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Manajemen Pangan Halal

Sertifikasi Halal dan

Sistem Jaminan Halal

M. Zukhrufuz Zaman, Ph.D.

Sistem Jaminan Halal (SJH)
›  SJH adalah suatu sistem manajemen
yang disusun, diterapkan dan dipelihara
oleh perusahaan pemegang sertifikat
halal untuk menjaga kesinambungan
proses produksi halal sesuai dengan
ketentuan LPPOM MUI
›  SJH didokumentasikan dalam bentuk
manual SJH
Kenapa perlu SJH???
›  Target utama industri: kepuasan
konsumen dan biaya produksi rendah
›  Makanan halal adalah hak bagi setiap
konsumen muslim
›  Sertifikat halal MUI à berlaku 2 tahun
Pedoman penyusunan SJH
›  Buku Panduan diterbitkan tahun 2012
›  HAS 23103: HAS untuk rumah pemotongan
hewan (RPH)
›  HAS 23201: Persyaratan bahan-bahan halal
›  HAS 23000-1: Kriteria manual HAS
›  HAS 23000-2: Kebijakan dan prosedur sertifikasi
Bagan Alir
Kriteria SJH (HAS 23000)
1.  Kebijakan halal
2.  Tim Manajenen Halal
3.  Pendidikan dan Pelatihan
4.  Bahan
5.  Produk
6.  Fasilitas Produksi
7.  Prosedur Tertulis untuk Aktivitas Kritis
8.  Penanganan Untuk Produk yang Tidak
Memenuhi Kriteria
9.  Mampu Telusur (traceability)
10.  Internal Audit
11.  Kaji Ulang Manajemen
1. Kebijakan Halal
›  Manajemen puncak harus menetapkan
kebijakan halal
›  Kebijakan halal harus disosialisasikan
kepada seluruh pemangku kepentingan
(stakeholders) perusahaan
2. Tim Manajemen Halal
›  Anggota: seluruh departemen yang
terlibat dalam aktifitas kritis (R&D, Produksi,
›  Diketuai oleh koordinator IHA (Internal
Halal Auditor)
›  Pengangkatan resmi oleh general
›  Clearly define the duty, responsibility,
Struktur Organinasi Manajemen Halal
di Perusahaan
3. Pendidikan dan Pelatihan
›  External/internaltraining should be
scheduled, at least annually
›  For halal management team members
and all personals involved in critical
›  Evaluation (pre/post-test, graduation
›  Documented
4. Bahan
›  Mainmaterials, additives, processing aids are
stated clearly (matrix)
›  No pork/pork derivatives
›  No haram animals/derivatives
›  No khamr/khamr derivatives
›  No parts of human body
›  Not stored together with non halal materials
›  Not produced on the same production facility
with non halal material
›  How to handle critical materials
›  Material selection
›  Verification of incoming materials
5. Produk
›  List
of halal registered products
›  Product brand/name, characteristic/
sensory profile
›  Not resemble to something or practices
which is forbidden to Islamic rules
(according to MUI’s fatwa)
›  Retail products distributed in Indonesia
with the same brands must be all halal
6. Fasilitas Produksi
›  Production line (including small equipments)
›  No use of pork/pork derivatives materials
›  Non halal but non porkàcleaning procedure
›  Trial production procedure
›  Toll manufacturing

›  Washing facility
›  Transportation
›  Warehouse
›  Halal materials/intermediate/final products :
stored separately
7. SOP untuk aktifitas kritis
›  SOP for all parties involved in critical activities,
›  New Material Selection
›  Purchasing
›  Product Formulation
›  Checking of Incoming RM
›  Production
›  Cleaning
›  Storage
›  Toassure that only raw materials approved by
LPPOM MUI are used for the certified product
›  SOP must be distributed to all respected
8. Penanganan produk yang tidak
memenuhi kriteria
Procedures to handle products made from
the materials and facilities that do not
complying with MUI’s criteria.
›  The non conformance products must not
be sold to muslim consumers
›  If non conformance products have been
distributed, it must be withdrawn
9. Mampu Telusur (Traceability)
›  Traceability system à to proof that your
halal certified products are :
›  made from MUI’s approved materials
›  produced on MUI’s approved production
facility (including toll manufacturing)
›  materials with the same code has the
same halal status
›  repacked/relabeled materials: what
written on the new label/new packaging
should match with those on the original
label/packaging from original producers
10. Internal Audit
›  Should be scheduled at least twice a year
›  Must be conducted by independent and
competent auditor (cross audit)
›  A necessary corrective action and its time
limit must be stated
›  The result of internal audit must be
submitted to the LPPOM MUI in the form of
Periodical Report (six monthly report)
›  Documented
11. Kaji Ulang Manajemen
›  Must be scheduled at least annually
Top management:HAS effectiveness
›  The result of evaluation must be
distributed to all respected parties
›  Documented
Manfaat Penerapan SJH
›  Menjamin kehalalan produk selama
berlakunya sertifikat halal MUI
›  Timbul kesadaran internal dan
perusahaan memiliki pedoman
kesinambungan proses produksi halal
›  Memberikan jaminan dan ketentraman
bagi masyarakat
›  Mencegah kasus ketidakhalalan produk
bersertifikat halal
›  Mendapatkan reward
Siklus Operasi SJH
1.  Perencanaan (Planning)
Perusahaan menyusun manual SJH standar
2.  Pelaksanaan (Implementation)
Perusahaan melaksanakan semua yang telah
direncanakan seperti tertulis dalam Manual SJH. Hal ini
didukung dengan bukti-bukti pelaksanaannya
3.  Pemantauan dan Evaluasi (Monitoring and
Perusahaan memantau dan mengevaluasi seberapa jauh
pencapaian pelaksanaan dapat memenuhi tujuan sesuai
yang direncanakan
4.  Tindakan Perbaikan (Corrective Action)
Perusahaan memperbaiki kesalahan dan belajar dari
kesalahan serta memperbaiki perencanaannya untuk
mencapai hasil yang lebih baik
Manfaat Penerapan SJH
›  Menjamin kehalalan produk selama
berlakunya sertifikat halal MUI
›  Timbul kesadaran internal dan
perusahaan memiliki pedoman
kesinambungan proses produksi halal
›  Memberikan jaminan dan ketentraman
bagi masyarakat
›  Mencegah kasus ketidakhalalan produk
bersertifikat halal
›  Mendapatkan reward
Manajemen Pangan Halal

Global Halal Market

M. Zukhrufuz Zaman, Ph.D.

Global Halal Food Market
›  Populasi muslim dunia diperkirakan meningkat
dari 1,7 milyar di tahun 2014 menjadi 2,2 milyar
di tahun 2030
›  Pew Research Center, USA à populasi muslim
dunia tumbuh 2X lipat dari non muslim dunia
lebih dari 2 dekade ke depan, perbandingan
tingkat pertumbuhan rata-rata 1,5% muslim :
0,7% non muslim
›  Dengan tingkat pertumbuhan tahunan rata-rata
sekitar 1,80% (± 117.000.000) per tahun, maka
prospek pengembangan pasar produk halal
dunia menjadi sangat potensial
Global Halal Food Market
›  Brasil Food Company (BFC) yang menjadi suplier produk
halal Brasil ke pasar global
›  The Saudi Arabian Food Group Almunajem, produsen
produk pangan beku asal unggas
›  MoU antara Brahim’s holdings Bhd dengan perusahaan
pangan di Mekah Arab Saudi
›  Fundacion Agropolis de Cordoba Spanyol, penyedia
produk pangan halal di Spanyol bekerja sama dengan
JAKIM Malaysia
›  Lulu Hypermarket (UAE) menjual produk halal lebih dari
110 merk dari berbagai negara
›  Jepang à ekspor produk pangan dan pariwisata halal,
didukung oleh perusahaan besar seperti Ajinomoto, Asahi
Beverage, Kewpie, dan Umakane
Global Halal Food Market
›  Kellog membangun Perusahaan halal di Malaysia senilai
›  Burger King berencana mengekspor roti halal dari Afrika
›  The Halal Guys, New York bekerja sama dengan Fransmart
untuk membuka outlet The Halal Guys yang menyediakan
pangan halal di jaringan Fransmart Los Angeles, Kanada,
dan wilayah pantai Timur
›  Prima Baguz Sdn.Bhd, perusahaan Malaysia yang
memproduksi produk halal berbahan baku daging untuk
disalurkan di supermarket, restoran, hotel, resort, dan
perusahaan jasa pangan
Peringkat negara penghasil produk halal menurut
global islamic economy indicator
Halal di negara lain
›  Halal Food Act In USA
›  Halal Food Act was passed
? New Jersey – 6 March 2000
? Minnesota – 30 April 2001
? Illinois – 17 August 2001
? Michigan – 29 April 2002
? California – 8 July 2002
? Texas – 20 June 2003
›  Halal
Certification Authority: IFANCA (Islamic
Food and Nutrition Council of America
Manajemen Pangan Halal

Halal Critical Point in

microbial process

M. Zukhrufuz Zaman, Ph.D.


1. Origin of cultures

2. Selected cultures

3. Substrates

4. Metabolites

5. Production facilities

6. Matrix
HCP1: Origin of cultures
q  Microbial cultures (bacteria, fungi, yeast, algae) can be
isolated from material from fruits, vegetables, soil, water,
plant, animal etc.
q  It can also be originated from non Halal material such as
blood, body part of non halal animals, animal slaughtered not
according to Islamic syariah
q  Many probiotic, reuterin producing bacteria, equol/ estrogen
non steroid producing bacteria are isolated from porcine
HCP2: Selected cultures
q  Selected culture must not harmful to human
q  Genetically modified culture required strict attention

q  Insertion of c-amylase encoding gen from pig (Feller et

al., 1996)
q  Insertion of antimicrobial gen (mrc-1) from Enterococcus
isolated from pig ( Hamilton and Wenlock, 2016)
HCP3: Substrates
q  Substrate used in fermentation process must be from
halal source
q  Blood containing agar is prohibited

q  BHI (brain heart infusion) agar contain casein, NaCl,

glucose, BHI, disodium phosphate à porcine BHI is
HCP4: Metabolites
q  Metabolites should free from non halal status and toxic
q  Alcohol is permitted as much as 1% in final product by
Fatwa MUI No.4/2003
q  Extraction by using ethanol is permitted as long as the
final residue is below 1%. Ethanol must be not originated
from khamr industries
HCP5: Production Facilities
q  Clean and free from najis and non halal material
q  Not in one place for producing other product that not
comply with halal regulation
HCP6: Matrix
q  Clean and free from najis and non halal material
q  Not in one place for producing other product that not
comply with halal regulation
q  Skim to coat L. plantarum (Ferdiansyah et al, 2002)

q  Enteric coating (starch, lactose monohydrate) for L.

acidophilus, chitosan alginate, and whey protein
Halal in Enzyme Production

² Enzymes are proteins specialized to catalyze biological reactions,

which far greater than those of man-made catalysts
² Enzyme from halal animal source should be acceptable
² Enzyme can be obtained from microbial processed
² Selected strains of mold, bacteria and yeast are used as sources
of enzymes for food processing
Sources of enzymes

Protease Microbial source

Plant source
Bromelain Enzyme from
Cellulase Rennet

Animal source
Ficin microbial source is
Xylanase Catalase
Lypoxigenase highly preferred
Pectinase Lipase
Actinidin than others
Pullulanase Trypsin
Enzyme in biotechnology
• Enzymes in food and beverage production
Dairy industry
• Enzymes as final products
Beer industry
Detergent industry
Wine and juice industry
Cleaning agent industry
Alcohol industry
Pharmaceutical industry
Protein industry
Animal feed industry
Meat industry
Analytical applications
Baking industry
Fat and Oil industry
• Enzymes as processing aids
Textile industry
• Enzymes as industrial catalysts
Leather industry
Starch processing industry
Paper and pulp industry
Antibiotic industry
Sugar industry
Fine Chemicals industry
Coffee industry
Production of enzymes

1. Raw material for growth media

2. Origin of cultures

3. Acceptable processing aids

4. Growth media

5. Approved standardization ingredients

6. Packaging and labeling

HCP in Enzyme
extraction from
animal sources
HCP in Enzyme
production in a
HCP1: Raw material for growth media
q  The use of acceptable media is an important control point
in enzyme production through fermentation
q  Any raw materials should not have been modified or
processed by using porcine or other non-halal enzymes or
q  Growth media was not a major issue until seven
employees of P.T. Ajinomoto were arrested in Indonesia for
violating the country’s law for manufacturing halal foods
q  In growth media, they used peptone that was produced
with porcine enzymes
Prosedur Pembuatan Ajinomoto

Titik kritis: Polypeptone menjadi Bactosoytone

HCP2: Origin of cultures
q  Microbial cultures (bacteria, fungi, yeast, algae) can be
indigenous or be genetically engineered
q  Genetic material from halal species of animals and all
plant sources are generally acceptable
HCP3: Acceptable Processing aids
q  free
of prohibited materials, especially derivatives from
pork fat
HCP4: Growth media
q  All
materials used as growth media and in the
preparation of the mother culture should be halal
HCP5: Approved standardization ingredients
q  Preservatives, emulsifiers, and other standardizing
materials must be from acceptable sources
q  Alcohol may sometimes be used as a preservative to
protect the enzyme activity.
q  Alcohol is generally acceptable if below 0.5% by volume
in the final enzyme preparation.
Ragi/Yeast :

Ø Compressed yeast
Ø Active dry yeast
Ø Instant active dry yeast

Ti#k Kris#s
ü  Pada pembuatan compressed yeast sering ditambahkan
pengemulsi (emulsifier) gelatin.
ü  Bahan aditif pada ragi instan yaitu (anticaking agent) E542
(edible bone phosphate, berasal dari tulang hewan), E 570
(asam stearat) dan E572 (magnesium stearat)
ü  Bahan pengisi pada ragi instan digunakan gum, dekstrin,dan
HCP6: Packaging and labeling
q  Enzymes should be packed in acceptable containers and
labeled properly with halal markings
1.  Keju à susu yang digumpalkan dengan asam atau enzim penggumpal (bisa
berasal dari hewan / mikroba tanaman). Hasil samping: whey, laktosa, casein/
2.  Laktosa à hasil samping pembuatan keju ( whey yang telah dipisahkan
mineral dan proteinnya) à perlu dikritisi penggumpal susu
3.  Whey :
Fase cair dari pembuatan kejuà perlu dikritisi penggumpal susu
Audit whey dan turunan wheyà perlu perhatikan sumber liquid whey
4.  Kasein dan Kaseinat à whey direaksikan dengan NaOH/Ca(OH)2

Susu Mineral & Protein

Kasein dan Kaseinat

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