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Satuan Pendidikan : SMK Mekanika

Penyusun : Mughits Rifai, S.Pd
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Program Keahlian : Desain Komunikasi Visual
Fase Capaian : E
Elemen : B. Membaca dan Memirsa
C. Menulis dan Mempresentasikan
Capaian Pembelajaran : Pada akhir Fase E, peserta didik membaca teks descriptive tulisan
dan mengembangkan keterampilan inferensi tersirat untuk
mendapatkan informasi. Mereka memproduksi dan menggunakan
teks descriptive lisan, tulisan dan visual dalam bahasa Inggris untuk
berkomunikasi sesuai dengan situasi, tujuan, dan
Konten Utama : Teks Deskriptif
Alokasi Waktu : 16 JP
Jumlah Pertemuan : 4 Pertemuan
Kompetensi Awal : Peserta didik dapat menggunakan teks descriptive menjadi rujukan
utama dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris pada Fase D. Pemahaman
mereka terhadap teks tulisan mulai berkembang dan keterampilan
inferensi mulai tampak. Mereka memproduksi teks tulisan dan
visual dalam bahasa Inggris yang terstruktur dan kosakata yang
Profil Pelajar Pancasila : Bernalar kritis, kreatif dan berakhlak mulia
Sarana dan Prasarana : Laptop, proyektor, screen,
Target Peserta Didik : Kelas X
Jumlah Peserta Didik : Maksimal 36
Model Pembelajaran : Genre Based Approach
Bentuk Penilaian : 1. Asesmen individu
2. Asesmen kelompok
3. Karya tulis
4. Tes tertulis
Tujuan Pembelajaran : 1. Menganalisis, menyimpulkan makna dan mengevaluasi fungsi
sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks lisan dan tulis
berbentuk deskriptif (descriptive) secara kritis, kreatif dan jujur
terkait topik keindahan alam Indonesia (Indonesia’s beautiful
nature) dengan tingkat kelancaran dan ketepatan yang
2. Merancang teks tulis dan mempresentasikan secara lisan teks
berbentuk deskriptif (descriptive) terkait topik keindahan alam
Indonesia (Indonesia’s beautiful nature) dengan memerhatikan
fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan sesuai
konteks secara santun, kritis, kreatif, dan mandiri dengan
tingkat kelancaran dan ketepatan yang optimal.
Materi : Teks descriptive adalah jenis teks yang berfungsi untuk
mendeskripsikan orang, benda, atau hewan tertentu. Teks ini hanya
fokus pada satu objek tertentu, misalnya museum, pantai, kebun,
anak, teman, hewan peliharaan. Penulis teks descriptive
menggunakan kosa kata yang berkaitan dengan panca inderanya
ketika mendeskripsikan satu objek tertentu, seperti the trees around
the park look firm, the flowers surrounding my house smell fragrant,
my mother’s fried chicken tastes the most delicious.

Sebuah teks descriptive dapat berisi fact dimana penulis

mendeskripsikan objek tertentu berdasarkan hasil observasinya dan
tidak ada bias dan opinion dimana penulis menambahkan
interpretasi atau pendapatnya mengenai objek yang diceritakan.
Contoh fact : The museum is 250 meters high.
Memang kenyataannya tinggi museum tersebut 250 meter dan
tidak bisa dibantah lagi.
Contoh opinion: The museum looks wonderful.
Hal ini merupakan interpretasi penulis yang mengatakan
museum tersebut terlihat indah/luar biasa berdasarkan
Sebagian orang mungkin saja beranggapan bahwa museum itu tidak
terlihat luar biasa.

Struktur teks descriptive adalah sebagai berikut:

 General Identification
Bagian ini merupakan pendahuluan yang memberikan
gambaran mengenai objek yang akan dideskripsikan.
 Descriptions
Bagian ini menjelaskan secara terperinci karakteristik/ciri-ciri
objek yang dideskripsikan.

Grammar Corner

Jika kita pelajari teks descriptive pada contoh, kita dapat

mengidentifikasi bahwa:
1. Jenis teks ini menggunakan kalimat-kalimat dalam bentuk waktu
simple present tense karena mengungkapkan fakta dari objek
yang dideskripsikan.
Example : Borobudur temple is located in Central Java.
Pangandaran is a beach situated in West
The Cube House looks unique because of its shape.
2. Teks descriptive banyak menggunakan action verb, yaitu verb
yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan aktivitas.
Example : visit, climb, swim, sleep, eat, go.
3. Teks descriptive juga menggunakan sense verb, yaitu verb yang
digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan sesuatu yang melibatkan
panca indera.
Example : seem, look, appear, sound, taste, smell
Perlu diketahui, teks descriptive paling banyak menggunakan
sense verb yang berkaitan dengan indera penglihatan karena
kebanyakan deskripsi dibuat berdasarkan observasi visual.
4. Teks descriptive menggunakan adjective untuk
menjelaskan/menggambarkan sesuatu.
Example : exquisite, magnificent, small, big, tall, old, wooden.
5. Teks descriptive mendeskripsikan specific participant, yaitu objek
Example : The Art Museum, Mount Rinjani, Pangandaran Beach,
Mr. George, my teacher.

Pertemuan 1 (4 X 45 menit)

Kegiatan Awal 1. Mempersiapkan peserta didik untuk mulai pembelajaran dengan

(30 menit) berdoa, memeriksa kehadiran peserta didik, menyiapkan buku
2. Menyampaikan kompetensi yang akan dicapai dan manfaatnya bagi kehidupan.
3. Menyampaikan garis besar cakupan materi dan kegiatan yang akan dilakukan.
4. Menyampaikan lingkup dan teknik penilaian yang akan digunakan.
5. Memberikan pertanyaan pemantik untuk memulai topik:
 We are going to talk about Lombok island. Observe these following
pictures and tell your description and interpretation based on what
find in the pictures.
After observing the pictures, please answer these following questions.
1. Which picture tells you more about cultural product?
2. Which picture tells you more about the beauty of the nature?
3. Have you ever been to places like the ones in the picture?

Photo by Fabian Wiktor from Pexel


Photo by Adi Pratama from Pixel

6. Menyampaikan topik dan agenda pembelajaran

Kegiatan Inti 1. Membagi peserta didik ke dalam kelompok yang terdiri dari 4 orang.
(120 menit) 2. Membagikan 1 kartu berisi gambar tempat wisata kepada setiap kelompok.

3. Masing-masing kelompok mendiskusikan 10 kata terkait dengan gambar

yang terdapat pada kartu dan menuliskan 10 kata tersebut pada post-it lalu
ditempelkan pada kertas koran di dinding. Perwakilan kelompok menjelaskan
alasan memilih 10 kata tersebut. (30’)
4. Setiap kelompok mendiskusikan 3 teks terkait fungsi social dan kosakata
khusus lalu menuliskan hasilnya pada lembar kerja siswa. (60’)

Text Descriptive Text 1

Mandalika is a special tourism economic zone located in the south of Lombok Island.
The region offers us the view of savannah hills meeting exquisite beaches.
The beaches around Mandalika are Seger Beach, Serenting Beach, Selong Belanak
Beach, Kuta Mandalika Beach and Tanjung Aan Beach. The tourists can spend visit
more than one day for a beach trip.
Kuta Mandalika offers white sand and crystal clear water while Tanjung Aan, 20
minutes away from Kuta Mandalika, offers a sandy beach consisting of two bays.
Unlike Selong Belanak which is very popular as tourists destination, Serenting is like
the region’s hidden gem. It offers blue waters and great waves. Tanjung Aan is also
believed as the birth place of a legendary princess from the region, Princess
Mandalika whose monument can be found on Seger Beach.
As a comprehensive tourism economic zone, Mandalika also has Sade Village and
Ende Village. They are traditional villages where people can see the process of
Songket tapestry making, the traditional houses and dance performances.
Mandalika has become more popular because of the international street circuit
named after the region, Mandalika.

Text Descriptive 2

Chicago is one of the biggest cities in the United States. It is also a very populous city.
The city is located on the shores of Lake Michigan and well known with its
architectures offering the view of skyscrapers at its every corner. Chicago is said to be
the pioneer of skyscrappers with its first steel-framed high building, the Home
Insurance Building.
Chicago has four seasons. Spring is when people can enjoy the blooming flowers and
the hustle bustle in the parks or along the lake. Summer is the most lively season in
Chicago since it’s full of festivals and special events. In the Fall, the city is still busy
with the leaves turn yellow and orange. The temperature gets colder coming from
the cool wind. Winter in Chicago shows the snow city decorated with colourful lights.
The city provides various transportation systems such as Chicago Transit Authority
(CTA), Metra Rail (high speed commuter rail train), taxis, ridesharing, water taxis,
shuttle and limo service, and rented bikes.

Text Descriptive 3

Prambanan Temple Compounds consist of Prambanan Temple (also called Loro

Jonggrang), Sewu Temple, Bubrah Temple and Lumbung Temple. Prambanan
Temple itself is a complex consisting of 240 temples. All the mentioned temples form
the Prambanan Archaeological Park and were built during the heyday of Sailendra’s
powerful dynasty in Java in the 8th century AD. These compounds are located on the
border between the two provinces of Yogyakarta and Central Java on Java Island.
While Loro Jonggrang, dating from the 9th century, is a brilliant example of Hindu
religious bas-reliefs, Sewu, with its four pairs of Dwarapala giant statues, is
Indonesia’s largest Buddhist complex including the temples of Lumbung, Bubrah and
Asu (Gana temple). The Hindu temples are decorated with reliefs illustrating the
Indonesian version of the Ramayana epic which are masterpieces of stone carvings.
These are surrounded by hundreds of shrines that have been arranged in three parts
showing high levels of stone building technology and architecture from the 8th
century AD in Java. With over 500 temples, Prambanan Temple Compounds
represents not only an architectural and cultural treasure, but also a standing proof of
past religious peaceful cohabitation.

Task 1
Read the texts and complete the table.
Social Function Text 1 Text 2 Text 3
Target Reader
Vocabulary for
describing the

5. Setelah itu, menuliskan hasil diskusi dan menempelkannya lembar aktivitas di

dinding agar dapat dilihat dan diberi komentar oleh kelompok lain. (30’)
Kegiatan 1. Melakukan refleksi pembelajaran.
Penutup 2. Memberi tugas mencari kosakata yang berkaitan dengan tempat wisata
(30 menit) dan keindahan alam.
3. Menyampaikan agenda pertemuan berikutnya.

Pertemuan 2 (4 X 45 menit)

Kegiatan Awal 1. Mempersiapkan peserta didik untuk mulai pembelajaran dengan

(30 menit) berdoa, memeriksa kehadiran peserta didik, menyiapkan buku
2. Memberikan pertanyaan pemantik:
What makes a good description? Take a look at the picture once again and tell me
how you should describe a beautiful place in a good structure of the text.

Photo by Fabian Wiktor from Pexel


Photo by Adi Pratama from Pixel

3. Menyampaikan topik dan agenda pembelajaran.
Kegiatan Inti 1. Membagi peserta didik ke dalam kelompok yang terdiri dari 4 orang.
(120 menit) 2. Dalam kelompok, masing-masing anggota kelompok membaca teks deskripsi
yang sudah dipelajari pada pertemuan sebelumnya. (20 menit)
3. Secara berkelompok, setiap anggota kelompok berdiskusi menganalisis
struktur teks dan mengisi lembar aktivitas. (30 menit)

Task 1
After reading the descriptive text 1, fill in the blanks with the correct part of the
Paragraph Generic structure of the
Mandalika is a special tourism economic zone located in
the south of Lombok Island. The region offers us the view
of savannah hills meeting exquisite beaches. ....
The beaches around Mandalika are Seger Beach,
Serenting Beach, Selong Belanak Beach, Kuta Mandalika
Beach and Tanjung Aan Beach. The tourists can spend ....
visit more than one day for a beach trip.
Kuta Mandalika offers white sand and crystal clear water
while Tanjung Aan, 20 minutes away from Kuta
Mandalika, offers a sandy beach consisting of two bays. ....
Unlike Selong Belanak which is very popular as tourists
destination, Serenting is like the region’s hidden gem. It
offers blue waters and great waves. Tanjung Aan is also
believed as the birth place of a legendary princess from
the region, Princess Mandalika whose monument can be
found on Seger Beach.
As a comprehensive tourism economic zone, Mandalika
also has Sade Village and Ende Village. They are
traditional villages where people can see the process of ....
Songket tapestry making, the traditional houses and
dance performances.
Mandalika has become more popular because of the
international street circuit named after the region,
Mandalika. ....

Task 2
After reading the descriptive text 2, fill in the blanks with the correct part of the

Paragraph Generic structure of the

.... ....
.... ....
.... ....
.... ....
.... ....
Task 3
After reading the descriptive text 3, fill in the blanks with the correct part of the

Paragraph Generic structure of the

.... ....
.... ....
.... ....
.... ....
.... ....

4. Secara berkelompok, setiap anggota kelompok menjawab pertanyaan

berdasarkan isi teks (20 menit)

Task 4
Read the text to answer questions no. 1-4.

Chicago is one of the biggest cities in the United States. It is also a very populous
The city is located on the shores of Lake Michigan and well known with its
architectures offering the view of skyscrapers at its every corner. Chicago is said
to be the pioneer of skyscrappers with its first steel-framed high building, the
Home Insurance Building.
Chicago has four seasons. Spring is when people can enjoy the blooming flowers
and the hustle bustle in the parks or along the lake. Summer is the most lively
season in Chicago since it’s full of festivals and special events. In the Fall, the city
is still busy with the leaves turn yellow and orange. The temperature gets colder
coming from the cool wind. Winter in Chicago shows the snow city decorated with
colourful lights.
The city provides various transportation systems such as Chicago Transit Authority
(CTA), Metra Rail (high speed commuter rail train), taxis, ridesharing, water taxis,
shuttle and limo service, and rented bikes.
1. Reading the text, we can conclude that the text is mainly talking about ...
A. Chicago’s transportation system.
B. Chicago’s steel-framed architectures.
C. Chicago’s location in the United States.
D. Chicago, a big city in the United States.
2. From the text, we can infer
that ...
A. Chicago is densely populated.
B. The city is situated on the beach.
C. Chicago is popular for its local architects.
D. Visitors have limited choices of transportation.
3. When can we enjoy the picturesque scenery of lights on white?
A. In the Fall.
B. In the Spring.
C. In the Winter.
D. In the Summer.
4. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?
A. The tourist attractions in the city.
B. The people’s tradition in the whole seasons.
C. The comparison of the four seasons in Chicago.
D. The characteristics of the four seasons in Chicago.

Task 5
Read the text about Mandalika and answer the questions

Mandalika is a special tourism economic zone located in the south of Lombok

Island. The region offers us the view of savannah hills meeting exquisite beaches.
The beaches around Mandalika are Seger Beach, Serenting Beach, Selong Belanak
Beach, Kuta Mandalika Beach and Tanjung Aan Beach. The tourists can spend visit
more than one day for a beach trip.
Kuta Mandalika offers white sand and crystal clear water while Tanjung Aan, 20
minutes away from Kuta Mandalika, offers a sandy beach consisting of two bays.
Unlike Selong Belanak which is very popular as tourists destination, Serenting is
like the region’s hidden gem. It offers blue waters and great waves. Tanjung Aan is
also believed as the birth place of a legendary princess from the region, Princess
Mandalika whose monument can be found on Seger Beach.
As a comprehensive tourism economic zone, Mandalika also has Sade Village and
Ende Village. They are traditional villages where people can see the process of
Songket tapestry making, the traditional houses and dance performances.
Mandalika has become more popular because of the international street circuit
named after the region, Mandalika.

After reading the text, please answer these following questions.

1. What does the text tell you about?
2. What makes Mandalika a comprehensive tourism economic zone?
3. According to the text, which one is less famous among the visitors?
Selong Belanak or Serenting beach?
4. What is the main idea of the fourth paragraph?
5. Where can visitors take a picture of the statue of Princess Mandalika?

5. 1 kelompok mempresentasikan hasil diskusi mereka mengenai analisis

struktur teks (20 menit)
6. Secara klasikal membahas hasil diskusi tiga kelompok (mewakili 3 teks). (30 menit)
Kegiatan 1. Melakukan refleksi pembelajaran.
Penutup 2. Menyampaikan agenda pertemuan berikutnya dan menugaskan peserta didik
(30 menit) untuk mempersiapkan gagasan terkait rencana memproduksi teks deskriptif secara

Pertemuan 3 (4 X 45 menit)

Kegiatan Awal 1. Mempersiapkan peserta didik untuk mulai pembelajaran dengan

(30 menit) berdoa, memeriksa kehadiran peserta didik, menyiapkan buku
2. Memberikan pertanyaan pemantik:
What are essential components to make a well-constructed descriptive text?
3. Menyampaikan topik dan agenda pembelajaran.
Kegiatan Inti 1. Membagi peserta didik ke dalam kelompok yang terdiri dari 4 orang.
(120 menit) 2. Dalam kelompok, masing-masing anggota kelompok mencari dan mendiskusikan
beberapa strategi untuk mengembangkan gagasan dalam menyusun teks
deskripsi (20 menit)

Think about your most favorite tourism spot and discuss with your friends in the
group to choose which tourism spot you will describe. After you decide a tourism
spot for your group, make a mind map for developing your idea into a descriptive
Look at the example below.


3. Secara berkelompok, setiap anggota kelompok mencoba mengembangkan

gagasan kedalam tulisan sambil memperhatikan struktur teks (40 menit)

Task 1
Develop the mind map into a descriptive text in a good structure.

4. Kelompok yang satu memeriksa hasil pekerjaan kelompok lainnya dan

memberikan umpan balik baik dari struktur teks maupun unsur kebahasaan.
(40 menit)

Task 2
Pay attention to your friends’ work and write down anything from the text that
should be revised.
Part of the text that
Friend’s name Suggestion for revision
needs revision
5. Secara klasikal membahas hasil pekerjaan setiap kelompok dan hasil pemeriksaan
antar kelompok (20 menit)
Kegiatan 1. Melakukan refleksi pembelajaran.
Penutup 2. Menyampaikan agenda pertemuan berikutnya dan menugaskan peserta didik
(30 menit) untuk mempersiapkan gagasan terkait rencana memproduksi teks deskriptif
secara independen.

Pertemuan 4 (4 X 45 menit)

Kegiatan Awal 1. Mempersiapkan peserta didik untuk mulai pembelajaran dengan

(30 menit) berdoa, memeriksa kehadiran peserta didik, menyiapkan buku pelajaran.
2. Memberikan pertanyaan pemantik:
How do you plan to construct a descriptive text?
3. Menyampaikan topik dan agenda
Kegiatan Inti 1. Mempersiapkan peserta didik untuk melakukan pekerjaan dalam kelompok
(120 menit) berpasangan.
2. Dalam kelompok, peserta didik menerapkan teknik/strategi menulis yang telah
dipelajari pada pertemuan sebelumnya untuk menyusun sebuah teks
deskriptif dengan menggunakan kata-kata sendiri. (75 menit)

Task 1
In pair, write a descriptive text about beautiful tourism spot from Indonesia. Pay
attention to the structure, choice of words and punctuation.

3. Peserta didik mempresentasikan hasil tulisannya dan diberi masukan oleh

rekan dan guru. (45 menit)
Kegiatan 1. Melakukan refleksi pembelajaran.
Penutup 2. Menyampaikan agenda pertemuan berikutnya.
(30 menit)

Refleksi Guru

Pertanyaan kunci yang membantu guru untuk merefleksikan kegiatan pengajaran di kelas:
● Apakah kegiatan belajar berhasil?
● Bagian mana dari proses pembelajaran yang menurutmu berhasil?
● Apa langkah yang perlu dilakukan untuk memperbaiki proses belajar?
● Apakah seluruh siswa mengikuti pelajaran dengan baik?



pengukur Name :
ketercapaian Class/Number :
pembelajaran Good Very good
Criteria to Low performance
dan asesmen No performance performance Score
be assessed (50 - 75)
(76 - 89) (90 - 100)
1 Text Doesn’t use the Use the correct Use the correct
organization correct text text organization text organization
organization of but has not and elaborated
descriptive text elaborated the idea
2 Sentence Use simple Begins to vary Use simple
formation sentences simple sentences sentences,
and compound compound
sentences sentences and
3 Grammar Too many 5 until 10 mistakes Under 4 mistakes
4 Vocabulary Basic vocabulary, Developed Purposefully
less precise vocabulary chosen vocabulary
5 Mechanics A lot of errors Mostly effective Effective use of
with spelling and use of mechanics; capitalization,
punctuation errors do not punctuation, and
detract from spelling

Refleksi Peserta Didik

After doing the learning activities, let’s check what you have got so far by filling in the checklist.

No Parts of the learning activity My comprehension level

I know how to differ fact from

2 I can answer the questions

based on the text.

3 I can identify the structure of

the text.
4 I know how to compose a
descriptive text.

Materi Pengayaan

Pay attention to the following flyer to answer question no 1-3

1. Check whether the following statements are true or false according to the information given in
the flyer above.
No Statement True False
1 Windu Tour began as a national company
2 One of the agency’s feature is the cultural trip
3 The agency has expanded greatly since 1980
4 Windu Tour offers gems as souvenirs
What is the writer’s purpose in writing the text above? (Check all correct answers) To promote the beautiful nature in Ind
To describe a travel agency called Windu Tour To support the tourism of Indonesia
To give a short description of Windu Tour To describe the beauty of Bandung
Which reader is possibly the most interested to the information in the flyer?
Art workers
Write the part of the text that supports your answer.

Materi untuk peserta didik yang kesulitan belajar

Tambahan materi untuk siswa yang kesulitan belajar berupa bahan bacaan yang disederhanakan.
Mandalika is a special tourism economic zone located in the south of Lombok Island. The region offers
us the view of savannah hills meeting wonderful beaches.

The beaches around Mandalika are Seger Beach, Serenting Beach, Selong Belanak Beach, Kuta
Mandalika Beach and Tanjung Aan Beach. The tourists can spend visit more than one day for a beach

There are a lot of wonderful things about the beach. Kuta Mandalika offers white sand and crystal clear
water. Selong Belanak is very popular as tourists destination. Serenting is is very beautiful with blue
waters and great waves.

Tanjung Aan, not so far from Kuta Mandalika, offers a sandy beach consisting of two bays. Tanjung Aan
is also believed as the birth place of a legendary princess from the region, Princess Mandalika whose
monument can be found on Seger Beach.

As a complete tourism economic zone, Mandalika also has Sade Village and Ende Village. They are
traditional villages where people can see the process of Songket tapestry making, the traditional houses
and dance performances.

Mandalika has become more popular because of the international street circuit named after the region,

 Exquisite
 Tourists destination
 Hidden gem
 Comprehensive
 Populous
 Lively
 Compounds
 Masterpieces

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