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Bali Democracy Students Conference (BDSC) III

TAHUN 2019

Bali Democracy Students Conference (BDSC) III

TAHUN 2019

A. Pendahuluan .

Bali Democracy Forum (BDF) adalah forum antar pemerintah tahunan yang diprakarsai
oleh Pemerintah RI sejak tahun 2008. Forum ini dibentuk untuk menunjukkan arsitektur
demokrasi yang progresif di kawasan Asia-Pasifik. Forum memfasilitasi dialog melalui
berbagi pengalaman dan praktik terbaik dalam mengelola keanekaragaman yang mendorong
kesetaraan, saling pengertian dan rasa hormat.

Sejak 2017, BDF telah berkembang lebih lanjut dengan melibatkan para pelajar melalui
Bali Democracy Students Conference (BDSC) yang diadakan dengan tujuan untuk
mentransfer nilai demokrasi kepada generasi muda dan menyerap pandangan dan masukan
dari mereka. BDSC I diadakan pada tahun 2017 dan dihadiri oleh 150 siswa dari 61 negara.
Temanya adalah "Dari Kampus untuk Demokrasi". Menyusul keberhasilan BDSC I, BDSC II
diadakan pada tahun 2018 dan dihadiri oleh 138 peserta dari 58 negara. Tema BDSC II
adalah "Demokrasi untuk Kesejahteraan: Perspektif Pemuda".

BDSC I dan BDSC II menghasilkan dokumen masing-masing “Voice of the Youth” dan
“You [th] Make Changes”. Kedua dokumen tersebut kemudian digunakan sebagai
rekomendasi untuk meningkatkan nilai Demokrasi di masing-masing negara peserta.

Tahun ini, dalam hubungannya dengan Bali Democracy Forum XII (BDF XIi),
Kementerian Luar Negeri Republik Indonesia akan mengadakan Konferensi Mahasiswa
Demokrasi Bali ke-3 (BDSC III) di Nusa Dua, Bali, 5 - 6 Desember 2019. BDSC III akan
menjunjung tinggi tema "Demokrasi dan Inklusivitas: Pemuda dan Demokrasi Digital
Universitas Pattimura dalam hal ini Pusat Studi Asean Mengirimkan 2(dua) delegasi
Mahasiswa untuk ikut berpartispasi dalam acara ini dengan Lampiran Nama Sebagai Berikut:

No Nama Nim Fakultas

1. Fernando Tantaru 2017-21-002 Fakultas Hukum
2. Jihan R.C Prameswari 2017-21-036 Fakultas Hukum

B. Waktu dan Tempat Kegiatan

Bali Democracy Students Conference (BDSC) III tahun 2019 dilaksanakan pada :
Hari/tanggal : Kamis , 4 Desember 2019 – 6 Desember 2019
Tempat : Nusa Dua Covention Center

C. Peserta
Peserta BDSC III akan terdiri dari 150 siswa dari seluruh dunia. Selama program,
para peserta akan berbagi pengalaman mereka terkait dengan demokrasi dan
inklusivitas di negara masing-masing dari perspektif pemuda.

D. Hasil kegiatan :




Bali, Indonesia, 5-6 December 2019

We, 150 students from various universities in 45 countries have gathered in Nusa
Dua, Bali, Indonesia, 5-6 December 2019, to participate in the 3rd Bali Democracy Students
Conference (BDSC III), held parallel with the 12th Bali Democracy Forum (BDF),

Recalling the spirit of “You[th] Make Change as the outcome document of the 2nd
BDSC held in Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia in 2019;
Recalling the goal number 16 of United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals
(UN’s SDGs to ensure inclusive, participatory and representative decision making at all

Having discussed issues and shared our views and experiences on the challenges of
making democracy that comprises inclusivity, particularly with regard to pertinent issues
such as freedom of expression, digital ecosystem, demographic bonus, Industrial Revolution
4.0, and the role of social media and digital literacy;

Noting the necessity of a transparent and accountable government, that is inclusive

and responsive to the needs and interests of its people;

Recognizing the important role of youth as the future generation of the world, youth
should participate in decision-making process and enhance involvement of youths in
democracy through, including but not limited to, digital platform, in order to create a better
world while championing inclusivity in the heart of democracy;

Recognizing that youth who are mostly considered tech-savvy makes up a vast
majority of social media users whereby many of the trends in social media are spearheaded
by them;

We, agreed to propose the following recommendations:


1. Let there be democracy in democracy

There is no country which has a perfect form of democracy. We are not seeking for the
perfection of democracy. Every country has its own way to conduct democracy as their
political system. Through dialogue and exchange of ideas, democracy allows us to
explore uniqueness and to learn from one another. However, we agree that democracy
comprises of principles of freedom, inclusivity and prosperity.
2. We commit to be the guardians of inclusive democracy
As youth, it is our obligation to redirect democracy as it fundamentally should be. It is our
time to extend our hands for those groups of people who cannot speak on their own
behalf, who cannot voice their concerns, who cannot even enjoy their rights as citizens.
We suggest every government to always give equal opportunities to all people.

1. To champion inclusive democracy, we should embrace the advancement of

technology smartly
Our generation is given the opportunity to taste the advancement of technology, more
than any other generations before, so we must not take it for granted. Given this
opportunity is like a double-edged sword, it brings us both opportunities and challenges.
The advancement of technology might help us to foster the right conduct of democracy,
where we can use it to promote the democratic values. But it might also be a threat for us
if we misuse it; spreading the fake news, hate speeches, etc.

2. We commit to promote the responsible use of media

Being free does not mean that we can do whatever we want. Our freedom is limited by
the rights of others. We should promote the responsible use of media to spread positivity
in the society which supports an inclusive atmosphere.

E. Penutup.

Demikian Laporan Kegiatan Bali Democracy Student Conference (BDSC) III tahun 2019
ini dibuat sebagai bentuk pertanggungjawaban kepada Fakultas Hukum Universitas Pattimura

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