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1. Merupakan metode penyelesaian sengketa secara hukum sbgmn

disebutkan oleh Pasal 33 Piagam PBB
Arbitrasi internasional bertujuan untuk menyelesaikan sengketa
antara negara oleh hakim-hakim pilihan mereka dan atas dasar
ketentuan-ketentuan hukum. Penyelesaian melalui arbitrasi ini
berarti bahwa negara-negara harus melaksanakan keputusan
dengan itikad baik (Pasal 37 Konvensi Den Haag, 1907);
2. Bentuk-bentuk arbitrasi :
Komisi Nasional
Sovereign Arbitrator
Arbitrator yang memiliki kualifikasi (hukum) Permanent
Court of Arbitration
Modern treaty practice: Majelis Arbitrasi terdiri dari 3-5 orang

Forms of Arbitration
2. Bentuk-bentuk arbitrasi :
Komisi Nasional
Sovereign Arbitrator
Arbitrator yang memiliki kualifikasi (hukum) Permanent Court of Arbitration
Modern treaty practice: Majelis Arbitrasi terdiri dari 3-5 orang

Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA)

Permanent Court of Arbitration was set up under
the Hague Convention on Pacific Settlement of
International Disputes and operates out of the
same location as the ICJ in the Peace Palace at
the Hague. In spite of its name, the PCA is not a
court, but rather provides a core of experienced
arbitrators and clear procedural rules for the
conduct of arbitrations.

Compromis (Agreement)
Penyerahan sengketa ke arbitrasi adalah berdasarkan
kesepakatan kedua belah pihak
Hukum yang diterapkan adalah hukum internasional
kecuali ditentukan lain dalam compromis (Kasus Trail
Smelter hukum AS) : Kanada vs AS
Law and equity mengakomodasi pula prinsip-prinsip
Final and binding kecuali terbukti adanya excess of
power, penyimpangan prosedural, termasuk alasan
pemberian putusan
Banding melalui Mahkamah Internasional Nicaragua v. Honduras,
1958; mengenai putusan Raja Spanyol 1906 tentang tapal batas antara
kedua negara; diduga telah terjadi excess of power namun ditolak oleh
Mahkamah; Nicaragua harus melaksanakan putusan tersebut.

Beberapa kasus yang diselesaikan melalui arbitrasi:

Penetapan batas-batas landas kontinen antara Prancis &
Inggris (putusan tahun 1977 & 1978)
Iran-US Claims Tribunal, 1981
Batas maritim antara Guinea dan Guinea-Bissau, 1985
Batas maritim antara Kanada dan Prancis, 1992

Beberapa kelebihan arbitrasi:

Kombinasi antara elemen diplomatis dan judicial
Memiliki prosedur yang sangat fleksibel-murah ?
Merupakan metode yang paling tepat digunakan pada
saat dibutuhkan technical expertise dan speed

Trail Smelter Arbitration


Trail Smelter Arbitration (US v.Canada 1938-1941) : A

Canadian company began smelting lead and zinc at the
beginning of the century at Trail on the Columbia River
about 10 miles from the border between the two
countries on the Canadian side. In the 1920s, the
company stepped up production and by 1930 over 300
tons of sulphur containing considerable quantities of
sulphur dioxside were being emitted daily. Some of the
fumes were being carried down the Columbia River
Valley and across into the US where they were allegedly
causing considerable damage to land and other interest
in the state of Washington.

The US claimed about $2 million compensation, the

Arbitration allowed the claim in part awarding $78,000.
Therefore, the Tribunal finds that the above decisions
constitute an adequate basis for its conclusions, namely,
that under the principles of international law, as well as
of the law of the US, no State has the right to use or
permit the use of its territory in such a manner as to
cause injury by fumes in or to the territory of the other or
the properties or persons therein, when the case is of
serious consequence and the injury is established by
clear and convincing evidence.

Lake Lannoux Arbitration 1957

Lake Lannoux Arbitration 1957 : Spain complained that
France had violated a treaty by diverting a river in
French territory before it entered Spain. The Tribunal
found no violation of the Treaty because Spain could not
show that the effect of the diversion had been
detrimental to it in any way. The Tribunal stated : It
could have been argued that the works would bring
about an ultimate pollution of the waters of the Carol or
that the returned waters would have a chemical
composition or a temperature or some characteristic
which could injure Spanish interests

Island of Palmas Case

(Permanent Court of Arbitration) 1927
Sole Arbitrator : Max Huber
As a result of the Spanish-American War of 1898, Spain
ceded the Philippines to the US by the Treaty of Paris. In
1906, a US official visited the island of Palmas (or
Miangas/Las Palmas) which the US believed to be a part
of the territory ceded to it and found, to his surprise, a
Dutch flag flying there. Palmas lies about 50miles
southeast of Cape San Augustin on the island of
Mindanao. It is two miles long and less that a mile wide.
In 1928, it had a population of less than 1,000 and was
of negligible economic, military or other importance.
Nonetheless, the Netherlands and the US referred the
question of sovereignty over the island to arbitration

Island of Palmas Case (Permanent Court of Arbitration)

Sole Arbitrator : Max Huber

Award of the Arbitrator : Sovereignty in the

relations between States signifies

independence. Independence in regard to
a portion of the globe is the right to
exercise therein, to the exclusion of any
other State, the functions of a State

Island of Palmas Case (Permanent Court of Arbitration)

Sole Arbitrator : Max Huber

the fact that the functions of a State can be

performed by any State within a given zone is,
on the other hand, precisely the characteristic
feature of the legal situation pertaining in those
parts of the globe which, like the high seas or
lands without a master, cannot or do not yet form
the territory of a State... tittle of acquisition of
territorial sovereignty in present-day international
law are either based on an act of effective
apprehension, such as occupation or conquest
or like cession

Kasus-Kasus terkenal lain yang ditangani Arbitrasi

1. Clipperton Island Case : Dalam

kasus Clipperton Island

Arbitration tahun 1931 antara Prancis dan Meksiko
dengan Arbitrator King Victor Emmanuel dari Itali yang
menyatakan sebagai berikut : an actual
manifestation of sovereignty on the locus of the territory
may serve to create a stronger title than a historic claim
of right, unsupported by such a concrete act. In point of
fact, the actual award indicated also that importance was
attached to the circumstance, inter alia, that France, the
claimant by virtue of the symbolic act, had given due
notice to the world of what it had done by the publication
of a declaration of sovereignty in English in a journal in

Kasus-Kasus terkenal
lain yang ditangani Arbitrasi
Alabama Arbitration 1871/2;
Rann of Kutch Arbitration 1968 : India v. Pakistan in term
of Western Boundary;
Anglo-French Continental Shelf 1979 : Sengketa
Perbatasan di Landas Kontinen Inggris dan Prancis di
English Channel;
Rainbow Warrior Arbitration 1986 : France v. New
Guinea Bissau-Senegal Arbitration Case 1985 : Maritime
Delimitation case
Toba dispute between Egypt and Israel 1988 : Sengketa

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