurnal Variable Alat analisis Hasil penelitian

1. Pilihan Jurnal Variabel yang Teknik analisis Hasil yang dapat ditarik
Konsumen ekonomi digunakan variabel yang dari penelitian ini adalaj
Dalam Sinta 4 independent terdiri digunakan sebagai berikut:(1)
Menggunakan atas pilihan konsumen, yaitu Pilihan memiliki
Fitur Go-Food: variabel mediasi yaitu (Structural pengaruh positif dan
Variabel kegunaan, dan Equation signifikan terhadap
Kegunaan variabel dependennya Modeling - kegunaan yang
sebagai adalah niat SEM) berbasis dirasakan.(2) Kegunaan
Moderator menggunakan. Jenis Partial Least yang dirasakan memiliki
data yang digunakan Square(PLS). pengaruh positif dan
Luh Erynayati, adalah data kualitatif signifikan terhadap niat
Made Ayu Desy yaitu persepsi menggunakan fitur Go-
Geriadi ,dan Ni responden mengenai Food pada aplikasi
Putu Yuliana Ria variabel yang diuji. Gojek.(3) Pilihan variasi
Saw makanan memiliki
(2021) pengaruh positif
dansignifikan terhadap
niat menggunakan fitur
Go-Food pada aplikasi
Gojek.(4) Kegunaan
yang dirasakan mampu
memediasi pengaruh
secara positif dan
signifikan terhadap niat
menggunakan fitur Go-
Food pada aplikasi

2 Makna Pesan Jurnal Variable penelitian ini Dalam Dalam penelitian ini
Komunikasi Komunikasi adalah motifmotif kain penelitian ini, dapatkan hasil bahwa
Motif Kain KAREBA sutera Sengkang yang semiotika motif-motif kain sutera
Sutera Sengkang Sinta 4 menjadi pilihan digunakan Sengkang memiliki
Pilihan konsumen di Kota sebagai alat filosofi dan makna yang
Konsumen Di Makassar. Diantaranya analisis untuk mengandung konsep
Kota Makassar adalah Motif Balo mengungkap adat istiadat masyarakat
Tettong, Motif makna yang Bugis di Sulawesi
Sulvinajayanti , Mallobang, Motif ada dibalik Selatan.
Hafied Cangara , Balo Renni’, Motif sebuah motif
Tuti Bahfiarti Cobo’, Motif kain sutera
(2015) Bombang, dan Motif Sengkang.
3 Pengaruh Produk Jurnal Hasil dari survei Analisis data Hasil penelitian ini
Halal terhadap Informatika diolah menjadi model menggunakan menunjukkan halal
Pilihan Ekonomi penelitian statistik metode SEM awareness, halal logo,
Konsumen dalam Bisnis untuk menemukan (Structural dan halal marketing
Berbelanja di Sinta 4 hubungan antara satu Equation tidak mempengaruhi
Indonesia variabel terhadap Modelling) buying behavior secara
variabel lainnya. dengan signifikan dan positif
Meirita Sita Structural equation bantuan dalam berbelanja produk
Dewi, Fendy modelling memiliki software Smart halal. Attitude dan halal
Cuandra struktur hubungan PLS (Partial image memiliki
(2023) timbal balik dalam Leaset Square) pengaruh yang
bentuk persamaan. 3. signifikan dan positif
Persamaan ini terhadap buying
menjelaskan hubungan bahavior dalam
konstruksi antara berbelanja produk halal.
variabel dependen
dengan independen
4 PENGARUH Jurnal sampel yang dipakai teknik korelasi Berdasarkan hasil
STRATEGI ekonomi dalam penelitian ini yang analisa dan uji
GREEN Sinta 4 penulis menggunakan diterapkan hipotesisnya dinyatakan
MARKETING teknik Random dalam bahwa terdapat
TERHADAP Sampling (Secara penelitian ini pengaruh positif antara
PILIHAN acak) sebanyak 80 adalah teknik variabel Strategi Green
KONSUMEN orang product Marketing (X) terhadap
MELALUI konsumen/pelangan moment variabel Pilihan
PENDEKATAN yang di jadikan correlation. Konsumen Melalui
MARKETING sampel atau 25% dari Pendekatan Marketing
MIX (STUDI jumlah populasi yang Mix (Y) diperoleh nilai
KASUS PADA ada 320 orang. sebesar 0,910 sehingga
PT. Adapun jumlah dapat disimpulkan
ASKOTAMA populasi dan sampel bahwa pengaruhnya
INTI dalam penelitian sangat kuat atau nilai
NUSANTARA) Koefisien
determinasinya (KD)
Feriandy sebesar : 82,8% sisanya
(2021) sebesar 17,2%
dipengaruhi faktor lain
yang tidak diaamati
5 Analisis Pilihan Jurnal ilmu Berdasarkan waktu Metode Preferensi leksikografik
Konsumen pertanian pengambilan sampel penelitian konsumen beras organik
Dalam Sinta 2 diperoleh sampel untuk berlabel dan beras non
Mengkonsumsi sebanyak 126 orang mengumpulkan organik terdapat
Beras Organik Di dengan rincian 40 data adalah perbedaan pada pilihan
Kabupaten sampel konsumen survei yang persentase beras patah.
Sragen beras organik berlabel, dilakukan Preferensi leksikografik
20 sampel konsumen dengan konsumen beras organik
Dyah Panuntun beras organik tanpa mengumpulkan tanpa label ada
Utami label, dan 66 sampel data primer perbedaan pada pilihan
(2011) konsumen beras non melalui warna beras, persentase
organik. wawancara. beras patah, dan
Lokasi dan persentase menir.
Sampel Preferensi leksikografik
Penelitian konsumen beras non
organik terdapat
perbedaan pada pilihan
warna dan persentase
beras patah.
6 The Different journal of Data of 142 subjects The interviews The research method we
Roles of Product product were used (a total of into the choice used only gave insight
Appearance in innovation four subjects either reasons were into the conscious use of
Consumer possessed one of the fully information by
Choice products from their transcribed. consumers. The
choice set, had These influence of attention
Mariëlle E.H. handled the products transcriptions drawing and
Creusen and Jan against instructions, or were the basis categorization, and
P.L. Schoormans did not understand the for data- perhaps the impression
(2005) basic use of an analysis. of quality, may also take
answering machine). place subconsciously.
Two judges (of which This may explain why
one was also an only few subjects
interviewer) mentioned these
independently appearance roles. The
categorized each influence of these roles
subject’s on consumer product
considerations that choice may therefore
played a role in the have been
product choice and underestimated. Future
were based on the research may give a
product appearance more accurate insight
(i.e., were not based into the influence of
on the card these roles in consumer
information). Choice product choice.
reasons that did not fit
into one of the
categories were
assigned to a
‘remaining’ category.
There were not many
differences between
the judges, and these
were discussed until
an agreement was
7 Preference for International The empirical study is The empirical Results indicate that
green packaging Journal of based on a choice- method was consumers differ in their
in consumer Consumer based conjoint quantitative preferences for
product choices Studies analysis of preferences and applied packaging, brand, price
for functional drink two and convenience of use
Joonas Rokka products of a sample multivariate of daily products. In
and Liisa of 330 consumers techniques. addition, various
Uusitalo using these products First, the distinctive consumer
(2008) relative segments can be
importance of identified on the market.
attributes was
estimated by
conducting a
analysis on the
basis of choice
data of the
8 Sensory European An independent The study was This study shows the
description labels Journal of observation study was limited to red importance and value of
for food affect Marketing conducted in a retail apples and one sensory description label
consumer grocery store setting. national marketing for food
product choice A total of 1,623 market products in grocery
consumers were retail stores. Little
Johan Swahn, observed over a four- attention has previously
Lena Mossberg, day period in four been paid to the research
Åsa Öström, different sessions, area within sensory
Inga-Britt each using three apple marketing
Gustafsson varieties communication
(2012) ( JONAGOLD, concerning the interplay
INGRID MARIE, and of sensory perception of
ELISE). Marketing food and the formulation
strategies differed of marketing labels, or
between the sessions taste marketing. This
as follows: sort name paper also addresses the
labelling only, sort possible interaction
name and sensory between the disciplines
description labelling, of sensory and
sort name and sensory marketing science
semantic description
labelling, and sort
name labelling and
allowing consumers to
taste the apples before
9 Implicit Journal As a behavioral arrival at the Participants whose
Consumer Psychology measure, participants laboratory, explicit and implicit
Preferences and & were allowed to participants preferences regarding
Their Influence Marketing choose between two were randomly generic food products
on Product different sets of food assigned to one and well-known food
Choice products. One of the of the two brands were incongruent
sets contained only time-pressure were more likely to
Malte Friese branded food products conditions. At choose the implicitly
University of and the other one first, they were preferred brand over the
Basel Michaela consisted entirely of given the explicitly preferred one
Wänke generic products. The questionnaire when choices were
University of arrangements were of including the made under time
Basel Henning equal monetary value explicit pressure. The opposite
Plessner and included the same attitude was the case when they
University of kind of products, with measure. had ample time to make
Heidelberg the exception of the their choice.
(2006) generic arrangement
containing one more
product, because they
were cheaper.
10 The influence of Journal of A convenience sample In the first Results strongly support
online product Retailing of 487 subjects was session of the our contention that
recommendations generated on the basis experiment, consumers are
on consumers’ of 25 742 e-mails sent subjects were influenced in their
online choices to three populations of simply asked online product choices
web users. The initial to complete an by online
Sylvain Senecal e-mail stated that two online recommendations.
(2004) researchers from a questionnaire. However, all online
large business school In the second recommendation sources
were conducting a session, are not equally
study on electronic subjects were influential. The
commerce, and that asked to recommender system
participants had a perform online was found to be the
chance of winning one shopping tasks most influential
of the products about on a specific recommendation source
which the experiment website. even if it was perceived
was designed. as possessing less
expertise than human
experts and as being less
trustworthy than other

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