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Nama Penyusun Umar Adam Ismail

Institusi SMKN 3 Kediri
Tahun Pembuatan 2024
Jenjang SLTA
Kelas X (Sepuluh)
Alokasi Waktu 45 menit x 2 JP: 90 menit
Tahapan Fase E
Domain Konten Menyimak dan Berbicara (Listening and Speaking)

10.16 Elemen Menyimak – Berbicara

Diperdengarkan beberapa descriptive teks tentang
orang/benda/tempat, peserta didik mampu membandingkan
struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan secara mandiri.

Konten Utama Teks Deskriptif

Pertanyaan Inti What do they look like?
Think of your favourite place. Why you like it mention to
describe it
Prasyarat  Peserta didik diharapkan memiliki pengetahuan tentang
Pengetahuan/Ketrampilan suatu objek/tempat wisata
 Peserta didik mampu menggunakan kalimat present untuk
menyatakan fakta terkait teks deskriptif tentang
objek/tempat wisata
 Peserta didik mampu menggunakan media pembelajaran
berbasis teknologi
Target profil pelajar  Bernalar kritis : Mengidentifikasi ide pokok dan
Pancasila informasi tersirat dari sebuah teks deskriptif
 Kreatif : Memilih atau menentukan teks deskriptif yang
ingin ditulis
 Kebhinekaan global : Mengidentifikasi contoh-contoh
teks deskriptif tentang objek/tempat wisata yang ada
disekitarnya dalam perspektif global
Targe Siswa Siswa Reguler / Tipikal
Jumlah Siswa Max 35-40 Siswa
Materi Spoken Descriptive Text
Metode Pembelajaran Genre Based Approach – Think Pair Share
Model Pembelajaran Discovery Learning and Cooperative Learning
Assesment Individu, berpasangan kelompok
Jenis assesment: Tertulis, Unjuk Kerja
Materi ajar, Alat dan A. MATERI PEMEBELAJARAN
bahan  Fungsi Sosial
Membanggakan, menjual, mengagumi, mengenalkan,
 Struktur Teks
Struktur deskripsi dapat mencakup:
- Identifikasi (nama keseluruhan dan bagian)
- Fungsi, manfaat, tindakan, kebiasaan
 Unsur Kebahasaan
- Kata benda yang terkait dengan tempat wisata dan
bangunan bersejarah terkenal, dengan atau tanpa a
dan the, plural (-s), this, that, those, my, his, dst.
- Kata sifat untuk mendeskripsikan tempat wisata
dan bangunan bersejarah di sekitar lingkungan
peserta didik dengan atau tanpa kata keterangan
seperti quite, very, extremely, dst.
- Kata kerja untuk menyatakan keadaan, lokasi, dan
kenyataan dalam simple present tense.
- Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi.
- Ejaan dan tanda baca.
- Tulisan tangan

B. Teknik :
Menyimak, diskusi kelompok, studi pustaka, role- play,
penugasan individu dan kelompok, presentasi dan tanya

1. Media/Alat : Laptop, Computer, LCD, Rekaman untuk
Listening, Loud Speaker, Film/gambar, Power Point

2. Bahan : PPT dan LKS/ LKPD

3. Sumber Belajar :
 Bahasa inggris :Work in progress untuk
SMA/SMK/MA kelas X Kurikulum Merdeka
tahun 2022
 Internet
 Lingkungan Sekitar dan Sumber lain yang

Kegiatan Awal (15 a) Guru membuka pembelajaran dengan salam dan berdoa
menit) b) Memperhatikan kesiapan peserta didik,memeriksa
kehadiran,kerapihan pakaian,dan tempat duduk peserta
c) Guru memotivasi peserta didik agar tetap memiliki
semangat dalam proses pembelajaran
d) Guru mempersiapkan segera peralatan yang akan
digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran

1. What are the talking about?

2. Where is Sedudo Waterfall?
3. Why Sedudo Waterfall so beautiful?
e) Mengerjakan soal kosakata dan peserta didik mampu
mengerjakan soal dengan benar.
Choose the correct answer from the option a, b, c, or d.
1) What is the main topic of this descriptive text?
"Mount Everest is the tallest mountain in the world, located
in the Himalayas. It's a popular destination for climbers
from around the globe."
A. The Himalayan region
B. Mountain climbing
C. The tallest mountain
D. Global destinations
2) What is the text describing?
"The Grand Canyon is a breathtaking natural wonder
located in Arizona, USA. Its colorful rock formations and
vastness make it a popular tourist attraction."
A. Arizona's climate
B. The Colorado River
C. The Grand Canyon
D. USA's national parks
3) What can you find in this text?
"Lions are majestic wild animals known for their powerful
roars. They are often referred to as the 'King of the
A. The African savanna
B. Different animal species
C. Lion behavior
D. Animal nicknames
4) What is the text primarily discussing?
"The Eiffel Tower is an iconic landmark in Paris, France. It
was built for the 1889 World's Fair and has become a
symbol of the city."
A. French cuisine
B. Parisian history
C. Architectural landmarks
D. World's Fairs
5) The Great Barrier Reef is the world's largest coral reef
system, located off the coast of Australia. It is home to a
diverse range of marine life."
What is the main focus of this descriptive text?
A. Australian geography
B. Marine conservation
C. Coral reefs worldwide
D. Tourist destinations in Australia
Kegiatan Inti (75 menit)
a) Memperdengarkan monolog tentang deskriptif Bromo
b) Menyimak audio tentang deskriptif Bromo Mountain
c) Melengkapi kalimat rumpang dan mengerjakan essay dari
teks deskriptif, dan peserta didik di bentuk kelompok untuk
mengerjakan soal tersebut

Listen to the recording and fill in the blanks with the

answer chois bellow.


Bromo is one of mountains in java that is known around the

world. As one of the special tourism places in Java. Bromo
mountain is not only rich of its natural beauty but also in
harmony with the local people around it.

In Bromo, the visitors can enjoy both the beauty of beauty the
nature and also the culture in that area because Bromo is not
simply a mountain but also an important place for ritual
ceremony of Hindu .

Located around 2.5 hours from Malang, Bromo is one of active

volcanoes which it part of the Bromo Tengger Semeru
National Park. The beauty of Bromo can be seen clearly from
the top of Pananjakan Mountain that is close to Bromo which
has higher level (2,770 meters ). Bromo itself is only 2,392

Even to Bromo is not a high volcano, the history of the

eruption was so dramatic. The sands around it, which people
call the sea of the sands (Segara Wedi), is the proof that is
mountain had killed the life in its surroundings .

The name of Bromo is taken from the name of the God of

Hind, Brahma. People of Tengger has a myth about that
mountain that makes it have mystical nuance. But it more than

myth because people still believe that by holding Kasada

Festival every year . they express their gratitude to God in a
symbolic way by throwing vegetables, cattle, and also money
as an offering in the Bromo’s crates .
1. According to the text, where is Bromo Mountain

a) Two and half an hour from Malang

b) Near Pananjakan Mountain
c) None of the above
d) East Java
e) All of the above

2. The identification of the above text is…….

a) In Bromo, the visitors can enjoy both the beauty of

nature and also the culture in that area becausee Bromo
is no simply a mountain but also an important place for
ritual ceremony of Hindu.Even
b) The name of Bromo is taken from the name of the God
of Hindu, Brahma. People of Tengger has a myth about
that mountain that makes it makes it have mystical
nuance. But it is more than myth because people still
believe that holding Kasada Festival Every year. They
express their gratitude to God in symbolic way by
throwing vegetables, cattle, and also money as an
people around it offering in the Bromo’s crater.
c) Bromo is one of mountain in Java that is known around
the world. As one of the special tourism places in Java ,
Bromo Mountains is not only rich of natural beauty but
also in harmony with the local people around it.
d) though Bromo is not a high volcano, the history of the
eruption was so dramatic. The sands around it, is the
proof that this mountain had the killed the life in its
e) Located around 2.5 hours from Malang, Bromo, is one
of active volcanoes which is a part of Bromo Tennger
Semeru National Park. The beauty of Bromo can be
seen clearly from the top of Pananjakan Mountan that
is close to Bromo which has higher level (2,77 meters).
Bromo itself is only 2,392 meters.
3. The purpose of Kasada Festival?

a) To honour people who became the victim of volcano

b) To express their gratitude to God in symbolic
c) To remember the national heroes who were killed
during the world
d) To show gratitude to the people in Bromo Mountain
e) To take care of horses in Bromo Mountain

Penutup ( 15 Menit) Guru membuat kesimpulan atau rangkuman dari materi yang
disampaikan dalam satu pembelajaran.
 Tanya jawab tentang materi yang telah dipelajari
untuk mengetahui hasil yang dicapai dalam proses
 Guru melakukan evaluasi hasil belajar terhadap materi
yang telah disampaikan kepada peserta didik
 Mengakhiri pembelajaran dengan doa.
Sikap :
 Melakukan observasi selama kegiatan berlangsung dan
menuliskannya pada jurnal, baik sikap positif dan
 Mengamati refleksi peserta didik.
Pelaksanaan Assesment Pengetahuan :
 Memberikan tugas tertulis,lisan,dan tertulis
 Presentasi/demonstrasi
 Proyek

• Pengayaan diberikan untuk menambah wawasan peserta

didik mengenai materi pembelajaran yang dapat diberikan
kepada peserta didik yang telah tuntas mencapai CP
• Pengayaan dapat ditagihkan atau tidak ditagihkan, sesuai
Pengayaan kesepakatan dengan peserta didik.
• Berdasarkan hasil analisis penilaian, peserta didik yang
sudah mencapai ketuntasan belajar diberi kegiatan
pembelajaran pengayaan untuk perluasan atau pendalaman
• Remedial dapat diberikan kepada peserta didik yang belum
mencapai pembelajaran
• Guru memberi semangat kepada peserta didik yang belum
Remedial • Guru akan memberikan tugas bagi peserta didik yang belum
tuntas dalam bentuk pembelajaran ulang, bimbingan
perorangan, belajar kelompok, pemanfaatan tutor sebaya bagi
peserta didik yang belum mencapai ketuntasan belajar sesuai
hasil analisis penilaian.
• Penilaian proses: berupa catatan/deskripsi kerja saat diskusi
Kriteria Penilaian
• Penilaian Akhir: Skor nilai 10-100

Refleksi Guru :

• Apakah kegiatan belajar berhasil?

• Berapa persen peserta didik mencapai tujuan?
• Apa yang menurut Anda berhasil?
• Kesulitan apa yang dialami guru dan peserta didik?
• Apa langkah yang perlu dilakukan untuk memperbaiki
proses belajar?
• Apakah seluruh peserta didik mengikuti pelajaran dengan

Peserta Didik :

• Bagian mana yang menurutmu paling sulit dari pelajaran

• Apa yang akan kamu lakukan untuk memperbaiki hasil
• Kepada siapa kamu akan meminta bantuan untuk
memahami pelajaran ini?
• Jika kamu diminta untuk memberikan bintang 1 sampai 5,
berapa bintang akan kamu berikan
• pada usaha yang telah kamu lakukan?
• Bagian mana dari pembelajaran ini yang menurut kamu
Q : What do you think about Bromo Mountain ?
A : .....................................................................

Q : Mention two Fact about Bromo Mountain?

A : ........................................................................
Lembar Kerja Peserta
Q : What are three descriptive words that you use the most
Didik (LKPD)
when drawing bromo mountain?
A : ..............................................................................

Q : What Information did you have about Bromo Mountain?

A : .............................................................................

Answer Key 1. Mount Bromo is still one of the most active volcanoes in
the world and there are areas that are blocked off from
tourists due to its imminent danger. It sits inside the
massive Tengger caldera (volcanic crater with a diameter
approximately 10km), surrounded by the Laut Pasir (sea
of sand) of fine volcanic sand.
2. At 2,329 meters (7,641 ft) it is not the highest peak of the
massif, but is the most active and famous.
The area is one of the most visited tourist destinations in
East Java, and the volcano is included in the Bromo
Tengger Semeru National Park
3. Mount Bromo is one of the beautiful natural destination in
Java. It stands tall at 2.329 m. It is the most iconic and the
most hiked mountain in Indonesia. Mount Bromo is a part
of the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park that covers a
massive area of 800 square km. Mount Bromo is one of
the most active volcanoes in the world. There are areas
which are blocked off from tourist due to its imminent
danger. It sits inside the massive tengger caldera. When
we visit Mount Bromo, we can use spectacular views and
dramatic landscapes. Mount Bromo has particular
significance for the tengger people. We can see the
sunrice over Mount Bromo. It takes about 1-2 hours hike
to the first vantage point.
4. Mt Bromo is not among the tallest of Indonesia's
mountains but its stunning beauty lies in its incredible
setting. From a vantage point on Mount Penanjakan
(2,770 meters above sea level), 2.5 hours from Malang.
visitors from around the world come to see the sunrise
over Mt Bromo.
• Guru dan peserta didik dapat mencari berbagai informasi
tentang bromo mountain dari berbagai media atau website
resmi di bawah naungan Kementerian pendidikan,
kebudayaan, riset dan teknologi
Bahan Bacaan Peserta • Buku Panduan Guru Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress
Didik untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X Kurikulum merdeka tahun
• Buku Panduan Siswa Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress
untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X kurikulum merdeka tahun

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