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Satuan Pendidikan : SMAN 8 MERANGIN

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : XI / Genap
Topik : Explanation Text
Skills : Reading and Writing
Alokasi waktu : 2 JP @45 menit

A. Kompetensi Inti
KI1 : Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.
KI2 : Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli (gotong royong,
kerjasama, toleran, damai), santun, responsif dan pro-aktif dan menunjukkan sikap
sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai permasalahan berinteraksi secara efektif
dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam serta dalam menempatkan diri sebagai
cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia.
KI3 : Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis, dan mengevaluasi pengetahuan faktual,
konseptual, prosedural, dan metakognitif berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang
ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan
kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena
dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang kajian yang
spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah
KI4 : Mengolah, menalar, menyaji, dan mencipta dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak
terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri
serta bertindak secara efektif dan kreatif, dan mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai
kaidah keilmuan.

B. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

Kompetensi Dasar (KD) Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi (IPK)

3.8 Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur 3.8.1 Mengidentifikasi struktur teks

teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa eksplanasi dengan mengelompokkan
teks explanation lisan dan tulis dengan bagian-bagian teks pada tabel yang
memberi dan meminta informasi disediakan.
terkait gejala alam atau sosial yang
tercakup dalam mata pelajaran lain di 3.8.2 Menentukan informasi terkait gejala
kelas XI, sesuai dengan konteks alam dan sosial dari satu teks eksplanasi
penggunaannya dengan cara memilih jawaban “true or
false” disertai dengan alasannya.
4.8 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual 4.8.1 Menjawab pertanyaan berbentuk pilihan
terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan ganda terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks
unsur kebahasaan teks explanation dan unsur kebahasaan teks eksplanasi
lisan dan tulis, terkait gejala alam atau dengan cara memilih jawaban yang
sosial yang tercakup dalam mata benar.
pelajaran lain di kelas XI 4.8.2 Menyusun sebuah paragraf terkait
gejala alam dan sosial dari satu teks
eksplanasi dengan melengkapi bagian
proses yang rumpang berdasarkan
gambar yang disediakan.
C. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Setelah mengikuti proses pembelajaran berbasis teks atau genre, peserta didik diharapkan
1. Mengidentifikasi struktur teks explanation dengan mengelompokkan bagian-bagian teks
pada tabel yang disediakan.
2. Menentukan informasi terkait gejala alam dan sosial dari satu teks eksplanasi dengan cara
memilih jawaban “true or false” disertai dengan alasannya.
3. Menjawab pertanyaan berbentuk pilihan ganda terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur
kebahasaan teks eksplanasi dengan cara memilih jawaban yang benar.
4. Menyusun sebuah paragraf terkait gejala alam dan sosial dari satu teks eksplanasi dengan
melengkapi bagian proses yang rumpang berdasarkan gambar yang disediakan.
dan dengan jujur, proaktif, dan bertanggung jawab dapat melakukan semua kegiatan dan
mendapatkan nilai di atas kriteria ketuntasan minimal (KKM) 75.

D. Bahan Ajar / Materi Pembelajaran

1. Fungsi Sosial
Menjelaskan, memberi gambaran alasan terjadinya suatu fenomena.
2. Struktur Teks
Dapat mencakup:
a. Fenomena
b. Identitas gejala
c. Rangkaian penjelasan
d. Penutup (optional)
3. Unsur Kebahasaan
a. Adverbia first, then, following, finally
b. Hubungan sebab-akibat (if –then, so, as a consequence, since, due to, because of,
thanks to
c. Kalimat pasif, dalamtenses yang present
d. Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan
4. Topik
Benda-benda non manusia, seperti air, penguapan, hujan dengan paparan yang
menumbuhkan perilaku yang termuat dalam KI.

E. Pendekatan dan Model Pembelajaran

1) Pendekatan : Saintifik
2) Model Pembelajaran : Discovery learning
3) Metode : Tanya jawab, diskusi.

F. Media Pembelajaran
1. Media
a. Gambar dan materi pada link:
diakses pada hari senin, tanggal 4 november 2019, pukul 22:07 WIB.
diakses pada hari senin, tanggal 4 november 2019, pukul 21:19 WIB.
diakses pada hari senin, tanggal 4 november 2019, pukul 22:07 WIB.

diakses pada hari senin, tanggal 4 november 2019, pukul 22:50 WIB.
b. Presentasi PowerPoint
c. Worksheet atau LKPD
2. Alat/bahan
a. Spidol dan papan tulis
b. Laptop, proyektor, dan HP (internet)

G. Sumber Belajar
1. Buku penunjang kurikulum 2013 mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas XII, Kemdikbud,
Revisi 2016
2. Buku sekolah elektronik (BSE)
3. Gambar dan materi pada link:
diakses pada hari senin, tanggal 4 november 2019, pukul 22:07 WIB.
diakses pada hari senin, tanggal 4 november 2019, pukul 21:19 WIB.
diakses pada hari senin, tanggal 4 november 2019, pukul 22:07 WIB.
diakses pada hari senin, tanggal 4 november 2019, pukul 22:50 WIB
4. Kamus Bahasa Inggris

H. Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Tahap Alokasi
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Pembelajaran Waktu
A. Kegiatan Pendahuluan 10 Menit
Orientasi, 1. Peserta didik memberikan salam dan mengkondisikan diri
apersepsi, siap belajar. (character building)
motivasi 2. Ketua kelas memimpin do’a.
3. Mengecek kehadiran siswa.
4. Mengaitkan materi/tema/kegiatan pembelajaran yang akan
dilakukan dengan pengalaman peserta didik.
5. Merangsang pemikiran peserta didik dengan menunjukkan
beberapa gambar yang berhubungan dengan materi yang
akan dipelajari.
6. Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran tentang explanation
7. Memberikan gambaran tentang manfaat mempelajari
explanation text dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
B. Kegiatan Inti 70 Menit
Stimulus Mengamati
1. Siswa diberi rangsangan untuk memusatkan perhatian pada
topik materi, dengan seksama mengamati gambar ilustrasi
tentang explanation text bertemakan tsunami.
2. Siswa mengamati video tentang tsunami dan mencoba
mengaitkan hubungannya dengan materi.

Problem Menanya
statement 3. Siswa mencoba mengidentifikasi karakteristik dari
explanation text berdasarkan gambar dan video yang sedang
mereka amati. (critical thinking)
4. Siswa mengidentifikasi sebanyak mungkin pertanyaan yang
berkaitan dengan materi explanation text berasarkan gambar
dan video yang telah diamati.
5. Siswa bersama guru merumuskan problem statement tentang
tujuan, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan dari explanation
Data Mengumpulkan infromasi
collection 6. Siswa secara berkelompok terdiri dari 4-5 orang,
mengumpulkan informasi yang relevan untuk menjawab
rumusan pertanyan yang telah diidentifikasi. (collaboration)
7. Siswa mengamati dengan seksama materi tentang
explanation text, yang sedang dipelajari dalam bentuk
gambar / presentasi yang disajikan dan mencoba
8. Siswa secara aktif melakukan kegiatan literasi dengan
membaca buku atau mencari informasi di internet dengan
menggunakan HP atau referensi yang lain guna menambah
pengetahuan dan pemahaman tentang materi explanation
text, yang sedang dipelajari.
Data Mengolah Informasi/Mengasosiasikan
processing 9. Siswa berdiskusi dalam kelompok membahas dan
membandingkan pengetahuan yang telah mereka dapatkan
mengenai materi explanation text, baik fungsi sosial, struktur
teks, unsur kebahasaan. (collaboration and creative)
10. Siswa mengerjakan LKPD bersama dalam kelompok
(Lampiran 2, hal. 2-3).
11. Siswa bersama kelompok membahas latihan dan guru
memberikan feedback atas pekerjaan siswa tersebut.
Verification Mengkomunikasikan
12. Menyampaikan hasil diskusi tentang materi explanation text,
and berupa tugas tertulis (portofolio) untuk mengembangkan
sikap jujur, pro-aktif, bertanggung jawab. (communication)
Generalization 13. Siswa bersama dengan guru mereview materi yang sudah
14. Siswa mengerjakan lembaran evaluasi pembelajaran secara
individu yang termuat dalam (Lampiran 3 hal. 2-3).
(character building)
C. Kegiatan Penutup 10 Menit
Refleksi dan 1. Siswa bersama guru menyimpulkan materi tentang
penutup explanation text; fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
2. Siswa merefleksikan penguasaan materi tentang explanation
text tang telah dipelajari.
3. Guru menyampaikan tindak lanjut atas kegiatan
4. Guru menyampaikan materi untuk pertemuan berikutnya.
5. Berdoa

I. Penilaian Hasil Pembelajaran
Jenis Penilaian Teknik Instrumen
Sikap Pengamatan guru, Penilaian diri (Lampiran 5
hal. 1-2)
Pengetahuan Penugasan Tes tertulis (Lampiran 3, hal. 2)
Ketrampilan Produk tertulis Tes tertulis (Lampiran 3, hal. 3)

J. Rencana Tindak Lanjut Penilaian, Remedial dan/atau Pengayaan

1. Remedial
Bagi peserta didik yang belum mencapai target pembelajaran pada waktu yang telah
dialokasikan, perlu diberikan kegiatan remedial. Ketentuan Program Pembelajaran
a. Pelaksanaan remedial diawali dengan memberikan materi tambahan supaya siswa lebih
memahami materi.
b. Program pembelajaran remedial dilaksanakan secara klasikal oleh guru apabila lebih
dari 50% peserta didik tidak mencapai nilai KKM.
c. Pembelajaran remedial bisa dilaksanakan secara individu dengan pemanfaatan tutor
sebaya oleh teman sekelas yang memiliki kecepatan belajar lebih, dan memperhatikan
prestasi akademik yang dicapai. Melalui tutor sebaya diharapkan peserta didik yang
menempuh pembelajaran akan lebih terbuka dan akrab.

2. Pengayaan
a) Bagi peserta didik yang telah mencapai target pembelajaran sebelum waktu yang telah
dialokasikan berakhir, perlu diberikan kegiatan pengayaan.
b) Program Pembelajaran Pengayaan dilaksanakan bagi peserta didik yang telah mencapai
KKM dengan belajar mandiri untuk lebih mendalami dan mengembangkan materi.
c) Pengayaan dilakukan dengan membuat process (sequenced of explanation) teks
explanation berdasarkan isu yang telah disiapkan.

Merangin, November 2019

Guru Mapel,

Hadi Siswanto, S.Pd

Lampiran 1_Bahan Ajar

A. Definition of Explanation Text

Explanation is a text which tells processes relating to forming of natural, social, scientific and
cultural phenomena. Explanation text is to say ‘why’ and ‘how’ of the forming of the
phenomena. It is often found in science, geography and history text books.

How – explaining sequenced of events (process).

Why – explaining reasons for a process.

Example of explanation text:

 Rain – (natural phenomena)
 Volcanoes – (natural phenomena)
 Tsunami – (natural phenomena)
 Poverty – (social phenomena)
 Corruption – (social phenomena)

B. Social Function
It is used to explain how or why a certain phenomenon happens.

C. Generic Structure
1. General statement
General statement; stating the phenomenon issues which are to be explained.
2. Sequenced of explanation
Sequenced explanation; stating a series of steps which explain the phenomena.
3. Cloncluding statement (optional)
Part that put all of the information together.

D. Language Features
1. In an explanation text, there are linguistic features as below :
2. Using simple present tense
3. Using abstract noun (no visible noun)
4. Using Action verbs
5. Containing explanation of the process
6. Using passive voice

E. Types of Explanation Texts

Explanation texts are categorizes according to the type of process they describe.
1. Sequential Explanation
Explanations that describe natural and non-natural phenomena, for example life cycles.
2. Cause and Effect Explanation
Expalnation text that links cause and effect in explaining how and why an event occured, for
example volcanoes.


Sequential Explanation

How A Tsunami Happens

The term of “tsunami” comes from the Japanese which means harbour (“tsu”) and wave (“nami”).
A tsunami is a series of waves generated when water in a lake or a sea is rapidly displaced on a
massive scale.

A tsunami can be generated when the sea floor abruptly deforms and vertically displaces the
overlying water. Such large vertical movements of the earth’s crust can occur at plate boundaries.
Subduction of earthquakes are particularly effective in generating tsunami, and occur where denser
oceanic plates slip under continental plates.

As the displaced water mass moves under the influence of gravity to regain its equilibrium, it
radiates across the ocean like ripples on a pond.

Tsunami always bring great damage. Most of the damage is caused by the huge mass of water
behind the initial wave front, as the height of the sea keeps rising fast and floods powerfully into
the coastal area.

Cause and Effect Explanation

Why Seawater is Salty?

Most of our planet’s surface is covered in water – salt water. The oceans that support so much of
Earth’s life are around 3.5% sodium chloride – 50 million billion tonnes of salt.

But where does it come from? While some of it comes from volcanic vents or rocks on the seabed,
most of it is actually from the land around us. Every time it rains, tiny amounts of mineral salts are
washed into rivers, which eventually flow into the sea.

The salt in rivers is less than 1/200th the amount usually found in seawater. It becomes more
concentrated in the ocean, as the Sun’s heat causes water from the surface to evaporate, leaving
the salt behind. Extra salt added every year from rivers is balanced by salt which returns to the sea

But salinity isn’t the same everywhere. Towards the poles, water is not as salty because it’s diluted
by melting ice, while the extra heat in the tropics makes water there saltier – and denser.

Lampiran 2_LKPD / Student worksheet

Name of group: .......................

Activity 1
Give the parts name for the following explanation text.
Text The name of parts
How volcanoes are formed
A volcanoes is a vent or an opening on the earth’s surface which
allows molten rock called magma, volcanic ash and gas to out
onto its surface.
Volcanoes are formed whenever there is a crack in the crust of
the earth. A tube-like passage connects a chamber of magma
(molten rock) at the center of the earth to the earth’s crust.
When the pressure builds up in the chamber, the magma, gases,
and ash are pushed up through to the top of the tube on the earth’s
surface known as vent.
The red-hot magma that escapes to flow over the earth’s surface
is called lava which, when cools, form into rocks.
In facts, the mountains we see today are nothing but solidified
lava from previously erupted volcanoes.

Activity 2
Determine the following statements “true or false” by giving checklist (), according to the text
on the activity 1. Give correction for the statement that you answer “false”.

No Statement True False Correction

1 The volcanoes are formed the magma through
vent to the crust of the earth.
2 Melting magma flows to the earth’s surface
through crust of the earth.
3 Volcanoes eruption push up rock to the
earth’s surface.
4 Solidified magma will become rocks.

Activity 3
Read the following text then answer the questions.

Why Seawater is Salty?

Most of our planet’s surface is covered in water – salt water. The oceans that support so much of
Earth’s life are around 3.5% sodium chloride – 50 million billion tonnes of salt.

But where does it come from? While some of it comes from volcanic vents or rocks on the seabed,
most of it is actually from the land around us. Every time it rains, tiny amounts of mineral salts are
washed into rivers, which eventually flow into the sea.

The salt in rivers is less than 1/200th the amount usually found in seawater. It becomes more
concentrated in the ocean, as the Sun’s heat causes water from the surface to evaporate, leaving
the salt behind. Extra salt added every year from rivers is balanced by salt which returns to the sea

But salinity isn’t the same everywhere. Towards the poles, water is not as salty because it’s diluted
by melting ice, while the extra heat in the tropics makes water there saltier – and denser.

1. What is the text about?

a. It explains how the seawater salty.
b. The seawater becomes salty due to human intervention.
c. The activities of volcanoes influence the salinity of seawater.
d. The salinity of seawater comes from sodium chloride.
e. It explains the reasons why the seawater becomes salty.
2. What step after mineral salts from rain flow into the sea?
a. It will evaporate by the sun’s heat.
b. It will be mixed by the rain water.
c. It becomes more concentrated by the sun’s heat.
d. Mineral salt settles on the seabed.
e. Mineral salt separates form sea water.
3. Why does the water salinity at the poles less than at the tropics?
a. The water is diluted by melting ice.
b. At the poles has more sun’s heat.
c. The rain happens more in the tropics.
d. At the poles there is no land.
e. There is no crust of the earth at the poles.
4. “It becomes more concentrated in the ocean, as the Sun’s heat...” (paragraph 3). The word “it”
refers to...
a. Seawater
b. The ocean
c. Sun’s heat
d. The salt
e. Sea surface
5. From the text above, we imply that ….
a. The mineral salt comes from rain.
b. The water salinity is different in everywhere.
c. Salt water becomes more concentrated in the ocean due to rain.
d. Water at the poles is more salty because of melting ice.
e. The seawater becomes salty due to human intervention.

Activity 4
Complete the text by explaining process of the phenomenon based on the pictures.

How does Rain Happen?

Rain is the primary source of freshwater for
most areas of the world, providing suitable
conditions for diverse ecosystems, as well as
water for hydroelectric power plants and crop
The phenomenon of rain is actually a water
circle. ..........................................................
Vapor : uap However, not all rain reaches the surface.
Condense : mengembun Some evaporate while falling through dry air.
This is called virga, a phenomenon which is
often seen in hot, dry desert regions.

Expected Answer of Student worksheet

Activity 1
Give the parts name for the following explanation text.
Text The name of parts
How volcanoes are formed Title
A volcanoes is a vent or an opening on the earth’s surface which General statement
allows molten rock called magma, volcanic ash and gas to out
onto its surface.
Volcanoes are formed whenever there is a crack in the crust of Sequenced of explanation
the earth. A tube-like passage connects a chamber of magma
(molten rock) at the center of the earth to the earth’s crust.
When the pressure builds up in the chamber, the magma, gases, Sequenced of explanation
and ash are pushed up through to the top of the tube on the earth’s
surface known as vent.
The red-hot magma that escapes to flow over the earth’s surface Sequenced of explanation
is called lava which, when cools, form into rocks.
In facts, the mountains we see today are nothing but solidified Concluding statement
lava from previously erupted volcanoes.

Activity 2
Determine the following statements “true or false” by giving checklist (), according to the
text on the activity 1. Give correction for the statement that you answer “false”.

No Statement True False Correction

1 The volcanoes are formed the magma 
through vent to the crust of the earth.

2 Melting magma flows to the earth’s surface  Melting magmaflows to the
through crust of the earth. earth’s surface through
3 Volcanoes eruption push up rock to the  Volcanoes eruption push up
earth’s surface. magma, gases, and ash to
the earth’s surface.
4 Solidified magma will become rocks. 

Activity 3
Read the following text then answer the questions.
Number of Answer
1 E. It explains the reasons why the seawater becomes salty.
2 C. It becomes more concentrated by the sun’s heat.
3 A. The water is diluted by melting ice
4 D. The salt
5 B. The water salinity is different in everywhere.

Activity 4
Complete the text by explaining process of the phenomenon based on the pictures.

How does Rain Happen?

Rain is the primary source of freshwater for
most areas of the world, providing suitable
conditions for diverse ecosystems, as well as
water for hydroelectric power plants and crop
The phenomenon of rain is actually a water
circle. Sea surface water evaporates into the air
with the help of sunlight. Water vapor in the
atmosphere condenses into liquid droplets and
form into clouds. Thick clouds falling to earth
in the form of rain or snow. The water from
Vapor : uap lakes or mountains flows into the sea.
Condense : mengembun However, not all rain reaches the surface.
Some evaporate while falling through dry air.
This is called virga, a phenomenon which is
often seen in hot, dry desert regions.

Pedoman Penskoran

No Bagian LKPD Skor
1 Activity 1 25
2 Activity 2 20
3 Activity 3 25
4 Activity 4 30
Total 100

Nilai = Skor Perolehan x 100 = ............. x 100 = ....

Skor Maksimal 100

Contoh: Nilai Andri = 80 x 100 = 80.


Rubrik Penilaian

Activity 1. Give the parts name for the explanation text.

Aspek Keterangan Skor
Menentukan Menentukan bagian-bagian struktur teks Setiap jawaban benar skor = 5
bagian- eksplanasi pada tabel yang telah disediakan. Jawaban salah = 0
bagian teks
Total skor 5x5 = 25

Activity 2. Determine the statements “true or false” by giving checklist (), according to the
text on the activity 1, and give correction for the answer “false”.
Nomor soal Aspek Skor
1 Menentukan sebuah pernyataan benar 5
berdasarkan teks.
2 Menentukan sebuah pernyataan salah Pernyataan benar, skor = 5
berdasarkan teks, dan memberikan koreksi Koreksi benar, skor = 5
pernyataan yang benar. Jumlah skor = 10
3 Menentukan sebuah pernyataan salah Pernyataan benar, skor = 5
berdasarkan teks, dan memberikan koreksi Koreksi benar, skor = 5
pernyataan yang benar. Jumlah skor = 10
4 Menentukan sebuah pernyataan benar 5
berdasarkan teks.
Total skor 20

Activity 3. Answer the questions based on the text.

Aspek Keterangan Skor
Menentukan Memilih jawaban yang benar setiap pertanyaan Setiap jawaban benar skor = 5
pilihan berdasarkan teks yang disediakan. Jawaban salah = 0
yang benar.
Total skor 5x5 = 25

Activity 4. Make a paragraph of explain the process of phenomenon.
Aspek Skor
Menyusun sebuah paragraf proses
dengan tahapan dan penjelasan
yang tepat.
Total 30

Kriteria Keterangan Skor
SB Menulis sebuah paragraf proses dengan tahapan dan 30
penjelasan yang tepat.
B Menulis sebuah paragraf proses dengan tahapan yang 23
kurang tepat namun penjelasannya tepat.
S Menulis sebuah paragraf proses dengan tahapan yang 15
tepat namun penjelasannya kurang tepat.
KB Menulis sebuah paragraf proses dengan tahapan dan 8
penjelasan yang kurang tepat.

Lampiran 3_Kisi-kisi penulisan soal evaluasi


Satuan Pendidikan : SMAN 7 JAKARTA

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : XII / Ganjil
Kurikulum : Kurikulum 2013
Jumlah Soal : 11
Bentuk Soal : Pilihan Ganda dan Uraian

No. Kompetensi IPK Materi Indikator Kelas Level No. Bentuk

Dasar Soal Kognitif Soal Soal
1. 3.8 3.8.1 Explanation Disajikan XII C2 Task 1 Uraian
Membedakan Mengidentifika Text sebuah teks
fungsi sosial, si struktur teks eksplanasi,
struktur teks, eksplanasi peserta didik
dan unsur dengan dapat
kebahasaan mengelompokk mengelompo
beberapa teks an bagian- kkan bagian-
explanation bagian teks bagian
lisan dan tulis pada tabel yang struktur teks
dengan disediakan. dengan
memberi dan benar.
informasi 3.8.2 Explanation Disajikan XII C3 Task 2 Uraian
terkait gejala Menentukan Text sebuah teks
alam atau informasi eksplanasi,
sosial yang terkait gejala peserta didik
tercakup alam dan sosial dapat
dalam mata dari satu teks menentukan
pelajaran lain eksplanasi kebenaran
di kelas XII, dengan cara informasi
sesuai dengan memilih disertai
konteks jawaban “true alasannya.
penggunaann or false”
ya disertai dengan

No. Kompetensi IPK Materi Indikator Kelas Level No. Bentuk

Dasar Soal Kognitif Soal Soal
1. 4.8 Menangkap 4.8.1 Explanati Disajikan XII P2 Task 3 PG
makna Menjawab on Text sebuah teks (1-5)
secara pertanyaan eksplanasi,
kontekstual berbentuk peserta didik
terkait pilihan ganda dapat
fungsi terkait fungsi menjawab

sosial, sosial, pertanyaan
struktur struktur teks berdasarkan
teks, dan dan unsur informasi dari
unsur kebahasaan teks dengan
kebahasaan teks benar.
teks eksplanasi
explanation dengan cara
lisan dan memilih
tulis, jawaban
terkait yang benar.
gejala alam 4.8.2 Explanati Disajikan XII P3 Task 4 Uraian
atau sosial Menyusun on Text sebuah teks
yang sebuah eksplanasi
tercakup paragraf yang belum
dalam mata terkait gejala lengkap
pelajaran alam dan disertai dengan
lain di sosial dari gambar,
kelas XII satu teks peserta didik
eksplanasi dapat
dengan melengkapi
melengkapi teks
bagian proses berdasarkan
yang gambar yang
rumpang disediakan.
gambar yang

Lampiran 4_Evaluasi

Name : .......................

Activity 1
Give the parts name for the following explanation text.
Text The name of parts
How volcanoes are formed
A volcanoes is a vent or an opening on the earth’s surface which
allows molten rock called magma, volcanic ash and gas to out
onto its surface.
Volcanoes are formed whenever there is a crack in the crust of
the earth. A tube-like passage connects a chamber of magma
(molten rock) at the center of the earth to the earth’s crust.
When the pressure builds up in the chamber, the magma, gases,
and ash are pushed up through to the top of the tube on the earth’s
surface known as vent.
The red-hot magma that escapes to flow over the earth’s surface
is called lava which, when cools, form into rocks.
In facts, the mountains we see today are nothing but solidified
lava from previously erupted volcanoes.

Activity 2
Determine the following statements “true or false” by giving checklist (), according to the text
on the activity 1. Give correction for the statement that you answer “false”.

No Statement True False Correction

1 The volcanoes are formed the magma through
vent to the crust of the earth.
2 Melting magma flows to the earth’s surface
through crust of the earth.
3 Volcanoes eruption push up rock to the
earth’s surface.
4 Solidified magma will become rocks.

Activity 3
Read the following text then answer the questions.

Why Seawater is Salty?

Most of our planet’s surface is covered in water – salt water. The oceans that support so much of
Earth’s life are around 3.5% sodium chloride – 50 million billion tonnes of salt.

But where does it come from? While some of it comes from volcanic vents or rocks on the seabed,
most of it is actually from the land around us. Every time it rains, tiny amounts of mineral salts are
washed into rivers, which eventually flow into the sea.

The salt in rivers is less than 1/200th the amount usually found in seawater. It becomes more
concentrated in the ocean, as the Sun’s heat causes water from the surface to evaporate, leaving
the salt behind. Extra salt added every year from rivers is balanced by salt which returns to the sea

But salinity isn’t the same everywhere. Towards the poles, water is not as salty because it’s diluted
by melting ice, while the extra heat in the tropics makes water there saltier – and denser.

6. What is the text about?

f. It explains how the seawater salty.
g. The seawater becomes salty due to human intervention.
h. The activities of volcanoes influence the salinity of seawater.
i. The salinity of seawater comes from sodium chloride.
j. It explains the reasons why the seawater becomes salty.
7. What step after mineral salts from rain flow into the sea?
f. It will evaporate by the sun’s heat.
g. It will be mixed by the rain water.
h. It becomes more concentrated by the sun’s heat.
i. Mineral salt settles on the seabed.
j. Mineral salt separates form sea water.
8. Why does the water salinity at the poles less than at the tropics?
f. The water is diluted by melting ice.
g. At the poles has more sun’s heat.
h. The rain happens more in the tropics.
i. At the poles there is no land.
j. There is no crust of the earth at the poles.
9. “It becomes more concentrated in the ocean, as the Sun’s heat...” (paragraph 3). The word “it”
refers to...
f. Seawater
g. The ocean
h. Sun’s heat
i. The salt
j. Sea surface
10. From the text above, we imply that ….
f. The mineral salt comes from rain.
g. The water salinity is different in everywhere.
h. Salt water becomes more concentrated in the ocean due to rain.
i. Water at the poles is more salty because of melting ice.
j. The seawater becomes salty due to human intervention.

Activity 4
Complete the text by explaining process of the phenomenon based on the pictures.

How does Rain Happen?

Rain is the primary source of freshwater for
most areas of the world, providing suitable
conditions for diverse ecosystems, as well as
water for hydroelectric power plants and crop
The phenomenon of rain is actually a water
circle. ..........................................................
Vapor : uap However, not all rain reaches the surface.
Condense : mengembun Some evaporate while falling through dry air.
This is called virga, a phenomenon which is
often seen in hot, dry desert regions.

Expected Answer of Evaluation

Activity 1
Give the parts name for the following explanation text.
Text The name of parts
How volcanoes are formed Title
A volcanoes is a vent or an opening on the earth’s surface which General statement
allows molten rock called magma, volcanic ash and gas to out
onto its surface.
Volcanoes are formed whenever there is a crack in the crust of Sequenced of explanation
the earth. A tube-like passage connects a chamber of magma
(molten rock) at the center of the earth to the earth’s crust.
When the pressure builds up in the chamber, the magma, gases, Sequenced of explanation
and ash are pushed up through to the top of the tube on the earth’s
surface known as vent.
The red-hot magma that escapes to flow over the earth’s surface Sequenced of explanation
is called lava which, when cools, form into rocks.
In facts, the mountains we see today are nothing but solidified Concluding statement
lava from previously erupted volcanoes.

Activity 2
Determine the following statements “true or false” by giving checklist (), according to the
text on the activity 1. Give correction for the statement that you answer “false”.

No Statement True False Correction

1 The volcanoes are formed the magma 
through vent to the crust of the earth.

2 Melting magma flows to the earth’s surface  Melting magmaflows to the
through crust of the earth. earth’s surface through
3 Volcanoes eruption push up rock to the  Volcanoes eruption push up
earth’s surface. magma, gases, and ash to
the earth’s surface.
4 Solidified magma will become rocks. 

Activity 3
Read the following text then answer the questions.
Number of Answer
1 E. It explains the reasons why the seawater becomes salty.
2 C. It becomes more concentrated by the sun’s heat.
3 A. The water is diluted by melting ice
4 D. The salt
5 B. The water salinity is different in everywhere.

Activity 4
Complete the text by explaining process of the phenomenon based on the pictures.

How does Rain Happen?

Rain is the primary source of freshwater for
most areas of the world, providing suitable
conditions for diverse ecosystems, as well as
water for hydroelectric power plants and crop
The phenomenon of rain is actually a water
circle. Sea surface water evaporates into the air
with the help of sunlight. Water vapor in the
atmosphere condenses into liquid droplets and
form into clouds. Thick clouds falling to earth
in the form of rain or snow. The water from
Vapor : uap lakes or mountains flows into the sea.
Condense : mengembun However, not all rain reaches the surface.
Some evaporate while falling through dry air.
This is called virga, a phenomenon which is
often seen in hot, dry desert regions.

Pedoman Penskoran

No Bagian LKPD Skor
1 Activity 1 25
2 Activity 2 20
3 Activity 3 25
4 Activity 4 30
Total 100

Nilai = Skor Perolehan x 100 = ............. x 100 = ....

Skor Maksimal 100

Contoh: Nilai Andri = 80 x 100 = 80.


Rubrik Penilaian

Activity 1. Give the parts name for the explanation text.

Aspek Keterangan Skor
Menentukan Menentukan bagian-bagian struktur teks Setiap jawaban benar skor = 5
bagian- eksplanasi pada tabel yang telah disediakan. Jawaban salah = 0
bagian teks
Total skor 5x5 = 25

Activity 2. Determine the statements “true or false” by giving checklist (), according to the
text on the activity 1, and give correction for the answer “false”.
Nomor soal Aspek Skor
1 Menentukan sebuah pernyataan benar 5
berdasarkan teks.
2 Menentukan sebuah pernyataan salah Pernyataan benar, skor = 5
berdasarkan teks, dan memberikan koreksi Koreksi benar, skor = 5
pernyataan yang benar. Jumlah skor = 10
3 Menentukan sebuah pernyataan salah Pernyataan benar, skor = 5
berdasarkan teks, dan memberikan koreksi Koreksi benar, skor = 5
pernyataan yang benar. Jumlah skor = 10
4 Menentukan sebuah pernyataan benar 5
berdasarkan teks.
Total skor 20

Activity 3. Answer the questions based on the text.

Aspek Keterangan Skor
Menentukan Memilih jawaban yang benar setiap pertanyaan Setiap jawaban benar skor = 5
pilihan berdasarkan teks yang disediakan. Jawaban salah = 0
yang benar.
Total skor 5x5 = 25

Activity 4. Make a paragraph of explain the process of phenomenon.
Aspek Skor
Menyusun sebuah paragraf proses
dengan tahapan dan penjelasan
yang tepat.
Total 30

Kriteria Keterangan Skor
SB Menulis sebuah paragraf proses dengan tahapan dan 30
penjelasan yang tepat.
B Menulis sebuah paragraf proses dengan tahapan yang 23
kurang tepat namun penjelasannya tepat.
S Menulis sebuah paragraf proses dengan tahapan yang 15
tepat namun penjelasannya kurang tepat.
KB Menulis sebuah paragraf proses dengan tahapan dan 8
penjelasan yang kurang tepat.

Penilaian Hasil Pembelajaran
1. Penilaian Sikap
a. Observasi/Pengamatan
Penilaian observasi berdasarkan pengamatan sikap dan perilaku peserta didik sehari-
hari, baik terkait dalam proses pembelajaran maupun secara umum. Pengamatan
langsung dilakukan oleh guru.

Aspek Perilaku yang
Jumlah Skor Kode
No Nama Siswa Dinilai
Skor Sikap Nilai

Keterangan :
• KJ : Kerjasama
• MD : Mandiri
• AK : Aktif

Catatan :
1. Aspek perilaku dinilai dengan kriteria:
76 – 100 = Sangat Baik
51 – 75 = Baik
26 – 50 = Cukup
0 – 25 = Kurang
2. Skor maksimal = jumlah sikap yang dinilai dikalikan jumlah kriteria = 100 x 3 =
3. Skor sikap = jumlah skor dibagi jumlah sikap yang dinilai = 200 : 3 = 66,67
4. Kode nilai / predikat :
75,01 – 100,00 = Sangat Baik (SB)
50,01 – 75,00 = Baik (B)
25,01 – 50,00 = Cukup (C)
00,00 – 25,00 = Kurang (K)
5. Format di atas dapat diubah sesuai dengan aspek perilaku yang ingin dinilai

b. Penilaian Diri

No Nama Siswa Kriteria (Ya / Tidak) Jumlah Skor Kode
Skor Sikap Nilai
Selama diskusi, Ketika kami Saya ikut serta
saya ikut serta berdiskusi, dalam
mengusulkan setiap anggota membuat
ide/gagasan. mendapatkan kesimpulan
kesempatan hasil diskusi
untuk berbicara. kelompok.


Catatan :
1. Skor penilaian Ya = 100 dan Tidak = 50
2. Skor maksimal = jumlah pernyataan dikalikan jumlah kriteria = 4 x 100 = 400
3. Skor sikap = (jumlah skor dibagi skor maksimal dikali 100) = (350 : 400) x 100 =
4. Kode nilai / predikat :
75,01 – 100,00 = Sangat Baik (SB)
50,01 – 75,00 = Baik (B)
25,01 – 50,00 = Cukup (C)
00,00 – 25,00 = Kurang (K)

c. Rubrik Sikap Spiritual

N Nama Siswa Kriteria (Ya / Tidak) Jumlah Skor Kode
o Skor Sikap Nilai
Berdoa Memberi Mengucapkan Mengucapkan
sebelum dan salam syukur atas kekaguman
sesudah sebelum dan karunia secara lisan
pelajaran. sesudah Tuhan. maupun tulisan
menyampaik terhadap
an pendapat. keagungan


Catatan :
1. Skor penilaian Ya = 100 dan Tidak = 50
2. Skor maksimal = jumlah pernyataan dikalikan jumlah kriteria = 4 x 100 = 400
3. Skor sikap spiritual= (jumlah skor dibagi skor maksimal dikali 100) = (350 : 400) x
100 = 87,50
4. Kode nilai / predikat :
75,01 – 100,00 = Sangat Baik (SB)
50,01 – 75,00 = Baik (B)
25,01 – 50,00 = Cukup (C)
00,00 – 25,00 = Kurang (K)


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