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Nama Sekolah : SMP N 1 Todanan

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : IX (Sembilan) / 2
Standar Kompetensi : 11. Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek sederhana berbentuk
narrative dan report untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
Kompetensi Dasar : 11.3 Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek sederhana secara
akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-
hari dalam teks berbentuk narrative dan report
Jenis teks : Report
Tema : Global Warming
Aspek/Skill : Membaca
Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 40 menit

1. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Pada akhir pembelajaran, siswa dapat:
a. Mengidentifikasi topik bacaan
b. Mengidentifikasi ide pokok
c. Mengidentifikasi informasi tersirat
d. Mengidentifikasi informasi tersurat
e. Mengidentifikasi rujukan
f. Menentukan langkah yang harus diambil terkait isu lingkungan

 Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)

Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )
Tekun ( diligence )
2. Materi Pembelajaran
Developing Skills
 Bacaan ‘Global Warming’, daftar pertanyaan.
 Mind map Global Warming.

3. Metode Pembelajaran: three-phase technique, mind-mapping, group discussion, three-minutes pause

4. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan
A. Kegiatan Pendahuluan
Apersepsi :
 Menulis hal-hal yang ingin diketahui berkaitan dengan bacaan yang akan dibahas
Motivasi :
 Menjelaskan pentingnya materi yang akan dipelari berikut kompetensi yang harus dikuasi siswa
B. Kegiatan Inti
Dalam kegiatan eksplorasi, siswa:
 Mengamati gambar terkait penyebab dan akibat global warming.
 Tanya jawab tentang gambar yang terkait teks.
 Mengamati video tentang global warming.
 Mendiskusikan isi video.
 Menuliskan kata-kata penting dari video yang diamati
 Melengkapi mind map tentang global warming berdasarkan isi video.
Dalam kegiatan elaborasi, siswa:
 Membaca teks report tentang global warming per paragraph dengan bimbingan guru. Setelah
membaca satu paragraph, siswa berhenti dan berdiskusi dengan teman sebangku untuk
menjawab pertanyaan terkait paragraph yang dibaca (daftar pertanyaan pada lampiran bahan
ajar dan lembar kerja).
 Membaca paragraph selanjutnya dan mengulangi proses membaca dengan bimbingan guru
dan menjawab daftar pertanyaan.
 Mendiskusikan mind-map yang mereka buat sebelumnya dangan isi bacaan.
 Mempresentasikan hasil diskusi di depan kelas.
 Memperbaiki mind-map berdasarkan hasil diskusi.
 Mengerjakan lembar kerja siswa tentang struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan (pada lampiran
bahan ajar dan lembar kerja)
Dalam kegiatan konfirmasi, siswa:
 Mendengarkan penjelasan guru tentang teks report, fungsi social, struktur teks dan unsur

C. Kegiatan Penutup
Dalam kegiatan penutup, siswa:
 Bersama-sama dengan guru menyimpulkan apa yang telas dipelajari
 Mendiskusikan kegiatan apa yang bisa mereka lakukan untuk mengurangi global warming
dengan teman sebangku.
 Menerima penugasan untuk membuat poster tentang global warming berdasarkan diskusi.

5. Sumber belajar
a. Video tentang global warming
b. Lembar kerja siswa
c. Gambar-gambar yang relevan
6. Penilaian
Indikator Pencapaian Teknik Bentuk
Instrumen/ Soal
Kompetensi Penilaian Instrumen
 Mengidentifikasi makna Tes Tulis Uraian Answer the questions.
dalam teks monolog 1. What is the topic of the text?
berbentuk report. 2. What happened in 2015 related to IPCC
 Mengidentifikasi berbagai Data?
informasi dalam teks 3. What are the causes of global warming?
monolog berbentuk report. 4. What are the effects of global warming?
5. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?
6. What is “Green Peace”?
7. What does Green Peace say about
global warming?
8. “It began since…”(paragraph 1)
What does the underlined word refer to?
9. What will happen if the sea level
continues to rise?
10. What can we do to reduce global
Unjuk kerja Karya Create a poster related to the actions to reduce
global warming.
Pedoman Penilaian
a. Soal Reading (tes tulis)
1. Untuk tiap nomor, tiap jawaban benar skor 3
2. Jumlah skor maksimal x 10 = 30
3. Nilai maksimal = 30
4. Nilai Siswa = x10

b. Poster (karya/projek)
Kesesuaian isi dengan tema = 30 - 50
Keindahan gambar = 30 - 40
Total nilai = 60 – 90

Mengetahui, Todanan, Januari 2017

Kepala SMPN 1 Todanan Guru Mata Pelajaran


NIP. 19660123 199103 1 004 NIP.198802282011012011

Global warming is the rise in the average temperature of the earth atmosphere. It began since 1980
after Revolution Industry has applied. Industry started to produce many pollution. Based on IPCC
(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) data shown that the earth atmospheric temperature has
increased 0.76ºC in 2005.
There are many causes of Global Warming, but the most influence is greenhouse gases. Human
activities such as burning fossil fuel, produce waste gas which is carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide gas convert the
earth atmosphere which make the sunlight that entered to the earth are trapped and cannot be reflected to the
space. As the result, the temperature of the earth are raising and the earth is getting hotter.

An increase in global warming will cause some problems such as increasing hurricanes-due to
increasing speed of wind, massive crop failure as effect of climate change, species extinction and increasing the
sea level as the result of melting process in the earth’s polar.

Latest news from Green Peace about global warming is so shocking. They estimate that in 21 century,
there will be increasing in the sea level for about 19-95 cm. Increasing of sea level about 1 meter can cause an
island lost. As the example is losing island in Egypt around 1 percent, and some small island in Indonesia.


a. Complete the following mind-map about global warming.




b. Questions list for three-minutes pause activity

Read the first paragraph, stop and then answer the questions.
Global warming is the rise in the average temperature of the earth atmosphere. It began since
1980 after Revolution Industry has applied. Industry started to produce many pollution. Based on IPCC
(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) data shown that the earth atmospheric temperature has
increased 0.76ºC in 2005.
 What is the topic of the text?
 What does global warming mean?
 What happened in 2015 related to IPCC Data?
 Do you think that global warming also happened in your environment?

Read the second paragraph, stop and then answer the questions.
There are many causes of Global Warming, but the most influence is greenhouse gases.
Human activities such as burning fossil fuel, produce waste gas which is carbon dioxide. Carbon
dioxide gas convert the earth atmosphere which make the sunlight that entered to the earth are
trapped and cannot be reflected to the space. As the result, the temperature of the earth are raising
and the earth is getting hotter.

 What are the causes of global warming?

 Which of the causes you think is the most dangerous?
 Which of the causes found in your environment?
 Does illegal logging cause global warming?

Read the third paragraph, stop and then answer the questions.
An increase in global warming will cause some problems such as increasing hurricanes-due to
increasing speed of wind, massive crop failure as effect of climate change, species extinction and
increasing the sea level as the result of melting process in the earth’s polar.

 What are the effect of global warming?

 What is the main idea of paragraph 3?
 What problems happened in your environment related to global warming?

Read the fourth paragraph, stop and then answer the questions.

Latest news from Green Peace about global warming is so shocking. They estimate that in 21
century, there will be increasing in the sea level for about 19-95 cm. Increasing of sea level about 1
meter can cause an island lost. As the example is losing island in Egypt around 1 percent, and some
small island in Indonesia.

 What is “Green Peace”?

 What does Green Peace say about global warming?
 What will happen if the sea level continues to rise?
 What can we do to reduce global warming?
c. Complete the table based on the text you have read.
Social function
Structure Paragraph 1:
Paragraph 2:
Paragraph 3:
Paragraph 4:
Grammar Sentences in present tense:
Specific terms:

d. Discuss with your friend, what you can do to reduce global warming. Then create a poster related to
your idea.

1. Students’ mind-mappings

2. Students’ posters

3. Foto kegiatan pembelajaran

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