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Aditif Makanan

Aditif makanan bermaksud apa-apa bahan yang dimasukkan dengan sengaja ke dalam atau pada makanan
dalam kuantiti kecil bagi mempengaruhi kualiti penyimpanan, tekstur, konsistensi, rupa, bau, rasa, kealkalian atau keasidan
makanan tersebut, ataupun secara tidak langsung semasa pemprosesan, penyimpanan atau pembungkusan.

Bahan Pengawet:
Apa-apa bahan yang apabila ditambah pada makanan boleh menyekat, merencat atau menahan
proses penguraian, penapaian atau pengasidan makanan tersebut.

Peraturan Makanan 1985 membenarkan penggunaan asid benzoik, asid sorbik, sulfur dioksida dan asid propionik

sebagai bahan pengawet bagi sampel-sampel tertentu pada tahap seperti yang telah dinyatakan dalam

Jadual Keenam, Peraturan Makanan 1985.

SEKSYEN MAKANAN menyediakan perkhidmatan analisis menggunakan

High Performance Liquid Chromatography ( HPLC ), Ion Chromatography ( IC ) dan

Gas Cromatography (GC) yang boleh mengesan bahan pengawet tersebut pada tahap yang rendah secara tepat.

Bahan pewarna : Apa-apa bahan yang apabila ditambah pada makanan boleh memberi warna pada makanan tersebut.

Analisis yang dijalankan meliputi kedua-dua bahan pewarna iaitu bahan pewarna yang dibenarkan dan bahan pewarna

yang tidak dibenarkan seperti Sudan, Para Red, Rhodamine B, Orange II,Orange RN dan lain-lain.

Pemanis Tiruan Tanpa Zat : Pemanis tiruan tanpa zat adalah sebatian yang dicampurkan ke dalam
makanan untuk memberikan rasa manis tetapi tidak mempunyai zat. SEKSYEN MAKANAN
menganalisis pemanis tiruan tanpa zat termasuk sakarin dan siklamat.

SEKSYEN MAKANAN juga menyediakan analisis aditif makanan yang lain iaitu :
 Antipengoksida
 Kondisioner makanan
 Penambah Perisa

Preservative food additives can be used alone or in conjunction with other methods of food
preservation. A distinction is sometimes made between anti-microbial preservatives which function by
inhibiting the growth of bacteria and fungi, and antioxidants such as oxygen absorbers, which inhibit the
oxidation of food constituents. Common anti-microbial preservatives include calcium propionate,
sodium nitrate, sodium nitrite, sulphites (sulfur dioxide, sodium bisulfite, potassium hydrogen sulfite,
etc.) and disodium EDTA. Antioxidants include BHA and BHT. Other preservatives include formaldehyde
(usually in solution), glutaraldehyde, diatomaceous earth (kills insects), ethanol, dimethyl dicarbonate
and methylchloroisothiazolinone. The benefits and safety of many artificial food additives (including
preservatives) are the subject of debate among academics and regulators specializing in food science
and toxicology.Foods such as salt, sugar or vinegar are also used as preservatives. Another group of
preservatives targets enzymes in fruits and vegetables that continue to metabolize after they are cut.
For instance, citric and ascorbic acids inhibit the action of the enzyme phenolase which turns surfaces of
cut apples and potatoes brown.
Bahan Kimia untuk Pengguna : Bahan Tambah Makanan

LATIHAN - Soalan objektif

1. Tujuan menambah pengawet pada makanan ialah untuk
A mencantikkan rupa makanan.
B meningkatkan rasa makanan.
C mencegah pertumbuhan mikroorganisma.
D mencegah pengoksidaan makan oleh udara.

2. Agar-agar dan gam acacia ialah bahan tambah makanan yang berfungsi
A pemekat.
B pemanis.
C perisa.
D pewarna.

3. Antara bahan tambah makanan buatan berikut, yang manakah berfungsi

sebagai pemanis?
A sulfur dioksida
B asid askorbik
C natrium nitrit
D aspartam

4. Pengantioksida ialah bahan tambah makanan yang berfungsi untuk

A melambatkan kerosakan makanan oleh tindakan bakteria.
B mengurangkan kerosakan makanan oleh oksigen.
C meningkatkan keasidan makanan.
D mencantikkan rupa makanan.

5. Apakah bahan tambah buatan dalam kordial buah-buahan?

I Pengawet
II Pewarna
III Perisa
IV Pemekat

A I sahaja
B II dan III sahaja
C III dan IV sahaja
D I, II, III dan IV

1. Nyatakan maksud bahan tambah makanan.


2. Namakan tiga bahan tambah makanan daripada sumber asli dan fungsinya.

i. _________________________________________________________

ii. _________________________________________________________

iii. _________________________________________________________

3. Nyatakan fungsi bahan tambah makanan buatan dalam pemprosesan

i. _________________________________________________________

ii. _________________________________________________________

iii. _________________________________________________________

iv. _________________________________________________________

v. _________________________________________________________

4. Nyatakan tiga kesan buruk bahan tambah makanan terhadap kesihatan.

i. _________________________________________________________

ii. _________________________________________________________

iii. _________________________________________________________
Chemical Preservatives and food dyes
Ever heard the joke that a Twinkie has so many preservatives that it will be the last food left edible after a nuclear
holocaust? Whether or not that's true, there are anecdotal stories about people eating three-year-old Twinkies and
that didn't taste too bad.. YUK! In all honesty, how good is this? We are all so concerned with killing off natural
toxins like molds by using invisible, tasteless artificial toxins that are far worse for us than those natural toxins ever
were.Our bodies are designed to work perfectly within the natural environment. Water, Electrolytes, and Minerals
are perfectly balanced in our bodies. North American eating habits are perfect for wrecking that delicate balance.

If you've eaten a preservative and additive filled diet for your whole life with little or no harm to your body, it's
because the human body is remarkably resilient. With age comes the penalty for consuming toxic food. These toxins
are not eliminated, but build up over the years much like a septic tank. After a certain point, the liver and immune
system cannot handle this accumulated toxic waste, and will slowly lose the ability to keep us free from illness and
disease which inevitably follow.

It's true that Personal Products or Food may only contain a minute amount of something bad, therefore if you
consumed it only once it probably wouldn't make a big difference. That isn't the case because so many things you
consume has only a little bit, but when it starts to add up your liver and immune system will be exhausted in
attempts to rid our bodies of these toxins.

Common Preservatives Added To Food

 Sulfur: Keeps dried fruit fresh and soft
 Formaldehyde: The stinky stuff from high school dissections and what undertakers use to preserve bodies is
added to frozen vegetables as a disinfectant
 Sodium Nitrates: Lunch meats, ham, and bacon are preserved with sodium nitrates which converts to
nitrous acid in the stomach and may cause stomach cancer. Banned in Germany and Norway, but not in
North America
 Arsenic: Commercially-raised chickens eat feed with arsenic additives
 Aluminum: linked to dementia, can leach into our food when used as packaging (like colas), and is also
added to baking powder, antacids, and many antiperspirants

Food Colors and Dyes

The FDA approves them for use and describes each and it's usage as FD&C is the acronym for Federal Food, Drug
& Cosmetic;

 FD&C Blue No.1 Brilliant Blue FCF Bright blue; Beverages, dairy products powders, jellies, confections,
condiments,icings, syrups, extracts
 FD&C Blue No.2 Indigotine Royal Blue; Baked goods, cereals, snack foods, ice cream, confections,
 FD&C Green No.3 Fast Green FCF Sea Green; Beverages, puddings, ice cream, sherbet, cherries,
confections, baked goods, dairy products
 FD&C Red No.40 Allura Red AC Orange-red; Gelatins, puddings, dairy products, confections, beverages,
 FD&C Red No.3 Erythrosine Cherry-red; Cherries in fruit cocktail and in canned fruits for salads,
confections, baked goods, dairy products, snack foods
 FD&C Yellow No.5 Tartrazine Lemon Yellow; Custards, beverages, ice cream, confections, preserves,
 FD&C Yellow No.6 Sunset Yellow Orange; Cereals, baked goods, snack foods, ice cream, beverages,
dessert powders, confections

How many of those foods have you consumed today? I bet it didn't end up as JUST A SMALL AMOUNT!
What are those additives of many colors made of?
99% are synthetic, because they are cheaper and make more money for the manufacturer. Would you go to the gas
station and buy oil to eat or drink? Of course not! But when you consume dyes you are eating and drinking
petroleum (crude oil). That's exactly what the majority of dyes are made from! Our systems are not designed to
consume crude oil in any manner. The other .09% is made from some funny little red cochineal bugs. That's right
cochineal bugs (insects) in your food. If it's red it may be colored with bugs!

Carmine and cochineal extract are red food colorings made from the dried bodies of the cochineal insect. It's used to
color various yogurts, fruit drinks, candies, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and other products. Food manufacturers are
not required to disclose that Carmine is derived from insects but only have to describe it as "color added" or
"artificial color". This labeling is unfair to people who adhere to kosher or vegetarian diets. This inexact labelling
can sometimes cause severe allergic reactions.

Typical symptoms included

 itching
 swelling of the eyes or tongue
 potentially fatal difficulty breathing
 hives
 headaches

The other .01% of colors comes from vegetables. By the way, when the FDA calls it vegetable dye that doesn't mean
it's made of vegetables, but that it can be used on vegetables and other foods! How misleading is that!

Everything Contains Some Kind of Chemical Additives

Your morning shower: Usually filled with chlorine by-products. Your soap or shower gel, shampoo and conditioner
usually contain one or more dyes and other chemicals. Next comes the deodorant, which contains more dye and
other chemical components that have been shown to be carcinogenic as well as aluminum which builds up in your

Women apply moisturizers to the face and whole body along with other cosmetics. Each one of them contains one or
more dyes with other chemicals, also shown to cause cancer. Men put on the after shave and smart ones apply a
moisturizer to their skin and body, all containing hormonal imbalancing chemicals and dye. All of those things put
on the body are absorbed through your skin into the organs of your body. Don't forget your skin is the largest organ
in the human body. Here's a typical breakfast. Most of you will down a cup of coffee and a pastry, donut, breakfast
bar, or bowl of cereal with milk. The coffee sets your heart to racing and your systems into a frenzy for a few hours.
Quick breakfast foods contain sugar, honey and/or syrup, which speed up your systems more and also contain one or
more dye.

Did you know that milk is a pus filled substance? When the cows' udders become infected through repetitive
mechanized milking processes, the oozing infectious materials end up in the milking buckets! Milk contains all
kinds of hormones, antibiotics, chemicals and pesticides, which are fed to commercial dairy cows or are injected by
the dairymen to make them more money. Heaven help those who stop off at their local McDonalds for a quickie
brekkie. Drive right up and get your antibiotics, trans-fats, hormones and pesticide filled morning fix.

Allergic Reactions to Food Dyes

Dyes plus all the other junk in our food and personal home products is enough for your liver and immune system to
scream at you to QUIT DOING THIS. They will eventually when the buildup of these toxins overwhelm your
system and you begin to get really sick.
Dyes are known to cause inability to concentrate as well as hyperactivity and the extreme in children of bouncing off
the walls (ADHD or ADD) in some. The schools are forcing parents to make their children take dangerous
prescription drugs to supposedly keep them quiet in the classroom. All you have to do is find out what kind of food
and beverages the children had for breakfast that morning, if they had any breakfast at all.

Hyperactivity will get worse as more dye and chemical Additives are ingested throughout their lives, often turning
school days into a nightmarish memory. Other problems noted with dyes alone include depression, fear, and
phobias, irritability, and can, even though the FDA refuses to accept the fact, set off asthma attacks in some.

sky... apa yg tertulis kat botol air abu ni > sodium silicate, soda ash and water <

umi_e.. air abu tuh air kapur ker? warna putih. yg rasa pahit2 tuh ker? kalo bukan, gune air kapur
(yg org buat makan sireh tuh) bole tak?

wah umie..... bertuah hubby u... surirumah yg pandai berjimat cermat dan tentu laa lebih berkat
sebab brg2 makanan dari air tangan isteri dan ibu, sure hubby u cinta maut kat u umie,
hehehehe..... oh ye umie air abu tu bukan "alkaline water" ke ?

minami... mat... air abu tu umie tak taulah nama lainnya tapi umie dah letak gambo kat glosari....
minami boleh saja gantikan dengan air kapur sirih jika tak ada air abu... cubalah

umie, air abu tu bagi mee tu lebih chewy ke? sodium silicate ni nama scientific... i think nama
biasa tu alkaline water juga. Ada resepi bakchang yg guna alkaline water utk menghasilkan pulut
yg lebih chewy.

sky... i tak berapa taulah bab nama2 bahan ni... cuma yang i tau from my mum, kalau air abu lain
dari air kapur... but u still boleh gunakan air kapus utk gantikan air abu... apa yang i observe
from my percubaan rasa dan kekentalannya agak berbeza... trylah guna air kapur coz I pun
pernah cuba guna air kapur juga... lebih kurang je...

umida, i pernah nampak air abu (alkaline water) kat kedai kecil2 bawah hdb block, tak pernah
jumpa kat supermarket. Yg kedai kat boon lay tu, shopping centre lama tau. bukan shopping
centre besar (jurong point) kat boon lay mrt station. i rasa kat jurong west blk 500+ pun ada
kedai jual brg2 murah... mungkin ada kat situ juga.

skyblue...YES!! da jumpa da air abu(alkaline water) tak susah pon kat kedai PHOON HUAT tu

umida... da jumpa air abu so bolehlah mula proses buat mee eekkkk - nak beritahu je kat umida
yang iar abu tu juga boleh digunakan untuk rendam sotong kering.. sotong kering akan cepat

sesiapa yang mencari mesin mee tu...kat Joo Chiat lama pun ada. Kedainya berderet dan
bertentangan dgn Joo Chiat Kompleks. Nama kedainya tak ingat. Kalau susah2 cari air
abu..boleh buat sendiri. Sebiji Abu Chang ( rupanya putih sebesar bola golf ) tu boleh direndam
di dalam 1 ltr air yang mendidih. Biarkan semalaman. Siap utk diguna
kalu air abu tu digantikan dgn air kapur mkn bole tak?

cindai..kat asian shop limerick ada air abu /lye water..coz i baru 2 bln lepas beli kat situ

shima nak tya sket, mee ngan koey tiaw ni blh tahan brape hari? tu aje. makanan feveret ni

Bagaimana nak pastikan ketahan mee berhari-hari dan tak berbau hapak selepas dibungkus.Dah
berbagai cara dibuat tapi tak jadi jugak.

kalau nak tanya ketahanannya... biasa yang umie pernah buat kalau simpan dalam fridge -
seminggu ok lagi tapi kena disimpan dalam plastik yang ditutup rapat. Tak taulah nak buat tahan
lama camna sebab tujuan mee ni buat untuk kegunaan sendiri @ makan sendiri je...

Dogol & kak umi_e: Saya sebenarnya baru mendirikan kilang mee dgn kos RM80 Ribu (mesin )
dan bangunan RM35 Ribu.Belajar buat mee dari MARDI.Harian mee boleh dipasar cuma 60kg
sahaja.Bukan tak ada pelanggan,tapi ketahan mee yg tidak lama menyebabkan saya tak
hantar.Pelanggan komen mee tak tahan ,kerana mereka jual memang tak masuk peti sejuk seperti
dipasar malam dan kedai runcit.Kalau lihat mee yg dibuat oleh bangsa Cina memang berhari-hari
tahan tanpa dimasukkan ke dlm peti sejuk..Harga utk pemborong dan peniaga mee saya jual
RM1.40 sekilo.Terima kasih atas komen semua..

Assalamualaikum, Salam perkenalan, saya ahli baru dalam web ini... memang da lama nak buat
mee kuning ni, lagi2 sini mahal (asian groceries) ok nama air abu dalam bahasa english is LYE
WATER. Skrg ujie nak cuba buat mee kuning ni. Will update to all kalau jadi ye... da terlanjur
suami belikan pasta maker ni lebih baik manfaatkan hehehe

salam. saya ade baca di blog puterihani. dia buat mee kuning tak gunakan air abu tapi taruk
baking soda yang dicampurkan dgn air panas (above 60 degree) dan dibiar sejuk sebelum
dicampur dgn tepung. tapi saya belum cuba sebab takde pasta machine.

lye adalah sodium hydroxide yang kita biasa panggil caustic soda.Caustic soda adalah
disenaraikan sebagai ketogeri racun,yg digunakan dalam memprosesan bahan pencucian. Air abu
adalah dari kayu api. KUTIP bahan abu selepas kayu dibakar dan disejukkan(abu yg putih
sahaja)dan masukan dlm air dan kacaukan dan biarkan,Gunakan air jernih diatas sebagai air
abu.Air ini bolih digunakan utk melembuatkat sotong kering lembut

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