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odul Bahasa Inggris kelas XII SMK semua jurusan

Kata Pengantar
Puji syukur kami panjatkan ke hadirat Allah SWT atas karunia dan hidayah-Nya, kami
dapat menyusun bahan ajar modul untuk SMK Bidang Adaptif, yakni mata pelajaran Bahasa
Sumber dan bahan ajar pokok Kurikulum SMK Edisi 2012 adalah modul, baik modul
manual maupun interaktif dengan mengacu pada Standar Kompetensi Nasional (SKN) atau
standarisasi pada dunia kerja dan industri.
Dengan modul ini, diharapkan digunakan sebagai sumber belajar pokok oleh peserta diklat
untuk mencapai kompetensi kerja standar yang diharapkan dunia kerja dan industri.
Modul ini disusun melalui beberapa tahapan proses, yakni mulai dari penyiapan materi
modul, penyusunan naskah secara tertulis, kemudian disetting dengan bantuan alat-alat
komputer, serta divalidasi dan diujicobakan empirik secara terbatas. Validasi dilakukan dengan
teknik telaah ahli (expertjudgment), sementara ujicoba empirik dilakukan pada beberapa
peserta diklat SMK. Harapannya, modul yang telah disusun ini merupakan bahan dan sumber
belajar yang berbobot untuk membekali peserta diklat kompetensi kerja yang diharapkan.
Namun demikian, karena dinamika perubahan sain dan teknologi di industri begitu cepat terjadi,
maka modul ini masih akan selalu dimintakan masukan untuk bahan perbaikan atau direvisi
agar supaya selalu relevan dengan kondisi lapangan. Pekerjaan berat ini dapat terselesaikan,
tentu dengan banyaknya dukungan dan bantuan dari berbagai pihak yang perlu diberikan
penghargaan dan ucapan terima kasih. Oleh karena itu, dalam kesempatan ini tidak berlebihan
bilamana disampaikan rasa terima kasih dan penghargaan yang sebesar-besarnya kepada
berbagai pihak, terutama tim penyusun modul (penulis, editor, tenaga komputerisasi modul,
tenaga ahli desain grafis) dan validator modul yaiti Prof.Dr. Johanes Sapri, M.Pd atas dedikasi,
pengorbanan waktu, tenaga, dan pikiran untuk menyelesaikan penyusunan modul ini.
Kami mengharapkan saran dan kritik dari para pakar di bidang psikologi, praktisi dunia
usaha dan industri, dan pakar akademik sebagai bahan untuk melakukan peningkatan kualitas
modul. Diharapkan para pemakai berpegang pada azas keterlaksanaan, kesesuaian dan
fleksibilitas, dengan mengacu pada perkembangan IPTEK pada dunia usaha dan industry dan
potensi SMK dan dukungan dunia usaha industri dalam rangka membekali kompetensi yang
terstandar pada peserta diklat.
Demikian, semoga modul ini dapat bermanfaat bagi kita semua, khususnya peserta
diklat SMK Bidang Adaptif untuk mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris atau praktisi yang sedang
mengembangkan modul pembelajaran untuk SMK.

Bengkulu, November 2012

Penulis adalah mahasiswa program magister Teknologi Pendidikan FKIP UNIB
A. Deskripsi
Dalam modul ini, Anda akan mempelajari: making reservation, handling complaint, making
arrangement, making confirmation and cancelation, Conditional sentence dan Subjunctive.
B. Petunjuk Guru
1. Waktu yang disediakan untuk menyelesaikan modul ini adalah 10 jam pelajaran
2. Alat-alat pengajaran yang harus digunakan adalah:
 Media Powerpoint
 Papan tulis
 Spidol
 Lembar kegiatan siswa
 Modul
3. Bagikan modul kepada semua siswa, jelaskan bagaimana langkah-langkah penggunaan
modul tersebut.
4. Sajikan materi yang ada di dalam modul dengan cara yang menarik menggunakan
strategi interaktif dan student centered.
5. Penggunaan modul tetap harus dengan bantuan guru untuk menjelaskan materi.
6. Tuntunlah siswa mengerjakan latihan yang tersedia sehingga pemahaman siswa
7. Penilaian dilakukan dengan cara tertulis,yaitu siswa diminta mengerjakan evaluasi yang
telah tersedia. Beri siswa pengertian dan dorongan supaya jangan melihat kunci jawaban
terlebih dahulu. Setelah siswa selesai mengerjakan evaluasi, kumpulkan dan bahas bersama
tentang jawabannya di kelas.

B. Petunjuk Siswa
1. Pelajari daftar isi serta skema kedudukan modul dengan cermat dan teliti. Karena dalam skema
modul akan nampak kedudukan modul yang sedang Anda pelajari ini di antara modul-modul
yang lain.
2. Apabila ada soal latihan, kerjakanlah soal-soal tersebut sebagai latihan untuk persiapan
3. Jawablah tes formatif dengan jelas sesuai dengan kemampuan Anda. Jika Anda masih ragu-
ragu dengan jawaban yang Anda peroleh, Anda bisa melihat kunci jawaban formatif yang
sesuai. Kerjakan soal-soal yang ada pada evaluasi.
4. Waktu yang disediakan untuk mengerjakan modul ini adalah 10 jam pelajaran atau 4 kali

D. Tujuan Akhir
Setelah mempelajari modul ini diharapkan Siswa dapat:
1. Menggunakan ungkapan pemesanan dengan tepat
2. Menggunakan ungkapan mengkonfirmasi dan membatalkan pemesanan
3. Menggunakan ungkapan untuk menyatakan rencana masa depan dan kesepakatan
dengan tepat
4. Menggunakan kalimat pengandaian dengan tepat
5. Menggunakan subjunctive untuk menyatakan situasi yang tidak dapat terjadi dengan
Kegiatan Belajar Siswa
SK : Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Level Intermediate
KD : Memahami percakapan terbatas dengan penutur asli
Kegiatan belajar 1
Tujuan Pembelajaran:
1. Siswa dapat menggunakan ungkapan untuk membuat reservasi dengan tepat.



In this unit, we will learn about job conversation. There are many conversations dealing
with job. Reservation making, complaint handling, and interviewing are some of them. Besides,
there are some grammatical reviews which is used in this theme.
We have to practice it frequently in order to master all of these conversation. It will be
useful for you to find a job in the future.
Now, let we start our lesson!

Making a Reservation
Making a Reservation maksudnya adalah memesan kamar Hotel atau penginapan lainnya.
Pemesanan Kamar dapat dilakukan langsung atau melalui telepon. Melayani pemesanan kamar
merupakan hal yang perlu dilakukan. Orang-orang yang bekerja di garis depan atau orang yang
pertama sekali melayani tamu, adalah orang-orang yang menentukan dan merupakan cerminan
dari semua orang yang bekerja di Hotel tersebut. Oleh karena itu, gunakan bahasa dan
ungkapan yang baik sebagai bentuk Pelayanan Prima (Service Excellent) bagi tamu Hotel
Berikut ini adalah contoh-contoh ungkapan ataupun percakapan conversation bahasa
inggris yang sering digunakan baik bagi resepsionis atau tamu Hotel.

 Vocabularies dealing with reservation

 Receptionist (n)
 Guest (n)
 Room (n)
 Single room (n)
 Double room (n)
 Executive room (n)
 President suite (n)
 Family room (n)
 Reserve (v)
 Book (v)

 Ungkapan Yang Sering Digunakan Oleh Resepsionis

 Enterprise Hotel, Lisa speaking. How can I help you? Hotel Enterprise. Dengan Lisa di
sini. Ada yang bisa saya bantu?
 What date are you looking for? Mau pesan kamar tanggal berapa?
 How long will you be staying? Mau menginap berapa lama?
 How many adults will be in the room? Orang dewasanya berapa orang?
 I’m afraid we are booked that weekend. Kalau minggu ini, semua kamar sudah dipesan.
 There are only a few vacancies left. Masih ada beberapa kamar yang kosong.
 We advise that you book in advance during peak season. Kami menyarankan Anda
memesan kamar lebih cepat pada masa-masa puncak liburan.
 Will two double beds be enough? Apakah double bed cukup?
 Do you want a smoking or non-smoking room? Mau kamar yang bebas rokok atau
 The dining room is open from 4 pm until 10 pm. Restoran buka dari jam 4 sore sampai
jam 10 malam.
 We have an indoor swimming pool and sauna. Hotel kami memiliki kolam renang di
dalam hotel dan sauna.
 We serve a continental breakfast. Kami melayani sarapan masakan Asia.
 Cable television is included, but the movie channel is extra. TV Kabel sudah termasuk
dalam biaya, namun channel Film ada biaya tambahan.
 The rate I can give you is 99.54 with tax. Saya bisa memberikan harganya 99,54, sudah
termasuk pajak.
 We require a credit card number for a deposit. Kami butuh nomor kartu kredit untuk
deposit (sejumlah uang yang digunakan untuk panjar hotel. Jumlah Deposit bisa saja lebih dari
biaya hotel, dan akan dikembalikan pada saat check out)
 Ungkapan Yang Sering Digunakan oleh Tamu Hotel
 I’d like to make a reservation for next week. Saya mau pesan kamar untuk minggu
 Is it necessary to book ahead? Perlu pesan kamar dulu?
 Do you charge extra for two beds? Ada biaya tambahan untuk 2 kamar tidur?
 Do you offer free breakfast? Sarapannya gratis?
 Is there a restaurant in the hotel? Ada restoran di hotel Anda?
 Do the rooms have refrigerators? Ada kulkas dalam kamar?
 Is there an outdoor pool? Ada kolam renang yang diluar ruangan?
 Do you have any cheaper rooms? Ada kamar yang lebih murah?
 When is it considered off- season? Kapan yang dianggap bukan musim yang padat?
 Contoh Percakapan:
Receptionist : Thanks for calling Quality Inn. Morine speaking. Terima kasih karena telah menghubungi
Penginapan Quality. Dengan Morine disini.
Caller : Hello. I’m interested in booking a room for the September long weekend. Hello. Saya mau
pesan kamar untuk akhir pekan yang panjang di bulan September.
Receptionist : I’m afraid we’re totally booked for that weekend. There’s a convention in town and we’re the
closest hotel to the convention center. Waduh, sepertinya semua kamar sudah dipesan pada
tanggal yang Anda minta. Ada konvensi di dekat hotel kami.
Caller : Oh, I didn’t realize. Well what about the weekend after that? Oh begitu ya. Bagaimana kalau
setelah itu?
Receptionist : So… Friday the seventeenth? Jadi … Jum’at tanggal 17?
Caller : Yes. Friday and Saturday. Ya. Jum’at dan Sabtu.
eceptionist : It looks like we have a few vacancies left. We recommend that you make a reservation,
though. It’s still considered peak season then. Sepertinya masih ada komor kosing. Saran kami
Anda secepatnya buat pemesanan. Ini masih liburan puncak.
aller : Okay. Do you have any rooms with two double beds? We’re a family of four. OK. Ada kamar
dengan 2 double bed? Kami sekeluarga ada 4 orang.
eceptionist : Yes, all of our rooms have two double beds. The rate for that weekend is $129 dollars a night.
Ya. Semua kamar memiliki 2 double bed. Rate (harga) nya pada akhir minggu itu adalah $ 129
per malam.
aller : That’s reasonable. And do you have cots? One of my daughters might be bringing a friend.
Masih terjangkau. Salah satu putri saya mungkin membawa teman. Kena biaya ya?
eceptionist : We do, but we also charge an extra ten dollars per person for any family with over four
people. Iya. Tapi hanya dikenakan biaya tambahan 10 Dollar per orang dengan keluarga yang
lebih dari 4 orang.
aller : Okay, but I’m not positive if she is coming. Can we pay when we arrive? OK. Tapi belum
positif kalau dia mau datang. Bisa kami bayar kalau kami sampai di hotel saja?
eceptionist : Yes, but we do require a fifty dollar credit card deposit to hold the room. You can cancel up to
five days in advance and we will refund your deposit. Ya. Tapi kami butuh 50 Dollar dari kartu
kredit Anda untuk deposit kamar tersebut. Anda dapat membatalkannya 5 hari sebelumnya dan
kami akan mengembalikan deposit Anda.
aller : Great, I’ll call you right back. I have to find my husband’s credit card. Baiklah. Saya akan
menelpon Anda lagi nanti. Saya akan minta Kartu Kredit suami saya.
eceptionist : Okay. Oh, and just to let you know…our outdoor pool will be closed, but our indoor pool is
open. Baik. Oh, dan perlu Ibu ketahui bahwa kolam renang di luar ruangan kami akan ditutup,
tapi yang di dalam ruangan akan dibuka.
 Jika Anda adalah orang yang memesan kamar di hotel, sebelum Anda memesan kamar
melalui telepon, pastikan memang Anda telah mendapatkan informasi tentang Hotel tersebut,
sesuaikan dengan apa yang Anda harapkan seperti kemacetan, transportasi, restoran, dll.
 Jika Anda adalah orang yang memesan kamar, peroleh semua informasi tentang hotel
tersebut seperti biaya hotel, jenis kamar, fasilitas yang ada di dalam kamar, kolam renang,
restoran, sarapan pagi (sebab biasanya ada hotel yang tidak memasukkan sarapan dalam
biaya penginapan), biaya tambahan termasuk pajak, sauna, fitness center, dll.
 Jika Anda seorang Resepsionis, pastikan pelanggan Anda mendapatkan informasi-
informasi yang perlu dia peroleh seperti hal-hal di atas, agar tidak ada pembatalan pemesanan
kamar dan mengurangi kekecewaan pelanggan. Sebab tidak semua pelanggan mengetahui
betul tentang Hotel Anda. Mungkin ia hanya mendengar dari teman-temannya yang
informasinya belum tentu benar, atau ada perbaikan-perbaikan pelayanan di Hotel Anda yang
belum sempat disosialisasikan.
 Informasi tentang pengembalian deposit perlu disampaikan kepada pelanggan Anda.
Informasikan kapan batas akhir pelanggan Anda dapat membatalkan pemesanan kamarnya.
Task 1

Situation: Making reservation for booking a hotel room

Hotel Receptionist = HR
The caller = C
HR : Plaza Hotel, Good morning. Leo’s speaking
C : Ah yes, I ____________ to book 2 rooms for myself and my father.
Could you tell me _________ of a single room per night?

HR : Certainly. The ___________ of a single room is $ 40.

would you like to have them?
C : From the 25th to 28th of February

HR :___________ on the 25th, leaving on the 28th, three nights?

C : That’s right

HR : Just a moment please.

C : Alright.
HR : it’s your fortune day, Sir. We’re _____________ on 25th until 28th of February
C :. I take it.
HR : Of course, Sir. May I ______ your full name?
C : Edward Forrer.
HR : can you ______ your name, please?
C : E-D-W-A-R-D F-O-R-R-E-R
HR :. __________________
C : you’re welcome.

Kegiatan belajar 2

Tujuan Pembelajaran
1. Siswa dapat menggunakan ungkapan untuk mengajukan keluhan dengan tepat.

 Expression dealing with Handling complaints

o Excuse me. I have a problem with my phone I bought in your shop yesterday.
o I apologize for your inconvenient.
o I am very sorry, Sir
o We will check it first.
o We will repair it soon.
o I received my order from your boutique. But there is no belt here. You know, the gown will be
imperfect without the belt.
o I have registered my cell phone number, but why do you cut the net
o You are right, we will change it.
o We will continue your problem to our manager.
o Well, thank you for your attention
o You are welcome

Contoh percakapan tentang handling complaint

Complaint Dialogue In Aston International Hotel

Percakapan mengenai Keluhan Tamu pada Hotel Aston Internasional

F : Good Morning Sir. May I help you?

S : Actually, I just got the news that my flight will arrive at 4.30 PM but it supposed to come at 10.00
AM. I am 60 years as you see, so it will be so difficult for me to wait in the airport for such a long
time. I want to occupy your room till the afternoon.
F : Sir, you are lucky as we don’t have any booking of that room till afternoon. But sir, as you know,
12.00 PM is our last check out time and if you like to stay more then you have to pay for that.
S : What ??? (with the loud voice). What the hell are you talking? Why I have to pay?
F : Sir, it is the rule. Sir, you will be happy to hear that you will not have to pay full room rent. If you
stay till afternoon then you will be charged only 50% of the room rent.
S : Hey men. Don’t you know I have settle my account already?
F : Yes… Sir… But …
Ya Pak…..Tapi……
S : What but? Listen…..hey listen to me. I will not pay a single cent for 4 hours. Are you deaf? I will
not pay anymore. Is it clear to you?
F : Sir, I really understand your problem. But I am afraid I have nothing to do. 12.00 PM is our last
check out time and if you want to stay more you have to pay, that is the rule we have for all our
S : I have been staying in this hotel for 3 days. Your service is so poor. I will complaint against you.
F : We are very sorry Sir. OK… I can do one favor for you.
S : What ???
F : Sir, after 12 you can leave your baggage to us and enjoy in our lobby. And you will not be
charged anymore.
S : Damn it man! You people are mad. Listen to me clearly. I know how hard to earn money. I will
not pay anymore for 3 to 4 hours.
F : Sir, you can really enjoy in our lobby for the rest of the time.
S : No….never. I like to sleep in my room till 3 PM and I will never pay anymore.
F : Then Sir please be seated in our lobby. I am calling our manager. He is the right person to solve
your problem. Please be sited there. Our manager will come within 5 minutes.
S : Ok, I am waiting. Let him come and talk to me.
F : Thank you Sir for your patience !

Task 2

Read the dialogue of handling complaint above. Write the wrong things and the right
things that must be done by customer and receptionist in making and handling

Tamu harus tahu aturan yang berlaku dan benar-benar yakin untuk membuat keluhan.
Dalam kasus ini tamu tersebut tidak mengetahui aturan yang berlaku di
hoteltersebut. SeharusnyaTamu tersebut harus mengetahui bahwa waktu terakhir tamu harus
meninggalkan hotel adalah pukul 12:00 siang menurut aturan yang biasa digunakan secara
Hal ini ditunjukkan pada kalimat :
….“ Apa??? (dengan suara keras). Apa sih yang sedang Anda bicarakan? Mengapa saya harus
membayar? ”

The guest must know the rule and make absolutely sure it is necessary to complain. In this case
the guest doesn’t know the rule that applied in hotel. The guest should know that 12.00 PM is
hotel’s last check out time, according to international rule.
It is shown in this sentence:
…. “What ??? (with the loud voice). What the hell are you talking? Why I have to pay?”

b. Tamu tidak boleh berkata kasar saat menyampaikan keluhan. Namun dalam kasus ini tamu
berbicara kasar saat menyampaikan keluhan. Hal ini ditunjukkan pada kalimat :
….“ Tapi apa? Dengar... .. hei dengarkan saya. Saya tidak akan membayar satu sen pun untuk 4
jam. Apakah Anda tuli? Saya tidak akan membayar lagi. Apakah sudah jelas bagi Anda?”
….“Sialan! Anda gila. Dengarkan saya dengan jelas. Saya tahu betapa sulitnya untuk
mendapatkan uang. Saya tidak akan membayar lagi untuk 3 sampai 4 jam.”

The Guest never be rude when complaining. But in this case the guest talking rudely . It is
shown in this sentence:
….“ What but? Listen…..hey listen to me. I will not pay a single cent for 4 hours. Are you deaf? I
will not pay anymore. Is it clear to you? ”
….” Damn it man! You people are mad. Listen to me clearly. I know how hard to earn money. I will
not pay anymore for 3 to 4 hours. “

c. Keluhan harus disampaikan sesegera mungkin untuk meminimalisasi permasalahan. Pada

percakapan ini, tamu tersebut segera menyampaikan keluhannya setelah dia mendengar
informasi yang membuat dirinya tidak nyaman. Hal ini ditunjukkan secara implisit dalam
percakapan di atas.

Complain must be communicated immediately to minimalist problems. In this conversation, the

guest communicate his complaint immediately after he got the information which make him
uncomfortable. This is shown implicitly in the conversation above.

d. Anggaplah baik perusahaan maupun tamu berada di posisi yang benar. Namun dalam kasus
ini tamu bersikeras bahwa kesalahan ada pada pihak hotel. Hal ini ditunjukkan secara implisit
dalam percakapan di atas.

Consider both the company and guests in the right position. But in this case the guests insisted
that the fault in hotel side. This is shown implicitly in the conversation above.

Analisis Cara Menangani Keluhan

Analysis of Handling Complaint
a. Selalu berpikir positif dan membantu tamu anda. Hal ini ditunjukkan pada kalimat :
…. “Itu sudah peraturan Pak. Anda akan senang jika mendengar bahwa Bapak tidak harus
membayar sewa kamar penuh. Jika Anda tinggal sampai sore hari maka anda akan dikenakan
biaya hanya 50% dari sewa kamar”.

Be positive and helpful to your guest. It is shown in this sentence:

…. “Sir, it is the rule. Sir, you will be happy to hear that you will not have to pay full room rent. If
you stay till afternoon then you will be charged only 50% of the room rent”.

b. Pelanggan bisa marah ketika mereka mengeluh, jadi cobalah menjadi simpatik (pengertian),
mendengarkan mereka dengan sabar, tidak pernah menaikkan suara Anda atau berdebat.
Jangan pernah mengakui bahwa produk perusahaan Anda cacat/rusak, malah sebaliknya,
yakinkan bahwa keluhan tersebut adalah kasus yang tidak sering terjadi di perusahaan. Pada
saat yang sama, yakinkan bahwa Anda memahaminya dan memberikan simpati ,
namun jangan membuat janji yang ada kemungkinan untuk tidak bisa ditepati. Hal ini
ditunjukkan pada kalimat :
…. “Pak, saya benar-benar mengerti masalah Bapak. Tetapi saya takut tidak dapat melakukan
apa pun. Tamu harus meninggalkan hotel paling lambat jam 12.00 siang dan jika Anda ingin
tinggal lebih lama, anda harus membayar, ini adalah aturan yang kami terapkan untuk semua
tamu kami”.

Customers can get mad when they complaining, so try to be sympathy, listen to their complaint
patiently, do not ever raise your voice or debating with your customer. Don’t ever claim that your
company product is failed, otherwise, convice them that this case is unusual in your company. In
the same time, make them believe that you understand and sympaty with their problem, but
don’t ever make a promise that can’t be fulfiled. It is shown in this sentence:
…. “Sir, I really understand your problem. But I am afraid I have nothing to do. 12.00 PM is our
last check out time and if you want to stay more you have to pay, that is the rule we have for all
our guest”.

c. Selalu mengucapkan terima kasih kepada pelanggan (meskipun mereka benar atau salah),
atas pengaduan yang mereka sampaikan untuk mendapatkan perhatian perusahaan (membuat
Anda menjadi tahu permasalahannya). Dan katakan kepada mereka bahwa perusahaan Anda
akan selalu siap untuk membantu mereka. Hal ini ditunjukkan pada kalimat :
…. “Terima kasih untuk pengertian Bapak”

Always say thank to the costumer (wheter they right or wrong) for their complaints, that make
you know and aware with the problem. And say to them that company will always ready to serve
and help them. It is shown in this sentence:
…. ”Thank you Sir for your patience !”

Kegiatan belajar 3
Tujuan Pembelajaran:
1. Siswa dapat menggunakan ungkapan untuk membuat kesepakatan.
2. Siswa dapat menggunakan ungkapan untuk memastikan dan membatalkan
kesepakatan dengan tepat.

 Expressions dealing with confirmation and cancellation:

o I’d like to confirm my flight to Singapore.
o I regret to tell you that I have to cancel our appointment.
o I’m afraid I have to cancel my flight.
 Expressions dealing with arrangement
o What will you do on Holiday?
o I am going to go picnic.
o What about tonight?
o How about tomorrow?
o I’m sorry. I have got something to do tomorrow. What about Sunday?

Contoh percakapan tentang making arrangement, cancelation and confirmation

Task 3

Kegiatan belajar 4
Tujuan Pembelajaran
1. Siswa dapat menggunakan ungkapan untuk menyatakan keinginan atau situasi yang tidak nyata
baik untuk masa depan, masa kini atau masa lampau dengan tepat.

 Grammar Review

Conditional sentences are also known as conditional clauses or “if” clause. They are used to
express that the actions in the main clause (the clause without if) can only take place if a certain
condition (in the clause with if) is fulfilled. There are three types of conditional sentences.

(If Clause)
it is possible to happen.
if+Simple Present I may graduate in
If I graduate in November so I may
I will take master degree in December
November take master degree in
Simple Present
if+Simple Past I don’t graduate in
If I graduated in October so I can’t take
I would take master degree in November
October master degree in
if+ Past Perfect S+Modal2(would)+have+V3+O Simple Past
If I had graduated in I would have taken master degree in July. I couldn’t take master
March. degree in July because
I didn’t graduate in
1. Pernyataan dalam SUBJUNCTIVE dan CONDITIONAL SENTENCES selahu
bertentangan dengan fakta.
2. Perubahan-perubahan TENSES yang terjadi dalam SUBJUNCTIVE juga berlaku dalam
3. IF dalam IF CLAUSE dapat dihilangkan jika terdapat kata bantu SHOULD, WERE, dan
ex: If I had been rich – Had I been rich

Contoh Conditional sentence

Tipe 1
 If I have a lot of money, I’ll buy a car.
(Jika aku punya banyak uang, saya akan membeli sebuah mobil)
 If he runs quickly, he will get there soon.
(Jika dia berlari dengan cepat, maka dia akan sampai disana segera)
 I will visit them if I have enough time.
(Saya akan mengunjungi mereka jika saya punya waktu)
Tipe 2:
 He would come if you invited him.
(Dia akan datang jika kamu mengundangnya)
 What would you do if She came here?
(Apa yang akan kamu lakukan jika dia datang kemari?)
 She would help you if you told her the truth.
(Dia akan menolongmu jika kamu menceritakan kebenarannya)
Pada pengandaian Tipe ini, semua subjek menggunakan “were”.
 If I were a bird, I would fly in the sky.
(Jika saya seekor burung, saya akan terbang di angkasa)
 I would forgive him If Iwere you.
(Saya akan memaafkannya jika saya jadi kamu)
 She said that she would stay at home if she were me.
(Dia berkata bahwa dia akan tetap berada di rumah jika dia menjadi saya)
Tipe 3:
 If we had known you were there last year, we would have written you a letter.
(Kalau kami tahu kamu ada disana tahun lalu, kami akan menyuratimu)
 He could have come here if you had invited him yesterday.
(Dia akan datang jika kamu telah mengundangnya kemarin)
 They might have employed me if I had had work experience.
(Mereka mungkin akan mempekerjakan saya jika saya punya pengalaman)
Task 4
Make a conditional sentence based on the situation below!
1. my friend will not come this afternoon.
2. you can’t come.
3. Bobby is not coming with Angelia.
Tipe 2:
1. I am not rich.
2. I don’t have enough time to finish my wor
3. Ririn is not old enough to be John’s girl friend
Tipe 3

1. I didn’t wash my clothes yesterday

2. Irwan didn’t answer the questions well.
3. Christian Ronaldo’s team couldn’t beat the German team.
4. you were not here last night, So I couldn’t see you.


 Subjunctives with wish, if only, would rather.

Subjunctive is used to express a desire or a condition which cannot be fulfilled.

Subjunctives are used after if/if only (kalau saja), as if/as though (seolah-olah) and
after wish (berharap)
Past subjunctive has the same form as the simple past in all verbs , except to be, of which the
past subjunctive is were for all persons.
- if only I had much money ( I don’t have much money)
- I wish I were rich ( I am not rich)

Past perfect subjunctives are used when the supposition refers to the past.
- if only I had accepted my wife’s request (I didn’t accept my wife’s request)
- many people wish tsunami hadn’t stricken the beach area ( tsunami struck the beach area)

Past subjunctives can be used for indicating or expressing:

1. Improbability or unreality in the present
- if only I had wings (unreal)
2. Unreal situation in the present
- I wish I knew ( it implies that “I don’t know”)
3. A kind of regret in the present
- I wish I could go to Aceh as volunteer (I am sorry I can’t go)

Past perfect subjunctives have the same functions as past subjunctives, but they refer to the
- if only you had called me last night (you didn’t call me last night)
- I wish you had given me a gift (you didn’t give me a gift)

Usually the idea following as if/as though is untrue

Verb form after as if/as though
- She talked to him as if he were a child (he isn’t a child)
- When she came in from the rain storm, she looked as if she had taken a shower with her
clothes on (she didn’t take a shower with her clothes on)
- He acted as though he had never met her (he has met her)
- She spoke as if she wouldn’t be here ( she will be here)

Task 5

Complete each sentence with as if/as though

1. (his animals aren’t people)
I know a farmer who talks to his animals as if his animals were people)

2. (She speaks English)

She speaks English_____________________________________________

3. (You didn’t see a ghost)

What’s the matter? You look______________________________________

4. A giant buldozzer didn’t drive down main street

After the tornado, the town looked_________________________________

5. (I don’t have wings and can’t fly)

I was so happy that I felt_________________________________________

Answer the questions:

1. Where do you wish you were right now? What do you wish you were doing?
2. Are you pleased with the weather today, or do you wish it were different?
3. What do you wish about the place you were living?
4. Look around this room, what do you wish were different?
5. is there anything in your past life that you would change? What do you wish you had or hadn’t
A. Create a dialogue of making and handling complaint based on the situation below !

You just returned from a holiday in Solo. Unfortunately, the holiday was spoiled because the
hotel room was dirty, the hotel was very noisy and the food was atrocious. You feel that the
travel agent should refund you some of the money. Telephone him and make your complaint

B. Fill the following sentence space of the dialogue with the sentences or phrases provided !
Receiptionist : …………………(1). Can I help you ?
Mr. Arga : Yes, could I have ……………(2) for the night ?
Receiptionist : Certaintly. Single room or a double ?
Mr. Arga : Single, ……………..
Recepcionist : Would you like a room with (4) …………… or a bath ?
Mr. Arga : A shower. How much is the room ?
Receiptionist : (5) ………… for the room and breakfast. Would you like an
evening meal ?
Mr. Arga : No, thanks. Just breakfast. Can I buy by (6) ……….. ?
Receptionist : Yes, of course. We take Visa and Master Card as well as Dinner
Club. Could you sign (7) ………… please ?
Mr. Arga : Yes, sure. Do you want my address,too ?
Receiptionist : No, just a signature. Do you have (8) ………… ?
Mr. Arga : just a bag
Receiptionist : (9) …………. Your room number is 311. I hope you
(10) …………
Mr. Arga : Thanks.


a. a room f. Enjoy your stay

b. please g. a shower
c. Good morning h. the register, please
d. Rp. 225.000,- i. have any luggage
e. Here is your key j. credit card
C. Conditional Sentences Type I, II or III
Complete the Conditional Sentences with the correct form (Type I, II or III).
1. If I (be) __________________ stronger, I would help you carry the piano.
2. If we had seen you, we (stop) __________________.
3. If we (meet) __________________him tomorrow, we will say hello.
4. He would have repaired the car himself if he (has) _________________ the tools.
5. If you drop the vase, it (breaks) __________________.
6. If I had not studied, I (not/pass) __________________ the exam.
7. I would not go to school by bus if I (have) __________________a driving license.
8. If she (not/see) __________________ him every day, she would be lovesick.
9. I (not/travel) _________________to London if I don't get a cheap flight.
10. We would be stupid if we (tell) ___________________him about our secret.

D. Write down what the following sentences imply

Example: I wish I had much money = I’m sorry I don’t have much money

1. The President wishes all Indonesian people donated some money to the tsunami victims
Fact: _____________________________________________________________________

2. Many people wish earthquake and tsunami had not stricken the beach areas
Fact: _____________________________________________________________________

3. The man wishes He could find his lost child

Fact: _____________________________________________________________________

4. My grandmother wishes many tsunami victim children weren’t illegally adopted

Fact: _____________________________________________________________________

5. If only I had gone to Bali for my vacation last year

Fact: _____________________________________________________________________

6. If only you had told me about the disaster earlier.

Fact: _____________________________________________________________________

7. If only the family hadn’t swum in the beach

Fact: _____________________________________________________________________

8. My mother wished I had taken her advice

Fact: _____________________________________________________________________

9. If only you could come to the charity concert

Fact: _____________________________________________________________________

10. The sun isn’t shining. I wish the sun_________________________________right now


A. Skor maksimal 30

A : hello, good morning. Jasa Mulia Travel Agent. Can I help you ?
B : Good morning, this is your costumer who has just returned from a holiday in Solo
A : What’s seem to be the matter?
B : Well, I am disappointed with facilities given at your recommended hotel.
A : What make you be disappointed with it?
B : the room was dirty, it is very noisy, and the food was atrocious, can you give me refund for
` some money of mine ?
A : We are really sorry, and we would make a confirmation to our recommended hotel for taking a
half of you money. Then, we will call you later.
B : Thank you for the responses.

B. Skor maksimal 10
1. good morning
2. a room
3. please
4. a shower
5. Rp. 225.000
6. credit card
7. the register, please
8. any luggage
9. here is the key
10. enjoy your stay

C. Skor Maksimal 10

1. If I were stronger, I would help you carry the piano.

2. If we had seen you, we would have stopped.
3. If we meet him tomorrow, we will say hello.
4. He would have repaired the car himself if he had had the tools.
5. If you drop the vase, it will be broken.
6. If I had not studied, I would not have passed the exam.
7. I would not go to school by bus if I had a driving license.
8. If she did not see him every day, she would be lovesick.
9. I will not travel to London if I don't get a cheap flight.
10. We would be stupid if we told him about our secret.
D. Skor Maksimal 10

1. The President wishes all Indonesian people donated some money to the tsunami victims
Fact: Few Indonesian people donate some money to the tsunami victims.

2. Many people wish earthquake and tsunami had not stricken the beach areas
Fact: Earthquake and tsunami did not strick the beach areas.

3. The man wishes He could find his lost child

Fact: He did not find his lost child.

4. My grandmother wishes many tsunami victim children weren’t illegally adopted

Fact: Many tsunami victim children are adopted illegally.

5. If only I had gone to Bali for my vacation last year

Fact: I did not go to Bali for my vacation last year.

6. If only you had told me about the disaster earlier.

Fact: You did not tell me about the disaster earlier.

7. If only the family hadn’t swum in the beach

Fact: The family swam in the beach.

8. My mother wished I had taken her advice

Fact: I did not take her advice

9. If only you could come to the charity concert

Fact: You cannot come to the charity concert.

10. The sun isn’t shining. I wish the sun was shining right now

odul Bahasa Inggris kelas XII SMK semua jurusan

Kata Pengantar
Puji syukur kami panjatkan ke hadirat Allah SWT atas karunia dan hidayah-Nya, kami
dapat menyusun bahan ajar modul untuk SMK Bidang Adaptif, yakni mata pelajaran Bahasa
Sumber dan bahan ajar pokok Kurikulum SMK Edisi 2012 adalah modul, baik modul
manual maupun interaktif dengan mengacu pada Standar Kompetensi Nasional (SKN) atau
standarisasi pada dunia kerja dan industri.
Dengan modul ini, diharapkan digunakan sebagai sumber belajar pokok oleh peserta diklat
untuk mencapai kompetensi kerja standar yang diharapkan dunia kerja dan industri.
Modul ini disusun melalui beberapa tahapan proses, yakni mulai dari penyiapan materi
modul, penyusunan naskah secara tertulis, kemudian disetting dengan bantuan alat-alat
komputer, serta divalidasi dan diujicobakan empirik secara terbatas. Validasi dilakukan dengan
teknik telaah ahli (expertjudgment), sementara ujicoba empirik dilakukan pada beberapa
peserta diklat SMK. Harapannya, modul yang telah disusun ini merupakan bahan dan sumber
belajar yang berbobot untuk membekali peserta diklat kompetensi kerja yang diharapkan.
Namun demikian, karena dinamika perubahan sain dan teknologi di industri begitu cepat terjadi,
maka modul ini masih akan selalu dimintakan masukan untuk bahan perbaikan atau direvisi
agar supaya selalu relevan dengan kondisi lapangan. Pekerjaan berat ini dapat terselesaikan,
tentu dengan banyaknya dukungan dan bantuan dari berbagai pihak yang perlu diberikan
penghargaan dan ucapan terima kasih. Oleh karena itu, dalam kesempatan ini tidak berlebihan
bilamana disampaikan rasa terima kasih dan penghargaan yang sebesar-besarnya kepada
berbagai pihak, terutama tim penyusun modul (penulis, editor, tenaga komputerisasi modul,
tenaga ahli desain grafis) dan validator modul yaiti Prof.Dr. Johanes Sapri, M.Pd atas dedikasi,
pengorbanan waktu, tenaga, dan pikiran untuk menyelesaikan penyusunan modul ini.
Kami mengharapkan saran dan kritik dari para pakar di bidang psikologi, praktisi dunia
usaha dan industri, dan pakar akademik sebagai bahan untuk melakukan peningkatan kualitas
modul. Diharapkan para pemakai berpegang pada azas keterlaksanaan, kesesuaian dan
fleksibilitas, dengan mengacu pada perkembangan IPTEK pada dunia usaha dan industry dan
potensi SMK dan dukungan dunia usaha industri dalam rangka membekali kompetensi yang
terstandar pada peserta diklat.
Demikian, semoga modul ini dapat bermanfaat bagi kita semua, khususnya peserta
diklat SMK Bidang Adaptif untuk mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris atau praktisi yang sedang
mengembangkan modul pembelajaran untuk SMK.

Bengkulu, November 2012

Penulis adalah mahasiswa program magister Teknologi Pendidikan FKIP UNIB

A. Deskripsi
Dalam modul ini, Anda akan mempelajari: making reservation, handling complaint, making
arrangement, making confirmation and cancelation, Conditional sentence dan Subjunctive.
B. Petunjuk Guru
1. Waktu yang disediakan untuk menyelesaikan modul ini adalah 10 jam pelajaran
2. Alat-alat pengajaran yang harus digunakan adalah:
 Media Powerpoint
 Papan tulis
 Spidol
 Lembar kegiatan siswa
 Modul
3. Bagikan modul kepada semua siswa, jelaskan bagaimana langkah-langkah penggunaan
modul tersebut.
4. Sajikan materi yang ada di dalam modul dengan cara yang menarik menggunakan
strategi interaktif dan student centered.
5. Penggunaan modul tetap harus dengan bantuan guru untuk menjelaskan materi.
6. Tuntunlah siswa mengerjakan latihan yang tersedia sehingga pemahaman siswa
7. Penilaian dilakukan dengan cara tertulis,yaitu siswa diminta mengerjakan evaluasi yang
telah tersedia. Beri siswa pengertian dan dorongan supaya jangan melihat kunci jawaban
terlebih dahulu. Setelah siswa selesai mengerjakan evaluasi, kumpulkan dan bahas bersama
tentang jawabannya di kelas.

B. Petunjuk Siswa
1. Pelajari daftar isi serta skema kedudukan modul dengan cermat dan teliti. Karena dalam skema
modul akan nampak kedudukan modul yang sedang Anda pelajari ini di antara modul-modul
yang lain.
2. Apabila ada soal latihan, kerjakanlah soal-soal tersebut sebagai latihan untuk persiapan
3. Jawablah tes formatif dengan jelas sesuai dengan kemampuan Anda. Jika Anda masih ragu-
ragu dengan jawaban yang Anda peroleh, Anda bisa melihat kunci jawaban formatif yang
sesuai. Kerjakan soal-soal yang ada pada evaluasi.
4. Waktu yang disediakan untuk mengerjakan modul ini adalah 10 jam pelajaran atau 4 kali

D. Tujuan Akhir
Setelah mempelajari modul ini diharapkan Siswa dapat:
1. Menggunakan ungkapan pemesanan dengan tepat
2. Menggunakan ungkapan mengkonfirmasi dan membatalkan pemesanan
3. Menggunakan ungkapan untuk menyatakan rencana masa depan dan kesepakatan
dengan tepat
4. Menggunakan kalimat pengandaian dengan tepat
5. Menggunakan subjunctive untuk menyatakan situasi yang tidak dapat terjadi dengan

Kegiatan Belajar Siswa

SK : Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Level Intermediate
KD : Memahami percakapan terbatas dengan penutur asli
Kegiatan belajar 1
Tujuan Pembelajaran:
1. Siswa dapat menggunakan ungkapan untuk membuat reservasi dengan tepat.


In this unit, we will learn about job conversation. There are many conversations dealing
with job. Reservation making, complaint handling, and interviewing are some of them. Besides,
there are some grammatical reviews which is used in this theme.
We have to practice it frequently in order to master all of these conversation. It will be
useful for you to find a job in the future.
Now, let we start our lesson!

Making a Reservation
Making a Reservation maksudnya adalah memesan kamar Hotel atau penginapan lainnya.
Pemesanan Kamar dapat dilakukan langsung atau melalui telepon. Melayani pemesanan kamar
merupakan hal yang perlu dilakukan. Orang-orang yang bekerja di garis depan atau orang yang
pertama sekali melayani tamu, adalah orang-orang yang menentukan dan merupakan cerminan
dari semua orang yang bekerja di Hotel tersebut. Oleh karena itu, gunakan bahasa dan
ungkapan yang baik sebagai bentuk Pelayanan Prima (Service Excellent) bagi tamu Hotel
Berikut ini adalah contoh-contoh ungkapan ataupun percakapan conversation bahasa
inggris yang sering digunakan baik bagi resepsionis atau tamu Hotel.

 Vocabularies dealing with reservation

 Receptionist (n)
 Guest (n)
 Room (n)
 Single room (n)
 Double room (n)
 Executive room (n)
 President suite (n)
 Family room (n)
 Reserve (v)
 Book (v)

 Ungkapan Yang Sering Digunakan Oleh Resepsionis

 Enterprise Hotel, Lisa speaking. How can I help you? Hotel Enterprise. Dengan Lisa di
sini. Ada yang bisa saya bantu?
 What date are you looking for? Mau pesan kamar tanggal berapa?
 How long will you be staying? Mau menginap berapa lama?
 How many adults will be in the room? Orang dewasanya berapa orang?
 I’m afraid we are booked that weekend. Kalau minggu ini, semua kamar sudah dipesan.
 There are only a few vacancies left. Masih ada beberapa kamar yang kosong.
 We advise that you book in advance during peak season. Kami menyarankan Anda
memesan kamar lebih cepat pada masa-masa puncak liburan.
 Will two double beds be enough? Apakah double bed cukup?
 Do you want a smoking or non-smoking room? Mau kamar yang bebas rokok atau
 The dining room is open from 4 pm until 10 pm. Restoran buka dari jam 4 sore sampai
jam 10 malam.
 We have an indoor swimming pool and sauna. Hotel kami memiliki kolam renang di
dalam hotel dan sauna.
 We serve a continental breakfast. Kami melayani sarapan masakan Asia.
 Cable television is included, but the movie channel is extra. TV Kabel sudah termasuk
dalam biaya, namun channel Film ada biaya tambahan.
 The rate I can give you is 99.54 with tax. Saya bisa memberikan harganya 99,54, sudah
termasuk pajak.
 We require a credit card number for a deposit. Kami butuh nomor kartu kredit untuk
deposit (sejumlah uang yang digunakan untuk panjar hotel. Jumlah Deposit bisa saja lebih dari
biaya hotel, dan akan dikembalikan pada saat check out)
 Ungkapan Yang Sering Digunakan oleh Tamu Hotel
 I’d like to make a reservation for next week. Saya mau pesan kamar untuk minggu
 Is it necessary to book ahead? Perlu pesan kamar dulu?
 Do you charge extra for two beds? Ada biaya tambahan untuk 2 kamar tidur?
 Do you offer free breakfast? Sarapannya gratis?
 Is there a restaurant in the hotel? Ada restoran di hotel Anda?
 Do the rooms have refrigerators? Ada kulkas dalam kamar?
 Is there an outdoor pool? Ada kolam renang yang diluar ruangan?
 Do you have any cheaper rooms? Ada kamar yang lebih murah?
 When is it considered off- season? Kapan yang dianggap bukan musim yang padat?
 Contoh Percakapan:
Receptionist : Thanks for calling Quality Inn. Morine speaking. Terima kasih karena telah menghubungi
Penginapan Quality. Dengan Morine disini.
Caller : Hello. I’m interested in booking a room for the September long weekend. Hello. Saya mau
pesan kamar untuk akhir pekan yang panjang di bulan September.
Receptionist : I’m afraid we’re totally booked for that weekend. There’s a convention in town and we’re the
closest hotel to the convention center. Waduh, sepertinya semua kamar sudah dipesan pada
tanggal yang Anda minta. Ada konvensi di dekat hotel kami.
Caller : Oh, I didn’t realize. Well what about the weekend after that? Oh begitu ya. Bagaimana kalau
setelah itu?
Receptionist : So… Friday the seventeenth? Jadi … Jum’at tanggal 17?
Caller : Yes. Friday and Saturday. Ya. Jum’at dan Sabtu.
eceptionist : It looks like we have a few vacancies left. We recommend that you make a reservation,
though. It’s still considered peak season then. Sepertinya masih ada komor kosing. Saran kami
Anda secepatnya buat pemesanan. Ini masih liburan puncak.
aller : Okay. Do you have any rooms with two double beds? We’re a family of four. OK. Ada kamar
dengan 2 double bed? Kami sekeluarga ada 4 orang.
eceptionist : Yes, all of our rooms have two double beds. The rate for that weekend is $129 dollars a night.
Ya. Semua kamar memiliki 2 double bed. Rate (harga) nya pada akhir minggu itu adalah $ 129
per malam.
aller : That’s reasonable. And do you have cots? One of my daughters might be bringing a friend.
Masih terjangkau. Salah satu putri saya mungkin membawa teman. Kena biaya ya?
eceptionist : We do, but we also charge an extra ten dollars per person for any family with over four
people. Iya. Tapi hanya dikenakan biaya tambahan 10 Dollar per orang dengan keluarga yang
lebih dari 4 orang.
aller : Okay, but I’m not positive if she is coming. Can we pay when we arrive? OK. Tapi belum
positif kalau dia mau datang. Bisa kami bayar kalau kami sampai di hotel saja?
eceptionist : Yes, but we do require a fifty dollar credit card deposit to hold the room. You can cancel up to
five days in advance and we will refund your deposit. Ya. Tapi kami butuh 50 Dollar dari kartu
kredit Anda untuk deposit kamar tersebut. Anda dapat membatalkannya 5 hari sebelumnya dan
kami akan mengembalikan deposit Anda.
aller : Great, I’ll call you right back. I have to find my husband’s credit card. Baiklah. Saya akan
menelpon Anda lagi nanti. Saya akan minta Kartu Kredit suami saya.
eceptionist : Okay. Oh, and just to let you know…our outdoor pool will be closed, but our indoor pool is
open. Baik. Oh, dan perlu Ibu ketahui bahwa kolam renang di luar ruangan kami akan ditutup,
tapi yang di dalam ruangan akan dibuka.
 Jika Anda adalah orang yang memesan kamar di hotel, sebelum Anda memesan kamar
melalui telepon, pastikan memang Anda telah mendapatkan informasi tentang Hotel tersebut,
sesuaikan dengan apa yang Anda harapkan seperti kemacetan, transportasi, restoran, dll.
 Jika Anda adalah orang yang memesan kamar, peroleh semua informasi tentang hotel
tersebut seperti biaya hotel, jenis kamar, fasilitas yang ada di dalam kamar, kolam renang,
restoran, sarapan pagi (sebab biasanya ada hotel yang tidak memasukkan sarapan dalam
biaya penginapan), biaya tambahan termasuk pajak, sauna, fitness center, dll.
 Jika Anda seorang Resepsionis, pastikan pelanggan Anda mendapatkan informasi-
informasi yang perlu dia peroleh seperti hal-hal di atas, agar tidak ada pembatalan pemesanan
kamar dan mengurangi kekecewaan pelanggan. Sebab tidak semua pelanggan mengetahui
betul tentang Hotel Anda. Mungkin ia hanya mendengar dari teman-temannya yang
informasinya belum tentu benar, atau ada perbaikan-perbaikan pelayanan di Hotel Anda yang
belum sempat disosialisasikan.
 Informasi tentang pengembalian deposit perlu disampaikan kepada pelanggan Anda.
Informasikan kapan batas akhir pelanggan Anda dapat membatalkan pemesanan kamarnya.
Task 1

Situation: Making reservation for booking a hotel room

Hotel Receptionist = HR
The caller = C

HR : Plaza Hotel, Good morning. Leo’s speaking

C : Ah yes, I ____________ to book 2 rooms for myself and my father.
Could you tell me _________ of a single room per night?

HR : Certainly. The ___________ of a single room is $ 40.

would you like to have them?
C : From the 25th to 28th of February

HR :___________ on the 25th, leaving on the 28th, three nights?

C : That’s right

HR : Just a moment please.

C : Alright.
HR : it’s your fortune day, Sir. We’re _____________ on 25th until 28th of February
C :. I take it.
HR : Of course, Sir. May I ______ your full name?
C : Edward Forrer.
HR : can you ______ your name, please?
C : E-D-W-A-R-D F-O-R-R-E-R
HR :. __________________
C : you’re welcome.

Kegiatan belajar 2

Tujuan Pembelajaran
1. Siswa dapat menggunakan ungkapan untuk mengajukan keluhan dengan tepat.

 Expression dealing with Handling complaints

o Excuse me. I have a problem with my phone I bought in your shop yesterday.
o I apologize for your inconvenient.
o I am very sorry, Sir
o We will check it first.
o We will repair it soon.
o I received my order from your boutique. But there is no belt here. You know, the gown will be
imperfect without the belt.
o I have registered my cell phone number, but why do you cut the net
o You are right, we will change it.
o We will continue your problem to our manager.
o Well, thank you for your attention
o You are welcome

Contoh percakapan tentang handling complaint

Complaint Dialogue In Aston International Hotel
Percakapan mengenai Keluhan Tamu pada Hotel Aston Internasional

F : Good Morning Sir. May I help you?

S : Actually, I just got the news that my flight will arrive at 4.30 PM but it supposed to come at 10.00
AM. I am 60 years as you see, so it will be so difficult for me to wait in the airport for such a long
time. I want to occupy your room till the afternoon.
F : Sir, you are lucky as we don’t have any booking of that room till afternoon. But sir, as you know,
12.00 PM is our last check out time and if you like to stay more then you have to pay for that.
S : What ??? (with the loud voice). What the hell are you talking? Why I have to pay?
F : Sir, it is the rule. Sir, you will be happy to hear that you will not have to pay full room rent. If you
stay till afternoon then you will be charged only 50% of the room rent.
S : Hey men. Don’t you know I have settle my account already?
F : Yes… Sir… But …
Ya Pak…..Tapi……
S : What but? Listen…..hey listen to me. I will not pay a single cent for 4 hours. Are you deaf? I will
not pay anymore. Is it clear to you?
F : Sir, I really understand your problem. But I am afraid I have nothing to do. 12.00 PM is our last
check out time and if you want to stay more you have to pay, that is the rule we have for all our
S : I have been staying in this hotel for 3 days. Your service is so poor. I will complaint against you.
F : We are very sorry Sir. OK… I can do one favor for you.
S : What ???
F : Sir, after 12 you can leave your baggage to us and enjoy in our lobby. And you will not be
charged anymore.
S : Damn it man! You people are mad. Listen to me clearly. I know how hard to earn money. I will
not pay anymore for 3 to 4 hours.
F : Sir, you can really enjoy in our lobby for the rest of the time.
S : No….never. I like to sleep in my room till 3 PM and I will never pay anymore.
F : Then Sir please be seated in our lobby. I am calling our manager. He is the right person to solve
your problem. Please be sited there. Our manager will come within 5 minutes.
S : Ok, I am waiting. Let him come and talk to me.
F : Thank you Sir for your patience !

Task 2
Read the dialogue of handling complaint above. Write the wrong things and the right
things that must be done by customer and receptionist in making and handling

Tamu harus tahu aturan yang berlaku dan benar-benar yakin untuk membuat keluhan.
Dalam kasus ini tamu tersebut tidak mengetahui aturan yang berlaku di
hoteltersebut. SeharusnyaTamu tersebut harus mengetahui bahwa waktu terakhir tamu harus
meninggalkan hotel adalah pukul 12:00 siang menurut aturan yang biasa digunakan secara
Hal ini ditunjukkan pada kalimat :
….“ Apa??? (dengan suara keras). Apa sih yang sedang Anda bicarakan? Mengapa saya harus
membayar? ”

The guest must know the rule and make absolutely sure it is necessary to complain. In this case
the guest doesn’t know the rule that applied in hotel. The guest should know that 12.00 PM is
hotel’s last check out time, according to international rule.
It is shown in this sentence:
…. “What ??? (with the loud voice). What the hell are you talking? Why I have to pay?”

b. Tamu tidak boleh berkata kasar saat menyampaikan keluhan. Namun dalam kasus ini tamu
berbicara kasar saat menyampaikan keluhan. Hal ini ditunjukkan pada kalimat :
….“ Tapi apa? Dengar... .. hei dengarkan saya. Saya tidak akan membayar satu sen pun untuk 4
jam. Apakah Anda tuli? Saya tidak akan membayar lagi. Apakah sudah jelas bagi Anda?”
….“Sialan! Anda gila. Dengarkan saya dengan jelas. Saya tahu betapa sulitnya untuk
mendapatkan uang. Saya tidak akan membayar lagi untuk 3 sampai 4 jam.”

The Guest never be rude when complaining. But in this case the guest talking rudely . It is
shown in this sentence:
….“ What but? Listen…..hey listen to me. I will not pay a single cent for 4 hours. Are you deaf? I
will not pay anymore. Is it clear to you? ”
….” Damn it man! You people are mad. Listen to me clearly. I know how hard to earn money. I will
not pay anymore for 3 to 4 hours. “

c. Keluhan harus disampaikan sesegera mungkin untuk meminimalisasi permasalahan. Pada

percakapan ini, tamu tersebut segera menyampaikan keluhannya setelah dia mendengar
informasi yang membuat dirinya tidak nyaman. Hal ini ditunjukkan secara implisit dalam
percakapan di atas.
Complain must be communicated immediately to minimalist problems. In this conversation, the
guest communicate his complaint immediately after he got the information which make him
uncomfortable. This is shown implicitly in the conversation above.

d. Anggaplah baik perusahaan maupun tamu berada di posisi yang benar. Namun dalam kasus
ini tamu bersikeras bahwa kesalahan ada pada pihak hotel. Hal ini ditunjukkan secara implisit
dalam percakapan di atas.

Consider both the company and guests in the right position. But in this case the guests insisted
that the fault in hotel side. This is shown implicitly in the conversation above.

Analisis Cara Menangani Keluhan

Analysis of Handling Complaint
a. Selalu berpikir positif dan membantu tamu anda. Hal ini ditunjukkan pada kalimat :
…. “Itu sudah peraturan Pak. Anda akan senang jika mendengar bahwa Bapak tidak harus
membayar sewa kamar penuh. Jika Anda tinggal sampai sore hari maka anda akan dikenakan
biaya hanya 50% dari sewa kamar”.

Be positive and helpful to your guest. It is shown in this sentence:

…. “Sir, it is the rule. Sir, you will be happy to hear that you will not have to pay full room rent. If
you stay till afternoon then you will be charged only 50% of the room rent”.

b. Pelanggan bisa marah ketika mereka mengeluh, jadi cobalah menjadi simpatik (pengertian),
mendengarkan mereka dengan sabar, tidak pernah menaikkan suara Anda atau berdebat.
Jangan pernah mengakui bahwa produk perusahaan Anda cacat/rusak, malah sebaliknya,
yakinkan bahwa keluhan tersebut adalah kasus yang tidak sering terjadi di perusahaan. Pada
saat yang sama, yakinkan bahwa Anda memahaminya dan memberikan simpati ,
namun jangan membuat janji yang ada kemungkinan untuk tidak bisa ditepati. Hal ini
ditunjukkan pada kalimat :
…. “Pak, saya benar-benar mengerti masalah Bapak. Tetapi saya takut tidak dapat melakukan
apa pun. Tamu harus meninggalkan hotel paling lambat jam 12.00 siang dan jika Anda ingin
tinggal lebih lama, anda harus membayar, ini adalah aturan yang kami terapkan untuk semua
tamu kami”.

Customers can get mad when they complaining, so try to be sympathy, listen to their complaint
patiently, do not ever raise your voice or debating with your customer. Don’t ever claim that your
company product is failed, otherwise, convice them that this case is unusual in your company. In
the same time, make them believe that you understand and sympaty with their problem, but
don’t ever make a promise that can’t be fulfiled. It is shown in this sentence:
…. “Sir, I really understand your problem. But I am afraid I have nothing to do. 12.00 PM is our
last check out time and if you want to stay more you have to pay, that is the rule we have for all
our guest”.

c. Selalu mengucapkan terima kasih kepada pelanggan (meskipun mereka benar atau salah),
atas pengaduan yang mereka sampaikan untuk mendapatkan perhatian perusahaan (membuat
Anda menjadi tahu permasalahannya). Dan katakan kepada mereka bahwa perusahaan Anda
akan selalu siap untuk membantu mereka. Hal ini ditunjukkan pada kalimat :
…. “Terima kasih untuk pengertian Bapak”

Always say thank to the costumer (wheter they right or wrong) for their complaints, that make
you know and aware with the problem. And say to them that company will always ready to serve
and help them. It is shown in this sentence:
…. ”Thank you Sir for your patience !”

Kegiatan belajar 3
Tujuan Pembelajaran:
1. Siswa dapat menggunakan ungkapan untuk membuat kesepakatan.
2. Siswa dapat menggunakan ungkapan untuk memastikan dan membatalkan
kesepakatan dengan tepat.

 Expressions dealing with confirmation and cancellation:

o I’d like to confirm my flight to Singapore.
o I regret to tell you that I have to cancel our appointment.
o I’m afraid I have to cancel my flight.

 Expressions dealing with arrangement

o What will you do on Holiday?
o I am going to go picnic.
o What about tonight?
o How about tomorrow?
o I’m sorry. I have got something to do tomorrow. What about Sunday?

Contoh percakapan tentang making arrangement, cancelation and confirmation

Task 3

Kegiatan belajar 4
Tujuan Pembelajaran
1. Siswa dapat menggunakan ungkapan untuk menyatakan keinginan atau situasi yang tidak nyata
baik untuk masa depan, masa kini atau masa lampau dengan tepat.

 Grammar Review

Conditional sentences are also known as conditional clauses or “if” clause. They are used to
express that the actions in the main clause (the clause without if) can only take place if a certain
condition (in the clause with if) is fulfilled. There are three types of conditional sentences.

(If Clause)
it is possible to happen.
if+Simple Present I may graduate in
If I graduate in November so I may
I will take master degree in December
November take master degree in
Simple Present
if+Simple Past I don’t graduate in
If I graduated in October so I can’t take
I would take master degree in November
October master degree in
Simple Past
if+ Past Perfect I couldn’t take master
If I had graduated in degree in July because
I would have taken master degree in July.
March. I didn’t graduate in
1. Pernyataan dalam SUBJUNCTIVE dan CONDITIONAL SENTENCES selahu
bertentangan dengan fakta.
2. Perubahan-perubahan TENSES yang terjadi dalam SUBJUNCTIVE juga berlaku dalam
3. IF dalam IF CLAUSE dapat dihilangkan jika terdapat kata bantu SHOULD, WERE, dan
ex: If I had been rich – Had I been rich

Contoh Conditional sentence

Tipe 1
 If I have a lot of money, I’ll buy a car.
(Jika aku punya banyak uang, saya akan membeli sebuah mobil)
 If he runs quickly, he will get there soon.
(Jika dia berlari dengan cepat, maka dia akan sampai disana segera)
 I will visit them if I have enough time.
(Saya akan mengunjungi mereka jika saya punya waktu)
Tipe 2:
 He would come if you invited him.
(Dia akan datang jika kamu mengundangnya)
 What would you do if She came here?
(Apa yang akan kamu lakukan jika dia datang kemari?)
 She would help you if you told her the truth.
(Dia akan menolongmu jika kamu menceritakan kebenarannya)
Pada pengandaian Tipe ini, semua subjek menggunakan “were”.
 If I were a bird, I would fly in the sky.
(Jika saya seekor burung, saya akan terbang di angkasa)
 I would forgive him If Iwere you.
(Saya akan memaafkannya jika saya jadi kamu)
 She said that she would stay at home if she were me.
(Dia berkata bahwa dia akan tetap berada di rumah jika dia menjadi saya)
Tipe 3:
 If we had known you were there last year, we would have written you a letter.
(Kalau kami tahu kamu ada disana tahun lalu, kami akan menyuratimu)
 He could have come here if you had invited him yesterday.
(Dia akan datang jika kamu telah mengundangnya kemarin)
 They might have employed me if I had had work experience.
(Mereka mungkin akan mempekerjakan saya jika saya punya pengalaman)

Task 4
Make a conditional sentence based on the situation below!
1. my friend will not come this afternoon.
2. you can’t come.
3. Bobby is not coming with Angelia.
Tipe 2:
1. I am not rich.
2. I don’t have enough time to finish my wor
3. Ririn is not old enough to be John’s girl friend
Tipe 3

1. I didn’t wash my clothes yesterday

2. Irwan didn’t answer the questions well.
3. Christian Ronaldo’s team couldn’t beat the German team.
4. you were not here last night, So I couldn’t see you.


 Subjunctives with wish, if only, would rather.

Subjunctive is used to express a desire or a condition which cannot be fulfilled.

Subjunctives are used after if/if only (kalau saja), as if/as though (seolah-olah) and
after wish (berharap)
Past subjunctive has the same form as the simple past in all verbs , except to be, of which the
past subjunctive is were for all persons.
- if only I had much money ( I don’t have much money)
- I wish I were rich ( I am not rich)

Past perfect subjunctives are used when the supposition refers to the past.
- if only I had accepted my wife’s request (I didn’t accept my wife’s request)
- many people wish tsunami hadn’t stricken the beach area ( tsunami struck the beach area)

Past subjunctives can be used for indicating or expressing:

1. Improbability or unreality in the present
- if only I had wings (unreal)
2. Unreal situation in the present
- I wish I knew ( it implies that “I don’t know”)
3. A kind of regret in the present
- I wish I could go to Aceh as volunteer (I am sorry I can’t go)

Past perfect subjunctives have the same functions as past subjunctives, but they refer to the

- if only you had called me last night (you didn’t call me last night)
- I wish you had given me a gift (you didn’t give me a gift)

Usually the idea following as if/as though is untrue

Verb form after as if/as though
- She talked to him as if he were a child (he isn’t a child)
- When she came in from the rain storm, she looked as if she had taken a shower with her
clothes on (she didn’t take a shower with her clothes on)
- He acted as though he had never met her (he has met her)
- She spoke as if she wouldn’t be here ( she will be here)

Task 5
Complete each sentence with as if/as though
1. (his animals aren’t people)
I know a farmer who talks to his animals as if his animals were people)

2. (She speaks English)

She speaks English_____________________________________________

3. (You didn’t see a ghost)

What’s the matter? You look______________________________________

4. A giant buldozzer didn’t drive down main street

After the tornado, the town looked_________________________________

5. (I don’t have wings and can’t fly)

I was so happy that I felt_________________________________________

Answer the questions:

1. Where do you wish you were right now? What do you wish you were doing?
2. Are you pleased with the weather today, or do you wish it were different?
3. What do you wish about the place you were living?
4. Look around this room, what do you wish were different?
5. is there anything in your past life that you would change? What do you wish you had or hadn’t

A. Create a dialogue of making and handling complaint based on the situation below !

You just returned from a holiday in Solo. Unfortunately, the holiday was spoiled because the
hotel room was dirty, the hotel was very noisy and the food was atrocious. You feel that the
travel agent should refund you some of the money. Telephone him and make your complaint

B. Fill the following sentence space of the dialogue with the sentences or phrases provided !
Receiptionist : …………………(1). Can I help you ?
Mr. Arga : Yes, could I have ……………(2) for the night ?
Receiptionist : Certaintly. Single room or a double ?
Mr. Arga : Single, ……………..
Recepcionist : Would you like a room with (4) …………… or a bath ?
Mr. Arga : A shower. How much is the room ?
Receiptionist : (5) ………… for the room and breakfast. Would you like an
evening meal ?
Mr. Arga : No, thanks. Just breakfast. Can I buy by (6) ……….. ?
Receptionist : Yes, of course. We take Visa and Master Card as well as Dinner
Club. Could you sign (7) ………… please ?
Mr. Arga : Yes, sure. Do you want my address,too ?
Receiptionist : No, just a signature. Do you have (8) ………… ?
Mr. Arga : just a bag
Receiptionist : (9) …………. Your room number is 311. I hope you
(10) …………
Mr. Arga : Thanks.


a. a room f. Enjoy your stay

b. please g. a shower
c. Good morning h. the register, please
d. Rp. 225.000,- i. have any luggage
e. Here is your key j. credit card

C. Conditional Sentences Type I, II or III

Complete the Conditional Sentences with the correct form (Type I, II or III).
1. If I (be) __________________ stronger, I would help you carry the piano.
2. If we had seen you, we (stop) __________________.
3. If we (meet) __________________him tomorrow, we will say hello.
4. He would have repaired the car himself if he (has) _________________ the tools.
5. If you drop the vase, it (breaks) __________________.
6. If I had not studied, I (not/pass) __________________ the exam.
7. I would not go to school by bus if I (have) __________________a driving license.
8. If she (not/see) __________________ him every day, she would be lovesick.
9. I (not/travel) _________________to London if I don't get a cheap flight.
10. We would be stupid if we (tell) ___________________him about our secret.

D. Write down what the following sentences imply

Example: I wish I had much money = I’m sorry I don’t have much money

1. The President wishes all Indonesian people donated some money to the tsunami victims
Fact: _____________________________________________________________________

2. Many people wish earthquake and tsunami had not stricken the beach areas
Fact: _____________________________________________________________________

3. The man wishes He could find his lost child

Fact: _____________________________________________________________________

4. My grandmother wishes many tsunami victim children weren’t illegally adopted

Fact: _____________________________________________________________________

5. If only I had gone to Bali for my vacation last year

Fact: _____________________________________________________________________

6. If only you had told me about the disaster earlier.

Fact: _____________________________________________________________________

7. If only the family hadn’t swum in the beach

Fact: _____________________________________________________________________

8. My mother wished I had taken her advice

Fact: _____________________________________________________________________

9. If only you could come to the charity concert

Fact: _____________________________________________________________________

10. The sun isn’t shining. I wish the sun_________________________________right now


A. Skor maksimal 30

A : hello, good morning. Jasa Mulia Travel Agent. Can I help you ?
B : Good morning, this is your costumer who has just returned from a holiday in Solo
A : What’s seem to be the matter?
B : Well, I am disappointed with facilities given at your recommended hotel.
A : What make you be disappointed with it?
B : the room was dirty, it is very noisy, and the food was atrocious, can you give me refund for
` some money of mine ?
A : We are really sorry, and we would make a confirmation to our recommended hotel for taking a
half of you money. Then, we will call you later.
B : Thank you for the responses.

B. Skor maksimal 10
1. good morning
2. a room
3. please
4. a shower
5. Rp. 225.000
6. credit card
7. the register, please
8. any luggage
9. here is the key
10. enjoy your stay

C. Skor Maksimal 10

1. If I were stronger, I would help you carry the piano.

2. If we had seen you, we would have stopped.
3. If we meet him tomorrow, we will say hello.
4. He would have repaired the car himself if he had had the tools.
5. If you drop the vase, it will be broken.
6. If I had not studied, I would not have passed the exam.
7. I would not go to school by bus if I had a driving license.
8. If she did not see him every day, she would be lovesick.
9. I will not travel to London if I don't get a cheap flight.
10. We would be stupid if we told him about our secret.

D. Skor Maksimal 10

1. The President wishes all Indonesian people donated some money to the tsunami victims
Fact: Few Indonesian people donate some money to the tsunami victims.

2. Many people wish earthquake and tsunami had not stricken the beach areas
Fact: Earthquake and tsunami did not strick the beach areas.

3. The man wishes He could find his lost child

Fact: He did not find his lost child.

4. My grandmother wishes many tsunami victim children weren’t illegally adopted

Fact: Many tsunami victim children are adopted illegally.

5. If only I had gone to Bali for my vacation last year

Fact: I did not go to Bali for my vacation last year.

6. If only you had told me about the disaster earlier.

Fact: You did not tell me about the disaster earlier.

7. If only the family hadn’t swum in the beach

Fact: The family swam in the beach.

8. My mother wished I had taken her advice

Fact: I did not take her advice

9. If only you could come to the charity concert

Fact: You cannot come to the charity concert.

10. The sun isn’t shining. I wish the sun was shining right now

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