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Personal Letter

Nama Mahasiswa : Cindra Yuningsih Feoh, S.Pd

Nomor Peserta : 9044764665110043




Piji syukur penulis panjatkan kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa atas rahmat dan
hikmat-Nya Materi Ajar Berbasis Problem Based Learning Modul 2 Pendalaman
Materi Bahasa Inggris Kegiatan Belajar 1 Personal Letter ini dapat terselesaikan.

Materi Ajar Berbasis Problem Based Learning Modul 2 Pendalaman Bahasa Inggris
Kegiatan Belajar 1 Personal Letter ini penulis susun untuk memenuhi tugas dan
tagihan Peserta Didik Dalam Jabatan tahun 2021 Universitas Muhammadiyah
Surakarta (UMS) pada tahap Pendalaman Materi yaitu Penyusunan Materi Ajar
Berbasis Masalah untuk mengidentifikasi permasalahan pembelajaran yang dialami
Peserta Didik yang disebabkan oleh defisit kompetensi maupun miskonsepsi. Dalam
materi ajar ini penyusun menyajikan beberapa referensi dan solusi untuk mengatasi
defisit kompetensi dan miskonsepsi dalam pembelajaran Modul 2 Pendalaman Materi
Bahasa Inggris Kegiatan Belajar 2 Personal Letter. Materi ajar ini dikembangkan
dengan mengedepankan pendekatan higher order thinking skill (HOTS) dan
mengintegrasikan kerangka berpikir technological, pedagogical, content knowledge

Saya mengucapkan banyak terimakasih kepada semua pihak yang telah membantu
saya dalam menyelesaikan bahan ajar ini. Terimakasih atas kerja keras dan masukan
berharganya dan semoga materi ajar ini bermanfaat untukmahasiswa PPG, ucapan
terimakasih penulia sampaikan kepada:

Akhir kata semoga materi ajar ini bermanfaat bagi Mahasiswa PPG.

Surakarta, September

Cindra Yuningsih Feoh, S.Pd


COVER ………………………………………………………….……….....
KATA PENGANTAR...................................................................................1
DAFTAR ISI..................................................................................................2
Personal Letter.............................................................................................. 3
A. Pengantar.............................................................................................4
B. Tujuan ………………………………………………………….. 4
C. Aktifitas...............................................................................................5
MATERI AJAR : Personal Recount
1. Deskripsi Pendek ………………..…………………………………….
2. Relevansi................................................................................................ 6
3. Petunjuk Belajar..................................................................................... 6
1. Capaian Pembelajaran.......................................................................... 7
2. Materi Pembelajaran dan Aktivitas Pembelajaran............................... 7
3. Forum Diskusi...................................................................................... 7

PENUTUP...................................................................................................... 8
1. Rangkuman…………………………………………………..
2. Refleksi……………………………………………………….
3. Tes Formatif…………………………………………………..

Personal Letter

A. Pengantar

Bahasa Inggris adalah bahasa yang sangat penting dalam komunikasi

Internasional, dan bahasa Inggris merupakan bekal penting dalam kehidupan yang
nyata. Dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris sebagai mata diklat tentu menyangkut
beberapa keterampilan bahasa (language skill); diantaranya keterampilan
mendengarkan (listening), keterampilan berbicara (speaking), keterampilan
membaca (reading), dan keterampilan menulis (writing). Mata pelajaran Bahasa
Inggris tercantum dalam Struktur Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP)
yang penggunaannya ditetapkan dalam Peraturan Menteri Nomor 24 Tahun 2006.
Mata pelajaran ini diajarkan di Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs/ SMP) dari kelas VII,
VIII, dan IX.
Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris di SMA/MA bertujuan agar peserta didik
memiliki kemampuan sebagai berikut:
1. Mengembangkan kompetensi berkomunikasi dalam bentuk lisan dan tulisKK
untuk mencapai tingkat literasi functional
2 membandingkan fungsi sosial, Struktur teks kebahasaanterkait penglaman
pribadi diwaktu lampau, pendek dan sederhana sesuai dengan konteks
3 Mengembangkan pemahaman peserta didik tentang keterkaitan antara bahasa
dengan budaya

Pada Modul 2 Pendalaman Materi Bahasa Inggris Kegiatan Belajar 2

Personal Letter ini saya mengembangkan materi ajar untuk memperkaya keilmuan
dan bahan refrensi untuk Pesrta Didik berisi materi dan kegiatan pembelajaran
yang dipelajari selama pendalaman materi termasuk terdapatnya materi yang sulit
dipahami karena defisit kompetensi dan miskonsepsi. Dalam melakukan
pendalaman materi Modul 2 Pendalaman Materi Bahasa Inggris Kegiatan Belajar 2
Personal Letter penulis mengidentifikasi adanya masalah yangditemukan dan
dirumuskan sebagai berikut:
1) Recount social function
2) Text structure
3) Generic structure
4) Beberapa tek personal recount

Dari masalah dalam materi yang menyebabkan penulis mengalami
kesulitan karena deficit kompetensi dan menyebabkan miskonsepsi tersebut
penulis merancang penyelesaian dengan mengkaji lebih mendalam materi Modul 2
Pendalaman Materi Bahasa Inggris Kegiatan Belajar 2 Personal Letter dengan
menambahkan sumber informasi tambahan yang relevan yang disesuaikan dengan
perkembangan Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi.
Pada Kegiatan ini penulis akan membahas tentang Recount text atau yang
dikenal juga sebagai salah satu teks cerita yang tidak terduga dan menghibur.
Recount text ini juga merupakan sebuah teks yang dapat menjelaskan suatu
kejadian yang berurutan dan juga telah terjadi di masa lampau.

Sesuai dengan KD 3.11 pada materi ajar kali ini penulis akan
membandingkan fungsi sosial, Struktur teks kebahasaan beberapa teks “Personal
Recount” lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait
penglaman pribadi diwaktu lampau, pendek dan sederhana sesuai dengan konteks

B. Tujuan
Tujuan yang komunikatif dari recount text ialah untuk dapat menceritakan
sebuah pengalaman atau kejadian dan peristiwa yang terjadi pada masa lalu secara
kronologis atau juga secara berurutan dengan tujuan sebagai entertaint atau
menghibur para pembaca atau pendengar.

C. Aktivitas

1. Listening
2. Reading
3. Speaking
4. Writing
5. Discussion

1. Deskripsi Pendek

Dalam kegiatan pembelajaran ini, peserta didik akan belajar tentang surat
pribadi. Materi ini akan membantu peserta didik untuk memelihara dan
membangun hubungan dan interaksi pribadi peserta didik dengan orang lain.

2. Relevansi
Materi ini sesuai dengan kompetensi dasar 3.6 yakni :
1) Menentukan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa
teks khusus dalam bentuk personal letter terkait kegiatan diri sendiri dan
orang sekitarnya

2) Menyusun teks khusus dalam bentuk personal letter, sangat sederhana

terkait kegiatan diri sendiri dan orang sekitarnya dengan memperhatikan
ungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan secara benar dan sesuai
3. Petunjuk Belajar
Dalam kegiatan pembelajaran ini, peserta didik akan mengamati dan memahami
fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan personal letter sesuai dengan
konteks situasinya. Peserta didik juga akan menghasilkan beberapa personal
letter yang secara kontekstual dapat diterima


1. Capaian Pembelajaran
1. Menentukan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dalam teks
Personal letter dengan memberi dan menerima informasi terkait kegiatan
diri sendiri dan orang sekitarnya, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya

2. Menyusun teks khusus dalam bentuk personal letter, sangat sederhana

terkait kegiatan diri sendiri dan orang sekitarnya dengan memperhatikan
fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan secara benar dan sesuai

2. Sub Capaian Pembelajaran

Menemukan ide pokok, rujukan kata, makna kata, informasi tersurat, dan
informasi rinci kebahasaan dari teks surat pribadi dengan memberi dan
menerima informasi terkait kegiatan diri sendiri dan orang sekitarnya, sesuai
dengan konteks penggunaannya.

3. Uraian Materi
3.1. Mengorientasikan siswa kepada masalah
Pada tahap ini guru mengorientasikan siswa terhadap sebuah permasalahan
Teacher : “Please look at the text below !”
Student : “OK, Ma’am”

You and Your friend have decided to tell your parents to describe
your recent study tour. Discuss what you want to write about

1. What kind of text that can you create based on the context above?
2. What is the social function of the text?
3. What is the generic structure of the text?
4. What is the language features of the text?

3.2. Mengorganisasikan siswa

Pada tahap ini, guru membagi siswa dalam beberapa kelompok.
Teacher :’ Okay Students, after analyzing the text above, make a group consist
of 4 students to discuss about the problem and write your name on the table
below! “
No Group Name Name of group member

3.3. Membimbing penyelidikan individu dan kelompok

Pada tahap ini, guru membimbing dan mengecek keaktifan peserta didik dalam
kegiatan diskusi
Teacher : “Well, please learn more about personal letter. You can use your
related book as a source.

3.4. Mengembangkan dan menyajikan karya
Pada tahap ini guru membimbing siswa dalam kegiatan presentasi.
Teacher : “Create a personal letter with your own words with this
Opening and Receiver
Starting the letter
Conclusion and Sender

Understanding how to write a personal letter Adapted from “How to write a

Friendly Letter” is

Teacher : “After the discussion, complete your work. Then present it in

front of class! For another group, please give your opinion or
suggestion related to your friend’s presentation!”

3.5. Menganalisa dan mengevaluasi proses pemecahan masalah

Pada tahap ini, guru menganalisis dan mengevaluasi solusi dari permasalahan.
Guru menyajikan uraian materi dan contoh jawaban dari permasalahan.
Teacher : “Okay, good presentation from the first group. They create
personal letter well. Please give applause for them.

Look at the material of personal letter below !

I am sure one of you ever wrote a letter to friend, family member or pen
friends. Write a letter is out of date now, people prefer to use email or chat
application on smartphone. However, it is not a problem if we learn how to
write a good letter.
In this section, you are going to learn personal letter sending through

a. Definition
Personal letters is a type of letter that contains personal matter and for
personal purposes, usually from one individual to another. The personal
letter use an informal but polite language.

b. Types of personal letter

1. Family letter
2. Pen friend letter
3. Fan Mails
4. Holiday / Celebration letter
5. Farewell letter
6. Get well letter
7. Condolence letter
8. Cancellation letter

9. Congratulation letter
10. Thank You letter
11. Love Letter

c. The social function of personal letter

To convey personal opinion or interest.

d. Generic structure of personal letter

1. Date
2. Address
3. Salutation & Name
4. Introduction
5. Body
6. Closure
7. Complimentary close
8. Signature

Understanding how to write a personal letter available in will also help your
comprehension to the structure of text

e. Language features of personal letter

1. Focus on exchanging personal current news, feelings, and conditions
2. Use of pronouns, simple present tense, and past tense
3. Use of date and address
4. Informal greetings or salutations

f. The sample expression used to use in personal letter

1. Starting the letter
 How are you?
 Hope this letter finds you
 Thank you for your last letter
 It was so good to hear from you.
 Sorry for answering late
 I am sorry I should have written earlier ….
 Haven’t heard from you in a while so I thought ….
 I am sorry to inform you that ….

2. Conclusion
 I am looking forward to seeing you soon
 I am looking forward to hear from you soon
 My best wishes for the coming test. See you
 I will write soon
 I will have to stop now

 I am waiting for a quick reply
 Looking forward to see you again. Bye

4. Tugas
Task 1
Pay attention to the following text and answer the questions !

5th March 2021

Dear Mary,
I hope this letter has reached you well. I hope that you are at your best and doing well. I
am okay and also the family is doing well with a few problems here. I have missed you
and I thought why not write to you, it has been very long since the last time we spoke.
While you have been away, a lot has changed and I just wish you were still leaving next
to us so that I share all this with you. Now we have a new mall built near us. We could
have been going shopping together or having that lunch together. Also a skating ground
was built. My dear I wish you were here so that we could enjoy this together.
Anyway the rest you will come find out when you come to visit. I can wait for you to
Stay in touch my dear and please reply.


Wila Angaya

1. Who is the writer of the text above?
2. What is Wila’s hope to Mary?
3. What is the building that has been just built in Mary’s hometown?
4. Why did Wila hope that Mary can come to Wila’s place?
5. What is the relationship between Wila and Mary? .

Task 2

5. Forum Diskusi
After learn this topic and doing some learning activities, student need to confirm
their understanding, sharing knowledge and experiences even increase understanding to
this topic. Therefore student get involved in this discussion forum .
a. Complete these statements
1) The most interesting thing I learnt in this chapter was ….
2) The part I enjoyed most was ……
3) I would like to find more about ….
4) The hardest part in this chapter was …..
5) I need to work harder at ……..

b. Read the statements belom and tick (√) the option that is most applicable to you.
The Material was easy to understand Definitely Yes Maybe No Not at all
The story was easy to understand
I can tell the difference between
formal and personal letters
I can write personal letters
I like writing reflections
I will continue writing reflections

My plan to overcome the difficulties of this chapter

1. Summary
A personal letter or a friendly letter is a type of letter which concerns about
personal matter, and it is addressed to a person who is known well. Personal letter
may help you to maintain and build personal relationship with a person you know
well. To understand what the personal letter is and how to write the letter, you need to
identify and comprehend social function, generic structure, language features. The
language features of personal letter are as follows: Focus on exchanging personal
current news, feelings, and conditions Use of pronouns, simple present tense, and
past tense Use of date and address Informal greetings or salutations

2. Formative Test
In this part, you are given a formative test to see how much you have learnt
personal letter available in this learning activity. Please you do the formative test
I. Read and choose the best answer a,b,c, or d !

Text 1 for question 1-5

For all colleague and Friends,
As those who are close to me know very well I’m not good at saying goodbyes. So
I do apologize if anyone offended by receiving only this letter as a sign farewell. I
cannot bear meeting everyone face to face, shaking hands and wishing each other
the best of luck. I have so many people to thank for I am blessed with amazing
people that have to trust me and support everything did I do.

It is impossible to mention your name one by one in these short letters, but
everybody knows who they are and their influence on my life. I am humbly
grateful to have the opportunity to accomplish many things with amazing people.

Thank you for everyone that I have the opportunity to work and coach. I commend
each of you for a good life and wish you all the best of luck and May you continue
and make an amazing achievement.

I can be contacted through emails until I arrive in the country that I’m moving at. I
wish everyone prosperous life and good health. Thank you.
Regards and best wishes

Bill Jameson

Answer the questions based on the text.

1. Why does Bill Jones write the letter?

a. to say good things to his friends
b. inform his leaving the office
c. to apologize for everything that he has done wrong
d. to thank everyone for their wishes

2. I commend each of you for a good life. The word commends synonym of…
a. improve
b. increase
c. enjoy

3. What has the writer done in the office?
a. train some employees
b. collaborate with co-worker
c. conduct a farewell party
d. support his colleagues

4. What was the writer’s experience during his stay in his previous office?
a. He had no friends at all
b. He had a lot of friends and colleague
c. He felt upset
d. He achieved nothing

5. Why did the writer hove to leave?

a. He is sick
b. He is lonely
c. He has another job
d. all the answer is wrong.

II. Essay

Sign up an account in ! Find
out a pen pal (foreign) in same
age level and create a personal
letter for someone by being
included parts of personal letter.
Talk about the your state,,
tourism in your place and your
activities. Send to you friend by
email !

Teacher : “Based on text above, help me to solve her problem!”

Answer the questions based on the letter above !

1. Who is the writer of the text above?
2. What is Wila’s hope to Mary?
3. What is the building that has been just built in Mary’s hometown?
4. Why did Wila hope that Mary can come to Wila’s place?
5. What is the relationship between Wila and Mary?

Key Answer

Task 1

1. Winy Angaya.
2. That she is always in a health condition
3. Mall and skating ground.
4. To do many wonderful things together
5. They are love

Task 2


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