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 Lembar Kegiatan Peserta Didik (LKPD) ini diharapkan

dapat membantu peserta didik dalam mengeksplorasi materi

pembelajaran tentang offering help dan responnya.
 Lembar Kegiatan Peserta Didik ini terdiri dari 4 bagian
yaitu listening, speaking, reading dan writing.
 Bacalah petunjuk pengerjaan soal pada lembar kegiatan
peserta didik (LKPD) ini dengan baik dan teliti.
 Tanyakan kepada guru apabila terdapat hal-hal yang
kurang jelas atau yang kurang dipahami terkait dengan
materi dan tugas yang terdapat dalam lembar kegiatan
peserta didik (LKPD) ini.
 Tugas dapat dikerjakan secara berkelompok terkait
petunjuk yang diberikan.

3.1 Menerapkan Tindakan menawarkan jasa, struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan teks interaksi interpersonal lisan dan tulis yang
melibatkan tindakan menawarkan jasa, serta menanggapinya,
sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur
kebahasaan May I help you?, What can I do for you? What if ...?).

4.1 Menyusun teks interaksi interpersonal lisan dan tulis sederhana

yang melibatkan tindakan menawarkan jasa, dan menanggapinya
dengan memperhatikan Tindakan menawarkan jasa, struktur teks,
dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.
Expressions to offer help are expressions which are used when you want to help
someone to do something.

When we want to offer help, we say:

 Can I help you?  Perhaps I could assist you

with that?
 Let me help you?
 Could I assist you in some
 Do you need help? way?

 Would you like some help?  May I offer you assistance?

 Need help?

 Need help?

 I’d be happy to type the  If you like, I’ll type the letter
letter for you? for you.
 Can I type the letter for  Do you want me to type the
you? letter for you?

 I can type the letter for you  Let me know if you need
if you want? help with anything?
 If you don’t mind I can type  Shall I type the letter for you?
the letter for you
 Yes, Please?
 Yes, I really need it. Thank
you?  Thank, but I can do it
 How kind of you thanks a myself.
 Yes, that would be great.  It’s okay. I’ll handle it
 Thanks. I’m very much myself.
 That would be so kind,  No. It’s okay. Thanks.
thank you  No, thanks. I’ll be alright
 Oh really? Thank you a
million. soon
 Thanks. That’s just what I

Sample Dialogues

 Dialogue 1
Susan : Excuse me, ma’am. Could I help you copy the document?

Mrs Tania : That would be great, thanks.

 Dialogue 2
Mr. Jarot : Excuse me. Can you help me?
Rony : Of course, sir. What can I do for you?
Mr. Jarot : The projector is off. Could you check the electricity
Rony : Of course, sir.

 Dialogue 3
Tika : Let me help you with your bags.
Sany : Thank you, Tika
Task 1. Read the following dialog. Then, answer the questions that

Mechanic : Good morning, Nashville Auto Garage, can I help you?

Man : Yes, I hope so. I’m having trouble with my car engine. It

wouldn’t start this morning. Can you come to my house and

repair it for me, please?

Mechanic : Umm…what can I say? Mm…my men are working on some

cars right now, sir. I think you’ll have to wait for a few hours.

What if we come to your house tomorrow?

Man : But, I need the car tomorrow.

Mechanic : You could try other garages.

Man : I want to, but I don’t have any contacts. Besides, I’ve been your

loyal customer for a long time.

Mechanic : I have a friend who might help you. He’s also a car mechanic

like me and I can guarantee that he’ll repair your car as well as

we do. Let me call him for you now.

Man : Oh, that’s very kind of you to offer. Thanks

a. What is the dialogue about?

b. Can the mechanic repair the man’s car right away ? why?
c. What does the mechanic offer the man?
d. Does the man accept or refuse the offer?Why?
e. Put the expressions in the correct columns of the provided table

Offering help Accepting help Refusing help

Task 2. Fill the blanks with the sentences in the box.

a. Excuse me. Are you looking for something, sir?

b. Would you like any help?
c. Let me help you with the books.
d. The radio is broken. I can’t hear anything but noises.
e. Excuse me. Can I give you a hand? It seems like you are lost.

1. A. : ____________________________________________________________
B. : Sure. The books are too heavy for me.

2. A. : ____________________________________________________________
B. : I have lost my watch. I think I put it on the desk.
A. : Let me help you find it.

3. A. : ____________________________________________________________
B. : Yes, I am new here. Could you show me the way to the post office, please?
A. : Just go down this street and turn left at the first T-junction. Go straight ahead
and you will find the post office on your right.
B. : Thanks a lot.

4. A. : ____________________________________________________________
B. : Let me repair it. It may need some changed parts.

5. A. : ____________________________________________________________
B. : Yes, please. Could you decorate the room, please?

Task 3. Arrange the following sentences into a good

Samuel : I am good at graphic design. I prefer doing the designing part.
Samuel : Sure. I’m free on Friday.
Samuel : Would you like me to help you with your new project?
Samuel : I can send it to you soon.
Samuel : It’s OK, but I will ask others for some suggestions.
Andre : Excellent! You’ll be working alone on that part. Is it OK for you?
Andre : We will have the first meeting next Friday. Could you join us?
Andre : Alright. I look forward to working with you. Enjoy your week.
Andre : please send me your personal data before the meeting so I can look at it.
Andre : that would be great. Do you want to help with the designing or the mapping
Task 4. Observe the dialogs
Classify the following expressions into their correct functions.

No. Offering Accepting Refusing

help help help

1. Can I help you?

2. Oh, Please don’t bother.

3. It’s very kind of you to offer.

4. What can I do for you?

5. We can do it for you if you like.

6. Oh, that would be marvelous.

7. Oh, would you? Thank you very much

8. Is there anything I can do for you?

9. Do you want me to help you?

10. Let me help you.

11. Oh really? Thanks a lot.

12. That’s very kind of you. Thanks a lot.

13. No, thanks. I can carry it myself.

14. Perhaps I could assist in some way.

15. Thanks. But I will be alright soon.

Answers Key

1. Trustworthy 6. Dependable
2. Forgiving 7. Respectful
3. Loyal 8. Selfless
4. Straightforward 9. Supportive
5. Enthusiastic 10. Non judgmental
11. inspring

B. Vocabulary Builder
extended family (n) : Keluarga Besar
terrific (adj.) : menakutkan
decorate (v) : menghiasi
belly (n) : perut
get well (v) : lekas sembuh
supposed (adj.) : seharusnya
due date (n) : batas tanggal terakhir
extended (v) : diperpanjang
approaching (adj.) : mendekati
destination (n) : tujuan
awkwardly (adv.) : dengan canggung

a. What is the dialogue about?
The mechanic is offering for help.
b. Can the mechanic repair the man’s car right away ? why?
No, he can’t. because his workers/mechanics are working the cars
c. What does the mechanic offer the man?
The mechanic offer help to the man about other mechanic to fix his car
d. Does the man accept or refuse the offer?Why?
The man accepts the offer because he needs to use his car tomorrow
e. Put the expressions in the correct columns of the provided table

Offering help Accepting help Refusing help

- What if we come to - Oh, that’s very kind of - But I need the car
your house tomorrow? you to offer tomorrow.
- Let me call him for
Task. 2

1. A : ____________________________________________________________
B. : Sure. The books are too heavy for me.

2. A. : ____________________________________________________________
B. : I have lost my watch. I think I put it on the desk.
A. : Let me help you find it.

3. A. : ____________________________________________________________
B. : Yes, I am new here. Could you show me the way to the post office, please?
A. : Just go down this street and turn left at the first T-junction. Go straight ahead
and you will find the post office on your right.
B. : Thanks a lot.

4. A. : ____________________________________________________________
B. : Let me repair it. It may need some changed parts.

5. A. : ____________________________________________________________
C. : Yes, please. Could you decorate the room, please?

Task 3.
Samuel : Would you like me to help you with your new project?
Andre : that would be great. Do you want to help with the designing or the mapping
Samuel : I am good at graphic design. I prefer doing the designing part.
Andre : Excellent! You’ll be working alone on that part. Is it OK for you?
Samuel : It’s OK, but I will ask others for some suggestions.
Andre : please send me your personal data before the meeting so I can look at it.
Samuel : I can send it to you soon.
Andre : We will have the first meeting next Friday. Could you join us?
Samuel : Sure. I’m free on Friday.
Andre : Alright. I look forward to working with you. Enjoy your week.
Task 4.
1. Where do you think each conversation takes place?
a. Dialog 1: in a doctor’s room
b. Dialog 2: in a bus station (Arjosari, Malang)
c. Dialog 3: at school
d. Dialog 4: at home
2. What are the relationships between the speakers?
a. Dialog 1: doctor-patient
b. Dialog 2: tourist-ticket seller
c. Dialog 3: friends
d. Dialog 4: friends

3. What are the functions of the underlined words?

Responses of expressions of offering of help/services.
4. What are the functions of the italicized words?
Expressions of offering help/services.
5. In Dialog 1, what does dr. Nahda say to help Fafa? What will dr. Nahda do to help Fafa?
Dr. Nahda says, ‘What can I do for you?’, ‘What’s the problem?’ and ‘okay, let me check
your stomach‘. He will check Fafa’s stomach.
6. Look at Dialog 2. What does Tania offer to the stranger? Does the stranger accept Tania’s
offer? What does he say?
a. She offers a bus ticket indirectly.
b. The stranger accepts Tania’s offer by saying, ‘Yes. I need to go to Jakarta," ……
"Thank you. I will buy the bus ticket, then."
7. Who is offering a help in Dialog 3? What does she say? Is the offer accepted?
In Dialog 3, Dhea is offering a help. She says, "Would you need my help?"
The offer is not accepted (No, thanks. I’ll do it as soon as possible).
8. In Dialog 4, what does Diana say to offer a help? Does Hamada accept or refuse the
help? What does she say?
Diana says, "What if I help you with the preparation?" Hamada refuses the offer politely
by saying, "Oh, it’s a very nice of you. But I'm going to do it with my sister. Thanks for the
9. Write the patterns of offering help/services. May I help you…?, Would you like ...?, What if
I ...?)
10. Write possible responses for offering help/services.
- Acceptance: Yes, I need …, Yes, I’d love to …, Thanks a lot.
- Refusing/confronting: No, thank you …, Yes, but ..., Thanks a lot, but

E. Vocabulary Exercise

Dialog 1
Roni : You know what! Our favourite singer Maher Zain is touring here again next month.
Roy : Wow! That sounds fantastic.
Roni : We will get a discounted price for the concert tickets in the news agency if we can
show our student ID card. Would you like me to get your ticket?
Roy : No, thank you. I am fine. We can do it together.
Dialog 2
Zahra : Have you heard the latest news about our school?
Raisa : No. What about it?
Zahra : It got Grade A from the National Accreditation Body.
Raisa : Wow! That’s terrific. We should be very proud.
Zahra : We are. It means that our school is of good quality.
Raisa : We should celebrate it, don't you think?
Zahra : Yes, you’re right. What if I invite all students to celebrate it?
Raisa : That would be good. Thanks for having the ideas.

Dialog 3
Diani : What do we have to prepare for the next trip?
Riana : We are supposed to bring winter clothes. Three pieces at
least. We also have to take our personal medication.
Diani : Oh, I don’t have any winter clothes and I don’t have enough
time to find ones.
Riana : My sister has two jackets good enough for going out in the
snow. What if I ask her to lend you hers?
Diani : That would be very helpful. Thank you very much.
Riana : No worries, mate.
Diani : Are we supposed to bring some food as well?
Riana : No. It’s provided by the school.

Pattern Examples Responses

Classify the following expressions into their correct functions.
Offering Accepting Refusing
No. Expressions
help help help
1. Can I help you? √
2. Oh, Please don’t bother. √
3. It’s very kind of you to offer. √
4. What can I do for you? √
5. We can do it for you if you like. √
6. Oh, that would be marvelous. √
7. Oh, would you? Thank you very much √
8. Is there anything I can do for you? √
9. Do you want me to help you? √
10. Let me help you. √
11. Oh really? Thanks a lot. √
12. That’s very kind of you. Thanks a lot. √
13. No, thanks. I can carry it myself. √
14. Perhaps I could assist in some way. √
15. Thanks. But I will be alright soon. √

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