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MAN 5422
Mata kuliah manajemen strategik dimaksudkan untuk menjadi mata
kuliah yang menantang, menuntut, dan menarik secara keseluruhan di
dalam kurikulum pendidikan manajemen. Mata kuliah Ini adalah mata
kuliah pertama dan mendasar dari ilmu "strategi" dan "formulasi
mengelola strategi dan proses implementasi," terutama dalam usaha
mengembangkan perusahaan melalui pengembangan berkelanjutan.
Sebagai "gambaran besar", mata kuliah ini juga dirancang untuk
membantu mahasiswa dalam mengintegrasikan banyak pengetahuan
dan keterampilan yang telah diperoleh dalam kurikulum inti manajemen.
Masalah atau isu-isu formulasi strategi, formasi dan eksekusi mencakup
seluruh spektrum bisnis dan manajemen. Tujuan utamanya adalah untuk
mempertajam kemampuan mahasiswa untuk berpikir secara strategik,
untuk membuat keputusan strategik, dan untuk menimbang hal-hal dari
perspektif perusahaan secara menyeluruh. Hal ini berarti secara
sistematis mata kuliah ini akan mengekspos mahasiswa untuk
memahami kerasnya persaingan industri dan dapat menganalisis
kompetisi, dengan karakteristik lingkungan pasar global, dengan
hubungan penting antara strategi kompetitif dan isu-isu pengembangan
berkelanjutan sebagai bahan penting dari langkah dan rencana strategik
perusahaan, dan tugas manajerial yang bervariasi yang berkaitan
dengan penerapan dan pelaksanaan strategi yang dipilih oleh

Setelah menyelesaikan mata kuliah ini, mahasiswa diharapkan dapat:
1. Mengembangkan kemampuan mahasiswa untuk berpikir secara
strategik tentang sebuah perusahaan, posisi bisnis, dan
bagaimana hal itu dapat memberi keunggulan kompetitif yang
berkelanjutan dan pengembangan berkelanjutan untuk
2. Membangun keterampilan mahasiswa dalam melakukan analisis
strategik dalam berbagai industri dan situasi kompetitif.
3. Meningkatkan kemampuan mahasiswa untuk mengelola proses
organisasi dimana strategi dapat dirumuskan, dibentuk, dan
dilaksanakan atau dieksekusi.
4. Mengintegrasikan dan mensintesis pengetahuan dan keterampilan
yang dipelajari dalam mata kuliah sebelumnya (pemasaran,
keuangan, operasi, sumber daya manusia, dan perilaku

5. Mengintegrasikan isu-isu lingkungan dan sosial ke dalam proses

manajemen strategik.
6. Mengembangkan kekuatan mahasiswa dalam penilaian manajerial,
membantu mahasiswa menjadi akrab dengan masalah manajemen
puncak, dan membekali mahasiswa dengan pemahaman yang
kuat dari tantangan kompetitif lingkungan bisnis global, aktivitas
pemangku kepentingan dan tekanan pada pengembangan
7. Menerapkan teori dan teknik manajemen strategik untuk situasi
bisnis yang sebenarnya dengan memanfaatkan metoda kasus.


Thompson, Jr.,A.A., Peteraf, M.A., Gamble, J.E., dan Strickland III, A. J.
(2016). Crafting and executing strategy-The quest for competitive
advantage: Concepts and cases, 20th Edition. McGraw-Hill, New
York, NY. (TPGS)


Porter, M.E. (1980). Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing
Industries and Competitors. The Free Press, New York. (PM)

Bahan bacaan tambahan akan didistribusikan pada saat perkuliahan.

Metoda pembelajaran yang digunakan dalam mata kuliah ini adalah
metoda pembelajaran yang berpusat pada siswa (Student-Centered
Learning -SCL). Dalam pendekatan ini, mahasiswa berperan sebagai
peserta didik aktif yang menemukan dan membangun pengetahuan
mereka sendiri. Instruktur hanya berfungsi sebagai fasilitator untuk
membantu mahasiswa mencapai tujuan belajar dan mengembangkan
keterampilan interpersonal. Waktu di kelas akan dikhususkan untuk
membahas konsep, bahan bacaan, dan atau masalah dalam subjek mata

a. Ujian Tengah Semester 30%
b. Ujian Akhir Semester 30%
c. Presentasi, Diskusi, dan Partisipasi 25%

d. Tugas 15%

Mata kuliah Strategic Management dengan bobot 3 SKS diselenggarakan
dalam 12 sesi perkuliahan dan 2 sesi ujian @180 menit untuk kelas

Sesi Topik Bahan Bacaan

1 Introduction to strategic management
Course overview TPGS Bab 1

Sesi Topik Bahan Bacaan

The concept of strategy
Strategic management process Hambrick &
2 Charting a companys direction
Developing a strategic vision: Mission, TPGS Bab 2
vision and values
Setting goals and objectives Collin & Porras
Crafting a strategy (1996)

3 External environment analysis

Analyzing political, economic, social- TPGS Bab 3
cultural, technological, and ecological PM: 1, 3, 4, 7, 8
Industry Analysis: Porters (1980) Five
Forces, industry value-chain, and strategic
Competitive analysis
SWOT Analysis: Identifying opportunities
and threats
Identifying key success factors (KSFs)
Case #1: Competition in Energy Drinks,
Sports Drink, and Vitamin-Enhanced
4 Internal analysis
SWOT analysis: Identifying strengths and TPGS Bab 4
weaknesses PM: 2, 5, 6
Competitive advantage and core
competence concepts Resource-based
view (RBV)
Assessing resources and capabilities as
sources of competitive advantage
applying value-chain analysis and VRIO
Case #2: Coach Inc. in 2012: Its Strategy
in the Accessible Luxury Goods Market?
5 Business-Level Strategy
Formulating business strategy TPGS Bab 5
Porters generic strategies
Beyond competitive strategy
Case #3: Apple Inc. In 2012: Can it
Sustain its Growth and defend against
New Competitive Threats?
6 Strengthening a companys competitive TPGS Bab 6
Strategic moves, timing, and scope of

Sesi Topik Bahan Bacaan

operations to improve a companys PM: 9-12
competitive position
Competitive strategies in the fragmented TPGS Kasus 12
Competitive strategies and industry
Case #4: Sony Music Entertainment and
the Evolution of the Music Industry
Ujian Tengah Semester TPGS Bab 1-6
7 Strategies for competing in foreign markets TPGS Bab 7;
Multi-domestic strategy PM: 13
Global strategy
Case #5: 7-Eleven in Taiwan: Adaptation
of Convinience Stores to New Market
8 Corporate-level strategy
Formulating corporate strategies TPGS Bab 8
diversification PM: 14, 15, 16
The concepts of corporate advantage and
parenting advantage
Analyzing the strategies of diversified
companies applying growth-share

9 Corporate-level strategy (Case Study)

Case #6: PepsiCos Diversification TPGS Kasus 21
Strategy in 2014 TPGS Kasus 22
Case #7: The Walt Disney Company: Its
Diversification Strategy in 2014
10 Strategy, Ethics, Social Responsibility, and
Environmental Sustainability
Linking strategy with ethics, corporate TPGS Bab 9
social responsibility and environmental
sustainability TPGS Kasus 31
Case #8: Samsungs Environmental
Responsibility: Striking the Right Note for
Corporate Survival
11 Strategy implementation
Creating fits between strategy and TPGS Bab 10-11
organizational factors: The 7S framework
Building organizational capabilities
Managing internal operations
Case #9: Starbucks in 2012: Evolving into
a Dynamic Global Organization
12 Strategic evaluation and control
Corporate culture and leadership TPGS Bab 12

Sesi Topik Bahan Bacaan

Case #10: Southwest Airlines in 2014:
Culture, Values, and Operating Practices TPGS Kasus 25
Ujian Akhir Semester TPGS Bab 8-12

MAN 5422
The course of strategic management is intended to be a challenging,
demanding, and exciting (integrating) course for the curriculum of
management education. It is first and foremost a course about
strategy and about managing strategy formulation and
implementation processes, especially in the pursuits of corporate
growth through sustainable development. As a big picture course, this
class is also designed to assist the student in integrating much of the
knowledge and skills that have gained in the core management
curriculum. The problems or issues of strategy formulation, formation,
and implementation or execution cover the whole spectrum of business
and management. The main objective is to sharpen your abilities to think
strategically, to make strategic decisions, and to weigh things from the
perspective of the total enterprise. It means systematically exposing the
student to the rigors of industry and competitive analysis, to the
characteristics of a global market environment, to the critical linkages
between competitive strategy and sustainable development issues to the
important ingredients of strategic moves and plans, and to the varied
managerial tasks associated with implementing and executing the
chosen strategy.


1. To develop students capability to think strategically about a

company, its business position, and how it can gain sustainable
competitive advantage and sustainable development.
2. To build students skills in conducting strategic analysis in a variety of
industries and competitive situations.
3. To improve students ability to manage the organization process by
which strategies get formulated, formed, and implemented or
4. To integrate and synthesize the knowledge and skills learned in earlier
courses (e.g. marketing, finance and accounting,
production/operations, human resources, and organizational

5. To integrate environmental and social issues into the strategic

management process.
6. To develop students power of managerial judgments, help you
become familiar with the problem of top management, and provide
you with a stronger understanding of the competitive challenges of a
global business environment and stakeholder activisms and pressures
on sustainable development.
7. To apply the theory and technique of strategic management to actual
business situations by utilizing case methods.

Thompson, Jr.,A.A., Peteraf, M.A., Gamble, J.E., and Strickland III, A. J.
(2016). Crafting and executing strategy-The quest for competitive
advantage: Concepts and cases, 20th Edition. McGraw-Hill, New
York, NY. (TPGS)


Porter, M.E. (1980). Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing
Industries and Competitors. The Free Press, New York. (PM)

Additional materials will be distributed during the sessions.

This method is a particular type of learning methods under the student-
centered learning (SCL) paradigm. In this approach, students are active
learners to find and construct their own knowledge. The instructor serves
only as a facilitator to help students achieve learning objectives and
develop interpersonal skills. The class time will be devoted to discuss
any concepts, materials, and or issues in the subject.

a. Mid-term Exam 30%
b. Final Exam 30%
c. Presentation, Discussion, Participation 25%
d. Assignment and Quiz 15%

The course Strategic Management weighs 3 credit units which is held in
12 sessions of lectures and 2 sessions of exams @ 180 minutes for the
executive class.

Sesi Topik
1 Introduction to strategic management
Course overview
The concept of strategy
Strategic management process
2 Charting a companys direction
Developing a strategic vision: Mission, vision and

Sesi Topik
Setting goals and objectives
Crafting a strategy

3 External environment analysis

Analyzing political, economic, social-cultural,
technological, and ecological environments
Industry Analysis: Porters (1980) Five Forces, industry
value-chain, and strategic groups
Competitive analysis
SWOT Analysis: Identifying opportunities and threats
Identifying key success factors (KSFs)
Case #1: Competition in Energy Drinks, Sports Drink, and
Vitamin-Enhanced Beverages
4 Internal analysis
SWOT analysis: Identifying strengths and weaknesses
Competitive advantage and core competence concepts
Resource-based view (RBV)
Assessing resources and capabilities as sources of
competitive advantage applying value-chain analysis
and VRIO approach
Case #2: Coach Inc. in 2012: Its Strategy in the
Accessible Luxury Goods Market?
5 Business-Level Strategy
Formulating business strategy
Porters generic strategies
Beyond competitive strategy
Case #3: Apple Inc. In 2012: Can it Sustain its Growth and
defend against New Competitive Threats?
6 Strengthening a companys competitive position
Strategic moves, timing, and scope of operations to
improve a companys competitive position
Competitive strategies in the fragmented industry
Competitive strategies and industry evolution
Case #4: Sony Music Entertainment and the Evolution of
the Music Industry
Ujian Tengah Semester
7 Strategies for competing in foreign markets
Multi-domestic strategy
Global strategy
Case #5: 7-Eleven in Taiwan: Adaptation of Convinience
Stores to New Market Environments

Sesi Topik
8 Corporate-level strategy
Formulating corporate strategies diversification
The concepts of corporate advantage and parenting
Analyzing the strategies of diversified companies
applying growth-share matrices

9 Corporate-level strategy (Case Study)

Case #6: PepsiCos Diversification Strategy in 2014
Case #7: The Walt Disney Company: Its Diversification
Strategy in 2014
10 Strategy, Ethics, Social Responsibility, and Environmental
Linking strategy with ethics, corporate social responsibility
and environmental sustainability
Case #8: Samsungs Environmental Responsibility:
Striking the Right Note for Corporate Survival
11 Strategy implementation
Creating fits between strategy and organizational factors:
The 7S framework
Building organizational capabilities
Managing internal operations
Case #9: Starbucks in 2012: Evolving into a Dynamic
Global Organization
12 Strategic evaluation and control
Corporate culture and leadership
Case #10: Southwest Airlines in 2014: Culture, Values,
and Operating Practices
Ujian Akhir Semester

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