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What will we discuss about Subjunctive?

1. The meaning of Subjunctive.

2. The function of Subjunctive.
3. Pattern of Subjunctive.
4. Types of Subjunctive.


KNOW what
Subjunctive is the form that a verb or
sentence has when it is expressing a
Subjunctive suggestion, wish, uncertainty, possibility,
is? etc.

Pengertian Subjunctive adalah antara

kenyataan atau fakta dan harapan
berlawanan atau bertolak belakang
dengan harapan.
2. Funtion of Subjunctive
The subjunctive in English is used to form sentences
that do not describe known objective facts.
These include statements about one's state of mind,
such as opinion, belief, purpose, intention, or desire.
The subjunctive mood is also used for statements that
are contrary to fact.

Sesuai dengan ruang lingkup materi, kalimat

Subjunctive yang diperkenalkan dalam kesempatan
kali ini adalah kalimat Subjunctive yang menggunakan
“wish” (ingin), “if only” (jika, hanya jika), “would
rather” (lebih suka) dan “as if” atau “as though”
(seolah olah).
3. Pattern
Kalimat Subjunctive yang menggunakan “wish”, “if
only” dan “would rather” digunakan untuk menyatakan
suatu keinginan.

Sedang kalimat Subjunctive yang menggunakan “as if”

atau “as though” digunakan untuk menyatakan sifat atau
keadaan yang tidak benar adanya.

Khusus untuk subject I yang menggunakan to be, maka to

be nya harus menggunakan were.
Misalnya: If only I were a Superman.
bukan : If only I was superman
English has present subjunctive and past
subjunctive forms, which can be compared with the
corresponding present indicative and past indicative
forms (the familiar present and past tense forms of
verbs). The distinction between present and past is
one of tense; the distinction between indicative and
subjunctive is one of mood.

Kata Kerja atau “to be” yang digunakan dalam

kalimat Subjunctive selalu dalam bentuk Past
Tense; baik Simple Past maupun Past Perfect
4. T y p e s
▧ Di atas sudah dijelaskan bahwa kalimat subjunctive
selalu bertolak belakang dengan kenyataan yang
terjadi. Adakalanya kenyataan itu terjadi pada masa
sekarang (present), masa yang akan datang (future) dan
masa lampau (past). Oleh karena itu rumus subjunctive
pun dibagi menjadi tiga berdasar waktunya:

▧ Present Tense.

▧ Past Tense.

▧ Future Tense.
▧Present Tense.
Jika faktanya terjadi pada masa sekarang, maka kalimat fakta yang bisa
ditarik atau disimpulkan dari kalimat subjunctive pun harus berupa simple
present tense. Adapun rumusan subjunctive present tense adalah:

Subjunctive Verb + S + Verb-2.

Subjunctive: I wish I knew what to do.
(saya berharap saya tahu apa yang harus saya lakukan).
Faktanya: I don’t know what to do.
▧ Subjunctive: If only I didn’t have homework, I can sleep.
(seandainya saya tidak punya banyak PR, saya bisa tidur).
Faktanya: I have homework.
▧ Subjunctive: Stay calm and act as if there were nothing happen.
(santai saja dan bertingkahlah seperti tidak terjadi apa-apa).
Faktanya: There is something happen.
•Past Tense.
Jika faktanya terjadi pada masa lampau, maka kalimat fakta yang bisa ditarik
atau disimpulkan dari kalimat subjunctive haruslah berupa simple past tense.
Adapun rumusannya adalah:

Subjunctive Verb + Subject + had + Verb-3.


1.Subjunctive: I wish I had studied harder when I was at school.

(saya berharap dulu rajin belajar pas lagi sekolah).
Faktanya: I did not study hard.
2.Subjunctive: If only I had known that Sean is your girl, I would not touch her.
(Seandainya saya tahu bahwa Sean adalah pacarmu, saya tidak akan
Faktanya: I did not know.
3.Subjunctive: She just passed in front of me as though she had never known
(Dia lewat di depanku seolah-olah dia tidak pernah mengenalku).
Faktanya: She knew me.
Future Tense.
Jika kenyataannya terjadi pada masa yang akan datang, maka kalimat fakta
yang bisa ditarik atau disimpulkan dari kalimat subjunctivenya harus berupa
simple future tense.
Adapun rumusannya adalah:

Subjunctive Verb + Subject + Could/Would + infintive/verb-1

Subjunctive: I wish I could come to your party tomorrow.
(Saya berharap saya bisa datang ke pestamu besok).
Faktanya: I will not come.
Subjunctive: If only I could follow the tour to Bali next month.
(seandainya saya bisa ikut tour ke Bali bulan depan).
Faktanya: I will not follow.
Subjunctive: You bring an umbrella as if  today would rain. Don’t you see the
Sun shines so bright?
(kamu bawa payung seperti mau hujan saja. Tidak kah kamu lihat matahari
bersinar cerah?).
Faktanya: Today will not rain.
3. “If only his son had studied harder.”
Means ...
a. His son didn’t study harder.
b. His son had studied harder.
c. His son has studied harder.
d. His son will not study harder.
e. His son never studies harder.
Answer : His son didn’t study harder.

4. She went to the whiteboard as if she knew how to solve the problem.
The underlined words means ...
a. She succeded how to solve the problem.
b. She actually can’t solve the problem.
c. She ought to know how to solve the problem.
d. She definetely knew how to solve the problem.
e. She should not know how to solve the problem.
Answer : She actually can’t solve the problem.
Pemahaman Bentuk.

1. He wishes it ... a holiday today.

a. Be.
b. Is.
c. Was.
d. Were.
e. Had been.

Answer : were.

2. We wish we ... Ana yesterday.

f. Can meet.
g. Could meet.
h. Could have met.
i. Will have met.
j. Have been meeting.

Answer : could have met.

Thank you!
Good luck for SBMPTN

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