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Nama : Oktafiana Aisyah

NPM : 2101052014
Class : TBI-D

(Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran)

A. Identitas RPP:
1. Sekolah : SMP NEGERI 8 MESUJI
2. Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
3. Kelas/Semester : VIII/1
4. Durasi : 2 Minggu (4 Pertemuan)

B. Kompetensi Dasar:
1. Kompetensi Dasar (KD):
- Mengidentifikasi permasalahan lingkungan dan solusinya
- Menyajikan hasil identifikasi permasalahan lingkungan dan solusinya
- Menjelaskan dampak aktivitas manusia terhadap lingkungan
- Menyajikan hasil penjelasan dampak aktivitas manusia terhadap lingkungan

C. Indikator Pencapaian:
1. Siswa mampu menyebutkan berbagai permasalahan lingkungan yang ada di Indonesia.
2. Siswa mampu menjelaskan faktor-faktor penyebab permasalahan lingkungan.
3. Siswa mampu mengidentifikasi dampak positif dan negatif dari aktivitas manusia
terhadap lingkungan.
4. Siswa mampu menulis surat yang efektif dan koheren untuk mengungkapkan
kepedulian terhadap isu lingkungan.
D. Tujuan Pembelajaran:
1. Tujuan Umum:
- Siswa dapat memahami dan mengidentifikasi berbagai permasalahan lingkungan.
2. Tujuan Khusus:
- Siswa dapat menganalisis dan mendiskusikan dampak aktivitas manusia terhadap
- Siswa dapat menulis surat yang efektif untuk mengungkapkan kepedulian terhadap
isu lingkungan.
- Siswa dapat mengembangkan keterampilan berbahasa Inggris (listening, speaking,
reading, writing) dalam konteks lingkungan.

E. Materi Pembelajaran:
1. Materi Ajar:
- Exploring environmental problems and solutions.
- Discussing the impact of human activities on the environment.
- Writing a letter expressing concern about an environmental issue.

F. Metode Pembelajaran:
1. Metode:
- Ceramah
- Diskusi Kelompok
- Penugasan Menulis
- Listening Exercise
2. Media dan Sumber Pembelajaran:
- Laptop dan LCD Proyektor
- Lembar kerja
- Rekaman Vidio
- Wordwall dan Padlet

G. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran:
1. Pertemuan Pertama:
- Pembukaan dan pengenalan topik.
- Ceramah tentang Exploring environmental problems and solutions.
- Listening exercise: Mendengarkan rekaman tentang environmental problems dan
melengkapi kalimat.
2. Pertemuan Kedua:
- Ceramah tentang impact of human activities on the environment.
- Diskusi kelompok tentang impact of human activities on the environment.
- Speaking activity: maju kedepan dan berbicara tentang impact of human activities on
the environment.
3. Pertemuan Ketiga:
- Peserta didik maju secara individu untuk membacakan permasalahan lingkungan.
- Reading activity: mengerjakan soal yang sudah di sediakan di wordwall.
4. Pertemuan Keempat:
- Peserta didik diminta untuk menuliskan sebuah surat kepada pemerintah atas adanya
permasalahan lingkungan di sekitar.
- Peserta didik mempresentasikan surat mereka di depan kelas
- Writing activity: menuliskan sebuah surat kepada pemerintah atas adanya
permasalahan lingkungan menggunakan padlet.

H. Penilaian:
1. Instrumen Penilaian:
- Rubrik penilaian penugasan menulis surat.
- Penilaian partisipasi dalam diskusi kelompok.
- Penilaian hasil listening exercise.
- Penilaian keterampilan berbicara dalam role play.
2. Bentuk Penilaian:
- Penilaian formatif melalui latihan dan diskusi kelas.
- Penilaian sumatif melalui penugasan menulis, presentasi hasil, dan kinerja dalam
kegiatan berbicara.
I. Tindak Lanjut:
1. Tindak Lanjut:
- Memberikan umpan balik kepada siswa.
- Menyusun rencana pembelajaran selanjutnya berbasis teknologi offline.

1. Exploring Environmental Problems and Solutions

The Effects of Deforestation

Tree cover is an essential part of what makes Earth a healthy and prosperous. Home for

people and wildlife but the global stock has fallen and continues to fall dramatically. In

fact, we are still losing 10 billion trees per year.

2. Discussing The Impact of Human Activities on the Environment.

a) Climate Change: Greenhouse gas emissions from human activities are causing global

warming and climate change resulting in extreme weather, sea level rise, and threats to

ecological systems.

b) Pollution: Air, water, and soil pollution from industrial, agricultural, and household

wastes threaten human health and ecosystems.

c) Biodiversity Decline: Human activities threaten species with extinction and reduce

biodiversity that is essential for ecosystem balance.

d) Ecosystem Damage: Human activities cause biodiversity loss and disrupt ecosystem

balance, threatening the survival of certain species and causing wider ecosystem


e) Deforestation: Massive deforestation for timber, agriculture and infrastructure

development results in habitat loss, ecosystem destruction and increases the risk of

natural disasters.

f) Plastic Waste Crisis: Overuse of plastics and lack of plastic waste management cause

environmental pollution and serious problems for marine life.

3. Writing a Letter Expressing Concern About an Environmental Issue.

From: Budi Cahaya

Jl. Hijau Indah No. 10 14 February 2023

Green City, 12345

To: Yayasan Peduli Lingkungan

Jl. Hijau Sejahtera No. 5

Green City, 12345

Subject: Concern over Environmental Issues


I’m Budi Cahaya, would like to express my deep concern regarding the current state of

the environment. Through this letter, I would like to voice my concern over the

increasingly noticeable adverse impacts of human activities on the environment.

In recent years, I have seen an alarming increase in air and water pollution around the

area where I live. Factories that continue to grow around urban areas produce emissions

that are detrimental to the quality of the air we breathe every day. River water that was

once fresh and clear is now polluted by industrial and household waste.

In addition, I am also concerned about the widespread deforestation around this area.

Forests that were once home to a variety of flora and fauna have now been drastically

reduced. This loss of natural habitat is alarming and threatens the survival of species that

depend on this environment.

I am well aware that solutions to these environmental problems are not easy. However, I

am confident that strong and collaborative action from all parties will have a significant

positive impact. I fully support concrete measures to reduce negative impacts on the

environment, such as increased use of renewable energy, more efficient waste

management, and more serious forest conservation.

I am ready to be actively involved in environmental conservation efforts. I hope

Yayasan Peduli Lingkungan can consider concrete measures to keep the environment

healthy and sustainable.

Thank you for your attention and actions to be taken.


Budi Cahaya

Name: ___________________

Link Youtube:

The Effects of Deforestation

Tree cover is an ________ part of what makes Earth a healthy and ________. Home for

people and _________ but the global stock has fallen and continues to fall ________. In

fact, we are still _________ 10 billion trees per year.


Name: ____________________

Link Wordwall:

Exploring environmental problems and solutions!

1. Climate Change: Greenhouse gas emissions from human activities are causing global

warming and climate change resulting in extreme weather, sea level rise, and threats to

ecological systems.

2. Pollution: Air, water, and soil pollution from industrial, agricultural, and household

wastes threaten human health and ecosystems.

3. Biodiversity Decline: Human activities threaten species with extinction and reduce

biodiversity that is essential for ecosystem balance.

4. Ecosystem Damage: Human activities cause biodiversity loss and disrupt ecosystem

balance, threatening the survival of certain species and causing wider ecosystem



Create solutions to the environmental problems above!


Name: ____________________

Link Wordwall:

Discussing the impact of human activities on the environment!


1. The impact that human activities do c. Volcanic activity

not have on the environment is... d. Acid rain
a. Air pollution 4. Greenhouse gas emissions that cause
b. Climate change global warming are produced from....
c. Natural growth of plants a. Industrial activities
d. Water pollution b. Natural growth of plants
2. Deforestation is... c. Forest conservation
a. The process of planting trees d. Use of renewable energy
b. Massive cutting down of forests 5. One of the impacts of excessive use of
c. The process of reducing air pollution plastic is...
d. Forest rescue a. Saving the marine ecosystem
3. One of the main sources of water b. Waste reduction
pollution from human activities is... c. Plastic waste crisis and
a. Industrial waste environmental pollution
b. Natural river flow d. Increased biodiversity

Name: ___________________

Link Padlet:


write a letter to the government as explained previously!


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