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Jenjang Pendidikan : SMA
Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS
Kurikulum : 2013
Jumlah Soal : 20
Bentuk soal : 20 essay

Level Nomor Bentuk

No. Kompetensi Dasar Kelas Materi Indikator Soal
Kognitif Soal Soal
1. 4.5 Menyusun teks interaksi XI Passive  Disajikan C4 1-5 Essay
transaksional lisan dan tulis yang Voice sebuah teks
melibatkan tindakan memberi dan deskriptif
meminta informasi terkait mengenai
keadaan/tindakan/kegiatan/kejadian produk seni
tanpa perlu menyebutkan Indonesia,
pelakunya dalam teks ilmiah, siswa dapat
dengan memperhatikan fungsi menganalisis
sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kalimat pasif
kebahasaanyang benar dan sesuai yang terdapat
konteks dalam teks
2. 4.5 Menyusun teks interaksi XI Passive  Diberikan C4 6-10 Essay
transaksional lisan dan tulis yang Voice beberapa
melibatkan tindakan memberi dan kalimat pasif,
meminta informasi terkait siswa dapat
keadaan/tindakan/kegiatan/kejadian menganalisis
tanpa perlu menyebutkan tenses yang
pelakunya dalam teks ilmiah, digunakan
dengan memperhatikan fungsi dalam kalimat
sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaanyang benar dan sesuai tersebut
konteks dengan benar.
3. 4.5 Menyusun teks interaksi XI Passive  Diberikan C5 11-15 Essay
transaksional lisan dan tulis yang Voice beberapa
melibatkan tindakan memberi dan kalimat pasif,
meminta informasi terkait siswa dapat
keadaan/tindakan/kegiatan/kejadian mengevaluasi
tanpa perlu menyebutkan penggunaan
pelakunya dalam teks ilmiah, kalimat pasif
dengan memperhatikan fungsi dalam
sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kalimat.
kebahasaanyang benar dan sesuai
4. 4.5 Menyusun teks interaksi XI Passive  Membuat C6 16-20 Essay
transaksional lisan dan tulis yang Voice kalimat pasif
melibatkan tindakan memberi dan dengan
meminta informasi terkait menggunakan
keadaan/tindakan/kegiatan/kejadian tenses yang
tanpa perlu menyebutkan benar.
pelakunya dalam teks ilmiah,
dengan memperhatikan fungsi
sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaanyang benar dan sesuai

A. Analyze the passive voice in the text. Give your reason why the sentence is passive.


This traditional Indonesian musical instrument is celebrated throughout the world. Angklung may not be the only instrument made of
bamboo, but it’s certainly becoming one of the most popular.
One German citizen was so taken with its elegance, he brought one home and has started to learn how to play it. Smith told,
“Playing angklung isn neither easy nor difficult. I like the music produced from angklung; it sounds very harmonious.” He’s been
learning how to play it for several years. Who knows who else he’ll introduce to this Indonesian musical instrument!


This Indonesian take on the traditional puppet show is one of the country’s most enjoyable performing arts. And it’s become so popular
that wayang is also performed around the world. In Australia, it’s picked up some devoted fans, including Dyan, who discovered wayang
during a workshop. He happily explained, “I love watching wayang with unique characters.” And he’s certainly not the only one.

Adopted from:


Write the passive sentence in the following table. Give the reason why you think the sentence is passive.

No. Passive sentences Reasons


B. Analyze the tenses used in the sentences below. Give your reason.
6. All the meals were eaten by Santi yesterday.
7. This room has been cleaned.
8. The cats are being fed by George.
9. The coffee will be made by the man.
10. The clothes are always washed by mother.

C. Evaluate the passive sentence below. Correct the error in the sentence.
11. John told me that his motorcycle had fixed the day before.
12. The visitors are warn not to feed the animals for several health reasons.
13. Walking on the grass is prohibit.
14. Several years ago, English is spoken in this city.
15. The flowers was watered by Sarah this morning.

D. Make five passive sentences based on the following tenses.

16. Simple present tense:
17. Simple past tense:
18. Present perfect tense:
19. Present future tense:
20. Past continuous tense:

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