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Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav. 51 Lt. 6.A Jakarta Selatan
Modul Pelatihan Berbasis Kompetensi Kode Modul
Sektor Pariwisata Sub Sektor Hotel dan Restoran PAR.HT03.060.01


DAFTAR ISI -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2

DAFTAR TABEL ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
BAB I PENDAHULUAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5
A. Tujuan Umum --------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
B. Tujuan Khusus -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
FAMILIAR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6
A. Pengetahuan yang diperlukan dalam Menyediakan dan Meminta
Informasi Tentang Topik yang Sudah Familiar ----------------------------- 6
1. Cara menangani teknik percakapan untuk memeriksa pemahaman
a.l., meminta klarifikasi, meminta pengulangan ---------------------- 6
2. Cara menggunakan konstruksi gramatika untuk menyampaikan
maksud dengan jelas ------------------------------------------------------- 12
3. Cara memberikan informasi lisan yang rinci dalam menanggap
permintaan tamu ------------------------------------------------------------ 13
4. Cara menggunakan kosa kata sesuai dengan topik yang familiar -- 17
5. Cara mengambil bagian dalam dialog singkat dengan
menggunakan strategi interaksi ------------------------------------------ 20
B. Keterampilan yang Diperlukan dalam Menyediakan dan Meminta
Informasi Tentang Topik yang Sudah Familiar ------------------------------- 22
C. Sikap Kerja dalam yang Diperlukan dalam Menyediakan dan Meminta
Informasi Tentang Topik yang Sudah Familiar ---------------------------- 22
A. Pengetahuan yang Diperlukan dalam Menunjukan Pemahaman Atas
Struktur Percakapan Tidak Resmi --------------------------------------------- 23
1. Cara membuka dan menutup percakapan tidak resmi secara tepat
a.l., menggunakan kata salam yang umum – ‘How are you?’ ------- 23
2. Cara menggunakan teknik klarifikasi dan timbal balik ----------------- 25

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3. Cara menggunakan tingkat yang tepat dari informalitas yang

bergantung pada konteks -------------------------------------------------- 27
B. Keterampilan yang Diperlukan dalam Menunjukan Pemahaman Atas
Struktur Percakapan Tidak Resmi ---------------------------------------------- 28
C. Sikap Kerja yang Diperlukan dalam Menunjukan Pemahaman Atas
Struktur Percakapan Tidak Resmi -------------------------------------------- 28
BAB IV MENANGGAPI SECARA TEPAT ATAS KELUHAN ----------------------------------- 29
A. Pengetahuan yang Diperlukan dalam Menanggapi Secara Tepat Atas
Keluhan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29
1. Cara mendemonstrasikan pemahaman tentang sifat keluhan
dengan mengulang kembali apa yang telah dikatakan tamu --------- 29
2. Cara menawarkan dalam mengambil tindakan yang tepat ----------- 33
3. Cara menerangkan alasan timbulnya situasi tersebut jika
memungkinkan a.l., I’m sorry but we are currently renovating … --- 35
4. Cara menawarkan solusi yang memungkinkan ------------------------ 36
B. Keterampilan yang Diperlukan dalam Menanggapi Secara Tepat Atas
Keluhan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 38
C. Sikap Kerja yang Diperlukan dalam Menanggapi Secara Tepat Atas
Keluhan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 39
DAFTAR PUSTAKA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40
A. Dasar Perundang-undangan ---------------------------------------------------- 40
B. Buku Referensi ------------------------------------------------------------------- 40
C. Majalah atau Buletin -------------------------------------------------------------- 40
D. Referensi Lainnya ----------------------------------------------------------------- 40
DAFTAR PERALATAN/MESIN DAN BAHAN --------------------------------------------------- 41
A. Daftar Peralatan/Mesin ----------------------------------------------------------- 41
B. Daftar Bahan ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 41
DAFTAR PENYUSUN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42

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TABEL 1. Pertanyaan untuk Mendapatkan Klarifikasi ------------------------------------- 7

TABEL 2. Ungkapan untuk Mendapatkan Pengulangan ----------------------------------- 9
TABEL 3. Kosa kata special expression ----------------------------------------------------- 13
TABEL 4. Daftar informasi yang dibutuhkan tamu ----------------------------------------- 14
TABEL 5. Pertanyaan tamu tentang fasiltas ------------------------------------------------ 15
TABEL 6. Giving directions --------------------------------------------------------------------- 15
TABEL 7. Explaining main course and dessert----------------------------------------------- 17
TABEL 8. Cooking method -------------------------------------------------------------------- 19
TABEL 9. Kosa kata sesuai topik yang familiar --------------------------------------------- 20
TABEL 10. A Service Sequence --------------------------------------------------------------- 21
TABEL 11. Serving the food ------------------------------------------------------------------- 22
TABEL 12. Expressions when you meet someone ---------------------------------------- 23
TABEL 13. Greeting Guests -------------------------------------------------------------------- 24
TABEL 14. How are you doing? ------------------------------------------------------------- 25
TABEL 15. Telephone Etiquettes -------------------------------------------------------------- 27
TABEL 16. Farewells --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27
TABEL 17. Problems and Complaints -------------------------------------------------------- 30
TABEL 18. Responses to Problems or Complaints ----------------------------------------- 30
TABEL 19. Proper ways of handling complaints -------------------------------------------- 34
TABEL 20. SD and SND when handling complaints --------------------------------------- 35
TABEL 21. Ungkapan menangani keluhan tamu ------------------------------------------- 37

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Sektor Pariwisata Sub Sektor Hotel dan Restoran PAR.HT03.060.01


A. Tujuan Umum
Setelah mempelajari modul ini peserta latih diharapkan mampu Memulai
Percakapan dan Mengembangkan Hubungan Baik dengan Tamu dengan benar.
B. Tujuan Khusus
Adapun tujuan mempelajari unit kompetensi melalui buku informasi Memulai
Percakapan dan Mengembangkan Hubungan Baik dengan Tamu ini guna
memfasilitasi peserta latih sehingga pada akhir pelatihan diharapkan memiliki
kemampuan sebagai berikut:
1. Menyediakan dan meminta informasi tentang topik yang sudah familiar,
termasuk Menangani teknik percakapan untuk memeriksa pemahaman a.l.,
meminta klarifikasi, meminta pengulangan, Menggunakan konstruksi gramatika
untuk menyampaikan maksud dengan jelas, Memberikan informasi lisan yang
rinci dalam menanggap permintaan tamu, Menggunakan kosa kata sesuai
dengan topik yang familiar, dan Mengambil bagian dalam dialog singkat dengan
menggunakan strategi interaksi.
2. Menunjukan pemahaman atas struktur percakapan tidak resmi termasuk
Membuka dan menutup percakapan tidak resmi secara tepat a.l., menggunakan
kata salam yang umum – ‘How are you?’, Menggunakan teknik klarifikasi dan
timbal balik, dan Menggunakan tingkat yang tepat dari informalitas yang
bergantung pada konteks.
3. Menanggapi secara tepat atas keluhan termasuk Mendemonstrasikan
pemahaman tentang sifat keluhan dengan mengulang kembali apa yang telah
dikatakan tamu, Menawarkan dalam mengambil tindakan yang tepat dan
Menerangkan alasan timbulnya situasi tersebut jika memungkinkan a.l., I’m
sorry but we are currently renovating ……, dan Menawarkan solusi yang

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Sektor Pariwisata Sub Sektor Hotel dan Restoran PAR.HT03.060.01


A. Pengetahuan yang diperlukan dalam Menyediakan dan Meminta

Informasi Tentang Topik yang Sudah Familiar
1. Cara Menangani Teknik Percakapan untuk Memeriksa Pemahaman
a.l., Meminta Klarifikasi, Meminta Pengulangan
Dalam melakukan pekerjaan sehari-hari seorang waiter dituntut untuk dapat
melakukan komunikasi dasar menggunakan Bahasa Inggris baik dengan rekan
kerja maupun tamu. Keahlian berbahasa ini menjadi kebutuhan khusus
terutama bagi para pekerja bidang pelayanan dan perhotelan, sehingga dapat
terjalin komunikasi yang lancar dengan persamaan pengertian atas suatu
informasi untuk menghindari kesalahpahaman yang dapat menimbulkan
a. Pengertian Percakapan
Menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia percakapan memiliki arti
pembicaraan, perundingan; perihal bercakap-cakap; satuan interaksi Bahasa
antara dua pembicara atau lebih. Dimana masing-masing individu harus
dapat mengerti tentang subyek dan obyek yang menjadi topik pembicaraan.
b. Teknik Percakapan untuk Memeriksa Pemahaman a.l., Meminta
Klarifikasi, Meminta Pengulangan
1) Meminta Klarifikasi
Dalam percakapan guna mendapatkan kejelasan informasi berupa
klarifikasi sering kali dibutuhkan untuk mengenal lawan bicara lebih baik
dan menghindari kesalahpahaman. Beberapa pertanyaan yang biasanya
diajukan adalah sebagai berikut:
Is this your first trip to (....Indonesia)?

Are you enjoying your stay so far?

How do you like the weather (...on the island)?
What country are you from?

What’s the weather like in your country?

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What have you done so far since being here?

Are you getting a lot of good photographs?
Have you been to any interesting places since you arrived?
Have you had any local dishes that you particularly like?
Have you purchased many souvenirs yet?

Have you been to many (...beaches on the island)?
Which was your favorite?
How was the flight here? (for a guest first arriving, but don't ask this
if they have been in the hotel for a few days)

Tabel 1. Pertanyaan untuk Mendapatkan Klarifikasi

Untuk melanjutkan percakapan yang mengalir alami sangat penting bagi

setiap individu mendengarkan lawan bicara dengan seksama. Sering kali,
apa yang diucapkan lawan bicara memberikan gagasan kalimat
berikutnya yang dapat diungkapkan.

Dialog 1: (Asking a weather)

Staff : How do you like the weather on the island?
Guest : It’s very hot, much hotter than I expected.
Staff : So, what's the weather like now in your country?
Guest : It’s cold and snowy.

Dialog 2: (Asking guest activities)

Staff : (seeing a guest with numerous shopping bags): Did you
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have a good time shopping?

Guest : Yes, I spent all morning in Patong.

Staff : Were you buying souvenirs for the folks back home?
Guest : That, and a few personal items.

Pertanyaan kedua dari dialog di atas merupakan kelanjutan dari jawaban

pertama tamu. Pertanyaan berikutnya dapat mengalir sesuai keadaan
dengan menghindari pertanyaan yang terlalu personal/pribadi.
Di lingkungan kerja waiter percakapan dapat terjadi sebagai berikut.

Dialog 3: (A headwaiter is seating the guest)

Head waiter : Good afternoon, madam
Guest : Hi, good afternoon
Head waiter : Have you made a reservation, madam?
Guest : Yes, we have.
Head waiter : Could I have your name, please?
Guest : Jones. J for Julliette, O for Oscar, N for November, E for
Echo, and S for Sierra.
Head waiter : Miss Jones. A table for two. Could I take your coat, please?
(only if the guest is wearing a coat).
Guest : Thank you.
Head waiter : Could I escort you to your table, Miss Jones?
Guest : Yes, please.
Head waiter : Here is your table, Miss Jones.
Guest : Thank you.

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Head waiter : And this is the menu.

Guest : Thank you.

2) Meminta Pengulangan
Dalam percakapan normal akan ada saat ketika seseorang tidak
mendengar atau memahami apa yang dikatakan orang lain.
Kemungkinan ini akan meningkat ketika kondisi sekitar terdapat berbagai
gangguan yang mengurangi daya tangkap pendengaran. Tentu saja, ada
hal-hal lain yang menghalangi komunikasi selain tidak mendengar
seseorang. Contohnya termasuk kosakata yang tidak dikenal, ekspresi
idiomatis yang tidak dimengerti oleh pendengar, atau berbicara terlalu
cepat untuk dipahami. Beberapa ungkapan yang dapat digunakan untuk
menutupi situasi adalah sebagai berikut.
Excuse me.
Pardon me.
Please say that again.

Can you repeat that please?
I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, I didn't catch that
Please speak more slowly.

I’m sorry; I don’t understand that expression.
What does _________ mean ?
Can you give me an example?

I'm sorry, I don't know what you mean.

Tabel 2. Ungkapan untuk Mendapatkan Pengulangan

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Terkadang akan sangat membantu jika seorang tamu meminta sesuatu

untuk diulang, untuk ulang kata-kata yang dikatakan dengan
menggunakan kata-kata yang berbeda. Tamu mungkin tidak memahami
arti kata tertentu atau kesulitan memahami pengucapan kata tertentu.
Dengan re-phrasing, komunikasi dapat diperjelas.

Dialog 4: (Asking for repeats)

Guest : Could I have more soap in the bathroom?
Staff : I’m sorry, could you repeat that, please?
Guest : I need more soap.

Guest : Which way to the gym?

Staff : Pardon me.

Guest : How do I get to the gym?

Guest : I’d like to schedule a tennis game.

Staff : I’m sorry sir; could you say that again.
Guest : I want to reserve a tennis court.

Guest : Do you have any Tabasco sauce?

Staff : Tabasco sauce? I’m sorry; I don’t know what that is.

Guest : It’s a hot sauce. It comes in a small bottle. It’s put on pizza
and tacos.

Guest : Does this dish have any shrimp in it?

Staff : Excuse me, I didn’t understand that. Could you speak more
Guest : This dish, is there shrimp in it?

Guest : It's raining cats and dogs out there.

Staff : Raining cats and dogs? I don’t understand that expression.
Guest : That expression just means that it is raining a lot.

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Staff : Aah, I see.

Dialog 5: (A waitress is taking order)

Waitress : Would you like to order now, Miss Jones?
Miss Jones : Yes, I think so.
Waitress : What would you like for starters, Miss Jones?
Miss Jones : I have no idea. What would you recommend?
Waitress : Well, the mushroom cream soup is very popular.
Miss Jones : Ok. I’ll try it then.
Waitress : What about you, sir?
Mr. Jones : Is there any other soup, I am not interested in mushroom.
Waitress : What about Portugese soup?
Mr. Jones : Portugese soup? Let me have a try.
Waitress : Very good, sir. And what will you have to follow please?
Miss Jones : Grilled sirloin steak please.
Waitress : How would you like the steak done, Miss Jones?
Miss Jones : Medium rare please.
Waitress : Medium rare. And what about you, sir?
Mr. Jones : Can I have well done grilled salmon, please.
Waitress : Yes, certainly, sir. What drink would you like to have, Miss
Jones, sir?
Miss Jones : Red wine, please.
Mr. Jones : White oen, please.
Waitress : Fine then. So that will be two soups, one mushroom, one
Portugese, one grilled sirloin steak, one medium rare a well
done grilled salmon, and the wine is red and white.
Mr. & Mrs. Jones : Thank you.

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2. Cara menggunakan konstruksi gramatika untuk menyampaikan

maksud dengan jelas
Penggunaan gramatika yang jelas dalam menyampaikan maksud harus dapat
dilakukan setiap personil restaurant baik yang langsung berhubungan dengan
tamu/guest contact maupun back area. Hal ini menunjukkan profesionalisme
setiap individu dalam melayani kebutuhan tamu secara maksimal.
Berikut adalah beberapa contoh kalimat yang sering digunakan dalam keseharian
operasional di lingkungan kerja waiter dalam berkomunikasi dengan tamu
Study the following special expressions.
Good morning, welcome to Komodo Here is the menu, madam.
Restaurant, madam/sir. This is the wine list, sir.
Do you have a reservation? Would you like to order, madam?
Have you made a reservation? Are you ready to order, sir?
Do you still have a table for two?
Let me have a look. What would you like to start with?
Oh, yes. We still have a table for two. Would you like to see the wine list?
Would you like a table near a Would you like anything to start with?
window? What drink would you like to have,
Would you like to have a non- Miss Jones, sir?
smoking table? Would you like a drink before your
We have a full house at the moment. meal?
We’ll let you know when the table is Would you like something to drink
ready. with your meal?
Could I take your coats madam, sir? How would you like your steak done,
Could I take your coat, please? sir? Rare, medium rare, medium, or
well done?
Could I escort you to your table, What about you, sir?
madam? How about you, madam?
Would you like to come this way? And for your main course?
Come this way, please. And to follow?

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I’ll show you to your table. What would you like to follow,
Here’s your………. madam?
Will this table do for you? I’ll be back in a moment, madam.
Are you happy with this table, sir?
Tabel 3. Kosa kata special expression

Perhatikan penggunaan kalimat preposisitons sebagai berikut,

 On is for days and exact dates; She was born on October 12, 1980.
 In is for months, years, towns/cities, and countries; Budi was born in
1980 in Malaysia.
 At is for time, buildings: School begins at 7 o’clock.
 From: She graduated from….

3. Cara memberikan informasi lisan yang rinci dalam menanggapi

permintaan tamu
Sebagian besar hotel menawarkan banyak fasilitas untuk digunakan tamu dalam
memenuhi kebutuhannya. Fasilitas seperti kolam renang, sauna dan ruang uap,
sejumlah restoran, pusat kesehatan, lapangan tenis, taman, program untuk
anak-anak, pusat bisnis, dan lainnya. Selama menginap seorang tamu sering kali
bertanya kepada pegawai hotel tentang infromasi fasilitas tersebut. Pertanyaan
tamu meliputi: apakah hotel memiliki fasilitas tertentu, di mana lokasinya, kapan
jam operasinya, berapa biayanya, apakah staf fasilitas berbicara bahasa Inggris,
dan lainnya.

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Para tamu juga dapat bertanya tentang fasilitas atau tempat di luar hotel.
Tempat-tempat seperti sekolah menyelam, situs bersejarah untuk dikunjungi,
klub malam, atau pemandangan alam. Daftar pertanyaan tersebut tidak ada
batasnya. Semakin banyak informasi tentang fasilitas yang dimiliki seorang
pegawai hotel maka layanan yang diberikan kepada para tamu akan lebih baik

Berikut adalah daftar berbagai fasilitas atau kegiatan yang tamu sering
At a Hotel In the Communiity
 Shopping Malls
 Scuba diving

Island Tours
Fitness Centers
Elephant Treks
Conference Rooms
Squash Courts
Putting/chipping greens
Nature treks
Children's Programs
Open Markets
Business Centers
Boat Charters

Steam Rooms
Panoramic Vistas
Gift Shops
Sea Kayaking
Swimming Pools
Grocery Stores
Tennis Courts
Tabel 4. Daftar informasi yang dibutuhkan tamu

Bentuk pertanyaan yang diungkapkan adalah sebagai berikut.

Is there a ..... (sauna at the hotel)?

Which restaurant ( the hotel has a Western menu)?
Where can we (... see a good live band)?

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I am looking for (... a good night club. Do you know of any)?

Do you know where I can find (... fine jewelry)?

Where's a good place (... to see a movie)?

What is there to do (... here that is different)?
Tabel 5. Pertanyaan tamu tentang fasiltas

Selain itu hal yang menjadi bahan percakapan umum dilakukan antara tamu dan
pegawai hotel adalah arah dan petunjuk jalan menuju suatu tempat atau tujuan,
berikut adalah beberapa ungkapan yang kerap digunakan.
 Take a lift  Take the lift to the second floor
 Go left  Go up to the second floor
 Turn left  As you go out from the lift, go left
 Turn right  As you come out of the lift
 Opposite  At the end of the corridor until
 Next to  Then go along the corridor until
 Beside  The room is just in front of you
 On your right  The room is the third door on your left
 On your left  The room is the second on the right
 First floor  Go right then turn left
 Second floor  Could you tell me where room 207 in?
 Go straight on  Excuse me, could you tell me where the
Busineess Center is?
Tabel 6. Giving directions

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Modul Pelatihan Berbasis Kompetensi Kode Modul
Sektor Pariwisata Sub Sektor Hotel dan Restoran PAR.HT03.060.01

Dialog 6: (Describing facilities)

Guest : We’re looking for a good restaurant for dinner?
Staff : What kind of food are you interested in?

Guest : Since we are in Thailand, we want to try Thai food.
Staff : The Thai Thai Restaurant is always a good choice.
Guest : Thank you very much. We’ll try it.

Guest : Could you recommend a place to take our kids? They’re getting
bored at the beach.
Staff : There’s a movie theater in Phuket Town at Central Festival they
might enjoy.
Guest : Well maybe. Is there anything else more exciting?

Staff : Lots of kids seem to have a great time at the Go-Cart track.

Guest : No way. That’s way too dangerous.

Staff : Have they ever ridden an elephant?

Guest : No, but is it safe?

Staff : Oh, absolutely. The elephants are well trained and the trainer
leads the elephant along the path. Riders are strapped into the
seats with safety belts, just like in a car. And to be truthful, the
rides are not that long- 30 minutes or so.
Guest : That sounds OK.

Guest : I need to check my e-mail. Is there an Internet café near here?

Staff : Certainly, sir. The Business Center at the hotel has Internet
Guest : Can I also surf the Internet there? I need to find some
information for a meeting.
Staff : Absolutely sir.
Guest : Can I also save information to a disk or flash memory?

Staff : Of course.

Guest : Do you know what it cost?

Staff : To be honest sir, I don’t really know. But I’m sure it’s a nominal
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Sektor Pariwisata Sub Sektor Hotel dan Restoran PAR.HT03.060.01

Guest : Ok, thank you.
Staff : My pleasure, sir.

Dialog 7: (Giving directions)

The guest is on the first floor
Guest : Excuse me, could I know where the Business Center is?
Staff : Certainly, madam. Please take the lift to the second floor and
come out of the lift, turn right then go right again. At the end of
the corridor, turn right and the Business Center is in the third
door on the left. It’s the opposite the Convention Hall.
Guest : Thank you.
Staff : My pleasure, madam.

4. Cara menggunakan kosa kata sesuai dengan topik yang familiar

Dalam percakapan seorang tamu dan pegawai hotel / restaurant pada umumnya
menggunakan kosa kata umum industri perhotelan, sebagai berikut:
 Fresh, crisp and cool salads  It looks tempting
 Sizzling hot, juicy, succulent,  It makes one’s mouth water
tender, air-flown meat or steak  It looks nice
 Fresh, delicate, tasty fish  It seems interesting
 Freshly baked, golden brown  It seems to be good
bread  Can I have a try?
 Rich, delicious, fluffy cakes  Could I try it?
 Rich, creamy, sweet, cold,  Yes, my pleasure, madam
delightful desserts  Certainly, sir.
Tabel 7. Explaining main course and dessert

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Baking Cooking with dry heat in a oven e.g. potatoes, cakes, bread
Basting Moistening the product with its own juices fat or sauce
Barbecuing Broiling, grilling, or roasting while basting with sauce
Boiling Cooking in water or other liquid at 100°C
Braising Browning meat or vegetables in fat, then cooking slowly in a
small amount of liquid
Broiling Cooking food at a high temperature on a rack that is located
above, below or between heat sources, e.g. grilled liver
Frying Cooking quickly in fat in a frying pan
Deep frying Covering in hot fat which is deep enough to cover the item
Griddling Cooking on a solid heated surface, usually with a small
amount of fat
Poaching Cooking food in liquid below the boiling point of water. The
food may or may not be covered with liquid, e.g. poached
Roasting Essentially the same as baking but applicable to meat and
poultry as opposed to other foods e.g. roast beef
Simmering Cooking food in liquid which is below the water’s boiling
Steaming Using water converted to an invisible vapor or gas by
heating it to the boiling point
Smoking Cooking fish, meat etc in a smoke e.g. smoked whitefish
Stewing A process in which small cuts of poultry or meat are
simmered in a thickened liquid e.g. stewed meat, prunes
Ovenizing Cooking foods on greased pan in ovens at high
Creaming Cooking by braising something with cream e.g. creamed
Sauteing Cooking very slowly in a small aount of fat e.g. sautéed
Salt To add salt to an item of food

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Mash To beat or crush something into a mash

Marinate To soak in marinade, a spice liquid mixture of oil, wine,
vinegar and herbs to make tender, e.g. marinated herring
Beat To mix vigorously e.g. eggs
Cream To mix sugar, shortening and other ingredients until smooth
Shred To cut into thin pieces e.g. shredded cabbage
Crumb To coat with breadcrumbs before frying
Dice To cut into small cubes
Flamber To pour alcohol on a food item and light it e.g. crepes
Spice To add spice such as salt and pepper
Season To add spices sauces or other ingredients to improve the
Gratinate To brown the top of a sauced item, e.g. cauliflower au
Slice To carve into slices
Garnish To decorate for presentation at the table, e.g. fish
garnished with slices of lemon
Soak To keep in a liquid for a long time
Grate To rub foods against a grater, e.g. grated carrots, cheese,
Whip To beat rapidly, e.g. whipped cream
Top To put something on top of something
Tabel 8. Cooking method

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Perhatikan ragam kosa kata berikut untuk digunakan dan dihindari.

a. Expression or phrases to use b. Expression or phrases to avoid
1) Certainly, sir. 1) Why not?
2) The charges will be Rp..... 2) You have to pay Rp…..
3) There is no charge. 3) It’s free of charge
4) I’ll be back in a moment. 4) Wait!
5) I’ll be back right away, madam. 5) Coming!
6) May I clear your plate, madam? 6) As soon as possible.
7) Do you mind if I clear the table, 7) Have you finished?
sir? 8) Is it OK if I clear the table?
8) I beg your pardon, madam? 9) What?
9) I’m sorry, could you say that 10) Say that again!
again, please. 11) Ready, sir?
10) Is there anything wrong, madam? 12) What’s up?
Tabel 9. Kosa kata sesuai topik yang familiar

5. Cara mengambil bagian dalam dialog singkat dengan menggunakan

strategi interaksi
Dalam memberikan pelayanan di sebuah restaurant seorang waiter melakukan
interaksi dengan tamu menurut tahapan alur kerja di bawah ini dengan panduan
percakapan yang dapat dilakukan sesuai kondisi.

The following is a list of stages when seating a guest and taking orders in
process called A Service Sequence. Find the possible expression you may say
or ask for each stage.
1. Welcome and seat the guest
2. Serve or pour water
3. Present the menu and wine list
4. Take the beverage order
5. Served the beverage
6. Ask the guests if they wish the appetizers
7. Serve the appetizers

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8. Take the food order

9. Tha the wine order
10. Remove the appetizer dishes
11. Serve the wine
12. Serve the salad and bread
13. Serve the entrée and its accompaniments
14. Ask if everything is prepared satisfactorily
15. Clear the table
16. Take the dessert order
17. Serve the dessert
18. Present the guest check
Tabel 10. A Service Sequence

Beberapa ungkapan yang dapat disampaikan pada percakapan di atas diantaranya

sebagai berikut.
I’m sorry to keep you waiting, Mr. & Mrs. Leo.
I’m sorry for being a bit late, madam.
Is everything all right, sir?
Please enjoy your meal.
Please enjoy your ice cream.
Here is the…..
Here are the….
This is your….
Here you are.
I beg your pardon, madam?
I’m afraid….
How was the soup, madam?
How was the steak, sir?
I’ll be back again.
I’ll be back with you in a moment, sir.
I’ll be back in a couple of minutes, sir.
Have you finished with the appetizer, madam?

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May I clear your plate?

Could I clear up the appetizer dishes, sir?
Would you sign the bill please?
There will be a charge of Rp....
That will be Rp....
Have a nice day, thank you.
Have a pleasant time.
Thank you for visiting our restaurant.
Thank you. See you again.
Goodbye, hope to see you again.
Tabel 11. Serving the food

B. Keterampilan yang diperlukan dalam Menyediakan dan Meminta

Informasi Tentang Topik yang Sudah Familiar
1. Menangani teknik percakapan untuk memeriksa pemahaman a.l., meminta
klarifikasi, meminta pengulangan
2. Menggunakan konstruksi gramatika untuk menyampaikan maksud dengan jelas
3. Memberikan informasi lisan yang rinci dalam menanggap permintaan tamu
4. Menggunakan kosa kata sesuai dengan topik yang familiar
5. Mengambil bagian dalam dialog singkat dengan menggunakan strategi interaksi
C. Sikap Kerja yang diperlukan dalam Menyediakan dan Meminta Informasi
Tentang Topik yang Sudah Familiar
1. Harus cekatan dalam menanggapi situasi
2. Harus cermat memilih kosakata
3. Harus teliti dalam menggunakan teknik percakapan
4. Harus taat asas dan peraturan
5. Harus taat menerapkan prinsip K3

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A. Pengetahuan yang diperlukan dalam Menunjukan Pemahaman Atas

Struktur Percakapan Tidak Resmi
1. Cara membuka dan menutup percakapan tidak resmi secara tepat a.l.,
menggunakan kata salam yang umum – ‘How are you?’
Terdapat beragam kalimat percakapan dengan tamu dan menanggapi salam
dalam berbagai situasi. Umumnya kata-kata ini digunakan sesuai dengan tingkat
atau kedekatan hubungan dengan orang yang disapa dan waktu sapaannya.
Yang harus ingat bahwa ada beberapa kalimat yang seharusnya tidak digunakan
dalam situasi formal dalam menyapa tamu. Ini disebut salam informal. Kalimat
ini hanya dapat digunakan kepada teman atau kolega terdekat. Sebaliknya,
kedengarannya aneh jika menggunakan kalimat yang sangat formal kepada
teman atau saudara terdekat. Jadi, perhatikan dengan seksama ekspresi-ekspresi
ini dan cobalah untuk memahami ekspresi mana yang harus digunakan dalam
situasi tertentu. Umumnya kalimat formal lah yang lebih banyak digunakan di
industri perhotelan dan restaurant. Berikut adalah beberapa contoh kalimat
berdasarkan kategori ekspresi.
Expression Types Greetings Words Responses
Good morning Good morning
Formal expressions Good afternoon Good afternoon
Good evening Good evening
Hello Hello
Semi formal
How are you? Fine. Thanks and you?
How is life Nice/nothing special
Hi Hi
So, what’s up As always
Informal expressions
What’s new Nothing
Long time no see Yeah
Tabel 12. Expressions when you meet someone

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Setelah sambutan dialog dilanjutkan, dan apa yang dikatakan kemudian

tergantung pada situasinya. Ketika berinteraksi dengan tamu hotel, interaksi
yang berkelanjutan biasanya melibatkan penentuan apa yang diinginkan atau
dibutuhkan tamu. Beberapa standar yang dapat digunakan dalam industri hotel
How can I help you today ma’am (sir)?
Can I be of assistance?

How may I assist you?

May I assist you with anything?
What can I do for you today?

What’s your name?

It’s a pleasure to meet you.

Allow me to introduce myself.

This is ... (Mrs. Harris)

I would like to introduce... (my boss, Mr. Larson).
Please allow me to introduce ... (my friend John).
I’m … (Emily Pearson)
My name is … (Bob Friendly)
Nice to meet you, too.
I would like to introduce myself.
Tabel 13. Greeting Guests

Dialog 8: (Greeting guests)

Staff : Good morning Ma’am. Welcome to the (...Spa)
Guest : Thank you.

Staff : How can I help you today?

Guest : I’m here for a (....massage).

Dialog 9: (Introducing yourself)

Staff : Hello, I’m Santi.
Guest : Hello, Ms. Santi, I’m Susan Appleton.

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Guest : My name is John Grey.

Staff : Nice to meet you Mr. Grey, I’m Budi.

Guest : I’m George Franks. What's your name?

Staff : My name is Susi, Susi Hakim. It’s a pleasure to meet you
Mr. Franks.

Guest : Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Frank Jeffers.

Helen : I delighted to meet you Mr. Jeffers. My name is Tiurma Siregar.

Banyak pemula menggunakan ungkapan "Nice to meet you" bahkan ketika

mereka berinteraksi dengan seseorang yang telah diperkenalkan sebelumnya.
Ungkapan (Nice to meet you) hanya digunakan pada pertemuan pertama, bukan
pertemuan berikutnya. Jika menyapa seseorang untuk kedua kalinya, gunakan
“Nice to see you again”.

2. Cara menggunakan teknik klarifikasi dan timbal balik

Setelah perkenalan pada umumnya percakapan berlanjut dengan beragam cara
dan topik bahasan. Banyak orang bertanya tentang kabar, kesehatan, terutama
teman, kenalan, dan rekan kerja. Beberapa ungkapan pertanyaan dapat
digunakan dan tanggapan atas pertanyaan ini bergantung pada apa yang
How are you?
How’s it going?
How Great.
Couldn’t be better. Fantastic.
has your day been?
How have you been? How’s the Could be worse. Fair to middling. I
Did you have a good day? can’t complain.
How do you feel?
How was your Not too good.
I’ve had better days.
Have you had a good day? No, it was lousy.
Tabel 14. How are you doing?
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Dialog 10: (How are you doing?)

Staff : Good afternoon, welcome to The Plaza.
Guest : Hi.

Staff : How can I help you today?

Guest : I need to check in.
Staff : Of course sir, My name is Sopida Hakam and I’ll be your guest
representative during your stay. Could I have your name please?
Guest : Freddy Benson.

Staff : Yes Mr. Benson, here you are. And how are you today?

Guest : Tired actually, it was a very long flight.

Staff : Well, I’ll get you checked in as soon as possible so you can relax.

Percakapan lain yang kerap dilakukan adalah melalui telepon. Teknik yang
digunakan harus mematuhi tata krama berbicara seperti berikut ini.
Telephone Etiquette
 Stop previous conversations before picking up the receiver.
 Answer the telephone promptly, courteously and listen carefully.
 Give a friendly greeting. E.g. Room Service, good morning.
 Use the caller’s name whenever possible.
 Write the room number down first on the guest check.
 State the approxiamte time that the guest can expect the order.
 If you must interrupt the conversation, explain the reason to the guest.
 Thank the guest for calling.

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 Allow the guest to put down the phone first.

 Do not let the guest hear unnecessary noise and background
conversations. Order-takers should not converse among themselves.
Tabel 15. Telephone Etiquettes

3. Cara menggunakan tingkat yang tepat dari informalitas yang

bergantung pada konteks
Setelah sapaan, perkenalan, dan percakapan sopan, pada akhirnya orang akan
berpisah. Ada banyak ungkapan yang dapat digunakan saat memberikan salam
perpisahan. Beberapa kalimat lebih formal daripada yang lainnya. Jelas bahwa
ekspresi yang lebih formal lebih tepat ketika berinteraksi dengan tamu.
More Formal Goodbye

expressions Thank you for coming. Have a pleasant day.
Goodbye, please come again.

Goodbye, I hope to see you again.
Less Formal See you later (soon)
Goodbyes Good bye (bye)

I have to run

Catch you later
So long

Please come again
I have to be going now
See you again
Tabel 16. Farewells

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B. Keterampilan yang diperlukan dalam Menunjukan Pemahaman Atas

Struktur Percakapan Tidak Resmi
1. Membuka dan menutup percakapan tidak resmi secara tepat a.l., menggunakan
kata salam yang umum – ‘How are you?’
2. Menggunakan teknik klarifikasi dan timbal balik
3. Menggunakan tingkat yang tepat dari informalitas yang bergantung pada
C. Sikap Kerja yang diperlukan dalam Menunjukan Pemahaman Atas
Struktur Percakapan Tidak Resmi
1. Harus cekatan dalam menanggapi situasi
2. Harus cermat memilih kosakata
3. Harus teliti dalam menggunakan teknik percakapan
4. Harus taat asas dan peraturan
5. Harus taat menerapkan prinsip K3

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A. Pengetahuan yang diperlukan dalam Menanggapi secara tepat atas

Akan ada saat-saat yang tak terelakkan ketika tamu memiliki masalah berkaitan
dengan pelayanan dan akan mengeluh. Jenis masalah dan keluhan yang mungkin
dialami pegawai hotel sangat beragam seperti tamu itu sendiri. Terkadang keluhan
ini akan dibenarkan, seperti membawa pesanan yang salah di sebuah restoran atau
tidak mendapatkan jenis kamar yang dipesan atau ditagih untuk layanan. Terkadang
pula keluhan akan menjadi tidak masuk akal, seperti seorang tamu menuntut
upgrade kamar tanpa biaya tambahan atau menjadi marah atas penundaan
playanan yang terhitung singkat. Apakah masalah atau keluhan dibenarkan atau
tidak harus ditangani dengan sigap secara profesional.

1. Cara mendemonstrasikan pemahaman tentang sifat keluhan dengan

mengulang kembali apa yang telah dikatakan tamu
Beberapa hal yang kerap menjadi sumber masalah dan keluhan tamu adalah
sebagai berikut,
Possible problems or complaints
There are not enough towels in my room.
The sink is leaking in the bathroom.

This tread mill isn’t working properly.

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How did my child get so dirty? 

I seem to have misplaced my tennis racket. Has one been turned in? 

I specifically requested an ocean view, but
the room I was given has a
view of the pool. 

This soup is not warm enough.
This fish tastes like sour milk.
Why is our order taking so long?
We have no ketchup at this table. 

Tabel 17. Problems and Complaints
Responses to problems or complaints
I’ll see to that right away ma’am.

I’ll correct the situation immediately, sir.

I’m so sorry sir, that should never have happened.
I’ll take care of that right away sir.

I’ll see to it immediately.

I’ll check about it and get back to you. 

Tabel 18. Responses to Problems or Complaints

Dialog 11: (I have a big problem!)

Bell Desk Staff

Guest : Watch that suitcase! It’s new and you are scratching it.
Bell man : I’m sorry about that sir. It won’t happen again.
Guest : Well I should hope not.

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Engineering/Maintenance Staff

Guest : Why is it taking so long to fix that air conditioner?
Staff : It needs a new part. I called the warehouse and the part should
be here in a minute. It should only take a couple of minutes to
install it once it arrives and the air conditioning will be up and

Food and Beverage Staff

Guest : This tea is sweetened and I specifically wanted unsweetened

Staff : I’m sorry ma’am. I’ll bring an unsweetened tea immediately.
Please excuse the mistake.

Guest : No problem, things happen.

Staff : Here’s your tea ma’am. Let me know if I can be of further
assistance. Enjoy the rest of your meal.
Guest : Thank you.

Front Desk Staff

Guest : When I first arrived I was assured that a bottle of Chivas Regis
would always be in the mini-bar. Well I’m here now and the bottle
isn’t. What kind of hotel are you running here anyway?

Staff : I sincerely apologize for the oversight sir. We have been
exceedingly busy today because of the convention. I’ll have a
complimentary bottle delivered immediately. Please accept it with
our compliments.

Guest : Well, I should hope it would be complimentary. Thank you. Good

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Health and Leisure Staff

Guest : I had a scheduled tennis game, but the court
has been taken over by someone else.
Staff : Yes sir, I understand. But we have a policy that if a party is more
than 15 minutes late for a starting time, we schedule the courts
for other waiting guests. I’m terribly sorry, would you like to

Housekeeping Staff

Guest : We ran out of toilet paper. Is it possible to get more?

Staff : I’m very sorry. Of course, ma’am. I’ll send more up immediately.
Is there any thing else you require?

Guest : Now that you mention it, could you also bring up a six pack of
Staff : Yes sir, I’ll call room service immediately and have them send
some to your room.

Guest : That would be great, thanks.

Kitchen Staff

Guest : I requested the eggs over hard, these are over easy.

Staff : Sorry about that sir, let me make you some more right away.

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Spa Staff

Guest : Ouch! Are you trying to kill me!

Staff : I’m terribly sorry sir. Am I pressing too hard?

Guest : Yes.

Staff : How’s this? Is this better?

Guest : It still hurts a little.

Staff : How about now? Is this OK?

Guest : Yes, that’s much better. Thank you.

Staff : Again, I’m sorry sir. Please let me know if you have any other
problems sir and I’ll adjust my technique as you wish.

2. Cara menawarkan dalam mengambil tindakan yang tepat

Menghadapi keluhan yang disampaikan tamu memerlukan cara penanganan
khusus baik dari dari staf dan manajemen hotel. Diharapkan dengan penanganan
tepat kesan buruk yang terlanjur diciptakan berubah menjadi baik dan
mengesankan. Berikut adalah tahapan menangani keluhan tamu sesuai norma
yang berlaku di dunia perhotelan.

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Proper ways of handling guest complaint

1. Take your time. Listen with full attention what guest wants to say.
2. After guest express his complaint repeat that in your voice to make him
understand that you listen to him properly.
3. Start replying in a tricky way like “I understand your problem, sir” or
“thanks a lot for bringing up the matter to us”. This will give impression
to guest that you are not against the guest but rather supporting him.
This would make him calm.
4. If you are th person to solve the matter then take proper action to solve
the problem. If you are not authorized for handling such complaints then
inform the right person who can solve the problem.
5. If you can solve the problem and you may take time from guest to solve
it, in this situation do not forget to follow up and check whether it is
solved or not.
6. If the problem is very serious then consult with top personnel
7. If you are front desk agent then you should write the complaint in a
complaint form.
Tabel 19. Proper ways of handling complaints

Saat menangani keluhan tamu beberapa hal yang harus diperhatikan termasuk
tindakan apa saja yang harus dilakukan dan dihindari, sebagai berikut.
Should Do (SD) Should Not Do (SND)
Apologize to the guest Argue
Ask questions to get facts Be agitated

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Be polite and calm Be rude

Develop solution Make a promise you cannot keep
Give serious attention Raise your tone/voice
Listen carefully to the customers Show impatience
Smile in a friendly way Sign/curse
Take prompt action Talk more laudly than the guest
Thank the guest for the attention given Take it personally
Tabel 20. SD and SND when handling complaints

3. Cara menerangkan alasan timbulnya situasi tersebut jika

memungkinkan a.l., I’m sorry but we are currently renovating ……..
Dialog 12: (Handling complaints)

Guest : Waiter.
Waiter : Yes, sir. How can I help you?
Guest : I normally have lunch here but seems that you are closed.
Waiter : I’m very sorry but we are currently renovating and will be
opened next month, sir.

Guest : Waiter.
Waiter : Yes, sir. How can I help you?
Guest : This fish smells very bad. How could you serve us such a bad
Waiter : I am extremely sorry about that, sir. It seems we are negligent in
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ingredients sorting. I’ll have it replaced.

Guest : It’s okay, hurry up then.
Waiter : Yes, right away, sir.

Guest : Waitress.
Waitress : Yes, madam. Is there something wrong?
Guest : Certainly there is. This cup is very dirty.
Waitress : I am sorry, madam. Seems that dirts came from the broken shelf
we tried to fix. I’ll get you another one.

4. Cara menawarkan solusi yang memungkinkan

Berikut ini adalah beberapa ungkapan untuk menawarkan dalam mengambil
tindakan yang tepat.
Yes, madam.
Yes, sir.
Yes, how can I help?
Yes, what can I do for you, sir?
Excuse me, madam/sir.
I’m sorry, sir.
I’m very sorry, madam.
I’m very sorry, sir.
I’m extremely sorry, sir.
I’m terribly sorry, sir.
My apologies, madam.
I really must apologize.
Judul Modul Memulai Percakapan dan Mengembangkan Hubungan
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Buku Informasi Versi: 2018
Modul Pelatihan Berbasis Kompetensi Kode Modul
Sektor Pariwisata Sub Sektor Hotel dan Restoran PAR.HT03.060.01

I’ll get you some…

I’ll get you another…
I’ll speak to the headwaiter imediately.
There must be a mistake.
I’m sure we are able to find you something better.
I’ll ask the headwaiter about that.
We’ll meka sure that…
I’ll change it for you.
I’ll take it back to the kitchen, sir.
I can take it back to the kitchen.
I’ll be with you in a moment.
I’ll have it replaced soon.
Would you like to have it replaced?
I’ll have it changed immediately, madam.
Would you like to have it changed?
I’ll have it served immediately, madam.
I’ll have them brought immediately, sir.
I’ll have them moved immediately, sir.
I’ll get a candle for you, sir.
Shall I have the chef heat this soup up for you?
Would you like to have it sent to our laundry?
We don’t mind paying the cleaning bill.
We’ll be happy to pay the cleaning bill.
Tabel 21. Ungkapan menangani keluhan tamu

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Modul Pelatihan Berbasis Kompetensi Kode Modul
Sektor Pariwisata Sub Sektor Hotel dan Restoran PAR.HT03.060.01

Dialog 13: (Offering solution)

Head waiter : Good evening. Can I help you?
Guest : Yes. I ordered dinner from Room Service. Tha was fourty-five
minutes ago.
Head waiter : Yes.
Guest : I have telephoned Room Service twice, but my dinner still has not
come yet.
Head waiter : I see.
Guest : I have an appointment at eight o’clock and now it seems that I
have to go without having dinner.
Head waiter : I am sorry about this, sir. You ordered dinner 45 minutes ago,
and you have phoned twice since then.
Guest : That’s right.
Head waiter : I really must apologize. You should have received it not later than
15 minutes after you ordered it.
Guest : That’s what I thought.
Head waiter : I try to sort it out and will make sure that the dinner is sent to
you immediately.

B. Keterampilan yang diperlukan dalam Menanggapi secara tepat atas

1. Mendemonstrasikan pemahaman tentang sifat keluhan dengan mengulang
kembali apa yang telah dikatakan tamu.
2. Menawarkan dalam mengambil tindakan yang tepat.
3. Menerangkan alasan timbulnya situasi tersebut jika memungkinkan a.l., I’m sorry
but we are currently renovating ……..
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Buku Informasi Versi: 2018
Modul Pelatihan Berbasis Kompetensi Kode Modul
Sektor Pariwisata Sub Sektor Hotel dan Restoran PAR.HT03.060.01

4. Menawarkan solusi yang memungkinkan.

C. Sikap Kerja yang diperlukan dalam Menanggapi secara tepat atas keluhan
1. Harus cekatan dalam menanggapi situasi
2. Harus cermat memilih kosakata
3. Harus teliti dalam menggunakan teknik percakapan
4. Harus taat asas dan peraturan
5. Harus taat menerapkan prinsip K3

Judul Modul Memulai Percakapan dan Mengembangkan Hubungan

Baik dengan Tamu Halaman: 39 dari 42
Buku Informasi Versi: 2018
Modul Pelatihan Berbasis Kompetensi Kode Modul
Sektor Pariwisata Sub Sektor Hotel dan Restoran PAR.HT03.060.01


A. Dasar Perundang-undangan
1. Undang-undang Nomor 13 Tahun 2003 Tentang Ketenagakerjaan
2. Peraturan Presiden Republik Indonesia Nomor 8 Tahun 2012 Tentang Kerangka
Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia
3. Peraturan Pemerintah Reublik Indonesia Nomor 31 Tahun 2006 Tentang Sistem
Pelatihan Kerja Nasional
4. Keputusan Direktorat Jenderal Pembinaan Pelatihan dan Produktivitas Kementrian
Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi Republik Indonesia, Nomor 181/LATTAS/XII/2013
Tentang Pedoman Penyusunan Modul Pelatihan Berbasis Kompetensi

B. Buku Referensi
1. English for Professional Waiters, Sutanto Leo, PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama,
Jakarta, 2004.

C. Majalah atau Buletin

1. –

D. Referensi Lainnya
1. Browsing internet, pada tanggal 21 Agustus 2018.
2. Browsing internet, pada tanggal 24 Agustus
3. Browsing internet, pada
tanggal 3 September 2018.
4. Browsing internet, pada tanggal 5 September
5. Browsing internet,
industry/ pada tanggal 7 September 2018.

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Modul Pelatihan Berbasis Kompetensi Kode Modul
Sektor Pariwisata Sub Sektor Hotel dan Restoran PAR.HT03.060.01


A. Daftar Peralatan/Mesin

No. Nama Peralatan/Mesin Keterangan

1. Laptop Untuk pemaparan bahan pelatihan

2. LCP projector Untuk pemaparan bahan pelatihan

3. Laser pointer Untuk pemaparan bahan pelatihan

4. Flipchart Untuk penjelasan lebih lanjut dari bahan


5. Alat tulis Untuk mencatat keterangan jika diperlukan

B. Daftar Bahan

No. Nama Bahan Keterangan

1. Modul pelatihan Buku informasi, kerja, penilaian
2. Kertas A4

Judul Modul Memulai Percakapan dan Mengembangkan Hubungan

Baik dengan Tamu Halaman: 41 dari 42
Buku Informasi Versi: 2018
Modul Pelatihan Berbasis Kompetensi Kode Modul
Sektor Pariwisata Sub Sektor Hotel dan Restoran PAR.HT03.060.01



1. Nenden Dianawati, S.ST.Par  Asesor Kompetensi (MET.000.003731
2016; Bidang Uji Kantor Depan, Tata
Graha, Tata Hidang, Penjualan dan
Pemasaran, Kepemimpinan)
 Pegawai Kementerian Pariwisata RI
UPT. Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata NHI
Bandung (periode 2014 – sekarang)
 Profesional di Bidang Pariwisata (pernah
bekerja di Dinas Pariwisata Kota Palangka
Raya, Kalimantan Tengah, periode 2010 –
 Profesional Bidang Perbankan (pernah
bekerja di Sales Marketing American
Express Corporate Banking, periode 2008
– 2009)
 Profesional Bidang Perhotelan (pernah
bekerja di Divisi Housekeeping, Front
Office, FB Service & Bar, Sales Marketing,
di Grand Hyatt; Sheraton; JW Marriott;
The Ritz-Carlton, periode 1998 – 2010)

Judul Modul Memulai Percakapan dan Mengembangkan Hubungan

Baik dengan Tamu Halaman: 42 dari 42
Buku Informasi Versi: 2018

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