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By Sirodjuddin on April 7, 2013

Teks Deskriptif adalah teks yang mendiskripsikan, menggambarkan,

atau menguraikan tentang sesuatu, misalnya benda, orang ataupun tempat tertentu. Uraian teks
ini biasanya meliputi karakteristik, jenis, bentuk, fungsi dan hal-hal terperinci tentang sesuatu
tersebut. Tujuan komunikasi > To describe...( menggambarkan)
Generic Structure Descriptive Text
Di setiap Descriptive Text terdapat dua bagian yang menjadi ciri dari Descriptive Text itu sendiri.
Kedua bagian tersebut adalah:
1. Identification
Idnetification adalah bagian dari Descriptive Text yang berisi tentang topik atau apa yang akan
digambarkan atau dideskripsikan.
2. Description
Description adalah bagian terakhir dari Descriptive Text yang berisi tentang pembahasan atau
penggambaran tentang topik atau apa yang ada di Identification mengenai kenampakan fisik,
kualitas, perilaku umum maupun sifat-sifatnya.
Ciri Kebahasan Descriptive Text:
Descriptive Text menggunakan Present Tense.
Descriptive Text menggunakan berbagai macam Adjectives (kata sifat) yang
bersifat Describing(mengambarkan), Numbering (Menomerkan),
dan Classifying (mengklasifikasikan), misalnya: two strong legs, sharp white fangs, etc.
Descriptive Text menggunakan Relating Verbs untuk memberikan informasi tentang subjek,
misalnya:my mum is realy cool. It has very thick fur, etc.
Descriptive Text menggunakan Thinking Verbs (kata kerja berfikir, seperti belive, think, etc.)
danFeeling Verbs (kata kerja perasa, seperti feel)untuk mengungkapkan pandangan pribadi
penulis tentang subjek, misalnya: police believe the suspect is armed. I think it is a clever
animal, etc.

Descriptive Text juga menggunakan Adverbs (kata keterangan) untuk memberikan informasi
tambahan mengenai perilaku atau sifat (Adjective) yang dijelaskan, misalnya: it
is extremely high. It runs definitely past, etc.
Contoh Desctiptive Text

MacQuarie University
Macquarie University is one of the largest universities in Australia. This year, in 2004, it
celebrates its 40th anniversary.
The university is located at the North Ryde Greenbelt, Sydney, where the New South Wales
government sets aside 135 hectares for the institution. In 1964, Macquarie area was a rural
retreat on the city fringe, but today the campus and its surroundings have evolved beyond
recognition. The North Ryde District has grown into a district of intensive occupation anchored
by a vibrant and growing university.
Blessed with a fortunate location and room to breathe, Macquarie can be proud of that careful
planning that retains and enrich the universitys most attractive natural features. A pleasing
balance between buildings and plating is evident across the campus. This emphasis on the
importance of landscape has created images of Macquarie as a place that members of the
university are most likely to pleasurably recollect.
One of the highlights of the landscape is the Mars Creek zone. It comprises landscaped creek
sides and valley floor, a grass amphitheatre, and artificial lake surrounded by rocks and pebbles,
native plants and eucalypts.
Today, a railway station is under construction. In three years1 time, Macquarie will be the only
university in Australia with a railway station on site. Macquarie is poised to be the most readily
accessible in Sydney region by rail and motorway, yet retaining its beautiful site.
Yang sering ditanyakan antara lain:
1. Menentukan tujuan komunikasi
2. Menentukan Gambaran Umum

3. Menentukan Ide Utama Paragrap Tertentu

4.Menentukan Informasi Terinci
5. Menentukan Referensi Kata
1. Strategi menjawab soal menentukan tujuan komunikasi
Model pertanyaan yang sering muncul:
What is the purpose of the text above ?
Teks Deskripsi (isinya menggambarkan manusia,tokoh yang sedang naik daun,
hewan,benda,dan suatu tempat) maka jawabannya adalah to describe(judul teks)/(sesuatu yang
digambarkan dalam teks).
2. Strategi menjawab soal menentukan Gambaran Umum
Model pertanyaan yang sering muncul:

What is the text about?


What does the text tell us about?


What is the topic of the text?


The text mainly discusses


The text tells us about

* Jika ada judul maka jawabannya adalah judul
* Jika tidak ada judul jawabannya kata yang paling banyak muncul di dalam teks,
biasanya berada pada kalimat pertama paragrap pertama, kalimat terakhir paragrap
terakhir, atau kalimat pertama setiap paragrap
3. Strategi menjawab soal menentukan Ide Utama Paragrap Tertentu
Model pertanyaan yang sering muncul:What is the main idea of paragraph?
Jawabannya: Kalimat pertama yang berada di awal paragrap

Kalimat terakhir di akhir paragrap

4. Strategi menjawab soal menentukan Informasi Terinci
Pertanyaan menggunakan kata tanya: How (bagaimana), where (di mana), when (kapan), which
(yang mana), how many (berapa banyak), what (apa) ,Who (siapa), Why (mengapa), whom
(siapa), how long (berapa lama), etc
Perhatikan kata kunci kata/kalimat dalam pertanyaan, lalu Carilah kata kunci /kalimat itu pada
teks, jawabannya terdapat di bagian sebelum atau sesudah kata kunci /kalimat pertanyaan
6. Strategi Menentukan Referensi Kata
The underlined word, refers to
The word we refers to .
What does the pronoun it refer to?
The word she refers to
Jawabannya: Subject atau Object pada kalimat sebelumnya
Contoh soal

Elizabeth II, born on 21st April 1926, is the eldest daughter of George VI and Elizabeth BowesLyon. She married Philip Mountbatten, a distant cousin, in 1947. The pair has four children:
Charles, Prince of Wales, Anne, Andrew and Edward. She is the first monarch to send her
children to boarding schools in order to remove them from the ever-probing media. She has a
strong sense of duty and diligence. Her knowledge of current situation and trends are up to date.
She possesses a sense of humorous rarely exhibited in public where a dignified presence is her

1. Kemampuan yang diuji: Menentukan tujuan komunikatif teks

Indikator: Disajikan sebuah teks deskriptif tentang orang terkenal, siswa dapat menentukan
jawaban pertanyaan tentang tujuan komunikatif dari teks tersebut dengan tepat.
What is the purpose of the text? It is to .
A. Entertain the reader
B. Inform a successful person
C. tell someones experience
D. describe a particular person
Kunci jawaban: d
Pembahasan: Teks di atas adalah teks deskriptif, tujuan komunikatif teks tersebut adalah
mendeskripsikan sesuatu yang khusus. Pada teks tersebut mendeskripsikan orang terkenal
Elizabeth, maka jawaban yang tepat c.
2. Kemampuan yang diuji: Menentukan informasi tersirat
Indikator: Disajikan sebuah teks deskriptif yang sama, siswa dapat menentukan jawaban
pertanyaan tentang informasi tersirat dari teks tersebut dengan tepat.
Anne is one of the of George VI.
A. sister
B. niece
C. daughter
D. granddaughter
Kunci jawaban: d
Pembahasan: Pada text di atas tertulis Elizabeth adalah anak perempuan dari George VI, dan
Anne adalah anak perempuan dari Elizabeth, maka Anne adalah cucu perempuan dari George VI.

3. Kemampuan yang diuji: Menentukan makna kata/frasa/kalimat

Indikator: Disajikan sebuah kalimat yang dikutip dari teks deskriptif yang sama yang salah satu
katanya digaris bawahi, siswa dapat menentukan jawaban pertanyaan tentang makna
kata/frasa/kalimat dari kata yang digaris bawahi tersebut dengan tepat.
She possesses a sense of humorous rarely exhibited.
The underlined word means.
A. hidden
B. found
C. shown
D. given
Kunci jawaban: c
Pembahasan: Makna exhibited yang tepat secara konteks pada teks di atas adalah shown


By Sirodjuddin on April 7, 2013

Narrative Text adalah teks yang isinya merupakan cerita atau kisah
sesuatu. Contoh narrative text: cerita rakyat (folktale), cerita binatang (fable), Legenda (legend),
cerita pendek (short story), dan sejenisnya. Di dalamnya terdapat konflik/puncak masalah yang
diikuti dengan penyelesaian. Teks Naratif memiliki tujuan komunikasi > to entertain/ to amuse
/to educate the reades..
Ciri-ciri narrative text:
1. Generic Structure:
Orientation: berisi pengenalan tokoh, tempat dan waktu terjadinya cerita (siapa atau apa, kapan
dan dimana). Orientation berada di awal cerita; biasanya diawali dengan kata-kata once, once
upon a time, a long time ago, one day, etc.
Complication: Berisi puncak konflik/masalah dalam cerita. Sebuah cerita boleh memiliki
complication lebih dari satu. Complication berada di pertengahan cerita.
Resolution: Pemecahan masalah. Bisa berakhir dengan kegembiraan (happy ending) bisa pula
berakhir dengan kesedihan (sad ending). Solusi berada di akhir cerita.Kata-kata yang sering
terdapat di dalam resolution antara lan; at the end, at last, finally
2. Grammatical features menggunakan ten past tenses
Snow White
Once upon a time there lived a little girl named Snow White. She lived with her Aunt and Uncle
because her parents were dead
One day she heard her Uncle and Aunt talking about leaving Snow White in the castle because
they both wanted to go to America and they didnt have enough money to take Snow White.

Snow White did not want her Uncle and Aunt to do this so she decided it would be best if she ran
away. The next morning she ran away from home when her Aunt and Uncle were having
breakfast. She ran away into the woods.
Then she saw this little cottage. She knocked but no one answered so she went inside and fell
Meanwhile, the seven dwarfs were coming home from work. They went inside. There they found
Snow White sleeping. Then Snow White woke up. She saw the dwarfs. The dwarfs said, what is
your name? Snow White said, My name is Snow White.
Doc, one of the dwarfs, said, If you wish, you may live here with us. Snow White said, Oh
could I? Thank you. Then Snow White told the dwarfs the whole story and finally Snow White
and the 7 dwarfs lived happily ever after.
Yang sering ditanyakan antara lain:
1. Menentukan tujuan komunikasi
2. Menentukan Gambaran Umum
3. Menentukan Ide Utama Paragrap Tertentu
4.Menentukan Informasi Terinci
5. Menentukan pesan moral
6. Menentukan Referensi Kata
1. Strategi menjawab soal menentukan tujuan komunikasi
Model pertanyaan yang sering muncul:
What is the purpose of the text above ?
Teks Narative ( Isinya menceritakan sebuah dongeng, teks dimulai dengan kata Once upon a
time, One day, Once, a long time ago, Menggunakan kalimat Past tense) maka jawabannya
adalah to entertain/ to amusee /to educate the readers
2. Strategi menjawab soal menentukan Gambaran Umum
Model pertanyaan yang sering muncul:
a. What is the text about?
b. What does the text tell us about?
c. What is the topic of the text?
d. The text mainly discusses
e. The text tells us about

* Jika ada judul maka jawabannya adalah judul
* Jika tidak ada judul jawabannya kata yang paling banyak muncul di dalam teks,
biasanya berada pada kalimat pertama paragrap pertama, kalimat terakhir paragrap
terakhir, atau kalimat pertama setiap paragrap
3. Strategi menjawab soal menentukan Ide Utama Paragrap Tertentu
Model pertanyaan yang sering muncul:What is the main idea of paragraph?
Jawabannya: Kalimat pertama yang berada di awal paragrap
Kalimat terakhir di akhir paragrap
4. Strategi menjawab soal menentukan Informasi Terinci
Pertanyaan menggunakan kata tanya: How (bagaimana), where (di mana), when (kapan), which
(yang mana), how many (berapa banyak), what (apa) ,Who (siapa), Why (mengapa), whom
(siapa), how long (berapa lama), etc
Perhatikan kata kunci kata/kalimat dalam pertanyaan, lalu Carilah kata kunci /kalimat itu pada
teks, jawabannya terdapat di bagian sebelum atau sesudah kata kunci /kalimat pertanyaan
5. Strategi menjawab soal menentukan pesan moral/ informasi tersurat
Model pertanyaan yang sering muncul: What can we learn from the story above?
Ada di akhir paragraph
Atau menyimpulkan setelah membaca seluruh teks
6. Strategi Menentukan Referensi Kata
The underlined word, refers to
The word we refers to .
What does the pronoun it refer to?
The word she refers to
Jawabannya: Subject atau Object pada kalimat sebelumnya
Contoh soal
Little Brother, Little Sister

Maltreated by their stepmother, who was a witch, a little brother and sister fled into the woods.
After running for a while,
the brother said: Im so thirsty. Lets find a spring and have a drink.
However, as the young boy bent down to drink, his sister heard a voice which said: Who drinks
from me will turn into a fawn. it was the witch! Too late, the sister tried to prevent her brother
from drinking. The young boy changed at once into a fawn. In tears, the little girl made a lead
and collar out of her belt, and led the fawn off into the woods. There they found an abandoned
cottage and lived together, far from any danger.
One day, however, the king was hunting in the woods, and he spied the fawn, which could not
resist the urge to wander away from the cottage. The king and his hunters chased the fawn all the
way back home. There, the king followed it into the cottage, where he found a young girl
stroking the frightened animal. She was so beautiful and gentle that the king fell in love with her
at once. He asked her to be his wife, and his words caused the maiden to cry for joy. When one
of her tears fell on the fawn, it changed back to her brother once more. Their goodness and love
had overcome the witchs evil spell, and they lived safely and happily with the king for ever
(Taken from 366 and More Fairy Tales, 1990)
1. Kemampuan yang diuji: Menentukan informasi tersirat
Indikator: Disajikan sebuah teks naratif fairy tale, siswa dapat menentukan jawaban pertanyaan
tentang informasi tersirat dari teks tersebut dengan tepat.
Why did the brother and sister flee into the woods? Because .
A. they had been maltreated by their stepmother.
B. they had been treated well their stepmother
C. they wanted to leave home.
D. they felt very happy.
Kunci jawaban: a
Pembahasan: Jawaban dari pertanyaan di atas dapat dibaca pada paragraph 1 kalimat pertama

Maltreated by their stepmother, who was a witch, a little brother and sister fled into the woods.
Dengan clue kata yang digaris bawahi, maka jawabannya adalah a.
2.Kemampuan yang diuji: Menentukan rujukan kata
Indikator: Disajikan sebuah kutipan kalimat yang kata gantinya digaris bawahi dari teks naratif
fairy tale yang sama, siswa dapat menentukan jawaban pertanyaan rujukan kata ganti dari teks
tersebut dengan tepat.
There, the king followed it into the cottage.. The word it refers to .
A. cottage
B. fawn
C. wood
D. home
Kunci jawaban: b
Pembahasan: Jawaban dari pertanyaan di atas dapat mengacu pada kalimat sebelumnya The
king and his hunters chased the fawn all the way back home
3. Kemampuan yang diuji: Menentukan informasi tersirat
Indikator: Disajikan sebuah teks naratif fairy tale yang sama, siswa dapat menentukan jawaban
pertanyaan tentang informasi tersirat dari teks tersebut dengan tepat.
What caused the young boy changed into a fawn?
A. He left home into the woods.
B. He found an abandoned cottage.
C. He drank something and got curse.
D. He said something bad to his mother.
Kunci jawaban: c
Pembahasan: Jawaban untuk pertanyaan di atas terdapat pada paragraph 2 baris pertama dan
kedua,yang disimpulkan dia berubah menjadi anak rusa setelah minum dan mendapat kutukan,
maka jawaban yangtepat c
4. Kemampuan yang diuji: Menentukan informasi rinci tersurat
Indikator: Disajikan sebuah teks naratif fairy tale yang sama, siswa dapat menentukan jawaban
pertanyaan tentang informasi rinci tersurat dari teks tersebut dengan tepat.
How did the fawn change back to be a young boy?
A. When the King asked for his sister to marry with him.
B. When one of his sisters tear fell on the fawn.
C. When the king chased the fawn back home.
D. When his sister cried for joy.
Kunci jawaban: b
Pembahasan: Jawaban dari pertanyaan di atas ditemui pada paragraph terakhir, kalimat When
one of her tears fell on the fawn, it changed back to her brother once more., maka jawaban yang
tepat adalah b.

Dari berbagai sumber



By Sirodjuddin on April 7, 2013

Ciri2 teks procedure

Teks biasanya dibagi menjadi 3 bagian :
1. Goal (Judul), Pada bagian ini biasanya ada kata : how to , make, atau making
2. Ingradients/materials/things you need (bahan-bahan atau peralatan yang diperlukan)
3. Steps/instructions/methods/how to do (cara membuat).
Pada bagian Steps biasanya ada kata first, second, next, then, finally, at the end atau ada
Penomoran. Kata penghubung before(=sebelum), after (=setelah), after that (=setelah itu), Next
(=selanjutnya), then (=lalu), dan Finally (=akhirnya) juga sering digunakan.
Yang sering ditanyakan antara lain:
1. Menentukan tujuan komunikasi procedure text
2. Bahan-bahan/peralatan yang diperlukan
3. Langkah-langkah atau Steps/instructions/methods
1. Strategi menjawab soal menentukan tujuan komunikasi procedure text
Tujuan komunikasi dari teks prosedur adalah to show how to make/to tell the way to make
the instructions how to make/use(di isi dengan judul teks)
Contoh Soal


Things you need :
A Half page of paper

What to do :
First, fold the paper in half the long way, crease and unfold
Second, fold the sides up to the middle crease, keep folded
Next, fold the corners down to the middle
After that, fold the corners down to the middle again
Then,, fold the points downs to the middle
Finally, open the middle and turn it inside out to make a boat, or flif it over and wear it as a hat.
1. What is the purpose of the text above?
a. to describe the how to make a boat or a hat
b. to entertain the reader
c. to tell the past event
d. to show how to make a boat or a hat
Jawaban: D
Things you need
a shoebox
cardboard sheet
different colored glazer paper
pencil, eraser, and sketch pens
1. Take a shoebox without the lid.
2. Draw out a fishing boat on the cardboard and cut it.
3. Use glazed paper in different colors to stick on the cardboard boat so that it looks bright and
4. Stick the boat on one side of the shoebox. Your letter holder is ready.
2. What is the purpose of writing the text?
A. To give complete description on shoeboxes.
B. To tell the way to make a letter holder.
C. To recycle shoeboxes for other purposes.
D. To tell readers how to make use of shoeboxes.
Jawaban: B
2. Soal menentukan bahan-bahan/peralatan yang diperlukan
Di dalam teks terdapat ingredients, yaitu keterangan tentang bahan-bahan. Perhatikan kata- kata
kunci di dalam pertanyaan, kemudian cari kata-kata kunci itu di dalam teks, maka akan segera
diketahui pilihhan jawaban yang benar.
3. Strategi menjawab soal menentukan langkah-langkah atau metode
Di dalam teks terdapat urutan langkah-langkah atau prosedur dalam melakukan/membuat
sesuatu, biasanya ada kata first, second, next, then, finally, at the end atau ada Penomoran.

Perhatikan kata- kata kunci di dalam pertanyaan, lalu cari di dalam teks; maka pilihhan jawaban
yang benar akan segera diketahui dengan memperhatikan prosedur dalam melakukan/membuat
sesuatu. Perhatikan pula jika di dalam pertanyaan ada kata-kata before(=sebelum), after
(=setelah), after that (=setelah itu), next (=selanjutnya)
Contoh Soal

Meat Floss Porridge

250 cc hot water
50 gram instant porridge
1 spoon soya sauce
1 spoon chili sauce
10 gram meat floss
Suggested Preparation
1. Put instant porridge into a bowl.
2. Pour 250 cc hot water, stir well.
Leave it for about 3 minutes until porridge thickened.
3. Add soya sauce and chili sauce (as much as you like).
4. Then, spread crackers and meat floss.
The porridge is ready to be served.
1. How much instant porridge do you need to make the meat floss porridge?
A. 250 cc.
B. 50 gram.
C. 1 spoon.
D. 10 gram.
Pembahasan: Lihat ingredients (bahan), terdapat keterangan: 50 gram instant porridge.
Jawab: B.
2. What should we do after stirring the porridge?
A. Put the instant porridge into a bowl.
B. Add soya sauce and chili sauce.

C. Add crackers and meat floss.

D. Wait for about 3 minutes.
Pembahasan: Perhatikan langkah-langkah pada suggested preparation, no. 2. Maka
setelah mengaduk (stirring), yaitu leave it for about 3 minutes (tinggalkan/biarkan
selama sekitar 3 menit)
Jawab: D.

Dari berbagai sumber

English Expressions
By Sirodjuddin on September 12, 2013
Expressing Certainty and Uncertainty/Doubt
A. Expressing certainty

Untuk menyatakan keyakinan bahwa sesuatu telah/sedang/akan terjadi,

gunakanlah ungkapan-ungkapan berikut:
I am sure = Saya yakin
I am absolutely sure = Saya benar-benar yakin
I am quite sure = Saya cukup yakin
I am certain = Saya yakin
I am positive = Saya positif
Absolutely = Benar
Certainly = Pasti
Of course = Tentu saja
Definitely = Tentu
Jika ada pertanyaan:
Will Amir pass t?he exam = Apakah Amir akan lulus ujian?
Dapat direspon dengan:
Yes, I am sure he will = Ya, saya yakin dia akan lulus
I am absolutely sure sure he will = Saya benar-benar yakin dia akan lulus
I am quite sure he will = Saya cukup yakin dia akan lulus
I am certain he will = Saya yakin dia akan lulus
Certainly = Pasti
Definitely = Tentu
Jika ada pernyataan:
Andi will win the game = Andi akan memenangkan permainan itu
Dan pertanyaan:
Are you sure about it? = Apakah kau yakin tentang hal itu?
Dapat direspon dengan:
I am absolutely sure that he will win it = Saya benar-benar yakin bahwa dia akan

I am absolutely sure he will win it
I am absolutely sure he will
I am absolutely sure about it
1. Will Amir pass t?he exam
sure/he will

: Will Amir pass the exam?

: Yes, I am sure he will

Did Rahmat win the game

absolutely sure/he did

: Did Rahmat win the game?

: Yes. I am absolutely sure he did

Is Hasan on the way home

quite sure/he is

: Is Hasan on the way home?

: Yes. I am quite sure he is

has Ratih done her homework

certain/she has
2. Andi will win the game
sure/about it
absolutely sure/he/it

: Has Ratih done her homework?

: Yes, I am certain she has
: Andi will win the game
: Are you sure about it?
: Yes, I am absolutely sure that he will win it
Yes, I am absolutely sure he will win it
Yes, I am absolutely sure he will
Yes, I am absolutely sure about it

There was an accident last night

sure/about the news
quite sure/there

: There was an accident last night

: Are you sure about the news?
: Yes. I am quite sure that there was an accident last night
Yes. I am quite sure there was an accident last night
Yes. I am quite sure there was
Yes. I am quite sure about it

I will marry Mr Tohas daughter

positive/ about it

: I will marry Mr Tohas daughter

: Are you positive about it?
: Yes. I am positive that I will marry her
Yes. I am positive I will marry her
Yes. I am positive I will
Yes. I am positive about it

B. Expressing uncertanty/doubt

Untuk menyatakan ketidakpastian/keraguan tentang suatu peristiwa yang

telah/sedang/akan terjadi, gunakanlah ungkapan-ungkapan berikut:
Sorry, Im not sure = Maaf, saya tidak yakin
Im not really sure = Aku benar-benar tidak yakin
Im not too sure = Aku tidak terlalu yakin
I doubt = aku ragu
Jika ada pertanyaan:
Will Ani come? = Apakah Ani akan datang?
Dapat direspon dengan:
Sorry, Im not sure she will = Maaf, saya tidak yakin dia akan datang
Im not really sure she will = Aku benar-benar tidak yakin dia akan datang
Im not too sure she will = Aku tidak terlalu yakin dia akan datang
I doubt she will = Aku ragu dia akan datang
I cant say that for sure = Saya tidak bisa mengatakan dengan pasti
Jika ada pernyataan:
He told the truth = Dia mengatakan yang sebenarnya
Dan pertanyaan:
Are you sure about it? = Apakah kau yakin tentang hal itu?
Dapat direspon dengan:
Im not really sure that he told the truth = Aku benar-benar tidak yakin bahwa dia mengatakan
yang sebenarnya
Im not really sure he told the truth
Im not really sure he did
Im not really sure about it
Linda will pass the exam
too sure /she will

: Are you sure that Linda will pass the exam?

: Im not too sure she will

Hilman stole your wallet

really sure/ about it

: Are you really sure that Hilman stole your wallet?

: Im not really sure about it

A burglar broke into Tomis room:

doubt/about the news
You will marry Astuti
certain/ about it

: Are you sure that a burglar broke into Tomis room?

: I doubt about the news
: Are you certain that you will marry Astuti?
: I am not certain about it

Contoh soal
1. Rendy : Are you sure that the disk is OK ?
Nina : Im not sure,but we can check it.
The italic sentence expresses
A. Apologize
B. Agree
C. Disagree
D. Uncertainty
2. Ana : Im going to buy some books at Asia Plaza tomorrow.Can you join me ?
Vina : WellI cant decide whether join or not.
The italicsentence expresses
A. Certainty
B. Doubt
C. Agree
D. Apologize
3. Johan : Hi, Yudi, the weather is cloudy. Do you think it will rain soon?
Yudi : I think so, I am It will rain soon.
A. sure
B. not sure
C. certainty
D. Doubtful
4. Mr. James : If I dont have certificate showing ownership of property for
guarantee, will the bank lend me some money?
Mr. Chang : I cant say that for sure.
The underlined expression is used to express .
A. disappointment
B. disagreement
C. uncertainty
D. Dislike
5. Dedy : Are you sure that she will come to my party tonight?
Mizwar : Im sure about that.
The underlined sentence is used to express
A. certainty
B. uncertainty
C. disagreement
D. Suggestion
6. Miss Dina : Do you think that the headmaster will be here at 7.30
tomorrow morning?
Miss Ati
: .he will. He always gets here before seven.
A. I doubt

B. Im sure
C. Im afraid
D. I cant stay

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