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1.Definisi Analytical Exposition

Analytical Exposition adalah salah satu bentuk argumentation text. Para pakar bahasa
Inggris mendefinisikan analytical exposition text sebagai berikut: “Analytical exposition is a
text that elaborates the writer‘s idea about the phenomenon surrounding”. Jika
diterjemahkan dalam bahasa Indonesia yang dimaksud dengan analytical exposition text
adalah sebuah teks atau tulisan yang memaparkan pendapat penulis tentang fenomena yang
sedang terjadi di sekitar kita.

2.Purpose (Tujuan)

Tujuan komunikatif dari analytical exposition text adalah untuk meyakinkan pembaca
bahwa topik yang dihadirkan adalah topik yang penting untuk dibahas atau mendapat
perhatian dengan cara pemberian argumen-argumen atau pendapat-pendapat yang
mendukung ide pokok atau topik tersebut.

3. Generic Structure (Struktur Generik)

Di bagian Thesis, penulis memperkenalkan topik atau ide pokok yang akan dibahas.
Thesis selalu berada di paragraf pertama dalam analytical exposition text.

Di bagian ini penulis menghadirkan argumen-argumen atau pendapat-pendapat yang
mendukung ide pokok penulis teks tersebut. Biasanya dalam sebuah analytical
exposition text terdapat lebih dari dua argumen. Semakin banyak argumen yang
ditampilkan, semakin membuat pembaca percaya bahwa topik yang dibahas oleh
penulis adalah topik yang sangat penting atau membutuhkan perhatian.

Bagian ini merupakan bagian penutup dari sebuah analytical exposition text yang
selalu terletak di akhir paragraf. Reiteration berisi penulisan kembali atau penempatan
kembali ide pokok yang terdapat di paragraf pertama. Reiteration juga biasa disebut
dengan conclusion atau kesimpulan.

4.Ciri Kebahasaan Analytical Exposition 

Dalam sebuah analytical exposition text, terdapat beberapa ciri-ciri kebahasaan seperti
di bawah ini, yaitu:
 menggunakan simple present
 mengunakan reltional process
 menggunakan internal conjunction
 menggunakan casual conjuction
5.Contoh Analytical Exposition

Untuk melengkapi dan memperkuat pemahaman anda mengenai analytical exposition

text, sengaja penulis sertakan contoh beserta terjemahan seperti berikut ini.

Cars Should Be Banned

Cars should be banned in the city. As we all know, cars create pollution, and cause a lot of
road deaths and other accidents.

(Argument 1)
Firstly, cars, as we all know, give contribution to the most of the pollution in the world. Cars
emit deadly gas that causes illness such as bronchitis, lung cancer, and ‘triggers’ off asthma.
Some of these illnesses are so bad that people can die from them.

(Argument 2)
Secondly, the city is very busy. Pedestrians wander everywhere and cars commonly hit
pedestrains in the city, which causes them to die. Cars today are our roads biggest killers.

(Argument 3)
Thirdly, cars are very noisy. If you live in the city, you may find it hard to sleep at night, or to
concentrate on your homework, and especially when you talk to someone.

In conclusion, cars should be benned from the city for the reason listed.


Mobil harus dilarang di kota. Seperti yang kita ketahui, mobil membuat polisi dan membuat
banyak kematian di jalan dan kecelakaan.

Pertama, mobil, sebagai mana kita ketahui, menyumbang polusi terbanyak di dunia. Mobil
mengeluarkan gas mematikan yang menyebabkan penyakit seperti bronchitis, kanker paru-
paru, dan pemicu asthma. Beberapa penyakit tersebut sangatlah buruk bagi manusia yang bisa
menyebabkan kematian.

Yang kedua, kota sangatlah sibuk. Pejalan kaki berjalan ke mana-mana dan mobil umumnya
menabrak pejalan kaki di kota, yang menyebabkan kematian. Mobil hari ini adalah pembunuh
terbesar di jalan.

Yang ketiga, mobil sangatlah berisik. Jika kamu tinggal di kota, kamu mungkin akan
menjumpai sangat lah susah untuk tidur di malam hari atau untuk berkonsentrasi pada
pekerjaan rumah kalian, dan khususnya ketika kamu berbicara kepada seseorang.

Kesimpulannya, mobil harus dilarang dari kota berdasarkan alasan tersebut.

Gold Coin Investment
1.Gold has become a precious metal to mankind since it was the dawn of civilization. The
nature of gold is soft and malleable which people can make and easily change to any forms,
even it is done just by a simple technology. The beautiful golden and shiny color does not
easily fade out. The form of gold can be as jewelry, bar, or coin. Now days gold coin, such as
gold IRA, becomes an advantageous investment.
2.Gold is safe and profitable for investment. In uncertain situations, many people are
turning to gold because gold has a more stable value and regarded as currency without
limitation assets. It is secure and can be cashed out at any time we need. The Gold values
tend to be stable; take a look an IRA gold discussion. It is zero inflation effect. It is very rare
that the gold prices fell. Even every year, the gold price tends to increase.
3.Investments in the form of coins, it is famous as gold coin, is more profitable if it is
compared with the investment gold in the form of jewelry. Gold Coin, for example gold 401k
which some people call 401k gold, is very good when used as an alternative investment,
whether it is for the medium-term investment and long-term investment. Besides that gold
coins need less cost in production and manufacturing sot it is more lucrative than investing
gold in the form of jewelry.
4.Moreover, some people do not just think gold as an investment, but also as collections.
Because the character is a collection so the uniqueness and rareness are the point. There
might be coins that cost up to more than a million because of the history variables,
ownership, and perhaps an important event when the coin is launched.
5.From the reason above, if we decide to make an investment, it could be useful to
consider investing gold coin or think about gold IRA transfer. It is really recommended.
Penjelasan :
1.Paragraf pertama adalah Thesis, dimana penulis memperkenalkan topik yg ingin
dibahasnya, yaitu tentang betapa berharganya dan bernilainya emas. Gambaran tentang emas
yg dapat dibentuk menjadi apa saja sesuai keinginan karena bahannya yg lembut.Namun
diakhiri kalimat paragraf pertama, penulis sudah membawa pembaca pada topik utamanya
yaitu investasi eman.
2.Pada paragraf kedua yaitu argumen. Namanya juga analytical tentu tujuannya adalah
menganalisa topik dengan dua atau lebih argumen penulis. Pada paragraf ini, argumen
pertama penulis adalah bahwa berinvestasi emas sangat aman dan menguntungkan(save
3.Argumen kedua emas harganya stabil karena dijadikan sebagai mata uang international dan
juga tidak terpengaruh adanya inflasi
4.Paragraf ketiga dan keempat masih berbicara tentang argumen penulis seperti berinvestasi
emas dalam bentuk coin lebih menguntungkan dari pada berbentuk perhiasan jadi.
5.Terakhir(Paragraf kelima) adalah reiteration, yaitu penuangan kembali ide pokok pada
paragraf pertama yaitu bahwa berinvestasi emas itu lebih menguntungkan dan diakhiri
dengan rekomendasi penulis.

Soal :

Read the following text to answer questions number 1 to 3.

The government should Provide rehabilitation Program for Drug Users

Drug users are actually ill people who need help. Rehabilitation is one of the
main things they should get. Instead of punishing drug users in prisons, the
government should provide rehabilitation for them.

Most users are actually victims of persuasive peddlers and they suffer from
consuming the drugs. Therefore, by rehabilitating them, we are actually
helping them out from traps, which they might accidentally step on.

If we only arrest drug users and send them to jail, this doesn't solve the
problem as drug users will still be addicted unless proper rehabilitation is
imposed to them. Providing rehabilitation programs for drug users and forcing
them to participate in the programs is better than only arresting them and
doing nothing to their illness. Only drug dealers, traffickers, and wholesalers
should be imprisoned.  

1. Most drug users get drugs from ...

      A. Jails
      B. Peddlers
      C. Traffickers
      D. Wholesalers
      E. Rehabilitation center 

2. Sending the drug users to prison is not a good solution because ....
     A. They can't consume harmful drugs
      B. They are treated normally
      C. They may still be infected with harmful drugs
      D. They can be freed as soon as possible
      E. They are given the whole recovery program
3. "...drug users will still be addicted unless proper rehabilitation is imposed to them."
(Paragraph 3) The underlined word is closest in meaning to ....
      A. Influenced
      B. Treated
      C. Forced
      D. Burdened
      E. Implemented

Read the following text to answer questions number 4 to 6.

Everybody should change their way of life to reduce global warming. There are
several things that we can do. One of them is by buying and consuming fresh local
groceries as much as possible. It of course includes local vegetables, fruits, bread,

Local groceries don’t need much transportation to get it into the market. It of course
means, the amount of carbon dioxide produced is less than the groceries from other
region. Therefore, by buying local groceries we are helping reduce the amount of
carbon dioxide produced.

Consuming fresh groceries instead of frozen ones are healthier for us. Furthermore,
fresh food or groceries means no requirements for it to be freeze up. It means that no
electricity is needed and saving energy means reducing carbon dioxide and money.

So, from now on we should consume fresh local groceries to reduce global warming.  

4. The text gives us information about ….

     A. The ways to minimize global warning

      B. The ways to increase global warning

      C. The effects of global warning

      D. The importance of consuming local groceries

      E. The importance of knowing global warning 

5. To reduce the global warming we should ….

      A. Buy import product

      B. Buy expensive clothes

      C. Consume frozen foods

      D. Consume fresh foods

      E. Not use electricity efficiently

6. We are helping reduce the amount of global warming” (Paragraph 2) The

underlined word can be replaced by ….
      A. Increase
      B. Decrease
      C. Improve
      D. Add
      E. Maximize

Read the following text to answer questions number 7 to 10.

The use of formalin and other dangerous preservatives in food has been
serious problem for three reasons. Firstly, formalin is not for human beings,
but it is for biological specimens and experiments. Formalin in Biology is a
10% solution of formaldehyde in water which is usually used as a disinfectant
or to preserve biological specimens. Thus, it is not for food preservatives. Of
course when it is used for food preservative, it will be very dangerous to
human’s body.

The second reason is that there is no tight control from the government. This
condition makes the people’s health is really in a threat. When the control is
weak and the use formalin was spread wide all over the Indonesian regions,
and these days it has really happened, the citizen's bodies will be badly
contaminated with the poisons. Fish or food traders still sell their products
which contain formalin and dangerous preservatives. Can you imagine that
our digestive system absorbs the substance that should be for the human and
animal corpses?

Considering the reasons, we can make a conclusion that the use of formalin
and other preservatives is really a serious problem if it is not resolved
7. Why is formalin dangerous for human`s body?
      A. It is not food preservatives
      B. It is a disinfectant for human beings
      C. It is used to preserve biological specimens
      D. It is 10% solution of formaldehyde in water
      E. It is controlled flighty from the government 
8. The main idea of paragraph two is ....

      A. The human`s bodies will be harmful after consuming the formalin

      B. The government has not controlled the use of formalin firmly

      C. The weak control of using formalin is not threatening the human

      D. The human`s bodies will be harmful after consuming the formalin

      E. The use of formalin is known all over the region Bottom of Form

9. Based on the facts above, the writer suggest that ... .

     A. People have to avoid consuming formalin in their food
      B. The use of formal dehyde is necessary to control the food
      C. People should add 100% solution of formaldehyde in water
      D. The food preservative is required to make the food delicious
      E. Food seller is supposed to pour formalin for vegetables and food products

10. What is the generic structure of the text ?

   A. Arguments-Recommendation-Thesis

      B. Thesis-Argument-Recommendation

      C. Thesis-Argument-Reiteration

      D. Thesis-Supporting Points-Contrasting Points-Reiteration

      E. Reiteration-Arguments-Thesis

Cars Should Be Banned In The City

Cars should be banned in the city. As we all know, cars create pollution, and cause a
lot of road deaths and other accidents. Firstly, cars, as we all know contribute the
most of pollution in the world. Cars emit a deadly gas causes illnesses such as
bronchitis, lung cancer, and trigger of asthma. Some of these illness are so bad that
people can die from them. Secondly, the city is very busy. Pedestrians wander every
where and cars commonly hit pedestrians in the city, which causes them to die. Cars
today are our roads biggest killers.Thirdly, cars are very noisy. If you live in the city,
you may find it hard to sleep at night, or concentrate in your homework, and
especially talk to someone. In conclusion, cars should be banned from the city for
the reasons listed.
11.What type of the text above?
a.      Narrative. D.Explanation
b.      Report. E.Description
c.      Analytical.
12. What tense is mostly used in the text?
a. Past tense
b. Simple present tense
c. Simple perfect tense
d. Present continuous tense
e. Past continuous tense

13. We usually call the last paragraph as………

a. Resolution         
b. Recommendation
c. Reiteration         
d. Twist     
e. Conclusion

14. What one of the diseases caused by pollution?


15. What is the purpose of the text? persuade reader about the Cars Should Be Banned In The City explain the characteristics the Cars Should Be Banned In The City inform readers about Cars Should Be Banned In The City describe Cars Should Be Banned In The City entertain readers about Cars Should Be Banned In The City

16. The following sentences are true, except …

a.   the cars contribute the most of pollution in the world.
b.   the cars are very noisy.
c.   the cars can also cause many deaths and other road accidents.
d.   the car cans accelerate the transport.
e.   the cars today are our roads biggest killers.

17. What the title text above?

a. Cars Should Be Banned In The City
b. Cars cause pollution.
c. Car giant killer street.
d. Car facilitate transportation.
e. Cars cause noise of the city.

18. Which paragraph is called arguments?

a. I and II.
b. IV
c. All paragraph
d. II, III, and III
e. I and IV

19. Is the car also cause pollution?

a. No.
b. No, he is.
c. Yes, it’s
d. Yes.
e. No, it’s not.

20. Is the car also cause noise?

a. Yes, it’s.
b. No, it’s
c. No.
d.Yes, he is.
e.No, it’s not.
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