Anda di halaman 1dari 15

Deny Ega

Widayanti Desy
Puspita N. Diana
Kartika Sari
Faoziatur Rohmi
Nihayatul Husna
Ruhana Roisyatul A.

Puji syukur kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa yang telah memberikan kesempatan
sehingga penulis mampu untuk menyelesaikan Modul mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Wajib
kelas XI.

Penulis menyampaikan terimakasih atas penyelesaian penyusunan modul ini yang

tidak terlepas dari bantuan berbagai pihak dengan memberikan masukan dan motivasi terus
menerus sehingga modul ini dapat diselesaikan tepat pada waktunya.

Dalam penulisan modul ini penulis merasa masih banyak kekurangan baik pada teknis
penulisan maupun pendalaman materi, mengingat akan kemampuan yang dimiliki penulis
yang masih terbatas. Untuk itu kritik dan saran dari semua pihak sangat penulis harapkan
bagi penyempurnaan pembuatan modul ini.

Akhir kata penulis berharap semoga modul ini dapat bermanfaat bagi para pembaca
dan bagi penulis

Kediri, Mei 2020


KATA PENGANTAR................................................................................................................i

DAFTAR ISI..............................................................................................................................ii

PETA KEDUDUKAN MODUL................................................................................................1


BAB I.........................................................................................................................................3


A. DESKRIPSI.....................................................................................................................3

B. PETUNJUK PENGGUNAAN MODUL........................................................................3

C. TUJUAN AKHIR............................................................................................................4

D. KOMPETENSI...............................................................................................................4

E. CEK KEMAMPUAN AWAL.........................................................................................4

KEGIATAN PEMBELAJARAN 1............................................................................................5

LISTEN TO............................................................................................................................6

VOCABULARY LIST...........................................................................................................8





Offers and Suggestions

Asking and Giving Opinion

Formal Invitation Letter

Analytical Exposition Text

Passive Voice

Personal Letter

Cause and Effect

Explanation Text



The infinitive form of a verb is the verb in its basic

Infinitive Verb form. The infinitive form of a verb is usually
preceded by “to” (e.g., “to drink”)
A modal is a type of auxiliary (helping) berb that is
Modal used to express : ability, possibility, permission or
The simple present tense is a verb tense with two
main use. The simple present tense is used when an
Simple Present Tense
action is happening right now, or when it happens



Modul “English Focus” ini dibuat sebagai salah satu rangkaian mata pelajaran
Bahasa Inggris Wajib Kelas XI yang berisi memberi dan meminta terkait saran dan
tawaran, pendapat dan pikiran, serta memberi dan meminta informasi dalam surat
resmi dan memahami makna dari lirik lagu. Disamping itu, peserta didik juga
diharapkan untuk menguasai tentang penggunaan passive voice, sebab dan akibat, teks
eksposisi analitis, teks eksplanasi dan surat pribadi.
Terdapat 9 unit yang terdiri dari “May I Give You A Hand?, What Do You
Think?, Spring’s Celebration, The Importance of Having Breakfast, Things Around Us,
How Are You?, Natural Disasters, How and Why?, Entertaiment” yang mengandung
Kompetensi Dasar mulai dari 3.1 dan 4.1 hingga 3.9 dan 4.9. Dalam setiap unit,
terdapat delapan bagian yang dibuat menjadi poin “A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H” dengan
penjabaran poin berurutan sebagai “Listen To, Read The Text, Write Down, Speak Up,
Evaluation, Summary, Reflection, Vocabulary List”. Dalam modul ini, disertakan
kumpulan soal dari unit 1 dampai 9 untuk evaluasi akhir semester. Selain itu, untuk
mempermudah memahami kata-kata yang sulit, disediakan Glosarium. Terdapat juga
link pembelajaran yang dapat diakses dengan mudah. Selain itu tugas dan soal-soal
dalam bentuk “task” juga ditampilkan dengan bervariasi berdasarkan empat “skill”
yang terdiri dari Listening, Reading, Writing dan Speaking dalam Bahasa Inggris


Peserta didik diharapkan untuk mempersiapkan keperluan belajar seperti
kamus Bahasa Inggris sebelum memulai pembelajaran dengan modul ini. Dalam
proses pembelajaran peserta didik diperkenankan untuk menggunakan jaringan
internet untuk mengakses link-link yang disediakan dalam modul. Siswa diharapkan
dapat memahami materi dalam modul secara maksimal sehingga dapat menyelesaikan
seluruh latihan-latihan yang ada.

Setelah mempelajari modul ini, peserta didik diharapkan dapat menguasai
penggunakan ungkapan untuk memberi dan meminta terkait saran dan tawaran,
pendapat dan pikiran, serta memberi dan meminta informasi dalam surat resmi dan
memahami makna dari lirik lagu. Disamping itu, peserta didik juga diharapkan untuk
menguasai tentang penggunaan passive voice, sebab dan akibat, teks eksposisi analitis,
teks eksplanasi dan surat pribadi. Peserta didik dianggap telah menguasai bahan
pembelajaran ini jika telah mampu menunjukkan kriteria unjuk kerja tersebut, dalam
bentuk lisan dan tulis.

Kompetensi ‘English Focus” mengacu pada kompetensi dasar yang terdapat
pada silabus. Ruang lingkup modul ini meliputi penggunaan ungkapan-ungkapan
tertentu seperti ungkapan memberi dan meminta informasi, serta memahami berbagai
macam teks, serta memahami makna dalam lirik lagu yang berkaitan dengan
kehidupan remaja SMA/MA.


Read the following dialogue, and underline the expression of “Offering”
Mira : May I help you
Nana : Yes. I need a book entitled “Physics”
Mira : Sure, you can look for that book in the first row

Mike : Can I help you?

Melisa : Yes, please. I’d like to know what time the train leaves?
Mike : I think the train leaves at 2 o’clock


3.1 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang
melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait
saran dan tawaran, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

4.1 Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional, lisan dan tulis,
pendek dan sederhana, yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan
meminta informasi terkait saran dan tawaran, dengan
memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan
yang benar dan sesuai konteks
SKOR 1-5


1. Asking for offers and suggestions
RUANG LINGKUP 2. Giving offers and suggestions
3. Responding to asking and giving offers and suggestions


Honest, discipline, responsible, tolerance, helping, confident, good manner Relevant expression, relevant gra
Reading dialogues, listening to the dialogues, write a dialogue, do a


Pada akhir pembelajaran, peserta didik diharapkan dapat

1. Memahami dialog yang didengarkan

2. Melengkapi dialog rumpang menggunakan ungkapan yang tepat
3. Memahami dialog yang dibaca
4. Membuat dialog berdasarkan topik yang disediakan
5. Mempresentasikan (roleplay) dialog yang telah dibuat
6. Memahami grammar terkait dengan expression of asking and giving offers and suggestions


In this section you will learn how to:

 Listen to the expressions of asking and giving offers and suggestions

 Identify the expressions of asking and giving offers and suggestions

Listen to the audio and complete the following dialogues!

Link :

Cindy : Oh, no!


Cindy : ……….., thank you. ………….........................

Thanks anyway

Lia : It’s OK

Link :

Lina : Oh, excuse me......................................................,


Ian......................Where would you like to be?

Lina : Just here, I think.................................................?

Ian : ………………….

After you have completed the dialogue above, answer the following

1. What does Lia say to offer help?

2. What does Cindy say to reject the offer?
3. What does Lina say to ask for help?
4. What does Ian say to accept it?
…………………………………………………………………………….. 6
Open the link to listen for more audios and
complete the dialogues below!

Link :

Pharmacist: May I help you?

Customer A: Yes, please? I think I’m getting a cold

Pharmacist: Well, ……………………………………………..

Customer A: ………………., and?

Pharmacist: Try some of this new lotion. It’s very good

Customer A, and one more thing. My husband has no energy these days.

PharmacistThey’re excellent

Customer A! May I have 3 large bottles please!

Pharmacist: Excuse me, how can I help you?

Customer B?

Pharmacist: Well,and it’s a good idea to use a heating pad

Customer B: Oh, and where are the aspirin? Pharmacist: They are in Aisle five right over there

After completing the dialogues above, now answer these questions!

What does the Pharmacist say to give suggestions?
What does the customer say to ask for suggestions?


Words Meaning
Aisle Lorong
Cold Batuk
Drugs Obat-obatan
Pharmacist Apoteker
Offer Tawaran
Suggestion Saran
Heating pad Bantalan pemanas
Energy Tenaga
Lotion Salep
Dry Kering
Customer Pembeli
Multivitamins Multivitamin


Suggestions can be in form of solutions, advice, plan, and idea. It can

be accepted or refused
Making Suggestions Responding to Suggestions
 Let’s …  Yes, let’s go/No thank you.
 How about ….?  Ok
 I suggest that ….  It is a good idea
 Why don’t we …?

Offer can be given in terms of food, money, solutions, friendship or a

bargain. It can be taken or refused
Making an Offer
Formal Informal
 Can 1 get you some ...?  How about some ...?
 Would you like ...  What about some . . .?
 Shall 1 ... (for you)?  What do you say about some . . .?
 May 1 offer you some . ..?  Are you up for some ...?
Responses to Offer
Accepting Offers Resusing Offers
 Thank you. I’d like to  That's very kind. Unfortunately, I . .
 Yes, please  I'd like to, but.. .
 Yes, that’s kind of you  No, thank you.
 That sounds great !  I'm fine, thank you.


Answer the following questions by choosing the right answer between A,B,C,D or E!

1. Lukman : Hey Dimas, how about we go to the library after

this? Dimas : No, thank you. I do not feel like going
Lukman : Okay
From the dialogue above, Lukman is…
A. Offering help
B. Making an offer
C. Making suggestion
D. Rejecting a suggestion
E. Accepting a suggestion
2. Adit : I am so hungry, let’s go to canteen
Ahmad : I am very sorry, but I have something to do after this
From the dialogue above, Ahmad is…
A. Offering help
B. Making an offer
C. Making suggestion
D. Rejecting a suggestion
E. Accepting a suggestion
3. Vicky : Shall we go watch movie this weekend?
Shelli : That’s a good idea
From the dialogue above, Shelli is…
A. Offering help
B. Making an offer
C. Making suggestion
D. Rejecting a suggestion
E. Accepting a suggestion
4. Sinta : You look very tired, what’s wrong?
Amel : I ran back home. May I have some water please?
Sinta : Okay, wait a second
From the dialogue above, Amel is…
A. Offering help
B. Making an offer
C. Refusing an offer
D. Making suggestion
E. Accepting an offer

5. Ellin : Can I get you something to drink?

Ayu : No thanks. I drank a glass of iced tea before
From the dialogue above, Sinta is…
A. Offering help

B. Making an offer
C. Refusing an offer
D. Making suggestion
E. Accepting an offer

Complete the dialogues below by using the correct expression!

Bram : I need a suggestion for a restaurant here in

Manhattan. Waiter : ... (1)! How much are planning to spend on

dinner, sir?

Bram : My date is very sophisticated, so I am sure she would expect nothing but the best

Waiter : … (2) suggest our own hotel restaurant? It got three stars in the latest restaurant review

Bram : … (3) . I want to go out on the town. … (4) give me another suggestion?

Waiter : Well, … (5) Gramecy Tavern? They have live jazz. The food is delicious, but very expensive

Bram : That sounds good! … (6) make a reservation for me?

Waiter : Of course, sir. You have made a good choice

Ben : … (7) like me to help you on your new project?

Mona : I would love the help! Would you prefer helping with the writing part or the programming?

Ben : … (8) to help with the computer work

Mona : Great! Sometimes we will be working together and sometimes independently. Would that be

Ben : Yes, I like working like that

Mona : We start on Monday. … (9) be there?

Ben : No, I can’t be there

Mona : Please send me your background information before meeting so I can look at it

Ben : … (10) send that information to you

Mona : Well then, thank you for your help. Have a great day!



How is thing going for you now?

After completing different activities, now answer honestly about your mastery toward the material
of Asking and Giving Offers and Suggestion by reading these statements and check (✓) the option
that is most applicable to you.

No. Item Excellent Good Fair Bad Poor

1. I understand the material about the

expression of asking and giving
offers and suggestions

2. I can tell the difference between

offers and suggestions

3. I understand how to use the

expression of asking and giving
offers and suggestions

4. I could write a dialogue using the

expression of asking and giving
offers and suggestions


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