Anda di halaman 1dari 18

19.41 How is the equilibrium constant related to the stan dard free energy change for a reaction?

the equation.)

Jawab :

G= –RT lnK

19.42 What is the value of DG ° for a reaction for which K = 1?

Bond Energies and Heats of Reaction

Jawab :

Log alami 1 adalah nol sehingga DG ° = 0.

19.43 Define the term atomization energy.

Jawab :

Jumlah energi yang dibutuhkan untuk memecah semua ikatan kimia dalam satu
mol molekul gas untuk diberikan atom gas.

19.44 Why are the heats of formation of gaseous atoms from their elements endothermic quantities?

Jawab :

Sangat mudah untuk melihat mengapa konversi unsur padat atau cair menjadi
atom gas adalah proses endotermik.
Dalam kasus unsur-unsur yang ada secara alami sebagai gas, sebagian besar
adalah poliatomik (pengecualian adalah yang mulia gas). Untuk mengubah
unsur-unsur ini menjadi atom-atom gas akan membutuhkan suatu masukan
energi sebagaimana ikatan diperlukan rusak.

19.45 The gaseous C2 molecule has a bond energy of 602 kJ mol-1. Why isn’t the standard heat of
formation of C( g ) equal to half this value?

Jawab :

Panas pembentukan didefinisikan sebagai jumlah energi yang diperlukan

untuk membentuk senyawa dari unsur-unsurnya di keadaan paling stabil
mereka. C2 (g) bukan keadaan karbon yang terjadi secara alami.

First Law of Thermodynamics

19.46 A certain system absorbs 0.300 kJ of heat and has 0.700 kJ of work performed on it. What is the
value of DE for the change? Is the overall change exothermic or endothermic?

Jawab :

E = q + w = 0.450 kJ + 0.750 kJ = +1.200 kJ

Proses keseluruhan adalah endotermik, yang berarti bahwa energi internal
sistem meningkat. Perhatikan itu kedua istilah, q dan w, berkontribusi
pada peningkatan energi internal sistem; sistem mendapatkan panas (+ q)
dan telah menyelesaikannya (+ w).

19.47 The value of DE for a certain change is -1455 J. During the change, the system absorbs 812 J of
heat. Did the system do work, or was work done on the system? How much work, expressed in joules,
was involved?

Jawab :

E = q + w
–1785 J = 945 J + w
w = –2730 J

Karena w didefinisikan sebagai pekerjaan yang dilakukan pada sistem oleh lingkungan, maka
dalam hal ini, negatif jumlah pekerjaan dilakukan pada sistem oleh lingkungan. Sistem, pada
kenyataannya, bekerja pada lingkungan.

19.48 Suppose that you were pumping an automobile tire with a hand pump that pushed 24.0 in.3 of air
into the tire on each stroke, and that during one such stroke the opposing pressure in the tire was 30.0
lb/in.2 above the normal atmospheric pressure of 14.7 lb/in.2. Calculate the number of joules of work
accomplished during each stroke. (1 L atm = 101.325 J)

Jawab :

Penye;lesaian = P × V
Tekanan total yang disebabkan oleh pompa tangan::
P = 30.0 lb/in2
Konversi ke atmosfer yang kita dapatkan:
P = 30.0 lb/in2 × 1 atm/14.7 lb/in2 = 2.04 atm
Selanjutnya kita mengubah perubahan volume dalam satuan in3 menjadi unit
24.0 in3 × (2.54 cm/in)3 × 1 L/1000 cm3 = 0.393 L
Maka, P × V = (2.04 atm)(0.393 L) = 0.802 L·atm
0.802 L·atm × 101.3 J/L·atm = 81 J

19.49 Consider the reaction between aqueous solutions of baking soda, NaHCO3, and vinegar,
HC2H3O2. NaHCO3(aq) + HC2H3O2(aq) → NaC2H3O2(aq) + H2O(l ) + CO2( g ) If this reaction occurs at
1.00 atmospheres of pressure, how much work, expressed in L atm, is done by the system in pushing
back the atmosphere when 1.00 mol NaHCO3 reacts at a temperature of 25 °C? (Hint: Review the gas

Jawab :

Ini adalah reaksi yang menghasilkan 1 mol produk gas tunggal, CO2.
Selanjutnya, mol gas ini bentuk produk dari bahan nongaseous. Volume yang
akan ditempati oleh gas ini, setelah terbentuk,
dapat ditemukan dengan aplikasi Hukum Charles: 22,4 L × 298 K / 273 K =
24,5 L Pekerjaan ekspansi gas untuk membentuk produk adalah sebagai
W = –PV = –(1.00 atm)(24.5 L) = –24.5 L atm
19.50 Calculate DH ° and DE ° for the following reactions at 25 °C. (If necessary, refer to the data in
Table C.2 in Appendix C.) (a) 3PbO(s) + 2NH3( g ) → 3Pb(s) + N2( g ) + 3H2O( g ) (b) NaOH(s) + HCl( g )
→ NaCl(s) + H2O(l ) (c) Al2O3(s) + 2Fe(s) → Fe2O3(s) + 2Al(s) (d) 2CH4( g ) → C2H6( g ) + H2( g )

Jawab :

Kami menggunakan data yang disediakan dalam Lampiran C.

(a) 3PbO(s) + 2NH3(g) _ 3Pb(s) + N2(g) + 3H2O(g)
H° = { o
Hf [Pb(s)] + o
f H [N2(g)] + 3 o
f H [H2O(g)]}
– {3 o
f H [PbO(s)] + 2 o
f H NH3(g)]}
H° = {3 mol × (0 kJ/mol) + 1 mol × (0 kJ/mol) + 3 mol × (–241.8 kJ/mol)}
– {3 mol × (–219.2 kJ/mol) + 2 mol × (–46.19 kJ/mol)}
H° = + 24.58 kJ
E = H° – nRT
E = 24.58 kJ – (+2 mol)(8.314 J/mol K)(10–3 kJ/J)(298 K) = 19.6 kJ
(b) NaOH(s) + HCl(g) _ NaCl(s) + H2O(l)
H° = { o
f H [NaCl(s)] + f H_ [H2O(l)]} – { o
f H [NaOH(s)] + o
f H [HCl(g)]}
H° = {1 mol × (–411.0 kJ/mol) + 1 mol × (–285.9 kJ/mol)}
– {1 mol × (–426.8 kJ/mol) + 1 mol × (–92.3)}
H° = –178 kJ
E = H° – nRT
E = –178 kJ – (–1)(8.314 J/mol K)(10–3 kJ/J)(298 K) = –175 kJ
(c) Al2O3(s) + 2Fe(s) _ Fe2O3(s) + 2Al(s)
H° = { o
f H [Fe2O3(s)] + 2 o
f H [Al(s)]} – { o
f H [ Al2O3(s)] + 2 o
f H [Fe(s)]}
H° = {1 mol × (–822.2 kJ/mol) + 2 mol ×(0 kJ/mol)}
– {1 mol × (–1669.8 kJ/mol) + 2 mol × (0 kJ/mol)}
H° = 847.6 kJ
E = H°, since the value of n for this reaction is zero.
(d) 2CH4(g) _ C2H6(g) + H2(g)
H° = { o
f H [C2H6(g)] + o
f H [H2(g)]} – {2 o
f H [CH4(g)]}
H° = {1 mol × (–84.667 kJ/mol) + 1 mol × (0.0 kJ/mol)}
– {2 mol × (–74.848 kJ/mol)}
H° = 65.029 kJ
E = H°, since the value of n for this reaction is zero.
19.51 Calculate DH ° and DE ° for the following reactions at 25 °C. (If necessary, refer to the data in Table
C.2 in Appendix C.) (a) 2C2H2( g ) + 5O2( g ) → 4CO2( g ) + 2H2O( g ) (b) C2H2( g ) + 5N2O( g ) →
2CO2( g ) + H2O( g ) + 5N2( g ) (c) NH4Cl(s) → NH3( g ) + HCl( g ) (d) (CH3)2CO(l ) + 4O2( g ) → 3CO2( g
) + 3H2O( g )

Jawab :

Kami melanjutkan seperti pada jawaban untuk Meninjau Soal 19,50, menggunakan
data yang disediakan dalam Lampiran C.
(a) 2C2H2(g) + 5O2(g) _ 4CO2(g) + 2H2O(g)
H° = {2 o
f H [H2O(g)] + 4 o
f H [CO2(g)]} – {5 o
f H [O2(g)] + 2 o
f H [C2H2(g)]}
H° = {2 mol × (–241.8 kJ/mol) + 4 mol × (–393.5 kJ/mol)}
– {5 mol × (0.0 kJ/mol) + 2 mol × (226.75 kJ/mol)}
H° = –2511.1 kJ
E = H° – nRT = –2511.1 kJ – (–1 mol)(8.314 J/mol K)(10–3 kJ/J)(298 K)
E = –2509 kJ
(b) C2H2(g) + 5N2O(g) _ 5N2(g) + H2O(g) + 2CO2(g)
H° = {5 o
f H [N2(g)] + o
f H [H2O(g)] + 2 o
f H [CO2(g)]}
– {5 o
f H [N2O(g)] + o
f H [C2H2(g)]}
H° = {5 mol × (0.0 kJ/mol) + 1 mol × (–241.8 kJ/mol) + 2 mol × (–393.5 kJ/mol)}
– {5 mol × (81.57 kJ/mol) + 1 mol × (226.75 kJ/mol)}
H° = –1663.4 kJE = H° – nRT
E = –1663.4 kJ – (2 mol)(8.314 J/mol K)(10–3 kJ/J)(298 K)
E = –1668 kJ
(c) NH4Cl(s) _ NH3(g) + HCl(g)
H° = { o
Hf [HCl(g)] + o
f H [NH3(g)]} – { o
f H [NH4Cl(s)]}
H° = {1 mol × (–92.3 kJ/mol) + 1 mol × (–46.19 kJ/mol)}
– {1 mol × (–315.4 kJ/mol)}
H° = 176.9 kJ
E = H° – nRT
E = 176.9 kJ – (2 mol)(8.314 J/mol K)(10–3 kJ/J)(298 K)
E = 171.9 kJ
(d) (CH3)2CO(l) + 4O2(g) _ 3CO2(g) + 3H2O(g)
H° = {3 o
f H [CO2(g)] + 3 o
f H [H2O(g)]} – { o
f H [(CH3)2CO(l)] + 4 o
f H [O2(g)]}
H° = {3 mol × (–393.5 kJ/mol) + 3 mol × (–241.8 kJ/mol)}
– {1 mol × (–248.1 kJ/mol) + 4 × (0 kJ/mol)}
H° = –1657.8 kJ
E = H° – nRT
E = –1657.8 kJ – (2 mol)(8.314 J/mol K)(10–3 kJ/J)(298 K)
E = –1662.8 kJ

19.52 The reaction 2N2O( g ) → 2N2( g ) + O2( g ) has DH ° = -163.14 kJ. What is the value of DE for the
decomposition of 186 g of N2O at 25 °C? If we assume that DH doesn’t change appreciably with
temperature, what is DE for this same reaction at 217 °C?

Jawab :

H = E + ngasRT
E = H – ngasRT
H = –163.14 kJ
ngas = 3 mol – 2 mol = 1 mol
R = 8.314 J mol–1 K–1
T = 25 °C + 273 K = 298 K
For 195 g N2O,
E = –163.14 kJ – (1 mol)(8.314 × 10–3 kJ mol–1 K–1)(298 K)
E = –165.62 kJ
mol N2O = 195 g
1mol N O
44.02 g N O
= 4.43 mol N2O
Amount of Energy = 4.43 mol N2O
165.62 kJ
2 mol N O
= –367 kJ
For T = 212 °C
T = 212 °C + 273 K = 485 K
E = –163.14 kJ – (1 mol)(8.314 × 10–3 kJ mol–1 K–1)(485 K)
E = –163.14 kJ –4.03 kJ
E217 °C = –167.17 kJ for 2 moles of N2O
For 195 g N2O, 4.43 mol N2O:
Amount of Energy at 212 °C = 4.43 mol N2O
167.17 kJ
2 mol N O
= –370 kJ

19.53 A 10.0 L vessel at 22 °C contains butane, C4H10( g ), at a pressure of 2.00 atm. What is the
maximum amount of work that can be obtained by the combustion of this butane if the gas is first
brought to a pressure of 1 atm and the temperature is brought to 28 °C? Assume the products are also
returned to this same temperature and pressure.

Spontaneous Chemical and Physical Change

Jawab :

C4H10(g) +13/2 O2(g) 4CO2(g) + 5H2O(g) Temukan moles C4H10 pada set pertama dari data
tekanan, volume, dan suhu, kemudian cari mol dari CO2 dan H2O dihasilkan dari reaksi. Akhirnya,
temukan volume baru produk. PV = nRT
mol C4H10 =
2.00 atm 10.0L
0.0821 L atm mol K 295 K = 0.826 mol C4H10
mol CO2 = 2
4 10
4 10
4 mol CO
0.826 mol C H
1 mol C H
= 3.30 mol CO2
mol H2O = 2
4 10
4 10
5 mol H O
0.826 mol C H
1 mol C H
= 4.13 mol H2O
total moles of product = 3.30 mol CO2 + 4.13 mol H2O = 7.43 mol
initial volume =
0.826 mol 0.0821 L atm mol K 305 K
1.00 atm
= 20.7 L
final volume =
7.43 mol 0.0821 L atm mol K 305 K
1.00 atm
= 186 L
w = –PV
w = –(1.00 atm)(186 L – 20.7 L) = 165 L atm
In kilojoules: 165 L atm
101.325 J 1 kJ
1 L atm 1000 J
= 16.7 kJ

19.54 Use the data from Table 7.2 to calculate DH ° for the following reactions. On the basis of their
values of DH °, which are favored to occur spontaneously? (a) CaO(s) + CO2( g ) → CaCO3(s) (b) C2H2( g
) + 2H2( g ) → C2H6( g ) (c) 3CaO(s) + 2Fe(s) → 3Ca(s) + Fe2O3(s)

Jawab :

In general, we have the equation: H° = (sum f H_ [products]) – (sum f H_ [reactants])
(a) H° = { o
f H [CaCO3(s)]} – { o
f H [CO2(g)] + o
f H [CaO(s)]}
H° = {1 mol × (–1207 kJ/mol)} – {1 mol × (–393.5 kJ/mol) + 1 mol × (–635.5 kJ/mol)}
H° = –178 kJ favored.
(b) H° ={ o
f H [C2H6(g)]} – { o
f H [C2H2(g)] + 2 o
f H [H2(g)]}
H° = {1 mol × (–84.5 kJ/mol)} – {1 mol × (226.75 kJ/mol) + 2 mol × (0.0 kJ/mol)}
H° = –311 kJ favored.
(c) H° = { o
f H [Fe2O3(s)] + 3 o
f H [Ca(s)]} – {2 o
f H [Fe(s)] + 3 o
f H [CaO(s)]}
H° = {1 mol × (–822.2 kJ/mol) + 3 mol × (0.0 kJ/mol)}
– {2 mol × (0.0 kJ/mol) + 3 mol × (–635.5 kJ/mol)}
H° = +1084.3 kJ not favorable from the standpoint of enthalpy alone.

19.55 Use the data from Table 7.2 to calculate DH ° for the following reactions. On the basis of their
values of DH °, which are favored to occur spontaneously? (a) NH4Cl(s) → NH3( g ) + HCl( g ) (b) 2C2H2(
g ) + 5O2( g ) → 4CO2( g ) + 2H2O( g ) (c) C2H2( g ) + 5N2O( g ) → 2CO2( g ) + H2O( g )+ 5N2( g )

Jawab :

a) H° = { H [HCl(g)] + H [NH3(g)]} – {H [NH4Cl(s)]}

H° = {1 mol × (–92.3 kJ/mol) + 1 mol × (–46.19 kJ/mol)} – {1 mol × (–315.4 kJ/mol)}
H° = 176.9 kJ not favorable from the standpoint of enthalpy.
(b) H° = {2 H [H2O(g)] + 4 H [CO2(g)]} – {5 H [O2(g)] + 2 H [C2H2(g)]}
H° = {2 mol × (–241.8 kJ/mol) + 4 mol × (–393.5 kJ/mol)}
– {5 mol × (0.0 kJ/mol) + 2 mol × (226.75 kJ/mol)}
H° = –2512 kJ favored from the standpoint of enthalpy alone.
(c) H° = {5 H [N2(g)] + H [H2O(g)] + 2 H [CO2(g)]}– {5 H [N2O(g)] + H [C2H2(g)]}
H° = {5 mol × (0.0 kJ/mol) + 1 mol × (–241.8 kJ/mol)
+ 2 mol × (–393.5 kJ/mol)} – {5 mol × (81.57 kJ/mol)

+ 1 mol × (226.75 kJ/mol)}

H° = –1663 kJ favorable from the standpoint of enthalpy.

19.56 What factors must you consider to determine the sign of DS for the reaction 2N2O( g ) → 2N2( g )
+ O2( g ) if it occurs at constant temperature?

Jawab :

2N2O(g) 2N2(g) + O2(g)

Faktor-faktor yang perlu dipertimbangkan untuk menentukan tanda S adalah

(1) jumlah mol produk versus reaktan dalam hal ini jumlah tahi lalat
(2) keadaan produk versus reaktan kedua produk dan reaktan adalah gas
(3) kompleksitas molekul N2O lebih kompleks daripada N2 atau O2
S diharapkan positif.

19.57 What factors must you consider to determine the sign of DS for the reaction: 2HI( g ) → H2( g ) +

Jawab :

2HI(g) H2(g) + I2(g)

Faktor-faktor yang perlu dipertimbangkan untuk menentukan tanda S adalah
(1) jumlah mol produk versus reaktan dalam hal ini jumlah tahi lalat adalah
(2) keadaan produk versus reaktan kedua produk dan reaktan adalah gas
(3) kompleksitas molekul HI lebih kompleks daripada H2 atau I2
S diharapkan menjadi negatif.

19.58 Predict the algebraic sign of the entropy change for the following reactions. (a) PCl3( g ) + Cl2( g )
→ PCl5( g ) (b) SO2( g ) + CaO(s) → CaSO3(s) (c) CO2( g ) + H2O(l ) → H2CO3(aq) (d) Ni(s) + 2HCl(aq)
→ H2( g ) + NiCl2(aq)

Jawab :

(A) negatif - karena jumlah mol bahan gas menurun.

(B) negatif - karena jumlah mol bahan gas menurun.
(C) negatif - karena jumlah mol gas menurun.
(D) positif - karena gas muncul di tempat yang sebelumnya tidak ada.

19.59 Predict the algebraic sign of the entropy change for the following reactions. (a) I2(s) → I2( g ) (b)
Br2( g ) + 3Cl2( g ) → 2BrCl3( g ) (c) NH3( g ) + HCl( g ) → NH4Cl(s) (d) CaO(s) + H2O(l ) → Ca(OH)2(s)

Third Law of Thermodynamics

Jawab :

(A) S positif karena keacakan dalam gas lebih tinggi dari pada yang padat.
(b) S negatif. Ada lebih sedikit mol gas di antara produk.
(c) S negatif karena bahan-bahan gas (yang sangat acak) digantikan oleh
padatan (yaitu sangat dipesan).
(D) S negatif karena reaktan cair yang relatif acak menghilang dalam proses
yang hanya membuat a padat.

19.60 Calculate DS ° for the following reactions in J K-1 from the data in Table 19.1. On the basis of their
values of DS °, which of these reactions are favored to occur spontaneously? (a) N2( g ) + 3H2( g ) →
2NH3( g ) (b) CO( g ) + 2H2( g ) → CH3OH(l ) (c) 2C2H6( g ) + 7O2( g ) → 4CO2( g ) + 6H2O( g ) (d)
Ca(OH)2(s) + H2SO4(l ) → CaSO4(s) + 2H2O(l ) (e) S(s) + 2N2O( g ) → SO2( g ) + 2N2( g )

Jawab :

S° = (sum S°[products]) – (sum S°[reactants])

(a) S° = {2S°[NH3(g)]} – {3S°[H2(g)] + S°[N2(g)]}
S° = {2 mol × (192.5 J mol–1 K–1)} – {3 mol × (130.6 J mol–1 K–1) + 1 mol × (191.5 J mol–1 K–1)}
S° = –198.3 J/K not spontaneous from the standpoint of entropy.
(b) S° = {S°[CH3OH(l)]} – {2S°[H2(g)] + S°[CO(g)]}
S° = {1 mol × (126.8 J mol–1 K–1)} – {2 mol × (130.6 J mol–1 K–1) + 1 mol × (197.9 J mol–1 K–1)}
S° = –332.3 J/K not favored from the standpoint of entropy alone.
(c) S° = {6S°[H2O(g)] + 4S°[CO2(g)]} – {7S°[O2(g)] + 2S°[C2H6(g)]}
S° = {6 mol × (188.7 J mol–1 K–1) + 4 mol × (213.6 J mol–1 K–1)} – {7 mol × (205.0 J mol–1 K–1) + 2 mol
× (229.5 J mol–1 K–1)}
S° = +92.6 J/K favorable from the standpoint of entropy alone.
(d) S° = {2S°[H2O(l)] + S°[CaSO4(s)]} – {S°[H2SO4(l)] + S°[Ca(OH)2(s)]}
S° = {2 mol × (69.96 J mol–1 K–1) + 1 mol × (107 J mol–1 K–1)} – {1 mol × (157 J mol–1 K–1) + 1 mol ×
(76.1 J mol–1 K–1)}
S° = +14 J/K favorable from the standpoint of entropy alone.
(e) S° = {2S°[N2(g)] + S°[SO2(g)]} – {2S°[N2O(g)] + S°[S(s)]}
S° = {2 mol × (191.5 J mol–1 K–1) + 1 mol × (248 J mol–1 K–1)} – {2 mol × (220.0 J mol–1 K–1) + 1 mol ×
(31.9 J mol–1 K–1)}
S° = +159 J/K favorable from the standpoint of entropy alone.

19.61 Calculate DS ° for the following reactions in J K-1, using the data in Table 19.1. (a) Ag( ) Cl AgCl( ) s
g s + → 1 2 2( ) (b) (c) H O H O( ) 2 2 ( ) ( ) g + → 1 2 2 g l (d) CaCO3(s) + H2SO4(l ) → CaSO4(s) +
H2O( g ) + CO2( g ) (e) NH3( g ) + HCl( g ) → NH4Cl(s)

Jawab :

S° = (sum S°[products]) – (sum S°[reactants])

(a) S° = {S°[AgCl(s)]} – {1/2S°[Cl2(g)] + S°[Ag(s)]}
S° = {1 mol × (96.2 J mol–1 K–1) – {1/2 mol × (223.0 J mol–1 K–1) + 1 mol × (42.55 J mol–1 K–1)}
S° = –57.9 J/K
(b) S° = {S°[H2O(g)]} – {1/2S°[O2(g)] + S°[H2(g)]}
S° = {1 mol × (188.7 J mol–1 K–1)} – {1/2 mol × (205.0 J mol–1 K–1) + 1 mol × (130.6 J mol–1 K–1)}
S° = –44.4 J/K
(c) S° = {S°[H2O(l)]} – {1/2S°[O2(g)] + S°[H2(g)]}
S° = {1 mol × (69.96 J mol–1 K–1)} – {1/2 mol × (205.0 J mol–1 K–1) + 1 mol × (130.6 J mol–1 K–1)}
S° = –163.1 J/K
(d) S° = {S°[CO2(g)] + S°[H2O(g)] + S°[CaSO4(s)]} – {S°[CaCO3(s)] + S°[H2SO4(l)]}
S° = {1 mol × (213.6 J mol–1 K–1) + 1 mol × (188.7 J mol–1 K–1) + 1 mol × (107 J mol–1 K–1)} – {1 mol ×
(92.9 J mol–1 K–1) + 1 mol × (157 J mol–1 K–1)}
S° = +259 J/K
(e) S° = {S°[NH4Cl(s)]} – {S°[HCl(g)] + S°[NH3(g)]}
S° = {1 mol × (94.6 J mol–1 K–1)} – {1 mol × (186.7 J mol–1 K–1) + 1 mol × (192.5 J mol–1 K–1)}
S° = –284.6 J/K

19.62 Calculate DS ° f for the following compounds in J mol-1 K-1. (a) C2H4( g ) (c) CaSO4 · 2H2O(s) (b)
HC2H3O2(l )

Jawab :

Perubahan entropi yang ditunjuk Sf adalah yang sesuai dengan reaksi di mana
satu mol a substansi terbentuk dari elemen-elemen dalam status standar
mereka. Karena nilai dipahami sesuai reaksi membentuk satu mol zat tunggal
murni, unit dapat ditulis baik JK^–1 atau J mol^– 1 K^– 1.
(a) 2C(s) + 3H2(g) C2H6(g)
5.69 130.6 229.5
S° 229.5 – [2(5.69) + 3(130.6)]
229.5 – 11.38 – 391.8
– 173.7 J/K.mol
(b) 3C(s) + ½ O2(g) + 3 H2(g) (CH3)2CO(l)
5.69 205.0 130.6 200.4
S° = 200.4 – [3(5.69) + ½ (205.0) + 3 (130.6)]
200.4 – 17.07 – 102.5 = 391.8
= –311.0 J/K.mol
(c) Cu(s) + S(s) + 92 O2(g) + 5 H2(g) CuSO4.5H2O
33.15 31.9 205.0 130.6 300.4
S° = 300.4 – [1(33.15) + 1(31.9) + 9
2 (205.0) +5(130.6)]

300.4 – 33.15 –31.9 – 922.5 – 653.0

S° = –1340.2 J/K.mol

19.63 Calculate DS ° f for the following compounds in J mol-1 K-1. (a) Al2O3(s) (c) NH4Cl(s) (b) CaS H 4
OO ⋅ 1 2 2 ( ) s

Jawab :

Perubahan entropi yang ditunjuk Sf adalah yang sesuai dengan reaksi di mana
satu mol a substansi terbentuk dari elemen-elemen dalam status standar
mereka. Karena nilai dipahami sesuai reaksi membentuk satu mol zat murni
tunggal, unit dapat ditulis baik J K^– 1 atau J mol^– 1 K^– 1.
(a) Na(s) + ½ O2(g) + ½ H2(g) NaOH(s)
51.0 205.0 130.6 64.18
S° = 64.18 – [51.0 + (½)(205.0) + (½) 130.6]
64.18 – 51.0 – 102.5 – 65.3
S° = – 154.62 J/K.mol
(b) 2Fe(s) + 3/2 O2(g) Fe2O3(s)
27 205.0 90.0
S° = 90.0 – [(2)(27) + ( 3/2 ) (205)]
90.0 – 54 – 307.5
S° = –271.5 J/K.mol
(c) Ag(s) ½ N2(g) + 3/2 O2(g) AgNo3(s)
42.55 191.5 205.0 141.0
S° = 141.0 – [42.55 + (½)(191.5) + ( 3/2 )(205.0)]
= 141.0 – 42.55 – 95.8 – 307.5
S° = – 304.85 J/K.mol

19.64 Nitrogen dioxide, NO2, an air pollutant, dissolves in rainwater to form a dilute solution of nitric
acid. The equation for the reaction is 3NO2( g ) + H2O(l ) → 2HNO3(l ) + NO( g ) Calculate DS ° for this
reaction in J K-1.

Jawab :

S° = (sum S°[products]) – (sum S°[reactants])

S° = {2S°[HNO3(l)] + S°[NO(g)]} – {3S°[NO2(g)] + S°[H2O(l)]}
S° = {2 mol × (155.6 J mol–1 K–1) + 1 mol × (210.6 J mol–1 K–1)}– {3 mol × (240.5 J mol–1 K–1) + 1 mol ×
(69.96 J mol–1 K–1)}
S° = –269.7 J/K

19.65 Good wine will turn to vinegar if it is left exposed to air, because the alcohol is oxidized to acetic
acid. The equation for the reaction is C2H5OH(l ) + O2( g ) → HC2H3O2(l ) + H2O(l ) Calculate DS ° for
this reaction in J K-1. Standard (Gibbs) Free Energy

Jawab :
S° = (sum S°[products]) – (sum S°[reactants])
S° = {S°[HC2H3O2(l)] + S°[H2O(l)]} – {S°[C2H5OH(l)] + S°[O2(g)]}
S° = {1 mol × (160 J mol–1 K–1) + 1 mol × (69.96 J mol–1 K–1)}– {1 mol × (161 J mol–1 K–1) + 1 mol ×
(205.0 J mol–1 K–1)}
S° = –136 J/K

19.66 Phosgene, COCl2, was used as a war gas during World War I. It reacts with the moisture in the
lungs to produce HCl, which causes the lungs to fill with fluid, and CO, which asphyxiates the victim.
Both lead ultimately to death. For COCl2( g ), S ° = 284 J/mol K and DH ° f = -223 kJ/mol. Use this
information and the data in Table 19.1 to calculate DG ° f for COCl2( g ) in kJ mol-1.

Jawab :

The quantity f G_ applies to the equation in which one mole of pure phosgene is produced from the
naturally occurring forms of the elements:
C(s) + 1/2O2(g) + Cl2(g) _ COCl2(g), f G_ = ?
We can determine
if we can find values for f H_ and f S_ , because:
G° = H° – TS°
The value of f S_ is determined using S° for phosgene in the following way:
f S = {S°[COCl2(g)]} – {S°[C(s)] + 1/2S°[O2(g)] + S°[Cl2(g)]}

Sf = {1 mol × (284 J mol–1 K–1)} – {1 mol × (5.69 J mol–1 K–1)

+ 1/2 mol × (205.0 J mol–1 K–1) + 1 mol × (223.0 J mol–1 K–1)}
f S = –47 J mol–1 K–1 or –47 J/K
f G =o
f H –To
f S = –223 kJ/mol – (298 K)(–0.047 kJ/mol K)
= –209 kJ/mol

19.67 Aluminum oxidizes rather easily, but forms a thin protective coating of Al2O3 that prevents
further oxidation of the aluminum beneath. Use the data for DH ° f (Table 7.2) and S ° (Table 19.1) to
calculate DG ° f for Al2O3(s) in kJ mol-1.

Jawab :

S° = (sum S°[products]) – (sum S°[reactants])

2Al(s) + 3/2O2(g) _ Al2O3(s)
f S = {S°[Al2O3(s)]} – {2S°[Al(s)] + 3/2S°[O2(g)]}
f S= {1 mol × (51.0 J mol–1 K–1)} – {2 mol × (28.3 J mol–1 K–1)
+ 3/2 mol × (205.0 J mol–1 K–1)}
f S = –313.1 J/K or –313.1 J mol–1 K–1 = –0.3131 kJ mol–1 K–1
f G_ = f H_ –
f S = –1669.8 kJ/mol – (298 K)(–0.3131 kJ mol–1 K–1)
f G_ = –1576.5 kJ/mol
This value agrees well with the value listed in Appendix C2.
19.68 Compute DG ° in kJ for the following reactions, using the data in Table 19.2. (a) SO3( g ) + H2O(l )
→ H2SO4(l ) (b) 2NH4Cl(s) + CaO(s) → CaCl2(s) + H2O(l ) + 2NH3( g ) (c) CaSO4(s) + 2HCl( g ) →
CaCl2(s) + H2SO4(l )

Jawab :

G° = (sum of G [products]) – (sum of G [reactants])

(a) G° = { o
f G [H2SO4(l)]} – { of G [H2O(l)] + of G [SO3(g)]}
G° = {1 mol × (–689.9 kJ/mol)} –{1 mol × (–237.2 kJ/mol) + 1 mol × (–370 kJ/mol)}
G° = –82.3 kJ
(b) G° = {2 of G [NH3(g)] + of G [H2O(l)] + of G [CaCl2(s)]}– { of G [CaO(s)] + 2 of G [NH4Cl(s)]}
G° = {2 mol × (–16.7 kJ/mol) + 1 mol × (–237.2 kJ/mol)+ 1 mol × (–750.2 kJ/mol)} – {1 mol × (–604.2
kJ/mol)+ 2 mol × (–203.9 kJ/mol)}
G° = –8.8 kJ
(c) G° = { of G [H2SO4(l)] + of G [CaCl2(s)]} – { of G [CaSO4(s)] + of G [HCl(g)]}
G° = {1 mol × (–689.9 kJ/mol) + 1 mol × (–750.2 kJ/mol)}– {1 mol × (–1320.3 kJ/mol) + 2 mol × (–95.27
G° = +70.7 kJ

19.69 Compute DG ° in kJ for the following reactions, using the data in Table 19.2. (a) 2HCl( g ) + CaO(s)
→ CaCl2(s) + H2O( g ) (b) 2AgCl(s) + Ca(s) → CaCl2(s) + 2Ag(s) (c) 3NO2( g ) + H2O(l ) → 2HNO3(l ) +
NO( g )

Jawab :

G° = (sum of G [products]) – (sum of G [reactants])

(a) G° = { of G [H2O(g)] + of G [CaCl2(s)]} – {2 of G [HCl(g)] + of G [CaO(s)]}
G° = {1 mol × (–228.6 kJ/mol) + 1 mol × (–750.2 kJ/mol)}– {2 mol × (–95.27 kJ/mol) + 1 mol × (–604.2
G° = –184.1 kJ
(b) G° = {2 o
Gf [Ag(s)] + of G [CaCl2(s)]} – {2 of G [AgCl(s)] + of G [Ca(s)]}
G° = {2 mol × (0.0 kJ/mol) + 1 mol × (–750.2 kJ/mol)}– {2 mol × (–109.7 kJ/mol) + 1 mol × (0.0 kJ/mol)}
G° = –530.8 kJ
(c) G° = { of G [NO(l)] + 2 of G [HNO3(l)]} – {3 of G [NO2(l)] + of G [H2O(l)]}
G° = {1 mol × (86.69 kJ/mol) + 2 mol × (–79.91 kJ/mol)} – {3 mol × (51.84 kJ/mol) + 1 mol × (–237.2
G° = +8.6 kJ

19.70 Given the following, 4NO( g ) → 2N2O( g ) + O2( g ) DG ° = -139.56 kJ 2NO( g ) + O2( g ) →
2NO2( g ) DG ° = -69.70 kJ calculate DG ° for the reaction 2N2O( g ) + 3O2( g ) → 4NO2( g )

Jawab :

4NO(g) _ 2N2O(g) + O2(g), G° = –139.56 kJ (1)

2NO(g) + O2(g) _ 2NO2(g), G° = -69.70 kJ (2)
Reverse reaction (1) double reaction (2)
G° = 139.56 kJ + 2 x (-69.70) kJ
2N2O(g) + 3O2(g) _ 4NO2(g), G° = +0.16 kJ
19.71 Given the following reactions and their DG ° values, COCl2( g ) + 4NH3( g ) → CO(NH2)2(s) +
2NH4Cl(s) DG ° = -332.0 kJ COCl2( g ) + H2O(l ) → CO2( g ) + 2HCl( g ) DG ° = -141.8 kJ NH3( g ) + HCl( g )
→ NH4Cl(s) DG ° = -91.96 kJ Calculate the value of DG ° for the reaction CO(NH2)2(s) + H2O(l ) →
CO2( g ) + 2NH3( g )Free Energy and Work

Jawab :

Add the reverse of the first equation to the second equation plus twice the third equation:
CO(NH2)2(s) + 2NH4Cl(s) _ COCl2(g) + 4NH3(g), G° = +332.0 kJ
COCl2(g) + H2O(l) _ CO2(g) + 2HCl(g), G° = –141.8 kJ
2NH3(g) + 2HCl(g) _ 2NH4Cl(s), G° = –183.9 kJ
CO(NH2)2(s) + H2O(l) _ 2NH3(g) + CO2(g), G° = +6.3 kJ

19.72 Gasohol is a mixture of gasoline and ethanol (grain alcohol), C2H5OH. Calculate the maximum
work that could be obtained at 25 °C and 1 atm by burning 1 mol of C2H5OH. C2H5OH(l ) + 3O2( g ) →
2CO2( g ) + 3H2O( g )

Jawab :

The maximum work obtainable from a reaction is equal in magnitude to the value of G for the reaction.
Thus, we need only determine G° for the process:
G° = (sum of G [products]) – (sum of G [reactants])
G° = {3 of G [H2O(g)] + 2 of G [CO2(g)]} – {3 of G [O2(g)] + of G [C2H5OH(l)]}
G° = {3 mol × (–228.6 kJ/mol) + 2 mol × (–394.4 kJ/mol)}– {3 mol × (0.0 kJ/mol) + 1 mol × (–174.8
G° = –1299.8 Kj
Since this is for 2 mols C2H5OH we must multiply the G° value by 2.–1299.8 kJ (2) = –2599.6 kJ

19.73 What is the maximum amount of useful work that could possibly be obtained at 25 °C and 1 atm
from the combustion of 48.0 g of natural gas, CH4( g ) to give CO2( g ) and H2O( g )?Free Energy and


We must first determine G° for the reaction:

CH4(g) + 2O2(g) _ CO2(g) + 2H2O(g)
G° = (sum of G [products]) – (sum of G [reactants])
G° = { of G [CO2(g)] + 2 of G [H2O(g)]} – { of G [CH4(g)] + 2 of G [O2(g)]}
G° = {1 mol × (–394.4 kJ/mol) + 2 mol × (–228.6 kJ/mol)}– {1 mol × (–50.79 kJ/mol) + 2 mol × (0.0
G° = –800.8 kJ/mol
Next, we determine the amount of work available from the combustion of 64.0 g of CH 4:

kJ = 64.0 g CH = -3.19 x 10^3 kJ

19.74 Chloroform, formerly used as an anesthetic and now believed to be a carcinogen, has a heat of
vaporization DHvaporization = 31.4 kJ mol-1. The change, CHCl3(l ) → CHCl3( g ), has DS ° = 94.2 J mol-1
K-1. At what temperature do we expect CHCl3 to boil (i.e., at what temperature will liquid and vapor be
in equilibrium at 1 atm pressure)?
Jawab :

At equilibrium, G = 0 = H – TS
Teq = H/S, and assuming that S is independent of temperature, we have:
Teq = (31.4 × 103 J mol–1) (94.2 J mol–1 K–1) = 333 K

19.75 For the melting of aluminum, Al(s) → Al(l ), DH ° = 10.0 kJ mol-1 and DS ° = 9.50 J/mol K.
Calculate the melting point of Al. (The actual melting point is 660 °C.)

Jawab :

At equilibrium, G = 0 = H – TS
Teq = H/S, and assuming that S and H are independent of temperature, we have:
Teq = (10.0 × 103 J mol–1) (9.50 J mol–1 K–1) = 1.05 × 103 K or 780 C

19.76 Isooctane, an important constituent of gasoline, has a boiling point of 99.3 °C and a heat of
vaporization of 37.7 kJ mol-1. What is DS (in J mol-1 K-1) for the vaporization of 1 mol of isooctane?


At equilibrium, G = 0 = H – TS
Thus H = TS, and if we assume that both H and S are independent of temperature, we have:
S = H/Teq = (37.7 × 103 J/mol) (99.3 + 273.15 K)
S = 101 J mol–1 K–1

19.77 Acetone (nail polish remover) has a boiling point of 56.2 °C. The change, (CH3)2CO(l ) →
(CH3)2CO( g ), has DH ° = 31.9 kJ mol-1. What is DS ° for this change?Free Energy and Spontaneity of
Chemical Reactions

Jawab :

We proceed as in the answer to Review Problem 19.76:

S = H/Teq = (31.9 × 103 J/mol) (56.2 + 273.15 K)
S = 96.9 J mol–1 K–1

19.78 Determine whether the following reaction (equation unbalanced) will be spontaneous at 25 °C.
(Do we expect appreciable amounts of products to form?) C2H4( g ) + HNO3(l ) → HC2H3O2(l ) + H2O(l
) + NO( g ) + NO2( g )

Jawab :

The reaction is spontaneous if its associated value for G° is negative.

G° = (sum of G [products]) – (sum of G [reactants])
G° = { of G [HC2H3O2(l)] + of G [H2O(l)] + of G [NO(g)] + of G [NO2(g)]}– { of G [C2H4(g)] + of G
G° = {1 mol × (–392.5 kJ/mol) + 1 mol × (–237.2 kJ/mol)+ 1 mol × (86.69 kJ/mol) + 1 mol × (51.84
kJ/mol)}– {1 mol × (68.12 kJ/mol) + 1 mol × (–79.91 kJ/mol)}
G° = –479.4 kJ
Yes, the reaction is spontaneous.
19.79 Which of the following reactions (equations unbalanced) would be expected to be spontaneous
at 25 °C and 1 atm? (a) PbO(s) + NH3( g ) → Pb(s) + N2( g ) + H2O( g ) (b) NaOH(s) + HCl( g ) → NaCl(s)
+ H2O(l ) (c) Al2O3(s) + Fe(s) → Fe2O3(s) + Al(s) (d) 2CH4( g ) → C2H6( g ) + H2( g )

Thermodynamic Equilibrium Constants

Jawab :

(a) 3PbO(s) + 2NH3(g) _ 3Pb(s) + N2(g) + 3H2O(g)

G° = {3 of G [Pb(s)] + of G [N2(g)] + 3 of G [H2O(g)]}– {3 of G [PbO(s)] + 2 of G [NH3(g)]}
G° = {3 mol × (0.0 kJ/mol) + 1 mol × (0.0 kJ/mol)+ 3 mol × (–228.6 kJ/mol)} – {3 mol × (–189.3 kJ/mol)+
2 mol × (–16.7 kJ/mol)}
G° = –84.5 kJ the reaction is spontaneous.
(b) NaOH(s) + HCl(g) _ NaCl(s) + H2O(l)
G° = { f G_ [NaCl(s)] + f G_ [H2O(l)]} – { f G_ [NaOH(s)]+ f G_ [HCl(g)]}
G° = {1 mol × (–384.0 kJ/mol) + 1 mol × (–237.2 kJ/mol)}– {1 mol × (–382 kJ/mol) + 1 mol × (–95.27)}
G° = –144 kJ the reaction is spontaneous.
(c) Al2O3(s) + 2Fe(s) _ Fe2O3(s) + 2Al(s)
G° = { oGf [Fe2O3(s)] + 2 of G [Al(s)]} – { of G [Al2O3(s)] + 2 of G [Fe(s)]}
G° = {1 mol × (–741.0 kJ/mol) + 2 mol × (0.0 kJ/mol)}– {1 mol × (–1576.4 kJ/mol) + 2 mol × (0.0 kJ/mol)}
G° = +835.4 k the reaction is not spontaneous.
(d) 2CH4(g) _ C2H6(g) + H2(g)
G° = { of G [C2H6(g)] + of G [H2(g)]} – {2 of G [CH4(g)]}
G° = {1 mol × (–32.9 kJ/mol) + 1 mol × (0.0 kJ/mol)}– {2 mol × (–50.79 kJ/mol)}
G° = +68.7 kJ the reaction is not spontaneous.

19.80 Calculate the value of the thermodynamic equilibrium constant for the following reactions at 25
°C. (Refer to the data in Appendix C.2.) (a) 2PCl3( g ) + O2( g ) 2POCl3( g )

(b) 2SO3( g ) 2SO2( g ) + O2( g )

Jawab :

PCl3(g) +1/2O2(g) _ POCl3(g)

(a) G° = {1 mol × of G [POCl3(g)]} – {1 mol × of G [PCl3(g)] + 1/2mol× of G [O2(g)]}
G° = {1 mol × (–512.9kJ/mol)}– {1 mol × (–267.8 kJ/mol) + 1/2 mol × (0 kJ/mol)}
G° = –245.1 kJ = –2.45 × 105 J–2.45 × 105 J = –RTlnKp = –(8.314 J/K mol)(298 K) × lnKp
lnKp = 98.9 and Kp = 9.20 x 1042
(b) G° = {1 mol × of G [SO2(g)] + 1mol × of G [O2(g)]} – {1 mol × of G [SO3(g)]}
G° = {1 mol × (–300.4 kJ/mol) + 1 mol × (0 kJ/mol)} – {1 mol × (–370.4 kJ/mol)}
G° = 70 kJ = 7. 0 × 104 J
7.0 × 104 J = –RTlnKp = –(8.314 J/K mol)(298 K) × lnKp
lnKp = 28.25 and Kp = 5.37 × 10–13

19.81 Calculate the value of the thermodynamic equilibrium constant for the following reactions at 25
°C. (Refer to the data in Appendix C.2.) (a) N2H4( g ) + 2O2( g ) 2NO( g ) + 2H2O( g ) (b) N2H4( g ) +
6H2O2( g ) 2NO2( g ) + 8H2O( g )

Jawab :

(a) G° = {2 × f G_ [NO(g)] + 2 × f G_ [H2O(g)]}– {1 × f G_ [N2H4(g)] + 2 × f G_ [O2(g)]}
G° = {2 mol × (86.69 kJ/mol) + 2 mol × (–228.6 kJ/mol)}– {1 mol × (159.3 kJ/mol) + 2 mol × (0.0 kJ/mol)}
G° = – 443.1 kJ = – 4.431 × 105 J
4.431× 105 J = –RTlnKp = –(8.314 J/K mol)(298 K) × lnKp
lnKp = 178.8 and Kp = 4.728 × 1077
(b) The of G for H2O2(g) is not given in Appendix C. The value was found in the Handbook of
Chemistry and Physics, 84th Edition, 2003 – 2004, David R. Lide, Ed., CRC Press, New York.
G° = {2 × of G [NO2(g)] + 8 × of G [H2O(g)]}– {1 × of G [N2H4(g)] + 6 × of G [H2O2(g)]}
G° = [2 mol × (51.84 kJ/mol) + 8 mol × (–228.6 kJ/mol)]– [1 mol × (159.3 kJ/mol) + 6 mol × (–105.6
G° = –1250.8 kJ = –1.2508 × 106 J–1.2508 × 106 J = –RTlnKp = –(8.314 J/K mol)(298 K) × lnKp
lnKp = 5.048 × 102 Kp = 1.70 × 10219
This is rocket fuel!

19.82 The reaction NO2( g ) + NO( g ) N2O( g ) + O2( g ) has DG °1273 = -9.67 kJ. A 1.00 L reaction
vessel at 1000.0 °C contains 0.0200 mol NO2, 0.040 mol NO, 0.015 mol N2O, and 0.0350 mol O2. Is the
reaction at equilibrium? If not, in which direction will the reaction proceed to reach equilibrium?

Jawab :

G° = –RT ln Kp –9.67 × 103 J = –(8.314 J/K mol)(1273 K) × ln Kp

ln Kp = 0.914 Kp = 2.49
Since the value of Q is less than the value of K, the system is not at equilibrium and must shift to the right
to reach equilibrium.

19.83 The reaction CO( g ) + H2O( g ) HCHO2( g ) has DG °673 = +79.8 kJ mol-1. If a mixture at 673 K
contains 0.040 mol CO, 0.022 mol H2O, and 3.8 × 10-3 mol HCHO2 in a 2.50 L container, is the reaction
at equilibrium? If not, in which direction will the reaction proceed spontaneously?

Jawab :

79.8 × 103 J = –(8.314 J/K mol)(673 K) × ln Kp

ln Kp = –14.3 Kp = 6.40 × 10–7
We start by calculating the reaction quotient, Q. Be sure to determine the pressure of the gases using the
ideal gas law.
3 L atm
mol K
L atm L atm
mol K mol K
3.8 10 mol 0.0821 673 K
1.50 L
0.040 mol 0.0821 673 K 0.022 mol 0.0821 673 K
1.50 L 1.50 = 0.117
Since the value of Q is larger than the value of Kp, the system must shift to the left in order to reach

19.84 A reaction that can convert coal to methane (the chief component of natural gas) is C(s) + 2H2( g )
CH4( g ) for which DG ° = -50.79 kJ mol-1. What is the value of Kp for this reaction at 25 °C? Does this
value of Kp suggest that studying this reaction as a means of methane production is worthwhile

Jawab :
G° = –RT ln Kp
–50.79 × 103 J = –(8.314 J K–1 mol–1)(298 K) × ln Kp
ln Kp = 20.50
Taking the exponential of both sides of this equation gives: Kp = 8.000 × 108
This is a favorable reaction, since the equilibrium lies far to the side favoring products and is worth
studying as a method for methane production.

19.85 One of the important reactions in living cells from which the organism draws energy is the
reaction of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) with water to give adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and free
phosphate ion. ATP + H2O ADP + PO43 The value of DG °310 for this reaction at 37 °C (normal

human body temperature) is -33 kJ mol-1. Calculate the value of the equilibrium constant for the
reaction at this temperature.

Jawab :

T = 37 + 273 = 310 K
G°T = –RT ln Kc
–33 × 103 J = –(8.314 J K–1 mol–1)(310 K) × ln Kc
ln Kc = 13
Kc = 3.6 × 10^5

19.86 What is the value of the equilibrium constant for a reaction for which DG ° = 0? What will happen
to the composition of the system if we begin the reaction with the pure products?

19.87 Methanol, a potential replacement for gasoline as an automotive fuel, can be made from H2 and
CO by the reaction CO( g ) + 2H2( g ) CH3OH( g ) At 500.0 K, this reaction has Kp = 6.25 × 10-3.
Calculate DG °500 for this reaction in units of kilojoules.

Bond Energies

19.88 Use the data in Table 19.4 to compute the approximate atomization energy of NH3.

19.89 Approximately how much energy would be released during the formation of the bonds in one
mole of acetone molecules? Acetone, the solvent usually found in nail polish remover, has the
structural formula

19.90 The standard heat of formation of ethanol vapor, C2H5OH( g ), is -235.3 kJ mol-1. Use the data in
Table 19.3 and the average bond energies for C!C, C!H, and O!H bonds to estimate the C!O bond energy
in this molecule. The structure of the molecule is
19.91 The standard heat of formation of ethylene, C2H4( g ), is +52.284 kJ mol-1. Calculate the C " C
bond energy in this molecule.

19.92 Carbon disulfide, CS2, has the Lewis structure S"C"S , and for CS2( g ), DH ° f = +115.3 kJ mol-1. Use
the data in Table 19.3 to calculate the average C " S bond energy in this molecule.

19.93 Gaseous hydrogen sulfide, H2S, has DH ° f = -20.15 kJ mol-1. Use the data in Table 19.3 to
calculate the average S!H bond energy in this molecule.

19.94 For SF6( g ), DH ° f = -1096 kJ mol-1. Use the data in Table 19.3 to calculate the average S!F bond
energy in SF6.

19.95 Use the results of the preceding problem and the data in Table C.3 of Appendix C to calculate the
standard heat of formation of SF4( g ). The measured value of DH ° f for SF4( g ) is -718.4 kJ mol-1. What
is the percentage difference between your calculated value of DH ° f and the experimentally
determined value?

19.96 Use the data in Tables 19.3 and 19.4 to estimate the standard heat of formation of acetylene, H!C
# C!H, in the gaseous state.

19.97 What would be the approximate heat of formation of CCl4 vapor at 25 °C and 1 atm?

19.98 Which substance should have the more exothermic heat of formation, CF4 or CCl4? 19.99 Would
you expect the value of DH ° f for benzene, C6H6, computed from tabulated bond energies, to be very
close to the experimentally measured value of DH ° f ? Justify your answer.

Additional Exercises

19.100 If pressure is expressed in atmospheres and volume is expressed in liters, P DV has units of L atm
(liters × atmospheres). In Chapter 11 you learned that 1 atm = 101,325 Pa, and in Chapter 2 you learned
that 1 L = 1 dm3. Use this information to determine the number of joules corresponding to 1 L atm.

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