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Name : _________________________________
Grade / No : _________________________________
o Social function
o Creating text
Continue / Remidial
BSE 3.8 / 4.8 / 4 / 3.3

a. Nama Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris
b. Semester :4
c. Kompetensi Dasar :
3.8 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional
lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait
pemberian contoh, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan
for example, such as)
4.8 Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi
dan meminta informasi terkait pemberian contoh, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial,
struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks

d. Alokasi Waktu : 2 JP x 4 pertemuan

e. Tujuan Pembelajaran :

Melalui diskusi, tanya jawab, penugasan, presentasi dan analisis, peserta didik dapat dapat
menentukan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional
lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait pemberian
contoh, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya sehingga peserta didik dapat mengembangkan
teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta
informasi terkait pemberian contoh.

f. Materi Pembelajaran
Teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta
informasi terkait pemberian contoh
Mind mapping

such as




Learning Activity

1)Read and learn the materials about

making and taking a call to make an
appointment and reservation from
BTP “Pathway to English Program
Peminatan SMA/MA XI” page 109-
117, and other different sources
2)Complete all the tasks in this “UKBM”
or on your own book.
3)You can work individually or with
your friend(s), and if you have
finished with all the tasks in this and
after that you may take the
formative test.
Let’s Start

Before you learn the main material, pay attention to the following texts.
Dialogue 1
Teacher : I have three items, they are wood, iron and water.
According to you, which item can give us the heat?
Student 1 : Wood?
Student 2 : Water?
Student 3 : Iron?
Teacher : Well, let me explain. This lesson is about the “isolator”. Now let see the example
of this metal. Iron is the best metal of isolator. It can share the heat well. But the
wood is not isolator but it is a conductor which cannot share the heat.

Text 2
When I take an example of the effect of the internet in our daily activities, such as a wife wants to
make a dinner, a student wants to find the identification of the “economy”, the gardener wants to
find the picture of the beautiful flowers and so on. We cannot tell that the internet always gives
the disadvantages

Dialogue 3
Dita : I know that you are well-fashioned.
Randy Martin : Oh…thank you.
Dita : What kind of clothes do you prefer to wear daily?
Randy Martin : Well….I prefer to wear casual clothes, such as jeans and a sweatshirt.

Text 4
This city is very wonderful. There are many interesting places to visit here. The art museum, for
instance, has an excellent collection of modern paintings. Besides, there are many parks to be

Yihaa…I know the similarity of the texts above

Right, guys. Here, we’re going to learn how to
give example in the form of transactional text

Do you want to know?

Guys….after you realize that what you have learnt before is about giving example, let’s
improve your understanding about them below.

for example and for instance have the same meaning. They are often used as transitions.
Sentences :
 There are many interesting places to visit in the city. For example, the botanical garden has numerous displays of plants
from all over the world.
 There are many interesting places to visit in the city. The art museum, for instance, has an excellent collection of
modern paintings.
e.g. = for example (e.g. is an abbreviation of the Latin phrase “exempli gratia”)
 Periods are used with e.g. in American English.
 Periods are generally not used with eg in British English.
Sentences :
 There are many interesting places to visit in the city, e.g., the botanical garden and the art museum.
 There are many interesting places to visit in the city, for example, the botanical garden and the art museum.
such as = for example
 When such as phrase can be omitted without substantially changing the meaning of the sentence, commas are used.
 No commas are used when such as phrase gives essential information about the noun to which is refers.
Sentences :
 I prefer to wear casual clothes, such as jeans and a sweatshirt.
 Some countries, such as Brazil and Canada, are big.
 Countries such as Brazil and Canada are big.
 Such countries as Brazil and Canada are big.
How do you feel, guys? Have you understood all the explanation above? If you still have any
questions, feel free to ask your teacher. If you have understood, let’s continue your activity.

Let’s find out

Okay, class. To check your understanding about the material, pay attention to the
following text
The World's Most Unusual Millionaire

Hetty Robinson was born in 1834. When her parents died, she was thirty years old.
They left her $10 million ($185 million in today's dollars). She was very good at
business and soon made more money. Hetty was famous as the riches woman in the
United States, but she was also famous because she was very stingy.
Even when she was young, she was stingy. For instance, on her twenty-first birthday,
she refused to light the candles on her birthday cake because she did not want to waste
them. The next day, she cleaned the candles and returned them to the store to get a
Hetty always thought men wanted to marry her for her money. Finally, at the age of
thirty-three, she decided to get married because she did not want her relatives to get her
money. She married Edward Green, who was a millionaire. They had a son and a
daughter. Soon after, Hetty divorced him because she did not agree with him about
money matters.
Hetty was even stingy with her own child. For example, when her son hurt his knee in
an accident, Hetty did not call a doctor. She tired to take care of it herself. When her
son's knee didn't get better, she dressed him in old clothes and took him to a free clinic.
The doctors recognized her and asked for money. Hetty refused to pay and took her son
home. The boy did not get medical treatment, and a few years later his leg was
Hetty was stingy with herself, too. For example, she always wore the same black dress.
As the years passed by, the color of the dress changed from black to green and then
brown. When the dress became dirty, she went to a cheap laundry and told them to
wash only the bottom where it was dirty, and she waited until it was ready. Her
undergarments were old newspapers she got from the streets. She rented a cheap
apartment with no heat in New Jersey because she did not want to pay taxes in New
York. Then she traveled on the train to her office in New York. Her office was a space in
a bank, which the bank gave to her for free. All she ate was raw onions and cold oatmeal.
She as too stingy to spend money to heat he food. Sometimes, to heat her oatmeal, she
put it on the office heater because that was free. She also ate cookies, but regular cookies
were too expensive for her, so she walked a long way to get broken cookies, which were
much cheaper. One time, she spent half the night looking for a two-cent stamp.
When Hetty Green died in 1916, she had no friends. She left more than $100 million
(over $17 billion today) to her son and daughter. Her son and daughter were not stingy
like Hetty, and they spent the money freely.

Yes….I know the words showing

examples in the reading The
World's Most Unusual
Millionaire. I underline them.

I have observed the use of the

comma with the words showing
examples. I can circle all the
commas with the words
showing examples in the

Let’s try and share

NOW….it’s time for you to practice and improve your ability.

With your partner who is in
the same level with you,
create your own dialogue
using expression of giving
example (“for example” or
“such as”) based on one of
the following situation

 How to face a person who has a bad characteristic

(for example, selfish, inconsiderate, lazy, etc.)
 How to behave when you meet an unusual person

After finishing your writing, it’s time for you to present your dialogue in front of the class.
If you belong to students who have learnt quickly or if you belong to students who need
long time to learn this material and you don’t have any friends in your group, you may
present your text in front of your teacher.
After learning the concept of “giving examples” step by step, you have to answer the
following questions honestly to test your understanding toward this UNIT.


No Questions Yes No
1. Can you explain the function of text containing expression of
giving examples?
2. Can you differentiate between the use of for example and the
use of such as?
3. Can you make your own transactional text containing
expression of giving examples?
If your answer is “no” for one of the above questions, study again the concepts in
“Pathway” book and learn again the learning with your teacher/ partner guide.
Then, if your answers are “yes” for all the questions, you may ask formative
test for this material.


Where is your position?


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