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Res Sci Educ

Pengaruh Banyak RepresentasiFisik

Perubahandan Kimia terhadap Pengembangan Guru
Pra-Layanan Primer Struktur Kognitif Guru

Ayşegül Derman1 & Jazlin Ebenezer2

# Springer Nature BV 2018

Abstrak Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan pengaruh beberapa
representasi pengetahuan tentang perubahan fisik dan kimia pada pengembanganutama
guru pre-service'. struktur kognitif Studi ini berlangsung dalam kursus pengantar
laboratorium kimia umum dalam program pendidikan guru empat tahun. Representasi
pengetahuan berganda dalam kimia mengacu pada makroskopik (terlihat), sub-
mikroskopis (tidak terlihat), dan simbolik (rumus dan persamaan). Studi ini mengadopsi
desain satu kelompok pretest-posttest didukung oleh data kualitatif. Empat puluh guru pra-
jabatan dasar berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa
memungkinkan para guru pra-layanan utama untuk belajar beberapa representasi dari
perubahan fisik dan kimia efektif dalam mengembangkan kedua kelompok pra-
layananguru, strukturkognitifrendah dan tingkat tinggi pemahaman tentang sifat partikel
materi, yang diuntungkan terakhir yang paling. Temuan ini bersifat instruktif karena
menekankan kesulitan yang dimiliki beberapa guru pre-service primer terhadap
representasi partikulat dan simbolis dari perubahan fisik dan kimia. Perbaikanutama guru
pre-service'perubahan struktur kognitif fisik dan kimia dengan menggunakan beberapa

Kata kunci Struktur kognitif. Representasi berganda. Sifat partikulat materi. Perubahan
fisik . Perubahan kimia . Asosiasi kata


Teori partikel materi adalah jantung dari kurikulum kimia dan kimia (Adadan 2014a, b;
Adbo dan Taber 2009; Ayas dan Ozmen 2002; Taber dan Franco 2010). Partikulat

* AyŞegül Derman

Ahmet KeleŞoğlu Pendidikan Fakultas, Departemen Ilmu Pendidikan Menengah dan
Matematika, Necmettin Erbakan University, 42.090 Konya, Turki
Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, USA
Res Sci Educ
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sifat materi membentuk dasar untuk pemahaman pengamatan makroskopik elemen,
campuran dan senyawa, reaksi kimia, keseimbangan kimia, dan asam dan basa (Ayas et al.
2010; Taber dan Coll 2002). Banyak peneliti pendidikan sains menyatakan bahwa transisi
di antara tipe-tipe pengetahuan-makroskopik, sub-mikroskopis, dan simbolik dan
representasi yang sesuai dengan mudah sangat penting untuk pembelajaran kimia, tetapi
menimbulkan kesulitan bagi pelajar di berbagai tingkatan dari sekolah ke universitas
(misalnya, Ayas et al. 2010; Penulis dan Rekan Penulis).
Ada dua alasan utama untuk mempelajari utama guru pre-service '(PST')struktur
kognitif perubahan fisik dan kimia melalui pemahaman mereka tentang sifat partikel
materi. Yang pertama adalah dimasukkannya sifat partikulat materi dalam kurikulum sains
primer (Çökelez 2009; Griffiths dan Preston 1992; Özmen 2011; Stavy 1990; Taber dan
Franco 2010; Talanquer 2009). Yang kedua adalah sifat partikulat materi yang mendukung
pemahaman siswa tentang banyak konsep kimia. Mereka adalah struktur perubahan materi
dan fase (Çökelez 2009; Griffiths dan Preston 1992; Özmen 2011), difusi, proses disolusi,
kimia larutan (Adadan 2014a), reaksi kimia, dan pengaruh tekanan, volume, dan suhu pada
gas (Nakhleh 1992). Kedua alasan, terkait dengan siswa masa depan mereka'belajar (.
Jarvis et al 2003),memiliki daya tarik yang lebih luas dan aplikasi untuk PSTsutama'
belajar dari sifat partikel materi dalam ilmu kimia (Adadan 2014a; Ozmen et al
2002.).Dengan demikian, studi di tangan berfokus pada PSTs utama'dari pembelajaran
representasi pengetahuan beberapa di kursus laboratorium kimia umum pengantar. Kami
mengelompokkan PST dengan pemahaman tingkat rendah dan tinggi dari sifat partikulat
materi berdasarkan skor yang mereka peroleh dalam pra-tes skala Particulate Nature of
Matter Diagnosis Pertanyaan. Kami mengklasifikasikan PST yang mendapat skor 2,5 dan
di bawahnya sebagai kelompok pemahaman tingkat rendah dan mereka yang mencetak
lebih dari nilai rata-rata yang ditentukan sebagai kelompok pemahaman tingkat tinggi
karena, seperti yang kami sebutkan di atas, sifat partikulat materi mendukung pemahaman
siswa tentang banyak konsep kimia. Alasan untuk mengklasifikasikan PST level rendah
dan tinggi adalah untuk membantu kedua kelompok untuk menyadari ide-ide sub-
mikroskopis mereka dan tingkat pemahaman. Pengelompokan ini memberi kita
kesempatan untuk memantaukedua kelompok'sehingga ment improve- tidak ada yang
tertinggal di nya belajar dari sub-mikroskopis, yang diperlukan untuk memahami topik
kimia seperti perubahan fisik dan kimia. Hanya jika kita dan PSTs menyadari PSTs'dari
tingkat pemahaman tentang sub-mikroskopis, kita akan dapat merancang kegiatan dan
strategi yang adil sehingga kedua kelompok PST akan unggul di daerah ini.

Sastra Ulasan

literatur yang berfokus padayang PSTs'pemahaman tentang sifat partikel materi dan
hubungan pemahaman mereka untuksiswa belajar. Temuan dari studi sebelumnya pada
alam partikulat materi (PNM) berkisar dari dasar hingga perguruan tinggi meskipun fokus
kami adalah pada pemahamanpengetahuanguru utama'dalam pengembangan ilmu. Alih-
alih meninjau sejumlah studi yang melelahkan tentang PNM, kami akan berdebat kasus
kami dengan beberapa studi yang relevan.
Ozmen(2011)menyatakan bahwa nilai empat, lima, dan enamsiswa pemahamandari
sifat mikroskopis sub materi rendah. Studi ini menunjukkan bahwa siswa sekolah dasar
memiliki sedikit pengetahuan atau konsepsi alternatif tentang sifat sub-mikroskopis dari
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partikel seperti urutan partikel, ruang antara partikel, jumlah partikel dalam fase yang
berbeda, ukuran partikel, dan gerakan. dari partikel. Bekerja dengan 163 siswa sekolah
menengah Turki (kelas enam, tujuh, dan delapan), Çökelez (2009) menemukan dari
penelitian kualitatifnya bahwa peserta didik mengalami kesulitan tentang ruang antara
partikel, jumlah partikel, ukuran partikel, dan pergerakan partikel. Sebagai contoh, peserta
didik berpikir bahwa ukuran partikel meningkat dari padatan menjadi gas, dan volume
materi meningkat ketika materi berubah dari padatan menjadi gas. Temuan ini
mengungkapkan siswa sekolah menengah sering mentransfer pengamatan makroskopis ke
penjelasan sub-mikroskopis. Kita tidak dapat mengharapkan siswa sekolah dasar untuk
memvisualisasikan perilaku partikel dalam tiga keadaan materi untuk mengembangkan
pemahaman yang lebih dalam. Namun, para guru tidak mampu mengabaikan pengajaran
tiga kondisi materi dan mendiskusikan hubungan antara yang kasat mata dan yang tidak
kasat mata. Jika tidak, masalah akan bertambah ketika siswa berpindah dari satu kelas ke
kelas lainnya.
Stavy(1990)mencatat bahwasiswa definisidari Bgas^ tergantung pada tingkat kelas
mereka. Siswa kelas tujuh, misalnya, terutama menggunakan model partikel. Namun,
Griffiths dan Preston (1992) menemukan bahkan siswa kelas 12 memvisualisasikan materi
sebagai kontinu, bukan partikulat. Siswa sekolah
menengah sering menganggap partikel padat itu statis, dan partikel cair dan gas bergerak
(Adbo dan Taber 2009; Boz 2006; Pozo dan Gómez-Crespo 2005). Siswa sains Swedia
berusia 16 tahun melihat partikel padat yang bersentuhan satu sama lain serta partikel cair
satu partikel, dan partikel gas terpisah tiga-empat partikel (Adbo dan Taber 2009).
Sejumlah besar siswa sekolah menengah dan universitas tidak memiliki pemahaman
konseptual tentang gaya elektrostatik antara partikel-partikel materi (Adadan et al. 2009;
Boz 2006), dan interaksi antar molekul menyebabkan perubahan fisik dan kimia
(Talanquer 2009). Temuan K-12siswa pemahamanilmu kimia mengenai PNM adalah
relevansi karena beberapa siswa yang sama bercita-cita untuk menjadi guru masa depan
dan mengajar sekarang. Mengenai fenomena perubahan kimia dan fisik, yang merupakan
fokus dari penelitian kami, banyak siswa kelas delapan menggunakan istilah tersebut
secara bergantian, sehingga menunjukkan bahwa mereka tidak dapat membedakan antara
keduanya (Boujaoude 1991). Nieswandt (2001} memperhatikan sedikit kemajuan ketika
membantu siswa kelas sembilan dengan pemahaman tentang perubahan zat kimia. Sebelas
hingga empat belas tahun pelajar tidak mampu mengidentifikasi perubahan kimia (Johnson
2000). Menurut Othman et al. (2008), kesembilan dan kelas 10 siswa Singapura
mengungkapkan pemahaman yang terbatas bagaimana PNM pengaruh ikatan kimia.
Sedangkan siswa sekolah'studi PNM banyak, fokus pada guru pra-layanan relatif
sedikit. Namun, studi pada siswasekolah' pemahaman tentang PNM memiliki implikasi
untuk guru sains masa depan. Misalnya, studi tentang sekolah dasar (Özmen 2011) dan
menengah (Çökelez 2009)siswa yang, gagasanditemukan untuk fenomena yang sama yang
disebutkan di atas menguatkan dengan studi Banda et al. (2011). para penulis ini
diperiksatiga puluh Zambia SMP pre-service ilmuguru pemahamandari PNM pada efek
dari perubahan fasa pada kecepatan, ruang dan jumlah partikel i dalam suatu zat. Mereka
menemukan bahwa meskipun pemahaman makroskopis mereka tentang perubahan fase
biasanya benar, banyak dari mereka memiliki pemahaman yang buruk tentang efek
perubahan fase, pendinginan dan pemanasan pada ukuran partikel dalam zat. Sebagian
besar guru sains pra-jabatan Zambia secara keliru percaya bahwa ketika suatu zat
didinginkan, zat itu mengerut karena ukuran partikelnya berkurang, dan ketika suatu zat
dipanaskan (meleleh), ukuran partikelnya meningkat.
Para guru pre-service, pada kenyataannya, seperti siswa sekolah tampaknya Res Sci Educ
menerjemahkan indera makroskopis mereka dari perubahan fase ke penjelasan sub-
mikroskopis. Demikian pula, banyak dari 40 calon guru kimia memahami konsep partikel;
Namun, mereka memiliki pengetahuan yang tidak akurat tentang pola dan jarak partikel
dalam zat padat, cair, dan
gas (Adadan 2014b). Mereka percaya bahwa Badalah perilaku kolektif dari partikel-
Res Sci Educ
partikel yang membentuk materi yang menentukan sifat fisik materi^ (hal. 395). Juga,
guru ini memiliki masalah dengan konsep gaya tarik elektrostatik dan keberadaan PNM
dalam ruang hampa. Klaim ini paralel dengan penelitian tentang siswa sekolah K-12
(Adadan et al. 2009; Adbo dan Taber 2009; Boz 2006; Çökelez 2009; Franco dan Taber
2009; Talanquer 2009). Kesimpulan dari studi ini adalah siswa K-12, dan guru pra-jabatan,
baik sekolah dasar dan kimia mengalami kesulitan dalam menjelaskan berbagai fenomena
kimia menggunakan model partikel (Ayas et al. 2010; Liu dan Lesniak 2005; Özmen
2011). Penjelasan mereka mencerminkan pemahaman yang sama tentang PNM (Ayas et al.
Jarvis et al. (2003) meneliti dengan 70 guru sekolah dasar di 31 sekolah selama dua
tahun yang memantau perubahan guru dalam memahami topik-topik kelistrikan;
peleburan, penguapan dan pelarutan; dan gesekan. Program in-service mereka terdiri dari
modul inti sepuluh hari tentang Mengembangkan dan Menilai Investigasi. Modul ini
terdiri dari strategi untuk mengembangkan investigasi yang memungkinkan para guru
untuk memahami hubungan antara pengetahuan konseptual dan inkuiri. Para peneliti
menggunakan pendekatan konstruktivis, dimulai dengan guru menjadi sadar akan konsepsi
mereka di daerah yang ditargetkan dan kemudian memberikan pengalaman untuk
menerima pandangan ilmiah melalui pembelajaran kolaboratif. Mengenai perubahan fisik
dan kimia, studi mereka mengamati guru kurang memahami melarutkan karena
kebingungan mereka dengan konsep peleburan. Juga, para penulis ini mengungkapkan
bahwa banyak guru sekolah dasar tidak memiliki model partikulat, dan beberapa dari
mereka, bahkan sebelum pendidikan dalam masa jabatan memiliki kebingungan tentang
partikel atau molekul. Oleh karena itu, Jarvis et al. menegaskan bagaimana seorang guru
memberikan pengalaman yang tidak pantas kepada anak-anak untuk mengembangkan
pemahaman konsep sains kecuali dia tahu hasil pembelajaran.
Berfokus padayang PSTs utama'dari tingkat pemahaman dari PNM adalah penting
karena topik Materi adalah bagian mendasar dari kurikulum sains Turki (misalnya, Adadan
2014b;Ayas et al 2010;.MEB-TTKB 2013).Faktanya, kurikulum utama di seluruh dunia
(Tren dalam Studi Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Internasional-TIMSS 2015)
mengacu pada perubahan fisik dan kimia bahkan jika tidak disebutkan tentang PNM.
Kurikulum sains bahasa Inggris mencakup 'Negara Materi' di tahun keempat dan 'Properti
dan Perubahan Bahan' di tahun kelima. Kurikulum Sains dan Teknologi Israel di tingkat
primer meliputi Materi dan Energi, misalnya, topik seperti properti dan penggunaan, dan
perubahan fisik. Siswa sains kelas empat di Kanada mengembangkan pengetahuan dan
keterampilan dalam unit Matter and Energy- sifat materi; perubahan fisik; dan
transformasi energi. Siswa sains kelas delapan mempelajari tiga unit Matter and Energy-
sifat material; massa, volume dan suhu; dan perubahan fisik / kimia.siswa utama'dari
Pemahaman PNM adalah dorong global. Dengan demikian, prioritas dari penelitian ini
adalah untuk meningkatkanPSTs utama'daristruktur kognitif PNM, menggunakan unit
pada perubahan fisik dan kimia yang menawarkan beberapa representasi. Siswa sekolah
dasar tidak perlu memahami PNM, meskipun itu tidak berarti bahwa guru mereka tidak
boleh memahaminya. Ada kebutuhan untuk menghargai dasar-dasar teori partikelnya
karena kurikulum utama utama di beberapa negara memasukkannya. Sebagai contoh,
kurikulum AS membahas PNM tentang yang terlihat dan yang tidak terlihat (National
Research Council 2013). Untuk kualitas pembelajaran terjadi, guru SD perlu latar
belakang PNM untuk membantu dalam mengembangkansiswa. ide-ide Pernyataan
sebelumnya ada pada pertanyaan: Bagaimana guru menggunakan pengetahuan tentang
PNM dan mendukung pembelajaran siswa di tahun-tahun utama sehingga mereka bergerak
menuju pengembangan pemahaman yang lengkap? Res Sci Educ
Studi di tangan mirip dengan studi kasus Derman dan Eilks(2016),yang diidentifikasi
157, kelas11-siswa struktur kognitif berdasarkan topik 'Pembubaran' melaluiFirman
analisisAssociation Test (WAT). Para penulis ini dimanfaatkan desain deskriptif non-
Res Sci Educ dan metode pemetaan frekuensi respon untuk mengidentifikasisiswa.
struktur kognitif Secara keseluruhan, Derman dan Eilks'studi mengungkapkan gambaran
yang sangat beragam darisiswa struktur kognitif, termasuk banyak konsep kurang
berkembang. Selain itu, penelitian menunjukkan bahwasiswa'struktur kognitif pada
topik'Pembubaran'yang statis, non-interaktif, dan terbatas mengenai keterhubungan
eksternal. Bagi Derman dan Eilks, para siswa tidak secara bermakna mengintegrasikan
potensi pengetahuan sebelumnya (yaitu, sifat partikulat materi) yang menopang kimia
Meskipun kami menggunakan Derman dan Eilks '(2016)respon metode pemetaan
frekuensi dengan revisi kecil untuk membuat peta kognitif, penelitian ini memiliki desain
yang berbeda, domain, peserta studi, dan konteksnya. Studi saat ini bertujuan untuk
menjamin wawasan lebih lanjut ke efek beberapa representasi padakognitifPSTs
Primer'dari struktur perubahan fisik dan kimia menggunakan versi rumit dari WAT untuk
mengembangkan peta kualitatif. Metode penyelidikan memiliki nilai praktis karena guru
dan peneliti pendidikan sains akan dapat digunakan dengan PST. Melewati pengalaman ini
akan memungkinkan PST untuk menggunakan alat penilaian di ruang kelas utama.
Dengan demikian, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meminta pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut:

1. ApaPSTs utama'dari tingkat pemahaman tentang sifat partikel materi?

2. Bagaimana penggunaan beberapa representasi dalamkimia laboratorium efek ajaran
umum PSTs utama'dari struktur kognitif perubahan fisik dan kimia pada kedua
kelompok tingkat pemahaman rendah dan tinggi alam partikel materi?

Menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkanPNMPSTs'dan

pengetahuan struktur tive cogni- dari perubahan fisik dan kimia. Pada gilirannya, PST
akan dapat mengajarkan sains siswa mereka dengan pemahaman yang lebih mendalam.

Kerangka konseptual

Konstruktivis Teori Belajar dan Struktur Kognitif

teori belajar konstruktivis mengemban bahwa konstruksi pengetahuan tergantung pada

interaksi antarapelajar'sproses mental dan lingkungan (NRC 2000).Koneksi pengalaman
ini mengembangkan struktur konseptual yang mewakili jaringan konsep dalam memori
jangka panjang seseorang (Shavelson 1974). Piaget (1978) dan Vygotsky (1978) dalam
teori belajar mereka, menekankan bahwa pengetahuan yang sudah ada menjadi dasar bagi
proses pengetahuan untuk pengembangan kognitif dan perubahan konseptual. Asumsinya
adalah bahwapesertadidik pengetahuansebelum mempengaruhi bagaimana mereka
mengatur dan menginterpretasikan atau memahami informasi yang masuk dari lingkungan
mereka. Menurut Dewan Riset Nasional(2000),pelajar'spengembangan konsep ilmu
melibatkan pembangunan struktur pengetahuan yang terorganisir dan pengembangan
kemampuan dan strategi untuk memahami, soning Reason, mencerminkan, mengingat,
dan memecahkan masalah. Dengan kata lain, ilmu pembelajaran menganjurkan bahwa
konstruksi pengetahuan dan pemahaman baru bertumpu pada apa yang sudah diketahui
dan diyakini oleh peserta didik, epistemologi, dan tingkat kemampuan (Tyson et al. 1997).
Karena pengetahuan sebelumnya mempengaruhi belajar, Ausubel(1968)mengingatkan
bahwa pembelajaran bermakna melibatkan memunculkanpesertadidik
pengetahuansebelum dan mengajar mereka sesuai.
Res Sci Educ
Sebuah Konstruktivis View of Learning Advokat sebuah Pengajaran Alternatif
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Pandangan konstruktivis panggilan pembelajaran bagi pendidik untuk memahami apa

struktur kognitif dan bagaimana mereka berfungsi, serta menggunakan prinsip-prinsip
untuk mengeksplorasi dan menilaipesertadidik. struktur kognitifStudi pendidikan terus
menggunakan teknik yang berbeda seperti pengujian asosiasi kata (Derman dan Eilks
2016; Nakipoğlu 2008), pemetaan konsep (Edmondson 2000; Kilic 2003), dan wawancara
individu (misalnya, Ebenezer dan Fraser 2001; Harrison dan Treagust 1996) . Setelah
memunculkan struktur kognitif, guru membantu peserta didik untuk memahami informasi
baru. Dalam perspektif ini darimengajar, guru menghormati dan menghargai peserta
didik'dari pengetahuan sebelumnya fenomena alam dan mengintegrasikan mereka ke
dalam kerangka kerja kurikulum dan kegiatan pembelajaran ingful mean untuk membantu
siswa mengklarifikasi, rumit, atau menolak teori dan model mereka melalui berbagai tes
(Ebenezer et al. 2010). Berbicara secara metaforis, seperti halnya para ilmuwan awal
mengalami perubahan konseptual, para pelajar bergerak melalui ide-ide mereka yang
berkembang, dikembangkan, dan matang dari waktu ke waktu (Thagard 1992 sebagaimana
dikutip dalam Ebenezer et al. 2010).
Dalam kepentingan studi di tangan, kami fokus pada studi pendidikan kimia yang telah
berhasil digali dan dikembangkansiswa konsepsikelarutan melalui penyelidikan
perubahan konseptual (Ebenezer dan Gaskell 1995).Jika kita tidak mengeksplorasi dan
mengekspospembelajar ide-ide dan subjekuntuk pengawasan publik dan penilaian dari
sifat perspektif ilmu (Ebenezer et al 2010;.McComas 2000;NRC 2007),guru akan melalui
gerakan meliputi standar, bukan daripada mengungkap mereka (NRC 2007, 2013).
Keajaiban apa pun (Abd-El-Khalick dan Lederman 2000; Lederman dan Abd-El-Khalick
1998; Lederman et al. 1998), studi internasional tentang pemahaman siswa tentang sifat
sains dan bagaimana mereka mendekati pembelajaran berdasarkan pada yang sudah ada
ide atau struktur kognitif menyampaikan hasil yang mengecewakan.
Berjuang untuk menghilangkansiswa pengetahuansebelumnya bahwa kita
menafsirkannya sebagai kesalahpahaman dan ulet (Duit dan Treagust 2003)adalah sia-sia.
Sebaliknya, siswa harus diajarkan untuk membedakan antara konteks belajar sehingga
konsepsi mereka tentang fenomena fisik dan kehidupan sesuai dengan pengalaman dan
bahasa sehari-hari mereka serta konteks ilmiah dan budaya (Ebenezer dan Erickson 1996;
Linder dan Erickson 1989). Para guru hendaknya tidak menunggu siswa untuk
membangun ide-ide teoretis yang bahkan membawa para ilmuwan awal lebih dari seribu
tahun. Sebaliknya mereka harus mendengarkansiswa interpretasidan menempa hubungan
antara pengalaman dan pengetahuan teoritis. Langkah selanjutnya dalam proses ini
membantu pelajar untuk menerjemahkan pemahaman mereka untuk membentuk
penyelidikan sosio-ilmiah seperti garam terlarut dalam air (Ebenezer dan Haggerty 1999).
Namun, para guru harus menghargai masa romantis siswa mengeksplorasi ide-ide mereka
dan menindaklanjuti dengan mengajar mereka persiapan ilmiah dan generalisasi
(Whitehead 1929; Ebenezer et al. 2010).Siswa konsepsi dan konseptual literatur
pendidikan perubahan ilmu mengungkapkan bukti bahwa guru meluangkan waktu untuk
menjelajahisiswa konsepsi dan menggunakan ini sebagai titik awal untuk konstruksi dan
asi negoti- model jelas, dan pemantauansiswa perkembangan konseptualdan perubahan
sebagai ajaran meningkatkan pembelajaran (Ebenezer et al. 2010; Ayas et al. 2010).
Mengajar melalui kuliah tanpa siswa menjadi sadar akan ide-ide dan secara eksplisit dan
sadar memasukkan pengetahuan mereka sebelumnya ke dalam kerangka kerja kurikulum
dan penyelidikan bukanlah pandangan konstruktivis belajar.

Representasi Berganda dalam Pendidikan Kimia Res Sci Educ

Dalam empat dekade terakhir, studi pendidikan kimia telah memfasilitasi generasi siswa dan
validasi pengetahuan tentang hubungan antara tiga tingkat yang berbeda:
Res Sci Educ
makroskopis, sub-mikroskopis, dan simbolis (Eilks 2013; Talanquer 2011). Johnstone
(1982) pertama memvalidasi hubungan triadik, dan sejak itu banyak peneliti, pengembang
kurikulum, dan penulis buku teks telah menggunakannya sebagai kerangka kerja (Gilbert
dan Treagust 2009).
Sementara ahli kimia ahli memandang studi kimia sebagai kombinasi makroskopis,
sub-mikroskopis, dan simbolis, pelajar pemula tampaknya tetap pada level sensual karena
mereka tidak dapat bergaul dengan level lain yang memerlukan model penjelas (Talanquer
2011). Tujuan dari pendidikan kimia adalah untuk mendukung siswa dalam
mengembangkan pemahaman tentang konsep-konsep yang terkait dengan sifat partikulat
materi sehingga mereka menerjemahkan dengan tepat apa yang mereka pelajari ke situasi
baru. Namun, siswa sering mengalami kesulitan menyelesaikan masalah sosial-kimia
karena kurangnya pemahaman konseptual yang menyeluruh (misalnya, Nakhleh 1992;
Taber 2001) tentang hubungan makroskopik, sub-mikroskopis, dan simbolik (Johnstone
1991, 2000). Penelitian pendidikan telah menunjukkan bahwa siswa harus belajar untuk
beralih dari satu representasi ke yang lain (Adadan 2014a; Chittleborough dan Treagust
2008; Talanquer 2011).
Guru kimia sekunder sering berpindah dari simbolik ke submikroskopis. Sebaliknya,
pengajaran kimia pertama-tama harus menetapkan hubungan antara fenomena kimia dan
entitas sub-mikroskopis seperti molekul, atom, dan elektron (Adadan 2014a;
Chittleborough dan Treagust 2008; Cook et al. 2008; Talanquer 2011). Dalam kata-kata
Ngai et al. (2014): Pembelajaran yang bermakna tentang identitas kimia dan konsep
kimia inti terkait mungkin lebih mudah difasilitasi dengan mengembangkan penalaran
canggih pada tingkat makroskopik dan submikroskopi secara paralel dan terkoordinasi
(hal. 2456).
Representasi pengetahuan yang paling canggih bersifat simbolis, dasar bagi
fenomenologi sains. Sementara mengembangkan kecanggihan representasi kimia simbolik
sangat penting, ilmu sekolah memulai unit studi dengan pengetahuan simbolik adalah
kontraproduktif. Dengan demikian, Ngai et al. (2014) beralasan pentingnya
mempromosikan tingkat penalaran yang lebih tinggi pada tingkat makroskopis dan
submikroskopi secara bersamaan.



Penelitian saat ini menggunakan pra-eksperimental satu kelompok desain pretest-posttest

(Campbell dan Stanley 1971) didukung oleh data kualitatif dan prosedur analisis konten
(Berg dan Lune 2015). Konfigurasi ini memfasilitasi perbandingan PSTs
utama'perubahan strukturkognitif kimia dan fisik, yang memiliki rendah atau tingkat
tinggi pemahaman tentang sifat partikel materi, sebelum dan setelah beberapa representasi
dalam kimia umum saja mengajar laboratorium pengantar.


Pendidikan Departemen Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar adalah lengan dari pendidikan
tinggi Turki. Durasi guru sekolah dasar, program sains non-utama, adalah empat tahun,
yang terdiri dari delapan semester. Pembelajaran laboratorium sains adalah bagian dari
pendidikan guru sekolah dasar, yang menekankan pentingnya mempelajari tiga tipe
pengetahuan (makroskopik, submikroskopik, dan simbolik). Penekanan iniRes Sci Educ
pemeriksaan buku teks Turki sains dasar menunjukkan penggambaran entitas seperti
molekul dan atom bahkan di kelas dasar
Res Sci Educ

, meskipun tingkat usia di mana siswa belajar sifat partikulat materi bervariasi. Sementara
buku teks sains Turki kelas empat dan lima merujuk pada sifat partikulat materi secara
tersirat, sumber daya kelas enam hingga delapan menyebutkan secara eksplisit. Tipe-tipe
pengetahuan merupakan bagian integral dari pembelajaran sains sekunder.

Beberapa Representasi dalam Pengajaran Laboratorium Konteks

Mengikuti Talanquer(2011),penelitian di tangan terintegrasi pendekatan konseptual dan

kontekstual dalam 'ScienceLaboratory PracticesI' saja untuk PSTs. Isi dari kursus ini
adalah Representasi Berganda dalam Pengajaran Laboratorium (MRsLT). Tujuan kursus
adalah untuk memungkinkan PST primer untuk menghubungkan dan menerjemahkan
pengalaman, model, dan visualisasi ketika mereka memahami komposisi / struktur zat dan
proses perubahan fisik dan kimia dari waktu ke waktu di makroskopik, sub-mikroskopis
dan tingkat simbolik. PST utama menjawab Pertanyaan Partikulat dari Masalah Diagnosis
Diagnosis dan Tes Asosiasi Kata (WAT) untuk memperoleh pengetahuan mereka yang
sudah ada sebelumnya. Tes ini diberikan berdasarkan dua asumsi: (1)Pembelajar'yang ide-
ide ada memiliki Konsekuensi untuk belajar ilmu pengetahuan; dan (2) ilmu mengajar
lebih efektif ketika kita mengeksplorasipelajar'side-ide yang ada dan mengintegrasikan
mereka ke dalam kurikulum (Ebenezer et al 2010;.Taber 2008).Untuk memperoleh ide-ide
yang sudah ada sebelumnya mereka perubahan fisik dan perubahan kimia, PSTs
utama'melakukan tugas-tugas yang diwakili dalam Tabel 1.
Ada delapan kelompok di kelas. Setiap kelompok terdiri dari lima PST primer.
'IlmuPraktik LaboratoriumAku' tentu saja terdiri dari delapan percobaan yang berbeda.
Setiap kelompok melakukan percobaan berbeda setiap minggu sepanjang semester.
Dengan demikian, tugas eksperimental yang diwakili dalam Tabel 1 dilakukan setiap
minggu oleh satu kelompok sepanjang semester. Pada akhir semester, semua kelompok
menyelesaikan percobaan.
Sebagai kelompok, PST memperkirakan apakah tugas yang diberikan adalah perubahan
kimia atau fisik. Contoh perubahan fisik adalah meninggalkan es batu dalam gelas pada
suhu kamar. PST mengamati es batu pada suhu kamar berdasarkan kriteria seperti
perubahan keadaan, perubahan warna, bau, dan pelepasan gas. Kemudian, masing-masing
kelompok kecil membandingkan catatannya dan mendiskusikan hasilnya dengan kelas.
PST primer melihat simulasi keadaan materi secara online
(, yang menjelaskan fenomena
pencairan es yang diamati secara makroskopis dari sub-mikroskopis. Kemudian instruktur
menarik perhatian pada representasi simbolik seperti yang ditunjukkan: H 2O(s) ➔ H2O(l) ➔
H2O(g), dan menekankan perubahan menyangkut jarak dan pergerakan partikel. PST primer
diminta untuk membuat argumen terkuat dan terlemah di dalam dan di antara kelompok.
Mereka membandingkan pengetahuan baru dan sebelumnya secara tertulis. Dengan
demikian, melalui proses kesadaran metakognitif, mereka diminta untuk mengatur ulang
dan merekonstruksi struktur kognitif mereka.
Instruktur mengadopsi peran mentor dengan PST primer melalui periode konstruksi
pengetahuan. Untuk setiap tugas, ia memasukkan pengetahuan yang sudah ada
sebelumnya ke dalam pernyataan konseptual, mengajukan pertanyaan formatif,
menunjukkan kriteria pengamatan, menunjukkan simulasi, mengevaluasi tulisan jurnal,
memberi mereka umpan balik, dan menjawab pertanyaan.

Peserta Res Sci Educ

40 PST primer sarjana (28 = 70% perempuan dan 12 = 30% laki-laki; kisaran usia 20 -21)
yang terdaftar di semester ketiga program pendidikan guru sekolah dasar berpartisipasi
Tabel 1 Konteks dari beberapa representasi dalam pengajaran laboratorium -
Res Sci Educ
MRsLT Konsep target Sifat kegiatan Tugas pembelajaran

Sifat properti fisik / perubahan a. Mengamati kertas sobek a. Membahas secara konseptual
menjadi potongan-potongan dengan kelompok tentang
kecil dan membakar kertas itu fenomena yang akan diamati
b. Mengamati lilin sebelum
sambil melelehkan kegiatan.
c. Mengamati perilaku es batu Memperkirakan
dalam gelas gelas perubahan fisik-kimia.
pada suhu kamar b. Seperti mengamati perubahan
d. Mengamati sublimasi kimia dan fisik menggunakan
naftalena kriteria seperti perubahan
bentuk, perubahan warna, bau,
pelepasan gas, dan perubahan
keadaan. Menentukan
perubahan kimia-fisik dalam
kegiatan yang diamati.
Menyimpan laporan observasi.
c. Melihat simulasi materi secara
daring, melarutkan gula,
melelehkan padatan (https:
//phet.colorado. Edu / en /
simulasi / kategori / kimia).
d. Menjelaskan fenomena yang
diamati secara makroskopis,
secara sub-mikroskopis (pada
Sifat properti fisik / perubahan tingkat partikel) dan secara
simbolis: (H2O (s) H2O (l) →
Sifat properti kimia / perubahan a. Menambahkan sejumlah air H2O (g)). Menentukan
murni ke dalam padatan argumen terkuat dan terlemah
berbeda (gula, pati, sepotong dalam kelompok dan antar
seng, Na2CO3, CuSO4, CaCl2, kelompok.
Ba (NO3)2 dan mengamati e. Membandingkan estimasi dan
perilaku pembubaran padatan observasi. Berbagi dan
ini pada suhu kamar mendiskusikan ide dalam
b. Menambahkan HCl, H2SO4 dan kelompok kecil.
HNO3 secara terpisah menjadi f. Membandingkan laporan
gula, pati, sepotong seng, pengamatan antar
Na2CO3, CuSO4, CaCl2, Ba kelompok; dan, jika
(NO3)2 dan mengamatiinteraksi mungkin, mewakili data
di antara mereka. secara grafis; Penulisan
a. Membahas secara konseptual
dengan kelompok tentang
fenomena yang akan diamati
sebelum kegiatan.
b. Saat mengamati fenomena,
dengan mempertimbangkan
kriteria seperti perubahan
bentuk dan warna, pelepasan
gas dan bau, perubahan suhu,
disolusi, presipitasi.
Menentukan perubahan
kimia-fisik dalam kegiatan
yang diamati. Menyimpan
laporan observasi.
c. Viewing the video of
reaction of sodium in water
( + H2(g)) levels. discussing ideas in small
atch?v= B3422Zk5tj4). Determining the strongest groups.
d. Explaining the and the weakest arguments f. Comparing observationRes Sci Educ
macroscopically observed in groups and between reports between groups;
phenomenon at the sub- groups. and, if possible,
microscopic and symbolic e. Comparing the estimations and graphically representing
(Zn(s) + HCl(l) → ZnCl2(s) observations. Sharing and data; Journal writing.

studi saat ini. At the time of the study, the primary PSTs were pursuing the BScience
Laboratory Practices I^ course and had already completed the Introductory General
Chemistry course with five credit in European Credit Transfer System in the second
Data Collection
Res Sci Educ
All participants were informed about the nature and methods of the study. All 40 primary
PSTs voluntarily agreed to participate in the study. The pre-tests consisted of Particulate
Nature of Matter Diagnosis Questions (PNM-DQ) scale and The Word Association Test
(WAT) that included two stimulus words Bphysical change^ and Bchemical change.^
These pre-tests were
administered two weeks before the commencement of the 'Science Laboratory Practices I'
course. After all the PSTs in the class completed the physical and chemical change learning
tasks by the end of the semester, they took only the same WAT as post-test.

PNM-DQ Scale

The PNM-DQ scale comprises of open-ended questions that provide information with
better insight than multiple choice questions. For determining learners' conceptions,
researchers use scales like the PNM-DQ (Abraham et al. 1994; Coştu 2008; Özmen 2011;
Özmen et al. 2002). Students are familiar with the phenomena represented in the PNM-DQ.
Thus, this scale was used to identify participants' conceptual understanding of the PNM of
physical and chemical changes. The PNM-DQ (see Table 2) depicted the effect of heat on
the gas particles; and the concepts of condensation, evaporation, and dispersion of liquids.
The PNM-DQ were adapted from the pioneer studies (eg, Ayas et al. 2010; Coştu 2008;
Özmen 2011; Özmen et al. 2002) with minor revisions such as changing the sentence
structure or rewording. Three experts, who

Table 2 The questions and the context of the questions in the PNM-DQ Scale

Questions The context of the


Q1. A glass filled with water was left in front of situation?

the window. A few days later it was observed Q5. Illustrate the particulate nature of the three
that there was no water left in the glass. How states of matter (solid, liquid and gas).
do you explain this change using your
knowledge of matter?
Q2.On a hot day, a soccer ball was completely
filled with air until hard. The same ball left in
the balcony at night was observed to be softer
in the early hours of the day when it was
Assuming that the ball had no air leak, how do
you explain this change occured between day
and night using the idea that matter is
composed of particles?
Q3. A drop of colored liquid (eg, ink) in a glass of
distilled water was observed. The color spread
all over the water. How do you explain
this phenomenon?

Q4. A tightly closed glass jar containing ice was

dried and left on a table. After a while it was
observed that the surface of the jar had
moisture. Where did this water on the glass
surface come from? How do you explain this
This question is related to the concept of This question is related to the chemical concept
Bvaporization^. Primary PSTs are expected to of Bdiffusion^ or Bpermeation^. Primary
name the concept and explain it in terms of PSTs are expected to explain this phenomenon
Res Sci Educ
Bparticulate nature of matter^ and using the Bparticulate nature of matter^ and
Btemperature^. Bdistance between particles.^
This question aims to assess whether or not
This question determines the primary PSTs' level primary PSTs apply the concept of
of explanation in terms of the Bparticulate Bcondensation^ or Bphase transition^ using
nature of matter^ to account for the change the Bparticulate
in pressure nature of matter^
with temperature change in a closed system.
This question aims to determine whether or not
primary PSTs conceptualize how the
particulate nature of matter is represented by
the three states of matter.
previously taught General Chemistry and Science Laboratory Practices I and II in the
Res Scieducation
primary Educ department, evaluated the appropriateness of the scale for the study at
hand, and accordingly, the PNM instrument changed.

Word Association Test

Johnson (1967, 1969 as cited in Gunstone 1980) suggested the Word Association Tests
(WATs) for exploring students' ideas. In recent years, the WATs has become common in
science education research to identify and map student understanding of science concepts,
and the relationship between cognitive structures and disciplinary content knowledge
(Nakipoğlu 2008; Schizas et al. 2013). Word associations also allow insights into the
structure and work of the human memory (Petrey 1977; Thomson and Tulving 1970).
Many related studies have also shown that using WAT is a robust method since it reveals
the types and numbers of concepts in the learners' developmental cognitive structures
(Bahar and Hansell 2000; Nakipoğlu 2008). Most recent examples of chemistry education
are the atomic structure (Nakipoğlu 2008), decomposition (Schizas et al. 2013), and
dissolution (Derman and Eilks 2016).

Physical and Chemical Change WAT Activity

The current study included two field expert-approved stimulus words from a unit on
Matter, namely, physical and chemical change. On each side of the A4 paper, a stimulus
word appeared ten times with sufficient space for students to write their thoughts. This
format was to prevent a chain-reaction effect in case the superfluous information distracts
someone. The participants took the WAT test with the time limit of one minute. The pre-
test WAT was applied before MRsLT learning task by the researcher. Data analysis was
carried out after all data collection to prevent any possible influence of the researcher-
instructor role since the first researcher of the present study was the instructor/teacher of
the BScience Laboratory Practices I^ course.

Data Analysis

Analysis of the PNM-DQ Data

The primary PSTs' written answers to the PNM-DQ were carefully read and subjected to
content analysis to construct the categories (Berg and Lune 2015). The primary PSTs'
written answers to each of the first four questions in the PNM-DQ scale were evaluated by
the following categories based on the related studies. For determining learners'
comprehension/ understanding levels in detail with a qualitative perspective, researchers
(eg, Adbo and Taber 2009; Ayas et al. 2010; Coştu 2008; Özmen 2011) use such
categories: understanding, misunderstanding, not understanding, and no-response. The
responses to the fifth question were evaluated by the following categories: particulate,
continuous, particulate but false, no response. The answers in the Bunderstanding and
particulate^ category, considered scientific,
were coded B1″, and the responses in the category of Bmisunderstanding, not understanding,
continuous, particulate but false, no response^ were coded B0″. Each response of a
student was entered as 0 or 1 into the data table. Each question in the PNM-DQ scale
consists of only one essential item, and the loading value for each question is 1. Therefore,
the minimum score that
the primary PSTs could get from the PNM-DQ scale is 0, and the maximum score is 5.
Table 3 presents the findings obtained from the descriptive statistics (Table 4). Res Sci Educ
Table 3 PNM-DQ descriptive 40
Res Sci Educ 2.5000
N 1.13228
Mean .00
Std. 5.00

The BLow-Level Understanding^ group composed of PSTs that obtained a score of 2.5
and below. The BHigh-Level Understanding^ group consisted of those who scored more
than the specified mean value. The results indicate excerpts from primary PSTs. Their
expressions are in quotes and abbreviations are used as follows: (H, primary PST14),
(High Level; primary pre-service teacher 14); (L, primary PST35), (Low Level; primary
pre-service teacher 35). To establish the inter-rater reliability, a science education expert
and the first author independently analyzed the PNM-DQ data. In the decoding of the
preceding categories, the consensus between the expert and the first author was above 90%
according to Miles and Huberman's (1994) reliability formula, namely: (Number of
agreements/Number of agreements + disagreements) × 100.

Analysis of the WAT Data

Counting different responses for each stimulus word is a method, which can be used to
summarize the data gathered through WAT (Bahar et al. 1999; Shavelson 1974). The data
were also analyzed independently by a second science education expert to provide the
inter- judgmental reliability. The criterion of counting the total number of different
response words was employed to compare the analyses. For example, in pre-test WAT for
LPNMU, the primary PSTs responded to the BPhysical Change^ stimulus word. We
compared the total
number of different response words defined by the first author of the current study and a
second expert. The inter-judgmental reliability of the consensus and consistency estimates
the raters achieved reflect the agreement range as Miles and Huberman suggest (1994).
Based on this, we used Excel to evaluate the whole data. Table 5 represents the agreement
of the total number of different response words.
We classified the pre-post-test WATs for each primary PST as BLow Level^ and BHigh
Level^ by analyzing the PNM-DQ data. For the data analysis of the WATs, the study
adopted the Nakipoğlu's (2008) response frequencies' map method, which is an integration
of relat- edness coefficient method (Gussarsky and Gorodetsky 1988) and the response
map method (Bahar et al. 1999). According to Nakipoğlu (2008), this method is useful for
displaying the power of students' knowledge structure and the direction of the associations
between concepts in a specific domain. In this case, we constructed a frequency table
including stimulus and response words and the corresponding cognitive map according to
the frequency values. Frequency tables determine the direction and strength of the
associations shown on the cognitive maps. In the current study, we conducted content
analysis to identify the sort of the concepts (number of different response words that
associated with stimulus words), the direction of the concepts (from stimulus words to the
response words), and also the strength of the concepts (how many times a stimulus Res word
Sci Educ
associated with a response word for example
how many times the Bphysical change^ stimulus word associated with Bfreezing^
response word) before the construction of the cognitive map. We transferred students'
response words, which were meaningful and valid (eg, freezing, melting, breaking,
tearing, electrolysis,
oxidation) in the context of physical and chemical changes topics to an Excel sheet for the
Res Sci Educ

Table 4 The frequency and percentage scores of the primary pre-service teachers' responses to the
Questions Code1 (f-%) Code 0 (f-%)

Excerpt examples

Excerpt examples

Q1. A glass filled with r

37–92.5 BThe water in the
water was left in front y
of the window. A few glass turned from
days later it was liquid into vapor.
We call this P
observed that there S
was no water left in p
h T
the glass. How do you 1
explain this change e
n 4
using your knowledge )
of matter? o
m .
Q2.On a hot day, a
soccer ball was e
completely filled with n
o 9–22.5
air until hard. The BThe speed and the kinetic energy
same ball left in the n
of the gas par
balcony at night was
inside the bal
observed to be softer v
increased bec
in the early hours of a
of hot weathe
the day when it was p
energy was m
cooler. Assuming that o
the ball had no air r
surface of the
leak, how do you i
However, the
explain this change z
of gas particle
occured between day a
decreased dur
and night using the t
the night due
idea that matter is i
cold weather.
composed of o
particles came
particles? n
closer, putting
force on the s
of the ball. Th
resulted in the
becoming sof
Q3. A drop of colored
during the col
liquid (eg, ink) in a ( weather
glass of distilled water H
was observed. The ,
color spread all over (H, primary
the water. How do you PST9).
explain this p 15–37.5
phenomenon? r BThis situation is related with the
i vacuolar struc
m of liquid.
a There are spa
between water
molecules. When
ink is dropped into Res Sci Educ
water, it penetrates
into thesespaces.
Therefore, the ink 25–62.5 BWhen ink is mixed
diffuses. with water, it
31–77.5 BThe ball expands and
becomes homogeneously,
(H, primary softer because the
PST9) because both
weather gets substances are
cold during the categorized as
night … liquids and have
(L, primary the same density...
PST38)^ (H, primary
BThe chemical
component of ink
increases the
kinetic energy of

Res Sci Educ

ink molecules,
when ink is added
to water. This
5–12.5 energy helps the
Q4. A tightly closed glass BWhen water vapor, present ink to diffuse in
jar containing ice was outside water... (L,
dried and left on a the jar, comes in primary
table in the laboratory. contact with a PST35).^
After a while it was cold surface during
observed the surface of hot weather, the
the jar hadmoisture. surface of the jar
Where did this water gets humid. This
on the glass surface humidity
come from? How do symbolizes
you explain condensation and
this situation? the changing state
of water, which
occurs due to the
presence of vapor in
the air

(H, primary
35–87.5 BWhen the glass jar
that contains
ice is setRes
Scifor a
while, the
ice inside the jar
melts and the
water evaporates.
The particles in
the ice are
congested and
intertwined. The
particles break
apart and turn
into water,
thereby causing
evaporation ... (L,
Q5. Illustrate the particulate nature of the 34–85
three states of matter (solid, liquid and 6–15

MUMacroskopic Understanding, SU Sound Understanding, FU Faulty Understanding

Table 5 The percentages of interjudge reliability for pre and post test WAT

Res Sciword
Stimulus Educ LPNMU (%) HPNMU (%)

Pre-test Post Pre-test Post

-test -test
Physical change 95 96 96 97
Chemical change 94 95 95 97
LPNMU low-level particulate nature of matter understanding, HPNMU high-level particulate nature of
matter understanding

evaluation of data (eg, to determine the frequency value of the response words). After
selecting and screening the data, we developed a frequency table by counting the response
words for physical change and chemical change stimulus words.
Table 6 provides only a partial list of response words that helps to understand how we
developed Figs. 4 and 5 to represent the frequency or cognitive maps. Table 6 lists the
stimulus words in the third row. The first column contains the response words obtained
from the pre-post- test WAT. We then constructed a frequency map to represent the data in
Figs. 4 and 5. We determined the frequency ranges and vertical directions for weak or
strong correlations in the map according to the association frequency scores, between
stimulus and response words. A frame encloses the stimulus word in each frequency range.
The tip of the arrow that outstretches from the frame contains the response word. The
frequency score of an association between a stimulus word and its response words
regulates the lengths and thickness of the arrows. The length and thickness

Table 6 A sample frequency table from the pre-test and post-test WAT

Response words Pre-test WAT Post- test


LPNMU low-level particulate nature of matter understanding, HPNMU high-level particulate nature of
matter understanding

Res Sci Educ

of the arrows also show the power of associations. The arrows, which have the same
length and
Res Sci thickness represent the same frequency value. The longest and widest arrows
show the highest frequency scores, and they are put in the first cell. The direction of the
arrows is in parallel with the direction of the relationships in Figs. 4 and 5. Bidirectional
arrows labeled Bstrong^ to Bweak^ are
also used to represent the variation of the power of associations through the frequency
regarding cognitive organization in Figs. 4 and 5.
The earlier case study (Derman and Eilks 2016) also constructed a cognitive map based
on the Nakipoğlu's (2008) response frequencies' map method that provides a comprehen-
sive record of high school students' cognitive structure of the chemical concept of
Bdissolution.^ To describe the students' cognitive structure in detail and more compre-
hensively, several sorts of arrows were used (eg, a dotted bi-directional arrow represents
a reverse relation between concepts; square dotted arrow to show a concept that can be
interpreted as misconception). The arrows in the cognitive maps of the earlier study are
different from the current study. The present study uses vertical arrows to represent any
relationship in the cognitive maps (see Figs. 4 and 5). These cognitive maps provide us a
deeper view into the effect of multiple representations on the primary PSTs' cognitive
structures of physical and chemical changes regarding the sorts of associations, the
direction of relationships, and the strength of the associations.


Results for the PNM-DQ

The primary PSTs' responses to the first question have a percentage of 92 at code 1 with
mostly macroscopic knowledge. Table 4 presents an excerpt that supports the results.
The primary PSTs' responses to the second question scored 77.5% at code 0. The
primary PSTs were unable to explain the change in pressure with temperature using the
particulate nature of matter. Furthermore, they incorrectly applied the principle of thermal
expansion to the relationship between pressure and temperature. Table 4 represents an
excerpt that supports the preceding claim. Table 4 also indicates the student's response that
reflects the best understanding of the phenomena asked in the second question. The
responses of the primary PSTs to the third question carries a score of 37.5% at code 1 and
62.5% at code 0. Table 4 presents two responses at code 0 and code 1. Franco and Taber
(2009) consider the latter as a well-developed particle model. The responses of primary
PSTs to the fourth question scored 87.5% at code 0. Table 4 shows excerpts that reflect
meaningful conceptualization of the phenomenon of condensation and a very sound
understanding of the subject matter. The response of primary PSTs to the fifth question
scored 85% at code 1 (particulate representa- tion) and 15% at 0 code (continuous
representation). Figure 1 represents examples of responses given at code 1 (H, primary
PST19; H, primary PST9). Figure 1 shows the primary PSTs' visualization of the states of
Primary PSTs' representations show their understandings of the particulate nature of
matter. However, the conceptual understanding of the primary PSTs on the distance
between solid, liquid and gas particles contradict the scientifically accepted 1:1:10
distance ratio (Adadan 2014b). The representations of primary PSTs' understanding of
PNM that depict Bcontinuous^
rates code 0. As observed in Fig. 2, there is no representation of particle model for the states
of Res Sci Educ
matter. Figure 2 provides examples (L, primary PST28; L, primary PST30), which is not
Res Sci Educ

Table 4
Questio Code1 Code 0 (f-%)
ns (f-%)
Excerpt Excerpt examples
Physical Physi Chemic Physi Chem Physi Chemi
Chemical cal al cal ical cal cal
change chang change chang chang chang chang
e e e e e
External 23 – – – 8 – 6 –
Freezing 11 3 6 – 15 – 9 –
Melting 15 – 11 – 18 – 18 –
Change of state 7 4 7 5 9 – 8 –
Breaking 18 – 12 – 19 – 17 –
Tearing 15 – 13 – 16 – 16 –
Acidity – 14 – 6 – 15 – –
Electrolyse – 5 – – – 7 – –
Change in – 15 – 15 – 19 – 21
Become moldy 5 11 2 6 1 8 – 5
Oxidation 3 15 – 9 – 17 – 9
Burning 3 15 2 19 – 19 – 23
Matter 6 – 6 – – – –
Decomposition – 7 – 8 – – – –
Fermentation 3 9 – 7 – 4 – 4
Change in – – 18 – – – 19 –

Fig. 1 Two examples of primary PSTs' particulate representations

s urprisingly much different (Adbo and Taber 2009; Coştu 2008; Franco and Taber 2009;
Harrison and Treagust 2002; Özmen 2011; Özmen et al. 2002).
The hybrid mental models consisting of both particulate and continuous representations
rate at code 0. As seen in Fig. 3, there is a particulate depiction for solid and gas states of
matter, and also a continuous representation for solid state. We might interpret these
depictions as a hybrid mental model. Figure 3 shows an illustrative example (L, Res Sci Educ
PST39). Previous research studies support the preceding hybrid mental models (Adbo and
Taber 2009; Johnson 1998; Özmen 2011; Talanquer 2009).

Results for the WAT

As represented in Fig. 4, the frequency score of associations between the stimulus words
and response words correspond to the two frequency range (21 ≤ f ≤ 30 and 11 ≤ f ≤ 20).
We did not take into consideration any frequency score of association for ten and above
30. We excluded the frequency score of associations below ten from the cognitive maps in
Figs. 4 and 5.
In addition to the graphical representations shown above, we garnered some qualitative
results. The findings support the assumption that learners construct meaning through their
already held concepts while acquiring new knowledge. The WAT suggests that each
response word relates to any stimulus word representing such a concept (Bahar et al. 1999;
Nakipoğlu 2008). For example, in pre-test WAT, the LPNMU and the HPNMU primary
PSTs used 20 and 26 response words, respectively to construct the meaning of BPhysical
Change. Table 7
presents the number of different response words for each stimulus word.
As represented in Table 7, the LPNMU primary PSTs associated the BPhysical
Change^ stimulus word with 20 response words in the pre-test and 29 response words in
the post-test. On the other hand, the same primary PSTs associated the BChemical
Change^ stimulus word with 22 response words in the pre-test and 30 response words in
the post-test. The HPNMU primary PSTs associated the BPhysical Change^ stimulus
word with 26 response words in the pre-test and 35 response words in the post-test.
Furthermore, these primary PSTs associated the BChemical Change^ stimulus word with
28 response words in the pre-test, and 33 response words in the post-test. According to
Schaefer (1979 as cited in Bahar et al. 1999), a word

Fig. 2 Two examples of primary PSTs' continuous representations

Res Sci Educ

Fig. 3 An example of primary PSTs' hybrid mental model

without any associations in a cognitive structure does not have a meaning, and the
meaning of that word is extended when more associations are formed. The more
association a stimulus has, richer the meaning.

Fig. 4 Primary PSTs' cognitive structures related to chemical change and physical change before MRsLT
Res Sci Educ

Fig. 5 Primary PSTs'cognitive structures related to chemical change and physical change after MRsLT


The first research question focused on examining the primary PSTs' comprehension of the
PNM. The study showed that primary PSTs had difficulty in connecting the Btemperature-
pressure^ relationship in a closed system, and explaining phenomena of Bdiffusion,
dispersion, and condensation in the context of the PNM (see Table 4). The findings of this
study are

Table 7 Total number of different response words in pre-test and post-test WAT

Stimulus word Pre-test WAT Post-test WAT


Physical change 20 26 29 35
Chemical change 22 28 30 33
consistent with previous studies on school students' understanding of the PNM (Ayas and
Res Sci2002;
Educ Franco and Taber 2009; Liu and Lesniak 2005, 2006).
Figure 1 reveals that primary PSTs represent the solid particles in contact with each
other, the liquid particles to be one or two particles apart, and the gas particles three to four
particles apart. However, the emptiness between solid, liquid and gas particles depicted in
these representations is inconsistent with the scientific 1:1:10 distance ratio as Adadan
(2014b), Adbo and Taber (2009), and Harrison and Treagust (2002) revealed in their
studies with younger science students. Harrison and Treagust (2002) also argued that it is
normal for younger students to have difficulty in establishing the reality of emptiness
between particles. Students commonly think that matter is continuous and attribute
macroscopic properties to particles. Perhaps, the distorted illustrations in
science/chemistry course books and teachers' use of book illustrations in their lessons
iterate the emptiness between the particles (Adadan 2014a; Çökelez 2009).
The second research question aimed to determine the effect of multiple representations
in general chemistry laboratory teaching on primary PSTs' cognitive structures of the
physical and chemical changes in both low and high understanding level groups of
particulate nature of matter. Although the post-test WAT results showed a few different
concepts, they were mostly similar to the ones in the pre-test WAT and were found to be
located in the cognitive structures of the LPNMU primary PSTs (see Figs. 4 and 5).
However, it is evident that after the MRsLT, there was an increase in the frequency score
of the concepts (response words) that were found to be similar to the cognitive structures
of the LPNMU primary PSTs in the pre-test WAT (see Table 6).
Although the post-test WAT revealed a few different concepts, mostly were similar to
the ones in the pre-test WAT, located in the cognitive structures of the HPNMU primary
PSTs (Figs. 4 and 5). However, the post-test WAT indicated that there was a rise in the
frequency score of the concepts (response words) that were found to be similar to the
cognitive structures of the HPNMU primary PSTs in the pre-test WAT (see Table 6).
In the post-test WAT, the primary PSTs in both groups, LPNMU and HPNMU
connected the different and an expansive list of response words in comparison to what
they did in pre-test WAT (see Table 7). The above findings might be interpreted about the
second research question as the concepts of physical change, and chemical change became
stronger and more meaningful in the primary PSTs' cognitive structures. As Schaefer
(1979) has argued, if learners do not make the connections in the cognitive structure, then
words (concepts) do not have any meaning. An expansive list of response words makes the
words more meaningful (Schaefer 1979 as cited in Bahar et al. 1999).
When we compared the two groups concerning the number of different response words,
the primary PSTs in the HPNMU group generated more response words in the post-test
than the primary PSTs in the LPNMU (For example the LPNMU group associated the
Change^ stimulus word with 29 response words; the HPNMU group associated the
Change^ stimulus word with 35 response words in the post-test WAT-See Table 7).
Although the response words, Bchange in the internal structure and burning^ were
observed in the cognitive structures of primary PSTs in both groups after the MRsLT, the
frequency scores of these words were higher in the HPNMU group (see Figs. 4 and 5).
As Ayas et al. (2010) note, the concepts of science are building blocks for further
learning. It is likely that the comprehension of the PNM positively affected the cognitive
development of the HPNMU primary PSTs and allowed them to develop a comprehensive
cognitive structure throughout the MRsLT. In contrast, a lack of PNM comprehension
might have impeded the LPNMU primary PSTs' cognitive structure development during
the MRsLT. Adadan (2014a), Franco and Taber (2009), and Liu and Lesniak (2005) point
out the difference Res Sci Educ
between the conceptual development of the HPNMU and LPMNU groups. Perhaps, the
LPNMU primary PSTs missed out on translating their understanding of the PNM to the
Res Sci Educ
physical and chemical change in the MRsLT process.
This empirical study on developing the primary PSTs' cognitive structures of physical
and chemical changes by probing students' prior knowledge using a research-based
assessment instrument and connecting it to chemists' explanatory or theoretical models
through specially designed learning tasks reflect a constructivist teaching style. The
undergraduate laboratory learning of physical and chemical change as portrayed in this
article was effective in developing both groups' cognitive structures. We think that the
learning opportunities provided by MRsLT learning environment (see Table 1-Learning
Tasks; viewing online simulations, discussing in small-group and between groups, journal
writing) enabled all the participants to develop a better cognitive structure of the concepts
of physical and chemical changes.
Although there was an attempt to teach the primary PSTs from a constructivist view,
some steps were missing in the instructional design. The laboratory course
instructor/teacher had a practical understanding of how to probe the primary PSTs'
cognitive structure of chemical phenomena through the application of WAT. However, she
had only a theoretical knowledge of how to integrate conceptual and contextual
approaches (Talanquer 2011) into the MRsLT. She aimed to assist the primary PSTs to
relate and translate experiences, models, and visualizations at different knowledge levels
(macroscopic, sub-microscopic and symbolic). She attempted to frame her laboratory
course with two constructivist assumptions: Learners' existing ideas have consequences
for the learning of science; and teaching science is more effective when a teacher
explicitly integrates the learner's existing ideas into the curriculum (Taber 2008).
While the teacher of this laboratory course was able to probe into primary PSTs'
cognitive structures using WAT, she was not well-versed in how to incorporate their ideas
into her laboratory learning curriculum. Consider her teaching approach: (1) The primary
PSTs read the teacher-scripted notes on the theoretical ideas of the laboratory learning
tasks before taking the pre-test and conducting the tasks. (2) The course instructor
gathered primary PSTs' existing ideas. For example, to reveal the primary PSTs' existing
ideas about the behavior of ice cubes in a glass beaker at room temperature, they were
asked to discuss the phenomenon in their group (See Table 1-Learning tasks). Then, the
primary PSTs placed the ice cubes in a beaker and observed the macroscopic changes at
room temperature. The primary PSTs determined whether or not the given phenomenon is
chemical or physical change using the criteria, such as form change, color change, odor,
gas release, and change of state. (3) Immediately after, the teacher had the primary PSTs
view the online simulation of the state of matter to explain the macroscopically observed
phenomenon. (4) Then she asked the primary PSTs to determine the strongest and the
weakest arguments in groups and between groups. (5) Considering the phase change as
represented by the H2O formula, the course instructor emphasized the changes in the
distance and the movements of the particles and drew attention to the symbolic represen-
tation as shown below:


Noting the teacher's willingness to take the steps to transform her laboratory teaching is
worthwhile. The teacher did not analyze the primary PSTs preexisting cognitive structures
(the pre-test WAT DATA) to understand them before teaching. The teacher introduced the
theoret- ical ideas prematurely. The primary PSTs did not have an opportunity to represent
their prior ideas at the submicroscopic level visually. The primary PSTs did not frame the
Res Sci Educ
visually on paper in small groups using a research-based approach. The primary PSTs did
place their worksheets in their evidence portfolio for further study and reflection.
Sci Educ
The following findings were instructive because it emphasizes the difficulty that
primary PSTs have on the particulate and symbolic representations of physical and
chemical changes. After the MRsLT, the majority of the HPNMU and LPNMU primary
PSTs generated response words that coincided with the subatomic and molecular (or sub-
microscopic) dimensions of chemistry knowl- edge. These response words were Batom,
electron, bond structure,^ and had a frequency score range
of 1–5. We did not present these response words in the sample frequency pattern in Table 6
of their low-frequency value. None of the primary PSTs was able to represent matter
symbolically based on their MRsLT experience (eg, the formula of compounds or symbols
of some elements and equations of chemical reactions). Also, before and after the MRsLT,
the majority of the concepts that appeared in the primary PSTs' cognitive structures
associated with physical change and chemical change reflected the macroscopic attributes
such as the change in external structures, breaking, tearing, melting and burning. We can
interpret these findings that the cognitive structure of the primary PSTs related to physical
and chemical changes mainly constructed with macroscopic concepts. Although the
macroscopic level is one of the building blocks in chemistry knowledge scale, proficient
chemical thinking requires the submicroscopic and symbolic knowledge represen- tations.
Perhaps, these findings need to be connected with the missing steps of the instructional
design so that both the low and the high-level groups could have achieved even more.


The probing and becoming aware of primary PSTs' prior knowledge in the context of a
teacher education degree contributes to the preparation of primary PSTs in the chemical
content and pedagogy, particularly making links between the macroscopic,
submicroscopic, and symbolic. When the primary PSTs go through the constructivist
learning process with laboratory tasks, they will acquire insights to practice the same in
their classroom. Primary PSTs will be able to design activities that explore prior
knowledge for the construction of desired knowledge. For this purpose, chemistry
educators in a teacher education degree should use an assessment method such as WAT
before a laboratory course or an instructional unit of study. This step will help identify pre-
service teachers' pre-existing knowledge for the development of comprehen- sive
cognitive structures. Chemistry educators should also use the WAT after classroom
teaching to evaluate the quantity and quality of cognitive structures of pre-service
teachers. This step will enable them to understand the knowledge taught, in inquiry, and
problem- solving. WAT is a convenient assessment tool as it can be prepared and applied
to numerous students in a short time as mentioned by Bahar et al. (1999) and Nakipoğlu
From all the outcomes discussed in the current study, chemistry educators in a teacher
education degree program should teach the particulate nature of matter, physical change,
and chemical change, as well as physical and chemical properties in a manner that would
reach the different learners. To develop chemical knowledge, Talanquer (2011) suggests
that chemistry teacher educators provide primary PSTs with effective teaching and
learning models, mate- rials, and resources. Examples are animations, simulations,
visualizations; scales (subatomic, molecular, etc.); dimensions (composition, structure,
energy, and time); and approaches (linguistics, mathematical, conceptual, contextual, and
historical). These pedagogical elements are research-based (Eilks 2013) and are in line
with NRC (2007) and (2013). However, the primary PSTs' teachers will make Res more
Sci Educ
meaning of these teaching and learning approaches
when teacher educators use these in light of their prior knowledge. Furthermore, in science
Sci Educ teaching courses, primary PSTs should read research articles that report
PNM learning difficulties. With such reading materials, it is possible to increase primary
PSTs' awareness of the learning difficulties that students and they encounter. Substantial
subject knowledge is also essential to enable pre-service teachers to develop useful
pedagogical skills from a constructivist view.


Considering a few methodological limitations is necessary to evaluate the results of the

present study. We investigated the primary PSTs' cognitive structures in groups instead of
observing individual cognitive structures before and after the MRsLT. The argument for
using a group approach is to develop a model to elicit the primary PSTs' composite
cognitive structures. The disadvantage is that the current study was not able to find each
learner's cognitive structures. Although WAT tests lead studies to the limited modeling of
each learner's cognitive structures, the design depicts commonalities in thoughts
(Nakipoğlu 2008). The method used in this study is useful regarding the determination of
the overall direction and strengths of the associations and presenting them on a map.
However, some limitations like the associations presented in the maps in Figs. 4 and five
also exist, and similar studies need to be supported or combined with other techniques
such as concept mapping or free writing to eliminate this limitation.


As we pointed out in the Method section, word association allows insights into the
structure and work of the human memory. Besides, it reveals the types and numbers of
concepts and the relationships between them in the learners' cognitive structures in
specific domains.
The findings of the current study indicate that the learning opportunities provided by
MRsLT learning environment (for example, viewing online simulations, group and
classroom discussions, report writing) enabled all the participants to develop a better
cognitive structures of the concepts of physical and chemical changes despite their pre-
existing knowledge of the PNM was a different level. The participants were provided with
two opportunities in the MRsLT learning environment to construct the verbal and visual,
which they actively processed in two different channels (verbal: ear; visual: eye)
functioning through multiple representations (macroscopic, sub-microscopic, and
symbolic) in their working memory and integrated into their pre-existing knowledge. First,
the participants through shared understandings in small groups and classroom discussions
were able to draw comparisons between their own and others. Second, the participants had
the opportunity to revise their knowledge through report writing by comparing their new
knowledge with the past knowledge, which may have contributed to their metacognitive
awareness. The pre-service teachers were encouraged to be aware of their prior
knowledge, to carry out frequent discussions, and to compare their new and prior
knowledge through journal writing. These pedagogical features could be beneficial in
promoting primary pre-service teachers' cognitive structures. Thus, the multiple
knowledge representations in teaching physical and chemical changes with teaching
methods described in this study will help to develop the cognitive structure of the primary
pre-service teachers, who often have a minimal understanding of chemical concepts. The
teacher educators and
Res Sci Educ
researchers, as part of their pedagogy and research, respectively, may replicate data
collection and analytical methods leading to a collective and coherent representation of
Res Sci Educ
cognitive structures. Functioning through multiple representations, macroscopic,
submicroscopic, and symbolic, enhances chemistry learning.


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