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Nama : Diyannisa Noor Faiza

NPM : 150510220281

Kelas : H

1. What are differences between qualitative and quantitative traits? Give several examples
of qualitative and quantitative traits.
Jawab: Keanekaragaman kualitatif ditandai berdasarkan pengamatan dan dikendalikan
oleh beberapa gen, selain itu keanekaragaman kualitatif penampilannya tidak atau
sedikit dipengaruhi oleh lingkungan, dan juga distribusi datanya tidak
berkesinambungan atau diskrit. Contoh keanekaragaman kualitatif adalah warna bunga,
bentuk biji, dan sebagainya. Sementara itu, keanekaragaman kuantitatif ditandai dengan
dikendalikan oleh banyak gen, adanya pengaruh lingkungan dalam penampilan nol,
distribusi data berkelanjutan, dan data yang diperoleh dengan pengukuran. Contoh
keanekaragaman kuantitatif adalah bobot biji per tanaman, hasil panen, dan sebagainya.
2. How are these quantitative traits described within groups of individuals? What is a
normal distribution? Discuss this curve with regard to quantitative traits within a
Jawab: Sifat kuantitatif dijelaskan secara numerik. Distribusi normal bervariasi secara
simetris di sekitar nilai rata-rata. Ketika digambarkan, distribusi ini menunjukkan kurva
berbentuk lonceng. Biasanya, sifat kuantitatif dalam suatu populasi memiliki distribusi
normal di sekitar nilai rata-rata. Jika distribusi tersebut bersifat normal, simpangan baku
dapat memprediksi persentase individu yang akan berada dalam batasan tertentu.
3. What is polygenic inheritance? Discuss the issues that make polygenic inheritance
difficult to study.
Jawab: Warisan poligenik merujuk pada transmisi sifat-sifat yang diatur oleh dua atau
lebih gen yang berbeda. Hal ini sulit untuk diteliti karena banyak gen dengan alel ganda
yang dapat ada, dan lingkungan memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan.
4. What is a quantitative trait locus (QTL)? Does a QTL contain one gene or multiple
genes? What technique is commonly used to identify QTLs?
Jawab: Quantitative trait locus, lebih dikenal dengan QTL dalam genetika, merujuk
pada bagian kromosom atau peta genetik yang secara statistik terkait dengan variasi
yang diwakili oleh sifat kuantitatif. QTL adalah hasil dari lebih dari dua gen dan juga
pengaruh lingkungan. Teknik yang umum digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi QTL
adalah pemetaan interval.
5. A wheat variety with red kernels (genotype A’A’ B’B’) was crossed with a variety with
white kernels (genotype AA BB). The F1 were intercrossed to produce an F2 If each
primed allele increases the amount of pigment in the kernel by an equal amount, what
phenotypes will be expected in the F2? Assuming that the A and B loci assort
independently, what will the phenotypic frequencies be?
Jawab: 1/16 red, 4/16=1/4 dark pin, 6/16 pink, 4/16=1/4 light pink, 1/16 white.
6. The height of the seed head in wheat at maturity is determined by several genes. In one
variety, the head is just 9 inches above the ground; in another, it is 33 inches above the
ground. Plants from the 9-inch variety were crossed to plants from the 33-inch variety.
Among the F1, the seed head was 21 inches above the ground. After self-fertilization,
the F1 plants produced an F2 population in which 9-inch and 33-inch plants each
appeared with a frequency of 1/256.
a. How many genes are involved in the determination of seed head height in these
strains of wheat? 4
b. How much does each allele of these genes contribute to seed head height? 3-inch
c. If a 21-inch F2 plant were crossed to a 9-inch plant, how often would you expect
18-inch wheat to occur in the progeny? ¼ frequency.
7. A homozygous plant with 20-cm diameter flowers is crossed with a homozygous plant
of the same species that has 40-cm diameter flowers. The F1 plants all have flowers 30
cm in diameter. In the F2 generation of 512 plants, 2 plants have flowers 20 cm in
diameter, 2 plants have flowers 40 cm in diameter, and the remaining 508 plants have
flowers of a range of sizes in between.
a. Assuming that all alleles involved act additively, how many genes control flower
size in this plant?
1/(4)n = the ratio of individuals f2 that express one of the extremes
2/512 = 1/ 256
1/(4)n = 1/256
n =4
b. What frequency distribution of flower diameter would you expect to see in the
progeny of a backcross between an F1 plant and the large flowered parent?
Number of genotype classes:
(2n + 1)
(2(4) + 1) = 9
The frequency distribution in the backcross will be:
1/16 = 40 cm
4/16 = 37.5 cm
6/16 = 35 cm
4/16 = 32.5 cm
1/16 = 30 cm
8. Seed weight in a particular plant species is determined by pairs of alleles at two loci
(a+ a− and b+ b−) that are additive and equal in their effects. Plants with genotype a−
a− b− b− have seeds that average 1 g in weight, whereas plants with genotype a+ a+ b+
b+ have seeds that average 3.4 g in weight. A plant with genotype a− a− b− b− is crossed
with a plant of genotype a+ a+ b+ b+.
a. What is the predicted weight of seeds from the F1 progeny of this cross? 4,4 g
b. If the F1 plants are intercrossed, what are the expected seed weights and proportions
of the F2 plants? 1 g; 3,4 g; 4,4 g
9. Explain the difference between heterosis and transgressive segregation. Which
phenomenon is mostly used in developing the hybrid cultivar?
Jawab: Heterosis adalah kondisi di mana vigor suatu hibrida (F1), yang merupakan hasil
persilangan antara 2 induk (P1 dan P2), melebihi vigor rata-rata dari kedua induk atau
vigor salah satu induk terbaik. Transgressive segregation adalah fenomena pada
populasi terpisah yang menghasilkan fenotipe ekstrem dibandingkan dengan orangtua
mereka. Untuk mengembangkan hibrida komersial pada tanaman, ketidaksuburan
jantan sitoplasma dipilih karena mudah dan efisien.
10. Quantitative geneticists use the variance as a measure of scatter in a sample of data;
they calculate this statistic by averaging the squared deviations between each
measurement and the sample mean. Define in your words and give an example: mean,
variance, and standard deviation?
Jawab: Rata-rata adalah nilai tengah dari data.
Variansi adalah ukuran sejauh mana sekumpulan angka tersebar. Deviasi standar
digunakan sebagai indikator sejauh mana data statistik menyimpang.

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