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Visi STIKes Hamzar

Pusat Pendidikan Kesehatan yang menghasilkan tenaga profesional,
bermutu, religius dan mampu bersaing pada tingkat Nasional 2020 dan
Internasional 2035

Misi STIKes Hamzar

1. Menyelenggarakan proses pendidikan tinggi dalam rangka
menghasilkan tenaga kesehatan berkarakter Islami yang
berkompeten dan mampu bersaing pada tingkat Nasional dan
2. Menyiapkan dan mengelola sarana dan prasarana yang mendukung
terciptanya suasana akademik yang religius
3. Menyelenggarakan dan mengembangkan penelitian guna
peningkatan derajat kesehatan masyarakat yang Islami
4. Menyelenggarakan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat yang
berkesinambungan melalui pendekatan religi dan budaya.
5. Memfasilitasi dan mengarahkan potensi secara optimal, efektif dan
efisien serta meningkatkan kualitas manajemen yang profesional
dan terbuka


1. Menghasilkan lulusan yang profesional, memiliki kompetensi dalam

bidang ilmu keperawatan dan kebidanan, melalui ilmu pengetahuan
dan teknologi (IPTEK) serta serta mengedepankan nilai-nilai moral,
etik, dan profesional dalam melaksanakan tugas dan profesinya.
2. Menghasilkan lulusan yang mampu mengimplementasikan nilai-
nilai yang terkandung dalam Al-Qur’an dan Hadist dalam
memberikan asuhan keperawatan dan asuhan kebidanan sebagai
upaya peningkatan derajat kesehatan masyarakat.
3. Menghasilkan lulusan yang mampu menggunakan teknologi tepat
guna untuk meningkatkan derajat kesehatan masyarakat yang
4. Menghasilkan lulusan yang mampu mengimplementasikan dan
berinovasi dalam ilmu keperawatan dan ilmu kebidanan secara
personal, berkesinambungan, dan professional serta menjunjung
tinggi nilai-nilai moral, etik dan norma sosial bermasyarakat.
5. Menghasilkan penelitian dan terlaksanyanya pengabdian kepada
masyarakat sebagai upaya dalam memberikan solusi terhadap
masalah kesehatan dimasyarakat dalam bidang keperawatan dan
6. Mewujudkan manajemen yang transparan, kredibel, berkeadilan
serta efisien dan efektif


Puji Syukur kami haturkan kepda Allah SWT yang telah memberikan
nikmat yang tidak terhitung sehingga penulis dapat menyelesaikan Modul

Menghadapi era globalisasi sekarang ini, kemampuan berbahasa

inggris merupakan salah satu kemampuan yang sangat dibutuhkan untuk
menghadapi persaingan kerja saat ini. Kemampuan berbahasa inggris bagi
mahasiswa di STIKes Hamzar merupakan salah satu kunci untuk dapat
bersaing di Era globalisasi ini.

Untuk memempersiapkan Mahasiswa Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan

(STIKes) Hamzar, maka penulis mencoba untuk menyusun Modul Bahasa
Inggris ini dengan harapan dapat menjadi pengantar untuk meningkatkan
kemampuan atau skill bahasa inggris bagi mahasiswa STIKes Hamzar. Modul
ini disusun dalam rangka mengarahkan mahasiswa untuk dapat
mengaplikasikan bahasa inggris di masyarakat khususnya dalam bidang
kesehatan sesuai dengan jurusan yang diambil di STIKes Hamzar. Modul ini
disusun berdarkan silabus yang telah dibuat berdasarakan jenjang bahasa
inggris yang ada di STIKes Hamzar.

Terimakasih diucapkan kepada seluruh pihak yang telah memberikan

masukan dan saran sehingga modul ini dapat diselesaikan. Segala bentuk
saran dan masukan atas modul ini guna perbaikan kedepannya sangat
diharapkan bagi pembaca yang telah membaca modul ini.


Suhaemi, M. Pd


Terdapat Empat skill atau kemampuan yang harus dimiliki oleh

seorang mahasiwa didalam bahasa inggris. kemampuan tersebut diantaranya
kemapuan Resceptif dan Productif. Kemapuan yang termasuk receptif adalah
listening skill dan reading skill. Sedangkan Speaking Skill dan Writing Skill
merupakan kemampuan yang tergolong Productif. Semua kemampuan ini
hendaknya dimiliki oleh mahasiswa didalam menguasi bahasa inggris karena
kemampuan ini saling terkait satu dengan yang lainnya.
Dengan mengikuti atau mengambil mata kuliah bahasa inggris ini,
mahasiswa diharapkan mampu meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa
inggris dengan meningkatkan dan mengembangkan ke empat skill dalam
bahasa inggris. hal ini untuk menunjang kemampuan berbahasa inggris
mahasiswa STIKes Hamzar didalam menghadapi situasi yang menuntut
untuk mengaplikasikan kemampuan bahasa inggris di kehidupan nyata baik
di lingkungan pekerjaan maupun di luar.
Mata kuliah ini mengarahkan mahasiswa untuk mampu meningkatkan
kemampuan komunikasi bahasa inggris diberbagai lini tugas dan tanggung
jawab sebagai tenaga kesehatan. kegiatan belajara dalam modul ini terdiri
dari ceramah, diskusi dan praktikum atau pun penugasan. Penilaian segala
kegiatan tercantum dalam lebar evaluasi.


VISI MISI STIKES HAMZAR LOMBOK TIMUR .................................................................. i

TUJUAN STIKES HAMZAR ................................................................................................ ii
KATA PENGANTAR.......................................................................................................... iii
DESKRIPSI MODUL .......................................................................................................... iv
DAFTAR ISI ....................................................................................................................... v
BAHASAN ........................................................................................................................ vii
1. Waktu ......................................................................................................................... vii
2. Metode ....................................................................................................................... vii
3. Tujuan Pembelajaran ................................................................................................ vii
4. Media......................................................................................................................... viii
LANGKAH-LANGKAH PEMBELAJARAN ......................................................................... ix
1. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 1
A. Introducing yourself (memperkenalkan diri anda) ............................................1
B. Introducing someone (memperkenalkan seseorang) ........................................2
2. QUESTIONING ............................................................................................................. 3
1. Asking For Personal Information (menanyakan data/infromasi seseorang) ...4
2. Asking for personal problem/feeling? ................................................................7
3. Practicing ..............................................................................................................9
4. Vocabulary ..........................................................................................................10
A. Language Focus...............................................................................................11
A. Medical report.....................................................................................................15
3. GIVING INSTRUCTION .............................................................................................. 19
4. GIVING PROCEDURE ................................................................................................. 20
5. PART OF SPEECH....................................................................................................... 22
A. Noun ....................................................................................................................22
B. Pronoun ...............................................................................................................22
C. Verb .....................................................................................................................22
D. Adverb .................................................................................................................23

E. Adjective..............................................................................................................23
F. Preposition ..........................................................................................................23
G. Conjunction .........................................................................................................23
H. Exclamation / Interjection .................................................................................24
I. Practice ................................................................................................................24
6. SENTENCES ............................................................................................................... 25


No Bahasan Materi
1 Mampu menerpakan bahasa - Greeting dan Introduction
inggris dalam kesehatan - Questioning
2 Mampu berkomunikasi dalam - Giving Instructions and
memberikan direction dalam Procedure
3 Mampu mahami dan - Part of speechs
menentukan part of speech
4 Mampu membuat dan - Sentences Patterns
menerapkan simple sentence
dalam kalimat

1. Waktu
Waktu pembelajaran berlangsung dalam 8 sesi dalam 1 semester (14
minggu) dengan durasi 150 menit.

2. Metode
1. Ceramah
2. Diskusi dan tanya jawab
3. Grup diskusi
4. Praktikum

3. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Setelah mengikuti kuliah ini Mahasiswa STIKes Hamzar mampu
menggunakan dan menerapkan bahasa inggris dalam pelayanan kesehatan.
1. Mampu menerpakan bahasa inggris dalam kesehatan
2. Mampu berkomunikasi dalam memberikan instruksi dan
menyampaikan prosedur dalam kesehatan
3. Mampu mahami dan menentukan part of speech
4. Mampu membuat dan menerapkan simple sentence dalam kalimat

4. Media
1. LCD
2. Laptop
3. Slide presentasi
4. Lembar aktivitas


Sesi (1) Materi

Langkah (Greeting dan Introduction)

Memperkenalkan dan menyampaikan peraturan yang

1 terdapat pada silabi. Menyampaikan topik yang akan
didiskusikan. Menjelaskan tujuan diskusi.
Melakukan presentsi menggunakan LCD dan Laptop terkait
Greeting dan Introduction
3 Melakukan tanya jawab antar kelompok
Fasilitator memstikan pertanyaa yang belum terjawab
dijawab sesuai dengan informasi yang benar. Pertanyaan
yang belum bisa dijawab pada sesi ini akan dijawab pada sesi
berikutnya sebelum dimulai
5 Berdoa dan menutup kegiatan

Sesi (2) Materi

Langkah (Greeting dan Introduction)

- Memberi salam
- Mengevaluasi hasil presentasi pada sesi sebelumnya
Melanjutkan pembahasan tentang Greeting dan Introduction
yang masih belum selse pada sesi sebelumnya
Membuka sesi tanya jawab.
Moderator menulis pertanyaan
4 Menjawab pertanyaan.
Menyimpulkan hasil pembelajaran materi Greeting dan
6 Berdoa dan menutup kegiatan

Sesi (3) Materi
Langkah (Giving Instruction dan Procedure)

1 - Memberi salam dan membukan kegiatan pada sesi ini

Melakukan presentasi menggunakan LCD dan Laptop materi
Giving Instruction dan Procedure
Membuka sesi tanya jawab.
Moderator menulis pertanyaan
Menjawab pertanyaan. Pertanyaan yang belum bisa dijawab
4 pada sesi ini akan dijawab pada sesi berikutnya sebelum
5 Berdoa dan menutup kegiatan

Sesi (4) Materi

Langkah (Giving Instruction dan Procedure)

1 - Memberi salam
- Mengevaluasi hasil presentasi pada sesi sebelumnya
2 Melanjutkan pembahasan tentang Giving Instruction dan
Procedure yang masih belum selse pada sesi sebelumnya
3 Membuka sesi tanya jawab.
Moderator menulis pertanyaan
4 Menjawab pertanyaan.
5 Menyimpulkan hasil pembelajaran materi Giving Instruction
dan Procedure
6 Berdoa dan menutup kegiatan

Sesi (5) Materi
Langkah (Part of Speech)

1 - Memberi salam dan membukan kegiatan pada sesi ini

Melakukan presentsi menggunakan LCD dan Laptop tentang
jenis Part of Speech
Membuka sesi tanya jawab.
Moderator menulis pertanyaan
Menjawab pertanyaan. Pertanyaan yang belum bisa dijawab
4 pada sesi ini akan dijawab pada sesi berikutnya sebelum
5 Berdoa dan menutup kegiatan

Sesi (6) Materi

Langkah (Part of Speech)

1 - Memberi salam
- Mengevaluasi hasil presentasi pada sesi sebelumnya
2 Melanjutkan pembahasan tentang penggunaan part of Speech
Membuka sesi tanya jawab.
Moderator menulis pertanyaan
4 Menjawab pertanyaan
5 Menyimpulkan hasil pembelajaran
6 Berdoa dan menutup kegiatan

Sesi (7) Materi
Langkah (Simple Sentence dan Sentence Patterns)

1 - Memberi salam dan membukan kegiatan pada sesi ini

Melakukan presentsi menggunakan LCD dan Laptop tentang
Simple Sentence
Membuka sesi tanya jawab.
Moderator menulis pertanyaan
Menjawab pertanyaan. Pertanyaan yang belum bisa dijawab
4 pada sesi ini akan dijawab pada sesi berikutnya dengan
mencari infromasi mendalam
5 Berdoa dan menutup kegiatan

Sesi (8) Materi

Langkah (Simple Sentence dan Sentence Patterns)

1 - Memberi salam
- Mengevaluasi hasil presentasi pada sesi sebelumnya
2 Melanjutkan pembahasan tentang Sentence Patterns
3 Membuka sesi tanya jawab.
Moderator menulis pertanyaan
4 Menjawab pertanyaan
5 Menyimpulkan hasil pembelajaran
6 Berdoa dan menutup kegiatan



A. Introducing yourself (memperkenalkan diri anda)

Hello! Good morning, I am Miss

Lina, to day I am going to be your

new friend here. However, in order

to know each other, I would like to

know your name. Would you like to

tell me about yourself?

Cara berkenalan.

What is your name? My name is ……..

Where are you from? / Where do I am from …/ I come from …..

you come from?

How old are you? I am …. Years old

Which midwifery academy/school I am from.…. Midwifery

are you from? academy/school

What subject do you like? I like ….

Where do you work? I work at ….

Nice to know you/ nice to meet you. Nice to meet you too.

B. Introducing someone (memperkenalkan seseorang)
Please take a look at the example below:

Today I am going to introduce my friend to you, her name is

……., she comes from…., she lives in ……, she is/was student
of……………….. /Midwifery academy/school. She is ……
(Single/married). She works in……
a. Formal situation
it is nice to know you all.

• Let me introduce you to …..

• I’d like to introduce you to ……
• May I introduce you to my new secretary?
b. Informal situation
• Eva, this is Mr. Donald
• Susi, I want you to meet Devi
• Evi, this is Anto, my brother
c. Response
• Hi, Mr. Donald. Nice to see you
• Hello, Devi. I’m Susi
• Hi, Anto. How do you do? Nice to meet you


Here are some expressions you may use when you are asking for information.

• Asking for Name

- What is your name
- What is your complete name
- What is your surname
- May I know your name
- How do I call you?
- How do I address you
• Asking for Age
- How old are you
- When were you born
• Asking for Address
- Where do you live
- What is your address
- Your address, please
• Asking for Phone
- Do you have phone number?
- Your number, please
- Do you have any contact number?
- Can I have you phone number
- May I know your number
- How do I contact you?
- What is your number
• Asking for Occupation
- Where do you work
- What is your job
- What is your occupation
- Your job, please?

- What do you do?
• Asking for Marital Status
- Are you married?
- May I know your marital status?
- Do you have husband/wife?
• Asking for Reason
- What brings you here
- What do you feel?
- Why do you come here?
- What are you suffering for?
- What makes you here?
- Who does take you to this hospital?

1. Asking For Personal Information (menanyakan data/infromasi

a. Asking for personal identity (name, age, date of birth, marriage
status, etc)
- May I know your name?
- Would you like to tell me your name?
- May I know your name/date of birth?
- Do you mind If I know your name/ date of birth/ address/ status?
- Where do you work?
- What is your complete name/address?
- What is your job?

Question Respond

➢ Where is your address? My address is at

➢ Where do you live? I live at / in
➢ Where do you come from? I come from
➢ Where are you from? I am from
➢ Where are you of? I am of
➢ Tell me your address? My address is at
❖ How old are you?
❖ Tell me how old are you?

When were you born?

- I was born in 1991

➢ Where were you born?

- I was born at my small village

I We

He You
Was born Were born
She They

It Samoell

In At

When Where
On In
Please, Speak Up

A : Hehe, Nice to meet you

B : Nice to see you, too
A : How are you?
B : As you see, and you?
A : Not bad, were you born in Lombok island?
B : Yes, I was, I am Lombok
A : When were you born?
B : I was born on Sunday the first of May 1991/ I was born on May, first
A : So, how old are you now?
B : I am 12 years old
A : Nice to know you
B : Thankyou

Mini talk
Answer these questions to complete your data
What is your complete name?
❖ Where are you from? My complete name is .....................
I am from .................. and I am A student.
❖ What are you?
My father’s name is ............... While my
❖ What is your father’s name? mother’s name is ................Yes, I love all my
❖ What is your mother’s name? familiy. Thank you very much.

2. Asking for personal problem/feeling?

- What do you feel know?
- How do you feel?
- What makes you come here?
- How long you feel it?
- Where do you feel?
- When do you feel it?
- In what part do you feel pain?

Perhatikan contoh percakapan berikut ini:

Midwife : Good morning Mrs. Lina. How are you to day?

Mrs. Lina : Good morning midwife. I am not really well, thank you
and you?

Midwife : I am fine. Today, I want to know your personal

information in order to complete your medical report.

Mrs. Lina : ok/ of course.

Midwife : what is your full name?

Mrs. Lina : My name is Lina Rostika.

Midwife : What is your exact address or where is your complete


Mrs. Lina : My complete address is at Hasanuddin Street no 15
Selong, East Lombok.

Midwife : What do you feel so you come here?

Mrs. Lina : I am little bit dizzy midwife.

Midwife : when do you feel dizzy?

Mrs Lina : I feel it since yesterday midwife

Midwife : what is it like?

Mrs. Line : it is like stabbing my head.

Midwife : how often do you feel it?

Mrs. Lina : I feel it sometimes or it is occasional.

Midwife : Do you have another complaint?

Mrs. LIna : No. I do not have midwife.

Midwife : ok. Thank you for your information. I will report it to

your obstetrician. I wish you get better soon.

: see you again Mrs. Lina.

Mrs. Lina : Ok thank you. See you again midwife.

3. Practicing
a. Registering
“Registering Patient”

Here, you will see a short conversation between front officer

and a patient’s family who wants to register his family to hospital.

Front officer : welcome to dr. Sujono Selong Hospital. Can I help

you sir?
Patient Family : Yes, I would like to register my family. He has got
fever since yesterday.
Front officer : Has he ever been seen or visited a doctor here?
Patient family : No, he has not seen doctor here.
Front officer : Ok, before registering, may I know his name?
Patient family : His name is Alfa
Front officer : When he was born?
Patient family : He was born on August 1, 1996
Front officer : where is your address?
Patient family : Pancor-Sakra Street N0. 17
Front officer : Do you have phone? May I know your phone
Patient family : Yes, I do, my number is 081916310646
Front officer : What is your complaint beside a fever/ is there any
Patient family : He has coughed too. I think that is it
Front officer : Ok, Thank you. Please wait while your family is
being examined.
Patient family : Ok, Thank you.

4. Vocabulary
• Allergy : Alergi
• Register : Registrasi/Daftar
• Fever : Demam
• Cough : Batuk
• Examine : Periksa
• Medical Report : Riwayat Kesehatan
• Abortion : Menghilangkan Janin/ Tindakan Untuk
Mengakhiri Kehamilan Dengan Pengeluaran Hasil Konsepsi
Sebelum Janin Dapat Hidup Diluar Kandungan.
• Flu : Flu/Pilek
• Breath : Bernafas
• Enter : Masuk
• Maternal : Keibuan/ Yang Berhubungan Dengan Ibu
• Marital Status : Status Perkawinan
• Abuse : Penyalah Gunaan
• Lay : Berbaring
• Take Off : Membuka
• Wear : Menggunakan/Memakai
• Complaint : Keluhan/Masalah
• Check : Memeriksa
• Take Care : Merawat
• Age : Umur
• Gender : Jenis Kelamin
• Female : Perempuan
• Male : Laki
• Occupation : pekerjaan
• Address : alamat
• Contact : hubungan, koneksi

A. Language Focus
The yes/no question is made from statement. We make the yes/no
question by doing inversion by putting be, have (auxiliary) and
modal in front of the subject. It is made in order to have “yes or no
To be + Subject + Complement Is he smart?
(adjective, noun, adverb)

Auxiliary/modal/do/does/did + Can you stand here?

subject + verb + object/complement Did you take medicine?

To be + not + Subject + Complement Is not he smart?


Auxiliary/modal/do/does/did +not + Cannot you stand here?

subject + verb + object/complement Did not you take medicine?

Statement Questions Responds

- He is smart - Is he smart? - Yes, he is / no, he is not (smart)

- She is beautiful - Is she beautiful? - Yes, she is / No, she is not (beautiful)
- They are playing - Are they playing - Yes, they are / No, they are not
football football? (playing football)
- She can drive a - Can she drive a - Yes, she can / no, she cannot (drive a
bus bus? bus)
- We turn left here - Do we turn left - Yes, we do / no, we do not (turn left
- He works well here? here)
- They arrived - Does he work - Yes, he does / no, he does not (work
late well? well)
- Did they arrive - Yes, they did / no, they did not
(arrive late)

The yes/no question can be made from two types of sentences; they
are nominal sentence and verbal sentence.

Nominal sentences:
It is sentence that uses to be to connect the Subject and Subject
Complements (Adjective, Noun, Adverb)
- Formula

+ SUBJECT + TO BE + ANA (Adjective, Noun, Adverb)
- SUBJECT + TO BE + NOT+ ANA (Adjective, Noun, Adverb)
? TO BE +SUBJECT+ ANA (Adjective, Noun, Adverb)

1. Positive sentences:
a. i am a nurse
b. we are midwifes
c. they are patients
d. she is fine
2. Negative sentences:
a. he is not fine
b. they are not doctors
c. we are not happy
d. you are not sick

3. Question sentences:
a. is he fine
b. are they health
c. is it healthy
d. are you in good condition

It is question initiated with WH-questions and the answer is more
informative and clearer. In other words, it is used to ask
information more detail rather than in the yes/ no questions.

What Apa
Who Siapa (subject)
Whom Siap (object)
Where Dimana
When Kapan
Why Kenapa
How Bagaimana

a) What
▪ To ask whole sentence or activity/action
- What do you do?
- What do you feel?
- What makes you here?
▪ To ask object/complement/adverb
- What do you read?
- What is your name?
- What is it?
b) Who
▪ To ask subject/complement
- Who are you?
- Who did write this prescription?
c) Whom
▪ To ask object
- Whom do you meet?
- Whom did you call?

d) Where
▪ To ask place
- Where do you live?
- Where is it from?
e) When
▪ To ask time
- When did you take your medicine?
- When do you come back?
- When did she get suffer?
f) Why
▪ To ask reason
- Why do you come here?
- Why did you do?
g) How
▪ To ask reason/manner/quantity/number/introduction
- How do you feel?
- How are you?
- How did you pass the examination?
- How much money do you have?
- How many people are here today?

A. Medical report
Beberapa pertanyaan yang sering digunakan dalam keseharian
a). Pertanyaan untuk mengetahui kondisi pasien misalnya sebagai
berikut !

1. What’s your problem?

2. How are you feeling today?
3. What makes you call me?
4. What’s your chief complaint?
5. What’s troubling you?
6. What’s the matter with you?
7. What’s wrong with you?
8. What seems to be bothering you?
9. Doctor “what are the symptoms? / What is she complaining about?

Data Cara Bertanya
1. Name What is your name?
2. Age When were you born? / Your date of birth
3. Nationality & Race please.
4. Address & telephone What is your nationality? What is your
5. Religion race?
6. Marital status What is your address and telephone
7. Occupation number?
Chief complaint / keluhan utama What is your religion?
History of present illnes relates to Are you married?
the chief complaint or problem What is your occupational?
1. Date and time onset What’s your problem? / what’s your chief
2. Specific location Complaint?
3. Type of pain or discomfort When did the complaint start?
Menstrual history Where is the location? Or show me where
1. Age at menarche the
2. Duration Location is?
3. Last menstrual period, How does the pain feel or what is the pain
duration and amount like?
Dysmenorrhoea When did you get the first time period?
Obstetric history How many days usually it happened?
1. Gravida/ Para When did you have your last menstrual
2. Each pregnancy period?
a. Date of termination:
b. Weeks’ gestation:
c. Place of delivery
d. Any problem during
pregnancy, labour and
postpartum period?
e. Weight of baby birth;
f. Sex of baby:
g. Any complication h. Status of
infant at birth:
i. Present status of infant:
Contraceptive history
Present contraceptive method
a. Type
b. Side effect
c. Length of time using this


a. I teach Medical students

b. He works in hosptial as aIsnurse
there any problem during period like
c. Midwife is helping a pregnancy women or
Dysmenorrhoea to premenstrual
give birth
4. Dysmenorrhoea
d. she is checking her patient’s temprature
Obstetric history
e. she has been living here for 2 many
How yearschildren do you have? How
1. Gravida/ Para
many times
2. Each pregnancy
do you experience of pregnancy?
a. Date of termination:
When was your previous baby born?
b. Weeks’ gestation:
How many weeks was your previous
c. Place of delivery
d. Any problem during
Where were you delivered your previous
pregnancy, labour and
Postpartum period?
Did you have any problem for your
e. Weight of baby birth;
f. Sex of baby:
Pregnancy, labour and postpartum period?
g. Any complication h. Status of
How many kilos was your previous baby
infant at birth:
i. Present status of infant:
Is it a boy or a girl?
Contraceptive history
Were there any complications for your
Present contraceptive method
a. Type
baby born?
b. Side effect
How is your child now?
c. Length of time using this
What type of contraceptive did you use
Are there any side effects?
How long did you use this method of



b. Mediacl report
“Filling medical report”
Midwife : Good Morning Mrs Maria. I need to fill a medical report about
your health status
Patient : Sure
Medis : Your complete name, please?
Patient : Devi Maria
Medis : What is your complete address?
Patient : Ir Sukarno, 38 . Selong
Medis : What do you feel?
Patient : I have a backache.
Medis : is it the pain?
Patient : yes it is
Medis : could you point at the pain?
Patient : It’s around here (pointing at the lower back)
Medis : Did you take any medicine for your pain?
Patient : No,I didn’t
Medis : Do you know the cause of pain?
Patient : I don’t know
Medis : What’s the pain like? / what is it like?
Patient : It’s sharp
Medis : How often do you feel the pain?
Patient : It’s occasional.
Medis : Well, thank you Mrs Maria for your information. I will report
this to your obstetrician


It is used to give direction or instruction to be clearly undertood by the

audience (patient) to follow.

- Please, sit down
- It is better to sit down sir/madam
- You must be fasting before we do the surgery
- Please come back after you get the results
- the maternitiy room is on the right side after you meet the T junction

Useful verbs for instructions:

- Firstly, turn off the electricity.
- Secondly, remove the light bulb.
- Then, screw in the new light bulb.
- Finally, turn the electricity on and switch on the light.
- Turn on / switch on = activate power or electricity: “First, turn on
the PC.”
- Turn off / switch off = deactivate power or electricity: “Turn off the
lights when you leave.”
- Take off / remove = detach something from another thing: “Remove
the plastic before you put the meal in the microwave.”
- Take out = take one thing out from another thing: “Take the
television out of the box.”
- Attach / connect = put two things together: “Connect the wires.”
- Check / make sure = be sure about something: “Check that the light
is on.”
- Proceed / continue: “Continue to stir until the mixture is thick.”
- Plug in = connect to the electricity: “Plug the modem in.”
- Put back / replace: “Replace the cover after changing the battery.”

However, we can make our instruction more polite by adding “Please” before
or after instruction


Procedure text is to tell the reader how to do or make something through a sequence
of actions or steps.”

General Features:
▪ Menggunakan Simple Present Tense.
▪ Menggunakan imperative sentence yang merupakan bentuk kalimat yang
biasanya digunakan untuk memberi perintah. Contohnya don’t mix, turn on,
cut into slices dan lain sebagainya.
▪ Menggunakan connective of sequence (then, while, next, dan lain
▪ Menggunakan numbering (first, second, third, dan lain sebagainya).
▪ Menggunakan action verb. Contohnya, turn, plug, put, dan lain sebagainya).
▪ Menggunakan adverb. Contohnya: slowly, carefully, dan lain sebagainya.


“Step-by-Step Blood Pressure Check”

The following steps provide an overview of how to take your blood pressure check.
1. Locate your pulse by lightly pressing your index and middle fingers slightly
to the inside center of the bend of your elbow.
2. Slide the cuff onto your arm, making sure that the stethoscope head is over
the artery and Place the stethoscope in your ears. Tilt the ear pieces slightly
forward to get the best sound.
3. Inflate and deflate the cuff
4. Hold the pressure gauge in your left hand and the bulb in your right.
5. Close the airflow valve on the bulb by turning the screw clockwise.
6. Inflate the cuff by squeezing the bulb with your right hand. You may hear
your pulse in the stethoscope.
7. Watch the gauge. Keep inflating the cuff until the gauge reads about 30
points (mm Hg) above your expected systolic pressure. At this point, you
should not hear your pulse in the stethoscope.
8. Keeping your eyes on the gauge, slowly release the pressure in the cuff by
opening the airflow valve counterclockwise. The gauge should fall only 2 to 3
points with each heartbeat. (You may need to practice turning the valve
9. Listen carefully for the first pulse beat. As soon as you hear it, note the
reading on the gauge. This reading is your systolic pressure (the force of the
blood against the artery walls as your heart beats).
10. Continue to slowly deflate the cuff.

11. Listen carefully until the sound disappears. As soon as you can no longer
hear your pulse, note the reading on the gauge. This reading is your diastolic
pressure (the blood pressure between heartbeats).
12. Allow the cuff to completely deflate.


Parts of speech atau disebut juga jenis kata adalah bagian-bagian kata
atau kategori kata yang digunakan untuk membentuk suatu kalimat dalam
bahasa inggris. Bagian-bagian ini merupakan elemen dalam membuat sebuah
kalimat. ada beberapa part of speech diantaranya nouns, pronouns, verbs,
adverbs, adjectives, prepositions, conjunctions, dan interjections.

A. Noun
A Noun is a name of a person, animal, place or thing (nama orang, binatang
atau sesuatu)

Contoh: a midwifery student, nurse, patient, doctor, book.

a. I am a student
b. He eats an Apple
c. She checks her patients

B. Pronoun
A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun (kata ganti yang
digunakan untuk menunjukan orang atau benda)

contoh: she, he, it, they, you, we, I

a. They are students of STIKes Hamzar

b. He eats an Apple
c. She checks her patients

C. Verb
A verb may be said to be a”doing word” or an action word (kata kerja). Verb
merupakan kata kerja atau aksi dari si pelaku atau Subjek kalimat. kata ini
menunjukan aktifitas atau kegiatan yang dilakukan. selain itu kata ini juga
berfungsi untuk menghubungkan antara Subjek dan Komplemen

contoh ; pass, is, check, drink, examine, take, buy, bring, got, done, was, did,
had etc

a. They are students of STIKes Hamzar

b. He eats an Apple
c. She checks her patients

D. Adverb
An adverb generally modifies a verb (kata keterangan yang memberikan
kejelasan terhadap kata kerja)
Contoh: poorly, here, there, sadly, very well, at night, at school, in class, etc
a. The patient is being checked in doctor’s room
b. Nurse works in hospital
c. She is here
d. I get the pain badly

E. Adjective
An adjective describes a noun (kata sifat adalah kata yang digunakan untuk
menambahkan arti pada kata benda atau kata yang menerangkan kata

Contoh: hardworking, sick, ill, sad, bad, beautiful.

a. He is sick
b. The view of the scenery is beautiful
c. They are good foods
d. she was sad when she knew that news

F. Preposition
A preposition is a word that takes the place of a noun (kata yang ditempatkan
sebelum kata benda). kata ini berfungsi sebagai awalan.

contoh : to, in, on, at, before etc

a. i am in class now
b. She types her report on her computer
c. Please, lay down on the bed
d. please step on that weight meter

G. Conjunction
A conjunction is a word used to join words and clauses (kata penghubung
berfungsi untuk menghubungkan dua kalimat atau lebih menjadi satu)

contoh: so, and, for, because, yet, although, so that, or, and, but etc

a. I like grape but he likes mango

b. I and my friend go to campus together
c. she can not go to school because she is sick
d. you have to study hard now or you will fail the exam

H. Exclamation / Interjection
An exclamation or interjection expresses sudden emotion (kata seru adalah
kata yang digunakan untuk mengungkapkan suatu perasaan yang kuat
seperti kekaguman, rasa sakit, atau kegembiraan)

contoh : Good Luck Ratna, Ouch!, No! etc

I. Practice
Bacalah paragraph di bawah ini kemudian identifikasi bagian dari part of
speech pada masing-masing kata yang menyusun kalimat tersebut.


Physiotherapists in Britain claimed that baby walkers could be harmful for

babies. Baby walkers are said to be responsible for injuring 4.000 children a
year in Britain. Hence, these physiotherapists called for a ban on baby
walkers. They also claimed that baby walkers disrupt the ability of children
to develop walking and visual skills and prevent them from exploring their
surroundings. Meanwhile, physiotherapists in the US found that children who
have used baby walkers take a longer time to sit upright, crawl and walk. The
findings also indicated that babies, who had been in walkers, did not perform
well in mental tests.


A. Simple sentence

A sentence is a group of words that convey meaning of tought to

communicate. in other words, it brings meaning to the audience.

a sentence minimaly consists of Subject and Predicate.

a. Subject is the doer of the action. It is the words that show names
of the person, thing, or place.
b. Predicate is the action or statement about the subject. it
expresses or shows the state of being. It may use verb or its
modifiers or complement in a sentence.
c. Predicate is also have other “term” a complement. It is a word or
words that complete the meaning of verb.

a sentence may have various patterns. It depends on the tenses it



- I write a letter (Present Tense)

- He checks his patients (Present Tense)
- i will go to campus (Future Tense)
- she has finished her task (Present perfect Tense)

Basically, a sentence can be arranged into two types of sentences

Nominal sentence and verbal sentence. These two sentences have
different formula.


Nominal sentence is a sentence that is mainly arranged by adding To BE

as its main predicate. It has no verb in its sentence. The main predicate
is To Be.


Complements may have such: a Noun, An Adjective, or An adverb

For example:

a. I am a student (S+To be+ Noun)

b. He is a nurse (S+To be+ Noun)
c. His patiens is health (S+To be+ Adjective)
d. she is being happy (S+To be+ Adjective)
e. she has been here (S+To be+ Adverb)


Verbal sentence is a sentence that is mainly arranged with Verb as its

main predicate. It has verb in its sentence. Verbal Sentence may have
full pattern such as: S + V + O/Complement.


For example:

a. I teach Medical students

b. He works in hosptial as a nurse
c. Midwife is helping a pregnancy women to give birth
d. she is checking her patient’s temprature
e. she has been living here for 2 years


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