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PLN (Persero) UIP V














GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Final Bab V.3 - i

Bab IV- 1. Ketentuan Umum Pekerjaan



1. KEWAJIBAN PENYEDIA BARANG/JASA ...........................................................................1

2. LINGKUP PEKERJAAN.........................................................................................................1
3. KONDISI LAPANGAN............................................................................................................3
4. JALAN MASUK DAN PEMELIHARAAN JALAN UMUM YANG ADA............................... .4
5. PEKERJAAN-PEKERJAAN SEMENTARA (TEMPORARY WORKS) ...............................4
6. RENCANA PELAKSANAAN PEKERJAAN ..........................................................................5
7. PENENTUAN VOLUME UNTUK PEMBAYARAN ................................................................8
8. INSPEKSI PEKERJAAN ........................................................................................................9
9. PENGAWASAN MUTU PEKERJAAN ...................................................................................9
BARANG/JASA ......................................................................................................................9
11. GAMBAR KONTRAK ...........................................................................................................10
13. RANCANG BANGUN ...........................................................................................................11
14. TENAGA LISTRIK UNTUK PELAKSANAAN PEKERJAAN ..............................................12
15. F A S I L I T A S - F A S I L I T A S S E M E N T A R A ...................................................................12
16. DATA UNTUK SETTING OUT PEKERJAAN ......................................................................12
17. STANDAR YANG DIGUNAKAN ..........................................................................................13
18. PELAPORAN ........... ...........................................................................................................14
19. IJIN-IJIN ...............................................................................................................................14
LINGKUNGAN ......................................................................................................................14
21. KEAMANAN ........................................................................................................................14
22. KESELAMATAN KERJA DAN PERBURUHAN..................................................................14
23. KERAHASIAAN DATA-DATA .............................................................................................14

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV-1, KUP - i

Bab IV- 1. Ketentuan Umum Pekerjaan



Penyedia Barang/Jasa yang dalam hal ini disebut juga Penyedia Barang/Jasa wajib
mentaati peraturan-peraturan, petunjuk-petunjuk dan perintah-perintah Pengguna
Barang/Jasa yang dalam hal ini disebut juga Pemberi Tugas atau Direksi Pekerjaan dan
selalu mengikuti peraturan-peraturan dalam uraian syarat-syarat kerja beserta gambar-
gambar rencana. Persoalan yang timbul disebabkan perbedaan antara uraian
syarat-syarat kerja dan gambar-gambar rencana harus segera dilaporkan/dibahas
dengan Pemberi Tugas/Direksi Pekerjaan.


Lingkup pekerjaan proyek ini adalah Pekerjaan Pembangunan GI 150 kV Rajapaksi yang

2.1. Pekerjaan desain, pabrikasi, pengujian, packing for export, asuransi, pengiriman ke lokasi
proyek, setting out, pekerjaan sipil (pondasi,gedung kontrol dan 20 kV, steel structure,
tower, cable duct dll), pengadaan dan pemasangan peralatan elektromekanik di
switchyard dan gedung kontrol, pengujian dan commissioning, jaminan kualitas
(guarantee) selama minimal 12 (dua belas) bulan sejak dioperasikan, serta jaminan masa
pemeliharaan selama 6 (enam) bulan.

2.2. Pekerjaan di Switchyard 150 kV

a). Pekerjaan dengan skema double busbar Back to Back untuk 8 bay sesuai
dengan gambar-gambar, spesifikasi teknis, technical particular guarantee dan
BOQ (Bill Of Quantity) dan standar PLN atau standar internasional yang
b). Pekerjaan pembangunan rangka baja (steel structure), serandang (gantry),
insulator set, klem konektor (hv connector), lighting dan pemasangan busbar
konduktor (2 x TAL 850 mm2), fly bus dan dropper 1 x TAL 660 mm2.
c). Pengadaan dan pemasangan 4 line bay (sebagian material disuplay PLN)
lengkap dengan peralatannya ( 2 LB arah Cikarang dan 2 LB Gandamekar).
d). Pengadaan dan pemasangan 2 (dua) Konsumen Bay lengkap dengan
peralatannya (sebagian material disuplay PLN).
e). Pengadaan dan pemasangan 1 (satu) kopel bay lengkap dengan peralatannya
(sebagian material disuplay PLN).
f). Pengadaan dan pemasangan 1 (satu) trafo bay lengkap dengan peralatannya
(sebagian material disuplay PLN).
g). Pengadaan dan pemasangan 8 (delapan) Marshalling Kiosk (material disuplay
h). Pengadaan dan pemasangan sistem pentanahan gardu induk (grounding
mesh) dan seluruh koneksinya.

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV-1, KUP - 1

Bab IV- 1. Ketentuan Umum Pekerjaan

2.3. Pekerjaan dalam Gedung Kontrol

a). Pengadaan dan pemasangan panel kontrol dan proteksi 150 kV untuk 4 Bay
Line .
b). Pengadaan dan pemasangan panel kontrol dan proteksi 150 kV untuk Bus
c). Pengadaan dan pemasangan panel kontrol dan proteksi 150 kV untuk 2
Konsumen Bay.
d). Pengadaan dan pemasangan panel kontrol dan proteksi 150 kV untuk 1 Trafo
e). Pengadaan dan pemasangan panel kontrol dan proteksi 20 kV.
f). Pengadaan dan pemasangan 1 panel Fiber Optic Terminal / FOT (bila dalam
kontrak Transmisi tidak termasuk).
g). Pengadaan dan pemasangan SOGI.
h). Pengadaan dan pemasangan Telekomunikasi. (Link Cikarang – Rajapaksi dan
Gandamekar - Rajapaksi).

2.4. Kabel Kontrol dan Kabel Power Tegangan Rendah

Pengadaan dan pemasangan semua Kabel Kontrol dan Kabel Power Tegangan
Menengah dan Rendah sesuai dengan lingkup proyek.

2.5. Pekerjaan Sipil meliputi :

a). Pekerjaan pematangan lahan dan dinding penahan tanah.

b). Pembangunan Gedung Kontrol 150 kV dan 20 kV.
c). Pengadaan pondasi peralatan 150 kV untuk 8 bay ( 4 Line Bay, 2 Konsumen
Bay dan 1 Copler Bay, dan 1 Trafo Bay).
d). Pengadaan pagar tembok batas lahan gardu induk dan pagar BRC switchyard
150 kV.
e). Pengadaan jalan masuk, jalan keliling, dan saluran air lingkungan GI.
f). Pengadaan pos keamanan.
g). Pengadaan Saluran Kabel Trench dan bak kontrol.
h). Pengadaan Hamparan Koral dan kanstin.
i). Pengadaan dan pemasangan penerangan lampu jalan dan switchyard.
j). Semua pekerjaan sipil terkait dengan lingkup proyek.

2.6. Rincian pekerjaan elektromekanik, sipil dan SOGI sesuai dengan Daftar Kuantitas dan
Harga (BOQ).

2.7. Melaksanakan pekerjaan-pekerjaan lain yang belum termasuk rincian diatas, akan tetapi
merupakan rangkaian pekerjaan untuk mencapai penyerahan pekerjaan Iengkap dan

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV-1, KUP - 2

Bab IV- 1. Ketentuan Umum Pekerjaan

Semua pekerjaan harus dilaksanakan sesuai ketentuan dan hasilnya harus sesuai
dengan spesifikasi, gambar rencana dan bill of quantities yang sudah ditentukan.

Penyedia Barang/Jasa diwajibkan menjaga hubungan kerja sama dengan pihak lain yang akan
turut berpartisipasi dalam proyek ini demi suksesnya proyek dan segala sesuatu yang
menimbulkan kerugian pihak lain menjadi tanggung jawab Penyedia Barang/Jasa


3.1. Iklim
a. Terletak di daerah khatulistiwa dengan ketinggian antara 0 - 1000 meter diatas
permukaan laut.
b. Temperatur :
- ekstrim : 20 s/d 40 °C
- normal : 25 s/d 35 °C
- rata-rata tahunan : 30 °C
- rata-rata harian : < 35 °C
- dalam ruangan : < 40 °C
c. Curah hujan tahunan : < 2300 mm
d. Kelembaban : 70 s/d 100%
e. Kecepatan angin : maks. 31 m/detik
f. Tingkat isokeranik rata-rata : 100 hari/tahun
(Avarage isoceraunic level)

Informasi tersebut diatas hanya sebagai pedoman, sedangkan untuk keperluan

perencanaan akan disebutkan dalam spesifikasi teknik.

3.2. Kondisi Seismik

Sesuai Peraturan Muatan Indonesia 1970, maka simulasi seismic dilakukan dengan
cara gaya horizontal sebesar 1/10 gaya vertical dikenakan terhadap pusat gravitasi
dari struktur.

Gaya statis yang diperlukan untuk membuat perhitungan adalah dengan

menggunakan nilai H = 0,12 V untuk menaikkan faktor keamanan.

Peralatan harus mampu menahan akibat static seismic acceleration 0.3 g pada
frekuensi dari 0.2 - 20 Hz tanpa kerusakan.

3.3. Kondisi Khusus

Semua peralatan yang disuplai dalam kontrak ini akan dipasang pada lokasi
tersebut diatas harus mampu beroperasi secara sempurna. Hal khusus harus
diperhatikan untuk kondisi lingkungan yang kelembabannya tinggi, dan banyaknya
serangga dan lumut (insects and vermin).
Pelaksanaan pekerjaan dilakukan dilingkungan sekitar instalasi eksisting dalam
keadaan beroperasi/bertegangan.

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV-1, KUP - 3

Bab IV- 1. Ketentuan Umum Pekerjaan


Penyedia Barang/Jasa berkewajiban membuat dan memelihara jalan masuk (access

road) menuju ke areal kerja. Biaya dalam rangka pembuatan jalan masuk dari tempat
penumpukan material serta tempat kerja menjadi tanggungjawab Penyedia Barang/Jasa.
Semua biaya untuk pekerjaan ini harus sudah termasuk dalam harga kontrak.
Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus sepenuhnya bertanggung jawab atas pemeliharaan dan
perbaikan jalan umum baik milik pemerintah maupun milik masyarakat yang digunakan,
khusus bagi keperluan pelaksanaan pekerjaan dalam kontrak ini atas biaya Penyedia
Barang/Jasa sendiri.

Dalam menggunakan jalan umum sebagai jalan kerja, Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus
mempertimbangkan dengan teliti segala aspek yang mungkin timbul. Sebelum
mengangkut peralatan beratnya yang akan melintasi jalan umum, jembatan-jembatan,
Penyedia Barang/Jasa diharuskan meminta dan mengurus izin dari instansi yang
berwenang dan semua biaya yang timbul menjadi tanggung jawab Penyedia

Bila Penyedia Barang/Jasa telah mendapat izin untuk menggunakan jalan yang sudah
ada, dimana jalan tadi diluar wewenang pemerintah pusat maupun pemerintah daerah,
maka Penyedia Barang/Jasa atas biaya sendiri wajib :

4.1. Merundingkan dan membayar pungutan biaya kepada pihak yang bertanggung
jawab atas pemeliharaan jalan tadi, untuk mengganti kerusakan-kerusakan yang
mungkin timbul pada jalan tadi selama pelaksanaan pekerjaan pembangunan
proyek ini.

4.2. Memelihara jalan tersebut selama pelaksanaan proyek sehingga kondisinya

minimal tetap sesuai standard yang ada sebelum mulainya proyek.

4.3. Dalam memelihara jalan tersebut diatas Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus:

a. Menjaga kelancaran dan kondisi tetap baik dari semua bagian jalan, seperti
pengerasan, jembatan, gorong-gorong dan sungai atau saluran irigasi.

b. Menutup lubang-lubang pada pengerasan jalan akibat pekerjaan proyek

dengan material yang disetujui, agar menjaga permukaan jalan tetap baik.

c. Memelihara semua kelengkapan rambu jalan, patok-patok pagar, kerb/

kansteen dan lain kelengkapan jalan yang ada.

d. Menjaga agar permukaan jalan dan bahu tetap bebas dari batu-batu, pohon
tumbang, bahan-bahan, tumpukan daun, sampah, bekas-bekas galian, bekas
pembersihan saluran drainage dan lainnya.

e. Menjaga agar kemiringan-kemiringan galian dan urugan cukup aman terhadap

bahaya longsor dan bahaya lainnya.

Semua pekerjaan perbaikan dan modifikasi pada jalan umum yang dilakukan Penyedia
Barang/Jasa sepenuhnya menjadi tanggung jawab Penyedia Barang/Jasa baik resiko
maupun biayanya.

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV-1, KUP - 4

Bab IV- 1. Ketentuan Umum Pekerjaan


Membangun, mengadakan, menggunakan dan meliputi serta membongkar yang disebut

dibawah ini, namun tidak terbatas, walaupun hal-hal yang tersebut disini selama
diperlukan bagi jalannya pekerjaan tetap harus diadakan.

5.1. Jalan kerja

5.2. Bangunan-bangunan yang diperlukan Penyedia Barang/Jasa seperti untuk kantor

lapangan, ruang direksi lapangan, bedeng pekerja, gudang, bengkel kerja,
laboratorium dan lain-lain.

5.3. Plant untuk pemecah aggregate, semua fasilitas untuk penyimpanan semen dan
aggregate, kesemua peralatan termasuk batching plant (bila diperlukan).

5.4. Generator listrik (genset) dan jaringannya untuk keperluan pelaksanaan pekerjaan.

5.5. Sistem telekomunikasi untuk keperluan pelaksanaan, baik untuk keperluan Direksi
maupun Penyedia Barang/Jasa sendiri.

5.6. Semua pemenuhan kebutuhan air untuk kerja dan untuk orang-orang yang bekerja
pada pekerjaan ini.

5.7. Papan nama proyek dan rambu-rambu.

5.8. Foto Copy dari dokumen-dokumen yang merupakan Arsip Lapangan harus selalu
ada di ruang/kantor Direksi Lapangan untuk sewaktu-waktu dapat dipergunakan.

Semua biaya untuk pekerjaan ini harus sudah termasuk dalam harga kontrak.


6.1. Metodologi:

a. Peserta Pengadaan harus menyertakan dalam penawarannya detail dari cara-

cara bagaimana Penyedia Barang/Jasa akan menyelesaikan setiap aspek
proyek yang meliputi survai, desain, pembongkaran, pengadaan, tes pabrik,
transportasi, pemasangan/instalasi, site test, commissioning, pelaporan dan
serah terima. Semua pekerjaan dilakukan pada kondisi peralatan eksisting
dalam keadaan beroperasi/bertegangan.

b. Kontraktor bertanggung jawab terhadap keamanan semua aspek dalam

melaksanakan pekerjaan dilapangan dan harus yakin bahwa setiap tindakan
pencegahan yang diambil adalah untuk menghindari terjadinya kecelakaan
pada pekerja maupun kerusakan/gangguan pada instalasi eksisting.

c. Dalam hal terjadinya kecelakan kontraktor harus memberitahu ke PT PLN UNIT

INDUK PEMBANGUNAN (UIP V) dan instansi terkait dan membuat laporan
tertulis tentang kecelakaan tersebut dalam waktu paling lambat 2 (dua) hari.

d. Bila diperlukaan pemadaman untuk tujuan pemasangan instalasi maupun

pembongkaran, maka paling lambat 7 (tujuh) hari sebelum pelaksanaan, surat
pemberitahuan yang dilengkapi dengan prosedur yang menyakini bahwa

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV-1, KUP - 5

Bab IV- 1. Ketentuan Umum Pekerjaan

pelaksanaan pekerjaan aman untuk semua orang dan instansi harus deterima
oleh PT PLN UIP V.

e. Peserta Pengadaan harus menyertakan dalam penawarannya CV (Curriculum

Vitae), Riwayat Pekerjaan dari staff-staff utama yang diusulkan untuk
menangani pelaksanaan proyek beserta job description-nya. Dalam CV harus
dicantumkan bidang pengalaman yang relevan dengan posisi, fungsi dan
kedudukan yang diusulkan.

f. Peserta Pengadaan harus menyertakan dalam penawarannya usulan jadual

pelaksanaan proyek dalam bentuk tabel dan diagram batang dari program
kerjanya secara jelas yang memperlihatkan tanggal mulai dan akhir dari
masing-masing kegiatan survai, desain, suplai, testing, transportasi, instalasi,
commissioning dan penerbitan Berita Acara Serah Terima Pekerjaan Selesai

g. Selambat-lambatnya 7 (tujuh) hari sejak menerima Surat Keputusan Penetapan

Pemenang, Penyedia Barang/Jasa diwajibkan menyerahkan kepada Pengguna
Barang/Jasa atau Direksi Pekerjaan time schedule pelaksanaan pekerjaan
untuk keseluruhan pekerjaan dan juga temporary works yang harus dikerjakan
sesuai kontrak.

h. Time schedule tersebut diatas, harus didiskusikan antara Penyedia

Barang/Jasa dengan Pengguna Barang/Jasa. Dari hasil diskusi tersebut time
schedule dapat diperbaiki untuk kemudian dapat diberikan persetujuan oleh
Pengguna Barang/Jasa.

i. Time schedule yang sudah direvisi ini harus ditanda tangani oleh Penyedia
Barang/Jasa dan Pengguna Barang/Jasa, untuk selanjutnya menjadi pedoman
dalam proses pelaksanaan pekerjaan dan menjadi bagian dari Dokumen

j. Time schedule tersebut selama proses jalannya proyek harus selalu di perbarui
oleh Penyedia Barang/Jasa setiap bulan atau bila diminta oleh Pengguna

k. Time schedule yang di perbarui dan disetujui kedua belah pihak harus menjadi
bagian dari Dokumen Kontrak.

l. Dalam melaksanakan pekerjaan yang sesuai dengan time schedule yang telah
disetujui bersama tersebut, Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus bekerja sama dengan
Pengguna Barang/Jasa dan Penyedia Barang/Jasa lain dilapangan, agar
dicapai penyelesaian pekerjaan dilapangan secara keseluruhan dengan baik.

m. Pengguna Barang/Jasa akan mengkoordinasikan semua time schedule

Penyedia Barang/Jasa - Penyedia Barang/Jasa. Dalam hal ada pertentangan,
maka penyelesaiannya akan ditentukan Pengguna Barang/Jasa atau Direksi
Pekerjaan setelah mendengar usulan dari semua pihak yang menyangkut
kebutuhan tiap pihak untuk menyusun detail time schedule yang akurat dengan
memperhatikan ruang kerja dan fasilitas yang diperlukan.

n. Bila dalam pelaksanaan pekerjaan ternyata Penyedia Barang/Jasa tidak dapat

mencapai kemajuan pekerjaan sebagaimana yang tertera dalam time schedule

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV-1, KUP - 6

Bab IV- 1. Ketentuan Umum Pekerjaan

yang telah disetujui, Pengguna Barang/Jasa berhak untuk meminta Penyedia

Barang/Jasa untuk menambah tenaga kerja ataupun peralatan untuk
memungkinkan dicapainya target yang telah disetujui dari waktu ke waktu.

o. Dalam hal ini Penyedia Barang/Jasa tidak diperkenankan mengajukan claim,

terkecuali bila kelambatan yang terjadi untuk masa penambahan alat atau
tenaga kerja tersebut diperlukan adalah diakibatkan hal-hal yang diluar
kekuasaan Penyedia Barang/Jasa, sebagaimana ditentukan dalam Kontrak.

p. Penyedia Barang/Jasa tidak dapat mengajukan claim waktu, yang diakibatkan

kondisi cuaca yang tidak memungkinkan bekerja, oleh karenanya Penyedia
Barang/Jasa harus memperhatikan kondisi yang ada, bahwa keseluruhan
lapangan proyek mendapat gangguan hujan yang cukup berat, terutama pada
musim hujan.

q. Karena hal ini, Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus sudah memperhitungkan hal ini
kedalam time schedule yang dibuatnya.

r. Waktu penyelesaian keseluruhan pekerjaan dengan hasil baik dan memuaskan

tidak boleh melebihi 365 (Tiga ratus enam puluh lima) hari kalender terhitung
sejak tanggal kontrak pelaksanaan ditandatangani.

6.2. Transportasi ke site

Seluruh biaya yang berkaitan dengan import dan transportasi ke site termasuk
biaya keamanan dan asuransi dari seluruh unit yang akan dipasang beserta semua
peralatan yang diperlukan merupakan tanggungjawab Penyedia Barang/Jasa.

6.3. Sarana di lapangan

Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus menyediakan kantor maupun akomodasi bagi stafnya

yang diperlukan selama pembangunan. Biaya untuk keperluan ini harus termasuk
dalam harga kontrak.

Pengguna Barang/Jasa tidak menyediakan peralatan ataupun fasilitas

pengangkatan barang, tempat/transportasi pekerja Penyedia Barang/Jasa.

Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus menyediakan semua sarana konstruksi yang

diperlukan lengkap dengan peralatan dan bagian-bagiannya. Peralatan harus selalu
dalam keadaan baik, dengan jumlah yang cukup sehingga pelaksanaan pekerjaan
efisien dan efektif.

Selama pelaksanaan proyek Pengguna Barang/Jasa tidak menyediakan tempat

penyimpanan peralatan dan material Penyedia Barang/Jasa. Keamanan dan
keselamatan peralatan tersebut merupakan tanggungjawab Penyedia Barang/Jasa.

Apabila diperlukan Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus menyediakan sendiri semua

tenaga listrik yang dibutuhkan bagi pelaksanaan pekerjaan dan semua fasilitas
kerja atas biaya sendiri. Biaya bagi keperluan tersebut sudah termasuk dalam
harga kontrak.

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV-1, KUP - 7

Bab IV- 1. Ketentuan Umum Pekerjaan

Untuk mendukung kelancaran jalannya pekerjaan Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus

menyediakan peralatan komunikasi yang biaya sepenuhnya menjadi beban
Penyedia Barang/Jasa.

6.4. Lay-out plant dan ruang Instalasi

Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus menyerahkan contoh lay-out dari instalasi, peralatan

pada ruang dimana peralatan tersebut akan dipasang.
Pada tahap pengadaan, Peserta Pengadaan harus telah memastikan bahwa
peralatan yang akan ditawarkan akan dapat dipasang pada bangunan dan ruang
yang telah disediakan.

6.5. Penandaan pengepakan untuk transportasi

Pengiriman barang harus dilakukan secara baik dan aman untuk menghindarkan
terjadinya kehilangan dan kerusakan dalam transportasi maupun dalam
penyimpanan. Barang yang mempunyai berat bruto lebih dari 2000 kg harus
diberikan tanda untuk menujukkan tempat penempatan sling.
Peralatan listrik dan elektronik harus dibungkus, di-sealed dengan rapat dan diberi
desiccating agent (Silica Gel) yang cukup untuk menghindarkan kerusakan sebagai
akibat dari terjadinya kondensasi selama transportasi maupun penyimpanan.

Semua peralatan harus dipack dan diproteksi dengan memperhatikan bahwa

barang tersebut akan dikapalkan ke daerah tropis dan adanya kemungkinan
lamanya perbedaan antara waktu kedatangan dengan waktu pemasangan.

Apabila diperlukan pembungkusan anti–static harus digunakan, semua material

yang digunakan dalam packaging harus memenuhi regulasi yang sesuai.

Perlindungan yang memadai harus diberikan untuk mencegah kerusakan yang

disebabkan oleh rayap dan serangga perusak lain termasuk larvanya dan
tumbuhan yang dapat tumbuh.

Semua barang yang dikirimkan harus ditandai dengan jelas agar mudah dikenali
sesuai dengan packaging list yang akan disampaikan.


Semua penentuan volume yang dimaksudkan bagi pembayaran untuk tiap termin
ataupun pada akhir penyelesaian pekerjaan, akan dihitung berdasarkan/sesuai hasil
pelaksanaan pekerjaan di lapangan dengan tolok ukur gambar rencana yang merupakan
bagian dari dokumen kontrak atau dari gambar-gambar kerja yang dibuat Penyedia
Barang/Jasa yang telah disetujui Pengguna Barang/Jasa/Direksi Pekerjaan atau
Perencana terhadap kebutuhan dan kondisi yang harus dilaksanakan.

Semua volume pekerjaan dinyatakan dalam Bill of Quantities.

Sekurang-kurangnya dari 7 (tujuh) hari sebelum dimulainya pengecekan volume tersebut,

Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus mengajukan kepada Pengguna Barang/Jasa untuk
mendapat persetujuannya. Perhitungan volume sebagaimana dinyatakan dalam
ketentuan teknis yang dipergunakan sebagai pendukung pembayaran berdasarkan
kondisi kemajuan pelaksanaan pekerjaan di lapangan yang didukung dengan data-data

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV-1, KUP - 8

Bab IV- 1. Ketentuan Umum Pekerjaan

lapangan hasil pelaksanaan pekerjaan di lapangan setelah diadakan pemeriksaan

bersama dan disahkan oleh Direksi lapangan.

Harga satuan untuk tiap pekerjaan dalam Bill of Quantities, dalam pengertian untuk
proyek ini harus sudah termasuk seluruh biaya tenaga kerja yang meliputi surveyor,
buruh, peralatan, material dan atau pekerjaan lainnya.


Pengguna Barang/Jasa setiap waktu berhak untuk memeriksa pekerjaan yang dilakukan,
baik dalam hal persiapan ataupun dalam hal kemajuan pekerjaan dilapangan.
Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus menyediakan semua peralatan, fasilitas dan pekerja yang
diperlukan untuk memungkinkan Pengguna Barang/Jasa melakukan pengecekan
terhadap perencanaan dan pelaksanaan pekerjaan dilapangan.


Mutu pekerjaan yang dilaksanakan sepenuhnya menjadi tanggungjawab Penyedia

Barang/Jasa, yang harus menjamin semua mutu pekerjaan memenuhi persyaratan teknis
yang ditentukan.
Bilamana diperlukan untuk melakukan test lapangan, Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus
melaksanakan baik pengambilan sample maupun testingnya sendiri atas biayanya

Biaya-biaya testing dan sampling ini harus sudah termasuk dalam harga satuan dari jenis
pekerjaan yang ditest, yang mana harga satuan tersebut tertera dalam Daftar Kuantitas
dan Harga (BOQ).



10.1. Umum

Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus menyediakan plant/tempat, peralatan dan material

yang diperlukan untuk melaksanakan pekerjaan sesuai kontrak, terkecuali
dinyatakan khusus dalam kontrak.
Kecuali dinyatakan lain, semua peralatan dan material yang merupakan kebutuhan
pelaksanaan pekerjaan harus benar-benar dalam keadaan baik dan harus
memenuhi standar yang ditentukan dalam ketentuan teknis atau standar lain yang
lazim dan telah disetujui.

Semua biaya untuk tiap peralatan dan material harus sudah termasuk dalam harga
satuan untuk tiap pekerjaan yang penggunakannya sebagaimana tertera dalam
Daftar Harga dan Kuantitas (BOQ).

10.2. Peralatan Konstruksi

Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus menyediakan semua peralatan konstruksi lengkap

dengan bagian-bagiannya harus selalu dalam keadaan baik, dengan jumlah yang
cukup sehingga pelaksanaan pekerjaan efisien dan efektif.

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV-1, KUP - 9

Bab IV- 1. Ketentuan Umum Pekerjaan

Biaya penyusutan, operasi, pemeliharaan dari peralatan dan spare partsnya harus
sudah termasuk dalam harga kontrak.

Segala kekurangan peralatan untuk keperluan pelaksanaan pekerjaan dilapangan

menjadi tanggung jawab Penyedia Barang/Jasa.

10.3. Spesifikasi, Brosur dan data dari Penyedia Barang/Jasa

Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus menyerahkan kepada Pengguna Barang/Jasa 3 (tiga)

set lengkap mengenai spesifikasi, brosur dan data peralatan serta
material-materialnya yang akan digunakan, untuk mendapatkan persetujuan dari
Pengguna Barang/Jasa.
Penyerahan ini harus dilaksanakan segera, paling lambat 15 (lima belas) hari dari
tanggal kontrak.

Selama Proses persetujuan tersebut diatas berlangsung, tidak membebaskan

Penyedia Barang/Jasa dari kewajibannya memenuhi segala sesuatunya yang
ditentukan dalam kontrak.


Gambar-gambar yang menjadi kelengkapan Dokumen Pengadaan akan menjadi bagian

Dokumen Kontrak dengan penyesuaian-penyesuaian yang dilakukan pada proses

Dalam pelaksanaan pekerjaan, Pengguna Barang/Jasa mungkin saja mengeluarkan

gambar bilamana dinyatakan perlu untuk menyesuaikan kondisi setempat, atau untuk
penjelasan gambar yang ada, yang mana gambar-gambar ini akan menjadi bagian dari
Dokumen kontrak, Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus benar-benar memperhatikan
ukuran-ukuran pada gambar rencana.

Bilamana terdapat ukuran yang tidak ada atau tidak jelas, Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus
mendapatkan penjelasan dari Pengguna Barang/Jasa sebelum melaksanakan bagian
pekerjaan yang berhubungan dengan hal-hal yang tidak jelas tersebut. Dalam segala hal
gambar detail lebih mengikat dibandingkan dengan gambar yang berskala besar.

Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus benar-benar menyimpan dan mempelajari gambar kontrak

dan gambar-gambar susulan yang diterimanya. Bila terjadi perbedaan atau kesalahan
dalam gambar-gambar tersebut, Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus dengan segera
melaporkan dan meminta putusan Pengguna Barang/Jasa sebelum bagian pekerjaan
yang berkaitan dengan gambar-gambar tersebut dilaksanakan.


12.1. Umum

Dalam waktu 14 (empat belas) hari setelah dikeluarkannya Surat Keputusan

Penetapan Pemenang, Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus menyerahkan Informasi dan
gambar-gambar untuk persetujuan Direksi, yang meliputi sebagai berikut :

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV-1, KUP - 10

Bab IV- 1. Ketentuan Umum Pekerjaan

a. Gambar-gambar “Site Plan” yang memuat informasi yang cukup mengenai tata
letak peralatan, dan gambar petunjuk (guide drawing) lainnya.
b. Gambar-gambar dan informasi yang mencakup semua kontrak pekerjaan,
termasuk susunan/konfigurasi umum, rincian tata letak, gambar-gambar
diagram skematik akhir, diagram pengawatan dan tablenya, gambar
pengawatan hubungan (connection wiring diagram) termasuk nomor-nomor
kabel pada masing-masing ujung kabel dan blok terminal, gambar dan daftar
rencana kerja dan lain sebagainya yang terkait dengan kontrak.
c. Rencana pemakaian material (material schedule).

12.2. Spesifikasi Teknis dan Gambar Pelaksanaan

Sebagaimana dinyatakan dalam butir diatas Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus

menggunakan gambar kontrak sebagai dasar untuk membuat gambar

Semua spesifikasi teknis dan gambar yang dilaksanakan dalam kegiatan pekerjaan
harus disetujui oleh Pengguna Barang/Jasa atau Direksi Pekerjaan sebelum
pekerjaan dimulai dan gambar-gambar tadi harus diserahkan jauh sebelum
pekerjaannya dilaksanakan, agar cukup waktu bagi Direksi untuk mereview dan
menyetujuinya tanpa mengakibatkan keterlambatan pekerjaan. Setelah disetujui
oleh Pengguna Barang/Jasa, Penyedia Barang/Jasa diharuskan menyerahkan
gambar kerja sebanyak 4 set.

12.3. As Built Drawing

a. Dalam keseluruhan waktu pelaksanaan proyek, Penyedia Barang/Jasa

diharuskan menyiapkan dengan baik gambar-gambar yang up to date untuk
setiap bagian pekerjaan yang selesai dikerjakan, untuk disimpan sebagai as
built drawing.
Semua gambar yang menunjukkan perubahan-perubahan yang dilakukan
terhadap gambar kontrak, juga harus diperlakukan sebagai as built drawing
sebagaimana disebut dalam Bab II Syarat-Syarat Umum Kontrak (SSUK).

b. As built drawing harus disahkan oleh Pengguna Barang/Jasa.


Bila tidak dinyatakan lain dalam dokumen ini, dengan anggapan bahwa rancang bangun
dan tata letak peralatan/pekerjaan adalah cukup untuk menjamin pengoperasian yang
handal dan aman. Kontrak ini mencakup keseluruhan pekerjaan yang diuraikan dalam
dokumen kontrak. Bila ada item yang tidak dinyatakan dalam dokumen kontrak, tetapi
nyata-nyata diperlukan untuk pengoperasian peralatan dengan baik dan efisien, harus
dianggap termasuk dalam harga borongan.

Segala sesuatu yang terdapat pada gambar, tetapi tidak terdapat dalam spesifikasi atau
sebaliknya maka harus dianggap bahwa hal tersebut sudah termasuk pada harga
penawaran borongan.

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV-1, KUP - 11

Bab IV- 1. Ketentuan Umum Pekerjaan


Apabila diperlukan Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus menyediakan sendiri semua daya listrik
yang dibutuhkan bagi pelaksanaan pekerjaan dan ke semua fasilitas kerja atas biaya
Semua biaya untuk pekerjaan ini harus sudah termasuk dalam harga kontrak.


15.1. Kantor sementara

Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus memiliki kantor sementara lengkap dengan

perlengkapannya. Selama pelaksanaan pekerjaan ini, Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus
menyediakan kantor sementara dilapangan pekerjaan. Ukuran dan letak kantor
sementara tersebut akan ditentukan kemudian yang disesuaikan dengan kondisi
lapangan dan pekerjaan. Hard copy dari dokumen-dokumen yang merupakan arsip
lapangan harus ada di kantor sementara tersebut untuk sewaktu-waktu digunakan
dan segala komunikasi yang ditujukan kepada Penyedia Barang/Jasa yang
berkaitan dengan pelaksanaan pekerjaan akan disampaikan melalui kantor
sementara tersebut.

15.2. Sistem Komunikasi

Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus menyediakan peralatan komunikasi untuk kelancaran

jalannya pekerjaan disemua lokasi, terutama handy type wireless comunication
system, atau peralatan komunikasi lain yang memadai yang biaya sepenuhnya
menjadi beban Penyedia Barang/Jasa.

15.3. Fasilitas Air

Pengguna Barang/Jasa tidak akan menyediakan fasilitas air.

Penyedia Barang/Jasa dimungkinkan menggunakan fasilitas air dari Pengguna
Barang/Jasa dengan dikenakan biaya sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku.

15.4. Fasilitas Bahan Bakar

Pengguna Barang/Jasa tidak menyediakan fasilitas bahan bakar untuk keperluan

kegiatan proyek.

15.5. Fasilitas Kesehatan

Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus menyediakan fasilitas kesehatan antara lain obat-

obatan untuk PPPK serta taat dan memenuhi peraturan-peraturan dari Badan-
badan yang mengatur kesehatan. Penyedia Barang/Jasa juga harus
memperhatikan kebersihan dari semua bahan-bahan dan peralatan, kamar mandi,
kamar kecil yang digunakan semua orang yang berhubungan dengan pelaksanaan
pekerjaan ini.


GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV-1, KUP - 12

Bab IV- 1. Ketentuan Umum Pekerjaan

Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus dengan teliti melakukan pekerjaan pengukuran berdasarkan

pada titik-titik kontrol dan Bench Mark yang diberikan, bertanggungjawab penuh akan
ketelitian pekerjaan setting out.

Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus menyerahkan atas titik-titik patokannya dan garis-garis

kerja, serta ketinggian-ketinggian yang diperlukan untuk melakukan pekerjaan, juga
station-station dan Bench Mark yang kesemuanya harus dapat memuaskan Pengguna
Barang/Jasa atau Direksi Pekerjaan.
Pengguna Barang/Jasa berhak setiap waktu melakukan kontrol survey yang dilakukan
Penyedia Barang/Jasa dan pekerjaan setting outnya, dan Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus
menunjukkan kerja samanya, agar pekerjaan pekerjaan tadi memungkinkan untuk
diperiksa pada interval yang diinginkan oleh Pengguna Barang/Jasa, bila perlu pekerjaan
dapat ditangguhkan untuk memungkinkan Pengguna Barang/Jasa melakukan
pemeriksaan survey untuk jangka waktu yang relatif singkat.
Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus memberi bantuan yang diperlukan Pengguna Barang/Jasa,
termasuk menyediakan segala alat-alat bantu yang diperlukan Pengguna Barang/Jasa
dalam melakukan pekerjaan pemeriksaan hasil pekerjaan yang selesai dikerjakan.

Semua biaya bahan-bahan, tenaga kerja dan peralatan untuk seluruh pekerjaan setting
out harus sudah termasuk dalam harga satuan untuk pekerjaan yang berkaitan
dengannya, dan yang tercantum dalam Daftar Kuantitas dan Harga (BOQ).
Tenaga dan bahan-bahan yang diperlukan Pengguna Barang/Jasa yang dimaksudkan
bagi pekerjaan itu juga menjadi tanggung jawab Penyedia Barang/Jasa.


17.1. Bahasa

Bahasa Indonesia/Inggris merupakan bahasa resmi yang dipakai dalam dokumen

kontrak, antara Penyedia Barang/Jasa dan Pengguna Barang/Jasa. Semua
gambar-gambar ditulis dengan memakai Bahasa Indonesia/Inggris.

17.2. Satuan Pengukuran

Satuan pengukuran metric (Sistem International) dipakai dalam semua surat-

menyurat, gambar-gambar dan rencana pekerjaan.

17.3. Standar Internasional

Semua Standar terbaru baik dari IEC maupun PLN berlaku untuk semua peralatan
yang disuplai. Bilamana standar lain yang dipakai dapat dianggap sama atau lebih
baik dari pada standar IEC, maka hal ini dapat diterima dan standar tersebut harus
dinyatakan dalam dokumen.

17.4. Peraturan perundangan setempat

Semua pekerjaan, peralatan, material dan lain-lain yang merupakan bagian dari
kontrak harus tunduk pada peraturan perundangan yang berlaku di Indonesia.

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV-1, KUP - 13

Bab IV- 1. Ketentuan Umum Pekerjaan


Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus menyiapkan laporan mingguan dan laporan berkala lainnya,
sebagaimana yang diminta Pengguna Barang/Jasa dan dalam bentuk yang disetujui
Pengguna Barang/Jasa.

Laporan dimaksud harus terdiri dari data, kondisi cuaca, staf dan tenaga kerja yang
dipekerjakan, material dilapangan, rencana konstruksi (constructional plan), rencana
pabrikasi material, pekerjaan yang sedang berlangsung, pekerjaan yang sedang
dipersiapkan, hasil test laboratorium, kecelakaan yang timbul, dan informasi lain yang
penting diketahui bagi pemantauan (monitoring) kemajuan pekerjaan.


Penyedia Barang/Jasa bertanggung jawab dalam mendapatkan seluruh ijin-ijin yang

diperlukan untuk dan selama pelaksanaan pekerjaan atas beban dan biaya yang
ditanggung oleh Penyedia Barang/Jasa. Apabila diperlukan dalam pengurusan ijin-ijin
tersebut, Pengguna Barang/Jasa, akan membantu memberikan surat dukungan/referensi
yang berkaitan dengan keterangan pekerjaan tersebut.

20.1. Penyedia Barang/Jasa diwajibkan melakukan langkah-langkah pengamanan untuk

mencegah terjadinya kerusakan pada tanah, tanaman, harta dan lain sebagainya
milik orang lain.
Apabila Penyedia Barang/Jasa menimbulkan kerusakan sebagaimana disebut
diatas, maka Penyedia Barang/Jasa wajib menggantinya.

20.2. Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus menjaga kebersihan jangan sampai ada timbunan
bahanbahan atau material yang sudah tidak terpakai, termasuk kotoran-kotoran
dan sampah-sampah di daerah tempat kerja.

20.3. Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus melindungi dan menjaga semua tanaman seperti
pohon-pohon, semak-semak, rumput-rumput yang tidak dipindahkan dan tidak
mengganggu pekerjaan yang berada atau dekat lokasi/tempat kerja.

20.4. Pencegahan polusi

Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus melakukan tindakan-tindakan pencegahan terhadap
kemungkinan terjadinya pencemaran air, udara dan tanah yang timbul akibat
pelaksanaan pekerjaan tersebut. Jika didalam pelaksanaan pekerjaan tersebut
terdapat buangan bahan-bahan/material yang dapat menimbulkan pencemaran,
maka Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus segera melakukan tindakan-tindakan dan

20.5. Penyedia Barang/Jasa berkewajiban untuk mengetahui dan menjalankan U.U RI

No. 23 tahun 1997 dan peraturan pelaksanaannya secara utuh.


Penyedia Barang/Jasa bertanggung jawab untuk keamanan barang dan peralatan yang
dipergunakan atau yang ada dibawah tanggung jawabnya.

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV-1, KUP - 14

Bab IV- 1. Ketentuan Umum Pekerjaan

Pengamanan harus dilaksanakan oleh Penyedia Barang/Jasa untuk menjaga terhadap

bahaya pencurian, pengrusakan, kebakaran dan kerugian Iainnya.

Orang-orang yang tanpa ijin dan tidak ada hubungan dengan pekerjaan, harus tidak
diperbolehkan berada dilapangan pekerjaan dan orang-orang yang ada hubungannya
dengan pekerjaan tersebut harus memakai tanda pengenal.

Barang atau peralatan yang keluar masuk dari lapangan pekerjaan harus seijin Penyedia
Barang/Jasa dan Direksi Pekerjaan.

Pihak Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus menyediakan Penjaga/Keamanan dibawah koordinasi

Keamanan Direksi Pekerjaan yang meneliti keluar masuknya personal/pekerja dan
semua lalu lintas yang berkaitan dengan pelaksanaan pekerjaan.


Penyedia Barang/Jasa wajib:

22.1. Menyediakan tenaga pengawas pekerjaan yang memahami Keselamatan dan

Kesehatan Kerja (K3) khususnya pada bidang instalasi ketenagalistrikan.

22.2. Melengkapi tenaga kerja dengan identitas pekerja serta peralatan keselamatan
kerja (sesuai standar keselamatan kerja) selama melakukan pekerjaan

22.3. Mengurus ijin-ijin tenaga kerja asing kepada Instansi yang terkait/Departemen
Tenaga Kerja setempat sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku.

22.4. Bertanggung jawab atas segala kejadian dalam hubungan kerja, baik antara
Penyedia Barang/Jasa dengan Karyawan/Pekerjanya maupun dengan Direksi
Pekerjaan sesuai dengan Undang-Undang/Peraturan-peraturan yang sah dan
berlaku termasuk ijin kerja tenaga asing.

22.5. Bertanggung jawab atas segala sesuatu yang berkaitan dalam hubungan kerja
antara Penyedia Barang/Jasa dan segenap Karyawan/Pekerjanya dalam urusan
Perburuhan sesuai dengan Undang-Undang/Peraturan-peraturan yang telah
ditetapkan dalam Undang-Undang Perburuhan.

22.6. Melaporkan jumlah tenaga kerja (tenaga lokal dan asing) yang digunakan kepada
Pengguna Barang/Jasa serta mengasuransikan tenaga kerja tersebut diatas sesuai
program JAMSOSTEK.

22.7. Melaporkan secara tertulis atas kejadian kecelakaan yang menimpa

petugas/pekerja atau karyawan kepada Departemen Tenaga Kerja maupun pada
Direksi Pekerjaan atau Pengguna Barang/Jasa.

22.8. Dalam merencanakan dan melaksanakan pekerjaannya Penyedia Barang/Jasa

harus memperhatikan dan mempertimbangkan adanya hari-hari libur keagamaan
dan kebiasaan/adat istiadat setempat sehingga tidak menimbulkan terjadinya
kelambatan pelaksanaan kontrak.

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV-1, KUP - 15

Bab IV- 1. Ketentuan Umum Pekerjaan


23.1. Segala data rahasia yang diserahkan oleh Pengguna Barang/Jasa kepada
Penyedia Barang/Jasa atau sebaliknya, dalam rangka melaksanakan pekerjaan ini
akan dijamin kerahasiaannya dan masing-masing pihak tidak akan mengungkapkan
atau mengalihkan kepada pihak ketiga.

23.2. Tanpa mengurangi ketentuan butir 1 bab ini, masing-masing pihak Pengguna
Barang/Jasa maupun Penyedia Barang/Jasa untuk keperluan pelaksanaan
pekerjaan ini dapat menyediakan data rahasia kepada Sub-Penyedia Barang/Jasa,
Penjual peralatan/barang/material atau pihak lain yang berhubungan dengan
pelaksanaan pekerjaan, tetapi diusahakan seminimal mungkin sesuai tugas
masing-masing dalam rangka pelaksanaan pekerjaan.

23.3. Dalam hal tersebut di atas masing-masing pihak wajib melakukan tindakan
sedemikian rupa sehingga kerahasiaan data tetap terjamin.

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV-1, KUP - 16






GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Final Bab V.3 - i

Bab IV- 2. Ketentuan Umum Teknis


1. REGULATIONS, STANDARDS, ETC.............................................................................. 1

2. SITE CONDITIONS ............................................................................................................. 1
3. PARTICULARS OF SYSTEM ........................................................................................... 2
4. MATERIAL AND FINISHES .............................................................................................. 3
5. NUTS AND BOLTS ............................................................................................................. 6
6. CASTING .............................................................................................................................. 6
7. WELDING ............................................................................................................................. 6
8. LABELS ................................................................................................................................ 7
9. PACKING AND SHIPPING ................................................................................................ 7
10. DESIGN AND MANUFACTURE ....................................................................................... 8
11. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION ...................................................................................... 8
12. PAD LOCKS......................................................................................................................... 9
13. PIPE SUPPORTS ................................................................................................................ 9
14. VALVES .............................................................................................................................. 10
15. OIL LEVEL INDICATORS................................................................................................ 10
16. PRESSURE GAUGES ...................................................................................................... 10
17. THERMOMETER POCKETS .......................................................................................... 11
18. INSTRUMENTS ................................................................................................................. 11
19. ELECTRICAL INSULATION ........................................................................................... 12
20. EARTHING CONNECTION ............................................................................................. 12
21. ELECTRIC MOTORS........................................................................................................ 13
22. STARTERS AND CONTACTORS .................................................................................. 13
23. CONTROL, SWITCHES AND PUSH BUTTONS ......................................................... 14
24. INDICATING LAMPS AND FITTINGS ........................................................................... 15
25. AUXILIARY SWITCHES .................................................................................................. 15
26. ANTI-CONDENSATION HEATERS AND VENTILATORS ........................................ 16
27. OIL ....................................................................................................................................... 16
28. ELECTRICITY SUPPLIES FOR AUXILIARY PLANT ................................................. 16
29. SYSTEM IDENTIFICATION ............................................................................................. 16
30. OIL OR COMPOUND FILLED CHAMBERS ................................................................ 17
31. LUBRICATION................................................................................................................... 17
32. INTERNAL CLEANING OF PIPES................................................................................. 18

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.2, KUT - i

Bab IV- 2. Ketentuan Umum Teknis

33. CONDITIONS OF OPERATION OF 150 KV SYSTEM ............................................... 18

34. TROPICALIZATION .......................................................................................................... 18
35. RELIABILITY ..................................................................................................................... 18
36. TYPE APPROVAL ............................................................................................................ 18
37. DESIGN PARTICULARS ................................................................................................. 19
38. SPECIAL TOOLS .............................................................................................................. 19
39. CURRENT AND VOLTAGE TRANSFORMERS .......................................................... 19
40. GAUGE CUBICLES AND PANELS ............................................................................... 19
41. CABLE TERMINATIONS ................................................................................................. 19
42. TERMINAL BOARDS ....................................................................................................... 20
43. MINIATURE CIRCUIT BREAKERS, FUSES AND LINKS ......................................... 20
44. SYSTEM CONTROL CENTRE FACILITIES................................................................. 21
45. INTERFACE MARSHALLING CUBICLES ................................................................... 22

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.2, KUT - ii

Bab IV- 2. Ketentuan Umum Teknis



a. Language

The Indonesian and or English language is to be used on all Contract documents and in
all correspondence between Purchaser / Owner, the Engineer and the Contractor with
respect to the services to be rendered and with respect to all documents and drawings
procured or prepared by the Contractor pertaining to the work. All correspondence,
drawings and Operating and Maintenance Instructions shall also be written in Indonesian
and or English.

b. Units of measurement
In all correspondence, in all technical schedules and on all drawings, Metric units of
measurement (System International) shall exclusively be employed. Angular
measurement shall be in degrees with 90 degrees comprising one right angle.

c. Compliance with Standards

Unless another standard is specifically mentioned in this Specification all materials and
equipment used and provided under the Contract must be in accordance with IEC or ISO
Recommendations. Where no such Recommendation exists then materials shall be in
accordance with such other authoritative standards appropriate to the country of
manufacture as in the opinion of the Owner ensures an equivalent or higher quality. The
Recommendations or Standards used shall be those last published prior to the date of
closing of bids.
If the Contractor offers materials, equipment, design calculations or tests which conform
to standards other than those published by the International Electro-technical
Commission full details of the differences between the proposed standard and equivalent
IEC, in so far as they affect the design or performance of the equipment, shall be

d. Statutory Regulations

The works and all plant, equipment and materials forming part of this Contract are to
comply in all respects with all relevant Indonesian Statutory Regulations, By Laws and
Orders currently in force.


a. General particulars of the site

Climatic Conditions
1. Equatorial - Intense sunshine - Heavy rain
2. Ambient air temperatures:
a. Extremities : 200 C to 400 C
b. Normal range : 250 C to 350 C
c. Average in any one day : < 350 C

d. Design temperature : < 400 C

e. Average annual ambient temperature : 300 C

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.2, KUT - 1

Bab IV- 2. Ketentuan Umum Teknis

3. Rainfall - average annual between November and April : < 2300 mm, 100 days
4. Average relative humidity : 70% - 100%
5. Maximum wind velocity : 25 m/sec
6. Average isokeraunic level : 100 days/year
7. Altitude : sea level to 1000m

This information is for general guidance only.

b. Seismic Conditions

In accordance with a 1965 report published by the Government of Indonesia the

earthquake loadings shall be simulated by horizontal force equal to one tenth on the total
vertical force, acting in any direction upon the center of gravity of the structure.

This static force requirement has for the purpose of any calculations been upgraded to: H
= 0.12 V in order to raise the factor of safety on essential services.

The Equipment shall be capable of withstanding without damage seismic acceleration of

static seismic acceleration of 0.3g, for frequency variation from 0.2 to 20 Hz.

c. Special conditions

The Equipment supplied under this Contract will be installed in locations which can be
considered hostile to its proper operation.

Particular problems which shall receive special consideration relate to operation in a hot
humid environment, presence of insects and vermin, and the existing equipments still
under operation condition.


a. High Voltage 150 kV

1. Nominal system voltage : 150 kV

2. Highest system voltage : 170 kV
3. Method of system grounding : Solid
4. Impulse withstand voltage (peak) : 750 kV
5. One minute power frequency withstand voltage (rms) : 325 kV
6. Insulator creepage distance phase to earth : 31 mm/kV
7. Rated short circuit breaking capacity : 40 kA

b. Medium Voltage 20 kV

1. Nominal system voltage : 20 kV

2. Highest system voltage : 24 kV
3. Method of system grounding : Resistance
4. Impulse withstand voltage (peak) : 125 kV
5. One minute power frequency withstand voltage (rms) : 50 kV
6. Insulator creepage distance phase to earth : 600 mm
7. Rated short current breaking capacity. : 25 kA

c. 20 kV Grounding Methods
Non-effectively grounded 20 kV three phase three wires underground and overhead

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system, with neutral grounded through a 40 Ohm earthing resistor.

d. Low Voltage 400/230 V

1. System frequency : 50 Hz
2. Phase rotation (clockwise) : RST
3. Nominal system voltage : 400/230 V
4. Type of system grounding : PEN
5. One minute test voltage : 2,500 V
6. Impulse withstand test (1.2/50 microsecond) : 8,000 V


In choosing materials and their finishes, due regard is to be given to the humid tropical
conditions under which equipment is to work. Some relaxation of the following provisions may
be permitted where equipment is hermetically sealed but tropical grade materials should be
used wherever possible.

4.1 Materials

a. Metal

Iron and steel are generally to be painted or galvanized as appropriate in accordance

with this Specification.

Indoor parts may alternatively have chromium or copper-nickel plated or other

approved protective finish.

Small iron and steel parts (other than rustles steel) of all instruments and electrical
equipment, the cores of electromagnets and the metal parts of relays and
mechanisms are to be treated in an approved manner to prevent rusting.

Cores etc., which are built up of laminations or cannot for any other reason be
anti-rust treated, are to have all exposed parts thoroughly cleaned and heavily
enameled, lacquered or compounded.

b. Screw, nuts, springs, pivots, etc.

The use of iron and steel is to be avoided in instruments and electrical relays
wherever possible.

Steel screws, when used, are to be zinc, cadmium or chromium plated, or when
plating is not possible owing to tolerance limitations, are to be of corrosion-resisting
All wood screws are to be dull nickel brass or of other approved finish.

Instrument screws (except those forming part of a magnetic circuit) are to be of brass
of bronze.
Springs are to be of non-rusting material, e.g. phosphor-bronze or nickel silver, as far
as possible.

c. Fabrics, cork, paper etc.

Fabrics, cork, paper and similar materials, which are not subsequently to be
protected by impregnation, are to be adequately treated with an approved fungicide.

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Sleeving and fabrics treated with linseed oil or linseed varnishes are not to be used.

d. Wood

The use of wood in equipment is to be avoided as far as possible.

When used, woodwork is to be thoroughly seasoned teak or other approved wood,

which is resistant to fungal decay and is to be free from shakes and warp, sap and
wane, knots, faults and other blemishes.

All woodwork is to be suitably treated to protect it against the ingress of moisture and
from the growth of fungus and termite attack, unless it is naturally resistant to those
causes of deterioration. All joints in woodwork are to be dovetailed or tongued and
pinned as far as possible. Metal fittings where used are to be of non-ferrous material.

e. Rubber

Neoprene and similar synthetic compounds, not subject to deterioration due to the
climatic conditions, are to be used for gaskets, sealing rings, diaphragms, etc.,
instead of the standard rubber based material.

4.2 Finishes

a. Painting

All ferrous metalwork other than on the transmission towers and outdoor switchyard
structures is to be provided with an effective vapour sealing paint finish, applied in
accordance with the best trade practice.

Before painting or filling with oil or compound, all un-galvanized parts shall be
completely clean and free from rust, scale and grease and all external rough metal
surfaces on casting shall be filled.

The paint system is to be in accordance with best practice for hot and humid
locations and this paint system shall be fully described in the Bid. Paint is not to be
applied before tanks and chambers have passed any required pressure or vacuum
tests. Internal surfaces of tanks and chambers that are to contain oil are to be treated
with an approved oil resisting finish.

All external surfaces shall receive a minimum of three coats of paint. The primary
coat shall be applied immediately after cleaning. The second coat shall be of oil and
weather resisting nature and of a shade of color easily distinguishable from the

The final coat shall be of a glossy oil and weather resisting non-fading paint of a
color agreed by the Owner or the Engineer and two liters of this paint for each item
category shall be supplied loose for "touch up" purposes.
Switchboards and control and relay panels are to be thoroughly degreased and
passivated followed by a corrosion inhibiting primer undercoat and finish coat.

The insides of cubicles are to be painted white; the outsides are to be light blue grey.
Six liters of the same paint will be required for the repairing of paint-work on each
site. Any cans of paint not used are to be handed over to the Owner at the time of
taking over.
All tank interiors are to be thoroughly cleaned by shot blasting or other approved
methods and in the case of those intended for insulating or lubricating oil are to be
painted with a suitable oil resisting coating. Those tanks intended for fuel, oil or water
are to receive internally a coat of approved corrosion prevention compound.

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All tank exteriors are to be thoroughly cleaned by shot blasting or other approved
methods and given one coat of primer, two coats of contrasting color of durable oil
and weather resisting paint and a final coat of gloss paint.

Radiators are to be thoroughly cleaned and treated externally by phosphating or

other approved rust inhibiting process and given, preferably by flood painting, one
coat of primer, two coats of contrasting color of durable oil and a weather paint and
final coat of gloss paint. Radiators, which are hot dip galvanized, are to be artificially
weathered and given one coat of zinc chromate primer followed by two coats of
contrasting color or durable oil and weather resisting paint and a final coat of gloss

b. Non Ferrous Parts and Bright Steel Parts

All exposed metal liable to corrosion is to be appropriately protected by coating with

an approved anti rusting composition. Other non-ferrous parts shall be adequately
protected against corrosion during shipment or in service.
After erection these parts shall be cleaned with an approved solvent and polished
bright where required.

c. Galvanizing

Galvanizing shall be applied by the hot dipped process generally in accordance with
ASTM A 123-73 and shall consist of a thickness of zinc coating equivalent to not less
than 0.610 kg/square meter of surface.

The zinc coating shall be smooth, clean and of uniform thickness and free from
defects. The preparation for galvanizing and the galvanizing itself shall not adversely
affect the mechanical properties of the coated material.

All drilling, punching, cutting and bending and welding of parts shall be completed
and all burrs shall be removed before the galvanizing process is applied.
Surfaces which are in contact with oil shall not be galvanized or cadmium plated.

All steel wires shall be galvanized by an approved process before stranding. The
zinc shall be smooth, clean, of uniform thickness and free from defects and shall
withstand the tests set out in IEC 60209 or such other standard as may be approved.

If any galvanized part is found to be imperfect it is to be replaced. The whole of the

expense involved in the replacement of the imperfect part is to be borne by the

The Contractor shall provide an instrument for checking galvanizing thickness, e.g.
Elcometer, or otherwise agree with the Engineer an approved method of testing
galvanizing on Site.
If, in the opinion of the Engineer, the extent of damage found on Site to a galvanized
part appears capable of repair, the Contractor may, after receiving such agreement,
attempt to affect such repair by approved methods. The agreement to attempt repair
shall not bind the Owner / Engineer to accept the repaired part when it is re-offered
for inspection.

In the event that it is found that galvanized parts are subject to the formation of white
rust during shipment or storage on Site, the Owner / Engineer shall either:

1. Approve a system of scrubbing and protective painting to be applied on Site if, in

his opinion, this is expedient or.
2. Forthwith order that the affected parts be condemned and that all future
shipments receive, before dispatch from the Works, special dip or spray
treatment to individual members to his approval without extra charge to the

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Either of the above measures shall not be held as a cause for failure to meet the
Completion Dates.


Nuts and Bolts for incorporation in the plant are preferably to conform to ISO Metric Coarse.
Other sizes or threads are permitted for threaded parts not to be disturbed in normal use or

Nuts and bolts for pressure parts are to be of the best quality bright steel, machined on the
shank and under the head nut.

Fitted bolts are to be a driving fit in the reamed holes they occupy, are to have the screwed
portion of a diameter such that it will not be damaged in driving and are to be marked in a
conspicuous position to ensure correct assembly at Site.

On outdoor equipment all bolts, nuts and washers shall be of non-rusting material where they
are in contact with non-ferrous parts in fittings and elsewhere where specifically required by
the Owner / Engineer.

Stud holes in those parts of the plant which are subjected to heat in use are to be adequately

All washers are to be included under this Contract, including locking devices and
anti-vibration arrangements, which are to be subject to the approval of the Owner / Engineer.

Taper washers are to be fitted where necessary.

Where there is risk of corrosion, bolts and studs are to be finished flush with the surface of the

The Contractor shall allow for the supply of surplus bolts, nuts and washers in excess of the
exact amount measured to allow for shortages due to loss, misappropriation, etc.


All castings are to be as free from blowholes, flaws, and cracks as is practicable. No welding,
filling or plugging of defective parts is to be done under any circumstances. All cast-iron is to
be of close-grained quality approved by the Owner / Engineer.


In all cases where fabrication welds are liable to be highly stressed, such as may be the case
in parts subjected to reversals or stresses in operation, the Contractor is to supply the
Engineer with a general arrangement drawing of the fabrication and, at a later date but before
fabrication commences, a detailed drawing of all proposed weld preparations on the

Before such welding commences the Contractor is to satisfy the Owner / Engineer that
welders or welding operators are qualified in accordance with the requirements of the
appropriate section of BS 4872, Part I or such other standard as may be approved. The
Contractor may be required to submit evidence of the welder’s abilities.

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After scrutinizing the general arrangement and welding detail drawings the Engineer will
inform the Contractor of the stages at which inspection will be required. It shall be the
Contractor's responsibility to notify the Engineer when one or more of the inspection stages
will be reached and no further work is to be carried out until the specified stage has passed
the Engineer's inspection.

In addition to the above, the Owner / Engineer reserves the right to visit the Contractor's
Works at any reasonable time during fabrication of the items of plant and to familiarize himself
with the progress made and the quality of the work to date.

In the event of the Contractor wishing to make an alteration to any part of the weld
preparation, he is first to submit to the Engineer a copy of the revised drawing showing the
amended preparation in detail and to wait confirmation of its acceptance or non-acceptance.


All equipment shall be provided with labels or name plates, giving any identifying name, type
or serial number, together with information regarding the rating, nominal voltage and current
and the like under which the item of plant in question has been designed to operate. The
labels shall be permanently attached in a conspicuous position.

The English language is to be used, except on nameplates and labels associated with
operation or maintenance of the plant which shall be in the Indonesian language to the
approval of the Owner / Engineer.

Such nameplates or labels are to be of in corrodible non-hygroscopic material with lettering of

contrasting color.

Items of plant, such as valves, which are subject to handling, are to be provided with an
engraved chromium plated brass nameplate or label with engraving filled with enamel.


Any items liable to be damaged in transit shall be effectively protected and securely fixed in
their cases.

All cases shall be clearly identified giving particulars of manufacturer's name and type of
equipment. All identification marks on the outside of cases are to be waterproof and

All lifts of over 2 tons shall be marked to show where slings should be placed.

All materials used in packing are to comply with the relevant Indonesian regulations.
Adequate protection and precautions are to be taken to exclude termites or other vermin,
noxious insects, larvae or fungus from the packing materials or plant. All contents are to be
clearly marked for easy identification against the packing list.
The Contractor's attention is drawn to the provision of clause 4.2 wherein the Contractor shall
be required to suitably protect all steelwork before shipment to prevent corrosion and/or
damage to galvanized surfaces by white rust.
All accessory items shall be shipped with the equipment. Boxes and crates containing
accessory items shall be marked so they are identified with the main equipment. The contents
of box and crate shall be indicated by marking on the exterior.

Packing cases where used shall be strongly constructed and in no case is timber less than 25

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mm in thickness to be used. The contents of packing cases shall be securely bolted or

fastened in position with struts or cross battens. Cross battens supporting weight in any
direction shall not rely for their support on nails or screws driven lengthwise into the grain of
the wood, but shall be supported by cleats secured from the inside.

Particular attention shall be given to strutting before packing cases are fastened down.
Cases shall be up-ended after packing to prove that there is no movement of the contents.
Timber wedges or chocks shall be firmly fastened in place to prevent their displacement when
the timber shrinks.

All machined parts must be thoroughly greased & amply protected against rust forming and
other corrosive elements. Where practicable, items such as electric motors, switch and
control gear, instruments and panels, machine components, etc., are to be cocooned or
covered in polyethylene sheeting, sealed at the joints and the enclosure provided internally
with an approved desiccators.


The design and manufacture of all equipment specified herein shall be such as to give long
and continuous service with high economy and low maintenance costs and to ensure the
continuity of electricity supply under all operating conditions.

All materials used shall be of the best quality and of a class most suitable for the operating
conditions, and shall withstand normal working conditions without deterioration. All equipment
is to operate without undue vibration and with the least possible amount of noise.

All equipment and accessories offered shall be of well proven design. The detailed design
shall be such as to facilitate inspection, cleaning and repairs and permit simplicity of operation
and maintenance.
All workmanship is to be of the highest class throughout and the design dimensions and
materials of all parts are to be such that the stress to which they are subjected shall not
render them liable to distortion or damage under the most severe conditions encountered in

No repairs of defective parts will be permitted under any circumstances.

All similar equipment and accessories offered shall be identical to one another as regards
their design materials and workmanship.
Corresponding parts shall be interchangeable wherever possible throughout the Contract
Works and be such as to facilitate the fitting or replacement parts.


In complying with the requirements of the Specification, both with respect to arrangement and
detail, design is to conform to the best current engineering practice. Each of the several parts
of the plant shall be of the maker's standard design provided that this design is in general
accordance with the Specification.

The essence of design should be simplicity and reliability in order to give long continuous
service with high economy and low maintenance cost. Particular attention should be paid to
internal and external access in order to facilitate inspection, cleaning and maintenance.

The design, dimensions and materials of all parts shall be such that they will not suffer

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damage as a result of stresses under the most severe service conditions.

Fully detailed specifications of the several parts of the plant shall be submitted describing
particularly the materials to be used.

The materials used in the construction of the plant shall be of the highest quality and selected
particularly to meet the duties required of them. Mechanism shall be constructed to avoid
sticking due to rust or corrosion.

Workmanship and general finish shall be of the highest class throughout.

All similar parts of the plant shall be interchangeable.

All equipment is to operate without undue vibration and with the least possible amount of
noise and is not to cause a nuisance.

All equipment shall be designed to minimize the risk of fire and any damage, which may be
caused in the event of fire.

The equipment is also to be designed to prevent entry of all vermin and to minimize the
ingress of dust and dirt.

The use of materials that may be liable to attack by termites or other insects shall be avoided.

The equipment shall be designed to prevent accidental contact with live parts.


When required by the specification, non-ferrous pad locks with different key changes and two
keys for each lock and a master key for each station shall be provided.
Cabinets for the accommodation of padlocks and keys, whilst not in use, shall be provided
and shall be suitably labeled so that keys will be readily identifiable.

In the event that it is found that galvanized parts are subject to the formation of white rust
during shipment or storage on Site, the Owner/Engineer shall either:

1. Approve a system of scrubbing and protection painting to be applied on Site if, in his
opinion, this is expedient or

2. Forthwith order that the affected pats be condemned and that all future shipments
receive, before dispatch from the Works, special dip or spray treatment to individual
members to his approval without extra charge to the Owner.


The whole of the pipe-work and accessories included in this Contract shall be supported and
mounted in an approved manner.

All necessary saddles, structural steelwork, foundation bolts, fixing bolts and all other
attachments shall be supplied.
All pipe supports and attachments are to be designed for compatibility with any particular
building and foundation requirements.

The number and positions of all intermediate flexible supports between anchor points shall be

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determined by the weights to be carried and by the steelwork available for the purpose and
are to be subject to the approval of the Owner/Engineer.


Valves shall be arranged so that the hand wheel moves in a clockwise direction to close the

The face of each hand wheel is to be clearly marked with the works "open" and "shut" and be
provided with an arrow to indicate direction for opening and shutting. As far as possible,
valves shall not to be fitted in an inverted position.

It is to be possible to remove and replace, or recondition in situ, the seats and to remove the

Valves of 50 mm nominal bore and over are to be provided with valve position indicators
showing the amount by which the valve is open or closed in relation to its full travel.

All valve hand wheels are to be fitted with nameplates complying with specification.

Suitable means are to be provided to protect the operating mechanisms of all valves against
mechanical damage and dust or dirt. Adequate provision is to be made for the lubrication of
the mechanism and guides and this is preferably to be of the pressure type.

Valves, which are normally required to be locked in the open or closed position, are to be
provided with a non- detachable locking arrangement.

Precautions are to be taken to prevent corrosion of the valve spindles in contact with the
gland packing.


Unless otherwise approved, oil level indicators of approved design shall be fitted to all oil
containers other than hermetically sealed items.

The indicators shall show the level at all temperatures likely to be experienced in service, and
shall be marked with the normal level at 20oC clearly visible from normal access levels and
shall be easily dismantled for cleaning.


All pressure gauges shall be fitted with stop cocks immediately adjacent to each gauge and
all pressure gauge piping shall be fitted with an isolating valve at each point of connection to
main system. Where pressure gauges are mounted on panels, the stop cocks shall be
suitable for the connection of a test gauge.
The finish of all pressure gauges shall be chromium plated.

Where a difference in level exists between the situation of the gauge and the point at which
pressure is to be measured, appropriate compensation shall be made in the dial reading and
the dial must be marked with the amount of compensation applied. Where the compensation
would amount to 2 per cent or less of the total movement indicated under normal conditions, it

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may be ignored.

All pressure gauges where practicable shall be mounted on panels in locations approved by
the Owner / engineer. Stop cocks of gauges must be readily accessible. All pressure gauges
shall be clearly identified by means of separate labels of approved type and lettering.

All high pressure gauge piping is to be of rustless steel but other pressure gauge piping may
be of copper tube or other material approved by the Owner / Engineer.


Thermometer pockets and instrument connections of an approved pattern are to be fitted in

such positions as may be determined to suit the operation and testing of the plant to the
approval of the Owner / Engineer. A thermometer pocket is to be fitted adjacent to each point
of connection for distant remote temperature indication unless specifically stated to the
contrary. Where necessary, the pocket shall be of approved alloy material suitable for the
required service.


All indicating and recording instruments shall be of the flush mounted pattern with dust and
moisture proof cases complying with IEC 60068 classifications 20/40/04.

Unless otherwise specified, all indicating instruments shall have a 150 mm or 140 mm
rectangular case.

Instrument dials in general should be white with black markings and should preferably be
reversible where double scale instruments are specified.
Scales shall be of such material that no peeling or discoloration will take place with age under
humid tropical conditions.

The movements of all electrically actuated instruments shall be of the dead beat type.
Unless otherwise specified, circular chart recorders shall be arranged for one complete
revolution every 24 hours and roll chart recorders shall move approximately 25 mm per hour,
and the actuating mechanism shall be spring driven with automatic rewinding by means of a
synchronous motor. Where two or more quantities are recorded on the same chart, they shall
be distinguished by the use of distinctive color not liable to fade. Recording instruments shall
be fitted with glass windows so that the pen contact point on the chart and a length of chart on
which the record has already been made are clearly visible. Indicating scales shall be
provided to enable the charts to be read without removing them from the recorders. Charts
and inks sufficient for two years continuous working on each recorder shall be supplied under
the Contract.

Wherever possible, instruments shall be provided with a readily accessible zero adjustment.

1. Electrical requirement for Electric Instruments and Meters

All electrical instruments and meters are to comply with IEC 60051: 1973 and IEC 60280:
1968 or IEC 60170: 1964 or equivalent national standards respectively and, unless
otherwise specified, shall be of industrial grade accuracy.

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Three-phase power measuring instruments shall be of the three-phase unbalanced load

pattern wherever the current and voltage references permit.
Maximum demand indicators shall have a demand interval of 30 minutes.

Where precision grade metering is specified, meters are to be calibrated to precision

grade accuracy and allowance is to be made for the errors of current and voltage
transformers with which they are to work and whose accuracy class is to be Class 0.2,
0.5 and 1.0 respectively.

Where commercial grade metering is specified, meters shall be calibrated to commercial

grade accuracy.

Unless otherwise stated, meters shall be single directional and fitted where required with
suitable devices for the transmission of impulses to a summator.
VAR-hour meters shall be complete with phase shifting transformers as necessary.

Summation meters are to be equipped where required with suitable contacts for the
retransmission of impulses to a printometer.

Front of panel test terminal blocks shall be provided for all meters.

2. Non electrical requirement for Electric Instruments and Meters

Major scale markings should be clearly differentiated from minor marks and pointers
should taper evently to the width of the minor scale marks.

The normal working range should be between 50 and 75 per cent of the full movement of
the pointer.


All insulating materials shall be suitably finished so as to prevent deterioration of their

qualities under the specified working conditions.

Plastics, elastomers, resin-bonded laminates and inorganic materials shall be of suitable

quality selected from the grades or types in the appropriate IEC Standard.

All cut or machined surfaces and edges of resin-bonded laminates shall be cleaned and then
sealed with an approved varnish as soon as possible after cutting.

Wherever practicable, instrument, apparatus and machine coil windings, including wire wound
resistors, with the exception of those immersed in oil or compound, shall be thoroughly dried
in a vacuum or other approved means and are then to be immediately impregnated through to
the core with an insulating varnish complying with BS.2778. The coils are to be covered with
impregnated cotton or other suitable synthetic material. The impregnated coils are finally to be
covered with an impervious enveloping varnish. Encapsulation of windings is preferred.


All necessary studs, connectors and earth bars shall be provided to permit the connection of
each switchboard, motor or other electrical equipment supplied under the Contract to the
substation general earthing system. The provisions for earthing shall be such that no reliance
is to be placed on the conductivity of metal-to-metal joints without the use of special

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All motors shall be Universal Type, in accordance with IEC: 60072 and, unless otherwise
specified, shall be of the totally enclosed fan cooled type, suitable for continuous operation
and direct on-line starting.

They shall be suitable in all respects for service in a damp tropical climate. Main conductor
and slot insulation shall be non-hygroscopic and in accordance with Classes B or E of IEC

Motors to be located out of doors shall be entirely suitable for operation under the climatic
conditions at Site.

Motors shall be capable of operating continuously at rated output at any frequency between
48 and 51 cycles per second and at any voltage within 6 percent of the nominal value. Motors
shall be designed to operate for a period of not less than 5 minutes at a voltage of 25 percent
below the nominal value and at normal frequency without injurious overheating. If required by
the Owner / Engineer, the Contractor is to demonstrate that the motors comply with this
The starting current at full voltage is not to exceed six times the rated full load current.

All bearings shall be fitted with oil or grease lubricators complying with specification. Vertical
shaft motors shall have approved thrust bearings.
The ends of motor windings shall be brought out to terminal boxes and the arrangement shall
be such as to permit of easy changing over of any two phase leads without disturbing the
sealing compound when this is used at cable terminations.

All terminals shall be of the stud type of adequate size for the particular duty, marked in
accordance with an approved standard and enclosed in a weatherproof box.

All terminal boxes shall be fitted with an approved sealing chamber, conduit entry or adaptor
plate, as required, together with the necessary fittings to suit the type of cable specified.


Where starters shall be provided under this Contract, each motor shall be equipped with two
or three pole control gear as appropriate and suitable, unless otherwise specified, for direct
starting by the switching of full line voltage on to a standing motor. All starters should
preferably be supplied by one manufacturer.

Contactors are to be of robust design and are to comply with IEC 60158. They shall operate
without undue noise or vibration.

Contactors shall be mounted in ventilated metal cubicles. Unless otherwise approved, the
metal surfaces of the cubicle walls adjacent to the contactors shall be protected by fire-proof
insulating material. Where two or more contactors are contained in the same cubicle, they
shall be separated by barriers of fire-proof insulating material. The cubicles shall be complete
with all locks, cable sealing boxes, bus bars, internal wiring, terminal boards and accessories.
All bare copper connection shall be taped and all secondary wiring is to be so arranged and
protected as to prevent its being damaged by arcing.

Starters shall be of the electrically held-in type with integral "start" and "stop" push buttons

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mounted externally on the door, with integral interlocked isolators. Where it required auxiliary
switches shall be included for the operation of "red" and "green" indicating lights on remote
instrument panels. All ac-contactor coils shall be connected between phases for 400 volt

All motor contactors and their associated apparatus must be designed to operate for a period
of not less than 5 minutes at a voltage of 25% below the nominal value and at normal
frequency without injurious overheating.

For circuits controlling motors of 15 kW and over, transformer operated overload and phase
failure relays are to be provided. These shall be of approved type and be operated by
saturating type current transformers. For circuits controlling motors of less than 15 kW,
thermal overload trips will be accepted.


23.1. General

Control switches for electrically operated circuit breakers and motor operated isolators
shall be of discrepancy type and arranged to operate clockwise when closing the circuit
breakers and anti-clockwise when opening them. They shall be designed to prevent
accidental operation. Operation of switches of the discrepancy type shall be effected by
two independent movements.
Alternatively, control switches for circuit breakers only may have pistol grip handles.

Switches for other apparatus shall be operated by shrouded push buttons or have
handles of a type other than that used for circuit breakers.

Control, reversing, selector and test switches are to be mounted, constructed and
wired so as to facilitate the maintenance of contracts without the necessity for
disconnecting wiring.

Where necessary control switches shall be capable of being locked in appropriate

positions but control switches for circuit breakers and for motor operated setting
devices shall be of the non-locking type with spring return to the "neutral" position.

All push buttons shall be of the non-retaining type made of non-hygroscopic materials,
non-swelling and fitted to avoid any possibility of sticking.

The contacts of all switches and push buttons shall be strong and have a positive
wiping action when operated.

Control switches used in direct control schemes shall be rated for the substation
battery voltage and in any case not lower than 110 volts.

All control switches shall be provided with labels to give clear indication as to the
direction of each operation, for example, "open", "close", "raise", "lower", etc.

23.2. Electrical Control Locations

Equipment may be electrically controlled from a number of different control points as

specified in the appropriate sections of this Specification. The control positions shall be
designated as follows:

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Bab IV- 2. Ketentuan Umum Teknis

a. Local Control

It located adjacent to the item of plant to facilitate maintenance, inspection and

emergency operation.

b. Remote Control

Located at a substation control room where specified items of plant are monitored
and controlled by direct wire connection.

c. Supervisory Control

Located at a Load Dispatch Centre where principal items of plant are remotely
controlled via a telecontrol system.


Indicating lamps fitted into the facias of switch and instrument cubicles or panels shall be
adequately ventilated. Lamps shall be easily removed and replaced from the front of the panel
by manual means not requiring the use of extractors.
The bezel of metal or other approved material holding the lamp glass shall be easily
removable from the body of the fitting so as to permit access to the lamp and lamp glass.

The lamps shall be clear and must fit into an accepted standard form of lamp holder. The
rated lamp voltage should be 25 percent in excess of the auxiliary supply voltage, whether
a.c. or d.c. Alternatively, low voltage lamps with series resistors will be acceptable.
The lamp glasses shall be in standard colours, red, green, blue, white and amber. The colour
shall be in the glass and the different coloured glasses shall be inter- changeable.
Transparent synthetic materials may be used instead of glass, provided such materials have
fast colours and are completely suitable for use in tropical climates.

Spare lamps shall be supplied as 300% of the number and size of each type used with a
minimum of 12.


Where appropriate, each item of plant shall be equipped with all necessary auxiliary switches,
contactors and mechanisms for indication, protection, metering, control, interlocking,
supervisory and other services. All auxiliary switches, including spares, and Contractors as
well as the associated coil connections and inter- connections between auxiliary switches,
shall be wired up to a terminal board on the fixed portion of the plant, whether they are in use
or not in the first instance.

All auxiliary switches and mechanisms shall be mounted in approved accessible positions
clear of the operating mechanisms and shall be protected in an approved manner, and if
outdoors, housed in a substantial weatherproof enclosure.

Where adjustable linkages are provided to facilitate the timing of the auxiliary switches with
respect to the main equipment, approved locking devices shall be fitted. The contacts of all
auxiliary switches shall be robust and have a positive wiping action when closing, and where
necessary, discharge resistors shall be provided to prevent arching when breaking inductive

Banks of auxiliary switches and associated terminal boards shall be arranged to facilitate
extension when required.

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Bab IV- 2. Ketentuan Umum Teknis


Any major items of electrical equipment which are liable to suffer from internal condensation
due to atmospheric or load variations shall be fitted with heating devices suitable for electrical
operation at 220/230 volts a.c. 50 Hz. single phase of sufficient capacity to raise the internal
ambient temperature by 5°C.

A suitable thermostat shall be included in the heater circuit.

The electrical apparatus so protected shall be designed so that the maximum permitted rise in
temperature is not exceeded if the heaters are energized while the apparatus is in operation.
Where fitted, a suitable terminal box and control switch, with indicating lamp, shall be
provided and mounted in an accessible position.

All such equipment, whether fitted with a heating device or not, shall be provided with
adequate ventilation, screened to prevent entry of vermin, suitable drainage and to be free
from pockets in which moisture can collect.

27. OIL

The oil for switchgear shall comply with the requirements of IEC 60296: 1969.

Where other types of filling media are used in current transformer chambers and other parts
of the equipment, they shall be of an approved type.


The electricity supplies available for auxiliary plant will normally be:

a. 400V 3-phase 50 Hz 4-wire for power

b. 230V single phase 50 Hz for lighting and indication.
c. 110V d.c. for essential indication controls, protection, alarms and circuit breaker closing
and tripping supplies.
d. 48V d.c. for PLC, communication and SCADA equipment.

The equipment provided under this Contract is to be capable of operating reliably at voltages
down to 80% of the normal voltage except where otherwise specified.


System identification of a.c.circuit shall be as follows:

Phase l / R : Red
Phase 2 / S : Yellow
Phase 3 / T : Black
Neutral : Blue
Ground : Green with yellow stripes.

Wire colors for small wiring shall be as follows:

Colours_of_Wire Circuit_Particulars

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Bab IV- 2. Ketentuan Umum Teknis

Red : Red phase Connections in current and voltage transformer circuit only.
Yellow : Yellow-phase Connections in current and voltage transformer circuit only.
Black : Black-phase Connections in current and voltage transformer circuit only.
Green with yellow stripes Connection to earth.
Blue A.c neutral connections, earthed or unearthed, connected to the
secondary circuit of current and voltage transformers.
Any other a.c. connection other than those above and color
connection in a.c./ d.c. circuit.
Grey Connection in d.c. circuit.


All joints of fabricated oil or compound filled chambers, other than those, which have to be
broken, shall be welded and care shall be taken to ensure that the chambers are oil-tight.
Defective welded joints are not to be caulked but may be rewelded subject to the written
approval of the Engineer.
Suitable provision shall be made for the expansion of the filling medium in all oil or compound
filled chambers and the chambers shall be designed to avoid the trapping of air or gases
during the filling process.
Design shall permit the temperature of any chamber which shall be compound filled to be
raised such that the compound does not solidify during the filling process.

All wiring in the vicinity of oil-filled chambers shall be insulated with oil-resisting insulation of
approved quality.


The Contract is to include for the supply of flushing oil for each lubrication system when the
item of plant is ready for preliminary tests and the first filling of approved lubricants for the
commercial operation of the plant.

A schedule of the oils and other lubricants recommended for all components of the Contractor
Works shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval. The number of different types of
lubricants shall be kept to a minimum. Copies of this schedule shall be included in both the
draft and final copies of the operating and maintenance instructions. In the case of grease
lubricated roller type bearings for electric motors a lithium-based grease is preferred.

Where lubrication is effected by means of grease, preference will be given to a pressure-gun

system with a separate nipple to each point.

Where necessary for accessibility, the nipple shall be placed at the end of extension piping,
and, when a number of such points can be grouped conveniently, the nipples shall be brought
to a battery plate mounted in a convenient position. Nipples shall be of the hexagon headed
type complying with BS.1486 Part 1 table 1 type 11B. Where special greases shall be used
and where high temperatures are encountered, then 'button' nipples in accordance with
BS.1486 are preferably to be used.

The Contractor is to supply at least one unit of grease gun equipment for each type of nipple
provided. Where more than one special grease is required, a grease gun for each special
type shall be supplied and permanently labeled.

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Bab IV- 2. Ketentuan Umum Teknis


The Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that the internal surface of all pipe lines is
thoroughly clean both during erection and before the pipe line is placed in commission.

The procedure adopted by the Contractor is to include the following:

a. Through cleaning of all internal surfaces prior to erection to remove accumulations of dirt,
rust, scale etc., and welding slag due to site welding before erection.
b. Through cleaning of all pipe-work after erection by blowing thorough to atmosphere to
ensure that no extraneous matter is left in the system. The Contractor is to provide all
necessary facilities for carrying out these requirements.


Except where otherwise specified in this contract all materials and equipment shall be suitable
for operation at the guaranteed maximum sustained rating throughout all seasons of the year
for the system with:

- Highest operating voltage will be 170 kV.

- Neutral earthing for the system is solidly earthed.
- Maximum three phase symmetrical fault current is 40 kA.


In choosing materials and their finished, due regard shall be give to the humid tropical
conditions under which equipment is to work, and the recommendations under which
equipment is to work, and the recommendations of British Standard Code of Practice 1014
should be observed unless otherwise approve. Some relaxation of the following provisions
may be permitted where equipment is hermetically sealed but it is preferred that tropical
grade materials should be used wherever possible.


All materials and equipment shall be designed for operation on systems where continuity of
supply is the prime consideration. They shall also be satisfactory in operation under the
atmospheric and climatic conditions prevailing at the site and under such variations of current,
voltage and frequency as may be met under fault and surge conditions on the system.


All materials and equipment shall have satisfactorily passed type approval test equal to those
required in accordance with the Tests Section of the Specification or equivalent standards.

The Contractor shall certify that the materials and equipment offered will be identical in all
essential particulars in respect of design, materials and workmanship with the materials and
equipment for which type approval certificates are submitted.

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Bab IV- 2. Ketentuan Umum Teknis


All materials and equipment shall comply with design details entered in the Schedule of
Particulars and Guarantees hereto and except where otherwise specified their individual
components shall meet the requirement of the relevant IEC Standards.

The contractor shall also ensure that all materials used will be subjected to and shall have
satisfactorily withstood such tests as are customary in the manufacture of the types of
equipment specified. Records of such tests shall be available for inspection, if required by the


Special tools if ordered may be used for the purpose of the installation. After the taking over
of the installation, they shall be re-conditioned if necessary and handed over to the Owner's

Prices shall be quoted in the appropriate Schedule for the supply of any Special Tools and
Appliances considered necessary for the cable installation and maintenance.


Current and voltage transformers are to comply with IEC Standards as appropriate. They are
to be housed or accommodated to suit their particular duties specified elsewhere and are to
comply with other relevant clauses of this Specification as regards rating, class etc.

Secondary windings are to be wired to suitable terminal boards and earthed at one point in
the circuit.

All current and voltage transformers are to be provided with an identifying label giving type,
ratio, class, output and serial number.
All current transformers are to have sufficient overload capacity to permit continuous
operation with currents up to 120 % of rated current.


Gauges and instruments shall be grouped whenever possible and housed in suitable
cubicles. Where circumstances do not justify cubicle accommodation, they may be secured to
flat back panels but in such cases the approval of the Engineer is first to be obtained.

Cubicles shall be of sheet metal construction having a minimum thickness of 2 mm. The
construction shall employ folding techniques with the use of standard rolled sections or other
reinforcement where necessary. The stiffness shall be such as to prevent mal-operation of
relays or other apparatus by impact.

The front of the panel is to have a smooth well-finished surface and, if of the "desk" type, the
desk is not to protrude so far as to hinder the easy reading of instruments and the operation
of the controls.


41.1 Cable Boxes - General

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.2, KUT - 19

Bab IV- 2. Ketentuan Umum Teknis

Provision shall be made for earthing the body of each cable box.
Where cable boxes are provided for 3-core cables the sweating sockets on the outer
phases shall be inclined towards the center to minimize bending of the cable cores.

41.2 Compound Filled Cable Boxes

Compound filled cable boxes are to comply with BS.2652 Part 1 for voltages of 11 kV
and below and Part 2 for voltages above 11 kV and up to and including 150 kV.
41.3 Glands for Paper Insulated Cables

Paper insulated, lead covered and wire armored cables shall be fitted with universal
tapered brass glands, with combined amour and earthing clamps.

Glands for single core cable shall be insulated from the box. The insulation is to include
a metallic "island" layer for testing purposes. In addition, removable connectors for
bonding across the gland insulation shall be provided. The gland insulation shall be
capable of withstanding a dry high voltage test of 2 kV rms a.c. for one minute.

41.4 Compression Glands for Solid Dielectric, Power and Multi-core Control Cables

Compression type glands with amour and bonding clamps for the termination of all
solid dielectric multi-core cables shall be designed to secure the amour wires to
provide electrical continuity between the amour and threaded fixing component of the
gland and to provide watertight seals between the cable outer sheath and gland and
between the inner sheath and threaded fixing component.


All terminals shall be mounted in accessible positions. Adjacent terminals shall be adequately
spaced to each other and to the incoming cable gland plate. Separate studs shall be provided
on each terminal strip for the cores of incoming and outgoing cables including all spare cores.

Acceptable types of terminal are:

a. Screw or stud type used with crimped ring type termination screws and studs shall be of
not less than size M6 but stainless steel and bronze down to size M5 may be used
provided that the current carrying capacity is adequate. All studs shall be provided with
nuts, washers and lock washers.
b. Insertion clamp type whereby the standard conductor or crimped termination is clamped
between plates by a screw having a suitable locking device. Terminal entries shall be
shrouded such that no current carrying metal is exposed. Tapped holes are to have not
less than three full threads. Screws shall be of plated steel, stainless steel or phosphor
bronze and size M3 or M4.

Terminal assemblies are preferably to be of the unit form suitable for mounting collectively on
a standard assembly rail, secured from the front and giving the required number of ways plus
ten percent spare with a minimum of three.

400/230V circuit terminals shall be segregated from other terminals and shall be fitted with
non-flammable plastic covers to prevent contact with any live parts they are to have warning
labels, with red lettering, mounted thereon in a conspicuous position.

All connections shall be made at the front of the terminal boards and no live metal shall be
exposed at the back.


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Bab IV- 2. Ketentuan Umum Teknis

Facilities shall be provided for protection and isolation of circuits associated with protection,
control and instruments.

They shall be of approved type and grouped, as far as possible, according to their functions.
They shall be clearly labeled, both on the panels and the associated wiring diagrams.

Facilities shall be provided to enable the control circuits for any circuit breaker to be
individually isolated for maintenance purposes.

Facilities for protection and isolation of control and tripping circuits are preferably to be
mounted on the outside of control panels.
All fuses are to incorporate HRC cartridges to IEC 60269.

Miniature circuit breakers are to comply with BS.3871 Part 1 or other relevant standard.

Spare fuses shall be supplied as 100% of the number and size of each type used with a
minimum of 6 (six).


44.1. General

In order to provide the tele control facilities required at the Load Dispatch Centre
(LDC), the following provisions shall be made under this Contract.

All plant supplied under this Contract shall be equipped with potential free auxiliary
contacts for indications and alarms. CT and VT circuits shall be fitted, where required
with the appropriate shorting and fused terminals to add auxiliary CTs and VTs
respectively for (including), transducers supplied under a separate this contract.

Provision shall be made for the future installation of interposing relays for supervisory
control functions.

Floor mounted substation plant tele control equipment marshalling kiosks shall be
provided to form an interface between the plant supplied on the Contract and the tele
control equipment.
All necessary wiring and cabling from the plant control and relay panels into the tele
control marshalling kios shall be provided under the contract. Cabling between the
marshalling kios and the tele control equipment will form part of separate contract.

All necessary wiring and cabling from the plant control and relay panels into the tele
control marshalling kios including cabling between the marshalling kios to the tele
control equipment shall be provided under the contract.

The plant / tele control equipment interface cubicle shall be located adjacent to the
relay panels in order to keep cable runs to a minimum.

The cubicles shall be of similar construction to relay cubicles, both in size and color.
The doors shall be lockable.

Removable gland plates shall be provided for the cables from the control and relay
panels and for the outgoing cables to the tele control equipment.

44.2. Supervisory Facilities

1. Status Indications

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Bab IV- 2. Ketentuan Umum Teknis

a) HV circuit-breakers, bus and line isolators and earth switches, and MV

circuit-breakers of LV side of transformer.
b) Local / remote switch position for all equipment in a).
c) Local / remote indication of transformer taps changer position indication.
2. Load Flows, System Voltages and Frequencies (Analog)

a) Power flow (MW and MVAR) on all feeder circuits.

b) HV main and reserve bus bar voltages and frequencies.

3. Alarms

Alarm facilities to alert the System Control Engineer in the following operations:
a). Tripping of HV circuit-breakers
b). HV feeder main protection operated
c). HV feeder back-up protection operated
d). Transformer non-trip alarms (common)
e). Substation common alarm.

4. Remote Control

The following supervisory control facilities shall be provided.

a). All HV circuit-breakers will be remote controlled from control panel room.
b). Tap changer control of transformer.


Where specified interface marshalling cubicle(s) shall be provided and installed in the
substation control room. The cubicle(s) shall contain terminal boards in accordance with
Technical Specification.
The Contractor shall provide sufficient terminal blocks as required for connecting all items of
Plant as specified.

The cubicles shall contain 20 percent spare terminal blocks in addition. The terminal blocks
shall be segregated a) by Plant, b) by (i) control, (ii) inter-tripping, (iii) indication, (iv)
Analogue, c) by Voltage.
Terminal boards subject to induced voltages shall be segregated and clearly indicated with
warning labels.

The cubicles may be either floor mounted or wall mounted with provision for cables entering
from below.

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GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Final Bab V.3 - i

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis



BAB IV.3 TS.1 : STEEL STRUCTURES ........................................................................ 1

1. GENERAL.................................................................................................................. 1

2. DESIGN ..................................................................................................................... 1

3. MATERIAL................................................................................................................. 3

4. CONSTRUCTION ...................................................................................................... 3

5. WORKMANSHIP ....................................................................................................... 4

6. OTHER MATERIALS ................................................................................................. 4

7. TESTS........................................................................................................................ 5

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI BAB IV.3, TS.1 - i

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis



Steel structures shall be provided under this Contract for supporting the insulators,
switchgear, overhead conductors, bus bars, earth wires, and other equipment and
fittings generally as shown on the drawings, and have to be designed and erected
according to the relevant inter-nationally recognized standards.

The extensions with similar steel work are preferred for the substations have gantry
steel structures of lattice tower (column) and girder (beam) construction. A price shall
be included for a design closely resembling the existing arrangement of the
Tenderer's manufacture. Drawings of the Tenderer's design are to be submitted with
the bid.

The structures shall include all necessary access ladders to give access to the
various levels of the high-level equipment and shall incorporate all necessary screens
to comply with the requirements of insulation levels and minimum clearances.

Step, ladders, handrails, guards and other facilities shall be provided on the inside of
the columns near the junction of the beam and column, to facilitate safe inspection
and maintenance for the structures. Step bolts are not acceptable for the steel

The gantry structures of the substations subject to up rating shall be checked by the
Contractor and if necessary replaced or reinforced in order to correspond to the new
short circuit conditions.

The design and arrangement of supporting structures shall be subject to approval by

the Owner/Engineer. The structures shall be rigid and self-bracing against all dead,
wind, pull-off and other applied loads. Wherever such an arrangement can be
adopted, structures shall be braced by horizontal beams at intermediate or high level
to provide an integrated framework. At or near ground level, all uprights shall be
provided with holding down bolts provided under this Contract.

The rigidity of the structures shall be such that the alignment of the apparatus which
they carry shall not be disturbed by the loads to which the structures are subjected.

Busbar dead end structures shall be designed so as to be suitable for future bus bar

All dedicated structures that will be loaded higher than original condition shall be
investigated prior execution of the work.


All structures shall be designed so that no failure or permanent distortion shall occur
when tested with applied forces equal to 2.5 times the maximum simultaneous
working loads.

The maximum allowable stresses in tensile members shall be such as to give

a factor of safety of not less than 2.5 on the elastic limit strength.
Post steel structure shall be slim to keep electrical clearance from any life part to

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI BAB IV.3, TS.1 - 1

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

structure/ earth. The post structure shall have minimum 1200 mm x 1200 mm and
maximum 1400 mm x 1400 mm bottom dimension.

Major design condition

The following table gives the required maximum tensile strength of the materials to
the used, the span lengths, angles of loading, etc.

design Angle of
Structures tensile Conductor used loading
strength per *1)
For transmission line 10 – 15
700 kg/cond 2 X ACSR 429 200 m
first span deg
Aerial ground wire AS 70 mm x 1
700 kg 200 m
first span OPGW 70
Aerial ground wire According
between columns 2 to
300 kg AS 70 mm x 1

*) “Angle of loading “is the angle between the direction between the direction of
external force and the line perpendicular to the arm of beam.

Seismic coefficient should be considered valid for 0,3g horizontal direction.

The following criteria shall be used for detailed design of the new respectively
checking of the existing structures.

a. Vertical loading:

The dead weight of all conductors, earth-wires, insulator strings and apparatus
supported by the structures and the structures themselves shall be considered.

b. Wind loading:

Wind loading acts on the projected area of the steel members, conductors,
insulators and fittings as specified. The steelwork shall be designed to withstand
simultaneously wind loads as follows:

Wind pressure Wind pressure Resulting for

(daN/m2) coefficient design (daN/m2)
Lattice steel structure
70 2.8 196
(towers, gantries)
Flat Surfaces 70 1.6 112
Conductors, insulators 53 1.0 53

c. Horizontal loading:

The pulls of phase conductors and earth-wires, taking into account the expected
dynamic loads dictated by the specified short circuit current.

Details and fastenings shall be designed to have factor of safety against failure

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI BAB IV.3, TS.1 - 2

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

not less than the main members of the structure.

d. Short circuit loading (Initial symmetrical short-circuit current)

Stress diagrams and calculations shall be submitted as required by the Engineer

and the dispositions and sections of all members and the design of joints and
fittings shall be subjected to approval.

Contractor should design the steel structure considering the applied conductor
tension and sag for the condition, that at the highest operating temperature of
conductor 90oC for ACSR and AAC the maximum sag of conductor is 3 percent.
Bolts and nuts shall be fitted with spring washers. Taper washers are to be added
where necessary. Threads of bolts shall be spun galvanized and the threads of
nuts shall be greased. The diameter of bolts and nuts, which are mechanically,
stressed shall not be less than 12 mm and shall have metric screw threads. Nuts
and heads of all bolts shall be of the hexagonal type. Minimum quality of for bolt
shall be in accordance to the respective standards (5.6 of DIN 267 or equivalent
standards or better).

Boltholes are not to be more than 1.5 mm larger in diameter than the
corresponding bolt diameter. The design is to be such as to keep the number of
different parts as small as possible and is to facilitate transport, erection and

Beam structure shall be provided by two fixing holes for mounting each double
tension insulator string set.


The whole of the rolled steel sections, tubes, flats, plates, bolts, nuts and bars used
shall employ weld able structural steel of an approved quality to IS0/R630. Rolled
steel section, flats and plates used shall not be inferior in strength and quality to those
specified as St 37 and St 52 in DIN 17100 or equivalent.

The steel shall be free from blisters, scale and other defects.

Main members and bracings of lattice structures shall be not less than 6 mm and 5
mm thick respectively.

The materials used shall consist mainly of equilateral steel angle.


The compression members of steel structures shall consists of rolled steel sections
and the tension members of rolled steel sections or flats.

All members shall be stamped or marked for erection purposes as specified.

All members shall be stamped or marked in an approved manner with numbers

and/or letters corresponding to number and/or letter on the drawings or material lists.
Drawings and material lists shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval. The
erection marks if stamped, shall be stamped before galvanizing and shall be clearly
visible after galvanizing.

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI BAB IV.3, TS.1 - 3

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

Pockets and depressions likely to hold water shall be avoided and all parts of the
structures shall be properly drained.

Where overhead transmission lines are terminated at the substation structures,

landing plates welded to the structures shall be provided for reception of the
transmission line insulator fittings and earth-wire clamps which will be supplied and
fitted under other Contracts.

Special care shall be taken not to injure the skin on galvanized or special treated
surface during erection. Care shall be taken to prevent or remove any white rust,
streaks or foreign matter deposited on galvanized surfaces during storing or transport
or after erection.

Approved means shall be provided for fixing and bonding copper conductors to the
steel work at sufficient points to obtain efficient earthing. Earth connection shall be
made to a vertical face, clear of the ground. Foundation bolts shall not be used for
their attachment.


All members shall be cut to jig and holes shall be drilled or punched to jig. All parts
shall be carefully cut and holes accurately located so that when the members are in
position the holes can be accurately aligned before being bolted up. Drifting or
reaming of holes will not be permitted. All burrs shall be removed before galvanizing.

The drilling, punching, cutting, bending and welding of all fabricated steelwork shall be
carried out before galvanizing and shall be such as to prevent possibility of irregularity
occurring which might cause any difficulties in the erection of steel structures on the

Except where specified to the contrary, all iron and steel used in the construction of
the work shall be galvanized.

Galvanizing shall be applied by the hot dip process for all parts according to the
relevant standard.

The zinc coating shall be smooth, clean and of uniform thickness and free from
defects. The preparation for galvanizing itself shall not adversely affect the
mechanical properties of the coated materials.

Built members shall, when finished, be true and free from all kinks, twists and open
joints, and the material shall not be defective or strained in any way.

Steel gauges of the stud type shall be provided to enable the Engineer to carry out
such checking of members, as he may consider necessary.


(1) General

All construction materials such as conduit, steel angles, steel channels, steel
plate, bolts, nuts and other related items required for operation shall be provided
without extra charge and shall comply with the highest grade requirements of

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI BAB IV.3, TS.1 - 4

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

relevant standards.

(2) Lighting fixtures

(a) High pressure mercury vapor Lamp 230 V, 300 W, 50 Hz, Single phase to be
mounted on the steel structure with adequate fittings.

(b) Daylight switch (photoelectric automatic switching) 230 V, 6 A, 50 Hz, single


(c) Magnet switch, 230 V, 50 A, 3-phase

(d) Emergency lighting, 230 V, 20 W x 2, fluorescent lamp, to be connected to

inverter circuit

(e) Power distribution box.

Outdoor type used for housing of (b), (c) and required number of switches / wiring
to be fixed on a steel structure column.

The Contractor shall submit to the Owner design drawing of item (e) for approval.

Road and fence outside perimeter lighting fittings amounted on suitable columns
shall be supplied and erected to give a general level of illumination of 5 lux.

Special attention shall be given to access and building gates.

(3) Phase indication plate (R, S, and T) and Bus bar Number Plate (I, II)

Phase indication plate and Bus bar number plate are required to give information
the phase of main bus bar, fly bus and connection to the line. Both plates shall be
fixed to the structures with bolts.

The plates shall be supplied by the Contractor in a finished form, together with
zinc coated steel bolts and nuts of 10 mm in a diameter for fixing these to the
structure member. The bolt holes on structure member for fixing these plates will
be instructed by the Engineer when returning the approval drawings of structure.
The Contractor shall provide one set of number phase indication plate (phase R,
S and T) for each bay, four sets of phase indication plate (R, S, T) and two sets
of bus bar number plate (I,II) to complete main bus bar installation.


The following tests shall be carried out before shipment:

(a) Mechanical strength of materials

(b) Galvanizing test
(c) Shop assembly

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI BAB IV.3, TS.1 - 5

Bab IV- 3. Spesifikasi Teknis



BAB IV.3 TS.2 : CIRCUIT BREAKERS ........................................................................................ 1

1. CODES AND STANDARDS .................................................................................................. 1

2. GENERAL ............................................................................................................................. 1

3. RATING ................................................................................................................................. 3

4. INSULATING MEDIUM ......................................................................................................... 3

5. OPERATING MECHANISM .................................................................................................. 3

6. OPERATING CUBICLE......................................................................................................... 5

7. WIRING.................................................................................................................................. 6

8. TESTING ............................................................................................................................... 6

9. ACCESSORIES ..................................................................................................................... 7

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.2 - i

Bab IV- 3. Spesifikasi Teknis


Circuit - breakers shall conform to the following standards as to material, design and tests:

IEC 60233 (1974-01) : Tests on hollow insulators for use in electrical

IEC 60427 (2000-04) : Synthetic testing of high-voltage alternating current
IEC 60137 (1995-12) : Insulating bushings for alternating voltages above 1000
IEC 61166 (1993-04) : High-voltage alternating current circuit-breakers -
Guide for seismic qualification of high-voltage
alternating current circuit-breakers
IEC/TR2 61233 (1994-07) : High-voltage alternating current circuit-breakers -
Inductive load switching
IEC/TS 61463 (2000-04) Ed. 1.1
Consolidated Edition : Bushing - Seismic qualification

IEC 62271-100 (2001-05) : High-voltage switchgear and control gear. Part 100:
High-voltage alternating-current circuit-breakers
IEC 62271-100-am1 (2002-05) : Amendment 1
IEC 62271-100-am1 Corr.1
(2002-10) : Corrigendum 1
IEC/TR 62271-308 (2002-08) : High-voltage switchgear and control gear. Part 308:
Guide for asymmetrical short-circuit breaking test duty
IEC 62271-002 : High-voltage switchgear and control gear. Part 002:
Seismic qualification for rated voltages of 72,5 kV and
IEC 62271-100 Ed. 1.1Consoli-
Dated Edition : High-voltage switchgear and controlgear. Part 100:
High-voltage alternating-current circuit-breakers
IEC 62271-100 Amd.2 f1 : Amend. IEC 56. IRV parameters for rated voltage 52 &
72.5 kV – NWIP
IEC 62271-101 Ed. 1.0 : High-voltage switchgear and control gear. Part 101:
Synthetic testing
IEC/TTR 62271-309 : TRV parameters for high-voltage switchgear and
control gear for rated voltages above 1 kV and less
than 100 kV
IEC/TTR 62271-310 : Electrical endurance testing for circuit-breakers rated
72,5 kV and above
IEC/TTS 62271-308 : High-voltage alternating current circuit-breakers -
Guide for asymmetrical short-circuit breaking test duty

and/or other equivalent or better relevant standards.


The circuit-breakers shall be of the SF6, outdoor, vertically mounted, single-pole and
single-break unit per pole type.

The manufacturers shall guarantee the maximum value of over-voltage factor and all other
electrical values according to IEC Standard.

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.2 - 1

Bab IV- 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

Circuit-breakers shall be capable of interrupting their circuits for the duty cycle specified. They
shall be substantially in the same mechanical and electrical condition at the termination as at
the beginning of the specified duty cycle, shall have not emitted flame, oil or given other
indications of failure.

Circuit-breakers shall be capable of interrupting their rated interrupting current within the
specified time after the tripping coil has been energized.

The line circuit-breakers shall be suitable for single and three phase multiple rapid auto
reclosing (0.3s). The bus-coupler and transformer circuit-breakers shall not be equipped with
automatic reclosing and shall be mechanically linked to avoid any single-phase operation.

All circuit-breakers shall be able to perform an O - CO switching cycle when the auxiliary
voltage is lost.

The rupturing capacity of the circuit breakers after unsuccessful auto reclosing should not fall
below the minimum required rated breaking capacity.

The main high-voltage current carrying parts shall be able to carry the rated current
continuously and the temperature rise of the main high-voltage current carrying parts, auxiliary
circuits and devices shall be limited as specified in IEC Standard, however, the reference
ambient- temperature shall be 50 degree C.

Full contact and current carrying capacity shall be maintained during reasonable over-travel
and under-travel of the mechanism.

All main high-voltage current carrying parts and supporting insulators shall be capable to
withstand successfully without damage or injurious distortion the specified short-circuit currents
for the time duration specified.

The circuit-breakers shall be designed on the buffer principle i.e. the complete installation shall
employ the single-pressure principle or an equivalent design.

The contacts shall be of self-wiping and self-cleaning type.

All circuit breakers shall be of the trip-free type. Care must be taken to prevent any pumping.
Should the breaker either fail to latch or should it trip during closing, due to malfunction of the
protective relays, adequate measures to prevent pumping shall be taken.

The circuit-breaker shall be equipped with a temperature balanced remote and local SF6 gas
monitoring system with two stages, indicating early the necessity of replenishing and blocking
the breaker on the excessive pressure-drop. SF6 gas density monitors shall be installed on
each pole. All devices required for fail-safe operation during condition of low gas pressure shall
be provided.

Replenishing of gas shall be possible while the circuit breaker is in service.

All circuit breakers shall be designed for closing and tripping by remote and local electrical
controls. Local electrical control shall be from the outdoor control cubicle by means of a local
"CLOSE"-"TRIP" control switch. The control location shall be selected by a
"LOCAL"-"REMOTE" transfer switch provided within the outdoor control cubicle. The "LOCAL"
operation shall be possible only during breaker maintenance, when the associated
disconnecting switches are open. When the switch is under local control, this shall be indicated
in the control room.

Each pole shall have a mechanical position indicator. The device shall be labeled "ON" and
"OFF" and shall be clearly visible.

Operation of the breaker shall be actuated by two independent tripping coils and one closing
coil. The trip circuits shall be duplicated and automatically supervised.

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.2 - 2

Bab IV- 3. Spesifikasi Teknis
All electrically operated closing devices shall be suitable for operation at voltages between 80%
and 110% of the nominal control voltage.

The tripping devices shall be suitable for operation at voltages between 50% and 110% of the
nominal control voltage.
Circuit breakers shall be equipped for phase discrepancy detection.

All circuit breakers shall have a sufficient number of auxiliary contacts, which shall be capable
of carrying at least 10A continuously and be easily convertible from normally-open to
normally-closed or vice-versa for annunciation locally and to the control room and for all
necessary interlocks.

Breaker tripping must be indicated by a switch-discrepancy contact, made up of two signaling

contacts. All contacts even if not used shall be wired up to the terminal blocks ready for
connection to external equipment.

All circuit-breakers of the same rating and service shall be physically and functionally

For refilling purposes, portable SF6 gas bottles including all required accessories shall be


The rating of circuit breakers shall comply with the data in Technical Particular Guarantee.

Circuit-breakers shall meet the Transient Recovery Voltage requirements specified in IEC
Standard (representation by four parameters) for the rated short circuit conditions.

Rated line-charging breaking current and rated cable-charging breaking currents shall be as
specified in IEC Standard.

Type test certificates for the specified equipment or equivalent equipment of the same
capacity issued by an internationally recognized testing laboratory shall be submitted with
the Tender.


Circuit-breakers shall be of the SF6 single-pressure type.

Circuit-breakers shall be provided with means to ensure that moisture content, arc products
and contaminants are retained and filtered to prevent loss of dielectric or internal condensation
on insulating medium.

The nominal operating pressure of the SF6 insulating gas shall be as low as is compatible with
the requirements for electrical insulation and space limitations to ensure there is no chance of
the gas liquefying at the lowest ambient temperature.


Circuit breaker operating mechanisms can be the spring type. The operating mechanism type
offered shall have accumulated failure-free references at a sufficient number of circuit breakers
and for at least three years in operation under similar climatic conditions.

The circuit-breaker's operating mechanism shall be capable of storing energy to perform at

least three complete closing and tripping operations, without recharging.

Power closing mechanisms shall be recharged automatic-ally for further operations as soon as
the circuit-breaker has completed the closing operation.

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.2 - 3

Bab IV- 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

The design of the closing mechanism shall be such that the circuit-breaker can not be operated
inadvertently due to external shock forces resulting from short-circuit, circuit-breaker operation,
vibration or any other causes.

A manually operated emergency tripping device per pole shall be provided as part of the
mechanism. The emergency tripping device shall be protected against accidental operation
and capable of tripping the circuit-breaker during a complete loss of the AC and DC auxiliary

The circuit-breaker shall be provided with indicators or targets for each operating mechanism.
They shall be located so that the position of the poles, whether open or closed can easily be
determined. The mechanism shall be trip free as defined in IEC Standard.

The motor device for drive mechanism shall be operated at 230 V AC.

If a circuit-breaker closing mechanism is not fully recharged for further operation within a
predetermined time after a closing cycle, the mechanism shall be locked out and alarm

Each part of the operating mechanisms shall be of substantial construction utilizing such
materials as stainless steel, brass or gunmetal where necessary to prevent sticking due to rust
or corrosion.

If not maintenance-free the maintenance period of the driving mechanism must not be shorter
than that of the circuit breaker itself.

5.1 Spring Charged Mechanism

The spring mechanism shall be fully charged before it can be released to close the
circuit-breaker. It shall not be possible for the breaker to close whilst the spring is being

The mechanism shall be provided with means for charging the spring by hand. This operation
may be carried out with the doors of the cubicle opened. During this process no electrical or
mechanical operation of the mechanism shall endanger the operator, or damage the

A mechanical indicating device shall be provided to indicate the state of charge of spring and
shall also be visible with the doors of the cubicle closed.

An alarm shall be provided at the local control panel and in the control room to indicate a spring
failing to be charged a pre-set time after circuit-breaker closing.
The spring mechanism shall be fitted with a manual release, preferably by a local push button
shrouded to avoid inadvertent operation.

Means shall be provided for discharging the spring when the circuit-breaker is in the open
position without the circuit-breaker attempting to close.

5.2 Hydraulic Mechanism (N.A)

Low oil pressure monitors shall initiate pump operation, alarm and blocking functions as
appropriate. Pressure settings at which auto reclosing (break-make-break), closing (make
break) and tripping (break) operation will be blocked shall be stated in the Tender.

A pressure gauge shall be provided to give indication of the operating oil pressure.

Low oil pressure in any one or more of the three single phase operating mechanisms for
circuit-breakers having three independent units shall be sufficient to block operation of all

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.2 - 4

Bab IV- 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

Separate electrically operated low-pressure alarms shall be provided which can be set so that a
warning of low oil pressure is given before a circuit-breaker lock-out condition is reached.

An alarm shall be provided to indicate excessive pump running-time and shall be arranged to
shut down the pump if the running-time exceeds a pre-determined period. An hour
running-meter shall be fitted to the hydraulic pump motor to monitor actual hours of operation.

The hydraulic mechanism, pipe work and accumulator shall be so designed that it is not
possible for the compressed gas in the accumulator to leak into the hydraulic fluid.

Circuit-breakers shall be capable of remaining operational for a minimum period of 6 hours

without replenishment of gas or oil operation pressure.
Means shall be provided for bleeding the hydraulic circuit of any trapped gases.

5.3 Pneumatic Operating Mechanism (N.A)

Low air pressure monitors shall initiate compressor operation, alarm and blocking functions as

Pressure settings at which auto-reclosing, closing and tripping will be blocked shall be stated in
the Tender.

Pressure gauges shall be provided to give indication of the operating air pressure.
In the event of a slow loss of pressure, low air pressure monitors shall permit tripping of the
circuit breaker prior to blocking.

Low air pressure in any one or more of the three single phase operating mechanisms for circuit-
breakers having three independent units shall be sufficient to block operating of all phases.

An alarm shall be provided to indicate excessive compressor running time. An hour running-
meter shall be fitted to the compressor motor to monitor actual hours of operation.

There shall be sufficient energy stored in the local air receiver for a minimum of three closing
and three opening operations.

Air receivers shall be equipped with renewable type air filters and safety valves to the approval
of the Owner/ Engineer.

The compressed air supply unit shall be supplied as an individual unit of each breaker.


The cubicle enclosing the operating mechanism shall accommodate the auxiliary contacts, the
shunt tripping coils for "ON" and "OFF" operation, the terminal block and control device for
electrical or mechanical local operation of the circuit-breaker.
Cubicles shall be of rigid, hot dip galvanized, preferably folded but alternatively formed on a
framework of standard rolled steel sections and shall include any supporting steelwork
necessary for mounting on the circuit breaker.

The cubicle shall be vermin proof, weatherproof and well ventilated through louvers comprising
a brass gauze screen attached to a frame and secured to inside of the cubicle. Divisions
between compartments within the cubicle shall be perforated to assist air circulation.

Doors shall be rigid and fitted with waterproof sealing material suitable for the climatic
conditions specified and with proper locking devices.

Access door or panels shall be glazed where necessary to enable instruments to be viewed
without opening the cubicle. The arrangement of equipment within the cubicle shall be such
that access for maintenance or removal of any item shall be possible with the minimum

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.2 - 5

Bab IV- 3. Spesifikasi Teknis
disturbance of associated apparatus.

A copper earth bus bar shall be provided with tapped holes and screws and shall be connected
to the earthing system.

A heating element for 230 V AC must be installed to avoid moisture in the circuit breaker
cubicle. The heating element shall be temperature controlled; however a by-pass switch shall
enable continuous heating.

Interior lighting operated from a door switch shall be provided within each cubicle assembly.
Lamps shall be 230 V with bayonet base.

A 230 V AC, 10A a single-phase standard power outlet along with its approved fuse to fit
standard prong-plug shall be installed inside each cubicle assembly.

An approved schematic diagram of the local control system of the circuit breaker, identifying the
various components within the cubicle and on the circuit breaker and referring to the
appropriate drawings and maintenance instructions, shall be affixed to the inside of the cubicle
access door. The diagram shall be marked on durable non-fading material suitable for the
specified site conditions.


All wires shall be identified at both ends according to the interconnection diagrams.
Wiring between terminals of various devices shall be point-to-point, no splicing or "T"
connection shall be allowed.

All internal wiring shall be neatly trunked in wiring troughs.

All groups of bundled conductors to hinged doors and panels shall use extra flexible wire
arranged so that a twisting rather than a bending motion is imparted to the moving conductor

Terminal blocks shall be arranged with sufficient space for easy connections of incoming
cables. Parallel rows of terminal blocks shall be spaced at least 15 cm apart. At least 20%
spare terminals shall be provided in each block. Terminal studs and wires shall be numbered or
otherwise marked in accordance with applicable schematic and wiring diagrams.

The DC power supply to the circuit-breaker tripping coils and the control circuit wiring shall be
provided with shielded cables, like type NYCY, and all other measures of protection shall be
taken in order to minimize the hazard of damage to these cables and subsequent failing of
control voltage.

Auxiliary circuits shall be capable of carrying at least 10 A continuously.


8.1 Type Tests

The circuit-breaker type offered shall have passed the type tests in accordance with IEC
Standard and other relevant IEC recommendations.

The type test shall be performed using test circuit arrangements having the following minimum
inherent rates of rise of re-striking voltage:

Test Duty RRRV, kV / µs

No. 1 (10%) 5
No. 2 (30%) 5
No. 3 (60%) 3
No. 4 (100%) 2

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.2 - 6

Bab IV- 3. Spesifikasi Teknis
8.2 Routine Tests

Circuit-breakers of each type ordered under the contract shall be fully assembled at the
manufacturer's works and subjected to routine tests in accordance with IEC Standard and other
relevant IEC recommendations.


The following items shall be provided for the circuit breaker:

a. Nameplate
b. Position indicating signal lamp
c. 10-stage auxiliary switch for position indication and interlocking
d. Counter to record the frequency of fault operation
e. Counter to record the frequency of normal operation
f. Primary terminal connectors
g. Grounding terminal(s)
h. Supporting structure with anchor bolts and nuts
i. SF6 gas for first filling
j. Mounting bolts and nuts
k. Air valve, air pressure gauge and piping
l. Primary terminal connecting clamps, connectors, jumpers and necessary material for
connection to conductors (bus bar) and other equipment
m. Other necessary accessories, even if specified elsewhere in the Tender Documents or not
expressly specified but required for a continuous reliable operation.

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.2 - 7

Bab IV- 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

Ultrechseweg 310, 6812 AR Arnhem
P.O Box 9035, 6800 ET Arnhem
The Netherlands
Telephone (085) 56 91 11
Telefax (085) 51 56 06

2) CESI (Centro Elettroecnico Sperimentale Italiano Giacinto Motta s.p.a)

Via Rubattino 541 – 20134 MILANO MI
Telephone + 39 2 2125 1
Telefax + 39 2 2125440

3) V’FALL (Statens Vattenfallsverk)

The Swedish States Power Board
S-810 70 Alubarleby
Telephone 46-26-88200
Telefax 46-26-82095

4) FGH (Forrschungsgemeinschaft Fur Hochspannungs Und hochstromtechnic EV)

Postfact 169
6800 Mannheim, Rheinau, hallenweg
Telephone 49-621-80470
Telefax 49-621-8047112

5) Center D’essais de Bazet

65460 Bazet

6) Electricite De France (EDF)

Laboratoire HT des Ranrdieres
Route de Sens 77250 Moret Sur Loing


12388-99 th Avenue
Surrey, BC, V3W 7R7
Telephone 604-590-7500
Telefax 604-590-5349

8) IREQ (Institut de Recherche d’Hydro-Quebec)

1800, Montee Saints – Julie
Varennes Quebec

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.2 - 8

Bab IV- 3. Spesifikasi Teknis
Telephone 514-652-8413
Telefax 514-652-8161

9) CRIEPI (Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry)

2-6-1, NAGASAKA, Yokosuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken
Telephone 468-56-2121
Telefac 468-57-3072

10) Ontario Hydro Technologies

KL 286, 800 kipling Avenue
Toronto, Ontario, M8Z 5S4
Telephone 416-207-5717

11) EPRI, power Delivery Center

115 East New Lenox Road
Lenox, MA 01240
Telephone 1-413-499-5715
Telefax 1-413-499-5718

12) KERI
Changwong Main Office : 12, Bulmosan-ro 10beon-gil, Seongsan-gu,
Changwon-si, Gyeongsangnam-do, 642-120, Korea
Telephone +82-55-280-1114
Fax +82-55-280-1216

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.2 - 9

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis



BAB IV.3 TS.3: DISCONNECTING AND EARTHING SWITCHES ............................... 1

1. CODES AND STANDARDS ..................................................................................... 1

2. GENERAL ................................................................................................................ 1

3. RATING .................................................................................................................... 2

4. OPERATING MECHANISM ..................................................................................... 2

5. INTERLOCKING FACILITIES .................................................................................. 3

6. LOCKING FACILITIES ............................................................................................. 4

7. TESTING .................................................................................................................. 4

8. ACCESSORIES ........................................................................................................ 4

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.3 - i

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis



Disconnecting and earthing switches shall comply with the requirements of the
following standards:

IEC 60137 (1995-12) : Insulating bushings for alternating voltages

above 1000 V
IEC/TS 61463 (2000-04) Ed. 1.1
Consolidated Edition : Bushing – Seismic qualification
IEC 62271-102 (2001-12) : High-voltage switchgear and control gear. Part
102: Alternating current disconnectors and
earthing switches.
IEC 62271-102 Corr.1 (2002-04) : Corrigendum 1
IEC 62271-002 : High-voltage switchgear and control gear. Part
002: Seismic qualification for rated voltages of
72.5 kV and above
IEC 62271-102 F : High-voltage switchgear and control gear. Part
102: Alternating current disconnectors and

and/or other equivalent or better relevant standards.


Disconnecting-switches (disconnectors) shall be outdoor, single--phase, two-column,

rotary, single-throw, horizontal centre-break type, motor and/or manually operated.

One three-phase disconnecting-switch shall consist of three units of single-phase

disconnecting switches. They shall be completed with supporting steelwork and
installed to permit easy maintenance and shall be so located that the minimum safety
clearances are always maintained.

The single-phase disconnectors shall be mounted on three separate steel supports

but operated three-phase by a common motor-operated mechanism. The
disconnectors poles must be so coupled as to ensure synchronism of the switching
motions under all conditions.

All contact arms shall be in positive continuous control throughout the entire cycle of
and in angular synchronization during the closing and opening operation. The
disconnectors shall be of the slow acting type.

Disconnectors shall be designed for the specified rated currents. The contacts shall
carry their rated load currents without overheating or welding. They shall be suitable
for off-load isolation at the maximum permissible continuous operating voltage.

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.3 - 1

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

Full contact and current carrying capacity shall be maintained during reasonable over-
travel and under-travel of the mechanism.

All main high-voltage current carrying parts and the supporting insulators shall be
capable to withstand successfully without damage or injurious distortion, the
short-circuit current for the time duration specified.
The use of stranded wire connections bridging the movable links are not allowed.

Main contacts shall be of the high pressure line type and arcing contacts, if provided,
shall be subjected to the Owner/Engineer's approval.

Service conditions require that the disconnecting switches shall remain alive and in
continuous service for periods of up to two years in the climatic conditions specified,
even without operation or maintenance.

All line disconnector shall be fitted with approved three-phase line earthing switches.

The line disconnector’s shall be interlocked also with their associated earthing switch
in such a manner as to allow the disconnectors to be closed only if the earthing switch
is open and to allow the earthing switch to be closed only if the disconnected is open.

The earthing switch, when in the closed position, shall be capable of carrying the
rated short time current for the specified time duration without the contacts burning
or welding. The position of the earthing switch shall be indicated by a reliable
indicating device.

In order to prevent the possibility of making or breaking load current, bus bar
disconnectors, line disconnectors and transformer disconnectors shall be
interlocked with the circuit-breaker of the respective bay so that the disconnectors
can be closed or opened only if the circuit-breaker is open.

Disconnectors and earthing switches shall have the sufficient number of auxiliary
contacts for the control circuits, which shall easily be convertible from normally closed
to normally-open and vice-versa.


The rating of disconnecting switches shall comply with the data sheets attached in
Technical Particular and Guarantee.


Each disconnector and earthing switch shall be three-phase group-operated, by an

AC motor-driven mechanism.

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.3 - 2

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

Disconnector operating mechanisms shall be of robust construction, carefully fitted to

ensure free action and shall be unaffected by the climatic conditions at site.
Mechanisms shall be as simple as possible and comprise a minimum of bearing and
wearing parts. Approved grease lubricating devices shall be fitted to all principal

Each rotating insulator rod shall be provided with weatherproof type, sealed, ball or
roller bearing.
All pin, sert screw and washers shall be of non-corroding material.

Operating rods shall be equipped with weatherproof ball or roller bearings or with
brass bearings in order to avoid corrosion.
Mechanisms shall be designed to be readily operated by one man and shall be
provided with interlock and auxiliary switches as specified.
Manual operation shall be possible on all disconnecting-switches and earthing-
switches from switches located approximately 1 meter above ground. The force
required opening or close a single-pole or three-pole switch manually shall not exceed
15 kg on a crank not over 1.5 m in length.

The mechanism shall be housed in a weatherproofed enclosure complete with

auxiliary switches, terminal blocks, heaters, cable gland plates, cable glands, etc.

All steel and malleable iron parts including the supporting steelwork shall be
galvanized as specified.


Disconnecting-switches and earthing switches shall be provided with an interlocking

system which ensures safe operation of the equipment under all service conditions.

Interlocks shall be effective at the point where hand-power is applied so that stresses
cannot be transferred to parts remote from that point.

All electrical interlocks shall so function as to interrupt the operating supply and an
approved system of interlocks shall be provided which shall cover the emergency
hand operation of apparatus which is normally power operated. Failure of supply (or
its restoration after an outage) or of connections to any electrical interlocks shall not
produce or permit faulty operation.

Electrical bolt interlocks shall be energized only when the operating handle of the
mechanism is brought to the working position. Visible indication shall be provided to
show whether the mechanism is locked or free. Approved means, normally
inaccessible shall be provided whereby the bolt can be operated in the emergency of
a failure of interlock supplies.

At existing substations where equipment is being extended, interlocking facilities, and

associated equipment shall be identical with and form a comprehensive extension to

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.3 - 3

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

the existing interlocking scheme.

Disconnecting switches shall be so interlocked that they cannot be operated unless

the associated circuit breaker is open.

The interlocking facilities shall allow for the on-load transfer of feeder circuits from one
bus bar to the other bus bar system, i.e. both busbar-disconnecting switches could be
closed when the bus coupler is closed.


Locking facilities shall be provided on each disconnecting switch.

Provision shall be made at that part of the mechanism where the operating power is
applied and not to remote or ancillary linkages.


7.1 Type Tests

The disconnecting and earthing switch types offered shall have passed the type tests
in accordance with IEC Standard.

7.2 Routine Tests

Disconnecting- switches shall be subjected to routine tests according to IEC



The following items shall be provided for each disconnecting and earthing switch:

a. Nameplate.

b. Primary terminals

c. Supporting structure with anchor bolts and nuts.

d. Primary terminals connecting clamps, connectors, and other necessary material

for connection to conductors, bus bar and other equipment.

e. Other necessary accessories even if specified elsewhere in the Tender

Documents or not expressly specified but required for a continuous reliable

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.3 - 4

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis



Ultrechseweg 310, 6812 AR Arnhem
P.O Box 9035, 6800 ET Arnhem
The Netherlands
Telephone (085) 56 91 11
Telefax (085) 51 56 06

2) CESI (Centro Elettroecnico Sperimentale Italiano Giacinto Motta s.p.a)

Via Rubattino 541 – 20134 MILANO MI
Telephone + 39 2 2125 1
Telefax + 39 2 2125440

3) V’FALL (Statens Vattenfallsverk)

The Swedish States Power Board
S-810 70 Alubarleby
Telephone 46-26-88200
Telefax 46-26-82095

4) FGH (Forrschungsgemeinschaft Fur Hochspannungs Und hochstromtechnic EV)

Postfact 169
6800 Mannheim, Rheinau, hallenweg
Telephone 49-621-80470
Telefax 49-621-8047112

5) Center D’essais de Bazet

65460 Bazet

6) Electricite De France (EDF)

Laboratoire HT des Ranrdieres
Route de Sens 77250 Moret Sur Loing


12388-99 th Avenue
Surrey, BC, V3W 7R7
Telephone 604-590-7500
Telefax 604-590-5349

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.3 - 5

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

8) IREQ (Institut de Recherche d’Hydro-Quebec)

1800, Montee Saints – Julie
Varennes Quebec
Telephone 514-652-8413
Telefax 514-652-8161

9) CRIEPI (Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry)

2-6-1, NAGASAKA, Yokosuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken
Telephone 468-56-2121
Telefac 468-57-3072

10) Ontario Hydro Technologies

KL 286, 800 kipling Avenue
Toronto, Ontario, M8Z 5S4
Telephone 416-207-5717

11) EPRI, power Delivery Center

115 East New Lenox Road
Lenox, MA 01240
Telephone 1-413-499-5715
Telefax 1-413-499-5718

12) KERI
Changwong Main Office : 12, Bulmosan-ro 10beon-gil, Seongsan-gu,
Changwon-si, Gyeongsangnam-do, 642-120, Korea
Telephone +82-55-280-1114
Fax +82-55-280-1216

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.3 - 6

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis



BAB IV.3 TS.4 : CURRENT TRANSFORMERS …. ....................................................... 1

1. CODES AND STANDARDS ....................................................................................... 1

2. GENERAL ................................................................................................................... 1

3. RATING....................................................................................................................... 3

4. TESTING ..................................................................................................................... 3

5. ACESSORIES ............................................................................................................. 4

GI 150 Kv RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.4 - i

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis



Current transformers shall conform to the following standards as to material, design

and tests:

IEC 60233 (1974-01) :Tests on hollow insulators for use in electrical

IEC 60044-1 (1996-12) : Instrument transformers. Part 1: Current
IEC 60044-1-am1 (2000-07) : Amendment 1
IEC 60044-1-amd.2 Ed.1.0 : Amendment 2 to IEC 60044-1: Current
IEC 60044-6 (1992-03) : Instrument transformers. Part 6: Requirements for
protective current transformers for transient
IEC 60137 (1995-12) : Insulating bushings for alternating voltages above
1000 V
IEC 60296 (1982-01) : Insulating Oil for Transformers
IEC 60687 (1992-06) : Alternating current static watt-hour meters for
active energy (classes 0,2 S and 0,5 S)
IEC/TS 61463 (2000-04) Ed. 1.1
Consolidated Edition : Bushing – Seismic qualification
IEC 62271-002 : High-voltage switchgear and control-gear. Part
002: Seismic qualification for rated voltages of 72,5
kV and above
BS 3938 : Current transformers (only for Class X definition, if


The current transformers shall be outdoor, single-phase, vertically mounted,

freestanding, oil immersed type, low reactance inverted type, single or multi-turn
primary and shall be hermetically sealed.

Each current transformer shall be impregnated and filled with oil of grade as
specified in IEC 60296. Oil level indicators shall be provided. Oil volume shall be
compensated by using a corrosion-proof metallic bellow.

Current transformers shall be designed for base mounting. The secondary leads
shall terminate in a weatherproof junction-box (IP 54) mounted on the current
transformer base and the secondary leads size shall not be smaller than 4 mm2 (No.
10 AWG).

Primary winding conductors shall have the capacity of the nominal continuous

GI 150 Kv RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.4 - 1

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

current and short-time current not less than that of the associated switchgears for
duration of one second.

Except where stated in data sheets all current transformers shall have a maximum
continuous primary current rating not less than the primary current rating of the bay
in which they will be installed.
Star connection and earthing of the current transformer's neutral shall be performed
only once for the three-phase group and located at the corresponding outdoor
control cubicle.

The secondary windings shall consist of enameled insulated wire and each current
transformer secondary winding circuit shall be earthed at only one point.

Current transformers shall be supplied with the number of cores for metering and
protections (class X, class 0.2 and class 5P20).

The cores shall be constructed of the highest quality, non-aging, cold-rolled, grain
oriented steel especially suitable for the purpose. The steel shall be in thin
laminations and each sheet shall have an insulating surface treatment or coating
resistant to the action of hot oil.

Magnetization and core-loss curves shall be provided for each type and rating of
current transformers. The magnetization characteristic shall be submitted to the
Owner/Engineer for approval.

If the Contractor wishes to provide current transformer ratios differing from those
specified he shall first obtain approval in writing from the Owner/ Engineer for each
specific instance.

Current transformers for balanced protective schemes including neutral current

transformers where appropriate shall have identical turn ratio and shall have their
magnetization characteristic matched to each other.

The neutral current transformers, if any, shall be of the totally enclosed bushing type,
complete with suitable mounting, cable box for secondary connections, etc.

Minimum knee point output voltage of current transformer for distance protection
shall be:

Vk > If (1 + X/R) x (Zr + Rct + 2Rl),

Where If is the maximum fault current in secondary term, X/R the primary system
ratio, Zr the relay burden impedance, Rct the current transformer's internal
resistance in secondary terms, Rl the lead resistance from current transformer to
relay. The lowest ratio of current transformer shall be used for determining if in
secondary term.

Current transformers provided for protective gear purposes shall have over-current

GI 150 Kv RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.4 - 2

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

and saturation factors not less than those corresponding to the design short circuit
level of the system. The output of each current transformer shall be not less than
that specified and the Contractor shall ensure that the capacity of the current
transformers provided is adequate for operation of the associated protective devices
and instruments.

The Contractor shall provide details of their method of calculating the outputs of the
current transformers for each type of protection specified and shall submit
calculations for all the current transformers for approval to the Owner/Engineer.

Separate cables shall be laid from each individual protection core up to the control
and protection cubicle.

The screen of the cable connecting the current transformers to the outdoor control
cubicle and further to the control and relay cubicle shall firmly be connected at both
ends to the substation earthing system.

If double ratio secondary windings are specified, a label shall be provided at the
secondary terminals of the current transformer indicating clearly the connection
required for either ratio. These connections and the ratio in use shall be shown on
the appropriate schematic and connection diagrams.
Where multi-ratios are specified current transformers with multiple windings are
offered, it shall be possible to select either ratio for each winding without alteration to
the number of primary turns.
Provision for lifting component parts or the complete assembly as required for
inspection, handling and erection at site of the current transformer shall be provided.
The following facilities shall be provided:

a. Easily visible means of determining from ground the level of oil within the
current transformers

b. Oil drain cock and sampling device

c. Earthing terminal of adequate dimensions


Rating of the current transformers shall comply with the data sheets attached in
Technical Particular and Guarantee.


4.1 Type Test

The current transformers offered shall have passed the type tests in accordance with
IEC 60044.

GI 150 Kv RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.4 - 3

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

4.2 Routine Test

Current transformers shall be subjected to routine tests as per IEC 60044-1.


The following accessories shall be provided with each current transformer:

a. Nameplate
b. Primary terminals
c. Earthing terminal
d. Primary winding protective device
e. Weatherproof secondary terminal box
f. Lifting lug
g. Supporting structure with anchor bolts and nuts
h. Mounting bolts
i. Oil level indicator
j. Drain and sampling plugs
k. Oil filling plugs
l. Oil adjusting unit (if necessary)
m. Pressure relief device
n. Cable conduit
o. Weatherproof secondary terminal box for each 3-current transformer
p. Primary terminal connection clamps, connectors, jumpers and other necessary
material for connection to conductors (bus bar) and other equipment
q. Other necessary accessories, even if specified elsewhere in the Tender
Document or not expressly specified but required for a continuous reliable

GI 150 Kv RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.4 - 4

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis



Ultrechseweg 310, 6812 AR Arnhem
P.O Box 9035, 6800 ET Arnhem
The Netherlands
Telephone (085) 56 91 11
Telefax (085) 51 56 06

2) CESI (Centro Elettroecnico Sperimentale Italiano Giacinto Motta s.p.a)

Via Rubattino 541 – 20134 MILANO MI
Telephone + 39 2 2125 1
Telefax + 39 2 2125440

3) V’FALL (Statens Vattenfallsverk)

The Swedish States Power Board
S-810 70 Alubarleby
Telephone 46-26-88200
Telefax 46-26-82095

4) FGH (Forrschungsgemeinschaft Fur Hochspannungs Und hochstromtechnic EV)

Postfact 169
6800 Mannheim, Rheinau, hallenweg
Telephone 49-621-80470
Telefax 49-621-8047112

5) Center D’essais de Bazet

65460 Bazet

6) Electricite De France (EDF)

Laboratoire HT des Ranrdieres
Route de Sens 77250 Moret Sur Loing


12388-99 th Avenue
Surrey, BC, V3W 7R7
Telephone 604-590-7500
Telefax 604-590-5349

GI 150 Kv RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.4 - 5

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

8) IREQ (Institut de Recherche d’Hydro-Quebec)

1800, Montee Saints – Julie
Varennes Quebec
Telephone 514-652-8413
Telefax 514-652-8161

9) CRIEPI (Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry)

2-6-1, NAGASAKA, Yokosuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken
Telephone 468-56-2121
Telefac 468-57-3072

10) Ontario Hydro Technologies

KL 286, 800 kipling Avenue
Toronto, Ontario, M8Z 5S4
Telephone 416-207-5717

11) EPRI, power Delivery Center

115 East New Lenox Road
Lenox, MA 01240
Telephone 1-413-499-5715
Telefax 1-413-499-5718

12) KERI
Changwong Main Office : 12, Bulmosan-ro 10beon-gil, Seongsan-gu,
Changwon-si, Gyeongsangnam-do, 642-120, Korea
Telephone +82-55-280-1114
Fax +82-55-280-1216

GI 150 Kv RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.4 - 6

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis



BAB IV.3 TS.5 : VOLTAGE TRANSFORMERS ............................................................. 1

1. CODES AND STANDARDS .................................................................................... 1
2. GENERAL ................................................................................................................ 1
3. CONSTRUCTION..................................................................................................... 2
4. ACCURACY REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................... 3
5 EFFECTS OF TRANSIENTS ................................................................................... 4
6. SECONDARY TERMINAL BOXES ......................................................................... 4
7. BUSHINGS .............................................................................................................. 5
8. TESTS ...................................................................................................................... 5
9. RATING .................................................................................................................... 6
10. ACCESSORIES ....................................................................................................... 6

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.5 - i

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis



Unless otherwise stated, voltage transformer shall comply with the following:
IEC 60044-2 (2000-11) Ed. 1.1
Consolidated Edition : Instrument Transformers
Part 2: Inductive Voltage Transformers
IEC 60044-2-am1 (2000-05) : Amendment 1
IEC 60044-2-amd.2 Ed.1.0 : Amendment 2 to IEC 60044-2: Inductive Voltage
IEC 60044-5 Ed.1.0 : Capacitor Voltage Transformers
IEC 60137 (1995-12) : Insulating bushings for alternating voltages above
1000 V
IEC 60296 (1982-01) : Insulating Oil for Transformers
IEC 60358 (1990-05) : Coupling capacitors and capacitor dividers
IEC/TS 61463 (2000-04)
Ed. 1.1 Consolidated Edition: Bushing - Seismic qualification
IEC 62271-002 : High-voltage switchgear and control gear.
Part 002: Seismic qualification for rated voltages of
72.5 kV and above
ISO 9001 : Code of Practice for Quality management Systems


The voltage transformers shall be of the outdoor, single-phase, vertically mounted,

capacitor type.

The design of capacitor voltage transformers shall be such that the accuracy shall not
be affected by the presence of pollution on the external surface of the insulation.

Voltage transformers shall be suitable for use as line couplers for the operation of
carrier accelerated tripping and communication systems.

Voltage transformers specified to carry line traps at the top, shall be designed and
dimensioned accordingly.

Capacitor voltage transformers shall also be suitable for use as couplers for high
frequency live line pulse fault-locators and measurements.

Secondary fuses shall be provided on each voltage transformer, located such that they
are accessible while the primary is alive and shall be provided with labels indicating
their function and their phase colors.

The voltage transformer secondary circuit shall be earthed at only one point by a
separate earth link situated at each voltage transformer.

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.5 - 1

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

A fast damping device shall be provided at each voltage transformer in order to damp
transient and ferroresonant oscillations.

The capacitor unit shall be hermetically sealed.

A bushing shall be provided to enable a high-frequency signal to be coupled to the

capacitor unit.

The bushing shall be fully protected against rain and vermin by a sealed weatherproof
terminal box (IP.54).

The capacitive voltage transformer's terminal box shall:

a) Have a provision for connection with a line-matching unit.
b) Have an earthing-switch capable of being operated from ground level. It shall
preferably include facility to enable the capacitor-coupling unit to be earthed via the
drain coil whilst simultaneously isolating the carrier equipment for test purposes.
c) Have a surge arrester connected between the coupling capacitor and earth to
protect the matching unit, drain coil, etc.


3.1 Construction

All material and workmanship throughout shall be of best quality and in accordance
with modern practices. The design shall be such that installation replacement and
general maintenance may be undertaken with a minimum of time and expense.

The Capacitor Voltage Transformer shall consist of a Capacitor Divider and an

electromagnetic unit (Intermediate Voltage Transformer) connected between the
Intermediate terminal and the earth terminal of the capacitor divider unit for providing
the secondary output. The capacitive divider shall be made up of one or more coupling
capacitors, each containing a large number of series connected capacitor elements
impregnated with synthetic oil.

3.2 Coupling Capacitors

Coupling capacitors shall be equipped with corrosion-proof metallic bellows to

accommodate the variations in oil volume due to variation of temperature.

The capacitor electrodes shall be made from aluminum foil. The dielectric shall consist
of high quality paper separating layers of polypropylene film impregnated with synthetic
oil. Appropriate clamping of capacitor stacks should be demonstrated by the
manufacturer to ensure long term stability of the divider.

The capacitor divider unit shall offer negligible capacitance variation with temperature
and shall have optimum stability of ratio for different ambient temperatures.

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.5 - 2

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

The stack capacitance at rated power frequency shall not differ from the nominal
nameplate value by more than - 5% or +10%. After dielectric tests the capacitance at
rated power frequency shall not differ from that measured prior to dielectric tests by
less than the equivalent of one capacitor element.

3.3 Electromagnetic Unit

The electromagnetic unit shall consist of an Intermediate Voltage transformer a device

for suppression of ferroresonance oscilations and a compensating reactor to ensure
correct phase and ratio relationship between primary and secondary voltages. These
shall be housed in a corrosion resistance base housing which is filled with mineral oil.
A drain screw, oil filling screw and oil level indicator shall also be provided. The
intermediate transformer shall operate at low magnetic flux. If ground switch for the
intermediate transformer is provided, it shall be lockable in “open“position.

The intermediate transformer shall be provided with an electrostatic earth screen

between the primary and secondary windings to reduce inter winding capacitance. The
screen shall be solidly connected to the tank of the CVT.

The base housing may be constructed of corrosion resistant die cast aluminum,
galvanized steel or painted steel.

A high frequency power line carrier terminal shall be provided (in between the earth
terminal of capacitive divider unit and earth) for connection of carrier communication
and tele metering apparatus.


The measuring and protective accuracy clauses specified in the schedule of technical
requirements shall be met without having to make adjustment for changes of power
factor, burden or voltage, and the accuracy are 3P and 0.2.

The ratio of the voltage transformers shall not be affected by changes in ambient

The standard reference range of frequency shall be from 99 to 101% of rated

frequency for accuracy classes for measurement and from 96 to 102% for accuracy
class for protection. The ratio error and phase displacement shall remain within
accuracy limits as required by IEC 60186 (1987-01).

The voltage error and phase displacement at rated frequency at any voltage between
80% and 120% of rated voltage and with burdens of between 25% and 100% of rated
burden, at power factor of a 0.8 lagging, shall not exceed the prescribed value for
measuring accuracy class.

The voltage error and phase displacement at rated frequency at 5% rated voltage and

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.5 - 3

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

at rated voltage multiplied by rated voltage factor with burdens as between 25% and
100% of rated burden at a power factor of 0.8 lagging, shall not exceed the prescribed
value for protective accuracy class. At 2% of rated voltage the limit of error and phase
displacement with burdens between 25% and 100% of rated burden at a power factor
of 0.8 lagging will be not more than twice as high as that prescribed for the accuracy


5.1 Transient Response

The transient response of the Capacitor Voltage Transformer shall be such that on
the application of a short circuit to the primary and earth terminal the secondary
output voltage shall fall to a value less than 10% of the peak value before short circuit
in less than one cycle of rated frequency.

5.2 Ferroresonance Suppression Performance

When a Capacitor Voltage Transformer supplied at 120% of rated voltage and with
substantially zero burdens has its secondary terminal short circuited and the short
circuit is suddenly removed, the peak of the secondary voltage shall revert to a value
which does not differ from its nominal value by more than 10% after 10 cycles of rated

All CVT’s shall be tested on a Routine Test with a minimum of 10 secondary short
circuit operations to ensure conformance with this requirement. Secondary waveforms
shall be included in the test report.

5.3 Short Circuit Characteristics

Capacitor Voltage Transformer shall be capable of withstanding for one second the
mechanical and thermal stresses resulting from short circuit on secondary terminal
with maximum rated voltage maintenance on primary terminal.


The secondary terminals of the Capacitor Voltage Transformer shall be brought out
into a weatherproof terminal box attached to the transformer tank. Mini circuit
breakers of suitable rating shall be connected to the polarity end of each secondary
winding for protection of the CVT.

Note : Mini circuit breakers can be omitted provided the CVT when energized to
120% of rated voltage withstands without damage a secondary short circuit
applied on each secondary winding separately for a minimum duration of one

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.5 - 4

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis


Bushings shall be made of wet process porcelain, which shall be homogeneous, free
from laminations, cavities or other physical flaws and shall be well verified tough and
impervious to moisture. Bushing shall have a glaze of brown color.

Bushings shall be made of alternating sheds and shall posse’s good self-cleaning

Minimum inclination (x) of top shed shall be greater than 5° as per IEC Standard.


8.1 Design Tests

On Capacitor Voltage Transformers

The type tests shall be performed in accordance with IEC Standard.

1) Short Time Withstand Current Test

2) Dielectric Tests, as follows:
a) Dry Lightning Impulse Test
This test shall be performed at the level specified in IEC Standard for Dry
Lightning Impulse Test.
b) Wet Power Frequency Voltage Test
c) Partial Discharge Test
Partial Discharge Test is not required for completed Capacitor Voltage
Transformer. However evidence shall be produced by the manufacturer
showing that the insulator bushings have passed the Partial Discharge test.
3) Test for Accuracy
4) Temperature Rise test
5) Ferroresonance Test
6) Transient Response Test
7) Insulation Endurance Test

8.2 Routine Tests

8.2.1 On the capacitor divider

a) Capacitance and dissipation factor measurement before and after power
frequency withstand voltage (dry) test
b) Dry Impulse Test of each capacitor section
(This test is required in order to provide a more searching test for capacitor
element flaws on a routine basis [all units] than would otherwise be achieved
with only the Power Frequency Withstand and Partial Discharge Tests). The
test may be performed on individual capacitor sections only, at the rated

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.5 - 5

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

lightning impulse level multiplied by a factor equal to the percentage of the

unit’s power frequency voltage tap which is borne by the individual capacitor
section under test.
c) Power frequency withstand voltage (dry) test
d) Partial discharge measurement according to IEC standard

8.2.2 On the electromagnetic unit :

a) Induced potential test on the primary circuit
b) Applied potential test on the secondary circuit

8.2.3 On the complete CVT

a) Accuracy tests
b) Polarity check


The rating of the voltage transformers shall comply with the data sheets in Technical
Particular Guarantee.


The following accessories shall be provided with each capacitive voltage transformer:

a) Name plate
b) Primary terminal
c) Secondary terminal box
d) Earthing terminal
e) Lifting lug
f) Cable conduit
g) Supporting structure with anchor bolts and nuts
h) Carrier earth switch
i) Carrier surge arrester
j) Weatherproof secondary terminal box
k) Primary terminal connection clamps, connectors, jumpers and other necessary
material for connection to conductors (bus bar) and other equipment
l) Other necessary accessories, even if specified elsewhere in the Bid Documents or
not expressly specified but required for a continuous reliable operation.

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.5 - 6

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis



Ultrechseweg 310, 6812 AR Arnhem
P.O Box 9035, 6800 ET Arnhem
The Netherlands
Telephone (085) 56 91 11
Telefax (085) 51 56 06

2) CESI (Centro Elettroecnico Sperimentale Italiano Giacinto Motta s.p.a)

Via Rubattino 541 – 20134 MILANO MI
Telephone + 39 2 2125 1
Telefax + 39 2 2125440

3) V’FALL (Statens Vattenfallsverk)

The Swedish States Power Board
S-810 70 Alubarleby
Telephone 46-26-88200
Telefax 46-26-82095

4) FGH (Forrschungsgemeinschaft Fur Hochspannungs Und hochstromtechnic EV)

Postfact 169
6800 Mannheim, Rheinau, hallenweg
Telephone 49-621-80470
Telefax 49-621-8047112

5) Center D’essais de Bazet

65460 Bazet

6) Electricite De France (EDF)

Laboratoire HT des Ranrdieres
Route de Sens 77250 Moret Sur Loing


12388-99 th Avenue
Surrey, BC, V3W 7R7
Telephone 604-590-7500
Telefax 604-590-5349

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.5 - 7

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

8) IREQ (Institut de Recherche d’Hydro-Quebec)

1800, Montee Saints – Julie
Varennes Quebec
Telephone 514-652-8413
Telefax 514-652-8161

9) CRIEPI (Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry)

2-6-1, NAGASAKA, Yokosuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken
Telephone 468-56-2121
Telefac 468-57-3072

10) Ontario Hydro Technologies

KL 286, 800 kipling Avenue
Toronto, Ontario, M8Z 5S4
Telephone 416-207-5717

11) EPRI, power Delivery Center

115 East New Lenox Road
Lenox, MA 01240
Telephone 1-413-499-5715
Telefax 1-413-499-5718

12) KERI
Changwong Main Office : 12, Bulmosan-ro 10beon-gil, Seongsan-gu,
Changwon-si, Gyeongsangnam-do, 642-120, Korea
Telephone +82-55-280-1114
Fax +82-55-280-1216

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.5 - 8

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis



BAB IV.3 TS.6 : SURGE ARRESTERS ............................................................................ 1

1. CODES AND STANDARDS ........................................................................................ 1
2. GENERAL ................................................................................................................... 1
3. SURGE COUNTER ..................................................................................................... 2
4. RATING ....................................................................................................................... 2
5. PERFORMANCE ......................................................................................................... 3
6. TESTING ..................................................................................................................... 3
7. ACCESSORIES ........................................................................................................... 3

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.6 - i

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis



Surge arresters shall comply with IEC and/or all other equivalent or better relevant

IEC 60137 (1995-12) : Insulating bushings for alternating voltages above

IEC/TS 61463 (2000-04) Ed. 1.1
Consolidated Edition : Bushing - Seismic qualification
IEC 62271-002 : High-voltage switchgear and control gear. Part 002:
Seismic qualification for rated voltages of 72.5 kV
and above
IEC /TR 60099-3 (1990-09) : Surge Arresters. Part 3: Artificial pollution testing of
surge arresters
IEC 60099-4 (2001-12) Ed.1.2
Consolidated Edition. : Surge Arresters. Part 4: Metal-oxide surge
arresters without gaps for a.c. systems
IEC 60099-4 Amd.3 f5 : Amendment to IEC 60099-4: Radial field stress test
on metal-oxide surge arresters for systems with
Um = 72 kV and above
IEC 60099-4 Amd.3 f7 : Amendment to IEC 60099-4: Test procedures to
determine the lightning impulse discharge
capability of a metal-oxide surge arresters used on
transmission and distribution line
IEC 60099-4 Amd.1 f2 : Lightning impulse discharge capability of metal-
oxide surge arresters
IEC 60099-4 Amd.1 f1 : Accelerated ageing – Test procedure for surge
arresters stressed above reference voltage
IEC 60099-5 (2000-03) Ed.1.1
Consolidated Edition : Surge Arresters. Part 5: Selection and application
IEC 61644 : Documents - High-voltage surge arresters
IEC 61946 : Reorganization of the IEC 60099 series of
publications (Tables of content for series of IEC
61644 documents High-voltage surge arresters)


Surge arresters shall be outdoor, vertically mounted, self-standing type, with

metal-oxide, gapless discharge devices, having non-linear characteristic, explosion
proof, heavy duty and shall be hermetically sealed to ensure a permanently reliable
performance, irrespective of the surrounding atmosphere.

Surge arresters shall consist of zinc-oxide disc stacks housed inside the sealed

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.6 - 1

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

insulator body.
The insulator body housing the active parts of the arrester shall be of porcelain with
alternating size in order to attain a low sensitivity to pollution and fitted with proper
grading rings. The color of the porcelain shall be brown.

Surge arresters shall be capable of diverting the impulse voltage caused by lightning
strikes and over voltage due to switching and shall be designed for a nominal
discharge-current of 20 kA at the rated high voltage.
Surge arresters shall be designed to ensure satisfactory operation under the
atmospheric conditions prevailing at site and under such sudden variation of voltage
as may be met with under working conditions of the system.

The construction of surge arresters shall ensure proof against ageing and shall be of
the maintenance free type.

In case of overloading, a pressure-relief device must discharge the dangerous


Internal components shall be designed to minimize internal corona and also to ensure
minimal capacitive-coupling with any conducting layer of pollutant on the outside of
the porcelain housing.

Each surge arresters shall be provided with high voltage terminals and earth terminals
preferably of tinned copper suitable to connect copper or aluminum connectors.


One surge-counter shall be provided for each phase and shall be operated by the
discharge current passed by the surge arrester. The surge-counter shall be of the
electromechanical type and designed for continuous service.

Internal parts shall be hermetically sealed in a weatherproof housing and shall allow
the recording device to be read without exposing the internal parts to the atmosphere.

The surge-counter shall be connected in the main earth lead from the arrester in such
a manner that the direction of the earth lead is not changed or its surge impedance
materially altered.

Bolted links shall be provided so that the surge-counter may be short-circuited and
removed without taking the arrester out of service.


Rating of the surge arrester shall comply with the data sheets attached in Technical
Particular Guarantee.

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.6 - 2

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis


5.1 Operating duty

The surge arrester shall interrupt the follow current after each of ten applications of an
8/20 microsecond impulse current having the peak value equal to the nominal
discharge current of the arrester, while the arrester is connected to a power supply at
the rated voltage, the interval between successive impulse current applications being
about 60 seconds and the polarity of the impulse current being positive for five
applications and negative for five applications.

5.2 Durability

No puncture or no external flashover of the arrester shall occur at the nominal

discharge current, and the performance of the arrester shall not be deteriorated for a
long time of service even if exposed to successive operations.


Type test certificates for the offered equipment issued by an internationally

recognized testing laboratory shall be submitted with the Tender.

Before delivery surge arresters shall be subjected routine tests in accordance with
IEC Standard.


Each surge arrester shall be supplied complete with the following accessories:

a. Nameplate
b. Pressure-relief device
c. Two primary terminals, one for connection to the power line and the other for
connection to earth insulating base surge-counter
d. Test terminal facility for leakage current
e. Supporting structure with anchor bolts and nuts
f. Primary terminal connection clamps, connectors, jumpers and other necessary
material for connection to conductors and other equipment
g. Other necessary accessories, even if specified elsewhere in the Tender
Documents or not expressly specified but required for a continuous reliable

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.6 - 3

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis



Ultrechseweg 310, 6812 AR Arnhem
P.O Box 9035, 6800 ET Arnhem
The Netherlands
Telephone (085) 56 91 11
Telefax (085) 51 56 06

2) CESI (Centro Elettroecnico Sperimentale Italiano Giacinto Motta s.p.a)

Via Rubattino 541 – 20134 MILANO MI
Telephone + 39 2 2125 1
Telefax + 39 2 2125440

3) V’FALL (Statens Vattenfallsverk)

The Swedish States Power Board
S-810 70 Alubarleby
Telephone 46-26-88200
Telefax 46-26-82095

4) FGH (Forrschungsgemeinschaft Fur Hochspannungs Und hochstromtechnic EV)

Postfact 169
6800 Mannheim, Rheinau, hallenweg
Telephone 49-621-80470
Telefax 49-621-8047112

5) Center D’essais de Bazet

65460 Bazet

6) Electricite De France (EDF)

Laboratoire HT des Ranrdieres
Route de Sens 77250 Moret Sur Loing


12388-99 th Avenue
Surrey, BC, V3W 7R7
Telephone 604-590-7500
Telefax 604-590-5349

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.6 - 4

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

8) IREQ (Institut de Recherche d’Hydro-Quebec)

1800, Montee Saints – Julie
Varennes Quebec
Telephone 514-652-8413
Telefax 514-652-8161

9) CRIEPI (Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry)

2-6-1, NAGASAKA, Yokosuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken
Telephone 468-56-2121
Telefac 468-57-3072

10) Ontario Hydro Technologies

KL 286, 800 kipling Avenue
Toronto, Ontario, M8Z 5S4
Telephone 416-207-5717

11) EPRI, power Delivery Center

115 East New Lenox Road
Lenox, MA 01240
Telephone 1-413-499-5715
Telefax 1-413-499-5718

12) KERI
Changwong Main Office : 12, Bulmosan-ro 10beon-gil, Seongsan-gu,
Changwon-si, Gyeongsangnam-do, 642-120, Korea
Telephone +82-55-280-1114
Fax +82-55-280-1216

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.6 - 5

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis



BAB IV.3 TS.7 : INSULATORS AND FITTINGS ...........................................................1

1. CODES AND STANDARDS .....................................................................................1

2. GENERAL ................................................................................................................1

3. SUSPENSION AND TENSION INSULATORS ........................................................2

4. POST INSULATORS ................................................................................................2

5. CREEPAGE DISTANCE ..........................................................................................2

6. MARKINGS ..............................................................................................................3

7. CLAMPS AND FITTINGS.........................................................................................3

8. FIXING THE INSULATOR STRING SET TO GANTRES ........................................3

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.7 - i

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis



Insulators shall be of porcelain or toughened glass in accordance with:

IEC 60120 : Dimensions of ball and socket couplings of string insulator units

IEC 60168 : Test on indoor and outdoor post insulators of ceramic material or
glass for systems with nominal voltages greater than 1000 V.

IEC 60273 : Characteristic of indoor and outdoor post insulators for systems with
nominal voltages greater than 1000 V.

IEC 60305 : Insulators for overhead lines with a nominal voltage above 1000 V –
Ceramics or glass insulator for a.c systems – Characteristics of
insulator unit of the cap and pin type.

IEC 60383 : Insulator for overhead lines with a nominal voltage above 1000 V

IEC 60672 : Ceramics and glass insulating materials.

IEC 60815 : Guide for the selection of insulators in respect of polluted conditions.

Where applicable and/or other equivalent or better relevant standards.


All types of insulators shall satisfactorily withstand the specified climatic and service

Designs shall be such that stresses due to expansion and contraction in any part of
the insulators and fittings do not lead to development of defects. Insulating material
shall not engage directly with hard metal. Where cement is used as a fixing medium,
cement thickness shall be as small and even as possible and proper care shall be
taken to centre and locate the individual parts during cementing.

The strength of insulators as given by the electromechanical test load shall be such
that the factor of safety when supporting their maximum working load shall be not less
than 2.5.

Insulators shall be sound, free from defects and thoroughly vitrified and the glaze
shall not be depended upon for insulation.

All insulators whether post, long-rod or cap and pin shall have plain shed profiles.

The locking pins shall be resillient, corrosion resistant (zinc sleeve) and of suitable
mechanical strength.

Insulator shall be smooth, hard, of a uniform shade and shall completely cover all

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.7 - 1

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

exposed parts of the insulator.

Outdoor insulator fittings shall remain unaffected by atmospheric conditions producing

weathering, acids, alkalis, dust and rapid changes in temperature that may be
experienced under working conditions.
Retaining pins or locking devices for insulating units shall be of phosphor bronze or
other approved material, and shall effectively prevent accidental separation of the

Damaged insulators must be replaced and may not be repaired and used.


String insulator units of the porcelain long-rod or cap and pin type shall be offered
made of porcelain or toughened glass material. Together with their metal fittings they
shall comply with the requirements of IEC mentioned before.

Unless otherwise approved, the individual units of both the suspension and tension
insulator sets shall be identical and interchangeable.

The locking devices shall be formed such that when they are set only extreme
deformation of the retaining pin or locking device will allow separation of the insulator
units or fittings or cause any risk of retaining pins or locking devices being
accidentally displaced. Their design shall allow easy removal or replacement of the
insulator units or fittings. When in the position the retaining pins or locking devices
shall be independent of the degree of opening applied to the retaining pin or locking
device after insertion. A common design of retaining pin or locking device shall be
used for each complete insulator set.


Post insulators shall be cylindrical type, solid core porcelain in accordance with IEC.
They shall be fully interchangeable units and shall be designed so that they can be
used either upright or inverted.


The selection of insulators shall take into account the pollution level according to IEC
The minimum creepage distance specified in the technical particular and guarantee.

Further to this parameter, the Owner/Engineer will pay special attention to the proper
consideration of factors like: insulator shed design, profile factor, shed/spacing (S/P)
ratio, shed inclination, etc.

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.7 - 2

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis


Insulators shall be marked in accordance with IEC 60383. Each insulator shall have
marked on it the manufacturer's name or trademark, the year of manufacture and the
manufacturer's reference mark. Tension and suspension insulators shall also be
marked with the guaranteed electromechanical strength. Marks shall be legible and

When a batch of insulators bearing a certain identification mark has been rejected no
further insulators bearing this mark shall be submitted and the Supplier shall satisfy
the Engineer that adequate steps will be taken to mark or segregate the insulators
constituting the rejected batch in such a way that there is no possibility of the
insulators being subsequently resubmitted for tests or supplied for the Owner's use.


All clamps shall be designed to avoid any possibility of deforming the stranded
conductor and separating the individual strands.
Suspension clamps shall be free to pivot in the vertical plane about a horizontal axis
passing through and transverse to the centre line of the conductor. Suspension
clamps shall permit the complete conductor to slip before failure of the latter occurs,
but the conductor shall be mechanically clamped.

Ferrous suspension clamps for conductors with outer aluminum strands, shall be
provided with soft pure aluminum strand liners to protect the conductor.
Tension clamps shall be of the compression type. The mechanical efficiency of such
tension clamps shall not be affected by methods of erection involving the use of
auxiliary erection clamps before, during, or other assembly and erection of the tension
clamp itself.

Tension insulator sets and clamps shall be arranged to give a minimum clearance of
150 mm between the jumper conductor and the rim of the end insulator units.

Fittings made of steel or malleable iron shall be galvanized.

All split pins for securing the attachment of fittings of insulator sets shall be of
phosphor bronze and shall be backed by washers.

Tension and suspension insulators shall be equipped with arcing devices preferably
of the ring type, in order to minimize the possibility of damage to conductors, clamps,
fittings and the insulators themselves under all flashover conditions.

The arcing device and its fixing shall have sufficient mechanical strength to withstand
a mass of 100 kg applied to the periphery.


GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.7 - 3

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

All double tension insulator string set shall be fixed to the beam at two fixing points.
Fixing holes are provided at the associated structures.

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.7 - 4

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis



Ultrechseweg 310, 6812 AR Arnhem
P.O Box 9035, 6800 ET Arnhem
The Netherlands
Telephone (085) 56 91 11
Telefax (085) 51 56 06

2) CESI (Centro Elettroecnico Sperimentale Italiano Giacinto Motta s.p.a)

Via Rubattino 541 – 20134 MILANO MI
Telephone + 39 2 2125 1
Telefax + 39 2 2125440

3) V’FALL (Statens Vattenfallsverk)

The Swedish States Power Board
S-810 70 Alubarleby
Telephone 46-26-88200
Telefax 46-26-82095

4) FGH (Forrschungsgemeinschaft Fur Hochspannungs Und hochstromtechnic EV)

Postfact 169
6800 Mannheim, Rheinau, hallenweg
Telephone 49-621-80470
Telefax 49-621-8047112

5) Center D’essais de Bazet

65460 Bazet

6) Electricite De France (EDF)

Laboratoire HT des Ranrdieres
Route de Sens 77250 Moret Sur Loing


12388-99 th Avenue
Surrey, BC, V3W 7R7
Telephone 604-590-7500
Telefax 604-590-5349

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.7 - 5

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

8) IREQ (Institut de Recherche d’Hydro-Quebec)

1800, Montee Saints – Julie
Varennes Quebec
Telephone 514-652-8413
Telefax 514-652-8161

9) CRIEPI (Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry)

2-6-1, NAGASAKA, Yokosuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken
Telephone 468-56-2121
Telefac 468-57-3072

10) Ontario Hydro Technologies

KL 286, 800 kipling Avenue
Toronto, Ontario, M8Z 5S4
Telephone 416-207-5717

11) EPRI, power Delivery Center

115 East New Lenox Road
Lenox, MA 01240
Telephone 1-413-499-5715
Telefax 1-413-499-5718

12) KERI
Changwong Main Office : 12, Bulmosan-ro 10beon-gil, Seongsan-gu,
Changwon-si, Gyeongsangnam-do, 642-120, Korea
Telephone +82-55-280-1114
Fax +82-55-280-1216

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.7 - 6

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis



BAB IV.3 TS.8 : CONDUCTORS AND HARDWARE.................................................................... 1

1. CODES AND STANDARDS ..................................................................................................... 1
2. GENERAL ................................................................................................................................. 1

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.8 - i

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis



Conductors for bus bars and all electrical connections in the outdoor substation bays shall be in
accordance with IEC 61089 or equivalent national standards in respect of current rating and
material analysis.

Type and size of bus bar conductor and current rating shall be as specified in Technical
Particulars and Guarantees.

Bus bar shall be strung in continuous conductor lengths for each span.

Conductors and connectors provided for extending existing connections at each substation
shall be identical with the existing equipment except where otherwise specified.


Materials used for bus bar and bay conductors shall be stressed to not more than two-fifths of
their elastic limit. Provision shall be made for expansion and contraction with variation in
conductor temperature.

Conductor hardware for thermal conductor shall be of a proven product capable for high
temperature of conductor and as well as the hardware without damage or failure and decrease
in strength.

Bus bar shall be arranged so that they may be readily extended in length with a minimum of
disturbance to existing equipment.

All necessary clamps and connectors for connections between the bus bar, bay conductors
and equipment for the complete the scope of work shall be provided under this Contract.

Clamps and connectors shall be of an approved type, preferably type tested. Connections
dependent upon site welding techniques will not be permitted.

Bus bar and bay conductors shall be so arranged and supported that under no circumstances,
including short circuit conditions, can the clearances between live metal and earth or earthed
metal work or between conductors be less than the specified distances.

When dissimilar metals are in contact, approved means shall be provided to prevent
electro-chemical action and corrosion. Unless otherwise approved, joints and surfaces of
copper or copper alloy fittings shall be tinned.

Suspension and tension clamps shall be of approved types and shall be as light as possible.
Those for the bus bar conductor shall be compression type. Suspension and tension clamps
shall be designed to avoid any possibility of deforming the stranded conductor and separating
the individual strands.

Tension conductor clamps shall not permit slipping of, or damage to, or failure of the complete
conductor or any part thereof at a load less than 95 per cent of the ultimate strength of the

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.8 - 1

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

Clamps and fittings made of steel or malleable iron shall be galvanized.

The Contractor shall supply all bus bar, jumpers, necessary connectors and clamps for
connection between the bus bar and all apparatus/equipment even if not specifically mentioned
in the tender specification, bill of quantities and drawings, but necessary for the proper
completion of the work.

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.8 - 2

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis




1. PERSYARATAN UMUM ........................................................................................... 2
2. KONSTRUKSI PERANGKAT KUBIKEL ................................................................ 4
3. IED (INTELLIGENT ELECTRONICS DEVICE) ...................................................... 9
4. IED UNTUK PROTEKSI (PROTECTION IED) ....................................................... 10
6. UNJUK KERJA SISTEM SOGI ................................................................................ 83
7. SUKU CADANG ....................................................................................................... 94
8. PERALATAN CATU DAYA (POWER SUPPLY EQUIPMENT) ............................ 99

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3 TSS 9 - 1

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis



Spesifikasi ini meliputi desain, pabrikan, inspeksi dan pengujian yang dilaksanakan oleh
pabrik pembuat, dari Pengaman, Pemantauan, Pengukuran Dan Kontrol untuk perencanaan di
Sistem meliputi gardu induk, transportasi, pemasangan , pengujian dan komisioning dan
pelatihan di wilayah PLN. Ini menggambarkan fasilitas yang diperlukan untuk menyediakan
kontrol Gardu Induk dan sistem serta fasilitas sekitarnya yang disediakan, persyaratan
interface peralatan dan kriteria unjuk kerja.

Peralatan Proteksi dan kontrol harus dipasang pada panel-panel yang telah ditentukan dan
harus dipasang dalam bangunan permanen di gardu induk. Kecuali ditentukan lain, panel
kontrol harus dipisahkan dari panel meter dan panel proteksi. Tetapi jika disetujui, urutan
penempatan panel harus dari kiri ke kanan.

Panel yang disediakan sebagai ekstensi atau untuk pemasangan didalam ruangan yang sama
sebagai panel eksisting harus dengan desain yang sama dan serupa dengan panel eksisting.
Apabila pengaman eksisting memerlukan perubahan, untuk alas an tertentu misalkan agar
beroperasi dengan peralatan yang baru dipasang, Penyedia Barang dan Jasa harus
menyediakan semua yang diperlukan seperti rele, panel, pengawatan terminal,rangkaian
pengawatan dll untuk memastikan unjuk kerja yang memuaskan.

Modifikasi ini harus termasuk pekerjaan yang di “remote end” (gardu lainnya dan/atau bagian
switchgear lainnya) dari rangkaian yang diamankan. Penyedia Barang dan Jasa juga harus
memodifikasi/mengembangkan gambar yang sesuai, memasang semua peralatan yang
diperlukan dan melaksanakan komisioning sesuai dengan persyaratan yang ditunjukkan pada
dokumen penawaran.

Apabila peralatan rele bantu akan dipasang di gardu induk eksisting, peralatan bantu tersebut
menjadi tanggung jawab dari Penyedia Barang dan Jasa untuk memastikan bahwa baterai dan
pengisi baterai eksisting mempunyai kapasitas yang cukup untuk memenuhi bantu beban
untuk peralatan yang baru. Karakteristik dan tampilan dari semua peralatan tersebut harus
dengan persetujuan Enjinir.

Panel kontrol harus menggabungkan semua fasilitas indikasi dan control untuk operasi
peralatan pada gardu induk terkait.

Konsep desain yang diterapkan untuk alarm (monitoring) dan fungsi gangguan yang
beroperasi secara independen satu sama lain harus menggunakan modul yang terpusat.

Peralatan tersebut harus disusun lengkap oleh pabrikan misalnya untuk pengelasan
termometer dan koneksi lainnya, pengawatan panel, meja, dll, termasuk instalasi internal, uji
peralatan, termasuk kombinasi, yaitu sistem pengendalian, pengawasan dan perlindungan
peralatan, harus dilakukan di pabrikan sebelum pengiriman ke lapangan.

Semua komponen harus sesuai untuk iklim lokal dan panel kontrol dan proteksi harus

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 2
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

dilindungi terhadap debu dan kelembaban dan tetap bertahan untuk semua kondisi iklim lokal
yang ada. Suhu ambien maksimum yang ditentukan harus mempertimbangkan ruang tertutup,
diasumsikan bahwa sistem air-condition belum menjamin beroperasi sempurna. Kontraktor
wajib merancang sistem dan memilih peralatan yang sesuai.

Peralatan yang dipasang pada udara terbuka harus harus dilindungi terhadap radiasi sinar
matahari dengan cara dilapisi baja yang memadai dan hampir sama sekali tidak korosi, dan
harus mampu tahan semua kondisi iklim yang berlaku.

Semua instrumentasi dan peralatan kontrol harus mampu secara terus menerus dengan operasi
yang memuaskan, dalam rentang akurasi tertentu atau selama adanya perubahan suplai
tegangan dengan batas yang ditentukan.

Semua peralatan yang terletak pada panel bagian depan terkait dengan HV dan MV
switchgear harus terpasang pada panel bagian depan dari unit kontrol yang ditempatkan pada
setiap feeder.

Semua peralatan seperti terminal harus semudah mungkin diakses pada panel.

Setidaknya harus disediakan ruang kosong yang cukup satu panel pada setiap deretan panel
untuk bantu apabila ada perluasan sistem (bay) .

Instrumen-instrumen, rele, saklar-saklar dll. Pada bagian depan panel harus disusun
sedemikian rupa sehingga dapat terlihat baik, dapat dibaca dan memudahkan dalam

Selanjutnya semua instrumen, rele-rele, dll. harus diberi label yang jelas dalam keterkaitannya
dengan fungsinya dan peralatan harus dilindungi atau diawasi, untuk setiap titik pengukuran.
Pelabelan harus identik antara panel dan gambar.

Apabila diperlukan, setiap item peralatan pada panel akan dilengkapi dengan saklar-saklar
bantu, kontaktor dan mekanisme untuk indikasi, proteksi, metering, kontrol, dan interlocking,
pengawasan dan lainnya. Semua saklar bantu harus disambungkan melalui kabel ke terminal
board pada lokasi saklar tersebut dipasang, dan diberikan penjelasan apakah saklar bantu
tersebut digunakan atau tidak digunakan.

Untuk tujuan pemeliharaan, diharuskan setiap rangkaian proteksi dan kontrol harus terisolasi
satu sama lainnya.

Untuk mencegah terjadinya kebakaran pada deretan kubikel, referensi harus dibuat penataan
ruangan sedemikian rupa sesuai dengan spesifikasi sipil.

Bus Coupler harus disesuaikan untuk skema transfer daya pada busbar.

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 3
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis


2.1. Kubikel
Semua kubikel harus dirancang atau terbuat dari lapisan baja yang kuat, dan semua
pengkabelan untuk kabel power dan kabel control dapat tersusun dengan rapih dan
tersembunyi/terlindungi. Semua Besi baja harus dibuat dari lembaran baja dengan ketebalan
minimal 2 mm.

Setiap kubikel harus dilengkapi dengan lampu dengan warna yang terang dan disesuaikan
interiornya dengan cahaya lampu dimana lampu tersebut diberikan pasokan tegangan LVAC
dan dikendalikan oleh saklar yang dipasang pada bagian atas pintu dan beroperasi sesuai
dengan pengoperasian pintu.

Pemanas anti kondensasi juga harus dipasang di setiap kubikel dan setiap kubikel harus
mempunyai sirkulasi udara (ventilasi yang baik) dengan kisi-kisi yang baik yang dilengkapi
dengan kasa yang terbuat dari kuningan untuk mencegah masuknya binatang. Setiap kubikel
harus dilengkapi dengan stop kontak AC satu fasa, tiga kabel dengan rating bernilai 13 A
pada tegangan 230 V, 50 Hz .

Setiap kubikel harus berdiri sendiri, dan ditempatkan pada base frame dengan dipasangnya
baut dan angkur diatas lantai. Dan juga harus disediakan sarana untuk fixing dan lifting untuk

Peralatan dan terminal harus mudah dijangkau dan tidak menemui kesulitan untuk diakses.
Pengaturan penempatan kabel dan multicore board terminal, harus sesuai dengan Klausul Bab
3 dari Spesifikasi ini.

Enclosures harus menyediakan tempat masuk dari bagian bawah melalui gland plates untuk
Kabel power dan kabel multi-core.

Gland plates harus ditempatkan dalam kubikel sedemikian rupa sehingga memberikan ruang
kerja yang memadai untuk pekerjaan rangkaian kabel pada terminal (terminasi).

Rele dan peralatan yang sensitif lainnya dipasang pada bagain depan panel, sehingga desain
harus mempertimbangkan kemungkinan terjadinya goncangan/benturan dan pengawatan
harus diatur untuk memudahkan dalam terminasi. Tidak ada peralatan yang dipasang pada
bagian belakang pintu panel.

Panel yang berisi peralatan-peralatan tersebut harus memiliki label dengan spesifikasi dan
label yang dapat teridentifikasi pada bagian belakang pintu panel sehingga identifikasi panel
tersebut dapat terlihat pada saat kondisi open dan close.

Setiap panel rele proteksi bertipe rak yang berukuran 19” dan untuk swing frame dan pintu
penutup dilengkapi dengan jendela kaca dan setiap panel kontrol harus dari jenis tertutup.

Kubikel indoor dan panel harus dengan kelas IP 41 atau lebih tinggi, dan semua kubikel
control pasangan luar harus dengan kelas IP54 dengan diberi atap secukupnya agar tahan
terhadap sinar matahari dan hujan.

Setiap pintu harus dilengkapi dengan kabel pentanahan yang fleksibel dengan ukuran minimal
16 mm2 dan terbuat dari kawat tembaga terbungkus dengan isolasi berwarna hijau-kuning.

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 4
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

Pintu panel harus diatur sedemikian rupa sehingga setiap pintu atau frame dapat dibuka tanpa
menggangu pergerakan dengan pintu kubikel yang berdekatan. Pintu harus dari lembar baja
berukuran tebal 2 mm, dilengkapi engsel dengan 120 °, dan harus dilengkapi dengan bingkai
tabung persegi panjang yang didalamnya terisi busa bersegel, dilengkapi lubang pra penekan
berukuran 25 mm, kantong kabel dan saluran kabel dll. Dalam setiap kubikel outdoor
setidaknya satu pintu harus dilengkapi dengan lembaran kabel baja. Jika diperlukan
ditambahkan lintas rel untuk mempermudah keperluan perbaikan, kelengkapan tersebut
adalah The doorstopper .

Untuk kelancaran pintu yang dioperasikan menggunakan bar dengan rol diamankan dengan
sistem kunci master yang berukuran 40 atau 50 mm. Untuk rincian sistem kunci tersebut atas
permintaan disampaikan kepada kontraktor.

Semua kubikel harus memiliki pintu belakang, untuk memudahkan perawatan dan perbaikan
peralatan bantu.

Penyedia Barang dan Jasa harus melakukan perhitungan kerugian panas yaitu dissipasi panas
sebagai Metode Kontrol Suhu yang ditunjukan dalam lampiran. Metode Kontrol Suhu
selanjutnya harus dimintakan persetujuan Pemberi Kerja/Konsultan PLN.

Panel control, panel rele dan lemari cabinet yang akan dipasang, harus berada di ruang yang
dilengkapi air conditioned (AC).

Semua panel dan kelengkapan lain harus bebas korosi dengan proses primer elektroforesis-
dip-jas dan pelapisan akhir melalui prosedur yang disetujui dan disesuaikan dengan kondisi
sekitarnya di lokasi.

Penataan dan pemasangan semua perangkat yang ada seperti switch kontrol, relay dan
peralatan lainnya harus mendapat persetujuan dari Pemberi Kerja/Konsultan PLN
Pemasangan Eksterior dan interior dan warna semua kubikel harus dengan persetujuan
Pemberi Kerja/Konsultan PLN.

2.2. Kabel Dan Wiring

Dalam memilih kabel dan ukuran kawat, harus memperhatikan derating faktor kaitannya
dengan kondisi iklim suhu di lokasi. Semua kabel dan kawat harus mampu dialiri arus terus
menerus sampai dengan arus gangguan tanpa mengalami kerusakan dan penurunan

Semua kabel tembaga yang digunakan dalam panel ini, rak, papan, dll harus memenuhi IEC
yang terkait, digunakan pada tegangan distribusi dengan tegangan uji 2 kV selama 1 menit.

Ujung kabel berserat harus dilengkapi dengan selubung kabel.

Luas penampang masing-masing kawat tembaga adalah sebagai berikut:

Kawat tembaga yang digunakan untuk trafo arus adalah sebesar 4.0 mm2 dan untuk konsumen
besar menggunakan 20 A.

Untuk konsumen besar yang menggunakan motor, pemanas, lampu, dll menggunakan kawat
tembaga dengan ukuran 2.5 mm2 yang berkapasitas 10A.

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 5
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

Untuk semua kabel yang digunakan untuk untuk semua instrumen dan kontrol kabel dengan
ukuran 1.5 mm2 dengan maksimum drop tegangan yang diijinkan adalah <5% untuk titik
terjauh pada beban penuh.

Untuk semua kabel telepon menggunakan kabel dengan ukuran 0,6 mm2.

Pengawatan harus rapi digelar di dalam pipa peralon (PVC) dan aman dari bahan-bahan
logam. Semua kabel kontrol yang kapasitasnya lebih rendah dari 60 VDC harus diletakkan
dalam saluran diterminasi secara terpisah, dan diberi pembatas antara terminal.

Kedua ujung setiap kawat inti dan semua kabel panel sekunder yang bertegangan di atas 60 V
(di sisi terminal tidak sama untuk koneksi eksternal maupun di perangkat dan sisi dalam
panel) harus dilengkapi dengan nomor slip-on ferrules yang tahan kelembaban dan minyak
yaitu bahan isolasi yang memiliki cetakan mengkilap, dan dengan identifikasi nomor jelas,
masing-masing sama seperti untuk terminal yang relevan.

Ferrules, warna putih dengan huruf-huruf hitam, harus dipasang sedemikian rupa sehingga
tidak bisa terlepas ketika kawat itu dihapus dari terminal. (ferrules harus disediakan)

Semua pengawatan sekunder yang digunakan di lokasi akan terhubung pada terminal blok
hanya satu sisi saja. Kabel panel akan berakhir dalam satu atau lebih blok terminal ditampung
di samping atau bawah setiap panel.

Pengawatan internal antara instrumen atau perangkat lain tidak menggunakan terminal blok
hanya diizinkan pada kubikel yang sama.

Apabila diperlukan kabel control dan proteksi dapat menggunakan kabel bertimbel.

Kabel yang digunakan untuk menyalurkan sinyal analog harus dipilin dengan baik.

Pada umumnya untuk pengawatan, ujung kabel harus terikat sehingga setiap kawat dapat
ditelusuri kembali dan dapat dikenali tanpa kesulitan. Kabel yang berpasangan atau dalam
satu grup diterminasi pada satu tempat.

Semua kabel kontrol incoming yang digunakan dan blok terminal harus mempunyai cadangan
minimal 20% termasuk untuk masing-masing jenis blok terminal dan harus diberi nomor juga
dan harus terdaftar dalam bentuk gambar dan tabel.

Blok terminal harus diberi nomor secara berurutan yang sesuai dengan ujung kabel, dimulai
dengan nomor 1, dari kiri ke kanan atau atas ke bawah.

Blok terminal harus terdiri dari terminal jenis sisipan (insertion) non trackcing, dengan bahan
yang terbuat dari plastik sintetis, atau keramik yang tersusun dalam satu baris. Blok terminal
jenis polyamide adalah yang tidak diperbolehkan.

Semua terminal harus mempunyai plat penjepit yang memadai untuk penyambungan dari
konduktor yang solid/stranded untuk incoming dan outgoing.

Setiap terminal hanya satu kawat yang diperbolehkan. Terminal dengan baut penjepit yang
langsung berhubungan dengan konduktor tidak diizinkan.
Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 6
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

Kategori terminal yang digunakan sebagai berikut :

Terminal untuk rangkaian power berukuran 10 mm2, 6 mm2 dan 2,5 mm2 .

Terminal dengan fasilitas hubung singkat untuk rangkaian trafo arus berukuran 4mm2, dan
hubungan dengan terminal pentanahan trafo arus dan jaringan transformator tegangan,
dilengkapi dengan soket pengujian berisolasi.

Terminal untuk pengawatan berukuran 1,5 mm2 dan 0,6 mm2 dengan fasilitas jembatan
(bridging) ke terminal sebelahnya.

Diantara masing-masing kelompok terminal yang dilalui sirkuit listrik harus diberi pembatas
berisolasi, dengan tinggi dan jarak yang cukup untuk mengamankan terminal.

Rangkaian kontrol dan relay, rangkaian sekunder trafo arus dan tegangan, pengawatan untuk
suplai daya dan baterai, supervisory, alarm dan rangkaian komunikasi harus diamankan
terhadap pengaruh elektromagnetik, konduktivity dan elektrostatik.

2.3. Penandaan Pada Peralatan dan Rele

Tanda atau label untuk semua instrument, rele, kontak tekan (push button) lampu indikasi
harus ditulis dalam bahasa Indonesia atau Inggris.

Dalam hal instrumen atau kontak kontrol yang sudah diberi nama tidak perlu diberi label di
sisi depan, namun di sisi belakang tetap diberi label, guna mengidentifikasi peralatan tersebut
dari dalam panel.

Semua rele dan peralatan terkait harus diberi label sesuai fungsinya dan label ini harus sama
dengan yang tertulis dalam buku pemasangan dan pemeliharaan. Label yang dipasang di pintu
depan rele, menunjukkan urutan pemeliharaan, ditulis dalam bahasa Indonesia atau Inggris.
Contoh tulisan dalam label harus disampaikan kepada PLN atau konsultan PLN guna
mendapat persetujuan.

2.4. Pengujian dan fasilitas Pentanahan (Test dan Earthing Facilities)

2.4.1. Fasilitas Pentanahan

Semua panel proteksi dan panel kontrol harus dilengkapi dan dihubungkan dengan kawat
tembaga 80 mm2, untuk fasilitas pentanahan, sehingga kawat tembaga ini berfungsi sebagai
rel pentanahan.

Setiap panel harus ditanahkan melalui rel pentanahan ini denga kawat tembaga sebesar 80

Setiap sirkit sekunder trafo arus ditanahkan pada satu titik saja.

2.4.2. Fasilitas Pengujian (Test Facilities)

Setiap rangkaian sekunder trafo arus dan trafo tegangan harus diberi fasilitas pengujian
terpisah guna pengetesan rele proteksi, meter dan instrument kontrol lainnya.

Fasilitas pengujian yang disediakan boleh tipe sudah terpasang bersama peralatannya (built-
Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 7
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

in) boleh terpisah berdasarkan persetujuan PLN atau konsultan PLN. Semua pengujian seperti
perintah trip, input digital, outpu digital, alarm dapat dilakukan melalui fasilitas ini. Semua
kontak uji harus diatur sedemikian rupa sehingga ketika pengujian dilakukan baik ketika
penyambungan dan pembukaan pada fasilitas uji ini, tidak menyebabkan sekunder trafo arus
itu berbeban nol atau terbuka. Colokan atau terminal di fasilitas pengujian ini harus diberi
cadangan yang cukup sehingga pengujian rele, meter dan instrumen lain dapat dilakukan
secara menyeluruh.

Ketika posisi kontak tertutup setengah (dipertengahan) maupun tertutup penuh indikasi atau
alarm harus sama atau tidak berubah.

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 8
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis


3.1. Syarat Umum

Peralatan untuk kontrol bay (bay Control), kontrol mimik dan switch (Ethernet) tersusun
dalam rak Panel diletakkan atau dipasang di ruangan kontrol gardu induk.

Tata letak panel-panel ini harus berdasarkan persetujuan PLN atau konsultan PLN.

Kriteria desain adalah desain desentralisasi dimana modul untuk fungsi proteksi dan modul
untuk fungsi monitoring dan alarm harus terpisah.

Panel dan peralatan secara lengkap harus dirakit di tempat (workshop) Penyedia Barang/Jasa,
seperti pengelasan, penyusunan rak, terminal, pengawatan untuk peralatan termasuk terminal
untuk pengujian sebelum dipasang di lokasi pembangunan gardu induk ini.

Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus menjamin bahwa semua peralatan harus berfungsi dengan baik
sesuai dengan iklim, kelembaman dan cuaca lokasi pembangunan gardu induk ini, termasuk
suhu maksimum yang mungkin terjadi dalam keadaan panel tertutup. Pengaturan suhu
ruangan dengan pendingin AC tidak boleh digunakan sebagai jaminan untuk keandalan fungsi
peralatan ini.

Pasangan luar seperti marshalling kios harus tahan cuaca luar, sinar matahari dan harus tahan
korosi atau diberi anti karat.

Semua instrumen atau peralatan untuk proteksi dan kontrol harus dapat beroperasi dengan
baik secara terus-menerus dalam batas tegangan yang berubah-ubah yang diijinkan.

Semua peralatan dan terminal pengawatannya harus mudah ditangani.

Peralatan instrumen, rele proteksi switch dan lain-lain, harus disusun sedemikian rupa
sehingga bagus kelihatan, mudah dibaca dan mudah untuk perawatan atau pemeliharaan
peralatan tersebut. Semua instrumen dan rele proteksi harus diberi label sesuai fungsinya, dan
harus sama dengan penulisan dalam gambar yang diberikan.

Jika diperlukan semua peralatan diberi kontak bantu, kontaktor dan lainnya sebagai alat bantu
tambahan yang digunakan untuk pengecekan dan pemeliharaan peralatan tersebut. Terminal
kontak tambahan ini dipasang secara permanen dalam kubikel terkait.

Semua peralatan secara sendiri-sendiri, harus dapat dipelihara secara terpisah dan ketika sirkit
pengaman dan kontrolnya dibuka, maka peralatan lain yang sedang beroperasi tidak boleh

Panel proteksi dan kontrol secara umum atau tipikal berisi IED untuk kontrol atau
pengendalian (BCU), IED untuk rele proteksi utama (MPU), IED untuk rele proteksi
cadangan (backup relay) (BPU) dan Ethernet switch (ES).

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 9
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

4. IED untuk Proteksi (PROTECTION IED)

4.1 Peralatan Proteksi

Tipe IED untuk proteksi harus jenis terbaru numerik memenuhi persyaratan IEC 61850.
Peralatan proteksi yang diterima dalam pembangunan gardu induk ini, harus dari pabrikan
yang berpengalaman dalam pembuatan rele proteksi paling tidak 10 tahun terakhir.

IED dan Peralatan proteksi yang diusulkan sudah dan dipasang di daerah tropis seperti di
Indonesia paling tidak selama lima tahun terakhir, disertai bukti sukses operasi dari
perusahaan listrik bersangkutan.

PLN berhak menolak yang tidak sesuai dengan persyaratan tersebut.

IED rele proteksi dipasang pada panel jenis rak ayunan dengan bingkai ayunan sebesar 19”.
Bebas debu, kelas perlindungan IP42.

Pemasangan rele proteksi harus sedemikian rupa, sehingga mudah diganti atau waktu
dibutuhkan untuk pemeliharaan singkat dipelihara, dan pengujian (test) dan reset dapat
dilakukan tanpa harus membuka atau mengambil rele proteksi tersebut dari raknya.

Rele proteksi harus tipe numerik, tidak ada fungsi kontrol lainnya yang dipasang pada rele ini
kecuali untuk penutupan kembali (auto-reclosing).

Rele proteksi numerik harus dapat beroperasi selama 24 jam dan memori tidak boleh terhapus
ketika suplai cadangan DC terganggu. Apabila suplai cadangan DC normal kembali rele
proteksi direset dan memori tidak boleh terhapus.

Fungsi rele proteksi harus dalam bentuk perangkat lunak dan software tambahan untuk
aplikasi tertentu seperti fungsi logika khusus (specific logic function), dan ketika
menggunakan software tambahan ini fungsi peralatan terpasang terkait tidak boleh terganggu.

Semua rele proteksi numerik harus bisa diprogram secara langsung maupun dari jauh yaitu
konfigurasi, testing dengan menggunakan software terkait dalam laptop yang menjadi satu
kesatuan dengan rele proteksi ini. Semua interface yang diperlukan untuk komunikasi dengan
rele proteksi termasuk software cadangan (backup software) dalam CD ROM, harus termasuk
dalam peralatan rele proteksi ini.

Laptop atau portable komputer termasuk perlengkapannya, clock speed memory, HDD, CD
ROM drive, modem dll, yang akan diberikan harus mendapat persetujuan dari PLN atau
konsultan PLN.

Jam GPS yang berfungsi menyeragamkan jam internal rele proteksi termasuk dalam kontrak

Termasuk dalam kontrak ini Event logger, DFR (Disturbance Fault Recorder) harus
dilengkapi dengan waktu kejadian (time tagging) dan harus bisa dibaca dan diambil melalui
laptop yang disediakan secara langsung maupun dari jarak jauh (remote), ketelitian waktu
kejadian pada recorder adalah sebesar ± 1 ms.

Semua rele proteksi cadangan (backup relay) harus dilengkapi dengan event logger dan DFR.
Event recorder disertai waktu kejadian dengan akurasi sebesar 1 ms. Jumlah kejadian yang
Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 10
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

disimpan minimal 250 kejadian. DFR dilengkapi paling tidak 6 channel analog, paling tidak
16 sample per siklus (cycle) selama 5 detik untuk setiap kejadian.

Rele proteksi harus dilengkapi fasilitas untuk mengkofigurasi sumber pemicu harus dapat
dikonfigurasi atau diset berdasarkan awal sinyal trip. Event log, DFR (Disturbance Fault
Recorder) harus dilengkapi dengan waktu kejadian (time tagging) dan harus bisa dibaca dan
diambil melalui laptop yang disediakan secara langsung maupun dari jarak jauh (remote) dan
harus bisa juga tampil pada layar rele proteksi bersangkutan.

Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus memberi dokumen dan perhitungan yang membuktikan peralatan
rele proteksi dapat berfungsi dengan baik pada batas yang ditentukan sesuai dengan yang

Kontak rele proteksi harus mampu membuka arus maksimum sebagaimana ia diharapkan
secara normal. Tetapi jika kontak rele proteksi tidak dapat berfungsi maka kontak tambahan
harus disediakan sebagai cadangan. Guna memastikan pembukaan dengan cepat (fast
tripping) maka kedua kontak tersebut harus seminum mungkin untuk bekerja secara bersama.
Untuk fungsi alarm dan trip harus disediakan dengan kontak yang berbeda. Semua kontak
harus tahan terhadap getaran dan medan maknit luar.

Rele proteksi harus dilengkapi dengan lampu indicator LED, berwarna sesuai bendera fasa,
dan bisa direst tanpa membuka box rele proteksi. Jika ada dua elemen pada fase yang sama
maka harus diberi lampu indikator yang berbeda. Indikator alarm dan trip hanya muncul pada
komputer di ruang kontrol dan harus bisa direset dari komputer ini.

Catu daya DC yang digunakan pada rele proteksi ini harus satu sumber dengan catu daya DC
untuk trip coil pemutus tenaga (Circuit Breaker). Jika ada gangguan terhadap catu daya ini
maka harus muncul alarm di ruang kontrol. Catu daya DC untuk peralatan ini harus disalurkan
melalui catu daya DC yang disediakan dalam pembangunan gardu induk ini. Pemakaian catu
daya terpisah atau dari luar tidak diperbolehkan.

Untuk mencegah lonjakan transien (transient surge) dari catu daya DC maka rele proteksi ini
harus disuplai dari DC-DC converter.

Catu daya DC harus didesain dan dilindungi terhadap lonjakan tegangan.

Rele proteksi yang dapat diset dari luar box-nya, kecuali untuk reset tidak diterima dalam
pembangunan gardu induk ini.

Rele proteksi harus dilengkapi dengan label yang tertulis dengan jelas, merek, fungsi
penggunaan, tipe, nomor seri, tahun pembuatan, kapasitas (rating) dan lain-lain jika
diperlukan. Untuk mencegah elektrolisa akibat catu daya DC maka peralatan disambung
dengan kutub postif catu daya DC.

Rele proteksi harus sesuai dengan syarat yang dituliskan dalam garansi syarat teknis khusus
(Technical Particular Guarantee, TPG) dapat beroperasi dengan catu daya DC tanpa
menggunakan resistor untuk pengaturan tegangan. Pengaturan terminal penghubung harus
atas persetujuan PLN atau konsultan PLN.

Skema proteksi harus dilengkapi fasilitas untuk mengubah sinyal yang rendah menjadi sinyal
yang normal sesuai dengan yang diperlukan oleh rele proteksi terkait.

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 11
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

Kecuali dispesifikasikan lain, maka perintah tripping harus datang dari rele proteksi yang
mengukur sinyal terkait.

Jika “block-close” juga masuk dalam spesifikasi, maka rele proteksi ini harus dioperasikan
atau diatur agar tidak boleh memberi sinyal (perintah) tutup pada CB selama rele proteksi
belum direset. Rele proteksi ini harus dilengkapi fasilitas reset secara langsung atau dari jauh
(ruang kontrol). Lampu indikator juga harus diberikan untuk mengetahui fungsi reset berhasil
atau tidak.

Rele proteksi harus dilengkapi dengan lampu indikator guna mengetahui penutupan dan
pembukaan CB terkait. Kontaktor tripping harus dijamin dapat beroperasi pada tegangan DC
sebesar 50% dari normalnya (untuk pick-up sebesar 80%, self holding down sebesar 50%)

Jika ada dua grup rele proteksi yang digunakan untuk satu sirkit, maka VT dan catu daya DC
diatur sedemikian rupa agar hanya salah satu grup rele proteksi yang bekerja tanpa
mengganggu performance grup yang lain.

Semua rele proteksi harus dilengkapi dengan MCB dari catu daya DC, dan apabila terjadi loss
kontak pada MCB ini harus dapat diketahui dengan munculnya alarm.

Semua peralatan DC, baik batere baik converter harus dapat dimonitor dan apabila tidak
berfungsi atau hilang catu daya ke rele proteksi dapat diketahui dengan munculnya alarm.
Peralatan alarm ini harus tahan terhadap arus hubung singkat dalam rangkaiannya.

Semua peralatan rele proteksi harus dilindungi dari terhadap gelombang tegangan yang masuk
dari luar dan harus memenuhi standar IEC terkait.

Semua mekanisme untuk trip pada CB harus dapat dimonitor apakah rangkaian trip dalam
keadaan baik atu tidak dan diberi indikator atau alarm untuk mengetahui dimana terjadi

Rangkaian trip rele proteksi harus dapat menunjukkan apakah CB dalam keadaan tertutup
atau terbuka.

Rangkaian trip dilengkapi dengan tahanan seri untuk mencegah trip coil bekerja pada saat
terjadi hubung singkat pada rangkaian trip ini. Rele monitoring cadangan trip koil harus
dipasang untuk setiap CB demi keandalan rele proteksi.

4.2. Proteksi Transmisi Saluran Udara (Overhead line Protection)

4.2.1. Proteksi EHV (EHV Line Protection)

Desain rele proteksi transmisi saluran udara terdiri dari :

EHV (Saluran Udara Tegangan Ekstra Tinggi) 275 kV dan 500 kV

SUTT (Saularan Udara Tegangan Tinggi) 66 kV dan 150 kV

Pola rele proteksi untuk saluran udara jarak panjang (long line) terdiri dari 2 (dua) rele jarak
(distance) numerik dengan dengan syarat kemampuan dan kecepatan tinggi, berfungsi sebagai
Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 12
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

pengaman utama terhadap semua jenis gangguan pada seluruh jalur terkait. Kedua rele
pengaman tidak tergantung satu sama lain, tidak boleh dari merek yang sama.

Pola rele proteksi untuk saluran udara jarak menengah (medium line) terdiri dari 2 (dua) rele
numerik yaitu tipe rele Line Current Differential atau rele jarak (distance) dengan syarat
kemampuan dan kecepatan tinggi, berfungsi sebagai pengaman utama terhadap semua jenis
gangguan pada seluruh jalur terkait. Kedua rele pengaman tidak tergantung satu sama lain,
tidak boleh dari merek yang sama.

Pola rele proteksi untuk jarak pendek (short line) terdiri dari 2 (dua) rele numerik yaitu tipe
rele Line Current Differential dengan kecepatan 64 Kbps/2 Mbps/fo signaling channel
sebagai pengaman utama, atau rele jarak (distance) yang layak untuk pengamanan saluran
pendek sebagai pengaman kedua. Kedua rele pengaman tidak tergantung satu sama lain, tidak
boleh dari merek yang sama.

Pola rele proteksi untuk saluran transmisi panjang untuk rele jarak adalah pola PUTT
(permissive under reach transfer trip) dan untuk saluran transmisi pendek adalah pola POTT
(permissive over reach transfer trip)

Kecepatan rele dalam mengirim perintah trip tidak boleh melebihi 20 ms.

Masing-masing rele harus dilengkapi dengan peralatan “penutup otomatis kembali” (auto-
reclosing) sebagai fasilitas menutup CB pada saat terjadi hubung singkat. Untuk hubung
singkat satu fasa penutupan kembali harus dengan cepat (high speed). Dan untuk hubung
singkat lain seperti tiga fasa atau dua fasa harus dengan waktu tunda (delay time). Penutupan
kembali harus dilengkapi dengan peralatan pengecekan sinkron (synchro check) dan juga
fasilitas guna pemberian tegangan pada saluran transmisi yang tidak bertegangan.

Agar rele proteksi dapat merasakan arus gangguan kecil yang terjadi karena tahanan atau
impedansi gangguan, maka rele proteksi dilengkapi dengan peralatan untuk merasakan hal
tersebut (permissive mode).

Untuk redundansi maka saluran sinyal (signal Channel) untuk kepentingan ini dibuat terpisah.

Juga rele proteksi cadangan (back up) untuk ini yaitu rele proteksi arus lebih (over current
relay) dan rele proteksi gangguan tanah (earth fault relay) harus diberikan pada sistem
proteksi ini.

Skema trip dalam berbentuk matriks, harus diberikan pada periode desain dan harus atas
persetujuan PLN atau konsultan PLN. Pola proteksi untuk saluran udara ekstra tinggi (SUTET) Rele Jarak-Pengaman utama pertama (first main protection)

Perlindungan utama pertama adalah rele jarak tipe numerik dilengkapi dengan saluran sinyal.
(signal channel)

Rele yang ditawarkan sesuai standar harus dapat diset untuk pola PUTT dan POTT mode
blocking dan unblocking. Mode ini harus bisa diset sesuai pilihan, dan harus cocok dalam
semua jenis pentanahan netral, dan harus dapat digunakan pada transmisi saluran panjang
maupun transmisi saluran pendek. Termasuk transmisi saluran yang berbeban penuh,
Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 13
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

transmisi saluran dua sirkit, kabel dan transmisi yang disuplai dengan daya kecil.

Rele harus dilengkapi dengan alat pengukur impedansi untuk setiap zona proteksi, gangguan
satu fasa, atau gangguan dua atau tiga fasa yang terpisah. Semua setting berdasarkan
impedansi urutan postif saluran transmisi. Konsep desain proteksi dengan rele jarak tidak
boleh dipengaruhi oleh hal-hal sebagai berikut:

• Kopling urutan nol (zero sequence mutual coupling)

• Daya balik arah tiba-tiba (sudden power reversal)

• Bunga api dari tahanan kaki tiang (arc or tower footing resistance)

• Arus pemuat saluran transmisi (line charging currents)

• Interaksi antara arus gangguan melalui tahanan dan sumber dari luar fasa yang
terjadi pada saluran transmisi yang mengakibatkan kesalahan pengukuran impedansi.
(interaction of fault resistance and out of phase source at the two line terminals
producing misleading apparent fault reactance)

• Jatuh tegangan pada fasa yang terganggu (collapse of voltage on the faulted

• Fenomena akibat penutupan saluran transmisi lain (external switching phenomena)

• Variasi frekuensi system (power frequency variations)

Waktu pengiriman sinyal trip termasuk waktu kontaktor adalah 30 ms diukur dari terjadinya

Setelan atau karakteristik rele jarak terdiri dari paling tidak tiga bagian kearah depan dan satu
bagian kearah belakang. Rele harus bisa diset untuk zona pertama dalam PUTT dan setting
terakhir harus bisa mengamankan seksi transmisi didepannya terutama ketika terjadi arus
gangguan besar di saluran transmisi tersebut.

Harus bisa dilakukan pengaturan secara terpisah setting sudut dari tahanan dan reaktansi yang
diukur untuk setiap zona.

Karakteristik peralatan pengukur arus gangguan tanah harus dalam empat bagian
“quadrilateral” sehingga pengukuran dapat mencakup arus gangguan yang lebih besar, hal ini
diperoleh dari karakteristik tersebut dalam lingkaran. Peralatan ini harus dikompensasi dengan
beban untuk memperkecil “over reach” pada gangguan dengan tahanan atau saat menyalurkan

Karakteristik peralatan pengukur untuk gangguan antar fasa dapat dalam empat bagian
“quadrilateral” atau ratikular atau lingkaran.

Rele jarak harus dirancang untuk dapat mengukur dengan tepat perbandingan antara
impedansi ekivalen (source impedance) dengan impedansi setting pada zona-1 pada saat arus
minimum terjadi. Kurva daerah pengamanan yang menunjukkan performance relay untuk
Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 14
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

gangguan satu fasa ketanah, gangguan fasa-fasa dan gangguan tiga fasa harus diserahkan
kontraktor kepada PLN.

Setting waktu tunda yang kontinyu terhadap zona-2 dan zona-3 berkisar masing masing antara
0-1 detik dan 0-3 detik.

Rele harus mampu mendeteksi semua jenis gangguan, termasuk gangguan tiga fasa metalik
yang mungkin terjadi pada terminal trafo tegangan (Voltage Transformer).

Harus dilengkapi dengan penyeleksi fasa untuk memastikan fasa mana yang terganggu guna
pembukaan dan penutupan kembali fasa tersebut (SPAR) ketika terjadi gangguan satu fasa
ketanah. Rele ini juga harus mampu mendeteksi agar fasa yang sehat tidak dibuka ketika
terjadi gangguan satu fasa ketanah. Secara detail tentang skema ini harus diberikan Penyedia
Barang/Jasa kepada PLN.

Peralatan seleksi fasa tidak boleh beroperasi pada pembebanan kondisi darurat terjadi di
sistem, dan rele ini harus bisa diset pada power swing blocking relays.

Peralatan untuk power swing blocking juga harus diberikan, peralatan ini, dan digunakan
mencegah perintah trip pada saat terjadi ayunan daya pada transmisi yang diproteksi.
Disarankan agar peralatan ini dapat juga digunakan untuk out of step tripping dengan
menggunakan selektor dan menonaktifkan power swing blocking pada saat gangguan satu fasa
ke tanah.

Rele pengaman ini harus dilengkapi dengan fitur pengecekan saluran, dan akan segera
mengirim perintah trip apabila terjadi penutupan secara manual dalam keadaan gangguan.
Fitur ini harus memberi perintah trip atas gangguan yang terjadi di lokasi manapun dalam
daerah saluran transmisi yang diproteksi.

Perintah segera trip terhadap penutupan kembali (SPAR) akibat gangguan masih ada juga
masuk dalam bagian rele proteksi ini.

Rele proteksi ini tidak boleh mengirim perintah trip, akibat terjadinya tegangan rendah
rangkaian rele proteksi ini, termasuk gangguan pada MCB atau sekering. Dan harus muncul
alarm atas kondisi ini.

Rele harus dilengkapi dan dilindungi atas kejadian under voltage dan over voltage

Rele harus dilengkapi dengan Stub protection apabila saluran transmisi disambung pada dua
CB seperti pada gardu induk satu setengah CB atau tipe Gardu Induk Ring.

Dalam kondisi berbeban rele harus mudah diverifikasi kearah mana proteksi dimaksudkan dan
arah ini harus bisa dirubah tanpa mengganggu rangkaian CT dan VT.

Di depan rele proteksi harus dilengkapi dengan indikator menetukan tipe, fasa dan zona
dimana gangguan terjadi.

Rele harus dapat meng-clear-kan gangguan sesuai dengan waktu yang ditentukan atau diset,
tidak boleh lebih lama dari dua kali waktu yang diset tambah waktu pengiriman dalam saluran
kanal (channel), untuk gangguan dimana CB atau daya masuk yang kecil di GI dihadapan

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 15
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

(seberang). Kontak dan rangkaian cadangan tidak boleh digunakan untuk fungsi ini.

Rele proteksi harus dilengkapi dengan supervisi oleh rele sendiri, melakukan supevisi sendiri
secara internal mengukur besaran arus dan tegangan dari CT dan VT, gangguan yang
dirasakan harus memblokir zona yang terganggu, ditunjukkan dengan alarm dan modul rele

Sinyal dari dua arah yang berlawanan harus bisa dikirim melalui PLC konvesional,
microwave atau kabel optic. Semua peralatan interface terkait harus disambung sesuai standar
rele (relay block), maka hanya peralatan atau modul termasuk perlengkapannya yang
diperlukan harus dipasang pada saluran yang diinginkan.

Rele jarak harus mempunyai fasilitas untuk disatukan dengan Directional earth fault
protection yang diperlukan untuk gangguan melalui tahanan yang tinggi.

Rele jarak harus dapat mendeteksi gangguan akibat saluran transmisi putus.

Rele harus dilengkapi dan disambung langsung dengan CB dengan kontak berisolasi (tahan
terhadap arus pengiriman dan pemutusan) dan mampu terhadap arus tripping coil pada
pembukaan CB yang sangat cepat.

Selain kontak untuk tripping, rele proteksi juga harus dilengkapi dengan kontak untuk
penutupan kembali (Auto-reclosing), Breaker Failure relay, Disturbance Recorder, Signalling
dan Alarm.

Rele proteksi harus dilengkapi program untuk satu dan tiga fasa trip dan penutupan kembali,
dengan demikian fungsi peralatan penutupan kembali dapat diketahui.

Tripping rele proteksi pertama (utama) harus tersambung pada tripping coil no.1 CB.

Jarak lokasi gangguan harus dapat diukur dan ditunjukkan oleh peralatan Fault Locator.

Dalam hal ini arus sebelum gangguan dan mutual coupling yang dipilih harus dihitung dan
dipertimbangkan. Paling tidak dilengkapi dengan LCD dua baris, 16 karakter, keypad dan
parallel port untuk printer, 10 (sepuluh) lampu LED yang bisa diprogram yang digunakan
untuk beberapa alarm, dan tambahan lagi 3 (tiga) lampu LED yang digunakan untuk rele.
Dengan peralatan interface alarm dan trip harus bisa disambung ke rele proteksi utama.

Indikasi parameter layanan seperti tegangan, arus, daya aktif, daya reaktif, beban maksimum
dan parameter lainnya harus bisa ditampilkan dalam keadaan normal maupun dalam keadaan
EEPROM sebagai tempat penyimpanan semua informasi harus daerah non-volatile pada
memory bahkan ketika suplai DC dicabut, semua data tidak boleh hilang. Data dalam area ini
harus disalin (copy) ke RAM setelah suplai DC disambung tetapi hanya written to and read
from jika setting diperbaharui (update) atau karena gangguan.

Setidaknya 3 (tiga) sinyal terakhir gangguan, alarm, tegangan, arus, waktu trip, arus efektif,
setting group akan dimasukkan pada EEPROM dan dapat dipulihkan.

Rele proteksi harus mempunyai internal real time clock untuk time tagging. Penyeragaman

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 16
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

waktu secara lokal atau melalui dan sesuai jam bersama di Gardu Induk harus dapat dilakukan
secara otomatis maupun secara manual.

Dalam non-volatile memori (EEPROM) harus dimungkinkan untuk menyimpan setidaknya

empat group setting yang berbeda dan tidak akan terpengaruh bila supplai DC hilang. Group
yang aktif harus bisa dibaca dan dapat dipilih melalui menu, atau dengan kombinasi kontak
atau melalui serial RS232 port dan modem. Semua record dan setting juga harus bisa dibaca
melalui serial port yang dipasang dibelakang peralatan rele proteksi ini.

Terminal ini juga harus dilengkapi dengan dua interface serial sehingga bisa disambung
secara langsung dengan PC dan dapat berkomunikasi jarak jauh dengan master control

Kombinasi rele harus lengkap dengan soket yang diperlukan untuk menguji waktu dan
ketepatan atau keakuratan nilai setting rele.

Alat test set ini beserta colokannya seperti yang dituliskan dalam spesfikasi ini, termasuk
dalam kontrak ini meskipun tidak disebutkan secara rinci dalam ruang lingkup pekerjaan. Rele Arus Diferensial (Line Current Differential – First Main Protection)

Rele proteksi harus dari dari jenis rele arus diferensial numerik dan harus cocok untuk
proteksi transmisi saluran udara sirkit tunggal atau ganda sistem pentanahan efektif atau

Rele harus dilengkapi dengan fasilitas untuk setiap terminal rasio CT yang berbeda.

Harus mampu mengirim sinyal trip dalam batas 30 ms termasuk waktu tripping setelah
gangguan terjadi.

Rele proteksi diferensial harus dapat mengukur arus setiap fasa secara terpisah dan
membandingkan pada kedua gardu induk secara diferensial dan mengirim perintah trip
apabila hasilnya diatas setting yang ditentukan. Rele harus dapat mengukur gangguan dari
luar termasuk kesalahan pengukuran CT agar kestabilan proteksi tetap terjamin. Kebutuhan
minimum CT untuk rele pengaman ini harus dinyatakan dengan jelas.

Jika diperlukan rele proteksi ini harus dapat memberikan tripping fasa selektif (phase-
selective tripping).

Komunikasi secara digital antar rele proteksi dengan terminal saluran dengan menggunakan
interface 64 kbps atau dengan interface komunikas digital G703, 2 Mbps. Alarm harus
muncul jika saluran komunikasi terganggu dengan waktu tunda kurang dari10 detik. Jika
saluran sinyal terganggu rele proteksi tidak boleh mengirim perintah trip baik karena beban
atau arus dalam keadaan atau kondisi darurat.

Sistem pengamanan rele proteksi ini harus dimasukkan paling tidak dalam satu bagian zona
proteksi rele jarak, dengan waktu tunda, sebagai cadangan bila pengaman utama (rele jarak)
tidak bekerja pada waktu terjadinya gangguan. Rele proteksi ini harus diblok bila sinyal VT

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 17
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

Sistem proteksi harus dapat menjadi atau terdiri dari elemen siaga (stand by) proteksi searah,
ketika saluran komunikasi antara terminal rele terganggu, dapat dioperasikan secara otomatis
maupun secara manual. Sistem pengamanan alternatif sebaiknya berada satu zona dengan
high speed under reaching rele jarak dan satu zona dengan time-delayed overreaching rele

Sebagai tambahan dari kontak trip, rele proteksi ini juga harus dilengkapi dengan kontak-
kontak yang diperlukan untuk penutupan kembali fasa selektif (phase-selective auto re-
closing), proteksi kegagalan CB (breaker failure protection), pencatat gangguan (disturbance
recorder),sinyal (signaling) dan alarm (alarms).

Rele proteksi ini harus kompatibel dengan rele pengaman utama-1 dan rele pengaman utama-
2, terutama pada perintah penutupan kembali satu fasa atau tiga fasa secara otomatis.

Sistem proteksi ini mencakup fasilitas inter-trip yang terjamin dalam satu kesatuan (a secure
integral inter-tripping) yang digunakan sebagai jalur inter-trip cadangan oleh proteksi gagal
breaker luar (external breaker fail protection).

Rele proteksi harus dilengkapi dengan perbaikan-sendiri (self supervisions) secara software
dan secara hardware termasuk sinyal VT. Jika ada kegagalan dalam hal peralatan ini maka
rele proteksi harus diblok, sehingga tidak ada perintah trip palsu yang muncul. Jika rele
terganggu maka alarm dan kemungkinan alat apa yang terganggu harus muncul.

Kontak untuk perintah (out-put) trip harus sesuai atau bisa membuka/menutup arus kumparan
trip CB secara langsung atau sebagai interposing trip relay sebagai kontak ampuh (heavy duty
contact) jika CB gagal (breaker failure) dimana kontak bantu CB tidak memutus arus
kumparan trip. Kontak trip dalam rele differensial tidak boleh rusak ketika rele direset setelah
pengamanan kegagalan CB dilakukan.

Klausul umum lainnya (sesuai rele jarak) berlaku.

Rele proteksi utama-1 disambung pada kumparan trip-1 CB bersangkutan. Proteksi Utama kedua (Second Main Protection)

Proteksi utama kedua (Main-2) harus sama dengan proteksi utama kesatu (Main-1), seperti
yang dituliskan pada klausal dan Tetapi harus dari pabrikan yang
Tripping proteksi utama kedua harus tersambung ke kumparan trip-2 CB yang
bersangkutan. Proteksi Gangguan Tanah (Directional Earth Fault Protection)

Rele gangguan tanah (directional earth fault) numerik harus dilengkapi pada kedua rele
proteksi utama yaitu rele proteksi utama-1 dan rele proteksi utama-2, dimaksudkan untuk
mendeteksi arus gangguan tanah melalui tahanan yang besar.

Dalam rele directional earth fault ini sudah termasuk pengontrol arah sisa arus lebih dan
Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 18
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

pembanding arah zona luar yang telah ditentukan (permissive overreach) melalui sinyal
kanal teleproteksi. DEF ini diset dengan perhitungan atau algoritma seleksi fasa yang
terganggu (faulted phase selection algorithms).
Skema proteksi rele DEF tidak selektif fasa (phase-selective). Rele ini harus tidak bekerja
meski merasakan gangguan tanah yang kecil, yang bekerja untuk hal ini adalah rele jarak
seletif fasa.
Skema proteksi yang menunjukkan kestabilan antara rele jarak dan rele DEF, selama masa
lonjakan berayun atau berbalik (transient reversal) arus, yang terjadi karena pemutusan
secara berurutan akibat gangguan dari luar, termasuk dalam kontrak ini.
Integral daya kecil (weak in-feed) dan logika sinyal terminal terbuka (open terminal signal
echo logic) harus memberi sinyal trip cepat, pada saat terjadi gangguan dan arus gangguan
nol pada salah satu terminal.
Starter sisa arus lebih harus dapat diatur antara 5% dan 100% dari arus normal. Kontrol
berarah (Directional Control) harus dihitung berdasarkan perbandingan arus dan tegangan
urutan nol. Karakteristik peralatan kontrol berarah sudut harus dapat diatur pada nilai
cakupan yang besar untuk sistem tenaga listrik yang ditanahkan langsung.
Jika sinyal tidak ada dari saluran sinyal (signal channel) maka perintah trip harus diblok. Directional Over current phase IDMT relays.

Rele proteksi tiga fasa IDMT jenis numerik digunakan sebagai rele cadangan (back-up) bagi
rele proteksi utama-1 dan rele proteksi utama-2. Peralatan rele proteksi IDMT harus
memenuhi syarat IEC terkait, kurva rele proteksi IDMT harus dapat memberi perintah trip
setelah 3 (tiga) detik untuk 10 (sepuluh) kali arus setting dan setting waktu perkalian
sebesar 100% (when a time multiplier setting of 100 % is applied)
Rele proteksi ini harus dapat deprogram secara langsung.
Rele proteksi arus lebih IDMT ini harus bisa diset dalam cakupan arus sebesar 50% sampai
200%, dalam (step) setiap 10%.
Setting waktu rele proteksi arus lebih IDMT ini, harus serba terus (kontinyu), dari 0 sampai
1.0 atau sebagai alternatif paling tidak dengan beda 0.05 dari 0.05 sampai 1.0
Semua peralatan kontak trip, alarm dan indikator rele proteksi IDMT harus terpisah satu
sama lainnya. Juga kontak trip proteksi harus yang digunakan menginisiasi rele gagal CB
(breaker failure relay) dan gangguan rekorder harus terpisah.
Rangkaian logika peralatan atau semua kontak pada rele ini tidak peka pada gangguan yang
terjadi sangat dekat (break down of the voltage signal) juga dalam hal ini rele arus lebih
harus dijamin bekerja.
Sebagai back-up rele, maka rangkaian perintah trip dari rele ini harus disambung ke
kumparan trip-2 CB. Proteksi Utama kedua (Second Main Protection)

Proteksi utama kedua (Main-2) harus sama dengan proteksi utama kesatu (Main-1), seperti
yang dituliskan pada klausal dan Tetapi harus dari pabrikan yang
Tripping proteksi utama kedua harus tersambung ke kumparan trip-2 CB yang
Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 19
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

bersangkutan. Proteksi Gangguan Tanah (Directional Earth Fault Protection)

Rele gangguan tanah (directional earth fault) numerik harus dilengkapi pada kedua rele
proteksi utama yaitu rele proteksi utama-1 dan rele proteksi utama-2, dimaksudkan untuk
mendeteksi arus gangguan tanah melalui tahanan yang besar.

Dalam rele directional earth fault ini sudah termasuk pengontrol arah sisa arus lebih dan
pembanding arah zona luar yang telah ditentukan (permissive overreach) melalui sinyal
kanal teleproteksi. DEF ini diset dengan perhitungan atau algoritma seleksi fasa yang
terganggu. (faulted phase selection algorithms).
Skema proteksi rele DEF tidak selektif fasa (phase-selective). Rele ini harus tidak bekerja
meski merasakan gangguan tanah yang kecil, yang bekerja untuk hal ini adalah rele jarak
seletif fasa.
Skema proteksi yang menunjukkan kestabilan antara rele jarak dan rele DEF, selama masa
lonjakan berayun atau berbalik (transient reversal) arus, yang terjadi karena pemutusan
secara berurutan akibat gangguan dari luar, termasuk dalam kontrak ini.
Integral daya kecil (weak in-feed) dan logika sinyal terminal terbuka (open terminal signal
echo logic) harus memberi sinyal trip cepat, pada saat terjadi gangguan dan arus gangguan
nol pada salah satu terminal.
Starter sisa arus lebih harus dapat diatur antara 5% dan 100% dari arus normal. Kontrol
berarah (Directional Control) harus dihitung berdasarkan perbandingan arus dan tegangan
urutan nol. Karakteristik peralatan kontrol berarah sudut harus dapat diatur pada nilai
cakupan yang besar untuk sistem tenaga listrik yang ditanahkan langsung.
Jika sinyal tidak ada dari saluran sinyal (signal channel) maka perintah trip harus diblok. Directional Over current phase IDMT relays.

Rele proteksi tiga fasa IDMT jenis numerik digunakan sebagai rele cadangan (back-up) bagi
rele proteksi utama-1 dan rele proteksi utama-2. Peralatan rele proteksi IDMT harus
memenuhi syarat IEC terkait, kurva rele proteksi IDMT harus dapat memberi perintah trip
setelah 3 (tiga) detik untuk 10 (sepuluh) kali arus setting dan setting waktu perkalian
sebesar 100%.(when a time multiplier setting of 100 % is applied)
Rele proteksi ini harus dapat diprogram secara langsung.
Rele proteksi arus lebih IDMT ini harus bisa diset dalam cakupan arus sebesar 50% sampai
200%, dalam (step) setiap 10%.
Setting waktu rele proteksi arus lebih IDMT ini, harus serba terus (kontinyu), dari 0 sampai
1.0 atau sebagai alternatif paling tidak dengan beda 0.05 dari 0.05 sampai 1.0
Semua peralatan kontak trip, alarm dan indikator rele proteksi IDMT harus terpisah satu
sama lainnya. Juga kontak trip proteksi harus yang digunakan menginisiasi rele gagal CB
(breaker failure relay) dan gangguan rekorder harus terpisah.
Rangkaian logika peralatan atau semua kontak pada rele ini tidak peka pada gangguan yang
terjadi sangat dekat (break down of the voltage signal) juga dalam hal ini rele arus lebih
harus dijamin bekerja.
Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 20
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

Sebagai back-up rele, maka rangkaian perintah trip dari rele ini harus disambung ke
kumparan trip-2 CB. Proteksi Cadangan SUTET 275 kV dan 500 kV (Back-up Protection for 275
kV and 500 kV Lines) Rele Proteksi Arus Lebih tidak Berarah dan Rele Gangguan Tanah (Non
Directional Over Current and Earth Fault Relay)

Rele proteksi arus lebih tiga fasa dan gangguan tanah IDMT dengan peralatan setting waktu
yang ditentukan adalah jenis numerik rele IDMT harus memenuhi syarat IEC terkait, kurva
rele proteksi IDMT harus dapat memberi perintah trip setelah 3 (tiga) detik untuk 10
(sepuluh) kali arus setting dan setting waktu perkalian sebesar 100% (when a time multiplier
setting of 100 % is applied). Rele proteksi arus lebih IDMT ini harus bisa diset dalam
cakupan arus sebesar 50% sampai 200%, dalam (step) setiap 10%.
Rele ini harus dapat diset pada waktu yang ditentukan dengan cakupan 5 sampai 30 kali
arus nominal, juga harus bisa diset sampai tak terhingga. Setting waktu yang ditentukan
dapat diatur antara 0 sampai dengan 10 detik dengan beda 0.01 detik.
Tripping harus dikirim paling tidak 20 ms sudah termasuk waktu kontaktor jika rele
merasakan arus lebih dari 3 kali arus yang diset.
Semua peralatan kontak trip, alarm dan indikator rele proteksi IDMT harus terpisah satu
sama lainnya. Juga kontak untuk untuk rele penutupan kembali (auto reclosing relay) dan
gangguan rekorder harus terpisah
Pengaturan batas atau cakupan gangguan tanah pada rele ini dalam batas 10% sampai 80%
dengan beda (step)10 %.
Setting waktu untuk rele ini yaitu untuk arus lebih dan gangguan tanah, IDMT harus serba
terus (kontinyu), dari 0 sampai 1.0 atau sebagai alternatif paling tidak dengan beda 0.05 dari
0.05 sampai 1.0
Semua peralatan kontak trip, alarm dan indikator rele proteksi IDMT harus terpisah satu
sama lainnya. Juga kontak untuk rele penutupan kembali dan pencatat gangguan
(disturbance rekorder) harus terpisah.
Sebagai back-up rele, maka rangkaian perintah trip dari rele ini harus disambung ke
kumparan trip-2 CB. Proteksi Cadangan SUTET 275 kV dan 500 kV (Back-up Protection for
275 kV and 500 kV Lines) Rele Proteksi Arus Lebih Tidak Berarah dan Rele Gangguan Tanah (Non
Directional Over Current and Earth Fault Relay)

Rele proteksi arus lebih tiga fasa dan gangguan tanah IDMT dengan peralatan setting waktu
yang ditentukan adalah jenis numerik rele IDMT harus memenuhi syarat IEC terkait, kurva
rele proteksi IDMT harus dapat memberi perintah trip setelah 3 (tiga) detik untuk 10
(sepuluh) kali arus setting dan setting waktu perkalian sebesar 100%.(when a time multiplier
setting of 100 % is applied). Rele proteksi arus lebih IDMT ini harus bisa diset dalam
Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 21
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

cakupan arus sebesar 50% sampai 200%, dalam (step) setiap 10%.
Rele ini harus dapat diset pada waktu yang ditentukan dengan cakupan 5 sampai 30 kali
arus nominal, juga harus bisa diset sampai tak terhingga. Setting waktu yang ditentukan
dapat diatur antara 0 sampai dengan 10 detik dengan beda 0.01 detik.
Tripping harus dikirim paling tidak 20 ms sudah termasuk waktu kontaktor jika rele
merasakan arus lebih dari 3 kali arus yang diset.
Semua peralatan kontak trip, alarm dan indikator rele proteksi IDMT harus terpisah satu
sama lainnya. Juga kontak untuk untuk rele penutupan kembali (auto reclosing relay) dan
gangguan rekorder harus terpisah
Pengaturan batas atau cakupan gangguan tanah pada rele ini dalam batas 10% sampai 80%
dengan beda (step) 10 %.
Setting waktu untuk rele ini yaitu untuk arus lebih dan gangguan tanah, IDMT harus serba
terus (kontinyu), dari 0 sampai 1.0 atau sebagai alternatif paling tidak dengan beda 0.05 dari
0.05 sampai 1.0
Semua peralatan kontak trip, alarm dan indikator rele proteksi IDMT harus terpisah satu
sama lainnya. Juga kontak untuk rele penutupan kembali dan pencatat gangguan
(disturbance rekorder) harus terpisah.
Sebagai back-up rele, maka rangkaian perintah trip dari rele ini harus disambung ke
kumparan trip-2 CB.

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 22
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

4.2.2. Proteksi Saluran Udara Tegangan Tinggi 150 kV (High voltage (HV – 150 kV)
Line Protection)

Pola proteksi transmisi panjang menggunakan rele jarak tipe numerik, dan dapat
mengamankan transmisi terhadap semua tipe gangguan.

Untuk saluran transmisi pendek digunakan rele diferensial tipe numerik dengan interface
komunikasi digital terpadu (integral digital communications interfaces)
Kecepatan pengiriman sinyal trip untk pengamanan transmisi tidak boleh lebih dari 30 ms.
Peralatan penutup kembali (auto reclosing equipment) harus dilengkapi pada rele utama ini,
yang akan bekerja penutupan kembali transmisi yang terganggu baik satu fasa atau tiga fasa
dengan waktu tunda. Operasi penutupan kembali harus selalu bersama dengan alat
pengecekan sinkron (check synchronizing) dan pemberian tegangan pada transmisi jika
Rele ini harus dilengkapi dengan fungsi arus gangguan tanah berarah (a directional earth
fault function) dalam mode permissive untuk merasakan arus gangguan tanah melaui
tahanan, karena arus gangguan kecil dibawah setting arus rele. Untuk keperluan
redundansi maka kanal sinyal yang diperlukan untuk ini harus dipisah.
Rak dan terminal rele ini harus terpisah dengan rele pengaman utama. Pada tahap desain,
Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus menyampaikan rangkaian trip dalam bentuk matriks kepada
PLN atau konsultan PLN untuk disetujui. Proteksi Utama Untuk STTT Tegangan Tinggi (Main Protection For High
Voltage Lines) Untuk Saluran Transmisi Panjang (For long lines)

Perlindungan utama pertama adalah rele jarak tipe numerik dilengkapi dengan saluran sinyal
(signal channel).
Rele yang ditawarkan sesuai standar harus dapat diset untuk pola PUTT dan POTT mode
blocking dan unblocking. Semua pilihan yang ditulis pada bagian 4.2.1. harus bisa diset sesuai
skema rele standar. Harus cocok dalam semua jenis pentanahan netral, dan harus dapat
digunakan pada transmisi saluran panjang maupun transmisi saluran pendek. Termasuk
transmisi saluran yang berbeban penuh, transmisi saluran dua sirkit, kabel dan transmisi yang
disuplai dengan daya kecil dan lain-lain.
Rele harus dilengkapi dengan alat pengukur impedans untuk setiap zona proteksi, gangguan
satu fasa, atau gangguan fasa tertutup (phase fault loops)yang terpisah. Setting gangguan
tanah disetting berdasarkan impedans urutan postif saluran transmisi. Konsep desain proteksi
dengan rele jarak tidak boleh dipengaruhi oleh hal-hal sebagai berikut:
• Urutan nol kopling daya balik bersama (Zero sequence mutual coupling sudden
power reversal)
• Bunga api arus pemuat saluran transmisi dari tahanan kaki tiang (Arc or tower
footing resistance line charging currents)

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 23
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

• Interaksi antara arus gangguan melalui tahanan dan sumber dari luar fasa yang
terjadi pada saluran transmisi yang mengakibatkan kesalahan pengukuran impedansi
(Interaction of fault resistance and out of phase source at the two line terminals
producing misleading apparent fault reactance)
• Fenomena jatuh tegangan pada fasa yang terganggu akibat penutupan dan
pembukaan ditempat lain (Collapse of voltage on the faulted phase(s) external
switching phenomena)
• Variasi frekuensi sistem (Power frequency variations)

Waktu pengiriman sinyal trip termasuk waktu kontaktor pada zona-1, adalah 20 ms diukur
dari terjadinya gangguan.
Setelan atau karakteristik rele jarak terdiri dari paling tidak tiga bagian kearah depan dan satu
bagian kearah belakang (arah harus bisa diprogram), arah, jarak dan waktu pada zona dapat
diatur atau diset secara terpisah. Setting terendah dari sistem pengukuran harus dapat
beroperasi pada under-reaching dari saluran transmisi yang diproteksi, dan setting tertinggi
harus dapat beroperasi jauh kearah depan melewati gardu induk di depan zona proteksi untuk
memastikan sistem aman apabila terjadi arus gangguan yang sangat besar. Pengaturan setting
sudut dari tahanan dan reaktansi yang diukur untuk setiap zona harus bisa dilakukan secara
Karakteristik peralatan pengukur arus gangguan tanah harus dalam empat bagian
“quadrilateral” sehingga pengukuran dapat mencakup arus gangguan yang lebih besar, hal
ini diperoleh dari karakteristik tersebut dalam lingkaran. Peralatan ini harus dikompensasi
dengan beban untuk memperkecil “over reach” pada gangguan dengan tahanan atau saat
menyalurkan beban.
Karakteristik peralatan pengukur untuk gangguan antar fasa dapat dalam empat bagian
“quadrilateral” atau ratikular atau lingkaran.
Rele jarak harus dirancang untuk dapat mengukur dengan tepat perbandingan antara
impedansi sumber atau ekivalen (source impedance) dengan impedansi setting pada zona-1
pada saat arus minimum terjadi. Kurva daerah pengamanan yang menunjukkan performance
relay untuk gangguan satu fasa ketanah, gangguan fasa-fasa dan gangguan tiga fasa harus
diserahkan Penyedia Barang/Jasa kepada PLN.
Waktu tunda zona harus dapat diatur pada posisi 0 sampai 10 detik untuk semua zona yang
diset dengan waktu tunda. Rele proteksi harus mampu merasakan semua jenis gangguan,
termasuk gangguan tiga phasa metalik yang terjadi pada terminal trafo tegangan.
Harus dilengkapi dengan penyeleksi fasa untuk memastikan fasa mana yang terganggu dan
fasa mana yang sehat, pada saat gangguan tanah. Rele proteksi ini harus mampu mendeteksi
fasa mana yang terganggu pada kondisi aliran daya pada semua kondisi sistem. Secara detail
skema tentang unjuk kerja penyeleksi fasa (phase selector) ini harus diberikan Penyedia
Barang/Jasa kepada PLN.
Peralatan seleksi fasa tidak boleh beroperasi pada pembebanan kondisi darurat terjadi di
sistem, dan rele ini harus bisa diset pada power swing blocking relays. Peralatan untuk power
swing blocking juga harus diberikan, peralatan ini, dan digunakan mencegah perintah trip
pada rele jarak, saat terjadi ayunan daya pada transmisi yang diproteksi. Disarankan agar
peralatan ini dapat juga digunakan untuk out of step tripping dengan menggunakan selektor
dan menonaktifkan power swing blocking pada saat gangguan satu fasa ke tanah.

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 24
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

Rele pengaman ini harus dilengkapi dengan fitur pengecekan saluran, dan akan segera
mengirim perintah trip apabila terjadi penutupan secara manual dalam keadaan gangguan.
Fitur ini harus memberi perintah trip atas gangguan yang terjadi di lokasi manapun dalam
daerah saluran transmisi yang diproteksi. Hal ini harus jelas diuraikan dan diberikan oleh
Penyedia Barang/Jasa kepada PLN.
Perintah segera trip terhadap penutupan kembali (SPAR) akibat gangguan masih ada juga
masuk dalam bagian rele proteksi ini.
Rele proteksi ini harus dilengkapi dengan peralatan pengawasan (supervision feature) pada
trafo tegangan, dan alat ini akan memberi alarm dan dengan pilihan memblokir semua
fungsi alat trip rele proteksi yang tergantung dari tegangan jika terjadi gangguan pada
rangkaian atau sirkit AC dari VT.
Rele harus dilengkapi dengan Stub protection apabila saluran transmisi disambung pada dua
CB seperti pada gardu induk satu setengah CB. Rele proteksi ini harus dilengkapi dengan
pengamanan terhadap over voltage dan under voltage.
Rele proteksi ini harus dengan mudah merasakan atau melihat arah pengamanan yang
ditentukan, dan arah ini harus dapat dirubah tanpa mengganggu pengawatan ke CT dan VT.
Rele proteksi ini harus dilengkapi dengan indikator operasi dan dipasang di depan rele.
Indikator ini juga diharapkan dapat menunjukkan fasa, zona yang terganggu.
Rele harus dapat meng-clear-kan gangguan sesuai dengan waktu yang ditentukan atau diset,
tidak boleh lebih lama dari dua kali waktu yang diset ditambah waktu pngiriman dalam
saluaran kanal (channel), untuk gangguan dimana CB atau daya masuk yang kecil di GI
dihadapan (seberang). Kontak dan rangkaian cadangan tidak boleh digunakan untuk fungsi
Rele proteksi harus dilengkapi dengan supervisi oleh rele sendiri, melakukan supevisi sendiri
secara internal mengukur besaran arus dan tegangan dari CT dan VT, gangguan yang
dirasakan harus memblokir zona yang terganggu, ditunjukkan dengan alarm dan modul rele
Sinyal dari dua arah yang berlawanan harus bisa dikirim melalui PLC konvesional,
microwave atau kabel optic. Semua peralatan interface terkait harus disambung sesuai standar
rele (relay block), maka hanya peralatan atau modul termasuk perlengkapannya yang
diperlukan harus dipasang pada saluran yang diinginkan.
Rele jarak harus mempunyai fasilitas untuk menyatukan directional earth fault protection
yang diperlukan untuk gangguan melalui tahanan yang tinggi.
Rele jarak harus dapat mendeteksi gangguan akibat saluran transmisi putus.
Rele harus dilengkapi kontak tripping dan disambung langsung melalui sirkit tripping dengan
CB dengan kontak berisolasi (tahan terhadap arus pengiriman dan pemutusan) dan mampu
terhadap arus tripping coil pada pembukaan CB terhadap arus yang besar.
Selain kontak untuk tripping, rele proteksi juga harus dilengkapi dengan kontak untuk
penutupan kembali (Auto Reclosing), Breaker Failure relay, Disturbance Recorder,
Signalling dan Alarm.
Rele proteksi harus dapat diprogram untuk satu dan tiga fasa trip dan penutupan kembali,
dengan demikian fungsi peralatan penutupan kembali dapat diketahui.
Tripping rele proteksi utama harus tersambung pada tripping coil no.1 dari CB.

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 25
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

Jarak lokasi gangguan harus dapat diukur dan ditunjukkan oleh peralatan Fault Locator.
Algoritma terhadap arus sebelum gangguan dan kopling bersama yang ditentukan harus
dimasukkan dalam perhitungan.
Paling tidak dilengkapi dengan LCD dua baris, 16 karakter, key pad dan parallel port untuk
printer, dan minimum 8 (delapan) lampu LED yang bisa diprogram yang digunakan untuk
beberapa alarm, dan tambahan lagi 3 (tiga) lampu LED yang digunakan untuk rele. Dengan
peralatan interface alarm dan trip harus bisa disambung ke rele proteksi utama. Interface
alarm dan trip harus diberikan pada rele proteksi utama.
Indikasi parameter layanan seperti tegangan, arus, daya aktif, daya reaktif, beban maksimum
dan parameter lainnya harus bisa secara visual ditampilkan dalam keadaan normal maupun
dalam keadaan gangguan.
Tempat penyimpanan semua informasi harus daerah non-volatile pada memory bahkan ketika
suplai DC dicabut, semua data tidak boleh hilang. Data dalam area ini harus disalin ke RAM
setelah suplai DC disambung tetapi hanya written to and read from jika setting diperbaharui
(update) atau karena gangguan.
Setidaknya 3 (tiga) sinyal terakhir gangguan, alarm, tegangan, arus, waktu trip, arus efektif,
setting group akan dimasukkan pada non-volatile memory dan dapat dipulihkan.
Rele proteksi harus mempunyai internal real time clock untuk time tagging. Penyeragaman
waktu secara lokal atau melalui dan sesuai jam GPS bersama, dapat dilakukan secara
otomatis maupun secara manual sesuai dengan yang diberikan pada buku panduan instruksi.
Dalam nonvolatile memori harus dimungkinkan untuk menyimpan setidaknya empat group
setting yang berbeda dan tidak akan terpengaruh bila supplai DC hilang. Group yang aktif
harus bisa dibaca dan dapat dipilih melalui menu, atau dengan kombinasi kontak atau melalui
serial RS232 port dan modem. Semua record dan setting juga harus bisa dibaca melalui serial
port yang dipasang dibelakang peralatan rele proteksi ini.
Terminal ini juga harus dilengkapi dengan dua interface serial sehingga bisa disambung
secara langsung dengan PC dan dapat berkomunikasi jarak jauh dengan master control
system. Kombinasi rele harus lengkap dengan soket yang diperlukan untuk men-test waktu
dan ketepatan atau keakuratan nilai setting rele
Alat test set ini beserta colokannya seperti yang dituliskan dalam spesfikasi ini, termasuk
dalam kontrak ini meskipun tidak disebutkan secara rinci dalam ruang lingkup pekerjaan. Proteksi Saluran Transmisi Pendek (For short lines)

Rele proteksi harus dari jenis rele arus diferensial numerik dan harus cocok untuk proteksi
transmisi saluran udara transmisi pendek sirkit tunggal atau sirkit ganda pada sistem
pentanahan efektif atau langsung. Rele harus dilengkapi dengan fasilitas untuk setiap
terminal rasio CT yang berbeda.

Harus mampu mengirim sinyal trip dalam batas 30 ms termasuk waktu tripping setelah
gangguan terjadi.

Rele proteksi diferensial harus dapat mengukur arus setia fasa secara terpisah dan
membandingkan pada kedua gardu induk secara diferensial dan mengirim perintah trip
apabila hasilnya diatas setting yang ditentukan. Rele harus dapat mengukur gangguan dari
luar termasuk kesalahan pengukuran CT agar kestabilan proteksi tetap terjamin. Kebutuhan
minimum CT untuk rele pengaman ini harus dinyatakan dengan jelas.

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 26
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

Jika diperlukan rele proteksi ini harus dapat memberikan tripping fasa selektif (phase-
selective tripping).

Komunikasi secara digital antar rele proteksi dengan terminal saluran dengan menggunakan
interface 64 kbps atau dengan interface komunikas digital G703, 2 Mbps. Alarm harus
muncul jika saluran komunikasi terganggu dengan waktu tunda kurang dari 10 detik. Jika
saluran sinyal terganggu rele proteksi tidak boleh mengirim perintah trip baik karena beban
atau arus dalam keadaan atau kondisi darurat.

Sistem pengamanan rele proteksi ini harus dimasukkan paling tidak dalam satu bagian zona
proteksi rele jarak, dengan waktu tunda, sebagai cadangan bila pengaman utama gagal bekerja
pada waktu terjadinya gangguan. Rele proteksi ini harus diblok bila sinyal VT terganggu.

Sistem proteksi harus dapat menjadi atau terdiri dari elemen siaga (stand by) proteksi searah,
ketika saluran komunikasi antara terminal rele terganggu, dapat dioperasikan secara otomatis
maupun secara manual. Sistem pengamanan alternatif sebaiknya berada satu zona dengan
high speed under reaching rele jarak dan satu zona dengan time-delayed overreaching rele

Sebagai tambahan dari kontak trip, rele proteksi ini juga harus dilengkapi dengan kontak-
kontak yang diperlukan untuk penutupan kembali fasa selektif (phase-selective auto re-
closing), proteksi kegagalan CB (breaker failure protection), pencatat gangguan (disturbance
recorder),sinyal (signaling) dan alarm (alarms).

Rele proteksi ini harus kompatibel dengan sistem tiga fasa penutup kembali luar (the external
three-phase auto-reclose system). Sistem proteksi ini mencakup fasilitas inter-trip yang
terjamin dalam satu kesatuan (a secure integral inter-tripping) yang digunakan sebagai jalur
inter-trip sekunder atau cadangan oleh proteksi gagal breaker luar (external breaker fail

Rele proteksi harus dilengkapi dengan perbaikan-sendiri (self supervisions) secara software
dan secara hardware termasuk sinyal VT. Jika ada kegagalan dalam hal peralatan ini maka
rele proteksi harus diblok, sehingga tidak ada perintah trip palsu yang muncul. Jika rele
terganggu maka alarm dan kemungkinan alat apa yang terganggu harus muncul.

Kontak untuk perintah (out-put) trip harus sesuai atau bisa membuka/menutup arus kumparan
trip CB secara langsung atau sebagai interposing trip relay sebagai kontak ampuh (heavy duty
contact) jika CB gagal (breaker failure) dimana kontak bantu CB tidak memutus arus
kumparan trip. Kontak trip dalam rele differensial tidak boleh rusak ketika rele direset setelah
pengamanan kegagalan CB dilakukan.

Klausul umum lainnya (seperti pada rele jarak) berlaku. Rele proteksi utama-1 disambung
pada kumparan trip-1 CB bersangkutan Proteksi Cadangan Untuk SUTT (Back up Protection For HV Lines) Rele Arus Lebih dan Rele Gangguan Tanah (Over current and Earth fault
Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 27
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

Rele proteksi arus lebih tiga fasa dan gangguan tanah IDMT dengan peralatan setting waktu
yang ditentukan adalah jenis numerik rele IDMT harus memenuhi syarat IEC terkait, kurva
rele proteksi IDMT harus dapat memberi perintah trip setelah 3 (tiga) detik untuk 10
(sepuluh) kali arus setting dan setting waktu perkalian sebesar 100%.(when a time multiplier
setting of 100 % is applied).

Rele proteksi arus lebih IDMT ini harus bisa diset dalam cakupan arus sebesar 50% sampai
200%, dalam (step) setiap 10%.

Semua peralatan rele gangguan tanah yang dihubungkan dengan rangkaian trafo arus
harus mempunyai kurva spesifikasi yang sama dengan peralatan trafo arus, harus
Pengaturan batas atau cakupan gangguan tanah pada rele ini dalam batas 10% sampai 80%
dengan beda (step)10 %.
Setting waktu untuk rele ini yaitu untuk arus lebih dan gangguan tanah, IDMT harus serba
terus (kontinyu), dari 0 sampai 1.0 atau sebagai alternatif paling tidak dengan beda 0.05 dari
0.05 sampai 1.0
Semua peralatan kontak trip, alarm dan indikator rele proteksi IDMT harus terpisah satu
sama lainnya. Juga kontak untuk rele penutupan kembali dan pencatat gangguan
(disturbance rekorder) harus terpisah.
Sebagai back-up rele arus lebih tiga fasa dan gangguan tanah ini, maka rangkaian perintah
trip dari rele ini harus disambung ke kumparan trip-2 CB. Proteksi Gangguan Tanah Berarah (Directional Earth Fault Protection)

Rele gangguan tanah berarah (directional earth fault) tipe numerik harus dilengkapi pada rele
proteksi utama. Rele proteksi ini dimaksudkan untuk mendeteksi arus gangguan tanah melalui
tahanan yang besar.
Dalam rele directional earth fault ini sudah termasuk pengontrol arah sisa arus lebih dan
pembanding arah zona luar yang telah ditentukan (permissive overreach) melalui sinyal
kanal teleproteksi. DEF ini diset dengan perhitungan atau algoritma seleksi fasa yang
terganggu. (faulted phase selection algorithms).
Skema proteksi rele DEF tidak selektif fasa (not phase-selective). Rele ini harus tidak
bekerja meski merasakan gangguan tanah yang kecil, yang bekerja untuk hal ini adalah rele
jarak selektif fasa.
Skema proteksi yang menunjukkan kestabilan antara rele jarak dan rele DEF, selama masa
lonjakan berayun atau berbalik (transient reversal) arus, yang terjadi karena pemutusan
secara berurutan akibat gangguan dari luar, termasuk dalam kontrak ini.
Integral daya kecil (weak in-feed) dan logika sinyal terminal terbuka (open terminal signal
echo logic) harus memberi sinyal trip cepat, pada saat terjadi gangguan dan arus gangguan
nol pada salah satu terminal. Starter sisa arus lebih harus dapat diatur antara 5% dan 100%
dari arus normal. Kontrol berarah (Directional Control) harus dihitung berdasarkan
perbandingan arus dan tegangan urutan nol. Karakteristik peralatan kontrol berarah sudut

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 28
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

harus dapat diatur pada nilai cakupan yang besar untuk sistem tenaga listrik yang
ditanahkan langsung.

4.2.3. Penutupan Kembali secara Otomatis (Auto-Reclosing)

Setiap line bay harus dilengkapi dengan peralatan dan skema penutupan kembali secara
otomatis (auto-reclose) yang akan dikontrol oleh proteksi saluran transmisi seperti pada
spesifikasi diatas. Skema ini harus dapat menggerakkan satu atau dua pemutus tenaga
(circuit breaker) sesuai dengan keperluannya.
Peralatan penutupan kembali harus dapat diprogram untuk hal-hal sebagai berikut:
• Satu fasa gangguan atau terbuka dan penutupan kembali dengan kecepatan tinggi.
(Single phase trip and high-speed auto-reclose)
• Satu dan tiga fasa terbuka dan penutupan kembali dengan kecepatan tinggi.(Single
and three phase trip and high-speed auto-reclose)
• Tiga fasa terbuka dan penutupan kembali dengan kecepatan tinggi (three phase trip
and high-speed auto-reclose)
• Tiga fasa terbuka dan penutupan kembali dengan waktu tunda (three phase trip
with delayed auto-reclose)
• Tiga fasa terbuka dengan terukur (three phase definitive tripping)
• Dapat deselect untuk satu atau dua kali penutupan kembali (selectable single or 2
shot auto reclose)
• Pengaturan dead time, close pulse dan waktu reclaim secara bebas (Independently
adjustable dead time , close pulse and reclaim times)
• Fasilitas uji terpasang pada peralatan ini. (Built in test facilities)

Pada rele ini juga harus ada fasilitas sebagai berikut:

• Untuk membaca status (on atau off) setiap yang masuk (input-to) dan keluar
(output-off) dari rele ini.
• Dapat dimonitor semua kejadian operasi setiap waktu melalui peralatan input dan
• Apabila rele ini tidak dioperasikan maka status setiap rele dapat dirubah.

Harus bisa diset untuk sekali penutupan kembali dengan cepat pada kejadian satu fasa
terbuka dan sekali penutupan kembali dengan waktu tunda pada kejadian tiga fasa
terbuka. Alat penutupan kembali ini harus bekerja sama dengan alat pengecekan sinkron
dan alat interlock pengecekan tegangan. Sinyal trafo tegangan yang diperlukan alat
penutupan kembali ini harus dapat dipilih.
Skema penutupan kembali pada gardu induk satu setengah breaker alat ini harus dapat
mengontrol dua CB dan fasilitas pengecekan sinkron harus dipasang pada kedua CB ini,
untuk pengawasan (supervision) penutupan kembali tiga fasa dengan waktu tunda. Untuk
penutupan kembali satu fasa harus dimungkinkan untuk menentukan pembukaan satu fasa
untuk setiap CB dan penutupan kembali satu fasa secara bersamaan. Sebagai alternatif
harus dimungkinkan untuk memilih salah satu CB yang pertama bekerja (leader) setelah
Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 29
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

itu CB berikutnya (follower). Dengan demikian jika penutupan kembali satu fasa yang
dipilih, CB leader harus mentripkan satu fasa yang terganggu dan CB follower akan
membuka tiga fasa. Kesuksesan penutupan kembali satu fasa oleh CB leader, harus diikuti
penutupan kembali tiga fasa oleh CB follower.
Proteksi terhadap diskrepensi pembuka fasa juga harus diset dan menjadi bagian
koordinasi dari rele ini. Ketidak-suksesan penutupan kembali harus diikuti oleh semua CB
tiga fasa terbuka (trip) dan tidak boleh ditutup kembali (lockout).
Dalam hal terjadi gangguan fasa-fasa maka tiga fasa terbuka (tripping) dan menutup
kembali tanpa menunggu urutan bekerjanya peralatan satu fasa menutup kembali.
Peralatan penutupan kembali harus dilengkapi dengan kontak ON/OFF yang dipasang
didepan rele ini. Skema penutupan kembali harus dibuat dan dijamin bahwa untuk semua
jenis gangguan, pembukaan harus dilakukan pada ke tiga fasa yang diperintahkan oleh
proteksi pengaman utama jika peralatan penutupan kembali diset hanya untuk penutupan
kembali tiga fasa atau skema penutupan kembali tidak diaktifkan.
Untuk ketepatan fungsi penutupan kembali, skema penutupan kembali harus mempunyai
interface dan semua status kontak CB yang ditentukan harus dapat dimonitor.
Pemisahan antara dua proteksi utama pada saluran transmisi harus tidak terganggu oleh
penyambungan proteksi utama tersebut pada skema penutupan kembali..
Harus dilengkapi dengan waktu tunda terpisah bagi kecepatan tinggi penutupan kembali
satu fasa dan tiga fasa dan penutupan kembali satu fasa dead time, Waktu tunda satu fasa
dan tiga fasa dalam batas (range) 0.2 sampai dengan 0.3 detik dengan beda (step) lebih
kecil atau sama dengan 0.05 detik.
Waktu reclaim (blocking) kira-kira dalam periode 180 detik setelah CB menutup kembali.
Periode ini digunakan untuk menghitung apakah penutupan kembali berhasil. Jika dalam
periode ini kembali terjadi gangguan maka tiga fasa harus terbuka (trip) dan lock-out
harus diberikan atau dimunculkan. Periode ini juga harus memunculkan penutupan
kembali secara manual tidak diperbolehkan, tiga fasa terbuka ditandai dengan CB sudah di
Peralatan penutupan kembali harus dilengkapi dengan fasilitas kontak yang diperlukan
untuk sinyal, alarm dan alat pencatat gangguan.
Peralatan penghitung jumlah (counter) kejadian penutupan kembali setiap fasa harus
diberikan. Apabila jumlah penutupan kembali telah melampaui batas yang ditentukan
maka akan muncul alarm dan peralatan ini lock-out.

4.2.4. Rele Pengecek Sinkron (Check Synchronizing Relay)

Rele pengecekan sinkron harus selalu bersama dengan peralatan penutupan kembali dan
digunakan untuk penutupan kembali baik satu fasa maupun tiga fasa, dan rele ini tidak
digunakan untuk alat Kontrol hal lain. Fungsi pengecekan tegangan untuk pengecekan
kondisi bertegangan harus ada. Pilihan pemberian tegangan (energizing) (dead line/live-
bus etc) harus dapat dipilih untuk setiap CB.
Rele pengecekan sinkron harus hanya mengirim perintah penutupan pada CB yang terkait
atau telah ditentukan, jika amplitude tegangan, sudut fasa dan frekuensi berada pada batas
yang diijinkan. Pada kondisi yang diinginkan untuk penutupan kembali CB harus dapat

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 30
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

diatur dalam hal perintah penutupan CB dalam pengawasan.

Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus memberikan tipe dan batas setting rele penutupan kembali ini,
kepada PLN atau konsultan PLN utuk mendapat persetujuan, diharapkan juga agar rele ini
dapat diset dengan menggunakan MMI dalam gardu induk dan PC.
Pengecekan sendiri atas fungsi rele baik software baik hardware harus termasuk dalam
rele ini.

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 31
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

4.3. Proteksi Trafo Tenaga (Termasuk Trafo bantu dan pentanahan)

4.3.1 Umum
Trafo tenaga 500/150 kV atau 275/150 kV dan 150/20 kV harus diberi pengaman atau
diproteksi dengan alat monitoring atau detektor pengukur gas, minyak dan alat pengukur
temperatur belitan, termasuk alat monitor dan proteksi yang digunakan pada pengubah tap
(tap changer) hubungan atau rangkai kabel pada tangki seperti diuraikan pada spesifikasi
Disamping sistem proteksi tersebut yang dibuat bersama trafo itu sendiri, paling tidak
namun tidak terbatas pada alat proteksi berikut harus diberikan yaitu:
• Rele Proteksi diferensial, secara internal menggunakan rasio grup vektor dan
kompensasi vektor grup (Differential protection, which internally facilitate the ratio
and vector group compensation).
• Rele Proteksi gangguan tanah terbatas, menggunakan rasio kompensasi trafo arus
(Restricted earth fault (REF) protection, which also facilitate internal current
transformer ratio compensation).
• Rele Proteksi gangguan hubungan tanah cadangan untuk belitan tegangan rendah
(Stand By Earth fault protection for low voltage winding).
• Rele Proteksi arus lebih dan arus gangguan tanah untuk semua level tegangan,
IDMT cadangan (Back-up IDMT over current and earth fault protection for all
voltage levels).
• Rele Proteksi tegangan lebih, tegangan rendah dan fluksi lebih untuk tiap belitan
(Over Voltage, Under Voltage and over fluxing protection for each winding)

Tipe rele proteksi adalah tipe numerik, dapat memonitor rele itu sendiri (self monitoring)
mempunyai konversi analog/digital untuk semua kuantiti yang masuk atu dimasukkan.
Semua rele proteksi harus mempunyai kontak yang cukup untuk sinyal, alarm dan alat
pencatat gangguan. Dua rele proteksi yang terpisah untuk proteksi diferensial dan REF.
Harus dilengkapi dengan interface untuk tripping sehingga apabila trafo mengalami
gangguan, semua tripping rele proteksi pada sisi tegangan tinggi harus mentrip CB sisi
tegangan rendah dan sebaliknya. Proteksi cadangan (back-up) selain dari proteksi yang
disediakan untuk gangguan eksternal trafo, dipasang pada sisi tegangan rendah, dan hanya
mentripkan CB sisi tegangan rendah dan sisi tegangan tinggi tetap dalam keadaan

4.3.2 Proteksi Utama Trafo (Transformer Main Protection) Proteksi Diferensial Trafo (Transformer Differential Protection)

Secara keseluruhan proteksi diferensial trafo harus diberikan pada setiap trafo dan
ditunjukkan dalam gambar single line diagram masuk dalam bagian spesifikasi kontrak.
Sistem proteksi harus memenuhi hal-hal sebagai berikut:
a. Sistem proteksi harus tetap dalam keadaan stabil meski ada perubahan tap dan hal

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 32
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

lain diluar zona proteksi. Sistem proteksi juga harus stabil untuk semua kejadian
atau kondisi lonjakan (transient), seperti arus in-rush pada saat pemberian
tegangan dan fluksi lebih (over flux) stelah pelepasan beban (load rejection) bukan
karena gangguan internal pada zona proteksi. Pada kondisi in-rush harmonisa
kedua atau metode lain yang disetujui digunakan untuk mempertahankan
kestabilan proteksi. Metode waktu tunda tidak boleh dipakai.
b. Teknik atau metode yang digunakan menstabilkan in-rush harus dijamin, dan hal
ini tidak boleh mencegah pembukaan cepat (fast tripping) pada saat arus gangguan
internal yang sangat besar terjadi.
c. Waktu operasi rele harus lebih kecil dari 39 ms pada tingkat operasi tidak kurang
dari 5 kali setting.
d. Harus dilengkapi dengan fasilitas integral guna mengkompensasi trafo arus yang
kapasitasnya (rating) tidak cocok dengan kapasitas kedua sisi belitan trafo juga
digunakan mengkompensasi pengaturan fasa (phase shft compensation).

Proteksi diferensial harus dapat mengamankan trafo dua belitan atau tiga belitan juga auto
trafo dan belitan tersier dari gangguan fasa dan tanah internal belitan trafo. Rele harus
dilengkapi dengan colokan (input) analog yang terpisah yang akan dihubungkan dengan
CT terkait dalam skema proteksi, sehingga semua kuantitas dapat diukur pada semua
kondisi gangguan.
Rele proteksi mempunya fasilitas atau interface sehingga dapat dihubungkan dengan
portable computer, dan diset secara lokal menggunakan. Software yang dibutuhkan untuk
ini sudah termasuk dalam bagian peralatan rele proteksi.
Proteksi differensial harus mentripkan semua CB yang terkait dengan trafo. Proteksi Gangguan Tanah Terbatas (Restricted Earth Fault Protection)

Setiap belitan trafo titik netralnya ditanahkan, langsung melalui titik netral atau melalui
titik netral trafo belitan bintang, harus secara terpisah diproteksi dengan rele gangguan
tanah terbatas (REF). Rele REF harus tipe numerik dan mempunyai waktu operasi lebih
kecil dari 20 ms,
Harus dijamin bahwa rele proteksi ini, mempunyai stabilitas yang tinggi selama terjadinya
gangguan atau ketika trafo arus dalam keadaan jenuh, pengaruh perubahan tap dan
kesalahan trafo arus.
Proteksi REF harus mentripkan semua CB terkait langsung dengan Trafo. Rele proteksi
REF harus terpisah atau berbeda rak dengan proteksi diferensial.

Proteksi Cadangan Trafo (Transformer Back-Up Protection) Proteksi Arus Lebih (Over Current Protection)

Rele proteksi arus lebih tiga fasa dan gangguan satu fasa ke tanah IDMT jenis numerik
digunakan sebagai proteksi cadangan pada semua belitan trafo. Rele IDMT harus

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 33
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

memenuhi syarat IEC 60255-3 dan sesuai dengan karakteristik standar “Normal Inverse”
yaitu kurva tipe A.
Peralatan rele proteksi arus lebih IDMT ini harus bisa diset dalam cakupan arus sebesar
50% sampai 200% arus normal, dalam (step) atau beda lebih kecil dari 1%.
Pengaturan batas atau cakupan gangguan tanah pada rele ini dalam batas 10% sampai 80%
dengan beda (step) lebih kecil dari 1%.
Setting perkalian waktu untuk kedua rele ini yaitu untuk arus lebih dan gangguan tanah,
IDMT harus dapat diatur paling tidak dengan beda 0.05 dari 0.05 sampai 1.0
Semua peralatan kontak trip, alarm dan indikator rele proteksi IDMT harus terpisah satu
sama lainnya. Juga kontak untuk rele penutupan kembali dan pencatat gangguan
(disturbance rekorder) harus terpisah.
Sebagai back-up rele arus lebih tiga fasa dan gangguan tanah ini, maka rangkaian perintah
trip dari rele ini harus disambung ke kumparan trip-2 CB. Proteksi gangguan Tanah (Earth Fault Protection)

Rele gangguan tanah diberikan untuk belitan tegangan rendah dari trafo tenaga dimana
netralnya ditanahkan. Peralatan gangguan tanah harus disambung ke trafo arus yang
terpasang pada netral Trafo tenaga dan harus mempunyai kurva karakteristik yang sama
dengan peralatan rele arus lebih.
Pengaturan batas atau cakupan arus gangguan tanah pada rele ini dalam batas 10% sampai
80% dengan beda (step) 1%.
Setting waktu untuk kedua rele ini yaitu untuk arus lebih dan gangguan tanah, IDMT harus
serba terus (kontinyu), dari 0 sampai 1.0 atau sebagai alternatef paling tidak dengan beda
0.05 dari 0.05 sampai 1.0
Semua peralatan kontak trip, alarm dan indikator rele proteksi IDMT harus terpisah satu
sama lainnya. Sebagai back-up rele arus lebih tiga fasa dan gangguan tanah ini, maka
rangkaian perintah trip dari rele ini harus disambung ke kumparan trip-2 CB.

Proteksi Internal Trafo (Internal Transformer Protection) Proteksi Buchholz (Buchholz Protection)

Trafo tenaga dan trafo pentanahan harus dipasang dengan peralatan buchholz dalam dua
tipe elemen yang digunakan pada kondisi operasi pada level penimbunan gas (gassing)
dan pada kondisi lonjakan gas (gassing surge conditions).
Rele ini harus dipasang, dilengkapi, dan dihubungkan dengan semua indikator yang
diperlukan, indikasi bendera, rele tripping, dan rele alarm yang terkait dengan proteksi ini.
Fungsi proteksi dan operasi harus dapat dimonitor dengan digital input dari rele proteksi
numerik utama Trafo. Dengan demikian semua pencatatan (record) operasi alat ini dapat
diakses dari jauh (ruang kontrol) oleh pakar proteksi yang bertugas.
Rele buchholz harus dipasang dengan gas (contoh) dan peralatan testing yang akan
dioperasikan dari bawah (ground level) atau dari ketinggian tertentu.

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 34
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis Suhu Minyak dan Belitan (Oil and Winding Temperature)

Trafo harus dilengkapi dengan proteksi suhu minyak dan belitan. Hal ini dibuat dalam tipe
dua tingkat dengan setting yang bisa diatur untuk fasilitas alarm dan trip. Dalam kontrak
ini sudah termasuk pemasangan semua peralatan indikator yang diperlukan seperti
bendera, rele tripping dan rele alarm dan lain-lain yang terkait dengan proteksi ini. Pemblokan AVR (Blocking of Automatic Voltage Regulator)

Pada kondisi arus lebih atau tegangan rendah lebih kecil atau sama dengan 70% tegangan
operasi normal, maka AVR harus diblok atau dinonaktifkan. Pemblokan Pengatur Tap (Tap Changer Blocking)

Alat pengatur tap harus diblok agar tidak bekerja pada saat terjadi gangguan dalam sistem,
dimana arus gangguan mengalir melalui trafo, skema pemblokan pengatur tap ini harus
masuk dalam sistem pengatur tap.

Proteksi Busbar, Gagal PMT, Kopling dan Pemisah Bus. (Bus Bar, Breaker Failure, Bus
Coupler and Bus Section Protection)

Proteksi busbar, gagal PMT, kopling dan pemisah bus, termasuk dalam kontrak ini dan
dilengkapi pada Daftar kuantitas barang (BOQ). Proteksi Busbar (Bus Bar Protection)

Proteksi busbar dengan rele numerik terpusat (centralized) atau tersebar (de-centralized)
impedansi rendah (low-impedance) diberlakukan dalam kontrak ini. Skema proteksi ini
harus dapat merasakan semua jenis gangguan seperti gangguan antar fasa, gangguan satu
fasa ke tanah dan waktu operasinya lebih kecil dengan satu siklus (cycle).
Jenis rele numerik yang diberikan harus dari pabrikan yang sudah mempunyai pengalaman
dan paling tidak jenis rele ini sudah dioperasikan pada sistem dengan sukses paling tidak
selama dua tahun.
Dalam rangka mempertinggi keandalan, skema proteksi yang digunakan paling tidak dua
kriteria yang tidak berhubungan satu sama lainnya (independent) untuk merasakan
gangguan dalam zona proteksi (in-zone) dan hanya mengirim sinyal trip jika semua
kriteria dipenuhi dan berada dalam keadaan aman.
Selektifitas penuh harus dicapai untuk setiap zona busbar, maka replika setiap saluran
(transmisi, trafo) PMS (Pemisah), PMS bus, PMT kopling dan/atau pemisah seksi bus
termasuk dalam kontrak ini.
Kombinasi kontak bantu NO dan NC pada setiap PMS atau PMT harus diberikan replika
untuk membuka dan menutupnya, urutan pengamanan yang menunjukkan kontaktor bantu
beroperasi pada saat sebelum mencapai jarak pre-arcing pada saat penutupan PMS, dan
setelah jarak pre-arcing dilampaui pada saat pembukaan PMS.
Rangkaian sekunder trafo arus utama tidak boleh secara langsung digerakkan melalui
kontak bantu PMS bus bar. Selama penutupan atau pembukaan PMS saluran (feeder),
sistem akan bertegangan, tidak boleh lebih tinggi dari kekuatan isolasi rangkaian kawat

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 35
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

(wiring) yang digunakan. Posisi PMS dan arus setiap fasa harus dapat dilihat melalui LCD
atau LED untuk setiap jalur (bay).
Perintah trip harus dikirim ke kumparan trip kedua PMT saluran transmisi dan fungsi trip
sistem proteksi busbar harus memblok rangkaian tertutup semua PMT terkait.
Satu fungsi trip (peralatan kontak atau fungsi), dipisahkan dari setiap PMT, harus
menggerakkan rele gagal PMT (BFR) dan harus melalui satu timer BFR untuk segera
menginisiasi tripping dari hulunya setelah langkah pertama (to initiate a remote tripping
immediately after the first time step).
Setiap sinyal trip bus bar dari sistem proteksi harus diberi atau dilengkapi dengan fungsi
self-holding. Fungsi reset harus dilakukan secara lokal.
Rele proteksi ini juga harus dilengkapi dengan kontak yang digunakan untuk menginisiasi
alat pencatat gangguan dan untuk sinyal dan alarm.
Harus dilakukan pengamatan secara terus menerus (continue) terhadap rangkaian
(pengawatan) trafo arus, rangkaian PMS bantu bus bar dan kontak-kontak bantu kopel
bus, dalam posisi tertutup dan terbuka. Jika dirasakan ada kesalahan maka sistem proteksi
harus diblok dan alarm harus dimunculkan.
Indikator yang menunjukkan dengan jelas zona dan fasa mana yang mengalami gangguan
harus diberikan.
Dua set trafo arus harus dipasang di kedua sisi kopel-bus/pemisah bus dan dihubungkan
dengan susunan over-lapping. Zona bus pada kedua sisi PMT harus beroperasi jika terjadi
gangguan antara PMT ini dan dengan salah satu trafo arusnya.
Untuk mengamankan daerah yang tidak dapat diproteksi (dead zone) antara PMT dengan
trafo arus terkait, maka pada sistem proteksi ini harus diberikan atau termasuk sebuah end
fault protection.
Kestabilan proteksi akibat gangguan diluar zona proteksi ini (external fault) harus
dijamin. Termasuk karena trafo arus jenuh dari rangkaian out going, sampai dengan
kapasitas hubung singkat peralatan, diluar dari distribusi arus antara rangkaian
(pengawatan) peralatan itu sendiri.
Fungsi monitoring sendiri (self monitoring) secara terus-menerus, yang digunakan untuk
memonitor atau memantau sistem proteksi busbar ini secara lengkap, termasuk dalam
peralatan proteksi ini.
Dengan fungsi monitoring sendiri (self monitoring) secara terus-menerus ini operator
(orang) harus dapat mengetahui dengan singkat modul apa saja yang rusak, dan buku
panduan uji peralatan ini harus dengan mudah dibaca dan didalamnya harus diberikan
penjelasan rinci dan lengkap tentang sistem proteksi ini.
Catu daya DC yang digunakan untuk peralatan proteksi ini, harus disediakan terpisah atau
terminal terpisah.
Setiap zona daerah perlindungan (zone) proteksi busbar ini, harus dilengkapi dengan
fungsi pemblokan (functions to block) secara manual dengan menggunakan kontak luar
on/off (key operated). Ketika rele diblok harus dapat diketahui dengan indikasi yang
muncul secara lokal maupun dari komputer gedung kontrol. Pada kondisi ini, semua
fungsi trip pada semua saluran (transmisi, trafo dan kopel) harus diblok. Namun semua
alat ukur yang digunakan untuk mengukur sistem proteksi busbar ini harus tetap berfungsi
agar selalu dapat dimonitor.

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 36
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

Penambahan pada sistem proteksi busbar ini harus semudah mungkin. Panel proteksi yang
disediakan sudah dirangkai (pengawatan yang diperlukan) sesuai dengan jumlah saluran
terpasang. Maka semua modul dan perlengkapan yang akan ditambahkan pada sistem
proteksi ini, dapat dipasang dengan mudah tanpa ada pengawatan pada panel.
Penambahan panel proteksi busbar ini juga untuk masa depan jika terjadi penambahan
saluran harus dimungkinkan pada pembangunan gardu induk ini.
Sebelum pembuatan panel atau pabrikasi, Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus menunjukkan
kemungkinan penambahan ini pada panel yang sama dan jumlahnya harus disetujui PLN
atau konsultan PLN.
Sebelum komisioning dilaksanakan, Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus menyerahkan
perhitungan stabilitas sistem proteksi bus bar pada kondisi over load sebesar 125%
normal dan pada kondisi peralatan dilalui arus gangguan maksimum. Proteksi gagal PMT (Breaker Failure Protection)

Sistem rele gagal PMT (BFR) harus tipe numerik, dilengkapi dengan peralatan untuk
memonitor dan merasakan arus setiap fasa dari saluran (transmisi, trafo dan kopel).
Peralatan perasa arus ini harus mempunyai waktu reset yang cepat dengan demikian
semua fungsi BFR dapat direset dalam tempo kurang dari 15 ms.
Harus sensitif dapat merasakan arus sebesar 0.2 sampa 2.0 kali arus nominal saluran,
dapat diatur dengan beda (step) lebih kecil atau sama dengan 0.2 kali arus ini, dan mampu
beroperasi secara terus menerus pada 1.2 kali arus nominal.
Rele gagal PMT atau BFR ini dapat disuplai dari rangkaian trafo arus utama seperti juga
digunakan untuk proteksi bus busbar.
BFR dipasang pada setiap PMT, lebih jauh lagi harus dapat diinisiasi (be initited) oleh
semua peralatan perintah trip proteksi lainnya ke PMT dan juga oleh sinyal trip dari hulu
(luar) yang akan menginisiasi PMT untuk trip.
Informasi inisiasi harus diambil secara terpisah dari rele yang mengoperasikan kumparan
trip 1 dan kumparan trip 2 melalui kontak bebas potensial (potential free contacts)
Kontrol tegangan DC yang digunakan untuk rangkaian starting (starting circuits) diambil
dari panel atau kubikel BFR dan harus dilengkapi dengan terminal blok khusus untuk
hubungan ke rangkaian. Terminal ini harus dilengkapi dengan fasilitas pemutusan atau
pembukaan rangkaian starting DC ini.
Suplai DC untuk peralatan proteksi BFR ini, harus diambil dari sistem DC dengan dua
Jika perintah trip gagal membuka PMT, setelah penundaan periode (Disebut T1 dan harus
dapat diatur antara 50 sampai 200 ms secara terus atau dalam beda atau step lebih kecil
dari 10 ms) rele gagal PMT harus memberi perintah trip “Step pertama” (first step) ke
kedua kumparan trip PMT terkait.
Jika operasi step pertama BFR tidak ada efeknya, maka sistem proteksi BFR harus
memberi perintah trip yang berbeda, setelah penundaan waktu selama satu detik (disebut
T2 dan dapat diatur antara 50 sampai 400 ms secara terus atau dalam beda atau step lebih
kecil dari 10 ms) pada semua PMT sekeliling dimana inisiasi trip gagal, yaitu perintah trip

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 37
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

“second step” dengan selektif penuh pada PMT busbar dalam zona pengamanan terkait,
untuk memutuskan arus gangguan yang masuk melalui bus bar gardu induk.
Fasilitas inisiasi sinyal trip yang dikirim ke PMT hilir (remote) berhadapan terkait dengan
rangkaian gagal PMT harus dirangkai dari terminal panel BFR ke peralatan sinyal proteksi
yang memenuhi spesifikasi dalam dokumen ini. Inisiasi trip ke hilir ini harus direset
setelah gangguan hilang.
BFR harus dilengkapi dengan fasilitas untuk menggabungkan semua fungsi lock-out PMT
terkait (rele tekanan rendah SF6, under pressure relays of SF6) harus diset ke nol (set to
zero) kedua step waktu dari rele BFR, yaitu pengamanan trip (protection tripping) zona
bus bersangkutan dan sinyal trip ke PMT hilir harus tanpa waktu tunda.
Informasi berdasarkan saluran (bay-wise) yang diterima dari fungsi lock-out harus muncul
dalam sistem proteksi BFR dan disimpan secara permanen setelah kejadian sinyal trip
yang sebenarnya. Dalam hal ini sinyal ini harus direset dari panel BFR secara manual.
Fungsi lainnya yang harus dilengkapi dalam sistem proteksi BFR ini menginisiasi trip ke
PMT hilir setelah waktu step pertama jika pembukaan (trpping) proteksi bus bar gagal.
Tipe tripping BFR harus tipe yang tidak-mereset-sendiri (non-self-reset type) sampai
inisiasi reset diaktifkan secara manual. Pembukaan harus tiga-fasa dan terukur, yaitu
dilengkapi dengan pemblokan penutupan kembali.
Harus dilengkapi dengan indikator yang menunjukkan dengan jelas yang menyebabkan
PMT trip, pada step waktu kapan dan yang mana PMT yang lain bekerja (trip) oleh mode
inter-tripping dan memungkinkan sinyalisasi (signalization) fungsi penting di hilir. Alarm
eksternal terkait harus dikoordinasikan dengan filosofi alarm semua gardu induk,
termasuk kontak bebas potensil. Harus dilengkapi dengan kontak terpisah yang digunakan
untuk peralatan pencatat gangguan.
Semua saluran harus dilengkapi dengan kontak on/off untuk proteksi BFR ini. Jika rele
diblok maka harus muncul indikasi di panel atau dikomputer ruang kontrol.
Penambahan pada sistem proteksi BFR ini harus semudah mungkin. Panel proteksi yang
disediakan sudah dirangkai (pengawatan yang diperlukan) sesuai dengan jumlah saluran
Maka semua modul dan perlengkapan yang akan ditambahkan pada sistem proteksi ini,
dapat dipasang dengan mudah tanpa ada pengawatan pada panel.
Sebelum pembuatan panel atau pabrikasi, Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus menunjukkan
kemungkinan penambahan ini pada panel yang sama dan jumlahnya harus disetujui PLN
atau konsultan PLN. Kopel Bus/Pemisah Bus Arus Lebih (Bus Coupler/Sectionalizer Over Current)

Rele proteksi arus lebih tiga fasa dan gangguan tanah IDMT dengan peralatan setting waktu
yang ditentukan adalah jenis numerik rele IDMT harus memenuhi syarat IEC terkait, kurva
rele proteksi IDMT harus dapat memberi perintah trip setelah 3 (tiga) detik untuk 10
(sepuluh) kali arus setting dan setting waktu perkalian sebesar 100%.(when a time multiplier
setting of 100 % is applied).
Rele proteksi arus lebih IDMT ini harus bisa diset dalam cakupan arus sebesar 50% sampai
200%, dalam (step) setiap 1%.
Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 38
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

Setting waktu untuk rele ini yaitu untuk arus lebih dan gangguan tanah, IDMT harus serba
terus (kontinyu), dari 0 sampai 1.0 atau sebagai alternative paling tidak dengan beda 0.05
dari 0.05 sampai 1.0
Semua peralatan kontak trip, alarm dan indikator rele proteksi IDMT harus terpisah satu
sama lainnya. Juga kontak untuk pencatat gangguan (disturbance rekorder) harus terpisah.

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 39
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

4.4. Skema Tele proteksi (Teleprotection Schemes)

Skema tele proteksi ini, harus dilengkapi (sesuai dengan kebutuhan) kanal atau saluran
untuk mengirim dan menerima sinyal secara langsung atau diijinkan (diset) perintah trip,
melalui Saluran udara, kabel dan gagal PMT (BFR). Waktu yang diperlukan oleh sinyal
melalui kanal (channel) ini harus lebih kecil dari 20 ms.
Termasuk dalam skema teleproteksi ini secara terpisah harus dipasang alarm untuk semua
sinyal yang diterima atau dikirim dan terlihat pada panel proteksi terkait.
Harus dilengkapi juga dengan saluran langsung komunikasi digital yang diperlukan oleh
proteksi diferensial digital.
Semua saluran kirim terima harus terpisah sehingga dapat dilakukan pengujian (test)
tersendiri tanpa tripping PMT terkait dan tanpa harus membuka atau memasang kembali
Semua peralatan interface antara panel dengan peralatan komunikasi terkait untuk skema
ini termasuk dalam kontrak ini.
Skema melewati hilir yang diijinkan (POR, permissive over reaching schemes) dilengkapi
dengan “logika sumber lemah” (a weak in-feed logic) dan dapat mentripkan PMT yang
ditentukan. Logika ini tidak boleh tergantung hanya dari kontak bantu PMT.
Dalam hal peralatan trip secara langsung dalam skema ini harus dirancang agar tidak
mengirim perintah trip pada setiap kondisi berikut:
• Ketika perlatan kirim terima dilepas. (Removal of any printed circuit module in
either transmitter or receiver of a link).
• Ketika sedang dilakukan tutup/buka (on/off) pada catu daya peralatan teleproteksi,
(Switching on/off of the power supply to the teleprotection equipment)
• Ketika sedang dilakukan tutup/buka (on/off) pada peralatan optic termasuk di ujung
saluran (Switching on/off of the PLC/Fiber optic equipment at either end of the
• Ketika dilakukan hubung singkat pada keluaran peralatan pengirim atau hubung
singkat pada masukan peralatan penerima. (Shorting the output of the
teleprotection transmitter or shorting of the input to the teleprotection receiver)
• Pengoperasian PMS saluran tegangan tinggi di gardu induk (Operation of the HV
line isolators in switchyards).
Kanal teleproteksi bagi rele jarak dan rele gangguan tanah berarah, harus diberikan
terpisah. Juga harus dilengkapi dengan kanal langsung untuk sistem proteksi gagal
PMT/Bus-bar. Fasilitas inter-tripping untuk saluran kabel harus melalui kawat pilot atau
kabel serat optic.

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 40
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

4.5 Trip Circuit Supervision

Relay Trip Circuit Supervision harus disediakan untuk memonitor setiap rangkaian trip
dari pemutus tenaga dan setiap relay harus mempunyai kontak yang memadai untuk alarm
dan indikasi.
Rangkaian trip 1 dan rangkaian trip 2 untuk sistem rangkaian harus disupervisi oleh dua
relay trip circuit supervision yang terpisah.
Skema trip circuit supervision harus disupervisi secara terus menerus melalui kumparan
trip dan rangkaian trip circuit breaker dalam posisi terbuka atu tertutup.
Kerja Elemen Relay harus diperlambat untuk mencegah alarm palsu selama terjadi
gangguan pada pengawatan DC di rangkaian yang berdekatan, atau selama operasi relay
trip berlangsung.
Resistansi seri harus dipasang pada rangkaian trip circuit supervision untuk mencegah
kesalahan trip pemutus tenaga jika elemen relay dihubung singkat.
Desain trip circuit supervision harus didesain sedemikian rupa sehingga jika terjadi
gangguan pada salah satu komponen tidak akan menyebabkan pemutus tenaga trip. Relay
trip circuit supervision secara terus menerus akan menginisiasi alarm untuk ditunda
selama beberapa detik. Alarm ini akan bekerja pada saat hilangannya tegangan DC dan
pada saat pemutusan dari rangkaian pada pengawatan trip.
Elemen Alarm Relay harus dilengkapi dengan indikator bendera.

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 41
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

4.6 Rele pengrim trip (Tripping Relays)

Rele pengirim trip harus dari jenis heavy duty dapat diletakkan atau dipasang pada rak
Kontak-kontak rele dapat bekerja sesuai dengan waktu operasi yang diinginkan tidak lebih
dari 10 ms mulai dari inisiasi dari kumparan rele sampai dengan penutupan kontak.
Tipe rele yang ditempelkan sesuai spesifikasi harus dilengkapi dengan kontak secara
listrik dan manual untuk mereset indikasi bendera rele. Maka ketika dilakukan resetting
bendera rele tidak perlu membuka rele.
Untuk kontak tripping tidak boleh ada penundaan waktu. Dimana rele utama seperti
dijelaskan pada spesifikasi waktu perintah trip (tripping time) sama dengan atau lebih
kecil dari 10 ms. Harus dijamin bahwa peralatan kontaktor-trip dapat beroperasi pada 50%
tegangan normal DC (pick up pada 80% tegangan DC, self-holding sampai dengan 50%
tegangan DC.
Rangkaian trip dari proteksi ini, harus tidak sensitif pada kesalahan operasi (mal operate)
sehubungan dengan pengaruh konduksi elektrostatis, elektromaknetis pada rangkaian AC
dan DC yang terjadi karena arus dan tegangan dari luar. Juga oleh harmonis tinggi yang
terjadi karena pengoperasian peralatan tegangan tinggi bersamaan dengan kapasitansi
rangkaian DC atau karena lonjakan (spike) ketika dihubungkan dengan arus DC.
Kontak tripping rele proteksi ini, harus secara otomatis reset jika kondisi gangguan sudah
tidak ada. Sinyal dan perintah blok penutupan PMT tetap dalam hal operasi unruk bus bar,
gagal PMT, untuk trafo, diferensial, buchholz dan proteksi kabel, sampai direset oleh
operator secara manual.

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 42
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

4.7 Setting Proteksi (Protection Settings)

Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus memberi, perhitungan setting rele proteksi untuk semua
skema, untuk saluran udara (SUTT), dan kabel harus diberikan kepada PLN atau
konsultan PLN untuk mendapat persetujuan sebulan sebelum komisioning peralatan
tersebut. Semua data yang diperlukan untuk perhitungan tersebut harus diperoleh dari
PLN atau konsultan PLN.
Setting peralatan proteksi harus terkoordinasi dengan baik dengan skema proteksi
terpasang (existing)
Setting juga harus dilakukan untuk gagal PMT, penutupan otomatis (auto-recloser) dan
juga untuk peralatan lain.
Matriks trip secara lengkap harus mendapat persetujuan dari PLN atau konsultan PLN
sebelum didesain.

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 43
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

4.8. Proteksi 20 kV (20 kV Protection)

4.8.1. Proteksi feeder 20 kV (Feeder Protection 20 kV)

Peralatan proteksi arus lebih harus dilengkapi dengan peralatan gangguan fasa dan tanah,
• Proteksi arus lebih (Overcurrent protection)
• Proteksi arus lebih gangguan tanah (Overcurrent Earth Fault protection)

Karakteristik arus lebih 3 fasa sama dengan karakteristik proteksi arus lebih berarah.
Harus memenuhi standar IEC 60255-4, untuk elemen fasa paling tidak mempunyai 4
karakteristik yang dapat diseleksi.

• Karakteristik invers normal (normally inverse characteristic)

• Karakteristik invers tajam (very inverse characteristic)
• Karakteristik waktu terukur (definite time characteristic)
• Sebagai tambahan Karakteristik waktu lama untuk peralatan tanah
(additional long time characteristic for the earth element)

Semua setting dapat dilakukan dengan keypad terpasang (built in) bersama rele proteksi
ini dan dengan software eksternal. Untuk keperluan analisa setelah gangguan, maka data
yang terkumpul dalam memory rele ini harus dapat diambil melalui interface serial ke PC
atau komputer pribadi (personal computer)
Dilengkapi dengan peralatan penghitung waktu (timer) untuk perintah langsung ke elemen
fasa atau tanah, dan jika diperlukan posisi set untuk memblok perintah trip. Dilengkapi
dengan rele gangguan tanah yang sesitif (0.02-0.8 det). Juga dilengkapi dengan timer
perpanjangan waktu (0.1-6.0 detik) dan koordinasi dengan rele arus lebih di hilirnya.
Proteksi gangguan tanah harus dapat dikontrol “ON” dan “OFF” yang akan dioperasikan
secara manual di panel melalui ruang kontrol gardu induk. Sebuah lampu LED yang
bertanda “OFF” dipasang di panel yang menandakan terjadi gangguan tanah.

4.8.2. Penutupan otomatis feeder 20 kV (Auto-Reclosing for Feeder 20 kV)

Harus dilengkapi dengan fungsi penutupan otomatis paling tidak 3 (tiga) kali (shots).
Fungsi penutupan otomatis harus di-start dari proteksi arus lebih dan gangguan tanah dan
harus beroperasi dengan cara berikut:
Setelah di-start oleh rele dan PMT telah membuka, maka penutupan otomatis pertama
adalah 0.2-4 detik (dapat diatur) waktu diam (dead time). Penutupan kedua setelah 15-60
detik (dapat diatur) waktu diam. Dan yang terakhir penutupan ketiga setelah 30-180 detik
(dapat diatur) waktu diam. Setelah penutupan jaringan PMT telah di-energize, penutupan
otomatis akan mulai waktu reclaim selama 15-180 detik (dapat diatur) untuk memulai
urutan penutupan otomatis, dalam hal terjadi penutupan pada gangguan maka waktu

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 44
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

reclaim harus segera dihentikan dengan perintah trip oleh fungsi proteksi.
Sebagai tambahan setelah penutupan otomatis yang pertama, fungsi arus lebih
instantaneous dan gangguan tanah instantaneous harus diblok, sehingga fungsi koordinasi
proteksi dengan peralatan proteksi di hulu berjalan semestinya. Penutupan otomatis harus
dilengkapi dengan alat pencatat urutan atau diagram waktu terjadinya penutupan otomatis.

5. Sistem Otomasi Gardu Induk Untuk Monitoring dan Kontrol (Substation

Automation Systems For Monitoring And Control)

5.1. Syarat Umum

Spesifikasi ini termasuk rancang bangun, pabrikasi, inspeksi dan pengujian di tempat
pabrikan khusus untuk Sistem Otomasi Gardu Induk (Substation Automation System),
transportasi, pemasangan dan komisioning dan training dilokasi PLN. Penjelasan
mengenai kontrol sistem dan peralatan gardu induk, garis besar dan fasilitasnya diberikan
di lokasi, kebutuhan interface dan kriteria unjuk kerja.

Sistem SOGI harus mencakup kontrol gardu induk secara lengkap, juga fungsi komunikas
dan kontrol. Harus dapat mengontrol dengan PC atau paket software untuk kontrol atau
melalui HMI dan dapat menjalankan fungsi pengambilan data dan mengontrol sistem. Harus
dilengkapi dengan peralatan pintu gerbang (gateway) sebagai alat untuk berkomunikasi
dengan Pusat Pengatur Beban (Control Centre). Pengesetan jarak jauh dan mengevaluasi
gangguan dari jarak jauh, saluran antar rel (inter-bay-bus), IED untuk kontrol saluran (bay
control) dan proteksi seperti ditunjukkan dalam gambar.

Sistem monitoring dan kontrol harus sistem terbuka memenuhi protokol standar
internasional “open architecture based on the international standard protocol” untuk
perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak. Penyedia Barang/Jasa diminta untuk memberikan
usulan SOGI sesuai dengan IEC 61850 sistem komunkasi jaringan dalam gardu induk
(communication network and systems in substation).

Semua aliran informasi kontrol ke pusat pengatur beban melalui pintu gerbang (gateway)
harus dapat dijamin. Saluran antar rel harus dilengkapi dengan gardu-ke-saluran (station-
to-bay) dan saluran-ke saluran (bay-to-bay) pertukaran data yang terpisah. Peralatan IED
tingkat saluran untuk kontrol dan proteksi harus disambung langsung dengan trafo ukur
(instrument transformer) dan kumparan buka/tutup (trip/close) di gardu induk tanpa
mengganggu fungsi atau melakukan kontrol, monitoring dan proteksi melalui proses bus
sesuai standar IEC 61850.

Fungsi IED untuk kontrol dan proteksi harus mempunyai keandalan dan kemampuan yang
tinggi dan mengukur diri sendiri dengan teknologi yang canggih.

SOGI harus disiapkan mampu untuk menampung pertumbuhan sistem masa datang.
Rancang bangun masa operasi SOGI harus tidak kurang dari 10 tahun. Kemampuan
kapasitas SOGI harus didukung oleh pabrikan dalam pembangunan gardu induk sesuai
dengan kebutuhan pembangunan gardu induk ini.
5.2. Rujukan Standar (Compliance With Standards)

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 45
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

Nama Uji Jenis, Standar Uji Jenis (Type Test Name, Type Test Standard) :

Insulation Resistance IEC 60255-5/IEC 60255-27/IEC 60870-2-1

Dielectric Withstand IEC 60255-5/IEEE C37.90/IEC 60255-27
High Voltage Impulse Test IEC 60255-5/IEC 60255-27
Vibration Test IEC 60255-21-1
Shock and Bump test IEC 60255-21-2
Damp Heat Test IEC 60068-2-3/IEC 60068-2-30
Cold Test IEC 60068-2-1/IEC 60255-6
Dry Heat IEC 60068-2-2/IEC 60068-2-1
Enclosure Protection IEC 60529/IP ≥ 42
Supply variation IEC 60255-6
Overvoltage (peak withstand) IEC 60255-6
Supply interruption IEC 60255-11/Max. 50ms
Ripple (frequency fluctuations) IEC 60255-11/Max. 12%
Supply variations IEC 60255-6/± 20%
High Frequency Disturbance IEC 60255-22-1/IEC 61000-4-12/
IEEE C37.90.1
Electrostatic discharge IEC 60255-22-2/IEC 61000-4-2
Radiated Immunity IEC 60255-22-3/ANSI C37.90.2/61000-4-3
Fast Transient Burst IEC 60255-22-4/IEC 61000-4-4/IEEE
C37.90.1/ (ANSI C37.90.1)
Surge immunity IEC 61000-4-5
High frequency conducted immunity IEC 61000-4-6
Harmonics Immunity IEC 61000-4-7
Power Frequency Magnetic Field
Immunity IEC 61000-4-8
Power Frequency IEC 61000-4-16
Conducted emission EN 55022
Radiated emission EN 55022
Radio Interference Withstand IEC60255-22-3:1992/ANSI C37.90.2
Industrial environment EN 50263 (2000)

Standar Komunikasi (Communication Standards)

LAN protocol :
• IEC 61850
IED protocol :
• IEC 61850

Protokol Pintu Gerbang (Gateway protocol to Control Centre) :

• Existing protocol
• IEC 60870-5-101

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 46
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

• IEC 60870-5-104

Protokol Pintu Gerbang ke Peralatan Sekunder Gardu Induk (Gateway protocol to

Substation’s secondary Equipment) :
• IEC 61850
Standar Otomasi (Automation Standards) :
• IEC 61131-3
Standar ini harus tetap digunakan jika ternyata ada peralatan dalam dokumen ini tidak ada
atau melebihi dalam standar yang disyaratkan dalam dokumen ini.

5.3. Persyaratan Operasi Rancang Bangun (Design and Operating Requirements)

5.3.1. Umum (General)

SOGI harus dapat digunakan untuk operasi dan monitoring seluruh peralatan gardu induk
baik yang terpasang baik jika ada tambahan dikemudian hari. Produk yang ditawarkan
harus efisien, andal dan dapat dipakai mendukung pemeliharaan gardu induk.

SOGI harus dirancang secara canggih dalam lingkungan tegangan tinggi dan dioperasikan
mengontrol gardu induk, mengikuti kemajuan teknologi terakhir, menjamin kompatibilitas
dalam jangka panjang, dan kontinuitas suplai peralatan dan kemanan pada operator.

Kesalahan atau gangguan perangkat keras maupun perangkat lunak harus dapat didiagnosa
dan instruksi untuk itu harus diberikan. Unjuk kerja, model data, IED gardu induk untuk
kontrol dan proteksi dan komunikasi tingkat saluran (bay level) harus juga diuraikan
secara jelas.

5.3.2. Mode Operasi (Modes of Operation)

Operator di gardu induk dan user satu staf yang ditentukan dan diberi kata kunci
(password) yang terlindung dari unit pengatur beban atau gardu lain diluar gardu induk ini
mempunyai mode operasi berikut:

Monitoring : Kemampuan memilih daftar gambar tetapi tidak diijinkan

untuk menyatakan mengetahui (acknowledge) alarm,
mengontrol atau memilih bagian (item) tertentu dan
menggunakannya dalam fungsi program.
Control : Kemampuan menseleksi daftar gambar, dapat menyatakan
mengetahui (acknowledge) alarm, dapat melakukan semua
fungsi kontrol, dan menentukan alamat atau lokasi, pada
waktu ketika atau sedang berlangsung (real time)
pengontrolan peralatan gardu induk.
System Engineering : Kemampuan memprogram, memodifikasi semua
fungsi monitoring termasuk mengecek, memprogram
menambah, mengurangi data base, dengan fasilitas secara on
line tetapi tidak punya hak atau tidak boleh melakukan fungsi
kontrol sistem tenaga listrik.
System Manager : Kemampuan untuk mengakses semua fungsi sistem

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 47
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

termasuk memberikan password kepada staf dan dapat

melakukan aktifitas pemeliharaan.

Sebagai tambahan, harus diberi fasilitas akses ke rele proteksi numerik untuk
merubah/memodifikasi parameter setting rele dan setting AVR dan alat pencatat gangguan
(DFR). Password akan diberikan kepada setiap pribadi yaitu kepada operator atau staf
terkait sesuai dengan kategori tanggung jawabnya.

Operator Gardu Induk harus dapat menghidupkan (log on) untuk melakukan tugas sesuai
dengan password yang diberikan secara langsung maupun dari workstation. Staf yang
bertugas pada Engineering SOGI harus dapat mengakses informasi rele proteksi dan alat
pencatat gangguan dari lokal workstation atau dari remote workstation.

Semua fungsi sistem ada di workstation dan sistem database, namun tidak harus dapat
mengoperasikan alarm sudah diketahui (to acknowledge alarms) lebih dari satu
workstation. Hal yang sama, data atau masukan secara manual yang dilakukan setiap
operator harus segera muncul di workstation lainnya.

5.3.3. Spesifikasi Proyek (Project Specifications)

Fungsi khusus yang ditentukan dan kondisi batas SOGI secara detail diberikan pada
spesifikasi ini. Gambar khusus dari proyek ini harus dilampirkan:
• Diagram satu garis dari Gardu Induk (Single line diagram of Substation)
• Arsitektur SOGI (Substation Automation System Architecture)
• Susunan tipikal panel SOGI (Substation Automation System Typical Panel Control
• Lay out gardu induk (Substation Lay Out)
• Lay out gedung kontrol (Control Building Lay Out)

5.3.4. Pengalaman Pabrikan (Manufacturer’s Experience)

Pengalaman pabrikan minimum 5 tahun dalam pembuatan microprocessor yang

digunakan untuk SOGI yang diperbolehkan ikut dalam pemasangan SOGI gardu ini. Lebih
diutamakan pabrikan yang telah berpengalaman memasang dan membangun SOGI secara

Pemasok SOGI harus dapat menunjukkan dan membuktikan sistem yang diusulkan, dan
pernah dipasang dan dikomisioning sesuai dengan standar internasional yang berlaku, dan
semua spesifikasinya harus dibuktikan telah mempunyai sukses operasi dalam 3 (tiga)
tahun terakhir pada dua negara yang berbeda diluar Negara pabrikan. Bukti sukses operasi
harus dilampirkan pada dokumen tender.

Untuk mengetahui pengalaman yang dipunyai pabrikan pada proyek yang sejenis, maka
Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus melampirkan dalam tender dokumen sebagai berikut:
• Uraian spesifikasi teknis SOGI (Technical design specifications and description
of SA system)

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 48
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

• Brosur dan catalog peralatan yang ditawarkan (Catalogues and brochures of

equipment and devices offered)
• Daftar referensi proyek SOGI yang pernah dilakukan (References of Substation
Automations Projec tlist).
Rancang bangun masa operasi SOGI harus tidak kurang dari 10 tahun. Kemampuan
kapasitas SOGI harus didukung oleh pabrikan dalam pembangunan gardu induk sesuai
dengan kebutuhan pembangunan gardu induk ini.

Pabrikan harus menjamin ketersediaan material cadang yang direkomendasikan selama

masa operasi SOGI ini. Selanjutnya ketersediaan material cadang ini harus dijamin paling
tidak untuk 10 tahun masa operasi.

5.3.5. Jaminan Kualitas (Quality Assurance)

Jaminan kualitas rancang bangun, produksi dan pemasangan dan tenaga ahli yang
melakukannya harus memenuhi ISO 9001. Dokumen pendukung ISO 9001 yang dibuktikan
pihak oleh pihak ketiga harus dilampirkan pada Dokumen Penawaran.


5.3.7. Rancang bangun sistem secara umum (General System Design)

Sistem SOGI harus dirancang sedemikian rupa sehingga personel yang tidak punya
pengetahuan pada teknologi mikroprocessor dapat mengoperasikannya. Interface operator
harus intuitif sehingga personel atau staf atau operator dapat mengoperasikannya dengan
mudah hanya dengan training atau pelatihan singkat.

Di dalam sisitem SOGI ini, semua fungsi kontrol, monitoring dan proteksi sesuai
spesifikasi, monitoring sendiri (self-monitoring), alat pemberian sinyal dan fasilitas uji,
pengukuran dan fungsi memory, pencatat kejadian (event recording) dan evaluasi terhadap
gangguan tercatat telah tercakup.

Ketika melakukan pemeliharaan dan modifikasi yang dilakukan atau ketika menambah
komponen tidak harus mematikan semua fungsi SOGI. Komponen monitoring sendiri,
modul dan komunikasi harus meningkatkan kesiapan dan keandalan peralatan ini dan
meminimumkan pemeliharaan.

Kontrol terhadap sistem yang dilakukan dari ruang kontrol gardu induk harus dapat
dilakukan dengan Komputer dengan mouse.
SOGI yang ditawarkan harus dapat dihubungkan dan semua fungsi remote dan monitoring
dapat dilakukan dari Pusat Pengatur Beban terkait melalui pintu gerbang (gateway).
Pintu gerbang dirancang untuk 10 (sepuluh) tahun masa operasi. Pintu Gerbang harus
mempunya alat colokan komunikasi ke/dari (to/from) melalui protocol terpasang (existing)
yaitu protocol IEC 60870-5-101 dan IEC 60870-5-104. Pintu gerbang harus dari
microprocessor, tidak ada peralatan bergerak atau berputar (tidak ada kipas atau HD yang
berputar), dan harus terpisah secara fisik dari HMI.

Seperti ditunjukkan pada SOGI terdiri dari tiga tingkat yaitu, tingkat gardu, tingkat
saluran, dan tingkat proses. (station level, bay level and process level) Aliran data melalui

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 49
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

peralatan elektronik antara tingkat gardu dan tingkat saluran harus melalui bus-antar-
saluran (inter-bay bus) menggunakan protocol IEC 61850. Semua peralatan gardu harus
dapat dikontrol dari HMI pada tingkat gardu.

Untuk kepentingan pemeliharaan, atau ketika komunikasi saluran (bay) tertentu gagal
maka pada peralatan IED tingkat saluran harus dapat dilakukan fungsi kontrol, monitor
dan proteksi pada saluran terkait. Sistem prioritas harus sedemikian rupa sehingga
pengoperasian satu peralatan dari dua atau lebih peralatan kontrol dapat dihindari seperti
SCADA, tingkat gardu, tingkat saluran atau tingkat peralatan gardu induk secara
langsung. Prioritas yang diaktifkan harus pada tingkat level terendah.

Peralatan proteksi dan kontrol saluran (bay) harus terpisah dan setiap fungsinya tidak
boleh mempengaruhi atau terpengaruh dari gangguan saluran (bay) yang lain. Harus dapat
dikontrol dari pusat pengatur beban juga dari saluaran (bay) secara langsung melalui
display secara grafis yang terdapat pada peralatan itu dengan semua interlock. Harus dapat
dikontrol dari ruang kontrol. Pada setiap saat, operasi kontrol hanya dapat dilakukan oleh
seorang operator.

SOGI harus memenuhi aktifitas utama sebagai berikut:

• Sistem proteksi/monitoring harus menampilkan atau memberikan data untuk
keperluan operasi, pemeliharaan dan setting parameter proteksi dan kontrol pada
peralatan gardu induk dari jarak jauh maupun secara langsung di gardu induk.
Kalau terjadi gangguan di sistem, Monitoring gardu induk harus memberi semua
data terkait dan relevan dengan gangguan itu.
• Sistem monitoring harus dapat mensupervisi dan memonitor semua peralatan (IED)
primer maupun sekunder termasuk pada penambahan peralatan pada masa datang.
• Pemeliharaan dan modifikasi atau penambahan peralatan yang dilakukan tidak harus
mematikan semua fungsi sistem monitoring. Sistem monitoring sendiri dari tiap
peralatan, modul dan komunikasi harus tercakup untuk meningkatkan kesiapan dan
keandalan peralatan dan meminimumkan pemeliharaan.
• Sistem monitoring harus dilengkapi agar dapat mengakses semua informasi secara
langsung dari workstation untuk keperluan staf pemeliharaan proteksi. Harus dapat
mengakses semua parameter atau setting peralatan proteksi dan kontrol. Setting
parameter dan pengaktifannya harus berdasarkan password yang dipunyai staf
• Komputer pada ruang kontrol atau komputer jarak jauh harus bisa mengakses
SOGI dengan otoritas yang berbeda. Software dan aplikasi khusus (misalnya
parameter rele) pada SOGI harus diberikan bersamaan dengan peralatan terkait.
• Perangkat pembuatan (engineering tools) dan analisa software pada workstation
tingkat gardu (station level) dan workstation yang digunakan dari jauh (pengatur
beban) sudah harus terpasang. Semua copy software harus diberikan dalam CD.
• Sistem SOGI harus mampu berkomunikasi dengan gardu hulu (remote station)
dalam penyusunan proteksi saluran transmisi dengan menggunakan Ethernet/TCP-IP

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 50
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

5.4. Arsitektur SOGI (System Architecture)

Sogi harus berdasarkan arsitektur terdesentralisasi pada konsep orientasi saluran (bay-
oriented), canggih dan tersebar. Semua fungsi harus terdesentralisasi, berorientasi objek
dan harus sedekat mungkin dengan proses.

Proses utama informasi gardu induk harus disimpan pada database yang terdistribusi.
Arsitektur SOGI secara tipikal terdiri dari tingkat saluran (bay level) dan tingkat proses
(process level)

Pada tingkat saluran (bay-level), IED harus dilengkapi dengan fungsi kontrol, monitoring
dan proteksi, colokan masukan untuk indikasi status dan colokan keluaran untuk perintah.
(inputs for status indication and outputs for commands)

IED untuk proteksi dan kontrol pada tingkat saluran harus dihubungkan secara langsung
ke trafo instrument dan kumparan buka/tutup (trip/close) di peralatan gardu induk tanpa
interpose peralatan.

Setiap IED kontrol saluran (bay control IED) harus berdiri sendiri tidak tergantung dari
IED kontrol saluran yang lain dan fungsi IED ini tidak akan saling mempengaruhi jika
terjadi gangguan.

Gangguan pada server tidak boleh mempengaruhi fungsi operasi normal terminal pintu
gerbang (gateway terminal), namun akan muncul alarm pada SOGI.
Pertukaran data antara peralatan elektronik pada tingkat saluran dan tingkat gardu harus
berlangsung melalui infrastruktur komunikasi berdasarkan protocol satu rel-lingkaran
Ethernet LAN sesuai IEC 61850 (single ring Ethernet LAN using IEC 61850 protocol).
Harus dipasang dan diatur kontak Ethernet, STP dan serat optic (Ethernet switch, STP
and fiber-optic) dan dijamin bebas gangguan komunikasi.

IED untuk rele proteksi merupakan bagian terpadu SOGI dan harus dapat secara langsung
disambung dan diatur ke saluran satu rel-lingkaran Ethernet.

Pada tingkat gardu, semua gardu induk dikontrol dan disupervisi dari HMI pada ruang
kontrol. Setiap saat harus juga dapat dikontrol dan dimonitor langsung saluran (bay) dari
tingkat saluran (bay level).

Sistem prioritas dengan jelas harus mencegah operasi pada satu kontak atau peralatan dari
dua atau lebih tingkat kontrol yang berbeda, yaitu Pusat Pengatur Beban, HMI workstation
lokal, dan tingkat saluran (bay level) atau tingkat peralatan.

Pintu gerbang (gateway) dan HMI harus pada tingkat gardu tanpa mempunyai titik
sambung bersama (without any common points)

Prioritas yang diaktifkan harus pada tingkat level terendah.

Harus dilengkapi dengan sinyal GPS untuk menyeragamkan waktu pada semua sistem.
Waktu penyeragaman harus sesuai dengan standar yang digunakan yaitu proses SNTP
seperti disyaratkan dalam IEC61850.

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 51
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

5.5. Fleksibilitas dan Skala (Flexibility And Scalability)

Konsep SOGI yang ditawarkan harus fleksibel dan harus mudah dalam pengembangannya.
Akan lebih diutamakan pabrikan yang dalam posisi dapat memberikan perangkat kontrol
dan proteksi dimana aplikasi fungsi yang disyaratkan dapat dipasang dengan bebas.

5.6. Sistem Perangkat Keras dan Perangkat Lunak (System Hardware And Software)
Sistem ini harus terdiri dari perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak yang sudah terbukti dan
memerlukan hanya sedikit waktu dalam pembangunannya.

Jika perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak pada proyek ini membutuhkan waktu untuk
mengerjakannya, maka harus jelas diuraikan dalam penawaran perkiraan waktu dan jenis
pekerjaan yang dibutuhkan.

5.6.1. Syarat Rancang bangun (Design Requirements) Rancang bangun sistem (System Design)

Rancang bangun harus mempunyai tingkat keandalan yang tinggi, juga harus aman bagi
staf atau personel. Perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak jenis yang ditawarkan harus sudah
terbukti pengalaman operasi paling tidak selama dua tahun, dan berdasarkan
teknologi/praktis terkini. Teknologi (Technology)

Sejarah rancang bangun sistem dan pengembangan pada masa depan harus dilampirkan
pada Dokumen Penawaran. Surat dukungan dari pabrikan atas penawaran ini dilengkapi
dengan rancang bangun secara lengkap, juga dengan justisifikasi bahwa sistem yang
ditawarkan adalah paraktis dan mudah di-upgrade pada masa depan. Kapasitas Sistem (System Capacity)

Rancang bangun sistem harus mencakup semua fungsi yang disyaratkan, dan semua I/O
harus diatur sehingga tidak tergantung satu sama lain. Sistem harus dapat diperbesar (to be
capable of expansion) ke dalam sistem utama sesuai dengan kebutuhan yang dicantumkan
dalam diagram satu garis (SLD), tanpa mengurangi tingkat unjuk kerjanya.

Komputer di ruang kontrol gardu induk harus dilengkapi dengan hard drive storage untuk
sistem utama.

Komputer di ruang kontrol gardu induk harus dilengkapi dengan kanal (channels) untuk
data transmisi dan data lainnya untuk sistem utama.

Software harus dirancang agar memenuhi persyaratan yang dibutuhkan untuk kapasitas
utama tanpa membuat atau memerlukan program baru. Apabila ada penambahan saluran
pada masa depan, harus melalui software ini dengan memasukkan parameter-
parameternya secara interaktif.

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 52
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis Sistem database dan tampilan layar (The system database and displays)
Sistem database dan yang ditampilkan dilayar atau tampilan layar (display) harus
dikonfigurasi ke sistem utama. Gangguan pada software atau hardware di komputer
manapun pada sistem ini, harus dapat diketahui atau dirasakan sesegera mungkin
(prompty) sistem alarm tampil atau berbunyi, duplikasi sistem harus otomatis beroperasi
atau segera dioperasikan. Dalam kondisi ini tidak semua fungsi dan unjuk kerja tidak
boleh menurun atau hilang.

Penggantian perlatan yang terganggu tidak akan mengakibatkan fungsi dan unjuk kerja
menurun atau hilang. Elemen cadangan (stand by) redundansi subsistem harus dimonitor
setiap saat.

Sistem harus dirancang dengan jaminan tidak ada data sistem yang tidak konsisten atau
konflik ketika terjadi pengalihan operasi dari sistem utama ke subsistem cadangan.
Gangguan pada subsistem cadangan tidak redundan, harus dirasakan atau diketahui
dengan munculnya alarm dengan cepat. Database terintegrasi (Integrated Database)

Database pada SOGI harus memenuhi standar terbuka (Open Database Connectivity
(ODBC) standard). Lebih diutamakan database tunggal/ terintegrasi termasuk database
interface operator, proteksi dan database fungsi logika, komunikasi protokol dan lain-lain.
Harus dapat dilakukan dengan perintah view, filter, chronologically sort, merge dan lain-
lain. Database harus dilengkapi dengan Informasi mengenai peralatan yang ada secara
komersial dan memenuhi syarat ODBC. Lebih diharapkan atau jika memungkinkan
peralatan ini juga kompatibel dengan peralatan pada Pusat pengaturan Beban (Control

Harus dilengkapi cara mengekspor data dengan OBDC atau dengan format yang lain.
Database harus sama untuk semua workstation yang digunakan operator, workstation hilir
(remote) sama untuk acknowledgement alarm dan tag untuk keamanan dan lain-lain. Peringatan pada Rancang Bangun (Design Precautions)

a) Keandalan Sistem (System Security)
Tidak boleh ada gangguan pada workstation operator, unit saluran (bay
unit), kanal komunikasi atau peralatan lainnya yang terkait pada sistem
yang sedang dioperasikan.

b) Pengembangan masa depan (Future Extensions)

Harus dapat menambah IED proteksi dan kontrol dan juga pengembangan
perangkat lunak (software) dan lain-lain tanpa mengganggu atau mematikan
sistem ini pada saat pengerjaan pengembangan tersebut.
Secara fisik semua peralatan harus bentuk modul, sehingga pada saat
pengembangan seperti status atau analog dan lain-lain, dapat dilakukan
dengan gangguan seminimum mungkin.

c) Pencegahan plihan kontrol ganda (Prevention of double selection controls)

Tidak boleh ada pelaksanaan ganda secara bersama atau dengan pilihan
ganda kontrol pada saat bersamaan. Pelaksanaan pilihan kontrol baru dapat
Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 53
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

dilakukan setelah pilihan kontrol terdahulu dilakukan atau ditiadakan

(cancelled). Harus ada indikasi yang jelas dan diketahui operator sebelum
melakukan pilihan kontrol Clear.

d) Keandalan dan Pelaksanaan kontrol (Security of Control Selections)

Keandalan dan pilihan pelaksanaan kontrol sangat penting dan pada saat
implementasi software dan hardware langkah pencegahan bagi
pelaksanaan pilihan kontrol palsu harus dilakukan atau diminimalkan.
Gangguan pada kanal data yang memutus pengiriman data baik secara
permanen atau sementara, tidak boleh menyebabkan pelaksanaan kontrol
palsu. Keadaan seperti ini yang diterima receiver dalam kondisi terganggu
tidak akan menyebabkan pilihan kontrol palsu (shall not lead to a false
control selection)

e) Ketelitian Sistem (System accuracy)

Ketelitian kanal untuk masukan nilai analog tidak kurang dari 0.5%.
Masukan analog harus dikonversi ke 12 bits (11 bits + tanda) nilai digital

f) Pemberian Catu Daya (Power Supply Practice)

Pemberian catu daya dengan tombol on/off pada SOGI tidak selalu harus
secara khusus berurutan. Penekanan tombol on/off unit saluran (bay unit)
tidak boleh mengakibatkan kontrol palsu.

g) Fasilitas Pemeliharaan (Maintenance Facilities)

SOGI harus dilengkapi dengan sistem diagnosis, pengujian, monitoring
secara terus-menerus yang dapat memberitahu gangguan dan kesalahan
yang terjadi pada sub-sistem ke operator gardu induk. Pengujian peralatan
yang tidak dilakukan dengan uji diagnostik secara on-line, harus dilengkapi
dengan uji diagnostic secara manual. Perawatan atau perbaikan sistem/unit
yang gagal atau terganggu atau pada peralatan terkait yang lain, tidak boleh
mengganggu peralatan yang sedang beroperasi dengan alasan apapun. Hal
ini termasuk pada saat pembongkaran peralatan yang gagal atau terganggu.

h) Sistem pengambil alihan Tugas (System Start/Taking Over of On Line

Program beban otomatis termasuk dalam sistem komputer ini, dilengkapi
dengan start up yang sangat cepat yang dapat dilakukan oleh pemakai atau
operator. Processor harus (memberi perintah) mati tanpa kehilangan data
atau program jika terjadi gangguan pada catu daya diluar toleransi.
Jika catu daya hidup kembali dengan toleransi yang diijinkan, maka
processor harus mengembalikan (restore) operasi normal kembali secara
otomatis, menginisiasi dan men-scan semua unit saluran (bay units) dan
mengupdate database/pemberitahuan semua perubahan atau alarm, yang
telah tersimpan pada semua unit saluran selama gangguan terjadi.

i) Perlengkapan terkait lain (Peripheral Devices)

Semua kabel yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan semua peralatan harus

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 54
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

disuplai pada penawaran ini. Jika ada tambahan peralatan seperti penguat
sinyal/modem (signal amplifiers/modems), juga apabila jarak antara
perlengkapan dengan driver nya lebih panjang dari yang diijinkan pada
desain driver harus diberikan.

5.6.2. Sistem Perangkat Keras (System Hardware) Workstation HMI (HMI Work Station)

HMI harus memenuhi standar keamanan UL dan mendapat sertifikat FCC kelas B. Angka
statistik MTBF untuk MMI tidak kurang dari 50.000 jam, pada beban 75% dan temperatur
25°C. Peralatan harus dapat dioperasikan pada temperatur lingkungan dalam ruangan yang
Unit atau peralatan HMI harus dari pabrikan yang telah mempunyai reputasi dan disetujui
PLN. Peralatan harus dijamin dapat dioperasikan pada lingkungan gardu induk. Peralatan
ini harus dapat diperbaiki atau dirawat di Indonesia.
Unit HMI harus dihubungkan dengan LAN gardu induk melalui serat optic.
Selain pemenuhan persyaratan perangkat keras, peralatan ini harus dapat menggunakan
sistem perangkat lunak yang disyaratkan.
Workstation harus berdasarkan tingkat (grade) industry PC mempunyai layar resolusi tinggi
dengan grafik-penuh dengan tipe standar pabrikan yang menggunakan sistem operasi
Windows/Linux/Unix, dalam hal peserta tender menawarkan software sistem operasi yang
lebih tinggi harus berdasarkan persetujuan PLN. Harus dilengkapi dengan printer,
workstation harus dilengkapi dengan layar VDU (Visual Display Units), keyboard, dan alat
penunjuk (pointing device) dan lain-lain.
Semua item diatas harus memenuhi persyaratan atau yang lebih baik sebagai berikut:
a) Layar (Visual Display Unit)
VDU harus dapat menampilkan text, diagram dan harus dari tipe LCD
berdasarkan Thin Film Technology (TFT) bebas getaran/kedip (flicker free),
dapat digunakan dalam waktu yang lama tanpa membuat operator merasa lelah.
Monitor VDU harus didesain untuk dapat dioperasikan dalam waktu yang lama
secara terus-menerus, tidak rusak apabila tidak diberi sinyal (ketika tidak
digunakan). Tidak memantulkan cahaya (seminimum mungkin), sudut layar
dapat diatur dengan cara memutar atau merebahkan atau menegakkan layar
tersebut (tilt adjustment).
Syarat berikut harus dipenuhi grafik berwarna pada VDU (atau yang lebih baik):
• Ukuran layar minimum 21 inci yang diukur secara diagonal pada
orientasi lebar (landscape)
• Layar mampu menunjukkan pada mode text atau mode grafik.
• Cursor dapat dikontrol.
• Dan lain-lain.
b) Keyboard (Keyboards)
Format keyboard yang disuplai harus dari tipe QWERTY lengkap, termasuk tombol
(key) alphanumeric, tombol numerik terpisah (termasuk tanda aritmatik), cursor,
tombol kontrol dan tombol fungsi. Indikasi untuk tombol pengunci huruf besar dan
tombol pengunci numerik harus ada. Keyboard ini harus dapat diatur ketinggian
dan sudutnya relatif terhadap meja (tilt adjustment)
Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 55
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

Kabel yang digunakan menghubungkan keyboard harus fleksibel dan bebas tarikan
pada penyambungan akhirnya (fixed ends). Penyambungan terhadap peralatan
lainnya (remote end) harus menggunakan terminasi plug, harus dengan mudah
dibuka dan dipasang dengan pengunci yang dapat ditekan (a quick release
retaining clip). Tombol-tombol pada keyboard harus memenuhi atau lebih dari
2x106 pemakaian (penekanan).

c) Mouse (Mouse)
Mouse yang diberikan sebagai penunjuk peralatan atau karakter pada VDU harus
ekonomis, dan kompatibel dengan syarat diatas. Harus dari tipe optic, tidak
mengandung komponen mekanis kecuali tombol klik. Setiap mouse harus
dilengkapi dengan optical matched mat. Sistem optic harus kompatibel dengan
resolusi layar. Dilengkapi dengan tombol yang memenuhi fungsi yang disyaratkan
sendiri oleh Penyedia Barang/Jasa pada saat desain secara keseluruhan.

Kabel yang disyaratkan dan umur tombol sama dengan umur yang disyaratkan
pada keyboard.

Workstation harus dapat digunakan pada operasi real time. Keandalan adalah
syarat utama, juga fungsi pengaturan dan fasilitas seperti yang disyaratkan.
Komputer harus dilengkapi dengan peralatan berikut:
• Jam real time (Real time clock)
• Monitoring sendiri (Self Monitoring)
• Pengamanan memory (Memory Protection)
• Perasa Catu daya gagal (Power Fail Auto Detect)
• Check kesalahan dan transfer data (Error checking and data transfer)
Lebih diutamakan desain yang tidak khusus atau ekskulsif

d) Jam Real Time (Real Time Clock)

Workstation harus dilengkapi dengan jam Kristal yang akurat, dan
fasilitas/pemutus (facilities/Interrupts) agar fungsi khususnya dapat dilakukan.
Jam komputer secara real time harus sama dengan jam referensi waktu sistem
dan secara periodis harus dilakukan koreksi melalui GPS dan disamakan
dengan jam utama atau master Clock (over the SNTP SA sistem LAN as per the
IEC 61850). Sebagai bagian dari urutan program otomatis, komputer harus
menunjukkan/meminta untuk mengupdate jam/kalender dari jam utama, hal
yang sama pada saat pemulihan catu daya. Kalender harus dipakai sebagai
informasi waktu/tanggal pada layar/keluaran-cetakan (displays/printed outputs)
dari sistem.

e) Monitoring Sendiri (Self Monitoring)

Fasilitas monitoring sendiri harus dapat memonitor minimum hal-hal sebagai
• Waktu penyelesaian semua program (Timely completion of all
• Operasi rangkaian masukan dan keluaran (Operation of input and
Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 56
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

output circuits).
• Operasi memory peralatan termasuk tulisan-yang-diproteksi
(Operation of memory equipment (including write protected))
• Tegangan rel (Voltage rails)
Apabila dirasakan ada gangguan maka alarm harus muncul. Pesan peringatan
harus muncul ketika gangguan terjadi baik gangguan kritis maupun tidak.
Harus dilengkapi dengan fasilitas untuk perintah aman untuk di-start kembali
pada saat gangguan telah hilang.

f) Penyimpanan Data (Data Storage)

Harus dilengkapi dengan pengambilan/pembacaan data yang cepat dari disk
penyimpanan data (hard disk storage). Format data yang disimpan harus
memenuhi atau standar industry. Untuk menjamin data aman pada tempat
penyimpanan data (data storage), disk drive harus mempunyai fasilitas perasa
kesalahan secara bersamaan dengan software yang digunakan untuk diagnosa.
Setiap disk harus mempunyai keamanan terpasang (built-in) untuk mencegah
agar informasi tidak hilang selama lonjakan daya atau gangguan listrik pada
bagian manapun pada unit memori atau komputer. Penyimpanan data yang lain
pun harus memenuhi teknologi terakhir, untuk penyimpanan untuk digunakan
pada masa depan.
Kebutuhan yang lain seperti grafik berwarna VDU, mouse harus berdasarkan
persetujuan PLN atau konsultan PLN. Printer berwarna digunakan dengan PC
pada tingkat gardu (station levels) harus dengan mudah dari menu yang muncul
pada layar.
Workstation harus dilengkapi dengan catu daya DC gardu induk dan inverter
dengan masa kemampuan 8 jam mensuplai monitor dan printer. Dilengkapi
dengan anunciator yang dihubungkan langsung dengan PC gardu induk untuk
merasakan/memberitahukan apabila ada kondisi abnormal/gangguan pada
SOGI Unit/Server ruang kontrol (Station Unit/Server)

Unit ruang kontrol harus redundan (selalu siap atau hot standby mode), dari tipe kelas yang
terpercaya atau kelas industri dan dapat dipasang/dibuka dari tempatnya (rack mountable
type). Server harus mampu untuk fungsi berikut:

• Menyimpan dan mengeluarkan data SCADA, interface secara grafis dengan pemakai
(Scada data logging, GUI)
• Merekam dan menyimpan data historis (Historical recording and data archiving)
• Statistik dan lain-lain. (Statistic, etc) Rel Inter-bay ruang kontrol (Station Inter-bay Bus)

Workstasion dan printer yang digunakan operator berbasis komputer LAN harus
menggunakan Ethernet 802.3 LAN, Protocol TCP/IP (100 Mbits/sec atau lebih tinggi) dan
medianya adalah rel-Ethernet dari serat optic, dipasang ditempat yang ditentukan pada ruang

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 57
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

Sistem komunikasi antara IED mengunakan sistem terbuka, dioperasikan secara langsung
terus menerus (real-time) berdasarkan IEC 61850. Standar ini harus dipenuhi guna menjamin
IED dari berbagai pabrikan dapat beroperasi secara bersama atau ditukar satu sama lain dan
memberi kemudahan bagi pihak ketiga ketika melakukan pemeliharaan sistem komunikasi ini.
Kabel yang digunakan pada LAN harus dari serat optic.

Semua hubungan atau sambungan dengan LAN ruang kontrol harus menggunakan konektor
ST. Kecuali dinyatakan lain pada spesifikasi syarat teknis, Kabel yang digunakan harus
menggunakan kabel-jamak (multi-mode cable) dan bertimbel agar tidak mudah putus. Kabel
serat optic harus di sambung dan digelar (ditarik) sesuai dengan standar industry terbaik.
Semua material harus memnuhi standar industry, dapat diperoleh di pasar, dan jaminan
dukungan dengan konsep sistem terbuka.

Sambungan atau hubungan dari jarak jauh harus dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan
Modem yang dikhususkan pada Ethernet WAN. Hal ini digunakan untuk pelaksanaan
pemeliharaan proteksi dan SCADA. Sistem ini harus didukung oleh pabrikan pada saat
pembuatannya, sehingga pola keamanan dapat dilakukan dengan pemberian password khusus.

Harus dilengkapi dengan layanan jaringan dengan titik hubungan (connection points) agar
pengembangan peralatan masa depan dapat dilakukan dengan fleksibel.

Rancang bangun LAN pada ruang kontrol gardu induk, tidak boleh digunakan mengerjakan
hal administrasi rutin atau mengkonfigurasi kembali peralatan yang rusak, atau memfasilitasi
pemulihan peralatan yang rusak.

Rancang bangun LAN pada ruang kontrol gardu induk, harus sedemikian rupa agar pada saat
salah satu kabel LAN atau modul interface rusak, dijamin fungsi SOGI tidak hilang. Printer (Printers)

Printer harus dapat mencetak semua gambar (bagian gambar) yang dilakukan dari PC tingkat
gardu (station level) dengan perintah yang mudah melalui menu layar PC. Printer paling tidak
harus memenuhi syarat syarat berikut:

a) Printer harus dilengkapi dengan alat tempat dan pemasangan kertas.

b) Printer dihidup/matikan dengan processor yang dikontrol, dan hanya hidup
ketika digunakan untuk mencetak. Dalam keadaan hidup harus dapat
dioperasikan dengan terus menerus (continuous), MTBF minimum adalah 8000
jam. Letak printer ini harus ditunjukkan pada spesifikasi gambar konfigurasi
SOGI. Letak alternatif dapat juga diusulkan atau dicamtumkan.
c) Harus dilengkapi dengan alat pengaturan ukuran kertas pada tempat kertas
printer, dilengkapi juga dengan indikasi status, alat test-sendiri (self-test)
termasuk status pada printer itu sendiri (local) termasuk perekam kejadian
(event recorder).
d) Laser printer berwarna untuk pengcopy berwarna (hard copy) harus sesuai
dengan daftar khusus teknis (Technical Particular Guarantee) Interface komunikasi pintu gerbang (Gate Way Communication Interface)

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 58
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

SOGI harus mempunyai kemampuan komunikasi secara berbarengan (simultaneous) dari

peralatan berbeda dengan komputer pusat (Master Station).
Sistem SOGI harus mempunyai titik sambung (port) komunikasi sebagai berikut:
(a) Dua titik utama dan cadangan untuk Pusat Pengatur Beban (Two ports
(main and backup) for Control Centre)
(b) Dua titik utama dan cadangan untuk Pusat Pengatur beban yang lain (Two
ports (main and backup) for other Control Centre)
Interface komunikasi ke sistem SOGI harus dapat digunakan untuk scanning dan kontrol
titik yang didefinisikan (defined points) antara sistem SOGI secara terpisah untuk tiap
Pusat Pengatur Beban. Sistem SOGI gardu induk secara berbarengan harus menjawab
(respond) perintah (scan and control) dari Pusat Pusat Pengatur Beban terkait. SOGI
harus harus dapat mengirim/menerima (support) data atau komunikasi dengan jumlah bit
yang berbeda (bits per second) siklus scanning dan protokol komunikasi Pusat-Pusat
Pengatur Beban. Juga setiap Pusat Pengatur Beban mungkin mempunyai scan dan kontrol
data yang berbeda pada sistem databasenya.
Pemetaan data base (The mapping data base) untuk fungsi pemeliharaan dan operasi
dilakukan pada pintu gerbang (gateway)
Pintu Gerbang harus dapat dilalui (support) jumlah rata-rata data sebanyak 19200 bps,
setting operasi dibuat pada 9600 bps. Interface Pintu Gerbang menggunakan SDH WAN
melalui Modem serat optic (FO Modem)
Modul Pintu Gerbang, dengan interface modem serat optic ke SOGI harus secara terpisah
dihubungkan dengan LAN ruang kontrol gardu induk melalui interface serat optic yang
terpisah. Menggunakan dengan dua konektor diuraikan dalam bagian dengan judul Dual
Substation LAN Connections’. Penyedia Barang/Jasa atau Kontraktor harus
bertanggungjawab menjadi bagian dalam kontrak ini dalam menghubungkan SOGI gardu
Induk ini dengan Pusat Pengatur Beban.
Peralatan Pintu Gerbang (gateway) harus lolos uji berdasarkan protocol IEC 60870-5-101
dan IEC 60870-5-104, Pabrikan harus memberikan sertifikat/dokumen hasil uji yang
dikeluarkan atau diterbitkan PLN. Interface Komunikasi Pusat Pengatur Beban (Control Centre Commu nication
PLN akan menyiapkan kanal komunikasi anatara gardu induk ini dengan Unit Pengatur
Beban (RCC, Regional Control Centre) dan memberikan secara detail saat menyusun
SOGI pada gardu induk ini. Modem (Modems)

SOGI harus dilengkapi dengan modem duplikat ke Pusat Pengatur Beban. Harus dapat
operasi tak serempak memenuhi syarat standar internasional tentang transmisi data.
Frekuensi pemakaian modem dan kecepatan penyaluran data melalui kanal komunikasi
harus berdasarkan rekomendasi yang relevan dan persetujuan PLN atau konsultan PLN.
Modem harus dapat dikonfugirasi dan konfigurasi ini tidak dapat akan hilang dari memory
setiap modem.
Modem harus dilengkapi untuk menerima alarm tingkat lemah (low receive level alarm)
Tingkat kirim (transmit level) modem harus dapat diatur. Untuk mencegah blocking pada
kanal komunikasi pada penggunaan multi-drop, modem harus dilengkapi dengan alat ukur
untuk mencegah penyaluran nada VF yang permanen yang akan mencegah gardu induk
Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 59
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

lain pada kanal sinyal ke komputer utama (master station).

Dalam hal jenis modem client Pusat pengatur Beban menggunakan tipe modem standar
yang digunakan untuk mengirim sinyal ke gardu induk, maka tipe modem yang sejenis
harus disuplai. Mekanisme pertukaran (switchover) harus cepat, harus menggunakan catu
daya ganda dan tidak melakukan pertukaran dalam hal kehilangan catu daya. Susunan
alternatif pada saat pelaksanaan proyek ini harus mendapat persetujuan pengawas PLN atau
konsultan PLN.
Modem FO harus dipasang pada lemari (rak) standar rel 35 mm DIN. Penyedia Barang/Jasa
atau Kontraktor harus bertanggungjawab atas modem yang ditawarkan kompatibel dengan
titik modem SDH terpasang yang digunakan PLN di lokasi lain (seperti pada SCADA/EMS
Pusat Pengatur Beban). Jika modem yang ditawarkan oleh Penyedia Barang/Jasa atau
Kontraktor tidak kompatibel dengan modem terpasang, maka Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus
memodifikasi atau menggantinya agar sesuai dengan titik SDH terpasang. Jam Utama (Master Clock)

a) Harus dilengkapi dengan standar waktu pada semua peralatan. Jam utama
yang akurat dilengkapi dengan terminal penerima-radio untuk menerima
sinyal waktu dari sistem satelit GPS (Global Positioning Satellite). Jam
utama harus mengoreksi waktu secara otomatis. Semua rele proteksi,
komputer gardu induk, controller saluran (Bay controllers) dan
perlengkapan lain harus mempunyai waktu yang sama (yang
diserempakkan) dengan akurasi 1 ms terhadap jam penerima satelit GPS.
Jam utama harus mempunyai stabilitas 0.1 detik per hari. Harus dilengkapi
dengan batere cadangan internal yang dapat bertahan selama 24 jam.
b) Jam utama harus mempunyai layar yang menunjukkan kalendar/waktu
setempat, yang dapat diatur secara manual tanggal dan waktunya. Jam
utama harus mempunyai keluaran (outputs) untuk mendrive waktu dan
tanggal pada layar interface standar.
Jam utama harus dilengkapi dengan alarm untuk memberitahu kondisi
gangguan, dan muncul pada layar unit komputer dan juga pada SOGI
setempat. Antena penerima GPS harus dipasang pada ketinggian tertentu
berdekatan dengan lokasi jam utama.

Pemasangan dan menghubungkan peralatan GPS harus sederhana, tidak membutuhkan

tenaga ahli RF atau GPS. Harus dilengkapi dengan software yang digunakan untuk
mengkonfigurasi atau mengoperasikan sistem GPS ini.
Antena GPS harus dilengkapi dengan kabel catu daya yang lokasinya jauh Antena harus
diisolasi dengan kekuatan dielektris 1000 V. Interface antara GPS penerima dengan GPS
pengirim (input) dari modul waktu Server harus dipasang dengan interface serial standar
dengan menggunakan converter optical-to-serial (atau dilengkapi dengan interface
berisolasi yang disetujui PLN)
Jam penerima GPS harus tahan pada temperatur operasi sampai dengan 70°C dan tidak
berkabut pada kelembaman sampai dengan 100%. Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus
memberikan semua kabel, konektor, dan peralatan lain seperti perangkat untuk
menganggkat dan memasang antenna yang merupakan bagian dari sistem ini.
Spesifikasi berikut harus dipenuhi guna sinkronisasi-waktu subsistem.
1. Akurasi jam penerima GPS harus lebih baik dari kecepatan segera ±250
nanoseconds setelah sinkronisasi dan ±2 us setelah operasi 20 menit (ketika
Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 60
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

tidak ada sinkronisasi lanjutan). Jika sinyal GPS sementara hilang, maka
jam penerima GPS harus secara terus-menerus memberikan waktu yang
akurat yang diterima ke modul server berdasarkan waktu tersimpan, sesuai
spesifikasi diatas.
2. Jika SOGI disinkronkan dengan menggunakan waktu SCADA/EMS di
Pusat Pengatur Beban , error waktu maksimum yang dapat diperbolehkan
(deviasi waktu absolute) tidak boleh lebih besar dari 20 ms termasuk waktu
penundaan propagasi pada jaringan SDH. Laptop Workstation fasilitas koneksi dial (Laptop workstation and Dial in

Laptop workstation harus dilengkapi dengan modem. Terminal pintu gerbang dan modem
sejenis untuk menghubungkan ke LAN/atau PC komputer utama (master station) harus
dikonfigurasi dari gardu induk.
Laptop workstation harus dikonfigurasi melalui software oleh manager system. Sistem
komunikasi modem harus tipe “dial up”, dapat dihubungkan dengan melalui jaringan
telepon umum.
Fasilitas koneksi dial digunakan untuk:
a) Membuat parameter rele-hulu, fungsi SOGI dan analisa hasil perekam
b) Membantu sistem pada lokasi setempat dengan fasilitas “dial in” dari lokasi
hulu (misalnya kantor Pabrikan) melalui jaringan telepon umum.
Harus dilengkapi dengan fasilitas pendukung sistem yang dibutuhkan untuk workstation
hulu (membutuhkan software)
Harus dilengkapi modem cepat guna mentransfer data dengan cepat di gardu induk.
Penyedia Barang dan Jasa atau Kontraktor harus memasang saluran telepon terkait di gardu
Harus dilengkapi dengan peralatan untuk perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak (Hardware
and software tools) untuk memasang aplikasi baru pada server dan workstation pada
sistem dan memindahkan program aplikasi dari salah satu server ke server lain. Peralatan
untuk mengedit kontrol urutan/logika (sequential/logi), daftar instruksi, urutan gambar.
Harus dimungkinkan juga dapat interkoneksi ke kontrol sistem yang lain dan pada masa
datang dapat digunakan mengontrol dari jarak jauh (hilir) peralatan terpisah (sendiri) ke
kontrol sistem khusus. Perabotan (Furniture)

Susunan perabot pada ruangan kontrol, meja kontrol dan panel-panel harus ergonomis,
sesuai dengan tingkat kemajuan gardu induk yang dilengkapi dengan SOGI.

a) Meja workstation (Workstation Desk)

Workstation harus dilengkapi dengan meja sebagai berikut:
• Bingkai-bingkai dan material lain harus dilapisi dengan kayu dan
harus berdasarkan persetujuan PLN atau konsultan PLN.
• Desktops dengan ketebalan yang sesuai, harus anti gores, tahan lama

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 61
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

dan tidak silau.

• Cukup luas untuk menempatkan workstation, kabel pengawatan,
layar telepon (console) dan peralatan lain.
• Laci dan lemari harus berdasarkan persetujuan PLN atau konsultan

Harus ada akses untuk pemeliharaan peralatan yang dipasang pada meja,
pintu atau panel yang dapat digeser. Juga, peralatan ventilasi untuk memberi
udara segar (alam) untuk pendinginan peralatan, tidak boleh menggunakan
pendinginan langsung atau pendinginan paksa (forced cooling).

b) Kursi (Chairs)
Harus dilengkapi dengan dua buah kursi untuk setiap workstation. Kursi
workstation harus didesain dengan sandaran tinggi, sandaran lengan, dan
dilapisi dengan bahan tenunan lembut yang tahan lama. Kursi harus dari
kualitas yang baik, tahan digunakan dalam waktu yang lama tanpa
kehilangan kenyamanan, umur pakai selama 25000 jam. Ketinggian duduk
dan sandaran harus dapat diatur dengan mudah.

c) Lemari (Storage Cabinets)

Harus dilengkapi dengan lemari untuk menyimpan dokumen SOGI, juga
digunakan untuk menyimpan peralatan elektronik terkait dengan SOGI,
seperti hard disk dan lain-lain.

5.6.3. Sistem Perangkat Lunak (System Software) Umum (General)

Paket perangkat lunak harus terstruktur sesuai dengan arsitektur SOGI dan harus dibagi
dalam beberapa tingkat. Pada perangkat lunak ini harus dapat dipasang (extent) fungsi yang
berhubungan dengan peralatan terkait gardu induk dengan usaha seminimum mungkin.
Pemeliharaan, modifikasi atau penambahan komponen setiap saluran (feeder) tidak harus
mematikan bagian sistem lain, dan tidak mempengaruhi saat dilakukan penyesuaian
terhadap sistem.
Perangkat lunak terbaru yang diberikan harus diuji pada saat FAT. Pertimbangan untuk
memperbaharui perangkat lunak harus diberikan sebelum masa garansi habis. Hal ini
termasuk dalam pengujian.
Pemrograman minimum harus dapat dilakukan untuk perangkat lunak khusus yang
dibutuhkan agar perangkat lunak ini memenuhi syarat yang dispesifikasikan. Konfirmasi
atau jaminan dukungan atas perangkat lunak ini minimum 10 tahun.
Peserta penawaran atau Kontraktor, harus memberikan license yang dibutuhkan dalam
pemakaian perangkat lunak ini.
Penyedia Barang/Jasa atau Kontraktor, harus mengganti semua kerugian atas tuntuan jika
ada pelanggaran atas hak paten, desain tercatat, hak pemilikan, merek dagang, dan merek
dagang terhadap pemakaian perangkat lunak ini,

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 62
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis Perangkat lunak tingkat Gardu (Station Level Software) Interface Manusia-Mesin (Human Machine Interface) (HMI)

Paket perangkat lunak pada HMI yang digunakan operator gardu induk termasuk dalam
fungsi utama SOGI dan harus tersendiri (independent) pada versi sistem operasi
(operating system) perangkat keras khusus, termasuk didalamnya peralatan perangkat
lunak untuk mengedit gambar, menyusun atau membuat konfigurasi sistem.
Sistem harus mudah digunakan, dipelihara atau dirawat, dan diadaptasi sesuai dengan
kebutuhan atau permintaan pemakai. Sistem harus mempunyai tempat (file) library
dengan fungsi dan aplikasi standar. Sistem Operasi (Operating System)

Sistem operasi workstation adalah Windows XP Pro or higher/Linux/Unix untuk dipakai

operator gardu induk, harus didukung beberapa fitur standar seperti aplikasi Windows
office, multitasking, tingkat keamanan, mekanisme pertukaran data (DDE, OLE), open
data base communication standards (ODBC), dan user-friendly
Dalam hal Penyedia Barang/Jasa atau Kontraktor menawarkan sistem operasi yang lebih
tinggi, maka harus mendapat persetujuan lebih dulu dari PLN atau konsultan PLN.

5.6.4. Sistem Manajemen Jaringan (Network Management System)

Penyedai Barang/Jasa atau Kontraktor harus memberikan fungsi manajemen untuk

mengelola jaringan sebagai berikut:

a. Konfigurasi manajemen (Configuration Management)

b. Manajemen gangguan (Fault Management)
c. Monitoring unjuk kerja (Performance Monitoring)

Sistem ini digunakan untuk mengelola komunikasi peralatan dan IED yang lain. Sistem
manajemen jaringan ini (NMS) dapat ditampilkan pada workstation dan harus mudah
digunakan atau dioperasikan, melalui menu yang tampil.

NMS ini dapat digunakan untuk memonitor semua peralatan SOGI dan otomatis
memunculkan dan mencatat gangguan yang terjadi pada peralatan yang dimonitor. NMS
a. Mempertahankan unjuk kerja, penggunaan perangkat lunak, statistik
gangguan, untuk semua peralatan yang dikelola dan menunjukkan informasi
ini pada layar, catatan (reports) periodis dan catatan yang diminta (dicetak)
(on demand reports)
b. Mempertahankan penampilan grafis, hubungan jaringan SOGI dan status
c. Menampilkan alarm jika terjadi kondisi error.

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 63
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

d. Memberikan fasilitas untuk menambah dan menghapus address dan


5.7. IED Kontrol Saluran (BCU) (Bay Control IED) (BCU)

BCU berdasarkan teknologi mikroprosessor, menggunakan teknik numerik untuk

menghitung atau menganalisa sinyal analog yang masuk. Dilengkapi dengan prinsip
Kontrol pilih-sebelum-operasi (select-before-operate control) sebagai jaminan keamanan
pada saat mengoperasikannya melalui HMI atau Pusat Pengatur Beban.

BCU harus dapat menyimpan aplikasi logika yang diprogram dan dilakukan (executing).
Dalam hal disupport pada lingkungan prosseing tersebar, BCU harus dapat
diinterkoneksikan dengan BCU lainnya, memperoleh status dan perintah melalui IEC
61850 GOOSE, dan dapat memerintah dan memperoleh kembali untuk hal yang sama.
Dalam hal ini, unit ganda (multiple units) dapat secara bersama melakukan interlock pada
saluran (bay interlocking) dan aplikasi otomasi. Semua parameter, konfigurasi, program,
perangkat lunak, dan data yang diproses harus disimpan pada memory yang tak terhapus,
selama informasi kontrol belum direvisi.

Mereka (BCU) harus dapat melakukan fungsi yang berhubungan dengan semua saluran
terkait, seperti perintah (command), interlock saluran, dan pengambilan dan penyimpanan
data atau akuisi data, tenmpat data disimpan, urutan pencatatan kejadian (Sequence Event
Recording) dan harus dilengkapi dengan tempat masukan untuk indikasi status dan
tempat keluaran sesuai perintah. Mereka harus disambung langsung ke peralatan gardu
induk (the switchgear) tanpa harus memerlukan peralatan peralatan terpisah atau

BCU numerik harus dilengkapi dengan kanal tempat masukan (input) untuk analog yang
dapat dikonfigurasi dank kanal masukan & keluaran bilangan biner yang cukup.yang
secara galvanis terpisah dari SOGI.

Setiap kanal juga harus terpisah satu dengan yang lain. Peralatan gardu induk (HV) dan
trafo instrument harus tersambung langsung dengan BCU tanpa peralatan terpisah lainnya.
Peralatan ini harus memenuhi persyaratan ketahanan pada interferensi elektromaknit
sesuai dengan bagian standar yang relevan IEC 60255, agar dijamin memenuhi
persyaratan pengoperasian system sekunder HV, peralatan gardu induk.

BCU harus memiliki fitur berikut:

Kanal analog yang dapat dikonfigurasi (Configurable analogue channels)

Fungsi daya (Power) dapat dikonfigurasi untuk mengukur dari dan ke, daya aktif atau
daya reaktif. (Power function which can be configured to measure forward or reverse,
active or reactive power).

Paramter setting grup dapat diset secara terpisah. Dapat dipilih/diset di setempat atau dari
hilir melalui program HMI. ((Independently settable parameter setting groups,
settable/selectable locally or remotely via the HMI programmed).

Unit layar setempat (Local Display Unit) yang terdpat di depan IED menampilkan

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 64
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

masukan dan besaran yang diukur: frekuensi, arus fasa, tegangan fasa, daya aktif dan daya
reaktif dan lain-lain.

Urutan pencatatan kejadian dalam buffer paling tidak 256 kejadian dengan resolusi 1 ms.
Kejadian yang direkam harus dapat diprogram dengan bebas. Kejadian yang direkam ini
bisa, sinyal alarm trip, sinyal dari luar yang terhubung dari masukan yang dipilih, sinyal
internal dll. Setiap kejadian direkam secara kronologis sesuai urutannya.

Supervisi sendiri secara lengkap (Comprehensive self-supervision).

Batere untuk memori cadangan untuk Rekaman Kejadian dan rekaman gangguan.
(Battery-free memory back-up of Event and Disturbance Records).

Fungsi logika AND, OR, bi-stable flip flop, harus kompatibel dengan IEC1131-3 (Logic
functions (AND, OR, bi-stable flip flop, compatible with IEC1131-3, etc).

Diagnosa sendiri dan indikasi alarm (Self diagnostic and alarm indication).

Kontak lokal/remote dengan kontrol interlock (Switch local/remote for by control


Kontrol elektro mekanis setempat atau secara lokal pada PMT dan PMS, fungsi interlock
harus dipasang di panel. Panel dilengkapi dengan mimic-diagram, kontak kontrol untuk
PMT kontak kontrol tekan (push button) untuk PMS dan kontak pentanahan, kontak
lokal/remote dan posisi indicator. Kontrol lokal ini terpisah dari SOGI.

IED kontrol saluran, harus dipasang pada rak dalam panel yang sama dengan peralatan
proteksi saluran yang sama. Harus dilengkapi dengan fasilitas kontrol darurat untuk
mengantisipasi kondisi alat kontrol saluran gagal. Kontrol untuk mimic harus dipasang
bersama dengan IED, dan akan digunakan pada saat pemeliharaan dan kondisi darurat.
Kontrol saluran setempat (Local bay control) melalui kontrol mimic pada panel proteksi &
kontrol harus juga mempunyai dan memenuhi ukuran kemanan operator atau pemakai,
interlock saluran, check sinkron, panduan bagi pemakai atau operator, dan lain-lain.
Seperti halnya pada HMI gardu induk, kontrol darurat setempat harus terkunci dan semua
fungsi kontrol dari HMI maupun kontrol dari sisi hilir (remote) harus tidak berfungsi jika
kontak lokal/remote diposisikan pada posisi lokal atau setempat.

Proteksi dan kontrol saluran harus dipasang pada ruangan yang berAC (pendingin). Sistem
elektronik harus dilengkapi dengan fungsi uji dan supervisi-sendiri. Semua papan
rangkaian harus berisi rangkaian untuk uji otomatis fungsi sendiri.

Apabila ada gangguan pada proteksi dan kontrol saluran maka indikasi harus muncul di
depan HMI dan pesan harus dikirim ke HMI tingkat gardu. Waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk
menenetukan dan mengetahui gangguan dan mengganti unit yang terganggu harus
seminimum mungkin.

Sistem catu daya juga harus termasuk dalam supervise ini, juga rel internal sistem dan
kemampuan modul proses pusat (central processing module) berkomunikasi dengan
papan rangkaian yang lain.

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 65
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

Gangguan pada salah satu komponen dalam peralatan ini, tidak boleh menimbulkan
operasi yang tidak diinginkan (unwanted operation) atau menyebabkan sistem breakdown.
Gangguan pada salah satu komponen tidak boleh member efek ke sistem primer yang
dimonitor atau yang dikontrol.

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 66
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

5.8. Fungsi Sistem (System Functions)

5.8.1. Kontrol (Control)

Peralatan tegangan tinggi yang lain di gardu induk, harus dioperasikan secara manual atau
dengan urutan pengoperasian (switching) yang diprogram secara otomatis oleh operator.
Fungsi kontrol terdiri dari:.
• Perintah (pelaksanaan) dari tempat dan operator lain, dalam hal ini dari Pusat
Pengatur Beban, atau dari kontrol mimik gardu induk setempat.
• Pilih sebelum dilaksanakan (Select-before execute commands)
• Hak melaksanakan (A command authority)
• Pelaksanaan operasi hanya dari satu tempat operator pada suatu saat
(Operation from only one operator place at a time)
• Pelaksanaan operasi tergantung dari kondisi dari fungsi yang lain, seperti
interlock, check sinkron, mode operator atau kondisi status dari luar.
• Mencegah operasi ganda.
• Supervisi perintah pelaksanaan (Command supervision)
• Setting manual dari posisi indikasi. (Manual setting of position indications)
• Mengabaikan fungsi interlock (Overriding of the interlocking function, etc)

Fungsi tele-kontrol menghubungkan dengan cara serial (serial link) ke Pusat Pengatur Beban
untuk memonitor dan mengontrol dari hilir (remote). Harus dapat berhubungan dengan
beberapa saluran dengan protocol yang berbeda. Mekanisme hak mengoperasikan untuk
perintah pelaksanaan,
Harus dapat untuk menyusun grup-alarm dan perhitungan awal atas pengukuran yang
dilakukan untuk mengurangi jumlah sinyal yang dikirim ke Pusat Pengatur Beban. Hal ini
sangat dibutuhkan ketika gardu induk mengirim data dalam jumlah sangat besar dimana link-
komunikasi ke Pusat Pengatur Beban terbatas karena bandwidth kecil.

5.8.2. Status Supervisi (Status Supervision)

Posisi setiap peralatan seperti PMT, PMS, PME (earthing switch) dan lain-lain harus
disupervisi terus menerus. Setiap perubahan posisi harus segera terlihat di layar pada
diagram satu garis, direkam pada daftar kejadian (event list), dan jika diperlukan dicetak
pada kertas (printout). Alarm harus muncul pada saat terjadi perubahan status. Setiap
posisi peralatan harus diindikasikan dengan menggunakan kontak bantu dua biner
normally closed (NC) dan normally open (NO). Alarm harus muncul jika posisi ini tidak
konsisten atau mekanisme operasi untuk merubah posisi mengalami waktu belebihan.

5.8.3. Interlok (Interlocking)

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 67
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

Fungsi interlock mencegah operasi yang membahayakan dan tidak aman dari PMT, PMS
dan PME pada saluran atau pada gardu induk. Pengoperasian dilakukan harus memenuhi
kondisi yang telah ditentukan.
Fungsi ini dibuat tersebar sesuai dengan yang disyaratkan dengan demikian tidak boleh
tergantung hanya pada fungsi terpusat. Komunikasi antar beberapa saluran untuk interlock
pada gardu induk harus melalui sistem komunikasi saluran (bay communication system).
Pada waktu yang sama interlock dengan busbar bertegangan harus melalui antara kedua IED
kontrol saluran. Interlok yang lain akan diterapkan atas persyaratan khusus yang diminta
PLN, harus dilakukan dengan cara yang sama. Harus dilengkapi dengan fungsi
mengabaikan (override) oleh operator, yang akan digunakan hanya pada password
perangkat lunak, untuk memotong (to bypass) fungsi interlock jika semua data yang akan
digunakan untuk kontrol tidak berlaku (is not valid)
Kondisi interlock menghambat atau memblok kontrol terhadap peralatan harus dengan jelas
diberitahu kepada operator. Secara lengkap semua keterangan harus dapat dipilih. Fungsi
mengabaikan harus diberikan agar dapat memotong fungsi interlock melalui password
dalam hal kondisi pemeliharaan atau kondisi darurat.

5.8.4. Pengukuran (Measurements)

Masukan analog untuk pengukuran tegangan dan arus, harus disambung secara langsung
dengan VT dan CT, tanpa menggunakan transduser. Hubungan daya aktif (W), daya
reaktif (VAr), frekuensi (Hz) dan nilai rms tegangan (V) dan arus (I) harus dihitung.
Akurasi pengukuran (≤ 0.25% dari skala penuh V dan I). Untuk memperoleh akurasi
optimal, kanal pengukuran harus disambung langsung dengan sisi sekunder VT dan CT.
Nilai yang diukur akan muncul disetempat (lokal), di workstation HMI ruang kontrol dan di
Pusat Pengatur beban. Nilai ambang batas (Threshold limit values) harus dapat diatur atau
dipilih yang diperlukan untuk indikasi alarm.

5.8.5. Menangani Kejadian dan Alarm (Event and Alarm Handling)

Kejadian dan alarm akan timbul diakibatkan oleh peraltan gardu induk, peraltan kontrol, dan
oleh peralatan tingkat gardu. Kejadian dan alarm ini harus direkam dalam daftar kejadian
dalam HMI ruang kontrol. Alarm direkam terpisah dalam daftar alarm dan muncul pada layar.
Semua kejadian dan alarm dapat dipilih, dan dapat dicetak dari alat perekam kejadian. Alarm
dan kejadian lengkap dengan waktu kejadian (time tagged) dengan resolusi 1 ms. Waktu
kejadian harus dilakukan pada tingkat rendah diman kejadian muncul dan informasinya harus
didistribusikan bersama waktu kejadiannya.

5.8.6. Sinkronisasi waktu (Time Synchronization)

Waktu dan kejadian harus ditetapkan langsung (stamped directly) pada tempatnya dalam IED.
Sinkronisasi sistem harus dilakukan melalui jam utama ke semua IED dan peralatan pada
tingkat gardu yang relevan. Dalam hal sinkronisasi waktu hilang, deviasi waktu tidak

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 68
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

melebihi 50 μs/s.
Waktu antara SOGI harus diset melalui penerima jam GPS. Waktu ini harus
didistribusikan ke peralatan kontrol melalui LAN (the same IEC61850 network). Akurasi
yang disyaratkan pada gardu induk sebesar ±1 ms. Jam sinkronisasi harus memenuhi
persyaratan LAN gardu induk pada IEC 61850.

5.8.7. Arsip Data (Data Archiving)

Kejadian secara historis dan catatan pengukuran dan kecenderungan data pada waktu yang
lama harus diarsipkan dan dapat diambil sewaktu-waktu.

5.8.8. Interface dan hubungan terbuka (Interfacing, open connectivity)

Sistem harus dapat dihubungkan dengan IED pihak ketiga dan ke paket perangkat lunak
eksternal melalui interface DDE, ODBC atau OPC.

5.8.9. Hak untuk mengakses (Access Rights)

Untuk mengamankan sistem dari orang yang tak berhak mengakses sistem dan peralatannya,
maka sistem ini harus dikontrol dengan suatu mekanisme yang aman. Artinya semua pemakai
harus diberi password dan nama pemakai (user name) yang akan digunakan pada saat log in.
Setiap pemakai diberi hak sampai batas mana yang bersangkutan melakukan sistem ini, dan
disimpan profile yang bersangkutan memastikan di mana haknya untuk bekerja atau
mengakses peralatan. Jika pemakai lupa me-logout ketika sudah selesai bekerja sistem harus
otomatis log-out dalam waktu yang telah ditentukan. (after a pre-defined time out time)

5.8.10. Konfigurasi Sistem (System configuration)

Konfigurasi sitem tidak hanya diinginkan pada tingkat awal proyek, tetapi juga pada saat
memerlukan modifikasi dan perluasan sistem. Dalam sistem ini harus termasuk peralatan
yang dibutuhkan untuk memodifikasi database dan gambar untuk aplikasi perluasan sistem
pada masa datang.

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 69
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis


5.9.1. Umum (General)

HMI yang digunakan operator pada gardu induk, harus mempunyai fungsi dasar untuk
kontrol dan supervise peralatan gardu induk. Operator memberi perintah (command) pada
peralatan gardu induk melalui layar dengan menggunakan mouse. Mengontrol atau
melakukan pembukaan/penutupan peralatan juga harus dapat dilakukan melalui mimik di
kontrol panel. Dari HMI operator dapat mengakses alarm dan kejadian yang muncul
dilayar. Disamping daftar yang muncul di layar, juga harus dapat dicetak pada printer.
Daftar alarm yang terus berlangsung dan alarm yang singkat harus dipisahkan. Alarm
akustik adalah karena indikasi ketidak normalan, dan semua alarm yang tidak
diacknowledge harus dapat diakses dari layar.
Berikut ini adalah fungsi HMI yang harus tersedia:

• Kontrol dan check status peralatan gardu induk dan dapat di akuisisi.
(Acquisition and plausibility check of switchgear status Control of
• Memeriksa (mencek) parameter peraltan dari hilir, melkukan perubahan
setting, dan mengaktifkan parameter alternative yang diset terhadapa rele-
proteksi yang tersambung.
• Nilai pengukuran muncul di layar. (V, A, VA, W, VAr, Hz, Cos φ)
• Kejadian muncul di layar. (Display of events)
• Alarm muncul di layar (Display of alarms)
• Kecenderungan muncul dilayar (Display of trends)
• Fungsi telekontrol/urutan (Telecontrol/Sequence control functions)
• Rekaman gangguan dan lokasinya (analisa setempat dan hilir). (Disturbance
records and fault location (local and remote analysis))
• Membuat parameter AVR dan pengaturan tap (AVR parameterization and
Tap changer control)
• Supervisi-sendiri terhadap diri (HMI) sendiri (System self-supervision)
• Mencetak di kertas (Hard copy printing)
• Fungsi monitoring system, telesignaling tunggal dan ganda dan lain-lain.
(System Monitoring Function, Telesignalling, (Single and Double) etc.)
Pemasangan atau penyusunan rencana teleinformasi harus berdasarkan standar SPLN
S5.001:2008, SK. DIR. No. 168.K/DIR/2009 yang digunakan untuk operasi system dan
SPLN S5.002:2008, SK. Dir No.169.K/DIR/2009 yang digunakan untuk pemeliharaan.
Berikut ini adalah standar gambar yang harus terdapat pada HMI:
• Diagram satu garis yang menunjukkan status (buka tutup) peralatan dan nilai
yang diukur. (Single line diagram showing the switching status and measured
values Control dialogues)

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 70
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

• Dialog pengukuran (Measurement dialogues)

• Dialog yang diblok (Blocking dialogues)
• Daftar alarm, daftar kejadian, sesuai atau berdasarkan status saluran atau
sistem (Alarm list, station/bay oriented Event list, station/bay oriented
System status)
• Memeriksa parameter yang diset (Checking of parameter setting)
• Dan lain-lain.

5.9.2. Prinsip rancang bangun HMI (HMI Design Principles)

Prinsip rancang bangun HMI harus konsisten seperti label, warna, dialog dan huruf. Seleksi
pada yang tidak valid (Non-valid selections) harus dihilangkan. Status obyek (Object
status) harus diberi warna berbeda jika:
• Obyek yang dipilih dalam perintah (Selected object under command)
• Pilihan melalui layar (Selected on the screen)
• Tidak diperbaharui, nilai yang tidak terpakai lagi, tidak dipakai lagi atau
contoh status gangguan atau alarm. (Not updated, obsolete value, not in use
or not sampled Alarm or faulty state)
• Peringatan atau sedang diblok (Warning or blocked)
• Alat yang diblok diperbarui atau diperbarui dengan manual (Update blocked
or manually updated)
• Kontrol yang diblok (Control blocked)
• Kondisi normal (Normal state)
Rancang bangun HMI ini harus atas persetujuan PLN atau konsultan PLN.

5.9.3. Prosedur perintah dan pemunculan proses status (Process Status Displays and
Command Procedures)

Proses status pada gardu induk dilihat dari nilai aktual (actual) arus, tegangan, frekuensi,
daya aktif dan reaktif begitu juga posisi PMT, PMS dan tap trafo
ditunjukkan/dimunculkan pada diagram satu garis gardu induk.
Untuk menjamin keamanan terutama terhadap operasi yang tidak diinginkan, maka harus
dilengkapi dengan prosedur pilih-sebelum-perintah (“select – before – execute”). Setelah
“pemilihan” dilakukan, maka operator harus dapat mengetahui peralatan yang dipilih pada
layar, dan semua peralatan gardu induk yang lain harus diblok. Setelah pelaksanaan perintah
(“execution”), peralatan harus berkedip-kedip (blink) sampai peralatan itu sudah pada
posisi akhir yang baru (final position).
Operator hanya bisa melakukan perintah jika peralatan yang dipilih tidak sedang diblok, dan
tidak ada kondisi interlock yang dilanggar, hal ini akan dicek melalui skema interlock yang
diterapkan pada tingkat saluran (bay level).
Setelah pelaksanaan perintah, operator akan menerima konfirmasi bahwa posisi peralatan

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 71
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

sesuai dengan perintah, dan akan muncul indikasi gagal dan penyebabnya jika prosedur
tutup/buka yang dilakukan tidak sukses.

5.9.4. Penampakan Sistem Supervisi (System Supervision Display)

Fitur SOGI, harus sedemikian lengkap (comprehensive) seperti gangguan harus segera
muncul dan diketahui operator agar kemungkinan lebih buruk tidak terjadi.Pada layar
supervise gangguan harus terekam dan muncul sebagai status gangguan (faulty status).
Penampakan ini harus mencakup semua status peraltan gardu induk termasuk status semua
IED, saluran (link) komunikasi, dan printer pada tingkat gardu, dan lain-lain.

5.9.5. Proses Kejadian (Event Processing)

Daftar kejadian harus berisi kejadian yang penting pada monitoring dan kontrol gardu
induk. Setiap kejadian harus muncul bersama waktunya. Setiap kejadian harus ditetapkan
pada waktu setempat. Artinya dalam IED nya sendiri. Setiap saat, Operator harus dapat
mengambil semua daftar kejadian secara kronologis dari layar monitor, sebagian atau
semua kejadian pada gardu induk tersebut. Harus dapat dicetak pada printer.
Semua kejadian harus terekam secara kronologis, termasuk tipe dan waktunya dalam
daftar kejadian. Daftar ini harus dapat disimpan pada komputer. Informasi ini juga dapat
dilihat pada catatan (log) kejadian yang tercetak.
Pengarsipan terpusat harus dibuat pada hard-disk workstation operator, dengan
menggunakan database SQL server.
Daftar kejadian secara kronologis harus berisi tetapi tidak terbatas dengan hal sebagai
• Perubahan posisi PMT, PMS dan PME. Perubahan status sinyal biner pada
IED proteksi dan kontrol saluran. Indikasi operasi rele proteksi.
• Indikasi alarm yang direkomendasikan Pabrikan untuk peralatan HV dan
sistem alat bantu yang lain.
• Kontrol yang dilaksanakan dari workstation
• Kontrol yang dilaksanakan dari Pusat Pengatur Beban
• Pesan (messages) yang ditimbukan system, seperti pelacakan pesan
terhadap kontrol yang dilaksanakan, pesan terhadap gangguan.
• Sinyal gangguan dari peralatan gardu induk.
• Pelanggaran batas atas dan bawah nilai analog yang diukur.
• Komunikasi hilang.
• Log on and log off
• Perubahan posisi tap.
• Semua jenis alarm terpisah (Any kind of individual alarm)
• Modifikasi database pada system

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 72
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

• Jaringan komunikasi terganggu.

• Dan lain-lain.

Semua kejadian harus ada tanggal dan waktunya, dengan resolusi 1 ms. Kejadian seperti
pelaksanaan kontrol harus direkam SOGI. Kejadian yang direkam pada kedua transisi 0-1
and 1-0 kontak peralatan.
Saringan untuk menyeleksi tipe atau grup kejadian harus tersedia. Saringan didesain untuk
dapat melihat atau memilih kejadian pergrup setiap:
• Tanggal dan Waktu (Date and time)
• Saluran (Bay)
• Peralatan (Device)
• Fungsi (Function)
• Kelas Alarm (Alarm class)
• Tipe alarm untuk gangguan (Alarm fault type)

Format dan text yang digunakan pada daftar kejadian umumnya sama dengan yang
digunakan pada daftar alarm. Pemilihan daftar kejadian harus menampilkan halaman
terakhir duluan yang muncul, lebih diutamakan kejadian-baru (new events) dimunculkan
paling atas dalam daftar tersebut. Penampakan daftar kejadian pada layar harus secara
otomatis diperbaharui jika ada kejadian-baru muncul. Harus dilengkapi dengan fasilitas
untuk menggabungkan guna mengurangi/mempersingkat daftar kejadian, yaitu daftar
kejadian untuk gardu induk, daftar kejadian untuk SOGI dan daftar kejadian setiap IED.

5.9.6. Proses Alarm (Alarm Processing)

Gangguan dan kesalahan (errors) yang terjadi pada gardu induk harus dicantumkan pada
daftar alarm dan segera dikirim ke Pusat Pengatur Beban.
Daftar alarm disusun berbetuk table, berisi evaluasi alarm yang terjadi pada gardu induk.
Tabel ini juga berisi alarm yang tidak diacknowledge dan alarm gangguan yang terus
menerus dan lama terjadi.
Tanggal dan waktu kejadian harus ada. Halaman paling akhir harus muncul duluan pada
daftar alarm yang muncul di layar. Lebih diutamakan alarm-baru yang muncul
dicantumkan paling atas. Daftar alarm pada layar harus diperbahrui secara otomatis
apabila alarm-baru muncul.
Kejadian tertentu harus dikategorikan sebagai alarm, dan harus sebagai proses tambahan
yang dibuat sistem sebagai berikut:w
• Peringatan yang berbunyi atau bersuara (Sound the audible warning)
• Menampilkan ikon alarm ke depan dan mengaktifkan symbol (Bring the
alarm icon to the foreground and activate the symbol)
• Mengaktifkan penampakan diagram yang relevan (misalnya status PMT yang
trip). (Activate the relevant diagram displays (e.g. for trip of circuit breaker

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 73
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

• Memasukkan pesan alarm-baru pada daftar alarm. (Enter the new alarm
message in the alarm list.)
Daftar alarm berisi situasi alarm terbaru yang dimunculkan. Setiap alarm harus dicatat dalam
satu baris berisi:
• Tanggal dan waktu Alarm (The alarm date and time)
• Nma peralatan atau obyek yang dialarm (The name of the alarming object)
• Keterangan (A descriptive text)
• Status atau keadaan telah diketahui (The acknowledgement state (state of the
• Tingkat tegangan peralatan (The plant voltage level)
Operator harus dapat meng-acknowledge alarm, apakah alarm yang bersuara atau alarm yang
hanya muncul pada layar. Alarm yang telah di-acknowledge harus diberi tanda pada daftar
Tanda flashing atau kedip pada status simbol diagram satu garis dan symbol pada baris pesan
alarm harus ada bagi alarm yang tidak di-acknowledge. Alarm yang telah di-acknowledge
harus menghentikan bunyi alarm, bunyi terpisah, fasilitas reset juga harus ada. Alarm
acknowledgement harus dilengkapi dengan cara terpisah. Dalam baris alarm harus termasuk
hal sebagai berikut:
• Flash atau kedip pada simbol dalam kondisi alarm.
• Simbol stabil pada alarm yang telah di-acknowledge.
• Simbol kedip pada kondisi reset.
• Identifikasi kondisi reset sebelum acknowledgement.

Penggunaan warna pada proses alarm harus atas persetujuan PLN atau konsultan PLN.
Fasilitas pemilihan (sort) harus diberikan guna mendapat daftar yang singkat sesuai dengan
keinginan, misalnya alarm peralatan gardu induk, alarm SOGI, alarm prioritas saluran dan
kriteria yang lain.
• Alarm gardu induk hanya dapat di-acknowledge dari workstation operator
gardu induk.
• Alarm sogi dapat di-acknowledge oleh staf atau engineer SOGI.
Alarm gardu induk harus terdiri dari tingkat prioritas alarm pada daftar alarm. Alokasi tingkat
prioritas alarm dan penggunaan warna pada tiap tingkat (juga alarm SOGI) harus diputuskan
pada masa pemasangan dalam pembangunan proyek. Alarm internal SOGI harus dimunculkan
dalam bentuk yang sama dengan alarm sistem tenaga listrik. Peralatan alarm yang berbunyi
pada workstation diaktifkan hanya bila operator/staf SOGI sedang log-in.
Gangguan yang muncul atau hilang tanpa di-acknowledge harus ditampilkan pada daftar
khusus. Misalnya alarm yang muncul karena kontak tidak sempurna (bad contacts) atau
peralihan operasi (intermittent operation).

5.9.7. Rekaman atau Laporan (Reports)

Sogi harus mempunyai kemampuan menerbitkan mengenerate rekaman terkait dengan

nilai yang diukur dan nilai yang dihitung. Data rekaman yang dimunculkan berisi:

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 74
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

> Rekaman Kecenderungan (Trend reports):

• Jam (rata-rata dan puncak), (Hour (mean, peak))
• Hari (rata-rata dan puncak)
• Bulan (rata-rata dan puncak)
• Tengah Tahun (rata-rata dan puncak) (Semi-annual (mean, peak))
• Tahun (rata-rata dan puncak)
> Rekaman Historis (Historical reports):
• Hari
• Minggu
• Bulan
• Tahun
Harus dapat dimunculkan pada layar nilai dari database secara on-line. Menggeser atau
menukar antara misalnya hari. Nilai yang diragukan harus diberi indikasi, dapat memlih
periode waktu pada data khusus yang tersimpan dalam memori. Rekaman ini harus dapat
dicetak apabila diinginkan dan otomatis sesuai dengan waktu yang telah dipilih.

5.9.8. Penampilan kecenderungan pada layar, (Data Historis) (Trend Display (Historical

Kecenderungan adalah data yang diproses berdasarkan waktu. Kanal analog yang
terhubung pada semua peralatan tingkat saluran harus digambar atu dibuat dalam bentuk
kecenderungan. Kecenderungan harus dimunculkan di layar dalam kolom atau dalm
bentuk gambar kurva pada maksimum 8 (delapan) gambar kecenderungan pada satu layar.
Besar skala dan waktu harus dapat diatur atau dipilih. Harus dapat dirubah (langsung,
rata-rata, jumlah atau perbedaan) secara langsung pada layar. Harus juga dapat diatur
interval gambarnya, juga perletakan nilai treshold untuk setting alarm. Fasilitas dalam
banetu spred sheet dan secara periodis data historis disimpan pada storage jangka
panjang. Data yang tersimpan pada storage harus dapat diambil atau diakses ke sistem jika

5.9.9. Gambar Peralatan atau obyek (Object Picture)

Jika sebuah obyek dipilih seperti PMT atau PMS pada diagram satu garis, hal yang
pertama dilakukan adalah memunculkan saluran (bay) bersangkutan, Pada gambar obyek
yang dipilih, semua cirri atau sifat (attributes) seperti:
• Tipe pemblokan (type of blocking)
• Otoritas (authority)
• Posisi kontrol Lokal/remote, tingkat Marshalling Kiosk, Saluran (bay) atau
tingkat Pusat Pengaturan Beban (Local/remote control position
(Marshalling kiosk, Bay, Station, Control Centres level)
• Kontrol SOGI (SA system control)

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Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

• Kesalahan (errors)
• Dan lain-lain,
Harus dimunculkan.

5.9.10. Kontrol dialog (Control Dialogues)

Operator memberi perintah ke sistem melalui tombol (soft keys) pada diagram satu garis.
Untuk mengaktifkan tombol ini harus juga dapat dilakukan melalui keyboard. Data dapat
diisi melalui keyboard ini.
Metode dialog pada manusia-dengan-peralatan (man machine dialogue) ini harus dengan
prosedur banyak-tahap (multi-stage) dimana verifikasi perangkat lunak dan perangkat
keras dilakukan pada tiap tahap untuk menjamin kontrol keamanan. Verifikasi terhadap
seleksi kontrol pada sebuah IED proteksi dan kontrol saluran harus ada sebelum kontrol
tersebut diijinkan untuk dilaksanakan.
Metode kontrol ini tergabung dengan tindakan pencegahan gangguan atas keamanan
termasuk dalam rancang bangun, tetapi tidak terbatas pada syarat minimum sebagai
• Seleksi melalui cursor/mouse terhadap peraltan yang dilakukan operator
akan menyebabkan perubahan warna atau kedip pada simbol peralatan itu.
• Kontrol operasi diseleksi atau dipilih oleh operator.
• Penampakan di layar untuk kontrol sistem, harus dibarengi dengan uraian
lengkap atas peralatan yang dipilih.
• Konfirmasi/seleksi buka/tutup atau kontrol lain yang sesuai untuk peralatan
yang dipilih. (Confirmation/selection of open/close or other appropriate
controls for the plant selected).
• Pelaksanaan perintah operator dilaksanakan melalui jendela (window)

Operasi kontrol harus dapat ditunda atau diabaikan pada setiap tahap sebelum perintah
pelaksanaan kontrol diberikan. Mode kontrol harus tidak aktif (keluar) setelah waktu
pengabaian, apabila operator gagal atau tidak merespon tahapan tersebut.
Kedua tahap kontrol dan pelaksanaan dan perubahan status terkait harus menimbulkan
sebuah kejadian (an event). Kegagalan pada perubahan status peralatan sehubungan dengan
perintah kontrol untuk dilaksanakan, pada waktu yang ditetapkan harus menimbulkan alarm.

5.9.11. Tingkat Otoritas Pemakai (User Authority Levels)

Harus dimungkinkan untuk membatasi aktivasi proses gambar tiap obyek (saluran,
peralatan, dll) kepada grup pemakai yang telah diijinkan. Dengan demikian setiap
pemakai diberikan hak untuk mengakses pada obyek atau grup peralatan sebagai berikut:
• Hanya penampakan di layar (Display only)
• Operasi normal, (buka/tutup peralatan) (Normal operation (e.g. open/close
• Dilarang mengoperasikan (Restricted operation (e.g. by-passed interlock))
• Administrasi sistem (System administrator)
Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 76
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

Untuk maksud pemeliharaan dan proses enjinering, harus ada tingkat otorisasi sebagai

• Tidak boleh melakukan enjinering (No engineering allowed)

• Boleh melakukan enjinering/konfigurasi (Engineering/configuration
• Boleh melakukan semua fungsi sistem manajemen (Entire system
management allowed)
Hak untuk mengakses harus dengan memasukkan password yang telah diberikan ketika log-
Hanya sistem administrator yang boleh untuk menambah dan menghapus otoritas pemakai
dan merubah hak akses yang diberikan.

5.9.12. Fungsi Spervisi (Supervision Functions)

Sistem supervisi dan monitoring dilaksanakan melalui fungsi pada HMI.

• Supervisi dan monitoring secara langsung terhadap sistem dan Peralatan
• Supervisi sendiri oleh sistem itu sendiri (System self-supervision)
• Mengambil data secara otomatis (Automatic data retrieval)
• Menampilkan kejadian dan alarm (Display of events/logging of events and
alarms. (bay wise and station wise))
• Mencetak kejadian pada printer khusus yang ditetapkan. (Printing of events
on a dedicated event log printer)
• Menampilkan alarm (Display of alarms)
• Membuat/mencetak kronologi kejadian dan alarm secara singkat sesuai
keinginan (Chronological merging and sorting of events and alarms.(for the
whole station))
• Memeriksa parameter peralatan dan mengaktifkan setting alternative dari
hilir. (Remote checking of device parameters and optional activation of
alternative parameter sets.)
• Mengevaluasi dan menyimpulkan rekaman gangguan yang terjadi
(Disturbance record upload and evaluation with summary (expert) report)
• Mencetak pada kertas (Hard copy printing)
• Informasi memasukkan dan mengambil data ke storage (Data bank for
storage and retrieval of data and information)
• Evaluasi gangguan dan lokasi gangguan dari setempat atau dari hilir. ((Fault
evaluation, fault location and fault analysis (Locally and remote work
• Menampilkan nilai actual yang diukur oleh telemeter (Tele
metering/Display of actual measured values (V, I, P, Q, f))

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 77
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

Kejadian dan alarm yang muncul harus karena peralatan gardu induk, atau karena kontrol
peralatan rele-proteksi atau dikontrol dari tingkat saluran. Hal ini harus dicatat pada daftar
kejadian di unit kontrol sistem Operator.

5.9.13. Penyimpanan atau koleksi record gangguan (Collection of disturbance record


Penyimpanan record gangguan yang ditimbulkan oleh IED harus dapat dilakukan secara
manual dengan menggunakan fungsi pada perekam gangguan, secara otomatis percycle atau
setelah menerima kejadian (biasanya alat perekam gangguan mulai start) dari IED. File yang
ditransfer harus disimpan dalam hard disk PC operator gardu induk, untuk analisa lebih lanjut
atau dikirim ke sistem tingkat lebih tinggi.

Untuk IED yang dipadukan dengan alat perekam gangguan juga untuk sistem alat perekam
khusus, semua data otomatis dikirim (upload) ke Komputer SOGI atau komputer yang
dikhususkan untuk itu dan disimpan dalam hard disk.

5.9.14. Analisa gangguan yang disimpan di alat perekam, (Analysis of disturbance

recorder files)

Dalam hal gangguan pada sistem tenaga listrik, enjiner proteksi biasanya memerlukan
informasi yang berbeda untuk memastikan atau mengetahui penyebab gangguan. Maka sangat
diperlukan apabila informasi mengenai gangguan diketahui dengan cepat dan secara efisien
akan melakukan tindakan memulihkan sistem secepat mungkin.

SOGI akan memberikan informasi yang relefan guna mengetahui gangguan dan lokasinya,
histori, ringkasan, mencetak dan pemecahan masalah. Tenaga akhli perangkat lunak akan
member atau mebantu mengkonfigurasi, mencetak secara grafis dan otomatis data gangguan
yang diperlukan. Printer yang disediakan pada workstation harus mempunyai kemampuan
untuk hal ini.

Enjineer proteksi mungkin akan menggunakan PCnya sendiri yang berbasis-sistem, untuk
mengevaluasi semua informasi yang diinginkan, terpisah dari jaringan komputer Pusat
Pengatur Beban.

Monitoring gardu induk melalui workstation harus otomatis mengupload rekaman

gangguan dengan menggunakan fungsi pada alat perekam gangguan rele-proteksi.

Laptop yang diberikan dalam kontrak ini harus dilengkapi dengan fungsi Pemeliharaan
proteksi. Tipe tekini lengkap dengan monitor, processor, clock speed, RAM, hard disc
capacity, floppy disk drive, CD drive, network card, modem dan lain-lain. Diberikan
setelah mendapat persetujuan PLN. Komputer harus dilengkapi dengan perangkat lunak
IED dan rele.

5.9.15. Pengumpulan (Logging)

a) Pengumpulan Kejadian (Event Logging)

Rekord secara kronologis dari semua kejadian harus dicetak oleh alat pencetak event
logger. Harus dapat dimatikan atau dihidupkan oleh operator dari workstation atau dari
workstation hilir (remote Work station).
Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 78
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

b) Pengumpulan terjadual (Scheduled logging)

Operator harus dapat mengkonfigure yang terkumpul (logs) untuk dicetak pada printer.
Jadual pencetakan harus dapat diatur dengan selang waktu (interval) tunggal atau
selang waktu berulang.

c) Halaman pengumpulan (Page Logging)

Setiap halaman yang muncul di layar harus dapat diatur dan dicetak oleh operator
dengan menggunakan keyboard/mouse di workstation.

d) Database Peralatan (Plant Database)

Data peralatan harus disimpan di database sistem, database yang disimpan adalah
sebagai berikut:
• Nama peraltan dan hubungan rangkaiannya secara lengkap.
• Tanggal pembuatan dan komisioning.
• Tingkat tegangan, kapasitas, impedansi, rasio CT dan VT.
• Kapasitas hubung singkat.
• Impedansi
• Setting proteksi.
• Pabrikasi Peralatan lengkap.
Secara lengkap akan diputuskan pada saat rancang bangun proyek ini. Peserta pelelangan
atau Kontraktor harus bertanggung jawab memasukkan data peralatan dan menjelaskannya
dalam jadual penyelesaian proyek ini.

e) Penomoran Peralatan (Plant Numbering)

Harus dilengkapi dengan skema penomoran peralatan, identitas khas atau unik diberikan
pada setiap peralatan gardu induk. Harus konsisten sesuai dengan standar yang berlaku
atau Pusat Pengatur Beban di PLN. Penomoran peralatan diputuskan pada saat
pembangunan proyek ini.

5.9.16. Buku panduan untuk memperbaharui Informasi gardu induk (Manual Updating
of Station Information)

Dengan melalui pengamatan (scan), Operator harus dapat menghapus terhadap

pengukuran, status atau alarm. Sistem dapat diatur untuk membuat daftar yang akan
dihapus dari pengamatan tersebut. Semua item yang akan dihapus dari daftar atau dari
diagram satu garis, harus diberi indikasi atau diberi warna lain.

Harus dilengkapi juga dengan fasilitas kontrol penundaan pada item perlengkapan (operasi
dengan password). Sistem tetap mempertahankan tetap berada dalam daftar bagi
perlengkapan yang kontrol ditunda (controls are inhibited). Peralatan yang ditunda
kontrolnya harus diberi indikasi pada diagram satu garis.

Operator harus dapat memasukkan nilai tertentu sebagai panduan (manual value) untuk
semua pengukuran, status atau alarm. Nilai panduan ini akan muncul dan diindikasikan
Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 79
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

pada peralatan atau pada daftar atau pada diagram satu garis.

Jika terjadi kontak-obrolan "Chatter contact”, maka hal ini tidak akan menunda
penyelesaian kontrol peralatan. Kontak-obrolan harus secara otomatis terhapus dari daftar
pengamatan, atau operator harus mengahpusnya secara manual. Kondisi tersebut
diklasifikasikan secara terpisah (yaitu ditandai sebagai suatu bendera kualitas (e.g. as a
quality flags)). Hal ini dimunculkan pada semua titik data dalam sistem, dan dilihat operator
pada diagram satu garis atau pada penunjukan yang lain di layar.

5.9.17. Status Display pada peralatan sistem SA

Operator akan meginformasikan Status Peralatan Sistem SA yang terbaca pada display. Hal
tersebut mencakup ruang lingkup sebagai berikut :

• Status dari master station sistem SA termasuk didalamnya peripherals antara

lain whether on line, stand by, in service, faulty dll.
• Status link komunikasi.
• Status proteksi dan IED kontrol.
• Status of the inverter power supply system.
• Status of the communication buses, dll.

Alarm dan kejadian internal yang terjadi pada sistem SA dan peripherals mengenai
perubahan status apapun akan muncul pada daftar kejadian.

5.9.18. SOGI, Penampilan Status Peralatan (SA system Equipment Status Display)

Status peralatan SOGI yang dimunculkan di layar harus diketahui operator, termasuk hal
tersebut dibawah ini, namun tidak terbatas:
• Status komputer utama SOGI termasuk peripheralnya, seperti sedang
operasi (hidup). cadangan-hidup(operasi), sedang gangguan dan lain-lain.
• Status jaringan komunikasi. (Status of the communication links)
• Status IED proteksi dan kontrol (Status of the protection and control IED’s)
• Status inverter sistem catu daya (Status of the inverter power supply system)
• Status rel komunikasi (Status of the communication buses) dan lain-lain.
Alarm dan kejadian yang ditimbulkan oleh internal SOGI dan peripheralnya, sehubungan
dengan perubahan status yang disebut diatas harus tercatat pada daftar alarm dan daftar

5.9.19. Fasilitas Enjinering (Engineering Facilities)

Harus dilengkapi dengan perangkat lunak untuk memodifikasi dan menyelesaikan

penyusunan database dengan mudah. Dengan demikian staf yang terkait dapat melakukan
penambahan IED baru karena penambahan peralatan pada gardu induk.
Cara mengkonfigurasi lebih diutamakan dengan orientasi-obyek (object oriented) (yaitu

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 80
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

dapat menentukan obyek tertentu, setelah diyakini atau divalidasi, dapat digunakan
kembali sebagai bagian dari cara mengkonfigurasi) fasilitas gunting dan tempel (such as
cut and paste) juga diperlukan.

5.9.20. Fasilitas Gardu Induk (Substation Facilities)

Penampilan secara grafis diagram satu garis gardu induk dan interkoneksi harus
dilengkapi dengan simbol PMT, PMS, dan lain-lain.
Simbol jaringan dan peralatan termasuk dalam diagram ini atas persetujuan PLN pada saat
perancangan proyek ini. Harus ada penampilan sistem termasuk statusnya secara
keseluruhan pada satu layar (single page) (Data yang lain perlu dibatasi, karena
keterbatasan halaman)
Halaman berikutnya yang diperlukan adalah gambar saluran (bay) secara sendiri-sendiri,
berisi data aktif untuk status, pengukuran dan juga fasiltas kontrol.
Harus dilengkapi juga dengan pengaturan setiap halaman tunggal pada layar komputer.

5.9.21. Tanda Peringatan untuk keselamatan Pemeliharaan (Safety Tagging)

Harus juga dilengkapi dengan fasilitas agar operator dapat membubuhkan tanda atau
symbol peringatan keselamatan (to affix safety-tagging) pada diagram satu garis (symbol
peringatan yang dibubuhkan harus muncul secara otomatis pada semua layar komputer
dan juga pada gambar satu garis saluran (bay)). Simbol peringatan harus ditentukan pada
saat pelaksanaan pembangunan proyek. Dan symbol ini harus sesuai atau memenuhi
standar PLN.
Adapun contoh symbol peringatan keselamatan adalah sebagai berikut:
• Diijinkan bekerja (Permit to work)
• Persetujuan untuk pengujian (Sanction for test)
• Dilarang masuk atau Akses terbatas (Limitation of access)
Beberapa peringatan yang dibubuhkan pada peralatan SOGI akan menonaktifkan atau
mencegah kontrol terhadapa peralatan itu. Fasilitas tanda peringatan yang mudah dan
sederhana juga harus diberikan, agar operator dapat menuliskan secara jelas waktu/tanggal
dan kelengkapan lain pada tanda peringatan yang dibubuhkan tersebut.

5.9.22. Kontrol pengubah tap otomatis (Automatic Tap Changer Control)

Operator harus dapat mengontrol tap trafo. Trafo secara pergrup atau satu trafo harus
dapat dipilih/ditunda (selected/deselected) untuk mengatur kontrol otomatis dan kontrol
parallel trafo trafo tersebut.

5.9.23. Komunikasi rele proteksi, AVR dan Alat Pencatat Gangguan (Communication
with Protection Relays, AVR and Disturbance Recorder)

SOGI harus dilengkapi dengan interface, protocol komunikasi dan perangkat lunak untuk
analisa yang kompatibel dengan rele-proteksidan alat pencatat gangguan. Fasilitas ini
dilengkapi guna hubungan ke:
• Membaca dan mengubah setting rele (Read and alter relay settings)
• Mengambil data Pengukuran (Retrieve measurement data)

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 81
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

• Membaca atau mengambil rekord gangguan dan kejadian. (Extraction of

fault and event records)
• Membaca atau mengambil rekord gangguan (Extraction of disturbance
• Membaca dan mengubah parameter AVR (Read and alter AVR parameters)
• Perangkat lunak menganalisa IED (IED Analysis software)
• Juga harus dilengkapi dengan Perusahaan Pembuat IED (IED firmware
shall also be provided)
Data ini juga harus dipasang atau ada di workstation. Data ini juga harus dapat ditransfer
melalui sistem LAN sebagai data prioritas rendah.
Rekord pada file Gangguan/kejadian harus secara otomatis dikirim (uploaded) ke SOGI,
dengan demikian tidak ada yang hilang atau tidak lengkap ketika rele diset ulang (reset).
Harus juga dilengkapi dengan fasilitas untuk mengakses data tersebut dari lokasi terpisah
melalui WAN (Ethernet). Juga interface secara fisik harus memenuhi rekomendasi

5.9.24. Urutan Kontrol Otomatis (Automatic Sequence of Controls)

Urutan kontrol adalah sebuah fungsi otomatis, artinya interaksi antara Operator dan
sistem dikurangi. Kontrol tunggal adalh contoh memulai sebuah urutan untuk
menghubungkan rangkaian ke salah satu busbar.
Urutan secara tipikal adalah:
• Menghubungkan jaringan ke busbar yang diinginkan (Connect a circuit to a
particular bus bar)
• Membuka jaringan, termasuk pentanahan (jika ada) (Disconnect a circuit ,
including earthing (i f applicable))
• Menghubungkan trafo, termasuk pentanahan (jika ada) (Connect
transformer, including earthing (i f applicable))
• Transfer busbar (Transfer of bus bar)

Urutan otomatis yang sudah ada di sistem harus didaftar dan diuraikan (yaitu urutan
yang berhubungan dengan transfer bus). Harus dimungkinkan menginisiasi atau
melakukan sesuai urutan yang telah ditentukan secara otomatis oleh operator dan juga
membuat sebuah urutan otomatis yang baru.

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 82
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

6. Unjuk Kerja Sistem SOGI

6.1. Unjuk Kerja Sistem (System Performance)

Dalam kondisi apapun yang terjadi di sistem, unjuk kerja SOGI harus tetap baik, seperti
data tidak boleh hilang dan SOGI tidak boleh “crash” atau gangguan.
Pembaharuan data (refresh/update) pada PC operator ketika gardu induk dalam kondisi
normal tingkat unjuk kerja disyaratkan sebagai berikut:

Function Typical Values

Exchange of display (first reaction) < 0.5 s

Presentation of a binary change in the process display < 0.5 s
the process
Presentation of an analogue change in the process <1s
From order to process output < 0.5 s
From order to update of display < 0.5 s

6.2. Keandalan Sistem (System Reliability)

SOGI didesain dan diharapkan mempunyai keandalan yang tinggi dan kemampuan
sehubungan dengan:
• Rancang bangun yang solid secara Mekanis dan elektris (Solid mechanical
and electrical design)
• Aman terhadap interferensi listrik (Security against electrical interference
• Papan rangkaian dan komponen dari kualitas yang baik (High quality
components and boards)
• Perangkat keras modul sudah terbukti dan ditest dengan baik (Modular,
well-tested hardware)
• Perangkat lunak modul terbukti dan ditest dengan baik (Thoroughly
developed and tested modular software)
• Bahasa programnya mudah dimengerti, guna pembuatan program aplikasi
yang diinginkan (Easy-to-understand programming language for
application programming)
• Dokumentasi gambar grafis perangkat lunak secara lengkap memenuhi to
IEC 601131-3 (Detailed graphical documentation, according to IEC
601131-3, of the application software)
• Fungsi diagnostic dan supervisi terpasang (Built-in supervision and
diagnostic functions)

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 83
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

• Jaminan after sales (After sales service Security)

• Persyaratan pengalaman keandalan (Experience of security requirements)
• Proses pengetahuan (Process know-how)
• Pilih sebelum pelaksanaan pada saat pengoperasian (Select before execute at
• Penampilan atau penunjukan proses status sebagai indikasi ganda (Process
status representation as double indications)
• Penyelesaian tersebar (Distributed solution)
• Unit terpisah yang dihubungkan ke LAN (Independent units connected to
the local area network)
• Fungsi cadangan (Back-up functions)
• Panel dirancang disesuaikan dan tahan terhadap lingkungan sarat arus dan
tegangan listrik dan lingkungan sekitarnya (Panel design appropriate to the
harsh electrical environment and ambient conditions)
• Pentanahan Panel guna menjaga lonjakan atau kenaikan tegangan pada
tanah. (Panel grounding to provide immunity against transient ground
potential rise)
Angka secara praktis dan teori harus diberikan bersama penawaran, untuk semua
keandalan unit yang ditawarkan memenuhi metode internasional. Hal yang sama untuk
papan sirkit, analisa atau perhitungan keandalan ini juga harus disertakan.

6.3. Menu (Alat) untuk mengkonfigurasi (Configuration Tools)

6.3.1. Umum (General)

Konfigurasi HMI di gardu induk, harus menggunakan sistem operasi yang digunakan oleh
operator yaitu Windows/Unix/Linux. Fungsi fungsi dapat disesuaikan dengan mudah
menggunakan tools konfigurasi secara interaktif.
Dalam konfigurasi, obyek secara visual harus dimunculkan, Penyesuaian yang diperlukan
pada proses database dan juga penyesuaian terhadap komunikasi diperlukan pada saat
memodifikasi peralatan proteksi dan kontrol. Unit yang sedang dioperasikan akan
digunakan untuk penyusunan dokumentasi pengujian dan komisioning.
PC yang berbasis layanan&dukungan (service & support system) akan digunakan pada hal-
hal berikut:
• Mengkonfigurasi sistem. (System configuration)
• Menguji sistem (System testing)
• Fungsi bantuan (Help functions)
• Mendokumentasi program (Program documentation)
• Mengambil dan memasukkan program (Down – and up – loading of

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 84
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

• Mengkomisioning sistem, mengatur database, merubah parameter peripheral

(System commissioning Data base management Changing peripheral

Konfigurasi HMI di gardu induk, harus menggunakan sistem operasi yang digunakan oleh
operator yaitu Windows/Unix/Linux. Fungsi fungsi dapat disesuaikan dengan mudah
menggunakan tools konfigurasi secara interaktif
Dalam konfigurasi, obyek secara visual harus dimunculkan, Penyesuaian yang diperlukan
pada proses database dan juga penyesuaian terhadap komunikasi diperlukan pada saat
memodifikasi peralatan proteksi dan kontrol. Unit yang sedang dioperasikan akan
digunakan untuk penyusunan dokumentasi pengujian dan komisioning.
Sistem layanan & dukungan harus dapat digunakan memonitor data pada kontrol gardu
induk yang sedang beroperasi, dan memunculkan pada layar secara grafis perubahan
variable yang terjadi.
Sistem layanan & dukungan harus dapat digunakan memonitor data pada kontrol gardu
induk yang sedang beroperasi, dan memunculkan pada layar secara grafis perubahan
variable yang terjadi.

6.3.2. IEC 61850 Alat Perangkat Lunak untuk Mengkonfigurasi (IEC 61850
Configuration Software Tools)

Standar komunikasi IEC61850 menggunakan SCL (system configuration language) yang

dapat digunakan mengkonfigurasi komunikasi untuk IED dan seluruh sistem. Melibatkan
menggunakan beberapa tipe file, membuat untuk tujuan tertentu, dan dua tingkat alat
perangkat lunak untuk membuat program mengatur semua file tersebut. File yang dibuat
pada tipe XML (Extensible Mark-up Language) untuk konfigurasi dapat dioperasikan
pada alat perangkat lunak supplier yang berbeda. (the interoperable exchange of
configuration and capability information between supplier tools).
Keempat tipe file dimana SCL termasuk didalamnya, dicantumkan pada daftar dimana
dapat digunakan untuk mengkonfigurasi sistem sebagai berikut:

1. ICD: Uraian Kemampuan IED (ICD: IED Capabilities Description)

File ini menguraikan kemampuan komunikasi IED secara terpisah
(individual) dan terpasang pada IED sebelum dikirim dari Pabrik. Stiap
saat file ini dapat diambil dari IED. Tidak ada informasi mengenai
bagaiman IED ini digunakan dalam file tersebut, tetapi dijelaskan model
informasi dan layanan komunikasi apa yang mendukung IED.

2. SSD: Uraian persyaratan sistem (SSD: System Specification Description)

File ini menguraikan persyaratan fungsional untuk semua sistem sekunder
pada gardu induk, termasuk sistem komunikasinya. Diantaranya, file ini
mengambil diagram satu garis sistem yang diinginkan. File ini dapat
mengambil logika simpul. (Logical Nodes [LNs]) (yaitu, fungsi terpisah-
pisah semua model informasi yang digunakan pada IED) digunakan pada
IED yang berbeda sesuai dengan kebutuhan fungsi dan kemampuan.
Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 85
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

Pelaksanaan dilakukan dengan menggunakan salah satu alat atau software

konfigurasi sistem, yang dipilh dari semua file yang diberikan pabrikan

3. SCD: Uraian konfigurasi sistem (SCD: System Configuration

File ini dibuat dengan menggunakan alat software konfigurasi sistem
(System Configuration Tool), file SSD dan file ICD untuk semua IED yang
dipakai pada sistem. Hasilnya adalah konfigurasi sistem sekunder dilakukan
untuk menentukan IED secara terpisah digunakan tertentu pada peralatan
utama dan hak untuk mengakses. Juga termasuk semua jaringan yang
ditentukan sebelumnya dan semua hubungan dengan client-server pada
tingkat data LN.

4. CID: Uraian IED yang telah dikonfigurasi (CID: Configured IED

Ketika file SCD telah dibuat, maka file ini digunakan untuk membuat
konfigurasi IED yang dapat dibaca/diambil (downloadable). Uraian file
setiap IED pada sistem sekunder. Cara ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan
alat software mengkonfigurasi IED yang diberikan pabrikan. Sepanjang
software ini berisi interface SCL dan dapat dipakai di sistem manapun
(interoperable SCL interface) sesuai persyaratan standar IEC 61850 yang
mungkin milik mereka (pabrikan). Hal ini sering terjadi, oleh karena itu alat
software dapat mengambil atau membaca data tambahan konfigurasi IED
secara umum milik pabrikan bersangkutan, tetapi hal ini tidak
mempengaruhi sistem interoperability.

File file konfigurator IED harus dapat membaca dan mengirim file SCL. File ini dilengkapi
dengan pengaturan khusus IED (IED- specific settings) dan menghasilkan file konfigurasi
khusus IED (IED- specific configuration files) juga mengambil konfigurasi IED ke IED.
Semua file tersebut harus diberikan ke PLN melalui perwakilan Penyedia Barang/Jasa atau

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 86
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

6.4. Skema Alarm (Alarm Schemes)

Dilengkapi dengan fasilitas peringatan atau alarm yang berbunyi (suara) dan tampak
muncul, didengar dan dilihat operator di ruang kontrol gardu induk sebagai tanda sesuatu
terjadi pada peraltan proteksi dan mala-operasi peralatan terpasang di gardu induk.

Alarm dibagi dalam fungsi trip dan tanpa-trip (trip and non-trip) dan diatur pada satu
(common) bell atau alat-dengung sebagaimana disyaratkan.

Sistem terbuat dari benda padat (solid state) dan dirangkai pada berbagai modul dan
kontak peralatan. Artinya dilengkapi untuk mendiamkan alarm yang sedang berbunyi, dan
membiarkan atau mendengar bunyi dari alarm yang lain sedang berbunyi.

Ketika peralatan yang dilengkapi alarm tidak beroperasi, maka alarmnya juga harus mati,
tidak boleh muncul atau berbunyi untuk sesuatu yang tidak perlu.

Ketika gardu induk dipebesar atau ditambah peralatan maka harus dihubungkan secara
konsisten pada skema alarm terpasang ini.

Penentuan alarm secara tersendiri (individual) begitu juga alarm berurutan pada peralatan
rekorder harus disiapkan oleh Penyedia Barang/Jasa atau Kontraktor, setelah mendapat
persetujuan dari PLN atau konsultan PLN.

Alarm harus muncul karena:

• Posisi kontak limit (Position or limit switches)
• Kontak bantu peralatan gardu induk (Auxiliary contacts of switchgear)
• Alat monitor elektronik (Electronic monitors)
• Instrumen pengukuran dengan kontak limit pada semua rele proteksi.
(Measuring instruments with limit contacts all protection relays)
• Apabila PMT trip (All circuit breaker trips)
• Alarm telekom (All telecom alarms).
Sistem alarm yang muncul harus seperti berikut:
Jika alarm muncul, klakson atau dengung berbunyi, dapat diatur dari 0 sampai 30 menit, dan
sesuai dengan papan nama yang tertulis dan lampu berkedip. Lampu berkedip ini harus
dapat dimatikan (acknowledged) dengan menekan tombol. Setelah tombol ini ditekan,
maka lampu tidak berkedip lagi tetapi tetap menyala. Lampu tetap menyala sebelum
direset untuk menyatakan bahwa sistem kembali normal.

Selain itu sinyal yang baru masuk harus dibedakan dengan sinyal yang sudah masuk dan
ditampilkan. Harus dapat ditentukan untuk mengetahui alarm alat utama (gangguan)
Setiap sinyal yang masuk harus dikelompokkan sebagai tambahan pada alarm yang
ditentukan dan dikirim ke ruang kontrol Pusat Pengatur Beban.

Penyedia Barang/Jasa atau Kontraktor, melengkapi fasilitas pengiriman sinyal melalui link
telekomunikasi. Penyedia Barang/Jasa atau Kontraktor melengkapi kabel sampai ke
marshalling kiosk pada gardu induk terkait.
Kontak tekan (push buttons) yang harus dilengkapi adalah sebagai berikut:

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 87
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

• Reset yang pertama (1st up reset (key operated))

• Uji (Test (system test))
• Terima (Accept (normal alarm accept, horn off))
• Reset (Reset (reset when alarm disappears))
• Pada mode Attended/unattended klakson harus tidak berbunyi dan harus
secara otomatis reset normal. (Attended/unattended mode horn shall not
sound and normal reset shall be automatically initiated)
Semua skring dan MCB harus dihubungkan dengan sistem alarm dengan demikian bila
MCB ini trip dapat diketahui. Juga apabila MCB dibuka secara manual harus ada alarm.
Alarm ini dikelompokkan pada grup dan digambungkan dengan grup alarm.

Motor trip dan PMT trip harus diketahui dengan lampu berkedip dari lampu indikasi yang
disediakan di ruang kontrol. Untuk mematikan kedip lampu ini harus dengan
menggunakan kontak tekan. Lampu yang sedang berkedip juga harus bersama dengan
bunyi dan secara visual sebagai grup alarm pada alarm enunciator.

Alarm enunciator berisi banyak kotak jendela yang jelas pada layar (multi-window light
boxes), dimana warna harus sama warnanya dengan instrumen lain, seperti merah
menandakan trip, warna putih untuk alarm yang tidak trip. Setiap jendela enunciator
mempunya dua lampu ynag dihubungkan parallel.

Pengujian lampu indikasi alarm diberikan dalam bentuk panel. Alarm proteksi umumnya
dipilih sesuai dengan teleinformation (tetapi tidak terbatas) atas persetujuan PLN atau
Konsultan PLN.

6.5. Pengujian dan Inspeksi (Test And Inspections)

6.5.1. Umum (General)

Inspeksi dan pengujian harus dilakukan agar SOGI yang ditawarkan sudah memenuhi
persyaratan yang ditentukan pada spesifikasi ini.

Dalam konteks aktivitas inspeksi dilakukan evaluasi terhadap sistem kualitas yang dimiliki
supplier guna menjamin bahwa SOGI yang diberikan cukup berkualitas. Dalam arti uji unjuk
kerja telah dibuktikan. Jaminan kualitas harus memenuhi ISO 9001. Pengujian ini dilakukan
dengan cara disaksikan langsung.

Hasil persetujuan atas inspeksi yang dilakukan, persetujuan atas perangkat keras, perangkat
lunak, atau inspeksi yang tidak perlu dilakukan (waiving of inspection and test), tetap menjadi
tanggung jawab supplier untuk menyelesaikan peralatan ini sesuai dengan persyaratan pada
dokumen ini, atau Kontraktor tidak boleh mengabaikan tuntutan PLN bila ternyata peralatan
itu dalam keadaan rusak atau cacat.
Apabila dianggap perlu PLN berhak meminta untuk melakukan test tambahan sesuai
persyaratan terhadap sistem dan peralatannya tanpa biaya tambahan.

Jika hasil test menunjukkan bahwa ternyata peralatan yang ditawarkan tidak sesuai dengan
persyaratan pada dokumen ini, maka PLN berhak menolaknya dan Penyedia Barang/Jasa
harus menggantinya, atau memodifikasi, menambahkan kekurangannya baik secara perangkat
Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 88
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

keras maupun secra perangkat lunak, baik secara sistem sesuai dengan yang disyaratkan tanpa
biaya tambahan.

Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus menyerahkan dalam tempo 4 (empat) minggu setelah tanda
tangan kontrak semua rencana pengujian dan inspeksi untuk persetujuan, dan rencana ini
harus dari perwakilan pembuat SOGI. Dalam rencana ini juga termasuk juga diberikan waktu
menyaksikan pengujian. Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus menyerahkan prosedur uji yang telah
disetujui untuk diyinjau kembali oleh PLN atau konsultan PLN dalam tempo 4 (empat)
minggu sebelum pengujian dilaksanakan.

Prosedur uji paling tidak termasuk hal-hal sebagai berikut:

• Jadual Pengujian (test schedule)
• Maksud Pengujian (test purpose)
• Fungsi yang akan diuji (function to be tested)
• Prosedur yang tersedian (applicable procedure)
• Referensi dan gambar dan dokumentasi proyek (references to all applicable
project documentation and drawings)
• Kondisi test dan test yang dilakukan pada perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak
(test set up, including both hardware and software and the conditions for the
• Pengujian masukan dan keluaran (test inputs and outputs)
• Pengujian data yan akan digunakan pada pengujian ini.(test data to be used to
perform the test)
• Hasil yang diinginkan (expected results)
• Kriteria dapat diterima/ditolak (acceptance/rejection criteria)
Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus bertanggung jawab untuk melaksanakan pengujian.
Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus mengumpulkan hasil pengujian secara lengkap. Hasil pengujian
ini harus digunakan menjadi kunci pada prosedur pengujian yang sudah disetujui. Dokumen
hasil pengujian ini termasuk hal-hal berikut:
• Referensi pada bagian yang sesuai dalam rencana pengujian (References to the
appropriate section of the test plan)
• Uraian pada kondisi pengujian khusus atau pelaksanaan khusu yang diambil
(Description of any special test conditions or special action taken)
• Hasil pengujian sukses/gagal (Test result (pass/fail)).
Salinan hasil pengujian harus diserahkan kepada PLN, setelah hasil pengujian disimpulkan.
Hasil pengujian akan dievaluasi oleh dan persetujuan PLN. Apabila hasil pengujian tidak
disetujui maka harus dilakukan pengulangan pengujian atas biaya Penyedia Barang/Jasa,
termasuk biaya yang diperlukan oleh PLN dalam pengulangan pengujian ini. Penyedia
Barang/Jasa bertanggung jawab bahwa pengujian atas semua peralatan telah memenuhi
persyaratan yang telah disetujui sebelumnya.

6.5.2. Pengujian sistem (System Testing)

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 89
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus menyerahkan spesifikasi pengujian untuk digunakan pada

pengujian penerimaan barang di pabrik (factory acceptance test (FAT)) dan pengujian
komisioning SOGI untuk persetujuan PLN. Berlaku untuk IED tingkat saluran secara
terendiri (individual) termasuk sertifikat pengujian tipe yang berlaku. Tahapan pembuatan
SOGI termasuk disimpulkan dalam FAT. Maksudnya adalah bahwa Penyedia Barang/Jasa
atau Kontraktor telah memenuhi persyaratan dengan benar.

Filosopinya adalah bahwa sistem yang dipasang di proyek ini adalah sistem yang telah
teruji dan unjuk kerjanya sudah dibuktikan sesuai kondisi lingkungan dan telah disimulasi
uji laboratorium. Karena alasan praktis pada saat FAT hanya sebagian dari sistem yang
perlu diyakinkan dan pengujian dilakukan pada paling tidak satu unit dari setiap tipe
dalam sistem pengiriman barang. Jika semua peralatan secara lengkap dan berasal dari
beberapa supplier dan sebagian sudah dipasang di lokasi maka dalam FAT dilakukan
hanya untuk pada sebagian peralatan. Dalam hal ini pengujian secara lengkap akan
dilakukan di lokasi brsamaan dengan pengujian serah terima di lokasi. (Site Acceptance
Test (SAT)).

6.5.3. Kunjungan ke Bengkel atau Pabrik (Workshop Tests)

Staf atau perwakilan yang ditunjuk PLN harus diberikan kesempatan secara bebas
mengunjungi bengkel atau kantor pemasok peralatan pada saat pabrikan mengerjakan rancang
bangun, pembuatan atau pabrikasi dan pengujian terkait sistem ini di manapun dilakukan.
Pemasok harus memberikan ijin dan fasilitas dan dokumen terkait SOGI yang sedang
dirancang pada sistem ini tanpa biaya. Hak untuk meninjau seperti disebut diatas harus
menggunakan fasilitas Pemasok atau sub-pemasok di mana sistem di pabrikasi. Hak
mengunjungi ini tidak boleh ditimpakan kepada sub-pemasok yang hanya memasok
komponen peralatan terhadap sistem ini. Meskipun kunjungan dan pengujian elemen yang
dilakukan oleh perwakilan PLN di lokasi ini. Inspeksi yang dilakukan PLN termasuk
penampilan secara fisik perangkat keras, pengabelan dan pemberian label di kabel tersebut.
Dokumen pemasok juga akan dipelajari apakah penjelasan telah diuraikan mencakup seluruh
perangkat keras, perangkat lunak dan suku cadangnya.

PLN harus mendapat akses untuk memeriksa dan mempelajari semua prosedur, dan standar
jaminan kualitas terkait proyek ini. Pemeriksaan ini tidak membebaskan semua tanggung
jawab pemasok terhadap penyelesaian pekerjaan yang memenuhi persyaratan spesifikasi
teknis atau membatalkan mengklaim yang diberikan PLN oleh karena peralatan atau sistem
cacat baik perangkat keras baik perangkat lunak atau alat bantunya atas kunjungan atau
pemeriksaan ini.

6.5.4. Uji Jenis (Type Test)

Untuk memastikan unjuk kerja peralatan maka Penyedia Barang/Jasa atau pemasok harus
melaksanakan uji jenis sesuai standard an persyaratan teknis terhadap peralatan yang
diberikan. Atau jika sudah dilakukan uji jenis terhadap peralatan ini, Penyedia Barang/Jasa
harus menyerahkan sertifikat uji jenis peralatan ini yang dilaksanakan oleh lembaga uji
independen (an independent testing agency) yang disetujui PLN.

Uji jenis ini dilaksanakan untuk membuktikan karakteristik peralatan yang diberikan telah

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 90
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

memenuhi persyaratan. Hal ini dilakukan pada sistem atau sub sistem terkait pada perangkat
keras dan perangkat lunak. Uji jenis juga dilakukan terhadap peralatan yang dimodifikasi dan
digunakan pada SOGI, yang mungkin akan mempengaruhi unjuk kerjanya. Jika sertifikat uji
jenis ini tidak disertakan maka wajib dilakukan uji jenis sesuai dengan kapasitas peralatan
persyaratan yang telah ditentukan dalam dokumen ini.

6.5.5. Uji Terima di Pabrik (Factory Acceptance Test (FAT))

Pengujian (FAT) ini dilakukan untuk memastikan unjuk kerja sistem yang diberikan. FAT
harus dibuat sedemikian rupa agar sedapat mungkin sama dengan lokasi pemasangan
(pengaturan dan konfigurasi dengan pelatihan). SOGI secara lengkap harus di uji.

Pengujian harus dilakukan terhadap semua aspek sistem, termasuk komunikasi ke sistem lain,
semua masukan/keluaran dan semua proses kejadian, alarm, pengukuran dan informasi
lainnya. Uji rutin (The routine tests) harus dilakukan oleh staf PLN. Pengujian harus
dilakukan secara bertahap sehingga dapat dibuktikan semua peralatan SOGI dibuat dan
dirangkai dengan benar, termasuk pembuktian pengamanan terhadap gangguan listrik dan
persyaratan fungsi telah dipenuhi.
Uji rutin berikut ini juga harus dilakukan pada saat FAT

• Pemeriksaan kelengkapan secara langsung (visual check for completeness)

• Pemeriksaan rangkaian pengawatan atau kabel (wiring check)
• Pengujian pemenuhan standar IEC (test of conformity with IEC standards)
• Uji fungsi dan uji sistem tersendiri (functional test of the individual system)
Pengujian ini harus dilakukan oleh staf PLN.

Dalam FAT harus dilakukan pengujian komunikasi antara semua tingkat peralatan, termasuk
uji simulasi ke Unit Pusat Pengaturan Beban (RCC) dan ke gardu hilir (Remote Station).

Penyedia Barang/Jasa atau pemasok harus memastikan bahwa peralatan masukan/keluaran

(I/O devices) pada simulasi komunikasi telah berlangsung dengan benar dengan peralatan hilir
(the remote device).

Dalam pengujian diperbolehkan menggunakan satu atau lebih peralatan masukan/keluaran

atau digunakan secara bergantian sesuai kebutuhan.

FAT dimulai dengan memberi dan menyalakan catu daya ke semua peralatan terminal proses
bootstrapping dan loading perangkat lunak semua unit komputer, memastikan setiap tahap
seperti yang diuraikan pada buku panduan SOGI, diuji dan semua perangkat lunak telah
berlangsung dengan baik.

Dalam pengujian ini termasuk:

- Memeriksa peralatan secara umum termasuk gambar rangkaian. (Inventory
check and inspection for general appearance, cabling drawing)
- Memeriksa fungsi perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak dan kelengkapannya.
- Pengujian berbeban lebih (overload), pengujian semua masukan berubah
secara bersama dan diikuti dengan bahwa sistem tetap memrroses data secara

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 91
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

normal tanpa harus melakukan sesuatu apapun untuk kondisi normal itu.
(untuk masukan telemetri, nilainya harus berubah diluar batas alarm yang
- Memeriksa pemenuhan atas kecepatan operasi yang disyaratkan.
- Memeriksa sistem komputer dalam keadaan operasi dan tidak operasi (hidup-
mati) dengan membuat gangguan pada catu daya a.c.
- Memeriksa bahwa unjuk kerja sistem tetap baik pada variasi tegangan catu
daya sebesar ± 10%.
- Peragaan kepada PLN, bahwa sistem kontrol dan peralatannya telah
memenuhi semua unjuk kerja yang disyaratkan telah dipenuhi oleh Penyedia
Barang/Jasa atau pemasok barang. Peragaan ini termasuk didalamnya
pemenuhan fungsi, program (tidak tergantung pada yang program lain), dan
kesalahan masukan pada MMI tidak membuat sistem macet atau tidak
berfungsi dan kesalahan ini dimunculkan dilayar.
- Pengujian semua masukan secara terpisah.
- Pengujian terhadap semua IED proteksi, kontrol dan monitoring.
- Pengujian semua keluaran kontrol. (Test of all control outputs)
- Pengujian interlock peralatan saluran (Test on bay interlock units)
- Pengujian sistem interlock yang dibuat pada program (Test on assembled
interlocking system)
- Memeriksa ketelitian analog, pengabaian noise dan pengamanan terhadap
tegangan lebih pada sumber-sumber analog.
- Pengujian buffering, retrieval, dan local logging.
- Pengujian peralatan suku cadang dengan penggantian secara langsung.
- Peragaan teknik merubah port komunikasi ke protocol lain.

6.5.6. Pengujian di Lokasi Proyek (Site Tests) Umum (General)

Sebelum pemasangan semua peralatan di lokasi proyek, harus diperiksa lebih dulu bahwa
tidak ada cacat pada peralatan tersebut. Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus menyetujui bahwa sistem
harus diuji dan dikomisioning dan disaksikan oleh staf PLN guna mendapat persetujuan yang
menyatakan bahwa sistem telah sesuai dan dapat diterima. Uji lokasi ini dibagi dalam empat
bagian :

* Pemeriksaan terhadap peralatan yang akan dipasang di lokasi dilakukan oleh

PLN termasuk sertifikat yang disyaratkan.
* Pengujian akan dilakukan oleh PLN setelah pemasangan semua komponen
peralatan untuk memastikan bahwa komponen yang diberikan telah memenuhi
persyaratan dan kompatibel. PLN akan memberitahu Penyedia Barang/Jasa
metode atau cara pengujian ini.
* Pengujian dan komisioning akan dipantau atau dilakukan langsung oleh PLN

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 92
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

dan disetujui Penyedia Barang/Jasa.

* Uji terima akhir (Final Acceptance tests) dipantau atau dilakukan oleh PLN
setelah Penyedia Barang/Jasa menyetujui metode dan hasil pengujian. Pengujian selama dan setelah Pemasangan (Tests During and After Completion of

Untuk menjamin bahwa peralatan telah dipasang dengan baik, maka pengujian berikut ini
harus dilakukan selama dan setelah pemasangan terhadap semua peralatan.
a. Pemeriksaan dan pembuktian bahwa semua peralatan dipasang dengan baik.
b. Pemeriksaan dan pembuktian bahwa penyambungan ke sumber catu daya d.c.,
pentanahan, sekering, labeling, diagnostic, fungsi dan perangkat lunak, dal
lain-lain telah dilakukan dengan baik.
c. Pemeriksaan operasi pendahuluan

Pengujian ini dilakukan oleh staf PLN dan metode dan hasil pengujian disetujui Penyedia
Barang/Jasa. Pengujian komisioning (Test Commissioning)

Tujuan pengujian komisioning adalah untuk memeriksa bahwa operasi sistem dan semua
fungsi peralatan serta garansi unjuk kerja telah memenuhi syarat teknis yang telah ditentukan.
Komisioning akan dilakukan sesuai dengan Program Pengujian Komisioning Lengkap
(Detailed Commissioning Test Program) yang disiapkan PLN. Uji unjuk kerja akan dilakukan
dengan dasar standar yang diterbitkan IEC.

Pengujian ini akan dilakukan oleh staf PLN, dan metode dan hasil pengujian disetujui oleh
Penyedia Barang/Jasa. Periode atau masa garansi dimulai dari tanggal/ bulan/tahun setelah
sertifikat uji komisioning ini ditandatangani.

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 93
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

7. Suku Cadang

7.1. Suku Cadang (Spare Parts)

Suku cadang yang lengkap dan cukup untuk 5 (lima) tahun harus diberikan pada kontrak ini
setelah periode pelaksanaan jaminan operasi selesai. Peserta pelelangan atau kontraktor harus
memberikan suku cadang sesuai dengan persyaratan. Suku cadang harus mencakup seluruh
unit peralatan pada saat pemasangan. Peserta pelelangan harus menghitung MTBF setiap blok
fungsi dan penyerahan suku cadang harus berdasarkan perhitungan ini.

Penyedia Barang/Jasa atau kontraktor harus menjamin ketersediaan komponen perangkat

keras selama 10 (sepuluh) tahun, diukur dari setelah periode jaminan operasi selesai tanpa
dikenakan biaya untuk gambar pembuatan dan hak untuk pabrikasi peralatan yang tidak ada
atau tidak diproduksi lagi oleh pabrikan. Untuk setiap komponen yang dikirim harus
menunjuk pada dokumen yang telah diberikan sebelumnya sebagai referensi.

Penyedia Barang/Jasa atau kontraktor melampirkan daftar suku cadang dengan

mencantumkan informasi paling tidak sebagai berikut:
• Nomor dan tipe setiap unit (type and number of each unit)
• Jumlah unit terpasang dalam sistem (total amount of units in the system)
• MTBF secara teoritis atau empiris. (either theoretical or empirical MTBF
(applicable to conditions similar or worse than that))
• Nomor dan tipe suku cadang pabrikan asal (part type number of original
• Nomor suku cadang suplier (supplier’s part number)
• Harga (price)
Penyedia Barang/Jasa atau kontraktor paling tidak harus menyerahkan suku cadang sebagai
• Suku cadang yang lengkap untuk setiap unit. Minimum satu (bahan, elemen)
untuk setiap unit atau tipe card. (A complete set of spare units. Minimum
requirement is one piece of each unit or card type).
• Soket dan kabel khusus satu lot (One lot of all special cables and sockets)
• Paling tidak sebanyak 200% unit untuk tipe sekring dan 100% untuk tipe
lampu indikasi. (At least 200% pieces of each type of fuse and 100% pieces of
indication lamps).

7.2. Dokumentasi (Documentation)

Dokumen berikut harus diberikan pada saat kursus untuk proyek ini dilaksanakan dan
harus konsisten, menggunakan CAD atau yang sejenis:
• Daftar Gambar, tata letak ruang kontrol dan pembuatan diagram satu
garis. (List of Drawings Control Room Lay-out Assembly Drawing
Single Line)
• Diagram blok (Block Diagram)
Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 94
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

• Gambar jaringan dan daftar perlatan setiap label (Circuit Diagram List
of Apparatus List of Labels)
• Spesifikasi pembuatan fungsi (Functional Design Specification (FDS)).
• Syarat pengujian untuk FAT (Test Specification for Factory Acceptance
Test (FAT)).
• Diagram logika (Logic Diagram).
• Daftar sinyal (List of Signals).
• Buku panduan produk dan buku panduan operator (Operator’s Manual
Product Manuals)
• Cara menentukan kapasitas catu daya (Calculation for power supply (
rectifier, inverter ) requirement)
Dokumen yang harus diserahkan untuk mendapat persetujuan dari PLN sebelum pembuatan
sistem ini adalah sebagai berikut:
• Gambar arsitektur sistem (System Architecture Drawing)
• Spesifikasi Perangkat keras (Hardware Specification)
• Penentuan kapasitas komponen terkait (Sizing Calculations of various
• Perhitungan waktu tanggap (Response Time Calculation)
• Dokumen cara membuat fungsi (Functional Design Document)
Dokumen berikut harus diberikan pada saat kursus untuk proyek ini dilaksanakan dan
harus konsisten, menggunakan CAD atau yang sejenis. Semua tipe file gambar harus
dalam format “dxf” .
• Daftar Gambar (List of Drawings)
• Arsitektur SOGI (Substation automation system architecture)
• Digram blok (Block Diagram)
• Daftar data base (Data base listings)
• Parameter teknis yang digaransi, spesifikasi pembuatan fungsi, dan Garansi
untuk keandalan dan ketersediaan. (Guaranteed technical parameters,
Functional Design Specification and Guaranteed availability and
• Cara menentukan kapasitas catu daya yang dibutuhkan (Calculation for
power supply requirement)
• Daftar I/O sinyal masukan dan keluaran (I/O Signal lists)
• Diagram secara skematik (Schematic diagrams)
• Daftar Peralatan (List of Apparatus)
• Daftar Label (List of Labels)
• Diagram logika (Logic Diagram (hardware & software))
• Gambar tata letak kios (Kiosk layout drawing)
• Tata letak gedung kontrol (Control Building Lay-out)

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 95
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

• Syarat pengujian untuk FAT (Test Specification for Factory Acceptance

Test (FAT))
• Buku panduan produk (Product Manuals)
• Pembuatan atau Penyusunan Gambar (Assembly Drawing)
• Buku panduan Operator (Operator’s Manual)
• Panduan membuat program (Programming manuals)
• Panduan library untuk digunakan sebagai elemen program (Library
manuals for programming elements)
• Program training (Training programs)
• Dokumen lengkap terhadap protocol yang digunakan pada setiap elemen
(Complete documentation of implemented protocols between various
• Daftar perangkat lunak yang dapat dibaca dan diambil dalam CD ROM
(Listing of software and loadable in CD ROM)
• Dokumen lain yang mungkin digunakan selama pembuatan sistem ini.
(Other documents as may be required during detailed engineering)
• Konfigurasi File (The Configuration Files):
− ICD (IED Capability Description)
− SSD (System Specification Description)
− SCD (Substation Configuration Description)
− CID (Configure IED Description)
Semua lisensi perangkat lunak terkait dicatat atas nama PLN.

Semua dokumen dan gambar berisi sesuai dengan yang dibangun atau dipasang (as built)
harus diserahkan ke PLN sebanyak dua set dokumen tercetak (hard copy) dan empat set
dalam CD.

Semua dokumen perangkat keras dan aplikasi perangkat lunak sesuai dengan yang dibangun
atau dipasang (as built) ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris dan Indonesia.

Penyedia Barang/Jasa atau kontraktor harus memberikan kursus perangkat keras dan
perangkat lunak kepada staf pemeliharaan yang akan diperlukan pada saat komisioning.

7.3. Pelatihan (Training)

7.3.1. Umum (General)

Penyedia Barang/Jasa atau kontraktor harus menyiapkan tempat pelatihan di Indonesia atas
biaya sendiri. Semua biaya pelatihan terkait seperti transportasi, akomodasi bagi instruktur
(trainer) termasuk dalam harga kontrak. Masing-masing peserta training harus diberikan
bahan atau buku panduan teknis pelatihan dalam bentuk hard copy dan soft copy.

Bahan ini harus dikirim kepada peserta paling tidak dua bulan sebelum pelatihan dimulai.
Semua bahan pelatihan ini menjadi milik PLN. PLN berhak memperbanyaknya untuk

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 96
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

kepentingan PLN sendiri. Bahan yang diberikan pada saat pelatihan harus sama dengan bahan
yang telah dikirim ke PLN.

Untuk semua pelatihan, biaya tiket dan uang saku ditanggung peserta. Penyedia Barang/Jasa
atau kontraktor harus memberitahu dan meminta biaya pelatihan per-orang untuk setiap

PLN berhak memilih membatalkan atau meneruskan pelatihan. Dalam hal pembatalan, maka
biaya pelatihan tersebut tidak akan dibayarkan kepada Penyedia Barang/Jasa atau kontraktor.
Jadwal, tempat dan isi pelatihan akan diputuskan pada diskusi bersama oleh PLN dan
Penyedia Barang/Jasa atau kontraktor.

7.3.2. Kebutuhan Pelatihan (Requirement of training)

Penyedia Barang/Jasa atau kontraktor harus menyiapkan dua kali pelatihan selama dua
minggu bagi pelatihan untuk:

• Sistem Perangkat Keras (Computer System Hardware)

• Sistem Perangkat Lunak (Computer System Software)
• Penggunaan Perangkat Lunak (Application Software)

7.3.3. Pelatihan Sistem Perangkat Keras (Computer System Hardware Course)

Hanya pelatihan sistem komputer perangkat keras pada tingkat sistem (system level) yang
diberikan pada pelatihan ini.

Pelatihan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan yang cukup kepada staf semua mulai
perencanaan, pemasangan dan operasi sistem, sehingga mereka dapat memperbaiki
permasalahan yang timbul, mengkonfigurasi perangkat keras, melakukan pemeliharaan cegah
(preventive), menjalankan program diagnostic dan berkomunikasi dengan staf pemeliharaan
kontraktor. Hal-hal sebagai berikut harus ada dalam pelatihan:

(a) Sistem Perangkat Keras secara umum: Konfigurasi perangkat Keras. (System
Hardware Overview: Configuration of the system hardware).
(b) Pemeliharaan peralatan: Teori dasar operasi dan pemeliharaan, prosedur
diagnostic untuk semua elemen komputer yaitu, processor, memori bantu,
LAN, ruter, printer, dan konfigurasi semua peralatan perangkat keras.
(c) Peningkatan Sisitem (System Expansion): Prosedur dan teknik menambah
dan mengaktifkan peralatan seperti logger, layar, dank anal komunikasi.
(d) Sistem Pemeliharaan (System Maintenance): Teori operasi dan pemeliharaan
perangkat keras konfigurasi redundan, kontak pengalih gangguan (failover
switches), pemeliharaan peraltan pengaman dan catu daya.
(e) Pemeliharaan Subsistem (Subsystem Maintenance): Teori rancang bangun
teknik operasi dan pemeliharaan, prosedur diagnostic dan prosedur
penambahan peralatan (jika ada). Pada saat pelatihan harus ada penjelasan
subsistem sebagai bagian dari peralatan PLN atau bagian dari konfigurasi
subsistem yang dirancang. Semua interface ke peralatan komputer harus
dijelasakn dan diuraikan secara lengkap.

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 97
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

(f) Pelatihan Operasional (Operational Training): Pelatihan praktis pada

pemeliharaan cegah dan korektif (preventive and corrective), termasuk
penggunaan instrumenet dan alat khusus. Pelatihan ini dilakukan dengan
menggunakan peralatan PLN atau peralatan konfigurasi sitem yang sama.

7.3.4. Pelatihan perangkat lunak komputer SOGI (SA Computer System Software

Topik atau bahan pelatihan perangkat lunak SOGI yang harus diberikan Penyedia Barang/Jasa
atau kontraktor adalah sebagai berikut:
(a) Penyusunan program sistem (System Programming): Bahasa program yang
digunakan baik secara sendiri baik secara paket yang digunakan pada sistem
ini. Pengenalan dasar atas arsitektur perangkat lunak. Pengaruh pengaturan
parameter (Perangkat lunak OS, perangkat lunak jaringan, perangkat lunak
data base dan lain-lain) terhadap unjuk kerja sistem.
(b) Sistem Operasi (Operating System): Aspek pengguna sistem operasi seperti
memanggil atau membaca (loading) program dan prosedur memadukannya.
Pengaturan skedul, penggunaan fungsi dan prosedur dan teknik
pengembangan sistem
(c) Initialisasi dan Pengalihan Sistem (System Initialization and Failover):
Rancang bangun, teori dan praktis pengoperasian.
(d) Diagnostik (Diagnostics): Prosedur melakukan diagnostic dan mengerti akan
keluaran atau yang dihasilkan proses diagnostik.
(e) Dokumentasi Perangkat Lunak (Software Documentation): Orientasi
terhadap organisasi dan penggunaan dokumen perangkat lunak sistem.
(f) Pelatihan praktek (Hands-on Training): Selama satu minggu disediakan
waktu di komputer untuk memberi kesempatan praktek atau pelatihan secara
acak kepada peserta, untuk menambah pengetahuan atau penguasaan materi
yang diperoleh peserta pelatihan. Pelatihan ini didampingi oleh asisten untuk
memberi bantuan bila diperlukan.

7.3.5. Pelatihan aplikasi Perangkat Lunak (Application Software Course)

Penyedia Barang/Jasa atau kontraktor harus member pelatihan penggunaan perangkat lunak,
termasuk pelatihan database dan pembuatan program bagaimana ia ditampilkan. Hal hal yang
termasuk dalam pelatihan ini adalah:

(a) Ringkasan (Overview): Aplikasi diagram blok yang terdapat dalam aplikasi
aliran data di perangkat lunak. Penyusunan program berdasarkan standar dan
konfensi interface program.
(b) Penggunaan Fungsi (Application Functions): Kemampuan fungsi, rancang
bangun, dan algoritma utama. Teknik pemeliharaan dan pengembangan
(c) Penyusunan atau pembuatan perangkat Lunak (Software Development):
Konvensi dan teknik yang digunakan untuk menyiapkan dan memadukan
fungsi program baru yang dibuat.
(d) Penyatuan perangkat lunak (Software Generation): Prosedur penyatuan
aplikasi perangkat lunak dari source code dan konfigurasi perangkat lunak
(e) Dokumentasi Perangkat Lunak (Software Documentation): Dokumentasi
Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 98
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

orientasi organisasi dan penggunaan fungsi dan rancang bangun secara

lengkap dan buku panduan pengguna.
(f) Pelatihan praktek (Hands-on Training): Selama satu minggu disediakan
waktu di komputer untuk memberi kesempatan praktek atau pelatihan secara
acak kepada peserta, untuk menambah pengetahuan atau penguasaan materi
yang diperoleh peserta pelatihan. Pelatihan ini didampingi oleh asisten untuk
memberi bantuan bila diperlukan.

8. Peralatan Catu Daya (Power Supply Equipment)

Semua A.C yang dipasang untuk keperluan peralatan SOGI harus diambil dari peralatan
inverter sesuai dengan yang telah disyaratkan dalam dokumen tender ini.

Bab IV.3 TS 9 - 99
Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis



BAB IV.3 TS.9A : NUMERICAL RELAYS ..................................................................................... 1

1. GENERAL RELAY REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................... 1

2. DISTANCE PROTECTION ...................................................................................................... 1

3. TRANSFORMER DIFFERENTIAL RELAY ............................................................................. 4

4. OVERCURRENT AND EARTH FAULT PROTECTION.......................................................... 5

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Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis



Protective relays shall conform to the latest IEC/ANSI/BS standards and be of a totally digital
modular design.

The manufacturer of relays shall have at least 5 years experience in manufacturing the
numerical relays continuously.

The proposed relays shall been installed and successful operated for at least 2 (two) years in
tropical countries similar to Indonesia.

Dynamic test shall be performed on numerical relays and the test shall be in accordance with
“CIGRE Working Group 04 of Study committee 34” concerning “Evaluation of Characteristic
and Performance Power System Protective Relays and Protective System”.

In addition to the relays protective function shall be base on the following features shall be
available as standard on all products.

• Serial communication facilities to allow relays to be connected to a multi-drop network and

accessed via a single multi-function software package. The accessories of communication
interface for each individual relay to form the communication network shall be stated and
provided with each relay. The guideline of the communication network installation shall also
be provided.
• By an interface unit or other means, the whole protection system shall be able to
communicate with the master station via a single IEC 870-5 link for conventional substation.
• By an interface unit or other means, the whole protection system shall be able to
communicate with the master station via process bus as per IEC 61850 for substation
automation system.
• Comprehensive self-monitoring with indication on the front of the relay and watchdog
contacts for alarm annunciation.
• Fault information for at least the last five faults. This shall be available for display via the
front of the relay or via the access software.
• Event recording, including change of state of input/output and fault information, time tagged
to one millisecond accessible via the serial communication port.
• Disturbance recording facilities for all measured analogue quantities, control inputs and
relay outputs accessible via the serial communication port.
• A minimum of eight programmable opto-isolated inputs for control functions, as well as a
minimum of eight programmable output contacts for system flexibility.
• Measured analogue quantities shall be available to be selectivity displayed on the front of
the relay or via the access software.
• The relay shall accept both ac and dc auxiliary voltage input at rating 24-125 V or 48-250 V.


Numerical distance protection shall be full scheme design, having separate impedance
measuring elements for phase and earth faults in each of the five zones (total 30 measuring

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Zones 1 and 2 phase fault elements shall be forward-looking mho characteristic. The polarizing
shall use a 20-cycle memory of the pre-fault voltage, tending to cross-polarization when the
memory is not available. The cross-polarizing signal shall be derives from the remaining phase-
to-ground voltage. The relay shall provide an optional directional offset mho characteristic for
underground cable applications when the effects of sound phase and memory polarizing are
undesirable. A reverse offset, set to 16% of the forward reach, shall be provided to ensure
operation for close-up faults. The directional elements that provide the directionality shall have
a characteristic angle of 45°. These elements shall be polarized by the memory voltage when
available, or from a signal derived from the un-faulted phase-to-ground voltage.

Zone 1X phase fault elements shall be similar to zones 1 and 2 but its direction shall be

Zone 3 phase fault elements shall be an offset mho element. The offset can be set either
forward or reverse.

Zone 4 phase fault elements shall be reverse-looking mho element with the same polarizing
options as zones 1,1X and 2.

Ground fault distance protection shall be provided with selectable mho characteristic similar to
phase fault elements or quadrilateral characteristic. When quadrilateral characteristic is
selected, both mho and quadrilateral elements shall be enable at the same time.

Zone 1 shall be instantaneous trip zone. Other zones shall be time-delayed zones.

The relay shall provided forward and reverse load blinders to restrict operation of the mho
elements in the load impedance area. There shall be an option to remove the blinder from zone
3 when a forward offset is used.

A superimposed current phase selector shall detect the faulted phase(s) and provide full phase
selection for all fault types. The phase selector decisions shall be used to determine which
distance elements can initiate a trip. The phase selector shall be capable of making changes in
the selection when additional phases become involved in the fault.

The relay shall detect the presence of a power swing using the continuous presence of
superimposed currents. A power swing indication shall be produces if any zone element
operates while a power swing is detected. The user may select to block the operation of any or
all zones (including pilot trip) in the presence of a power swing, or may select indication of
swing only.

The relay shall provide voltage transformer supervision feature to give an alarm and optionally
to block all voltage dependent-tripping functions of the relay in the case of a fault in the ac
voltage circuitry from the VT.

The relay shall provide following three modes of operation for directional earth fault protection:
instantaneous tripping, time-delay tripping and channel-aided scheme. The instantaneous
tripping can be set to be either non-directional or forward looking. The time-delay tripping shall
provide three independent directional time-delayed elements. The first shall be and IDMT
element and the others shall be definite time delay elements. The channel-aided DEF scheme
shall use the same channel as the distance scheme or an independent channel.

Vectorial neutral compensation shall be provided for ground fault impedance elements of each

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Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

zone independently.

Following manual circuit breaker closure, the relay shall operate in switch-on-to-fault mode.
Three-pole tripping (auto-reclose blocking) shall occur for any fault detected by operation of
elements from either zone 1 or zones 1 and 2. It shall be also possible to select tripping by
zone 3 elements and/or by the detection of over current and under voltage on the same phase.
These two options ensure operation for close-up three phase faults. The feature shall be
enabled 110s after 3-phase de-energization and shall remain enabled for 20 cycles after the
breaker is closes.
The relay shall provide an independent instantaneous over-current protection at high-speed
operation (less than 0.5 cycles).

The relay shall provide optional stub protection for one and a half breaker application.

The relay shall provide circuit breaker failure protection that issues a local alarm and operation
of a user selectable output contact for back tripping and remote alarm purposes.

The relay shall provide integral single-ended fault locator. The fault locator algorithm shall give
the distance to fault for double-ended circuits and parallel circuits where mutual coupling exist.
The algorithm shall be insensitive to errors produced by remote in-feed into fault resistance for
non-homogenous systems.

Relay shall be provided with multi-mode scheme logic to allow the relay to be used in any of
the following modes:
• Basic scheme
• Zone 1 extension scheme
• Permissive under-reach scheme
• Permissive over-reach scheme
• Blocking scheme
• DEF scheme

The scheme logic shall be able to provide selective single or three phase tripping and shall
provide phase selective control of auto-reclose relay initiating contacts with all the above

The permissive over-reach and blocking scheme logic shall include current reversal guard
features to prevent healthy line tripping during sequential clearance of a fault on parallel circuit
of a double circuit line.

The permissive over-reach scheme logic shall incorporate an “open-terminal signal-echo”

feature such that fast clearance of fault can be achieved at a closed terminal of a line when
faults occur close to an open terminal and should incorporate a “week in feed” feature to allow
signal transmission and optionally tripping, during a line fault at a terminal where there is
insufficient fault in feed to cause impedance comparator operator.

The operation time of all distance elements shall be typically equal to or less than 1 cycle.

Zone time delays shall be adjustable from 0 to 10s for all time-delayed zones.

Relay characteristic angle setting range shall be set globally or selectable for each zone with
range 45° to 85°.
The secondary impedance setting range shall be:
0.025 to 250 Ω with a resolution of tree significant figures (1A nominal)

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0.005 to 50 Ω with a resolution of tree significant figures (5A nominal)

The relay shall provide ample output contacts for the following purpose:
• Circuit breaker tripping
• Signal transmission
• Breaker fail protection initiation
• Auto recluse initiation
• Auto recluse blocking
• Zone 2 alarm
• Zone 3 alarm
• Signal aided trip alarm
• SOTF trip alarm
• VT fail alarm
• Power swing alarm
• Relay inoperative alarm

The feature of the relay shall be assessable through the front panel or via the remote
communication facility. The relay shall provide RS-485 or RS-232 port for multi-drop mode

The relay shall provide disturbance recording that the ability to take 36 samples per cycle. The
relay shall have 4 Mb of RAM as standard for disturbance record storage, which shall be
extendible to 8 Mb.

The relay shall accept IRIG-B signal for time synchronization. The accuracy of the internal real
time clock when not synchronized is better than 1second per day.


The microprocessor based protection relay shall consist of the following standard transformer
differential protection features:

The transformer differential protection relay shall be a three-phase unit with internal vector
group compensation, CT ratio correction and zero sequence traps there by eliminating the
need for external interposing transformers. The CT ratio mismatch correction shall be 0.05-2 or
0.1-30 in 0.01 steps.
The relay shall have dual slope bias differential characteristic in effective bias current versus
differential current group. The initial slope shall be 20% or 25% for bias current of zero up to
rated current. The bias slope is there after increased to 80% or 100%. The minimum differential
current required for operation shall be adjustable from 10% to 50% of the rated secondary
current in 10% steps.

The relay shall be able to provide with 1A CT’s input on the high voltage winding side and 5A
CT’s input on the low voltage winding side if necessary.

The relay shall have magnetizing inrush current restraint by using waveform or second
harmonic recognition technique. The fifth harmonics restrain to prevent false operation during
power transformer over-excitation shall be also provided.

An additional unrestrained instantaneous high-set shall be provided to ensure rapid clearance

of terminal faults. The setting range shall be 500%-2000% of rated secondary current in 50%

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The relay shall provide restricted earth fault protection for each of the power transformer
winding. The REF protection shall work on the high impedance circulating current principle.
The current setting range shall be 5%-100% of rated secondary current in 0.5% steps.

The relay shall provide v/f over flux protection against prolonged over fluxing conditions. Two
independently adjustable V/f elements are available for over fluxing protection. The alarm
element shall be definite time characteristic with a time setting range of 0.1-60 sec in 0.1s
steps. The protection element shall be IDMT or definite time characteristics.

The IDMT characteristic shall follow the equation below:

0.18 K
T = 0.18 + 2
 v f 
 − 1
 setting 

Where K = time multiplier (1 to 63 in steps of 1)

Setting = 1.5-3 V/Hz in steps of 0.01 V/Hz

For definite time characteristic, the time setting range shall be 0.1-60 sec in 0.1s steps.

The feature of the relay shall be assessable through the front panel or via the remote
communication facility. The relay shall provide RS-485 or RS-232 port for multi-drop mode

The relay shall provide at least two setting groups. The setting groups shall be selective via the
logic input or remote control.

The relay shall store at least 50 event records and the latest fault disturbance record.

The relay shall have 8 programmable opto-input for monitoring the status of contacts of
external plant such as Buchholz protection and temperature measuring devices. Each input
can be routed to any number of the output relays via a variable time delay if required. The
timers setting range shall be 0 to 14.4 ks (4 hrs).

The relay shall accept IRIG-B signal for time synchronization. The accuracy of the internal real
time clock when not synchronized is better than 1 second/day.


The microprocessor based protection relay shall consist of the following standard over current
and earth fault features:

Relay shall be of the numerical type with three over current stages per pole. The settings for
each stage shall be completely independent of each other. The first measurement stage shall
have selectable characteristics of the definite time or normal inverse, very inverse, extremely
inverse and long-time inverse of the four inverse time (IDMT) type characteristics conforming to
IEC 255-4 and the BS 142 be standards. The characteristic that will be used by the over
current and earth fault shall be individually selectable. The second and third measurement

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stages shall be definite time characteristic.

The first stage phase over current setting shall be 10%-320% of the rated secondary current in
1% steps. The time setting multiplier shall be 0.025-1.2 in steps of 0.025 for IDMT. The definite
time setting shall be 0-100s in 0.01s steps. The second and third stage phase over current
settings shall be 10%-1600% or 80%-3200% of the rated secondary current in 1% steps. The
definite time settings shall be 0-10s respectively 0.01s steps.

The first stage earth fault setting shall be 2%-80% or 10%0300% of the rated secondary
current in 0.25% steps. The time setting multiplier shall be 0.025-1.2 in steps of 0.025 for
IDMT. The definite time setting shall be 0-100s in 0.01s steps.

The second and third stage earth fault setting shall be 2%-80% or 10%-300% of the rated
secondary current in 1% steps. The definite time settings shall be 0-100s and 0-10s
respectively in 0.01s steps.

The feature of the relay shall be assessable through the front panel or via the remote
communication facility. The relay shall provide RS-485 or RS-232 port for multi-drop mode

The relay shall provide at least two setting groups. The setting groups shall be selective via the
logic input or remote control.

The relay shall store at least 50 event records and the lates fault disturbance record.

The relay shall accept IRIG-B signal for time synchronization. The accuracy of the internal real
time clock when not synchronized is better than 1 second/ day.

The relay shall provide broken conductor(s) detection logic to protect against single phasing
condition. The logic shall base on measurement of no current in the broken conductor(s) (up to
2 conductors) and measurement of load current in the remaining healthy conductor(s). The
logic shall use two measurement elements to prevent mal-operation in light load condition: one
element to confirm no current flowing in the broken conductor(s) and the other element to
confirm load current flowing in the healthy conductor(s). The logic shall provide sensitivity of no
current measurement of 2%. The logic shall provide option to detect single conductor broken

The relay shall provide circuit breaker fail protection. The protection shall be selectively initiated
via the internal timer and undercurrent element, or external contact.

Where the application requires the use of directional over current relays these shall have the
facility for selecting individual elements to be directional or non-directional. The relay shall also
be provided with some method to ensure correct directional decisions if the polarizing voltage
collapses below the minimum required operating voltage.

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Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis



BAB IV.3 TS.10 : DC EQUIPMENT ................................................................................................... 1

1. CODES AND STANDARDS ................................................................................................... 1

2. GENERAL ............................................................................................................................... 1

3. BATTERIES ............................................................................................................................ 1

3.1 Type and Rating..................................................................................................................... 1

3.2 Battery Mounting, Connections and Accessories.............................................................. 1

3.3 Spare Parts and Tools........................................................................................................... 2

4 BATTERY CHARGERS .......................................................................................................... 2

4.1 Type and Rating..................................................................................................................... 2

4.2 Accessories ........................................................................................................................... 3

4.3 Painting .................................................................................................................................. 4

4.4.1 Spare Parts ............................................................................................................................ 4

5. DC SWITCHBOARDS ............................................................................................................ 4

5.1 General ................................................................................................................................... 4

5.2 Construction of Switchboards ............................................................................................. 5

5.3 Protection Against Corrosion .............................................................................................. 6

5.4 Test and Inspection ............................................................................................................... 6

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Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis



Batteries, battery chargers and accessories furnished under these specifications shall
conform to the applicable requirements of the IEC, IEEE, and NEC.

The switchboards shall be designed and manufactured in accordance with the latest edition
of all relevant IEC recommendation like IEC 60947, IEC 60269, IEC 60439, etc. and where
applicable, supplemented by the latest edition of one of the internationally recognized
national standards.


The DC equipment in the substations shall include the battery set, the battery charger,
the distribution switchboard and all pertaining DC cables and auxiliary circuits separately for
110 V and 48 V DC.

In the event of power failure the DC supply facilities shall provide reliable and continuous
current supply from the battery necessary and sufficient for the operation of the substation
during a minimum period of 10 hours.


3.1 Type and Rating

The battery shall be heavy-duty nickel cadmium alkaline type with nickel alloy positive plate
grids and cadmium alloy negative plate grids designed to comply with the ratings mentioned
in the data sheets attached in Tender Document Book C.

Cell containers shall be sealed, heat resistant, clear, non-ageing high impact strength
plastic with electrolyte level markers and flame arresting vents.

The battery shall have sufficient plates per cell and ample ampere-hour capacity to supply
all loads for the period of specified with the chargers out of service.

Battery sizing calculations, discharge curves, and temperature correction factor shall be
included in the Tenderer's proposal.

3.2 Battery Mounting, Connections and Accessories

Batteries shall be arranged in several rows on one level and mounted on steel racks of
robust construction. The stand shall be mounted on insulators and be so dimensioned that
the bottom of the tier is not less than 300 mm above the floor.
All steel shall have not less than two finish coats of alkaline resistant Grey paint. Before
application of paint, all surfaces shall be carefully cleaned of all dirt, moisture, rust, scale,
lubricants and other substances. Lubricants shall be removed by suitable solvents. Rust
and scale shall be removed by sandblasting, power sanding, power grinding or power wire
brushing. Paint films which show sags, checks, blisters, tear drops or fat edges will not be

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Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

acceptable and, if any such defects appear, they shall be repaired by the Contractor.
Battery supporting rails shall be covered with a protective PVC runner plate not less than
1.5 mm thick.

Each cell shall be shipped dry and fully discharged. The first filling electrolyte has to be
performed at site.

Batteries shall be supplied and erected complete with all necessary connections and
cabling. Connections between tiers, between end cells and between porcelain wall
bushings shall be by PVC cables arranged on suitable racking or supports.

Before jointing, joint faces shall be bright metal, free from dirt and shall be protected by a
coating of petroleum jelly.

The Contractor shall include on his erection and assembly drawings complete information
for tightening of all electrical connections secured with bolts or studs. The information
furnished shall include torque wrench settings or complete details of other tightening proce-
dures recommended for bus joints, connector attachments, and contact attachments.

The battery shall be complete, including the following equipment and material:

a. Inter-cell connectors to provide not less than 125 mm between cells.

b. Connector bolts with alkaline resistant nuts.
c. Terminal lugs for two cables per polarity.
d. PVC connector covers.
e. Cell lifting facilities.
f. Dry flake electrolyte suitable for two complete fillings.
g. Vent plug thermometer.
h. Corrosion preventive grease.
i. One set of numerals (one numeral per cell) suitable for permanent attachment to cells.
j. Assembly wrenches.
k. Other necessary accessories to complete the scope of work even if not expressly

3.3 Spare Parts and Tools

Each battery set shall be provided with 10 % spare cells and a durable instruction card with
a full set of test accessories, mounted in a strong wooden box, including one syringe

The Tenderer shall include with his proposal a complete list of other spare parts and/or
special tools which are deemed necessary to be furnished with the equipment including
them into the price stated in the proposal.


4.1 Type and Rating

Battery chargers shall be self-regulating, digital thyristor controlled, full wave rectifier type,
designed for single and parallel operation with the batteries specified under these

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Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

Chargers need not be designed for automatic load sharing during parallel operation.
The chargers will be supplied from a 400/230 V, 3-phase, 50 Hz system.
Digital system electronic circuits shall have A.C and D.C transient voltage protection and
shall be designed to recharge a totally discharged battery without overloading and without
interruption of AC or DC circuits.

The battery chargers shall be equipped with an automatic change over relay and manually
operated changeover switch for continuous and quick charging. It shall be adjustable for
different continuous loading currents.

A battery earth fault and a battery low voltage detecting device for both 110 V and 48 V
(suitable for connection to Substation Automation System) systems shall be incorporated in
the respective switchboard. The voltage setting shall be adjustable over an approved range.

Battery earth-fault relays and low-voltage detecting devices shall each have three alarm
contacts, one for local visual annunciation, one for the station control panel and one for
audible alarm.

An over-voltage detection device shall be included to give local indication and remote alarm
and to isolate the A.C supply to the chargers when the D.C voltage exceeds a specified
value when connected to the load. A time delay shall be incorporated to prevent operation
when a battery with high open circuit voltage is switched from the boost to float condition.

The battery charger should be provided by voltage dropper.

Each 110 V and 48 V battery charger shall have a continuous output capacity as specified
in Book B, Section VI.3 Technical Specification & Technical Particular.

4.2 Accessories

Each battery charger shall be housed in a wall mounted steel cabinet, shall not require
forced ventilation, and shall include the following features:
- 1 Voltmeter, indicating D.C. output voltage, 96 x 96 mm, accuracy class 1.5
- 1 Ammeter, indicating D.C. output current, 96 x 96 mm square, accuracy class 1.5
- 1 Ammeter, battery charge & discharge current.
- 1 Circuit breaker, charger output.
- 1 Timer, high-rate charge, manual reset, 0-72 hour range.
- 1 Circuit breaker, charger input, 14 kA interrupting capacity at 400/230 volts.
- 1 Voltmeter, indicating, input AC voltage, 96 x 96 mm square, accuracy class 1.5
- 3 Indicating lights, one ac pilot light, one float charge indicator light and one high-rate
charge indicator light
- 1 Charger failure alarm relay assembly, including under voltage relays for monitoring
input and output voltages. Each relay shall be provided with two sets of contacts wired to
terminal blocks for connection to external circuits
- 2 Potentiometers, one "Float Voltage Adjust" and one "High-Rate Voltage Adjust"
- 1 lot of nameplates as required identifying the function of each item mounted on the
charger control panel.
The battery charger cabinet shall consist of a steel framework with top, bottom, front, back,
and sides of sheet steel. Louvers shall be provided for ventilation as required for operation
in the specified ambient but the cabinet top shall be solid.

Bolts, clamps, connectors and other necessary accessories to complete the scope of work

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Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

shall be supplied by the Contractor.

4.3 Painting

All un-galvanized steel surfaces shall be completely factory painted before shipment. This
includes painting of the inside and outside surfaces of all equipment.

The painting shall consist of application of suitable primers and two or more finish coats of
alkyd resin achinery enamel or lacquer as required producing a smooth, hard, durable
finish. The color of the outside finish coats shall be grey RAL 7032 interior surfaces shall be
primed and finished in a similar manner.

All surfaces shall be carefully cleaned to bare metal before application of paint. Rust and
scale shall be removed by sandblasting, power sanding, power grinding, or power wire

Shafts, pins, bushings, and other operating mechanism parts whose operation would be
impaired by painting shall be protected by application of an easily removable rust
preventative compound and shall not be painted.

Paint films which show sags, checks, blisters, teardrops, or fat edges will not be
acceptable and if any such defects appear, they shall be repaired by and at the
expense of the Contractor.

4.4.1 Spare Parts

The Tenderer shall include with his proposal a complete list of other spare parts or special
tools which will be furnished with the equipment and are included in the lump sum price
stated in the Proposal.

The Tenderer shall also list, as required by the Proposal Data section, additional
recommended spare parts which will be furnished for the spare parts option price stated in
the Proposal.


5.1 General

The DC distribution switchboard shall be included for each type of battery set. Distribution
switchboards shall be of the cubicle type.
Two-pole miniature circuit-breakers shall be fitted to the DC switchboard as required by the
substation auxiliary supply requirements, however with a minimum of 6 or 10 A rating.

Special attention shall be paid to the proper selectivity between the MCB'S installed at the
switchboard and those at the end of the supply cable in the control and relay cubicle, the
local control cubicle, etc.

The 110 V DC distribution switchboards shall feed the control, signaling and protection
circuits under normal operation as well as the emergency lighting and all other auxiliaries
which have to be supplied during power failure.

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.10 - 4

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

The 48 V DC distribution switchboards shall feed all facilities of the SCADA and
telecommunication equipment.

A battery earth fault detecting relay, which will centre tap the 48 respectively 110 V system
via high resistance shall be incorporated in the switchboard. The earth fault detecting
scheme shall be completed with two indicating lamps (one for each bus bar section when
grounded) complete with test lamp facilities.

All switchboards shall have a short circuit rating of 16 kA, degree of protection of at least IP
42, and shall be able to be operated in rooms which are not air-conditioned.

5.2 Construction of Switchboards

Cubicle type switchboards shall be so arranged that the cubicles housing the respective
control units are grouped to from a multitier arrangement and a further part shall where
possible constitute a cabling and wiring chamber of ample dimensions in which terminal
boards, cable boxes and gland plates shall be located.

D.C distribution boards shall be of metal enclosed free- standing type with protective
insulating barriers between the poles.

The metal casing of the fuse boards shall be provided with knock-out or other approved
cable entries for accommodation of the cables and cable glands.

The switchboard frames are constructed from angle-iron, or U-bars, or steel plate.

The minimum size of components used in construction of switchboard framework are as


- Sheet steel (plate or folded) (mm) 3

- Angle iron (mm) 50x50x5
- Channel iron (mm) 50x38x5

The unit will be rigid enough to withstand handling, operation and maneuvering, without
strain, notably when the main switch is thrown or fuse cartridges connecting links are

The feeder panels shall be extendable type, by adding an additional frame bolted on to the
initial panel. This addition must be carried out without major modification to the original

The arrangement must be such that neither leakage currents flow in the vertical or
horizontal struts by induction from service currents, nor any undue heating occurs in the

Note: The manufacturer may freely choose any systems preventing closed magnetic
loops such as use of anti - magnetic materials or insulator inserts between steel

The insulating cross-strut at the bottom of the frame will be used to carry the output
cable ends.

The switchboards shall include:

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.10 - 5

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

a. Bus bars with suitable capacity made of high conductivity copper supported to
withstand all normal and fault condition stresses.
b. Two pole circuit breakers which shall be electrically remote controlled from main
control board and locally by manual control.
c. Instrument: voltmeter, ammeter and other equipment to complete the switchboard
ready for operation.

The frame shall include an earth terminal in the form of a 14 mm threaded stud-bolt and
fitted with 2 nuts and 3 washers.

5.3 Protection against Corrosion

The frame shall be hot-dip galvanized. The zinc coating should have a minimum covering
power of 5 g/sqdm, i.e. an even thickness of 70 microns approximately.

All copper fittings in the electrical gear will be tinned to minimum thickness of 8 microns.

All nuts and bolts, together with other steel parts, for the electrical gear, will be cadmium
plated to a minimum thickness of 8 microns.

5.4 Test and Inspection

The switchboards will be inspected at the manufacturer's premises by Owner or a

representative of an inspection organization, approved by Owner.

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.10 - 6

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis



BAB IV.3 TS.11 : LOW VOLTAGE A.C AUXILIARY SUPPLY ..................................................... 1

1. CODES AND STANDARDS ................................................................................................... 1

2. GENERAL .............................................................................................................................. 1

3. CONTRUCTION OF SWITCHBOARDS ................................................................................ 1

4. SWITCHBOARD PARTS AND FITTINGS ............................................................................. 2

5. EARTH CONNECTION .......................................................................................................... 2

6. PROTECTION AGAINST CORROSION ................................................................................ 3

7. TEST AND INSPECTION ....................................................................................................... 3

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.11 - i

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis



The LV AC switchboards shall be designed and manufactured in accordance with the latest
edition of all relevant IEC recommendations like IEC 60044, IEC 60947, IEC 60269, IEC
60439, etc., and where applicable, supplemented by the latest edition of one of the
internationally recognized national standards.


The LV AC switchboards for supplies to substation auxiliary services shall be of the single bus
bar, air insulated cubicle type according to IEC 60947 incorporating air break manually
operated switch fuse units, suitable for a 400/230 V, 3-phase 4-wire 50 Hz system having the
neutral solidly earthed, for substation auxiliary transformers of minimum 200 kVA.

All switchboards shall have a short circuit rating of 12.5 kA, degree of protection of IP 42, and
will be installed in the substation building in rooms which are not air conditioned.


3.1 General

Cubicle type switchboards shall be provided able to supply all LV AC auxiliaries of the

The compartments of the switchboard shall be so arranged that those housing the
control/switching units are grouped separately from further compartments housing the bus
bars, terminal boards, cable boxes and glands.

LV AC switchboards shall be of metal enclosed free-standing type with protective insulating

barriers between the phases and between phase and neutral.

Neutral connections for each circuit shall be made directly to the neutral bus bar in each fuse
board via removable links.

Special attention shall be paid to the proper selectivity between the mcb's installed at the
switchboard and those at the end of the supply cable in the control and relay cubicle, the local
control cubicle, etc.

3.2 Framework

The switchboard frames are constructed from angle-iron, or U-bars, or steel plate.

The minimum size of components used in construction of switchboard framework are as


- Sheet steel (plate or folded) (mm) 3

- Angle iron (mm) 50x50x5
- Channel iron (mm) 50x38x5

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.11 - 1

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

The unit shall be rigid enough to withstand handling, operation and maneuvering, without
strain, notably when the main switch is thrown or fuse cartridges connecting links are inserted.

The feeder panels shall be extendable type, by adding an additional frame bolted on to the
initial panel.

This addition must be carried out without major modification to the original equipment.
The arrangement must be such that neither leakage currents flow in the vertical or horizontal
struts by induction from service currents, nor any undue heating occurs in the frame.


4.1 Bus bars

The switchboards shall each include 3-phase bus bars and one neutral bus bars of high
conductivity copper supported to withstand all normal and fault condition stresses. The neutral
bus bars shall have a rating not less than that of the associated phase bus bars.

Protective insulating barriers shall be provided between the phases and between phase and
neutral and adequate insulating partitions between compartments.

4.2 Circuit Breakers

The in feed circuit breakers shall be of the three-pole, single-throw, trip-free in any position,
complete with controls and wirings and other accessories needed for operation.

The feeders shall be provided with manually operated miniature circuit breakers (mcb's)
suitable for the 400/230 V 3-phase 50 Hz system. They shall be equipped with instantaneous
electromagnetic and delayed thermal release respectively with potential free auxiliary contacts
to be used for remote trip signaling.

4.3 Interlocks

Substation auxiliary services switchboards shall be provided with mechanical/electrical

interlocks in order to prevent the two normal incoming supplies being paralleled.

4.4 Instrument

Low voltage AC switchboards shall be provided with the following instruments:

a. One AC voltmeter with selector switch.

b. Three maximum demand ammeters, one for each phase of the incoming feeder connected
through a current transformer. The ammeter is to comprise an auxiliary pointer carried
forward by the main pointer and an externally operated resetting device.
c. One three-phase kWh-meter.
d. Current transformer set located before the main switch to supply ammeter and kWh meter.


The frame shall include an earth terminal in the form of a 14 mm threaded stud-bolt made of
copper and fitted with 2 nuts and 3 washers.

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Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

This connection will be located on the front surface of one of the vertical frame struts, at a
height of 30 cm from the base of the board.

Earth connection shall have a short circuit rating not less than 12.5 kA.


The frame shall be by hot-dip galvanized. The zinc coating should have a minimum covering
power of 5 g/dm2, i.e. an even thickness of 70 microns approximately.

All copper fittings in the electrical gear will be tinned to minimum thickness of 8 microns.

All nuts and bolts, together with other steel parts, for the electrical gear, will be cadmium plated
to a minimum thickness of 8 microns.


The switchboards will be inspected at the manufacturer's premises by Owner or a

representative of an inspection organization, approved by Owner.

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.11 - 3

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis



BAB IV.3 TS.12 : NEUTRAL GROUNDING RESISTORS ............................................................ 1

1. GENERAL ................................................................................................................................ 1

2. SITE CONDITION..................................................................................................................... 2

3. SERVICE CONDITION ............................................................................................................. 2

4. TESTING AND INSPECTION .................................................................................................. 2

5. SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................... 3

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.12 - i

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis



Where required

1.1 General

Equipment/materials testing, cleaning, services and reports to meet the general and specific
requirements including technical particulars and drawings (if any) of this specification,
specified standards, codes and other applicable standards.

1.2 Standards

The NGR shall be designed, manufactured and factory tested to IEEE Standard 32-1972/1984
and IEC 60289.

The NGR will conform to Seismic Zone 2 of the Uniform Building Code unless otherwise

In summary, the equipment/materials shall conform to the latest applicable standards of

sponsor organizations not limited to the followings:

General regulation of electrical installation Indonesia: PUIL (Peraturan Umum Instalasi Listrik
Relevant standards of: SPLN.

IEEE 32-1972/1984 and IEC 60289: Requirements, terminology & test procedures for neutral
ground devices.

IEEE 142-1991: Recommended practice for grounding of industrial and commercial power

IEC 60529 & IEC 60947: Protection degree for enclosures.

IEC 60273 & IEC 60168: Ceramic post insulators.

IEC 60137: High voltage bushings.

IEC 60298: Metal enclosed HV equipment up to 72.5 kV.

IEC 60071: Insulation coordination for equipment in 3 phases electrical equipment.

Standard Voltages: IEC 60038.

1.3 Conflicts

(a) If conflicting requirements among applicable standards exist, the most stringent one shall

(b) If this specification conflicts in any way with applicable standard(s), this specification
shall take precedence and shall govern.

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.12 - 1

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis


The equipment shall be suitable for operation under site condition as specified.


3.1 The equipment will be installed outdoor and will be subject to the minimum and maximum
environmental conditions as specified.

3.2 The equipment shall be suitable for operation under the ambient conditions specific to their re-
spective location while in service.


4.1 General

a. If any test piece fails to comply with the requirements of the appropriate specification, the
Owner/Engineer reserve the right to reject the material in question for replacement by the

b. The Contractor may submit certificate of test which has been carried out on identical
equipment. Not withstanding any provision in a standard, the Owner/Engineer shall have
the right to accept or reject such certificate in lieu of the specified test.

c. Inspection and test will be witnessed by the Owner/Engineer and the Manufacturer shall
carry out the tests. All costs/expenses in all cases including where such certificate is not
available or rejected shall be borne by the Contractor.

4.2 Shop Tests

Full tests shall be made by the manufacturer on the complete equipment in accordance with
the tests specified in the relevant standards to determine the design performance and
operating characteristics.

The tests shall also include the followings:

a. Visual checks for completeness of the equipment and accessories

b. Functional tests on all system
c. Interchangeability of removable elements of corresponding rating

4.3 Site Tests

The Bidder shall propose in the specified form all the equipment necessary to conduct the
specified site test.

a. The Owner/Engineer shall be notified in writing as soon as any section of the Contract
Works is completed and ready for site testing. All equipment shall be tested in
accordance with a test program that has been approved by the Owner/Engineer.

All tests shall be carried out in cooperation with and in the presence of the
Owner/Engineer, subject to the requirements and operating conditions of the Owner's
system. Certificates and records of the tests shall be submitted to the Owner/Engineer for

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.12 - 2

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

b. The Contractor's representative must be present when any item of equipment is made
alive for the first time.

c. The Contractor shall carry out additional tests that may be required by the
Owner/Engineer to prove that the equipment has the capacity to work under the most
onerous site conditions

d. The following site tests shall be performed to ensure a satisfactory system. The test shall
include, but not be limited to the followings:

- Mechanical Tests
- Point-to-point wiring continuity check on all circuits to confirm the final connections
agree with the panel wiring diagrams
- Energizing of all circuits
- Functional testing of all equipment



20 kV

- Rated Voltage, kV : 24/V3

- Rated resistance value, Ohm : 40

- Rated current, Amperes : 300

- Ambient temperature, oC : 30

- Time rating, seconds : 10

- Maximum temperature rise, oC : 760

- Power frequency withstand voltage : 50

(for one minute), kVrms

- Lightning impulse withstand voltage, kVp : 125

- Type : Self Cooled, Outdoor type, Stainless steel

resistor, Dry

- Insulator creepage distance : as per IEC 60273 & IEC 60168

- Enclosure protection class : IP-23

- Other detail requirements : refer to Technical Particulars & Guarantee

and Drawings (if any).


The neutral grounding resistor grid will consist of special stainless steel alloy elements of high
corrosion resistance, double insulated, non-inductive design, durable for long years service
and having extremely high & stable electrical resistivity.

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.12 - 3

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

Typical of the temperature coefficient of electrical resistivity is 0.000311 per °C as per


At ambient temperature of 30°C, temperature rise shall not exceed 760 °C after 10 seconds at
rated loading as per IEEE-32-1972/1984.

The resistor terminals will be stainless steel. All resistor hardware and non-carrying spacers
must be of zinc plated steel.

The resistor bank (s) will be mounted on porcelain insulators as per IEC 60273 and IEC

The station post insulators for support shall be of IEC designation C6-125 for 20 kV NER and
C6-170 for 33 kV NER.

The NGR will be provided with an outdoor safety enclosure of solid top, screened bottom, with
louvered side cover, with inspection door and hot dip galvanized finishing. Protection level of
IP-23 shall be fulfilled.


The NGR will be tested as per IEC 60289 and IEEE 32-1972 and certified test reports must
accompany each unit.
Complete installation and maintenance manuals shall accompany the shipment of each NGR.


The following accessories shall be provided with each Neutral Grounding Resistor:

- Nameplate
- Clamps, connectors and other necessary accessories to complete the scope of work.
- Other necessary accessories.

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.12 - 4

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis



BAB IV.3 TS.13: OPTICAL TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM .................................................... 1

1. GENERAL ……………………………………………………………………………… ................. .1
2. EXISTING NETWORK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (NMS) ........................................................ 1
3. MULTIPLEX …………………………… ................................................................................... 2
4. MAIN DISTRIBUTION FRAME (MDF) ………. ....................................................................... .6
5. OPTICAL INTERFACE ………………… ................................................................................... 7
6. ELECTRICAL INTERFACE …………… ................................................................................... 8
7. DIGITAL PROTECTION EQUIPMENT .................................................................................... 9
9. DOCUMENTATION ……………………. .................................................................................. 12
10. INSPECTION AND TESTING ………… .................................................................................. 13
11. MANITENANCE AND INSTALLATION TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT ..................................... 15
12. TRAINING ……………………………….. ................................................................................. 15

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.13 - i

Bab XII - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis



The purpose of these specification is to call for the design, manufacturing, factory testing,
transportation, delivery to site, site testing, installation including new as well as extention
or removal of the existing equipment, commissioning, training of the operator and
maintenance staff and also maintenance support of the telecommunication equipment
supplied under this project.

The optical system will mainly consist of SDH multiplex STM-1 ADM and Digital
Branching transmission system operating over a composite fibre optic cable ground wire
(OPGW) installed on the East Timor network electricity transmission system on 70 kV
lines as specified in the scheduled scope of work. The configurations of optical
telecommunication system shown in drawing number TD.06.2008-051.A/OPTICAL

This optical telecommunication equipment will be connected to the existing PLN

telecommunication network which are consist of SDH/PDH optical equipment Power Line
Carier (PLC) equipment.

Only equipment designed and manufactured by qualified manufactures will be considered

and accepted. The manufactures shall show the evidence record of successful operation
of their telecommunication equipment system in stalled in one of power system utilities.

Bidders shall include in the offer, a list of record of recent installed telecommunication
system being the same or nearly the same as their system offered, including contact
names and addresses of the client’s personal as references.

The design of telecommunication equipment shall permit the same operational and
maintenance procedure to be used that have been adopted for the existing equipment. All
information he requests to meet this criterion and any cost involve are under contractor’s

Contractor shall guarantee that equipment supplied under this project is fully compatible
with the existing equipment.

The new optical telecommunication equipment generally wiil be used for the following
- Voice communication (administrative and operational telephone system)
- Data transmission (Scada)
- Teleprotection signalling (Line protection)
- Metering signal (Energy transaction)
- Etc.


2.1 General

The existing PLN’s`optical telecomunication system installed in Java power system

network are managed and supervised by a telecommunication Network Management
System (NMS) located at Telecommunication Network Center (TNC) at Gandul, Jakarta.

GI 150 kV Semen Jawa Bab XII.3, TS.13 -1

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

The SDH optical telecommunication system supplied and installed under this project shall
be integrated to and managed by one of the existing NMS which are based on the
several manufacturers protocol i.e. WRI (Wuhan Research Institute), ECI, Huawei,
Siemens and Nokia.

The contractor shall guarantee that equipment supplied under this project is fully
compatible with one of the above existing NMS equipment.


a. The Information currently displayaed on the NMS for each Network Element (for
example STM, DM etc) consists of:
i) The status of alarms obtained by periodically polling each network
ii) The status of software setting for each network element. The settings include
branching connection for DB2 units, alarm setting for alarm matrix,
synchronization setting, network elemnt address and description.
iii) Statistical information such as bit error rate stored in the network element.

b. It is possible to control software setting from the NMS.


a. Any alarm or abnormal status occurring on any of the multiplex equipment shall be
reported to the NMS. These alarms will be displayed on an operator work station with
status including new, acknowledge or cancelled.
b. The alarms will be stored in a data base and the operator can sort these alarms by
various categories (eg location, time of occurrence, importance or status).
c. It shall be possible to categories the alarms by importance or filter the alarms for
automatic print out.
d. Etc as specified in the Section 3.10 Alarms and Monitoring.



Digital multiplex equipment shall be provided to perform the necessary interfaces between
the optical transmission equipment supplied to this Contract and the existing
telecommunications networks (both analogue and digital) operated by PLN. These
interfaces shall provide the necessary voice frequency and digital signal multiplexing and
demultiplexing, encoding and decoding and associated supervisory functions.

The equipment shall be in accordance with the latest ITU/T recommendations G703,
G704, G711, G712, G732, G742, G751, G707, G708, G709, G781, G782, G783, G784,
G803, G823 and G825 for systems operating in the 64 kb/s, 2 Mb/s and 622 Mb/s (STM-
4) and the requirements set out in this specification.

Multiplex Standard

Pulse Code Modulation of Voice Frequencies: Coding of the analogue signal shall be in
accordance with the A-law of Recommendation G711.

GI 150 kV Semen Jawa Bab IV.1, TS.13 - 2

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

First Order Multiplex Equipment (DM2, DB2 and CO2) First Order multiplex equipment
shall be in accordance with Recommendations G703, G704, G732, G736 and G823 for
2048 kb/s operation.

SDH Multiplex: The characteristics of the SDH multiplex interface shall conform to the
ITU-T Recommendations for systems operating at 155 MB/s, 520 KB/s namely:

a) G.709 for mapping and demapping

b) G.708, G.783 for MSOH and RSOH insertion and extraction
c) G.708 and G.709 for POH generation and termination
d) G.709, G.783 for Pointer generation and interpretation
e) G.708 for multiplexing
f) G.709 for scrambling and descrambling.

Multiplex Configuration

The configurations of multiplex are shown in the drawing TD.06.2008-051.C/MULTIPLEX

CONFIGURATION/SS/70/OTS. The elements of the multiplex are shown as;

STM-1 ADM : SDH multiplexes operating at the STM-1 rate of 155 Mb/s with add and
drop capability. Each STM-1 ADM shall be provided with Optical
interfaces at STM-1 and shall be equipped with the quantity of 2Mb/s
G.703 interfaces for drop and insert.

DB2 : Digital Branching equipment with two 2 Mb/s ports. One port will have
channel interfaces (primary multiplex) for local drop and insert. The
equipment shall provide cross-patching at the individual channel or time
slot level between all three ports

VF : A voice frequency interface operating is one time slot at 64 kb/s with

channeling associated signaling.

TP : A digital interface operating to the ITU/T G703 recommendation at a rate

of 64kbit/s with co-channel and contra-channel synchronization.

Sub/S : A Subscriber End Subscriber interface to connect a DTMF or loop

signaling telephone handset from one 64kb/s time slot (with a companion
Sub/E at the exchange end). This interface shall also include the Ring
current generator.

Equipment Ultimate Capacity

The SDH equipment supplied to this specification will be extended by PLN, in future
projects, to additional sites. Bidder shall, in the design of the SDH multiplex and in
particular in choosing the rack size, take this requirement into consideration

All the equipment offered for use at the terminal substations shall be installed in standard
2200 mm ETSI Rack 19 inch racks.

Each rack for the SDH multiplex supplied to this specification shall include spare capacity
for the insertion of at least two optical interfaces operating at STM-1.

GI 150 kV Semen Jawa Bab IV.1, TS.13 - 3

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

Cross Connect Functional Requirements

The function of the multiplex is to provide the capability of cross connecting a tributary or
virtual container from any SDH stream to any other SDH stream connected to the

The cross connect of individual channels at all levels shall be symmetrical and
bidirectional. That is, the cross connect shall be between the same channels in both
directions at the same time.

Control of the branching of individual time slots shall be possible locally from the unit or
remotely from the Network Management Centre.

The settings for the cross connection at any multiplex shall be stored in files on the
Network Management Centre computer for archive purposes. These files shall be capable
of being easily read to check the archived information on circuit cross connection and, if
necessary, it shall be possible to download the settings from the file to any multiplex in
service to restore its cross connections to the archived state.

Cross Connect Capacity

The Multiplex equipment shall have an ultimate non-blocking capacity for cross
connecting circuits at the 2 Mbit/s or VC-12 level, the DXC shall have a non-blocking
capacity of at least 50 VC-12.


a. Interface Types and Quantities: The interface types and quantities required be shown
on Bill of Quantity. The parameter and level setting of all interfaces shall be adjustable
by software from the local terminal and also available from the Telecommunication
network Management Center.

b. Functional Characteristics of Interfaces: The functional characteristics of 2Mb/s PCM

multiplex shall be in accordance with recommendation G704.

c. 64kb/s Interfaces: The 64kb/s interface shall be co-directional or contra-directional,

this interface shall be selectable and conform to the requirements of recommendation
G703, Section 1.

d. Voice Frequency Interface (VF): The voice frequency performance characteristics of

the multiplex equipment shall be in accordance with Recommendation G712. The
Voice frequency interface shall provide 4 wires send and 4 wires receive facilities.
The test tone line up levels at both of these points shall be - 4 dBm. These levels shall
be variable by (-17 to +4 dBr) for transmit input and (-12 to +8 dBr) for receive output
by adjustment internal to the channel cards. It is preferred that this level adjustment
be set with software and available from the Control Center. The performance of the
audio channel shall include the enhanced frequency response discussed in Note 1,
Figure 1 G712. Each VF Channel shall be provided with channel-associated E&M
signaling which shall use time slot T16.

GI 150 kV Semen Jawa Bab IV.1, TS.13 - 4

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis


This synchronization will be provided at Control Center. The SDH equipment supplied to
this specification shall take the timing source from these two points and the
synchronization architecture shall be designed in accordance with the recommendations
of ITU/T Recommendation G803. The resulting architecture shall ensure that no single
break in the fibre shall result in the loss of synchronization to any node.

Should the synchronization distribution design (According to ITU-T Recommendation

G.803) require any Secondary Reference Clocks (Defined in ITU-T Recommendation
G812), these Secondary Reference Clocks shall be supplied and installed by the

The synchronization interface shall comply with the requirements of Recommendation

G703, Section 10, for 75 ohms unbalanced interfaces.

Each multiplexer shall have the ability to choose the timing source between external
timing, incoming STM-1 signal (155 Mb/s) or incoming 2 Mb/s. The order or priority in
which these sources are chosen shall be programmable by the Owner.

The SOH (Section Overhead) bits 21 (b5-b8) shall be used to carry synchronization status
messages as defined in the ITU-T Recommendation G708. These status messages shall
determine the source of the clock during normal and abnormal operation and shall be
used to provide a robust synchronization network as described in ITU-T Recommendation
G803 Section 6.2.7.

Each multiplexer shall be provided with a synchronization output interface conforming to

ITU-T Recommendation G703 Section 10.

Jitter and Wander

The jitter tolerance on the STM-1 interfaces (155 Mb/s) shall be in accordance with the
ITU-T Recommendations G825 and G958. The output jitter shall be in accordance with
ITU-T Recommendations G783, G825 and G958. The jitter transfer function shall be in
accordance with ITU-T Recommendations G783 and G958.

Alarms and Monitoring

Alarms for each multiplex module shall be initiated as detailed in ITU/T recommendation
G731 Table 1G736 Table 1 G742 Table 2, G751 Tables 3 and 4, G774 and G784. These
alarms shall be displayed locally using LED's and also provide external indication via
closure of a separate clean contact. The equipment may be programmable to activate
only summary alarms (e.g. Urgent and Non-urgent). In this case, it shall be possible for
the operator at the Control Center or the local maintenance staff to interrogate the
equipment to determine the alarm detail. The equipment shall automatically collect and
store Bit Error Rate information as defined in the ITU/T Recommendation G826 of 155
Mb/s streams using the frame overhead bits. This statistical information shall be capable
of being read and reset by the local maintenance staff and by the operator at the
Telecommunication network Management Centre.

GI 150 kV Semen Jawa Bab IV.1, TS.13 - 5

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

Connectors and Cables

The Contractor shall provide connectors for all plugs on the multiplex equipment whether
they are wired or not. The contractor shall wire from all interfaces of the multiplex to the
Main Distribution Frame (MDF) whether they are used or not.

Multiplex Subrack

The subracks shall have the capacity of housing two independent MUXs.

The subracks shall have features as follows:

a. Muliplexer shall employ an extremely high degree of modularity.
b. Channel units for connecting different types of subscriber equipment for analogue and
digital transmission can be equipped in any combination required.
c. Software-controlled configuration of time slot assignment.
d. Software controlled parameterizing of user interfaces.
e. Possibility of over-equipping with subscriber interfaces: a max. of 6 (with bus
extension unit 12) channel units can be assigned to one multiplexer.
f. Interface for service bits.
g. Supervision as per ITU-T G732 or G.736 and G.821.

Central test bus for connecting measuring equipment (subscriber test).

Reliability and Component Duplication

The SDH equipment supplied to this specification will carry protection and control circuits
critical to the operation of the power system. An important objective of the design of the
multiplex shall be to provide as high reliability as possible for this protection and control

Duplication of common elements such as Power Supply Units, Control and Monitoring
System Units, Timming and Synchronization units, Matrix Cross Connect of the multiplex
should be provide to improve the reliability. Tenderers shall provide evidence, in the form
of reliability calculations based on theoretical and/or practical MTBF figures for the
elements concerned to support any claim for improved reliability.


4.1. General

At all sites, the Contractor shall provide a new MDF consisting of insulation displacement
terminals mounted in a 19 inch rack.

In general, terminations shall use disconnect type terminals. These terminals shall allow a
test plug to be inserted to block or break the connection between the cable side and the
jumper side of the terminal.

Terminals shall be suitable for terminating single core copper conductor 0.4 to 0.8 mm or
multi stranded copper conductor 7/0.2 to 7/0.32 mm.

The layout of terminations and the numbering of blocks shall be clearly visible on the
MDF. The MDF provided under this project will ultimately be used to provide all
interconnections at the substations.

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Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

In mounting the MDF, the following shall be observed where possible:

a. The height to the centre of the distribution shall be approximately 1300 mm
b. The height from floor level to the lowest terminal shall not be less than 375 mm
c. The height from floor level to the highest terminal shall not exceed 1800 mm.

4.2. Cabling and Jumper Installation

Jumpers shall be run from the bottom side of the insulation displacement blocks as
a. Cores 1 to 5 shall be run to the left hand side of the block
b. Cores 6 to 10 shall be run to the right hand side of the block

Jumpers shall be left slightly loose to facilitate tracing if required.

Jumper rings shall be fitted to the top of the frames so that all jumpers run upwards
across a jumper ring and back down to the required point. In this manner, it shall be
possible to remove an individual insulation displacement block from the frame without
removing jumpers.

Terminating cables shall be terminated on the top side of the insulation displacement
blocks leaving a “goose neck” behind the block to enable sufficient cable slack to remove
the block from the frame if required.


The transmitter and receiver shall use separate ITU/T G 652 D and G 655 C fibres on the
FA and OPGW cable with 1550 nm wave length.

The Contractor shall provide and install optical fiber connection from The FOT to the
Optical Termination Box (provide by other).

For the SDH equipment (STM-1) operation of the optical interface shall conform to the
ITU/T Recommendations G709, G957 and G958 Digital Line Systems based on the
Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH).

The optical output power and the receiver sensitivity shall be adequate to meet the optical
budget of this specification when operating over the OPGW cable included in this

The optical output power of the laser diode shall be automatically controlled to
compensate for temperature changes etc. to a preset level. This preset level shall be
adjustable by maintenance staff.

It shall be possible to loop between the optical transmitter and receiver of a single unit to
test the function of the optical equipment. If this loop requires on optical attenuator, this
optical attenuator shall be provided with each unit.

The optical connectors used shall all be FC type PC.

The optical transmitters and receivers shall automatically monitor the laser bias current,
laser output power and receiver input level. Any abnormal change in these measurements
shall be alarmed.

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Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

Optical sources shall have a minimum life of at least 50,000 hours at an ambient
temperature of 40oC.

Transmitters with output optical power of sufficient intensity to cause hazard to health
shall have interlocks to isolate the diode supply current during installation or maintenance
of equipment. Signs warning of possible hazard shall be permanently fixed at all
appropriate points.

All connectors shall be supplied with a removable cap to protect against moisture and
dust ingress when not connected.


The characteristics of the Digital/Electrical interface of the Optical Transmission

equipment shall conform to the recommendations of ITU/T G703 (electrical interface),
G707 (bit allocation) G823 and G825 (jitter and wander) for systems operating at 155
Mbit/s (STM-1).

The electrical interfaces at 155 Mbit/s shall be provided with a loop-back facility for testing
and diagnosis. It shall be possible to initiate this loop-back locally at the terminal being
tested and also remotely.

The loop-back, once initiated shall stay in effect for a predetermined time and after this
time has elapsed, the loop-back shall be automatically canceled. The loop-back shall be
effective in both directions (local electrical interface and signal from the optical interface).

The electrical interface shall include a service channel for the connection of alarm
information, Engineering Order Wire etc. from the repeaters and other multiplex

6.1. BER Performance

The overall bit error performance measured end to end between the electrical interfaces
of the optical system shall be equal or better than the performance specified in ITU/T
G826 for the medium grade of the Hypothetical Reference Connection proportioned on a
per kilometer basis.

6.2. Alarms and AIS

Any abnormal operating condition including:

- Incoming BER high,
- Far end alarm,
- Loss of incoming signal (electrical or optical),
- Laser transmitter malfunctions,
- Loop back.

Shall generate either an urgent or non-urgent alarm and shall initiate an AIS signal or far
end alarm as appropriate.

The alarm to be generated for each initiating cause shall be programmable by

maintenance staff.

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Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

These alarms shall be displayed locally and conveyed to the control center via a service


7.1. General

In this Contract, teleprotection equipment shall be provided for direct tripping and
permissive intertripping signaling in association with the protection equipment being
provided for the transmission lines.

The overall requirement are shown in the figure of the teleprotection equipment is shown
as a TP interface on the multiplex in these drawings.

The teleprotection equipment shall be connected 2Mbits/s Data Interface Unit and shall
be mounted in a separate 19 inch Rack/Cabinet from the remainder of the multiplex
equipment in order to minimize the risk of inadvertent operation by maintenance staff.

7.2. Teleprotection Requirement

Main protection in the form of distance protection relays operating in conjunction with
teleprotection channels will be provided to form a protection scheme for the transmission

7.3. Technical Requirement

a. General

i. The teleprotection equipment shall be of modular construction and shall provide

full duplex operation via optical telecommunication equipment described
elsewhere. Each unit shall allow the independent transmission minimum 6 (six)
separate trip signals.

Should Tenderers equipment not be capable of six commands, it is acceptable to

offer multiple units. In this case, the quantities listed in BOQ shall be adjusted

ii. The manufacturer shall state the precaution taken in the design of their receiver to
safeguard the output against the presence of noise or bit error. The equipment
design shall make it impossible to cause a trip output under any of the following

 Removal or reinsertion of any printed circuit module in either transmitter of a

link including the telecommunication equipment.
 Switching on/off the power supply to the teleprotection equipment.
 Switching on/off of the telecommunication equipment.
 Shorting of the output of the teleprotection transmitter or shorting of input of
the teleprotection receiver.
 Operation of isolator in the switchgear.
 When the level of the input signal to the receiver is below the receiver alarm
fail alarm threshold.

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Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

 When the bit error rate or noise are higher than normal condition.
 Synchronisations slip on the 2 Mb/s digital links.

iii. The tripping equipment shall be suitable for use with circuit breaker automatic
reclose schemes whereby the receiver trip output shall be maintained for a
programmable time to prevent the remote circuit breaker reclosing until the fault
plant is disconnected from the HV system. Tenderers should detail how their
equipment meets this requirement.

b. Signaling Conditions

i. The teleprotection signaling speed from receipt of an input to the provision of a

command output shall be less than 6 milliseconds, even under adverse
communication channel conditions (i.e. BER = 10-3).

ii. The dependability and security performance of the equipment in the presence of
bit errors shall be in accordance with IEC Specification 834-1.

c. Alarm Facilities

i. The following criteria should be monitored and produce alarm signal:

 AIS response
 Loss of synchronization
 Alarm signal from remote
 Bit error rate high
 Power Supply failure
 Single component failure

ii. Clean contacts shall be provided for remote alarming purpose suitable for
operation at 110 Volts DC and should be equiped with pick-up time delay with
setting range of 50 ms to 2 second.

d. Test Facilities

i. The digital teleprotection equipment shall be software controlled, monitored,

diagnostic and configured by Service Terminal via RS 232 serial port service

ii. Tenderer shall offer Service Terminals for installation and maintenance for Digital
Teleprotection system.

The Local Service Terminal shall be based on laptop and running on Window
Operating Systrm. The offer shall include operating system software and application
software for service and diagnostic purposes.

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Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

e. Protection Interface

i. All of the interface shall be DC isolated.

ii. The input interface to the protection equipment shall be by means of Opto

iii. The output interface to the protection equipment shall be by means of solid state
or reed relays. The equipment shall provide at least one (1) command output and
one (1) alarm output for each of the six (6) commands per unit. The types of
contact for each application shall be advised before manufacturer commences.
The output contact shall be capable of carrying 100 VA at 110 volt DC.

iv. The protection relay side interface shall conform to the requirements of IEC
publication 255.5 clause 6.2.7 Services (for insulation (2 kV), IEC publication 255-
4. Appendix E for impulses withstand (5 kV) and high frequency disturbance (2.5
kV common modes and 1 kV differential mode).

v. The cables from the Protection Relays (supplied by others) to the Teleprotection
Equipment supplied to this Specification shall not be terminated on the MDF.

These cables shall be installed and terminated by the contractor as part of this
Contract directly between the Protection Relays and the Teleprotection


As shown in the drawing number TD.06.2008-051.B/TELECOMMUNICATION

SYSTEM/SS/70/OTS the optical telecommunication equipment will be connected to
followings equipments:

a. New Digital Teleprotection equipment.

b. New Differential Relays

The contractor shall connect the above line protection equipment directly to the
interface port of the optical equipment instead of via optical MDF.

c. New remote operational telephone system/OTS (new OTS equipment will be supplied
by other contract).

d. Existing or new PAX Telephone system (new PAX equipment will be supplied by
other contract).

e. Existing remote subscriber equipment

f. Existing remote terminal equipment (RTU) – SCADA system.

g. New Gate Way Equipment/Modem of the Substation Automation system

The interconnection of the above telephone and scada equipment (item No. 3, 4, 5, 6
and 7) to the new optical system will be done by other contract.

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Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis


9.1. Drawings and Documents for Approval

a. All drawings and documentation associated with the Contract are to have the
following particulars in the lower right hand corner ;



and in addition, the title of the drawing, the contractors name and the date are to be

b. Before manufacture commences, dimensioned comprehensive descriptions, drawings

and diagrams giving full system functional, construction and performance details and
layout details of the equipment are to be submitted to PLN for approval.

Two (2) sets of all information are to be submitted to PLN in time to allow revisions or
modifications as required by PLN.

Manufacturer shall not commence manufacture until these drawings and design
information has been approved by PLN.

c. Approval by PLN of these drawings does not relieve the Contractor from any
responsibility in connection with the works or performance specified within this

9.2. Installation Operation and Maintenance Instructions

a. Before delivery commences, the contractors shall submit 4 sets of fully detailed
installation, operating and maintenance instructions. These manuals shall be
reproduced as a book or books of A4 size and bound into durable covers. .

b. In addition to the copies of drawings contained in the manuals, the contractor shall
supply four copies of all project specific drawings on reproducible heavy gauge
polyester base film and on 3 ½ inch floppy diskettes. The project specific drawings
shall be produced using computer aided drafting (CAD) system with DGN or DWG

c. All documentation shall be in the English language and all measurement and
numerical values shall be in accordance with the SI units. All documentation shall be
to, at least, the current standards set by the International Standards Organisation

d. Where changes are made to the design during the installation and commissioning, the
relevant sections of the manuals shall be updated by the contractor to the as-built
condition within 3 months of system handover.

e. The complete set of manuals shall include at least the following documentation;

i. System Manual - System configuration, description of constituent parts, routine

maintenance procedures signal levels and other relevant material.
ii. Individual Equipment Manual for each item of equipment showing a general
description, modular units, physical characteristics, operating and programming,
installation, theory of operation, circuit description and diagram, and maintenance
aids. These equipment manuals shall also show the original equipment
manufacturer’s part number for each module.

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Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

iii. Physical Layout drawings showing the position in the room, the rack and in the
sub-rack for each modular unit. Each modular unit shall be uniquely identified and
the drawing identification shall match the marking on the physical unit. It is
preferred that these drawings be on an equipment and site basis. That is, all the
same type of equipment at the one site should be on the one drawing.
iv. Wiring drawings showing cabling.
v. Software Settings showing the as-commissioned settings for all items of
equipment that can be adjusted or set by PLN to alter the configuration of the
equipment. These settings shall be documented in a format that can be easily
updated by PLN.

9.3. Circuit Data Base

PLN currently operates to record all circuit details including:

a. Description of the circuit including its end points

b. Multiplex time slot information
c. Circuit branching information in the multiplex for all sites
d. Interface card position in the rack and interface number
e. MDF point
f. Telephone number and user for each telephone extension.

The Contractor shall update this database to include all the relevant information for the
circuits added in this project.


a) Inspection and testing of the equipment supplied and installed under this Contract shall
be of 3 types ;

i) Type tests
ii) Factory Acceptance Tests
iii) Commissioning Test

b) The passing of such inspections or test will not, however, prejudice the right of PLN to
reject any part of the equipment which does not comply with the Specification during or
after erection.

10.1. Type Test

a. PLN prefers that equipment supplied under this Contract is of mature design and proven
in actual operating conditions with other Electricity Utilities for a period of at least 1 year.
Where this is the case, the contractor shall submit evidence of satisfactory operation of
identical equipment together with evidence that type tests have been carried out to prove
compliance with the relevant IEC and ITU/T recommendations.

b. Where evidence of satisfactory operation of identical equipment with another Electricity

Utility is not available, the Contractor shall arrange for type tests to prove compliance
with the relevant IEC and ITU/T recommendation to be carried out by a certified Testing
Authority and shall submit the results of these tests to PLN.

GI 150 kV Semen Jawa Bab IV.1, TS.13 - 13

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

10.2. Factory Acceptance Tests

a. At the completion of manufacture and before delivery, the complete equipment shall be
erected at the manufacturer's works and functional and performance tests conducted to
prove compliance with this specification.

b. Equipment shall be connected in the factory to simulate actual operating conditions and
all software and settings shall be loaded into the system.

c. All spare units shall be tested by inserting them in place of working units. All wired
chassis not fully equipped shall be tested by inserting working units.

d. At least 4 weeks prior to the commencement of Factory Acceptance Tests, the

Contractor shall submit a detailed test plan for approval by PLN. The tests proposed
shall be adequate to prove compliance with all the requirements listed in this
specification. The test plan shall include :
- arrangement of equipment and test equipment for the proposed test
- purpose of the test
- procedure of the test
- duration of the test
- the required test results
- a record sheet to record test results

e. Should the tests proposed be in the opinion of PLN, inadequate to prove compliance
with critical requirements of the specification, PLN will instruct the contractor to carry out
additional tests. Also, if the results of any tests witnessed by PLN representatives are
ambiguous, PLN may request further test to be carried out. The cost of these additional
tests shall be borne by the contractor.

f. The contractor shall provide calibrated test equipment and all other facilities necessary
for the conduct of the tests.

g. The contractor shall pay all costs associated with PLN's engineers attending and
witnessing each of these Factory Acceptance Tests. In making allowance for these
costs, the contractor shall note that the PLN staff attending the cable tests will be
different from the PLN staff attending the equipment tests. The cost to be paid shall be:
i. Return a fare from/to Jakarta for PLN staff for each test. Note the requirement that
the PLN staff witnessing the Cable tests will be different from the PLN staff
witnessing the equipment tests.
ii. Suitable accommodation for the period of the tests.
iii. Daily cost of living allowance for PLN engineers.
iv. Local travel to the factory.

h. Packing and shipping of the equipment shall not commence until the test results have
been approved by PLN through the usual IQC (Inspection Quality Certificate) procedure.

Appendix J includes a copy of the current Inspection/Quality Certificate form. The form
may change and is included for general reference only.

10.3. Commissioning Tests

a. On completion of erection of the equipment the contractor shall carry out commissioning
tests which will be witnessed by PLN staff.

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b. The purpose of the commissioning tests is to prove satisfactory operation of the

complete system after integrating with the fibre optic cable and PLN provided facilities.
The tests shall include end-to-end tests on each circuit, sample tests to prove
satisfactory interfacing with PLN circuits including Engineering Order Wire and Network
Management System and Optical "fade margin" tests.

The contractor shall submit a test plan detailing proposed tests at least 4 weeks prior to
the commencement of the tests. Additional tests may be required by PLN to prove

c. The contractor shall provide all the necessary staff, materials and test equipment to carry
out all tests and shall be responsible for co-ordination the tests.

d. Should the equipment or any part thereof fail under these tests, then the cost of any
further tests shall be borne by the contractor.


The contractor shall supply any special maintenance and installation tools required to
carry out the replacement, testing or relocation of any part or component of the system.
The set of maintenance tools shall include but not be restricted to tool adapters, PCB
outriggers, test cords, plugs and MDF wire insertion tools. A minimum of 2 sets, one for
each spares kit, shall be supplied.


12.1. General

a. The Tenderer shall propose a comprehensive training program for 4 (four) PLN staffs
to ensure that PLN maintenance staff acquire a good working knowledge of the
design, make-up, operation, maintenance, adjustment and repair of all equipment to
be supplied under the Contract.

b. All courses, instructions and documents shall be in the English language.

c. The Tenderer shall submit the course schedules and descriptions to PLN for approval.
The schedule shall be set up so that one man can participate in every course. The
description of each course shall include but not limited to the following areas:
i. target of the course,
ii. any prerequisite training and/or experience which trainees should have prior to
attending the course,
iii. time allocated for each subject, time to be spent on theoretical, practical, and total
iv. outline of each subject in the course,
v. Cost of the program and cost increment for extra personnel to attend the course.

d. The Tenderer must ensure that the training provided is effective and is being understood
by the Owner's staff.

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Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

12.2. Specialist Training at the manufacturer’s Works

a. The Contractor shall provide specialist training courses on the operation and
maintenance of the SDH equipment and the Network Management system. The purpose
of this training shall be to provide PLN’s communications specialists with the capability of
operating, maintaining and extending the system.

The scope of the training shall cover system design and operations aspects such as:

b. There shall be two types of training in Indonesia:

i. training for maintenance of the system,

ii. Training for operation of the system.

The scope of the training shall also cover system design and operations aspects such

i) Synchronisation distribution
ii) Data Communications Network for Network Management
iii) Equipment capability and limitations for expansion (both hardware and software)
iv) Diagnostic techniques
v) Collection and interpretation of performance parameters
vi) Details of the operation of each element

c. The Tenderer shall be responsible for providing all necessary documentation to properly
train PLN staff. This training shall be conducted on PLN premises for a class. Normal
class room facilities will be provided by PLN. All other facilities shall be provided by the

GI 150 kV Semen Jawa Bab IV.1, TS.13 - 16

Bab IV - 1. Spesifikasi Teknis



BAB IV.1 TS.14A.2 : SUBSTATION POWER TRANSFORMERS ................................................ 1

1. GENERAL ........................................................................................................................... 1
1.1. WORK INCLUDED ............................................................................................................. 1
1.2. QUALITY STANDARDS ..................................................................................................... 1
1.3. SITE CONDITION ............................................................................................................... 2
1.4. SERVICE CONDITION ....................................................................................................... 2
1.5. SUBMITTALS ..................................................................................................................... 2
1.6. TESTING AND INSPECTION ............................................................................................. 3
2. SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................................. 4
2.1. TYPES AND MAIN PERFORMANCES .............................................................................. 4
2.2. MAGNETIC CIRCUIT AND WINDINGS ............................................................................. 7
2.3. TANKS .............................................................................................................................. 10
2.4. COOLING SYSTEM .......................................................................................................... 14
2.5. VOLTAGE CONTROL ...................................................................................................... 15
2.6. PROTECTIVE DEVICES................................................................................................... 20
2.7. DRYING OUT .................................................................................................................... 22
2.8. BUSHING INSULATORS ................................................................................................. 23
2.9. CABLE TERMINATIONS .................................................................................................. 24
2.10. CABLES AND TERMINATIONS ...................................................................................... 25
2.11. SPARE PARTS FOR S/S TRANSFORMERS .................................................................. 26
2.12. INSULATING OIL ............................................................................................................. 26
2.13. PREPARATION FOR TRANSPORT ................................................................................ 27
2.14. HOT LINE PURIFIER ........................................................................................................ 27
2.15. SHOP TESTS .................................................................................................................... 27
2.16. SITE TESTS ...................................................................................................................... 35

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Bab IV - 1. Spesifikasi Teknis




The Work includes design, manufacturing, tests and inspection, packing and shipping,
foundation guide design, guarantee as specified of substation power transformers including
accessories & spare parts, and the followings if specified: custom clearance, inland transpor-
tation, supervision, erection/installation including civil works, site tests and commissioning.



Equipment/materials testing, cleaning, services and reports to meet the general and specific
requirements including technical particulars and drawings (if any) of this specification,
specified standards, codes and other applicable standards.


In summary the equipment/materials shall conform to the latest applicable standards of

sponsor organizations not limited to the followings:

SNI : “Standard Nasional Indonesia” (Indonesian National Standards)

PUIL : “Peraturan Umum Instalasi Listrik Indonesia” (Indonesian General
Regulation of Electrical Installation)
SPLN : “Standar Perusahaan Listrik Negara” (PLN Standard series),
SPLN 8 : “Transformator Tenaga” (Power Transformer)
SPLN 61 : “Spesifikasi Transformator Tenaga” (Power Transformer Specification)

Unless specified otherwise or modified herein, all IEC standards (e.g. with the following series
numbers) are directly or indirectly applicable, including parts and addenda:

IEC 60060-1 : High-voltage test techniques Part 1: General definitions and test
IEC 60060-1 : High-voltage test techniques Part 2: Measuring System
IEC 60076-1 : Power transformers - Part 1: General
IEC 60076-2 : Power transformers - Part 2: Temperature rise
IEC 60076-3 : Power transformers - Part 3: Insulation levels, dielectric tests and external
clearances in air
IEC 60076-4 : Guide to the lightning impulse and switching impulse testing - Power
transformers and reactors
IEC 60076-5 : Power transformers - Part 5: Ability to withstand short circuit
IEC 60076-8 : Power transformers - Application guide
IEC 60076-10 : Determination of sound levels
IEC 60354 : Loading guide for oil-immersed power transformers
IEC 60616 : Terminal and tapping markings for power transformers
IEC 60137 : Insulated bushings for alternating voltages above 1000 V
IEC 60214 : On-load tap-changers
IEC 60542 : Application guide for on-load tap-changers
IEC 60270 : High-voltage test techniques - Partial discharge measurements

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.1, TS.14A.2 - 1

Bab IV - 1. Spesifikasi Teknis

IEC 60296 : Specification for unused mineral insulating oils for transformers and
IEC 60404 : Magnetic materials
IEC 60567 : Guide for the sampling of gases and of oil from oil-filled electrical
equipment and for the analysis of free and dissolved gases
IEC 60599 : Mineral oil-impregnated electrical equipment in service - Guide to the
interpretation of dissolved and free gases analysis
IEC 60947 : Degrees of protection of enclosures for low voltage switch-gear and
IEC 61033 : Evaluation of the thermal endurance of electrical insulating varnishes by
the helical coil bond test
IEC 60290 : Evaluation of the thermal endurance of electrical insulating varnishes by
the helical coil bond test
IEC 60445 : Identification of apparatus terminals and general rules for a uniform
system of terminal marking, using an alphanumeric notation
TS 61463 : Bushing – Seismic qualification

1.2.3 Conflicts

a. If conflicting requirements among applicable standards exist, the most stringent one shall
b. If this specification conflicts in any way with applicable standard(s), this specification shall
take precedence and shall govern.


The equipment shall be suitable for operation under site condition as specified.


1.4.1 The equipment will be installed outdoor and will be subject to the minimum and maximum
environmental conditions as specified.

1.4.2 The equipment shall be suitable for operation under the ambient conditions specific to their
respective location while in service.

1.5.1 Language

All documents are to be written in English

1.5.2 Documents to Be Submitted

The following data shall be submitted:

When Bidding

a. Preliminary outline drawings showing dimensions and arrangement/position of major

external features including conservator, terminals, cooling equipment and other essential
appurtenances. These drawings shall show parts and masses to be removed for
b. Technical particulars and guarantee
c. Type test certificate of transformer and accessories of the similar for each type
d. Technical literature on the equipment

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Bab IV - 1. Spesifikasi Teknis

e. Satisfactory Operation Recommendation from user(s)

f. Quality Assurance/Control Manual for Review & Acceptance
g. Certificate of ISO-9001
h. Other data if requested during evaluation

After the Award of the Contract

a. Foundation guide drawings

b. Technical particulars and guarantee
c. Outline and detail drawings referring to appropriate engineering practices or as requested
for approval
d. Method of Inspection and Testing
e. Inspection/test report before delivery
f. As built drawings
g. Operating and maintenance instructions



The equipment is subject to inspection and test by the Purchaser/Engineer during the course
and on completion of manufacture and erection to ensure compliance with this specification
and to provide the necessary data.

The Contractor may submit certificate of test which has been carried out on identical

Not withstanding any provision in a standard, the Purchaser/Engineer shall have the right to
accept or reject such certificate in lieu of the specified test.

In case inspection and test to be witnessed by the Purchaser/Engineer, the Manufacturer

shall carry out the tests. All costs/expenses in all cases including where such certificate is not
available or rejected shall be borne by the Contractor.

The Contractor shall guarantee that the Manufacturer will provide all things necessary for the
carrying out the required tests including electric power, instruments, temporary connections,

All instruments used in tests shall carry calibration certificates from a testing laboratory and
shall perform within the limits of error necessary to carry out the tests satisfactorily. The
instruments are subject to the approval of the Purchaser/Engineer.
The Contractor or subcontractor shall supply to the Purchaser/Engineer, as soon as
practicable after shop tests/site tests/commissioning, necessary copies of the relevant test
certificates which shall contain details of each test performed, records, results and
calculations shall also be provided.

If any item fails to comply with the requirements for a test, the Purchaser may reject the item
or defective component thereof whichever he considers necessary and after replacement,
adjustment or modification as directed by the Purchaser, the Contractor shall repeat the tests
as necessary to demonstrate compliance with the specification at his extra cost.

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Bab IV - 1. Spesifikasi Teknis



This specification covers the following transformers:

 150/70 kV, 60-100 MVA, 3 – phase, 50Hz, YNyn0(d), ONAN/ODAN/ODAF

 150/20 kV, 30-60 MVA, 3 – phases, 50Hz, YNyn0(d), ONAN/ONAF
 70/20 kV, 5-30 MVA, 3 – phases, 50Hz, YNyn0, ONAN/ONAF

In case for bidding purpose, the required type(s) of transformer is mentioned in the bill of

The transformers shall be core type, oil immersed, suitable for outdoor installation and
capable for continuous operation without injurious heating when delivering winding currents at
nominal and highest/rated voltages of 3 phase 50 Hz power system.

The transformer should be provided by restricted sensor for monitor and testing DGA
(Dissolved Gas Analysis).

The transformers shall comply with the quality standards specified (clause 1.2) and their
current carrying capacity shall be limited only by the capacity of the core and coils, not by
other current carrying components such as on-load tap changer or bushings.

The voltages between phases on the higher and lower voltage windings measured at no load
shall be those corresponding to the normal ratios of transformation.

On-load tap changer shall be provided at the primary side for varying the ratio of
transformation using tapping of totally 18 taps or 17 steps of 1.5% per step, 10 steps under
nominal tap, 7 steps above nominal tap, i. e (-) 10x1.5% up to (+) 7x1.5%.

The transformer shall have capacity and other ratings as specified at the ambient temperature
30O C and shall comply with IEC 60076-2 (1993-04) as regards the corrected temperature rise
(maximum 55OC for windings and 50O C for oil) and IEC 354 for over loads on all tapping
irrespective of power flow direction and with secondary voltage winding at the specified
nominal voltage.

Each transformer shall be fitted with on-tank mounted coolers capable of dissipating the
losses at continuous maximum rating (CMR) without the calculated winding hot spot
temperature exceeding 118O C.

The main performance of transformers shall comply with the figures in the following tables:

Transformers: 150/70kV, 60 - 100MVA, 3-phases, 50Hz, ONAN/ODAN/ODAF

Description 60MVA 100MVA
No load loss kW 39 42
No load current % 0.9 0.9
Full Load loss (75OC) kW 225 330
Impedance % 12.5 12.5
Voltage drop at pf 1.0, % 1.16 1.11
Voltage drop at pf 0.8, % 8.27 8.24
Efficiency at pf 1.0, % 99.56 99.63
Efficiency at pf 0.8, % 99.45 99.54

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Transformers: 150/20kV, 30 - 60MVA, 3-phases, 50Hz, ONAN/ONAF

Description 30MVA 60MVA
No load loss kW 23 38
No load current % 0.80 0.95
Full Load loss (75oC), kW 103 220
Impedance % 12.5 12.5
Voltage drop at pf 1.0, % 1.12 1.15
Voltage drop at pf 0.8, % 8.25 8.27
Efficiency at pf 1.0, % 99.58 99.57
Efficiency at pf 0.8, % 99.48 99.47

Transformers: 70/20kV, 5 - 30MVA, 3-phases, 50Hz, ONAN/ONAF

Description 5MVA 6.3MVA 10MVA 16MVA 20MVA 30MVA
No load loss kW 6 6.7 7.5 9.6 12 20
No load current % 1.5 1.3 1.1 0.9 0.8 0.8
Full Load loss (75oC), kW 32 36 40 63 75 100
Impedance % 7.5 7.5 10 10 12.5 12.5
Voltage drop at pf 1.0, % 0.92 0.85 0.98 0.89 1.16 1.11
Voltage drop at pf 0.8, % 5.15 5.09 6.61 6.61 8.27 8.24
Efficiency at pf 1.0, % 99.25 99.33 99.53 99.55 99.57 99.60
Efficiency at pf 0.8, % 99.06 99.16 99.41 99.44 99.46 99.50
For more detail, the requirements are listed in the Technical Particulars and drawings (if any).

2.1.1 Fault Conditions

It is to be assumed that the amount of generating plant simultaneously connected is such that
normal voltage will be maintained on one side of any transformer when there is a short circuit
between phases or any phase to earth on the other side.

The winding shall be capable of withstanding the forces to which it is subjected under all
conditions, particularly the forces due to a short circuit between terminals or between any
terminal and earth, with full voltage maintained on all other windings intended for connection
to external sources of supply and allowing for any feed back through windings connected to
rotating machines.

Evidence shall be submitted with the proposal to prove with calculations or test reports the
ability of each type of transformer to withstand, on any tapping, for two seconds without
damage under service conditions, the thermal and dynamic effects of external short circuit
between phases, also between any one phase and earth, with both the neutral points directly

The proposal shall include a brief description of those transformers or parts thereof which
have been subjected to short circuit tests or for which short circuit calculations are available.

It is preferred that this information relates to designs comparable with the transformers offered
but in the event this is not so the Purchaser/Owner/Engineer reserves the right to require
calculations to prove that the design of transformers offered will satisfactorily comply with this
Clause; such calculations being in accordance with IEC 60076-5 (2000-07).

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2.1.2 Losses

The Bidder shall complete the Technical Particulars form, values for components of losses
comprising no-load loss, load loss at continuous maximum rating (C.M.R.) and auxiliary loss if

The total losses shall be as low as is consistent with transport restrictions, reliability and
economic use of materials.

The annual cost of losses is to be minimized in terms of the following parameters which will
be used in the evaluation of the merit of Bids:

- No load loss at Rupiah per kW Rp 86.063.698,00

- Load loss at Rupiah per kW Rp 55.080.766,00
- Cooling Fan loss at Rupiah per kW Rp 21.515.924,00

Should the losses determined on test exceed the guaranteed values, then the Contract Price
for the transformer shall be reduced in proportion to the amount by which the losses deter-
mined on tests exceed the guaranteed total losses.

Any transformer may be rejected if the losses exceed the guaranteed value by an amount in
excess of the following:

Total losses 10%

Component losses 15% (unless the total loss does not exceed 10%)

2.1.3 Vibration and Noise

The transformers shall be so designed and constructed that harmful vibration is eliminated
and that no avoidance noise will occur at any operating conditions.

The level of vibration shall not adversely affect any clamping or produce excessive stress in
any material and the noise must be as low as possible.

If required, the transformer is subject to vibration tests, the magnitude of vibration of tanks,
coolers and pipe work shall be measured by scanning the vibrating surfaces with calibrated

Noise level of any transformer and auxiliaries shall be in accordance with the NEMA TR1
1962, IEC 60076-10 (2001-05) or VDE 0532 par 48 whichever the lowest and the measured
values shall not exceed the figures specified in the Technical Particulars and Guarantee.
Noise level tests to be carried out on all transformers.

Where the bottom plate of the transformer tank will be in direct contact with the surface of the
foundation, anti-vibration pads shall be provided between the transformer and its foundation.

2.1.4 Harmonic Suppression (NA)

Transformers shall be designed with particular attention to the suppression of harmonic

voltages, especially the third and fifth harmonics and to minimize the detrimental effects or
interference with communication circuit resulting therefrom.

Tertiary Winding (for 150/20 kV transformers):

The tertiary or stabilizing winding is required for the purpose of suppressing harmonics.

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To avoid the effect of over-voltage, one corner of this winding is to be brought out through 2
bushings (for test and measurement) on the tank and will be directly grounded.

Due to the shifting of one corner to earth point, the insulation of tertiary windings to all part
including to tapping winding shall be designed adequately.

2.1.5 Impedance and Regulation

The Bidder shall state in the Schedule of Technical Particulars and Guarantee the values of
impedance measured on principal and extreme tapping and the voltage regulation from
no-load to C.M.R at unity power factor and at 0.8 lagging power factor with constant voltage
across the higher voltage windings.


2.2.1 Magnetic Circuit

The design of the magnetic circuit shall be such as to avoid static discharges, development of
short circuit paths internally or to the earthen clamping structure, and the production of flux
components normal to the plane of the laminations.

Each lamination shall be insulated with a material stable under the action of pressure and hot

The winding structure and major insulation shall be designed to permit an unobstructed flow
of cooling oil through core cooling oil ducts to ensure efficient core cooling.
The magnetic circuit shall be insulated from all structural parts, and shall be capable of
withstanding a test voltage to core bolts and to the frame of 2500 volts rms. for one minute.

2.2.2 Flux Density

Core shall be constructed of non-aging, high permeability cold rolled grain oriented silicon
steel sheets of the Hi-B grade having minimum magnetic induction value of 1.88 Tesla at 800
AT/m and specific core loss of max. 1.17 Watt/kg at 1.7 Tesla and 50 Hz. Adequate evidence
for the supply from the steel sheets manufacturer shall be provided during inspection/tests.

The steel sheets shall be properly annealed after cutting to suitable sizes and rolled to insure
smooth surfaces at the edges. Both sides of each sheet shall be carlite-coated and insulated
with heat resisting varnish to minimize eddy current losses.

The cores shall be carefully assembled and rigidly, strongly enough clamped to insure
adequate mechanical strength to support the windings and to prevent shifting/displacement of
laminations during shipment, transportation, operation, short circuit or other stresses and also
to reduce vibration/noise to a minimum under operating conditions.

The clamping frames must be insulated against the sheets.

There shall be no adverse effects due to stray flux heating of core and the Manufacturer shall
determine the continuous nominal operating conditions under which the flux density shall be
less than 1.7 Tesla and the magnetizing current must be not exceed 5 % of the nominal load
current at nominal voltage.

The cores shall be free from over-fluxing liable to cause damage or to cause mal-operation of
the protection equipment when operating under the most onerous conditions. Under those
conditions the maximum flux density in any part of the magnetic circuit shall not exceed 1.88

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The maximum flux density will be attained within the following simultaneously applied limits:

Frequency 48 Hz

LV and HV Voltage Up to but not exceeding the specified highest system voltage.

Load The transformer may be subjected to intermittent overloading

accordance with IEC 60354 (1991-10), but the hot-spot temperatures
shall not exceeds of 140oC.

2.2.3 Windings

Winding conductor shall be of the technically approved as high purity copper coated by
enamel and shall be isolated by thermally upgraded paper. The degree polymerization of
thermally upgraded paper shall be minimum 1000.

Proper consideration shall be given to all factors of service such as high dielectric and
mechanical strength of insulation, coil characteristics and minimum restrictions to the free cir-
culation of oil.

Coil shall be made up, shaped and braced to provide for expansion and contraction due to
temperature changes in order to avoid abrasion of insulation and to provide rigidity to resist
movement and distortion caused by abnormal operating conditions, and shock during
shipment and transportation.

Adequate barriers shall be provided between windings and core and between high voltage
and low voltage windings. End coils shall have additional protection against abnormal line

The entire design, construction and treatment of the windings and their assembly on the core
shall embody the latest improvements.

Stabilization treatment for winding stacks shall be made to manufacture windings which are
made mechanically stable and solid.

The assembled core and coils shall be dried under a vacuum condition, immediately
impregnated, and immersed in dry oil.

The 150 kV Star connected windings shall have graded insulation as in IEC-60076.

All transformer windings below 150 kV shall have uniform insulation as defined in IEC-60076.

Neutral points of 150 kV windings shall be insulated to withstand an applied voltage test of
38kV rms for one minute.

The insulation shall be provided against attack by moulds and other tropical effect and shall
be tropicalized according with IEC or DIN 40040.

The transformers shall be designed to withstand the impulse voltage levels and the power
frequency voltage tests specified in the Technical Particulars and Guarantee.

The windings shall be located in a manner which will ensure that they remain electro statically
balanced and that their magnetic centers remain coincident under all conditions of operation.

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The windings shall also be thoroughly seasoned during manufacture by the application of
axial pressure at a high temperature for such length of time as will ensure that further
shrinkage is unlikely to occur in service.

All electrical connections within windings shall be brazed to withstand the shocks which may
occur through rough handling and vibration during transport, switching and other transient
service conditions.

Coil clamping rings shall be of non magnetic steel or insulating material built up from flat
laminations. Axially laminated material other than bakelised paper is not to be used.

Where bakelised paper rings are used with the layers of paper lying in the axial direction, the
rings may be relied upon to provide the major insulation between the windings and frame,
subject to there being adequate creepage distance.

Any metal pieces in contact with laminated rings shall be designed and secured so that they
do not weaken the electrical or the mechanical properties of the rings.

If the winding is built up of sections or of disc coils separated by spacers, the clamping
arrangements shall ensure that equal pressures are applied to all columns of spacers.
For primary (150 kV), phase terminations with bushings will be used for conventional
substation, for GIS (if any) cable boxes are required.

The primary (150 kV) neutral is drawn out through a bushing on the cover and neutral CT’s
(for protection) and solidly grounded at final earthing point. The CT will be provided by this

The primary (70 kV) neutral shall be connected through a bushing and will be a floating
connection to ground or through an arrester. The arrester will be provided by other contract.

For secondary (70 kV and 20 kV), phase terminations with bushings will be used both for
Conventional substation and GIS.

The secondary (70 kV and 20 kV) neutral shall be connected through a bushing, neutral CT’s
(for protection) and NGR (if any) to final earthing point. The CT and NGR will be provided by
this contract.

Equipment (conductor, insulator, support ... etc.) for grounding connection from primary,
secondary and tertiary neutral bushing to final earthing point shall be included.

All electrical connections within windings shall be brazed to withstand shocks of the type that
might occur through handling, vibration, during transportation, switching, earthquakes and
other service conditions.

All connections from windings shall be mechanically sound, supported and fastened to
prevent movement and damage under transport, site erection, and abnormal operating

Where the yoke supporting channels are adapted for taking up shrinkage in the windings, the
arrangement shall be such as to throw a minimum amount of stress on any core bolt

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Bab IV - 1. Spesifikasi Teknis

2.2.4 Internal earthing arrangements

All metal parts of the transformer, with the exception of the individual core lamination, core
bolts, and associated individual clamping plates, shall be maintained at some fixed potential.

The top main core clamping structure shall be connected to the tank body by a copper strap
and the bottom main core clamping structure shall be earthen by one or more of the following

(a) By connection through vertical tie rods to the top structure.

(b) By direct metal-to-metal contact with the tank base maintained by the weight of the core
and windings.
(c) By connection to the top structure on the same side of the core as the main earth
connection to the tank.

The magnetic circuit shall be earthen to the clamping structure at one point through a
removable link placed in an accessible position just beneath an inspection opening in the tank
cover and which, by disconnection, will enable the insulation between the core and clamping
plates, etc. to be tested at voltages up to 2.5 kV for the purpose of checking deterioration
during service. The connection to the link shall be on the same side of the core as the main
earth connection. These requirements are compulsory.
Magnetic circuits having an insulated sectional construction shall be provided with a separate
link for each individual section and the arrangement of the connections shall be subject to the
approval of the Purchaser/Engineer.

Where oil ducts or insulated barriers parallel to the plane of the laminations divide the
magnetic circuits into two or more electrically separate parts, the ducts and insulating barriers
which have the thickness greater than 0.25 mm are to be bridged with tinned copper strips so
inserted as to maintain electrical continuity.

Where coil clamping rings are of metal at earth potential, each ring shall be connected to the
adjacent core clamping structure on the same side of the transformer as the main earth

Main earthing connections shall have a cross-sectional area of not less than 80 mm2 but
connections inserted between laminations may have cross-sectional areas reduced to 20
mm2 when in close thermal contact with the core.

2.3. TANKS

2.3.1 Main Tank

For reduce losses of transformer the tank shall be provided magnetic shunt in the wall
of tank.

Each transformer shall be enclosed in a suitably stiffened welded steel tank such that the
transformer can be lifted and transported without permanent deformation or oil leakage. The
construction shall employ weld able structural steel of an approved grade to BS 4360 or

Lifting lugs shall be provided suitable for the weight of the transformer including core and
windings, fittings, and with the tank filled with oil. Each tank shall be provided with at least four

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jacking lugs, and with lugs suitably positioned for transport on a beam transporter. They must
be rated for the most unfavorable load distribution on two diagonals.

The base of the tank shall be so designed that it is possible to move the complete transformer
unit in any direction without injury when using rollers, plates or rails. Transformers may have
either wheel or skid bases. Detachable under-bases must not be used.

If wheel bases are requested, the device for fastening the rollers on the rails is part of
delivery. The rails shall also be supplied of the quality at least St 37 and finished with hot dip

All joints, other than those which may have to be broken shall be welded. Defective welded
joints may be re-welded subject to the written approval of the Purchaser/Engineer.

The transformer shall be provided with a suitable steel tank of substantial construction which
will be oil-tight and gas-tight.
For bell type design of the tank, the bottom joint between the tank and base shall be provided
with suitable flanges and gaskets having sufficient and properly spaced bolts so that the
assembly will be oil-tight and gas-tight.

All gaskets shall be made of high quality material, which will not deteriorate under tropical and
site service conditions specified.

The tank shall have sufficient strength, not distort when lifted and to withstand an internal
pressure and also external pressure under a vacuum without damage or permanent deforma-

The transformer tank shall be capable of withstanding without deflection exceeding the values
stated in clause 1.6.2 vacuum of 508 mm of mercury less than atmospheric pressure when
empty of oil, or the vacuum required by the recommended drying-out procedure, whichever is
the greater.
The tank and cover shall be designed in such a manner as to leave no external pockets in
which water can lodge no internal pockets in which oil can remain when draining the tank or in
which air can be trapped when filling the tank, and to provide easy access to all external
surfaces for painting. The interior surface of the tanks shall be painted with an oil resistant
coat, the exterior surface with a primer and two finish coats.

Each radiator bank shall be connected to the main tank through flanged valves mounted on
the tank at top and bottom, and each bank shall be fitted with drain valve and air release plug.

Inspection openings shall be provided to give access to the internal connections of bushings,
winding connections and earthing links. Each opening shall be currently located and must be
of ample size for the purpose for which it is intended. All inspection covers shall be provided
with lifting handles.

It must be possible to remove any bushing without removing the tank cover.

Pockets shall be provided for a stem type thermometer and for the bulbs of temperature
indicators. These pockets shall be located in the position of maximum oil temperature and it
must be possible to remove any bulb without lowering the oil level in the tank. Captive
screwed caps shall be provided to prevent the ingress of water to the thermometer pockets
when they are not in use.

Whether accommodation shall be provided for bushing current transformers or for outdoor
weatherproof neutral current transformers for primary/secondary side of each type are
specified in the Technical Particulars.

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The transformer shall be provided with globe-type or butterfly-type valves as required for:

a. Drain valve
b. Oil sampling incl. facilities
c. Lower filter press connection.
d. Upper filter press connection
e. Isolating each radiator (in-let)
f. Isolating each radiator (out-let)
g. Isolating the both sides of buchholz
h. Isolating the both sides of OLTC relays
i. Filter press connection for compartment of diverter switch of OLTC.

All oil valves shall be specially designed for use with insulating oil and will hold hot oil without

The transformer shall be provided with pressure release device(s), a ladder for inspection with
anti-climbing plate, cable conduits for wiring of relay and current transformer circuits, and rod
type thermometer shall be mounted in a well so that it can be changed without lowering oil in
the tank.

To facilitate installation, center marks, level marks and center of gravity marks shall be
provided at suitable portions of the tanks or bases.

The Contract shall include the design of transformer foundation pads.

2.3.2 Conservator Tank

Each transformer shall be provided with an overhead conservator tank formed of substantial
steel plates and arranged above the highest point of the oil circulating system and provided
by completely rubber bag and filling cap. Connections to the main tank shall be at the
highest point to prevent the trapping of air or gas under the main tank cover.

The capacity of each conservator tank shall be adequate for the expansion and contraction of
oil in the whole system under the specified operating conditions. Conservator tanks shall also
be provided with a cleaning door, filling cap, drain valve with captive cap, and magnetic oil
level gauges for main tank oil & OLTC oil.

The conservator tank shall be so located that it does not obstruct the passage of high voltage
conductors immediately above the transformer.

Each conservator shall be fitted with an oil seal type breather with a silica-gel containers sized
as listed below. The breather shall be mounted at a height of approximately 1.4 meters above
ground level.

Rating Breather Size

10 MVA and below 4 kg

30 MVA and below 7 kg
60 MVA and below 10 kg

2.3.3 Pressure Relief Device

An approved pressure relief device of sufficient size for rapid release of any pressure that
may be generated in the main and OLTC tank, and designed to operate at a static pressure
lower than the hydraulic test pressure specified shall be provided.

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The relief device is to be mounted on the tank cover and means are to be provided to deflect
gas accumulation into the Buchholz relay and not to collect in the relief device.
The device shall not permit the ingress of moisture. Visible means/alarm shall be provided for
indicating that the relief device has operated. Provision shall also be added to trip the HV side
CB for serious conditions following oil surge.

2.3.4 Oil Handling Facilities

Each transformer shall be fitted with the following valves as a minimum requirement:

Main tank:
(a) One 50 mm bore filter valve located near to the top of the tank.
(b) One 50 mm bore filter valve located near to the bottom of the tank and diagonally
opposite to the filter valve required against (a).
(c) One 50 mm drain valve with such arrangements as may be necessary inside the tank to
ensure that the tank can be completely drained of oil as far as is practicable.
(d) One valve for oil sampling incl. sampling facilities.
(e) Two valves for isolating both sides (in-let & out-let) of each radiator.
(f) One valve for isolating bucholz relay.

Main conservator tank:

(a) One drain valve for oil conservator tank so arranged that the tank can be completely
drained of all oil and sampling facilities.
(b) One valve to cut off oil supply to the bucholz relay.

OLTC conservator tank:

(a) One valve for oil drain and sampling facilities.
(b) One valve to cut off oil supply to the OLTC tank

OLTC tank:
(a) Oil drain and sampling facilities.
(b) One valve in oil surge relay pipe-work where appropriate.

Valves shall be of the sluice type, have non-rising spindles and shall be closed by turning the
hand-wheel in a clockwise direction. They shall have machined flanges and provision for
locking in the closed and open positions. Details of the locking devices shall be clearly shown
on the general arrangement drawing.

Every valve shall be provided with an indicator to show clearly the position of the valve, and
each hand-wheel shall be fitted with a non-corrosive nameplate with engraved and filled let-
ters or figures to provide an approved inscription which will indicate the purpose of the valve.

Blank flanges, plates or captive screw caps shall be fitted to all valves and pipe ends not
normally connected in service.

The omission of any of, or the provision of alternative arrangements to, the above
requirements will not be accepted unless approved in writing by the Purchaser/Engineer
before manufacture.

2.3.5 Joint Faces

All joint faces shall be arranged to prevent the ingress of water or leakage of oil with a
minimum of gasket surface exposed to the action of oil or air.

Oil resisting synthetic rubber gaskets is not permissible except where the synthetic rubber is

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used as a bonding medium for cork or similar material or where metal inserts are provided to
limit compression.

Gaskets are to be as thin as possible consistent with the provision of a good seal, and full
details of all gasket sealing arrangements shall be shown on the Plant drawings.

2.3.6 Earthing Terminals

Two earthing terminals, each capable of carrying the full lower voltage fault current for a
period of not less than 30 seconds, shall be provide. They shall be located one on either side,
and near to the bottom of the transformer to facilitate connection to the local earthing system.

2.3.7 Rating Plate

The following stainless steel plates, or an approved combined plate, in accordance with
General Technical Requirements (Label) shall be fixed to each transformer tank at an
approximate height of 1.5 m above ground level:

(a) A rating plate bearing the data specified in IEC 60076-1. This plate shall also include a
space for the Purchaser's serial number.
(b) A diagram plate was showing in an approved manner, the internal connections and the
voltage vector relationship of the several windings with the transformer voltage ratio for
each tap and, in addition, a plan view of the transformer giving the correct physical
relationship or the terminals.
(c) A plate showing the location and function of all valves and air release cocks or plugs.
This plate shall also warn operators to refer to the Maintenance Instructions before
applying the vacuum treatment specified in clause 2.3.1 above.


2.4.1 General

All radiators shall be detachable and isolating valves shall be provided to allow removal of
radiators with the transformer tank full of oil. The radiators shall be cleaned and treated in
accordance with General Technical Requirements for finishing.

Radiators shall be designed so that all painted surfaces can be thoroughly cleaned and easily
painted in situ with brush or spray gun. The design is to avoid pockets in which water can
collect. Capability of radiator to withstand the pressure test is also required.

2.4.2 Radiators/Forced Air Coolers Connected Directly to Tank

Radiators connected directly to the tank on transformers shall be detachable. Plugs shall be
fitted at the top and at the bottom of each radiator for filling and draining and an isolating
valve shall be provided on the tank at each point of connection to the tank to permit removal
of radiator.

At the nominal power, dismantling of one of the radiators shall be possible without causing the
temperature to rise above permissible values.

2.4.3 Air Blowers

At nominal power, switching off one blower shall be possible without causing temperature to
rise above permissible values.
Air blowers for use with oil coolers shall be of approved make and design, be suitable for

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continuous operation out of doors and shall be capable of dealing with the maximum output
and head required in service. They shall also be capable of with-standing the stresses
imposed when brought up to speed by the direct application of full line voltage to the motor.
Air blowers shall be complete with all necessary air ducting, and to reduce noise to the
practical minimum, motors shall be mounted independently from the coolers or alternatively,
an approved form of anti-vibration mounting shall be proved.

It shall be possible to remove the blower complete with motor without disturbing or
dismantling the cooler structure frame-work.

Blades shall be of galvanized steel unless otherwise approved. Ducts and Blower casings
shall be made of galvanized steel of thickness not less than 2.6 mm and shall be suitable
stiffened by angles or tees.

Galvanized wire mesh guards shall be provided to prevent accidental contact with the blades.
Guards shall be designed such that neither blades nor other moving parts can be touched by
the test finger illustrated in IEC 60947-1 (1988).

2.4.4 Cooler Control

Where multiple fan cooling using small single-phase motors is employed, the motors in each
cooling bank shall preferably be grouped so as to form a balanced three-phase load.

Each motor or group of motors shall be provided with a three-pole electrically operated
contactor and with control gear of approved design for starting and stopping manually.

Where forced cooling is used on transformers, provision shall be included under this contract
for automatic starting and stopping from the contacts on the winding temperature indicating-
device as specified in clause 2.6.1. The control equipment shall be provided with a short time
delay device to prevent the starting of more than one fan, or group of fans in case of multiple-
fan cooling, at a time.

Where small motors are operated in groups, the group protection with alarm shall be arranged
so that it will operate satisfactorily in the event of a fault occurring in a single motor.
The control arrangements are to be designed to prevent starting of motors in total more than
15 kW simultaneously either manually or automatically.

All contacts and other parts need periodic inspection, renewal, or adjustment shall be readily
All wiring for the control gear accommodated in the marshalling kiosk together with all
necessary cable boxes and terminations and all wiring between the marshalling kiosk and the
motors shall form part of the Contract Works.


2.5.1 General

The transformers shall be provided with on-load tap changing equipment for varying the
effective ratio while on load, but without producing phase displacement.

The tap changer shall be vacuum type, connected at the neutral side of HV (primary)
winding and shall be of the high-speed resistor transition type.

On-load tap selectors shall be contained in separate tanks mounted in the main transformer
tank through the top, in an accessible position. The same oil will be used as for the main tank.

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On load tap changer shall be suitable for specified power flow in both directions. On-load tap
changer shall be suitable for specified power flow in both directions. All variables and aspects
for reliable operation at site such as step voltage, breaking capacity, rated through current,
voltage class, etc shall be fulfilled.

Only design which has been type tested in accordance with IEC 60214 with proven
experiences will be accepted and original made of MR type is preferable instead of licensee.
The tap selector shall be so arranged as to permit easy access for maintenance and repair of
the equipment thereon, without the necessity of lowering the oil level in the main transformer
tank. Oil in tap selector tanks separate from the main transformer tank shall be under a slight
head of pressure from the conservator tank and the design shall ensure that any gas for-
mation or air leaving the tap selector tanks will pass through a protection relay.
Current making and breaking switches integral with the tap selector equipment shall be
contained in a separate tank designed in a manner to make it impossible for the oil therein to
mix with oil in the tap selector and main transformer. The head of oil in this tank may be
maintained by a separate compartment of the main conservator or by a separately mounted
tank. Oil surge detector relays and oil level gauges shall be provided.

The tap changing design is still to use the conventional principle with main path and transition
path, but there shall be an improvement with insertion/addition of an encapsulated vacuum
interrupter/switch in each path and connected in series to each tap selector contact. The
design shall eliminate the arcing process at the tap selector contacts and the arc quenching
shall take place during the closing of the transition interrupter and during the opening of the
main interrupter, both in each vacuum encapsulation.

The interval between maintenance for tap changer with Vacuum Interrupters shall be at least
150,000 operations under rated load. The service life of the mechanical gears has to be
adjusted accordingly. All moving parts shall be lubricated through grease nipples. The driving
motor shall be rated for 400/230 V ac and shall be equipped with overload protection to be
installed in the motor drive cubicle. Proper working of the driving motor shall be ensured even
at voltages up to 25 % below the rated voltage.
Equipment for local (manual & electrical), remote and lockable operation shall be provided in
a suitable weather, vermin, and insect proof cubicle. Electrical remote control equipment shall
also be supplied. The controls shall comply with the following conditions:

(a) It must not be possible to operate the electric drive when the manual operating gear is in
(b) It must not be possible for two electric control points to be in operation at the same time.
(c) Operation from the local, remote or supervisory control switch shall cause one tap
movement only unless the control switch is returned to the off position between suc-
cessive operations.
(d) It must not be possible for any transformers operating in parallel with one or more
transformers in a group to be more than one tap out of step with the other transformers in
the group.
(e) All electrical control switches and local manual operating gear shall be clearly labeled in
an approved manner to indicate the direction of tap changing.

The equipment shall be so arranged as to ensure that when a tap change has been initiated,
it will be completed independently of the operation of the control relays and switches. If a fai-
lure of the auxiliary supply during tap change or any other contingency would result in that
movement not being completed, an approved means shall be provided to safeguard the
transformer and its auxiliary equipment.

Tap changing shall be prevented when the transformer is carrying a load above a predeter-

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mined maximum or when on short circuit. Nevertheless, during switching the OLTC shall be
able to withstand, without damage, the maximum short circuit current (according to circuit
voltage on the HV side) attained by the proper selection of transformer impedance.

2.5.2 Indication and alarms

Following apparatus shall be provided for each transformer:

(a) Mechanical indication at the transformer and electrical indication at the remote control
point for the number of the tap in use. The indicator at the remote control point is to show
the voltage ratio in kV simultaneously with the winding tap in use.
(b) Contacts to provide electrical indication, separate from that specified above, of tap
position at the remote supervisory point.
(c) A tap change in progress lamp at the remote control point, this indication to continue until
the tap change is completed.
(d) Alarm and indication at the remote control point with contacts for repeat alarm at the
supervisory control point when the units of a group of transformers operating in parallel
are operating at more than one tap apart.
(e) Indication at the tap change mechanism of the number of operations completed by the
equipment (6 digit counter).
(f) Indication and alarm of a partial or a complete failure of the voltage transformer supply to
voltage regulating relay by means of an illuminated lamp at the remote control point. The
alarm shall be so arranged that it is inoperative when the circuit breaker controlling the
lower voltage side of the transformer is open and also that it is disconnected when the tap
changer is on control other than automatic control.

All indication devices shall operate normally at any voltage between 80% and 110% of the
nominal value.

Limit switches shall be provided to prevent over-running of the tap changing mechanism.
These shall be directly connected in the operating motor circuit. In addition, mechanical stops
shall be fitted to prevent over-running of the mechanism under any conditions. For on-load tap
change equipment these stops shall withstand the full torque of the driving mechanism with-
out damage to the tap change equipment.

Thermal devices or other approved means shall be provided to protect the motor and control
circuit this equipment shall be mounted in the transformer marshalling cubicle.

A permanently legible lubrication chart shall be provided and fitted inside the tap change
mechanism chamber.

2.5.3 Automatic Voltage Control

Approved means shall be provided for automatically maintaining within adjustable limits, a
predetermined voltage at the secondary voltage bus-bars. Control switches shall be provided
to select remote or local direct electrical control, or automatic or non-automatic remote
It must not be possible to operate any tap changer by remote or local (electrical/hand) control
while the equipment is switched for automatic operation.

For automatic voltage regulation an electronic voltage regulator shall be supplied for each
transformer suitable for voltage regulation without hunting.

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The regulators shall be installed in the control board and meet the following minimum

Sensitivity +/- 0.4 to 6 % of transformer voltage

Response time 0.15 to 4 min. referred to 1 % deviation from desired value
Range of set point 90 to 115 % Un (adjustable)
Current-response 0 to 16 % Un
Raising of set point
Limitation of 0 to 16 % Un
Current effect
Over voltage Umax. 100 to 136 % Un
Under voltage Umin. 50 to 100 % Un
Over current Imax. 60 to 120 % In

The voltage regulator shall contain at least the following main items:

Matching transformer, rms. converter with integrator, limiter stages for higher and lower, set
point adjuster, timing stages for command duration, amplifier, current compensation, compen-
sation limiting, max. and min. limiter stages, auxiliary voltage transformer.
Voltage drop compensation for the active and reactive voltage component shall be provided.
In addition, the voltage regulators shall be provided with a manual/auto selector. The regula-
tors will be installed in the separated Remote Regulating Control Panel in the control room.

Parallel Operation:

If specified in the Schedule of Technical Particulars and Guarantee, the transformer for each
substation shall be designed identical to and able to be operated in parallel with the existing
For transformers to be operated in parallel the control shall permit independent/master/
follower control.

All equipment necessary for this purpose shall be included in the offer/contract.

2.5.4 Voltage Regulation Relay

Automatic voltage control shall be initiated by a voltage regulating relay of an approved type
and suitable for flush mounting. The relay shall operate from the nominal reference voltage of
57.7 V derived from a voltage transformer in the transformer secondary having Class 0.5
accuracy to IEC 60186.
The relay bandwidth shall preferably be adjustable to any value between 1.5 times and 2.5
times the transformer tap step percentage, the nominal setting being twice the transformer tap
step percentage.

The relay shall be insensitive to frequency variation between the limits of 47 Hz and 51 Hz.
The relay shall be complete with a time delay element adjustable between 10 and 120
seconds. The relay shall also incorporate and under voltage blocking facility which renders
the control inoperative if the reference voltage falls below 80% of the nominal value with
automatic restoration of control when the reference voltage rises to 85% of nominal value.

2.5.5 Remote Control Panel

Remote regulating control cubicle shall be provided for each transformer, separated from the
150 kV switch-gear control cubicles.
Each shall be equipped to provide the control features specified and in addition shall be

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equipped with voltmeters for indication of the voltage at the HV & LV terminals of the

Auxiliary switches, relays, changeover switches and terminations as necessary for the
following supervisory control shall be provided:

A. Indication and Alarm

a. Tap position indication

b. Auto/manual control indication.
c. Tap changer control 'on substation local' indication.
d. Individual indication for alarm fault
e. Individual indication for transformer trip faults (including cooler)
f. Coolers ON/OFF

B. Control

Tap change raiser/lower in either auto or manual conditions (the auto/manual selector switch
is to transfer the supervisory control channel to the appropriate automatic or manual control).
2.5.6 Marshalling Box

A marshalling cubicle shall be provided for the ancillary apparatus of each transformer.
The cubicle shall contain:

(a) Temperature indicators, test links and ammeter for the winding temperature indicator
circuits in accordance with Clause 2.6.1.
(b) Control and protection equipment for the tap change gear including an isolating switch in
the incoming circuit capable of carrying and breaking the full load current of the motor and
of being locked in the open position. Provision shall also be made for termination of
secondary wiring of current transformers where specified.
(c) Terminal boards and gland plates, for incoming and out going cables.

Temperature indicators shall be so mounted that the dials are not more than 1700 mm from
ground level and the door(s) of the compartment shall be provided with glazed windows of
adequate size to permit the indicators to be viewed without opening the door(s).

The temperature indicators shall be removable complete with capillary tubing and bulbs
without disturbance to other apparatus. Mechanical protection shall be provided and sharp
bends avoided where the capillary tubes enter the kiosks.

All internal wiring shall be in conduits cleated near the side of the cubicle and so placed as
not to obstruct access. All incoming cables shall enter from the bottom.

Removable cable gland plates shall be provided and sufficient free space shall be allowed for
15 percent excess cables beyond those to be accommodated initially.
All three-phase relays, contactors, isolating switches and thermal devices shall be marked
with appropriate phase colors. Apparatus in which the phase elements are mounted hori-
zontally shall be colored red, yellow, black from left to right when viewed from the front of the
panel, and when mounted vertically they shall be colored red, yellow, and black from top to
The kiosk shall be fitted with a 15 ampere, 2 pole and earth switched socket outlet of
approved design for 230 volts ac supply. It shall be mounted externally to provide auxiliary
supply and shall be connected to the cubicle heater supply circuit through a 15 ampere fuse in

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the 'live' lead.

2.5.7 Control Principle

Open circuit current system, i.e. the coil (relay) is energized when the contact open. The
contacts shall be suitable for use in DC 110 V circuit.


2.6.1 Temperature Indicating Device

Each transformer shall be provided with 3 (three) approved devices for indicating the hottest
spot temperatures of primary & secondary windings and oil. Each device shall have a dial
type indicator and, in addition, a pointer to register the highest temperature reached. On each
device two separate sets of contracts shall be fitted, one of which shall be used to give an
alarm and the other to trip the associated circuit breakers. The sets of contacts on the first
device shall be connected in parallel with those on the second device and will be used to
activate the cooling fans.

To simulate indication of the hottest spot temperature of the windings each device shall
comprise a current transformer associated with one phase only and a heating device
designed to operate continuously at 130 percent of transformer C.M.R current together with a
sensing bulb installed in an oil tight pocket in the transformer top oil. One CT shall be installed
in each winding termination.
The tripping contacts of the winding temperature indicators shall be adjustable to close
between 80OC and 150OC and to re-open when the temperature has fallen by not more than

The alarm and cooling fan contacts shall be adjustable to close between 50OC and 100OC
and to re-open when the temperature has fallen by a desired amount between 15OC and

All contacts shall be adjustable to a scale and must be accessible on removal of the cover.
Alarm and trip circuit contacts shall be suitable for making or breaking 150 VA between the
limits of 30 volts and 250 volts ac or dc and of making 500 VA between the limits of 100 and
250 V DC.

The temperature indicators shall be housed in a tank mounted cubicle and shall be so
designed that it is possible to move the pointers by hand for the purpose of checking the
operation of the contacts and associated equipment.

The working parts of the instrument shall be made visible by the provision of cut-away dials
and glass-fronted covers.

Terminals, links and a 63 mm moving iron ammeter shall be provided in the marshalling kiosk
for each temperature indicator for:

a) Checking the output of the current transformer.

b) Disconnecting the bulb heaters from the current transformer secondary circuit to enable
the instrument to be used as an oil temperature indicator.

A diagram and instruction plate showing the connections of devices and arrangement of the
CT's etc. shall be provided inside the marshalling kiosk.

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Maintenance instructions shall be included to show:

i) The heater coil current and temperature indicator reading when the transformer is
operating at CMR with a top oil temperature of 60OC.
ii) The current injected from an external source and the indicator reading when the
transformer is isolated and when the oil temperature is 20OC.

2.6.2 Buchholz Relay

Each transformer shall be fitted with gas and oil-actuated relay (Buchholz relay) equipment
having alarm contacts which close on collection of gas or low oil level, and tripping contacts
which close on following oil surge conditions.

Each gas and oil-actuated relay for main and OLTC oil shall be provided with a test cock to
take a flexible pipe connection for checking the operation of the relay.

To allow gas to be collected at ground level, a pipe shall be connected to the gas release
cock of the gas and oil-actuated relay and brought down to a point approximately 1.4 m above
ground level, where it shall be terminated by a cock which shall have provision for locking to
prevent unauthorized operation.
A straight run of pipe shall be provided for a length of five times the internal diameter of the
pipe on the tank side of the gas and oil-actuated relay and three times the internal diameter of
the pipe on the conservator side of the gas or oil-actuated relay.

The design of the relay mounting arrangements, the associated pipe-work and the cooling
plant shall be such that mal-operation of the relays will not take place under normal service

The pipe-work shall be so arranged that all gas arising from the transformer will pass into the
gas and oil-actuated relay. The oil circuit through the relay must not form a delivery path in
parallel with any circulating oil pipe, nor is it to be teed into or connected through the pressure
relief vent. Sharp bends in the pipe-work shall be avoided.

2.6.3 Transformer Explosion and Fire Prevention

Transformer should be equipped with a system that is able to prevent explosion and fire. The
explosion is generally caused by explosive gas generation and its violent internal pressure
increase following the electrical fault inside the transformer tank.

Therefore, the system must be able to prevent explosion by depressurizing and evacuating
the explosive gas rapidly before the tank internal pressure is over the tank maximum
mechanical strength design. The contractor or the manufacturer should be able to provide the
information of design calculation, taking into account the strongest short circuit possible and
the transformer capacity.

The equipment to be used in the system, which will evacuate the explosive gas-hot oil mixture
from the transformer tank, shall work directly against the dangerous over pressure without
delay and shall be independent of any signal from outside itself.

The depressurization and evacuation process shall not allow air entering from outside into the
transformer to avoid combustion inside the tank.

The system shall also collect the evacuated oil-gas mixture, to separate the explosive gas
from the overheated oil and direct the explosive gas to outdoor. No oil shall be allowed to spill

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or pollute the area that means the system should have a safely enclosed container for the
evacuated oil-gas mixture. Air should not be allowed entering from outside into the container
to avoid combustion inside the container.

The oil coming down from the conservator should be taken into account or can be blocked by
special valve or shutters that work automatically in case accident happens.

The system should have facility for injecting Nitrogen gas to stop explosive gas generation
and further cooling the remaining oil in the tank to reduce damages of overheated parts. The
injection duration should be long enough to ensure the cooling process and to avoid any re-
combustion. The transformer explosion and fire prevention system shall guarantee that no fire
will arise in case of a short circuit happening inside the transformer. The system must also
safeguard the transformer in case the source of the fire is from outside the transformer
including fires on top of the transformer.

The system above has control panel that shall be completed with mimic diagram and LED
lights for system information.

Due to the crucial role in power plant/substation safety, the whole system must be installed
under supervision, tested and commissioned by the manufacturer or authorized engineer
certified by the manufacturer. The contractor must have certificate from the authorized
engineer after commissioning.

On Load Tap Changer should be protected also from explosion with the same manner as the
transformer tank by the same system.

The contractor/manufacturer shall submit with the bid certificate of satisfactory performance
from at least 2 (two) public utilities for the transformer and fire prevention (early warning
detection) equipment.

Spare Part List for Transformer Explosion and Fire Prevention

(Per transformer)


1 Equipment for overpressure sensing and immediate 1 set

depressurization of transformer tank
2 Equipment for overpressure sensing and immediate 1 set
depressurization of OLTC tank
3 Fire sensing equipment for protection against fire on As required by manufacturer
top of transformer
4 Nitrogen cylinder and its actuator set 1 set


All transformers shall be dried by an approved method at the manufacturer's works and so
arranged that they may be put into service without further drying out on site.

The Supplier shall submit to the Purchaser/Engineer for approval, details of the
recommended method for drying out the transformers on site should it prove necessary to do

Clear instructions shall be included in the Maintenance Instructions regarding any special

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precautionary measures (e.g, strutting of tap changer barriers or tank cover) which must be
taken before the specified vacuum treatment can be carried out.

Any special equipment necessary to enable the transformer to withstand the treatment shall
be provided with each transformer.

The maximum vacuum which the complete transformer, filled with oil, can safely withstand
without any special precautionary measures being taken is also to be stated in the Main-
tenance Instructions.


The outdoor type bushing insulators shall comply with IEC 60137 or equivalent International
Standard and completely provided by partial discharge sensor facility for testing and
monitoring system and oil temperature bushing for monitoring.

The minimum creepage distance for outdoor bushings shall be suitable for very heavy degree
of pollution.

The 150 kV and or 70 kV bushings shall be provided with adjustable arcing horns.

Bushings shall be of sealed construction, but attention is particularly drawn to the very humid
conditions at Site and in addition, to the very rapid cooling of equipment exposed to direct
sunlight when this is followed by sudden heavy rain-storms. The Bidder may be required to
prove satisfactory hermetic sealing by special test of each bushing type.

Typical sections of bushing insulators showing the internal construction, method of securing
the top cap, and methods of sealing or breathing shall be provided.

Bushing insulator of 52 kV (and above) shall be filled with oil and there is to be no
communication with the oil in the transformer. An oil gauge shall preferably be provided to
indicate that the correct level is maintained.

All porcelain shall be sound, free from defects and thoroughly vitrified. The glaze must not be
depended upon for insulation. The glaze shall be smooth, hard, of a uniform shade of brown
and shall cover completely all exposed parts of the insulator.

Outdoor insulators and fittings shall be unaffected by atmospheric conditions due to weather,
proximity of the coast, fumes, ozone, acids, alkalis, dust or rapid changes of air temperature
between 15OC and 65OC under working conditions.
The porcelain must not engage directly with hard metal and where necessary, gaskets shall
be interposed between the porcelain and the fittings. All porcelain clamping surfaces in con-
tact with gaskets shall be accurately ground and free from glaze.

All fixing material used shall be of suitable quality and properly applied and must not enter
into chemical action with the metal parts or cause fracture by expansion in service. Cement
thickness is to be as small as and as even as possible and proper care is to be taken to
center and locate the individual parts correctly during cementing.

The shed profile of all porcelain insulators shall be plain and designed to facilitate cleaning.
Special precautions shall be taken to exclude moisture from paper insulation during
manufacture, assembly, transport and erection. The surfaces of all paper insulators shall be
finished with approved non-hygroscopic varnish which cannot easily be damaged.

Each porcelain bushing or insulator, and paper bushing, shall have marked upon it the

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manufacturer's identification mark and such other mark as may be required to assist in the
representative selection of batches for the purposes of the sample tests stated in the
schedule of Tests.

These marks shall be clearly legible and visible after assembly of fittings and shall be
imprinted and not impressed. For porcelain pads the marks shall be imprinted before firing
and for paper bushings before varnishing.

When a batch of insulators bearing a certain identification mark has been rejected, no further
insulators bearing this mark shall be submitted and the Supplier shall satisfy the Purchaser
that adequate steps will be taken to mark or segregate the insulators constituting the rejected
batch in such a way that there can be no possibility of the insulators being resubmitted for the
test or supplied for use of the Purchaser.

Bushing insulators shall be mounted on the tank in a manner such that the external
connections can be taken away clear of all obstacles.

Neutral bushings shall be mounted in a position from which a connection can be taken to the
transformer tank.

A flexible pull-through lead suitably sweated to the end of the winding copper shall be
provided for 150 kV voltage bushings and is to be continuous to the connector which is
housed in the helmet of the bushings.

When bushings with an under-oil end of a re-entrant type are used, the associated flexible
pull-through lead is to be fitted with a suitably designed gas bubble deflector.

The bushing flanges must not be of re-entrant shape, which may trap air. Clamps and fitting
made of steel or malleable iron shall be galvanized and all bolt threads shall be greased be-
fore erection.


Cable boxes and sealing end chambers shall be designed to accommodate all the cable joint
fittings or sealing ends required by the manufacturer of cables, including approved means of
controlling the voltage stress of the terminal insulation of cables.

Oil filled cable sealing end chambers shall be provided with removable links for testing
purposes. The chamber shall have a removable cover and the design of the chamber is to be
such that ample clearances are provided to enable either the transformer or each cable to be
subjected separately to high voltage tests.

The oil level in the sealing end chambers shall be maintained from the main conservator tank
by means of a connection to the highest point of the chamber, this connection shall be con-
trolled by suitable valves.

A connection to the conservator shall be made so that any gas leaving the chamber must
pass through the gas and oil- actuated relay.

An earthing terminal shall be provided in each disconnecting or sealing end chamber to which
the connections from the transformer winding can be earthen during cable testing.

The medium voltage cable boxes and disconnecting or sealing end chambers shall be
capable of withstanding for 15 minutes both at the time of the first test on the cables and at
any subsequent time as may be required between phases & to earth a test of 48 kV dc or 32

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kV ac.

During these tests the links in the disconnecting or sealing end chamber or cable box will be
withdrawn and the transformer windings with connections thereto will be earthen.

All cable boxes and disconnecting chambers shall have oil-tight joints and are to be tested
with oil, having a viscosity not greater than that of insulating il when at a temperature of 15OC
at a pressure of 6.87 N/cm2 for 12 hours, during which time no oil leakage is to occur and no
permanent deformation is to take place in the structure.


2.10.1 Cable Boxes and Sealing End Chambers

For GIS (if any), facilities shall be provided at the transformer primary/HV side for terminating
single core XLPE Cu (of specified dimension) cables per phase individually in cable end
boxes. The cable end boxes and the transformer bushing specified in Clause 8 shall be

Means shall be provided on the transformer tank side for supporting cables.

All cable boxes shall have oil-tight joints and are to be tested with oil having a viscosity not
greater than that of BS. 148 insulating oil when at a temperature of 15OC at a pressure of 69
kN/m2 for 12 hours, during which time no oil leakage is to occur and no permanent
deformation is to take place in the structure.

2.10.2 Disconnecting Chambers

Where specified in the schedule of technical particulars, an oil-filled cable disconnecting

chamber with removable links shall be provided for testing purposes. Barriers shall be pro-
vided on both sides of the disconnecting chamber to prevent ingress of the oil used for filling
the chamber into the cable box or the transformer. It must only be necessary to remove part
of the oil in the chamber itself when making the necessary testing connections.

The disconnecting chamber shall have a removable cover and the design of the chamber is to
be such that ample clearances are provided to enable each cable to be subjected separately
to high voltage tests.
The oil level in the disconnecting chamber shall be maintained from the main conservator
tank by means of a connection to the highest point of the chamber and this connection shall
be controlled by suitable valves. A connection to the conservator shall be made so that any
gas leaving the chamber must pass through the gas and oil-actuated relay.
An earthing terminal shall be provided in each disconnecting or sealing end chamber to which
the connections from the transformer winding can be earthen during cable testing.

2.10.3 Testing

The cable boxes and disconnecting or sealing end chambers shall be capable of withstanding
for 15 minutes both at the time of the first test on the cables and at any subsequent time as
may be required, between phases and to earth a test voltage equal to :
2E kV DC or an AC test equal to 1.3E kV
Where: E = system voltage between phases in kV (rms).

During these tests the links in disconnecting or sealing end chamber or cable box will be
withdrawn and the transformer windings with connections thereto will be earthen.
2.10.4 Supply of Cables

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XLPE HV and MV power cables, jointing and filling to cable boxes will be covered by this

Auxiliary power and multi-core control cables between the all parts/equipment of the
transformer contract (among transformer, marshalling kiosk or tank mounted cubicle, remote
regulating control panel, fire protection system ... if any, ancillary equipment) shall be
installed, glanded and have individual cores identified and terminated under this Contract.

Cables from each transformer scope to auxiliary supply switchboards and interconnections
with other transformers will be supplied, glanded and have individual cores identified and ter-
minated under this Contract.

Supply of cables shall be of the shielded/armored type with sufficient dimensions and subject
to approval.


The following typical set of spare parts and other special tools (if any) shall be proposed
separately as optional and to be quoted with appropriate quantity in the schedule of
recommended spare parts in the Bill of Quantity:

1. 150 kV bushing
2. 150 kV Cable Box
3. 70 kV bushing
4. 20 kV bushing
5. 150 kV neutral bushing
6. 70 kV neutral bushing
7. 20 kV neutral bushing
8. 10 kV tertiary bushing
9. Gaskets
10. Thermometers
11. Oil level indicators
12. Motor for tap changer
13. Cooling fan with motor
14. Buchholz and OLTC relays
15. AVR incl. voltage regulation relay
16. Magnetic contactors & auxiliary relays
17. Molded-case breaker
18. Contact elements of tap changer diverter switches
19. Valves and plugs
20. Silicagel for dehydrating breather
21. Final coating paint with solvent
22. Each kind of signal lamp


2.12.1 Filling with Oil

Before filling with oil, the transformer coil assembly, tank, radiators and all internal parts shall
be thoroughly cleaned of all dirt, grease and loose items.

The tank shall be filled from the bottom valve under vacuum conditions with transformer oil
which complying with IEC 60296 for acceptance tests.
2.12.2 Supply of Transformer Oil

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Oil shall be supplied alternatively:

a. In the transformer when delivered, provided the transport weight of the transformer filled
with oil does not exceed Indonesian road transportation regulations, and/or
b. In drums (200 liters).

The amount of oil shall be oversupplied sufficiently.


On completion of the work test and inspection the transformers shall be drained of oil,
bushings and accessories removed and prepared for transport.

The transformer tanks shall be completely sealed and filled with Nitrogen.

The Nitrogen pressure shall be maintained with a pressure bottle fitted with a pressure valve
and secured to the side of the transformer.
A reserve bottle of Nitrogen shall be piped up to the system.


If specified in the Technical Particulars and Guarantee, this equipment shall be supplied.
Hot line oil purifier is used to filter and purify the insulating oil of the OLTC under on-load
The machine consists of strainer, motor and pump, absorbing filter tank, piping and wiring,
controls and switches, all pertinent equipment housed in cubicle type enclosure.
Oil will be pumped from the OLTC and pass through the machine oil inlet, strainer, absorbing
filter tank, oil outlet and return to the OLTC.


2.15.1 Routine, Type and Special Tests

Routine, type and special tests shall be carried out in accordance with IEC 60076-1 and
summarized as the following:

i. Measurement of winding resistance (IEC 60076-1 sub clause 10.2).
ii. Measurement of voltage ratio and check of voltage vector relationship (IEC 60076-1
sub clause 10.3).
iii. Measurement of short-circuit impedance and load loss (IEC 60076-1 sub clause
iv. Measurement of no-load loss and current (IEC 60076-1 sub clause 10.5).
v. Dielectric tests (IEC 60076-3), comprising:
- Separate source voltage withstand test
- Induced over voltage withstand test
- Switching impulse test for Um +/- 300 kV (N.A.)
- Insulation resistance tests
vi. Tests on OLTC (IEC 60076-1 sub clause 10.8).
vii. Construction inspection referring to this specification.

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- Temperature-rise test (IEC 60076-2)
- Dielectric tests (IEC 60076-3):
Full wave impulse voltage withstand test

- Dielectric tests (IEC 60076-3):
Impulse voltage withstand test including chopped waves
- Measurement of zero-sequence impedance (IEC 60076-1 sub clause 8.7)
- Short circuit test (IEC 60076-5)
- Measurement of acoustic sound level/Noise level:
The noise level shall be measured to NEMA standards TR1, IEC 551, VDE 0532 par.
48 or other approved standards whichever the lowest and shall not exceed the figure
specified in the schedule (if any).

Vibration measurements shall be taken and the level recorded shall be subject to approval.
This test shall be carried out unless it can be shown to the satisfaction of the engineer that the
level of vibration in the transformer and its auxiliaries is harmless.

- Measurement of the harmonics on the no-load current (IEC 6076-1 sub clause 8.6)
- Measurement of the power taken by the fan (and oil pump motors in case OFAF cooling -

The tapping connection to be used for the impulse tests shall be the one on which the highest
voltage stresses occur. Verification of the correct choice of tapping shall be provided. Impulse
tests shall be applied by direct application to each line terminal in turn except where, by
agreement with the Engineer, the transferred surge method of test may be adopted for tests
on lower voltage windings. Routine test and special test must be witnessed by PLN

2.15.2 Additional Test

Additional tests as the followings shall be made:


The impedance voltage test should also be carried out on the maximum and minimum
tapping positions.
Magnetic circuit insulation (where appropriate):
- A power frequency voltage of 2.5 kV for 1 minute applied as follows:
Core bolts to core, to yoke clamps and to core leg side plates.
Core to yoke clamps and to core leg side plates.
Clamping bolts to screens and screens to earthen metal paths from which the screens
are isolated.

- Immediately prior to dispatch, 2.5 kV for 1 minute applied between core and earth. A
megger may be used for this test.

No load current at:

- 90 % rated voltage
- 100 % rated voltage
- 110 % rated voltage

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- The maximum voltage equivalent to the value quoted in the schedules.

Partial Discharge:
The details of the Pd test shall be as far as possible based on IEC 60270 subject to the
agreement of the Engineer except where otherwise stated.
In the following specification, wherever possible, reference will be made to the relevant
parts of IEC 60270. Those aspects of the test not covered by IEC 60270 will be specified

Test conditions: The test shall be made under controlled ambient pd conditions; if
possible in a large shielded enclosure, using corona free terminals and connections, a
filtered power supply and a calibrated test circuit.

The arrangement of the transformer, the supply leads and earth, etc shall simulate
installed conditions as nearly as possible, except where this may interfere with the
achievement of a low ambient Pd level.
Test procedure: The Pd measurements shall be associated with the induced overpotential
test. The test voltage shall be applied across the whole winding.

The Pd measurements shall be made on each phase in turn and where possible on at
least two terminals of the winding under test.
With increasing voltage observe the Pd of the transformer, remain at 1.2 x nominal
voltage for half-an-hour or longer if necessary to examine, measure and record the Pd.
As the induced voltage are increased, record Pd inception voltage (see IEC 60270,
section 3.5, 3.5.1, 3.4.2 and 6.4.2) and the Pd level. With reducing voltage record the Pd
extinction voltage (see IEC 60270, same sections) and the Pd level. When 1.2 x nominal
voltage is reached it should be maintained for half-an-hour or longer if necessary to
examine measure and record the Pd.
If possible it would be preferable to record continuously the Pd level throughout the tests
(see IEC 60270, same sections).

It is required that the transformer is shown to have an internal pd extinction voltage which
is greater than 1.2 x nominal voltage i.e. that the transformer is discharge free at 1.2 x
nominal voltage (discharge free means not greater than the background pd level. See
IEC 60270, section 5.4.3)
Reasons for any changes in the recorded Pd before and after the application of the full-
induced over-voltage shall be explained.
Test circuit: The test circuit shall be one of those described in IEC 60270 section 4.2 and
appendix 1.
Method of measurement: The method of measurement and instrumentation shall be
according to IEC 60270 section 4.3 and 4.3.1.
Any other method will be subject to the Engineer's agreement.
Calibration: The instruments and the test circuits shall be calibrated according to IEC
60270 sections 5.1, 5.2, 5.2.1, 5.3 and 5.3.1; any other method will be subject to the
Engineer's agreement.

Voltage/Reactance characteristics:
This characteristic shall be recorded from 50% to 150% in steps of 10% nominal voltage.

Switching surge: (N.A)

Each high voltage terminal with Um > 300 kV and above shall be switching surge tested,
with one reduced voltage wave (50% - 75%), and three full voltage waves of negative
polarity, between line terminal and ground.

The switching surge waveform shall have the following characteristics:

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A crest value as specified in the schedules. The wave front time (time to crest) shall be
100 microsecond ± 20%, and the wave tail shall be a minimum of 1000 microseconds and
shall exceed 90 per cent of its crest value for at least 200 micro-seconds.

The capacitance between windings and between each winding and earth shall be

Transferred surge:
Where recurrent surge oscillograph tests are required, the transformer shall be designed
so that with the test voltage, applied to the other windings, the maximum surge that can
be transferred to the unloaded winding(s) does not exceed its specified insulation level.
Compliance with this requirement may be achieved by the use of external equipment
connected to the unloaded winding and shall be proved by recurrent surge oscillograph

During the temperature rise test the accuracy of oil and/or winding temperature indicating
devices shall be determined.

Where an impulse test is required it shall follow the power frequency tests.

Where impulse, partial discharge, switching and transferred surge and temperature rise
tests have previously been carried out on equipment similar in all essential respects to
that included in the contract, the Engineer may waive one or all these tests on production
of complete test records which they consider satisfactory.


Routine Tests - each finished tap changer is to be subjected to the mechanical and
dielectric routine tests specified in IEC 60214.
Type Tests - to IEC 60214 or type test certificates submitted in lieu.


Routine, type, sample and special tests shall be carried out in accordance with IEC

The following special test shall be made:

Short time current test:

Each type of bushing being provided shall be subjected to a short time current test of 3
seconds at the fault rating specified in the schedule of technical particulars, the test
procedure being in accordance with that of IEC 56.


Routine test:
Oil tightness - All cable boxes and disconnecting chambers shall be tested with oil,
having a viscosity not greater than that of IEC 60296 insulating oil when at temperature of
15OC, at a pressure of 70 kN/m² for 12 hours; during this time no leakage shall occur nor
shall there be any permanent set when the pressure is released.

Routine tests:

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Oil leakage:
All tanks, conservators and oil filled compartments including all forms of radiator shall be
tested, before painting, for oil tightness by being completely filled with oil of a viscosity not
greater than that of IEC 60296 insulating oil at a temperature of 15OC and subjected to a
pressure equal to the normal pressure plus 35 kN/m².
This pressure shall be maintained for a period of not less than 24 hours, during which
time no leakage shall occur.
The tap changer barrier shall be subjected to normal oil pressure head for 24 hours,
during which time there shall be no leakage from the panel or bushings.

Type tests:

Unless type test certificates can be produced for test carried out on similar equipment, the
following tests shall be done for tank, conservator, radiator and pressure relief device:

Vacuum test:

The equipment shall be subjected to a vacuum of 508 mm of mercury less than

atmospheric pressure when empty of oil.
The permanent deflection of plates or stiffeners on removal of vacuum is not to exceed
the following values.

Major dimension of plate Max permanent deflection

between stiffeners

Less than 1300 mm 3 mm

1300 to 2500 mm 8 mm
Greater than 2500 mm 12.7 mm

Pressure test:

The equipment is to withstand pressure corresponding to normal pressure plus 35kN/m²

for 12 hours.

The permanent deflection of plates or stiffeners on removal of pressure is also not to

exceed the values stated in respect of the vacuum test in the above table.

This test may be combined with a routine oil leakage test.

The tap changer barrier shall be shown to withstand an over pressure test of normal
pressure plus 35 kN/m2 for 12 hours.

For pressure release device, it shall be subjected to increasing oil pressure and shall
operate just slightly before reaching normal pressure plus 35kN/m². The operating
pressure shall be recorded on the test certificate.

Routine tests:

Air/oil coolers:
All coolers using forced oil circulation shall be filled with oil of a viscosity not greater than
that of IEC 296 insulating oil at a temperature of 15 °C and subjected to a pressure equal
to twice the maximum working pressure at the inlet to the cooler under service conditions
which shall be maintained for a period of not less than 24 hours; during this time no

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leakage shall occur.

Water/oil coolers:
The oil and water compartments of all water cooled oil coolers shall be tested separately
to withstand a hydraulic pressure of 350 kN/m2 for 15 minutes after which the pressure
shall be reduced to twice the maximum working pressure at the inlet to the cooler under
service conditions and shall be maintained for a period of not less than 24 hours during
which time no leakage shall occur.
Type tests:
One forced-oil of each type shall be subjected, when empty of oil, to that vacuum test
level specified. There shall be no permanent deformation or distortion of any part of the


Routine tests:
Oil filled equipment:
The bodies of all oil pumps complete with submerged motors, if any, and the oil pipe
work, oil sampling devices and valves shall withstand a hydraulic pressure of 140 kN/m2
for 15 minutes.

Water filled equipment:

Water pumps, water pipe work and valves shall withstand a hydraulic pressure of 700
kN/m2 for 15 minutes after which the pressure shall be reduced to twice the maximum
working pressure, at the inlet to the cooler under service conditions and shall be
maintained for a period of not less than 24 hours during which time no leakage shall

Control gear:
All control gear shall be subjected to the tests specified in the appropriate IEC.

Each motor shall be subjected to the following tests where applicable:
- Measurement of winding resistance (cold).
- No load test at rated voltage for determination of fixed losses.
- An overvoltage test at 1.5 times rated voltage applied with the machine running at no
load, for a period of 3 minutes, to test inter-turn insulation.
- High voltage in accordance with IEC 60034.

Type tests:

Performance tests shall be in accordance with IEC 60034 however; certificates of type
tests in accordance with IEC will be accepted.
Except for non-return valves, all valves and oil sampling devices, which are subject in
service, or during maintenance to oil pressure shall withstand, when empty of oil,
absolute pressure not exceeding 350 mbars. In the case of valves this test is to be
applied to the body only. This type test shall subsequently be followed by a repeat oil
leakage test.


Sample test:
Sample of oil from each consignment shall be tested in accordance with IEC 60296

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before dispatch.

Subject to the agreement of the Engineer a test certificate, confirming that the oil from
which the consignment was drawn has been tested in accordance with IEC 60296, may
be accepted. Before commissioning any reactor, the electric strength of its oil shall be
check-tested and the result approved by the Engineer.



The following tests shall be made on relays when completely assembled. Where oil is
referred to it shall have a viscosity not greater than that of IEC 60296 insulating oil at 15O

Oil leakage:
The relay, when filled with oil shall be subjected to an internal pressure of 140 kN/m2 for
15 minutes.
No leakage shall occur either from the casing or into normally oil free spaces, such as
floats, within the casing.

Gas collection:

a. With the relays mounted as in service and at a rising angle of 5OC (tank to
conservator) and full of oil, gas shall be introduced into the relay until the gas
collection contacts close.
The oil level contacts shall not close when gas is escaping freely from the relay on
the conservator side. These contacts shall, however, close when the pipe-work is
empty of oil.
b. The empty relay shall be tilted, as if mounted in pipe-work rising from tank to
conservator, at an increasing angle until the gas collection contacts open.
The angle of tilt shall then be reduced and the gas collection contacts shall close
before the angle is reduced to less than 13O C to the horizontal.
c. With the relay mounted at a falling angle of 16O C to the horizontal and full of oil, the
gas collection contacts shall be open.

Oil surge:
With the relay mounted as in service and full of oil at approximately 15O C, the surge
contacts shall close within the steady oil flow limits specified in the schedule.

This operation shall not be adversely affected when the gas collection contacts have
already closed and gas is escaping freely.

With the relay empty of oil, a voltage of 2.5 kV shall be applied in turn between each of
the electrical circuits and the casing for one minute, the remaining circuits being
connected to the casing.

With the transformer assembled with its cooling plant as in service, tests shall be made to
demonstrate that the relay does not operate whilst the oil pump motors are being started
or stopped (N.A.).

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At the discretion of the Engineers, the following tests shall be made:

Variation of performance with mounting angle with the mounting conditions as in service,
the mounting angle shall be varied within the rising angle limits 1O and 9O and tests
repeated in the manner prescribed for the routine tests.


All secondary wiring, including panel wiring and control circuits and all apparatus
connected thereto shall be subjected to the following tests.

Routine tests:

Voltage: 2.5 kV applied for one minute.

Insulation resistance: By megger of not less than 500 volts.


Sample tests:

Samples selected by the Engineers of all galvanizing materials shall be subjected to the
galvanizing test set out in BS 443- "Testing of Zinc Coating on Galvanized Wires", or BS
729- "Testing of Zinc Coating on Galvanized Articles other than Wire", whichever is


Welder’s qualification tests:

All welders engaged on fabrication either in the manufacturer's works or on site and on
any weld repairs subsequently found necessary shall, before undertaking welding,
satisfactorily complete procedure and qualification tests in the presence of the Engineer.

The minimum requirement for the testing of welders engaged on structural steel would be
as follows:

Butt welds (manual):

Test plates to be of average thickness for the Contract.

Two tests required: horizontal/vertical and vertical.

From each test weld made are to be prepared one forward and one reverse bend test and
one macro specimen.
The bend tests are to be taken through 180 degrees over a former of diameter equal to
three times the thickness of the plate.

Fillet welds:
The size of fillet weld must be an average of those called for on the Contract.
Two tests are required: horizontal/vertical and vertical.
From each test weld, nick break and macro specimens are to be prepared.

Butt welds (machine welding):

On full penetration butt welds, the first two seams welded are to be witnessed with 'run
on' and 'run off' plates attached.
From these plates are to be prepared a forward bend, a reverse bend and a macro. The
bend requirements are as for the manual test.

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On partial penetration butt welds the first two seams are to be witnessed and macro
specimens are to be prepared from the 'run on' and 'run off' plates in addition to the ends
of the actual weld. The extent of penetration is the comply with the approved drawing.
The Shop Tests shall also include the followings:
a. Visual checks for completeness of the equipment and accessories
b. Functional tests on all system
c. Interchangeability of removable elements of corresponding rating


The Contractor shall implement the following procedures of site tests:

b. The Purchaser/Engineer shall be notified in writing as soon as any section of the Contract
Works has been completed and ready for site testing.
Site test program is to be prepared and approved by the Purchaser/ Engineer to satisfy
the requirements and operating conditions of the Purchaser's system.
c. The tests shall be carried out by the Contractor in cooperation with and in the presence of
the Purchaser/Engineer.
Additional tests that may be required by the Purchaser/Engineer have also to be carried
out to prove that the equipment has the capacity to work under the most onerous site
Subject to agreement the tests could be carried out by the Purchaser and supervised by
the Manufacturer's site supervisor(s).
Certificates and records of the tests shall be submitted to the Purchaser/Engineer for
d. The Contractor's representative must be present when any item of equipment is made
alive for the first time.

Minimum acceptable site tests:

The tests shall include, but not limited to the followings:

- Visual checks for completeness of the equipment and accessories.

- Point-to-point wiring continuity check on all circuits to confirm the final connections agree
with the panel wiring diagrams.
- Insulation resistance of all secondary circuits.
- Insulation resistance of core and windings.
- Insulation resistance between core and tank.
- Insulation resistance test on bushings.
- Dielectric strength of oil samples.
- Ratio and non-load current at low voltage (e.g. 400V) on all tapping.
- Vector/Phase relationship test.
- Polarity tests and where feasible magnetism characteristics on transformers.
- Calibration check of temperature instruments, including secondary current injection and
proving contact settings.
- Check operation of all relays, instruments, alarms and trips.
- Transformer differential protection injection tests.
- Air injection tests of gas/oil-actuated relays.
- Setting check of oil-level, oil-flow devices.
- Complete functional tests of cooling equipment and tap change equipment, including

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manual/automatic sequences, indications, alarms and interlocks, measurement of motor

currents, adoption of suitable motor protection settings and proof of protection operation
for stalled or single phasing conditions.
- Operational test "freeze-drier" type breathers.
- Functional testing of all equipment.
- Final checks before energizing :
Venting, position and locking of valves, earthing of star-point(s) and tank, state of
breathers and pressure-release devices, oil levels, absence of oil leakage, operation of
kiosk heaters, resetting of maximum temperature indicators, final proving of alarms and
- Energizing of all circuits.
- Tests when energized :
OLTC operation throughout range (subject to not exceeding 1.1 p.u. volts on any winding)
and maintenance of 1.1 p.u. volts on untapped windings for 15 minutes (but not
exceeding this value on tapped winding).
- Tests on load :
Temperature instrument readings and measurement of WTI CT secondary currents.

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BAB IV.3 TS.14B : 20/0.4 kV STATION AUXILIARY TRANSFORMERS ..................... 1

1. GENERAL ................................................................................................................ 1

2. TERMINALS ............................................................................................................ 1

3. PRIMARY TAPPING ................................................................................................ 2

4. IMPEDANCE ............................................................................................................ 2

5. LOSSES ................................................................................................................... 2

6. RATING PLATE ....................................................................................................... 2

7. ACCESSORIES ....................................................................................................... 3

8. FINISHING ............................................................................................................... 3

9. OIL ........................................................................................................................... 3

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IEC – 60076 and other applicable, equivalent or better standards


The following transformer is to be supplied and installed in the substation as required:

- HV nominal voltage 20 kV
- Rated power 200 kVA
- Phase 3
- Frequency 50 Hz
- Type Oil immersed, Outdoor
- Cooling ONAN
- BIL at high voltage side 125 kV
- Power frequency withstand-voltage at HV side 50 kV
- Impedance 4%
- Connection Dyn5
- HV winding rated voltage 24,000 V
- HV winding nominal voltage 20,000 V
- Off circuit tap 0%, ± 2.5%, 
± .5%, 
7.5%,  ± 10%
- Low voltage winding (rated) 230/400
- Short time withstand current 12.5 KA



Terminals shall be of porcelain air-bushing type provided with Elbow Connector type
terminals similar to the K 180 AR 1 of Amerace Elastimold. Terminals shall be delivered
with below type connectors (type k 154 LR) and other necessary accessory such as dead
end receptacles. Fitting of conventional bushing in withdrawable plugs place shall be
possible without modifying the cover.


Low voltage terminals of the station service transformer may be one of the following types:

 Porcelain bushing with threaded stud.

 Flat bar bush suitable for use with sealed type transformers. Insulating material and
gasket shall be impervious to action of hot transformer oil. Bar conductor shall be
made of copper.
 Distance between adjacent voltage terminals shall not be less than 120 mm.

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Voltage tapping shall be provided on the primary side of each transformer, as follows:

22 kV; 21.5 kV; 21 kV; 20.5 kV; 20 kV; 19.5 kV; 19 kV; 18.5 kV; 18 kV

The tapping are to be selected by off-load tapping switch with an external hand-wheel with
provision for locking on to selected tapping.

The tap change positions are to be marked clearly and indelibly.

The tap change switch shall have a positive action designed to eliminate the possibility of
stooping in and intermediate position.

The tap change switch shaft which passes through the transformer tank shall be so
designed as to completely prevent the leakage of oil under all condition of service.


The impedance voltage is 4 % at temperature of 75o C. The admissible tolerance is 10 %.


The Contractor shall state in Form of Transformer Losses and Schedules of Technical
Particulars & Guarantee values for components of losses comprising no-load loss, load
loss at continuous maximum rating (C.M.R.) and auxiliary loss if any.

The total losses shall be as low as is consistent with transport restrictions, reliability and
economic use of materials.

The annual cost of losses is to be minimized in terms of the following parameters which
will be used in the evaluation of the merit of bids :

No load loss in Rupiah per kW Rp. 33.314.480,38

Load loss in Rupiah per kW Rp. 16.324.095

Should the losses determined on test exceed the guaranteed values, then the Contract
Price for the transformer shall be reduced in proportion to the amount by which the losses
determined on tests exceed the guaranteed total losses.

Any transformer may be rejected if the losses exceed the guaranteed value by an amount
in excess of the followings:

Total losses 10 %
Component losses 15 % (unless the total loss exceed 10 %)


All information to be clearly and indelibly marked or engraved as follows:

a. Kind of transformer

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b. Manufacturer name
c. Serial number
d. Year of manufacturer
e. Number of phases
f. Rated power
g. Rated frequency
h. Rated voltage
i. Rated current
j. Connection symbol according to IEC
k. Impedance voltage
l. Type of cooling
m. Total mass
n. Volume of oil
o. Connection diagram
p. Insulation level
q. Detail tapping


The transformer shall be provided with the following accessories:

a. Lifting lugs be provided on the top cover
b. Oil filling plug (21 mm min. dia.) at the top
c. Oil drain plug (21 mm min. dia.) at the bottom
d. Two earthing terminals which shall be clearly indicated by and adjacent indelibly
marked or engraved symbol
e. Rating and diagram plate
f. Four flat rollers which can be oriented in two perpendicular direction with provision for
locking in the selected direction
g. Thermometer and oil Gauge.


The transformer including accessories shall be suitable for operation under a hot and
damp climate with frequent showers.
All parts exposed to atmospheric agents shall be protected. Metal surfaces shall be
thoroughly cleaned by sand blasting before printing. The exterior surfaces shall be given
two primer coats and one finishing coat of paint of an approved color. The paint shall be
resistant to hot oil action and weather. The interior surfaces shall be treated in accordance
with manufacturer's practice.
Special attention shall be given to the parts located at the level if any.
All bolts and nuts shall be cadmium plated.

9. OIL


Before filling with oil, the transformer coil assembly tank radiators and all internal parts
shall be thoroughly cleaned of all dirt, grease and loose items. The tank shall be filled
under vacuum conditions with new Shell Diala-B or mixable type with the Shell Diala-B
complying with IEC 60296 for acceptance test.

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The Bidder shall include for the supply of new Shell Diala-B or mixable type with the Shell
Diala-B complying with IEC 60296. Oil shall be supplied in the transformer (total weight
filled with oil does not exceed 5 tons).

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BAB IV.3 TS.15 : CABLES AND ACCESSORIES ........................................................................ 1

1. LOW VOLTAGE POWER CABLES ........................................................................................ 1

2. CONTROL CABLES................................................................................................................ 2

3. TESTS AND INSPECTION OF CABLES ................................................................................ 3

4 PACKING AND SHIPPING OF CABLES ................................................................................ 4

5. CABLE ACCESSORIES ......................................................................................................... 4

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1.1 General

All low voltage cables and accessories required for the correct and full operation of the
specified scope of work shall be supplied under this Contract.

The quantities of low voltage cables and accessories supplied shall be estimated and
Tenderers shall include in their Tender details of all cables allowed. Tenderers may visit the
sites to obtain further information if necessary.

The scope of supply shall include all cables, cable supports, cable racks and ladders, cable
ties and other necessary items.

1.2 Standards

The cables shall be designed and manufactured in accordance with the latest edition of the
relevant IEC Publications and where equal to or better than IEC, supplemented by the latest
edition of internationally recognized national standards.

The IEC Recommendations and Standards concerned are:

IEC 60028 International Standard of resistance for copper

IEC 60227 PVC insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including

450/750 V

IEC 60228 Conductors of Insulated Cables

IEC 60287 Calculation of continuous current rating of cables

IEC 60330 Methods of test for PVC insulation and sheath of electric cables

IEC 60502 Extruded solid dielectric power cables for rated voltages from 1
kV up to 30 kV

IEC 60811 Test methods for insulations and sheaths of electric cables and

ICEAS-66-524 NEMA Cross linked thermo setting polyethylene insulated wire and

1.3 Technical Requirements

The cables shall be rated for 600/1000 V and of the single core type with annealed copper
conductor and extruded solid dielectric insulation. The cables shall have PVC insulation cover
and PVC sheath.

A 50 mm2 single core cable shall be used for interconnection between the AC and DC
Switchgear and the 230/400 V AC and 110 V DC supplied panels/circuits. The cables shall be

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laid in cable ducts (outdoor) or on cable racks inside substation buildings.

The continuous current rating of cables (100% load factor) will be given for an ambient
temperature of 40oC.

The cables are composed of:

a. A conductor of circular shape made of stranded annealed copper wires.

b. Over the conductor, a PVC insulating layer; this layer must be easily removable from the
c. An outer PVC protective sheath of black color over the insulation.

The table below gives the minimum dimensions of the cable components.

- Nominal cross section 1 x 50 mm2

- Stranded core number of strand 19
- PVC insulation thickness 1.4 mm
- Min. thickness of protective sheet 1.8 mm

The PVC protection sheath shall be indelibly marked, preferably by means of embossed
characters, in accordance with the following designations:

- PLN - P3B JB
- The manufacturer's brand,
- The reference standards,
- A mark enabling identification of each manufacturing batch as well as the year of
- The number, cross section and material of the conductors,
- The insulation voltage,
- The type of insulation material (PVC or XLPE).

Marking shall have sufficient magnitude in relation to the diameter of the cable so as to be
easily read. The spacing between two successive groups of markings shall not exceed 50 cm.


2.1 General

All control cables and accessories required for the correct and full operation of the specified
scope of work shall be included in this contract.

The required quantities of control cables and accessories supplied shall be estimated and
Tenderers shall include in their Tender details of all cables allowed. Tenderers may visit the
sites to obtain further information if necessary.

The scope of supply shall include all cables, cable supports, cable racks and ladders, cable
ties and all necessary auxiliary items.

PVC insulated and termite proof PVC sheathed control cable with copper tape electrostatic
shielding (CUV - S) shall be offered.

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2.2 Standards

The control cables shall be designed and manufactured in accordance with the latest edition
of the relevant IEC Publications and where equal to or better than IEC, supplemented by the
latest edition of internationally recognized national standards.

2.3 Technical Requirements

The color of the core shall be selected according to PLN Standard SPLN 42 or equivalent.

Fillers may not be applied when unnecessary. A suitable binding tape may be applied
between the two layers.

The copper tape shielding shall be made up by the copper tape wrapping of approximately 0.2
mm thickness.

The manufacturer's name or its abbreviation and the year of manufacture shall be indicated
with a suitable method on the cables.

Chemicals for protection of the cables against termite shall be added to the sheath of the
control cables, and the cables shall be flame resistant.

Unit lengths shall be 300 m and 500 m.


3.1 Type Tests

For each cable type the Tenderer shall present together with the Tender type test certificates
in accordance with IEC 60502 issued by an internationally recognized independent testing
authority. Only cables having passed such type tests will be accepted.

3.2 Factory Inspection and Testing

The cables will be inspected at the manufacturer's premises by a representative of the


The factory routine and acceptance tests shall be carried out in accordance with the
provisions of the relevant IEC standards supplemented by the specific requirements indicated
hereafter. In the absence of IEC recommendations, the tests must be equivalent at least to
conditions, provisions and definitions set out in one of the internationally recognized national

The routine tests shall be carried out on all finished low voltage cables (each drum of low
voltage cable) ready for shipment.

The acceptance tests shall be carried out on samples taken at random, with a minimum of (1)
one sample, from every (10) ten km of manufactured length.

The acceptance tests shall include the following:

a. Visual examination.
b. Check of dimensions and construction:

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- Number and diameter of wires,

- Diameter and cross-section of conductor.
c. Measurement of the electrical resistance of conductor.
d. Measurement of thickness of insulation and sheath.
e. Measurement of ultimate tensile strength.
f. High Voltage test for 9 hours.


Cables shall be delivered on non-returnable drums.

A tolerance of 15 meters is permitted on each drum. The tolerance however can not be used
to determine the number of drums.

Cables shall be placed on reels having drum diameter sufficiently large so that the bending
will not unduly modify the physical properties of the cables.

The cables shall be protected in ordinary handling and shipping.

Each reel shall have the following data printed on metallic tag strongly attached:
- Cross section of cable,
- Length of cable,
- Net weight,
- Gross weight,
- Manufacturer's name.


5.1 Compression Terminals

The compression terminals shall be designed, manufactured and tested in accordance with
the relevant IEC Publication or equivalent.

The compression terminals shall be made of tinned electrical copper plate, and shall be
provided with translucent PVC tube or equivalent.

5.2 Wire Connectors

Wire connectors shall be made of tinned electrical copper tube or plate, and shall be provided
with translucent PVC tube or equivalent. These wire connectors shall be of compression type
similar to the compression terminal.

5.3 Inspection and Testing

The following inspection and tests shall be conducted:
a. Visual examination of appearance
b. Verification of dimensions
c. Mechanical test
d. Compression test.
e. Measurement of conductive resistance.

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BAB IV.3 TS.16 : SUBSTATION EARTHING SYSTEM................................................................ 1

1. GENERAL................................................................................................................................ 1

2. DEFINITION ............................................................................................................................. 2

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The equipment/materials shall conform to the latest applicable standards of sponsor

organizations not limited to the followings:

General regulation of electrical installation Indonesia: PUIL (Peraturan Umum Instalasi Listrik

Relevant standards of: SPLN.

IEEE 80-1986: Guide for safety in AC S/S grounding.

IEEE 81-1983: Guide for measuring earth resistivity, ground impedance and earth surface
potentials of a ground system.

IEEE 142-1991: Recommended practice for grounding of industrial and commercial power

Electrical measurement of the subsoil at various depths, shall be made at the site of the
substation from which the ground resistivity and hence the expected resistance of the proposed
earth grid system may be predicted.

The earthing system shall comprise a mesh grid, formed by tinned copper strip or flexible
conductor buried directly in the ground, and arranged so as to utilize fully the available site

A continuous conductor shall be laid outside the periphery of the substation site at a distance of
1.5 to 2.0 meters from the boundary fence, and at a depth of between 0.3 to 0.8 meters below
the surface.

A mesh system shall be formed by interconnection of various points of the perimeter


The spacing between conductors forming the mesh system shall be such as to limit the max-
imum mesh potential to a value not greater than the maximum tolerable touch potential
assuming a fault clearance time equal to that of the main protective gear being provided. (See
definition of terms at end of section).

The earth system shall be designed so as to include all overhead line terminal steel structures,
which shall be earthed. The metal substation fence immediately below any overhead line
entering or leaving the site should be bonded to the earth system at that location.

The design of earth grid over the area occupied by switchgears and associated apparatus shall
be based on a maximum grid spacing of 10 m x 5 m.

The location of the mesh conductors shall be such as to enable all items of equipment to be
connected to the earth system via the shortest possible route.
Measurements of ground resistivity shall be made by the appointed Contractor. For tendering
purposes, a value of 100 ohm meters should be assumed.
The current density of the earth conductor shall be not greater than 200 A/mm² for a 1 second
short time current rating and 100 A/mm² for a 3 second duration.

Single connections between equipment and system can carry the total short circuit current, but
the cross sectional area of branch connections may be reduced to take account of current
distribution in two or more conductors.

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A distribution of 60 % shall be assumed for this purpose, ie. The cross sectional area of branch
connections may be reduced to 60 % of the corresponding single conductor. The design of the
substation earthing system shall be based on a fault rating of 40 kA (1 second).


The use of earth plates as current carrying electrodes is not acceptable).

Metal parts of all equipment, other than those forming part of an electrical circuit shall be
connected directly to the main earth system via a single conductor. The arrangement of the
mesh earth system shall be such as a o minimize the length of these single connections.

Earthing for high frequency coupling equipment and surge diverters shall be via a copper rod
driven directly into the ground at a position immediately adjacent to the equipment being
earthed in addition to the normal earth connection.

All main members of structural steelwork shall be earthed by copper connections bonded to the

Connections to apparatus and structures shall be made clear of ground level, preferably to a
vertical face and protected against electrolytic corrosion.

Earth bars installed directly into the ground should normally be laid bare and the trench back
filled with a fine top soil. Where the soil is of a hostile nature, precautions must be taken to
protect the earth bar.

Joints in earth bars shall be brazed. Where bolted joints are used in copper connections they
shall have the joint faces tinned.

A facility shall be provided on the earth bar run between, the equipment and the base of the
structure, comprising a looped copper strip, so as to permit the attachment of portable earth
connections for maintenance purposes.

After installation of the earth system the Contractor shall measure the resistance of the

The method used shall preferably be the "fall of potential" method, requiring the availability of a
local low voltage supply but other methods using an earth resistance megger will be acceptable
in the event of a local supply being unavailable.


Mesh Potential

The potential exists between a point on the edge of a rectangular grid and a point at the centre
of that grid.

Maximum Tolerable Touch Potential

The maximum potential that can be tolerated exists between the hand and the foot of a person
without the current flow through the body exceeding the threshold of ventricular fibrillation.

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Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis



BAB IV.3 TS.17 : FAULT RECORDING EQUIPMENT ................................................................. 1

1. GENERAL................................................................................................................................ 1

2. TECHNICAL PARTICULARS. ................................................................................................ 2

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This specification describes the requirements for an automatic fault and disturbance recording
system for use in sensing, acquiring and printing analog and digital data associated with
electric power system faults and/or disturbances.

The recording equipment shall provide permanent records for subsequent analysis of the
system voltage and current wave forms and the time sequence of operation of the various

The record shall commence at about 0.5 seconds before fault detection and continue about 5
seconds afterward.

All record lengths shall be programmable and adjustable by the user.

The unit shall operate reliably in the relatively dusty environment of substation control rooms.
The circuitry of recorder shall be solid state for maximum reliability with no maintenance
requirements other than paper supply and ribbon for the printer.

All local memory shall be solid state with no moving parts, and shall be table to store all setup
information and fault data, even when the station battery supply is interrupted for maintenance
or repair.

At each substation, facilities shall be provided to record the following information:

1. Individual phase and neutral current 50 Hz wave-form of selected group of circuits.

2. Individual phase and neutral voltage 50 Hz wave-form of each section of bus bar and/or
incoming circuit.
3. Operating and resetting time instants of each circuit of main signaling equipment receive
4. Operating and resetting time instants of each protection signaling equipment receive relay.
5. Operating time instants of local back-up and bus bar protections

Provision shall be made for future extensions.

Where more than one fault recorder unit is required in a substation, the individual units shall be
started simultaneously and means shall be provided to enable accurate time comparison to be
made between the charts from each recorder, e.g by duplicating some of the A.C. voltage

Operating of the traces shall not be affected by interference from other circuits.

Suitable alarms shall be provided to signal “approaching end of chart paper”.

Correct starting and stopping of the fault recorders shall be possible from either self reset or
hand reset protection contract.

Pick-up and reset of the time marker pens shall be indicated as clear traces on the charts and
the pick-up and reset times of these units shall be consistent.
All the necessary transformers, voltage dropping resistors and repeat relays to make the fault

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recorder equipment fully operational with the line Vts, CTs and protection equipment provided
at each of the station shall be supplied.

Each fault recorder shall have built in input conditioner, starting unit, stored memory, calendar
clock, control unit and dot matrix line printer, etc.

The fault recorder shall be of automatic memory-stored type. Under standby condition, it shall
store continuously memories of voltage/current waves and event signals in the sampling
memory unit.

In case a power system fault happens, the change of voltage/current shall cause the pulse to
activate the starting-unit of the fault recorder, so that the fault recorder starts.

The fault recorder shall record the voltage/current waves and event signals on paper during the
setting period before the fault occurs.

Once the fault recorder starts, substation name, year, month, day, hour, minute, second and
the nearest millisecond as well as explanation of the respective waves and signal elements
shall be printed on the paper.

The fault recorder shall be installed in a free standing cabinet including necessary auxiliary


Further to the characteristics mentioned in Technical Particulars and Guarantee, the fault
recorders shall correspond to the following additional requirements:

a. Capability to operate in a tropical climate up to a temperature of 50°C and a relative

humidity of 90%.
b. The number of analog input channels shall be extendable from 16 up to 80.
c. The number of digital input channels shall be extendable from 32 up to 160.
d. A memory conversion feature shall be able to automatically change to low scan rate after
reaching a certain (selectable) percentage of capacity.
e. Selectable triggering type (sensor, event and manual trigger) with the capability to select
high speed, low speed or duel speed scan rates depending on trigger type.
f. Recording amplitudes :
* Analog element : 10 mm peak to peak for voltage element
5 mm peak to peak for current element
32 mm peak to peak (applied maximum value)

* Digital element : 0.1 mm during off contact (printed with line)

0.5 mm during on contact
g. Printer :
* Printer Paper : Ordinary Paper or Continuous Form
* Paper size : width <= 216 mm
* Printed data : Analog channel maximum 100 mm peak
* Event channel : Broken line format
* Paper speed : Feeding : 15 mm/second or more
Recording : 200 mm/second or more (time scale on

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h. Expansion of fault recording shall be possible by connecting minimum 4 further recorders

to increase the number of input channels, including time synchronization of the connected

i. The starting unit shall be housed in the fault recorder. Starting shall be provided by either
* Analog element trigger unit or
* Digital element trigger unit

j. Following alarms shall be indicated by LED lamps on the fault recorder front face:
* Power supply unit failure
* Paper run out
* System failure

k. Date, time, setting data, explanation messages etc, shall be indicated on a LCD (Liquid
Crystal Display) placed at the recorder front, including setting keys.

l. Two (2) voltage-free contacts shall be provided for fault recorder failures and operation.
They shall be wired to the terminal block separately.

m. A change-over switch with the following functions shall be provided:

* O Power source OFF

* L Fault Recorder LOCK

n. The following accessories shall be included with each set of fault recorder:

* Paper : 30 boxes
* Test plugs for voltage : 2 pcs
* Test plugs for current : 2 pcs
* Fuse each : 10 pcs
* Other necessary accessories : 1 lot

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Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis



BAB IV.3 TS.18 : 20 KV SWITCHGEARS WITH PANELS .......................................................... 1

1. GENERAL................................................................................................................................ 1

2. SPECIFIC REQUIREMENT ..................................................................................................... 5

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1.1.1. This specification covers the design, manufacture, supply, factory test and inspection,
installation (if specified), site test and commissioning, 12 months guarantee after taking
over or 18 months after last delivery.

1.1.2. Bus duct shall be furnished for interconnection between two rows of Medium Voltage


1.2.1. General

The Contractor shall control the quality of equipment, material testing, cleaning, services
and reports to meet the requirement of this specification, applicable standards, codes and
other applicable standards.

1.2.2. Standards

The equipment and materials shall conform to the latest applicable standards of sponsor
organization as follows: Basic Standards

Unless otherwise specified or modified herein, all IEC Standards directly or indirectly
applicable, including parts and addenda. Specific Standards include, but not limited to the

IEC 60056 - High voltage alternating current circuit breaker.

IEC 60060 - High Voltage test techniques
IEC 60068 - Basic Enviromental Testing Procedures
IEC 60129 - Alternating current disconnectors (Isolators) & Earthing switches.
IEC 6068 - Test on indoor and outdoor post insulators of ceramic material of
glass for systems with nominal voltage greater than 1000 V.
IEC 60185 - Current Transformer
IEC 60186 - Voltage Transformer
IEC 60265 - High Voltage Switches for rated voltages above 1 kV and less than
52 kV
IEC 60282 - Current limiting fuses
IEC 60298 - A.C. metal enclosed switchgear and controlgear for rated voltages
above 1 kV and up to and including 52 kV.
IEC 60420 - High voltage alternating current switch-fuses combination
IEC 60466 - High voltage insulation enclosed switchgear and controlgear
IEC 60529 - Classification of degree of Protection Provided by Enclosures
IEC 60660 - Test on indoor post insulators of organic material for systems with
nominal voltages greater than 1000 V up to but not including 300 kV

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.18 - 1

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis Supplement Standard

- NFC Standards (French)
- VDE / DIN Standards (German)
- BS Standards (British)
- NEMA Standards (USA)
- JIS Standards (Japanese) Conflicts

a) If conflicting requirements between applicable standards exist, the more stringent

requirement shall govern.

b) If this specification conflicts in any way with applicable standards, this specification
shall take precedence and shall govern.

c) The parts, sections, subsections, paragraphs or clauses of supplemental standards

replace and take precedence over the requirements of the corresponding parts,
sections, subsections, clauses or paragraphs of the basic standard to the extend of
the scope covered by the part, section, subsection, paragraph or clauses listed
supplemental standard.


The equipment shall be suitable fo operation under site condition as described below:

1.3.1. Climatic Conditions

a) Equatorial - Intense sunshine - heavy rain.

b) Ambient air temperatures :
- Extremities 20 to 40 deg. C
- Normal range 25 to 35 deg. C
- Ambient average annual temperature 30 deg. C
- Average in any one day does not exceed 35 deg. C
- Maximum indoor temperature 40 deg. C
c) Rainfall - average annual between November and April 2300 mm, 100 days
d) Average relative humidity 70 % - 100 %
e) Maximum wind velocity 25 m/sec
f) Average isoceraunic level 100 days/year
g) Altitude sea level to 1000 meters

This information is for general guidance only.

Temperatures and wind pressure for design purposes are given in the Technical

1.3.2. Seismic Conditions

In accordance with a 1965 report published by the Government of Indonesia the

earthquake loadings shall be simulated by horizontal force equal to one tenth on the total
vertical force, acting in any direction upon the centre of gravity of the structure.
This static force requirement has for the purposes of any calculations been upgraded to :
H - 0.12 V in order to raise the factor of safety on essential services.

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Electrical plant shall be capable of withstanding without damage horizontal and vertical
acceleration of 0.3 g, for frequency variation from 0.2 to 20 Hz.

1.3.3. Special Conditions

Equipment supplied under this Contract will be installed in locations which can be
considered hostile to its proper operation. Particular problems which shall receive special
consideration relate to operation in a hot humid environment, and the presence of insects
and vermin.


1.4.1. The equipment will be installed indoors and will be subject to the minimum and maximum
environmental conditions as specified.

1.4.2. The equipment shall be suitable for operation under the ambient conditions specific to
their respective location while in service.

1.4.3. The equipment shall fulfill the electrical characteristic below:

* Busbar nominal current .............................. 1250 A
* Circuit Breaker
- Incoming .............................. 800 A
- Outgoing .............................. 630 A
- Bus Section .............................. A
* Neutral point
- Low resistance earthed
* Test voltage of auxiliary circuits (1 minute) .............................. 2 kV


1.5.1. Language
All documents are to be in English
1.5.2. Document to be furnished by the Contractor / Supplier
1. When Bidding
The following data shall be submitted:
a. Outline drawings for the equipment will be supplied
b. Technical particulars and guarantee
c. Type test certificate of MV circuit breaker, load break switch, MV
d. Technical literature of the equipment
e. Quality control manual for review and acceptance
f. Other data if requested during evaluation
2. After the award of the contract
a. Foundation guide drawings
b. Technical particular and guarantee
c. Outline and detail drawings for approval
d. As built drawing
e. Method of inspection and testing
f. Inspection / test report before delivery
g. Quality control procedure

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The switchboards and switchgear units will be inspected either at manufacturer's premises
or at the place where they are assembled. In any case, the final inspection shall be carried
out on completely assembled switchboard.

Inspection will be made by an authorized representative of Owner to be appointed later.

1.6.1. Type Test

Tenderer shall include with their offers that certificate, including test carried out in
accordance with IEC 60298.
The test must include: For 20 kV Switchgear

- test of mechanical strength
- check of degree of protection
- impluse voltage dry test
- power frequency voltage dry test
- temperature rise test
- short time current test on main circuits
- short time current test on earthing circuits
- checking of making and breaking capacity
- test resistance to environmental conditions
- internal arc test For the Circuit Breaker

- mechanical strength
- breaking and making capacity
- permissible overcurrent
- temperature rise
- operation
- power frequency test.

1.6.2. Routine Test For 20 kV Switchgear

These tests shall be made on all assemblies and shall include:

- power frequency voltage dry test

- voltage test on auxiliary circuits
- mechanical operation test on control and interlocking
- verification of wiring
- verification of earth continuity
- checking of conformity to specification For the Circuit Breakers

- checking the conformity of equipment with present specification
- checking mechanical operation
- checking operation of releases
- dielectric test.

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Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

1.6.3. Guarantee

The manufacturer shall be required to provide test certificates.

In the event that the equipment delivered fails to pass the required tests, the manufacturer
will be responsible for the equipment until such time that the equipment is retested an
proved satisfactory and the required test certificates are accepted by the Owner prior to
dispatching the equipment.



2.1.1. The Medium Voltage metalclad shall be of single busbar type and housed in specially
provided buildings (indoor installation).

2.1.2. Switchgear shall be metalclad, prefabricated, withdrawable type. Switchgear assemblies

which will be called hereafter switchboards are made up of compartment or units.
Partitions of metalclad switchgear and control gear shall be metallic, earthed and no
phase barriers may be installed. Switchgear shall be suitable for operation in a hot and
damp climate. All components shall be made to receive a tropical finish.

2.1.3. Control and indication for the supervision at Distribution Control Centre (DCC), as
required, shall be brought out to terminal blocks on each 20 kV Switchgear Panel.


2.2.1. Design of Switchboard Construction

The medium voltage switchboards shall be made up in compartments completely

enclosed in metal enclosure including the bottom face. The switchboards are to be
fabricated from rolled steel sheets composed of interchangeable cells having standardized
dimensions and easily joined together.

The sheet steel used in the construction of panels shall be perfectly planned and not less
than 2.5 mm thick for front panel and 2.0 mm for other sections. However the covers and
partition shall be so stiffened that a mechanical impact of 2 joule (equivalent to a 0.5 kg
ball falling from 0.4 m) shall not render ineffective the control gear or alter the specified
degree of protection or reduce the creepage distance or clearances below the specified

The switchboards should be provided with the cable support with fixing clamps for nut and
screw. In case duplex type will be supplied, front cover for the second switchboard shall
be provided. The cover shall be designed such that they can easily remove and installed
to the first switchboard or other switchboard.

The first switchboard is the switchboard with circuit breaker and the second switchboard is
the switchboard without circuit breaker in the duplex system.

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.18 - 5

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis Degree of Protection

Complete protection shall be provided against approach to live or contact with internal
moving parts to category IP 41 to IEC - 60529 Access to Compartments

Switchgear compartments:

Each switchgear shall house the following components:

- Busbar(s) compartment
- Current Transformer and HV connection compartment
- Circuit Breaker compartment
- LV compartment

These compartments are to be fully segregated by metallic earthed partitions.

The cover and partitions of these compartments are fixed. They cannot be removed
unless tools are used (e.q. fixation by hexagonal head screws).

Access to equipment fitted in these compartments is by opening a door or cover.

Complete or partial access into a switchgear compartment by operators shall only be
possible if all the equipment contained in that compartment is "dead" or connected to earth
if it remains connected to circuits outside that compartment.

Mechanical type interlocks shall forbid access to switchgear compartment if the following
conditions are not fulfilled:

- The switching device (load break switch, isolator, etc) is in the open position.
- The earthing switch is in the closed position,
- Any conducting parts which extend outside the compartment are earthed.

Closing of door or cover shall not be possible unless the earthing switch is closed.
However the earthing switch may be open once the door is opened.

Modification or replacement of part of the busbars will required the whole switchgears be
dead. Internal fault in the cubicles

All constructional arrangements of cubicles shall be taken to minimize the risk of

consequences of internal faults in the cubicles. Control Levers

The control levers of switching devices shall preferably be in the high position when the
device is in the "closed" position and in the low position when the device is in the "open"
position. End position of the lever shall be indicated on the panel.

The effort to be exerted on a lever by operators shall not exceed 250 N. The direction of
rotation of levers shall be such that they do not knock against the opened door of an
adjacent compartment or a wall.

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Position of all switching device shall be clearly and automatically indicated on a mimic
diagram which shall be fitted on the front face of the switchboard. Control Mechanism

Control mechanism of switching devices shall be of the independent manual operation


Operation of switching devices shall be carried out without entering into the switchgear

The component of the control mechanism or locking devices their linkages are to be
designed and constructed so as to provide a safety factor of 3 in relation of permanent
deformation or rupture (depending upon the material) for the transmission in the most
unfavourable condition of an effort of 250 N applied to the handle of the control lever.

The interlocking devices shall have a higher safety factor than the control mechanisms.

Position of any switching devices, including isolators, shall be eye-checked by one of the
following means:

- The movable contact tips in the open position are visible through portholes located in
the enclosure.
- A clearly visible screen can be inserted between the fixed contacts and the movable
- Sectionalizing is made by withdrawing a device,
- Opening of contact is shown by an indicating device either for each pole or for the 3
pole together depending upon the construction. The indicating devices shall be directly
connected to the movable contacts by means of a strong linkage which cannot be put
out of adjustment of forced.
- Electromagnetic indicators enclosed on the mimic diagram for earthing switch position. Isolating Facilities General

Mechanical indicators visible at the front of the cubicle shall be provided to show the
position of isolators and earthing switches.

Padlocking facilities shall be fitted to enable isolator and earthing switches to be locked in
the 'on', 'off' and 'earthed' positions.

Facilities shall be provided for high voltage test on cables and primary injection of current
transformers. Where windows are provided for observation of position of isolators and
earthing switches, these shall comply with IEC 60289 in respect of internal arc test and
150% power frequency dielectric test. Withdrawable circuit-breakers

All circuit breaker(s) should be withdrawable.

The circuit breakers shall be connected to the busbars and feeder circuits through plug
and socket type isolating devices. The devices shall be of an off load type but shall

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.18 - 7

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

suitable for operation whilst the busbars or feeder circuits are live. It shall be impossible to
operate the isolating device if the circuit-breaker is in the closed position.

The main circuit isolating devices and all auxiliary circuit isolating devices shall be
self-aligning and accessible for maintenance. The main isolating contacts shall be silver
plate, self-cleaning and shall be mounted in porcelain or cast resin bushings.

It shall be possible for circuit-breakers to be withdrawable from the fixed portion of the
cubicle by either horizontal or vertical isolation from the fixed busbars and outgoing circuit
connections or by some other approved procedures.

It shall be possible to remove the circuit-breaker completely from the panel within the
distance stated in the Schedule of Particulars.

Automatic shutters shall be provided to IEC Standards to prevent access to live equipment
when the circuit-breaker is withdrawn. These shall provided degree of protection IP-31 and
shall be so designed as to be individually locked over busbar or circuit orifices
independently of the other except that simultaneous operation of shutters is permitted
where other means of access to cable terminations is provided.

Shutter shall be metallic except that insulating material may be employed subject to
compliance with test in accordance with IEC 60298. Orifice shutter shall be clearly labeled
and shall be warning symbols.

Two (2) rollers shall be provided for each substation for carrying withdrawable part in case
truck mounted is not applied. Earthing Facilities

Means shall be provided to earth both the outgoing circuit and the busbars, but not both
simultaneously. Both busbars for double busbar type may be earthed simultaneously.

The means of earthing shall from an integral part of the design of the switchboard. The
earths shall be made either through circuit-breakers or by the use of fault making
switches. It shall not be possible to select an integral position or connect a portable
earthing device unless the circuit-breaker is in the open position.

When the circuit- breaker is being used for earthing, a locking facility shall be provided to
prevent the breaker being opened closed. It shall be impossible to return to the normal
service position without having first removed the same locking facility. Fault making
switches shall be capable of making on to a 3 phase fault whose is equal to the specified
short circuit level for the time specified in system and fault levels. The operating
mechanism shall be a spring-operated manual device designed so that the closing speed
of the switch is independent of the operator.

. It shall not be possible to have the switch in a partially open or closed position and it shall
be possible to closed and immediately open the switch. Earthing of Metal Parts

All metal parts including any relays, instrument, etc., mounted on the switchboard, shall be
connected to a copper earth bar which runs along the full length of the switchboard.

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Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

The cross-section of the bar shall be sufficient to carry the rated short-time withstand
current of the switchgear for the time specified.

The frame and the tank of the draw-out circuit- breakers shall be connected to the earth
bar through a substantial plug type contact or sliding type contact arranged to make and
maintain contact before the main isolating contacts make.

The earthing contacts of all earthing switches and the earthing connections for any
earthing device shall be connected directly to the earth bar. Interlocking Facilities

The switchboards shall be provided with an interlocking system to ensure safe operating
of the equipment under all service condition.

Mechanical interlocking shall be effective at the point where hand is applied so that
stresses cannot be transferred to parts remote from that point.

When remote control facilities are required, electrical interlocking shall also be provided to
prevent closure of the circuit by interrupting of the operating supply to the solenoid
operating contractor or the spring release coil in the case of spring closing mechanism.

Interlocks shall be provided on Incoming Feeder, Bus Section and Bus Coupler equipment
to prevent the paralleling of switchboards and sections of switchboards.

Where mechanical keys are used to private interlocking and attempt to release a key
when the circuit-breaker is closed shall not trip the circuit-breaker.

Facilities shall be provided for live uninterrupted transfer of circuits form one busbar to the
other busbar. Interlocks shall be provided to prevent to the closure of the circuit
disconnectors unless the bus coupler is closed. Information Labels

Information plates indicating the functions of equipment contained in the various

compartments are to be fitted on the front face of the switchgear panel.

Additional, clearly designed information plates indicating the open/closed position and
direction of rotation for opening/closing the circuit breakers, on-load isolators and earthing
switches are to be fitted adjacent to each switch, in position where they will be easily
visible to the operator.

These plates shall be written in Indonesia Language.

Identification plates 100 x 40 mm are to be screw fixed to the front of each cell.

These plates shall be supplied blank.

2.2.2. Composition of 20 kV Switchboard Arrangement of Switchboard

The switchboard shall be:

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.18 - 9

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

Single busbar system with current carrying capacity of 1250 A and one bus section circuit
breakers 1250 A between the two busbars. Composition of 20 kV Switchboard a). Operation system

All switchgear are connected on the same busbar. Both incomings are normally closed
while bus-tie (bus-section) switchgear is normally open.

In case of under-voltage exist on one of incoming unit, opening of the incoming will
close the bus-tie switchgear automatically.

. b). List of equipment

b.1). 20 kV Incoming Feeder Switchgear

Each of the incoming feeders shall include the equipment in the following lists & typical
arrangement is shown on drawing.

The following equipment shall be furnished, mounted and connected within the
switchgear unit compartments:

- One three phase 20 kV drawout power circuit breaker, rated 800 amperes
continuous, 12.5 kA, with a single trip coil and with a nominal control voltage of 110
volts d.c., complete with auxiliary switches, operating mechanism.

- One three phase rated 1250 A (continuous) busbar,12.5 kA, insulated with non
ignitable materials, MV and LV isolating plug and sockets.

- One set of provisions for termination of 4 or more power cables per phase.

- 20 kV current transformers as follows :

3 x 300-600/1A, class X for Transformer Differential Protection & REF.
3 x 300-600/1A, 15 VA class 5P20 for O/C and E/F protection.
3 x 300-600/1A, 15 VA class 0.5 for Instrument & metering.

The following equipment shall be furnished mounted, and connected on the front panel
of the switchgear unit.

1 - Set of mimic diagram for 20 kV Switchgear

1 - Set of alarm annunciator for tripping relays and monitoring AC/DC supply

1 - Set of push button lamp test, accept, reset and horn off

1 - Set of circuit breaker local control switch

1 - Set of Local/Remote Supervisory switch with indication and key

1 - Set of indication for the position of circuit breaker and earthing switch

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Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

3 - Pcs of indicating AC ammeters, 0 to 5 ampere input, 0 to 1000 A

1 - Pc of indicating AC Voltmeter with selector switch, 0-100 V input, 0-25 kV


1 - Pc of kilowatt hour meter, class 1, 4 wire, three element, double tariff with
maximum demand indicator, and non reverse ratchet

1 - Set of 3 phase overcurrent relay and 1 (one) ground overcurrent relay with
time delay and instantaneous element, having 4 inverse and 3 definite time

1 - Underfrequency relay with trips set at 49; 48.5 and 48 Hertz for load
shedding shall be wired to trip circuit of each outgoing circuit breaker

1 - Set of trip circuit supervision relay with lamp indication and alarm

1 - Set of under voltage relay

1 - Set of visual check of the position of earthing switch

1 - Set of auxiliary relay

1 - Lot of terminal block with switches for connection to DCC

. b.2). 20 kV Station Service Feeder Switchgear

Station service feeders shall include the equipment in the following lists, and typical
arrangement is shown on drawing.

The following equipment shall be furnished mounted and connected within the
switchgear unit compartments.

- One three phase rated 1250 A (continuous) busbars, 12.5 kA, insulated with
non-ignitable material, MV and LV isolating plug and socket.

- One set of provisions for termination of 1 power cable per phase.

- Three gang operated load break switches designed to open upon the sensing of
unbalanced voltage due to the interruption of any fuse.

- Two three phase fault making earthing switch.

- Three fuses 24 kV, 45 A.

The following equipment shall be furnished, mounted and connected on the switchgear
unit front instrument panel.

1 - Set of mimic diagram

1 - Set of alarm annunciator for monitoring AC/DC supply failure

1 - Set of mechanical/electrical operator for load break swith

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.18 - 11

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

1 - Set of indicator of the position of load break switch and earthing switch

1 - Set of visual check of the position of load break switch and earthing switch

1 - Set of low voltage voltmeter with selector switch, scale 0-250 volt and 0-
500 volt

. b.3). 20 kV Outgoing Feeder Switchgear

Each of the outgoing feeders shall include the equipment in the following list, and
typical arrangement is showing on Drawing.

The following equipment shall be furnished mounted and connected within the
switchgear unit compartments.

- One three phase 20 kV drawout power circuit breaker, rated 630 amperes
continuous, 12.5 kA, with single trip coil and with a nominal control voltage of 110
volts dc. complete with auxiliary switches, operating mechanism etc.

- One three phase rated 1250 A (continuous) busbar, 12.5 kA, insulated with non
ignitable material, MV and LV isolating plug and sockets.

- One set provisions for termination of two power cables per phase.

- 20 kV current transformers as follows :

3 x 400-200/1 A, 15 VA class 5P20 for O/C and E/F protection.
3 x 400-200/1 A, 15 VA class 0.5 for metering and Instrument.

- One three phase fault making earthing switch.

The following equipment shall be furnished, mounted and connected on the front
panel of the switchgear unit.

1 - Set of mimic diagram for 20 kV Switchgear

1 - Set of alarm annunciator for tripping relays and monitoring AC/DC supply

1 - Set of push button lamp test, accept, reset and horn off

1 - Set of circuit breaker local control switch

1 - Set of Local/Remote Supervisory switch with indication and key

1 - Set of indication for the position of circuit breaker and earthing switch

3 - Pcs of indicating AC ammeters, 0 to 5 ampere input, 0 to 250 ampere and

to 500 ampere scale (double scale)

1 - Pc of kilowatt hour meter, class 1, 4 wire, three element, double tariff with
maximum demand indicator, and non reverse ratchet

1 - Set of 3 phase overcurrent relay and 1 (one) ground overcurrent relay

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.18 - 12

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

with time delay and instantaneous element, having 4 inverse and 3

definite time characteristic

1 - Set of three-phase, two shot autoreclose relay with in/out switch

1 - Set of trip circuit supervision relay with lamp indication and alarm

1 - Set of auxiliary relay

1 - Set of visual check of the position of earthing switch

1 - Selector switch for load shedding scheme

1 - Lot of terminal block with switches for connection to DCC

b.4). 20 kV Bus-section Switchgear ( NA)

Bus section feeder shall include the equipment in the following lists, the typical
arrangement is shown on drawing.

The following equipment shall be furnished, mounted and connected within the
switchgear unit compartment.

- One three phase 20 kV drawout power circuit breaker rated 1250 amperes
continuous, 12.5 kA, with a single trip coil and with a nominal control voltage of
110 volts dc.

- One three phase rated 1250 A (continuous) busbars, 12.5 kA, insulated with
non-ignitable materials, MV and LV isolating plug and socket.

- 20 kV current transformers as follows :

3 x 1250/5A, 15 VA class 5P20 for O/C and E/F protection
3 x 1250/5A 15 VA class 0.5 for protection and instrument

The following equipment shall be furnished, mounted, and on the front panel of the
switchgear unit.

1 - Set of mimic diagram for 20 kV Switchgear

1 - Set of alarm annunciator for tripping relays and monitoring AC/DC supply

1 - Set of push button lamp test, accept, reset and horn off

1 - Set of circuit breaker local control switch

1 - Set of Local/Remote Supervisory switch with indication and key

1 - Set of indication for the position of circuit breaker and earthing switch

3 - Pcs of indicating AC ammeters, 0 to 5 ampere input, 0 to 1000 A scale

1 - Set of 3 phase overcurrent relay and 1 (one) ground overcurrent relay

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.18 - 13

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

with time delay and instantaneous element, having 4 inverse and 3

definite time characteristic

1 - Set of trip circuit supervision relay with lamp indication and alarm

1 - Set of auxiliary relay

1 - Set of visual check of the position of earthing switch

1 - Lot of terminal block with switches for connection to DCC

b.5). 20 kV PT and Earth Switch Cubicles.

20 kV PT’s and Earth Switch Cubicles shall include the equipment in the following
lists, and typical arrangement is shown on drawing.

The following equipment shall be furnished mounted and connected within the
switchgear unit compartments.

- Three phase voltage transformer ratio 20,000:√3 Volt/100:√3 Volt/100: √3 Volt, 30

VA class 3P for protection, and 100 VA, class 0,5 for Instrument and metering.

- One three phase fault making earthing switch.

- One three phase rated 1250 A (continuous) busbars, 12.5 kA, insulated with
non-ignitable material, MV and LV isolating plug and socket.

- One set of provisions for termination of 1 power cable per phase.

- Three fuses 24 kV, 45 A.


2.3.1. Bus The switchgear main bus shall be copper bar designed to carry continuously current 1250
A and temperature rise requirement specified in IEEE, IEC and NEMA standard.

The switchgear panel shall have three phase-busbars. Main bus shall be insulated with non-ignitable insulating materials. The bus shall be installed with rigid, non tracking, fire resistance and non hygroscopic
epoxy insulating supports capable of withstanding the mechanical momentary current
rating of the circuit breakers. The bus shall be supplied in unit length which will permit rearrangement of the units in the
field. All loads current carrying connection shall be flat bar or acceptable equal. All power
current carrying connection shall be completed by bolting together flat bar.

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.18 - 14

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis All joints shall have some material contact surfaces with minimum contact resistance. Instrument transformer primary connections shall be designed to permit removal and
replacement of the transformer without damage to the connections. Provisions shall be made for bays expansion to prevent undesirable or destructive
mechanical strains in the bus support and connections, through a full ambient temperature
Expansion joints shall be furnished where required. Except at bolted termination and connections points, all buses which are specified to be
insulated shall be coated with epoxy type insulating material or acceptable equal molded
around and bonded of the bus. All bolted joints, expansion joints, bus connection, factory or field and all terminals, cable
connector for attachment of conductor of terminals, cable connector for attachment of
conductor of instrument transformer circuit and external circuits shall be insulated with
removable boots. Removable boots shall be designed to overlap permanent bus or cable
insulation a minimum of one inch upon each conductor in the connection insulated by the
boot. The insulating rating of bus, joint, connection and termination insulation shall be not less
than the voltage rating of the equipment. Epoxy coating for 20 kV bus shall be colored red
for phase R, yellow for phase S, black for phase T and blue for neutral. The Contractor shall furnish all material required for filled connections and insulating of
switchgear bus and terminals.

2.3.2. Ground Bus

If required under the specification, an un-insulated copper bus with a momentary rating at
least equal to the momentary rating of the circuit breakers shall be furnished through the
entire length of the switchgear.

All switchgear equipment requiring grounding shall be connected to this ground bus. Set of
ground bus is required for 20 kV switchgear and shall be designed as so to be suitable for
ground fault current.

2.3.3. Post Insulator

Post insulators can be made of porcelain or synthetic material. Porcelain insulators shall
be in accordance with IEC recommendation no. 60168.

Synthetic resin insulator shall be free from surface defects such as folds blowholes, etc.,
prejudicial to satisfactory performance in service and shall be in accordance with IEC
recommendation no.60660.

2.3.4. Circuit Breaker Each circuit breaker shall be of SF6 or vacuum type and three pole, single-throw, draw out
type, electrical and mechanical trip free, motor charged spring, closing and shunt tripping
by DC 110 V, with draw out wheels.

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.18 - 15

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis Power circuit breakers shall be cooled by natural conduction, convection and radiation. Circuit breaker shall be designated and manufactured so as to avoid switching over
voltage exceeding the withstand voltage of the related switchgear equipment and
compartment. Removable circuit breaker elements of the same type and ampere capacity shall be wired
a like and shall be mechanically and electrically interchangeable. Rating of circuit breaker shall be as follows :

Bus section breaker

Incoming breaker Outgoing breaker

Nominal voltage 20 kV 20 kV
Rated voltage 24 kV 24 kV
Rated insulation withstand
- Power frequency 50 kV 50 kV
- Impulse 125 kV 125 kV
Rated current
- Continuous 800 A 630 A
- Short time withstand
current (1 sec.) 12.5 kA 12.5 kA

Rated breaking time 5 cycle 5 cycle

Control circuit voltage 110 V DC 110 V DC
Rated frequency 50 Hz 50 Hz
Rated Operating sequence 0-0.3 sec - CO - 15 S. - CO - 15 S – CO
Making current 31,5 kA 31,5 kA
Spring charging motor voltage 230 / 400 V AC 230 / 400V AC The operating mechanism shall be of the stored energy spring type with a closing coil and
a shunt trip coil. The closing devices, tripping device, and charging motor shall be
designed and rated for operation on the nominal control voltage specified. The charging
motor shall be designed to permit mechanical uncoupling and emergency charging by
manual operation. The operating mechanism shall be trip-free in any position and shall be
anti-pumping. The circuit-breaker main contacts shall not touch or arc cross into a faulted circuit when a
close signal is received while a trip signal is being applied. Each circuit-breaker element shall be furnished with a manual trip button which
mechanically trips the breaker. The manual trip push button and its associated breaker trip
linkage shall have no common components with the electrical trip mechanism, except the
final breaker release device. Each breaker element shall be furnished with an operation counter which shall be
readable from the front of the switchgear unit with the breaker in the connected position.

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Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

2.3.5 Load Break Switch The three pole SF6 or vacuum load break switches for station service transformer shall be
manually operating mechanism:
- Rated voltage : 24 kV
- Rated current : 400 A
- Rated momentary current : 12.5 kA
- Rated short circuit duration : 1 sec.
- HV fuse : 45 A
- Activating of switching "OFF" : - O/C Protection via 45 A fuse
- Max temperature rise of station transformer
oil The HV fuses shall be of enclosed type. The over voltages caused by interruption must in
every case remain below double the peak value of the rated voltage. The fusible
conductor, the arc quenching means etc. shall be housed inside a porcelain tube which is
closed at either end by a contact making ferrule cap. A device must be provided to
indicate when a fuse has blown and for tripping the load break switch.

2.3.6. Current Transformer The transformer shall comply with the requirements of IEC 60044-1 and 60044-6 and the
relevant British Standard. Current transformers, including primary winding conductors, shall have a short-time
current rating and duration not less than that corresponding to the design short circuit level
of the associated switchgear. Current transformers shall have a maximum continuous primary current rating not less
than the primary equipment rating of the bay in which they are installed. Specification of current transformer as follow :

- Primary : 400-200 A (for outgoing switchgear)

1250 A (for incoming and bus-section
- Secondary current : 5A
- Short time withstand current (1 sec) : 12.5 kA
- Rated burden and class
Measurement : 15 VA for class 0.5
Protection : 15 VA for class 5P20 and Class X,

The current transformers should match with the required power for the relay and/or
measurement equipment. The secondary windings of each current transformer shall be earthed at one point only. Magnetization curves shall be provided for each type and rating of current transformer. Where the Contractor wishes to provide current transformer ratio differing from those
specified, he shall first obtain approval in writing from the Engineer for each specific

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.18 - 17

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis The output of each current transformer shall not be less than specified, but the Contractor
shall ensure that the capacity is adequate for operation of the equipment being supplied.
The current transformer shall be installed on the circuit side of the circuit-breaker remote
from the bus bars except on bus bar and sectionalizing equipments. Each current transformer shall be individually labeled and serial plates are to be provided
for fitting to the outside of current transformer chambers, etc. Where double ratio of
secondary windings re specified, a label shall be provided at the secondary terminals of
the current transformer indicating clearly the connection required for each ratio. These
connections shall be shown on the appropriate schematic and connection diagrams.

2.3.7. Voltage Transformer Voltage transformer shall comply with IEC 60186: 1987 (BS. 3941). They shall have
secondary voltage of 100/√3 volt when the rated nominal voltage is applied to the primary
winding. Specification of voltage transformers as follow:

System voltage (kV) 20
Highest voltage equipment 24
Rated primary voltage (V) 20.000
Rated secondary voltage (V) 100/√3; 100/√3
Accuracy class 3P ; 0.5
Rated burden (VA) 30 ; 100 Voltage transformer shall be epoxy resin clad or where paper insulation is employed shall
be immersed in low flammability dielectric fluid. The primary windings shall be connected to the bus bars through renewable fuses of
adequate breaking capacity with current limiting features. HRC type secondary fuses shall
be provided. These shall be so placed as not to be accessible to unauthorized persons.

2.3.8. Cable Terminations

Indoor/outdoor termination shall be heat shrinkable of ITNK Raychem type or similar and
suitable for XPLE insulated cables with aluminum stranded conductors up to 630 sqmm.
Sufficient space shall be provided to house cable terminations.

2.3.9. Earthing Switches The position of the three blades of the earthing switches shall be eye-checked in either the
closed position or the open position through portholes provided in the enclosure. As an alternative the earthing blades can be fitted with a position indicator. The indication
must always be concordant with the actual position of the blades. In case earthing switch is immersed in a dielectric medium other than air at atmospheric
pressure or if the position of the blades cannot be checked as indicated above, then the
earthing switch shall have a making capacity of 31.5 KA (peak).

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Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

Earthing switch shall be provided with independent manual operation, operated from the
front face.

2.3.10. Interlocking Switch Interlocking

In addition to the interlocking that prevent access into compartments, the following
interlocking shall be provided:
- Operation of an isolating switch cannot be performed when:
1. Switchgear cell door is open
2. Associated load switch or circuit breaker is in "closed" position
3. Earthing switch of the cell is in the "closed" position
- Operation of an earthing switch cannot be performed when the switch device mounted
in the cell is in the "closed" position. Padlockings

Provisions shall be made for padlocking the load break, switches, isolating switches, the
earthing switches in either open or closed position.

Circuit breaker can be padlocking in the open the position. Provision shall be also made
for padlocking the access door to the cell.

2.3.11. Voltage Control Device

A voltage control device shall be installed in each unit/compartment provided with an

earthing switch to shown if the cable is energized or not.

This device shall comprise three capacitors provided with low phase voltage output and
connected to three neon lamps. The neon lamps shall commence to light when the phase
to phase voltage exists.

All necessary precautions are to be taken to insure that at points where access is possible
the effective voltage is not dangerous for the operations at any time.

2.3.12. Breaker Control Device Each circuit breaker shall be furnished with a local control switch and breaker position
switch arranged to provide the following control of breaker position.

Breaker operation

Breaker Remote control Local control

Position Close Trip Close Trip
Connected x x x x
Test - - x x
Disconnected - - - - Each circuit-breaker local control switch shall have a trip close escutcheon ; shall have a
center normal position shall be spring return to normal from close and trip ; shall have red
and green targets to indicate the latest operation of the switch ; and shall be furnished with
red and green indicating lights.

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.18 - 19

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis



BAB IV.3 TS.19 : 20 KV CABLE AND ACCESSORIES ............................................................... 1

1. STANDARDS ......................................................................................................................... 1

2. CABLE CHARACTERISTICS ................................................................................................ 1

3. CABLES ACCESSORIES CHARACTERISTIC .................................................................... 2

4. INSPECTION AND TESTING ................................................................................................ 4

5. GUARANTEE ......................................................................................................................... 7

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.19 - i

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis



The cables and cable accessories are to be designed and manufactured in accordance with
the latest edition of the relevant I.E.C publication and where applicable supplemented by the
latest ed-ition of the following:

NF.C Standards (French) or

VDE Standards (German) or
BS Standards (British) or
NEMA Standards (U.S.A.) or
JIS Standards (Japanese)

and the current edition of this specification.

Equipment meeting other authoritative standards, which ensure and equal or higher quality that
the standards mentioned in this specification, will also be accepted.

The IEC and International Recommendation concerned by the present specification are
indicated but not limited by the following list.

IEC 60060 - High voltage test techniques

IEC 60121 - Commercial annealed aluminum electronic conductor wire
IEC 60228 - Conductors of insulated cables
IEC 60230 - Impulse test on cables accessories
IEC 60287 - Calculation of continuous current rating of cables
IEC 60446 - Identification of insulated and bare conductors by colors
IEC 60502 - Extruded solid dielectric insulated power cables
IEC 60811 - Test for insulation and sheaths of electric cables
BS 6360 - Copper conductors in insulated cables
ICEA S.66 542 - Cross linked thermo setting polyethylene insulated wire and cable
ES I 09-13 - HV Heat shrink components for solid dielectric cables up to 33 kV
ASTM D2303 - Inclined plane non-tracking test method



The minimum voltage cables shall be of the single core type, cross-linked polyethylene
insulated, screened and PVC sheathed. The rated voltage Uo/U is: 12/20 kV.

The cables will be laid directly in the soil at an average depth of 0.8 meters in trefoil formation.

The continuous current rating of cables with 100% load factor is referred for a ground
temperature of 30O C.

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.19 - 1

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

The maximum temperature of the conductor under continuous loading shall not exceed 90 OC.

Tenderers shall also indicate the short time currents that the cable may carry for 0.1, 0.2, 0.5
and 1 second.

The maximum temperature under short time current shall not exceed the maximum allowable
temperature for the cable.

Cables shall be delivered on non-returnable drums.


The cable composition will comprise:

(a) A circular, stranded aluminum conductor

(b) A semi-conducting screen over the core.
The thickness of the screen shall not less than 0.8 mm
(c) An extruded insulation layer made of cross-linked polyethylene (hereinafter called XLPE).
The nominal insulation thickness is 5.5 mm
The insulation layer shall be homogeneous, free from gas bubbles or impurities, without
residual internal stresses.

Mechanical properties of the XLPE shall be as follows:

- Minimum breaking stress: 12.2 N/mm2
- Minimum elongation at breaking: 200%

(d) A semi-conducting coating over the insulation entire surface area of an easy strippability.

(e) A metallic screen comprising two copper tapes or copper wire screen. It shall be applied
to from a complete screen over the insulation. Joints between successive tapes shall be
made by brazing. The thickness of the metallic screen shall be such that it can withstand
1000 A current for one second.

(f) An outer polyvinyl chloride (PVC) protection sheath. The material shall be compatible with
the maximum permissible temperature of the conductor as defined. The nominal
thickness of the outer sheath shall not be less than:
2.1 mm for 150 mm2 cable
2.4 mm for 400 mm2 cable



All 20 kV straight through joints and termination shall be of the heat recoverable polymeric

They shall be factory engineered kits containing all the necessary components to reinstate the
cable insulation metallic shielding and earthing system of each core, together where applicable
with the reinstatement of the sheath and amour, equivalent to the cable being jointed or
terminated. They shall be generally as shown in drawings.
The Contractor shall supply complete illustrated instruction describing the methods for jointing
or terminating each type and size of cable.

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.19 - 2

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

Each terminating or jointing kit shall be in a separate package and a list of materials indicating
quantities in the kit, and instruction sheet shall be included in the package.

Kits shall contain sufficient cleaning solvents and cleaning cloth for the proper making of the
joint or termination.

Voltage stress relief shall be inherent in the heat recoverable polymeric material.

The joints or terminations shall be easily adapted to accommodate XLPE cable type. The joints
or termination shall be capable of tolerating any variance in the manufactured dimension of the
cable such as oval, out of round, sectored or oversize cable cores.

The joint or termination shall be capable of immediate energization once all components have
been installed. The jointing or materials shall not be subject to storage such limitations such as
controlled temperature or humidity restriction, nor have shelf life limitations. The jointing design
will be such that penciling of the XLPE insulation will not be required.


The straight through joint kits shall comprise:

- Compression connectors suitable for aluminum
- Black stress control modified extruded polyolefin tubing’s
- Red insulation modified extruded polyolefin tubing’s dual-layer insulating and conductive
modified extruded polyolefin tubing’s
- Outer thick-wall adhesive-coated protective tubing
- Earthing system
- All other items necessary to complete the kit

The termination kits shall comprise:

- Bimetallic lugs of the water blocked compression type
- Red non-tracking weather resistant modified silicone base exterior tubing
- Black modified polyolefin extruded impedance layer stress control tubing
- Red non-tracking modified silicone base weather skirts (not more than 1 pc for indoor and
4 pcs for outdoor)
- Red sealant tape (optional)
- Copper braid for earthing onto screen
- Earth clamp assembly
- All other items necessary to complete the kit


Heat recoverable material for 20 kV power cables shall consist of a heat shrinkable polymeric
system providing high permittivity electrical stress control, non-tracking exterior surface and
complete environmental sealing.

Heat recoverable polymeric materials shall comply with requirements of IEC 60060 sub-clause
3.3, IEC 60071 and IEC 60507 section 3.

The material and the completed jointed or terminations shall be for the appropriate type of
service, size and voltage and shall include ferrules, lugs and other materials necessary for the
jointing or terminating of the aluminum conductor and clamps, braid, etc. necessary for the
through jointing or terminating of amour and sheath for earth continuity.

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.19 - 3

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

Electrical stresses shall be controlled by an high permittivity high resitivity heat shrinkable
polymeric tubing.

All heat shrinkable polymeric tubing shall be ultra violet stable, non-tracking (per ASTM D2303
and SI 019-13) and suitable for operation in the presence of severe external contaminating and
environment pollution.

The entire termination or joint shall be environmentally sealed with heat activated adhesive and
capable of preventing the ingress of external moisture and contamination.

Internal terminations shall fully insulate all bare metal adjacent to the termination, except at the
exposed lug.

3.4. TOOLS

The following tools of well proven design and performance shall be supplied for cable jointing
and laying.
* Cable pulling sock-flexible steel wire woven with swivel for all cable types and sizes.
* Cable pulling sock-flexible steel wire woven with swivel split type for the required cable
types and sizes.
* Manually operated hydraulic 12 tons compressors complete with dies to fit all compression
connectors or terminals as supplied with the jointing and terminating kits.

One tool shall be suitable for all die sizes, and shall complete with:
- Recommended kit of spares, each kit to include at least three sets of seals other items
required during normal servicing.
- Pressure test gauge including test blank dies.
- Complete set of repair and service tools.
- Maintenance and operating instructions.
- Service and repair manual
- Strong metal box for protection of hydraulic compressor unit when not in use.
- Gas regulation outlet of sufficient flow to operate gas torch, with spare tips, jets, gaskets,
etc. and gas hose including coupling and fittings 6 meter length.
- Tools for cutting cable sheath and amour.


4.1. CABLE

The cables will be commissioned at the manufacturer's premises by a representative of an

inspection organization approved by PT PLN (Persero) JBN and who is designated at some
later date.

The test listed hereafter shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the relevant
IEC standards supplemented by the specific requirements indicated hereafter.

In the absence of IEC recommendations, the test must be equivalent at least to conditions,

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.19 - 4

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

provisions and definitions set out in one of the standards as mentioned in Clause 2.1.

4.1.1. Routine Test

These tests shall be carried out on all finished cable length (each drum of cable) ready for

These tests include:

a. Visual inspection or the cable

b. Dimension measurement
c. Measurement of the electrical resistance of conductor
d. Measurement of the electrical resistance of insulation
e. High voltage test
f. Partial discharge test
g. Capacitance measurement

4.1.2. Special Test

These tests shall be carried out for every manufactured cable length on sample taken at
random on the basis of one sample for every 10 km of manufactured cable with a minimum
of on sample.

These tests include:

a. Conductor examination and check of dimensions.
b. Inspection/verification of construction and dimensions of the complete cable
c. High voltage test of 36 kV for 4 hours
d. Hot set test for XLPE insulation and PVC sheath

4.1.3. Type Tests

Tenderer shall include with their offer test certificates in accordance with IEC 60502.
The type test described hereinafter will be carried out on sample cut from the supply length.

These tests need only be carried out if the manufacturer is not in a position to produce
"Compliance Certificates" duly approved by an independent authority of international repute
stating the cables, having same cross-section as required in the Specification, were
manufactured and tested completely in accordance with the present applicable standards.

These tests include:

a. Measurement of the electrical resistance of conductor
b. Measurement of the electrical resistance of insulation
c. High voltage test
d. Partial discharge test
e. Bending test followed by partial discharge test
f. Tang delta measurement as a function of the voltage
g. Capacitance measurement
h. Tan delta measurement as a function of the temperature
i. Insulation resistance measurement at maximum rated temperature conductor
j. Heating cycle test followed by partial discharge test
k. Impulse withstand test followed power frequency voltage test
l. High voltage test at 36 kV for 4 hours
m. Visual inspection of the complete cable

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Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

n. Dimension measurement of each cable component part

o. Test for determining mechanical properties (tensile strength and elongation) of
insulation before and after ageing.
p. Test for determining mechanical properties (tensile strength and elongation) of
insulation before and after ageing.
q. Additional ageing test on pieces of complete cable.
r. Loss of mass test on PVC sheath
s. Heat shock test (cracking) of PVC sheath
t. Hot pressure test PVC sheath
u. Shrinkable test for XLPE insulation
v. Hot set test
w. Flame retardance test of PVC sheath
x. Water absorption test on insulation
y. Water-tightness test

4.1.4. Acceptance Test

The acceptance procedure for any delivery of the cable is as follows:

1. Inspection of the complete cable

2. Study of the result of the routine test, and eventual repeat of some of these tests.
3. Carrying out, on samples taken at different intervals, of all or part these mentioned in
the routine test and special test at least:
a) Measurement of the electrical resistance of conductor
b) Measurement of the electrical resistance of insulation
c) High voltage test
d) Partial discharge test
e) Tang delta measurement as a function of the voltage
f) Capacitance measurement
g) High voltage test of 36 kV for 4 hours.

4.1.5. Test after Installation

When the installation of the cable and its accessories has been completed, the following
test will be carried out. A test voltage (cable) be gradually applied between conductor and
screen and maintained for 15 minutes. No breakdown should occur. The test voltage shall
be in accordance with IEC 60502. A dielectric test will be carried out on accessories.


4.2.1. Routine Test

20 kV cable Accessories are to be checked for compliance with specification here if and
with the Schedule quantity.

4.2.2. Type Tests

Tenderer shall include with their offers test certificates including test carried out in
accordance with the appropriate IEC standards for cable accessories, which are issued by
an approved internationally acknowledged reputable independent testing laboratory. At all
times partial discharge value shall not exceed 3pc at 24 kV.

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.19 - 6

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

4.2.3. Test after Installation

When the installation of the cable and its accessories have been completed, the following
test will be carried out. A test voltage (cable) will be gradually applied between conductors
and screen and maintained for 15 minutes. No break-down should occur. The test voltage
shall be in accordance with IEC 60502. A dielectric test will be carried out on cable


The manufacturer of the cable accessories will be required to supply the test certificates
(certifying conformity with the standards applicable).

In the event that the equipment to be supplied fails to pass the required tests, the manufacturer
will be responsible for the equipment until such time that the equipment is retested and proved
satisfactory and the required test certificates are accepted by PT PLN (Persero) PIKITRING
JBN, prior to dispatching the equipment.

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.19 - 7

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis



BAB IV.3 TS.21 : ERECTION, TESTS AND COMMISSIONING ..........................................1

1. TRANSPORT AND ACCOMMODATION FOR ERECTION ..................................................1
2. ERECTION MARKS ...............................................................................................................1
3. ERECTION WORK .................................................................................................................1
4. SUPERVISION OF ERECTION ..............................................................................................2
5. CONTRACTOR'S TOOLS AND EQUIPIVIENT .....................................................................3
6. TESTS.....................................................................................................................................3
7. COMMISSIONING ................................................................................................................11

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.21 - i

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis



The Contractor shall provide, at his own cost and expense, all labor, plant
and materials necessary for unloading and erection at the Site and shall be entirely
responsible for its efficient and correct operation.

The Contractor shall inform himself fully as to all relevant transport facilities and
requirements and loading gauges and ensure that the equipment as packed for transport
shall conform to these limitations. The Contractor shall also be responsible for verifying
the access facilities specified.

The Contractor shall take reasonable steps to prevent any highways or bridges from
being damages by his traffics and shall select routes, choose and use vehicles and
restrict and far as is reasonably possible.

The Contractor shall immediately report to the Owner any claims made against him
arising of alleged damage to a highway or bridge. In the event of claims being upheld,
costs of repair shall be to the account of the Contractor.

The Contractor shall be responsible for arranging and providing all living accommodation
services and amenities required by his employees. He shall also provide at each Site
accommodation suitable for the sole use by the Owner as an office.


Before leaving the Contractor's Works all apparatus and fittings shall be painted or
stamped in two places with a distinguishing number and/or letter corresponding to the
distinguishing number and/or letter on an approved drawing and material list.

The erection marks on galvanized material shall be stamped before galvanizing and shall
be clearly legible after galvanizing.

All marking shall be legible; weatherproofed tags, where used, shall be durable, securely
attached and duplicated.


The Contractor shall, at his own expense, provide all erection equipment, skilled and
unskilled labour, haulage, and power necessary for the erection of the Plant.

The Contractor shall be responsible for the proper fencing, lighting, guarding and
watching of all the Plant on Site during erection and for the proper provision during that
period of iemporary roadways and footways so far as such roadways and footways may
be rendered necessary by the Contract for the accommodation and protectian of the
Owner and occupiers of adjacent property, the public and others.

All work at Site shall be carried out in such a manner as not to obstruct the operations of
any other Contractor or the operation of the existing Power Stations or Substations.

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.21 - 1

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

The Contractor, if requested by the Owner and/or Engineer, is to open up for inspection
before re-erection, any equipment which has been delivered to the Site partly assembled.

The Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that the positions, levels, and
dimensions of the Plant are correct according to the drawings, notwithstanding that he
may have been assisted by the Owner in setting out the said positian, levels, and

The Contractor is to keep the Site, on which he erects or stores Plant, reasonably clean,
removing all waste material resulting form the Works as it accumulates and as reasanably
directed. On completion of the Works the Site shall be left clean and tidy to the
satisfaction of the Owner and/or Engineer.
Any damage done to buildings, structures and plant or property belonging to the Owner or
third parties shall be made good at the Contractor's expense.

The Contractor shall be responsible for satisfying himself as to the correctness of the
electrical and mechanical connections to all Plant supplied under the Contract before
such Plant is brought into commission.

During erection and commissioning the Contractor is to provide all temporary scaffolding,
ladders, platforms with toe boards and handrails essential for proper access of workmen
and inspectors, cover or rail off all dangerous openings or holes in floors and afford
adequate protection against materials falling from a high level on to personnel below.

The operation of any items of Plant once made alive shall be subject to a "Permit to Work"
system in a forrrt agreed between the Engineer's representative and the Owner in
accordance with the Owner's standard safety regulations for such work. While the Plant is
still under the control of the Contractor the permit to work shall be endorsed by the
Contractor's authorized representative. Permits to work on Plant which is handed over
shall be under the control of the Owner.


The Contractor shall provide the services of a sufficient number of competent engineers
to supervise delivery, handling and storage, erection, testing on site, commissioning and
putting into service the equipment at each substation site.

The Contractor's supervisors shall supervise and give instructions to his labor so as to

a. The reception of the Plant at the designated storage area or at site.

b. The erection of the Plant by the Contractor.

c. Assistance as may be required by the Owner in checking for accuracy, testing and
commissioning of the Plant.

The Contractor's supervisors on site, or his nominated deputy, shall be given full
responsibility and authority to negotiate and agree regarding points arising out of the
erection procedure in order that the works may proceed with a minimum of delay.
Directions and instructions given by the Owner/Engineer to the Supervisors shall be
interpreted as having been given to the Contractor.

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.21 - 2

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

The Supervisors shall be well qualified and experienced in the installation and operation
of equipment of the character covered by this Specification. They shall supervise and
assist in unpacking; storing, installing, testing and placing in operation of the equipment
supplied and shall have a good command of the English language.


The Contractor shall provide all the tools and equipment necessary to complete the

All Contractor’s tools and equipment shall, when brought on to the site, be deemed to be
exclusively intended for the execution of the Works. The Contractor shall not remove from
the site any such tools and equipment, except:

a. When it is no longer required for the cornpletion of the Works.

b. When the Owner and/or Engineer has given his written consent.



The whole of the Plant covered by this Contract shall be tested at site

Existing equipment which was modified or affected by the execution of works under this
contract shall also be tested and recommissioned accordingly to ensure the function of
the overall system.

It is up to the Owner and/or Enginecr to request any additional test, not specified or
requested in these specifications with the aim to give evidence about the perforrnance of
specified material, equipment, portion of the works or the Works.

Additional cost resulting from such requests have to be born by the Owner.


The full responsibility for all tests lays principally by the Contractor. All actions in relation
to the tests (switching, live tests etc.) are carried out under the sole responsibility of the


The Owner and/or Engineer may witness the tests and may make spot check during tests.
The Owner and/or Engineer is to be duly inforrned prior to the tests to be carried out.


The Contractor shall submit all Documents to the Owner and/or Engineer at least 3
months prior to the Tests to be carried out.

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.21 - 3

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

The Contractor shall forward to the Owner and/or Engineer the following documents,
information and schedules in duplicate:

a. For material to be tested A detailed list of the materials with technical description.
b. For Equipment, Portion of Works or Works to be tested: Complete instructions and
maintenance-manuals with technical description of the interesting parts of the
equipment, portion of Works or Works.
c. A test prograrn indicating and describing in detail the different steps to be taken
and the tests to be carried out.

d. A detailed list of instruments and test equipment to be used during the tests with
technical description of these instruments and equiprnent, especially of the
accuracy of the test instruments and test methods he will apply.

e. A detailed description of the test arrangement (if applicable), including special

switching connections, wiring diagrams and disconnection required for the tests,
and eventually required H.V supply. Power sources from the existing installations
required for the tests will be provided by the Owner.

f. Name and position of the Contractor's personnel responsible for the test.

g. Time schedule for the tests.

If these documents are not complete at the satisfaction of the Owner and/or Engineer at
least one month before the tests, the tests may be postponed at the request of the Owner
and/or Engineer until the comtplete documentation are available.


Test Certificate of all complete and successful tests are to be issued and submitted by the
Contractor to the Owner and/or Engineer according to the standards and the

The Test Certificates must describe in detail the performed tests and indicate the reached

The Test Certificates will be countersigned by the Owner and/or Engineer in case the
tests have been witnessed by them.

The countersign of Test Certificates by the Owner and/or Engineer does not release the
Contractor of his full resroonsibilities and obligations according to the Contract.


All costs and expenditures for all tests, for works and actions in relation to the tests, for
the required test arrangernents, for test instruments and equipment (to be provided by the
Contractor), for issue and delivery of test certificates and copies, for the Contractor's
personnel required for the tests etc. are at the Contractor's expense.

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.21 - 4

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis


6.7.1 General

All site tests shall be carried out according to thc relevant Indonesian regulations, IEC
recommendations, and other internationally recognized equivalent standards.

Before the plant is subjected to the actual live tests (site acceptance tests) general check
on completion and tests on operation suitability of the individual materials, equipment and
portion of works are to be carried out.

6.7.2 Check List and Testing Procedure

For all checks and tests the Contractor siiall elaborate detailed clneck lists descriptions of
the testing procedure referring to:
- Each single item
- complete equipment, and
- The portion of work to be tested.

The check list and testing procedure shall include and describe in detail the proposed:
- Visual checks
- Mechanical and electrical tests before energizing
- The procedure of first energizing, and
- the live test of the complete portion of work

On request of the Owner and/or Engineer these proposals shall be adjusted and

6.7.3 Check on Completion

General visual checks of all materials, equipment and installations on:

- Completeness of the installations in respect to ordered delivered and installed

materials, name plates, operation and maintenance instructions.
- Check on correct marking and coding of individual equipment, circuits, phases,
connections, terminals, cables, mimic diagrams, symbols etc.
- Check on conformity of all equipment, installations and main electrical circuits with
electrical diagrams, check on calibration of fuses.
- Check on conformity and correct erection of all materials, equipment, and
installations in accordance with the specifications, rule and regulations, according to
tloe layout plans and drawings.
- Check on fastening and proper fixing of materials, equipment, connectors, screws
etc. tightness of pipes and sealing ends.
- Check on distance of arcing devices and minirnum distance of live parts to eartlt and
between live parts.
- Visual check on quality of materials and visual damages.
- Compare the factory test certificates with narne plates of the individual materials and
- Visual check of oil, liquid and other secondary rnaterials reqt.lired for the operation.

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.21 - 5

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

- Visual check on security requirements (emergency exits, opening of doors), earthing

requirements and facilities, disconnection and connection possibilities, insulation of
areas from which HV equipment are operated.
- Visual check of civil constructions executed by the Contractor, in
relation to completeness and correctness of work, in relation to the electrical
installations, watertightness, and drainage, Master Key System.
- Check on quality and quantity of tools, instruments, and equipment required for the
- Check on quality and quantity of spare parts ordered and delivered according to the
specifications and requirements.
- Check on cleanness of the site.

6.7.4 Individual Test

a. Circuit Breakers
- Manual drive operation check (oil drained)
- Mechanical adjustment to maker's specification
- Coil resistance measurement (close coils, trip coils, anti-purnping relay,
interlock relays)
- Calibration check of oil and SF6 or air pressure gauges
- Pressure switch setting (N2 pressure switches measurements (alarm) oil
pressure switches :
(Falling and rising pressure) : (Motorls) cut in
(Motor(s) cut out
(Close lock-out
(Trip lock-out
(Auto-reclose lock-out)
Air of SF6 pressure switches:
(Non urgent)
- Evidence of oil pressure relief valve setting (to be determind, if no previous test
evidence available).
- Check of pump motor fusing and protection
- Satisfactory motor and pump operation
- Emergency hand pump operation
- Oil level and oil leakage checks
- N2 quantity check
- SF6 pressure rrtonitoring and leakage tests
- Voltage tests
- Complete electrical functional tests and circuit IR tests.
- Closing and opening at reduced voltage
- Oil pressure drops for all stages of operating cycles
- Timing tests of main (and resistance) contacts during close open and
close/open, at normal and at lock-out pressures.
- Total pole resistances, closed (microhms).
- Checks of position indicators and operation counters.

b. Disconnectors and Earthing Switches

- General chacks of insulators, earth strap connections, auxiliary switch settings
and greasing points.

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.21 - 6

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

- Manual closing and opening operation

- Check indications when closed and open for local and remote positions.
- Electro/mechanical closing and opening operation.
- Motor protection relay tests.

c. Current Transformer
- General checks of insulator, tank oil level, earth strap connections.
- Magnetization curve, polarity, ratio, secondary winding resistance tests.

d. Capacitor Voltage Transformer and/or Carrier Coupler

- General checks of insulator, tank oil level, breather, earth strap connections,
HF earth rods and connections.
- Secondary winding insulation tests
- Measure secondary output volts with CVT energized at primary voltage.
- Phasing tests.

e. Electro-magnetic Voltage Transformer

- General checks of insulators, tank oil level, bushing oil level, earth strap
connections, breather, pressure relief diaphragm and terminal box, venting
and sealing.
- Oil sample test.
- Insulation resistance tests to earth and between prinoary and secondary
- No-load test with normal applied voltage on secondary terminals for minimum
of 30 minutes.
- Measure secondary output volts with the VT energized at primary voltage.
- Phasing tests.

f. Surge Diverter
- General check of insulators, earth connectors and terminal identification.

g. High Voltage Cables

- IR and voltage tests on anti-corrosive serving.
- Conductar DC resistance (and ternperature) measurements.
- IR and valtage tests on main conductors.
- Phase identivity check end-to-end and identivity markings.

h. Line Traps
- Checks spark-gap setting
- Checks resonant frequency
- Insulation resistance, line trap tuning camponents to case.

i. LVAC Equipment
- General checks of interlocks fuse ratings, eartloing connections and phasing.
- Insulation resistance to earth and between phases.
- Correct operation of circuit-breakers and contactors.
- Overall check of automatic scheme (where applicable).

j. DC Supplies
- General check of wiring and outgoing connections from distribution board and
incoming connections to charger.
- Check battery and top up if necessary.

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.21 - 7

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

- Insulation resistance to earth of battery and charger connections.

- Check charger operates normally.
- Ensure battery in charger condition prior to supplies being required.
- Check alarm relays operating voltage for low and high volts.
- Check operation of earth fault detector.

k. Protection Basic Tests

- Insulation resistance of all secondary cirsuits (current and voltage
transformers, control, indication and alarm circuits etc...)
- Primary injection of current transformer circuits, including overall injection of
differential protection circuits, to prove all connections and to check ratias,
fault settings, stability and phase identification.
- Secondary injection of voltage transformer circuits.
- Secondary injection tests of AC and DC relays to check their operating
- Complete functional tests of tripping, alarm, control and indicator circuits.
- Operation of tripping elements at reduced DC voltage.
- Phasing test (of main plant) prior to making alive.
- Measurement of secondary currents and voltage on load.

6.7.5 Test on Operatian Suitability

- Test of all rnanual drives of circuit-breakers, disconnectors, earthing switches, and

other switching devices.

- Test of all electrical drives for circuit-breakers, disconnectors, earthing switches,

and other switching devices.

- Test of all mechanical and electrical interlocks between circuit-breakers,

disconnectors, and earthing switches.

- Mechanical and electrical (secondary) tests of all relays, control and protective

- Check arrd test of all instrument transformers', primary and secondary connections
and the respective secondary circuits.

- Check and test of all tripping devices including the respective circuits and the
control & alarm systems.

- Check and test of calibration and scale af all instruments and measuring devices
in accordance with the relevant instrument transformers, including the relevant
measuring circuits and cables.

- Setting and calibration of all protective and tripping devices according to

Schedules to be supplied by the Contractor. A relay test report shall be issued
separately for eacfo control cubicle indicating all measured and calibrated data.

- Check setting, calibration and function of existing protection relays and devices
affected by the works urrder this contract. If required by the new or rnodified
installation adjustment of relay settings including retesting.

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.21 - 8

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

- Check and test of the complete L.V. installation including, L.V. distribution panel
and all L.V. circuits and cables.
Before energizing the 150 kV installations the battery shall be charged and tested

- Check and test of PLC system, telephone system and RTU.

- Check on readjustment of the existing PLC.

6.7.6 Insulation Tests

Insulation tests shall be executed according to the relevant IEC Recommendations or

VDE 011 1 and/or other equivalent standards.

- For 150 kV Installations:

* All circuit breakers disconnected and closed: each phase to earth.
* Overhead-lines disconnected, power transformer disconnected/secondary and
star point - disconnected), isolators connected and closed, circuit breaker
connected and closed: each phase to earth.

- For L.V. AC and DC Installations

* All low voltage circuits are to be tested with the Megger (by disconnected
consumers, closed switches) at the terminal of each individual circuit phase to
earth and phase to pfiase.

- For Measuring, Control and Telecommunication Circuits

* All rneasuring, control and teleconomunication circuits shall be tested,
disconnected, against earih fault with Megger.

- Value to be reached; the insulation level must be at least:

* For H.V circuits 1,000 Ohm/V of the rated voltage
* For L.V circuits according to IEC or VDE 0100.

- The test voltage to be applied shall be:

* For H.V. at least 2.5 kV - Megger output voltage
* For L.V. at least 1 .0 kV - Megger output voltage.

6.7.7 Check and Test of earthing System

- Check on Earthing System

The earthing system shall be checked according to IEC recornmendation or VDE

0140 and 0141 on:
* Correct installation in accordance with specifications and standards
* Correct connections and connectors
* Disconnection possibilities for future tests
* Correct fixing of earthing conductors and accessories
* Mechanical protection for the earth conductors
* Connection of all iron parts to the earthing system

- Test on Earthing System

The following test shall be executed according to IEC rccommendation or VDE

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.21 - 9

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

* Earth resistance of the earthing system shall be measured

* Step Voltages and Touch Voltages shall be measured in different check -
points to be agreed upon between the Contractor and the Owner/Engineer

The value reach must be in accordance to IEC recommendation or VDE.

Note : The earthing resistance shall be measured during the trial operation at
least every rnonth. Tiie values of the different measurements shall be


After all checks and tests on cornpletion have been carried out successfully and the
individual check lists and test certificates are signed and issued, the substation is
tested under norrrral operation conditions, i.e. the substation will be energized and the
site acceptance tests performed.

The Contractor shall submit to the Owner and/or Engineer at least one month prior to
the scheduled first energizing and prior to the scheduled live tests the related

Before energizing the H.V. parts, the L.V. auxiliary supply and all other auxiliary
circuits shall be tested under normal service conditions.

For this effect an appropriate external power supply shall be connected to the main
switch of the L.V. distribution board.

- Energizing all a.c. and d.c. relays, switching and protective tripping and alarm
circuits and devices.

- Operation tests (live tests) on all equipment, motor-drives, motors, fans, lighting
equipment, PLC and telephone equipment and installations normally supplied by

- Operation test on supply of emergency lighting by simulating a failure of the a.c.

supplied lighting.

After finishing of the live tests of the L.V. installations the H.V. installation may be
energized and the operation suitability checked:

- On all circuit-breakers, disconnectors, earthing switches, transformers.

- On manual and electrical driving mechanisms, a.c. and d.c.
- On automatic change-over from a.c. to
- On mechanical and electrical interlocking devices.
- On all instrurnent transformers including relays, protective, tripping, control, and
alarm devices including PLC system.
- On all instruments and meters, synchronizing equipment.
- Final setting and calibration of all instruments, protective and tripping devices
according to the Schedules to be supplied by the Contractor. In the relay test
reports the final measured and, calibrated data are to be enlisted.
- On the whole portion of the work in regard to safety, complete operation suitability
and fulfilling the speciiication norms and standards.

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.21 - 10

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis


After the acceptance tests are completed successfully and the respective test reports
are signed and issued, the Certificate of Completion will be issued, the work can be
commissioned, i.e. connected to the existing system in operation and the Trial
Operation will start. The trial operation shall last 90 days.

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.21 - 11

Bab IV.3 Spesifikasi Teknis (Technical Specifications)



BAB IV.3 TS 22 ALUMINUM CLAD STEEL WIRE (AS) .................................................................... 1

1. SCOPE OF WORK ......................................................................................................................... 1
2. STANDARD .................................................................................................................................... 1
3. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................................ 1
4. MANUFACTURE AND STRANDING ............................................................................................ 1
5. CHARACTERISTIC ........................................................................................................................ 1
6, TEST AND INSPECTIONS ............................................................................................................ 1
7. DELVIIERY ..................................................................................................................................... 2

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI BAB IV.3, TS 22 - i

Bab IV.3 Spesifikasi Teknis (Technical Specifications)



The work shall include the design, manufacturing, supply, testing, insurance, packing for
export, shipment and delivery and installation.


The particulars of conductors shall comply with “Technical Particulars” as specified and the
following standards:

- IEC 61089
- IEC 61232
- IEC 60889

And/or other equivalent approved standard.


Earth wire shall be Aluminum-clad Steel wire (AS) 70 mm2 shall comply with IEC 61232, IEC
61089 and IEC 60889 and/or other equivalent approved standard.


Steel wire shall be performed so that they remain inert when earth wire is cut.

The wires shall be uniform circular section, smooth and free from surface imperfections. The
diameter of the wires shall not vary more than 2 percent from the standard figures stated in
the Technical Particulars and Guarantee. The outer layer shall be right–handed.


The earth wires shall have the characteristic as stated in schedule of Technical Particulars
and Guarantee.


The inspection and testing shall be carried out on individual wires and stranded conductors in
conformity with BS and IEC or other approved standard.

The test specimen shall be taken from 2% of the reels for at least two reels. The test
specimens of component wire before stranding shall be taken from 10% of the individual
lengths and shall be of a sufficient length so that the following tests can be carried out.

The test items are as follows:

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI BAB IV.3, TS 22 - 1

Bab IV.3 Spesifikasi Teknis (Technical Specifications)

AS wires
• Appearance and finish
• Diameter
• Tensile test
• Torsion test
• Elongation test
• Wrapping
• Electric conductivity

Stranded conductor
• Appearance and finish
• Construction test
• Weight test
• Diameter
• Tensile test
• Tensile breaking strength


Earth-wires will be supplied on a non returnable wooden drums, each drum will be marked
with the length of the earth-wire in meters and net gross mass in kilograms. The length of
earth-wire contained each drum shall be the maximum allowable for sea and land shipment,
for the handling and assembling, but in any case it will not be less than 3000 m.

Drum shall be strong wood, and constructed so as to enable the wire to run smoothly, and in
lengths as long as can be conveniently handled and erected.

The Contractor shall give all necessary information concerning the sizes of the drums he
intends to employ. The cut-ends of the earth-wires shall be treated in an approved manner to
prevent ingress of moisture.

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI BAB IV.3, TS 22 - 2

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis



BAB VII.3 STGI.17 : CIVIL WORKS AND RELATED STRUCTURES ........................................ 1

1. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................ 1

2. SITE CLEARANCE, DEMOLITION AND DISMANTLING ..................................................... 6

3. EARTHWORKS AND EXCAVATION .................................................................................... 8

4. DRAINAGE ........................................................................................................................... 12

5. ROAD WORKS..................................................................................................................... 17

6. FENCING .............................................................................................................................. 21

7. CONCRETE WORKS ........................................................................................................... 22

8. PILINGS................................................................................................................................ 36

9. MORTAR .............................................................................................................................. 45

10. CABLE DUCTS AND TRENCHES ...................................................................................... 46

11. STRUCTURAL STEELWORK ............................................................................................. 46

12. FLOOR CONSTRUCTION AND FINISHES ......................................................................... 51

13. BUILDING FINISHINGS ....................................................................................................... 53

14. WATER DRAINAGE............................................................................................................. 54

15. PAINTING ............................................................................................................................ 52

15. ELECTRICAL WORK .......................................................................................................... 53

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The works shall consist of the Civil Engineering and Building Works for the construction of
Substations as mentioned in the scope of work of the project.

The scope of work shall includes 150 kV outdoor conventional switchgears foundation,
150 kV control building, foundation for indoor equipment and other civil works involved in
this project.

This Specification is intended for general use on the construction of substation. The
Contractor should therefore refer to the Section or Sub-sections of this Specification
relative to the work contained in the substation.


The Conditions of Contract and the Drawings shall be read in conjunction with this
Specification and matters referred to in any of these documents are not necessarily
repeated in any other.


The words “approved” ,” approval” , “specified” ,”condemned” and the liked used in this
specification shall mean approved , approval, specified, condemned or the like by the

The word “Engineer” used in this specification shall also mean the “Engineer’s
representative “in respect of the duties stated in the condition of contract.


The unit of measurement shall be metric on the international system of unit (S.I.) and the
works will be paid for at the appropriate rates given in the price schedule. The contractor
should make the break down of the unit price for each of the item of the works.


1.5.1 Standards.

French, Indonesian and British Standard and or Codes of Practice have been used as
reference throughout this specification. Other National Standard in common use in
Indonesian for particular section of a work shall normally be acceptable but should be
approved by the Engineer.

1.5.2. Materials

All material used in the works shall be new and of best quality of their respective kinds.
They shall comply with the requirements of the latest edition of the relevant Standard and
or Code of Practice refers to in Subsection 1.5.1. Above and current at the date of

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1.5.3. Workmanship

All workmanship shall be of the highest standard and shall be executed by component
men skilled in their respective trades

1.5.4. Samples

In addition to the special provisions made in this Specification for sampling and testing of
materials by particular methods, samples of any material and workmanship proposed to
be used in the Works may be called for at any time during the Contract by the Engineer
and shall be furnished by the Contractor without delay and at the expense of the
Contractor. Samples when approved, shall be regarded as the acceptable standard, any
material or workmanship subsequently not complying with standard shall be rejected and
replaced by those of acceptable standard at the expense of the Contractor. Sample
storage boxes shall be provided by the Contractor free of cost if requested by the

1.5.5. Tests

(a) Whenever considered desirable by the Engineer, Inspectors may be sent to

manufacturer's or sub-contractor's premises to test materials or supervise their

(b) Where specified or requested the Contractor shall obtain from the manufacturer and
send to the Engineer certificates of test, proof sheets, mill sheets, etc., showing that
materials have been tested in accordance with this Specification.

(c) Not withstanding any tests which may be directed to be carried out at manufacturer's
and/or sub- contractor's works, the Engineer may carry out any tests or further tests
he considers necessary or desirable after delivery of materials to the site.


1.6.1. Access to Site

Unless otherwise directed, the access to site from public roadways shall be by existing site
access roads where these exist and elsewhere along the routes of access roads to be
constructed under this Contract. The site shall not be entered until the written permission
of the Engineer has been given. The Contractor shall make his own arrangements for
providing and maintaining any temporary access he may require.

1.6.2. Prevention of Damage

The Contractor shall take all necessary and reasonable precaution during the period of the
Works to prevent damage to land, walls, fences channels roads, buildings, services and
the like on or adjacent to the Site and site access. When such items are to removed or
modified under the Contract the method of removal or modification shall be agreed.

1.6.3. Safety Precautions

Wherever works are to be constructed in the vicinity of any existing electrical substation,
overhead power line, power cable or any other electrical equipment, the Contractor shall
be responsible for ascertaining from the Authority responsible for the equipment the
precautions and safety measures to be observed, any for strictly complying with these
precautions and safety measures.

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1.6.4. Cleanness of Site

The Contractor shall at all times maintain the site in a clean condition, and all rubbish,
debris and the like shall be collected as it accumulates and be disposed of by burning or
other suitable means. All trades shall maintain their plant, materials, stores and equipment
in an efficient and workmanlike manner at all times.


1.7.1. Offices, Stores etc.

The area or areas to be used by the Contractor for erection of offices, stores, messing
accommodation and the like shall be agreed with the Engineer.

1.7.2. Lavatory Accommodation

The Contractor shall be responsible for providing suitable and adequate lavatory
accommodation for his site staff, in a position agreed with the Engineer, and shall meet all
statutory requirements of the States and Local Authorities.

1.7.3. Health

The Contractor shall take such health measures as may be required by the statutory
provisions of the State and Local Health Authorities.


The Contractor shall provide at site for the exclusive use of the Engineer and his staff,
suitable office (24 m2) and lavatory accommodation including a sufficient supply of clean
and sterile drinking water. The accommodation shall be kept clean, maintained in good
condition by the Contractor, and shall meet all statutory requirements of the State and
Local Authorities.


The Contractor shall be responsible for supplying all water, electricity and other power
required for the works and for any other purpose in connection with the works.

He should give notice and pay all fees as required by the respective water, electricity and
other authorities concerned with such supplies and services.


1.10.1. Outline and Detailed Programs

The Contractor shall construct the works in compliance with the outline program and shall
submit for approval a detailed program in accordance with the Conditions of Contract.

1.10.2. Labor, Plant and Materials

The Contractor shall provide on the site, and elsewhere as required, sufficient labor, plant,
materials and all other things necessary to construct the works in accordance with the
agreed program.

1.10.3. Inclement Weather

No payment will be made to the Contractor in respect of loss of output of plant or labor
due to inclement weather.

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1.11.1. Dimension and Levels

All dimension and level shown on the drawings shall be verified on site by the Contractor.

1.11.2. Datum

A datum to which all levels are to be related will be defined or established at a convenient
point by the Engineer. The Contractor shall then establish a minimum of four temporary
bench marks, approximately equally spaced round the site, which shall be related to the
datum. Each temporary bench mark shall be securely set in concrete, and shall be
protected form damage or disturbance.

1.11.3. Surveying Instruments

The Contractor shall keep on site such surveying instruments as are necessary for the
complete and accurate setting out and construction of the works. These instruments shall
be modern, shall be maintained in excellent condition, and shall be accurate in all
respects. They shall be kept available for use by the Engineer if so required, and their
accuracy and adjustment shall be regularly checked in an approved manner.

1.11.4. Setting out Lines

The Engineer will establish two lines mutually at right angles from which the Contractor
shall set out the works. Each of these main lines shall be defined by not less than four
steel pins set in concrete at points indicated by the Engineer. The Contractor shall supply
all necessary labor and materials for this purpose.


After the clearance of bush and other vegetation and before any earthworks or demolitions
are commenced, the Contractor shall make a record survey of the site in conjunction with
and in a manner approved by the Engineer.


The accuracy of any subsoil and survey information supplied to the Contractor is given in
good faith but is not guaranteed, and any variation between this information and actual
site conditions will not be accepted as the basis of a claim or reason for variation of unit
rates in the Contract.


1.14.1. Scope of Work

The contractor shall perform the soil intvestigation work for the project, the minimum of the
scope of work for this soil investigation are as follow:
a. Core drilling at minimum 2 points mainly in the, switchyard, and transformer area,
each drilling to a depth of 20 meters where substation area located in the swampy
or shore area the depth of the core drilling will be adjusted by Engineer.

b SPT Shall be carried out for sample per drilling starting at a depth of 2 meter with
steps at 2 meter.

c Dutch Cone Penetration Test shall apply at 2 points and located in building or steel
structure, switchyard and transformer area.

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d. Testing for clean water shall be carried out in the sub station area.

The test procedure to be carried out shall be in accordance to ASTM Standard, using of
equal standard shall have an approval by the owner.
Laboratory works include:

- Soil investigation test shall be made on all 10 samples

- Water chemical analysis 2 samples

The report of soil investigation shall be made and included the recommendation for
foundation type, minimum report 5 (five) set

1.14.2. Field Work

1. Core drilling

The kind of performed drilling during investigation is core drilling and to be done in
accordance to ASTM D 2113. Core drilling comprises continues core sampling by
single tube barrel, taking undisturbed and disturbed sample and standard penetration

The final core diameter should not be less than 54 mm. The use of double tube core
barrels for core 76 mm is required. Core box shall be made of good and durable
material such a hamper or equal.

The box must show of the following indications:

- Project name, job site, number of bore hole, date of finishing the bore hole, depth
interval, etc.

Water level in each hole shall be recorded daily during the days of drilling that hole.
Observation of ground water level shall be made every morning before starting the
days drilling work. The water level shall be recorded in term of depth from the top of
the bore hole. This measurement shall be continued for each bore hole during the
period when the hole is being drilled.

The contractor shall describe lithologi of soil/rock condition, such as :

1. Name of soil / rock (clay, silt, sand, etc)
2. Strength (strong, weak, stiff, etc)

2. Standard Penetration Test (SPT)

The test shall be made in according to ASTM designation D 1586.

With the sample resting on the bottom of the hole, drive the sample with blows of 140
pound hammer falling 75 cm until either 45 cm have been penetrated. The number of
blows required to penetrate each 15 cm depth shall be recorded.

3. Dutch Cone Penetration Test (DCPT)

The Dutch Cone Penetration test to be performed in accordance to ASTM D 3441.

Observation to be taken every 20 cm penetration and the aim of test is to get the cone
resistance (qc), local friction (fc) and total friction (tf).

The reading indicated of cone resistance (qc) and local friction (fc) shall be carried out
until the total reading indicated as the maximum capacity of the equipment/qc =200

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1.14.3. Laboratory Work

Soil laboratory testing for soil classification test (index and Engineering properties) from
soil samples comprised as follows:
a. Sieve analysis mechanical grain size and hydrometer (ASTM D.422).
b. Moisture content (D.2216)
c. Specific Gravity (D.854)
d. Unconfined compression strength test (D.2166)
e. Consolidation Test (ASTM D.2435)
f. Tri axial Compression Test (D 2850).
g. Liquid, Plastic limit & plasticity Index (D 423 & D 424)

1.15. Topographical Survey

A topographical survey at scale 1 : 200 shall be performed by the contractor and shall be
submitted to the engineer for approval before starting of design and works on site.

This topographical survey shall be defined the actual level and the designated 0.00 level.
The network of point will be sufficiently clear to determine exactly the moving of earth for
backfill or earthwork.

The contractor shall have to provide and maintain the monument for the Bench Mark
(Reference Point) during construction.



Site clearance and demolition consists of the removal and disposal of trees, bushes and
other obstructions on site and backfilling with approved materials any existing or resulting
pits, trenches and the like.


The Contractor is requested, before submitting his Tender, to visit the site for the purposes
of inspecting and examining the extent and nature of the various items of work which are
included in this section.


2.3.1 Clearing and Grubbing

Clearing and Grubbing shall consists of clearing all trees, brush other vegetation and
rubbish over the site area generally as shown on the drawings or as directed by the
Engineer. It shall include grubbing stumps and roots and disposing of all resulting spoil
material either by burning or removing to a tip provided by the Contractor. Where the
drawings or the Engineer direct that any items are to remain undisturbed, the Contractor
shall take all necessary precautions to prevent damage to them.

2.3.2 Demolition of Structures

Buildings or other structures to be removed shall be demolished by methods approved by

the Engineer and all builders rubbish resulting there from shall be removed to a tip
provided by the Contractor or otherwise disposed of as directed by the Engineer.

All necessary precautions shall be taken to ensure that no damage is caused to any
structures which are to remain.

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Care shall be taken to salvage as much material as possible this remaining the property of
the Employer. It must be stored on site for re-use when appropriate. Material unsuitable
for further use, such as debris, waste and rubbish shall be removed directly to the tip
provided by the Contractor and with the consent of the Engineer.

2.3.3. Site Leveling

Where the existing ground surface is under or above the finished level which indicated on
the drawing and directed on site , so site leveling shall be carried out.

The work means over ground surface shall be excavated and shall be spread on another
part below, up to properly level.

If insufficient over ground surface is available on site for subsequent soil spreading,
suitable material shall be imported by the contractor and brought to site. It shall be free of
stone, the engineer issues lump of clay or others, which prevent the growth.

The work shall include hauling, dumping, spreading and compacting.

Spreading and compacting shall be carried out every 20 cm thickness of compacted layer.

2.3.4 Use of Explosives

Explosives shall not be brought on the site or used without the prior written approval of the
Engineer. Such approval shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility to comply
with the relevant Statutory Regulations on the storage and use of explosives.

The Contractor shall be wholly responsible for the proper and secure storage of explosive
and such storage places shall be accessible only to authorized personnel. The handling
and use of explosives shall be entrusted only to men experienced in their use and shall in
all respects be to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

Contractor shall be wholly responsible for any loss or damage to persons or property
which may occur through the use of explosives.

When the need for explosives has passed, they shall be removed from the site without
The Engineer may prohibit the use of explosives during excavation or demolition work if, in
his opinion, such use constitutes a danger to persons or adjacent structures or the work is
being carried out in a reckless manner.

2.3.5 Filling of Wells and Existing Excavations

Any wells or other existing excavations on the Site shall be completely filled with approved
material in layers not exceeding twenty (20) cm, well rammed and compacted or by
pudding with water. When these wells or excavations occur under, or within, three meters
of new load bearing construction one they shall be filled with cement stabilized soil
consisting of one (1) part cement and fifteen (15) parts sieved soil, thoroughly mixed and
with a minimum quantity of water added to make a workable mix.

2.3.6 Dismantling

For the uprating switchgear work, the Contractor shall dismantle the steel work (including
gantries, Conductor, Fitting, Insulator and Accessories) and stored in the Owner storage.

The Contractor should sorted and packed it based on type of gantries and completed with
handed over certificate.

Also for the materials/goods i.e. conductor, fitting, insulator and accessories.

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All the cost caused by activity above had to be included in the Bill of Quantity.


2.4.1. Clearing and Grubbing

Measure clearing and grubbing to the nearest square meter.

2.4.2. Site Leveling

Measurement for payment of Site Leveling specified herein shall be base on a survey
made prior to any excavation phase and the lines and grades.

Payment will be made on the number of cubic meters of excavated materials and filling in
accordance with the approval in situ measurement.

Unit prices for the site leveling shall include but not limited to the cost of all labor,
equipment and materials, temporary sporting loading unloading and disposal of excavated
materials, hauling of previously excavated material from the stockpile of borrow area,
compacting the fill and all testing in accordance with the specification.

2.4.3. Filling of wells and existing excavation

Measurement for payment for filling of wells and existing excavation will be made on the
number of cubic meter of fill.

The unit price of fill shall include excavation and hauling of previously excavated material
from the stockpile or borrow area, compacted the fill, and all testing in accordance in
specification. Payment for fill will be paid at the contract unit price per cubic meter.



This section covers all the necessary work for the excavating, importing, transporting,
placing and disposal of earth, rock or other such material as required by the drawings for
the proper execution of the Works.


3.2.1 Character of Ground

The Contractor is requested, before submitting his Bid, to visit the site and satisfy himself
as to the ground conditions on the site, the nature of the strata to be excavated,
obstructions which may be encountered within the limits of the excavation, the possibility
of flooding and the like, and he shall use excavation techniques and equipment best suited
to the site conditions.

No claims for a revision of rates because of site conditions will be considered subsequent
to the award of the Contract.

3.2.2 Removal of Water

The rates for all classes of excavation shall include for the cost of control or removal of
water during or after excavation. The Contractor shall provide all facilities and take
whatever action is necessary, whether by pumping, well pointing or other approved
means, to keep the excavation clear of water at all times for the execution and protection

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of the work.

3.2.3 Earthworks and Excavation Generally

Unless otherwise stated in the Contract, the rates for earthworks and excavation shall be
held to include for excavation in any material except rock.

3.2.4 Rock Excavation

The term "rock" shall mean a material that in the opinion of the Engineer cannot be
excavated expect by means of explosive or compressed air drilling equipment. Boulders
over one quarter (0.25) cubic meter in volume will be classed as rock and those of lesser
volume as normal excavation.

The use of explosive for rock excavation shall comply with the requirements of
Sub-section 2.3.4 of this Specification.


3.3.1 Topsoil

(a) Removal

The first earthworks operation shall be the removal of topsoil to a depth of twenty (20)
cm or other such depth of the top layer of soil as agreed with the Engineer over the
area of the site designated by the Engineer. The topsoil shall be kept separate from,
other material and stock-piled for re-use on slopes and beams or elsewhere on the
site or site access as indicated on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer.

(b) Spreading
Where indicated on the drawings or directed on site, topsoil shall be spread on a
properly leveled or graded surface to thickness of not less than twenty (20) cm and
raked smooth. Variation from level or gradient of the raked surface shall not exceed
three (3) cm in any length of three (3) meters.

If insufficient topsoil is available on site for subsequent soil spreading, suitable

material shall be found by the Contractor and brought to site. it shall be free of
stones. The engineer issues lumps of clays or other matter that would prevent the

3.3.2 Excavation to Reduce Level (Bulk Excavation)

Excavation over site to reduce levels shall be carried out to the lines and levels shown on
the drawings. Any excavation beyond or below these lines and levels shall be made good
by the Contractor at his own expense and to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Slopes shall
be formed and trimmed to the lines and gradients shown on the drawings.

3.3.3 Use and Disposal of Excavated Material

All suitable excavated material apposed by the Engineer shall be used for bulk filling.
Any material surplus to these requirements or adjudged by the Engineer to be unsuitable
shall be removed from site to a tip provided by the Contractor or spread and leveled in thin
layers not exceeding twenty (20) cm over general areas of the site within the site boundary
as directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall not delay in disposing of surplus
material after receipt of instructions from the Engineer.

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3.3.4 Bulk Filling

(a) Materials

The material for filling shall be approved material obtained from excavations on the
site, but if this should prove insufficient, the deficiency shall be made good with
imported material as specified below.

No material containing organic soil, vegetable or other unsuitable matter shall be

Imported filling material shall consist of naturally occurring material free from mud,
silt, vegetable or other soft or injurious matter. The Contractor shall inform the
Engineer of the source of borrow pit from which he proposes to obtain the material
and no material shall be brought to site until the source has been approved.

(b) Placing and Compacting

Bulk filling shall be placed to the lines and level shown on the drawings. The filling
shall be placed in layers not exceeding twenty (20) cm in depth and the surface of
each layer shall be given a slight fall to assist drainage.

Each layer shall be compacted at optimum moisture content by eight (8) tone self
propelled type with smooth drum roller, or equivalent vibrating roller, or other
approved means, until the following degrees of compaction have been achieved.
(1). Non-cohesive soils : Until no further settlement occurs
(2). Cohesive soils : Until dry density is nowhere less than 95% of modified

Subsequent layers shall not be placed and compacted until the previous layer has
been compacted as specified and accepted by the Engineer. Filling material that
does not contain sufficient moisture to achieve the required degree of compaction
shall be sprayed with water from approved sprinklers until compaction can proceed at
optimum moisture content.
Material with a higher moisture content than necessary shall not be used in the works
until it has dried out sufficient to achieve the degree of compaction specified.
Slopes shall be formed and trimmed to the lines and gradients shown on the
drawings and shall be thoroughly compacted with smooth uniform surfaces. Variation
from specified gradient shall not exceed three (3) cm in any length of three (3)

3.3.5 Excavation in Pit and Trench for Foundations, Drainage, etc.

(a) Excavation

Excavation shall be taken out to the minimum sizes necessary for the proper
construction of the works, and excavation shall not be kept open for periods longer
than that reasonably required constructing the works.

The Contractor shall take all precaution necessary to ensure that the bottoms of
excavation are protected from deterioration and that the excavation are carried out in
such a manner that adjacent foundations, pipes or such like are not undermined,
damaged or weakened in any way. Any excavation taken out below the proper level
without approval shall be made good at the expense of the Contractor using concrete
or other material as directed.

(b) Support of Excavations

The Contractor shall be responsible for the stability of the sides of the excavations,

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and shall provide and install all timbering and shoring necessary to ensure stability.

If any slips occur, they shall, as soon as practicable, be made good in an approved
manner at the expense of the contractor. Shoring shall not be removed until the
possibility on damaging the works by earth pressure has passed.

(c) Inspection and Trimming

The bottoms of all excavations shall be properly trimmed and leveled, inspected and
approved by the Engineer before placing the blinding concrete layer of foundation

(d) Backfilling

As soon as possible after the permanent works are sufficient hard and have been
inspected and apposed, backfill shall be placed where necessary and thoroughly
compacted layers not exceeding twenty (20) cm in depth.

(e) Use and Disposal of Excavated Material

All suitable excavated material shall be used for filling or backfilling or otherwise
disposed of as specified in Clause 3.3.3.

3.3.6. Slope Stability and Bench Cut

Where part of the finishing level is lower than the existing ground surface of surrounding
area, contractor shall perform slope excavation and shall prevent slope stability.
If the high of cut slope more than 1,5 meter, Bench cut shall be performed.
On the cut slope shall be performed sod facing and the sodded face shall be tamped with
the suitable tool to form a smooth surface.

The contractor shall be responsible for special care all completed sodding for a period of
30 days and shall spray water on the sod whenever necessary to ensure rooting.


The Contractor shall locate, protect , shore, brace, support and maintain all existing
underground pipes, conduits, drains and other underground construction which may be
uncovered or otherwise be affected by the work.


3.5.1 Weed killer

Weed killer of an approved type suitable for local conditions shall be spread over areas to
be covered by site surfacing before such surfacing is laid. The weed killer shall be of type
which does not cause corrosion of metals and shall be used strictly in accordance with the
manufacturer's instructions.

3.5.2 Site surfacing

Site surfacing shall consist of clean, hard, natural, gravel or crushed stone all to pass a
thirty (30) millimeters sieves but all retained on a ten (10) millimeters sieves. It shall be
spread after installation or service and cables earth strip, electrical equipment and such

The surfacing shall be spread where indicated on the drawings on a properly leveled or
graded surface, free from weeds, to a compacted thickness of fifteen (15) cm and lightly

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3.6.1. Excavation

Measurement for payment of excavation specified herein made in cubic meters and shall
be based on survey made prior to any excavation phase and the lines and the grades
shown on the approved drawings or established on the sites by the Owner. Unit prices for
the excavation shall include the cost of all labor, equipment and materials, temporary
supporting diversion ditches and drainage structures, loading unloading and disposal of
excavated materials.

3.6.2. Fill work

Measurement for payment for filling and backfilling will be made on the number of cubic
meter of fill.

The rates for filling or backfilling, consolidation and trimming shall include for setting aside
temporary excavated material on site, for complying with specification and for trimming
surface to specified level, slope and profile.

The unit price for fill shall include excavation and hauling of previously excavated
materials from the stockpile area and compacting the fill in accordance with the

3.6.3. Dewatering

All cost for the design, furnishing and maintenance of the dewatering system will be paid
at the lump sum price on an agreed upon schedule of payment. The lump sum price shall
include excavation for sumps, pumps, any over excavation required for the installation of
the dewatering system and the discharge piping.



The work covered by this section of the Specification consist of:

(a) A storm water drainage system for the drainage of the Switchyard area generally,
roads and paved areas, cables trough and roofs of buildings.

(b) A foul drainage system for the connection and discharge of water closets (W.C.'s)
wash basins, shower, sinks, urinals and other similar appliances.


4.2.1. Storm water Drainage System

(a) The storm water system shall consist of piped under drains backfilled with brooked
stone or gravel (French drains) manholes and catch pits, rodding eyes and lined or
unlined drainage ditches and channels.

(b) The outfalls of the system shall discharge into existing watercourses or to
constructed soakaways as shown on the drawings or otherwise as directed by the

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4.2.2. Foul Drainage System (Soil Drainage)

(a) The foul drainage system shall consist of a system of pipes, manholes and inspection
chambers and shall discharge into a septic tank unless otherwise shown on the

(b) If a septic tank is required by the drawings the effluent shall discharge to a filter bed
or soakaway.


4.3.1. Pipes for Storm water Drainage

(a) Concrete Pipes and Fittings

These shall be obtained from an approved local manufacturer and shall be subject to
tests and inspection by the Engineer.

(b) Porous and Perforated Concrete Pipes

These shall be of approved local manufacture and shall be tested and inspected by
the Engineer.

(c) PVC Pipes and Fitting

These shall be obtained from an approved local manufacturer and shall be tested
and inspected by the Engineer.

4.3.2. Stone or Gravel Backfilling on the Switchyard Area

The backfilling to French drains shall be clean, free from lumps of clay or other
objectionable matter and be graded between the limits of seventy-five (7.5) cm maximum
and twenty-five (2.5) cm minimum.

4.3.3. Pipes for Foul Drainage System

(a) Asbestos Cement Pipes and Fittings

These shall be of approved local manufacture.

(b) Concrete Pipes and Fitting

These shall be of local manufacture with approved joints and shall be subject to tests
and inspection by the Engineer.

(c) Rigid P.V.C. Pipes

These shall be of local manufacture and shall be subject to test and approved with
the Engineer.

4.3.4. Bends, Gullies and Fittings

All bends, gullies and fittings used in the drainage systems shall be of the same materials
and of equally high quality as the adjacent pipe work.

4.3.5. Materials in Manholes, Catch pits, Septic Tank etc.

(a) Concrete, Formwork and Reinforcement

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As described on the drawings and in accordance with the relevant sub-section of

concrete work.

(b) Walls

Walls shall be built in concrete or common brick and rendered, both faces with Grade
"A" mortar to which an approved waterproofing agent has been added.

(c) Covers

Covers shall be of precast concrete with mild steel angle iron framing. The top
surface of the covers shall have a class "B1" finish.

(d) Step Iron and Lifting Irons

These shall be fabricated from mild steel and shall be galvanized or coated with best
quality bitumastic composition.
Step irons shall be provided where the depth of chamber exceeds one (1) meter.


4.4.1. General

(a) Regulations

The regulation and recommendation of any relevant drainage or sanitary authority

shall be fully observed and the Contractor shall be responsible for acquainting
himself with any such regulations.

(b) Existing and Temporary Drainage during Construction

The Contractor shall maintain at his own cost all existing drainage channels in good
order during the period of the works, and also cut any additional temporary channels
that may be necessary to prevent flooding of the site until the permanent drains have
been laid.

4.4.2. Excavation and Backfill to Pipe Drains

(a) Excavation

Excavation shall be carried out in accordance with Clause 3.3.5. of this Specification.
Trench excavation for drains shall be carried out with the minimum disturbance to
adjacent ground and in such a way that existing or new work shall not be

Where trenches are to be filled with hardcore gravel or the like, or where open
channels are to be constructed, excavated material shall be removed immediately
after excavation.

(b) Backfill

No Backfill shall be placed until pipes, etc. have been inspected, tested and apposed.
Backfill shall be carefully placed by hand tools round pipes, etc. and rammed in
layers not exceeding ten (10) cm thick in a manner which will not cause damage.

When a minimum thickness of thirty (30) cm above the pipes has been so placed,
normal methods of backfilling and ramming may be adopted.

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4.4.3. Laying and Jointing of Pipes (Generally)

(a) Laying

Pipes and fitting shall be of the types qualities and sizes specified and shown on the
drawings. They shall be laid to the lines and level shown, and the barrel of each pipe
shall bear firmly and uniformly on the trench bottom or prepared foundation bed, any
projection in the trench bottom that could cause damage to pipes being first removed.
Pipes shall be kept clean during and after laying, and open ends shall be provided
with temporary plugs to prevent entry of foreign matter.

Each pipe shall be accurately boned to gradient between sight rails and drain laying
shall commence at the lowest end and proceed uphill. Pipes shall be laid with the
sockets leading uphill.

(b) Jointing Generally

The jointing of pipes shall be carried out as specified below. The pipes to be jointed
shall be accurately centered and butted together, and only the particular type of joint
shall make joints. Joints shall generally be of a flexible type.

(c) Flexible and Proprietary Joints

The joints in concrete, asbestos cement and un plasticized P.V.C. pipes designed for
flexible jointing shall be made in accordance with the manufacture's instructions and
relevant British Standard. Unless otherwise directed or agreed, the joints in concrete
and asbestos cement pipes shall be of the compressed rubber ring type, and when
loose collars are used, these shall be accurately located over the center of the joints.

(d) Rigid Jointing of Spigot and Socket Pipes

Concrete and asbestos cement spigot and socket pipes for rigid jointing shall be used
only where specified or directed. Inserting and caulking one complete ring of tarred
gaskin that shall center the pipes and prevent mortar from entering the pipes shall
joint them. The joint shall be complete by filling with Grade "A" mortar. The mortar
shall be well rammed into the joint and finished with 45olevel. Joint shall be
undisturbed and kept covered with wet sacking for seven days.

(e) Porous Concrete Pipe Joints

Joint in porous pipes shall be made by butting the pipes tightly together so that no
soil or the like can enter the pipes. If, due to minor changes of line or gradient, a joint
cannot be completely closed, it shall be wrapped with bituminous felt and surrounded
with weak concerted.

4.4.4. Concrete Surround and Hauncing to Pipes

Concrete surrounds, bedding and hauncing to pipes shall be at the locations and to the
dimensions shown on the drawings. Concrete Grade 15/40 (k-150) as specified under
section 7 of this specification shall be used.

4.4.5. Pipes under Buildings

Unplasticied or Rigid P.V.C. soil pipes and fittings shall be used under buildings, laid and
bedded on concrete and jointed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and
surrounded with concrete after testing as specified below. The concrete bed to pipes shall
not be less than ten (10) cm thick, and finished smooth and true to line and levels with
pockets at all positions for pipe sockets to facilitate bedding of the barrel of the pipes

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4.4.6 Drainage Ditches

(a) Unlined Ditches

These shall be constructed as shown on the drawings and the Contracted shall be
responsible for their maintenance through the works and to the completion of the
maintenance period.

(b) Lined Ditches

Lined ditches shall be provided where shown on the drawings or as directed by the
The lining shall consist of stone pitching to the lines, gradients and dimension
indicated on the drawings bedded in Grade "A" mortar. The stone shall be clean,
hard and durable with a thickness of not less than twenty five (25) cm and with length
and widths of approximately one and a half (1 1/2) times the thickness. It shall be of
good shape and free of projections and depressions to ensure proper bedding and
uniform slopes and the finished ditch should not vary from true line by more than fifty
(50) millimeters.

4.4.7 Lined Drainage Channel

Lined channels shall be of concrete Grade 175/20 or solid block work if approved by the
Engineer and shall be constructed to the dimensions, lines, gradients and levels shown on
the drawings. Weep holes thirty (30) millimeters diameter shall be positioned at half the
internal depth of the channels or as otherwise shown on the drawings, and at intervals of
one (1) meter along both sides of the channels. Expansion joints of two (2) cm wide and
filled with an approved resilient filler, shall be proved at interval of not more than twenty
(20) meters.

4.4.8. Manholes, Catch pits, Septic Tank etc.

Excavation to manholes, catch pits and the like shall be in accordance with Clause 4.4.2.

Detail and sizes of bases, benching, covers and manholes generally shall be obtained
from typical manhole details shown on the drawings. Unless otherwise directed manhole
walls shall be built with common bricks and rendered on both faces with Grade "A" mortar
to which an approved waterproofing agent has been added. All joints in brickwork shall be
well filled with mortar.

Manholes deeper than one (1) meter shall be provided with step irons. Precast concrete
relieving blocks manufactured with Grade 225/20 concrete shall be provided and set in the
brickwork walls over each pipe.


All drains, other than open channel, stone filled and porous drains, shall be of watertight
construction and all soil drains shall be subjected to a water test before backfilling of
trenches is commenced. Drains may be tested in section and manholes may be tested
separately. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval his proposals for
testing. The drains shall withstand, without leakage, a water pressure of not less than one
and half (1.5) meters at any point for a period of twenty (20) minutes or such other time as
the Engineer may direct. All necessary plugs, temporary connections and other equipment
and all labor required for the tests shall be provided by the Contractor.

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For testing of pieces in areas where an adequate supply of water is not readily available,
the Engineer will accept an air (smoke) test. Further testing may be called for after
backfilling of trenches to ensure that pipes have not been damaged during that operation.


4.6.1. Excavation

Excavation is measured by the cubic meter of material excavated.

4.6.2. Embankment, backfill

Embankment and backfill is measured by the cubic meter of material hauled, placed and

4.6.3. Pipes / Concrete drainage

Pipes / concrete drainages are measured by linear meter of pipes / concrete drainage.

4.6.4. Manholes, Catch pits and Septic tank

Manholes catch pits and septic tank will be paid on lump sum price. The contractor shall
make the breakdown of this works.



This section of the Specification consists of the requirements for the construction of the
different categories of roads and vehicle standings, which provide access to and
maintenance of the substation areas. The various stages of road construction are
included, together with concrete kerbing (precast and cast in situ) and cable ducts laid
under roads.


American standards in common used in Indonesia for road construction bituminous

binders, Macadam and the live will be acceptable alternatives unless otherwise directed.


5.3.1 Services to be completed and protected

Culverts, pipe drains, ducks and other services shall be completed under and alongside
roads, paths and hard standings to the approval of the Engineer before road works are
The contractor shall take all necessary precautions to prevent damage to completed or
partially completed services until the road, paths or hard standings have been completed.
The precautions shall be adequate to allow passage of plan of vehicles of other
contractors having legitimate access to the site.

Ditches, drainage channels, outfalls and the live shall be in a suitable working conditions
to ensure effective drainage of service water to avoid damage to the road foundation.

5.3.2 Approval of Road Construction

Each state of road construction shall be inspected, any defects rectified, and the state

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approved by the engineer before the next state is commenced.


Earthworks shall be carried out in accordance with section 3. Of this Specification, but the
surface shall be formed seventy-five (7.5) cm higher than the levels shown on the
drawings. These seventy-five (7.5) cm shall be removed when the subgrade preparation
and laying of the sub-base is about to commence.


5.5.1 Description

The subgrade is the part of the road on which the sub-base is laid, or if a sub-base is not
specified for a particular road categories, than the part on which the base is laid. It shall
extend the full width of the road, and include hard shoulders, laybys and the like where
these are shown on the drawings.

5.5.2 Preparation of subgrade

When road works are about to commence the earthworks shall be graded to the lines and
levels shown on the drawings, and any soft or weak areas shall be dug out and replace by
approve material. The subgrade shall than be compacted by eight (8) tonne self propelled
type with smooth drum roller and the moisture content of the soil shall be controlled to give
the specified compaction.

5.5.3 Degree of Compaction

Rolling of the subgrade shall continue until the dry density of the top thirty (30) cm is
nowhere less than 95 per cent of the dry density at optimum moisture content obtained by
application of the American Standard compaction test. Any irregularities which may
develop in level during compaction shall be corrected by adding or removing material as
required and re-compacting. The top level of subgrade shall have a CBR value of six (6)
percent, after compaction.

5.5.4 Protection of Subgrade

The Contractor shall take adequate precautions to ensure the protection of the subgrade
from weather effects or from damage due to negligence. Areas of the subgrade which in
the opinion of the Engineer, require repair due to the Contractors failure to take such
precaution shall be made good to the Engineer satisfaction at the Contractors expense.


5.6.1 Description

It shall extend the sand layer is that portion of the road, which lies between the sub-grade
and the underside of the concrete blinding layer.
the full width of the road and include laybys and hard standings unless otherwise shown
on the drawings.

5.6.2 Material

(a) Testing and Approval

Before commencement of sub-base construction the Contractor shall provided the

Engineer with full particular of the origin and composition of the material he proposes
to use in the sub-base coarse.

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Representative samples shall be taken by the contractor in the presence of the

Engineer and sent to an approved testing laboratory to ascertain the properties of the
material as directed and required by the Engineer. Taking of samples and testing at
an approved laboratory shall be carried out at the contractor’s expense.

Test certificates shall be submitted for the Engineer approval prior to starting quarry
or borrow excavations.

(b) Type of material

Type of material shall be well graded consisting of crushed stone or crushed or

natural gravel graded from 4.75mm to 600 mm mikro meter the clay, silt and fine dust
in, or adhering to, the aggregate shall not exceed 5 (five) percent by volume.

(c) Degree of Compaction

The final level of sand layer shall have ten (10) per cent

5.6.3 Construction

Spreading and compacting

The sand layer shall be constructed to the final thickness shown on the drawings or as
directed otherwise by the Engineer, but shall not be less than teen (10) cm when fully

The material shall be laid by box spreader or other approved means in layers not
exceeding five (5) cm in thickness and compacted by an eight (8) ton self propelled type
with smooth drum roller or other approved compaction equipment, working parallel to the
center line of the road.

In areas not accessible to power rollers the material shall be compacted with approved
tempers or compactors.


5.7.1. Description

The concrete blinding layer is the part of the road on which the concrete slab road is
laid as shown the drawing.

5.7.2. Materials

The concrete blinding layer grade 10 / 40 (K. 100) conforming with requirement of
section 7 of this specification shall be used.

5.7.3. Construction

The blinding layer shall have minimum thickness of 50 mm.


5.8.1 Description

Kerbs and channels shall be used where shown on the drawings to delineate the running
surfaces of roads with flexible pavements.

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5.8.2 Materials

Precast concrete Grade 22.5/20 (k-225) conforming with the requirements of Section 7 of
this Specification shall be used for kerbs and channels. They shall be manufactured to the
size shown on the drawings and radius kerbs shall be used on all curves of twelve (12)
meters radius or less.

5.8.3 Construction

Kerbs shall be laid prior to the construction of the road base on a continuous foundation of
concrete Grade 100/40 fifteen (15) cm thick and of width ten (10) cm greater then the
kerb. They should be bedded and jointed on the foundation in Grade "A" mortar and
haunched up the back of the kerb with Grade 100/40 concrete.

At completion, kerbs shall be true to line and radius and any work showing marked
aberration from true line and level shall be rejected.


5.8.1 Description

Roads with a bituminous surface course may where shown on the drawings, have a cast
insitu concrete edging in lieu of precast concrete kerbs.

5.8.2 Materials

(a) Concrete

Concrete shall be Grade 22.5/20 (K-225) for the insitu edging and Grade 100/40 (B-
100) for the foundation, all as specified in Section 7.

(b) Formwork

Formwork shall be wrote and comply with this Specification.

5.8.3 Construction

The joint of concrete road shall be steel bar diameter 16 mm, length 500 mm at the
distance of 300 mm shown on drawing or as directed by the Engineer but the top surface
shall be set flush with or not more than fifteen (15) millimeters below the finished surface
of the carriageway and trowelled to a class B1 finish.
The foundation shall be laid on the prepared concrete blinding layer but where this is low
relative to the dimensions shown on the drawings the foundation concrete shall be
proportionally increased concrete slab shall have minimum structural thickness 200 mm of
concrete grade 22.5 / 40, and reinforced by diameter 12 mm steel mesh of 100 mm
distance in both direction as directed by engineer.
Drainage of the road base shall be by P.V.C. pipes one hundred (100) millimeters
diameter inserted at four (4) meter intervals and passing through the full width of the
edging at sub grade level.
Care shall be exercised in erection of form-work to ensure that opposite faces are
everywhere truly parallel and curves merge into straight at tangent points smoothly and
without angled junction.


5.10.1 Description

Pipe ducts for cable and other service under roads shall be indicated on the drawings.

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5.10.2 Materials

(a) Concrete or Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipes.

Pipes shall be of approved local manufacture.
(b) Concrete
Concrete surround to ducts shall be Grade 10/20 (B-100).

5.10.3 Construction

Ducts for cables and other services shall be constructed under roads in advance of road
construction all as shown and specified in the drawings.
The inside surface of ducts shall be smooth and free from sharp edges or projections
which could cause damage to the sheating of cables.

Each duct shall be thoroughly cleaned on completion and closed at both ends with a
timber plug driven in and sealed with bitumen. A light galvanized steel or non-ferrous wire
shall be drawn through each duct and left in before plugging.


5.11.1 Excavation

Excavation is measured by the cubic meter of material excavated.

5.11.2 Embankment, Backfill

Embankment and backfill is measured by the cubic meter of material hauled, placed and

5.11.3 Pavement

The pavement, including subbase, base and surface course is measured by the square
meter of pavement completed.



This section of the Section consists of the requirements for the security of the high voltage
switchyard area and the site area generally.


Reference is made to the approved standards


Electricity substation contains high voltage equipment and access is restricted to authorize
personnel only.
The location of the fencing required for security purpose shall be as shown on the
The Contractor shall ensure that the outside faces of fences and gates have no
projections or footholds, which would be a climbing aid to unauthorized personnel and
reduce security characteristics.

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6.4.1 Reinforce concrete skeleton

Reinforce concrete skeleton shall be used consist of:

a. Column dimension 150 mm x 20 mm shall be inserted to the existing foundation at

least 500 mm depth, as shown on the drawing. The column height is 2400 mm.
b. Lower beam of 150 mm x 250 mm dimension shall be laid along existing foundation
as shown on the drawing.
c. Upper beam of 150 mm x 250 mm dimension shall be laid above the top of brick wall
as shown on the drawing.

6.4.2 Brick wall

Brick shall be red burning clay at least 120 mm x 240 mm x 80 mm size or as directed by

6.4.3 Mortar for brick wall

The mortar mixes to be used in the works shall be reinforced and proportional as follows:

Grade A : 1 (one) volume cement and 3 (three) volume fine aggregate

Grade B : 1 (one) volume cement and 5 (five) volume fine aggregate
Grade A : 1 used for brick wall 300 mm height from the base
Grade A : 1 used for other brick wall and plastering / rendering

6.4.4 Barbed wire and attachments

Three line of two strand 2.5 mm diameter steel wire with 2.11 mm diameter for point barbs
spaced approximately 125 cm on center.
All wire be hit dip galvanized, with weight of zine coating per square meter of surface area
shall not less the 0.24 kg/mm2 for 2.5 mm diameter wire and not less then 0.198 kg/mm2
for 2.11 mm diameter area.

Barbed wire shall be fasten to angel steel L 50 x 50 x 5 mm size as shown on the drawing,
which is steel is buried in concrete column / beam.



This section of the Specification consists of the requirements for the composition,
manufacture and placing of concrete, reinforced concrete and mortar throughout the works
in accordance with and to the dimensions shown on the construction drawings, or as
indicated in other sections of this Specification.


The Contractor shall comply with the following codes and standards:

- Peraturan Beton Bertulang Indonesia - 1971 (NI-2)

- Peraturan Umum untuk Bahan Bangunan Indonesia (NI-3)
- Peraturan Cement Portland Indonesia (NI-8)
- SKSNI - 1991. T .15 - 91 - 03
- American Concrete Institute (ACI)

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7.3.1 General

(a) All material used in the Work shall be new and of the best quality of their respective
kinds from approved sources and shall comply with the requirements of the latest
edition of the approved standards or codes of Practice.

(b) The Contractor shall be deemed to have satisfied himself that suitable materials for
concrete and mortar can be obtained in sufficient quantities to carry out the works.

(c) As soon as possible after the contract has been placed the contractor shall submit a
list giving details of the sources from which he proposes to obtain concrete and
mortar materials. Only materials from approved sources shall be brought to site.
Approval of sources shall no imply acceptance of material found not conform to this

7.3.2 Cement

The cement used throughout the works shall be in accordance with NI - 8 or similarly.

All cement shall be delivered to the site under cover in strong, sealed waterproof bags in
such quantities and at times suitable for the amount of work in hand. All cement shall be
effectively protected against deterioration during storage on the site. Only sufficient
cement shall be stored at site to ensure continuity of the works, and to allow testing of any
consignment before it is required for use.

Cement shall be stored in unopened bags on a dry raised platform in a well ventilated but
weatherproof storage shed which is used for no other purpose. Each consignment and
brand shall be clearly numbered and separated from order in which it is delivered. Only
one brand of cement shall be used to complete any individual structure of foundation
unless otherwise instructed by the Engineer.

Cement stored on site for a period longer than two months shall be laboratory tested at the
contractor's expense before use. Any cement, which has hardened or become
contaminated, shall be rejected.

Cement manufacturer's test certificates shall be made available to the Engineer on


7.3.3 Additives Generally

Air entraining, water reducing, set accelerating, set retarding, or other additives shall not
be used except with the written approval of the Engineer, following comparative concrete
durability and compression strength tests carried out on concrete made with and without

Test with additives shall give durability and compressive strength at least equal to those
without additives except that water reducing agents shall increase the compressive
strength by ten (10) per cent. The use of all additives shall be strictly supervised.

7.3.4. Aggregates

(a) Coarse Aggregates

Coarse aggregates shall be crushed stone with well graded and show general
compliance with the requirements of the appropriate standards. It shall be clean,
hard, strong, fine grained, non friable, non-porous and durable stone of approved
quality and shall be obtained from an approved source. It shall be roughly cubical in

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shape and be free from dust.

The granulometric curve of the coarse aggregate shall be within the following
tolerances, which shall be achieved by means of sifting and screening of the material.

Should the loss by weight, when the aggregate is subjected to abrasion test by the
used of the Los Angeles Machine (ASTM (31) exceed 10 % at 100 revolutions or 40
% at 500 revolution, the coarse aggregate shall be rejected.


40 mm 20 mm 10 mm

37. 5 mm 95 - 100 100

19.0 mm 30 - 70 95 - 100 100
9.5 mm 10 – 25 25 - 55 85 - 100
4.75 mm 0-5 0 - 10 0 - 20

(b) Fine Aggregate (Sand)

The fine aggregate for concrete and mortar shall comply with the appropriate
standard. The fine aggregate for concrete shall be clean, sharp, fresh-water or pit
sand, or other suitable and approved material, and shall be free from all impurities.

The clay, silt and fine dust in, or adhering to, the aggregate shall not exceed five (5)
percent by volume. The fine aggregate shall be well graded within the limits of four
and three-quarters (4.75) mm to six hundred (600) micrometers in size.

The fine aggregate for mortar shall, unless other wise specified, be rounded sand or
other suitable and approved material and shall be free from all impurities. The clay,
silt or fine dust shall not exceed five (5) per cent by volume. The sand shall consist of
particles between two point three six (2.36) mm and six hundred (600) micrometers in

(c) Storage of Aggregates

The coarse and fine aggregates shall be stored on site in bins or on clean, dry, hard
surfaces, and be kept free from all sources of contamination. Aggregates of different
grading shall be stored separately, and no new aggregate shall be mixed with existing
stocks until tested and approved.

7.3.5 Water

Water used for mixing concrete and mortar shall be clean, fresh water obtained from an
approved source and free from harmful chemicals, oils, organic matter and all other
impurities, conforming with the requirement of the applicable standard.

7.3.6 Steel Bar Reinforcement

The reinforcement shall comply with the requirement of the appropriate Standards.
The bars shall be round and free from corrosion, cracks, surface flaws, laminations, rough,
jagged and shall not exceed two and one half (2.5) per cent. All bars shall be clean, new
and of the diameters described on the drawings, and shall be transported and stored on
site so that they remain straight, clean, undamaged and free from corrosion, rust or scale.

Bars or different diameters shall be separately bundled and bars from different sources
shall be separately stored, free from direct contact with wet ground.
Deformed bar shall be used for diameter more than 13 mm and other sized plained bar

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may be used.

7.3.7 Threaded Inserts

Threaded insert for casting into concrete shall be of the diameters and dimensions shown
on the drawings and shall be electro-galvanized and of malleable iron or mild steel.

7.3.8 Lime Putty

Lime putty used for mortar shall be well slaked and kept in the line pool for a minimum of
four days. It shall be prevented from drying while in the lime pool.

7.3.9 Waterproofing Admixture

Waterproof concrete and mortar shall be used where shown on the drawings.
Waterproofing shall be by the use of a reliable and approved brand of admixture. The
admixture shall be used strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.


7.4.1 Concrete Grades

The grades of concrete to be used in the works shall be as shown in Table 3 below:
Table 1


STRENGTH (Cube Specimen)
S.I NI - 2

22.5/20 20 - 4.75 mm 225 kg/cm²

22.5/40 40 - 4.75 mm 225 kg/cm²
17.5/20 20 - 4.75 mm 175 kg/cm²
17.5/40 40 - 4.75 mm 175 kg/cm²
15.0/40 40 – 4.75 mm 150 kg/ cm²
10.0/20 20 - 4.75 mm 100 kg/cm²
10.0/40 40 - 4.75 mm 100 kg/cm²

7.4.2 Concrete Strengths

The contractor shall ensure that the crushing strengths of the various grades of concrete
are not less than the values given in Table 4 below:
Table 2


S.I, NI - 2 28 DAYS 7 DAYS
2 2 2
N/MN Kg/cm N/MN Kg/cm2

22.5/20 22.5 225 15.0 150

22.5/40 22.5 225 15.0 150
17.5/20 17.5 175 11.5 115
17.5/40 17.5 175 11.5 115
10.0/20 10 100 6.5 65
10.0/40 10 100 6.5 65
The cube strengths relate to a standard one hundred and fifty (150) mm cube, and when
standard cylinders of three hundred (300) millimeters in height with base of one hundred

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and fifty (150) millimeters in diameter are used and tested the crushing values of such
cylinder tests shall be multified by a factor of one and one quarter (1.20) to obtain
equivalent values for comparison with cube strengths specified in Table 4.

7.4.3 Mix Proportions for concrete grades

It shall be the contractor’s responsibility to design the concrete mixes, using the
constituent materials specified, to comply with the requirements of the various grades of
The contractor shall, as soon as possible after the contract has been placed, obtain
representative samples of water and fine and coarse aggregates in sufficient quantities for
testing as directed by the Engineer. Tests so designated by the engineer shall be in
accordance with the provisions of the appropriate standards by the Engineer. Materials
which do not comply with those specified under Clause 5.7.3. shall be rejected.

In determining the mix proportions, the contractor shall use trial mixes in accordance with
the recommendations of NI-2 to establish the most suitable combination that will give
concrete of the maximum water/cement ratios consistent with the strengths specified for
the different concrete grades. Water cement ratios will normally be not greater than 0.55
by weight otherwise specified, approved or instructed for each grade of concrete.

7.4.4 Approval of Mix Proportions

The contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval the proportions of ingredients he
proposes to use for each grade of concrete, and the basis on which he has designed the

Under the supervision of the Engineer the contractor shall make six (6)-test cylinder or
cubes of each grade of concrete, using his proposed proportions. The making, curing and
testing of cubes shall be in accordance with B.S. 1881 and NI-2 BAB.4. Unless otherwise
Three (3) cubes of each set shall be tested at seven (7) days by an independent authority
approved by the Engineer, the remainder tested at twenty-eight (28) days.
All test cubes shall be given a reference number and the contractor shall supply the
engineer with a record, in duplicate showing the reference number, date made, concrete
grade, proportions of mix, water cement ratio and the concrete slump.
The minimum designed strengths obtained from the trial mix tests shall be one and one
third (1 1/3) times the minimum crushing strengths specified in Table 4 for each grade of

When the mix proportions of each grade of concrete have been finalized and approved by
the Engineer, the Contractor shall not vary these proportions without a good and valid
reason for doing so and only with the Engineer's approval. Any such change of
proportions, arising from any cause whatsoever shall not be considered as a basis for a
claim to an increase in unit rated for concrete.

7.4.5 Use of Concrete Grades

The grades for concrete to be used in the works shall be as follows unless otherwise
specified on the drawings:

Support Equipment 22.5/20

Precast Members, slabs (< 12 cm in thickness) 22.5/20
Beams, columns and slabs 22.5/20
Plant and structure plinths pads and
Foundation slabs 22.5/40
General foundation work, roads, linings etc., Reinforced 17.5/20
Or unreinforced 17.5/40

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Pipe Surrounds and making up to

Level foundation 10.0/40
Blinding, protective layer for tiling 10.0/20 or 10.0/40

7.4.6 Blinding

Under all foundation elsewhere as indicated on the drawings, a layer of concrete grade
10.0/40 or 10.0/20 shall be laid immediately the excavation is carried down to foundation
level. The blinding surface shall be thoroughly clean before foundation concrete is deposit
Sumps shall be provided where necessary to facilitate the control of drained water. The
two grades shall be applied as follows:

Grade of Concrete Thickness

Foundation bases 10.0/40 100 mm

Floors of ducts, troughs or
Reinforced slabs not exceeding 100 mm 10.0/20 50 mm

7.4.7 Measurement of Materials

(a) General
All equipment used for measurement of concrete ingredients shall be maintained in
good and clean condition and the Contractor shall ensure that men engaged on
concreting work are fully instructed and competent in the use of such equipment.

(b) Cement
The quantity of cement shall be determined by weight the cement is supplied in bags
the concrete shall be mixed in batches using one or more complete bags of cement.

(c) Aggregate
The quantities of fine coarse aggregate should preferably be determined by weight
but where written approval has been obtained from the Engineer, may be determined
by volume.

The conversion of "weight" to "volume" or vice versa shall be based on the weight per
cubic meter of the preliminary tests on aggregates. Where batching by volume is
approved, suitable batch boxes for measurement of the aggregate shall be made and
Allowance shall be made in gauging fine aggregate for increase in volume due to
bulking because of moisture content.

(d) Water
Water for each batch of concrete shall be accurately gauged by measurement of
volume in a calibrated tank or by weighing. One liter of water shall be equivalent to
one kilogram weight.

If the fine and coarse aggregates contain water, adjustment shall be made to the
quantity water to be added to the mix by carrying out moisture content test on the
aggregate and by slump test on the freshly mixed concrete.

7.4.8 Batching and Mixing

Batching and mixing shall be carried out in plant approved by the Engineer and generally
complying with the requirements of NI-2 BAB 6, 6.2. and 6.3.

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The concrete shall be mixed in mechanical mixer of approved type unless as specified
below or otherwise approved. The time allowed for mixing after all ingredients are in the
machine shall be not less than two minutes.

Mixing shall continue until the mass is uniform in color and consistency and the complete
batch shall be discharged before the introduction of more materials.

Small quantities of concrete less than half (0,5) cubic meter may be hand mixed on a
clean watertight platform. The fine and coarse aggregate shall be thoroughly mixed
together, cement then added, and the whole tuned over three times dry. The material shall
be tuned over whilst adding water, then finally turned twice and worked to produce a
mixture of uniform color and consistency

For hand mixing the specified quantities of cement shall be increased by 10 (ten) per cent
without alteration in price.
All equipment shall be thoroughly clean before use or reuse for other grades of concrete.

7.4.9 Control tests and Workability

The concrete shall be a dense, homogenous nature produced with the minimum quantity
of water necessary to ensure a compact mass sufficiently workable to enable proper
placing and consolidation in corners and around reinforcement, and to give the specified
finish, strength, density or other required qualities. The water /cement ratio for each grade
of concrete shall be agreed with the Engineer.
Quality control of the concrete used throughout the works shall be maintained in
accordance with NI-2 or similarly. Test cubes shall be made as directed during the period
of the works and not less frequently than six (6) per week or per five (5) cubic meters of
concrete whichever is more frequent. All test cubes shall be referenced and recorded as
required by sub-section .7.4.4. of this Specification, including a record of the position in the
works from which the concrete was taken. Three of the specimens shall be tested at
seven (7) days and the other three at twenty eight (28) days.

Concrete may be assumed satisfactory if the cube strengths at 7 days are in accordance
with TABLE 2. Should the 7 days values be below the specified figures the concrete may
still be assumed satisfactory if the 28 days test results conforms with the TABLE. If the
results of both the 7 days and 28 day work cube tests show crushing strengths less than
those specified, the Engineer may suspend all concreting work and order further tests to
ascertain if the concrete place in the works is acceptable.

If the results of strength tests indicate that concrete does not meet specified requirements
the concrete production shall be stopped until corrective action is implemented to
guarantee conformance with specification.

The Contractor may be directed to take concrete cores and/or make load tests, at his own
expense, of any work that he has installed with concrete not meeting specified strength
requirements. If cores and/or load tests establish that such work in place does not meet
requirements, the concrete shall be broken out and replace, or otherwise rectified as
requested by the Engineer without cost to the Owner.

The contractor shall be responsible for keeping a record of Slump Tests, and the slump of
the standard cone shall be within the following limits whilst conforming to the specified
crushing strengths:

Table 4

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22.5/20, 22.5/40 and 25 - 50 MM

17.5/20, 17.5/40

10.0/20, 10.0/40 24 - 75 MM 25 - 100 MM

Checking and testing the concrete quality shall be prerogative of the Engineer who may
increase the number of tests to be made or order such other tests as he may deem
necessary to ensure that the concrete is of the specified strength and workability required
for the works.

All remedial measures including cutting-out, reinating, mix adjustments, further testing and
the like which, in the opinion of the Engineer, are required shall be at the expense of the

7.4.10 Transporting

Concrete shall be distributed from the mixers to final position in the works as rapidly as
possible and by approved methods which prevent segregation or loss of ingredients. All
equipment shall be thoroughly clean before use or re-use for other grades of concrete.

7.4.11 Placing

(a) Preparation for Placing

Surplus water or any flow of water shall be removed or diverted from the excavation
in accordance with sub-section 3.2.2. of this Specification and the layer of blinding
concrete as specified under sub-section 7.4.6. thoroughly cleaned and washed.

Formwork shall be checked for line, level, shape and rigidity and shall be cleaned of
all debris or other foreign matter which would adhere to or impair the finished
concrete. The forms shall be treated with an approved mould oil before fixing the
Reinforcement shall be free from pitting, mud, oil, paint, loose rust or scale or other
adherents harmful to the bond or strength of the reinforcement. Bars shall be fixed
rigidly and accurately in position and in accordance with the working drawings, unless
otherwise approved by the Engineer.
Reinforcement at all intersection shall be accurately tied together with soft annealed
tying wire. No insertion of bars in previous placed concrete shall be permitted.
Projecting bars shall be adequately protected from displacement.

Spot or tack welding for positioning bars in heavily reinforced areas will only be
allowed with the express permission of the Engineer. Extension of lengths of
reinforcement by welding will not be permitted.

Welding will be approved only in low stress members, and lap welding will not be
approved in any circumstances.

(b) Inspection and Approval before Placing

All formwork moulds and fixing of reinforcement shall be subject to inspection and
approval by the Engineer immediately prior to the placing of concrete.
(c) Placing

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Placing of concrete will not be permitted when the weather conditions or the limitation
of facilities or equipment for concreting provided by the Contractor are such, in the
opinion of the Engineer, as to prevent construction procedure, finishing and curing of
the concrete.
Not more than thirty (30) minutes after water is first added to the mix and before initial
set has occurred the final placing of the concrete shall be completed. On no account
shall water be added after the initial mixing.

Concrete shall be introduced into the forms between predetermined construction

joints, as near as practicable to its final position in a manner which will not cause
segregation of the mix or displacement of the reinforcement of forms. Placing shall be
in approximately horizontal layers of uniform thickness not exceeding 30 cm.

Concrete shall not be dropped from a height greater than one a half (1.5) meter and
placing and consolidation shall be done in a manner which will not disturb previously
placed concrete.

If greater drops are unavoidable, a tremie or other approved means shall be used so
that the concrete may be effectively placed and compacted in horizontal layers as
before and segregation or disturbance of previously placed concrete does not occur.

Conduits and pipes shall not be embedded in concrete unless specially indicated on
the drawings or instructed by the Engineer.

Formworks and reinforcement with concrete and mortar droppings shall be cleaned in
advanced of placing subsequent lifts.
Concrete finished shall be as specified in sub-section .7.6.

7.4.12 Compacting of Concrete

Concrete shall be consolidated by immersion type vibrators operating at an approved

frequency, and supplemented by hand spading, rodding, ramming and tamping to ensure
adequate and proper compaction.

The concrete shall be carefully worked around reinforcement and embedded fixtures, into
corners and against the forms to produce a dense uniform mass free form defectors, care
shall be exercised to ensure that the duration of vibration is sufficient to produce
satisfactory consolidation without segregation and that the whole depth is thoroughly
compacted without disturbance without to other parts of the work already placed.
Excessive vibration shall be avoided.

The number and type of vibrators shall be approved prior to placing the concrete and
sufficient spare units must be on hand in case of breakdown.

Operators of vibrating tools shall demonstrate that they have received adequate
instruction and training in their use. Every care shall be taken to avoid contact of vibrators
with reinforcement or previously placed concrete.

External formwork vibrators will not be permitted unless specifically approved by the
Engineer on agreed sections of the works.

7.4.13 Construction Joints

Concreting shall be carried out continuously up to approved construction joints with

moulded bounding chases. Unless otherwise approved or instructed concrete shall be
placed to the full depth of slabs, beams and the like and shall be placed in horizontal
layers not exceeding one and one half (1.5) meters deep in walls, column and similar

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Construction joints shall be formed in the horizontal vertical planes by means of stop
boards which allow the reinforcement to run through. Where practicable, laitance shall be
removed whilst the concrete is still soft so as to expose the coarse aggregate. Where
concrete already deposited has set but not set hard the laitance shall be removed and the
coarse aggregate expose by wire brushing and washing.

At joints where the placed concrete has set hard any or laitance shall be removed by
hacking, care being taken to avoid damage to the aggregate.

Immediately before concreting proceeds the roughened joint surface shall be thoroughly
cleaned and loose matter removed, then treated with a layer, 12 mm thick, of cement
mortar 1:1 mix. The concrete shall be immediately deposited and punned into the cement

Where construction joints will be permanently visible, the cement mortar shall be kept
back from the exposed face of the concrete.

7.4.14 Expansion Joints

Expansion joints shall be formed in positions and to the details shown in the drawing the
or as directed.

Joints shall be straight and vertical except where otherwise approved and concrete
surface faces shall be flush on both sides of the joint.

The joints shall be filled with "Flex cell" non extruding wood fiber bitumen impregnated
boarding, and sealed with Plt "Plastic" opical grade rubber bitumen compound, or other
approved products of equal properties and quality.

7.4.15 Contraction Joints

Contraction joints in concrete shall be formed in positions and to details shown on the
drawings or as directed by the Engineer.

The joints shall be straight and vertical except where otherwise approved and concrete
surface levels on both sides of the joint shall be flush. Alternatively they may be formed by
cutting with an approved cutting/sawing machine after the concrete has set.

The surface of the concrete shall be flush on both sides of the joint and the joint shall be
sealed with bituminous polyurethane foam strip or with "Plastic" tropical grade rubber
bitumen compound, poured into the joint, or with other approved products of equal
properties and quality.

7.4.16 Protection and Curing

Proper protection shall be provided to prevent cement from being taken or washed away
and the concrete from being diluted during the process of storing, handling, transporting,
apportioning and mixing the materials, and transporting, placing compacting and curing
the concrete.
Care should be taken to ensure that concrete during hardening is not disturbing by direct
or indirect loading, movement of projecting reinforcement, vibrating or other similar effects.
All concrete shall be protected from the harmful effects of sunshine, wind and rain and
foundation concrete shall also be protected from damage by storm or subsoil water

After placing and during early stages of hardening, concrete shall be protected from
moisture loss, harmful effects of sunshine, wind, rain, running surface water and shocks.

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Curing activities shall be started as soon as any free water has disappeared from the
surface of the concrete after placing and finishing. Surfaces shall be kept covered and wet
for at least fourteen (14) days after placing, or for such other period as may be approved.

Covers shall be Hessian, sacking or other absorbent material and shall be kept wet
continuously for the agreed curing period. Alternative proposed methods of covering the
concrete or sealing-in the moisture should require approval.

Where formwork is removed before the end of the fourteen days curing period, curing as
specified above shall continue on all exposed surfaces until the end of the curing period.


7.5.1 General

Formwork shall be constructed from timber, metal, plastic or concrete, lined as necessary
for special finished and designed with the quality and strength required to ensure rigidity
throughout placing, ramming, vibration and setting of the concrete, without detrimental

7.5.2 Erection

Formwork shall be erected true to line, level and shapes required using a minimum of
approved internal ties. Faces in contact with the concrete shall be true and free from
defect, jointed to prevent loss of water or fines, in panels or units which permit easy
handling, and designed to permit side forms to be struck independently of soffit shuttering.
Ties or spacers remaining embedded shall have the minimum cover specified for

Forms for exposed concrete beams, girder casings and columns shall provide for a twenty
five (25) millimeter chamfer on external corners.
7.5.3 Classes of Formwork

(a) Wrot Formwork

Wrot formwork shall be planed timber "Meranti" or better, plywood, smooth steel or
other material with a similar smooth surface. Samples of the quality of the concrete
finish using wrot formwork shall be required by the Engineer. It shall be used for all
permanently exposed concrete surfaces where a "class A1" finish is required.

(b) Sawn or rough Formwork

Sawn or rough formwork shall be timber as left from the saw or other approved
It shall be used for non-exposed concrete surfaces where a "class A2" finish is
required, and shall include surfaces to be covered by backfill, plaster or the like.

(c) Formwork at Construction Joints

Construction joints in the works shall be so arranged to provide a "starter" to which

the forms for the next lift may be clamped.

Wedges and clamps shall be kept tight during vibrating operations. Before
commencement or resumptions of concreting, the interior of forms shall be cleaned
and freed of sawdust, shavings, dust, mud or other debris and openings shall be
formed to facilitate this cleaning and inspection.
7.5.4 Removal of Formwork

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Formwork shall be kept in position, fully supported, until the concrete has hardened and
gained sufficient strength to carry itself and any loads likely to be imposed upon it.
Stripping must be effected in such a manner and at such a time that no shock or other
injury is caused to the concrete. Results from control test specimens referred to in sub-
section 7.4.9. Shall be used as a guide in the removal of formwork where appropriate.
However, the responsibility for sate removal rests with the Contractor but the engineer
may delay the time of striking if he deems it necessary.

Removal of Formwork

Position in Works Minimum Period before

Striking Formwork

Removal of shuttering to sides of rafts, walls, 2 days

beams and columns 7 day
Removal of shuttering to slabs, beams and 7 days
arches (Props left under)
Removal of props to slabs, beams and arches 14 days


7.6.1 Concrete Cast against Formwork

The following finishes to concrete surfaces unless otherwise specified or shown on the
drawings, shall be as follows:

Class A1 : All permanently exposed surfaces, including exposed sides of


Class A2 : Surfaces to be covered by backfill, plasters or the like.

Class A1 surfaces shall be dense, fair, smooth, even, free from honeycombing, water and
air holes and other blemishes, true to line and surface and free from board or panel
marking. They shall be of uniform color. Rendering of defective surfaces shall not be
permitted, and, if, ordered by the Engineer the Contractor shall at his own expense cut out
to expose reinforcement and make good any unsatisfactory work. All areas so treated
shall be rubbed down and kept moist for several days.

Application of plaster or rendering to permanently exposed concrete with a class A1 finish

will on no account be accepted.

Class A2 surfaces shall be dense, even, free, from honeycombing and true to line and
Any special finished will be to details or instructions given by the Engineer.

7.6.2 Concrete not cast against formwork

The following finished shall be provided unless otherwise specified or shown on the

Class B1 : All permanently exposed surfaces, including tops of equipment

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foundations, wall copings, windowsills, recast items (except paving


Class B2 : Paving flags and paths. Floors and slabs to be surfaced with blocks,
tiles or water proofing materials.

Class B3 : Roads, buried concrete and floors or slabs to be covered by screen.

Class B1 surfaces shall first be leveled and screeded to produce a true surface. After the
moisture film has disappeared, and the concrete has hardened sufficiently, the surface
shall be finished with a steel trowel under firm pressure to give a smooth, dense, even and
hard surface free from all marks and defects.

Class B2 surfaces shall be leveled and screeded to produce a true surface, and be
finished with wooden or steel float to give a level surface free from screed marks.
Excessive floating shall be avoided.

Class B3 surface shall be leveled and screeded to produce a true and uniform surface.


Precast concrete members shall be used in the works only where specified on the drawings
or approved by the Engineer.

All the requirements for concrete, formwork and reinforcement shall apply equally to the
molds for precast members and concreting shall be carried out in one continuous operation.
Precast members shall not be disturbed or lifted until the minimum periods specified for
formwork removal have elapsed.


In the event of any portion of the concrete work being damaged so that in the opinion of the
Engineer it does not fulfill the requirements of the contract, the replacement or
reinstatement shall be carried out at the expense of the Contractor to the directions of the


7.9.1. Holes, Pockets, Inserts etc.

Holes, cavities and fixings shall be provided in the works only at the positions indicated on
the drawings or as directed and they shall be incorporated as necessary during the work of
concreting. Unless otherwise agreed a tolerance in position of plus or minus five (5)
millimeters shall be allowed.

Insert and bolts shall be fixed square in the works by means of temporary bolts or nuts, and
then concrete cast around them. The projecting portions of such fixings, and concrete within
fifty (50) millimeters of them, shall be bitumastic painted and all threads well greased on
completion of the works. Holes and pockets shall be stepped down clean on completion.

7.9.2. Ties to Brickwork and Block work

(a) Brickwork shall be tied to structural concrete columns by galvanized wire ties.

(b) Ties to block work at columns shall be galvanized steel dowels and be bedded for
half their length in the nets. Ties shall be fixed at their correct positions to meet block
work joints at a maximum of 500 mm centers.

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(c) Positions of ties will not normally be shown on the drawings but unit rates for
concrete will be understood to include for building-in ties for brickwork and block


7.10.1 Concrete

Conform to the requirements specified for Grades 22.5/40 concrete unless otherwise
indicated, except use 10% additional cement in mix and limit slump to 140 mm maximum.

7.10.2 Tremie Equipment

Pipe or tube having minimum diameter of 250 mm, constructed in sections with flanged
couplings fitted with gaskets, and with hopper at top

Support tremie so as to permit free movement of discharge end over entire top surface of
work and so as to permit tremie to be rapidly lowered, when necessary, to choke off or
retard of concrete.

7.10.3 Placing Deposit concrete underwater by carefully placing concrete in its final position by means of
tremie. Do not disturb concrete after it is deposited. Use special care to maintain still water at point of deposit. Do not place tremie concrete in
running water. Carefully regulate consistency of concrete and use special care to prevent segregation of
materials. Place concrete in continuous horizontal layers, with thickness of each layer generally not
exceeding 300 mm. Carefully regulate method of depositing concrete so as to produce
approximately horizontal surfaces on each layer. Have tremie and tremie hopper completely full of concrete during entire placing operation
in order to maintain sufficient head.
Keep flow continuous, and in no case interrupt, until placing of concrete is completed.


Quality Assurance/quality control shall conform to the requirements as specified in this



7.12.1 Concrete

The quantities of concrete shall be the calculated volumes in cubic meters for each wach
grade of the concrete actually placed (Insitu) in accordance with the approved drawings.

The rates for concrete shall include all materials (expect for reinforcing steel), all labor,
formwork, mixing, placing, vibrating, finishing, curing, and repair of surface defects.

No deduction shall be made in the measurement of concrete for openings in slabs and walls
of 1 square meter or less, chamfers, nosing, bolts, holes, reinforcement, structural steel
sections and the like.

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The rates for concrete shall include for all formwork, including struts and supports required
to support concrete below ground level, subject to external pressure and forces. The rates
for concrete shall include preparation of construction joints, cleaning and complying with all
the requirements of this Specification.

The rates for concrete shall include for the costs of tests on material and concrete in
accordance with the requirements of the Specification.

All reinforcement and is measured separately.

7.12.2 Reinforcement

The unit rate for the reinforcing steel in tons shall include all materials, detailing fabrication,
labor, cleaning an specified, necessary wires, temporary supports, spaces blocks or other
material required for fabrication and installation of the reinforcement and for all other work in
providing, fixing and maintaining the shown on the drawings or specified.

No allowance shall be made in the weight of the reinforcement for rolling margin. No
allowance shall be made for waste materials cut from stock length; only the calculated
weight of the reinforcing steel shown on the approval drawing shall be submitted for
payment, the rates for fabric reinforcement shall include for all extra material at lamps, for all
cutting, bending, binding and waste and supporting in position where required. For fabric
reinforcement laps shall be150 millimetre side and end unless otherwise described.

7.12.3 Precast Concrete

The quantities of concrete shall be the calculated volume of the concrete in cubic meter
actually placed in accordance with the approved drawing.

The rates for precast concrete shall include for all necessary dowels, plugs and cramps,
mortises, all moulds, hoisting, slightly rounded edges if required, setting and pointing in
mortar, treating all surfaces to form key for plaster or finishing fair or exposed faces as
necessary, protection, cleaning down and leaving perfect on completion.

The unit price for precast concrete shall include all formwork and erections of precast units
to the position.

7.12.4 Expansion Joints

Measurement for payment of expansion joints will be made on number of meters of joint
material-furnished and installed at site as shown on the approved drawings or as approved
by the Owner.
The unit price shall include all material, labor and equipment for completion of the work.


8.1. SCOPE

This section of specification consists of the requirement for manufacturing, supplying driving
of piles, mobilization of equipment, erection and the like in accordance with and to the
dimensions shown on the construction drawing.


The buildings and switchyard foundation may be constructed on load-bearing bored

piles/driven piles. Setting out of the bored driven piles position shall be carried out by the
Contractor in the presence of the Supervisor. A proper record must be taken and the

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Contractor is solely responsible for their correct position.

Boring works shall be carried out mechanically and by a specialist enterprise, to whom prior
approval must be obtained from the Employer.

The length of each bored/driven piles will be in accordance with geotechnical survey.
However, the actual length of each pile must conform to the depth of the bearing stratum
and be determined on site by the Supervisor. Where the bored hole need to be prevented
from soft earth or influx of water and where casings.

Contractor shall furnish all labor, material and equipment, necessary design, to fabricate,
deliver, install and test the piles, complete as specified herein and shown on the approved


The following codes and standards are specifically applicable to the design, manufacture
and testing of the work included in the Specification:

ASTM : American Society for Testing and Maintenance.

ACI : American Concrete Institute.
JIS : Japan International Standard



A proposal shall submit for the Driven Piles or Bored Piles. The Contactor shall submit with
the Bid proposal details or the proposed pile including the outside dimension.

Contractor shall be fully responsible for furnishing the dimension required for driving sound
piles or bored piles. Concrete strength shall also be sufficient to withstand ground pressure
from driving adjacent piles.


(a) The Driven Piles or Bored Piles shall conform to requirements of ACI 313-1983 and
ACI 543-1974 or JIS A 5335-1987 and JIS B 3536-1983 (or latest). All pile shall be
new and shall be made locally.

(b) Piles shall be supplied free from harmful defects and of good commercial finish with
regard to smoothness and freedom form loose scale and rust.

(c) The certificate of test performed on material to be used for piles shall be submitted to
the Owner prior to pile acceptance and manufacturing.

(d) When requested by the Owner the Contractor shall accompany the Owner to the place
of manufacture to witness test and inspections carried out on the piles.

(e) For each consignment of piles delivered to the site, the Contactor shall submit to the
Owner, copies of the manufacture’s certificate.


Before commencing the work, the contractor shall prepare and submit to the Employer
approval, the following:

a) Construction and shop drawings

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b) Quality Assurance procedure

No more than there (3) weeks after completing the works, the Bidder shall submit a Quality
Control (QC) report in accordance with this specification and specification, concrete works.


8.7.1. Design Criteria

a) The Driven Piles shall indicate in the Contractor’s detail drawing that have been
designed for an allowable of load with a safety factor 2.0

b) If prestressed is used, concrete compressive strength up to minimum design 500

kg/cm²and for conventional concrete pile shall be 225 kg/cm²

c) Prestressing reinforcement shall be steel stand conforming to JIS G 5335 and the
prestress steel breaking’s strength is 160 kg/mm².

d) All other non prestressing reinforcing shall be deformed steel bars conforming to JIS
G 3112 grade 40 or ASTM A 615 M Grade 400

8.7.2. Jointing

Splicing of piles performed by “piles Manufacture Procedure” or approved by the engineer.

8.7.3. Soil Data

Soil investigations to obtain the necessary soil data will be performed by the Contractor.

8.7.4. Concrete Pile Manufacturing and Transport

a) Length of concrete piles shall be determined as to allow proper handling of concrete

piles, transport and driving and subject to Owner’s approval.

b) Transport of completed piles shall be such as not damage to piles.

8.7.5. Lines and Grade

a) The Contractor shall lay out lines and grades and be fully responsible for correctness
of such lines and grades and for proper execution of the work to such lines and

b) All surveying shall be in accordance with the specification.

8.7.6. Piling Equipments, Installation

a. Driving equipment

The Contractor shall submit with the Bid proposal full details of the proposed pile
driving equipment and the method of carrying out the work. Such information shall
include : a full description of frame, hammer and packing, the method of handling and
pitching piles and supporting them during driving and proposed driving procedure to
obtain the penetration and accuracy required. The pilling equipment shall be capable
of driving the piles to the ultimate resistance of 2 times nominal compression capacity
/ design load capacity.

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b. Length of piles

The length of piles shall be as necessary to develop the required pile capacity. The
contractor shall determine length of piles based on geotechnical data and shall be
proven by pile load test.

c. Setting out

The main setting out for the piles is to be completed prior to commencement of
pilling. Secondary or individual pile setting out is to be completed and agreed upon
not less than 8 hours prior to commencing work on the piles concerned. All main
setting out points, lines stations and the like are to be maintained safe and

8.7.7. Driving on Piles

a) All piles shall satisfy the tolerance for position and inclination as stated herein. The
deviation in position of the as driven centerline of a pile or the projection of its
centerline from the pile center point as shown on the setting out drawings shall not
exceed 75 mm when measured in a horizontal direction at the defined level.
Deviation from vertical piles and batter piles shall not deviate by more than 2 in 100
from the specified batter.

b) If piles are installed out of plan position or line beyond allowable tolerance, the piles
shall be extracted or additional piles shall be driven, as requested by the Owner, to
properly provide for load conditions and to avoid overstressing of piles. Manipulation
of piles to force them into proper position or line will not be permitted. The Contractor
shall be responsible to extract and / or drive additional piles as noted above at no
cost to the Owner.

c) Any damaged pile shall be abandoned, replaced or repaired as approved by the

Owner at Contractor expense. Abandoned piles shall be driven as requested, to
provide for load conditions and to avoid overstressing of piles. The Contractor shall
be responsible to drive additional at no cost to the Owner.
d) Piles shall be driven until the required final set is achieved. If piles do not achieve the
required final set at the specified depth, pile shall be driven deeper until specification
in met and upper portion shall be extended by welding.

e) Driving of production piles shall not begin until the evaluation of preliminary pile load
tests for tension load, lateral load and compression load to failure has been

8.7.8. Pile Cut-Off

On completion of the driving of the piles to the levels approved by the Owner, the heads of
all piles shall be cut off the level indicated of the drawing. Cut-off piles at elevations
indicate only after there is on danger from upheaval. All cut-offs by him from the Project

8.7.9. Extraction of Piles

When extraction of piles is required, it shall be carried out using efficient extraction
equipment or adequate capacity. The extraction equipment shall be correctly positioned
over the pile to minimise damage to the pile head and to prevent any major disturbance of
the supporting ground. Pile head damage during extraction and pile toes found to have
been damaged during initial driving are to be trimmed with a clean cut perpendicular to the
plea axis prior to redriving. Extension pieces shall be added as necessary to restore the
pile to its original length.

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8.7.10 The Piles Connection with Pile Caps

Adequate structural connection between the piles and the pile caps shall be provided to
suit design talking into account the seismic requirements.

8.7.11 Records of Pile Construction

During the course of the work, the contractor shall maintain a complete record of pile
construction and the Contractor shall submit to the Owner, in approved format, a record of
each pile. Each pile record shall be submitted immediately after completion of each pile
and shall include the followings:

- Type pile
- Pile number and all principal characteristics of the pile including dimensions
- The depth and rate of penetration, in relation to site datum, for the length of the pile
- Details of driving and installation sequence progress, including dates, times, equipment
used and personal (operator, engineer, etc).
- The equipment hammer model number, weight and rated energy
- Number of hammer blows for each 300 mm of driving / penetration
- Actual location of piles as driven, with variations from plan locations indicated
- Variations in plumpness or batter
- Set on completion of the initial drive and final set on completion of the final redrive
- Any unusual phenomena encountered in driving piles
- Depth and type of soil strata
- Observation of ground water level and ground water inflow
- Name of Inspector for each pile
- Cushion material identification when changed, when material added
- Tip elevation when driving if completed
- Cut-off Elevation
- Depth and size of auger (if required)


8.8.1 Design Criteria

a) The safety factor F against pile failure shall be F = P failure / P effective = 2.0

b) All detail with respect to the pile dimensions, length, reinforcement, cover plates ect.
Shall be shown on the Bidder’s shop drawings, and shall be subject to approval by
the Employer.

c) Concrete compressive strength up to a design minimum 225 kg/cm².

d) All reinforcing shall be deformed steel bars confirming to Grade 400 after ASTM A

8.8.2. Piling Equipment, Installation and Workmanship Boring Equipment

a) The Bidder shall submit with the Bid Proposal full details of the proposed pile boring
equipment and the method of carrying out the work, such information shall include, a
full description of the frames, lifting devices and other equipment needed for the

b) The equipment shall be capable of boring through bearing strata, boulders, shales,
staff clays, gravels, sand and limestone, and shall be capable of shunking bore holes
in diameters within the range of 400 mm to 600 mm and down to depths of 40 m.

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c) The diameters of both augers and clearing bucket shall be least equal to the
diameters of pile to be installed. Where inclined rock surfaces are encountered, a
coring bucket shall be used to level the rock surface before commencing with
chiselling or coring. The Bidder shall allow in the unit rate of the pile costs for
consequent enlargement of the pile arising from over boring, including additional
concrete resulting from such enlargement. Length of Piles

The length of the piles shall be as necessary to develop the required pile capacity. The
Bidder shall determine length of piles based on geotechnical data and shall be proven
by pile load tests. Setting Out

The Bidder shall provide all pegs, rods, survey instrument, concrete posts etc. Needed for
setting out the works. The Bidder is to ensure that boundary marks defining the limits of
Owners property are in their correct positions. The Bidder shall be responsible for setting
out the piles from the approved drawings and boundary marks, and for date guarding the
position and level of all reference pegs, boundary and bench marks used for setting out
the piles. Boring on Piles

a) All piles shall satisfy the tolerances for position and inclinations as stated herein. The
deviation in position of centre of pile or the projection of its centre line from the pile
center point as shown on the setting out drawing shall not exceed 75 mm in any
direction from the true position of the same pile, provide also that the true centre of
pile shall not deviate laterally from the true centre of the same pile by more than 40

b) If any pile has been installed out of plan or line beyond allowable tolerance the Bidder
shall be responsible to remedy as noted above as no cost to the Employer.

c) Piles shall not be bored so close to adjacent piles which have been recently cast and
containing workable, unset or fresh concrete such that a flow of concrete may be
induced from or otherwise causing damage to those adjacent piles.

d) No pile shall be bored or pile casing be driven nearer that five times its diameter
(measured centre to centre) from an unfilled pile borehole or from uncased concrete
pile where the concrete had been placed less than 24 hours previously.

e) On completion of boring and immediately prior to casting, all loose, disturbed or

remoulded soil or rock shall be removed from the base of the pile. Unless otherwise
agreed, cleaning of the pile base shall be carried out by means of a flat bottom
cleaning bucket. In case of deep piles with lengths in excess of 50 meters or where
debris at the bottom of the bore cannot be broken down sufficiently to facilitate
extraction by cleaning bucket method, the air lift (grab bucket) method may be
employed in combination with the flat bottom cleaning bucket to clean the base of
pile. In such cases, a final round of cleaning by the flat bottom bucket should always
be carried out before casting can proceed.

f) In the event of rapid loss of drilling fluid from the pile excavation, the excavation shall
be backfilled without delay with available material up to a level where no further loss
of drilling fluid is observed. The Bidder shall investigate and determine the cause of
fluid loss while the pile excavation is left to stabilise under the action of the drilling
fluid. Based on the outcome of his investigation, the Bidder shall submit for
agreement his proposed method of construction before resuming pile construction.

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g) All reasonable steps shall be taken to prevent the spillage of drilling fluid on the site
in areas outside the immediate vicinity of the bore. In particular, discarded bentonite
shall be removed from the site without delay. Any disposal of bentonite shall comply
with the regulations of the local controlling authority.

h) Any damage pile shall be abandoned, replaced or repaired as approved of the

Employer at the Bidder’s expanse. Abandoned piles shall be filled with soil and no
cost to the Employer. Additional piles shall be installed as requested, to provide for
load conditions and to avoid overstressing of piles. The bidder shall be responsible to
install additional piles as no cost to the Employer. Concreting

a) The requirements of the Concrete Specification shall apply to the construction of

bored piles.

b) The concrete for each pile shall be from the same source. The Bidder is to ensure
that the supply from what ever source (whether site-mixed or ready mixed) is of
sufficient quantity so that concrete for each pile shall be placed without such
interruption as would allow the workability of the previously placed batch to have
deteriorated significantly.
c) All bored holes shall be concreted within the same day. In the event of rain, the
Bidder is to provide adequate shelter to keep the hole dry and to concrete under

d) The method of placing and the workability of concrete shall be such that a continuous
monolithic concrete shaft of the full cross-section is formed. The method of placing
shall be approved by the Employer. The Bidder shall take all precautions in the
design of the mix and the placement of concrete to avoid arching of the concrete in
the pile shaft. No spoil, liquid or other deleterious matter shall be allowed to
contaminate the concrete. Pile Cut-Off

Concrete shall be finished not less than 500 mm above the cut-off level (“overcast”) to
ensure that all concrete at and below cut-off level is homogeneous and free of laitance
and deterious matter. A thicker overcast may be required by the PT. PLN depending on
site conditions, and this shall be carried out without extra cost. The overcast shall be
chipped off level later by the Contractor. Connection between Piles and Pile Caps

Adequate structural connection between the piles and the caps shall be provided to suit
the design requirement to accommodate the seismic force. Records of Pile Construction

During the course of the work, the Bidder shall maintain a complete record of pile
construction and the Bidder shall submit to PT. PLN, in an approved format, a record to
reach pile. Each pile record shall be submitted immediately after completion of each pile
and shall include :

a) Type, location and site of pile.

b) Pile number and all principle characteristics of pile including dimensions.
c) Details of boring and concreting sequence progress, including dates, times,
equipment used and personnel (operator, Employer, etc).
d) Actual location of piles, with variation from plan location and inclination as indicated.
e) Date and time of Boring.

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f) Weather Condition.
g) Ground level before commencement of pile installations.
h) Pile cut-off level.
i) Length Temporary casting.
j) Any unusual phenomena encountered
k) Depth and type of soil strata.
l) Observation of ground water level and ground water in flow.
m) Name of inspector for each pile.


8.9.1. Scope of work

a) Work specified under this section includes furnishing all labor, materials and
equipment for compression, tension and lateral load testing of the piles.
b) Drive test pile to indicate depth and / or indicate resistance.
c) Keep a penetration record of test piles and anchor piles in accordance with
requirements set forth in clause 7.11 above.
d) The pile load testing shall be carried out to the satisfaction of the Owner.
e) Upon completion of the preliminary pile load testing, the Contractor shall cut-off the
preliminary test piles, as directed by the Owner and dispose of the out-off portion.

8.9.2. Method of test General test provisions

1) Perform tests to the test load indicated on the approved drawings or as specified
herein. Test equipment for the compressive load test shall be capable of applying
the required test load. Test equipment for the lateral and tensile load test shall be
capable of applying a test load equal to 300 % of the test design load shown on the
approved drawings.

2) Care shall be taken to ensure that the load applied by the hydraulic jack is coaxial
with the pile.

3) Maintain continuously during test period. If a test is stopped before completion, and
the load is wholly or partially removed from the test pile due to improper or insufficient
loading, yield of supports or connections, malfunctioning of measuring and testing
equipment or after mechanical reasons or for reasons which the test abandoned and
replaced bay a new test on another pile at and adjacent location at on additional cost.

4) Prior to driving each preliminary test pile, the Contractor shall drill a borehole located
between 1 and 2 meters from each test pile. The boring shall consist of continuous
sampling with Standard Penetration Teat (STP) being preformed at 2.0 m intervals in
the soil continuous sampling. A Dutch cone penetration test shall also be performed
at each boring location.

5) Before commencing any test, the Contractor shall submit for approval full detail of his
proposals including the datum beam arrangement and location of supports. Working
piles shall not be used as tension reaction piles.

6) Sufficient number of anchor piles shall be driven to prevent excessive movement of

anchor piles. All devices for measuring the settlement of piles shall be sheltered and
rigidly attached to firm and independent support driven not less than 2,5 m from the
nearest point of the test pile or anchor piles.

7) The calibrated load cell shall be used for the load measurements.

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1) Perform compressive load test on individual piles in accordance with applicable

requirements of ASTM D 1143.
2) Hydraulic jack and anchored reaction member method shall be used to apply the test
load. Jacking against productions piles acting in tension shall not be permitted.

3) Prior to the start of production pile driving, compressive test to failure shall be
perform on individual test piles driven for testing purpose. The location of the test
piles shall be as indicated on the approved drawings.

4) Compressive test shall be perform on individual production piles selected by the

Owner. The approximate location and number of test shall be as indicated on the
approved drawings.

5) Test load for preliminary loading test, and in excess of standard load test for
production piles shall be applied in accordance with the loading procedure as
specified in ASTM D 1143. The cyclical load test as specified in ASTM D 1143 shall
be included in the preliminary pile loading test. Cyclical load tests for production pile
load tests only if indicated on the approved drawings.

6) For the preliminary compression tests, loading shall be increased as specified in

ASTM D 1143 until failure or when 200 % of the test design load is reached. Loading
for the production piling test shall be increased as specified in ASTM D 1143.

7) Monitor pile head deflection using a minimum of 3 dials gages, mounted to an

independent frame and located radically about the pile.

8) Failure shall be defined as the load at which vertical deflection or the pile head
exceeds 50 mm. Test equipment and materials

1) Provide all equipment and materials required for the tests and remove all such
equipment and materials at conclusion of tests.

2) Submit drawing of the test arrangement, including full data, for equipment and
materials, for review and Owner’s approval.

3) Test Results: Submit test results complete with tabulation of all test data to the
Owner immediately after conclusion of test. Data shall include, as minimum,
calibration results of all test loading equipment, all dial gauge readings at each
increment and decrement of load, time duration of test with time started and time
completed and any unusual occurrences during testing.

8.9.3. Number of Test

1. Before piling work commences, preliminary pile tests shall be carried out.

2. The preliminary load tests shall be carried out on 1 pile. The location of the piles will
be designated by Engineer.

8.9.4. Measurement for Payment

Pre-production piles furnished for testing only will be measured by the meter and shall
include furnishing and driving the pile as required by Specification for Fabrication and
Installation of Steel piles (or Reinforced Concrete and Prestressed Concrete piles) for the
complete pile. Piles furnished for testing only are the reaction piles and pre-production

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piles selected for compression testing.

Testing piles will be measured by the number of pile type test ( Vertical compression to
failure )

The unit price for each load test shall include the frame, auxiliary piles, drilling of bore
hole, labor, instrumentation, measurement of settlement, reports and all other work and
material necessary to satisfactory complete the pile load tests. No payment will be made
for improperly conducted load tests which must be repeated.


1. QA / QC shall conform to the requirements of Section “ Quality Assurance & Quality


2. The QA / QC procedure shall include the requirements defined in this specification, in

particular in Subsection 8.6 and aspect such as:

- Definition of design requirements.

- Compliance with the requirements.
- Material testing.
- Shop tests and inspection procedures.
- Transportation.
- Tests prior to start of works.
- Tests during execution of works.
- Control procedure for materials fabricated at site
- Construction control procedures.
- Tolerance.
- Inspections of Erection and Installation.
- Erection tests (e.q. load tests).
- Commissioning and testing.


This item will be measured in meters (with two fraction of decimals) as the number of
meter of vertical or batter pile satisfactorily installed and as measured from the tip
elevation to the design cut-off elevation along the centerline of each pile accepted.
This item includes furnishing, storing, handling, supporting, driving, cut-off and all other
work necessary to complete the pile.


9.1. Lime shall be pressure hydrated and commercially available material. Total unhydrated
calcium oxide (CaO) and magnesium oxide (MgO) shall not exceed 8 percent.


Mixing of mortar shall be generally as specified in Sub-section 7.4.8. The ingredients shall
be accurately measured and thoroughly mixed before water is added. The amount of water
shall be the minimum necessary to produce a workable and compact mass of the correct
consistency. An approved admixture to improve workability may be used if the Contract
wishes to do so provided it used in accordance with the manufacture’s instructions.

Small quantities of mortar shall be mixing in one time and shall be used within thirty (30)
minutes of preparation. Any mortar not than used shall be discarded. Retempering of mortar
will not be permitted.

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The mortar mixes to be used in the works shall be referenced and proportioned as follows:

Grade A : One (1) volume cement and three (3) volumes fine aggregate.
Grade B : One (1) volume cement and one (1) volume lime putty and six (6)
volumes aggregate.


Unless otherwise specified, ordered or shown on the drawing, the various mortar grades
shall be used in the works as fallows:

Grade A : Grouting of foundation and other steelwork, screeds to falls in cable

troughs, floor screeds pointing of walls and bedding and jointing generally
below damp proof course level or ground level.

Grade B : Walls generally above ground level or damp proof course level.


Air entraining, water reducing, set accelerating, set retarding, or other additives shall not
be used except with the written of the Engineer, following comparative concrete durability
and compression strength tests carried out on concrete made with and without additives.

Test with additives shall give durability and compressive strength at least equal to those
without additives except that water reducing agents shall increase the compressive strength
by ten (10) percent. The use of all additives shall be strictly supervised.



The Contractor is responsible for all civil works required for the cable runs between
switchgear and buildings, whether cables are buried, in ducts. or in cable trenches. Cable
entries into buildings shall be through ducts or in cable trenches.

Trench covers outside buildings shall be of reinforced concrete, designed for the maximum
likely imposed loads appropriate to their location. All buried cables must be protected by
means of approved cable tiles, or similar.


All cable ducts are to be constructed in concrete following Clause 5.7. and drawings.
Where indicated drain holes and a general fall for drainage must be provided. The
openings and pipe positions at the trench shall be accurately located.
The corbels or rebates at the trench walls must be horizontally formed so that the cover
plates would be seated flush.


11.1 SCOPE

This section consists of the requirement for the structural steelworks in skeleton of

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The Contractor shall have full effort to apply Indonesian Code. Other recognized standard
may be used.


Checked shop drawings and calculations shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval
before any material is fabricated. Drawings shall show all connection details, erection plans,
temporary bracing, cutting lists, etc.

Approval by the Engineer based on the checking of general design and arrangement only,
shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility for the correctness of all measurements,
detailing, fabrication, alignment and erection of the work.

Should amendments or revisions be required by the Engineer further drawings and

calculations shall be submitted until the Engineer's approval is obtained. The Contractor
shall supply additional copies of the approved drawings as required by the Engineer.
Once approved, no changes or modifications shall be made without the Engineer's consent
in writing.

Unless otherwise indicated; the surface of structural steelwork should be sand blasting
cleaned, before proceed structural steelwork painting.


11.4.1 Painting

All steel and ironwork is to be galvanized or painted and shall be fabricated before
galvanizing or painting.

Site drilling or cutting of steel will generally not be permitted, but any agreed to be
necessary shall be carried out in an approved fashion, and the exposed bare metal treated
immediately with zinc-rich or other approved metallic primer as approved or directed by the

11.4.2 Shop Painting

With the exception of steelwork which is to be encased in concrete painted, all surfaces of
steelwork shall be shot blasted to a commercial gray finish using chilled iron shot of an
approved type and grade to a profile height of 40 microns mini.

All surfaces of steelwork shall then be painted with one Epoxy metallic zinc holding primer
of an approved type and make within on hour of shot-blasting, to be applied by airless

All surfaces of steelwork which will be in accessible after fabrication of the steelwork, such
as back to back angles etc., shall then be painted two coats of red lead and two coats of
Micaceous Iron Oxide paint.

Contact surfaces of steelwork shall be painted two coats of red lead, other than those
included above.

All areas of painted surfaces shall be made good of any damage incurred during stockpiling
and delivery to Site prior to erection.

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11.4.3 Site painting

All materials shall be the best of their respective and shall be supplied from an approved
Manufacturer and suitable for the climatic conditions of site.

The contractor shall undertake to arrange with the Paint Manufacturer who supplies the
paints and materials for this contract for technical supervision by the Paint Manufacturer at
intervals of not less than once per week on the Site during the carrying out of this contract at
no extra cost to the Employer.

All materials shall be applied in strict accordance with the Manufacturer's instructions and
shall not be diluted in any way unless specifically stated and agreed by the Manufacturer
and the primings and under coatings shall be those recommended by the Manufacturer for
their respective finishing paints.

All materials shall be delivered direct from the Manufacturer on to the Site in sealed
containers on which maker's name and brand are clearly displayed, and shall be stored to
comply with all requirements for the preservation of the paints.

The whole of the work shall be executed to give a uniform finish and is in all cases to be
equivalent in appearance to the existing newly painted work.

If any of the painting work deteriorates from any cause other than by mechanical damage by
others the contractor shall thoroughly scrape and remove the damaged paint work and
repaint the area affected in accordance with the Specification and to the satisfaction of the

A color schedule for all painting works will be made available to the contractor prior to
commencement of the works.

The contractor is to carry out at the Engineer direction the painting of sample panels.
Sample panels shall be of a size directed by the Engineer and shall be preserved as
examples and removed or obscured when directed by the Engineer.

All finishes shall be such as to completely cover and obscure the base construction and
priming coats such that additional coats of paint will not effect a significant improvement.

All finishes shall be consistent in color and free from brush marks and all irregularities and
defects in the paint surface.
Drying times shall be such that dust contamination of the finished surface is kept to a
minimum consistent with a good hard gloss finish.

No painter’s materials shall be emptied down gullies or wastes to sanitary fittings.

All rubbish is to be cleared from time to time as it accumulates, and the premises on
completion are to be left clean and fit for occupation.


11.5.1 Structural steel

The whole of the steel used in the works except steel rods and fabric for concrete
reinforcement shall conform in every respect to the requirements of approved standards.

11.5.2 Electrodes

Electrodes shall be suitable for the type of weld, the duties imposed on the weld and the
properties of the parent metal.

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11.5.3 Bolts and washers

All bolts shall be fitted with one flat steel washer under the nut appropriate to the grade of
bolt used.
High strength friction grip bolts (HSFG) are permitted.


11.6.1 Testing and inspection

The contractor shall supply to the Engineer copies of the manufacturer's certificates
certifying that the steel as used in the works is of a quality fully complying with the

When so instructed by the Engineer the contractor shall provide samples of the steel to be
used in the works for tests to be carried out at an independent laboratory approved by the

The whole of the steelwork manufactured, fabricated and erected under this contract shall
be subject to inspection by the Engineer, who shall have access to the fabrication shop off
site for the purpose of inspection at all reasonable times, and the contractor shall provide
all necessary facilities, including transport for the Engineer to carry out such inspection.
Should the works, or any part thereof, fail to pass any test, or in the opinion of the
Engineer fail to comply with the Specification, then the contractor shall immediately take
such action as is necessary to ensure that the works are made to comply with this
specification. All defective materials and workmanship will be rejected and the same shall
be replaced and reconstructed at the contractor's expense.

11.6.2 Fabrication

Fabrication of structural steelwork, cutting, drilling, welding, assembly preparation and

protection of surfaces shall as far as practicable be carried out before steelwork is
delivered to site.

All bars, plates, tubes to rolled sections shall be straightened, freed from twist or otherwise
trued before any work is done on them.

All holes shall be drilled in the solid to sizes indicated on drawings.

All rough edges and burrs, due to drillings, shall be removed.
All notches and re-entrant cuts shall have their corners rounded to a minimum of 12 mm

Ends of universal beams, joints, channels, angles, tees and tubes shall be cold sawn to
exact lengths, true and square.
The ends of all columns shall be machined to butt at column bases, caps and splices. All
members when finished shall be free from any distortion or twist.

All such work of fabrication as is reasonably practicable shall be completed in the shop
and as possible the bolt head shall be on the upper side of the connection.

All girders that bed or fix against other members shall have their ends finished true and
square and be of the strict length shown on the approved drawings. In all cases holes
used for connections shall be in their true position.

11.6.3 Erection

All steelwork shall be effectively stayed as necessary during the carrying out of the works.

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All stanchions shall be placed in true position and shall be strictly vertical and all
necessary packing shall be provided for setting the stanchions to correct levels prior to

End clearance for beams shall be kept to a workable minimum but should allow the
structure to be erected without any straining. Reasonable springing and rocking of
stanchions shall be permitted to an extent approved by the Engineer.

The finished structures shall be plump, level and true to linear dimensions, within the
following tolerances:

(a) Stanchions bases:

Level to within 4 mm of levels shown on contractor's approved drawings and

horizontal alignment to be within 4 mm of both true grid lines.

(b) Stanchions :

Not more than 4 mm in 4 meters out of plumb in any direction and not more than 7
mm out of plumb in the total height of stanchions of two or more stores.

(c) Beams :

Top surfaces to be level within 4 mm of levels shown on the contractor's approved


11.6.4 Tests after erection

All lifting beams shall be tested after erection. On successful completion of these tests the
contractor for the beam and supply to the Engineer in triplicate completed test certificates.


All material shall be properly protected to prevent damage during transportation. Bolts, nuts,
washers and other small loose items shall be packed in boxes. Plates and section edges
prepared for field welding shall be protected. Floor plate shall be bundled.

In all cases where finished steelwork in exposed, in addition to care being exercised to
ensure sound work, regard shall be made to finish.
Before leaving the marks, all steelwork shall be clearly marked to conform with the key

The contractor shall define all centerlines of girder bearings with all the care necessary to
ensure the whole work coming together in proper position.

All bearing levels must be determined or checked by the contractor relative to a datum
previously agreed with the Engineer.

The contractor shall define all centerlines of girder bearings with all the care necessary to
ensure the whole work coming together in proper position.

All bearing levels must be determined or checked by the contractor relative to a datum
previously agreed with the Engineer.

The contractor shall furnish templates of the bolt spacing for all stanchions and wall
Holding down bolts, assemblies, templates, tubes and washers shall be delivered to the site
in sufficient time to position and build them into the foundations. No boxing out shall be

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permitted. These bolts are to be screwed sufficiently to allow for them to project above the
finished foundation levels.

The method of welding shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer and the contractor
shall accept full responsibility for all such welding work being executed.

All welding shall be carried out by certified welders and the contractor shall produce such
evidence of competency as the Engineer may require before any welding is commenced at
the works.

Intermittent welds shall not be used without the prior approval of the Engineer. The
contractor shall carry out the nondestructive testing of all butt welds subject to tensile
stresses, those made in the fabrication shop shall be tested in the fabrication shop and
those made on Site shall be tested on the site.

The results of such tests shall be submitted to the Engineer and the contractor shall provide
all facilities to the Engineer to enable him to be present at such tests.

The contractor shall unload and store all fabricated steel at the site. If any structural steel
and accessories arrive at the site in bent or distorted conditions, the connections to the
members at his own expense and with the that has been damaged in the course of
shipment to the extent of seriously effecting the properties of the Engineers and cannot be
replaced by a new member at the contractor's expenses.

Proper care shall be taken in storing and handling of fabricated materials at site to avoid
damage to painting.

Stacking shall be done clear of the ground and in order of erection as far as possible to
reduce multiple handling.



The sub grade shall be thoroughly compacted by hand or mechanical ramming.

If filling is required, it shall comply with the Specification for Bulk Filling and shall be spread
and compacted in layers not exceeding fifteen (15) cm. deep.


Hardcore, as described in the Earthworks and Excavation section of this Specification, shall
be spread on the sub grade and thoroughly rammed and compacted to give a total
compacted thickness of fifteen (15) cm. It shall be finished true to level and thoroughly
blinded with small gravel and sand or similar granular material, spread and compacted to a
smooth even surface. During compaction, water shall be sprayed in such manner to get a
dense of hardcore layer.


An impervious membrane shall be laid under ground floor slabs. The membrane shall be
laid flat with the minimum number of joints on the sand/gravel blinding layer in a manner
that reduces the risk of damage to a minimum.

The siliconised protective paper shall be placed in contact with the sand layer, and joints
sealed in accordance with the recommendations of the membrane manufacturer and the
whole inspected and approved by the Engineer prior to laying a 10 cm thick protective layer

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of concrete grade 10.0/20.


Concrete floor slabs shall have a minimum structural thickness of one hundred and fifty
(150) millimeters or such greater thickness of concrete grade 22.5/40 as required by the
design to safely carry the combination of dead, live loads ; imposed and wind loads or
seismic condition, which produces the worst effects in the structure under consideration.

Slabs to be surfaced with screed, shall be given a class B3 finish.

Slabs to be unsurfaced, or painted, shall be given a class B1 finish.

The bay layout of floor slabs should be agreed with the Engineer before construction


12.5.1. Cement/sand screed

(a) Requirements:

(1) A screed of 1:3 cement/sand with twenty five (25) millimeters thick shall be
applied on all concrete floor slabs whose surfaces will not normally receive any
further treatment.

(2) The surface of the structural concrete shall be thoroughly cleaned from all
rubbish, concrete and mortar droppings. Oil and grease patched shall be
cleaned with approved agents. The surface of the floor should be roughened to
the satisfaction of the Engineer, wire brushed and thoroughly cleaned by
washing with clean water. Surplus water shall be brushed off and a 1:1
sand/cement slurry brushed over the surface immediately before the laying of
the screed.

(3) The mix shall be one part Portland cement to three parts sand with
water/cement ratio as low as possible compatible with workability.

(4) The finished surface shall be laid in panels of approved size and trowelled
smooth to produce a hard, dense and flat surface.

(b) Uses for al surfaces:

(1) Battery, DC room and storage.

(2) Auxiliary building.

12.5.2. Floor hardness and paint

All concrete floor surface (including granolithic screeds) which are not to be covered with
tiles or other covering shall be treated with an approved proprietary hardening liquid
applied in strict accordance with the manufacture's instructions.

Where a colored finish is required an approved floor hardening decorative epoxy paint
shall be applied to the surface of the new concrete or granolithic secreted after curing and
hardening. The paint shall be an approved proprietary product and applied strictly in
accordance with the manufacturers instructions and the work shall be carried out during
the maintenance period.

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13.1.1. Materials

Cement, mortar, sand and water shall be as specified in clause this Specification.

13.1.2. Cement/sand mix

Rendering for internal and external work shall comprise of grade C mortar mixed dry in a
mechanical mixer until uniform distribution of the material and color are obtained.
Sufficient water and the plaster shall be used as soon as possible after mixing. Plaster
shall not be used after commenment of initial set, no setting batch shall be mixed with

13.1.3. Internal rendering

Internal rendering shall be applied in one coat, with thickness of sixteen (16) millimeters.
The walls shall be wetted before the application of the coat, which shall be finished flat
and vertical by straightedge and scored to form a key. The second coat shall not be
applied until the first coat has dried out completely.

Immediately before application of the second coat, the surface of the first coat shall be
wetted and the second coat shall be applied and finished to a smooth, hard and dense
surface which is truly flat and vertical. An approved plasticiser may be used in second

13.1.4. External rendering

External rendering where required shall be applied in two coats the first being nowhere
less than twelve (12) millimeters thick. An approved waterproofing agent shall be added to
the mix. The walls shall be wetted before the application of the first coat, which shall be
finished flat and vertical by straightedge. The first coat shall be allowed to dry before a
second coat is applied. The second coat shall be applied by machine, to give a 'Tyrolean'
finish of uniform thickness and texture. The contractor shall produce samples of the
Tyrolean finish for approval before any second coat work is commenced. All external
rendering shall be protected from rain and direct sunlight for a period of seven (7) days.
The external rendering shall be colored, as directed by the Engineer.

13.1.5. Preparation

All surface to be rended shall be clean free from dust, grease, loose mortar and all traces
of salts. They shall then be thoroughly wetted, and excess moisture allowed to evaporate
before rendering is applied. Before rendering all junctions of dissimilar materials covered
by the rendering shall be reinforced.

This shall be apply where walls about columns concrete lintels and similar situation where
cracks are likely to develop, and where directed by the Engineer. The reinforcing mesh
shall be fixed at the edges by stapling, plugging or nailing at intervals of 500 mm or less
and as required, and shall be completely embedded in the first coat.

13.1.6. Application and Curing

After preparation of the surfaces to be rendered, the first coat shall be applied to the
required thickness between screeds, laid ruled and plumbed as necessary. If a second
coat is to be applied, the first coat shall be scratched when nearly set to form a key for the

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second coat.
The first coat shall be allowed to set completely before the second coat is applied. All
plastering or rendering shall be executed in a neat workmanlike manner. All faces except
circular work shall be true and flat and angles shall be straight and level or plumb.

Plastering shall be neatly finished up to metal or wood frame or skirting and around pipes
or fittings. All metal frame to doors or windows adjacent plasterwork shall be protected by
wide adhesive tape from plastering operations the tape being removed after the
plasterwork has cured.

Surface described as trowelled smooth shall be finished with a steel or plastic trowel to a
smooth flat surface free from trowel marks. Surface described as floated shall be finished
with a wood float to a flat surface free from trowel or float marks.

All plastering or rendering shall be cured and protected against too rapid drying by, where
practicable draping with Hessian sprayed constantly with water.


14.1. SCOPE

This section of Specification cover the work in new extention substation / switchyard area in
order to divert excess rain / storm water to the existing drainage.

14.2 Materials

(i) Pipe shall be rigid PVC ∅ 6’’ as specified in the drawing.

(ii) Gravel for covering the pipe shall be round stones (crush stones are not allowed to
(iii) Palm fiber and steel mesh shall be used to cover pipe holes and pipe joints.

14.3 Construction

(i) Excavation

The French excavation for water damage pipe shall be as narrow as practicable to
allow the laying and jointing of pipes, as it indication on drawing s.

(ii) Laying of pipes

Prior to lay the pipes, base of the excavation should be leveled to the direction of water
flows minimum with 1:100 slopes.

Underneath the pipes shall be lay concrete building layer grade 15/40 (K 150)

The pipe placed on the building layer with similar design slope / direction.

At all chance of direction or other points in a pipe line where there will be unbalanced
hydraulic pressure, the pipe work shall be secured by mean of anchor blocks of
concrete grade 15/40 (K 150).

Pipe holes and joints shall be cover by steel mesh 5mm and palm fiber.

Holes of the pipe shall be 10mm diameter at the distance of 20mm in any direction to
be apply on the upper face of the point.

(iii) Backfill of above pipes shall be filled with selected granular stone and shall be laid and

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well compacted by hand toll in layers not excluding 100 (one hundred) millimeters thick
up to the surface level.

(iv) At a certain location 100x100 mm manhole shall be place as service and inspection

(v) The direction of water flows through those pipes shall be the existing water drainage.



15.1.1 Materials

(i) Paints

The contractor shall submit for approval the name of the manufacturer whose point
he proposes to use and no orders shall be placed until such approval is given. Only
paints suitable for the climatic conditions of the site shall be used.
All materials shall be delivered to site in saled containers on which the maker's name,
and brand specification number and date of manufacture are clearly displayed and
shall be stored to comply with all requirements for the preservation of the paints.

Only colors and undercoats approved by the Engineer shall be used.

(ii) Stopper (for timber)

This shall be approved water repellent putty or plastic compound.

(iii) Knotting

An approved by the Engineer.

(iv) Silicon

This shall be applied to exterior brickwork as directed as a growth and water

repellent. The type used shall be as approved by the Engineer.

15.1.2. Construction

(i) Preparation

All rubbish and debris shall be removed and floors swept and dampened before
painting commences. Door, furniture, light switch covers and the like shall be
removed and surrounding surfaces covered with canvas or other approved and
tested. Masking tape should be used on non-removable fittings.

The painter shall examine the surfaces on which he is to work and satisfy himself
regarding their suitability for the specified treatment. All rust, dust, or any other
removed by washing; wire brushing or any other means necessary before painting is
commenced. Surfaces shall be dry before and during application of paint and shall be

(ii) Application

Application of paint shall by brush or roller as approved or directed by the Engineer.

The treatment to be given to the different surfaces shall be described. All progressive

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coats of paint shall be of different shades, such variations in shade being agreed with
the Engineer before commencement of the work.

All paint shall be applied in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and
shall not be diluted in any way unless specifically stated or agreed by the
manufacturer. The priming and undercoating shall be those recommended by the
manufacturer for the respective finishing paints. Any dilution of paint, unless
otherwise directed, shall be carried out by the manufacturer prior to delivery to site.
No external paintwork shall be carried out during high winds or other unfavorable
weather conditions.

Painting shall be carried out at temperatures suitable for the type of paint being

Plastered surfaces should be allowed to dry out for four weeks before painting and be
primed with an alkali resistant primer. On external work two priming coats should be
applied. Finishing coats shall be as described in the Bill of quantities or on the
drawings. Bituminous paint shall be used as directed below damp proof course of
face brickwork level.

Brickwork to be sealed should be allowed to dry out for four weeks and brushed at
regular intervals to remove efflorescence. Cracked or chipped mortar should be
repaired and the surface painted liberally with approved silicate of soda solution.

Steelwork should be wire brushed to remove all loose rust, scale and dirt or grease
and primed with two coats of red lead primer before delivery to site. After fixing in the
works the primer shall be touched up where necessary before application of the
finishing coats.

All timber shall be knotted, stopped and primed with approved with an alkali resistant
primer before applying the specified finishing coats.

(iii) Surface Finishes

All finishes shall cover completely and obscure the base construction and priming
coats and be such that any additional coats of paint will not effect any significant

All finishes shall be consistent in color and free from brush marks and irregularities.
Newly painted surfaces shall be protected from contamination by dust or other

The Engineer may require additional coats if the finish of any part of the work does
not conform to the Specification. Any additional coats so required shall be at the
expense of the contractor.

(iv) Surfaces to be polished

Internal hardwood surfaces which are not to be painted shall be thoroughly cleaned
and rubbed down to a smooth finish, grain filled and wax polished to a fine satin

(v) Lacquered Finishes

External hardwood surfaces which are not to be painted shall be thoroughly cleaned
and rubbed down to a smooth finish, grain filled and painted two coats of approved
hardwood lacquer.

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16.1. SCOPE

This Specification covers the Lighting, Socket Outlet and small Power Installations in
Substation (Control building and outdoor installations.)


Except where otherwise specified or implied, the works shall comply the latest applicable
Specifications in Indonesia or the International may submit for approval equipment of
materials conforming to technically equivalent National Standards of the country of origin. In
the latter case, copies of the relevant standards or part thereof in the English language shall
be submitted with the Tender. Requirements of this Specification other than IEC
requirements must be met.


16.3.1. Particulars of System

The installations will be fed from 400-230 volts boards situated in the substation plant
buildings by means of cables, which will be supplied under another contract.

The voltage will be a 400-230 volt. The phases will be designated and the standard phase
sequence will be red, yellow, and black, rising anticlockwise.

16.3.2. Extent of Work

The contract works to be supplied shall include all work incidentals thereto whether
specified in detail or not and in general is to be carried out by the contractor in accordance
with the conditions of contract.

16.3.3. Compliance with Specification

Any departures from the requirements of this Specification which are agreed between the
Engineer and the Contractor shall be as stated. All apparatus shall comply with this
Specification except as provided for therein. No other departures will be permitted.

16.3.4. Testing and Inspection

Whenever considered desirable by the Engineer, Inspectors may be sent to manufacturer's

or sub-contractors' premises to test materials or supervise their manufacture.

Where specified or requested the contractor shall obtain from the manufacturer and send to
the Engineer certificates of tests, proof sheets, etc. Showing that materials have been
tested in accordance with this Specification.

Notwithstanding any tests which may be directificated to be carried out at a manufacturer's

and/or sub-contractor's works, the Engineer may carry out any tests or further tests he
considers necessary or desirable after delivery of materials to the site.

The contractor shall provide all labor, equipment and facilities necessary for the carrying out
of tests both in work and on site.

The manufacturers and the places of manufacture, testing and inspection for the portions of
the contract works shall be as stated.

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The cost of tests shall be borne by the contractor.

The contractor shall carry out insulation and earth continuity tests on all wiring and
apparatuses and such additional tests as in the opinion or the Engineer are necessary to
determine that the works comply with the conditions of the specification either under test
conditions (in the manufacturers' works on the site, or elsewhere), or in ordinary working.
Type tests may be omitted at the discretion of the Engineer if satisfactory evidence is given
of such tests already made on identical equipment.

The insulation, metal continuity and earth connection tests, shall be carried out as
prescribed by the local regulations, or the Recommendations of the Institution of Electrical
Engineers and also any other tests required by the Engineer.

The test of insulation shall be carried out with a mega ohmmeter at no less than 500 V. To
verify the earth insulation of each conductor, all switches must be switched off.
When testing insulation between conductors, appliances and devices are to be
disconnected, likewise all switches shall be switched off. Accepted value of insulation
resistance to ground and between conductors at all moisture conditions shall be 1000 ohm
for each volt of service tension.

All material used shall also be subjected to, and shall withstand satisfactorily, such routine
tests as are customary in the manufacture of the types of plant included in the works.

All tests shall be carried out to satisfaction of the Engineer, and if required, in his presence
at such reasonable time as he may require. Not less than seven days notice of all tests shall
be given to the Engineer, in order that he may be present if he so wishes. As many tests as
in the opinion of the Engineer are possible, shall be arranged together. Six copies the
contractor's records of all tests be supplied to the Engineer.

Measuring apparatus shall be approved by the Engineer and if required, shall be calibrated
at the expense of the contractor at an approved laboratory.

The contractor shall be responsible for the proper testing of work completed or plant and
materials supplied by a sub-contractor.

All apparatus, instruments and connections required for the above tests shall be provided by
the contractor but the Employer will permit the contractor to use for the tests on site any
instruments and apparatus which may be provided permanently on the site, subject to the
operation of the system and the carrying out of other contracts and conditional upon the
contractor accepting liability for any damages which may be sustained by the Employer's
equipment during the tests.

The Employer will also provide free of charge on site, electrical energy, if available, for the
purpose of approved preliminary tests and for the official tests. If tests are required due to
the contract works not complying with upon the contractor to pay the costs of providing the
additional electrical energy supplied.

The contractor shall supply suitable test pieces of any materials as required by the
Engineer. If so required, tests specimens shall be prepared for check testing and forwarded
at the expense of the contractor to an independent testing authority selected by the

The cost of all test and/or analyses shall be borne by the contractor but the cost of such
tests and or analyses affected elsewhere than at the manufacturer's works or on site and
the results of which are approved, will be refunded.

No inspection or passing by the Engineer of work plan or materials, whether carried out or
applied by the contractor or sub-contractor, shall relieve the contractor from his liability to
complete the contract works or exonerate him from any of his guarantees.

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16.3.5. Drawings, Modes and Samples

A list of drawings relative to the Specification is appended to the Tender.

The contractor shall submit copies of drawings of the components and fittings he proposes
to use as and when requested to do so by the Engineer.

The contractor shall submit all drawings or samples of materials for approval in sufficient
time to permitted without causing delay in the initial deliveries or completion of the contract
Two copies of all drawings shall be submitted for approval and two copies of any
subsequent revision. Following approval, a minimum of five further copies will be required
for distribution.

After completion of work on site all drawings shall be revised where necessary to show the
equipment as installed and two copies submitted for approval. Reproducible the Engineer
and shall be of sufficient detail to enable all parts to be identified.

All dimensions marked on the drawings shall be considered correct although measurement
by scale may differ there from. Detailed drawings shall be worked to where they differ from
general arrangement drawings.

All detail drawings submitted for approval shall be to scale not less than 1:30. All important
dimensions shall be given and the material of which each part is to be constructed shall be

Drawings, samples and models already submitted by the contractor and approved by the
Engineer (and such drawings samples and models as shall be thereafter submitted by the
contractor and approved by the Engineer) shall not be departed from without the instruction
in writing of the Engineer.

The contractor shall be responsible for any discrepancies or errors in or omissions from the
drawings, whether such drawings have been approved or not by the Engineer, and no
approval given by the Engineer to any drawing or sample shall relieve the contractor from
this specification and conditions of contract or exonerate him from any of his guarantees.

If the contractor shall require approval of any drawing within fourteen days of its submission
in order to avoid delay in the completion of the contract works he shall advise the Engineer
to such effect when submitting the drawing.

All drawing, samples and models shall be submitted in accordance with the provision of this
specification and shall become the property of the Employer.

16.3.6. Safety Precautions

Wherever works are to be constructed in the vicinity of an existing electrical substation,

overhead power contractor shall be responsible for ascertaining from the authority
responsible for the equipment, the precautions and safety measures to be observed and for
strictly complying with these precautions and safety measures.

16.3.7. Spares

All spare apparatus all comply with the requirement of this specification. Spares shall be
available at the time of the works.

All spares, apparatus or materials containing electrical insulation shall be delivered in

approved containers suitable for storing such parts or materials over a period of years
without deterioration. The containers will remain the property of the Employer. Each

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container shall have fixed to the underside of the lid a list detailing its contents.
16.3.8. Names of Suppliers and Copies Orders All Material

If so required and before ordering of any description, the contractor shall submit for orders
will also be submitted if so required. The Engineer may at any time withdraw his previously
given sanction to obtaining materials from any maker or supplier should such maker or
supplier fail to supply materials of the specified quality or quantity in the requisite time.

16.3.9. Compliance with Regulations

All apparatus and materials supplied and all work carried out shall comply in all respects
with such of the requirements of the Regulations and Acts in force in the country of the
Employer as are applicable to the contract works and with any other applicable regulations
to which the Employer is subject.

16.3.10. Bedding and Grouting

All bedding and grouting of plant and apparatus of foundations and floors and cementing
into walls as is necessary for the erection of plant and apparatus shall be carried out by the

16.3.11. Cutting Away and Making Good

Cutting of holes, chases, etc, in brickwork, walls or reinforced concrete or ceilings shall be
carried out by the contractor and the cost of all such cutting away shall be included in his
All cutting of holes and chases must be approved before such work is put in hand.

16.3.12. Fire Precautions

All apparatus, connections and cabling shall be designed and arranged to minimize the risk
of fire and any damage which might be caused in the event of fire when cabling responsible
for sealing in an approved manner all holes in floors, walls, etc. Through which the cabling
may pass and for protecting the cable in an approved manner against mechanical damaged
by fire where exposed.

16.3.13. Erection Marks

Before leaving the contractor's works all apparatus and fittings shall be painted or stamped
in two places with a distinguishing number and/or letter on an approved drawing and
material list.

16.3.14. Supervision and Checking of Work on Site

The carrying out of all work on the site included in this contract shall be supervised
throughout by a sufficient number of qualified representatives of the contractor who have
had thorough experience of the erection and commissioning of similar contract works.

The contractor shall ascertain from time to time what portion of the work on site the
Engineer desires to check but such checking shall not relieve the contractor from his liability
to complete the contract works in accordance with the contract or exonerate him from any of
his guarantees.

If at any time it appears to the Engineer that the contractor will be unable to complete any
section of the contract works in the time stipulated, then the contractor shall increase the
number of personnel or carry on such work outside normal working hours and shall not
make any claim for any expense thereby incurred unless, in the opinion of the Engineer, the
delay is due to causes for which the contractor would be entitled to an extension of time

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under the conditions of contract.

The contractor shall satisfy himself as to the correctness of all connections made between
apparatus supplied under the contract and apparatus supplied under any other contract
before any of the former is put into operation.

If the Engineer shall certify that defects have shown themselves in the works, the contractor
shall for the purpose of the maintenance after the completion of the works provided for by
the conditions of contract, keep on site a supervisory staff of such numbers and for such
periods as the Engineer may require.

16.3.15. Responsibility of Contractor

Until each section of the contract works has been taken over or deemed to have been taken
under the conditions of contract, the contractor shall be responsible for such section on the
contract works, whether under construction, during tests or is use for the Employer's

Any work which may be necessary for the contractor to carry out in pursuance of his
obligations under the conditions of contract shall be carried out so as to interfere as little as
practicable with the normal operation of the sub-station. Work on site shall be carried out at
such time and during such hours as the Engineer may require.

16.3.16. Additional Services of Contractor’s Staff

If the Employer shall so require, the contractor shall lend to him the service of skilled
workmen for the repair of any defect between the Employer commencing to use any section
of the contract works (whether taken over or not) and the expiry of the period of
maintenance. Wages for such services will be paid by the Employer to the contractor,
except in respect of the contractor's obligations under the contract works.

The contractor shall continue to be responsible as the Employer for all the obligations to
such workmen.


16.4.1. Design and Standardization

The contract works shall be designed to facilitate inspection, cleaning and repairs, and for
operation where continuity of supply is the first consideration. All apparatus shall also be
designed to ensure satisfactory operation under the atmospheric conditions prevailing at the
sites and under such variations of load and voltage as may be met with under working
conditions of the system.

The design shall incorporate all reasonable precautions and provisions for the safety of all
those concerned in the operation and maintenance of the works and of associated works
supplied under other contracts.

All materials used in the works shall be new and of the best quality and of the class most
suitable for working under the conditions specified and shall withstand the variations of
temperature and atmospheric conditions arising under working conditions without distortion
or deterioration or the setting up of undue stresses in any part and also without affecting the
strength and suitability of the various parts for the work which they have to perform. No
repair of detective parts will be permitted without the sanction in writing of the Engineer.

All electrical connections and contacts shall be of ample section and surface for carrying
continuously the specified currents without undue heating. Fixed connections shall be
secured by bolts or set screws of ample size, adequately locked.

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All apparatus shall be designed to operate without undue vibration and with the least
practicable amount of noise. All apparatus shall be designed so that water cannot collect at
any point.

All metal jointing surfaces shall be machined or ground. Unmachined flat steel plate covers
shall be used only where the corresponding joint flange is machined. The bolt spacing and
packing material employed with such covers shall be approved.

All apparatus shall be designed to obviate the risk of accidental short circuit due to animals,
birds and vermin.
Corresponding parts shall be interchangeable, when required by the engineer, the
contractor shall demonstrate this quality.

16.4.2. Bolts and Nuts

All bolts, studs, screw threads, pipe threads, bolt heads and nuts shall comply with the
appropriate National standard for metric threads, or the technical equivalent. Washers shall
be provided under all nut and bolt heads. Termian bolts or studs used for carrying current of
more than 100 amps shall not be less than 16 mm diameter. Brass bolts or studs of less
than 6 mm diameter shall not be used for electrical connection. Where a lesser size is
necessary, stainless steel, phosphor bronze or high tensile brass may be used down to
and including 4 mm diameter providing the current carrying capacity is adequate.
All nuts and pins shall be adequately locked.

Wherever possible, bolts shall be fitted in such a manner that in the event of failure locking
resulting in the nuts working loose and falling off, the bolt will remain in position.
All bolts, nuts and washer in contract with nonferrous metallic part shall, unless otherwise
approved, be of phosphor bronze.

Where bolts are used on external horizontal surfaces where water can collect approved
methods of preventing the ingress of moisture to the threads shall be provided.

Each bolt or stud shall project at least one thread but not more than 6 mm or three threads
through its nut, except where otherwise approved for terminal board studs or relay items. If
bolts and nuts are place so that they are inaccessible by means of ordinary spanners,
special spanners shall be supplied by the contractor.

The length of the screwed portion or bolts shall be such that no screw thread may form part
of a shear plane between members.

Taper washers shall be provided where necessary.

16.4.3. Galvanizing

Galvanizing shall be applied by the hot dip process and for all parts other than steel wires
shall consist of a thickness of zinc coating equivalent to not less then 500 cm of zinc per
sqm of surface.

The zinc coating shall smooth, clean and uniform thickness and free from defects. The
preparation for galvanizing and itself shall not adversely affect the mechanical properties of
the coated material.

All drilling, punching, cutting and bending of parts shall be completed and all burrs shall be
removed before the galvanized process is applied.

Tests shall be carried out to the requirements of the Engineer.

Alternative processes shall not be used without the approval of the Engineer.

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Surfaces which are in contact with oil shall not be galvanized or cadmium plated.

16.4.4. Aluminium and Aluminium Alloys

All aluminium alloys shall be of approved composition to the appropriate National Standard.

Aluminium alloy coatings shall be sound and free from porosity.

16.4.5. Labels and Plates

All apparatus, control gear and all panels and the apparatus contained therein shall be
clearly labeled indicating, where necessary, their purpose and service positions. Each
phase of alternating current and each pole of direct current switchgear and connections
shall be colored in an approved manner to distinguish phase or polarity.
The material of all labels, the dimensions, legend and method or printing shall be to
approval. The surface of indoor labels shall have a mutt or satin finish to avoid dazzle from
reflected light.
Colors shall be permanent and free from fading. Labels mounted on black surfaces shall
have white lettering. "Danger" plates shall have red lettering on a white back ground.

All labels and plates for outdoor use shall be of approved in corrodible material. Where the
use of enameled iron plate is approved, the whole surface including the back and edges
shall be properly covered and resistant to corrosion. Protective washers of suitable material
shall be provided front and back on the securing screws.

16.4.6. Cleaning and Painting

Before painting, all ungalvanized parts shall be made completely clean and free from rust,
scale or grease and all external rough surfaces shall be filled.

The internal surfaces or cubicles, kiosks and boxes containing wiring or other apparatus that
are dispatched to site in an assembled condition shall be finish painted before inspection
and testing. The internal finish for cubicles mounted indoors shall be white enamel. The
interior of marshaling kiosks and operating boxes for outdoor use shall be painted with three
coats, of which the final coat shall be white or light gray anti-condensation finish.

All ungalvanized external surfaces of outdoor equipment other than nuts, bolts and washers
which may have to be removed for maintenance purposes shall receive a minimum of four
coats of paint at the works as follows:

(i) A primary coat of rust inhibiting paint.

(ii) Two coats of non-glossy, oil and weather resisting paint, the second of which shall be
applied on completion of works tests.

(iii) One final coat of glossy, oil and weather resisting non-fading paint, the color of which
shall be to the approval of the Engineer.

Each coat of paint shall be of a different color and shall be applied to a surface, which is
clean and dry. With the agreement of the Engineer, approved aluminum paints may be used
as an alternative to (ii) and (iii) above.

Exposed un galvanized nuts, bolts and washers which may have to be removed for
maintenance purposes shall have aluminum of one coat of paint after erection.

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16.4.7. Insulation

All insulating material shall be of an approved type and shall be capable of withstanding the
variations in temperature and humidity likely to be met in service without impairing their
insulating properties or mechanical strength.

16.4.8. Components

All Components, wherever applicable, shall be impregnated in an approved manner to

prevent the ingress of moisture and shall be enclosed in hermetically sealed cases.

16.4.9. Distribution Boards

The distribution boards are to be of the completely enclosed metal clad type arranged for
wall mounting. They are to be suitable for controlling either a 400/230 volt, 3 phase, four
wire, 50 hertz supply, or a 110 volt 2 wire DC supply and shall be of substantial sheet steel
or cast iron construction, dust excluding and drip-proof and are to have a rust resisting

They shall be provided with hinged front covers with provision for padlocking or fitted with a
built in lock. Where padlocks are used, a nonferrous padlock shall be provided for each box.
All locks shall have differing change numbers.

Fuses or miniature circuit breakers are to be provided for all ways, including spare ways.
They are to be of the indicating type and shall incorporate means of indicating when a fuse
has blown or a circuit breaker has tripped.

Natural bars and terminals shall be readily accessible, connections to the neutral bar, shall
be clearly identified with their respective fuse ways (ie IR,3Y.5B etc).by permanent marking
or by ferrules on the wire terminations. The neutral bar of TP and N (three pole and neutral)
boards shall include three terminations (ie R Y B) per way. The 110-volt DC distribution
boards shall not have fuses or links in the negative connection.

The boards are to be complete with screwed conduit fittings or cable glands to suit the type
of cables as specified below.
The enclosure shall allow ample room for wiring with particular reference to the
development of wires from the point of entry.

All live terminals shall be adequately shielded suitable provision shall be made for the
termination of all earthling connection inside or immediately outside the distribution board.
A separate connection shall be made from the earth bar to the main earth system. Each
board is to provide with a stud type terminal not smaller than 6 mm diameter.

Each board shall have an identification label of engraved metal or laminated plastic material
and colors shall be free from fading. The surface of the label shall be matt or satin finish to
avoid dazzle from reflected light

Each phase of alternating current and each pole of direct current equipment shall be colored
in an approved manner to distinguish phase or polarity.

Each board shall have a label mounted inside indicating the apparatus controlled by each

16.4.10 Underground Low Tension Cables

These cables shall be of polyvinylchloride sheathed type and shall be adequately protected
against aggressive subsoil conditions.

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Two, three or four core cables shall be used as specified, with conductors insulated for 1KV.

Standards plus all others mentioned in them, shall be complied with.

Cable splicing shall not be allowed.

16.4.11. P.V.C. Wiring in Conduit

P.V.C. sheathed cables shall be enclosed in heavy gauge, welded steel, screwed
galvanized conduit and the necessary conduit accessories.

All P.V.C. Wiring shall be carried out with 600-volt cable of not less than 2.5. Sqm copper
section or equivalent.

No cable having a cross section area of less than 2.5 sqm shall be used for a final sub
circuit, or less than 4.0 sqm for any other circuit. The cross sectional area of cables feeding
distribution fuse boards shall be based on the number and rating of the fuse ways, including
spare ways.

16.4.12. Conductors

If the installation is expanded or modified, the new dimensions shall be adjusted to meet the
specification. When referring to cases not foreseen in the table shown in clause 18.4.16.
The total area occupied by the conductors (including insulation and protection) must not
exceed 35% of the interior section of the conduit.

Conductor sections between tees or between coupling units must be continuous couplings
or conductor tees shall not be allowed inside conduits. Connection boxes shall be employed
where tees and connections are used.

16.4.13. Terminals

Terminals for all apparatus shall be provided with suitable screws for clamping the

16.4.14. Conduit and Boxes

All conduit installations shall be of heavy gauge welded steel, screwed and galvanized

All couplings between sections of conduit shall be screwed in such a way that a perfect and
mechanical continuity is obtained in the said conduit. All conduits in room with plaster
finishes shall be embedded; the uppermost portion shall be at least 5 mm from the plaster

Joints shall not be allowed in any run of cable whether of the underground type or between
the switches and heating or lighting points.

Conduits runs shall be vertical or approximately horizontal, ie allowing sufficient fall to

minimize the accumulation of moisture. Provision shall be made for drainage at the lowest
point or points of each run.

Where conduits are installed for the future installation of cables, the ends shall be sealed
and draw wires left in every section.

Where conduits cross building expansion joints, flexible couplings shall be provided. Where
runs are to be cast in concrete floors, care is to be taken that the installation is watertight.
Joints under the concrete shall be avoided as far as possible.

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16.4.15. Lighting Fittings

Lighting fittings shall be complete with lamp holders, auxiliary apparatus and wiring. The
insulation of the internal wiring shall be such as to withstand without deterioration the
highest temperatures likely to be experienced in service. Fluorescent fittings shall be
provided with bi-pin lamp holders.

The mounting heights where specified on drawings and in schedules are provisional and are
to be confirmed on site with the Engineer.

The tender rates shall include for all brackets, supports and fixings which may be required.

All lighting fittings are to be complete with lamps.

Filament lamps shall be in accordance with the relevant standards.
Lamp holders shall be of the shrouded type and shall suit the screw type lamp caps.

Fluorescent lamp fittings shall be in accordance with the relevant standards and shall not
cause objectionable noise. The control gear shall be effectively suppressed against radio
interference and the circuit power shall not be less than 0.85.

Reflectors and lighting fittings shall be so arranged that all exposed metal parts are
effectively earthed. They shall be seeing arranged as to facilitate cleaning. All lamps and
fittings shall be cleaned before acceptance.

16.4.16. Lighting Switches

Tumbler switches shall be of 240 volt, 5 Amp capacities unless otherwise specified. They
shall be mounted in galvanized iron boxes and for interior work shall be of the flush
mounting type. Switches in general shall be mounted at a height of 1.5 from floor level.
All junction and other boxes, plus those destined for outlets and switches, shall comply with
the respective Standards for heavy type boxes.

The coupling between tubes and boxes is to be carried out by means of a nut on the
exterior of the box and a threaded stem on the inside so as to protect adequately the
insulation of the conductor. The use of connections in any section of the installation is
strictly forbidden.

When necessary, the installation of long curves between conduits sections shall be
approved but the use of bellows shall not be permitted under any circumstances.
Passage and tee boxes are to be installed so as to be within reach at all times, bearing in
mind that the appearance of the premises is a prime factor to be considered.

The system shall be watertight throughout except where drain or ventilation holes are
For outdoor mounting, boxes shall have gasketed covers and have external fixing lugs.

Cover fixing screws shall be of brass for outdoor mounted boxes and sherardised steel for
indoor boxes.

All boxes and covers shall be malleable cast iron or heavy gauge pressed steel and shall be
galvanized or stove enameled.

Conduits ends shall be reamed after screwing so as or remove all burrs. Conduit
terminations on equipment not having screwed entries shall be made with smooth bore
brass bushes. Locknuts shall be fitted where necessary.

Draw-in boxes shall be provided at intervals not exceeding 12 meters in straight through
runs and inspection bends and boxes shall be located so as to facilitate access.

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Size of conduits to be used in relation to the number and size of conductors shall conform
with the following table:

Cross Sectional Area of PVC Size of Conduit mm (Approx)

Insulated Conductor mm2 20 25 32.5 32.5 40 50
2.5 6 13 30 30 - -
4.0 5 10 16 16 - -
6.0 4 9 13 13 - -
10.0 3 7 10 10 14 -
16.0 2 5 8 8 11 -
25.0 - 4 7 7 9 -
35.0 - 3 5 5 7 12
50.0 - - 3 3 4 6
70.0 - - - - 3 5

All exposed metal parts shall be so arranged that they are efficiently earthed to the rest of
the system. Multi-gang switches shall be used where switches are grouped but assemblies
controlling multi-phase outputs shall be efficiently screened between phases and shall be
labeled so as to indicate the different phases.

Where switches are specified to be waterproof they shall be fitted with galvanized covers
and mounted in galvanized boxes with gaskets as necessary.

Double pole quick-make quick-break switches shall be supplied for DC emergency lighting
circuits. Switches used for fluorescent fitting circuits shall capable of interrupting a current of
twice the normal load on the circuit.

16.4.17. Fuses (Mini Circuit Breaker = MCB)

All fuses (MCB) shall be of the high rupturing capacity cartridge type and of approved
manufacture. The rating of the fuses to be installed in the various circuits shall be as
specified by the Engineer.

16.4.18. Connecting Boxes

All boxes and covers shall be of malleable cast iron or heavy gauge pressed steel and shall
be galvanized or stove enameled .For outdoor use, boxes shall be watertight and fixing shall
be by external lugs and shall be galvanized or rust resistant.

16.4.19. Socket Outlets

Socket outlets shall be two or three-pole as required, their nominal capacity will be equal the
appliances maximum load or that immediately above it.

16.4.20. Connections to Semi Portable Apparatus

All apparatus of a semi-portable nature shall be connected up in a permanent manner.

Where a flexible connection is required to such apparatus it shall consist of cables in a
watertight flexible metallic conduit bonded across with a copper earthling conductor of the
same size as the conductors enclosed in the conduit. Plug connection shall not be used for
connections to semi-portable apparatus.

16.4.21 Portable Tool Transformers

The primary voltage shall be 230 volts. Single phase and the secondary voltage 110 volts,
center tapped. The transformers will be of 500 VA capacities.

The secondary winding shall be connected to a socket outlet non-interchangeable with plug

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socket arrangements used for other purposes at 100 volts via cartridge fuses. The socket
outlet shall be mounted on the transformer enclosure access to the fuse shall be by a
drip-proof gasketted cover. The cover shall be labeled 110-volt fuses in an approved

16.4.22. Earthling and Bonding

All metal sheathing, armoring, conduit and the metal casing of all apparatus shall be bonded
together so as to be electrically continuous throughout the system and shall be connected to
earth by a copper earth conductor.

The earth conductor shall cover the whole installation even if not detailed in the project

The purpose of the earth conductor is to protect the metal components of the installation
against accidental electrical contact. Sections of conductor shall be those answering to the
rupturing capacity of the automatic switch that feeds the circuit, according to the following

Earth Connection
Rupturing Capacity
Conductor Section MM2

up to 20 amps 1.5 1.5

up to 30 amps 2.5 2.5
up to 40 amps 4 4
up to 60 amps 6 6
up to 100 amps 10 10

Normally earth connections for the main equipment in the plant buildings will be provided in
other contracts for the main equipment to which the lighting contractor may take his earth
connection. Where necessary the contractor will provide an earth electrode of approved

Connection to the station earth bar shall be by low temperature brazing or by riveting and
soldering. Rivets shall not exceed 6.5 mm diameter. The earth conductor shall be neatly
clipped into position throughout its length.

16.4.23. Flexible Connections

Where connections to apparatus are required to be flexible they shall be made in waterproof
flexible metallic conduit and shall include a copper earth conductor not smaller than the line
conduit shall be secured with approved glands.

Flexible conductors shall be composed of high conductivity tinned copper or aluminum wires
insulated with two layers of vulcanized rubber and shall be of 250 volts grade. No flexible
cable smaller than 30.25 mm section shall be of 250 volts grade. No flexible cable smaller
than 30.25 mm section shall be used.

16.4.24. Emergency Lighting

Certain lighting points, or groups of points shall be arranged as emergency lighting circuits.
These will not normally be energized but on the loss of the AC supply to the general lighting
circuits, are to switch on automatically and will be fed from the DC supply from the station

The changeover contractor and all necessary equipment including the DC wiring is to be
included in the contract AC wiring is not to be run in the same conduit as AC wiring.

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16.4.25. Lighting Columns and Towers

Road lighting columns whether of steel or concrete shall include all necessary mounting
boards, uses, cable boxes, glands and wiring. Floodlight towers and gantries shall be of an
approved design and construction. All columns and towers shall be accurately positioned
and plumbed.

All metal parts, including the body of steel columns other than conductors shall be
connected to the armoring of incoming cables in an approved manner, by a conductor of not
less than 25 sqm sectional area. Foundations for road and site lighting columns and
floodlighting towers shall be provide under the plant foundations section this contract.

16.4.26. External Floodlight

Where require, portable floodlights shall be supplied. Floodlights shall be of an approved

type and capable of adjustment for direction of illumination and shall be weatherproof

16.4.27. Scaffolding and Tools

All scaffolding, staging, ladders and tools and other plant required for the proper execution
of the contract works shall be provided by the contractor. All such equipment shall be
removed when the contract is finished or at other times when no longer required. During
the execution of the work any scrap material or rubbish which is caused by such work shall
be removed by the contractor.

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BAB IV.3 TS.20: CIVIL WORKS AND RELATED STRUCTURES ............................................... 1

1. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................ 1

2. SITE CLEARANCE, DEMOLITION AND DISMANTLING ..................................................... 6

3. EARTHWORKS AND EXCAVATION .................................................................................... 9

4. DRAINAGE ........................................................................................................................... 13

5. ROAD WORKS..................................................................................................................... 18

6. FENCING .............................................................................................................................. 26

7. CONCRETE WORKS ........................................................................................................... 27

8. PILINGS................................................................................................................................ 43

9. MORTAR .............................................................................................................................. 52

10. CABLE DUCTS AND TRENCHES ...................................................................................... 53

11. STRUCTURAL STEELWORK ............................................................................................. 54

12. FLOOR CONSTRUCTION AND FINISHES ......................................................................... 59

13. BUILDING FINISHINGS ....................................................................................................... 60

14. WATER DRAINAGE............................................................................................................. 62

15. PAINTING ............................................................................................................................. 62

16. ELECTRICAL WORK ........................................................................................................... 64

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The works shall consist of the Civil Engineering and Building Works for the construction of
Substations as mentioned in the scope of work of the project.

The scope of work shall includes 150 kV outdoor conventional switchgears foundation,
150 kV control building, foundation for indoor equipment and other civil works involved in
this project.

This Specification is intended for general use on the construction of substation. The
Contractor should therefore refer to the Section or Sub-sections of this Specification
relative to the work contained in the substation.


The Conditions of Contract and the Drawings shall be read in conjunction with this
Specification and matters referred to in any of these documents are not necessarily
repeated in any other.


The words “approved” ,” approval” , “specified” ,”condemned” and the liked used in this
specification shall mean approved , approval, specified, condemned or the like by the

The word “Engineer” used in this specification shall also mean the “Engineer’s
representative “in respect of the duties stated in the condition of contract.


The unit of measurement shall be metric on the international system of unit (S.I.) and the
works will be paid for at the appropriate rates given in the price schedule. The contractor
should make the break down of the unit price for each of the item of the works.


1.5.1 Standards.

Indonesian, American and British Standard and or Codes of Practice have been used as
reference throughout this specification. Other National Standard in common use in
Indonesian for particular section of a work shall normally be acceptable but should be
approved by the Engineer.

1.5.2. Materials

All material used in the works shall be new and of best quality of their respective kinds.
They shall comply with the requirements of the latest edition of the relevant Standard and
or Code of Practice refers to in Subsection 1.5.1. Above and current at the date of

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1.5.3. Workmanship

All workmanship shall be of the highest standard and shall be executed by component
men skilled in their respective trades

1.5.4. Samples

In addition to the special provisions made in this Specification for sampling and testing of
materials by particular methods, samples of any material and workmanship proposed to
be used in the Works may be called for at any time during the Contract by the Engineer
and shall be furnished by the Contractor without delay and at the expense of the
Contractor. Samples when approved shall be regarded as the acceptable standard, any
material or workmanship subsequently not complying with standard shall be rejected and
replaced by those of acceptable standard at the expense of the Contractor. Sample
storage boxes shall be provided by the Contractor free of cost if requested by the

1.5.5. Tests

(a) Whenever considered desirable by the Engineer, Inspectors may be sent to

manufacturer's or sub-contractor's premises to test materials or supervise their

(b) Where specified or requested the Contractor shall obtain from the manufacturer and
send to the Engineer certificates of test, proof sheets, mill sheets, etc., showing that
materials have been tested in accordance with this Specification.

(c) Not withstanding any tests which may be directed to be carried out at manufacturer's
and/or sub- contractor's works, the Engineer may carry out any tests or further tests
he considers necessary or desirable after delivery of materials to the site.


1.6.1. Access to Site

Unless otherwise directed, the access to site from public roadways shall be by existing site
access roads where these exist and elsewhere along the routes of access roads to be
constructed under this Contract. The site shall not be entered until the written permission
of the Engineer has been given. The Contractor shall make his own arrangements for
providing and maintaining any temporary access he may require.

1.6.2. Prevention of Damage

The Contractor shall take all necessary and reasonable precaution during the period of the
Works to prevent damage to land, walls, fences channels roads, buildings, services and
the like on or adjacent to the Site and site access. When such items are to removed or
modified under the Contract the method of removal or modification shall be agreed.

1.6.3. Safety Precautions

Wherever works are to be constructed in the vicinity of any existing electrical substation,
overhead power line, power cable or any other electrical equipment, the Contractor shall
be responsible for ascertaining from the Authority responsible for the equipment the

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precautions and safety measures to be observed, any for strictly complying with these
precautions and safety measures.

1.6.4. Cleanness of Site

The Contractor shall at all times maintain the site in a clean condition, and all rubbish,
debris and the like shall be collected as it accumulates and be disposed of by burning or
other suitable means. All trades shall maintain their plant, materials, stores and equipment
in an efficient and workmanlike manner at all times.


1.7.1. Offices, Stores etc.

The area or areas to be used by the Contractor for erection of offices, stores, messing
accommodation and the like shall be agreed with the Engineer.

1.7.2. Lavatory Accommodation

The Contractor shall be responsible for providing suitable and adequate lavatory
accommodation for his site staff, in a position agreed with the Engineer, and shall meet all
statutory requirements of the States and Local Authorities.

1.7.3. Health

The Contractor shall take such health measures as may be required by the statutory
provisions of the State and Local Health Authorities.


The Contractor shall provide at site for the exclusive use of the Engineer and his staff,
suitable office (24 m2) and lavatory accommodation including a sufficient supply of clean
and sterile drinking water. The accommodation shall be kept clean, maintained in good
condition by the Contractor, and shall meet all statutory requirements of the State and
Local Authorities.


The Contractor shall be responsible for supplying all water, electricity and other power
required for the works and for any other purpose in connection with the works.

He should give notice and pay all fees as required by the respective water, electricity and
other authorities concerned with such supplies and services.


1.10.1. Outline and Detailed Programs

The Contractor shall construct the works in compliance with the outline program and shall
submit for approval a detailed program in accordance with the Conditions of Contract.

1.10.2. Labor, Plant and Materials

The Contractor shall provide on the site, and elsewhere as required, sufficient labor, plant,
materials and all other things necessary to construct the works in accordance with the
agreed program.

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1.10.3. Inclement Weather

No payment will be made to the Contractor in respect of loss of output of plant or labor
due to inclement weather.


1.11.1. Dimension and Levels

All dimension and level shown on the drawings shall be verified on site by the Contractor.

1.11.2. Datum

A datum to which all levels are to be related will be defined or established at a convenient
point by the Engineer. The Contractor shall then establish a minimum of four temporary
bench marks, approximately equally spaced round the site, which shall be related to the
datum. Each temporary bench mark shall be securely set in concrete, and shall be
protected form damage or disturbance.

1.11.3. Surveying Instruments

The Contractor shall keep on site such surveying instruments as are necessary for the
complete and accurate setting out and construction of the works. These instruments shall
be modern, shall be maintained in excellent condition, and shall be accurate in all
respects. They shall be kept available for use by the Engineer if so required, and their
accuracy and adjustment shall be regularly checked in an approved manner.

1.11.4. Setting out Lines

The Engineer will establish two lines mutually at right angles from which the Contractor
shall set out the works. Each of these main lines shall be defined by not less than four
steel pins set in concrete at points indicated by the Engineer. The Contractor shall supply
all necessary labor and materials for this purpose.


After the clearance of bush and other vegetation and before any earthworks or demolitions
are commenced, the Contractor shall make a record survey of the site in conjunction with
and in a manner approved by the Engineer.


The accuracy of any subsoil and survey information supplied to the Contractor is given in
good faith but is not guaranteed, and any variation between this information and actual
site conditions will not be accepted as the basis of a claim or reason for variation of unit
rates in the Contract.


1.14.1. Scope of Work

The contractor shall perform the soil investigation work for the project, the minimum of the
scope of work for this soil investigation are as follow:

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a. Core drilling at minimum 3 points mainly in the switchyard and transformer area, each
drilling to a depth of 20 meters where substation area located in the swampy or
shore area the depth of the core drilling will be adjusted by Engineer.

b SPT Shall be carried out for sample per drilling starting at a depth of 2 meter with
steps at 2 meter. (NA)

c Dutch Cone Penetration Test shall apply at 5 points and located in building or steel
structure, switchyard and transformer area.

d. Testing for clean water shall be carried out in the substation area.

The test procedure to be carried out shall be in accordance to ASTM Standard, using of
equal standard shall have an approval by the owner.
Laboratory works include:

- Soil investigation test shall be made on all 8 samples

- Water chemical analysis 1 samples

The report of soil investigation shall be made and included the recommendation for
foundation type, minimum report 5 (five) set

1.14.2. Field Work

1. Core drilling
The kind of performed drilling during investigation is core drilling and to be done in
accordance to ASTM D 2113. Core drilling comprises continues core sampling by
single tube barrel, taking undisturbed and disturbed sample and standard penetration

The final core diameter should not be less than 54 mm. The use of double tube core
barrels for core 76,2 mm is required. Core box shall be made of good and durable
material such a hamper or equal.

The box must show of the following indications:

- Project name, job site, number of bore hole, date of finishing the bore hole, depth
interval, etc.

Water level in each hole shall be recorded daily during the days of drilling that hole.
Observation of ground water level shall be made every morning before starting the
days drilling work. The water level shall be recorded in term of depth from the top of
the bore hole. This measurement shall be continued for each bore hole during the
period when the hole is being drilled.

The contractor shall describe lithologi of soil/rock condition, such as:

1. Name of soil / rock (clay, silt, sand, etc)
2. Strength (strong, weak, stiff, etc)

2. Standard Penetration Test (SPT)

The test shall be made in according to ASTM designation D 1586.
With the sample resting on the bottom of the hole, drive the sample with blows of 140
pound hammer falling 76 cm until either 45 cm have been penetrated. The number of

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blows required to penetrate each 15 cm depth shall be recorded.

3. Dutch Cone Penetration Test (DCPT)

The Dutch Cone Penetration test to be performed in accordance to ASTM D 3441.
Observation to be taken every 20 cm penetration and the aim of test is to get the cone
resistance (qc), local friction (fc) and total friction (tf).

The reading indicated of cone resistance (qc) and local friction (fc) shall be carried out
until the total reading indicated as the maximum capacity of the equipment/qc =200

1.14.3. Laboratory Work

Soil laboratory testing for soil classification test (index and Engineering properties) from
soil samples comprised as follows:
a. Sieve analysis mechanical grain size and hydrometer (ASTM D.422).
b. Moisture content (D.2216)
c. Specific Gravity (D.854)
d. Unconfined compression strength test (D.2166)
e. Consolidation Test (ASTM D.2435)
f. Tri axial Compression Test (D 2850).
g. Liquid, Plastic limit & plasticity Index (D 423 & D 424)

1.15. Topographical Survey

A topographical survey at scale 1 : 200 shall be performed by the contractor and shall be
submitted to the engineer for approval before starting of design and works on site.

This topographical survey shall be defined the actual level and the designated 0.00 level.
The network of point will be sufficiently clear to determine exactly the moving of earth for
backfill or earthwork.

The contractor shall have to provide and maintain the monument for the Bench Mark
(Reference Point) during construction.



Site clearance and demolition consists of the removal and disposal of trees, bushes and
other obstructions on site and backfilling with approved materials any existing or resulting
pits, trenches and the like.


The Contractor is requested, before submitting his Tender, to visit the site for the purposes
of inspecting and examining the extent and nature of the various items of work which are
included in this section.


2.3.1 Clearing and Grubbing

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Clearing and Grubbing shall consists of clearing all trees, brush other vegetation and
rubbish over the site area generally as shown on the drawings or as directed by the
Engineer. It shall include grubbing stumps and roots and disposing of all resulting spoil
material either by burning or removing to a tip provided by the Contractor. Where the
drawings or the Engineer direct that any items are to remain undisturbed, the Contractor
shall take all necessary precautions to prevent damage to them.

2.3.2 Demolition of Structures

Buildings or other structures to be removed shall be demolished by methods approved by

the Engineer and all builders rubbish resulting there from shall be removed to a tip
provided by the Contractor or otherwise disposed of as directed by the Engineer.

All necessary precautions shall be taken to ensure that no damage is caused to any
structures which are to remain.
Care shall be taken to salvage as much material as possible this remaining the property of
the Employer. It must be stored on site for re-use when appropriate. Material unsuitable
for further use, such as debris, waste and rubbish shall be removed directly to the tip
provided by the Contractor and with the consent of the Engineer.

2.3.3. Site Leveling

Where the existing ground surface is under or above the finished level which indicated on
the drawing and directed on site, so site leveling shall be carried out.

The work means over ground surface shall be excavated and shall be spread on another
part below, up to properly level.

If insufficient over ground surface is available on site for subsequent soil spreading,
suitable material shall be imported by the contractor and brought to site. It shall be free of
stone, the engineer issues lump of clay or others, which prevent the growth.

The work shall include hauling, dumping, spreading and compacting.

Spreading and compacting shall be carried out every 20 cm thickness of compacted layer.

2.3.4. Use of Explosives

Explosives shall not be brought on the site or used without the prior written approval of the
Engineer. Such approval shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility to comply
with the relevant Statutory Regulations on the storage and use of explosives.
The Contractor shall be wholly responsible for the proper and secure storage of explosive
and such storage places shall be accessible only to authorized personnel. The handling
and use of explosives shall be entrusted only to men experienced in their use and shall in
all respects be to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

Contractor shall be wholly responsible for any loss or damage to persons or property
which may occur through the use of explosives.

When the need for explosives has passed, they shall be removed from the site without

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The Engineer may prohibit the use of explosives during excavation or demolition work if, in
his opinion, such use constitutes a danger to persons or adjacent structures or the work is
being carried out in a reckless manner.

2.3.5 Filling of Wells and Existing Excavations

Any wells or other existing excavations on the Site shall be completely filled with approved
material in layers not exceeding twenty (20) cm, well rammed and compacted or by
pudding with water. When these wells or excavations occur under, or within, three meters
of new load bearing construction one they shall be filled with cement stabilized soil
consisting of one (1) part cement and fifteen (15) parts sieved soil, thoroughly mixed and
with a minimum quantity of water added to make a workable mix.

2.3.6 Dismantling

For the up rating switchgear work, the Contractor shall dismantle the steel work (including
gantries, Conductor, Fitting, Insulator and Accessories) and stored in the Owner storage.

The Contractor should sorted and packed it based on type of gantries and completed with
handed over certificate.

Also for the materials/goods i.e. conductor, fitting, insulator and accessories.
All the cost caused by activity above had to be included in the Bill of Quantity.


2.4.1. Clearing and Grubbing

Measure clearing and grubbing to the nearest square meter.

2.4.2. Site Leveling

Measurement for payment of Site Leveling specified herein shall be base on a survey
made prior to any excavation phase and the lines and grades.

Payment will be made on the number of cubic meters of excavated materials and filling in
accordance with the approval in situ measurement.

Unit prices for the site leveling shall include but not limited to the cost of all labor,
equipment and materials, temporary sporting loading unloading and disposal of excavated
materials, hauling of previously excavated material from the stockpile of borrow area,
compacting the fill and all testing in accordance with the specification.

2.4.3. Filling of wells and existing excavation

Measurement for payment for filling of wells and existing excavation will be made on the
number of cubic meter of fill.

The unit price of fill shall include excavation and hauling of previously excavated material
from the stockpile or borrow area, compacted the fill, and all testing in accordance in
specification. Payment for fill will be paid at the contract unit price per cubic meter.

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This section covers all the necessary work for the excavating, importing, transporting,
placing and disposal of earth, rock or other such material as required by the drawings for
the proper execution of the Works.


3.2.1 Character of Ground

The Contractor is requested, before submitting his Bid, to visit the site and satisfy himself
as to the ground conditions on the site, the nature of the strata to be excavated,
obstructions which may be encountered within the limits of the excavation, the possibility
of flooding and the like, and he shall use excavation techniques and equipment best suited
to the site conditions.

No claims for a revision of rates because of site conditions will be considered subsequent
to the award of the Contract.

3.2.2 Removal of Water

The rates for all classes of excavation shall include for the cost of control or removal of
water during or after excavation. The Contractor shall provide all facilities and take
whatever action is necessary, whether by pumping, well pointing or other approved
means, to keep the excavation clear of water at all times for the execution and protection
of the work.

3.2.3 Earthworks and Excavation Generally

Unless otherwise stated in the Contract, the rates for earthworks and excavation shall be
held to include for excavation in any material except rock.

3.2.4 Rock Excavation

The term "rock" shall mean a material that in the opinion of the Engineer cannot be
excavated expect by means of explosive or compressed air drilling equipment. Boulders
over one quarter (0.25) cubic meter in volume will be classed as rock and those of lesser
volume as normal excavation.

The use of explosive for rock excavation shall comply with the requirements of
Sub-section 2.3.4 of this Specification.


3.3.1 Topsoil

(a) Removal

The first earthworks operation shall be the removal of topsoil to a depth of twenty (20)
cm or other such depth of the top layer of soil as agreed with the Engineer over the

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area of the site designated by the Engineer. The topsoil shall be kept separate from,
other material and stock-piled for re-use on slopes and beams or elsewhere on the
site or site access as indicated on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer.

(b) Spreading

Where indicated on the drawings or directed on site, topsoil shall be spread on a

properly leveled or graded surface to thickness of not less than twenty (20) cm and
raked smooth. Variation from level or gradient of the raked surface shall not exceed
three (3) cm in any length of three (3) meters.

If insufficient topsoil is available on site for subsequent soil spreading, suitable

material shall be found by the Contractor and brought to site. it shall be free of
stones. The engineer issues lumps of clays or other matter that would prevent the

3.3.2 Excavation to Reduce Level (Bulk Excavation)

Excavation over site to reduce levels shall be carried out to the lines and levels shown on
the drawings. Any excavation beyond or below these lines and levels shall be made good
by the Contractor at his own expense and to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Slopes shall
be formed and trimmed to the lines and gradients shown on the drawings.

3.3.3 Use and Disposal of Excavated Material

All suitable excavated material apposed by the Engineer shall be used for bulk filling.
Any material surplus to these requirements or adjudged by the Engineer to be unsuitable
shall be removed from site to a tip provided by the Contractor or spread and leveled in thin
layers not exceeding twenty (20) cm over general areas of the site within the site boundary
as directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall not delay in disposing of surplus
material after receipt of instructions from the Engineer.

3.3.4 Bulk Filling

(a) Materials

The material for filling shall be approved material obtained from excavations on the
site, but if this should prove insufficient, the deficiency shall be made good with
imported material as specified below.

No material containing organic soil, vegetable or other unsuitable matter shall be

Imported filling material shall consist of naturally occurring material free from mud,
silt, vegetable or other soft or injurious matter. The Contractor shall inform the
Engineer of the source of borrow pit from which he proposes to obtain the material
and no material shall be brought to site until the source has been approved.

(b) Placing and Compacting

Bulk filling shall be placed to the lines and level shown on the drawings. The filling
shall be placed in layers not exceeding twenty (20) cm in depth and the surface of
each layer shall be given a slight fall to assist drainage.

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Each layer shall be compacted at optimum moisture content by eight (8) tone self
propelled type with smooth drum roller, or equivalent vibrating roller, or other
approved means, until the following degrees of compaction have been achieved.

(1). Non-cohesive soils : Until no further settlement occurs

(2). Cohesive soils : Until dry density is nowhere less than 95% of modified

Subsequent layers shall not be placed and compacted until the previous layer has
been compacted as specified and accepted by the Engineer. Filling material that
does not contain sufficient moisture to achieve the required degree of compaction
shall be sprayed with water from approved sprinklers until compaction can proceed at
optimum moisture content.
Material with a higher moisture content than necessary shall not be used in the works
until it has dried out sufficient to achieve the degree of compaction specified.
Slopes shall be formed and trimmed to the lines and gradients shown on the
drawings and shall be thoroughly compacted with smooth uniform surfaces. Variation
from specified gradient shall not exceed three (3) cm in any length of three (3)

(c) Testing

Perform testing according to Contractor's Quality Control Plan. Determine field in-
place density in accordance with ASTM D 1556 or ASTM D 6938. When ASTM D
6938 is used, check the calibration curves and adjust using only the sand cone
method as described in ASTM D 1556.

ASTM D 6938 results in a wet unit weight of soil in determining the moisture content
of the soil when using this method. Check the calibration curves furnished with the
moisture gauges along with density calibration checks as described in ASTM D 6938;
check the calibration of both the density and moisture gauges at the beginning of a
job on each different type of material encountered and one (1) sand cone density for
each ten (10) densities performed in accordance with ASTM D 6938.

3.3.5 Excavation in Pit and Trench for Foundations, Drainage, etc.

(a) Excavation

Excavation shall be taken out to the minimum sizes necessary for the proper
construction of the works, and excavation shall not be kept open for periods longer
than that reasonably required constructing the works.

The Contractor shall take all precaution necessary to ensure that the bottoms of
excavation are protected from deterioration and that the excavation are carried out in
such a manner that adjacent foundations, pipes or such like are not undermined,
damaged or weakened in any way. Any excavation taken out below the proper level
without approval shall be made good at the expense of the Contractor using concrete
or other material as directed.

(b) Support of Excavations

The Contractor shall be responsible for the stability of the sides of the excavations,
and shall provide and install all timbering and shoring necessary to ensure stability.

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If any slips occur, they shall, as soon as practicable, be made good in an approved
manner at the expense of the contractor. Shoring shall not be removed until the
possibility on damaging the works by earth pressure has passed.

(c) Inspection and Trimming

The bottoms of all excavations shall be properly trimmed and leveled, inspected and
approved by the Engineer before placing the blinding concrete layer of foundation

(d) Backfilling

As soon as possible after the permanent works are sufficient hard and have been
inspected and apposed, backfill shall be placed where necessary and thoroughly
compacted layers not exceeding twenty (20) cm in depth.

(e) Use and Disposal of Excavated Material

All suitable excavated material shall be used for filling or backfilling or otherwise
disposed of as specified in Clause 3.3.3.

3.3.6. Slope Stability and Bench Cut

Where part of the finishing level is lower than the existing ground surface of surrounding
area, contractor shall perform slope excavation and shall prevent slope stability.
If the high of cut slope more than 1,5 meter, Bench cut shall be performed.
On the cut slope shall be performed sod facing and the sodded face shall be tamped with
the suitable tool to form a smooth surface.

The contractor shall be responsible for special care all completed sodding for a period of
30 days and shall spray water on the sod whenever necessary to ensure rooting.


The Contractor shall locate, protect, shore, brace, support and maintain all existing
underground pipes, conduits, drains and other underground construction which may be
uncovered or otherwise be affected by the work.


3.5.1 Weed killer

Weed killer of an approved type suitable for local conditions shall be spread over areas to
be covered by site surfacing before such surfacing is laid. The weed killer shall be of type
which does not cause corrosion of metals and shall be used strictly in accordance with the
manufacturer's instructions.

3.5.2 Site surfacing

Site surfacing shall consist of clean, hard, natural, gravel or crushed stone all to pass thirty
(30) millimeters sieves but all retained on ten (10) millimeters sieves. It shall be spread
after installation or service and cables earth strip, electrical equipment and such like.

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The surfacing shall be spread where indicated on the drawings on a properly leveled or
graded surface, free from weeds, to a compacted thickness of fifteen (15) cm and lightly


3.6.1. Excavation

Measurement for payment of excavation specified herein made in cubic meters and shall
be based on survey made prior to any excavation phase and the lines and the grades
shown on the approved drawings or established on the sites by the Owner. Unit prices for
the excavation shall include the cost of all labor, equipment and materials, temporary
supporting diversion ditches and drainage structures, loading unloading and disposal of
excavated materials.

3.6.2. Fill work

Measurement for payment for filling and backfilling will be made on the number of cubic
meter of fill.

The rates for filling or backfilling, consolidation and trimming shall include for setting aside
temporary excavated material on site, for complying with specification and for trimming
surface to specified level, slope and profile.

The unit price for fill shall include excavation and hauling of previously excavated
materials from the stockpile area and compacting the fill in accordance with the

3.6.3. Dewatering

All cost for the design, furnishing and maintenance of the dewatering system will be paid
at the lump sum price on an agreed upon schedule of payment. The lump sum price shall
include excavation for sumps, pumps, any over excavation required for the installation of
the dewatering system and the discharge piping.



The work covered by this section of the Specification consist of:

(a) A storm water drainage system for the drainage of the Switchyard area generally,
roads and paved areas, cables trough and roofs of buildings.

(b) A foul drainage system for the connection and discharge of water closets (WC's)
wash basins, shower, sinks, urinals and other similar appliances.


4.2.1. Storm water Drainage System

(a) The storm water system shall consist of piped under drains backfilled with brooked

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stone or gravel (French drains) manholes and catch pits, rodding eyes and lined or
unlined drainage ditches and channels.

(b) The outfalls of the system shall discharge into existing watercourses or to constructed
soak away as shown on the drawings or otherwise as directed by the Engineer.

4.2.2. Foul Drainage System (Soil Drainage)

(a) The foul drainage system shall consist of a system of pipes, manholes and inspection
chambers and shall discharge into a septic tank unless otherwise shown on the

(b) If a septic tank is required by the drawings the effluent shall discharge to a filter bed
or soak away.

4.3.1. Pipes for Storm water Drainage

(a) Concrete Pipes and Fittings

These shall be obtained from an approved local manufacturer and shall be subject to
tests and inspection by the Engineer.

(b) Porous and Perforated Concrete Pipes

These shall be of approved local manufacture and shall be tested and inspected by
the Engineer.

(c) PVC Pipes and Fitting

These shall be obtained from an approved local manufacturer and shall be tested
and inspected by the Engineer.

4.3.2. Stone or Gravel Backfilling on the Switchyard Area

The backfilling to French drains shall be clean, free from lumps of clay or other
objectionable matter and be graded between the limits of seventy-five (7.5) cm maximum
and twenty-five (2.5) cm minimum.

4.3.3. Pipes for Foul Drainage System

(a) Asbestos Cement Pipes and Fittings

These shall be of approved local manufacture.

(b) Concrete Pipes and Fitting

These shall be of local manufacture with approved joints and shall be subject to tests
and inspection by the Engineer.

(c) Rigid P.V.C. Pipes

These shall be of local manufacture and shall be subject to test and approved with
the Engineer.

4.3.4. Bends, Gullies and Fittings

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All bends, gullies and fittings used in the drainage systems shall be of the same materials
and of equally high quality as the adjacent pipe work.

4.3.5. Materials in Manholes, Catch pits, Septic Tank etc.

(a) Concrete, Formwork and Reinforcement

As described on the drawings and in accordance with the relevant sub-section of
concrete work.

(b) Walls
Walls shall be built in concrete or common brick and rendered, both faces with Grade
"A" mortar to which an approved waterproofing agent has been added.

(c) Covers
Covers shall be of precast concrete with mild steel angle iron framing. The top
surface of the covers shall have a class "B1" finish.

(d) Step Iron and Lifting Irons

These shall be fabricated from mild steel and shall be galvanized or coated with best
quality bitumastic composition.
Step irons shall be provided where the depth of chamber exceeds one (1) meter.


4.4.1. General

(a) Regulations
The regulation and recommendation of any relevant drainage or sanitary authority
shall be fully observed and the Contractor shall be responsible for acquainting himself
with any such regulations.

(b) Existing and Temporary Drainage during Construction

The Contractor shall maintain at his own cost all existing drainage channels in good
order during the period of the works, and also cut any additional temporary channels
that may be necessary to prevent flooding of the site until the permanent drains have
been laid.

4.4.2. Excavation and Backfill to Pipe Drains

(a) Excavation
Excavation shall be carried out in accordance with Clause 3.3.5. of this Specification.
Trench excavation for drains shall be carried out with the minimum disturbance to
adjacent ground and in such a way that existing or new work shall not be

Where trenches are to be filled with hardcore gravel or the like, or where open
channels are to be constructed, excavated material shall be removed immediately
after excavation.

(b) Backfill
No Backfill shall be placed until pipes, etc. have been inspected, tested and apposed.
Backfill shall be carefully placed by hand tools round pipes, etc. and rammed in

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layers not exceeding ten (10) cm thick in a manner which will not cause damage.

When a minimum thickness of thirty (30) cm above the pipes has been so placed,
normal methods of backfilling and ramming may be adopted.

4.4.3. Laying and Jointing of Pipes (Generally)

(a) Laying
Pipes and fitting shall be of the type’s qualities and sizes specified and shown on the
drawings. They shall be laid to the lines and level shown, and the barrel of each pipe
shall bear firmly and uniformly on the trench bottom or prepared foundation bed, any
projection in the trench bottom that could cause damage to pipes being first removed.
Pipes shall be kept clean during and after laying, and open ends shall be provided
with temporary plugs to prevent entry of foreign matter.

Each pipe shall be accurately boned to gradient between sight rails and drain laying
shall commence at the lowest end and proceed uphill. Pipes shall be laid with the
sockets leading uphill.

(b) Jointing Generally

The jointing of pipes shall be carried out as specified below. The pipes to be jointed
shall be accurately centered and butted together, and only the particular type of joint
shall make joints. Joints shall generally be of a flexible type.

(c) Flexible and Proprietary Joints

The joints in concrete, asbestos cement and un plasticized P.V.C. pipes designed for
flexible jointing shall be made in accordance with the manufacture's instructions and
relevant British Standard. Unless otherwise directed or agreed, the joints in concrete
and asbestos cement pipes shall be of the compressed rubber ring type, and when
loose collars are used, these shall be accurately located over the center of the joints.

(d) Rigid Jointing of Spigot and Socket Pipes

Concrete and asbestos cement spigot and socket pipes for rigid jointing shall be used
only where specified or directed. Inserting and caulking one complete ring of tarred
gaskin that shall center the pipes and prevent mortar from entering the pipes shall
joint them. The joint shall be complete by filling with Grade "A" mortar. The mortar
shall be well rammed into the joint and finished with 45olevel. Joint shall be
undisturbed and kept covered with wet sacking for seven days.

(e) Porous Concrete Pipe Joints

Joint in porous pipes shall be made by butting the pipes tightly together so that no
soil or the like can enter the pipes. If, due to minor changes of line or gradient, a joint
cannot be completely closed, it shall be wrapped with bituminous felt and surrounded
with weak concerted.

4.4.4. Concrete Surround and Hauncing to Pipes

Concrete surrounds, bedding and hauncing to pipes shall be at the locations and to the
dimensions shown on the drawings. Concrete Grade 15/40 (k-150) as specified under
section 7 of this specification shall be used.

4.4.5. Pipes under Buildings

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Un plastic or Rigid P.V.C. soil pipes and fittings shall be used under buildings, laid and
bedded on concrete and jointed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and
surrounded with concrete after testing as specified below. The concrete bed to pipes shall
not be less than ten (10) cm thick, and finished smooth and true to line and levels with
pockets at all positions for pipe sockets to facilitate bedding of the barrel of the pipes

4.4.6 Drainage Ditches

(a) Unlined Ditches

These shall be constructed as shown on the drawings and the Contracted shall be
responsible for their maintenance through the works and to the completion of the
maintenance period.

(b) Lined Ditches

Lined ditches shall be provided where shown on the drawings or as directed by the
The lining shall consist of stone pitching to the lines, gradients and dimension
indicated on the drawings bedded in Grade "A" mortar. The stone shall be clean, hard
and durable with a thickness of not less than twenty five (25) cm and with length and
widths of approximately one and a half (1 1/2) times the thickness. It shall be of good
shape and free of projections and depressions to ensure proper bedding and uniform
slopes and the finished ditch should not vary from true line by more than fifty (50)

4.4.7 Lined Drainage Channel

Lined channels shall be of concrete Grade 175/20 or solid block work if approved by the
Engineer and shall be constructed to the dimensions, lines, gradients and levels shown on
the drawings. Weep holes thirty (30) millimeters diameter shall be positioned at half the
internal depth of the channels or as otherwise shown on the drawings, and at intervals of
one (1) meter along both sides of the channels. Expansion joints of two (2) cm wide and
filled with approved resilient filler shall be proved at interval of not more than twenty (20)

4.4.8. Manholes, Catch pits, Septic Tank etc.

Excavation to manholes, catch pits and the like shall be in accordance with clause 4.4.2

Detail and sizes of bases, benching, covers and manholes generally shall be obtained
from typical manhole details shown on the drawings. Unless otherwise directed manhole
walls shall be built with common bricks and rendered on both faces with Grade "A" mortar
to which an approved waterproofing agent has been added. All joints in brickwork shall be
well filled with mortar.

Manholes deeper than one (1) meter shall be provided with step irons. Precast concrete
relieving blocks manufactured with Grade 225/20 concrete shall be provided and set in the
brickwork walls over each pipe.


All drains, other than open channel, stone filled and porous drains, shall be of watertight

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construction and all soil drains shall be subjected to a water test before backfilling of
trenches is commenced. Drains may be tested in section and manholes may be tested
separately. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval his proposals for
testing. The drains shall withstand, without leakage, a water pressure of not less than one
and half (1.5) meters at any point for a period of twenty (20) minutes or such other time as
the Engineer may direct. All necessary plugs, temporary connections and other equipment
and all labor required for the tests shall be provided by the Contractor.

For testing of pieces in areas where an adequate supply of water is not readily available,
the Engineer will accept an air (smoke) test. Further testing may be called for after
backfilling of trenches to ensure that pipes have not been damaged during that operation.


4.6.1. Excavation

Excavation is measured by the cubic meter of material excavated.

4.6.2. Embankment, backfill

Embankment and backfill is measured by the cubic meter of material hauled, placed and

4.6.3. Pipes/Concrete drainage

Pipes/concrete drainages are measured by linear meter of pipes/concrete drainage.

4.6.4. Manholes, Catch pits and Septic tank

Manholes catch pits and septic tank will be paid on lump sum price. The contractor shall
make the breakdown of this works.



This section of the Specification consists of the requirements for the construction of the
different categories of roads and vehicle standings, which provide access to and
maintenance of the substation areas. The various stages of road construction are
included, together with concrete kerbing (precast and cast in situ) and cable ducts laid
under roads.


American standards in common used in Indonesia for road construction bituminous

binders, Macadam and the live will be acceptable alternatives unless otherwise directed.


5.3.1 Services to be completed and protected

Culverts, pipe drains, ducks and other services shall be completed under and alongside
roads, paths and hard standings to the approval of the Engineer before road works are

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The contractor shall take all necessary precautions to prevent damage to completed or
partially completed services until the road, paths or hard standings have been completed.
The precautions shall be adequate to allow passage of plan of vehicles of other
contractors having legitimate access to the site.

Ditches, drainage channels, outfalls and the live shall be in a suitable working conditions
to ensure effective drainage of service water to avoid damage to the road foundation.

5.3.2 Approval of Road Construction

Each state of road construction shall be inspected, any defects rectified, and the state
approved by the engineer before the next state is commenced.


Earthworks shall be carried out in accordance with section 3. Of this Specification, but the
surface shall be formed seventy-five (7.5) cm higher than the levels shown on the
drawings. These seventy-five (7.5) cm shall be removed when the sub grade preparation
and laying of the sub-base is about to commence.


5.5.1 Description

The sub grade is the part of the road on which the sub-base is laid, or if a sub-base is not
specified for a particular road categories, than the part on which the base is laid. It shall
extend the full width of the road, and include hard shoulders, lay bys and the like where
these are shown on the drawings.

5.5.2 Preparation of sub grade

When road works are about to commence the earthworks shall be graded to the lines and
levels shown on the drawings, and any soft or weak areas shall be dug out and replace by
approve material. The sub grade shall than be compacted by eight (8) tone self propelled
type with smooth drum roller and the moisture content of the soil shall be controlled to give
the specified compaction.

5.5.3 Degree of Compaction

Rolling of the sub grade shall continue until the dry density of the top thirty (30) cm is
nowhere less than 95 per cent of the dry density at optimum moisture content obtained by
application of the American Standard compaction test. Any irregularities which may
develop in level during compaction shall be corrected by adding or removing material as
required and re-compacting. The top level of sub grade shall have a CBR value of six (6)
percent, after compaction.

5.5.4 Protection of Sub grade

The Contractor shall take adequate precautions to ensure the protection of the sub grade
from weather effects or from damage due to negligence. Areas of the sub grade which in
the opinion of the Engineer, require repair due to the Contractors failure to take such
precaution shall be made good to the Engineer satisfaction at the Contractors expense.

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5.6.1 Description

The sub-base is that portion of the road, which lies between the sub-grade and the
underside of the base.

It shall extend the full width of the road and include lay bays and hard standings unless
otherwise shown on the drawings.

5.6.2 Material

(a) Testing and Approval

Before commencement of sub-base construction the Contractor shall provided the

Engineer with full particular of the origin and composition of the material he proposes
to use in the sub-base coarse.

Representative samples shall be taken by the contractor in the presence of the

Engineer and sent to an approved testing laboratory to ascertain the properties of the
material as directed and required by the Engineer. Taking of samples and testing at
an approved laboratory shall be carried out at the contractor’s expense.

Test certificates shall be submitted for the Engineer approval prior to starting quarry
or borrow excavations.
(b) Type of material

Type of material shall be well graded consisting of crushed stone or crushed or

natural gravel graded from seventy five (75) to (5) millimeters down with sufficient
fine material to bind readily to produce a dense, firm and stable sub-base. It shall be
previous, free from mud, dirt, organic matter, shale or other deleterious matter, less
than fifteen (15) per cent by weight passing the no. 200 sieve and fulfilling the
following requirements:
- Liquid limit 0 - 25 per cent
- Plasticity index 0 - 6 per cent

(c) Degree of Compaction

The final level of sub-base coarse shall have a CBR value of not less than twenty five
(25) per cent

5.6.3 Construction

(a) Spreading and compacting

The sub-base shall be constructed to the final thickness shown on the drawings or as
directed otherwise by the Engineer, but shall not be less than fifteen (15) cm when
fully compacted.

The material shall be laid by box spreader or other approved means in layers not
exceeding eighteen (18) cm in thickness and compacted by an eight (8) ton self
propelled type with smooth drum roller or other approved compaction equipment,

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working parallel to the center line of the road.

In areas not accessible to power rollers the material shall be compacted with
approved tempers or compactors.

Rolling shall continue until the entire surface has been compacted and no further
consolidation takes place or the maximum dry density is nowhere less than ninety
five (95) per cent as determine in accordance with the American Standard
compaction test. Should any irregularities or depressions developed in the sub-base
during compaction, these areas shall be rectified by loosening the sub-base material
and adding or removing material as the case may be until the surface after
compaction is smooth and uniform.

(b) Surface of sub-base

The sub-base shall be finished to the lines and levels shown on the drawings or as
otherwise direct, and the finished surface shall not show any departure from true
surface greater than twelve and one half (12.5) millimeters in any directions when
checking with a straight edge or chamber board three (3) meters long.


5.7.1 Description

The road base in the portion of the road which lies between the top of the sub-base and
the under side of the bituminous surface coarse.

5.7.2 Materials

(a) Testing and Approval

Before commencement of base construction the Contractor shall provide the

Engineer with full particulars of the origin and composition of the material he
proposes to use. Representative samples shall be taken at the quarry site in the
presence of the Engineer and sent to an apposed testing laboratory to determine the
properties of the material as directed and require by the Engineer. Taking of samples
and testing at an approved laboratory shall be carried out at the Contractors
expense. Test certificates shall be submitted for the Engineer's approval prior to
removal or delivery of material from the quarry.

(b) Crushed Stone

Crushed Stone aggregate shall be clean, hard durable, sharp angled fragments of
stone with a minimum of elongated partials and free from dirt, soft or decomposing
rock fragment or other deleterious matter.

(c) Fine (or blending) material

This material shall be used in conjunction with crushed stone aggregate. It shall be
dry crushed rock well graded from five (5) millimeters to dust, preferably non-plastic
but in no case should the Plasticity index of the finest exceed six (6) per cent.

(d) All - in aggregate

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The use of all - in crushed stone aggregate or crushed gravel, or alternative method
of mixing and blending the base material may be use with the Engineer's approval.

Grading limits for all-in crushed stone base shall be as follows.



50 mm 100
37.5 mm 95 - 100
20 mm 60 - 80
10 mm 40 - 60
5 mm 25 - 40
No. 7 13 - 30
No. 25 8 - 20
No. 200 5 - 10

(e) Degree of Compaction

The final level of Base Coarse shall have a CBR value of not less than sixty (60)

5.7.3 Construction

(a) Spreading and compacting

The crushed stone base shall be constructed to the final thickness shown on the
drawings or as otherwise directed by the Engineer, but shall not be less than fifteen
(15) cm after compaction.
The stone shall be laid by box spreader or other approved means in layers not
exceeding ten (10) cm thick and compacted by an eight to ten (8 - 10) tons of self
propelled with smooth drum roller working parallel to the center line of the roads.

In areas not accessible to power roller the base shall be consolidated with approved
tempers or compactors. Compaction by rolling shall continue until no further
consolidation takes places.

After preliminary shaping, the crushed stone base shall be covered by a twenty five
(25) millimeters thick layer of fine or blending material, which is vibrated into the
interstices of the base course aggregate by means of a vibrating roller or other
approved equipment. Should patches deficient in fines developed during compaction,
additional fine material shall be applied and the process continued until no more fines
can be taken in. Final compaction shall be by an 8 - 10 tons roller until consolidation
is complete.

(b) Surface of Sub-base

Spreading and compacting and layer as above shall continue until the Specified
thickness has been achieved. In addition the final layer of stone shall be shape and
compacted to provide a smooth and event surface free from irregularities or loose
material and true to cross section, line and level. When tested with a straight edge or
camber board, the permitted tolerance shall not exceed six (6) millimeters in three (3)

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meters length.


5.8.1 Description

The prime coat is the application bituminous material to the surface of the previously
prepared base course prior to laying a bituminous surface dressing or penetration
Macadam surface course.
Its purpose is to bind the surface of the base course together and provide good adhesion
for the surface dressing or penetration Macadam course.

5.8.2 Materials

(a) Bitumen

The bituminous material shall be medium curing cut-back asphalt Grade "MC-O",
with a temperature of application within the range 21oC - 60oC, or Grade "MC-1" with
a temperature of application within the range 43oC - 85oC.

(b) Blinding (or blotter) Material

Blinding material shall be river sand or hard grit graded from five (5) millimeters down
with not more than ten (10) per cent by weight passing a No. 200 sieve.

5.8.3 Construction

(a) Precautions

The prime coat shall not be applied in wet whether or when the surface to be treated
is, in the opinion of the Engineer too wet.

The surfaces of structures, manhole covers, road kerbs and the like shall be
protected in such a manner to prevent their being spattered or marred. No bituminous
material shall be discharged in to borrow pitch, gutters or drainage channels.

(b) Preparation

The surface of the base shall be swept clear of the all dust, dirt, mud or loose
material with a power broom or other approved equipment.

If considered necessary by the Engineer the surface of the base may be slightly
dampened before application of the bitumen to assist penetration.

(c) Application

The bitumen shall be heated to a temperature within the range specified for the
particular grade use and sprayed using a distributor at the rate directed by Engineer,
normally in the range 0.50 - 1.0 liters per square meter depending on the absorbency
of the base and designed to give a penetration of three (3) to six (6) millimeters and a
drying time of twenty four (24) to forty eight (48) hours.

To check the rate of bitumen actually applied sheets of building paper fifty (50) by fifty
(50) centimeters shall be weighed and laid on the surface to be treated, and than
weighed again after application of the prime coat. The difference in the weight divided
by the area of sheets shall give the actual spraying rate, which may than converted to
a volumetric measure.

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Within three hours of applying the bitumen the blending or blotting material shall be
distributed evenly over the surface in such a manner that the wet bitumen does not
"Pick up" during the spreading operation.

The prime surface shall be maintained for seven days, during which time no traffic
shall be allowed to pass over the surface without authorization of the Engineer.

Before commencing the next surface treatment, any areas found to be division in
priming material shall be rectified to the Engineer's satisfaction.


5.9.1 Description

Kerbs and channels shall be used where shown on the drawings to delineate the running
surfaces of roads with flexible pavements.

5.9.2 Materials

Precast concrete Grade 22.5/20 (k-225) conforming to the requirements of Section 7 of

this Specification shall be used for kerbs and channels. They shall be manufactured to the
size shown on the drawings and radius kerbs shall be used on all curves of twelve (12)
meters radius or less.

5.9.3 Construction

Kerbs shall be laid prior to the construction of the road base on a continuous foundation of
concrete Grade 100/40 fifteen (15) cm thick and of width ten (10) cm greater then the
kerb. They should be bedded and jointed on the foundation in Grade "A" mortar and
haunched up the back of the kerb with Grade 100/40 concrete.

At completion, kerbs shall be true to line and radius and any work showing marked
aberration from true line and level shall be rejected.


5.9.1 Description

Roads with a bituminous surface course may where shown on the drawings, have a cast
insitu concrete edging in lieu of precast concrete kerbs.

5.9.2 Materials

(a) Concrete
Concrete shall be Grade 22.5/20 (K-225) for the insitu edging and Grade 100/40 (B-
100) for the foundation, all as specified in Bill of Quantity (BOQ).

(b) Formwork
Formwork shall be wrote and comply with this Specification.

5.9.3 Construction

The joint of concrete road shall be steel bar diameter 16 mm, length 500 mm at the
distance of 300 mm shown on drawing or as directed by the Engineer but the top surface

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shall be set flush with or not more than fifteen (15) millimeters below the finished surface
of the carriageway and trowelled to a class B1 finish.
The foundation shall be laid on the prepared concrete blinding layer but where this is low
relative to the dimensions shown on the drawings the foundation concrete shall be
proportionally increased concrete slab shall have minimum structural thickness 200 mm of
concrete grade 22.5 / 40, and reinforced by diameter 12 mm steel mesh of 100 mm
distance in both direction as directed by engineer.
Drainage of the road base shall be by P.V.C. pipes one hundred (100) millimeters
diameter inserted at four (4) meter intervals and passing through the full width of the
edging at sub grade level.
Care shall be exercised in erection of form-work to ensure that opposite faces is
everywhere truly parallel and curves merge into straight at tangent points smoothly and
without angled junction.


5.9.1 Description

Pipe ducts for cable and other service under roads shall be indicated on the drawings.

5.9.2 Materials

(a) Concrete or Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipes.

Pipes shall be of approved local manufacture.
(b) Concrete
Concrete surround to ducts shall be Grade 10/20 (B-100).

5.9.3 Construction

Ducts for cables and other services shall be constructed under roads in advance of road
construction all as shown and specified in the drawings.
The inside surface of ducts shall be smooth and free from sharp edges or projections
which could cause damage to the sheating of cables.

Each duct shall be thoroughly cleaned on completion and closed at both ends with a
timber plug driven in and sealed with bitumen. A light galvanized steel or non-ferrous wire
shall be drawn through each duct and left in before plugging.


5.9.1 Excavation

Excavation is measured by the cubic meter of material excavated.

5.9.2 Embankment, Backfill

Embankment and backfill is measured by the cubic meter of material hauled, placed and

5.9.3 Pavement

The pavement, including sub-base, base and surface course is measured by the square
meter of pavement completed.

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This section of the Section consists of the requirements for the security of the high voltage
switchyard area and the site area generally.


Reference is made to the approved standards


Electricity substation contains high voltage equipment and access is restricted to authorize
personnel only.
The location of the fencing required for security purpose shall be as shown on the
The Contractor shall ensure that the outside faces of fences and gates have no
projections or footholds, which would be a climbing aid to unauthorized personnel and
reduce security characteristics.


6.4.1 Materials

a. Fence Fabric

Fence fabric shall be hot dipped galvanized with 7 mm diameter of steel wire .
Galvanizing shall have a nominal thickness of 80 microns.

b. Post, Frame, Gates, and Appurtenance.

- Steel tube and frame Steel Profile; hot deep galvanized material conforming to
ASTM A.120-79.

- Galvanizing : Hot dip galvanize steel tube (inside and outside) and frame steel
profile section (all surfaces) and other ferrous parts, with a weight of zinc coating
not less than 0.6 kg/m2 of surface.

- Sizes of material for post, rails, braces and gate frame shall conform to the
following dimension and weight as shown on the approved drawings.

6.4.2 Reinforce concrete skeleton

Reinforce concrete skeleton shall be used consist of:

a. Column dimension 150 mm x 20 mm shall be inserted to the existing foundation at

least 500 mm depth, as shown on the drawing. The column height is 2400 mm.
b. Lower beam of 150 mm x 250 mm dimension shall be laid along existing foundation as
shown on the drawing.
c. Upper beam of 150 mm x 250 mm dimension shall be laid above the top of brick wall
as shown on the drawing.

6.4.3 Brick wall

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Brick shall be red burning clay at least 120 mm x 240 mm x 80 mm size or as directed by

6.4.4 Mortar for brick wall

The mortar mixes to be used in the works shall be reinforced and proportional as follows:

Grade A: 1 (one) volume cement and 3 (three) volume fine aggregate

Grade B: 1 (one) volume cement and 5 (five) volume fine aggregate
Grade A: 1 used for brick wall 300 mm height from the base
Grade A: 1 used for other brick wall and plastering / rendering

6.4.5 Barbed wire and attachments

Three line of two strands 2.5 mm diameter steel wire with 2.11 mm diameter for point
barbs spaced approximately 125 cm on center.
All wire be hit dip galvanized, with weight of zine coating per square meter of surface area
shall not less the 0.24 kg/mm2 for 2.5 mm diameter wire and not less then 0.198 kg/mm2
for 2.11 mm diameter area.

Barbed wire shall be fasten to angel steel L 50 x 50 x 5 mm size as shown on the drawing,
which is steel is buried in concrete column/beam.



This section of the Specification consists of the requirements for the composition,
manufacture and placing of concrete, reinforced concrete and mortar throughout the works
in accordance with and to the dimensions shown on the construction drawings, or as
indicated in other sections of this Specification.


The Contractor shall comply with the following codes and standards:

- Peraturan Beton Bertulang Indonesia - 1971 (NI-2)

- Peraturan Umum untuk Bahan Bangunan Indonesia (NI-3)
- Peraturan Cement Portland Indonesia (NI-8)
- SKSNI - 1991. T .15 - 91 - 03
- American Concrete Institute (ACI)


7.3.1 General

(a) All material used in the Work shall be new and of the best quality of their respective
kinds from approved sources and shall comply with the requirements of the latest
edition of the approved standards or codes of Practice.

(b) The Contractor shall be deemed to have satisfied himself that suitable materials for
concrete and mortar can be obtained in sufficient quantities to carry out the works.

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(c) As soon as possible after the contract has been placed the contractor shall submit a
list giving details of the sources from which he proposes to obtain concrete and
mortar materials. Only materials from approved sources shall be brought to site.
Approval of sources shall no imply acceptance of material found not conform to this

7.3.2 Cement

The cement used throughout the works shall be in accordance with NI - 8 or similarly.
All cement shall be delivered to the site under cover in strong, sealed waterproof bags in
such quantities and at times suitable for the amount of work in hand. All cement shall be
effectively protected against deterioration during storage on the site. Only sufficient
cement shall be stored at site to ensure continuity of the works, and to allow testing of any
consignment before it is required for use.

Cement shall be stored in unopened bags on a dry raised platform in a well ventilated but
weatherproof storage shed which is used for no other purpose. Each consignment and
brand shall be clearly numbered and separated from order in which it is delivered. Only
one brand of cement shall be used to complete any individual structure of foundation
unless otherwise instructed by the Engineer.

Cement stored on site for a period longer than two months shall be laboratory tested at the
contractor's expense before use. Any cement, which has hardened or become
contaminated, shall be rejected.

Cement manufacturer's test certificates shall be made available to the Engineer on


7.3.3 Additives Generally

Air entraining, water reducing, set accelerating, set retarding, or other additives shall not
be used except with the written approval of the Engineer, following comparative concrete
durability and compression strength tests carried out on concrete made with and without

Test with additives shall give durability and compressive strength at least equal to those
without additives except that water reducing agents shall increase the compressive
strength by ten (10) per cent. The use of all additives shall be strictly supervised.

7.3.4. Aggregates

(a) Coarse Aggregates

Coarse aggregates shall be crushed stone with well graded and show general
compliance with the requirements of the appropriate standards. It shall be clean,
hard, strong, fine grained, non friable, non-porous and durable stone of approved
quality and shall be obtained from an approved source. It shall be roughly cubical in
shape and be free from dust.

The granulometric curve of the coarse aggregate shall be within the following
tolerances, which shall be achieved by means of sifting and screening of the material.

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Should the loss by weight, when the aggregate is subjected to abrasion test by the
used of the Los Angeles Machine (ASTM (31) exceed 10 % at 100 revolutions or 40
% at 500 revolution, the coarse aggregate shall be rejected.


40 mm 20 mm 10 mm

37. 5 mm 95 - 100 100

19.0 mm 30 - 70 95 - 100 100
9.5 mm 10 – 25 25 - 55 85 - 100
4.75 mm 0-5 0 - 10 0 - 20

(b) Fine Aggregate (Sand)

The fine aggregate for concrete and mortar shall comply with the appropriate
standard. The fine aggregate for concrete shall be clean, sharp, fresh-water or pit
sand, or other suitable and approved material, and shall be free from all impurities.

The clay, silt and fine dust in, or adhering to, the aggregate shall not exceed five (5)
percent by volume. The fine aggregate shall be well graded within the limits of four
and three-quarters (4.75) mm to six hundred (600) micrometers in size.
The fine aggregate for mortar shall, unless other wise specified, be rounded sand or
other suitable and approved material and shall be free from all impurities. The clay,
silt or fine dust shall not exceed five (5) per cent by volume. The sand shall consist of
particles between two point three six (2.36) mm and six hundred (600) micrometers in

(c) Storage of Aggregates

The coarse and fine aggregates shall be stored on site in bins or on clean, dry, hard
surfaces, and be kept free from all sources of contamination. Aggregates of different
grading shall be stored separately, and no new aggregate shall be mixed with
existing stocks until tested and approved.

7.3.5 Water

Water used for mixing concrete and mortar shall be clean, fresh water obtained from an
approved source and free from harmful chemicals, oils, organic matter and all other
impurities, conforming with the requirement of the applicable standard.

7.3.6 Steel Bar Reinforcement

The reinforcement shall comply with the requirement of the appropriate Standards.
The bars shall be round and free from corrosion, cracks, surface flaws, laminations, rough,
jagged and shall not exceed two and one half (2.5) per cent. All bars shall be clean, new
and of the diameters described on the drawings, and shall be transported and stored on
site so that they remain straight, clean, undamaged and free from corrosion, rust or scale.

Bars or different diameters shall be separately bundled and bars from different sources
shall be separately stored, free from direct contact with wet ground.
Deformed bar shall be used for diameter more than 13 mm and other sized plained bar

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may be used.

7.3.7 Threaded Inserts

Threaded insert for casting into concrete shall be of the diameters and dimensions shown
on the drawings and shall be electro-galvanized and of malleable iron or mild steel.

7.3.8 Lime Putty

Lime putty used for mortar shall be well slaked and kept in the line pool for a minimum of
four days. It shall be prevented from drying while in the lime pool.

7.3.9 Waterproofing Admixture

Waterproof concrete and mortar shall be used where shown on the drawings.
Waterproofing shall be by the use of a reliable and approved brand of admixture. The
admixture shall be used strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.


7.4.1 Concrete Grades

The grades of concrete to be used in the works shall be as shown in Table 3 below:

Table 1


STRENGTH (Cube Specimen)
S.I NI - 2

22.5/20 20 - 4.75 mm 225 kg/cm²

22.5/40 40 - 4.75 mm 225 kg/cm²
17.5/20 20 - 4.75 mm 175 kg/cm²
17.5/40 40 - 4.75 mm 175 kg/cm²
15.0/40 40 – 4.75 mm 150 kg/ cm²
10.0/20 20 - 4.75 mm 100 kg/cm²
10.0/40 40 - 4.75 mm 100 kg/cm²

7.4.2 Concrete Strengths

The contractor shall ensure that the crushing strengths of the various grades of concrete
are not less than the values given in Table 4 below:

Table 2

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S.I, NI - 2 28 DAYS 7 DAYS
2 2 2
N/MN Kg/cm N/MN Kg/cm2

22.5/20 22.5 225 15.0 150

22.5/40 22.5 225 15.0 150
17.5/20 17.5 175 11.5 115
17.5/40 17.5 175 11.5 115
10.0/20 10 100 6.5 65
10.0/40 10 100 6.5 65

The cube strengths relate to a standard one hundred and fifty (150) mm cube, and when
standard cylinders of three hundred (300) millimeters in height with base of one hundred
and fifty (150) millimeters in diameter are used and tested the crushing values of such
cylinder tests shall be multified by a factor of one and one quarter (1.20) to obtain
equivalent values for comparison with cube strengths specified in Table 4.

7.4.3 Mix Proportions for concrete grades

It shall be the contractor’s responsibility to design the concrete mixes, using the
constituent materials specified, to comply with the requirements of the various grades of

The contractor shall, as soon as possible after the contract has been placed, obtain
representative samples of water and fine and coarse aggregates in sufficient quantities for
testing as directed by the Engineer. Tests so designated by the engineer shall be in
accordance with the provisions of the appropriate standards by the Engineer. Materials
which do not comply with those specified under Clause 5.7.3 shall be rejected.

In determining the mix proportions, the contractor shall use trial mixes in accordance with
the recommendations of NI-2 to establish the most suitable combination that will give
concrete of the maximum water/cement ratios consistent with the strengths specified for
the different concrete grades. Water cement ratios will normally be not greater than 0.55
by weight otherwise specified, approved or instructed for each grade of concrete.

7.4.4 Approval of Mix Proportions

The contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval the proportions of ingredients he
proposes to use for each grade of concrete, and the basis on which he has designed the

Under the supervision of the Engineer the contractor shall make six (6)-test cylinder or
cubes of each grade of concrete, using his proposed proportions. The making, curing and
testing of cubes shall be in accordance with B.S. 1881 and NI-2 BAB.4. Unless otherwise

Three (3) cubes of each set shall be tested at seven (7) days by an independent authority
approved by the Engineer, the remainder tested at twenty-eight (28) days.
All test cubes shall be given a reference number and the contractor shall supply the
engineer with a record, in duplicate showing the reference number, date made, concrete
grade, proportions of mix, water cement ratio and the concrete slump.

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The minimum designed strengths obtained from the trial mix tests shall be one and one
third (1 1/3) times the minimum crushing strengths specified in Table 4 for each grade of

When the mix proportions of each grade of concrete have been finalized and approved by
the Engineer, the Contractor shall not vary these proportions without a good and valid
reason for doing so and only with the Engineer's approval. Any such change of
proportions, arising from any cause whatsoever shall not be considered as a basis for a
claim to an increase in unit rated for concrete.

7.4.5 Use of Concrete Grades

The grades for concrete to be used in the works shall be as follows unless otherwise
specified on the drawings:

Support Equipment 22.5/20

Precast Members, slabs (< 12 cm in thickness) 22.5/20
Beams, columns and slabs 22.5/20
Plant and structure plinths pads and
Foundation slabs 22.5/40
General foundation work, roads, linings etc., Reinforced 17.5/20
Or unreinforced 17.5/40
Pipe Surrounds and making up to
Level foundation 10.0/40
Blinding, protective layer for tiling 10.0/20 or 10.0/40

7.4.6 Blinding

Under all foundation elsewhere as indicated on the drawings, a layer of concrete grade
10.0/40 or 10.0/20 shall be laid immediately the excavation is carried down to foundation
level. The blinding surface shall be thoroughly clean before foundation concrete is deposit
Sumps shall be provided where necessary to facilitate the control of drained water. The
two grades shall be applied as follows:

Grade of Concrete Thickness

Foundation bases 10.0/40 100 mm

Floors of ducts, troughs or
Reinforced slabs not exceeding 100 mm 10.0/20 50 mm

7.4.7 Measurement of Materials

(a) General

All equipment used for measurement of concrete ingredients shall be maintained in

good and clean condition and the Contractor shall ensure that men engaged on
concreting work are fully instructed and competent in the use of such equipment.

(b) Cement

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The quantity of cement shall be determined by weight the cement is supplied in bags
the concrete shall be mixed in batches using one or more complete bags of cement.

(c) Aggregate

The quantities of fine coarse aggregate should preferably be determined by weight

but where written approval has been obtained from the Engineer, may be determined
by volume.

The conversion of "weight" to "volume" or vice versa shall be based on the weight per
cubic meter of the preliminary tests on aggregates. Where batching by volume is
approved, suitable batch boxes for measurement of the aggregate shall be made and

Allowance shall be made in gauging fine aggregate for increase in volume due to
bulking because of moisture content.

(d) Water

Water for each batch of concrete shall be accurately gauged by measurement of

volume in a calibrated tank or by weighing. One liter of water shall be equivalent to
one kilogram weight.

If the fine and coarse aggregates contain water, adjustment shall be made to the
quantity water to be added to the mix by carrying out moisture content test on the
aggregate and by slump test on the freshly mixed concrete.

7.4.8 Batching and Mixing

Batching and mixing shall be carried out in plant approved by the Engineer and generally
complying with the requirements of NI-2 BAB 6, 6.2 and 6.3.

The concrete shall be mixed in mechanical mixer of approved type unless as specified
below or otherwise approved. The time allowed for mixing after all ingredients are in the
machine shall be not less than two minutes.
Mixing shall continue until the mass is uniform in color and consistency and the complete
batch shall be discharged before the introduction of more materials.

Small quantities of concrete less than half (0,5) cubic meter may be hand mixed on a
clean watertight platform. The fine and coarse aggregate shall be thoroughly mixed
together, cement then added, and the whole tuned over three times dry. The material shall
be tuned over whilst adding water, then finally turned twice and worked to produce a
mixture of uniform color and consistency

For hand mixing the specified quantities of cement shall be increased by 10 (ten) per cent
without alteration in price.
All equipment shall be thoroughly clean before use or reuse for other grades of concrete.

7.4.9 Control tests and Workability

The concrete shall be a dense, homogenous nature produced with the minimum quantity
of water necessary to ensure a compact mass sufficiently workable to enable proper
placing and consolidation in corners and around reinforcement, and to give the specified

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finish, strength, density or other required qualities. The water /cement ratio for each grade
of concrete shall be agreed with the Engineer.

Quality control of the concrete used throughout the works shall be maintained in
accordance with NI-2 or similarly. Test cubes shall be made as directed during the period
of the works and not less frequently than six (6) per week or per five (5) cubic meters of
concrete whichever is more frequent. All test cubes shall be referenced and recorded as
required by sub-section 7.4.4. of this Specification, including a record of the position in the
works from which the concrete was taken. Three of the specimens shall be tested at
seven (7) days and the other three at twenty eight (28) days.

Concrete may be assumed satisfactory if the cube strengths at 7 days are in accordance
with TABLE 2. Should the 7 days values be below the specified figures the concrete may
still be assumed satisfactory if the 28 days test results conforms to the TABLE. If the
results of both the 7 days and 28 day work cube tests show crushing strengths less than
those specified, the Engineer may suspend all concreting work and order further tests to
ascertain if the concrete place in the works is acceptable.

If the results of strength tests indicate that concrete does not meet specified requirements
the concrete production shall be stopped until corrective action is implemented to
guarantee conformance with specification.

The Contractor may be directed to take concrete cores and/or make load tests, at his own
expense, of any work that he has installed with concrete not meeting specified strength
requirements. If cores and/or load tests establish that such work in place does not meet
requirements, the concrete shall be broken out and replace, or otherwise rectified as
requested by the Engineer without cost to the Owner.

The contractor shall be responsible for keeping a record of Slump Tests, and the slump of
the standard cone shall be within the following limits whilst conforming to the specified
crushing strengths:

Table 4



22.5/20, 22.5/40 and 100 + 20 MM 120 + 20 MM

17.5/20, 17.5/40

10.0/20, 10.0/40 24 - 75 MM (minimum) 25 - 100 MM

Checking and testing the concrete quality shall be prerogative of the Engineer who may
increase the number of tests to be made or order such other tests as he may deem
necessary to ensure that the concrete is of the specified strength and workability required
for the works.

All remedial measures including cutting-out, reinating, mix adjustments, further testing and
the like which, in the opinion of the Engineer, are required shall be at the expense of the

7.4.10 Transporting

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Concrete shall be distributed from the mixers to final position in the works as rapidly as
possible and by approved methods which prevent segregation or loss of ingredients. All
equipment shall be thoroughly clean before use or re-use for other grades of concrete.

7.4.11 Placing

(a) Preparation for Placing

Surplus water or any flow of water shall be removed or diverted from the excavation
in accordance with sub-section 3.2.2 of this Specification and the layer of blinding
concrete as specified under sub-section 7.4.6 thoroughly cleaned and washed.

Formwork shall be checked for line, level, shape and rigidity and shall be cleaned of
all debris or other foreign matter which would adhere to or impair the finished
concrete. The forms shall be treated with approved mould oil before fixing the

Reinforcement shall be free from pitting, mud, oil, paint, loose rust or scale or other
adherents harmful to the bond or strength of the reinforcement. Bars shall be fixed
rigidly and accurately in position and in accordance with the working drawings, unless
otherwise approved by the Engineer.

Reinforcement at all intersection shall be accurately tied together with soft annealed
tying wire. No insertion of bars in previous placed concrete shall be permitted.
Projecting bars shall be adequately protected from displacement.

Spot or tack welding for positioning bars in heavily reinforced areas will only be
allowed with the express permission of the Engineer. Extension of lengths of
reinforcement by welding will not be permitted.

Welding will be approved only in low stress members, and lap welding will not be
approved in any circumstances.

(b) Inspection and Approval before Placing

All formwork moulds and fixing of reinforcement shall be subject to inspection and
approval by the Engineer immediately prior to the placing of concrete.

(c) Placing

Placing of concrete will not be permitted when the weather conditions or the limitation
of facilities or equipment for concreting provided by the Contractor are such, in the
opinion of the Engineer, as to prevent construction procedure, finishing and curing of
the concrete.
Not more than thirty (30) minutes after water is first added to the mix and before initial
set has occurred the final placing of the concrete shall be completed. On no account
shall water be added after the initial mixing.

Concrete shall be introduced into the forms between predetermined construction

joints, as near as practicable to its final position in a manner which will not cause
segregation of the mix or displacement of the reinforcement of forms. Placing shall be
in approximately horizontal layers of uniform thickness not exceeding 30 cm.

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Concrete shall not be dropped from a height greater than one a half (1.5) meter and
placing and consolidation shall be done in a manner which will not disturb previously
placed concrete.

If greater drops are unavoidable, a termite or other approved means shall be used so
that the concrete may be effectively placed and compacted in horizontal layers as
before and segregation or disturbance of previously placed concrete does not occur.

Conduits and pipes shall not be embedded in concrete unless specially indicated on
the drawings or instructed by the Engineer.

Formworks and reinforcement with concrete and mortar droppings shall be cleaned in
advanced of placing subsequent lifts.
Concrete finished shall be as specified in sub-section 7.6.

7.4.12 Compacting of Concrete

Concrete shall be consolidated by immersion type vibrators operating at an approved

frequency, and supplemented by hand spading, rodding, ramming and tamping to ensure
adequate and proper compaction.

The concrete shall be carefully worked around reinforcement and embedded fixtures, into
corners and against the forms to produce a dense uniform mass free form defectors, care
shall be exercised to ensure that the duration of vibration is sufficient to produce
satisfactory consolidation without segregation and that the whole depth is thoroughly
compacted without disturbance without to other parts of the work already placed.
Excessive vibration shall be avoided.

The number and type of vibrators shall be approved prior to placing the concrete and
sufficient spare units must be on hand in case of breakdown.

Operators of vibrating tools shall demonstrate that they have received adequate
instruction and training in their use. Every care shall be taken to avoid contact of vibrators
with reinforcement or previously placed concrete.

External formwork vibrators will not be permitted unless specifically approved by the
Engineer on agreed sections of the works.

7.4.13 Construction Joints

Concreting shall be carried out continuously up to approved construction joints with

moulded bounding chases. Unless otherwise approved or instructed concrete shall be
placed to the full depth of slabs, beams and the like and shall be placed in horizontal
layers not exceeding one and one half (1.5) meters deep in walls, column and similar

Construction joints shall be formed in the horizontal vertical planes by means of stop
boards which allow the reinforcement to run through. Where practicable, laitance shall be
removed whilst the concrete is still soft so as to expose the coarse aggregate. Where
concrete already deposited has set but not set hard the laitance shall be removed and the
coarse aggregate expose by wire brushing and washing.

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At joints where the placed concrete has set hard any or laitance shall be removed by
hacking, care being taken to avoid damage to the aggregate.

Immediately before concreting proceeds the roughened joint surface shall be thoroughly
cleaned and loose matter removed, then treated with a layer, 12 mm thick, of cement
mortar 1:1 mix. The concrete shall be immediately deposited and punned into the cement

Where construction joints will be permanently visible, the cement mortar shall be kept
back from the exposed face of the concrete.

7.4.14 Expansion Joints

Expansion joints shall be formed in positions and to the details shown in the drawing the
or as directed.

Joints shall be straight and vertical except where otherwise approved and concrete
surface faces shall be flush on both sides of the joint.

The joints shall be filled with "Flex cell" non extruding wood fiber bitumen impregnated
boarding, and sealed with Plt "Plastic" opical grade rubber bitumen compound, or other
approved products of equal properties and quality.

7.4.15 Contraction Joints

Contraction joints in concrete shall be formed in positions and to details shown on the
drawings or as directed by the Engineer.

The joints shall be straight and vertical except where otherwise approved and concrete
surface levels on both sides of the joint shall be flush. Alternatively they may be formed by
cutting with an approved cutting/sawing machine after the concrete has set.

The surface of the concrete shall be flush on both sides of the joint and the joint shall be
sealed with bituminous polyurethane foam strip or with "Plastic" tropical grade rubber
bitumen compound, poured into the joint, or with other approved products of equal
properties and quality.

7.4.16 Protection and Curing

Proper protection shall be provided to prevent cement from being taken or washed away
and the concrete from being diluted during the process of storing, handling, transporting,
apportioning and mixing the materials, and transporting, placing compacting and curing
the concrete.
Care should be taken to ensure that concrete during hardening is not disturbing by direct
or indirect loading, movement of projecting reinforcement, vibrating or other similar effects.
All concrete shall be protected from the harmful effects of sunshine, wind and rain and
foundation concrete shall also be protected from damage by storm or subsoil water

After placing and during early stages of hardening, concrete shall be protected from
moisture loss, harmful effects of sunshine, wind, rain, running surface water and shocks.

Curing activities shall be started as soon as any free water has disappeared from the
surface of the concrete after placing and finishing. Surfaces shall be kept covered and wet

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for at least fourteen (14) days after placing, or for such other period as may be approved.

Covers shall be Hessian, sacking or other absorbent material and shall be kept wet
continuously for the agreed curing period. Alternative proposed methods of covering the
concrete or sealing-in the moisture should require approval.

Where formwork is removed before the end of the fourteen days curing period, curing as
specified above shall continue on all exposed surfaces until the end of the curing period.


7.5.1 General

Formwork shall be constructed from timber, metal, plastic or concrete, lined as necessary
for special finished and designed with the quality and strength required to ensure rigidity
throughout placing, ramming, vibration and setting of the concrete, without detrimental

7.5.2 Erection

Formwork shall be erected true to line, level and shapes required using a minimum of
approved internal ties. Faces in contact with the concrete shall be true and free from
defect, jointed to prevent loss of water or fines, in panels or units which permit easy
handling, and designed to permit side forms to be struck independently of soffit shuttering.
Ties or spacers remaining embedded shall have the minimum cover specified for

Forms for exposed concrete beams, girder casings and columns shall provide for a twenty
five (25) millimeter chamfer on external corners.

7.5.3 Classes of Formwork

(a) Wrot Formwork

Wrot formwork shall be planed timber "Meranti" or better, plywood, smooth steel or
other material with a similar smooth surface. Samples of the quality of the concrete
finish using wrot formwork shall be required by the Engineer. It shall be used for all
permanently exposed concrete surfaces where a "class A1" finish is required.

(b) Sawn or rough Formwork

Sawn or rough formwork shall be timber as left from the saw or other approved
It shall be used for non-exposed concrete surfaces where a "class A2" finish is
required, and shall include surfaces to be covered by backfill, plaster or the like.

(c) Formwork at Construction Joints

Construction joints in the works shall be so arranged to provide a "starter" to which

the forms for the next lift may be clamped.

Wedges and clamps shall be kept tight during vibrating operations. Before
commencement or resumptions of concreting, the interior of forms shall be cleaned

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and freed of sawdust, shavings, dust, mud or other debris and openings shall be
formed to facilitate this cleaning and inspection.

7.5.4 Removal of Formwork

Formwork shall be kept in position, fully supported, until the concrete has hardened and
gained sufficient strength to carry it self and any loads likely to be imposed upon it.
Stripping must be effected in such a manner and at such a time that no shock or other
injury is caused to the concrete. Results from control test specimens referred to in sub-
section 7.4.9. Shall be used as a guide in the removal of formwork where appropriate.
However, the responsibility for sate removal rests with the Contractor but the engineer
may delay the time of striking if he deems it necessary.

Removal of Formwork

Position in Works Minimum Period before

Striking Formwork

Removal of shuttering to sides of rafts, walls, 3 days

beams and columns 8 days
Removal of shuttering to slabs, beams and 8 days
arches (Props left under)
Removal of props to slabs, beams and arches 15 days


7.6.1 Concrete Cast against Formwork

The following finishes to concrete surfaces unless otherwise specified or shown on the
drawings, shall be as follows:

Class A1 : All permanently exposed surfaces, including exposed sides of foundations.

Class A2 : Surfaces to be covered by backfill, plasters or the like.

Class A1 surfaces shall be dense, fair, smooth, even, free from honeycombing, water and
air holes and other blemishes, true to line and surface and free from board or panel
marking. They shall be of uniform color. Rendering of defective surfaces shall not be
permitted, and, if, ordered by the Engineer the Contractor shall at his own expense cut out
to expose reinforcement and make good any unsatisfactory work. All areas so treated
shall be rubbed down and kept moist for several days.

Application of plaster or rendering to permanently exposed concrete with a class A1 finish

will on no account be accepted.

Class A2 surfaces shall be dense, even, free, from honeycombing and true to line and
Any special finished will be to details or instructions given by the Engineer.
7.6.2 Concrete not cast against formwork

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The following finished shall be provided unless otherwise specified or shown on the

Class B1 : All permanently exposed surfaces, including tops of equipment foundations,

wall copings, windowsills, recast items (except paving flags).
Class B2 : Paving flags and paths. Floors and slabs to be surfaced with blocks, tiles or
water proofing materials.
Class B3 : Roads, buried concrete and floors or slabs to be covered by screen.

Class B1 surfaces shall first be leveled and screeded to produce a true surface. After the
moisture film has disappeared, and the concrete has hardened sufficiently, the surface
shall be finished with a steel trowel under firm pressure to give a smooth, dense, even and
hard surface free from all marks and defects.

Class B2 surfaces shall be leveled and screeded to produce a true surface, and be
finished with wooden or steel float to give a level surface free from screed marks.
Excessive floating shall be avoided.

Class B3 surface shall be leveled and screeded to produce a true and uniform surface.


Precast concrete members shall be used in the works only where specified on the
drawings or approved by the Engineer.

All the requirements for concrete, formwork and reinforcement shall apply equally to the
molds for precast members and concreting shall be carried out in one continuous
Precast members shall not be disturbed or lifted until the minimum periods specified for
formwork removal have elapsed.


In the event of any portion of the concrete work being damaged so that in the opinion of
the Engineer it does not fulfill the requirements of the contract, the replacement or
reinstatement shall be carried out at the expense of the Contractor to the directions of the


7.9.1. Holes, Pockets, Inserts etc.

Holes, cavities and fixings shall be provided in the works only at the positions indicated on
the drawings or as directed and they shall be incorporated as necessary during the work
of concreting. Unless otherwise agreed a tolerance in position of plus or minus five (5)
millimeters shall be allowed.

Insert and bolts shall be fixed square in the works by means of temporary bolts or nuts,
and then concrete cast around them. The projecting portions of such fixings, and concrete
within fifty (50) millimeters of them, shall be bitumastic painted and all threads well
greased on completion of the works. Holes and pockets shall be stepped down clean on

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7.9.2. Ties to Brickwork and Block work

(a) Brickwork shall be tied to structural concrete columns by galvanized wire ties.

(b) Ties to block work at columns shall be galvanized steel dowels and be bedded for
half their length in the nets. Ties shall be fixed at their correct positions to meet block
work joints at a maximum of 500 mm centers.

(c) Positions of ties will not normally be shown on the drawings but unit rates for
concrete will be understood to include for building-in ties for brickwork and block


7.10.1 Concrete

Conform to the requirements specified for Grades 22.5/40 concrete unless otherwise
indicated, except use 10% additional cement in mix and limit slump to 140 mm maximum.

7.10.2 Tremie Equipment

Pipe or tube having minimum diameter of 250 mm, constructed in sections with flanged
couplings fitted with gaskets, and with hopper at top

Support tremie so as to permit free movement of discharge end over entire top surface of
work and so as to permit tremie to be rapidly lowered, when necessary, to choke off or
retard of concrete.

7.10.3 Placing Deposit concrete underwater by carefully placing concrete in its final position by means of
tremie. Do not disturb concrete after it is deposited. Use special care to maintain still water at point of deposit. Do not place tremie concrete
in running water. Carefully regulate consistency of concrete and use special care to prevent segregation of
materials. Place concrete in continuous horizontal layers, with thickness of each layer generally not
exceeding 300 mm. Carefully regulate method of depositing concrete so as to produce
approximately horizontal surfaces on each layer. Have tremie and tremie hopper completely full of concrete during entire placing operation
in order to maintain sufficient head.
Keep flow continuous, and in no case interrupt, until placing of concrete is completed.


Quality Assurance/quality control shall conform to the requirements as specified in this



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7.12.1 Concrete

The quantities of concrete shall be the calculated volumes in cubic meters for each witch
grade of the concrete actually placed (Insitu) in accordance with the approved drawings.

The rates for concrete shall include all materials (expect for reinforcing steel), all labor,
formwork, mixing, placing, vibrating, finishing, curing, and repair of surface defects.

No deduction shall be made in the measurement of concrete for openings in slabs and
walls of 1 square meter or less, chamfers, nosing, bolts, holes, reinforcement, structural
steel sections and the like.

The rates for concrete shall include for all formwork, including struts and supports
required to support concrete below ground level, subject to external pressure and forces.
The rates for concrete shall include preparation of construction joints, cleaning and
complying with all the requirements of this Specification.

The rates for concrete shall include for the costs of tests on material and concrete in
accordance with the requirements of the Specification.

All reinforcement and is measured separately.

7.12.2 Reinforcement

The unit rate for the reinforcing steel in tons shall include all materials, detailing
fabrication, labor, cleaning an specified, necessary wires, temporary supports, spaces
blocks or other material required for fabrication and installation of the reinforcement and
for all other work in providing, fixing and maintaining the shown on the drawings or

No allowance shall be made in the weight of the reinforcement for rolling margin. No
allowance shall be made for waste materials cut from stock length; only the calculated
weight of the reinforcing steel shown on the approval drawing shall be submitted for
payment, the rates for fabric reinforcement shall include for all extra material at lamps, for
all cutting, bending, binding and waste and supporting in position where required. For
fabric reinforcement laps shall be150 millimetre side and end unless otherwise described.

7.12.3 Precast Concrete

The quantities of concrete shall be the calculated volume of the concrete in cubic meter
actually placed in accordance with the approved drawing.

The rates for precast concrete shall include for all necessary dowels, plugs and cramps,
mortises, all moulds, hoisting, slightly rounded edges if required, setting and pointing in
mortar, treating all surfaces to form key for plaster or finishing fair or exposed faces as
necessary, protection, cleaning down and leaving perfect on completion.

The unit price for precast concrete shall include all formwork and erections of precast
units to the position.

7.12.4 Expansion Joints

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Measurement for payment of expansion joints will be made on number of meters of joint
material-furnished and installed at site as shown on the approved drawings or as
approved by the Owner.

The unit price shall include all material, labor and equipment for completion of the work.


8.1. SCOPE

This section of specification consists of the requirement for manufacturing, supplying

driving of piles, mobilization of equipment, erection and the like in accordance with and to
the dimensions shown on the construction drawing.


The buildings and switchyard foundation may be constructed on load-bearing bored

piles/driven piles. Setting out of the bored driven piles position shall be carried out by the
Contractor in the presence of the Supervisor. A proper record must be taken and the
Contractor is solely responsible for their correct position.

Boring works shall be carried out mechanically and by a specialist enterprise, to which
prior approval must be obtained from the Employer.

The length of each bored/driven pile will be in accordance with geotechnical survey.
However, the actual length of each pile must conform to the depth of the bearing stratum
and be determined on site by the Supervisor. Where the bored hole need to be prevented
from soft earth or influx of water and where casings.
Contractor shall furnish all labour, material and equipment, necessary design, to fabricate,
deliver, install and test the piles, complete as specified herein and shown on the approved


The following codes and standards are specifically applicable to the design, manufacture
and testing of the work included in the Specification:

ASTM : American Society for Testing and Maintenance.

ACI : American Concrete Institute.
JIS : Japan International Standard



A proposal shall submit for the Driven Piles or Bored Piles. The Contactor shall submit
with the Bid proposal details or the proposed pile including the outside dimension.

Contractor shall be fully responsible for furnishing the dimension required for driving
sound piles or bored piles. Concrete strength shall also be sufficient to withstand ground
pressure from driving adjacent piles.

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(a) The Driven Piles or Bored Piles shall conform to requirements of ACI 313-1983 and
ACI 543-1974 or JIS A 5335-1987 and JIS B 3536-1983 (or latest). All pile shall be
new and shall be made locally.
(b) Piles shall be supplied free from harmful defects and of good commercial finish with
regard to smoothness and freedom form loose scale and rust.
(c) The certificate of test performed on material to be used for piles shall be submitted
to the Owner prior to pile acceptance and manufacturing.
(d) When requested by the Owner the Contractor shall accompany the Owner to the
place of manufacture to witness test and inspections carried out on the piles.
(e) For each consignment of piles delivered to the site, the Contactor shall submit to the
Owner, copies of the manufacture’s certificate.


Before commencing the work, the contractor shall prepare and submit to the Employer
approval, the following:
a) Construction and shop drawings
b) Quality Assurance procedure

No more than there (3) weeks after completing the works, the Bidder shall submit a Quality
Control (QC) report in accordance with this specification and specification, concrete works.


8.7.1. Design Criteria

a) The Driven Piles shall indicate in the Contractor’s detail drawing that have been
designed for an allowable of load with a safety factor 2.0

b) If prestressed is used, concrete compressive strength up to minimum design 500

kg/cm²and for conventional concrete pile shall be 225 kg/cm²
c) Prestressing reinforcement shall be steel stand conforming to JIS G 5335 and the
prestress steel breaking’s strength is 160 kg/mm².

d) All other non prestressing reinforcing shall be deformed steel bars conforming to JIS
G 3112 grade 40 or ASTM A 615 M Grade 400

8.7.2. Jointing

Splicing of piles performed by “piles Manufacture Procedure” or approved by the engineer.

8.7.3. Soil Data

Soil investigations to obtain the necessary soil data will be performed by the Contractor.

8.7.4. Concrete Pile Manufacturing and Transport

a) Length of concrete piles shall be determined as to allow proper handling of concrete

piles, transport and driving and subject to Owner’s approval.
b) Transport of completed piles shall be such as not damage to piles.

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8.7.5. Lines and Grade

a) The Contractor shall lay out lines and grades and be fully responsible for correctness
of such lines and grades and for proper execution of the work to such lines and

b) All surveying shall be in accordance with the specification.

8.7.6. Piling Equipments, Installation

a. Driving equipment

The Contractor shall submit with the Bid proposal full details of the proposed pile
driving equipment and the method of carrying out the work. Such information shall
include: a full description of frame, hammer and packing, the method of handling and
pitching piles and supporting them during driving and proposed driving procedure to
obtain the penetration and accuracy required. The pilling equipment shall be capable
of driving the piles to the ultimate resistance of 2 times nominal compression capacity
/design load capacity.

b. Length of piles

The length of piles shall be as necessary to develop the required pile capacity. The
contractor shall determine length of piles based on geotechnical data and shall be
proven by pile load test.

c. Setting out

The main setting out for the piles is to be completed prior to commencement of
pilling. Secondary or individual pile setting out is to be completed and agreed upon
not less than 8 hours prior to commencing work on the piles concerned. All main
setting out points, lines stations and the like are to be maintained safe and

8.7.7. Driving on Piles

a) All piles shall satisfy the tolerance for position and inclination as stated herein. The
deviation in position of the as driven centreline of a pile or the projection of its
centreline from the pile centre point as shown on the setting out drawings shall not
exceed 75 mm when measured in a horizontal direction at the defined level.
Deviation from vertical piles and batter piles shall not deviate by more than 2 in 100
from the specified batter.

b) If piles are installed out of plan position or line beyond allowable tolerance, the piles
shall be extracted or additional piles shall be driven, as requested by the Owner, to
properly provide for load conditions and to avoid overstressing of piles. Manipulation
of piles to force them into proper position or line will not be permitted. The Contractor
shall be responsible to extract and / or drive additional piles as noted above at no
cost to the Owner.

c) Any damaged pile shall be abandoned, replaced or repaired as approved by the

Owner at Contractor expense. Abandoned piles shall be driven as requested, to
provide for load conditions and to avoid overstressing of piles. The Contractor shall

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be responsible to drive additional at no cost to the Owner.

d) Piles shall be driven until the required final set is achieved. If piles do not achieve the
required final set at the specified depth, pile shall be driven deeper until specification
in met and upper portion shall be extended by welding.

e) Driving of production piles shall not begin until the evaluation of preliminary pile load
tests for tension load, lateral load and compression load to failure has been

8.7.8. Pile Cut-Off

On completion of the driving of the piles to the levels approved by the Owner, the heads of
all piles shall be cut off the level indicated of the drawing. Cut-off piles at elevations
indicate only after there is on danger from upheaval. All cut-offs by him from the Project

8.7.9. Extraction of Piles

When extraction of piles is required, it shall be carried out using efficient extraction
equipment or adequate capacity. The extraction equipment shall be correctly positioned
over the pile to minimise damage to the pile head and to prevent any major disturbance of
the supporting ground. Pile head damage during extraction and pile toes found to have
been damaged during initial driving are to be trimmed with a clean cut perpendicular to the
plea axis prior to redriving. Extension pieces shall be added as necessary to restore the
pile to its original length.

8.7.10 the Piles Connection with Pile Caps

Adequate structural connection between the piles and the pile caps shall be provided to
suit design talking into account the seismic requirements.

8.7.11 Records of Pile Construction

During the course of the work, the contractor shall maintain a complete record of pile
construction and the Contractor shall submit to the Owner, in approved format, a record of
each pile. Each pile record shall be submitted immediately after completion of each pile
and shall include the followings:

- Type pile
- Pile number and all principal characteristics of the pile including dimensions
- The depth and rate of penetration, in relation to site datum, for the length of the pile
- Details of driving and installation sequence progress, including dates, times, equipment
used and personal (operator, engineer, etc).
- The equipment hammers model number, weight and rated energy
- Number of hammer blows for each 300 mm of driving / penetration
- Actual location of piles as driven, with variations from plan locations indicated
- Variations in plumpness or batter
- Set on completion of the initial drive and final set on completion of the final redrive
- Any unusual phenomena encountered in driving piles
- Depth and type of soil strata
- Observation of ground water level and ground water inflow
- Name of Inspector for each pile

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- Cushion material identification when changed, when material added

- Tip elevation when driving if completed
- Cut-off Elevation
- Depth and size of auger (if required)


8.8.1 Design Criteria

a) The safety factor F against pile failure shall be F = P failure / P effective = 2.0
b) All detail with respect to the pile dimensions, length, reinforcement, cover plates ect.
Shall be shown on the Bidder’s shop drawings, and shall be subject to approval by
the Employer.
c) Concrete compressive strength up to a design minimum 225 kg/cm².
d) All reinforcing shall be deformed steel bars confirming to Grade 400 after ASTM A

8.8.2. Piling Equipment, Installation and Workmanship Boring Equipment

a) The Bidder shall submit with the Bid Proposal full details of the proposed pile boring
equipment and the method of carrying out the work, such information shall include a
full description of the frames, lifting devices and other equipment needed for the
b) The equipment shall be capable of boring through bearing strata, boulders, shales,
staff clays, gravels, sand and limestone, and shall be capable of shunking bore holes
in diameters within the range of 400 mm to 600 mm and down to depths of 40 m.
c) The diameters of both augers and clearing bucket shall be least equal to the
diameters of pile to be installed. Where inclined rock surfaces are encountered, a
coring bucket shall be used to level the rock surface before commencing with
chiselling or coring. The Bidder shall allow in the unit rate of the pile costs for
consequent enlargement of the pile arising from over boring, including additional
concrete resulting from such enlargement. Length of Piles

The length of the piles shall be as necessary to develop the required pile capacity. The
Bidder shall determine length of piles based on geotechnical data and shall be proven by
pile load tests. Setting Out

The Bidder shall provide all pegs, rods, survey instrument, concrete posts etc. Needed for
setting out the works. The Bidder is to ensure that boundary marks defining the limits of
Owners property are in their correct positions. The Bidder shall be responsible for setting
out the piles from the approved drawings and boundary marks, and for date guarding the
position and level of all reference pegs, boundary and bench marks used for setting out
the piles. Boring on Piles

a) All piles shall satisfy the tolerances for position and inclinations as stated herein. The

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deviation in position of centre of pile or the projection of its centre line from the pile
centre point as shown on the setting out drawing shall not exceed 75 mm in any
direction from the true position of the same pile, provide also that the true centre of
pile shall not deviate laterally from the true centre of the same pile by more than 40

b) If any pile has been installed out of plan or line beyond allowable tolerance the Bidder
shall be responsible to remedy as noted above as no cost to the Employer.

c) Piles shall not be bored so close to adjacent piles which have been recently cast and
containing workable, unset or fresh concrete such that a flow of concrete may be
induced from or otherwise causing damage to those adjacent piles.

d) No pile shall be bored or pile casing be driven nearer that five times its diameter
(measured centre to centre) from an unfilled pile borehole or from uncased concrete
pile where the concrete had been placed less than 24 hours previously.

e) On completion of boring and immediately prior to casting, all loose, disturbed or

remoulded soil or rock shall be removed from the base of the pile. Unless otherwise
agreed, cleaning of the pile base shall be carried out by means of a flat bottom
cleaning bucket. In case of deep piles with lengths in excess of 50 meters or where
debris at the bottom of the bore cannot be broken down sufficiently to facilitate
extraction by cleaning bucket method, the air lift (grab bucket) method may be
employed in combination with the flat bottom cleaning bucket to clean the base of
pile. In such cases, a final round of cleaning by the flat bottom bucket should always
be carried out before casting can proceed.

f) In the event of rapid loss of drilling fluid from the pile excavation, the excavation shall
be backfilled without delay with available material up to a level where no further loss
of drilling fluid is observed. The Bidder shall investigate and determine the cause of
fluid loss while the pile excavation is left to stabilise under the action of the drilling
fluid. Based on the outcome of his investigation, the Bidder shall submit for
agreement his proposed method of construction before resuming pile construction.

g) All reasonable steps shall be taken to prevent the spillage of drilling fluid on the site
in areas outside the immediate vicinity of the bore. In particular, discarded bentonite
shall be removed from the site without delay. Any disposal of bentonite shall comply
with the regulations of the local controlling authority.

h) Any damage pile shall be abandoned, replaced or repaired as approved of the

Employer at the Bidder’s expanse. Abandoned piles shall be filled with soil and no
cost to the Employer. Additional piles shall be installed as requested, to provide for
load conditions and to avoid overstressing of piles. The bidder shall be responsible to
install additional piles as no cost to the Employer. Concreting

a) The requirements of the Concrete Specification shall apply to the construction of

bored piles.

b) The concrete for each pile shall be from the same source. The Bidder is to ensure
that the supply from what ever source (whether site-mixed or ready mixed) is of
sufficient quantity so that concrete for each pile shall be placed without such

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interruption as would allow the workability of the previously placed batch to have
deteriorated significantly.
c) All bored holes shall be concreted within the same day. In the event of rain, the
Bidder is to provide adequate shelter to keep the hole dry and to concrete under

d) The method of placing and the workability of concrete shall be such that a continuous
monolithic concrete shaft of the full cross-section is formed. The method of placing
shall be approved by the Employer. The Bidder shall take all precautions in the
design of the mix and the placement of concrete to avoid arching of the concrete in
the pile shaft. No spoil, liquid or other deleterious matter shall be allowed to
contaminate the concrete. Pile Cut-Off

Concrete shall be finished not less than 500 mm above the cut-off level (“overcast”) to
ensure that all concrete at and below cut-off level is homogeneous and free of laitance
and deterious matter. A thicker overcast may be required by the PT. PLN depending on
site conditions, and this shall be carried out without extra cost. The overcast shall be
chipped off level later by the Contractor. Connection between Piles and Pile Caps

Adequate structural connection between the piles and the caps shall be provided to suit
the design requirement to accommodate the seismic force. Records of Pile Construction

During the course of the work, the Bidder shall maintain a complete record of pile
construction and the Bidder shall submit to PT PLN P3B JB, in an approved format, a
record to reach pile. Each pile record shall be submitted immediately after completion of
each pile and shall include:
a) Type, location and site of pile.
b) Pile number and all principle characteristics of pile including dimensions.
c) Details of boring and concreting sequence progress, including dates, times,
equipment used and personnel (operator, Employer, etc).
d) Actual location of piles, with variation from plan location and inclination as indicated.
e) Date and time of Boring.
f) Weather Condition.
g) Ground level before commencement of pile installations.
h) Pile cut-off level.
i) Length Temporary casting.
j) Any unusual phenomena encountered
k) Depth and type of soil strata.
l) Observation of ground water level and ground water in flow.
m) Name of inspector for each pile.


8.9.1. Scope of work

a) Work specified under this section includes furnishing all labor, materials and
equipment for compression, tension and lateral load testing of the piles.
b) Drive test pile to indicate depth and / or indicate resistance.

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c) Keep a penetration record of test piles and anchor piles in accordance with
requirements set forth in clause 7.11 above.
d) The pile load testing shall be carried out to the satisfaction of the Owner.
e) Upon completion of the preliminary pile load testing, the Contractor shall cut-off the
preliminary test piles, as directed by the Owner and dispose of the out-off portion.

8.9.2. Method of test General test provisions

1) Perform tests to the test load indicated on the approved drawings or as specified
herein. Test equipment for the compressive load test shall be capable of applying
the required test load. Test equipment for the lateral and tensile load test shall be
capable of applying a test load equal to 300 % of the test design load shown on the
approved drawings.

2) Care shall be taken to ensure that the load applied by the hydraulic jack is coaxial
with the pile.

3) Maintain continuously during test period. If a test is stopped before completion, and
the load is wholly or partially removed from the test pile due to improper or insufficient
loading, yield of supports or connections, malfunctioning of measuring and testing
equipment or after mechanical reasons or for reasons which the test abandoned and
replaced bay a new test on another pile at and adjacent location at on additional cost.

4) Prior to driving each preliminary test pile, the Contractor shall drill a borehole located
between 1 and 2 meters from each test pile. The boring shall consist of continuous
sampling with Standard Penetration Teat (STP) being preformed at 2.0 m intervals in
the soil continuous sampling. A Dutch cone penetration test shall also be performed
at each boring location.

5) Before commencing any test, the Contractor shall submit for approval full detail of his
proposals including the datum beam arrangement and location of supports. Working
piles shall not be used as tension reaction piles.

6) Sufficient number of anchor piles shall be driven to prevent excessive movement of

anchor piles. All devices for measuring the settlement of piles shall be sheltered and
rigidly attached to firm and independent support driven not less than 2.5 m from the
nearest point of the test pile or anchor piles.

7) The calibrated load cell shall be used for the load measurements. Compressive load test

1) Perform compressive load test on individual piles in accordance with applicable

requirements of ASTM D 1143.

2) Hydraulic jack and anchored reaction member method shall be used to apply the test
load. Jacking against productions piles acting in tension shall not be permitted.

3) Prior to the start of production pile driving, compressive test to failure shall be
perform on individual test piles driven for testing purpose. The location of the test
piles shall be as indicated on the approved drawings.

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4) Compressive test shall be perform on individual production piles selected by the

Owner. The approximate location and number of test shall be as indicated on the
approved drawings.

5) Test load for preliminary loading test, and in excess of standard load test for
production piles shall be applied in accordance with the loading procedure as
specified in ASTM D 1143. The cyclical load test as specified in ASTM D 1143 shall
be included in the preliminary pile loading test. Cyclical load tests for production pile
load tests only if indicated on the approved drawings.

6) For the preliminary compression tests, loading shall be increased as specified in

ASTM D 1143 until failure or when 200 % for individual and 150% for group of the
test design load is reached. Loading for the production piling test shall be increased
as specified in ASTM D 1143.

7) Monitor pile head deflection using a minimum of 3 dials gages, mounted to an

independent frame and located radically about the pile.

8) Failure shall be defined as the load at which vertical deflection or the pile head
exceeds 0.25 mm. Test equipment and materials

1) Provide all equipment and materials required for the tests and remove all such
equipment and materials at conclusion of tests.

2) Submit drawing of the test arrangement, including full data, for equipment and
materials, for review and Owner’s approval.

3) Test Results: Submit test results complete with tabulation of all test data to the
Owner immediately after conclusion of test. Data shall include, as minimum,
calibration results of all test loading equipment, all dial gauge readings at each
increment and decrement of load, time duration of test with time started and time
completed and any unusual occurrences during testing.

8.9.3. Number of Test

1. Before piling work commences, preliminary pile tests shall be carried out.
2. The preliminary load tests shall be carried out on 1 pile. The location of the piles will
be designated by Engineer.

8.9.4. Measurement for Payment

Pre-production piles furnished for testing only will be measured by the meter and shall
include furnishing and driving the pile as required by Specification for Fabrication and
Installation of Steel piles (or Reinforced Concrete and Prestressed Concrete piles) for the
complete pile. Piles furnished for testing only are the reaction piles and pre-production
piles selected for compression testing.

Testing piles will be measured by the number of pile type test (Vertical compression to

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The unit price for each load test shall include the frame, auxiliary piles, drilling of bore
hole, labor, instrumentation, measurement of settlement, reports and all other work and
material necessary to satisfactory complete the pile load tests. No payment will be made
for improperly conducted load tests which must be repeated.


1. QA/QC shall conform to the requirements of Section “Quality Assurance & Quality

2. The QA / QC procedure shall include the requirements defined in this specification, in

particular in Subsection 8.6 and aspect such as:
- Definition of design requirements.
- Compliance with the requirements.
- Material testing.
- Shop tests and inspection procedures.
- Transportation.
- Tests prior to start of works.
- Tests during execution of works.
- Control procedure for materials fabricated at site
- Construction control procedures.
- Tolerance.
- Inspections of Erection and Installation.
- Erection tests (e.q. load tests).
- Commissioning and testing.


This item will be measured in meters (with two fraction of decimals) as the number of meter
of vertical or batter pile satisfactorily installed and as measured from the tip elevation to the
design cut-off elevation along the centerline of each pile accepted. This item includes
furnishing, storing, handling, supporting, driving, cut-off and all other work necessary to
complete the pile.


9.1. Lime shall be pressure hydrated and commercially available material. Total unhydrated
calcium oxide (CaO) and magnesium oxide (MgO) shall not exceed 8 percent.


Mixing of mortar shall be generally as specified in Sub-section 7.4.8. The ingredients shall
be accurately measured and thoroughly mixed before water is added. The amount of water
shall be the minimum necessary to produce a workable and compact mass of the correct
consistency. An approved admixture to improve workability may be used if the Contract
wishes to do so provided it used in accordance with the manufacture’s instructions.

Small quantities of mortar shall be mixing in one time and shall be used within thirty (30)
minutes of preparation. Any mortar not than used shall be discarded. Retempering of mortar
will not be permitted.


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The mortar mixes to be used in the works shall be referenced and proportioned as follows:

Grade A : One (1) volume cement and three (3) volumes fine aggregate.
Grade B : One (1) volume cement and one (1) volume lime putty and six (6) volumes


Unless otherwise specified, ordered or shown on the drawing, the various mortar grades
shall be used in the works as fallows:

Grade A : Grouting of foundation and other steelwork, screeds to falls in cable troughs,
floor screeds pointing of walls and bedding and jointing generally below
damp proof course level or ground level.
Grade B : Walls generally above ground level or damp proof course level.


Air entraining, water reducing, set accelerating, set retarding, or other additives shall not be
used except with the written of the Engineer, following comparative concrete durability and
compression strength tests carried out on concrete made with and without additives.

Test with additives shall give durability and compressive strength at least equal to those
without additives except that water reducing agents shall increase the compressive strength
by ten (10) percent. The use of all additives shall be strictly supervised.



The Contractor is responsible for all civil works required for the cable runs between
switchgear and buildings, whether cables are buried, in ducts or in cable trenches. Cable
entries into buildings shall be through ducts or in cable trenches.
Trench covers outside buildings shall be of reinforced concrete, designed for the maximum
likely imposed loads appropriate to their location. All buried cables must be protected by
means of approved cable tiles, or similar.


All cable ducts are to be constructed in concrete following clause 5.7 and drawings. Where
indicated drain holes and a general fall for drainage must be provided. The openings and
pipe positions at the trench shall be accurately located.
The corbels or rebates at the trench walls must be horizontally formed so that the cover
plates would be seated flush.

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11.1 SCOPE

This section consists of the requirement for the structural steelworks in skeleton of


The Contractor shall have full effort to apply Indonesian Code. Other recognized standard
may be used.


Checked shop drawings and calculations shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval
before any material is fabricated. Drawings shall show all connection details, erection plans,
temporary bracing, cutting lists, etc.

Approval by the Engineer based on the checking of general design and arrangement only,
shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility for the correctness of all measurements,
detailing, fabrication, alignment and erection of the work.

Should amendments or revisions be required by the Engineer further drawings and

calculations shall be submitted until the Engineer's approval is obtained. The Contractor
shall supply additional copies of the approved drawings as required by the Engineer.
Once approved, no changes or modifications shall be made without the Engineer's consent
in writing.

Unless otherwise indicated; the surface of structural steelwork should be sand blasting
cleaned, before proceed structural steelwork painting.


11.4.1 Painting

All steel and ironwork is to be galvanized or painted and shall be fabricated before
galvanizing or painting.

Site drilling or cutting of steel will generally not be permitted, but any agreed to be
necessary shall be carried out in an approved fashion, and the exposed bare metal treated
immediately with zinc-rich or other approved metallic primer as approved or directed by the

11.4.2 Shop Painting

With the exception of steelwork which is to be encased in concrete painted, all surfaces of
steelwork shall be shot blasted to a commercial gray finish using chilled iron shot of an
approved type and grade to a profile height of 40 microns mini.

All surfaces of steelwork shall then be painted with one Epoxy metallic zinc holding primer
of an approved type and make within on hour of shot-blasting, to be applied by airless

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All surfaces of steelwork which will be in accessible after fabrication of the steelwork, such
as back to back angles etc., shall then be painted two coats of red lead and two coats of
Micaceous Iron Oxide paint.

Contact surfaces of steelwork shall be painted two coats of red lead, other than those
included above.

All areas of painted surfaces shall be made good of any damage incurred during stockpiling
and delivery to Site prior to erection.

11.4.3 Site painting

All materials shall be the best of their respective and shall be supplied from an approved
Manufacturer and suitable for the climatic conditions of site.

The contractor shall undertake to arrange with the Paint Manufacturer who supplies the
paints and materials for this contract for technical supervision by the Paint Manufacturer at
intervals of not less than once per week on the Site during the carrying out of this contract
at no extra cost to the Employer.

All materials shall be applied in strict accordance with the Manufacturer's instructions and
shall not be diluted in any way unless specifically stated and agreed by the Manufacturer
and the primings and under coatings shall be those recommended by the Manufacturer for
their respective finishing paints.

All materials shall be delivered direct from the Manufacturer on to the Site in sealed
containers on which maker's name and brand are clearly displayed, and shall be stored to
comply with all requirements for the preservation of the paints.

The whole of the work shall be executed to give a uniform finish and is in all cases to be
equivalent in appearance to the existing newly painted work.
If any of the painting work deteriorates from any cause other than by mechanical damage by
others the contractor shall thoroughly scrape and remove the damaged paint work and
repaint the area affected in accordance with the Specification and to the satisfaction of the

A color schedule for all painting works will be made available to the contractor prior to
commencement of the works.

The contractor is to carry out at the Engineer direction the painting of sample panels.
Sample panels shall be of a size directed by the Engineer and shall be preserved as
examples and removed or obscured when directed by the Engineer.
All finishes shall be such as to completely cover and obscure the base construction and
priming coats such that additional coats of paint will not effect a significant improvement.

All finishes shall be consistent in color and free from brush marks and all irregularities and
defects in the paint surface.
Drying times shall be such that dust contamination of the finished surface is kept to a
minimum consistent with a good hard gloss finish.

No painter’s materials shall be emptied down gullies or wastes to sanitary fittings.

All rubbish is to be cleared from time to time as it accumulates, and the premises on

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completion are to be left clean and fit for occupation.


11.5.1 Structural steel

The whole of the steel used in the works except steel rods and fabric for concrete
reinforcement shall conform in every respect to the requirements of approved standards.

11.5.2 Electrodes

Electrodes shall be suitable for the type of weld, the duties imposed on the weld and the
properties of the parent metal.

11.5.3 Bolts and washers

All bolts shall be fitted with one flat steel washer under the nut appropriate to the grade of
bolt used.
High strength friction grip bolts (HSFG) are permitted.


11.6.1 Testing and inspection

The contractor shall supply to the Engineer copies of the manufacturer's certificates
certifying that the steel as used in the works is of a quality fully complying with the

When so instructed by the Engineer the contractor shall provide samples of the steel to be
used in the works for tests to be carried out at an independent laboratory approved by the
The whole of the steelwork manufactured, fabricated and erected under this contract shall
be subject to inspection by the Engineer, who shall have access to the fabrication shop off
site for the purpose of inspection at all reasonable times, and the contractor shall provide all
necessary facilities, including transport for the Engineer to carry out such inspection.
Should the works, or any part thereof, fail to pass any test, or in the opinion of the Engineer
fail to comply with the Specification, then the contractor shall immediately take such action
as is necessary to ensure that the works are made to comply with this specification. All
defective materials and workmanship will be rejected and the same shall be replaced and
reconstructed at the contractor's expense.

11.6.2 Fabrication

Fabrication of structural steelwork, cutting, drilling, welding, assembly preparation and

protection of surfaces shall as far as practicable be carried out before steelwork is delivered
to site.

All bars, plates, tubes to rolled sections shall be straightened, freed from twist or otherwise
trued before any work is done on them.

All holes shall be drilled in the solid to sizes indicated on drawings.

All rough edges and burrs, due to drillings, shall be removed.
All notches and re-entrant cuts shall have their corners rounded to a minimum of 12 mm

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Ends of universal beams, joints, channels, angles, tees and tubes shall be cold sawn to
exact lengths, true and square.
The ends of all columns shall be machined to butt at column bases, caps and splices. All
members when finished shall be free from any distortion or twist.

All such work of fabrication as is reasonably practicable shall be completed in the shop and
as possible the bolt head shall be on the upper side of the connection.

All girders that bed or fix against other members shall have their ends finished true and
square and be of the strict length shown on the approved drawings. In all cases holes used
for connections shall be in their true position.

11.6.3 Erection

All steelwork shall be effectively stayed as necessary during the carrying out of the works.

All stanchions shall be placed in true position and shall be strictly vertical and all necessary
packing shall be provided for setting the stanchions to correct levels prior to grouting.

End clearance for beams shall be kept to a workable minimum but should allow the
structure to be erected without any straining. Reasonable springing and rocking of
stanchions shall be permitted to an extent approved by the Engineer.

The finished structures shall be plump, level and true to linear dimensions, within the
following tolerances:

(a) Stanchions bases:

Level to within 4 mm of levels shown on contractor's approved drawings and horizontal

alignment to be within 4 mm of both true grid lines.

(b) Stanchions:

Not more than 4 mm in 4 meters out of plumb in any direction and not more than 7 mm
out of plumb in the total height of stanchions of two or more stores.

(c) Beams:

Top surfaces to be level within 4 mm of levels shown on the contractor's approved


11.6.4 Tests after erection

All lifting beams shall be tested after erection. On successful completion of these tests the
contractor for the beam and supply to the Engineer in triplicate completed test certificates.


All material shall be properly protected to prevent damage during transportation. Bolts, nuts,
washers and other small loose items shall be packed in boxes. Plates and section edges
prepared for field welding shall be protected. Floor plate shall be bundled.

In all cases where finished steelwork in exposed, in addition to care being exercised to

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ensure sound work, regard shall be made to finish.

Before leaving the marks, all steelwork shall be clearly marked to conform with the key

The contractor shall define all centerlines of girder bearings with all the care necessary to
ensure the whole work coming together in proper position.

All bearing levels must be determined or checked by the contractor relative to a datum
previously agreed with the Engineer.

The contractor shall define all centerlines of girder bearings with all the care necessary to
ensure the whole work coming together in proper position.

All bearing levels must be determined or checked by the contractor relative to a datum
previously agreed with the Engineer.

The contractor shall furnish templates of the bolt spacing for all stanchions and wall

Holding down bolts, assemblies, templates, tubes and washers shall be delivered to the site
in sufficient time to position and build them into the foundations. No boxing out shall be
permitted. These bolts are to be screwed sufficiently to allow for them to project above the
finished foundation levels.

The method of welding shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer and the contractor
shall accept full responsibility for all such welding work being executed.

All welding shall be carried out by certified welders and the contractor shall produce such
evidence of competency as the Engineer may require before any welding is commenced at
the works.

Intermittent welds shall not be used without the prior approval of the Engineer. The
contractor shall carry out the nondestructive testing of all butt welds subject to tensile
stresses, those made in the fabrication shop shall be tested in the fabrication shop and
those made on Site shall be tested on the site.

The results of such tests shall be submitted to the Engineer and the contractor shall provide
all facilities to the Engineer to enable him to be present at such tests.

The contractor shall unload and store all fabricated steel at the site. If any structural steel
and accessories arrive at the site in bent or distorted conditions, the connections to the
members at his own expense and with the that has been damaged in the course of
shipment to the extent of seriously effecting the properties of the Engineers and cannot be
replaced by a new member at the contractor's expenses.

Proper care shall be taken in storing and handling of fabricated materials at site to avoid
damage to painting.

Stacking shall be done clear of the ground and in order of erection as far as possible to
reduce multiple handling.

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The sub grade shall be thoroughly compacted by hand or mechanical ramming.

If filling is required, it shall comply with the Specification for Bulk Filling and shall be spread
and compacted in layers not exceeding fifteen (15) cm deep.


Hardcore, as described in the Earthworks and Excavation section of this Specification, shall
be spread on the sub grade and thoroughly rammed and compacted to give a total
compacted thickness of fifteen (15) cm. It shall be finished true to level and thoroughly
blinded with small gravel and sand or similar granular material, spread and compacted to a
smooth even surface. During compaction, water shall be sprayed in such manner to get a
dense of hardcore layer.


An impervious membrane shall be laid under ground floor slabs. The membrane shall be
laid flat with the minimum number of joints on the sand/gravel blinding layer in a manner
that reduces the risk of damage to a minimum.

The siliconised protective paper shall be placed in contact with the sand layer, and joints
sealed in accordance with the recommendations of the membrane manufacturer and the
whole inspected and approved by the Engineer prior to laying a 10 cm thick protective layer
of concrete grade 10.0/20.


Concrete floor slabs shall have a minimum structural thickness of one hundred and fifty
(150) millimeters or such greater thickness of concrete grade 22.5/40 as required by the
design to safely carry the combination of dead, live loads, imposed and wind loads or
seismic condition, which produces the worst effects in the structure under consideration.

Slabs to be surfaced with screed shall be given a class B3 finish.

Slabs to be un surfaced, or painted, shall be given a class B1 finish.

The bay layout of floor slabs should be agreed with the Engineer before construction


12.5.1 Cement/sand screed

(a) Requirements:

(1) A screed of 1:3 cement/sand with twenty five (25) millimeters thick shall be applied
on all concrete floor slabs whose surfaces will not normally receive any further

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(2) The surface of the structural concrete shall be thoroughly cleaned from all rubbish,
concrete and mortar droppings. Oil and grease patched shall be cleaned with
approved agents. The surface of the floor should be roughened to the satisfaction
of the Engineer, wire brushed and thoroughly cleaned by washing with clean
water. Surplus water shall be brushed off and 1:1 sand/cement slurry brushed
over the surface immediately before the laying of the screed.

(3) The mix shall be one part Portland cement to three parts sand with water/cement
ratio as low as possible compatible with workability.

(4) The finished surface shall be laid in panels of approved size and trowelled smooth
to produce a hard, dense and flat surface.

(b) Uses for al surfaces:

(1) Battery, DC room and storage.

(2) Auxiliary building.

12.5.2 Floor hardness and paint

All concrete floor surface (including granolithic screeds) which are not to be covered with
tiles or other covering shall be treated with an approved proprietary hardening liquid applied
in strict accordance with the manufacture's instructions.

Where a colored finish is required an approved floor hardening decorative epoxy paint shall
be applied to the surface of the new concrete or granolithic secreted after curing and
hardening. The paint shall be an approved proprietary product and applied strictly in
accordance with the manufacturers instructions and the work shall be carried out during the
maintenance period.



13.1.1. Materials

Cement, mortar, sand and water shall be as specified in clause this Specification.

13.1.2. Cement/sand mix

Rendering for internal and external work shall comprise of grade C mortar mixed dry in a
mechanical mixer until uniform distribution of the material and color are obtained. Sufficient
water and the plaster shall be used as soon as possible after mixing. Plaster shall not be
used after commenment of initial set, no setting batch shall be mixed with another.

13.1.3. Internal rendering

Internal rendering shall be applied in one coat, with thickness of sixteen (16) millimeters.
The walls shall be wetted before the application of the coat, which shall be finished flat and
vertical by straightedge and scored to form a key. The second coat shall not be applied until
the first coat has dried out completely.

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Immediately before application of the second coat, the surface of the first coat shall be
wetted and the second coat shall be applied and finished to a smooth, hard and dense
surface which is truly flat and vertical. An approved plasticizer may be used in second coat.

13.1.4. External rendering

External rendering where required shall be applied in two coats the first being nowhere less
than twelve (12) millimeters thick. An approved waterproofing agent shall be added to the
mix. The walls shall be wetted before the application of the first coat, which shall be finished
flat and vertical by straightedge. The first coat shall be allowed to dry before a second coat
is applied. The second coat shall be applied by machine, to give a 'Tyrolean' finish of
uniform thickness and texture. The contractor shall produce samples of the Tyrolean finish
for approval before any second coat work is commenced. All external rendering shall be
protected from rain and direct sunlight for a period of seven (7) days. The external rendering
shall be colored, as directed by the Engineer.

13.1.5. Preparation

All surfaces to be rended shall be clean free from dust, grease, loose mortar and all traces
of salts. They shall then be thoroughly wetted, and excess moisture allowed evaporating
before rendering is applied. Before rendering all junctions of dissimilar materials covered by
the rendering shall be reinforced.

This shall be applying where walls about columns concrete lintels and similar situation
where cracks are likely to develop, and where directed by the Engineer. The reinforcing
mesh shall be fixed at the edges by stapling, plugging or nailing at intervals of 500 mm or
less and as required, and shall be completely embedded in the first coat.

13.1.6. Application and Curing

After preparation of the surfaces to be rendered, the first coat shall be applied to the
required thickness between screeds, laid ruled and plumbed as necessary. If a second coat
is to be applied, the first coat shall be scratched when nearly set to form a key for the
second coat.
The first coat shall be allowed to set completely before the second coat is applied. All
plastering or rendering shall be executed in a neat workmanlike manner. All faces except
circular work shall be true and flat and angles shall be straight and level or plumb.

Plastering shall be neatly finished up to metal or wood frame or skirting and around pipes or
fittings. All metal frame to doors or windows adjacent plasterwork shall be protected by wide
adhesive tape from plastering operations the tape being removed after the plasterwork has

Surface described as trowelled smooth shall be finished with a steel or plastic trowel to a
smooth flat surface free from trowel marks. Surface described as floated shall be finished
with a wood float to a flat surface free from trowel or float marks.

All plastering or rendering shall be cured and protected against too rapid drying by, where
practicable draping with Hessian sprayed constantly with water.

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14.1. SCOPE

This section of Specification cover the work in new extension substation / switchyard area in
order to divert excess rain / storm water to the existing drainage.

14.2. Materials

(i) Pipe shall be rigid PVC ∅ 6’’ as specified in the drawing.

(ii) Gravel for covering the pipe shall be round stones (crush stones are not allowed to
(iii) Palm fiber and steel mesh shall be used to cover pipe holes and pipe joints.

14.3. Construction

(i) Excavation
The French excavation for water damage pipe shall be as narrow as practicable to
allow the laying and jointing of pipes, as it indication on drawing s.

(ii) Laying of pipes

Prior to lay the pipes, base of the excavation should be leveled to the direction of water
flows minimum with 1:100 slopes.

Underneath the pipes shall be lay concrete building layer grade 15/40 (K 150)

The pipe placed on the building layer with similar design slope/direction.

At all chance of direction or other points in a pipe line where there will be unbalanced
hydraulic pressure, the pipe work shall be secured by mean of anchor blocks of
concrete grade 15/40 (K 150).
Pipe holes and joints shall be cover by steel mesh 5mm and palm fiber.

Holes of the pipe shall be 10mm diameter at the distance of 20mm in any direction to
be applied on the upper face of the point.

(iii) Backfill of above pipes shall be filled with selected granular stone and shall be laid and
well compacted by hand toll in layers not excluding 100 (one hundred) millimeters thick
up to the surface level.

(iv) At a certain location 100x100 mm manhole shall be place as service and inspection

(v) The direction of water flows through those pipes shall be the existing water drainage.



15.1.1 Materials

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(i) Paints

The contractor shall submit for approval the name of the manufacturer whose point he
proposes to use and no orders shall be placed until such approval is given. Only paints
suitable for the climatic conditions of the site shall be used.
All materials shall be delivered to site in saled containers on which the maker's name,
and brand specification number and date of manufacture are clearly displayed and
shall be stored to comply with all requirements for the preservation of the paints.

Only colors and undercoats approved by the Engineer shall be used.

(ii) Stopper (for timber)

This shall be approved water repellent putty or plastic compound.

(iii) Knotting

An approved by the Engineer.

(iv) Silicon

This shall be applied to exterior brickwork as directed as a growth and water repellent.
The type used shall be as approved by the Engineer.

15.1.2. Construction

(i) Preparation
All rubbish and debris shall be removed and floors swept and dampened before
painting commences. Door, furniture, light switch covers and the like shall be removed
and surrounding surfaces covered with canvas or other approved and tested. Masking
tape should be used on non-removable fittings.

The painter shall examine the surfaces on which he is to work and satisfy himself
regarding their suitability for the specified treatment. All rust, dust, or any other
removed by washing; wire brushing or any other means necessary before painting is
commenced. Surfaces shall be dry before and during application of paint and shall be

(ii) Application

Application of paint shall by brush or roller as approved or directed by the Engineer.

The treatment to be given to the different surfaces shall be described. All progressive
coats of paint shall be of different shades, such variations in shade being agreed with
the Engineer before commencement of the work.

All paint shall be applied in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and
shall not be diluted in any way unless specifically stated or agreed by the
manufacturer. The priming and undercoating shall be those recommended by the
manufacturer for the respective finishing paints. Any dilution of paint, unless otherwise
directed, shall be carried out by the manufacturer prior to delivery to site. No external
paintwork shall be carried out during high winds or other unfavorable weather

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Painting shall be carried out at temperatures suitable for the type of paint being

Plastered surfaces should be allowed to dry out for four weeks before painting and be
primed with an alkali resistant primer. On external work two priming coats should be
applied. Finishing coats shall be as described in the Bill of quantities or on the
drawings. Bituminous paint shall be used as directed below damp proof course of face
brickwork level.

Brickwork to be sealed should be allowed to dry out for four weeks and brushed at
regular intervals to remove efflorescence. Cracked or chipped mortar should be
repaired and the surface painted liberally with approved silicate of soda solution.

Steelwork should be wire brushed to remove all loose rust, scale and dirt or grease
and primed with two coats of red lead primer before delivery to site. After fixing in the
works the primer shall be touched up where necessary before application of the
finishing coats.

All timber shall be knotted, stopped and primed with approved with an alkali resistant
primer before applying the specified finishing coats.

(iii) Surface Finishes

All finishes shall cover completely and obscure the base construction and priming
coats and be such that any additional coats of paint will not effect any significant

All finishes shall be consistent in color and free from brush marks and irregularities.
Newly painted surfaces shall be protected from contamination by dust or other causes.

The Engineer may require additional coats if the finish of any part of the work does not
conform to the Specification. Any additional coats so required shall be at the expense
of the contractor.

(iv) Surfaces to be polished

Internal hardwood surfaces which are not to be painted shall be thoroughly cleaned
and rubbed down to a smooth finish, grain filled and wax polished to a fine satin finish.

(v) Lacquered Finishes

External hardwood surfaces which are not to be painted shall be thoroughly cleaned
and rubbed down to a smooth finish, grain filled and painted two coats of approved
hardwood lacquer.


16.1. SCOPE

This Specification covers the Lighting, Socket Outlet and small Power Installations in
Substation (Control building and outdoor installations).

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Except where otherwise specified or implied, the works shall comply the latest applicable
Specifications in Indonesia or the International may submit for approval equipment of
materials conforming to technically equivalent National Standards of the country of origin. In
the latter case, copies of the relevant standards or part thereof in the English language shall
be submitted with the Tender. Requirements of this Specification other than IEC
requirements must be met.


16.3.1. Particulars of System

The installations will be fed from 400-230 volts boards situated in the substation plant
buildings by means of cables, which will be supplied under another contract.

The voltage will be a 400-230 volt. The phases will be designated and the standard phase
sequence will be red, yellow, and black, rising anticlockwise.

16.3.2. Extent of Work

The contract works to be supplied shall include all work incidentals thereto whether
specified in detail or not and in general is to be carried out by the contractor in accordance
with the conditions of contract.

16.3.3. Compliance with Specification

Any departures from the requirements of this Specification which are agreed between the
Engineer and the Contractor shall be as stated. All apparatus shall comply with this
Specification except as provided for therein. No other departures will be permitted.

16.3.4. Testing and Inspection

Whenever considered desirable by the Engineer, Inspectors may be sent to manufacturer's

or sub-contractors' premises to test materials or supervise their manufacture.

Where specified or requested the contractor shall obtain from the manufacturer and send to
the Engineer certificates of tests, proof sheets, etc. Showing that materials have been
tested in accordance with this Specification.

Notwithstanding any tests which may be directificated to be carried out at a manufacturer's

and/or sub-contractor's works, the Engineer may carry out any tests or further tests he
considers necessary or desirable after delivery of materials to the site.

The contractor shall provide all labor, equipment and facilities necessary for the carrying out
of tests both in work and on site.
The manufacturers and the places of manufacture, testing and inspection for the portions of
the contract works shall be as stated.

The cost of tests shall be borne by the contractor.

The contractor shall carry out insulation and earth continuity tests on all wiring and

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apparatuses and such additional tests as in the opinion or the Engineer are necessary to
determine that the works comply with the conditions of the specification either under test
conditions (in the manufacturers' works on the site, or elsewhere), or in ordinary working.
Type tests may be omitted at the discretion of the Engineer if satisfactory evidence is given
of such tests already made on identical equipment.

The insulation, metal continuity and earth connection tests, shall be carried out as
prescribed by the local regulations, or the Recommendations of the Institution of Electrical
Engineers and also any other tests required by the Engineer.

The test of insulation shall be carried out with a mega ohmmeter at no less than 500 V. To
verify the earth insulation of each conductor, all switches must be switched off.
When testing insulation between conductors, appliances and devices are to be
disconnected, likewise all switches shall be switched off. Accepted value of insulation
resistance to ground and between conductors at all moisture conditions shall be 1000 ohm
for each volt of service tension.

All material used shall also be subjected to, and shall withstand satisfactorily, such routine
tests as are customary in the manufacture of the types of plant included in the works.
All tests shall be carried out to satisfaction of the Engineer, and if required, in his presence
at such reasonable time as he may require. Not less than seven days notice of all tests shall
be given to the Engineer, in order that he may be present if he so wishes. As many tests as
in the opinion of the Engineer are possible, shall be arranged together. Six copies the
contractor's records of all tests be supplied to the Engineer.

Measuring apparatus shall be approved by the Engineer and if required, shall be calibrated
at the expense of the contractor at an approved laboratory.

The contractor shall be responsible for the proper testing of work completed or plant and
materials supplied by a sub-contractor.

All apparatus, instruments and connections required for the above tests shall be provided by
the contractor but the Employer will permit the contractor to use for the tests on site any
instruments and apparatus which may be provided permanently on the site, subject to the
operation of the system and the carrying out of other contracts and conditional upon the
contractor accepting liability for any damages which may be sustained by the Employer's
equipment during the tests.

The Employer will also provide free of charge on site, electrical energy, if available, for the
purpose of approved preliminary tests and for the official tests. If tests are required due to
the contract works not complying with upon the contractor to pay the costs of providing the
additional electrical energy supplied.

The contractor shall supply suitable test pieces of any materials as required by the
Engineer. If so required, tests specimens shall be prepared for check testing and forwarded
at the expense of the contractor to an independent testing authority selected by the

The cost of all test and/or analyses shall be borne by the contractor but the cost of such
tests and or analyses affected elsewhere than at the manufacturer's works or on site and
the results of which are approved, will be refunded.

No inspection or passing by the Engineer of work plan or materials, whether carried out or

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applied by the contractor or sub-contractor, shall relieve the contractor from his liability to
complete the contract works or exonerate him from any of his guarantees.

16.3.5. Drawings, Modes and Samples

A list of drawings relative to the Specification is appended to the Tender.

The contractor shall submit copies of drawings of the components and fittings he proposes
to use as and when requested to do so by the Engineer.

The contractor shall submit all drawings or samples of materials for approval in sufficient
time to permitted without causing delay in the initial deliveries or completion of the contract
Two copies of all drawings shall be submitted for approval and two copies of any
subsequent revision. Following approval, a minimum of five further copies will be required
for distribution.

After completion of work on site all drawings shall be revised where necessary to show the
equipment as installed and two copies submitted for approval. Reproducible the Engineer
and shall be of sufficient detail to enable all parts to be identified.

All dimensions marked on the drawings shall be considered correct although measurement
by scale may differ there from. Detailed drawings shall be worked to where they differ from
general arrangement drawings.

All detail drawings submitted for approval shall be to scale not less than 1:30. All important
dimensions shall be given and the material of which each part is to be constructed shall be

Drawings, samples and models already submitted by the contractor and approved by the
Engineer (and such drawings samples and models as shall be thereafter submitted by the
contractor and approved by the Engineer) shall not be departed from without the instruction
in writing of the Engineer.
The contractor shall be responsible for any discrepancies or errors in or omissions from the
drawings, whether such drawings have been approved or not by the Engineer, and no
approval given by the Engineer to any drawing or sample shall relieve the contractor from
this specification and conditions of contract or exonerate him from any of his guarantees.

If the contractor shall require approval of any drawing within fourteen days of its submission
in order to avoid delay in the completion of the contract works he shall advise the Engineer
to such effect when submitting the drawing.

All drawing, samples and models shall be submitted in accordance with the provision of this
specification and shall become the property of the Employer.

16.3.6. Safety Precautions

Wherever works are to be constructed in the vicinity of an existing electrical substation,

overhead power contractor shall be responsible for ascertaining from the authority
responsible for the equipment, the precautions and safety measures to be observed and for
strictly complying with these precautions and safety measures.

16.3.7. Spares

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All spare apparatus all comply with the requirement of this specification. Spares shall be
available at the time of the works.

All spares, apparatus or materials containing electrical insulation shall be delivered in

approved containers suitable for storing such parts or materials over a period of years
without deterioration. The containers will remain the property of the Employer. Each
container shall have fixed to the underside of the lid a list detailing its contents.

16.3.8. Names of Suppliers and Copies Orders All Material

If so required and before ordering of any description, the contractor shall submit for orders
will also be submitted if so required. The Engineer may at any time withdraw his previously
given sanction to obtaining materials from any maker or supplier should such maker or
supplier fail to supply materials of the specified quality or quantity in the requisite time.

16.3.9. Compliance with Regulations

All apparatus and materials supplied and all work carried out shall comply in all respects
with such of the requirements of the Regulations and Acts in force in the country of the
Employer as are applicable to the contract works and with any other applicable regulations
to which the Employer is subject.

16.3.10. Bedding and Grouting

All bedding and grouting of plant and apparatus of foundations and floors and cementing
into walls as is necessary for the erection of plant and apparatus shall be carried out by the

16.3.11. Cutting Away and Making Good

Cutting of holes, chases, etc, in brickwork, walls or reinforced concrete or ceilings shall be
carried out by the contractor and the cost of all such cutting away shall be included in his
All cutting of holes and chases must be approved before such work is put in hand.

16.3.12. Fire Precautions

All apparatus, connections and cabling shall be designed and arranged to minimize the risk
of fire and any damage which might be caused in the event of fire when cabling responsible
for sealing in an approved manner all holes in floors, walls, etc. Through which the cabling
may pass and for protecting the cable in an approved manner against mechanical damaged
by fire where exposed.

16.3.13. Erection Marks

Before leaving the contractor's works all apparatus and fittings shall be painted or stamped
in two places with a distinguishing number and/or letter on an approved drawing and
material list.

16.3.14. Supervision and Checking of Work on Site

The carrying out of all work on the site included in this contract shall be supervised
throughout by a sufficient number of qualified representatives of the contractor who have

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had thorough experience of the erection and commissioning of similar contract works.

The contractor shall ascertain from time to time what portion of the work on site the
Engineer desires to check but such checking shall not relieve the contractor from his liability
to complete the contract works in accordance with the contract or exonerate him from any of
his guarantees.

If at any time it appears to the Engineer that the contractor will be unable to complete any
section of the contract works in the time stipulated, then the contractor shall increase the
number of personnel or carry on such work outside normal working hours and shall not
make any claim for any expense thereby incurred unless, in the opinion of the Engineer, the
delay is due to causes for which the contractor would be entitled to an extension of time
under the conditions of contract.
The contractor shall satisfy himself as to the correctness of all connections made between
apparatus supplied under the contract and apparatus supplied under any other contract
before any of the former is put into operation.

If the Engineer shall certify that defects have shown themselves in the works, the contractor
shall for the purpose of the maintenance after the completion of the works provided for by
the conditions of contract, keep on site a supervisory staff of such numbers and for such
periods as the Engineer may require.

16.3.15. Responsibility of Contractor

Until each section of the contract works has been taken over or deemed to have been taken
under the conditions of contract, the contractor shall be responsible for such section on the
contract works, whether under construction, during tests or is use for the Employer's

Any work which may be necessary for the contractor to carry out in pursuance of his
obligations under the conditions of contract shall be carried out so as to interfere as little as
practicable with the normal operation of the sub-station. Work on site shall be carried out at
such time and during such hours as the Engineer may require.

16.3.16. Additional Services of Contractor’s Staff

If the Employer shall so require, the contractor shall lend to him the service of skilled
workmen for the repair of any defect between the Employer commencing to use any section
of the contract works (whether taken over or not) and the expiry of the period of
maintenance. Wages for such services will be paid by the Employer to the contractor,
except in respect of the contractor's obligations under the contract works.

The contractor shall continue to be responsible as the Employer for all the obligations to
such workmen.


16.4.1. Design and Standardization

The contract works shall be designed to facilitate inspection, cleaning and repairs, and for
operation where continuity of supply is the first consideration. All apparatus shall also be
designed to ensure satisfactory operation under the atmospheric conditions prevailing at the
sites and under such variations of load and voltage as may be met with under working

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conditions of the system.

The design shall incorporate all reasonable precautions and provisions for the safety of all
those concerned in the operation and maintenance of the works and of associated works
supplied under other contracts.

All materials used in the works shall be new and of the best quality and of the class most
suitable for working under the conditions specified and shall withstand the variations of
temperature and atmospheric conditions arising under working conditions without distortion
or deterioration or the setting up of undue stresses in any part and also without affecting the
strength and suitability of the various parts for the work which they have to perform. No
repair of detective parts will be permitted without the sanction in writing of the Engineer.

All electrical connections and contacts shall be of ample section and surface for carrying
continuously the specified currents without undue heating. Fixed connections shall be
secured by bolts or set screws of ample size, adequately locked.

All apparatus shall be designed to operate without undue vibration and with the least
practicable amount of noise. All apparatus shall be designed so that water cannot collect at
any point.

All metal jointing surfaces shall be machined or ground. Unmachined flat steel plate covers
shall be used only where the corresponding joint flange is machined. The bolt spacing and
packing material employed with such covers shall be approved.

All apparatus shall be designed to obviate the risk of accidental short circuit due to animals,
birds and vermin.
Corresponding parts shall be interchangeable, when required by the engineer, the
contractor shall demonstrate this quality.

16.4.2. Bolts and Nuts

All bolts, studs, screw threads, pipe threads, bolt heads and nuts shall comply with the
appropriate National standard for metric threads, or the technical equivalent. Washers shall
be provided under all nut and bolt heads. Termian bolts or studs used for carrying current of
more than 100 amps shall not be less than 16 mm diameter. Brass bolts or studs of less
than 6 mm diameter shall not be used for electrical connection. Where a lesser size is
necessary, stainless steel, phosphor bronze or high tensile brass may be used down to
and including 4 mm diameter providing the current carrying capacity is adequate.
All nuts and pins shall be adequately locked.

Wherever possible, bolts shall be fitted in such a manner that in the event of failure locking
resulting in the nuts working loose and falling off, the bolt will remain in position.
All bolts, nuts and washer in contract with nonferrous metallic part shall, unless otherwise
approved, be of phosphor bronze.
Where bolts are used on external horizontal surfaces where water can collect approved
methods of preventing the ingress of moisture to the threads shall be provided.

Each bolt or stud shall project at least one thread but not more than 6 mm or three threads
through its nut, except where otherwise approved for terminal board studs or relay items. If
bolts and nuts are place so that they are inaccessible by means of ordinary spanners,
special spanners shall be supplied by the contractor.

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The length of the screwed portion or bolts shall be such that no screw thread may form part
of a shear plane between members.

Taper washers shall be provided where necessary.

16.4.3. Galvanizing

Galvanizing shall be applied by the hot dip process and for all parts other than steel wires
shall consist of a thickness of zinc coating equivalent to not less then 500 cm of zinc per
sqmm of surface.

The zinc coating shall smooth, clean and uniform thickness and free from defects. The
preparation for galvanizing and itself shall not adversely affect the mechanical properties of
the coated material.

All drilling, punching, cutting and bending of parts shall be completed and all burrs shall be
removed before the galvanized process is applied.

Tests shall be carried out to the requirements of the Engineer.

Alternative processes shall not be used without the approval of the Engineer.

Surfaces which are in contact with oil shall not be galvanized or cadmium plated.

16.4.4. Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys

All aluminum alloys shall be of approved composition to the appropriate National Standard.

Aluminum alloy coatings shall be sound and free from porosity.

16.4.5. Labels and Plates

All apparatus, control gear and all panels and the apparatus contained therein shall be
clearly labeled indicating, where necessary, their purpose and service positions. Each
phase of alternating current and each pole of direct current switchgear and connections
shall be colored in an approved manner to distinguish phase or polarity.
The material of all labels, the dimensions, legend and method or printing shall be to
approval. The surface of indoor labels shall have a mutt or satin finish to avoid dazzle from
reflected light.
Colors shall be permanent and free from fading. Labels mounted on black surfaces shall
have white lettering. "Danger" plates shall have red lettering on a white back ground.

All labels and plates for outdoor use shall be of approved in corrodible material. Where the
use of enameled iron plate is approved, the whole surface including the back and edges
shall be properly covered and resistant to corrosion. Protective washers of suitable material
shall be provided front and back on the securing screws.

16.4.6. Cleaning and Painting

Before painting, all un-galvanized parts shall be made completely clean and free from rust,
scale or grease and all external rough surfaces shall be filled.

The internal surfaces or cubicles, kiosks and boxes containing wiring or other apparatus that

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are dispatched to site in an assembled condition shall be finish painted before inspection
and testing. The internal finish for cubicles mounted indoors shall be white enamel. The
interior of marshaling kiosks and operating boxes for outdoor use shall be painted with three
coats, of which the final coat shall be white or light gray anti-condensation finish.

All un-galvanized external surfaces of outdoor equipment other than nuts, bolts and
washers which may have to be removed for maintenance purposes shall receive a minimum
of four coats of paint at the works as follows:

(i) A primary coat of rust inhibiting paint.

(ii) Two coats of non-glossy, oil and weather resisting paint, the second of which shall be
applied on completion of works tests.

(iii) One final coat of glossy, oil and weather resisting non-fading paint, the color of which
shall be to the approval of the Engineer.

Each coat of paint shall be of a different color and shall be applied to a surface, which is
clean and dry. With the agreement of the Engineer, approved aluminum paints may be used
as an alternative to (ii) and (iii) above.

Exposed un-galvanized nuts, bolts and washers which may have to be removed for
maintenance purposes shall have aluminum of one coat of paint after erection.

16.4.7. Insulation

All insulating material shall be of an approved type and shall be capable of withstanding the
variations in temperature and humidity likely to be met in service without impairing their
insulating properties or mechanical strength.

16.4.8. Components

All Components, wherever applicable, shall be impregnated in an approved manner to

prevent the ingress of moisture and shall be enclosed in hermetically sealed cases.

16.4.9. Distribution Boards

The distribution boards are to be of the completely enclosed metal clad type arranged for
wall mounting. They are to be suitable for controlling either a 400/230 volt, 3 phase, four
wire, 50 hertz supply, or a 110 volt 2 wire DC supply and shall be of substantial sheet steel
or cast iron construction, dust excluding and drip-proof and are to have a rust resisting

They shall be provided with hinged front covers with provision for padlocking or fitted with a
built in lock. Where padlocks are used, a nonferrous padlock shall be provided for each box.
All locks shall have differing change numbers.

Fuses or miniature circuit breakers are to be provided for all ways, including spare ways.
They are to be of the indicating type and shall incorporate means of indicating when a fuse
has blown or a circuit breaker has tripped.

Natural bars and terminals shall be readily accessible, connections to the neutral bar, shall
be clearly identified with their respective fuse ways (ie IR, 3Y.5B etc).by permanent marking

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or by ferrules on the wire terminations. The neutral bar of TP and N (three pole and neutral)
boards shall include three terminations (ie R Y B) per way. The 110-volt DC distribution
boards shall not have fuses or links in the negative connection.

The boards are to be complete with screwed conduit fittings or cable glands to suit the type
of cables as specified below.
The enclosure shall allow ample room for wiring with particular reference to the
development of wires from the point of entry.

All live terminals shall be adequately shielded suitable provision shall be made for the
termination of all earthling connection inside or immediately outside the distribution board.
A separate connection shall be made from the earth bar to the main earth system. Each
board is to provide with a stud type terminal not smaller than 6 mm diameter.

Each board shall have an identification label of engraved metal or laminated plastic material
and colors shall be free from fading. The surface of the label shall be matt or satin finish to
avoid dazzle from reflected light

Each phase of alternating current and each pole of direct current equipment shall be colored
in an approved manner to distinguish phase or polarity.

Each board shall have a label mounted inside indicating the apparatus controlled by each

16.4.10 Underground Low Tension Cables

These cables shall be of polyvinylchloride sheathed type and shall be adequately protected
against aggressive subsoil conditions.

Two, three or four core cables shall be used as specified, with conductors insulated for 1KV.

Standards plus all others mentioned in them shall be complied with.

Cable splicing shall not be allowed.

16.4.11. PVC Wiring in Conduit

PVC sheathed cables shall be enclosed in heavy gauge, welded steel, screwed galvanized
conduit and the necessary conduit accessories.

All PVC Wiring shall be carried out with 600-volt cable of not less than 2.5 mm2 copper
section or equivalent.

No cable having a cross section area of less than 2.5 mm2 shall be used for a final sub
circuit, or less than 4.0 mm2 for any other circuit. The cross sectional area of cables feeding
distribution fuse boards shall be based on the number and rating of the fuse ways, including
spare ways.

16.4.12. Conductors

If the installation is expanded or modified, the new dimensions shall be adjusted to meet the
specification. When referring to cases not foreseen in the table shown in clause 18.4.16.
The total area occupied by the conductors (including insulation and protection) must not

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exceed 35% of the interior section of the conduit.

Conductor sections between tees or between coupling units must be continuous couplings
or conductor tees shall not be allowed inside conduits. Connection boxes shall be employed
where tees and connections are used.

16.4.13. Terminals

Terminals for all apparatus shall be provided with suitable screws for clamping the

16.4.14. Conduit and Boxes

All conduit installations shall be of heavy gauge welded steel, screwed and galvanized

All couplings between sections of conduit shall be screwed in such a way that a perfect and
mechanical continuity is obtained in the said conduit. All conduits in room with plaster
finishes shall be embedded; the uppermost portion shall be at least 5 mm from the plaster

Joints shall not be allowed in any run of cable whether of the underground type or between
the switches and heating or lighting points.

Conduits runs shall be vertical or approximately horizontal, ie allowing sufficient fall to

minimize the accumulation of moisture. Provision shall be made for drainage at the lowest
point or points of each run.

Where conduits are installed for the future installation of cables, the ends shall be sealed
and draw wires left in every section.
Where conduits cross building expansion joints, flexible couplings shall be provided. Where
runs are to be cast in concrete floors, care is to be taken that the installation is watertight.
Joints under the concrete shall be avoided as far as possible.

16.4.15. Lighting Fittings

Lighting fittings shall be complete with lamp holders, auxiliary apparatus and wiring. The
insulation of the internal wiring shall be such as to withstand without deterioration the
highest temperatures likely to be experienced in service. Fluorescent fittings shall be
provided with bi-pin lamp holders.

The mounting heights where specified on drawings and in schedules are provisional and are
to be confirmed on site with the Engineer.

The tender rates shall include for all brackets, supports and fixings which may be required.

All lighting fittings are to be complete with lamps.

Filament lamps shall be in accordance with the relevant standards.
Lamp holders shall be of the shrouded type and shall suit the screw type lamp caps.

Fluorescent lamp fittings shall be in accordance with the relevant standards and shall not
cause objectionable noise. The control gear shall be effectively suppressed against radio
interference and the circuit power shall not be less than 0.85.

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Reflectors and lighting fittings shall be so arranged that all exposed metal parts are
effectively earthed. They shall be seeing arranged as to facilitate cleaning. All lamps and
fittings shall be cleaned before acceptance.

16.4.16. Lighting Switches

Tumbler switches shall be of 240 volt, 5 Amp capacities unless otherwise specified. They
shall be mounted in galvanized iron boxes and for interior work shall be of the flush
mounting type. Switches in general shall be mounted at a height of 1.5 from floor level.
All junction and other boxes, plus those destined for outlets and switches, shall comply with
the respective Standards for heavy type boxes.

The coupling between tubes and boxes is to be carried out by means of a nut on the
exterior of the box and a threaded stem on the inside so as to protect adequately the
insulation of the conductor. The use of connections in any section of the installation is
strictly forbidden.

When necessary, the installation of long curves between conduits sections shall be
approved but the use of bellows shall not be permitted under any circumstances.
Passage and tee boxes are to be installed so as to be within reach at all times, bearing in
mind that the appearance of the premises is a prime factor to be considered.

The system shall be watertight throughout except where drain or ventilation holes are
For outdoor mounting, boxes shall have gasketed covers and have external fixing lugs.

Cover fixing screws shall be of brass for outdoor mounted boxes and sherardised steel for
indoor boxes.

All boxes and covers shall be malleable cast iron or heavy gauge pressed steel and shall be
galvanized or stove enameled.

Conduits ends shall be reamed after screwing so as or remove all burrs. Conduit
terminations on equipment not having screwed entries shall be made with smooth bore
brass bushes. Locknuts shall be fitted where necessary.

Draw-in boxes shall be provided at intervals not exceeding 12 meters in straight through
runs and inspection bends and boxes shall be located so as to facilitate access.
Size of conduits to be used in relation to the number and size of conductors shall conform to
the following table:

Cross Sectional Area of PVC Size of Conduit mm (Approx)

Insulated Conductor mm2 20 25 32.5 32.5 40 50
2.5 6 13 30 30 - -
4.0 5 10 16 16 - -
6.0 4 9 13 13 - -
10.0 3 7 10 10 14 -
16.0 2 5 8 8 11 -
25.0 - 4 7 7 9 -
35.0 - 3 5 5 7 12
50.0 - - 3 3 4 6
70.0 - - - - 3 5

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.20 - 75

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

All exposed metal parts shall be so arranged that they are efficiently earthed to the rest of
the system. Multi-gang switches shall be used where switches are grouped but assemblies
controlling multi-phase outputs shall be efficiently screened between phases and shall be
labeled so as to indicate the different phases.

Where switches are specified to be waterproof they shall be fitted with galvanized covers
and mounted in galvanized boxes with gaskets as necessary.

Double pole quick-make quick-break switches shall be supplied for DC emergency lighting
circuits. Switches used for fluorescent fitting circuits shall capable of interrupting a current of
twice the normal load on the circuit.

16.4.17. Fuses (Mini Circuit Breaker = MCB)

All fuses (MCB) shall be of the high rupturing capacity cartridge type and of approved
manufacture. The rating of the fuses to be installed in the various circuits shall be as
specified by the Engineer.

16.4.18. Connecting Boxes

All boxes and covers shall be of malleable cast iron or heavy gauge pressed steel and shall
be galvanized or stove enameled .For outdoor use, boxes shall be watertight and fixing shall
be by external lugs and shall be galvanized or rust resistant.

16.4.19. Socket Outlets

Socket outlets shall be two or three-pole as required, their nominal capacity will be equal the
appliances maximum load or that immediately above it.

16.4.20. Connections to Semi Portable Apparatus

All apparatus of a semi-portable nature shall be connected up in a permanent manner.

Where a flexible connection is required to such apparatus it shall consist of cables in a
watertight flexible metallic conduit bonded across with a copper earthling conductor of the
same size as the conductors enclosed in the conduit. Plug connection shall not be used for
connections to semi-portable apparatus.

16.4.21 Portable Tool Transformers

The primary voltage shall be 230 volts. Single phase and the secondary voltage 110 volts,
center tapped. The transformers will be of 500 VA capacities.
The secondary winding shall be connected to a socket outlet non-interchangeable with plug
socket arrangements used for other purposes at 100 volts via cartridge fuses. The socket
outlet shall be mounted on the transformer enclosure access to the fuse shall be by a
drip-proof gasketted cover. The cover shall be labeled 110-volt fuses in an approved

16.4.22. Earthling and Bonding

All metal sheathing, armoring, conduit and the metal casing of all apparatus shall be bonded
together so as to be electrically continuous throughout the system and shall be connected to
earth by a copper earth conductor.

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.20 - 76

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

The earth conductor shall cover the whole installation even if not detailed in the project

The purpose of the earth conductor is to protect the metal components of the installation
against accidental electrical contact. Sections of conductor shall be those answering to the
rupturing capacity of the automatic switch that feeds the circuit, according to the following

Earth Connection
Rupturing Capacity
Conductor Section MM2

up to 20 amps 1.5 1.5

up to 30 amps 2.5 2.5
up to 40 amps 4 4
up to 60 amps 6 6
up to 100 amps 10 10

Normally earth connections for the main equipment in the plant buildings will be provided in
other contracts for the main equipment to which the lighting contractor may take his earth
connection. Where necessary the contractor will provide an earth electrode of approved

Connection to the station earth bar shall be by low temperature brazing or by riveting and
soldering. Rivets shall not exceed 6.5 mm diameter. The earth conductor shall be neatly
clipped into position throughout its length.

16.4.23. Flexible Connections

Where connections to apparatus are required to be flexible they shall be made in waterproof
flexible metallic conduit and shall include a copper earth conductor not smaller than the line
conduit shall be secured with approved glands.

Flexible conductors shall be composed of high conductivity tinned copper or aluminum wires
insulated with two layers of vulcanized rubber and shall be of 250 volts grade. No flexible
cable smaller than 30.25 mm section shall be of 250 volts grade. No flexible cable smaller
than 30.25 mm section shall be used.

16.4.24. Emergency Lighting

Certain lighting points, or groups of points shall be arranged as emergency lighting circuits.
These will not normally be energized but on the loss of the AC supply to the general lighting
circuits, are to switch on automatically and will be fed from the DC supply from the station

The changeover contractor and all necessary equipment including the DC wiring is to be
included in the contract AC wiring is not to be run in the same conduit as AC wiring.

16.4.25. Lighting Columns and Towers

Road lighting columns whether of steel or concrete shall include all necessary mounting

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.20 - 77

Bab IV - 3. Spesifikasi Teknis

boards, uses, cable boxes, glands and wiring. Floodlight towers and gantries shall be of an
approved design and construction. All columns and towers shall be accurately positioned
and plumbed.

All metal parts, including the body of steel columns other than conductors shall be
connected to the armoring of incoming cables in an approved manner, by a conductor of
not less than 25 sqm sectional area. Foundations for road and site lighting columns and
floodlighting towers shall be providing under the plant foundations section this contract.

16.4.26. External Floodlight

Where require, portable floodlights shall be supplied. Floodlights shall be of an approved

type and capable of adjustment for direction of illumination and shall be weatherproof

16.4.27. Scaffolding and Tools

All scaffolding, staging, ladders and tools and other plant required for the proper execution
of the contract works shall be provided by the contractor. All such equipment shall be
removed when the contract is finished or at other times when no longer required. During
the execution of the work any scrap material or rubbish which is caused by such work shall
be removed by the contractor.

GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Bab IV.3, TS.20 - 78

PT. PLN (Persero) UIP V






GI 150 kV RAJAPAKSI Final Bab V.3 - i


4.00 7.75 4.00


42.00 14.00

CT 3.05
3.51 Control
CVT 18.00 Building
LA 20 kV

3.00 4.00




4.00 3.00

Consumen Consumen
Couple Bay II Line Line Line Line Trafo Trafo
Bay I
Bay (Rajapaksi) Bay I Bay II Bay III Bay IV Bay I Bay II
14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00


2 LB Cikarang 2 LB Gandamekar

20 kA



800-1600/1 A
800-1600/1 A
1000-2000/1 A
CT 1000-2000/1 A
800-1600/1 A

40 kA, 3150 A

3150 A

DS DS 3150 A
1250 A CT
1250-3150/1 A CT 1250-3150/1 A
1250-3150/1 A
CB 40 kA, 3150 A
40 kA, 1250 A

250-500/1A Bus Coupler
400-1000/1 A

1250 A


20 kA

to costumer PLN Future Bay



150 kV Rajapaksi S/S PLAN







PT PLN (Persero)






PT PLN (Persero)

PT PLN (Persero)






PT PLN (Persero)

PT PLN (Persero)






PT PLN (Persero)

PT PLN (Persero)






PT PLN (Persero)

PT PLN (Persero)






PT PLN (Persero)

PT PLN (Persero)




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