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Untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan transparansi dalam mengelola ekosistem haji dan
umrah di Indonesia, implementasi tata kelola digital memang sangat penting. Aplikasi
Sistem Informasi Manajemen Asrama Haji mencontohkan inisiatif digital yang bertujuan
untuk meningkatkan pemberian layanan dengan memfasilitasi pemesanan fasilitas dan
akses informasi terkait asrama haji [1]]. Inisiatif ini menggarisbawahi potensi tata kelola
digital untuk merampingkan proses dan meningkatkan pemberian layanan dalam
ekosistem haji dan umrah. Namun, penerapan tata kelola digital di Indonesia
menghadapi tantangan, terutama silo birokrasi, yang dapat menghambat integrasi
sistem digital yang mulus. Kebutuhan akan koordinasi dan kolaborasi di antara berbagai
departemen pemerintah sangat penting untuk mengatasi tantangan ini [2]]. Penerapan
konsep pemerintahan berbasis elektronik oleh pemerintah Indonesia, yang bertujuan
untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan efektivitas tata kelola, menyoroti upaya yang sedang
berlangsung untuk mengatasi tantangan birokrasi ini [3]]. Namun, penerapan digitalisasi
arsip, komponen tata kelola berbasis elektronik, mengungkapkan kendala seperti
kurangnya pemahaman teknologi dan dukungan dari manajemen pemerintah,
menunjukkan masalah yang lebih luas dalam sistem birokrasi yang dapat mempengaruhi
inisiatif tata kelola digital [4]]. Selain itu, efektivitas tata kelola digital dalam ekosistem haji
dan umrah secara signifikan tergantung pada kapasitas dan keterampilan pejabat,
penyelenggara, dan peziarah. Program pelatihan dan peningkatan keterampilan sangat
penting untuk memastikan pemangku kepentingan memiliki kompetensi yang
diperlukan untuk secara efektif memanfaatkan alat dan platform digital [5]]. Upaya
pemerintah Indonesia untuk mempercepat transformasi digital selama pandemi COVID-
19 dengan meningkatkan alokasi anggaran untuk TIK pada tahun 2020 dan 2021, dan
berfokus pada literasi digital, infrastruktur, mekanisme regulasi, dan ekosistem inovasi,
semakin menyoroti pentingnya peningkatan kompetensi digital di antara para pemangku
kepentingan [6]]. Sebagai kesimpulan, mengatasi silo birokrasi melalui kerjasama antar
lembaga dan meningkatkan kemampuan digital semua pemangku kepentingan sangat
penting untuk keberhasilan implementasi tata kelola digital dalam mengelola ekosistem
haji dan umrah di Indonesia [7] [8]] [9]] [10] ].

To enhance efficiency and transparency in the management of the Hajj and Umrah
ecosystem in Indonesia, the incorporation of digital governance is of paramount
importance. An illustration of this digital drive is the Hajj Dormitory Management
Information System application, which serves as a prime example of a digital endeavor
geared towards enhancing service provision by simplifying the reservation of facilities
and providing easy access to information pertaining to Hajj dormitories. This initiative
underscores the vast potential of digital governance in streamlining procedures and
enhancing service delivery within the Hajj and Umrah ecosystem. However, the execution
of digital governance in Indonesia faces challenges, especially bureaucratic obstacles,
which could hinder the smooth integration of digital systems. It is imperative to
emphasize the necessity of coordination and collaboration among various governmental
departments to effectively tackle these challenges. The Indonesian government's
embrace of the electronic-based governance concept, designed to enhance the
efficiency and efficacy of governance, showcases the ongoing endeavors to confront
these bureaucratic hurdles. However, the execution of archival digitization, a vital facet of
electronic-based governance, has brought to light limitations such as a deficiency in
technological comprehension and backing from governmental leadership, indicating
more extensive issues within bureaucratic frameworks that could impact digital
governance initiatives adversely. Furthermore, the efficacy of digital governance within
the Hajj and Umrah ecosystem is significantly contingent on the proficiency and
expertise of officials, organizers, and pilgrims. Training initiatives and programs aimed at
skill enhancement are imperative to guarantee that stakeholders possess the requisite
competencies to effectively harness digital tools and platforms. The Indonesian
government's measures to expedite digital transformation amid the COVID-19 pandemic
by augmenting budget allocations for ICT in the years 2020 and 2021, and concentrating
on digital literacy, infrastructure, regulatory frameworks, and innovation ecosystems,
further underscore the significance of enhancing digital proficiency among stakeholders.
In conclusion, transcending bureaucratic hurdles through inter-departmental
collaboration and bolstering the digital capabilities of all stakeholders are indispensable
for the triumphant implementation of digital governance in the management of the Hajj
and Umrah ecosystem in Indonesia.

To enhance efficiency and transparency in managing the hajj and umrah ecosystem in
Indonesia, the implementation of digital governance is crucial. Digital governance utilizes
technology to improve decision-making processes, service delivery, and citizen engagement
(Pangandaheng et al., 2022). By employing digital tools like information systems,
governments can streamline processes, enhance transparency, and boost overall efficiency in
managing complex systems such as the hajj and umrah ecosystem.

In Indonesia, the application of digital governance encounters challenges related to

bureaucratic silos across different government agencies. Silo bureaucracies can either impede
or facilitate the implementation of digital governance initiatives. Coordination and
collaboration among various government departments are vital to ensure the seamless
integration of digital systems for effective governance (Arsad et al., 2022). Overcoming
bureaucratic silos through interagency cooperation is essential for the successful
implementation of digital governance in managing the hajj and umrah ecosystem.

Moreover, the effectiveness of digital governance in the hajj and umrah ecosystem is
significantly impacted by the capacity and skills of officials, organizers, and pilgrims.
Adequate training and upskilling programs are necessary to ensure that stakeholders possess
the required competencies to effectively utilize digital tools and platforms. The proficiency of
individuals involved in the ecosystem is crucial for the successful adoption and utilization of
digital governance practices (Luhur & Abdillah, 2020).

In conclusion, the implementation of digital governance offers significant potential for

enhancing the efficiency and transparency of managing the hajj and umrah ecosystem in
Indonesia. By addressing bureaucratic silos, enhancing stakeholder capacities, and fostering
digital skills among officials and participants, Indonesia can harness digital technologies to
optimize the management of hajj and umrah activities, leading to improved governance

1. Arsad, B., Ulya, I., Deanova, B., Saputri, B., Aulia, H., Rahmah, L., … & Gibran, Z.
(2022). Pengembangan sistem informasi desa (sid) berbasis website di desa rempek
darussalam kabupaten lombok utara. Jurnal Warta Desa (Jwd), 4(2), 91-95.
2. Luhur, A. and Abdillah, A. (2020). Dekolonisasi dan indegenisasi ilmu pemerintahan.
Governabilitas (Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan Semesta), 1(2), 164-186.
3. Pangandaheng, F., Maramis, J., Saerang, D., Dotulong, L., & Soepeno, D. (2022).
Transformasi digital: sebuah tinjauan literatur pada sektor bisnis dan pemerintah.
Jurnal Emba Jurnal Riset Ekonomi Manajemen Bisnis Dan Akuntansi, 10(2).

To enhance efficiency and transparency in managing the hajj and umrah ecosystem in
Indonesia through digital governance, it is crucial to address bureaucratic silos that can either
hinder or facilitate digital governance. The success of digital governance in this ecosystem is
influenced by the capacity and skills of officials, organizers, and pilgrims.

's research Mirza (2023) emphasizes the role of Information Technology in improving
bureaucratic efficiency and effectiveness. 's study Setiawan (2022) discusses the application
of good governance principles to enhance public service quality, focusing on transparency,
effectiveness, and accountability, which are crucial for successful digital governance.

Furthermore, 's research Pratama & Hendini (2019) highlights the importance of technology
in improving public services through a community service information system. This aligns
with the necessity for digital solutions to enhance governance. Additionally, Rizal et al.
(2022) focus on developing the capacity of village government officials in utilizing
information technology for governance, directly relevant to enhancing digital governance in
the hajj and umrah ecosystem.

In conclusion, improving the management of the hajj and umrah ecosystem in Indonesia
through digital governance requires addressing bureaucratic silos, leveraging Information
Technology for efficiency, applying good governance principles, and enhancing officials'
capacity through training and technology utilization.

1. Mirza, D. (2023). Literature riview: peran teknologi informasi dalam meningkatkan
efisiensi dan efektivitas birokrasi. Jurnal Administrasi Publik Dan Bisnis, 5(1), 51-55.
2. Pratama, E. and Hendini, A. (2019). Pemodelan sistem informasi layanan masyarakat
(silam) pada kantor desa untuk meningkatkan pelayanan. Klik - Kumpulan Jurnal
Ilmu Komputer, 6(1), 49.
3. Rizal, A., Triandani, S., April, M., & Alkadafi, M. (2022). Pengembangan kapasitas
aparatur pemerintah desa dalam penataan administrasi pemerintahan desa berbasis
teknologi informasi (e-government). Jurnal El-Riyasah, 13(1), 76.
4. Setiawan, H. (2022). Application of good governance principles in improving the
quality of public services in daragdan district, purwakarta regency. Ijd-Demos, 4(4).
To address the questions posed regarding the application of digital governance in enhancing
efficiency and transparency in managing the pilgrimage ecosystem in Indonesia, it is crucial
to consider various factors. Firstly, the implementation of digital governance can significantly
impact the efficiency and transparency of managing the hajj and umrah ecosystem. Studies
have shown that the principles of good governance, including transparency, accountability,
and efficiency, play a vital role in improving public services (Setiawan, 2022). Additionally,
the utilization of information technology has been highlighted as a key factor in enhancing
the efficiency and effectiveness of bureaucracy (Mirza, 2023).

When examining the role of bureaucratic silos in hindering or facilitating the implementation
of digital governance, it is essential to consider the capacity and skills of officials, organizers,
and pilgrims. The capacity of village government officials in utilizing digital technology and
managing administrative processes efficiently is crucial (Rizal et al., 2022). Furthermore, the
skills and capabilities of personnel involved in the hajj and umrah ecosystem can
significantly influence the success of digital governance implementation (Firmansyah &
Syam, 2022).

Moreover, the study on the revitalization of the strategic role of the Local Secretary in
accelerating bureaucratic reform can provide insights into overcoming bureaucratic silos and
enhancing digital governance (Ilyas, 2020). By revitalizing key roles within the bureaucracy,
such as the Local Secretary, it is possible to streamline processes and improve coordination
across different agencies.

In conclusion, the successful implementation of digital governance in the management of the

hajj and umrah ecosystem in Indonesia requires a comprehensive approach that addresses
bureaucratic silos, enhances the capacity and skills of officials, organizers, and pilgrims, and
leverages information technology to improve efficiency and transparency.
1. , A. (2022). Application of Good Governance Principles in Improving the Quality of
Public Services in Daragdan District, Purwakarta Regency. Ijd-demos.
2. , B. (2023). Literature Review: Peran Teknologi Informasi dalam Meningkatkan
Efisiensi dan Efektivitas Birokrasi. Jurnal administrasi publik dan bisnis.
riyasah. doi:10.24014/jel.v13i1.18174
4. Firmansyah, A., & Syam, C. (2022). Penguatan Hukum Administrasi Negara
Pencegah Praktik Korupsi dalam Diri Pemerintahan Indonesia. Integritas jurnal
antikorupsi. doi:10.32697/integritas.v7i2.817
5. , D. (2020). Revitalisasi Peran Srategis Sekretaris Daerah Dalam Mengakselerasi
Reformasi Birokrasi. Kalabbirang law journal. doi:10.35877/454ri.kalabbirang146

1. Firmansyah, V. and Syam, F. (2022). Penguatan hukum administrasi negara pencegah
praktik korupsi dalam diri pemerintahan indonesia. Integritas Jurnal Antikorupsi, 7(2),
2. Ilyas, I. (2020). Revitalisasi peran srategis sekretaris daerah dalam mengakselerasi
reformasi birokrasi. Kalabbirang Law Journal, 2(2), 162-181.
3. Mirza, D. (2023). Literature riview: peran teknologi informasi dalam meningkatkan
efisiensi dan efektivitas birokrasi. Jurnal Administrasi Publik Dan Bisnis, 5(1), 51-55.
4. Rizal, A., Triandani, S., April, M., & Alkadafi, M. (2022). Pengembangan kapasitas
aparatur pemerintah desa dalam penataan administrasi pemerintahan desa berbasis
teknologi informasi (e-government). Jurnal El-Riyasah, 13(1), 76.
5. Setiawan, H. (2022). Application of good governance principles in improving the
quality of public services in daragdan district, purwakarta regency. Ijd-Demos, 4(4).

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