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Dosen P

an, S.H.
Peng a di l a
Disusun oleh:

1. Michelle Tamana (2109112143)

2. Uswatul Azizah (2109112514)

3. Fitria Laila Ramadhani (2109111431)

4. Anisa Bulqis Zahra (2109112509)

Kronologi Kasus terkait Pengadilan Pajak

• PT. Agung Ometraco Muda (selanjutnya disebut PT. AOM) yang berkedudukan di
Jakarta yang mengalami perselisihan dengan Fiscus atas terbitnya Surat
Ketetapan Pajak Kurang Bayar (SKPKB) Pajak Penghasilan Badan Tahun Pajak
1998 Nomor 00059/206/98/015/05 tanggal 26 Oktober 2005 yang diterbitkan
oleh Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Jakarta Tebet. Berdasarkan Laporan Pemeriksaan
Pajak Kantor Pelayanan ajak Jakarta Tebet nomor LAP-
386/WPJ.04/KP.0305/2005 tanggal 25 Oktober 2005.

• Dari SKPKB yang diterbitkan oleh Kantor Pelayanan Pajak tersebut PT.AOM
dibebankan kekurangan pembayaran atas Pajak Penghasilan Badan sebesar Rp.
5.888.192.500 ditambah sanksi administrasi bunga sesuai pasal 13 ayat (3) UU
No. 16 tahun 2009 tentang perubahan keempat atas UU No. 6 tahun 1983
tentang Ketentuan Umum dan Tata cara Perpajakan, yaitu sebesar
Rp.2.826.332.400, sehingga total kewajiban yang masih harus
diselesaikan/dibayar oleh PT.AOM adalah sebesar Rp. 8.714.524.900.
Kronologi Kasus terkait Pengadilan Pajak
• Atas penerbitan SKPKB tersebut maka sesuai dengan ketentuan pasal 25 ayat
(1) UU No. 16 tahun 2009 tentang perubahan keempat atas UU No.6 tahun 1983
tentang Ketentuan Umum dan Tata cara Perpajakan, maka Wajib pajak
mengajukan upaya keberatan secara tertulis kepada Dirjend Pajak. Kementerian
Keuangan RI nomor S-031/PJK/AOM/XII/05 tanggal 21 Desember 2005
melalui KPP Jakarta Tebet.

• Berdasarkan surat keberatan dari PT.AOM tersebut maka Dirjend

Pajak,Kementerian Keuangan RI melalui surat Keputusan Nomor:
KEP-626/WPJ.04/2006 tanggal 21 Desember 2006 memutuskan untuk menolak
permohonan keberatan. Sehingga upaya hukum yang ditempuh selanjutnya oleh
PT. “AOM” adalah mengajukan permohonan Banding ke Pengadilan Pajak sesuai
dengan ketentuan pasal 35 Undang-Undang Nomor 14 Tahun 2002 tentang
Pengadilan Pajak. Mengapa upaya banding ini dilakukan melalui Pengadilan Pajak?
Hal ini dikarenakan Pengertian Pengadilan Pajak menurut pasal 2 Undang-Undang
Nomor 14 tahun 2002 adalah “suatu badan peradilan yang melaksanakan
kekuasaan kehakiman bagi wajib pajak atau penanggung pajak yang mencari
keadilan terhadap sengketa pajak”
Analisis Kasus
• Terjadinya sengketa pajak antara PT Agung Ometraco Muda dengan Direktorat Jenderal
Pajak, Kementerian Keuangan, Republik Indonesia terjadi karena pelaporan pajak Penghasilan
Badan pasal 23 perusaahan, yang dilaporkan NIHIL pada SPT Tahun pajak 1998, akibat
persepsi yang berbeda antara Fiskus (Badan atau Petugas yang memiliki tugas atau
wewenang untuk melakukan pemungutan pajak atau iuran wajib pajak) dengan wajib pajak
dalam menghitung pendapatan/Penghasilan dari Luar Usaha dan Pengurangan Penghasilan
Bruto, sehingga berpengaruh terhadap perolehan Laba PT. Agung Ometraco Muda.

• Bahwa Proses persidangan penyelesaian sengketa pajak PT. Agung Ometraco Muda dengan
Direktorat Jenderal Pajak berjalan sesuai dengan ketentuan Undang-Undang Nomor 14
tahun 2002 tentang Pengadilan Pajak, Persidangan Banding yang diajukan oleh pemohon
banding dalam hal ini PT.AOM melalui kuasa hukumnya sudah sesuai dengan ketentuan
formal, yaitu setelah adanya Surat Keputusan Penolakan atas Keberatan yang diajukan oleh
PT.AOM kepada Direktorat Jenderal Pajak. Persidangan berlangsung beberapa kali untuk
mendengarkan uraian para pihak, sampai dengan Majelis memberikan Putusan Pengadilan
Pajak yang menerima banding Pemohon.
Analisis Kasus
• Bahwa dengan Putusan Pengadilan Pajak yang memenangkan pemohon banding, yakni PT.Agung
Ometraco Muda, maka sebagai konsekuensinya Fiskus dalam hal ini Direktorat Jenderal
Pajak harus mematuhi putusan majelis tersebut dengan mengembalikan 50% pajak terhutang
yang sudah dibayar berikut bunga 2% per bulan kepada wajib pajak, sesuai ketentuan pasal
27A ayat (1a) UU No. 16 tahun 2009 tentang Ketentuan Umum Dan Tata Cara Perpajakan jo.
pasal 87 UU No. 14 tahun 2002 tentang Pengadilan Pajak.

• Bahwa wajib pajak dalam hal ini PT.Agung Ometraco Muda dengan adanya putusan Pengadilan
Pajak tersebut harus mematuhi kewajiban untuk melaporkan Pajak Penghasilan Badan tahun
1998 tetap NIHIL serta berhak menerima pengembalian pembayaran 50% pajak terhutang
sebagai syarat pengajuan banding, berikut bunga 2% per bulan untuk paling lama 24 bulan
dari Fiskus.

• Kesimpulannya khususnya bagi masyarakat atau wajib pajak pada umumnya, Putusan
Pengadilan Pajak ini memberikan suatu harapan bahwa didalam menyelesaikan sengketa pajak
dengan fiskus masih ada ruang untuk mencari keadilan secara jujur dan adil melalui
Pengadilan Pajak tanpa perlu khawatir adanya intervensi dari pihak manapun.
Daftar Pustaka
Sumber Buku
Asshiddiqie, Jimly. (2017). Pengantar Ilmu Hukum Tata Negara. Jakarta; Rajawali Pers.
H.R.E. Kosasih Taruna Sepandji, MS. (2002). Konstitusi dan Kelembagaan Negara. Bandung: Universat Offset.
Ilyas, W. B., & Burton, R. (2008). Hukum Pajak. Jakarta: Salemba Empat.
Indonesia. (2009). Undang-Undang Nomor 16 tahun 2009 tentang perubahan keempat atas Undang-Undang Nomor 6
1983. Bandung: Nuansa Aulia.
Indonesia. (2008). Undang-Undang Nomor 14 Tahun 2002 tentang Pengadilan Pajak. Jakarta: Karya Gemilang.
Kumariah dan Ali Purwito. (2006). Pengadilan Pajak. Jakarta: Badan Penerbit Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia.
Sutedi, A. (2016). Hukum Pajak. Jakarta: Sinar Grafika.
Barata, Atep Adya. Memahami Pengadilan Pajak Meminimalisasi dan Menghindari Sengketa Pajak & Bea Cukai. Jakarta:
Elex Media Komputindo.2003.
Bachasan Mustafa, Pokok-pokok Hukum Administrasi Negara, Bandung: Alumni 1979.
Asmara, Galang, Peradilan Pajak Dan Lembaga Penyanderaan (Gijzeling) Dalam Hukum Pajak di Indonesia, Yogyakarta:
LaksBang Pressindo, 2006
Jamal Wiwoho dan Lulik Djatikumoro, Dasar dasar Penyelesaian Sengketa Pajak ,Bandung PT Citra Aditya Bakti, 2004.
Cahyady, Y., & Setiawan, B. (2020). UPAYA HUKUM PAJAK: Mengenal upaya hukum di bidang perpajakan dan hukum
acaranya. Tanggerang selatan.Politeknik Keuangan Negara STAN.
Daftar Pustaka
Sumber Jurnal
Acep, Rohendi. (2014). “Fungsi Budgeter dan Fungsi Regulasi Dalam Ketentuan Perpajakan Indonesia.” Ecodemica 11(1),
Asnawi, Habib Shulton, and Ahmad Mukhlisin. “Sanksi Perpajakan Dan Pengadilan Pajak Di Indonesia: Upaya
Optimalkan Perolehan Pajak Kaitannya Dengan Pembangunan Nasional.” Jurnal Hukum dan Ekonomi Syariah 5, no. 2
(2017): 355–376.
Asriyani. (2017). Upaya Hukum Dalam Penyelesaian Sengketa Pajak. E Jurnal Katalogis, 5(8). Retrieved from 700
INDONESIA.” Mimbar Keadilan Jurnal Ilmu Hukum (2017): 45–65.
DM, Mohd. Yusuf, Aidil Akbar, Abdullah Hariri, and Srinofrita Srinofrita.
“Analisis Yuridis Peranan Dan Kedudukan Peradilan Pajak Di Indonesia.” Jurnal Pendidikan dan Konseling 5, no. 1
(2023): 1267–1273.
Ismail, Rumalan. (2012). “Eksistensi Pengadilan Pajak dalam Sistem Peradilan di Indonesia.” Jurnal Hukum dan
Peradilan 1(1), 35-62.
Tjip, Ismail. (2010). “Peradilan Pajak dan Kepastian Hukum di Tengah Globalisasi Ekonomi.” Jurnal Hukum 17(2), 271-
Daftar Pustaka
Pertiwi, R. N., Azizah, D. F., & Kurniawan, B.C. (2014). “Analisis Efektivitas
Pemungutan Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan (Studi pada Dinas Pendapatan, Pengelolaan Keuangan Dan Aset Kota Probolinggo).”
Jurnal Perpajakan, 3(1). Retrieved from
Prabowo Djoko. (2013). Tinjauan Yuridis Atas Kedudukan Pengadilan Pajak Dalam Sistem Peradilan Di Indonesia. Lensa
hukum; Vol. 7, 2013.
Suciyani, Fitri. (2022). “Kedudukan Pengadilan Pajak dalam Sistem Peradilan di Indonesia”. Dharmasisya 2, No. 1.
Venti, E. S., dan Galuh, P. D. (2010). “Perubahan Undang-Undang Pajak Penghasilan dan Perannya Dalam Memperkuat Fungsi
Budgeter Perpajakan.” Jurnal Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Publik 1(1), 75-100.
Ispriyarso, B. (2018). Upaya Hukum Dalam Sengketa Pajak . Administrative Law and Governance Journal , 1(1), 9-14.
Pirade, A. E. (2023). Tinjauan Hukum Terhadap Eksistensi Kuasa Hukum dalam Beracara di Pengadilan Pajak (Doctoral
dissertation, Universitas Kristen Indonesia).
Tampubolon, A., & Tampubolon, K. (2022). Praktik Banding Di Pengadilan Pajak. Deepublish.
TENTANG PENGADILAN PAJAK DI PENGADILAN PAJAK (Doctoral dissertation, Program Pasca Sarjana Universitas
Tumbel, T. G. (2017). Penyelesaian Sengketa Pajak Melalui Undang-Undang Nomor 14 Tahun 2002 Tentang Pengadilan
Pajak. Lex Et Societatis, 5(7)
Anggreini, R. R. (2021). Relasi Mahkamah Agung Dan Pengadilan Pajak Dalam Kekuasaan Kehakiman. Lex Renaissance, 6(3),
Daftar Pustaka
Peraturan Perundang-Undangan
Undang-Undang Nomor 14 Tahun 2002 tentang Pengadilan Pajak
Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 16 Tahun 2009 Tentang Penetapan
Peraturan Pemerintah Pengganti Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 2008 Tentang Perubahan Keempat Atas Undang-
Undang Nomor 6 Tahun 1983 Tentang Ketentuan Umum Dan Tata Cara Perpajakan Menjadi Undang-Undang
Contents of this template
Here’s what you’ll find in this Slidesgo template:
1. A slide structure based on a multi-purpose presentation, which you can easily adapt to your needs. For more info on
how to edit the template, please visit Slidesgo School or read our FAQs.
2. An assortment of illustrations and pictures that are suitable for use in the presentation can be found in the
alternative resources slide.
3. A thanks slide, which you must keep so that proper credits for our design are given.
4. In the resources slides, where you’ll find links to all the elements used in the template.
5. Instructions for use.
6. Final slides with:
● The fonts and colors used in the template.
● A selection of illustrations. You can also customize and animate them as you wish with the online editor.
Visit Storyset to find more.
● More infographic resources, whose size and color can be edited.
● Sets of customizable icons of the following themes: general, business, avatar, creative process, education,
help & support, medical, nature, performing arts, SEO & marketing, and teamwork.
You can delete this slide when you’re done editing the presentation.
Table of contents

About me Achievements

01 You can describe

the topic of the 02 You can describe
the topic of the
section here section here

Flashback New objectives

03 You can describe

the topic of the 04 You can describe
the topic of the
section here section here
About me
You can enter a subtitle here
if you need it
This can be the part of the presentation
Whoa! where you introduce yourself, write your
“This is a quote, words full
of wisdom that someone
important said and can
make the reader get

—Someone Famous
The slide title goes here!

● They keep things clean

Do you know what helps you ● They help you checking what
make your point clear? Lists it's done and what needs to be
like this one: done
● You’ll never forget to buy milk!
● They’re simple ● And the most important thing:
● You can organize your the audience won’t miss the
ideas clearly point of your presentation
Maybe you need to divide the content

Mercury Venus
Mercury is the closest Venus has a beautiful
planet to the Sun and the name and is the second
smallest one in the Solar planet from the Sun. It’s
System terribly hot
Maybe you need to divide the content

Jupiter is the biggest planet of
them all

Saturn is a gas giant and has
several rings

Neptune is the farthest planet
from the Sun
My new habits
Mercury is the
closest planet to
the Sun

Saturn is a gas
giant and has
Work Healthy Smoke Run several rings

To modify this graph, click on it, follow the link, change the data and
paste the resulting graph here
You can use three columns, why

Mars Mercury Saturn

Despite being red, Mercury was named Saturn is composed
Mars is actually a cold after the Roman mostly of hydrogen
place messenger god and helium
Mars is actually a very
My main goals cold place

in New Year Mercury

Mercury is the closest
planet to the Sun
A picture always
reinforces the
Images reveal large amounts of data, so
remember: use an image instead of long
A picture always
reinforces the
Images reveal large amounts of
data, so remember: use an image
instead of long texts
t u r e i s w o rt h
A pi c
o u s a n d wo r d s
a th
A picture is worth a
thousand words
s om e
Aw e
r ds
You can use a graph

Saturn Venus 15% 20%

It’s the Venus has a
ringed planet and beautiful name,
a gas giant but it’s hot

Jupiter Mars 40% 25%

It’s the biggest Despite being To modify this graph, click on it,
follow the link, change the data and
planet in the red, Mars is a paste the resulting graph here
Solar System cold place
Sometimes, reviewing concepts is
a good idea

Mars Venus Jupiter

Mars is actually a Venus has a Jupiter is a very
cold place beautiful name big planet

Saturn Mercury Neptune

Saturn has several Mercury is a It’s far away from
rings small planet Earth
You can use four columns

Venus Jupiter

Neptune Mars
Neptune is the farthest Despite being red, Mars is
planet from the Sun actually a cold place

Mercury Saturn
Mercury is the closest Saturn is a gas giant and
planet to the Sun has several rings
These are percentages

35% 55% 80%

Mercury Venus Jupiter

Mercury is the Venus has a It’s the biggest
closest planet to beautiful name, planet in the
the Sun but it’s hot Solar System
Selfcare check in
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

Time alone


Social needs

Creative activities

Eat healthy

Learn something new

This is an infographic

Mercury is the closest
planet to the Sun
Venus has a beautiful name,
but it’s hot
241 198

It’s the biggest planet in the
Solar System
My next travels

Pluto Mars
It’s considered a Mars is actually a
dwarf planet cold place

Jupiter Saturn
Jupiter is a huge Saturn is a huge
gas giant gas giant
You can enter a subtitle here if
you need it
This is a table

Mass Diameter Surface

Mercury 0.06 0.38 0.38

Mars 0.11 0.53 0.38

Saturn 95.2 9.4 1.16

Venus 0.53 0.11 0.06

Aspirations vs resolutions

Aspirations Resolutions

Mercury is small Earth is where we live on

Saturn has several rings Jupiter is very big

Mars is a cold place Neptune is far away

A timeline always works well

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

Mercury is the Venus has a Neptune is the Saturn is the
closest planet to beautiful name, farthest planet ringed one and a
the Sun but it’s hot from the Sun gas giant
This is a timeline!

02 04
Mercury is the
Saturn is the ringed
closest planet to the
one and a gas giant

01 03
Venus has a Jupiter is the
beautiful name, but biggest planet in the
it’s hot Solar System
You can enter a subtitle here if
you need it
Let’s use infographics!
60% 90% 50%
50% 25%

Saturn Venus
Saturn is the Venus has a
ringed one beautiful name

10% 5%

Jupiter Mars

Sun Moon Earth It’s the biggest of Mars is actually a

them all cold place
Exercise time plan

Monday Wednesday Friday

20’ 30’ 60’

Exercises Exercises Exercises

5 Lunges 20 Lunges 20 Lunges

10 Pushups 25 Pushups 23 Pushups

15 Squats 20 Squats 20 Squats


Mars Venus
Mars is actually a Venus has a
cold place beautiful name

Saturn Mercury
Saturn is the Mercury is a
ringed one small planet
Learn how to relax

Mars Venus Mercury

Mars is actually a cold Venus has a It’s the smallest planet
place beautiful name of them all

Saturn Neptune
Saturn is the Neptune is far away
ringed one from Earth

04 objectives
You can enter a subtitle here
if you need it
Big numbers catch your audience’s attention
20,000 Big numbers catch your
audience’s attention
earths is the Sun’s mass

9h 55m 23s
is Jupiter’s rotation period

386,000 km
is the distance between Earth and the Moon
333,000 50,000
Saturn has several rings Venus has a beautiful name

15,000 5,000
Jupiter is a huge gas giant Mars is actually a cold place
This is a map

Mercury is the closest
planet to the Sun

Venus has a beautiful name,
but it’s hot
This is another timeline

Mercury is the Week 2 Despite being red, Week 4

closest planet to the Mars is actually a
Sun cold place

Jupiter is the Neptune is the

Week 1 biggest planet of Week 3 farthest planet from
them all the Sun
My daily routine

Sleep 8h Favorite workouts

● Write your favorite

workout here
● Write your favorite
workout here
Eat Yes No
● Write your favorite
green workout here
My daily routine
Day Night
Mercury is the closest planet to the Neptune is the farthest planet from
Sun and the smallest one the Sun

Avoid Avoid
Venus has a beautiful name Mars is actually a cold place

Doing Doing
Earth is where we all live on Saturn is a gas giant
Monthly calendar

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

28 29 30 31 01 02 03

04 05 06 07 08 09 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17

18 19 20 21 22 23 24

25 26 27 28 29 30 31

01 02 03 04 05 06 07
Make happy
Are you happy?
Yes No

Do you have any


Be constant No

Enjoy all the way Make it

Enjoy your life!

Weekly calendar

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

9:00 Mars Venus
11:00 Mars Venus
1:00 Venus
3:00 Venus Venus Mars
7:00 Mars Mars

Jupiter Saturn

It’s a gas giant It’s small

It’s the biggest It’s a star

It has satellites It’s ringed one

It’s the fifth It has several rings

Quarter calendar

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Mars is actually
a cold place
Goal 1
Jupiter is a very
big planet
Goal 2
Saturn has
several rings
Goal 3
To-do List

To do! My tasks!

Write a pending task here Write a pending task here

Write a pending task here Write a pending task here

Write a pending task here Write a pending task here

Write a pending task here Write a pending task here

If you want, you can insert
your multimedia content
Our team

Jenna Doe Helena Patterson

You can replace this image with You can replace this image with
a different one a different one
Our team
Ceo Executive
Sarah Patterson
You can replace this image with
a different one

Peter Harrington
Helena Patterson
You can replace this image with
You can replace this image with a different one
a different one
You can replace the image
on the screen with your own
Tablet app

You can replace the image

on the screen with your own

You can replace the image

on the screen with your own
Do you h
av e
y o u re m a a n y q u e s t i o n s ?
i l @ fre
+91 620
y o u rc o m 1 8 3 8

S: T
created b his presentation
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, infogra ding icon
phics & s b y
images b
y Freepik
Please ke
ep this sl
i de for att
Pack Premium New Year Proposals
Alternative resources

Here’s an assortment of alternative resources

whose style fits the one of this template. Vectors:
● Notebook with accessories
● Nice flat style template for notebook
● Vintage notebook with accessories
Photos: ●
● Smiley friends having fun together outdoor Colorful to do list collection with flat desig
s with milkshakes
● Notebook with bookmarks and pen
● Side view of happy woman riding an electri
c scooter
Premium alternative resources
Premium alternative resources
Alternative infographics
Alternative infographics
Premium resources
Photos Vectors:

● Casual male relaxing outdoors ● Variety paper notes

● Girl smiling with copy space ● Open notebook with accessories
● Cute smiling woman with glasses ● Planner scrapbook set
● Portrait young woman blowing holi color fr ● Circle infographic
ont camer ● Customer profile infographic
a ● Sketchy business infographic
● Close up friends watching football game scr ● Notebook with accessories flat design
eaming shouting ● Bullet journal planner template
● Portrait happy young woman with curly hai ● Hand drawn timeline infographic
● Hand drawn business infographics template
Icon ● Infographic timeline hand drawn

● New year proposals

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Task 1

Task 2


Task 1

Task 2



Task 1

Task 2
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