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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : XI / 2
Materi Pokok : Song
Alokasi Waktu : 2 X 45 Menit (1 Pertemuan)


KI 1 : Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya

KI 2 : Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, santun, peduli (gotong royong,
kerjasama, toleran, damai), bertanggung jawab, responsif dan pro-aktif dalam
berinteraksi secara efektif sesuai dengan perkembangan anak di lingkungan, keluarga,
sekolah, masyarakat, dan lingkungan alam sekitar, bangsa, negara, kawasan regional,
dan kawasan internasional.
KI 3 : Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis dan mengevaluasi pengetahuan faktual,
konseptual, prosedural dan metakognitif pada tingkat teknis, spesifik, detail, dan
kompleks berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni,
budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, teknologi, seni, budaya dan
humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan dan peradaban
terkait penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan pada bidang
kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah.
KI 4 : Menunjukkan keterampilan menalar, mengolah, dan menyaji secara efektif, kreatif,
produktif, kritis, mandiri, kolaboratif, komunikatif, dan solutif, dalam ranah konkret dan
abstrak terkait pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah, serta mampu
menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan.


No. Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

1. 3.9 Menafsirkan fungsi sosial dan 3.9.1 Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial dan
unsur kebahasan lirik lagu terkait unsur kebahasaan lirik lagu terkait
kehidupan remaja SMA/ MA/ kehidupan remaja SMA / MA / SMK /
3.9.2 Memilih kata yang sesuai untuk
melengkapi lirik lagu terkait
kehidupan remaja SMA / MA / SMK /

2. 4.9 Menangkap makna secara 4.9.1 Menentukan makna tersirat dan

kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial tersurat dalam lagu terkait kehidupan
dan unsur kebahasaan lirik lagu remaja SMA/MA/ SMK/MAK.
terkait kehidupan remaja SMA/ 4.9.2 Menyimpulkan makna lagu secara
MA/ SMK/MAK. keseluruhan terkait kehidupan remaja


Melalui pendekatan sainfitik dengan menggunakan model discovery learning, peserta didik
diharapkan mampu menafsirkan dan menangkap makna terkait fungsi sosial dan unsur
kebahasaan secara kontekstual lirik lagu terkait kehidupan remaja SMA / MA / SMK / MAK
dengan benar dan sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya, secara teliti, percaya diri, dan bekerja

 Fungsi sosial
Mengembangkan nilai-nilai kehidupan dan karakter yang positif.
 Unsur kebahasaan
- Kosa kata dan tata bahasa dalam lirik lagu.
- Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan.
 Topik
Hal-hal yang dapat memberikan keteladanan dan menumbuhkan perilaku yang termuat di KI.

Pendekatan : Pendekatan saintifik
Model : Discovery learning
Metode : Tanya jawab, penugasan dan diskusi


1. Media
- Salindia
- Lagu
- Gambar
2. Alat
- PPT - Speaker
- LCD - Papan tulis
- Laptop - Spidol
3. Bahan Belajar
- Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik (LKPD)

 Buku Belajar Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI.
Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA/SMK/MK Kelas XI Edisi Revisi 2017. Jakarta : Kementerian
Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.
 Internet


a. Pendidik membuka proses pembelajaran dengan greeting dan berdoa.

b. Pendidik memeriksa kehadiran peserta didik. (Disiplin)
c. Pendidik memberikan apersepsi dengan mengulas materi sebelumnya.
e.g. Do you still remember what we have learnt last meeting?
d. Pendidik memberikan beberapa pertanyaan yang mengarah ke topik
 What do you usually do when you are bored? 10 menit
 Do you like singing?
 Who is your favorite singer?
 What is your favorite song?
 Can you mention music genre that you know?
e. Pendidik menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran yang akan dicapai.
f. Pendidik menyampaikan garis besar cakupan materi dan penjelasan
tentang kegiatan yang akan dilakukan peserta didik.



a.Peserta didik mengamati gambar beberapa penyanyi terkenal dunia.

e.g. Look at those pictures! Those are some popular singers.
b.Peserta didik menjawab beberapa pertanyaan pendidik mengenai gambar
 Do you know them?
 Who are they?
 Do you like them?
 Do you know their songs?
c.Peserta didik diperdengarkan sebuah lagu yang berkaitan dengan kehidupan
remaja (The climb – Miley Cyrus)
d.Peserta didik mengidentifikasi lagu yang sudah diperdengarkan secara umum
dengan leading question yang diberikan pendidik. 70 menit
 What is title of the song?
 Who is the singer?
 What is the genre of the song?
e.Peserta didik diperdengarkan kembali lagu sambil melengkapi lirik lagu yang
rumpang dengan kata-kata yang tepat sesuai yang ada dalam lagu.
(Worksheet 1) (Teliti)
f.Peserta didik menyajikan hasil kerjanya, setelah itu dibahas bersama pendidik.
g.Peserta didik dan pendidik mendiskusikan arti dan cara pengucapan kata-kata
sulit yang terdapat pada lagu.
h.Peserta didik diberi penjelasan singkat mengenai penggunaan kata ain’t,
gotta, gonna dan wanna yang terdapat pada lagu.
i.Peserta didik secara berkelompok (4 orang) mendiskusikan makna setiap bait
lirik lagu. (Worksheet 2) (Kerja Sama)
j.Peserta didik menyajikan hasil kerjanya, setelah itu dibimbing oleh pendidik
menafsirkan setiap bait lirik lagu. (Percaya Diri)
 What is the song about?
 What does the lyric on the first verse mean?
 What does the lyric on the chorus mean?
k.Peserta didik dan pendidik menyanyikan lagu bersama-sama.



a. Peserta didik dengan bimbingan pendidik menyimpulkan hasil atau materi

yang telah dipelajari.
b. Peserta didik mendapatkan umpan balik terhadap proses dan hasil
c. Peserta didik melakukan refleksi terhadap kegiatan yang sudah 10 menit
dilaksanakan dengan cara menulis pada jurnal belajar.
d. Pendidik menginformasikan rencana kegiatan pembelajaran untuk
pertemuan berikutnya.
e. Pendidik menutup pembelajaran dengan leave taking dan salam.


1. Teknik penilaian
a. Penilaian spiritual : Observasi/pengamatan
b. Penilaian sikap : Observasi/pengamatan
c. Penilaian pengetahuan : Tes tertulis
d. Penilaian keterampilan : Produk tulisan

2. Bentuk penilaian
a. Observasi/pengamatan : Jurnal guru
b. Tes tertulis : Uraian dan lembar kerja
c. Unjuk kerja : Praktik/ pedoman penskoran

3. Instrumen penilaian (terlampir)




No. Nama Peserta Didik Hari/Tanggal Kejadian Butir Sikap
Lampiran 1: Penilaian Spiritual Lanjut
Lampiran 2: Penilaian Kompetensi Sikap
Lampiran 3: Materi Pembelajaran
Lampiran 4: Worksheet
Lampiran 5: Kisi-kisi Soal Penilaian Harian
Lampiran 6: Assessment
Lampiran 7: Kunci Jawaban dan Rubrik Penilaian
Lampiran 8: Remedial
Lampiran 9: Pengayaan

Penilaian Kompetensi Sikap

a. Sikap yang menjadi fokus penilaian adalah teliti, percaya diri dan kerja sama.
b. Jurnal Penilaian Sikap:

Hari Nama Kategori

Butir Tindak
No dan Peserta Kelas Kejadian/prilaku + -
sikap lanjut
tanggal Didik

Materi Pembelajaran

The Climb - Miley Cyrus

[Verse 1] [Pre-Chorus 2]
I can almost see it And I, I gotta be strong
That dream I'm dreaming, but Just keep pushing on, 'cause...
There's a voice inside my head saying
"You'll never reach it" [Chorus]
Every step I'm taking There's always gonna be another mountain
Every move I make feels, lost with no direction I'm always gonna wanna make it move
My faith is shaking Always gonna be an uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose
[Pre-Chorus 1] Ain’t about how fast I get there
But I, I gotta keep trying Ain’t about what's waiting on the other side
Gotta keep my head held high It’s the climb

[Chorus] [Instrumental Bridge]

There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move [Chorus]
Always gonna be an uphill battle There's always gonna be another mountain
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Ain’t about how fast I get there Always gonna be an uphill battle
Ain’t about what's waiting on the other side Sometimes you're gonna have to lose
It’s the climb Ain’t about how fast I get there
Ain’t about what's waiting on the other side
[Verse 2] It’s the climb
The struggles I’m facing
The chances I’m taking [Outro]
Sometimes might knock me down, but Keep on moving
No. I’m not breaking Keep climbing
I may not know it Keep the faith, baby
But these are the moments that I’m gonna It's all about, it's all about the climb
remember most yeah Keep your faith, keep your faith
Just gotta keep going

Grade 11
2nd Semester

Basic Competence 3.9 and 4.9


This book is belong to : ………………………………………………….


Part A. Listen to the song carefully!

Choose the correct word by circling it to complete the lyrics.

The Climb - Miley Cyrus

[Verse 1]
I can almost see it [Bridge]
That dream I'm dreaming, but And I, I gotta be strong
There's a voice inside my head saying Just keep (8) pushing/ pushy on, 'cause...
"You'll never (1) reach/ react it"
Every step I'm taking [Chorus]
Every move I make feels, lost with no direction There's always gonna be another mountain
My faith is (2) shaping/ shaking I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be an uphill battle
[Bridge] Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose
But I, I gotta keep trying Ain’t about how fast I get there
Gotta keep my head (3) held/ hell high Ain’t about what's waiting on the other side
It’s the climb
There's always gonna be another mountain [Instrumental Bridge]
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be an uphill battle [Chorus]
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose There's always gonna be another mountain
Ain’t about how fast I get there I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Ain’t about what's waiting on the other side Always gonna be an uphill battle
It’s the climb Sometimes you're gonna have to lose
Ain’t about how fast I get there
[Verse 2] Ain’t about what's waiting on the other side
The struggles I’m facing It’s the climb
The (4) changes/ chances I’m taking
Sometimes might (5) knock me down, but [Outro]
No. I’m not breaking Keep on (9) mopping/ moving
I may not know it Keep climbing
But (6) this/ these are the moments that I’m Keep the (10) fight/ faith, baby
gonna remember most yeah It's all about, it's all about the climb
Just gotta keep (7) going/ doing

Part B. In a group of four, discuss the meanings of each

part of the song lyrics then conclude the meaning of the
whole song!

No Parts of the Song The Meaning

1. Verse 1

2. Bridge

3. Chorus

4. Verse 2

5. The Meaning of the Whole Song :



Lampiran 5
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : XI/II
KD : 3.9 dan 4.9
Materi : Song


Level Bentuk
KD Lingkup Materi Materi Indikator soal No soal
Kognitif Soal
3.9 Menafsirkan fungsi Song Part A
sosial dan unsur
kebahasaan lirik lagu Song topic Pemahaman Disajikan lirik lagu yang berjudul I believe I can Pilihan 1
terkait kehidupan fly, peserta didik dapat menentukan topik lagu. ganda
Implicit information Pemahaman Disajikan lirik lagu yang berjudul I believe I can Pilihan 2
fly, peserta didik dapat menemukan informasi ganda
4.9 Menangkap makna rinci yang tersirat.
terkait fungsi sosial dan
unsur kebahasaan secara Implicit information Pemahaman Disajikan potongan lirik lagu yang berjudul I Pilihan 3
kontekstual lirik lagu believe I can fly, peserta didik dapat menafsirkan ganda
terkait kehidupan potongan lirik.
SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Synonym Pemahaman
1. Disajikan potongan lirik lagu yang berjudul I Pilihan 4
believe I can fly, peserta didik dapat menentukan ganda
sinonim adjective yang sesuai.

Synonym Pemahaman Disajikan potongan lirik lagu yang berjudul I Pilihan 5

believe I can fly, peserta didik dapat menentukan ganda
sinonim dari pronoun yang sesuai.

Explicit information Pemahaman Disajikan potongan lirik lagu yang berjudul I Pilihan 6
promise rumpang, peserta didik dapat melengkapi ganda
dengan kata yang sesuai.
Antonym Pemahaman Disajikan potongan lirik lagu yang berjudul I 7
promise, peserta didik dapat menentukan sinonim Pilihan
dari kata kerja yang sesuai. ganda

Implicit information Pemahaman Disajikan lirik lagu yang berjudul I promise, 8

peserta didik dapat menentukan makna tersirat Pilihan
lagu. ganda

Implicit information Pemahaman Disajikan potongan lirik lagu yang berjudul I 9

promise, peserta didik dapat menentukan makna Pilihan
tersirat lagu. ganda

Moral value of the Pemahaman Disajikan lirik lagu yang berjudul I promise, 10
song peserta didik dapat menentukan pesan tersirat Pilihan
lagu. ganda
Part B

Song topic Pemahaman Disajikan lirik lagu yang berjudul You are the 1
reason, peserta didik dapat menentukan topik Essay

Implicit information Pemahaman Disajikan potongan lirik lagu yang berjudul You 2
are the reason, peserta didik dapat menentukan Essay
makna tersirat lagu.

Implicit information Pemahaman Disajikan potongan lirik lagu yang berjudul You 3
are the reason, peserta didik dapat menentukan Essay
makna tersirat lagu.

Explicit information Pemahaman Disajikan lirik lagu yang berjudul You are the 4
reason, peserta didik dapat menentukan informasi Essay
tersurat lagu.

Implicit information Pemahaman Disajikan lirik lagu yang berjudul You are the 5
reason, peserta didik dapat menentukan informasi Essay
tersirat lagu.
Lampiran 6
Name :
Class :

A. Choose the best answers by crossing A, B, C, D or E.

The following lyric is for number 1 - 5

"I Believe I Can Fly - R Kelly"

[Verse 1] I believe I can fly
I used to think that I could not go on I believe I can fly
And life was nothing but an awful song I believe I can fly
But now I know the meaning of true love
I'm leaning on the everlasting arms [Verse 2]
See I was on the verge of breaking down
[Bridge] Sometimes silence can seem so loud
If I can see it, then I can do it There are miracles in life I must achieve
If I just believe it, there's nothing to it But first I know it starts inside of me, oh

[Chorus] [Bridge]
I believe I can fly If I can see it, then I can be it
I believe I can touch the sky If I just believe it, there's nothing to it
I think about it every night and day
Spread my wings and fly away [Back to Chorus]
I believe I can soar
I see me running through that open door Hey, cause I believe in me, oh

1. What is the topic of the song about?

a. Discouragement in life c. Trusting yourself
b. Disappointment in d. Friendship
failure e. Hopeless life

2. How did the writer used to think about his life?

a. His life was empty and terrible d. His life was full of joy and pleasure
b. His life was sweet and bitter e. His life was overflowing with wealth
c. His life was full of excitement

3. What does “I believe I can fly, I believe I can touch the sky” in the first verse mean?
a. The writer is hopeless all his life d. The writer confidence about his
b. The writer unbelieve about his success
success e. The writer will get very tired all his
c. The writer cannot achieve his life

4. “And life was nothing but an awful song.” What is the synonym of the underlined word?
a. Great c. Horrible e. Marvelous
b. Notable d. Wonderful

5. “I see me running through that open door” What does the underlined word refer to?
a. the achievement of dreams
b. the misfortune life
c. the miracles
d. the useless dreams
e. the sadness of life
The following lyric is for number 5 - 10

Harris J - I Promise It don't matter where I am

I'll always care for you, go anywhere for you
(Intro) If you need me closer, I'll be right over
I promise anytime you call me I swear, ooh
It don't matter where I am
I'll always be there, like you've been there (Verse 2)
If you need me closer, I'll be right over There are days when I just don't want to talk
I swear, I swear And your feelings hit a wall
But that won't change
(Verse 1) The love you've raised inside this family
Every time that I need you by my side Everythin' that I do is to make you proud
Every time I lose my way in life I just want to say it, and say it loud
You're my circle of life, compass and guide You're my (6) ............... when I'm cold
There behind me The place I call home, and always will be
And one day when the tables finally turn Know that I'll be there for you, for you
And it's me you're dependin' on
I'll put you first, hold you close (Chorus)
Like you taught me
Know that I'll be there for you, for you (Bridge)
Havin' someone to go to
(Chorus) Havin' someone to love
I promise anytime you call me Havin' both is a blessin'
It don't matter where I am That was sent from above
I'll always be there, like you've been there Oh, I know that wherever I'll go
If u need me closer, I'll be right over You'll be forever in my heart
I swear, I swear
I promise anytime you call me (Chorus)

6. “You’re my (..........) when I’m cold”. What is the best word to complete the lyric?

a. heart c. ice e. rain

b. love d. heat

7. “ I promise anytime you call me” What is the antonym of “promise”?

a. Pledge c. Bind e. Disclaim
b. Give d. Topple

8. What does the song tell about?

a. Someone who falls in love with his c. A son who promised to do the best for
friend. his parents.
b. Someone who always be there for his d. A son who proud of his family.
friend. e. A son who refused his family.
9. Havin' someone to go to
Havin' someone to love
Havin' both is a blessin'
That was sent from above
What does the lyric above mean?
a. Loving someone who loves us sincerely is a gift from the God.
b. Having someone who accompanies us is a gift from the God.
c. Having someone who accompanies us is a awful thing.
d. Having a friend to love is a blessing.
e. Love is happiness for us.
10. These are the moral value of the song, except...
a. Never forget our parents, and always c. Care and love our parents like they
be there when they need help. did for us.
b. Never stop to give our attention for d. We should be ashamed of our
our parents. family.
e. We shouldn’t harm our family.

B. Answer the question below below based on the song lyric

Calum Scott – You Are the Reason [Verse 2]

There goes my hands shaking
[Verse 1] And you are the reason
There goes my heart beating My heart keeps bleeding
'Cause you are the reason I need you now
I'm losing my sleep If I could turn back the clock
Please come back now I'd make sure the light defeated the dark
And there goes my mind racing I'd spend every hour of every day
And you are the reason Keeping you safe
That I'm still breathing
I'm hopeless now [Back to Chorus]

[Chorus] [Bridge]
I'd climb every mountain I don't want to fight no more
And swim every ocean I don't want to hide no more
Just to be with you I don't want to cry no more
And fix what I've broken Come back, I need you to hold me
Oh, 'cause I need you to see (You are the reason)
That you are the reason A little closer now, just a little closer now
Come a little closer, I need you to hold me tonight

[Back to Chorus]


1. What is the song about?

2. In your opinion, what does “I'd climb every mountain and swim every ocean. Just to be
with you...” mean?
3. In your opinion, what does “If I could turn back the clock” mean?
4. How does the writer describe his condition? Mention some phrases from the lyric to
support your answer.
5. Do you think the writer regretted with what he has done to his lover? Why?

Rubrik Penilaian Pengetahuan dan Keterampilan

Kunci Jawaban Soal Tertulis dan Pedoman Penskoran Penilaian Pengetahuan

dan Keterampilan.

Part A
No Penyelesaian/Jawaban Skor
1 C 10
2 A 10
3 D 10
4 C 10
5 A 10
6 D 10
7 E 10
8 C 10
9 B 10
10 D 10
Jumlah 100

Part B
Penilaian Kriteria Skor

Reading Jawaban sangat sesuai dengan lirik lagu 2

Comprehensio Jawaban kurang sesuai dengan lirik lagu 1

n Jawaban tidak sesuai dengan lirik lagu 0

Total Skor = 5 x 2 = 10
Nilai Perolehan
Nilai Akhir = x 100
Total Skor

Rumus Penilaian:
Jumlah skor part A + skor part B
Skor Akhir =


Bruno Mars
[Verse 1] [Verse 2]
If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of If you're tossin' and you're turnin'
the sea And you just can't fall asleep
I'll sail the world to find you I'll sing a song beside you
If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and And if you ever forget how much you really
you can't see mean to me
I'll be the light to guide you Every day I will remind you

[Pre-Chorus] [Back to Pre-Chorus]

Find out what we’re made of
When we are called to help our friends in need [Back to Chorus]

[Chorus] [Bridge]
You can count on me like 1, 2, 3 You'll always have my shoulder when you cry
I'll be there I'll never let go
And I know when I need it Never say goodbye
I can count on you like 4, 3, 2
And you'll be there [Back to Chorus]
Cause that's what friends are supposed to do,
oh yeah [Outro]
You can count on me cause I can count on you


1. What does the song talk about? Say it in one sentence.

2. In your opinion, what does “You can count on me like 1, 2, 3” mean?

3. What does this verse mean? Give your opinion!.

If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea

I'll sail the world to find you

If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see
I'll be the light to guide you

4. What is your opinion about the song?



Choose a song in English that fits one of the following themes: peace, social life, beauty
of nature, or life motivation.

Then, analyse the following:

1. The title of the song

2. The singer of the song

3. The theme of the song,

4. The expressions used in the song

5. The purpose of writing the song

6. Your opinion about the song

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