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Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Lokakarya 2019


Nama Sekolah : SMA NEGERI 1 Mendobarat

Kelas /Semester : XI/GANJIL
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Topik : Teks Eksposisi Analitis
Skill : Reading and writing
Alokasi waktu : 1 x pertemuan (2X45 Menit)
Tahun Pelajaran : 2019/2020

A. Kompetensi Inti (KI)

KI-1 : Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya

KI-2 : Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku
a. Jujur
b. Disiplin
c. Santun
d. Peduli (gotong royong, kerjasama, toleransi, damai)
e. Bertanggung jawab
f. Responsif, dan
g. Proaktif
Dalam berinteraksi secara efektif sesuai dengan perkembangan anak di lingkungan
keluarga, sekolah, masyarakat dan lingkunga alam sekitar, bangsa, negara, kawasan
regional, dan kawasan internsional

B. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator


Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis dan Menunjukkan keterampilan menalar,
mengevaluasi pengetahuan faktual, konseptual, mengolah dan menyaji secara:
prosedural, dan metakognitif pada tingkat teknis, a. efektif
spesifik, detil, dan kompleks berdasarkan rasa b. kritis
c. kreatif
ingin tahunya tentang d. produktif
a. ilmu pengetahuan, e. mandiri
b. teknologi f. kolaboratif
c. seni, g. komunikatif, dan
d. budaya, dan h. solutif
e. humaniora dalam ranah konkret dan ranah
Dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, abstrakyang terkait dengan
Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Lokakarya 2019

kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya

fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan di sekolah, dan mampu menggunakan
pengetahuan procedural pada bidang kajian metode sesuai dengan kaidah keilmuan
yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan
minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah

KD 3.4 KD 4.4
Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan Teks Eksposisi Analitis
unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks Eksposisi Analitis 4.4.1 Menangkap makna secara
lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur
informasi terkait isu aktual, sesuai dengan konteks teks, dan unsure kebahasaan teks
penggunaannya Eksposisi Analitis lisan dan tulis terkait
isu aktual
4.4.2 Menyusun teks Eksposisi Analitis
tulis, terkait isu aktual dengan
memperhatikan funsi sosial, struktur
teks, dan unsur kebahasaan secara benar
dan sesuai konteks
IPK 3.4.1 IPK
Menjelaskan dengan cara menjawab pertanyaan Membuat teks Eksposisi Analitis dengan
tertulis mengenai ide pokok, isi teks, dan judul “The Importance of Reading”
kesimpulan dari teks Eksposisi Analitis sesuai dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial,
dengan fungsi sosial struktur teks, dan unsur struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan
kebahasaan teks tersebut, berdasarkan teks yang
diberikan dengan judul The Importance to
overcome Global Warming


Menangkap makna secara kontekstual teks Menyusun paragrap acak menjadi sebuah
Eksposisi analitis dengan cara menjawab teks utuh dari Teks Eksposisi Analitis
pertanyaan tertulis terkait jenis teks, dan kata berjudul Garbage services need
yang digaribawahi dari unsur kebahasaan teks improvement dengan memperhatikan
Eksposisi Analitis tersebut dengan judul The fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
Importance to overcome Global Warming kebahasaan

Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Lokakarya 2019

C. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Setelah mengikuti serangkaian kegiatan pembelajaran teks Eksposisi Analitis, peserta didik secara
jujur, bertanggung jawab, dan disiplin dapat :
1. Menjelaskan dengan cara menjawab pertanyaan tertulis mengenai ide pokok, isi teks, dan
kesimpulan dari teks Eksposisi Analitis sesuai dengan fungsi sosial struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan teks tersebut, berdasarkan teks yang diberikan dengan judul The Importance to
overcome Global Warming
2. Menangkap makna secara kontekstual teks Eksposisi analitis dengan cara menjawab pertanyaan
tertulis terkait jenis teks, dan kata yang digaribawahi dari unsur kebahasaan teks Eksposisi Analitis
tersebut dengan judul The Importance to overcome Global Warming
3. Membuat teks Eksposisi Analitis dengan judul “The Importance of Reading” dengan
memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan
4. Menyusun paragrap acak menjadi sebuah teks utuh dari Teks Eksposisi Analitis berjudul Garbage
services need improvement dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan sesuai konteks.
Sehingga dapat meraih nilai minimum (KKM yang telah ditetapkan) yaitu : 75

D. Materi Pembelajaran

1. Materi Fakta
 Analytical Exposition text
 Sosial Function
 Generic Struture
 Lexicogrammatical Feature
2. Materi Konsep
 Definition :
Analytical Exposition Text evaluates a topic critically but focuses only on one side of an

 Sosial Function
The purpose of an exposition Analytical Text is to persuade audience to look at an issue with
the your prespective

Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Lokakarya 2019

3. Prinsip

4. Prosedure

Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Lokakarya 2019

E. Pendekatan, Metode dan Model Pembelajaran

Pendekatan : Saintifik
Metode : Diskusi kelompok, tanya jawab, penugasan
Model : Cooperatif Learning tipe STAD
F. Media, alat, sumber Pembelajaran

 Media
- Bahan Persentasi (Powerpoint ) Link PPT
- Gambar
- Video diadopsi dari Link : Reading
Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Lokakarya 2019 Penjelasan How to
 Alat
- Laptop, Penggaris, Papan Tulis/White Board, LCD, Handphone, Mic, Speaker Active
 Sumber Belajar:
- Buku BSE Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas XI Edisi Revisi
- LKS PT. Intan Pariwara Kelas XI Kurikulum 2013
- Internet

G. Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Pertemuan ke-1 (90’)

Kegiatan Deskripsi Waktu
Tahap 1. Pendahuluan 10’
Apersepsi dan
motivasi peserta Pembuka 2’
didik Ketua kelas memimpin anggota kelas untuk PPK : religius,
berdo’a dan mengucapkan salam, dan Disiplin
menjawab pertanyaan guru mengenai absensi
siswa dikelas
Apersepsi: 2’
Siswa mereview kembali kompetensi yang
sudah dipelajari dan dikembangkan
sebelumnya yang berkaitan dengan Undangan
Motivasi: 6’
peserta didik termotivasi dengan fokus word
games dalam sesi pembuka kelas

Kegiatan Inti 75’

Tahap 2. Mengamati PPK : Rasa

Menyajikan / Siswa mengamati contoh-contoh aplikasi ingin tahu
menyampaikan yang ditunjukkan guru dalam kehidupan
informasi sehari-hari berkaitan dengan pengertian dan Literasi
fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur
kebahasaan dari teks Eksposisi Analitis
melalui PPT/Video. Link video :
v=6jQ8qj2lbG8, jika listrik mati guru dapat
Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Lokakarya 2019

menyajikan gambar seperti dibawah ini.

Sebuah gambar yang menunjukkan seorang

anak yang berada didepan komputer dan siswa
membaca teks berjudul “Controling Children
Using Computer” terkait gambar

Setelah mengamati gambar/video/teks siswa Kecakapan
diharapkan mampu dan termotivasi untuk abad 21:
mengajukan pertanyaan dan dibatasi 3 orang berfikir kritis
siswa dalam sesi ini

Dari kegiatan menanya dan memancing siswa

untuk bertanya terkait video/gambar/teks, guru
memberikan pemahaman mengenai jenis teks
yang diamati bersama. Peserta didik menerima
informasi tentang pengertian, fungsi sosial,
struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari Teks
Eksposisi Analitis, dengan menampilkan
Powerpoint / Video. Link video
v=qw4XU13ooi4, dan jika listrik mati siswa
dapat melihat hand out yang disajikan guru.
Berikut materi Teks Eksposisi Analitis yang
diambil dari Buku BSE Kelas XI K13 Edisi

Teks Eksposisi Analitis

 Definisi Eksposisi Analitis
Teks yang berfokus pada satu sisi argumen
dan pentingnya argument tersebut
 Sosial function

Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Lokakarya 2019

 Struktur teks

Tahap 3.
Mengumpulkam informasi
an peserta didik PPK :
dalam kelompok- Kerjasama
 Setelah guru menjelaskan materi, kemudian
kelompok belajar
guru membagi siswa dalam beberapa
kelompok belajar, dimana peserta didik
dikelompokkan secara heterogen, masing-
maisng kelompok terdiri dari 5 orang dan
guru menjelaskan aturan main pembelajaran
dengan STAD.
 Guru membagikan LKPD kepada setiap
kelompok dan meminta siswa melakukan
arahan guru yang berkaitan dengan Teks
Eksposisi dan aturan main dengan model
 Pendidik menginstruksikan kepada setiap

Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Lokakarya 2019

kelompok untuk mendiskusikan dan

menyelesaikan masalah yang disediakan Kecakapan
pada LKPD. abad 21 :
 Peserta didik diberikan kesempatan untuk pemecahan
mencari informasi melalui buku atau masalah
internet dengan membuka situs google dari
HP untuk permasalahan yang diberikan
pada LKPD dan pengerjaannya dalam
kelompok, kemudian masing-masing
Tahap 4. kelompok saling mengecek pekerjaan
Membimbing (LKPD Reading and writing)
kelompok bekerja
dan belajar Mengasosiasikan
 Peserta didik berdiskusi bersama
kelompoknya untuk menyelesaikan masalah
pada LKPD dengan cara
menghubungkannya dengan pengertahuan
yang telah mereka punya.
 Pendidik mengkondisikan agar setiap
kelompok bekerja secara efektif yaitu setiap
anggota kelompok terlibat dalam
pemecahan masalah.
 Pendidik membimbing setiap kelompok
agar menemukan jawaban yang benar dari
persoalan yang disajikan dalam LKPD dan
mengarahkan siswa dalam memverifikasi
Tahap 5. Evaluasi data yang telah dikumpulkan bersama dalam
Mengomunikasikan abad 21:
 Melalui undian beberapa kelompok diminta komunikasi
Tahap 6. untuk menyajikan hasil diskusinya dan
Memberikan kelompok yang lain menanggapi.
 Siswa menerima penghargaan pada setiap
kelompok sehingga termotivasi untuk
mengembangkan pengetahuan yang telah
1. Peserta didik merumuskan kesimpulan 10’
tentang pembelajaran teks Eksposisi
Analitis, melalui review kegiatan belajar

Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Lokakarya 2019

hari itu.
2. Peserta didik mengungkapkan manfaat
mempelajari Teks Eksposisi Analistis dalam
kehidupan sehari-hari maupun
permasalahan dalam pelajaran Bahasa
3. Guru menyampaikan rencana pembelajaran
pada pertemuan berikutnya.
4. Menutup pembelajaran dengan berdo’a dan PPK : religius

H. Teknik Penilaian/instrument

1. Teknik Penilaian:
a) Penilaian Sikap : Observasi/pengamatan
b) Penilaian Pengetahuan : Tes Tertulis (essay)
c) Penilaian Keterampilan : Praktik
2. Bentuk Penilaian:
a) Observasi : lembar pengamatan aktivitas peserta didik
b) Tes tertulis : uraian dan lembar kerja
c) Praktik : lembar tugas praktik
3. Instrumen Penilaian (terlampir)

4. Remedial
- Pembelajaran remedial dilakukan bagi siswa yang capaian KD nya belum tuntas
- Tahapan pembelajaran remedial dilaksanakan melalui remidial teaching (klasikal), atau tutor
sebaya, atau tugas dan diakhiri dengan tes.
- Tes remedial, dilakukan sebanyak 3 kali dan apabila setelah 3 kali tes remedial belum
mencapai ketuntasan, maka remedial dilakukan dalam bentuk tugas tanpa tes tertulis kembali.

5. Pengayaan
- Bagi siswa yang sudah mencapai nilai ketuntasan diberikan pembelajaran pengayaan sebagai
 Siwa yang mencapai nilai n(ketuntasan)  n  n(maksimum) diberikan materi masih
dalam cakupan KD dengan pendalaman sebagai pengetahuan tambahan
 Siwa yang mencapai nilai n  n(maksimum) diberikan materi melebihi cakupan KD
dengan pendalaman sebagai pengetahuan tambahan.

Mengetahui, Jakarta, 13 September 2019

Kepala SMAN 1 Mendobarat, Guru Mata Pelajaran,

Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Lokakarya 2019

Drs. Muh Bambang Heny Indriasuti, S.Pd.

NIP.19661124 200501 1 002 NIP.19790831 201101 2 001

Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Lokakarya 2019

Lampiran 1

Read the text below!

Controlling Children Using Computer

Computer and internet are useful as well as powerful. Information

about health and safe usage of computer and Internet, especially for
children, should be owned by each family. Computer connected to
internet is powerful way to socialize with others. It can be good but also
bad effect. Recently we hear a lot of children get the advantage of social
networking sites but we often see the news about the disadvantage of
it for children. Healthy and safety of computer and Internet usage
should continue to be campaigned.
The role of parent in assisting and directing children in using computer is very necessary. Installation of software
monitor such as key logger which has function to watch and note all activities relating to keyboard usage is helpful
but not enough to protect children from potential harms. Children tend to hide what they have done in front of
the computer to their parent. They see that all of they have done are their privacy and no one may know.
We can not prevent children from using computer because it is multifunctional. However, many parents worry
about what their kids do in front of the computer; whether they are doing homework or even just playing games.
Or spending all time to surf internet which is the materials do not fit with his age. There is a tendency, especially
teenagers, want to become acquainted with many strangers out side. The lack parental supervision of children’s
activities is likely to pose a potential danger to them.

Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Lokakarya 2019


1. What is the topic of the text?

2. What is the main idea of paragraph 1?
3. Can you find the argument/opinion in the paragraph??
4. What is the conclusion of the paragraph??

Analytical Exposition
What is Analytical Exposition?
Analytical Exposition is a text that elaborates the writer‘s idea about the phenomenon
surrounding. Its social function is to persuade the reader that the idea is important
matter, and to analyze the topic that the thesis/opinion is correct by developing an
argument to support it.

 Social Function
To persuade the readers or listeners that something is important case.

 Generic Structure
Position : Introduces topic and indicates writer’s position
Preview : Outlines the main arguments to be presented.
Point : Restates main argument outlined in preview
Elaboration : Develops and supports each point/argument
Restates writer’s position

 Significant Lexico-grammatical Features

Focus on generic human and non-human participants
Use of simple present tense
Use of relational processes
Use of internal conjunction to stage argument
Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Lokakarya 2019

Reasoning through causal conjunction or nominalization.

Source: (Gerot, L., & Wignell, P. (1994). Making sense of functional grammar.

Reading Activity


I personally believe the libraries are among humanity’s most important institution for several
Firstly, most humanity’s collective knowledge is stored in libraries.
Secondly, libraries protect and preserve this knowledge. They also classify or group the materials
into logical and easily available divisions.
Furthermore, libraries make the materials available to everyone and even provide librarians to help
us find what we need.
Finally, libraries are our link to the past and our gift to the future.
From the facts above, I conclude that libraries are important institutions for humanity.

Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Lokakarya 2019

Generic Structure of Simple Analytical Exposition Text


I personally believe the libraries are among humanity’s most important institution
Thesis for several reasons.

Firstly, most humanity’s collective knowledge is stored in libraries.

Secondly, libraries protect and preserve this knowledge. They also classify or group
the materials into logical and easily available divisions.
Furthermore, libraries make the materials available to everyone and even provide
librarians to help us find what we need.
Arguments Finally, libraries are our link to the past and our gift to the future.

From the facts above, I conclude that libraries are important institutions for
Reiteration humanity.

Writing Activity
How to write a simple text of Analytical Exposition
Step 1

Write your introduction. The introduction must include your thesis statement as well as a summary of your topic
sentences for each paragraph in the main body. You also want to capture the reader's interest, making certain that he
or she will read your essay all the way through.
 Understand the source material thoroughly. Every analytical essay is essentially a commentary on someone
else's work. This means that an effective analytical essay writer is someone who is able to read and understand
the source material exceptionally well.

Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Lokakarya 2019

 Grab the reader's attention. By including a quotation or controversial statement in the first few lines of the
introduction you generate interest in your essay. This increases the likelihood that your essay will leave an
impression and actually influence the reader's opinion.
 Summarize the source material. This summarization is sometimes referred to as an abstract and should be
included in the introduction. The summary should inform the reader of the title and author of the source
document as well as provide a brief overview of the source document's main points. By including this abstract
in the introduction, the reader will have a better idea of the context in which your argument arose.
 Finish with a thesis statement. A thesis statement is a concise sentence that outlines precisely what the main
argument of your essay is. The thesis statement is going to be the main idea or position that the remainder of
your essay is going to support. It is important that this position be an opinion rather than a fact, since it must be
something that can be argued both for and against.

Step 2
Write a paragraph for each of the topic sentences. Expand upon how this topic sentence supports your thesis, and
provide any information you wish in support.

Step 3
Write a concluding paragraph for your essay. The conclusion must restate the thesis, restate each of your arguments
in support of the thesis, and generally bring the essay to an effective close. Make sure to word all of these differently
than you did at the beginning and in the body. Also, make sure to never introduce any new material in the conclusion.

Intro and Conclusion hints

 Construct the Introduction using the key facts. For instance, if your subject is "Chocolate," your introduction can
be "Chocolate is a sugary concoction made out of the cocoa bean." Write out all of the facts in the same
 The "thesis" is very important, it is the last sentence in the Introduction, which will tell the readers what the essay
will be about.
 Build the thesis statement using three reasons to back up and support it. Your thesis should look something like
this: "Chocolate is over-rated because it is too rich, too fattening, and not tasty."
 The conclusion paragraph is much like a conclusion sentence; it ends your exposition by summing up the points
you made earlier.
 Restate the importance of the topic you covered. For example, "Chocolate is enjoyed by many people the world
over." Then restate the reasons you like or dislike chocolate. Then, in your final sentence, you will want to write
a sentence that looks toward the future, such as, "In the future, I wish to never see chocolate again," or
something to that effect.

Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Lokakarya 2019

Lampiran 2
(Sikap Kinerja dalam Menyelesaikan Tugas Kelompok)
Nama Satuan pendidikan : SMAN. 1 Mendo Barat
Tahun pelajaran : 2019/2020
Kelas/Semester : XI / Ganjil
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris - Wajib

Keterangan Skor:
1 = (belum terlihat), apabila peserta didik belum memperhatikan tanda-tanda awal perilaku
sikap yang dinyatakan dalam indicator.
2 = (mulai terlihat), apabila peserta didik mulai memperhatikan tanda-tanda awal perilaku
yang dinyatakan dalam indicator tetapi belum konsisten.
3 = (mulai berkembang), apabila peserta didik sudah memperhatikan tanda perilaku yang
dinyatakan dalam indicator dan mulai konsisten.
4 = (membudaya), apabila peserta didik terus menerus memperhatikan perilaku yang
dinyatakan dalam indicator secara konsisten.

Skor Maksimum = 16

Jakarta, 13 September 2019

Kepala SMAN 1 Mendo Barat Guru Mata Pelajaran,

Drs. Muh Bambang Heny Indriasuti, S.Pd.

NIP.19661124 200501 1 002 NIP.19790831 201101 2 001

Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Lokakarya 2019

Lampiran 3

Satuan Pendidikan : SMAN 1 Mendo Barat

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris - Wajib
Kelas/ Semester : XI / Ganjil
Kompetensi Dasar : 3.4. Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks
Eksposisi Analitis lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait
isu aktual, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya

IPK : 3.4.1 Menjelaskan dengan cara menjawab pertanyaan tertulis mengenai ide pokok,
isi teks, dan kesimpulan dari teks Eksposisi Analitis sesuai dengan fungsi sosial
struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks tersebut, berdasarkan teks yang
diberikan dengan judul The Importance to overcome Global Warming

3.4.2 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual teks Eksposisi analitis dengan cara
menjawab pertanyaan tertulis terkait jenis teks, dan kata yang digaribawahi dari
unsur kebahasaan teks Eksposisi Analitis tersebut dengan judul The Importance
to overcome Global Warming

Materi Pokok : Teks Eksposisi Analitis

Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Lokakarya 2019


Tahun Pelajaran 2019/2020

Jenjang Pendidikan : SMA Negeri 1 Mendobarat

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kurikulum : K13 Revisi
Kelas/semester : XI/Ganjil
Jumlah soal : 10
Bentuk soal : Uraian/written test

No Komp Uraian Materi Indikator Soal Lev Nom

etensi el or
Dasar Kog soal
1 Membed Analytical Exposition Menjelaskan isi teks Eksposisi C2 1
akan Analitis tulis dengan judul The
fungsi What is Analytical Exposition?
Importance to overcome Global
 Definition
sosial, Analytical Exposition is a text that Warming
struktur elaborates the writer‘s idea
teks, dan about the phenomenon Menjelaskan ide pokok teks C2 2
unsur surrounding. Its social function is Eksposisi Analitis tulis dengan
kebahasa to persuade the reader that the
idea is important matter, and to judul The Importance to
an overcome Global Warming
analyze the topic that the
beberapa thesis/opinion is correct by
teks developing an argument to Menjelaskan pertanyaan C2 3
Eksposisi support it.
mengenai penyebab yang
Analitis  Social Function mendasari isi teks berjudul The
lisan dan To persuade the readers or
listeners that something is the Importance to overcome Global
case. Warming
 Generic Structure
Thesis: Menjelaskan ide pokok teks C2 4
Position: Introduces topic Eksposisi Analitis tulis dengan
and indicates writer’s judul The Importance to
position overcome Global Warming
terkait isu
actual, Preview : Outlines the main
arguments to be presented. Menjelaskan pendapat pribadi C2 5
Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Lokakarya 2019

dengan Argument: dari tujuan penulisan Teks

konteks Point: Restates main berjudul The Importance to
pengguna argument outlined in preview overcome Global Warming
annya Elaboration : Develops
and supports each Menentukan jenis tenses dalam C2 6
point/argument sebuah Teks Eksposisi Analitis
Reiteration: berjudul The Importance to
overcome Global Warming
Restates writer’s position

Menjelaskan arti kata yang

 Significant Lexico-grammatical
Features digaris bawahi dalam Teks C2 7,9
Focus on generic human Eksposisi Analitis berjudul The
and non-human Importance to overcome Global
participants Warming
Use of simple present tense
Menjelaskan pertanyaan
Use of relational processes
“bagaimana” dari makna tersirat C2 8
Use of internal conjunction
teks Eksposisi Analitis berjudul
to stage argument
The Importance to overcome
Reasoning through causal
Global Warming
conjunction or
Menjelaskan kesimpulan dari C2 10
teks Eksposisi Analitis
Source: (Gerot, L., & Wignell, P. (1994).
Making sense of functional grammar.

Lembar Instrumen

Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Lokakarya 2019

Read the text carefully and answer the question based on the text in a group!

The Importance to overcome Global Warming

Global warming is a phenomenon used to describe the gradual increase in the temperature of earth’s
atmosphere and oceans. Global warming is not a new problem, but lately people are acknowledging that we are
facing a serious problem. Climate change is apparent everywhere. Failed crops, economic slowdown and
deforestation are among the several impacts of global warming.
First of all, there is irrefutable evidence that human activities have changed the atmosphere of our earth.
Since the time we started industrializing, we have been polluting our water and air, and have been releasing
greenhouse gases that contribute the global warming.
Secondly, according to a research by Greenpeace Organization, there is evidence of extensive
deforestation being carried out in Indonesia and other tropical countries around the world. These forests are used
to grow crops like palm sugar, palm oil, and coffee. The impact of climate change is noticeable throughout Asia-
Pacific, either during hot days or too much rain accompanied by wind and thunderstorm. This has started affecting
the economy as well.
Furthermore, the shifting weather patterns have made it difficult for farmers to grow crops. A recent study
has shown that due to unpredictable weather patterns there have been lots of failed (Reuters,2007).
In conclusion, global warming is not a new problem nor are we solely responsible for it. However, as the
citizens of the world, we have to take every possible action to help overcome this issue. It is not only for us, but
also for all future generations to follow.
Adopted from : Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Bahasa Inggris SMA/SMK Kelas XI
Edisi Revisi Cetakan ke-2, Jakarta, Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2017.

Questions :

1. What is the text about?

2. What is the main idea of second paragraph?
3. According to the text, what causes global warming?
4. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
5. In your opinion, what is the writer’s purpose to write such a text?
6. What tenses are used in the text?
7. Why does the text use the words “first of all, secondly, furthermore”?
8. How can more factories contribute more to global warming?
9. The word “It” in fourth paragraph is refers to?
10. In short word, what can be concluded from the text above?


Class : ___________________
Group : ___________________
Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Lokakarya 2019

Member name : ___________________ _____________________

___________________ _____________________
___________________ _____________________

Answer :

1. ________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________________________

5. ________________________________________________________________

6. ________________________________________________________________

7. ________________________________________________________________

8. ________________________________________________________________

9. ________________________________________________________________


Answer key :

1. The text is about The importance to solve global warming problem

2. The irrefutable evidence that human activities have changed the atmosphere of our earth.
3. Things that causes global warming are :
a. Human activities have changed the atmosphere of our earth.
b. Since there are industrializing, they polluted our water and air, and released greenhouse gases that
contribute the global warming.
c. The extensive deforestation being carried out in Indonesia and other tropical countries around the
world. These forests are used to grow crops like palm sugar, palm oil, and coffee. The impact of
Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Lokakarya 2019

climate change is noticeable throughout Asia-Pacific, either during hot days or too much rain
accompanied by wind and thunderstorm.
4. The conclusion about all discussion in paragraph 1, 2, 3, 4 about the affect of global warming and
responsibility of the people around the world to resolve/reduce it for future generation.
5. To persuade people that global warming has serious affects to the world and how to overcome it/reduce
it to future generation.
6. The text are used Simple Present tense
7. First of all, secondly, furthermore have the function to connect one paragraph to another it means that
the paragraphs have relation in argumentation one to another.
8. More factories make waste/rubbish/garbage that can pollute the water/air, pollution can affect the
atmosphere and change the climate and we call it global warming.
9. It in paragraph fourth is the shifting weather patterns.
10. Global warming is serious problem to the earth. So many affects that caused by it, change climate, failed
crops, economic slowdown. All people surround the world have responsibility to solve/reduce the
problem for next generation.

Pedoman Skor Penilaian soal Uraian READING


SOAL 2 4 6 8 10 AKHIR
1 What is the text about? 10
Jawaban :
he text is about The importance to solve
global warming problem.
2 What is the main idea of second 10
Jawaban :
The irrefutable evidence that human
Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Lokakarya 2019

activities have changed the atmosphere of

our earth.
3 According to the text, what causes global 10
Jawaban :
Things that causes global warming are :
a. Human activities have changed the
atmosphere of our earth.
b. Since there are industrializing, they
polluted our water and air, and
released greenhouse gases that
contribute the global warming.
c. The extensive deforestation being
carried out in Indonesia and other
tropical countries around the world.
These forests are used to grow crops
like palm sugar, palm oil, and coffee.
The impact of climate change is
noticeable throughout Asia-Pacific,
either during hot days or too much rain
accompanied by wind and

4 What is the main idea of the last 10

Jawaban :
The conclusion about all discussion in
paragraph 1, 2, 3, 4 about the affect of
global warming and responsibility of the
people around the world to resolve/reduce
it for future generation.
5 In your opinion, what is the writer’s 10
purpose to write such a text?
Jawaban :
To persuade people that global warming
has serious affects to the world and how
Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Lokakarya 2019

to overcome it/reduce it to future

6 What tenses are used in the text? 10
Jawaban :
The text are used Simple Present tense
7 Why does the text use the words “first of 10
all, secondly, furthermore”?
Jawaban :
First of all, secondly, furthermore have the
function to connect one paragraph to
another it means that the paragraphs have
relation in argumentation one to another.
8 How can more factories contribute more to 10
global warming?
Jawaban :
More factories make
waste/rubbish/garbage that can pollute the
water/air, pollution can affect the
atmosphere and change the climate and
we call it global warming.

9 The word “It” in fourth paragraph is refers 10

Jawaban :
It in paragraph fourth is the shifting
weather patterns.
10 In short word, what can be concluded from 10
the text above?
Jawaban :
Global warming is serious problem to the
earth. So many affects that caused by it,
change climate, failed crops, economic
slowdown. All people surround the world
have responsibility to solve/reduce the
problem for next generation.

Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Lokakarya 2019

Jakarta, 13 September 2019

Kepala SMAN 1 Mendo Barat Guru Mata Pelajaran,

Drs. Muh Bambang Heny Indriasuti, S.Pd.

NIP.19661124 200501 1 002 NIP.19790831 201101 2 001

Lampiran 4

Satuan Pendidikan : SMAN 1 Mendo Barat

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris - Wajib
Kelas/ Semester: : XI / Ganjil
Kompetensi Dasar : 4.4 Teks Eksposisi Analitis
4.4.1 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks,
dan unsur kebahasaan teks Eksposisi Analitis lisan dan tulis terkait
isu aktual
4.4.2 Menyusun teks Eksposisi Analitis tulis, terkait isu aktual dengan
memperhatikan funsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan
secara benar dan sesuai konteks
IPK : Menyusun paragrap acak menjadi sebuah teks utuh dari Teks Eksposisi
Analitis berjudul Garbage services need improvement dengan
memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan

Materi Pokok : Teks Eksposisi Analitis

Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Lokakarya 2019


Tahun Pelajaran 2019/2020

Jenjang Pendidikan : SMA Negeri 1 Mendobarat

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kurikulum : K13 Revisi
Kelas/semester : XI/Ganjil
Jumlah soal : 1
Bentuk soal : Uraian/written test
Skill : Ketrampilan

N Kompete Uraian Materi Indikator Level Nomo

o nsi Dasar Soal Kogni r soal
1 Membedakan Analytical Exposition Diberikan C3 1
fungsi sosial, paragraph
struktur teks,  What is Analytical Exposition? acak teks
dan unsur Analytical Exposition is a text that elaborates Eksposisi
kebahasaan the writer‘s idea about the phenomenon Analistis
beberapa teks surrounding. Its social function is to persuade berjudul
the reader that the idea is important matter, and
Eksposisi Garbage
to analyze the topic that the thesis/opinion is
Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Lokakarya 2019

Analitis lisan correct by developing an argument to support it. services need

dan tulis improvement
dengan  Social Function dan siswa
To persuade the readers or listeners that
memberi dan something is the case. menyusun
meminta paragraph
informasi  Generic Structure tersebut
terkait isu Thesis: menjadi
Position: Introduces topic and indicates
actual, sesuai paragraph utuh
writer’s position
dengan Preview : Outlines the main
konteks arguments to be presented.
penggunaanny Argument:
Point: Restates main argument
a outlined in preview
Elaboration : Develops and
supports each point/argument
Restates writer’s position

 Significant Lexico-grammatical Features

Focus on generic human and non-
human participants
Use of simple present tense
Use of relational processes
Use of internal conjunction to stage
Reasoning through causal conjunction
or nominalization.

Source: (Gerot, L., & Wignell, P. (1994). Making

sense of functional grammar.

Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Lokakarya 2019

Lembar instrumen

Arrange the jumble paragraph into a good paragraph!

Garbage Services need Improvement

(1) It is the duty of the official department to collect all the garbage efficiently and regularly.
(2) There have been many complaints recently about the ABC garbage collection service.

Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Lokakarya 2019

(3) In some streets the garbage is collected only once a month because the workmen are not
supervised. In other streets, collection in more frequent but half of the garbage is left in the
road. The workmen are too lazy to pick it up and put it in the trucks.
(4) The official department has agreed that the service needs improvement. But nothing has
been done!
(5) In some parts of the colony, house-holders are dumping their garbage on the waste land.
This is dangerous and an unhealthy to do. These `dumps’ may catch fire and they will
certainly attract rats and flies.


Class : ________________________
Group : ________________________
Member name : ________________________ _______________________
________________________ _______________________
________________________ _______________________

Answer :

Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Lokakarya 2019

Answer key:

(2)There have been many complaints recently about the ABC garbage collection service.
(4)The official department has agreed that the service needs improvement. But nothing has
been done!
(3)In some streets the garbage is collected only once a month because the workmen are not
supervised. In other streets, collection in more frequent but half of the garbage is left in the
road. The workmen are too lazy to pick it up and put it in the trucks.
(5)In some parts of the colony, house-holders are dumping their garbage on the waste land.
This is dangerous and an unhealthy to do. These `dumps’ may catch fire and they will
certainly attract rats and flies.
(1)It is the duty of the official department to collect all the garbage efficiently and regularly.

 Skor Nilai
Total skor = paragraph benar X 20 = 5 X 20 = 100

Jakarta, 13 September 2019

Kepala SMAN 1 Mendo Barat Guru Mata Pelajaran,

Drs. Muh Bambang Heny Indriasuti, S.Pd.

NIP.19661124 200501 1 002 NIP.19790831 201101 2 001

Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Lokakarya 2019


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